i3BBE21 "W TQ : I EI&'GOT OFF EASILY. Endrew Heiser Was Convicted of l Yolnntarv Manslanenter. ftr IHAD fiEFUSED TO MAKE THAT PLEA lfrntt Bill for Conspiracy igahist Alder man Porter Et AL .10 MAEB WILHERDIXG A B0E0UGH. rartous Small Occurrences at the Big Hie en the Hill Andrew Heiser was convicted of volun tary numslanphterinthecansingof the death of Charles Wilson. He baa previously re fused to accept or the same result as an (offered plea. Alderman Porter na sundry constables find true bills for conspiracy overhanging them. The trial of Andrew Heiser for the bill ing or Charles "Wilson was conclude- in Criminal Court yesterday. The prosecution closett with the testimony of Joseph Haller ana .Mrs. Ann Hadley. The former had heard "Wilson say "I am cut," when at work near the scene of the trouble. - ,Irs- Hadley was also in the vicinity, and heard "Wilson and Heiser in an argument and quarrel. Heiser called "Wilson a "nig cer.' ana Wilson hit him. Heiser struck hack, and again Wilson hit him, when the defendant struck at Wilson's body, and the latter cried cut. "You haTe murdered me." The defense was then opened by Mr. Marcum. who said Heiser bad only acted in self-defense. That he was partiaUr crippled and no match lor Wilson, and that he believed he was being abused when he struck the blow. xeiseb's stobt given. The defendant. Heiser, was placed on the Btand and told his side of the trouble. He said he was a gardener working for JIr Scott, a neighbor of Mr. McCleane, when the trouble HhUettarm was disabled and connot be used to any extent. He was sent to Mr. McCIeane fori-ax. He asked WUjon for it but was re fused and he returned home. He was then sent back to McCleane's, and went to the front door to ask for it. Wilson was in the carriage house and ran out to him. wanting to know what he wanted. He told and Wilson became very angry. A little girl told him he could have the ax. aid when he tnrned to go home llson ran after him and called him hard names. He opened his penknife and put it in his pocket, and as Wilson still followed him'they kept up a war of words, Wilson threatening him. When Wilson hit him he was stunned, and when he repeated the assault he drew his knife and struck him. , The testimony further for the defense was that of the police in arresting Heiser and others to prove the prisoner's previous good character. IX FEAB OP EfJUBY. Ilr. Kohb then spoke to the Jury in behalf of the defendant He said that under the facts in the case it was shown that Heiser was in fear of great bodily harm, and he was crippled and not able to cope with his assailant, who was showing great angen that his act if not volun tary, was at least done under great provoca- District Attorney Porter spoke for the prose cution, and cited the facts as produced in the testimony. The jury was not to he governed br the opinion of Mr. Bobb, nor of himself, but 10 consider whether the evidence showed Heisertacttobe justifiable. Judge Slagle lncbareing the jury read the laws on homicide, and pointed out the essential features brought out in this trial to prove de gree. He laid particular stress on the points relating to manslaughter, and then told the jury that court would take a recess until 8 o'clock, and then hear their verdict if decided on. Holser Hears the Verdict. Judge Btagle reconvened court at 8 o'clock last eveninc to receive the verdict of the jury In the case of Andrew Heiser for the killing of Charles Wilson. At &15 the jury filed into court and the foreman announced their verdict, guilty of voluntary manslaughter The jurors -were then excused and Heiser remanded to jail. The ex.rerae penalty for voluntary man slaughter is 12 years imprisonment and J 1,000 fine. GEAKD JBEI FISDIKGS. i Alderman Porter and Others Held For Conspiracy Yesterday. A true bM was returned by the grand jury, yesterday, in the conspiracy cases against Alder nan W. H. Porter, Detective Thomas Carney and Constables Elijah Sheppard and Thomas Packer. The other true bills found were: Harry DeArmitt, William Dean, Caroline Meyers, Peter TJllmau, assault and battery; William Wilson, forcible entry and detainer; James Acor. malicious mischief; Mary Keddy.Madison Thomas, larceny; Frank Blibeck, larceny by bailee; John Keefe, entering a building with -intent to commit a felony; J. M. Price, fraudu lently making, altering and issuing a written instrument; John Stidle, false pretenses; "William Smith, perjury; Peyton Sinclair, keeping a gambling house: Mary Mnrphy, selling liquor without license and on Sunday; 'Frank Ku&s, selling liquor to minors. ' The ignored bdls were: Samuel