rfiEFTY INDUSTRY, fActive Demand for Chilled and Sand - nous, ana rnces SADYAKCED FIVE DOLLARS A TOU. ffEolI Manufacturers Dreading a Still " Further Boom to Trade 10 BE FOLLOWED BT DEPBESSION OrncR oFPrrrsBTmo Dispatch, l THttBSDAY. December 6. 1881 J Interviews; with representatives of the A. Garrison Foundry Company and the Phoenix Boll "Works develop the fact that the chill and sand roll industries were never in a healthier condition than at the present time. Both these manufacturing establish ments are working well up to their capacity, -with orders ahead sufficient to keep the works moving until after the turn of the year. Prices have advanced So per ton since the middle of November. It is claimed that this advance goes mostly to the benefit of labor and iron and coke manufacturers. The quality of iron which is used in the manufacture of rolls, which is the very best charcoal iron, has ad vanced fully IS per ton In the past 60 days. How Coke Was Bulled. Coke has jumped in the same time from tl 10 to SI SO, and even in cases, to SI 75 iter ton, and the advance on rolls has evidently been ab sorbed before proprietors derive any benefit. The chief benefit of the advance to proprietors has been to such as anticipated the advance and laid in large stocks ol iron atthe low rates. A member of one firm reports that his estab lishment is stocked up for months ahead at the low prices. Said he: "If wo had not laid in a full stock of Iron and coke at the low prices, we would have had no benefit from tbe late advance. Labor, coke, and the grade of iron we use in makine rolls liave all advanced in the past month sufficient to wipe ont the Jo additional price of rolls." Tber Have Been Higher. Within the past decade rolls have sold at nearly double present prices. Chill rolls were Isold within that period at 6ic per pound, and sand rolls at 4c per pound. The former were sold within the past year at Zfa per pound at the latter at S4C When the liigb prices were reached a reaction followed, and a few years of dull trade with little profit was tbe result. A member of one of the firms referred to above, taid recently: "lao not want to see snea a boom and sucn high prices as we had In 1SS1-2. There was such a boom in those j ears that business in our line was stimulated berond a healthy condition. We made money too fast for a year or two. and forseveral years while the couniry was sobering up from its spree we felt blue enough. What is Dreaded. The thine to be dreaded most now is an other boom like that of 18S2. There is a reason able profit in our trade now, and we are turn ing out a large amount of stuff, and if trade will only keep on in its present state we are altogether satisfied. Better a reasonable profit than these great booms, which are inevitably followed by periods of depression. "In the past two or three years our works have Increased their capacity 100 per cent, and we prefer to turn ont more goods at smaller margins. Our trade is all right now, and we would deplore any further advance." Following are the price of chilled and sand rolls as furnished by the Phoenix and A. Garri son works: From C to 12 Inch diameter to 40 Inch long, 4c per pound In roujrh. From IS to :4 inch diameter to 72 inch long, 2c per pound In rough. From 34 to 34 inch diameter to 1M Inch long, 35) c per ponnd In rougb. Additional charge on rolls for brass and other fine wore band rolls made of best charcoal Iron, 23(c and SJfc per pound In rough, according to size. Liberty Live block. Owing to the absence of Weighmaster Dun keld from the city the live stock receipts and sales for the week are not getatable. Sales of hogs for tbe week were as follows: Thursday, 1,553 bead; Friday, 2,473; Saturday. 1.423; Mon day, 6,741; Tuesday. 1,341; Wednesdav. 3,689. Total, 16.220 bead; last week, 25,815; previous week, i,4u. bales f sheep and Iambs: Thursday. 4iSbead; Friday. Ill: Batnrday, 7S4; Monday, 2,928: Tues day, LS&Vi; Wednesdav. 74. Total. 6,203 bead; last week, 5,974; previous week, 8,741. Br Telearnpb. Netv York Beeves Receipts. 35 carloads for city slaughterers direct. 13 carloads for ex portation, and 2 carloads for the market: no trading In beeves; dressed beef steady at 5 7Jc per ponnd for sides, with a little 'extra beef sold atc. Exports 500 beeves and 940 quarters of beef. To-dav'a Liverpool cable quotes American steers easier at ll12c per pound for the dressed weight, sinking the offal, and American refrigerated beef dull at scant 9c per pound. Sheep Receipts. 1.700 head; market Ann for both sheep and lambs, with an early clearance; common to choice sheep sold at S4 O0C 00 per 100 pounds: com mon to choice lambs at SS 257 50: outside price for 3 loads. Calves Receipts, 300 head; firm for all sorts, with sales at So 258 00 per 100 pounds for veals, and at Si C03 60 for grassers and Western calves. Hogs Re ceipts, 3,800 head; no sales on the live weight; market quiet at the nominal range of S4 00 4 20 per 100 pounds. St. Loots Cattle Receipts, 1,400 head; ship, ments. 3.800 bead; market strong; good to fancv native steers, M C04 90: lair to good do, S3 200140: stackers and feeders. SI 53 10; range steers. S2 003 00. Hogs Re ceipts, 6.200; shipments, L100 head; market shade higher; fair to choice heavy. S3 643 70; packing grades, S3 503 65; light, fair to best. S3 453 GO. Sheep Re ceipts, 600 head; shipments, 900 bead: market firm; fair to choice. S3 10Q470; lambs, H 60 65U Chicago Cattle Receipts, 17.000 head; shipments. 4,000 head; market weak generally and a shade lower: beeves. S4 905 25; steers, S2 90i 75; stackers and feeders, SI 85-2 80; Texas cattle, 31 402 9a Hogs Receipts, 30,000 head; shipments 5,000 bead; market slow, weak: mixed. S3 50S3 80: heaw. S3 50 3 SO; light, S3 553 fea Sheep Receipts, 7,000 bead: shipments, 1,000 bead; market strong: natives. I35 40; Westerns, S3 50 4 20; Texans, S3 40E4 15. , - Buffalo Cattle stronger but not quotably higher: receipts, 68 loads through, 4 loads sale. Sheep and lambs stronger and higher; receipts, 14 loads through. 15 loads sale. Sheen Choice to extra. So 206 65; good to choice, 54 S55 la Lamb-Cbolce to extra,S6106 65: good to choice S6 006 35. Hogs active, 510c lower; receipts, SO loads through, 60 loads sale: mediums and heavy. S3 803 85: heavy ends. S3 7503 80: mixed, S3 bO. A PATENT ON THE1T. Ideas nnd Inventions of Pittsburg Mechanics and Other. List of patents issued to Western Pennsyl vania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia in ventors, on Tuesday. December 3, IBS9, fur nished by O. D. Levis, patent attorney, 131 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg: Amos E. Abrahams, Clortcs Mills, Pa., sucker rod elevator; George Allen, Franklin, Pa., ap partns Tor pumping oil wells; Daniel Arger-tn-lght, TroY, O., carriage certain attachment; Adam Beach, Columbus, store service attach ment; F. Bitsford, Erie, expansion trip; C. K. Brady. Washington, Pa., machine for .finishing the necks or bottles: Thomas M. Campbell, Alle gheny, dumbbell: John 8. Davis, Toledo, grain binder: E. C. Dauson, fareely, O., device for lamps; Elizabeth K. Graham, Pittsburg, brush; Oscar.F. Grant, Pittsburg, fountain pen: Joseph Guest, Pltubure. rolling forge bar; Xzra Hazel ton. Warren. Pa., picture frame: C. M. Hover, Cruton. O.. thill coupling: Jacob O.Joyce, Day ton, ol, liningiack: John Kerby, Jr., Dayton, O.. car lamp: Albert Lampert, wadsworth, O., automatic steam injector; Gustavus A. Miller, Jiutlcr. combination step ladder; Justus L. Miller, Paulding, O.. plow: John Pedder, Mtteburg. utilizing wornout railway tires: William C Powell. Corry. Pa., slelrb: G. J. Roberts and H. Farnnm. Darton. O.. piston rod packing: Clark Llnty. Springfield. O., gas engine; A. TraxelU Liberty, O.. unloading platform: ltobert K. Turner, Columbus, apparatus for manufacturing gas; AL A. Wright, Columbus, cigar mold; D. G. VV yeth, Newark. O., fifth wheel for buggies. 