PWIdhP PTO'1rfeATGH, TUESDAY, " ITOVEMBERflSlSH ., 4 5- i . - - jy - . -, .j- -p " v &, V.'1 r-Y IFflE OKDERS ISSUED. r - jCMef Marshal Weihe Names His Aids ior me aiuimiuu luruue FE0M YAEIODS OEGAKIZATIOKS. It Will be a Lively ThaniBgiTing Day for the Loval Workmen. ATRILAKGE TURNOUT IS EXPECTED William Weihe, Chief Marshal of the Armstrong parade, has made all the neces sary arrangements ior the dedication of the Monument on Thursday. The Executive Committee met at Amalgamated headquar ters last evening and completed certain de tails. The following order of the marshal is self-explanatory: Pittsbubg, Pa., November 25, 18S9. The Chief Marshal announces the revised and corrected list of his aids: Each aid will wear a -white badge bearing a pict ure of Thomas A. Armstrong, with the words, "Ala to Chler Marshal." Inscribed thereon, which will be furnished them at a nominal cost bv the Adjutant to Chief Marshal on the moraine of parade. All will report mounted at 11 A. it. to the Chief Marshal at bit headquarters. Carpenters and Joiners J. . Gallagher. Kob ert Davis, A. Groetzlnfter, F. Wood. T. W. Davis, B. B. Uaumgardner. Charles Newrohr, Daniel Crawford. Bricklayers-J. H. ltvan. Hod carriers K.H. Conway. Painters-George Drsart. JamesTallan, John Kowe. Michael ellliran. David McClelland, Casper Lumbach. James loung. Jos. Knox, Jr. Tin and bheetlron Hooters J. B. Goodwin. Stonemasons-John Griffiths, George Jones. Stonecutters George McAdams, liobert Trailer. Iron Holders-felmon bchllch, S. McCal lister, T. Trloner, William Fappenger, Joseph Shelly, JamesMeNoldr. Union Veteran Legion Captain B. Galllsaitb. Daniel McWillUms, John H. btevenson. Tost 162, O. A. R J. r. Iseelcy, L. M. Armor, Jonas Walker. James bhipman, James Wilson. Brass Workers C A. Bauer. Window Glass Workers John G. Schllcker, Patrick Cleary, Walter U llson. John Berry, C V. Church. C. A. Campbell, Thomas Fltzpatrlck, Daniel Winters. Barbers-John G. Mebcrt. Musical Union-C. H. William Kuhe. Cijrannakers Oeorge L. Konijr. Pressmen's Union Joseph Jackson. Teamsters, K. of L. ell McFarland, James Kodan. liallroad Brake men Charles Brown. Kallroad Mremen F. J. 'lhomer. Electricians J. J Sweeney, James Brenner. A. M. Davis. Printers fcd Cook, Frank Turner. Job Printers Frank Lewis. Grocernnen's Association Thomas Grundv. Steam Fitters Thomas bhannahan. John Boland. A. A. of I. and S. AV Assistant Secretary Stephen Madden and Trustee John Pierce: depu ties, M. M. Garland, George S. Bslrd, Thomas Lowthcr. Emmanuel Schlllo. John V Williams, Patrick Moran. and the following members from sub-lodres: Valley, John C. McCabe, W'.E. Hase nauer: Duquesue, Thomas Marlow; Sllgo, E. H. McAnlnch, William Corbly, Peter Amon; Custer, George Jones, William Dement. Patrick Wilson; Champion, fcamuel Jones; Tubal Cain, P. H. Mc Gowan, William McNamara: Munhall, George "W. Sarver, J. M. Colgan; McKnlght, K. L. Mar tin, James W. Harvey: American, A. D. Gue, John Donahue, Edward liojrers. Samuel Moody: "John Kane," David Francis: West End, William Stephens, Fred Haas; Keystone, F. M. Shaffler; ltepubllc, Leonard Kaufman, James, W. Morris, Wlnslow Jaekson; Armor, Joseph Bridges, A. B. Hunt; "Tbomas Marlow," John Hnlse, W. A. Bussell; Soho. Thomas A. Hogan, Thomas Armstrong, L. T. Brown, Peter Keelan; Acme, Hugh O'Donnell, Os car Colefish, Oliver P. Antbs, W. J. Abbott: Elba, John Collett. "George Wash ington." J. H. Dodge; Pittsburg Central, b. S. Waitneight, William Wasscll; Hope.Grlfflth Davies; Harmony, M llliam Evans Alex. Hanlon, P. W. Joyce: Independent, Jonathan DavlB; BoyaL John Oulgley, Francis McParlau: Bishop, Tbomas B. Morgan. Eugene Buckley, Chris Evers: Eureka. K. K W arrcn. J. W. McCoy, J. G. Connelly: Good Intent, John Harrison: Ever Faithful, J. C. Killgallon, Alonzo Potter; Invin cible. Evan Evans: W ayne, J. J. Gallagher, John HcConvllle. William Anthony, R. II. Jones, R. L. Jones. V. Smith. Arthur Kooney; Fountain, Georee W. McCombs: "William Martin. "John Mills, Ed Humphries, Peter Stein: Vice President Harry Hockine; Wheeling Central, C. H. Kauf man; juingo, . . unmtns: Ajikanna, jonn n. Brown: Vice President James H.Iiutt:Sbenango, Harrv I. Davis, John Durbln: Atlantic John Blrt. Benlamln Jones. Geonre Powell: occidental. James McEldowney: Cherry Valley, Urlanoo Jack- W. C Carlln, John Cooney, Wm. Nichols, John Griffiths. Patrick Green. Josenh Good. John Har ney (beater), Joseph Webb, Wm. Sullivan, John The respective divisions will form as fol lows: First division, comprising all the printers1 organizations. Post 162, G. A. R-, letter carriers, and the Union Veteran Legion. Second division, comnrislnc the window and flint class workers. chlmnef and bottle blowers, cutters, packers and mold makers. Third division, comprising all tbe lodges of tbe Amalgamated Association of Iron ana steel sorters, win lorm on water street, right resting on Smithfield. Fourth division, comprising ail local assemblies under the Juris diction of D. A. Sand visiting assemblies or the K. of L. Fifth division, comprising tbe building trades, in tbe following order: bisters and roofers, stonemasons, bricklayers, steam fitters, electricians, marble and slate workers and tile lavera, local unions or C B. of Carpenters and vOineis, painters and decorators,, hod carriers, stone cutters, tinners, sheet Iron and cornice workers, and plasterers, will form on First ave nue, right resting on Smithfield street. Sixth division, comprising all the iron inolders, pattern makers, brass workers, machinists and foundry employes. Seventh division, comprising the horse shoers, coal miners, coke workers and mis cellaneous organizations ana carriages, will form on Second avenue, right resting on Smithfield street. The procession will be headed by a platoon of police. Chief Marshal and staff, the Executive Committee In carriages, followed by the respect ive divisions. In tbe order given above. The route of the procession is from Water street to bmlthfield street, to Second avenue to Grant street, to Third avenue, to Ko street, to Fifth aveane, to Washington street, to Wylle avenue, to Filth avenue, to Market street, to Sixth street, to bridge, to Federal street, Alleghenv, to orth avenue, to Irwin avenue, to W estern' avenue, to Ohio street, to monument and disband. The Chief Marshal and Executive Committee will re view the procession al Ohio and Marion streets, after which the exercises will commence. Commanders of each Division will form their commands four abreast, and at a time not later than 11 o'clock sharp be in their respective posi tions to await orders from the Chief Marshal. Wm. W eihe. Chler Marshal. James Pemtt, chlerof staff. W. H. BABKES, Adjutant. FOE THUKSDAFS PARADE. Orders Iswued to Division No. 2, Comprising Glass Honse Workers. John P. Eberhart, marshal of the Second division of the Armstrong memorial parade on next Thursday, issned the following orders yesterday. Headquarters Second Division, ) Pittsburg. November 25, 1SS9. General Order No. 2. The marshal of tbe Second division belnp de Eirons of havinc said division composed of foot men only, there will be no appointments for mounted staff made otber than those already announced. They are: HenrvKricm, chief of staff, and Conrad Auth, adjutant. The Second division will be composed of window class workers, creen glass workers and flint class workers, and will form in the order named. This division includes, of course, mixers, teasers, mold maters and other glass workers, each class forming with that section with which it is associated in its work. This division will form at 11 a. m. sharp, No vember 28, on the south side of Water street. rientTestinc on Smithfield street, It is intended that the column be ready to move at 11 o'clock a. m and all are requested to be In their places at that time. Signed Jonx P. Eberkart, Marshal Second Division. Henbt Kweji. Chief of Staff. COXKAD AUTH, Adjutant. The Committee on Parade is composed of the following glass workers: "W. E. Scott, John H. Fees, John Burton and Georee L. Cake. The Altoona Brass Band will fur nish the music fo- this division, which, it is expected, will comprise about 800 men. A Flensing laxative Whoever has taken Hamburg Figs will never take any other kind of laxative medicine. They are pleasant to the taste, and are sure in their action, a few doses curing the most obstinate case of constipation or torpidity of the liver. 