Fields, Scott Gordon, J. L. Jones, Coleman Wallace, assault and battery; M. D.Mercer, aggravated assault and battery and pointing firearms. FOE WILMEEDING BOEOUGH. The Wesllcgbonse guburb to be a Lair Unto Itself. Attorneys Dateell, Scott and Gordon yester day filed a petition in the Quarter Sessions Court for the incorporation of the borough of wilmerdinc. "V5Th nftition askincr for the creation of a borough out of the town of Wilmerding, North Versailles township, is signed by the East FlttsburK Improvement Company, the West inghouse Air Brake Company, w. L. 8towart and others. The application will be sent to the grand Jury for its approval. To -Day's Trial Usu. Common Pleas No. I kudwig vs Ander son; Greinereon vs Charters and Robinson Turnpike Boad Company; Sidles vs Burgwin; Murphy vs Finley township; Xanions vs Alle - gheny Valley Bailroad; Shoup et al vs Winter; Stewart vs Monongahela Navigation Company; ilcKenney vs Fawcett; Dixon vs Pittsburg and ,'ijla.ke Erie Bailroad; Acme Machine Works vs Ol anna ft ao. Common Pleas No. 8-Forsytbe vs Wain vriht et al; Connor vs borough of Braddock; Spencer etalvs Freicbtel et al: Marshall vs IJnkenheimer; Jones. Eaverson & Bong vs Mc cormick; Ebbert vs Henry; McKaig&Kaehly vsDelancr. Criminal fiourp-Cpmmonwealth vs Jack McCnrdyTMattlda Blusd, Harry bUckford (2), John Sharper (81. Joseph Wentzel, Harriet "Williams, Win. McEJwa(n, Ralph Gildea (2), J. "W, Callahan, Desora Collins, Eugene. Samp son. A NpD.Snit Sntered. A non-suit was entered against the plaintiff yesterday la the case of A. A J, Grpetxluger, lha tAEnexs. against the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection Ipsnrance Company to recover flfc 000 insurance on the boilers of the tannery, which, ble (T PP July 8,1888. Chat of ib Conrt Corridors. James Thisti.k yesterday received a verdlet for. M0 TO in his suit against Thomas Cousins; an action, on a oonUset. The suit of Morris Walsh against Dalzell Bros. dtOilmore; an action on a contract is on trial before Judge Btowe, The jury Is out In the Buit of William H, Elmpson, radmlnlstrator of George W, John ston, against Kimberl & Co.; an action en a contract. The suit of J. C Dickcn against the pity of Pittsburg for damages fpr Injury to property canted by the. trading pf a street U still op trial before Judge Collier. A.VEEBICT for the defendants was given yesterday in the suit of James Dpnaidson against X A, I'ergnsop and J, ft Burns, a snit for damages for false arrest, THfesultoC Susan. Forsytbe against the Me Keesport and BeUvernon Railroad, for dam ices to her property In running their lino through it, is on trial before Judge Magee, Mbs, Mabt Jojoej yesterday obtained a rule on her husband, John Jones; against whom she nana, suit tor divorce, to show why ha should cot pay a, reasonable aniount for her support rand expenses. hf Aw a.nnllR&tJon was .sued Vesterdav for a er lor tka Liada Cinn. a soetai organua- fr OUlesple. CA. Chiplev. -A. M. Jsnkinsoo. J. E. Schwartz, H. E. Collins and J. R. HcClrntofcfc "EB-hearincoIMary Moore and Mary AJ;ej-, ot Clarion county, charged -wfch, sendlne an obscene picture through the mails to Mrs. ZeUer was concluded yesterday before "United States Commissioner McCandless. Mrs. Moore -was held In $500 trail for court, and Sin. Agey ms discharged. , FOREESrS AEGDMEHT CLOSED. The Chief Attorney Tor the Defense Has Finished His Address. Chicago, December 11. At the open ing of the Cronin trial this morning ilr. Forrest resumed his address to the jury on behalf of the defense. He began vw'th a long argument to show that the horse which drove Dr. Cronin away to his death was not Dinan's white horse. The xase of Burke was next taken Tip and the advocate argued that there was no evidence that Burke 'fled to Winnipeg. When questioned by the police there he -voluntarily gave his tree name and his address. That did 'not com port with guilt and night. There was, he declared.no credible-evidence that Burke was at the Carlson cottage on the night of the murder. ilr. Forrest closed his argument which had -lasted three davs and a half, -with an appeal to the jury lor acquittal. The conrt then adjourned until Friday morning, to morrow being election day and a legal holi day. A Valuable Remedr for Colds. From liewls, Iowa, lndepenaent.1 We have advertised a great many differ ent patent medicines, bnt have never taken the pains to editorially puff one. "We are going to do so now for the first time. Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa, manufacture a cough remedy which as abso lutely the best thing we have ever seen. We have used it in our family for the past year.'and consider it indisnenasble. Its ef fects are almost instantaneous,and there isno use talking, it is a dead shot on a cough or cold. We don't say this for pay, but be cause we consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, the best made, and we want the people to know it and use it." For sale at 50 cents per bottle by . G. Stuckey, Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth sts. Penn ave., and cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton st; by Markell Bros. cor. Penn and Frankston aves.: by Thco. E. Ihrig. 5610 Fifth ave.; and by Carl Hartwig, Butler -st. Pittsburg, and in Allegheny City by E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal at; and Thos. B. Mor ris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; Fred H. Eggcrs, 172 Ohio st; T. H. Eggexs, Ohio and Chestnut sts. ansa A few of our many Xmaspresents: Tar lor suits, bedroom suits, a nice sideboard, a good substantial wardrobe, a choice chiffon ier, a lady's writing desk, a cylinder book case, a handsome arm chair, a beautiful silk nlnsb rocker, an all-wool carpet, a good rag, an ebony clock, set of statuary, a piece of; our famous cashanti ware, very unique and prettv, and one or two from the -choicest eoWtinn of oil naintings. artotypes, steel and wood engravings, pnotogravure and copy .. Jt...A&..l.f .41. a v Nnrl .nrt' Ol etcnings aaa uiuu-uu uu. &wwu . useful presents. Cash or credit, Hopper Beos. & Co., xis 307 Vood street PIANOS. ORGANS. Mellor fc Hoeoe. We can furnish yon with the best pianos and organs made, and can give you the best and easiest terms of payment. We have been established since 1831nearly 60 years), and, being the oldest musie firm in the city, we have had more experience than any other house. Persons buying from us can be satisfied they are getting the full worth ot their raonev, as the pianos and organs we sell are the be'st made in the "United States. Bend for circulars and full particulars of our easv payment plan. Mei.ub & House, 77 Fifth nvenue, Pittsburg. CLAT BALLS OR BLOCKS For Natural Gas Fires. Everybody should use them in theirgrates or open stoves. They are inucb nicer than broken fire brick, as they make a clean and cheerful fire. Those manufactured from the Missouri JFire Clay by Dixon, Woods & Co., Thirtieth street, Southside, city, are the best, Tor sale by ill dealers. JAPANESE WARE BAZAAR. Open for the Holidays Only. Ton will wonder at our fine display. Goods are going rapidly, and we would ad vise you to call early. Special discounts on large pieces. Store open till 9 p.m. until Christmas. Wm. Haslage & Son, Select Family Grocers. 18 Diamond Square, Pittsburg. Over One Hundred New and dainty styles in Stick Pins can be seen at Habdt & Hates', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 529 Smithfield st. New Building. TTS We have a Tery large assortment ot reed, rattan and willow rockers, -which are valued 'very ranch as a gift. They mate a tery pretty present. Hoppee Beos. & Co., tts 307 Wood street real Cloalng-Out gale Ct Atmsi r-oods. trimmlnes. -cloaks, nnder- weai, gloves, hosiery, etc, etc., without re- I gard to cost, to quit this line, twme st once to 68 and 70 Ohio street, Allegheny, us Aethtjs, Schosdelmtee & Co. XjACS curtains 600 pairs just received specially for holiday trade to sell quickly at less than importation prices. TTS3U Huotrs & TTackt. Boxntifal ftllverwnre, From the Bich and Costly Tea Service for I the wealthy to tne moaest inunoie ioj me poor relation. You can see a complete col lection of rare and beautilul sterling silver at Haedt & Hatzs', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 029 Smithfield st 2Tew Building. , ITS Ten per uent cheaper than elsewhere, those zinc covered toy trunks, jost the thing Tor the girls, at Harrison's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. ITS Diamond Pendnnis That daxile and bewilder with their rarely beautilul brilliancy. Don't fail to call and see them at Hash; & Hates', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, S29 Smithfield et. Hew Building. ITS Ilandkercblels far Presents. Immense choice initials, 10c, 15c, 18c, 25c; embroidered. 