4tit Tbe Ladle Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruklaxa 'tlrev'Syrup of Figs, nnder all conditions make It tSelrifavorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye'and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in act ing on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Drop A 510 hill in onr salesman's hand and get a fine chinchilla overcoat, worth from $18 to $20. C CO., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Ob. I Am So Hnppr i .Tnt lnnlrlnir at the tras fires. - O'Keeix Gas Appliajtce Co.,34 Fifth ay. J MABKETS BY YIEE. . Wheat Active by Flu and Starts Prices on a Lower Level Pork Improves Early bat Lose tbo Advance. Chicago Wheat In the aggregate a fair business was transacted to-day. At times the market ruled very quiet, at others trading was good. The market was ruled by fits and starts, and an easier feeling existed. Some lines of long wheat were closed out, one house being credited with selling 500,000 bushels. Good buy ing on the first decline held prices in check for a while, but with renewed selling again prices found a lower level later. The fluctuations were rather small for the volume of trading, price changes covering a range of only e. Tbe market opened a shade easier than yester day's closing, held rather steady for awhile, and then declined c ruled steady, and then closed about c lower for December and Jfc lower for May than closing figures on 'Change vesterday. Trading centered chiefly in May. Early cable advices were generally quite firm, and in some instances slightly higher, but later and closing cables were weaker. The receipts in the Northwest, although not as heavy as last week, keep up above what had been expected. Corn There was only a moderate business transacted, tbe pit at times being quite dull. Tbe feeling prevailing was easier, and lower prices were established, especially on Decem ber, tbe premium on this month over January having entirely disappeared. The market opened HQiic lower than yesterday, that is, December was sold freely at Sliie for a time, rallied and advanced Mc borne outside orders coming on the market again ruled weaker, selling off JJc. rud steady, and final quota tions were a lower for December, Hic for January, while May showed little change compared with yesterday. Oats were traded In liberally, and a stronger feeling existed. Prices advanced Kdic. Sell ing by a heavy local operator caused a recession, and the market closed quiet; at almost inside figures. Mess Pork Trading was rather more active, and the feeling was stronger early, and prices advanced 57c Toward the close the feeling was easier, and the greater portion of the ad vance was lost Lard Alight business was transacted, but the feeling was firm and prices tlightly higher. Short Rib Sides The market exhibited a lit tle more strength, and prices were advanced 2K5c. Later an easier feeling was developed, and prices settled lack to medium figures, ana the market closed quiet. .The leading futures ranged ss follows: Whkat-No. 2. December. 779K78K 7Sc; lanuarv. 80goOK?679c; May, 84 Corn Ka 2. December. S1KS1&30JS 31c: lannarv, 8181K3030c: May, S3 Oats No. December, 202020K 20r; January, 202120J2OJc; May, 2 232222?ic Mess Poke, per bbL January. S9 S59 42 9 359 40; Febrnarv. S9 42H&9 47J9 42X0 9 45; May. S9 S09 809 72X69 77X- Lakd, per 100 s. January, 55 905 92X 5 925 92X; February, $5 955 955 92X5 92X; May, S6 106 la Shobt Ribs, per 100 Ba. January. S4 77X 4 S0g4 754 77X: February. W 82X 82X4 80 4 80: May, S5 I165 02X5 005 02. . Uasn quotations were as follows: Flour easier but not quotably lower; No. 2 spring wheat, 785c; Ho. 3 spring ' wheat, 64c: No. 2 red, 7SJ4c: No. 2 com. 31c No. 2oats. 20X20c. No. 2 rye.44Xc No. 2 barley, 58a Nalflaxseea. SI 36X- Prime timothy seed, SI 20. Mess pork, per obi. S9 309 4U. Lard, per 100 lbs. 5 92X5 95. Short nbs sides (loose), S4 90 5 2a Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 37X 4 5a Short clear sides (boxed), S5 055ia hugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour. 14.000 barrels: wheat, 83.000 bush els: com. 199.000 bushels; oats, 137,000 bushels; rye, 19.000 bushels; barley, 68.000 bnsbels. Ship mentsFlour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, 14,000 bushels: corn. 123,000 bu-bels; oats, 104,000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley, 41,000 bush els. On the Produce Excnange to-day the butter market was firmer: fancv creamery. 27K! fine. 2123c; finest dairy, 21S24c; fine, iS19c Eggs, 2223c Nkw York Flour fairly active and steady. Cornmeal dull. Wheat Spot unsettled and weaker; fair export and milling demand; op tions f airly active, Hz off and weak. Rye Western nominal at 60c Barley easy. Barley malt dull. Corn Spotless active and stronger: options dnll and easier. Oats Spot active and stronger; options active and a up. Hay quiet and steady. Hops fairly active and firm. Coffee Options opened steady, 5 15 points up; closed firm and unchanged to 15 points up on better cables; fair trade: sales, 637,750 bags. Including December, 15.4515.60c; January. 16.5001560c; February. 15.6515.70c; Marcb, 15.60io.75c; April, 15.65c; May, 15.60lo.S0c: Jnne, 15.65 15.80c; July, &65c: August, 15.5015.65c; Sep tember, 15. 4515.60c; October. 15.4015.45c; spot Rio dull and lower; fair cartroes,19Kc:No.7.165ic Sugar Raw. verv strong and quiet; centri fugals 96 test, 66c; refined quiet and firm. Molasses New Orleans steady. Rice steady and in fair demand. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow easy; city (S2 for packages) 4 7-16 big. Rosin quiet. Turpentine steadv. Eggs moder ate; receipts firm: Western, 2S23Xc; receipts, 3,400 packages. Pork firm. Cut meats slow, middles in better demand. Lard firmer and quiet: sales; Western steam at S632X6 35; De cember, S6 27, closing at S3 29 asked; January, S6 308 32, closing at S8 81 bid; February. SB 34 6 33, closing at 56 35 bid; Marcb, S6 40 bid; May, S6 48 bid. Butter Fresh in light sup ply and firm; Elgin9c; Western dairy. 918c; do creamery, 1427Xc; do held, 1019c: do factory, 720c Cheese quiet and unchanged: Western. 7X10c Philadelphia Flour quiet and in buyers favcr. Wheat Options steady but quiet; eboice wheat scarce but firm; fair to good mill ing wheat, 8085c; choice and fancy longberry. S790c; No. 2 red, December. 795f8(Mc; Janu ary. 81XS82c: February, 83XS4c; March, 84Ji S5Wc Corn firm, but speculation quiet; car lots firm; new No. 3 high mixed on track, 41c; old No. 2 mixed in Twentieth street elevator and grain depot. 44X new No. 2 for local trade quoted at 42X43c; No. 2 mixed, December. 39&39c; January. 3939Kc: February. 39 39Xc: March, 39Ji40c Oats firm; No. 2 mixed, 27c; No. 3 white, 2SXc; No.2 wbite.29Xc: ungraded white, 2930c: futures a shade firmer; No. 2 white. December. 29?g29?ic: January. 29X30e; February, 230SbC; March, 80 St. Loins Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat lower: there was considerable firmness at the opening; late, however, with declines at other points, selling increased and the close was c below yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, 79c seller; December closed at 78Xc bid; March, 81c nominal; May. 82c asked; July, TSJic nominal. Com lower; No. 2, mixed, cash, 2828c: De cember and year closed at 27Jc asked; January, 27c asked; February. 27c asked: May. 29c bid. Oats weak; No. 2. cash. 21c asked, 20c bid; January. 20e bid; May, 22Xc Rye No. 2, 40Xc Barley neglected. Flaxseed firm at tt uy jrrovisions quiet ana steady. MnwTEAFOLls The early demand for sample wheat was good for the upper grades, but re jected and no grades were difficult to sell at anything like satisfactory prices. The higher grades went chiefly to local millers. Arrivals 381 cars and 89 cars were shipped. Duluth re- Eorted 335 cars in. Closing quotations: No. 1 ard. December, 77Xc: January, 78Jc; May 83Jc: on track, 79c; No. 1 Northern, 75VC; December, 76c; January, 81c; May, on track, 77c: No. 2 Northern, December, 71c; January May, 7JCc; on track, 7074c ' Milwaukee Flour fairly active. Wheat easy: No. 2 spring, in store, cash, 7273c: May TTXc: No. 1 Northern, 81c Com steady; No. 3. 29c Oats steady; No. 2 white, 22i22Xc Rve qniet; No. L 44Xc Barley easy; No. 2. 47c Provisions steady. Pork, S9 Sa Lard! S5 90. Cheese unchanged: Cheddar. 