23 cents. Doe.oneflg. Mack Drug Co., N. Y. TTSU A Thnnksgivlnc Surprise. A great many men treat themselves to a new overcoat or suit just before Thanksgiv ing J)ay, and we have arranged a genuine surprise to indnce good dressers to call at onr store to-day and to-morrow. An entire new lot of men's fine chinchilla and kersey overcoats in four shades (blue, grav, black and brown), about 1,200 in all, will be sold for a $10 note apiece. Bemember to-day and to-morrow only they will be sold at $10. They are first-class garments, well gotten up and we can saiely mention them as theprize bargains of the season. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court Honse. Fine Carrinse Eobes, For operas, receptions and weddings, J50 to f 250 each. Jos. Hobite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Snlriut, SalTlnl, Snlrlnl. Special gaslight opening; eveningbonnets for theater, etc, Tuesday night, Kov. 26, from 6 to 9 o'clock. Stylish evening bonnets; never shown before; 55 to 87 W. E. 8. Giles, Si and 96 Federal street. PITTSBURG TO CHICAGO. Just Half a Dozen Trains Each Day, "With through Pullman sleeping car service, ovet the Pennsylvania lines from Pittsburg Union station to Chicago, leaving by cen tral standard time. Distance 468 miles. Time as follows: Br Panhakdle Bouts: Leave Pittsburg. . . .1:15 A. M. 12:05 p. la. Arrive Chicago 5:00 P. M. 725 A. M. By Poet "Wayne Boute: Leave Pittsburg. . . .725 A. M. 1220 P. M. Arrive Chicago 9:30 . M. .7:00 a. m. By Poet "Wayne Boute: LeavePittsburg... .8:45 p.m. 1150P.M. Arrive Chicago 9:45 A.M. 5:00 P. M. Exclusively for the accommodation of Pittsburg passengers, a Pullman perfected safetv vestibule sleeping car is run on the "Limited." leaving Pittsburg at 8:45 P. M. daily. This car is ready at the Union sta tion to receive passengers at 8 P. M., central time, or 9 P. M., Eastern time. If you would know more of the facilities afforded to Western travelers by the Pennsylvania lines inquire of any of their agents, or kind ly call upon or drop a, note to Samuel Stoodv, District Passenger Agent, at 1127 Liberty street, Pittsburg. He will answer you cheerfully and promptly. ttsu ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL EVERETT PIANO, Club Certificate No. 15S, Held In Pittsbnrc, Is the Fortunate Number This Week. The piano selected is one of those ele gantly carved rosewood cases. The front panels over tbe keyboard, designed and artistically carved in groups of wild roses, by "Meyran," of Boston. The trusses sup porting the keyboard are Anted columns with Corinthian crowns, and the ends of piano handsomely paneled in pearl mold ins:, altogether making one of the loveliest pianos ever brought to Pittsburg. The tone has a wonderful depth and richness, com bined with that sustained singing quality so much admired by cultivated musicians. These pianos are certainly as near perfec tion as any we have ever seen, and the Everett Club plan gives an opportunity to every lover of music to possess a fine piano. Tbe "Manager, Alex. Boss, 137 Federal st, Allegheny, says they have room for a few more good members. A Good Indorsement, From Philadelphia Musical Journal, Aug., 1889: At the New York State Music Teachers' Convention the Miller Artist Grand was used by "America's greatest pianist," Mr. Wm. H. Sherwood. Mr. Sherwood's per formance was considered by his musical friends to have been one of the grandest and most successful of his life, and he was greeted with a storm of applause on its con clusion. While receiving the heartiest con gratulations from the officers of the New York Association'and the many musicians present, he publicly stated it would have been impossible for him to have produced such magnificent results in tone coloring on any other grand piano made in this country. A fine selection of these famous pianos can be seen at W. C Whilehill's music par lor, 152 Third avenue, opposite Government building. A TbnnksBivlng Surprise. A great man men treat themselves to a new overcoat or suit just before Thanksgiv ing Day, and we have arranged a genuine burprise to induce good dressers to call at our store to-day and to-morrow. An entire new lot of men's fine chinchilla and kersey overcoats in four shades (blue, gray, black and brown), about 1,200 in all, will be sold for a $10 note apiece. Bemember to-day and to-morrow only they will "be sold at " 510. They are first-class garments, well gotten up and we can safely mention them as the prize bargains of the season. P. 0. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. B.6VB. Bead display ad. this paper; the wide ele gant silk plushes and velvets at half; choice shades will make velvet department busi ness livelv. Booqs & Buhl. Afternoon Tea. Afternoon Tea. Special opening of evening and reception bonnets Tuesday and Tuesday night, Not. 26. at E. S. Giles', 94 and 96 Federal street, Allegheny. For Operas, Receptions and Weddings, Fine carriage robes, fur and satin lined. Jos. Hornb & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Peepake for the holidays. Cabinet photos ?1 per doz. Extra panel picture at Lies' Popular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. TTSU Just the Thine, Marvin's new Pan-American oyster crack ers; the most delightful little accessory to an oyster supper on the market. Get them from your grocer. mttfs Stylish Trouserincs. The largest stock at popular prices. ttsu Pitcaien's, 434 Wood street. The photographs made by Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, are admired, more and more every dav. People always appreciate good work. Good cabinets $1 a dozen. B.&B. Half price on snch elegant silk velvets and plushes will make business at velvet department to-day. Bead display ad. Boggs & Buhl. Blair's Pills Great Eng'ish gont and rheumatic remedy. Sure, prompt and effect ive. At druggists'. ttsu The time comes when everybody needs Par ker's Ginger Tonic It often saves life. Parker's Hair Balsam cleanses the scalp, F. & Vs. Pittsburg beer grows in favor every year. Kept by all dealers. The Broncho, the latest musio at Kap pel's Music Store, 77 Fifth ave. ttsu MEETINGS. T Sir HE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittslmrt. an JVuijjuii. aeruiiuai suiupauy win ue neia at the office of tbe company, B. 4 0.KE. station, corner Smitbfiold and water streets, Pittsbnrc Pa MONDAY. December 9, I8S9. at 2 p. M. no24-24 C. S. WIGHT, Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Al legheny Droveyard Company will be held at the office of tbe company, B. fc O. R. R. station corner Smithfield ana Water streets, Pittsbunr Pa., MONDAY, December 9, 1S89. at3 p. M. no24 21 C. S. WIGHT, Secy ALL MEMBER3CF L. TJ.NO. SLUNITED Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, are hereby notified to meet at tbe hall on THURSDAY MORNING. November 2S, at 10 o'clock sharp, to turn out in parade. By order ot President. W. K. HUST, R. 8. no2&-29 IO. O. F. ELIAS WILDMAN LODGE NO. , 519. Tte members of Elias Wildman Lodge NO. 519, LO.O.F are requested to meet at their ball. No. 67 Fourth avenue, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON at 130 o'clock, to attend the fu neral of our late brother, Wm. D. Jones. By order of WM. J. LLOYD. N. G. GEO. VETTER, Secy. Wo-18 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS hereby given that the partnership hereto fore existing between H. L. Nicholson and A. C. Fehr. under the firm of Nicholson & Fehr has tbis day been dissolved by mntual consent! H. L. Nicholson retiring. The bnsiness will be continued at tbe old stand by A. C. Fehr and T. M: Hughes, under the firm name of. Fehr 4 Hughes, who are authorized to collect all ac counts ana settle all bills of tbe old firm. H. L. NICHOLSON, A O. FEHR, Pittsburg. November 16. 1SS9. no28-32 EDUCATIONAL. PITTSBUKO, ART SCHOOL. E8TAB LlfaHtD 18S4, offers advantages ot a thorough Academic School of Art, combined witlt private in struction; cicli pnju! under joint ciiiertion , Oeorge Het wl (Dusscldorf AcuJeui J, John W. Hcattv (Munich Acailnmn Students wbo cannot attend daily may enter for limited nnmber nf days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal. anSSS-Tus US Wood street, Pittsburg: SS-Dtsplay adtoatisementx one dollar ptr tquare or one iruertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, JbrSole, To Let, ete., ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken for leu than fifty tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BSuUTCS OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to he prepaid except where advertisers already uve accounts with Tax D1S rATcn. PrrrsBUEG. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, S5k9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Ztth street and Penn ave. E. G.STUCKEYACO., Wylle ave. audFultonst. N. bTOKELY, Firth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenne. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEKSnE113LEK,SUiav. AAlwOOdSt. EOUTB6IDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. SCarson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEqHENY. A. J. KAEBCHEU, S9 Federal street. It. J. McBBIUE. Market House, Allegheny. FKKD H. EGGEltS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EUGEKS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKY M. GLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOBOUGH. W. W. FLOCK KR, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT BO. 1220 CARSON STREET. "WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOB THE SPECIALS0TJTH8IDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. iOnlo HelD. WANTED-BOY 18 OK 17 YEARS OF AGjC Apply to JOHN L. DAWES, bON & CO.. 81 Third ave. no20-5l WANTED-A BUTCHER-MUST BE A GOOD salesman, to attend to store. Address l'. F. P., Dispatch office. no26-27 WANTED HARNESS MAKER. CALL Tuesday at McWHINNEY 4 CO., K7 Lib erty St., between 12 and 2. no2S-33 TT7-ANTED-15 NO. I CARPENTERS, FKAM- VV INGandralslnjr Job. at M1NERSVILLE CAR BARN, End or Wylle ave. car line. noM-62 WANTED A SUBSCRIPTION BOOK MAN to handle Pennsylvania. Address JAMES B. CULLEN & CO., SOS Washington St., Boston, Mass. D025-2 WANTED-STENOGRAPHEK, TYPEWRIT ER; state age, salary, experience: pref erence given toman with knowledge general office duties. P. O. BOX 739. no24-17 TT7ANTED-A BLACKSMITH WHO CAN DO Y V shoeing and general wagon and blacksmith work: steady Job the year round. Apply to GEO. HOFFMAN, McKeesport. no23-100 WANTiD-TRAVELING SALESMEN A good side line (sample free, weight 8 ounces), to send address and reterences to KEY STONE MFG. CO.. Glrard, Erie Co., Pa. no24-101 -TT7-ANTED-A 1 ADVERTISING AGENT IN V Pittsburg on a high-class Journal; circula tion 175, 000 guaranteed; will pay In full on race of contract. Address J. C. COLLIER, 714 Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. no24-130 -TTTA.N1E1J-REI.1ABLE LOCAL ANUTRAV Y ELING salesmen: positions permanent; special Inducements now; fast-selllnjr specialties; don't delav: salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurseryman, Rochester, N.Y. sel7-70-TTS WANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE blanket bolder:" keeps tbe blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse; nothing like It in the market: everv horse owner buys: sample by mall 25c. STAYNEB & CO., Providence, K. I. n 010-95 WANTED EXPERIENCED WHOLESALE notion salesmen, acquainted with the trade of the two cities, the near-by towns and the country trade of Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Address BOX 631, Pittsburg P. O. no26-58-TTS TrrANTEO-ACTiVE MEN TO SELL THE W fastest selllug artlclcln the world; 5 per day can be made until New Year. Call soon, as we will only employ a limited nnmber on this fortune-winner. E. GATELY 4 CO., 23 Federal, Allegheny, Pa. no2t-21-TSu -TT-ANTED-A STIRRING, INTELLIGENT V man of good address to work ontslde the city: salary, fso to tlOO per month, from four months to one year: small cah deposit or bond re quired. Call or addreES. stating age and occupa tion, ROOM 4S, Eisner building. no2S-fc WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA, BAKING powder and pnre spices: gifts with goods; coke -workers, miners or mulmLn can makemoney in their spare time; special Inducements to per sons bavfng established trade. YAMASH1RO TEA CO.. 88 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS TTrANTEU-SALESMEN AT 75 PER MONTH V salarv and expenses, to sell a line of tlver- plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bamculars and sample case of goods free. STAN AR1 SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-GKNEKAL STATE AGENT TO open office headquarters In some principal clty.assume exclusive control of our busfncss,and appoint local or snb-agents in every city in this State. Goods well known, staple as flour, in uni versal demand, and pay a net Dront of SO to 100 per cent. Address, with credentials, THE UNION COMPAJi Y, 744 Broadway. New York. no22-60 TTTA NTD-ABLE SOLICITORS OF EXCEL vV LENT address for our new book. "Mary, tlie Queen of the House of David." Read the fol lowing strong Indorsements: "It has a fascination on everv page." Benson Losslng. "Itls a lit com panion for 'Ben Hnr, and, like It, is fascinating and instructive." Dr. J. H. M. Knox, President of Lafayette College. ! accept with thanks your beautiful book, 'Mary,'etc."-Queen Victoria. "It is a marvelous book. "Dr. A. H, Norcross. Good salarv to the right parties. Call or write If you mean business. Published exclusively ny A. S. GRAY CO., Eisner 4 Phillips bulldlug. no2S-4S WANTED RAKE OPPORTUNITY FOR A few responsible men looking for business, who can command some little capital, to take ex clusive control of tbe 6ale of a very valuable pat ent. Issued this mouth: promises Immense sale, as every property owner throughout the land is in terested on sight: this Is an opportunity or a life time to secure a permanent and very profitable business; any man of ordinary ability ought to make $5,000 a year, and. as becomes known, great Increase the result; Western Pa., and Southern and U estern States still open. Call, 9 to It and 1 to &02S-71 Female Help. TT7-ANTED-A REFINED AMERICAN LADY VV for position requiring services from 9 to 4; to suitable party liberal compensation; call after 10. ROOM 7, W Ninth St. no2S-57 WANTED LADY AGENTS FOR OUR NKW Mcintosh Kaglln; superior cloth, in wide stripes on outside: vulcanized rubber on inside: close fitting: very stylish: never snots: beautiful I as the finest cloth garment ever made and is abso- lutely waterproof : agents sell six a day and make k uu; great opportunity; aiso une line omer goods. Address E. II. CAMPBELI,, 4S4 Randolph st., Chicago. noZ-69-TTEu Male and Female HcId. -Tir ANTED-AT ONCE MALE COOK, FARM VY bands, housekeeper. Catholic preferred: 50 cooks. 10 chambermaids, 100 house girls, nurse, eol. girls, 2 kitcben girls, 2 dining room girls. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant St. noSM fclluntlons. -TVTANTED-A POSITION IN A HARDWARE VV store; good reference: moderate expectation. Address P., McKee's Rocks, Pa. no26-25 Booms, Houses. Sec WANTED-TO RENT FURNISHED FLAT OF 4 or 5 rooms In Allegheny: must be nicely furnished, good location. Address, with particu lars, N. T Dispatch office. no26-2S ANTED-FOK THE WINTER, BY A FAM- II. Y of four adults, a furnished honse of eight Or ten rooms in Allegheny; must be good Io- latlon; references given.'- Answer MILTON, Dls- paicn omce. nozs-24 Financial. TTT-ANTED-MOBTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN V In sums to suit at , 5 and 6 per cent, ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth are. Tel. 167. apI9-14-TT6SU WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over (4,000; H Per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO.. 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-MORTGAGiaj-(1.000,OXTOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent, free of btate tax: no delay. REED B. wiiiL kaj ui rourta ave. myn-60 WANTED TO LOAN (500,000. IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on ii percent, free or tax; also smaller ara onnts at 6 and 6 per cent, BLACK 4 BAIKD, 95 1 ourth avenue. sc!1h1X-d -TTTANTED MOKTGAGES-(l, 000, OD0TO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at H, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and aqia cent counties at 6 per cent. I. At. PENNOCK A SON, lft Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 -IT7-ANTFl-TO A.OAN (200,000 ON MORT- VV GAGES: (100. and upward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business 1ropertv; also In adloluiug counties, s. H. i'RLNCM. IS Fourth avenue. OC2I-4-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-1100,000 TO LOAN on mortgages, in sums from (500 to (10, 000, for 3 to 5 years on city property, at very low rates; write fer terms and give description or property, J. E. GLASS, 13 Fifth are, Telephone No. 1741. noU-47 WANTED. financial. w ANTED-SMALL MOK1GAGES-L J.WIL SON, 149 1 onrtn ave. mw" . WANTED-MORTGAGES. BEE EWING 4 BYKRS, No. 93 Federal street. no24-77-TTSSn -TT7-ANTED MORTGAGES LARGE AND W small. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant street. U012-55-D miscellaneous. WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) of Stewart 4 Co. 