10c to 83; silk, 15c to $2; also Japanese silk, plain and initials, very cheap at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. tvrhssn A splendid line of antique oak chiffon iersjust the thing for a nice Xmas present. Cash or credit. Hoppee Beos. & Co., its 307 Wood street. A BAEOAIN 50c, 60o and 75e a yard for Priestley's black silk warp Henriettas, were 85c, SI and $125. ttssu Htjous & Hackk. Young folks who intend to start house keeping will consult their interest by buy ing their outfit in furniture at 21, Seibert & Co.'s, Allegheny. B. &B. The dollar printed all wool printed cash meres at half 50 cts. at French dress gopdi department. Booos&Btnm. Attend our holiday and clearine sale for bargains and holiday presents, ttssu Hocus & Hackk. Patxonize home, industry and drink Tranenheia & Yikack'a PitttVarg beer. ToyisCTBW W wUshsr,S3isTi. LATE NEWSIN BRIEF. Thomas Souter. n Bcoxeh defaulter, has given himself up. and is in jail at Portland,Ore. Ex-Presiaent Clevelandnas chosen 'Politi cal Selfishness audits Antidotes," for his topic at the Boston Merchants' Association banquet on Thursday. The commission appointed by the -liquidator of the Panama Canal Company to exanuao into the affairs of the company on the Isthmus have sailed for AsprnwallTrcin i-ans. General George W. Smith.-of Chicago, was sandbagced bv two highwaymen near his resi dence. The General was knocked senseless. He bad but a small sum of money with him, which the thieves took. A snako emerged from sewer at Third street and First avenue. New York, and cre ated a wild commotion--In -that vicinity before it was killed. It was 7 feet In length, and prob ably escaped from -some show. 5t is stated that Prince Arthur, the Duke of Connaught.QneenVlctoria'Bthfrd son, "would arrive in Canada in May, trom Japan. The trlnce wffl remain tn Canada -one month and will visit the principal cities of the -United States. At London two men named Turner and Clark have been arrested on the charge of torg lng and Uttering Chilian and Alabama bonds. The arrests were made in connection -witti tno theft of 22,000 trom Barlpg Bros. & Co, in 1S83. In an abandoned -ranch near the State -line in Colorado a herder Monday madeadiwovery that probably means a double murder. Living just inside the door was the body of a man witn abulletholeinblBheao. while In the house was the body of a woman with herskun crushed. Near by lay a bloody ax. The manager of the National Bank ot Brazil, referring to the adverse English com ments regarding tae stability of the Republic, telegraphs that the comments are groundless. He says that -complete tranquility -prevails throughout the country, and tue people have entire confidence In the Government. Every thing progresses well. The strike on the Cascade division of the Northern Pacine Railroad, extending a dis tance of S53 miles, which began last Sunday, and nbfo the present titnelas been considered a local matter, rareaiens w iwuiao .E,s; .ntic, Proportions and anect wewuom . v reight train has arrived or departed from - - - - .-, ,. iT.. Tacoma or Seattle lor tnreo nays j-uobuhto freight traffic trom Helena to Tacoma is prac tically at a standstill. I A cheap and reliable remedy for cough and cold ib Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25ts. Its superior excellence proven In millions ot homes for more than a quarter of -a century. It is used by the United State Government. Indorsed by the beads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Lime of Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. ' CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. nW&82-TTSeosu FELT LIKE KILLING HIMSELF Mr. Charles Preston had for some years been a victim of kidney disease. The pain across bis hack and kidneys -was so severe that sev eral times he was compelled to give up his bus iness. He had more or less pain all over his tudy. He had a constant tired feeling, and much pain -over his -eyes. His appetite at times was Tory poor. He felt very nervous and could not sleep. He had a dropping of mucus into his throat, wbich.ln hawking and spittta; It cut, caused a burning feeling tn his throat. Ills dis ease so affected his mind that ho .became very melancholy, and, as ne sara, ne ire ouentlv felt like kill ing himselL He be gan treatment with the physicians of the Da. SHAFEB. Polypathic Institute, 420 Penn avenue, on September 23, and became cured. He can be found at Hos. Sand J Boss street. He says: "I take great pleasure in an nouncing to the people of Pittsburg that I have been cured of the above disease, and most cheerfully advise those who are suffering from chronic diseases to consult these doctors. "CIIAEI.ES Peestow." They treat successfully all forms of kidney and -urinary diseases, chronic diseases and sur eery. Office hours, 10 A. . to i r. St., and 6 to 8 P. ntr Knndant. 1 hk 4 -p. SL Consultation free and strictly confidential. Treatment also by correspondence, fleS-TTB Gold Spectacles, old Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses, Field and Tourisu' Glasses, Magic Lanterns, Microscopes, Graphoscopes, Pho tographic Cameras, etc. KORNBLUM, OPTICIAN, No. 50 Fifth Avenue, NEAB WOOD STREET. Telephone No. 1680. 