99Xc Baltimore Provisions unchanged. Butter firm; western, 1620c; creamery, 2526c Eggs firm. Toledo Cloverseed active and firm; cash, December and January, S3 65; February, S3 70. Drysroods. New York. December 5. A very dull cotton market at home and abroad is a fair resume of the day's proceedings in the cotton trade. Tbe receipts at tbe ports are full, especially at the gulf ports, while the Atlantic's slooe shows some slight decrease in the movement, values scarcely fluctuated during the day. Tenders, have been made on the December contracts and will continue to be made while a premium is maintained in that position. Metal Market. New York Pig iron qniet and strong American. 516 50Q19 oa Copper irregular and easier: lake, December, $14 00. Leaddull and unchanged; domestic S3 85. Tin unsettled and weaker; straits. S21 35. Whisky Market. Finished goods are firm and. in good demand atSl 02. Wool Market, St. Eonrs Receipts of wool 34,306 pounds. The market is firm and unchanged. i I want no new-fangled coujjh-cure. Give me the old reliable Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Christmas Present! A Nice Gn Fire! O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 1"iah av. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When sbehadChildren,8hegave them Castoria a49B.77-xwwtt 1&- J& (jE,f , SOME1 GOOD THINGS In Real Estate Showing a Strong Undercurrerif of Activilj. TWO MORE BIS DEALS CLOSED UP. Iron Trade' More Than Holds itb Own, With a Eosy Outlook for riext lean CONTEACTS FOE 0BE ALEEADI PLACED Two important transactions in real estate were uncovered yesterday, showing that there is something going on in this import ant department of business. The slight shrinkage in the demand for small proper ties in the last few days is more than made up by increased activity In large ones. Scarcely a day passes withont a transaction involving many thousands of dollars, and while, in the majority of cases, efforts are made at the instance oi" sellers or buyers to keep the facts from the public, they generally come to the surface In some shape The shal lows murmur, but the deeps are dumb. One of the deals referred to was the sale by W. A. Herron & Sons of a block of land on Forbes street. Twenty-second ward, near the Schenley Park, comprising TJi acres, unim proved, at a price approximating SoUOOO cash. The purchaser Is John McGinlev, auditor of the Philadelphia Company. He will lay the ground out in lots, and put them on the market. The other transaction, of which nothing ex cept the bare fact could be obtained, involves a fine building site in the Cast End, the con sideration being S140.CXX). The iron market gives out no indication of a halt tn the-upward movement It is as strong and active as at any former period since the boom sot in. All of tbe mills are full of busi ness, and some of them will be compelled to increase their capacity. Among these is the Allegheny Bessemer, at Duqnesne. There has been an advance in pig metal of 50 to 75 cents a ton in the last 10 days, but with this exception prices are as previously noted. The advance in pig, however, has hardened values along the entire line, and further en hancement is among the probabilities. Con tracts for ore are already being placed. This is about two months earlier than usual. About 1,000,000 tons have been contracted for, all for next year. This indicates two things confi dence of continued activity and apprehensions of higher prices for same, as well as manufact ured iron. The outlook for next year is very encourag ing. The extraordinary activity in railroad betterments is far from exhausted, and the prospect for a heavy business in steel rails could scarcely be better. The trade in England continues active and excited, and pricesare advancing. A Wolver hampton letter says: Never berore in tbe his tory of the trade has there been a wilder mar ket than that of Middlesborougb. The excite ment was intense. Prices of pig iron again advanced by leaps and bounds, there being a gain of 4s lJd per ton during tbe market,bring ingup the price of Middlesborongh pig to a figure 8s 6d per ton above that of a week ago. and yet scarcely any iron could be got at these advanced rates. The present price of pig Iron is above anything that has been realizod since 1873, the previous best since then being in 1880, when 63s was reached. There is a perfect squeeze, a veritable cor ner, for Cleveland warrants, and they have gone np at a rate much faster than Scotch warrants, the stock of which prevents any cor nering. Hut there is no doubt that Cleveland iron is uncommonly scarce; in fact, as regards No. 3 there is quite a famine The price of Cleveland warrants is actually 3s 9d above the price of Scotch warrants a circumstance never before known; for generally Cleveland is 6s be low Scotch, and sometimes 8s and 10s below. Great firmness at Barrow is again the record for West Coast hematites. Prospects continue good all ronnd; the proDability being that tbe demand will show further development and that quotations will further advance. Mixed numbers of Bessemer iron were at Monday's market quoted 73s 80, and No. 3 forge 72s 9d. Stock are again smaller, deliveries being large both by rail and sea; and all the output going into consumption. For some time past Denver capitalists and Eastern millionaires have been engaged in or ganizing an improvement company to be located in the Trinity "Valley, Texas. The object of the corporation is the reclamation of 100,000 acres of land In the Trinity Valley, near Dallas. This is to bn done by straightening the channel of the river, which is very winding. By this means the river during a flood can carry off a heavy volnme of water with much greater rapidity than it now does. After straightening the channel rast levees will be thrown up on either side for five miles. Competent engineers de clare this work will bring about the desired result and that it is practicable. The estimates of the entire work range from 750,000 to SL500,00a Trinity Valley is one of the richest tracts of land in the State of Texas, and if the 100,000 acres were reclaimed and turned into a truck farm enough produce could be raised to supply the entire region west of the Mississippi river. The value ofthe laud will be raised from prac tically nothing to at least S100 an acre,orS10, 000,000 for the entire tract. It is understood that the various owners of the property are willing to go into the scheme and put their land in for stock in tbe company. If the project is- carried ont it will constitute the largest work of internal improvement ever under taken in Texas. WORSE AND BE1TEE. Some of tbo Local eitock Weaker and Some a Little Sironser. Philadelphia Gas was the only stock that showed any activity yesterday. It opened with a sale at 2 dropped to 2, rallied to 29, and closed at that figure, with 29K asked. There were office sales at 29. One hundred and eighty shares of it changed hands. Some think it is scraping bottom, while others contend that tbe general liquidation that is going on in consequence of approaching yearly settlements and tbo prospect of tight money during the rest of the month, will give It a severer twist than has yet been experi enced. However this maybe, it is a fact that public confidence in natural gas stocks gener ally is rather shaky, and must be counteracted by opening up new territory or otherwise giving assurance of nermanent earnings before a material rally can reasonably be expected. The tractions are temporarily out of the market, although holding fairly well around the old figures. Continued involvement in legal and other difficulties renders' this stock particularly undesirable at this time Nobody wants to purchase an interest in a lawsuit or court the privilege of paying damages for kill ing a boy or maiming a man. The only stocks that developed any particu lar strength were Citizens' Insurance and Luster Mining Company, both of which ad vancedthe latter on inside news from the works said to be of a favorable character. There were those, however, who said the ad vance was the result of a bull movement to in terest outsiders, and make a market for the stock. Business in detail follows: MOBNtHG. JLFTEBXOOK. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asted. Pitts. P. 8. M. Ex... 415 470 OddiTellowa' Bay. B'fc 6SJf 75 People's National Bfc. IK uity insurance Citizens1 Insurance.... Humboldt Insurance.. Western Insurance Co. Allegheny Heating Co. People's N. 0,4 P.Co Pennsylvania Gas Co.. Philadelphia Co ... Wheeling- UasCo Tuna Oil Company.... Central Traction Pitts. Traction Pleasant Valley .Pitts., A. &. Man Pitts. & Western K. B. La .Norla Mining Co... Luster Mining- Co...... Yankee Girl Mining Co M estlngbouse Electric WestlnKbouseA.iJ.Co. Westlns:house J5. Co.. 31 S7M 44 35 "so u 3. 63 MX SO 14. 100 "iix :i 63 a "ax "i3 is 1 IS 3 48 w$ II2K Si 114 3K xrltts. iTciorams ik, 8 i At the morning call 10 shares of Pennsvl. vama Gas brought 13&, 70 Philadelphia Gas 2 and CO 29. At the afternoon call 0 shares of Philadelphia Gas went at 29. Andrew Carter bought 25 shares of Phila delphia Gas at 29. The total sales of stocks at New lork yester day were 249.327 shares, including: Atchison, 7,755; Chicago and Eastern Illinois preferred, 4.150; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 15,. 235; Denver. Texas and Ft. Worth, 3J50; Louis ville and Nashville, 4,050: Missouri Pacific, 14.. 200; Northern Pacific preferred. 7,109; Reading, 41,000; Richmond and West Point. 3,SaQ; feu Paul, 18,480; Union Pacific, 17,525, ' svwmmrm. " BWLIi PKOSmiHG. Local Sanknra Ceathme le Repert a Satis factory Money Market. The leading banks complained of a famine of small bills yesterday, and Eastern exchange commanded a premium equivalent to express charges. The demand for accommodations was brisk, and depositing and checking np to the average of recent times. Rates on call and time loans were steady at 807 per cent, respect ively. There has been no instance reported of tbe refusal of good paper on the plea of a scarcity of funds. The Clearing House report afforded substan tial evidence of continued prosperity, the ex changes footing no $2,330,726 OS and the bal ances S21i,191 87. Money on call at Hew Tork yesteroay was easy, ranging from 3 to 7 per cent; last loan, 3: closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, &?K. Sterling exchange quiet and steady at $1 83 for 60-day bills and 4 84 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. u. 8. s,reg..... lis U. 8.4a. COUD 127 U.K. AT. Gen. S3 B Mutual Union ss.. ..I, N.J. C. Int. Cert...lHH Northern Pae. lsts..H5Ji Northern Pac.2ds..HU Northw't'n consols.144 Nnrthw'n lnhn's..l09 U. B. 4Xs, re 104 u. . Iks, coup.... u Pacific & of '05. 115 Lonlslanastampedte s: Missouri 6s 102H icaa, new set. us... iu&?$ Tenn. new set. S3... .103 Oregon & Trans. 6B.103 St.1... AI.M. Uea.aWS St. 14 S. . Gen-M. IKH ill. Panl consols ....127 St. PL Chi & Pe, lsta. 118 Tx., PeL. ti.Tr Bs. S3K Xx.,Pe.K.a.Tr.Bctt 35 Tenn. neV set. &...; 73)f uaiaa so. sag...... v Cen. Paelac.lsts.....n2 Den. &H.O., 1st.. .118 Den.ftB.O.45 7J u.ait.tt.west,isu. st union pae. uts....."' West Shore 1 Erie. Ms.. ErliL-rtt ,101 .73 U.K. AT. Oen.es. Government bonds firm and dull. State bonds firm and neglected. NBT7 Tons Clearings, 3141272,632; balances, J1742.96U Boston Clearings, S16.454.M1; balances, SL800,39a Money, 67 per cent. Pnn,ADEUiiiA Clearings. 813,061,568; bal ances, $1,643,818. Baltimore Clearings, 2,366,852; balances. S224.403. London The amount of bullion -withdrawn from the Bank of England to-day is 250,000. Tbe iallion in the Bank of England decreased 240,000 during tbe past week. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability is now S8.0S per cent. Bar silver, 43d. per ounce Pabis Three "per cent rentes, 87f 72Kc for the account. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows a decrease of 13,275,000 francs gold and 1,125,000 francs silver. CmcAOO Clearings. 511,294,000. New York exchange was par to 25c premium. Rates for money are steady at 6 per cent for call, and C8 per cent for time loans. St. Louis Clearings, (3,902,617; balances, $303,999. KEAEIKO THE D0LLAB HARE. Oil Still Slipping Down and Bad Show for a Rally. Petroleum approached dangerously near to tbe dollar line yesterday. The market opened at 104, highest 10 lowest 101, closing 102, and was active and dull by spells. R. N. Rob inson was tbe principal local bear. He sold 100.000 barrels. There was some bnying, but not enough to sustain values. New York was on both sides of the fence. Bradford was a light buyer. Trading was fair, but none of It can be cred ited to outsiders, who grasp their pocketbooks all the tighter whenever oil is mentioned to them. Opinion is divided as to the outcome of the slump. There are those who think it will not be arrested before touching a dollar. The heavy realizing in tbe general run of specula tive commodities favors this view. Features of Iho Mnrket. Corrected daily by John M. Oasiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange Opened 104 ILoweat 101 Highest 104)Uosed 102)4 Barrels. Average runs 43,631 Average shipments S7,9oS Average charters 63,137 Iteflned, New York. 7.50c. HeflneJ, London. 6 3-160. Refined, Antwerp, l)$r. Kenned. Liverpool, b l-lsd. Ueflned, Bremen, 7.30m. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, II 00)f; calls, SI 03. Other Oil Market. Trrusvn.i.E, December 5. Opened at $1 04; highest, SI 04Ji: lowest, Jl 02; closed at SI 02. On, Citt. December 5. Opened at SI 04; highest, SI 04J; lowest, SI 02; closed. SI 025i. Hale', 401.000 barrels; clearances, 656,000 barrels; Charters, 31,745 barrels; shipments,59,056 barrels. New York, December 5, Petroleum opened steadv at SI 03, but after moving up to SI 03. the market became weak and declined to SI ulli; a rally resulted and the close was SI 02 Stock Exchange: Opening, SI 03; highest, SI 03r:lQwejtvS10l; closing SI 02$! J uonsouuatea excnange: opening, u w; mgn est. SI 04; lowest, $1 02; closing, Jl 0 Total sales. L043.000 barrels. THOUSANDS 1NT0LTED. Larjte Transactions In City nnd Suburban Improved nnd Unimproved Renlty. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth avenue, sold a property on Shady avenue. Twenty-second ward, contain ing about six acres, for Jacob Moeck. The purchasers are 3. G. Glaverand R. S. Houston. Tbe price paid was S15.30a W. A. Herron & Sons closed the sale of a block of land on Forbes street. Twenty-second ward, near tbe Schenley Park, seven and a half acres, unimproved. The price was about SCO, 000, cash. - Reed B. Coyle Co., 131 Fonrtn avenue, sold for John F. Steel, to Charles 8. Holmes, lot No. 2 in tbe Fulton place plan, Craig street, size 50 xl42.forS3.70a Ewing & Byers, No. 93 Federal street, sold through Samuel W. Black & Co., for John Otterson to Mrs. Jessie Alexander, a vacant lot 30x67 ieet oifPerrysville avenue. Second ward, Allegheny, opposite the now University build ing, for S1.500. Samuel W. Black & Co. sold another of those Oakland square, two-story and mansard brick dwellings, being N o. 19, on the south side of the square, making the third one this week and the seventh since November 19. The price paid wasS7,500. Jamison & Dickie sold for Julius Voetter a three-cornered lot with one-story framejbtore building on Broad street, corner FrankKown avenue, to M. E. Richards ior $3,400, and for F. W. Haas, three loU 25x110 feet, on Monticello street, Twenty-first warn, to J. A Murphy for Sl,85a L M. Pennock & Son sold and settled a mort gage for $950, three years, on property in Mc Keesport; one for S50a three years, on property on Mount Washington, and one for 550, three years, on property in the Thirteenth ward, city. pkofessionaiTeusiness. Room Traders Run tbo Share Market Weakaes la Chicago x and East Illinois tbo Only Feature oi tbe Day. New Yobk, December 5. The stock market to-day was professional in Its charaoter. The fluctuations were confined to the smallest lim its, and the stocks in which important move ments were made were less than a half dozen. London was less of a factor than for tbe past few days. The money market was noticeably easier. The market was only .spasmodically ac tive The early demand for