's fine cabinet photos for iL at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-49-TTBn ANTED - NOVEMBER IS THE" LAST month for fine cabinets at II per dozen, at AUFBKCHT'3 ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. noS-fO-TWTSSn ANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., All'y., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for fS; all line work. mh 13-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citr Residences. FOR SALE-WEST ENDINVE8TMENT.MAIN St.. six good lots, each with 5 room houses: room for six additional houses; yielding fair re turn now; let us give you particulars: owner wants to sell at S14.000. CHARLES BOMEKS 4 CO., 313 Wood St. noS5-58 East End Residence. TTIOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT. 22X100. ON P MftTrfin st.: 4 rooms, hall, side entrance S3.700. 1, J. WILSON. 149 Fourth ave. no2S-22 FOR SALE-S2.650-NEW FRAME 5-ROOMEJJ house, one square from Filth ave, cable, will sell on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, mj otauon si., l. r no24-127-TTSSU FOB BALE-ON CRAIG ST., NEAR FIFTH ave., neat cottage.3 rooms; corner lot, 65 feet front: price and terms reasonable. W. A. HER- ivy-" suno, eu xuurui avenue. nol2-87-TUP FOR SALE-NICE JSEW 6-ROOM BRICK and frame houses In Bloomfieldat Ben Venue station, and near cable cars; SI, 800 to S3, 000; on easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL 4 BKO.. 105 Fourth ave. uo24-57-ttsu FOR SALE-CONVENIENT TO BUSINESS section of city, short distance from cable and electric roads, brick. 4 rooms and attic, good cel lar; will rent at f20 per month: price, S2.200. CHARLES SOMEES 4 CO.,313 Woodst. no26-58 FIOR SALE-HILAND. AVENUE RESIDENCE; a a beautiful corner location: large and com Elete honse; ample ground, with stable, carriage ouse, etc. ; to a prompt buyer we can name low price. CHARLES bOMERS 4 CO., 313 Woodst. no2S-56 FOR SALE-ON ROUP ST., NEAR FIFTH avenue, a good bouse, flue appearing, '8 rooms: well Improved: lot 42 or 84 feet front, as the purchaser raw desire; price very reasonable. SeeW. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. no!2-87-Tur FOR SALE-TWO GOOD BBICK HOUSES, two-story and mansard, 6 rooms each; both gases and water: convenient to business center of city; cable and electric roads; price for all, S3, 000: will seU separately at (2,600 each. CHARLES BOMEBS 4 CO , 313 Woodst. no28-56 FOB SALE-EAST END, 5 MINUTES FKOM cable lines, new 5-room frame dwelling, bath, hall, vestibule, bardwood mantels, nat nd art. gas, slate roof, porches, etc.. lot 22x125: 700 cash, balance long time: price (3,000. SAMUEL VV. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. no26-63-TT FOR SALE-HANDSOME HOME FOR $6, 300 ON very reasonable terms; street and sewer im provements made; a complete brick house, late stvleof architecture, 9 rooms, finished and con venlenced most thoroughly; beautifully located on Coltart square, Oakland. Full particulars from W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. no4-3-TT FOR SALE A NEW QUEEN ANNE DWELL ING Ktppey st short distance from Negley ave., containing 12 rooms, bath. w. c, both gases, slate mantel, tile hearths, hard wood stair case; all modern conveniences, and finished in the latest stvle; lot 40x120; paved street: good side walk; the price low; terms reasonable. BLACK 4BAIRD, 85 Fourth ave. 4A-83 U021-87 ITiOR SALE-OR TO LET-ELEGANT NEW ? bouse of 7 rooms, beside large reception hall, pantry and attic; handsome slate mantels and tile hearths throughout, sliding doors, plenty of closets, bay windows, large porches, slate roof, cellar under entire house: sewer connections; nice level lot 50x161: possession at once: price, ,800; terms easy. W. A. ZAHN, 60 Fourth avenue, second floor. no22-29.TTSU FOR SALE-BEN VENUE PLACE, CONVEN IENT to P.R.R. and cable llne-3 new, modern frame dwellings of 6 rooms, center hall, bath, nat ural gas, electric light and all improved conveni ences: lots 50x175 each; price low, terms to suit; these houses are of the style and size that are in great demand; an early Investigation will con vince you or their real worth. BLACK 4 B A1RD, 95 Fourth ave. 4A-100. no24-89 FOB SALE (99) ONE SQUARE FBOM CABLE cars; Is one of the flnet locations in Sbady side; new S-room residence, ball, vestibule, front and back stairs, inside shutters, slate mantels and tile hearths, bath, Inside w, c, range, stationary washstands, nat. and art. gas. fancy brass chandeliers, good dry cellar, property all sewered, lot 39x100: price (IBOOi terms reasonable: posses sion at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. n 023-39-TTS COB SALE-OAKLAND. FOURTEENTH Jj ward; but few of tbe many people in this 1 kicmcil uavc nuj conception oi tne magnuuoe, immense improvement, rapid growth and en hancement of the now most desirable residence district within our city limits; within 30 days the new electric street railway will be in operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via tbe traction road) for tbe nominal fare of 5 cents; Oakland Square is a beautiful park around which run wide streets paved with asphaltum and sew ered free of cost to the purchaser of one or tbe beautiful dwellings facing the square, a brief de- scrintlon of which 1 hrp. (.Iron, Unllf nt,ll. by day work, two sizes, 8 and 9 rooms, halls, bath, inside shutters and w. c 's, handsome slate man tels, tile hesrtbs, sliding doors, range and both gases: also, electric lighting apparatus, large porches, cemented cellars, fine chandeliers, large lot, etc.; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance (500 per annum: 14 or these dwellings have been 6old to representative business men; the time consumed in running from the postofflce to the square is but 17 mlnntes, thus giving ample time to go home for dinner: see the square before buying elsewhere. BAM'L W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. no26-64-D Allegheny Residences. FOR SALF A BARGAIN-AT A GREATLT reduced price a very desirable brick house. 9 rooms, in Fourth ward, Alleghenv, ior (6,000, on reasonable terms, 80 Fourth avenue. W. V. A HWIMIV . CM.XIU A. HKKKON 4 SONS. nol2-87-TUF FOR SALE-AT A VERY REASONABLE price, one of the most desirable properties on North avenue. Allegheny, fronting the most de sirable part of parks. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nol2-87-TuTh Fc OR SALE WASHINGTON ST.. ALLE GHENY, close to narks, brick rcMpnce g rooms, bath, etc.; all conveniences; (s, COO: terms iosuh: mis is a Dargain. . vf. MCNEILL 4 BRO., 105 Fourth ave. no24-59-rubn FOR SALE-IN ALLEGHENY.ONNUNNERY Hill, a snug 2-story frame house of 5 rooms, attic, ball, cellar, water, natural gas, etc.: lot23x 70 feet; price only (2,300. I. M. PENNOCK 4 SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. no26-5S-TTS Suburban Residences. FORSALE-LOT 50X150 AT CRAFTON; HOUSE, 7 rooms, bay window. Inside shutters: 5 min utes from station; (3,600. I. J. WILSON, 149 Fourth ave. no26-22 FORSALE-WILKINSBURG CORNERPROP ERTY, lot 60x100, near P. R. R. station: new modern flnlshod and arranged frame. 9 rooms, attic: a desirable property at the price. (5,500. CHARLES SOMEB9 4 CO., 313 Wood st. noVl FORSALE-BRUSHTON.CLOSETO STATION, situation nicely elevated, good drainage, large lot, 48x132: new frame house, ball, 6 rooms, porches, natural eas, pure water: ground neatly fenced and planted with fruit ana shade trees; (3,000. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood St. 11026-58 FOR SALE AT WILKINSBURG, CONVE NIENT to station, 2, neat S-roomed frame nooses, lot 33fxl00 feet: excellent water in both houses; natural gas; good, dry cellars: will be sold very low and on easv payments: full particulars from McCUNE 4 COULTER, 98 Fourth ave., who will take you out and show you tbe property. lot 47X203 feet on the best street Id tbe boroucb: immediate possession: also, adjoining, on like verms, a nne lot or vtwau leet. with frame dwell ing of 7 rooms: reduced prices and remarkably easy terms ought to commend these properties to jvuug ujcu in searcu o uujueij. a. w. ADA1K, ttnm mo 1 (.1.1.. Da,,,. .... - - Hoom 708 Penn Bldg.. Penn ave. no26-39-TT FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban lioit. FOR SALE-EDGEWOOD-A VERY CHOICE plot of ground, comprising one and one-half acres: PTtenriprt street frantA?i CHARLES bOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood St. no26-5S TTIOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LEVEL LOTS A.' street and sewer Improvements being made; the best lots in the market for the money: terms easy; at Asplnwall, West P. E. R adjoining Sharpsburg, only 7 miles rrom Federal street Allegheny, bend for plans. W. A HERRON 4 bONS, w