4e8-100 HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Lorgnettes, Barometers, Graphoscones, Stereoscopes, etc., etc Handsome Pearl Opera Classes, In Plush Case, $5. Fancy To ermometers, Magic Lanterns, Steam Uovelties. etc., eta, at cost AVM.E.STJERE1V, Optician, 544 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBURG, PA. de3-Z2-TTS Reduce Your Shoe Bills, Schurr's Patent Shoe Sole Protectors are an absolute protection -for the soles of shoes for men working in mines, mills, foun dries, steel works, blast furnaces, etc. ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOB THEM. Dealers supplied byPlttBurBhoe Finding Houses. no7-29-rrh PBESSES. "WITH OUTFITS COMPLETE. Wo4U75:fJo.5,: No, . MlMnkBr, 55: JJo. 10, 7 EU; No! 11, ll):o. 12, 2li No, Nl for dre4r.' ,T. A...UnB, P?PRICEs CREAM Baking pqwde HOLIDAY PRESENTS! " aWasSSl"aM3rsnisBBSSAft f'" P;?3 -Ssas-s-s-s-sBB ipii THE PITTSBUBG .DISPATCH TBgBSDAX DECEMBER 1 NKW ABYjmrasKKEJrTS. jgrippj Presents in the most elegant form TrKUATWE'AtWOTmTKKirWOE OF'THB FK3S OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with thfe tnedidaal "virtues of "plants fcnown to De most beneficial to the human .system, forming an agreeaole -and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on & weak or inactive conditioriofthe KIDHCTS,UVEr.iRDSOWEL$. It is the mostexcellenrremedy knownto CLEANSE THE SYSTEM ErFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHHlOBLsKP, HEALTH anb: STJrEHCTH - NATURALLY FOUOW. !Every one is using are 4elightedwithit ASK YOUR DHtMBISTFOR MANUFACTURED only by CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP (XX SAN tRArtCISCt), CAL 4JDUI8VIUE. KY W )f0RK. . t. jyW7-TTS DEAF NESS ana HEADVOISES UUKtJ) w recK-s jtm. in. visible Tubular Ear Cnsli. Innn. WhisDeisheud-dlsttnct. lr. BacceKsxaiwnen&iirBmeaiBszsii. iTniearcauzor illnstnted book FREE. Sold onbr by F. HISCOX, 83 Biosdmr, cor. 14th SL. Now York. If o scents. nolMl-rssuWk ... .. 'I '. , TIT . II . V'dli ""S!sPf)lssisW 4BHss1sS WE DON'T . PROPOSE To Wait Until Januai to Make Our Reductions, fcut Make Them Now, in the Heart of the Season, and Give You a Chance to Buy Your iVt H o wh v , y ML d T I 'fej E Ik t fiJr I sbm 25st i-m r Vm CLOAKS-Real English Seal Pluth Jackets, 53 to 20; real Enslish Seal Plnsh Saeones. 813 50 to S40: Newmarkets, ?5 to SIBj Tailor-made Jackets, ?2 75 to 515; Misses' Garments, 52 to ?18; all ercatly rednced. AET GOODS Silk Headrests, Painted Silk Bags, Painted Silk Sachet Bags, Table Covers, Painted Bilk Monehoirs, Plush Scarfs, Portieres, Lambrequins, Fancy Linen Scarfs, Fancy Linen Toilets, Hosiery, Silk and Lisle. UMBRELLAS A collection of over 3,500 pieces, including genuine specimens from Paris Exposition, with unique handles, prices ranging from fl to ?15. Initials engraved free or charge on Silk Umbrellas. MUFFS Ladies' and Children's and Misses', in all styles of far, with or without collars, from 50c up to Real Seal at $15. Boas, 3 yards long, in Black Hare, Silver Hare or Lynx. Shoulder Capes in Astrachan, Monkey, Nutria, Beaver and Plush. KID GLOVES for Ladies, for Gentlemen, for Children. Fur-top Gloves, extra long Suede GloTes, long Silk Mitts, Cashmere Mittens. Fine Silk Mittens, 75o and $1. UNDERWEAR Silk, Lisle and Woolen, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Underwear for Gentlemen, all kinds. Beautiful Lace Fichus, Lace Scarfs, Lace CollMs. Fine Neck RnrWBM Lace Collarettes and Chemisettes. Gents' Silk Mufflers, 1 to $5; Gents' Fine Dress Shirts, ?1 to 52 25; Gents' Fine Neckwear1, 50o to ?1 50; -Gents Fine suspenders, 50c to 53. Novelties in Jewelry for Jbadies, bgeribavin 510, 512.514 MARKET ST. HOLIDAY GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS. THE LARGEST VARIETY, . THE BEST SELECTION, ' "l ' THE LOWEST PRICES, -' THE EASIEST TERMS, GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL GOODS.. HOPPER L3R0a & GO,, THE : LEADING : HOUSE : FURNISHERS, 307 WOOID vwwwaaBir. third! ' S -. XXW ABrXRTISEMENTS. OtJR LATEST. .Fa seeing arid reading lenses combined. In ' snectacles or eye glasses: Indispensable for con stant house or office wear and shopping. 1-ij. Jd CJ21- OPTICIAN, " 608 PENN AVENUE, PWTS. , Cor. Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadel phia. ftpa-?3 ESTABLiaaEb 18ft BLACK Wl XrOKTHE KIDNEYS Is a relief and sure cure for the Urinary Organs, u ravel ' and Chronic Catarrh Ot the Bladder. The Swiss Stomach Sitters are a surexmre for Dyspepsia, Liver Comolalnt and every Trade Make species of Indigestion. Wild Cherry Toms, the most popular prepar ation for cure ol Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Lnnsr Troubles. mriw.rif thh above. SI ner bottle, or 86 tot $5. If your dnjcfelstttoesnot handle these coods write to WM. F. ZOELLEE, olo Mil.. icMl-rrs Pittsbutir, Pa ONE WAY EXCURSIONS- Dniii'nan tonrist BleorHrwreara from Chicaeoto 'San Francisco and the Pacific coast. For the ex clusive accommodation ol purcuasera wi bcvwuw clas tictct. the Chicago, Kock Island and Pdcifie Railway are now runnlne excursions in Pullman tourist sleepiBj cars personally con ducted), every second Thursday, from Chicago to Oregon and California via Denver. Every comfort and convenience assured at a cret reduction from regular nrst-clasj rates. Address for full particulars E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen. Manager, Gen. Ticket and Chicago. Passenger Acent no28-80-TTS . HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SOLID -GOLD SPECTACLES And Eye Glasses. !5 and upward. J. DIAMOND, Optician, noa-lOS-TTSSit 22 feLSTH STM Pfttthnrg. PRESENTS 1 -FOR i IB! New and perfect in every respect, at lower prices than ever before. Impossible to enumerate everything we have in stock, but will mention the following: PLUSH CASE B Shaving Sets, Smokers' Sets, Manicure Sets, Brush and Comb Sets, Papeterie. LEATHER OASES Brush and Comb Sets, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets. Traveling Companions, Gloves and Handkerchiefs. OXIDIZED SlLVEB CASES, with similar outfits to the Plnsh and Leather Cases, at astonishingly low prices. HANDKERCHIEFS Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c to 53; Silk Hand kerchiefs, 25c to $2; Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c to 60c; Initial Hand kerchiefs. 10c, 15c, 18c, 25c and up; Gents'' Linen Hemstitched Handker chiefs. 12Kc to 75c; Gents' Colored Border Linen Handkerchiefs, $e to 75c; Handkerchiefs for Misses, Gc to 25c; beautiful Silk Mufflers, 51 to $5; Em broidered Silk Initial Handkerchiets. uentiemen anu v,niiaren. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. delO-TT83U fET 307 AS JFOtTRTK JLYSS. J l"j ? GWS) ll i t - m 1M. NEW ABVXKTISEMXNTS Who Knows ? That appears to be where the shoe pinches. Hardly anybody knows. Wanamaker is an exception. Heaps of clothing in this city wanting to be bought. But what Quality. Who knows? Some of it bought from a big manufacturer. Some from a manufacturer closing out. Some, garnished with pecu liar names as tailor-made. Never mind how loud a trumpet it blows. Ask what the quality is. Ask Do you manufacture this clothing you Sell? If you do Have you tested the strength or. an alyzed the quality? is it all- wool? Part cotton? Will the colors fade? Allthis must be known, to know just what you are buying, it's too late in the day to buy a "Pig in a Poke," What quality is It? That's the pinch. We manufacture the clothing we offer. What it is, we know. How it's made, we know. How it'll wear, we know. Make strict inquiry from u$. It's reliable. We know what we're about in guaran teeing it. 1,000 styles 01 make to measure. goods to Wanamaker & Brown Sixth street and Penn avenue. dell-D Do You Know It? To perfect a cure, you must remove the cause. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME AND 60DA supplies the systetnVlthOxi disable Phosphorus, the deficiency of which Is the proximate cause of Coassraphod. .Fpr Coughs, Bronchitis, Wesk Lungs, Night Sweats, and all Throat Disesses, It is an un equaled remedy. Hold by Druggists, il per bottle. Recommended by physicians. Bend for circular. WINCHESTER 4 CO., Chemists, 162 William Street, New Yort. mvSl-21-TTSwt RAILROADS. FEHKSYIWAHIA 8A.lLB0AD-0 AND alter November 10. 1869. trslas leave Union (Station, nttsbarK. as roUo i. Eastern Standard ThBOT MA1K LINK EASTWABU. Mew fork and Chicago Umlted of rutin a Ve Utrale daily. tt7:15a,ni. Atlantic Express dany rot tne st,fl0 a.m. llautrainTdtUr. except bandar, SiJoa. a. mr day. mall, S'Wa. . Day express dally at S0 a. m. Hall express dally at 1:09 p. ., Philadelphia express dally at 4: p. nw Eastern exorsM daUy at 70S p. u rastIilnedallyati!Wp.m. GreeniDurr expressing p. as. , w eesaays. Uerrr express IliOO a. m. week days. Alltnr tlAStlfif Trim avoldlngdoubl 'OORh-U ttafiw arrive at TJoIob Button as fpUo-si 8t.la,CUeaoandCmclnnaUxpress. nii 1:09 a.m. Mall Train, dally...... " Western Kxpms, dauy ",ilSb 2 Viclli Express, daily, jii.i..-- Tllul WnFMI rtftllT.. mnerdsiiy""' ."