stocks was marked by considerable strength in Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred, Missouri Pacific, Denver, Texas an'i Fort Worth, and Northwestern, but the bears afterward attacked New England and Missouri Pacific Rock Island, Atchison and Burlington and CJuiney, and the upward move ment came to a halt. The great feature of the day was the weak ness and decline in the Chicago and East Illi nois stocks, tbe common yielding 3 per cent and the preferred 2, tbe raid being caused by the application to the list of 10,000 additional shares of the common stocks, tbe proceeds of the sale, which have been used In betterment upon tbe road. The rest of the list was stronger In the after noon, but the improvement was slight and the market closed Steady to firm at insignificant changes from tbe opening prices a a rule The advances are in the majority, however. The dealings in railroad bonds were marked by tbe same irregularity as those In stocks. The general list was quiet without special feature. Shenandoah Valley firsts rose 2 to lia San Francisco A lost 3 to ni B 4 to llL and the general sixes 6 at 11 'me following tame snows tne prices oi aetlv stocks on tbe Mew York Stock Kxcnanre Tester day. Corrected dally for Tint Dispatch by Whitkit & STiPHiKSON, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of Mew York titock xcsange. (7 Jfourth are- ... Clos- Hlgn- Low- lng v est. Bid. JO 29 28 S3g x 33 71 MX 53 64 lit 118ft 118 23X 24 24 104 103X 104 83)1 68)4 63 112 OTX MM 96g - "J 30 32V 8314 gstf SSU I'm jessj logg i 72J 70 . T214 , 7s mi Open ing. . 29 . 33X Am. Cotton on. ... Atcn., lop.4 B.F.. Canadian PAClflo ... Canada southern 54 Central of Hew Jersey.H8"tf Central Pacini Cbesaneakeft Ohio.... 24X C Bur. ft Qubicr. ....104M C. Mil. ft St. Paul.... CSX c.. Mil. & St. p pr. C, BocfcL ft P. 91H C. St. L. & Pitts C, St. L. ft Pitts, pf.. .. . C. St. P.. M. ft O o. st. P..M. & o.. or. esH C. ft Northwestern. .... 100)i C & Northwestern, pf. .. - c, a. c. 4 i.j 7of i C a, UAL, pf,,. M W v, " Col. Coml JL Iran 34 Col. A Hrw tlmr fu IS! Del.. L. A W. 137! Del. 4 Hudson. ...',... DenverftMoa Denver ft Bio U ni K.T., Va.AOa - .... K. T.. va. ft Oa. 1st pf. .... Illinois central.... Late Erin ft Western Lake lone ft West. nr.. . Lake snore ft M. s 10X LoulsvllleftNasbvllli. 84 MlcMjran central KM Moblleft Ohio 13 Mo., Kan. ft Texas.,.. SK Missouri paclfie 66i4 tl. Y.. ti. B. ft W 374 M. Y..L.E. 4 W.pref.. 67 H. X.. a ft tit. L. wi J. y., u. ft at. L. nf. -N.I.. C. ABt.li. Sd pf .... N. YftN. 1! 43 A. Y.. O. ft W 19H Jiorfolka Western.... 19 Norfolk Western. pf. tSH northern Pacine 314 Nortnern Pacine ore. 71 Ohio ft Mississippi.. ... 21 K Oreion Improvement. 44 Oregon Transcoa 32V Pacine Mall 34 Peo. Deo. ft Kvans Phtladel. ft Keadtar. 38 Pullman Palaee Oar. ..1831, Ktcnmona ft W. P. T.. 20 tUcbmond ft W.P.T.pf 80 St. p., Minn, ft Msn..iai St.l. ftSan Tran 15 St. L. ft San Jrran pf.. 37 ttt.L. ft SdnJf.lat pf.. so Texas Paolflo 19 UnlonPaeino b7JB Wabasa 11 Wabash preferred 30 western Union. MJ Wheeling ft L. t 65 Sugar Trust 6Is. National im6l Trust.. 18H Chicago Has Trust.... 41 66X G3 40M Boston Stock. Atch.4Too..JJt7s. 114 A.ftT. Land Gr't 7S.110 Atch.ftTop.B.K... J3 Bostouft A!bany...2HW notion ft Maine. ....304 C. Jl. ftQ 1M Rutland preferred. Wis. Central, com. . Wis. Central pf... AllouezMgCo Calumet ft Hecla..: 48 SIX , 60 . 1 245 . 16K trranaun. . Clun. Ban. ft Clove. 22)4' Huron i Osceola, 18)$ I'ewablc 5 Qulnoy 63 Bell Telepnone 199 Boston Land 6)4. ater Power 5H Tamarack HSM SanUlego 20 Santa Fe copper.... 1.30 JMnraii, J. OS ....ill KateraK.K 124 Flint .t Para M "2 flint ftPereM. DM. 91H Mexican Wen. com.. 15)4 Mex.u.istmtg.bds. 67H f i. 4c.new.Kng... z . Y. &A.E.7S....126 Old Colony. 17s Philadelphia Htook. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Wnitner ft Steohenson, brokers. Ho. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Kew York Stock .Ex cnange. J3M. . mi . 62 Asked. tVi 19 11-16 52H 32" 55) Pennsylvania BaUroad, , Keaaing Lehigh Valley Lehigh .Navigation Northern FitrlflA Honnern Pacific preferred 1- Mining Stocks, New Tobk. December fi. Alice, 110: Cale donia B. H., 125; Comstock, 3tt00; Deadwood Territory, 145; Ei Cristo, 100; Gould fc Curry. 150; Hale & Norcross, 260; Horn Silver, 205; Iron Silver, 215: Ontario. 345: Plymouth, 290; Savage, 125. Business Note. The stars fought against Sisera. Bain and the Monongahela House fire made quite a hole in the volume of local bnsiness yesterday. Totett-nine mortgages were officially noted yesterday. The largest was for $35,000. Sixteen of the nnmber were given for purchase money. The Treasury has just shipped $325,000 cur rency West and $100,000 gold to New Orleans. The available balance now in the Treasury is t2t),95S,999. This is tbe lowest point it has reached in years. The latest reports from the Luster mine are to the effect that the company's net earnings are at the rate of 100 per cent on the capital stock. Pittsburg investors will be glad to bear of this with or witbout salt. The Central Traction people are not worry ing themselves over Judge Ewings decision. One of them remarked: "We have no fears for the final outcome. You can make ud, your mind that tbe road will run where it now is." Insurance agents are reaping a harvest throughout Massachusetts. In Haverhill alone, during the last few days, $100,000 of insurance has been taken out. Property holders through out tbe State seem anxious to carry a full line of insurance. Several of the new cars for the Squirrel Hill Electric road have arrived and, are in storage at the Oakland power house of the Fifth Avenue Traction Company. The road from Oakland over the bill to tbe terminus in the Twenty-third ward is almost completed. Unless something happens the cars will be started In the early spring. The certainty of rapid transit communications with the city is causing the territory along the line of the road to build up very rapidly. LATE KEWS IBBEIEP. The Miner House at East Tawas. Mich., was burned yesterday, and two of tbe inmates perished In the flames. Alocomotive ana 15 cars belonging to the Canadian Pacific Railroad were seized at Port Arthur, Ont, yesterday for taxes. The total amount of insurance involved in tbe Thanksgiving Bay fire a: Boston as of ficially reported to date is 82,304,900. At Duluth, Minn., the wife of the Sheriff discovered a hole in tbe wall made by the pris oners, and frustrated a general jail delivery. Governor Hill yesterday refused to inter fere in the case of John Qreenwald under sen tence of death, in Brooklyn, for tbe murder of Lyman S. Weeks. Harry Carlton, alias "Handsome Harry." who murdered Policeman Brennan October 28, 1SSS, was1 banged at the -Tombs prison at 7.30 yesterday morning. It is understood that tbe duties on mining machinery and coke will be remdved and other tariff changes made at the coming session of tbe Canadian Parliament. Yesterday's bond offerings were as follows Coupon 4s, J100; registered 4s. $567,300 at 127. Coupon 48, 82,050 at 104; registered 4H!,$377. 600 at 104. All tbe offers were accepted. John Madden and his wife were burned to death Wednesday night at Kingston, Ont. Their home took fire, and while they were try ing to extinguish the flames their means of escape were cut off. William Jackson, a chopper in a tie camp near Beltou, Mo., bad a figbt with John Ryder, tbe camp cook, Wednesday. Each man was armed with an ax, and the fight continued until both were fatally wounded. Tbe steamer Ataianta arrived at New York yesterday from West Indian ports, with the chief officer and 14 men of the steamer Edith uordun, which foundered at sea on November 20. The Edith Gordon was bound from New York for Montego Bay. No lives were I ost. Considerable excitement was caused at Port Arthur. Out., yesterday, when a bailiff, at tbe instance of tbe tax collector, seized a loco motive and 17 cars, the property of tbe Cana dian racinc uauway, ior taxes aue Dy tne com pany. Part of tbe cars are full of freight and the whole tram is sidetracked. The jury in the trial of Shihok Ingio, the Japanese sailor who murdered Muro Com! Cou tari, a fellow countryman, in tbe Japanese sail ors' boarding bouse. New York City, on Novem ber 10, by stabbing him in the left breast, brought in a verdict of murder in the first de gree yesterday afternoon. He was remanded lor sentence. A few nichts ago the bookkeeper of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank at Fort Worth, Tex, forgot to lock the safe, and Watchman Charles Wallace, discovering this during tbe night, sent for his friend, Lee Reiily. Reilly re sponded with a bag, and $5,000 in silver was car ried off. The men were arrested, and part of the plunder recovered. . A circus exhibited at Lumberton, S. C, Monday night, and a crowd of negroes began a quarrel among themselves. Soon a free fight was In progress and pistols, knives, clubs, stones and other weapons were brought Into use. Jack Hunt, Tom Collier and Julius Em bra were killed and half a dozen others more or less seriously injured. &. 