Fourth avenue. no5-S6-Tur FOR SALE-CHOICE BUSINESS AND RESI DENCE property: rapidly growing locality; line of P. It. R., near city: large lot fronting best business street; brick store building well fitted up; occupied by profitable business; brick resi dence, stable, etc.: a property promising as an in vestment, thit will provide tbe owner a desirable home and a place adapted to a successful business. CHARLES BOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Woodst. no26-5S FOB SALI-THIS IS A PRIME1NVESTMENT at the price we are authorized to accent on prompt saie: beautifully situated, level ground or 6 acres, fronting on and divided by 6 wide streets: lu view of two rivers, and a few minutes' walk only of 4 R. R.'s; pure water, nat. gas, fruit trees; a place for a half hundred cosy, healthful homes, in tbe midst of home seekers, Rochester; look at It as an Investment. CHARLES bOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Wood St. no26-56 T?OR SALE-FINE LARGE BUILDING LOTS X1 InStrissvalo Place at Swlssvale station; this pronert) combines whst of the advantages of t,wn and countrv; water and gas mains, slde w alks, electric lights, stores, schools, frequent rapid transit, and merely nominal taxes: prices (liu to (1,000: (i0to(W down and the balance on monthly payments; locate your home where you can have plenty of room, pleasant surroundings and be in the line of the great movement of conu- latlon toward East End, BAM'L W. BLACK 4 xwas-n-xifl vviinxsuiuiiTCi i FOR SALE-LOTS. City Lota, FOR BALE-IL000-GOOD BUILDING LOT right In city, near Locust st. and Fifth ave.: good buildings surrounding. CHARLESSOMERS ACQ., 313 Wood St. no26-oS East End Lota, TJIOK BALE ELEGANT HILAND AVENUE -- irontage, cheap, CO., 313 Wood su CHARLES BOMERS 4 no28-58 FOR SALE LOT 20X100, CORNER TWO streets, two squares from cable. Thirteenth ward; cheap, 500. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 noK-56 UUU BE, FOR SALE-f850-ONE SQUARE FROM FIFTH ave., fine building lot 24x100: small cash pay ment, balance on time. MELLON BROTHERS, 319 Station at.. E. E. no24-127-TTSSU FOB BALE-P0 PER FOOT FRONT-BEAUTIFUL corner lot 60x120 on Improved street; one square from Hlland and Negley aves. MEL LON BOTHERS, 6M9 Station St.. E. E. noH-27-TTSSU FO R 8 A L E- OAKLAND LOTS. PAVED .street, sidewalk and well sewered-4 desirable building lots: fine street and convenient to cable line. BLACK 4 BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-213. n 024-83 -k FOR SAliE-92 FEET AT 38 PER FOOT IN THE Baum Grove plan; street Is sewered, graded, curbed and flagstone walks laid; this Is a bargain for someone ifsold at once. BAM'L. W. .BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. no24-55-TuwrhS FOR SALE-AT LOW PRICE-LEVEL BUILD ING lots, on grade, on Homewood avenue, 24x100 ft., near Homewood Station, P. R. R.; good business location. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nol-Tnl1 FOR BALE-EAST END BUILDING LOTS, 40x120 ft., 1 square from Firth and near S. Hlland avenue, in College place plan, on grade, with city sewerage: price only (2,259: terms rea sonable. W. A. HERRON 4 bON 8, 80 Fourth ave nue. no5-S6-TuF "EMIR 8ALE-1FYOUWANTASAFE INVEST- JL' W MENT In nrnnprtv- rniil nnf. that will lnereaaa . t.ii." -r.r.v---.,---- r,r.r- jth;:;.: .4PJU1J in value, ouy one OI tuose very uesirauiu .vita m vui Villa Park plan. Brushton; anr nrlces ara low and terms exceptionally easy. JOHN F. BAX1EB, Agent, 512 Smithfield St. no24-40-TTSSn FOR SALE-LOTS IN 1HK BAUM GROVE plan; front on wide asphaltum streets, have flagstone sidewalks, with grass plots and a cen tral location, makes this plan the most desirable lu tbe market, been re plan from MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt,, 512 Smithfield street. ' no!4-40-TTSSu Enzelwood Lots. FORSALE-AT HAZELWOOD -4 NICE building lots, near tbe R. R. station; price low; easy payments. L M. PENNOCK 4 SON. No, 105 Fourth ave. no26-55-TTB Farms. FOR SALE-FARM-120 ACRES, LARGE BRICK dwelling, new bank barn, extra outbuild ings, all state roof, fine springs, rich soil: at station; the best farm on the Monongahela; low price; easy terms. ED WITTISH, 410 Grant at. no23-D FOB SALE-VALUABLE FARM AND FLAG STONE quarry: the farm contains 42 acres more or lesana is situated Hi miles from Canonsburg, wash. co Pa. ; upon this farm are a good two-story frame house of five rooms, a large barn, a two-story brick wash and spring house and other outbuildings: two good orchards of choice varieties of fruit: the farm is In the oil and gas belt, and is unencumbered by a lease; it is well watered: the stonequarry Is known as the Cook quarry. Call on or address GEORGE Mc WILLIAMS, Canonsburg, Wash, co., Pa. nol9-33-D Miscellaneous. SALE-NATURAL GAS LANDS-160 FOB acre acres on NoblenvtUe road. el?h miles from inoianapoiis; no wens yet annea ontnisiana, but lands on all sides have flowing wells, from which entire supply for Indianapolis is obtained. xur prices appiy io a, a. 1Vjuajia, tttnorcn Third St., Ob, AiOl Louis, Mo. no!4-4S-D FOB. SALE BCblNESS. Bnslnea Chances. FOR SALE-A DRUGSTORE ON CARSON ST.. Pittsburg. Pa. ; stock about (2, 500: will sell at a sacrifice. Address AR1CA, Dispatch office. ' no2-4S FOR SALE-A GROCERY STORE-WELL LO CATED, doing good business; owner going into other business Address B. A., Dispatch omce, n02t!-34 FOR SALE-DRUGSTOHE-AN OLD ESTAB LISHED stand; sold on account of death of proprietor; telephone connections. Apply to Mrs. T. B.BENSHAW, Freeport, Pa. no22-30-Tnrs FOB SALE-RETAIL GROCERY BTOBE ON a good corner In Allegheny; an excellent opening for anyone wishing to engage in tbe gro cery business. Address A. R. BRAGDON, 133 Sedgwick st Allegheny. no2S-41 FOR SALE-BOARDING HOUSE-RIGHT IN center of business, having large trade for several years: well furnished; making money, but wilt sell at sacrifice on account of sickness. MA CAW 4 GOFF, L1M., 145 Fourth ave. noCS-47 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH cities, from (350 to (10,000; cigar stores (250, (350, (500. (1,800; shooting gallery paying (75 per week clear or expenses; fine city and country drugstores: general country stores: good paying slate roofing business in live town; boarding houses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and many otber good business chances. SHEPARD 4 CO., M Fifth ave. noS Business Stands. FOR SALE-SOMETHING WORTH INVESTI GATION: 12 rooms, large storeroom:tenants secure for rental of (060 per year; price (4,000. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO. , 313 Wood st. noiS-ftS FOR SALE-16 ROOMS. STOREROOM, GOOD lot, paved street, growing locality; terminus or electric railway; big patronage for anybuslness established: hotel and boarding house wanted; sale must oemade and actual value will be ac cepted. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood St. U026-56 ninnufactarlnc Sites, FOR SALE-CONVENIENT TO BUSINESS center, large lot 25x126, fronting two streets; excellent place lor building, with a view of good rentals: cheap at (3,500. CHARLESSOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Wood t. no.M-56 FOB. SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NEOO..L1M., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR SALE-tA BATTERY OF 3 J-FLUE BOIL ERS, 44 in. diameter by 24 ft. long: boilers and fixtures complete. Inquire Beaver Valley Boiler Works. CHAS. MILLER, Beaver Falls, Pa. no2l-84 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles ta stock, from 4 to lOOh. p.;allrefltted;goodasnew, at lowest prices; portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers au sizes and styles. J .S. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny. Pa. OC25-80-D FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 shaner.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bli'men valves, castings. etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. 