..."; " a t: v:ip. in. nuu-uw x raa oiu " For Unlontown, s:M and , nu and 4:np. to- without change of cars: 1150 p. m., connect Sg at areentbnrg. TraHs arrive from Unlon- From FKUEBAL or. STATION. Allegneny aw. Mall train, conneetlnr ror iHalrsvule... 6:18 a. ra. Express, for lHlrsvln connecting tat Batler S Hp. in. Bntler Accvm S.Ma. m SSand li:p.m, Bprtngdal? Accom9HJO.Ui5aa.iB. SJ0an4 . : P-m- K?epStlcm 1S. Siffland ll:p. m. unHnndav 12:3and S;30p. m. ii.S ii'i i-nm llrf a. m. and Sop. nv Allechenv Junction AecommodaUoo :20a.rs. T!.inr!U. Aeoommodatlon ....,....u..1liPa..m. 'rr--r" iz." . wi.w T.TWVTrpTiT Trita. Tarrlvrat If EOEKALSTHJ-rr BTATlONi njress. eonwcima; iibbi uwbx........w w. Mall Train. ...- "f wV Sfi - Butler Accom V' nd 7iK p. ra- marrsvllle AccominodatHm. ....... '!;P. " Freeport Accor,iia.ia- iuo, n-iuu...i. On Snnday lOdJs, m. and 70 p. m. Sprinldile Xeeom....iJ7,Mrts..lMS.x4Sp. m. SforUi Apollo Accom '; " " OS01(OAllJSliAl'lVl!llO. . Trains leave Unlonststlon. riwsnnrc, as follows: Vox Minonir.hels . Qtv, Wert Brownsville and UnlontoVn. 10:la.ra. For Slonongaheia (My and West rownITlll7KS and 10:10 s.m.and P-i On Sunday, llp.m. For MonongabeU City, 5- p.m., week dsrs. Dravosbure Ac., week days, . p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8-Oa.rfl,, 2a, (i and U-JJ p. m. Bunday. 9:40 p. m. neket offices-Corner i'onrth avenno and Try street sndUrJon station, mm QencralManwer. Gen'l I'assT Aeent. 4Jiat.S,A..o . ..rtp ,.K..4ltIA. t From PlHsbnrg Union Slallon. ennsylvanis Trains Run by Central Time. sou laVefranclandsCXo-ulj; d 1:15a. m.. . ovv-TiW-l-l NH1HULE KUUXC IE ?S? zis a-ssifiss: UTmsRIfromP the" West, d m d6. n iTdWiTn. Denniwn, 9:a.m. 5teo- ans. s'Sn. mZ Burgettstoirn, 7:1S a. m., S :& 1 sSnirton.V.S5, 7rt0. 8! lOffl a. m.. il& tiSV- m- MansBeld, US, S-JO, a. bu, lie. rt5.:andH6:!0!. "i Valei, li P-m. iUfio-aids, itaiiL m., d iM p. m. xnimtWEST STHTTOI-lTT. WATKK HOTTrB. .H. - '-- Tllip.in.; li: d 11:05 .! . in " via V.. XL. W.U.T. ! m" ILKt, 11 && i oanireiw -; - -? --- .7i -- - -. r.S -m ttT. YoaDzitown ana um,owi iiSSli".1: . m. 1 Mead- Miles and Jamestown, Ms p. m.: .M""1"".'. ..! WheeUnK and . UeUalre, 6:10 a.rn..l2:. S-snn.m.: Beavr jaiis, saai kw p. U. , iiub.-sn ; . .. .n - vn ; I3eaycr -allasOa.ni.;I.ecUdal!. 330 a. m. J !". JtV '. t rtTTwr Knch ester. C.30 a. uzriiii r "-"-,rr : , . arm n. m.t BeaTCT V"ol 'uSw. M-Hk. nil I-1S. 2a6. pVni V FalrOaXsS U:a.nv: Beaver Falls, b Rfctrtifl-aMPr Jlasifilon.lIWBj.aa.s AanrvB J-LlsShwit, from Kara. .00 a. m.j ,ircbcster;.a. n..; Ujarcf I'al s. fU, It. V.. N ,30. V.W. .WI Sp YiXS3ATiSh.Tllmlnr. Bd. dailrts. SaB47tly; ether tnlas. exeept Banday. IV . jh IHSSk P- MiiBsj ?." "VM iVfaAaw-tat a. .. ii tr Jrvsr, " ntf. a. its. -, &f?iartftW,a Ln SntraASf SSBSB SMSBBStl- JR i OEW ABTTRTISSatESTS. mmm m j. & 'TK-. Ilr t 1 U f$y 'WktvAi I J A ft K m kUr&. iLLr 1 J 11 .nc-r man, the doctor, the lawyer, the salesman, the agent, the canvasser, Ate But good and stylish Clothing does not necessarily mean ex tensive Clothing. Not so at least, if bought at Kaufmanns'. The famous argesale and small profit" system in vogue at Kaufmanns has brought the finest Clothing within the teach of everybody. But, great as Kaufmanns' bargains are all year 'round, they will hardly compare with the stupendous values now offered at their GREAT ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE To give you an idea of "what you may expect the following few bargains, picked at random from our stock, are hereby appended: Mi m Worth $10 and , $11, Reduced to fancy prices for his Suits, will find these just the thing to suit his nuroose. They're made of stylish Cassimeres and Cheviots, not quite all wool, but only the cotton in it Worth ins a $13, reduced in the world. The popular non-dirt showing patterns among them. Styles: Cutaway Sacks and Frocks. Make: faultless. Fit: perfect. Linings and trimmings : first-class. Men's Ms r:$:r: m all our fine Domestic Cheviot mixtures. and other stylish and popular patterns. The so-called "cheap" merchant tailors make tne same (not one whit better) Suits to order for U$ and 27. r b n Worth n m $18, reduced to nnrl r.hoice Endish Cassimeres . ' . . r .. 1- . pally entered into tne manuraciure 01 mesc omi. xucy aic juiuj ble for business or dress, and will please the most fastidious gentle man. Worth in $23, reduced ii ?..: -ii jtomtaro quicHy make a selection here. Wide Wales, Corkscrews, Clay Un Worth -..i :.-!. . -ll.-itr1 "Rrntraw Irfnu'n On M Ml Sisaskedi Custom made garments may equal but not excel them. We have them in Sacks, Cutaway and Straight Frocks They're made of the- latest and finest i mported. materials exclusively IT'Q Hfl pleasure for us to make such a terrific mark downp prices. 