19U A 19 UK H US I37K 1371 IK 15 46 fl 69 117 "H 108K 100i 106 84W S3X MH 90g K-A 83 13 .is n ii ' 9H B 67W SS 66 nil nil 27 67X 67 65 KH 16 16X 70 37U 43 41U 42M 19H 19M 181i 19X a ism S9X MH MM 31 314 31 K nii 7H 74JS 21K 21 21 44 44 43 34K 33X 34X 34 344 34? 18 39 39 S)'4 IS3J4 183)4 184 21 20tf 31 1MH 10o5 5j 15j 14! 14M 37 37 S7H 88 86 85 19K 19 19K 68H 67 67H 13 Wi 13 SO 29S S0H 83 tSK 83 tTiH Kh 60X IS liii 41J 40 "Jimmy" Hope, the noted bank burglar, was yesterday discharged from custody by Judge Wheeler in the United States Circuit Court, at New York, and he was allowed two days' time to leave tbe State. His Honor de cided that tbe prisoner was entitled to his liberty, having served imprisonment for the crime nnder which be was extradited. Viscount Preto, the last Prime Minister of Brazil under the Empire, who was exiled npon tbeproclauation of the Republic, has arrived atTeneriffe, byway of St Vincent While at tbe latter place he bad a conference with Dom Pedro, the ex-Emperor. Viscount Preto has given an account of the revolution.which agrees with tbe details heretofore oublisned. The action brought by Mrs. John W. Mackay against an English newspaper for charging that, prior to her marriage to Mr. Mackay, Mrs. Mackay was a washerwoman in Nevada, was settled by the defendants apolo gizing to the plaintiff for tbe publication of tbe article complained of and paying tbe costs of tbe action. The defendants also agreed to pay a certain sum of money to some charitable in stitution to be selected by Mrs. Mackay. Slewing of Sleop. Dr. Flint's Remedy, for tbe man or woman who finds himself or herself unable to sleep nights. Is an Invaluable medicine, which will not only procure the blessing of sleep, bat will prevent a general breaking down of the sys tem. Descriptive treatise witn each bottle; or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. uvrr Cash paid for old gold aadjsitver at HBcb'v.o.29SI,iI(aTP WW : '$ DOMESTIC MAKKETS. Dairy Prodncfs of High Grade Prom ise to Go Up Higher.' GAME ip YERY ABUflDAHT ASD DULL Coffee and Sngar Firm Not Orleans Mo lasses Advancing. OATS AND OLD CORN IN GOOD DEMAND Office of PrrrsBtrno Dispatch,! Thursday. December 6, 18S9. J Country Produce Jobbing; Price. Frowning skies to-day proved unfavorable to trade. Game is plenty and dull. Fresh poul try is in good demancLbut old stock is neglected. Demand for choice apples improves. Cranber ries are scarce and firm. Demand for all choice dairy products is active .and prices are firm. High grade cheese and good creamery butter are looking np. Cbeese factories have sus pended operations and stock is now mostly in the hands of dealers. A rise between now and holidays is about certain. BuTTEB-Creamery, Elgin, S30e; Ohio do,2627c; fresb dairy packed, 2221c; country rolls, 2122c Beass Navy band-picked beans, $22502 SO; medium, 52 102 20. Beeswax 2tj30c $3 & for choice; low grade, 1820c Cider Sand refined, 16 507 60; common. S3 501 00; crab cider. 3 008 50 t barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c 51 gallon. CHESTNUTS $5 0035 50 ?1 bushel; walnuts. 6070c V bushel. Cheese Ohio, llllc; New York, lljc; Limburger, Si&Uc; domestic Sweitzer, il 13Kc; imported Sweitzer, 23c Eaos 2126c V dozen for strlctlv fresh. Fkuits Auples. fancy, ! 503 50 fl barrel; California pears, S3 501 00 a box; cranberries, JS 609 50.fl barrel; Malaga grapes, Urge bar rel, js oa Game Squirrels. 75cfl W dozen; quail, tl f dozen; praine chickens, U 50o 00 ?1 dozeu; pheasants, ti G05 00 f) dozen; rabbits, SI 601 75 f) dozen; venison saddle, 1617c fl pound; venison carcass. 12013c f) pound. Feathebs Extra lire geese, 5060c; No. L do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c $ &. Poultky Live chickens, 5o65c a pair; dressed, 809c a pound; ducks, bo75c fl pair; geese, SI 2ol 30 $ pair: live turkeys, lOQllo t ft; dressed turkeys. 12311c ?t ft. Seeds Clover, choice, 62Ss to bushel. S5 009 6 25?) busbel; clover, large English, 62tts, 560; clover. Alslke, !8 00; clover, white, 9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 Bs, Jl 50; blue grass, extra clean. 14 Bs, 00c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Ss, SI 00; orchard grass, 11 lbs, $1 65; red top, 14 as. SI 25; millet, 50 fts. 81 00; German millet, 50 fts, SI 50; Hungarian grass, 0 Us, SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 82 60 jf! bushel of 14 &s. Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, t ac Tropical Fruits Lemons, common. S3 GO 4 00; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges, $250 3 00; bananas, 2 00 firsts SI 50 good seconds, $t bunch; encoanuts, S4 004 50 9 hundred: figs, 8K9c &; dates, 5 0c V : new layer figs, 14K16Kc; new dates. Tfie p B. Vegetables Potatoes, from store. S055c: on track, 4015c: cabbages, SI 00S 00 a hun dred; celery. 40c. dozen; Jerseys, S4 004 25; turnips, SI 001 oO a barrel; onions, $2 a barrel. Buckwheat Flour 22c $) pound. Groceries. Trade is active and coffee and sugar are firm enough to go np higher at an early day. Ad vices from New Orleans indicate a short yield of choice open kettle molasses. Reliable esti mates place a shortage of 60 per centfrom last year. These estimates have stimulated prices and an advance of 2 to 3c per gallon since last week is reported. Choice New Orleans mo lasses are no doubt a good purchase at present prices, as a further advance is about as certain as anything future can be. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2321c; choice Bio, 21022c; prime Bio, 20c; low grade Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 2728c; Mar acaibo, 23K21c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 2021c: Caracas, 2224c; peaberry. Rio,23X 21c: La Guayra, 23K21c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades. 2529Kc; old Government Java, built, 31K33c; Maracaibo, 272Sc; Santos, 24KQ28Mc; peaberry, 28Kc; choice Rio. 25c; piime Rio. 23c; good Rio. 2 ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 192Uc; allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70SOc. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 testTJic: Ohio. 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8Jc; water white, lOkc; globe, 1414c: elalne, I4c; car nadlne, Ilc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil. 11 MINERS' OH No. 1 winter strained, 4647c f) gallon; summer. 40013c. Lard oil, 70c. Syrups Corn syrup, 2S30c; choice sugar syrup, S3S3SC; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c: new manle syrup, 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c: choice. 48c: medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop, 63c. 8oda Bl-carb in kegs, 33Jc; bi-carb in Ks, &Mc; bl-carb, atsorted packages. 66c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. Candles btar, full weight, 8c; stearine, $1 sotj 8Kc; parafflne, 11912c. Rice Head, Carolina, 63i7c; choice, 6Q Cc; prime, 536c: Louisiana, 5&c. Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 47c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, 2 90; California Loudon layers, S2 75; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, S2 10; Valencia,7c; Ondara Valencia, 8JiSic; sultana,9Kctcurrants,5X55c; Turkey prunes. 