1V21-91-TTS F IOR SALE-ON SPECIALLY EASY TERMS, acomnletelv eaulDued malleable and crav Iron fonndrr. in fnltrunnlncr order: pronertv is 225x160 feet: brick buUding, with machine shop, patterns, etc., and is situated witbln three blocks of the switch track in tbe heart of St. Louis. For run particulars apply to JOHN GRETHER, No. 304 N. Eighth St.. SU 1.0U1S. JUO. OC2S-33-TT8 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Do you know we have new books as well as old? Do you know we have the largest stock of old books west of the Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 900 Liberty st. no3-33 PEBSONAL-FOBTHE LABGEST AND BEST selection of genuine diamonds go to M. J. SUIT'S. 3il Smithfield St.. third door from Fourth ave., wbo will sell you rings mounted In solid goldrroin(4 to (300; earrings from (lOnp; also studs, scarfplns, lace pins, etc.. at proportion ately low prices. P. 8. Call and examine the Jumbo eardrops, weight 16X karats, price (2,000. no24-122-TTSU PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparcL and which, ot course, was done In a bungling manner; in order to prevent tbe trouble they agreed to send alt their work hereafter to DICKbON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave.. corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. anJO-p elections! MONONOAHELA INSURANCE CO., 98 Fourth avenue, November 20. 1SS9. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING and election of fifteen directors toserre lor the ensuing year will be held at tbe office of tbe company on TUESDAY, December 3, 18S9, between tbe hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. nu2I-70 JOHN H. CLANEY. Secretary. NOTICES. NOTICE ANYBODY KNOWING THE whereabouts of Lena Feci, aged 14 years, wbo left her home near Leetsdale about three weeks ago, or any information whatever, will bo thankfully received by ANDY SEAMAN, Leetsdale, Allegheny co.. Pa. no26.72 ATTENTJONrBUTCHERS-AT A MEET ING of all tbo butchers held at Old City Hall, November 2L1SS9, it was decided to par ticipate in tbe procession on the occasion of the dedication ot the Allegheny Turn Hall, on THURSDAY, November 28. The butchers will all report on horseback in regulation uniform, viz., white shirt, red and blue scarfs, silk bats and white gloves. The Allegheny butchers will meet on Washington su Allegheny, right resting on Cedar ave.. ready to march at 1.30 p. IT. The butchers of the Old Citv, tbe South sldo and East End will meet on Liberty ave., botween Sixth and Seventh sts, right resting on Seventh st, where they will be met prompt ly at 1:20 p.m. by the Associate Chief Marshal with a band of music and be escorted to the mam bodv n 'Wnahlfitftn at AllAflliaiv JjACOBCH5ER,MiMI. v se8t-iXWK TO LIT. ArirtmeBts. TO LET-A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room In private lamlly. use of bath and both gases; will rent only to gentlemen: three minutes' walk from P. o. Address KU.B., Dispatch office. no26-28 Offices. Desk Boom. fcc T0.1".?1300 PEtt YEAR-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences; newly painted and..papered; baswo large I?;5AS,tore.roon'' Jngnlre at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK. 423 Woodst. noIS-31-D LOSTv TOST -SILVER BANGLE BRACELET, Jut Souutbslde, on Sixteenth st, or between Six teenth and'Seventeenth. on Carson St., Sunday evening; ifYound a reward will be paid. Bend postal to C. B. KUTCHBACH, 198 Main St., West End. noM-SS LOST TIMEAND MONEYBYNOTBOY1NB your holiday girts 'at M. J. SMITHS, 311 Smithfield st., third door from Fourth ave., who is now selling voltaic diamond eardrops, ( U M 25, tl 60, mounted in solid gold; scaripins, 75c, l, (1 25; and all otber goods at equally low prices. no24-122-TTSU TOST-OR MISLAID POLICJf NO.34.609. JLClssued by the Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., Philadelphia, on the lift of Theodore Kestner. The finderwill please return it to theunderslgned. Application has been made for the Issuing of a duplicate. (Signed) MELCHERVARNER. no 24-34-24. 2S.23 30-de3. FOUND. POUND-THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN BUY gold-filled watches with stem winding Amer ican movement for (13 50 is at M. J. SMff'S, 311 Smithfield St., third door from Fourth ave. no24-122-TTSU OFFICIAL P1TTSBUH&. No. HIT ORDIN"ANCI-LOCATING CHAD- ANc CER street, from Lang street to Lincoln avenne. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Chaucer street, from Lang street to Lincoln avenne be and the same is hereby located as follows, to-wiU The south five-foot line of Chaucer street shall begin at a point situated at the intersection of the south five-foot line of Cbancerwith the west five-foot line of Lang avenne, and at a distance of 1,102,095 feet northerly from an angle in said, Lang street, thence deflecting to the left 73, 21', SO", for a distance of 914.03 feet to a point on the center line of Lincoln avenne. Intersecting said line at an angle of 35, 26', and said Chancer street shall be of a width of 50 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils tbis2Sthdayof October, A. D. 1SS9. H. P. FORD, President of Select Coun cil, Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE. President ol Common Conncil pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, October 3L 1889. Approved: WM. MCCALL1N, Mayor. Attest: KOBERT OQTERMAIEB, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 193, 18th day of November. AD. 1889. no25 No. 142.1 A N ORDINANCE-LOCATING I jif . a tinu niriiv'rr- X CELLO street, from Lane: street to neecner street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority of tbe same. That Monticello street, from Lang street to Beecher street, be and tbe same shall be located as fol lows, to wit: The south five-foot line shall be gin on tbe west flve-foot line of Lang street, at a distance of 688 feet north erly from the center line of Franks town avenne; thence deflecting to the left 90 in a westerly direction and parallel to Frankstown avenne a distance of 1,183.77 feet to the east line of Beecher street, and the said Monticello street shall be of a width of fifty (SO) feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 28th day of October, A D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Conncil. Attest: GEO, SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. W. A MAGEE, President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Conncil. Mayor's Office. October 3L 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: KOBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Cleric Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 190, 15th day of November. AD. 18S9. no2S I No. Hi J AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING FIELD ING alley, from Lang street to Beecher street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Fielding alley, from 'Lang street to Beecher street, be and the same shall be located as fol lows, to wit: The south flve-foot lino shall be gin on tbe west five-foot line of Lang street, at a distance of 190 feet northerly from the south five-foot line of Idlewild street, thence deflect ing to the left 90 in a westerly direction and parallel to Frankstown avenue and Idlewild street a distance ot 1,183,77 feet to the east line ol Beecher street and the said Fielding alley, shall be of a width of twenty-four (24) feet. section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of tbis ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 28th day of October, A D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. W. A MAGEE. President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. ' Mayor's Office, October 3L 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 162, 16th day of November. A D 18S9. no23 A No. 147. , N ORDmANCJEr-RELOCATING BATES street, from a point 419.14 feet south of Ward street to a point L028.74 feet south of Ward street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled,and it is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of the same. That Bates street, from a point 419.11 feet south of Ward street to a point L028.74 feet south of Ward street, be and the same shall be relocated as follows, to wit: The center line shall begin at a pin at a distance of 419.14 feet south of tbe center line of Ward street; thence deflecting to the left 16 23' 30" for a distance of 607.60 feet to apoint intersecting center line of former location of Bates street, at an angle of 23 40 and at a distance ot 206.54 feet south of the cen ter line of Wilmot street, and the said Bates street shall be ol a width of fifty (50) feet. section . inai any ordinance or part or ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 28th day ot October. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Cleric of Seloct Council. W.A MAGEE, President of Com mon Conncil pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office,. October 31, 1S9. Approved, WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Cleric Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 194, 18th day of November. A D. 1889. no25 No. 15L1 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE grade of Sheridan street, from Penn ave nue to Ellsworth avenue. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That the grade of tbe center line of Sheridan street, from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenne be and the same shall be established as follows, to wit: Beginning on the south curb line of Penn avenne at an elevation of 218.66 feet; thence rising tbe rate of 3 feet per 1U0 feet for a distance of 20 feet to the south building line at an elevation of 219 26 feet: thence falling at the rate of 1.963 feet per 100 feet for a dis tance of 293.30 feet to tbe west curb line of EUvworth avenue at an elevation of 21&&0 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting witn ine provisions oi this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed, so far as the samo affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law m Councils this 28th dav of October. A D.. 18S9. H. P. FORD, President bf Select Council Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CounciL W. A MAGEE, President ot Com mon Conncil pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Conncil. Mayor's office, October 31, 18S9. Approved: WSI. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 196, I8i h day of November. A P.. 18S& no2i No. 143.1 A N ORDINANCE-LOCATING FOREST A4. alia,. r.m f. n- trrAAt trt flai-.!. ...... . . "Ji "" --( w-.w. .w.a Ducct, Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the. city 01 sr ittsour. in oeieut aim vommon uoun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That Forest alley, fromXang street to Gerrlt street, be and the same sball be located as follows, to wit: The south 5-foot 'line sball begin on tbe west 5-foot line of Lang street at a distance of 170 feet northerly from tbo center lino of Frankstown avenue, thence deflecting to tbe left 90 in a westerly direction and parallel to Frankstown avenue a distance of 101386 feet to the east line of Gerrlt street, and the said Forest alley shall be a width of twenty-for (24) feet Heetle2 Thatabyordiaanee or part of or djaago, tyOi.MngwiM. ttff pntMmm X thkj eFFICTAL-PITlWH74S. ordinance, be aad tbo same Is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law ra Councils this 28th day ot October, A D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest.- GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL W. A MAGEE, President of Common Council pro tern. Attest! GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office. October 31,1869. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest; ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 19L 16th day of November. A D. 18S9. no25 No. 149. ' A N ORDINANCE ESTABUSHTNG THE J grade of Howley street from Main street toFortieth street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the grade of tbe north curb of Howley street, from Main street to Fortieth street, be and tbe same shall be established as follows, to wit: Beginning on tbe west curb of Main street at an elevation of 224.00 feet; thence fall ing at the rate of 0.75 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 530.70 feet to the east line of Canoe alley at an elevation of 227.93 feet; thence crossing the said alley level for a distance of 24 feet to the west line: thence falling at tbe rate ot 1.233 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 600.00 feet to the east curb line of Fortieth street, at an elevation of 220,57 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance bo and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this28tb dav of October. A. V. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Conncil. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, October 31, 1SS9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk; Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 195, 18th day of November, AD. 1889. no25 No. 167. ORDINANCE-RE-ESTABLISHING the grade of Dennistour avenue, from avenue to Penn avenue. Filth s Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted bv the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority ot the same. That the gradefof the west curb line of Dennis ton avenue, from Fifth avenue to Penn avenue, be and the same shall be re-established as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north curb line of Fifth avenue at an elevation of 267.18 feet: thence falling at tbe rate of 5 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 152 feet at an elevation of 259.58; thence falling at the rate of 3,911 feet for a distance of 3X155 feet to an angle at an elevation of 247.58 feet; thence failing at tbe rate of 2,471 feet for a distance of 754.94 feet at an elevation of 228.93 feet; thence falling at tbe rate of 1 foot per 100 feet for a distance of 479.92 at an elevation of 22X13; thence rising at tbe rate of 1 foot per 100 feet fora distance of 200 feet to south curb line of Penn avenue at an elevation of 226.13feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same Is hereny repealed so far as the same affects tbis ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils tbis 28th day of October, A D. 1889. H P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO, SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CounciL W. A. MAGEE. President ot Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office, October 81. 1SS9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL.7, page 201, 19th day of November. A D. 18EV, no25 No. 152J AN OKDIKANCE-ESTABLISHnvGTHE grade of Home street, from Butler street to Plummer street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the aty of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority of the same. That tbe grade of the west curb of Home street be and the same shall be established as follows, to-wlt: Beginning on the north line of Butler street at an elevation of 67.64 feet, theace falling at tbe rate of 5.4 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 432 feet, to the south curb of Plummer street, at an elevation of 44.44 feet. ' Section 2 That anv ordinance- or cart of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affecu this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 23th dav of October. A. D. 1869. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. October 3L1888. Approved, WM. McCALLIN, Mayon- Attest; ROBERT OSTERMAIERrfAsstetant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 197, 19th day of November. A, D. 1889. , no25 TtrOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the oSce of City Controller nntil WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of November, A D. 1869, at 2 P. x., for tbe following, viz:: SEWlfcBS. Reed street, fromOverblllstreettoDInwiddle street; 15 inch pine. Wallingford street, from Bid well street to n eruia street; lo-incn pipe. Elrkwood street, from Collins street to the west line of Hlland avenne; 15-Inch pipe. Cypress street, from Oseeela street to Center avenue; 15-Inch pipe. Grazier street, from Novelty street to Mart land street; 15-inch pipe. Cornet street, from line of Jones' property to Maurice street sewer; 15-inch pipe. Lowry street, from Second aveaue to the Monongahela river; 15-inch pipe. Maurice street, from north line ot property of Wm. Ward to connection with sewer about 270 feet south ot Forbes street; 15 and 18-inch pipe. BOARDWALKS. Cohasset street, from Granaview avenue to Pawnee street. Industry street, from Arlington avenue to Amanda street. , Craig street, from Center avenue to Ridge street. GRADING. Bayard street, from Neville street to Amber son avenue. GRADING.PAVTNG AND CURBING. Grandvie7 avenne, from Wyoming street to Oneida street, with Irregular block stone. Plans and specifications can be seea and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. , Each proposal must be accompanied by- a Dond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. E.M.BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. nolff-84 AMUSEMENTS. TULLY'8 WAR VIEWS Campaigns and Battles of the War. .. 800 views, 400 square feet each, and CONCERT; under the auspices of tbe WASHINGTON INFANTRY. OLD CITY HALL (Market street;) . November 25, 26 and 27. Admission with reserved seat 60 cents. Season ticket JL Secure reserved seats at S. Hamilton's, 91 Fifth ave., Nov. 21 to 27, from noon to 6 p. m. nol7-lDS-17-24-2S-26-27 BIJOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT. J. K. EMMET IN UNCLE JOE. Dec 2, Hailen i Hart la "Later On. no2S-MTuWF ARRIS THEATER- " lEvery Afternoon and Evea&g. NELSON'S GREAT WORLD COMBINATION. Note Thanksgiving matinee, night prices. 