1 1 O fiU utnave you ever seen so unseasonable weather as we've had during the past two months? Warm, instead cold; rain, instead snow. No wonder we are overstocked on heavy winter goods. And, unlike other dealers, we'll not wait till after the Holidays with the reducing of our prices, but do so now with a view to immediately and considerably reduce our stock. 1 OTEECOATS OYEEOOATS are included in this great Holiday reduction sale. We venture to say that we've sold, at least 50 pe cent more Overcoats than any competing house, but our stock having been tremendously large, we still find ourselves with several thousand more garments on hand than -we should have now, had the weather been favorable. Hand some Overcoats now go at $5, $7 and' $8. Tine Overcoats at $10, S12 and $13. Finest, $15 to $20. -: KAUFMANNS Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street WHOLESAIiE B ALTUllHtg SU OHIO KAIiatOAW. phTa Ud Neort. -Sa. m. m. -r. - . . . it ir.iiiTTinrf iuuuu .-o'i- -m Tor Unlontown. W:, "arwi a. in.. m sa3B ?,j -. j .ffTSS-wSS ineton. i-a-.7: and : fe .'2S flSj Vi b Si For ClnUnnaU and St. Lonls, Itf. r-?i?n m" ForCoIamDns, 1& .f"p 2:S ivalns arrlTB froni hen York uV3'i' Baltimore and Wathlnston. Oix 'cut. m. From Commons. W"1!.-, S 8ra.in., -rou p.ni. yrom Wheeling-, 10:50 a. in., J5:W, 9rf p. .( -Vuhlnc-Throuith sleeplncws 10 Baltimore, asaiae. SiSSfSSSSSSl at $s: a- -u IfteflSSSat. TraaBftr CrT Jin call for andehce-bsg-wite Iron, hotels and J npoa orders left at B. 4 -VSk Sfviu'iTGen. U-hElI- iW 0u- ""-.V-ZJ. i .-.! 5.' ,: emMtta , L i HalSn A&t. oui i- -2 V&&r&asr&&ss . 1. xAT uaviu JWUAggq. u. " jrffittl--") - a-ia rn. AND WK3TEBN KAlbWAY J-re. Arrive. Kr-2-33t Vti 77 p s U. IOB41T1. U: m 11,-Ma m KCMrtoa 7.-a i-Mx iYftnVi.t Braehara AeT.-p.B.:Hp card of reason, December 12, 1889. 'I am the same, without all dlg'teoce: When Vou saw me last, I was as rich, as good; Have no additions since of name, or blood; Only because I wore a thread-bare suit, - j. I wisnotworthy of a poor salute." Heywe-, CLOTHING MAKES THE MAN, wt IT. j t.. !.. :t i7 ti ffce? Chinaman will look like a gentle,- man, u out wcaiiug genuemanajr ' Clothing. 1"'s'4ifl Much of our worldly success dcjj ends on the rnattet of dress. ThepVf? -slouchy individual, as a rule, doe , not enjoy the respect and confi dence of his neighbors. It is a generally admitted fact now-a-days; that good and stylish Clothing is positively necessary in his daily walks and talks by the business Many a man who has been paying H more durable for the few threads of $12 and :$9 Genuine Sawyer Cassimere Suite these. Nothing better for wear this line we have thrown and Worsted Suits, in handsome silk $17 and Rough faced Scotch Cheviot are the materials that have princi- c m.i c-.?.- on..... ...:.- 812.50 $22 and 31 Wish you'd compare these nfmrn - li higher nrices. You'd then They ate made of fine imported Diagonals, Cassimeres, etc $26 and ;;'! These Suits are identical l? $27, reduced to IDjU & crarments. for which from $10 tO COATS and RETAIL. del2-D BAIUZOAXtS. PrrrsBUKO and lake krii kailkoab UJMFAHV. Hchednle In effect Hovembsr 17, 18SL Central time. UsrAaT-Jb'or Cleveland. S.0O. "SWOa. m.. 133. an. "sOptn. JrortTg- J-.J ptm. Tor un-lo,)a.in.. .-!ft. -9 JOp. m. Tor Salamanca, :- m., 4D p. m. ?or younMtown and Newcastle, tM, S:00. 10:U a. in.. 'l:M. :. 9:30 p. . Jto.Beaver Ian. SM. 7J.1rt. lOiUa-m.. "1:35. 3 .J 9:iip. m. Tor Cnartlers. StfO, J50 ., S:3S.7:1S.7D. 85. 8.3a "StS! W-.lSlUTn., lSrOS, 12:35. lltvBk 1M, UB, WO, !, 8:05, -SllB, l0 PABBrra-rrom Cleveiaad. BiS a. m., 12:3a. 8:. 1:a p. m. From dnclnnatl, Chleano and Bt. Lonl,1230, Tf -5 p. m. Tnm Buffalo. - Toi.Kda 10 p. m. From Salamsncs, IIjM. Jsp. mlFrom Yonnrstown ana New CsjOe. Bver FaU. US, 1SSS, 7-0, -0 a. ra., HJO. tVrfySS 1 Mansfleld. SJDa. m.. fJB, Mp.ii, yor lessen and Bsschmont. S-0 a. m.. 3p.?"f? Y. trains from ifanifleld, Essen aadj Bcechmont, 7-os a. m., II:K). m. p. McKrT.Tt. lL-l)MBT-ror New Hr -i."it4o."mI x n. m. ror West aewtoaS 1533. sao a. m.. -:. "!'-, , n -B JFTUHX. ITb sv--T- - ---- ---, For MeKeesport, Illjahjffe MononraheUCt .-" "-"- " ' ji ,:!?Pl,S:.- -it,- f-nni1a ntr.-EIln. hrth iid -loKtssDort. tms a. m.. V A niifl. sg, , ;ia r ji t-r tWIU ran one hoar lateoBSandav. IWOI mn two hours late on 8n dav. CitT Tlcset Office. 63S Salth-tld. Street. -. 1 m v-t- . INBORVlfCKCC 5-T-L'4 Ja. HartwCiCs-cl . TtniarT I, VK WMt&tMl - . M1XM ft TJ-TXIT. i V-!u"- fciJSl i1 m H ' a- TB jfHt, MMtesasare '.' . ' ,i i . mi ii.l .t - "- W SM-isas .