45c; French prunes. 69c; Salonica prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c; cocoanuts, f) 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan., $1 ft, 20c; do. Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily flloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12013c; new dates, 66Kc; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit ron, f) ft, 1920c; lemon peel, ft ft, 16c; orange peel, lixx Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per & 6c, ap ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap orated. 14llic: peaches, evaporated, pared, 628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,13KUKc; cher ries unpitted, 5Gc; raspberries, evaporated, 25K26c: blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries. Sugars Cnbes,75ic; powdered, 75c; granu lated, "!c; confectioners' A, 7Jc; standard A, 7c; soft white, 6e6Jic;yellow,choice,6ii6c; yellow, good, 66Jc; yellow, fair, 6Jic; yellow, dark, 5c. Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), So GO; medi um, half bbls (GOO), S3 25. S alt N o L V bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, 9 bbl, $1 05; dairy. 9 bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal. bbl. SI 20: Higglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgins' Eureka, 16-11 ft Dockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00 2 25; 2ds, $1 B5l 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, SI 001 50; Hid Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 85c: string do, 6065c: mar rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7080c; pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75; H.mann nlnm. Q. 1. aAn trt num CI O. egg plums, S2 00; California pears. $2 60: do greengages, SI 85: do egg plums, Sr85; extra white cherries, $2 40: raspberries, 95cSl 10; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40: tomatoes, 8580c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90; blackberries, Ooc; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked. 90c; do green. 2-ft, SI 251 50; corn beer, 2-ft cans, S2 05; 14-& cans, S14; baked beans, SI 45 1 50: lobster, 1-ft, SI 751 bO: mackerel, 1ft cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, 3s, S4lS4 50; sardines, domestic. K'. S6 757 00; sardines, imported, is, SU 5012 50, sardines, imported. Us. SI8: sardines, mustard. S3 20: sardines, spiced, S3 60. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, mess, S36: No. 2shore mackerel. $24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4c 33 ft; do medium. George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks. 6K7Kc Herring Round shore. Si 60 $ bbl; spilt, 88 60; lake, 82 75 fl 100-ft half bbl. White fish, J6 00 3)100 & half bbL Lake trout, SS GO fl half bbl. Fin nan haddock, 10c S3 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c V ft. Pickerel, bbl, $2 00; v bbl. 81 IP; Poto mac herring, $5 00 ffl bbL 82 50 1 bbL OATMEAL 56 006 25 bbL . Grain, Floor and Feed. Bales on call at the Grain Exchange, 4 cars of extra 3 white oats, 28c, 10 days, P. R. R.; 1 car S yellow shell corn. 3Sc, December. Total re ceipts as bulletined, 23 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of feed, 3 of barley, 5 of flour, 1 of hay, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg, Cin cinnati and St. Louis. 2 cars of oats. 3 of corn, 2 of hay, 1 of wheat. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of wheat By Pittsburg and Western. 1 car of bay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of corn. The stronc factors of cereal markets are oats and old corn. Choice hay is firmer than it has been for some time past Flour Is moving freely, but without any advance. In fact, the drift of prices is toward a lower leveL One of our Jobbers reports sales yesterday of 1,600 bar rels of the best spring patent flour in wood to Philadelphia at S3. Prices below are for carload lots on track. Wheat New Na 3 red, 8485c:, No. 3,80 ,82c. Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4213c; new, 37g38c; high mixed, ear. 404lc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4242c; new, 373Sc;hlgh mixed, shelled, 41 41Kc; mixed. 8belIed,4ie41Hc Oats No, 2 white. -JSJ3c; extra. No. 3, 27K2Sc: mixed. 2026Kc Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6051c: No. 1 Western, 4819c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, 45 46c Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, $5 005 60; winter straight Si 25Q4 50; clear winter. $4 004 25; straight XXXX bakers', $3 603 75. Bye flour, S3 503 MflO.yjitD-SqddUsiJi, tea. WW, ftf 09f 15 S8 ft ton; brown middlings, HI 0013 OS: winter wheat bran. HI 25011 60; ' chop feed, 815 59816 0a Hat Baled timothy. No. L til 25011 60; No. 2 do, 88 00010 00; loose from wagon. 811 00 012 Oft according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay, 17 0SS Xh packing do. S7 257 5a Straw Oats, to 7537 00; wheat and rye straw, 86 O0& 25. Provision. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, lOJic: sugar-cured hams, small, llJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c; sugar cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders.7Vc:sugar-cured California hams, 7c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, &c: bacon clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7c; dry salt shoulders, 5Kc: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy. SU 50; mess pork, family, 812 00. Lard refined, in tierces, 6e; half barrels. 6c; 60-ft tubs, 6Kc; 20-ft pails, 6Jc; 60 ft tin cans. 6c; 3-& tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin pails, (gic; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 6-ft tin pails. Kic. Smoked sausaire. loner. 6c: large. 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams.l0c jrigs ieet, nan oarrei, H w, quarter oarrej, f J Dressed Meat. The following prices are furnished by Armour A Co. on dressed meat": Beef carcasses, 450 to550 fts, 6c; 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 65c Sheep, 7Kc V ft- Lambs; 9c fl ft. Hogs, 5c Fresh pork loins. 7c A Dreara. Last night when lost in slumber I had a sad. sad dream I dreamt that I was wandering Beside a woodland stream. Around and all about me Grew flowers fresh and fair; Anemones and violets Bloomed in profusion there. But lot I stooped to pick them And in place of flowers fair Naught but dark, uead leaves Lay scattered about me there. i Morning dawned and gazing about me The dream proved all too true For autumn's leaves were falling And lay where the flowers grew. I searched in vain for one bright flower, But, alas! not one was there. Nothing but leaves, faded and sear. On tbe ground and in the air. Once my lite, as in tbe dream Was bright as a summer's day. And I wandered tbrougb tbe woodland Gathering flowers along my way. Now searching for the flowers That once bloomed for me so bright I find naught but the dark, dead leaves As in my dream last nigbt Boston Courier. BOON t0 Hoosewmti. kSL Iho fanner and warring man who have been out ha tha mud all day can wash their boots clean sfefore enterinEthehOTse.Theyirin be Soft, Polished and Dry, if dressed with. Wolff'sACMEBIacking Hikes housekeeping easier; Saves Sweeping and Scrtibbinff, The boots wm wear a great deal longer, wQ not get stnT and hard in snow water or rain, and will ba WATERPROOF. Ladies, by it and insist that your husband and sons use it Onceaweek for Gents' Shoes and once a month far Ladiee'. Unequaiedasa Harness DresslngandPreserrer SoldbyShoe Stores, Grocers, Druggists, Ao. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. KWTSU ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, is witnessed by tbe fact that we secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCELLENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, held in Philadel phia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with tbe bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889. The GOLD MEDAL has been awarded to ARMOUR & CO., Chicago, For their exhibit of BEEF EXTRACTS. REMEMBER, no2S-61-jrwT WHOLESALE -:- HOUSE, WOOD AND LIBERTY STS. Special attractions now open, in useful goods specially suited for the Holiday Trade. Dealers are invited to inspect tbe stock, which is complete, and at prices which can not fail to impress the buyer. nol9-D TOYMEN manhood ,et& IwiUsenaajal suffering from tie ef fects of youuuui er- n vis, wwij ..., , .uo. ...In.MA tiatfwt fWftlMl . 