10, 15 and 25 cents. Week Dec. 2 Beaeon Lights. no24-10 pRAND OPERA HOUSE TcNlgbt, ALEXANDER 8ALVIN1, In PARTNERS. Next week Bine Beard, Jr. no25 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday ana aatnraay. THE, NIGHT OWLS BURLESQUE COM PANY. Thanksgiving Day matinee, night prices. BOlM-4 pLECTRIO AUTOMATIC STLVES MTNE OPENS MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 74 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. Tbe most perfect exhibition of mechaaical and electrical skill ever produeed. Adaiesioa I0c nol7-17-TTseu LEVY AND HIS GREAT COMPANY la two Grand Coscert At Old ty Hall, SATURDAY. NOV. 39. Tickets tor sale at Hays' Matte Store, 73 Fifth avenue. , BoSg-60 TXTORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY VV City Week of Noveer3i,Ury's Own World's Circus. Tbe Skeletea Dadeiet, thinnest woman oa earth. Positively the event of the season. December 2. War crousteoa of the great Cronln murder mystery. .HusnesN umgersaap company. . ho3b-4 WALWUU. 08B0UBXX. iHGBABB&Unowa. BAHH0W8 A 08B0U JOBPJHN TeiweMltlH& lxal xencss. w lYTrnK APPLICATION WDLIi BEL made to the Board of Pardons, at the to n-r mf1nr third Tuesday of December. -. lRXi) for thn riardon of CL C- Burzard. convicted i at No. 2. June term O. and T.. 18S7. of murder ;- to tbe second degree. W.D.MOORE, vUQ2o-oU-Ta Aturosjiorreuuvoer. ;, Law nffiM nf W. A. LEWIS. 96 Diamond St.-' ' ESTATE OF MICHAL WEHRMAN, deceased. Notice is hereby given that let--ten of administration on the estate of Michael Webrman have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment., ana tbnse having claims against the same ihould make them known without delay. JAMES F. GRIMEd, Administrator. noS3g-Ta NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATLETj TERS testamentary on the estate of Jobs, Koenic late of Allechenv Citv. deceased, have " been granted to the undersigned. All persona having claims or demands against the estate of. " the said decedent are requested to makeA. y Known ine same to ner witnouc aeiay, ana aiy: persons indebted to sold estate will make im-jt, mediate payment to her. "' ! MRS. ELIZA KOENIG, ?M nol2-50-Tn 45 Bovla at- Allegheny- '. ' VfOTICE APPLICATION WILL BE $$ XI mane to me uoun oi common, JL of Allegheny county, at No. 541 Decembers s .rerm. vxsn, ior leave to ameua ine cnaner eci tbe Pittsburg Natatorlum. The petition for( ine amenament is now on me in we jrroinono tarr's office at tbe above nnmber and term. where tbe same may be seen nntil the 30th dayi oi November, ussy, wnen toe same win do pre sented to Court at 10 o'clock a. m. noo-27-ru A M. NEEPER, Solicitor. ESTATE OF SAMUEL MOORE. Deceased.".? ADMINISTRATORS' HOTIUJS .NUXlCJSt; is hereby given that letters testamentary rr flA A4aA Qitnnaf Vtsiva iA1Aeaf1 lrai Sf of Charters township, hare been -granted-tow A the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted Jj to said estate are requested to make immediate, '"jC Airalnst thfl um. will miVn them Vnnwn with. . out delay. WM. M. CRAMP, MARY E. MOORE, Executors. oc29-43-Ta : ESTATE OP I.KTITTA W. fJAMTAM. tin. atmoft " iWH A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICEJ XL is nereby given that letters of admlnistra-F tlon, on the estate of Letitia W. Gazzam, de3 ceased, late of the city of Allegheny, hare beeal granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all peV-1. sons indebted to said estate are recjuesteditoj) makeImmedlate payment, and those havings claims or demands against the same wm maksfj them known without delay. FIDELITY.'' TITLE & TRUST CO., Administrator. DAVID ti. 15 wing. Attorney. ocSHI-th. - ESTATE OF FRANK L. ROWLAND, De-'i ceased. - ; A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE" NOTICK J is hereby given that letters of administra uon on tne estate ot franx u. itowiana, ae- ceasea, late oi aiysue raver conn-, have); been granted to tbe undersigned. towh6mallf persons indebted to said estate are reanested taV make immediate payment, and those havrncR claims or aemanas against tne same wtu maxsi them know-i without delay. FIDELITY1 TITLE & TRUST CO, Administrator. DAVID,! H.W1X1U, Attorney. ocaMWiUjii TESTATE OF ANDREW JACKMAN, DE-1 i'j ti.rjAa.rJi. notice is nereDy given tbaes letters testamentary under the last will asdi testament of Andrew Jackman, late of the dtfl of Pittsburg, in Allegheny county, Pa de4 ceasea. nave Deen issuea to me Dytne tie of said county. All persons owing the will please make payment thereof, and all pen sons saving claims against tne estate will pr4 sent them properly nrobated tor paymeatT EDWARD F. JACKMAN, Executor, 636 Pes!1 avf Pittsburg, Fa. no26-4-Ta'" J. A EMERY, Attorney. No. 131 Fifth avese?l -VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AUT Xi application win te made to the Governor, of the State of Pennsylvania on DECjSXHK 17. 1889. bv James L. Somen. Charles Somim.1 117111. an. V HUH..- T7MhA.-'U -IT..VI.. -OT Vum.)) Williams and George W. McKeniie. UB.r ant nf tha flenaixll iMmViiflf rnn nsnil V .. SV USUMHI MMttWVIJ wa. a uujraBS - entitled, "An act to provide for the Jseevyor.,' uon ana regulation oi certain cprgorinnuaa, y anrj roved Anril 29.- 1R74. and the sevaral mill ments thereto, for the charter of an iateiiis!' incorporation to be called tbe "Pittsburg in- dicator Advertising- Company." the character) and object whereof is the manufacturing of (? articles of commerce from metal and wood and v for these purposes to have, possess and eaJoys ail tne rignts, oenenti ana privileges oi m said art of Assembly and its supplements, J, A. EMERY. Solicitor. Ptttsbubo, November 16. 1869. nol9-58-T J. A EMERY. Attorney. No. 131 Fifth AtkhlS -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AJTO 1 1 application will be made to tbe GovaranejS of the State of Pennsylvania, on DECEMStatl 17. A D. 1889. by William L Miller. Charts! Somen, James L. Somen, W. Haftjrl William. Robert H. Marks and CsoMeH W. ilcKeniie. under the act ot.iSf General Assembly of the CommoBweank Pennsylvania, entitled MAn aot to provide fa tte incorporation and regulation of ee corporations" approved April 29. 1874, aad thJ several supplements tnereta, ior we cbwi oPanfnteBdedincornoratiouto beoafle . "American Manufacturing Coespdnj," IBM cnaracteraaaoDjectwnereoris ine nurnii turiag of articles of commerce from ssetet i wood, ana ior tnese purposes to nave and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and prfvtlipeaj oiinosaiaact ot Assemoiy ana us suppt ments. J. A EMERY, Solicitor, PrrrSBUsa. November 16. 1S69. nal3-S6-TmJ ACCTI&S SAUK, .1 BANKRUPT BAL& JH OVER 4150,000 WORTH -ar- F1NE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DMT j GOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, ETC, BY AUCTION I 723 AND 725 .LIBERTY SXf CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Morning, Afternoon and Evselesy! COMMENCING. MONDAY. NOVEXBEKM N. B. Special accommodations provided 1 lames. noas-w-T A.UCTION SALE OFTHB NTTRSrcaf JX SIGNMENTS rn the salerooms. sf-JiwMyl Auction Co.. No. 311 Market street, THUJiM DAY MORNING. November 38. at ttc1 Handsome Silk Tapestry Parlor Salt," sorted colors. 2 Hair-Cloth Suits wUh tw edce. Silk Plush Suit in erimsnn. almost 1 uronp etyie i-iusn amis, a jsroeaseo trimmed in silk nlusbes. Easv Chairs. L and Plush Rockers. Turkish Couch, 5 Lounges, Hand 14th Century Oak C Table. Marble and Polished Wood Ton Ta 4 Walnut and 3 Oak Sideboards, full lie nne ana every aay .Extent ion Tables, utl LibraryDlnlnirRoom and Kitchen CbtJMi Table. 6 Chamber Suits. 3 Cfciffosien. 3 Fi lug Beds, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Waabtae..'f ij&oies xresits, v umce. ximss. Bam SDrincs. Pillows and Bolsters. Mattrease. low Goods. Ladies' Wraps. China. GUtte Delf Ware, Lamps. Clocks, Rum, Piotanavl xoiiet pen, xrussei ana Ingram li&rpew rors, uauinets, uoevat uiass, otovee, cases. 2 Office Safes, and nurabspleM 1 artiPles. HENRY'AUCTIOK COLTD no2192 Auctioneer? xsseT&. THQMASVILLE, GAi.j "Piney Woods Hotel.- Season opens December 4. 1889. M. A.BOWEK, ProJt! r or circulars, rate, etc, aaareas -. WM. E. DAVIES. Manairer. ThamasviHe'fl or F. A BUDLONG, Windsor HoteLN.Y.CWtM OClfriT.-T srxra avenue uxe works. I, MAY SONS & CO! STEAM DYERS AND SCOUREBS, And general reaovators of textile faetiee. Im dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded jHti-Msssal neatly cleaned or restored in color. C&rMats of every descrifUea carefully attends w.vjE .. . ",? M. MAY SONS & CoU Jell-TTS 66 SIXTH AVE..Pittsfeu-SR-l "PIANOS, ORGANS, 8. HAMILTON. AND 96 FIFTH AVENU, jritaonrx, ra. "I A BALPH, BUILDING CONXRACTC Bermta avenue, . Til. J fl Telephoae 1344. TTOLIDAY GOODS-BOYS 11 HHtw; atJeses' teHd H aad as; sa gold 1 a,- ,..-.'- ' ijr J .aB