1vHuw- Inrf Jontainintr fuU particular for home cure, free of. epROF.AF.tcTFOWLER, Moodus, Conn. OClS-43-DSUWk esTEAaiKIM AND EXCDttSSlOHa. STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage S33 to tsa according to loeattoa of stateroom. Excursion fS5 to too. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO., General Agents, 3 Broadway, New York. j. j. Mccormick. Agem 039 and 401 Smithfiold St., Pittsburg. Pa. ocSl-D rrTHlTE STAB LIN &- FOB qrEEflSTOWN AND LIVEBPOOL. Royal and United States Hall Bteamers. Teutonic, Dec 11,7:30 am Germanic, Dec. 13,2pm Bri tannic, Dec23t 7:30am Adriatic Jan. L reltle. Jan. 8. Germanic, Jan. 15. Britannic, Jan. 22. 'Adriatic. Jan. 29. Vrom Wnlta Star dock. root of WestTectnst. Hecond cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates. S50 and upward. Second cabin. t33 and upward, according-to steamer and location or berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage PJ. White Star drafts payable on demand In all the principal banks throughout Ureat Britain. Ap ply to JCBN J. McfOKMICK, 639 and t Smith field St.. Plttsburir, or J. BUIjCE UMAX, Gen eral Aftend U Broadway, New If ore. no-D ANCHOR LINE. United Stiiss Mail Sisimors. Hail every SATUBDAT from NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Calling at MOVILLE, (Londonderry.) Cabin passasce to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, f15 and 5. Bound trip, SW and 100. Second-class. 130. Steerage, fX. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE via Azores. Best route to Alders and coast ot Morrocco. NEW YORK to FLORES, FAYAL.GIBRALTAR, NAPLES, VENICE and TRIESTE. 8. n. VIOrOBIA. WEDNESDAT. JANUABlfS. Cabin passage to Azores, S to 190: Naples, (90 to 1100: Venice, tia. Drafts on Great Britain. Ireland or Italy, and letters or credit at favorable rates. ' Apply to HESJDEKSON BBOTHEK8, N. Y or J. J.XKMlCK.S33and 401 Smlthflold st. ;A.D. HOOKER Jt SUN, 41S Smtthdeld St., VHtstiure; W. mHarLE, Jf Mt4re4falt, Allef any. A 0&01- 3uv-J S-,?-- i... I..JB rfRM crWl T vi ,. -i iiTra? ' "T JMW;.. J -.? S r iKEB NEW ADYEETISEMETTH . Tlio Great EacternlUiator JSlood Poison. e( I All of the opinion S. S. fct should stand at the head of tha list of blood remedies. I art rived at this conclusion from the testimony of scores of persons who have told moot the; good results from its use. I have been selling S.S.B.foryears.andltbaswonalarea sale. C. A. GROTTrn, Mayflower, Art.. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mafleoiV free. This Swtst Specitio Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta jt 1 nn1lt.!.inirit V " "J"" "- 'A 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. rZTTaJlTTXRG, JPAf Transact a General BanMm Mm Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commar dal Credits, m STEBLING, Available in all paits of the world. Alsoiseuey Credits IK DOT.T.ABS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, 'West', Indies, Boutb and Central America. an7-91-jrwT linOKEES FINANCIAL. -ITTHIINBY &. BTEPHKNSON, EI FOURTH AVENUE. -r Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel fllorjran &. Co., New York. Passports procured, ap2S-l THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO ,0F PITTSBURG, NO. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. Incorporated January 24, 1S67. Charter per petual. Capital S300.00a Burglar-proof vaults! for securities and valuables. Acts as Execul tor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee and alt other fiduciary capacities. DlRECTORa A. Garrison, Edward Greeg, Wm. Rea. Thos. Wishtraan, A. E. W. Painter, Chas. J. Clarke. A. P. Morrison. Felix K. Brunor, John H. Riclcptson. OFFICERS. A. Garrison, President: Edward Grtxz, First" Vice President: Wm. Rea, Second Vice PresU dent: Wm. T. Howe, Setfy and Treas.; Robt. O, Moore, Asat. Secy and Treas.; Henry A. MUlerl Counsel, No. 153 Fourth avenue. de4-xwT h die JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 15 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. ravBJn MEDICAL. nil&WMI; - islal How Lost! How Regained, khow thyself; 'i's-i - BCTJEnroi os A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa tne.Krrorso: xontn,rrematureecune,nervoua and Physical Debility, Imparities of the Blood, Resulting from Folly, Vice, lgnorsnce, Ex cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unflt ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar riage or Social Relations. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess tblsj great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful binding, embossed, lull gilt. Pjce, only SI by malt postpaid, concealed inViSlri wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, ffyou apply now. The distinguished author. Vm.H. Parker, M. D.recelved the GOLD AND JEW. ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Parkeranda corps of Assistant Physicians may ba con sulted, confidentially, by mail or inperson. at tbe office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL IN. STITUTE, No. 4 BulfinchSL, Boston, Mass., to whom all orders for books or letters for advice should be directed as above. aulS-67-Tursuwlc GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE - CURES NERVOUS DEBIUTY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. full particulars In pamphlet sent free. Tha nulne Urar's, bpeelflc sold by drujzlsts only In yellow wrapper. Price, fl per ' "J nirkKPA. Ar aIt for SS. or by mallf V , on reeemt or nrlce. by address-' Bg THE UKAX JLELIIUI-SK W, BIIUB, n. I Sold mPlttsbnrg liyS. S. HOLLAND- corneri Bmithfleld and Liberty sts. apU-s DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In aft cases re quiring scientiUc and con Aden-w. uiu treaiuieuti us. a. v. mnc M. R. C. P. 8, Is the oldest and most eroerlenced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free andr-4 trirtlv mnfldentiaL umcar POUTS to ana to UP. m.; oanaajs. - ia r. jri K.Consult them personauy. or write, aiuuxosag 1a.&js. oa jrenn &to jrifcuuur, jA-mxi w jb o3e'S Oottoai BOOTS COMPOUND rrvMed of Cotton BooUTaorv asdM PEnnrroTal n. recent discovery trraa' 'old nhvslclan. Is tuccasfntly Mted montMif-Safe, EffectuaL Price JL by mail, sealed. TjirflpjL ask vanr drturrist lor Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,, or inolOM 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. S Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, jmca. Jta-Sold In Plttsburir. Pa- by Jose nfi DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, riTTSBCRG. VA. As old residents know and back flies of Pittt burs papers prove, is the oldest established and mosi prominent physician In tne city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. - SSffSSSNOFEEUNTILCUREO-, MCDnilCaud mental diseases physical) ' IM C tl V U U Odecay. nervous debility, lace o energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, basbfuluess, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, inw poverished blood, fall lng powers, organlcweak-. ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption. un- fitting the person for business, society and mar riage. permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINsrM blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the systenu ' IIDIMADV kidney and Dladder derange U ill linn I iments, weak back, gravel, ca larrbal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive expert, ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consnlatlon freeu Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. H. to 8 p. h. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. 31. only. DR. WHITTIER, 81 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. noMOX-DSn-wk. xirsra WiTN? fJsjBsPk:liA assssrPels 1 ,!,- tojoD,Dlaaionaw(JiIwketit, MWfj -J1