Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 17, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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1 Visit to the Belmont and Terry
Kennels at Hempstead, L L
How the Westminster Club Favorites Are
Doused and Fed.
NEW Yoek, Uovember 16. "Be quiet,
Lucifer! Less noise, Rachael!"
August Belmont, Jr., President of the
American Kennel Club, and the proprietor
of the Blempton kennels of fox terriers, was
showing some of his choicest specimens to a
"Less noise, Rubicon. Mr. Hopkins, will
yon take Lucifer and Rachael and Rubicon
and Brilliant out on the chains? I want to
show them to their best advantage."
Manager German Hopkins, a sturdy,
bearded Briton, touched his hat, and in ten
minutes the particular favorites of the ken
nels were tugging away at their chains in
the barn, making heroic but injudicious at
tempts to eet at an imaginary hare some
where outside in the yard.
Mr. Belmont's Blempton kennelsare sit
uated on his country place in the village of
Hempstead, Long Island, and they are so
wonderfully complete in all their details
that they attract attention even in that cen
ter of canine culture. Not only are they
the most complete fox-terrier kennels in this
country, but they are also the largest and
by far the most famous, and, with one ex
ception, they will rank in size ana im
portance with the largest kennels in En
Mr. Belmont has ever been an ardent
lover ot the lox-terrier and has always had
some fine specimens of the strain on one of
his countrv places, Dm ne oniy oegan urceu
ing in 1878. He had previously shown
In the Belmont Kennels.
some terriers in the first bench show of the
"Westminster Kennel Club in 1877. In spite
of this early start it was not until lb85 that
the Blempton kennels became widely known
as the nursery of winners.
In 1887 Mr. Hopkins was brought over
from England to manage the kennels and
some ot the most famous dogs on the other
side were added to Mr. Belmont's string at
prices that made the eyes of the everyday
dog importer open with amazement. The
kennels to-day contain Champion Diadem,
Champion Rachael, probably the best fox-
terrier bitch in the world; Champion Mar
guerite, Isew Jforest .Ethel, Xiuciier, uacc&a
nal, Recent Vox, Resolute, Verdict, Media,
Tiara, Rubicon, Brilliant and a dozen other
dogs that are known by name to every well
inlormed dog man in the world. The fen
nels now comprise about SO dogs and pup
pies; calf of the latter, however, are boarded
CUt among the neighboring farmers alter a
plan described later on.
The daily management of SO dogs is by no
means an easy task, but when these 80 ani
mals have a market value running high
up into the thousands and an actual value
that is not computable in figures, the
management grows heavy with responsi
bility. Mr. Belmont manages his kennels upon a
system partly his own and partly borrowed
from the best kennels abroad. This system
is seldom deviated from. As shown in the
accompanying illustration, the kennels con
sist of several rows of small houses fronted
by a small screened yard. In unpleasant
weather this yard is roofed over with a
water-tight cover. Every morning at 7
o'clock Mr. Hopkins and his assistant
let the dogs out of their houses into their
vards. These houses are models of their
The walls are of double thickness, with
sheets of paper laid between the lavers to
make them absolutely wind-proof. The walls
and ceiling are coated with liquid tar and
phenal, one of the best disinfectants known.
The floor is of Portland cement, laid on a
foundation of brick. The floors of the bunks
are covered with straw, in which are mixed
tobacco stems to keep fleas out, and the
ueorcia pine sawdust on tbe cement floor is
well doctored by the admixture of sanitas.
"With kennels so arranged, epidemics of
sickness are well-nigh impossible.
"Were it not for the visits of strange dogs
to my kennels," saidJMr. Belmont, "and were
Feeding the Puppies.
it not for the visits ot mv dogs to the varions
bench shows, we would seldom have any
serious sickness here. So long as I can keep
my dogs alone and at home I can preserve
the good health of my kennels."
"While the kennels are being cleaned out
the dogs make the place merry wtth their
yelpings. When the time arrives lor their
run their delight knows no bounds. AH
the dogs are not exercise at once. It would
not be sale, for imported dogs of the blnest
of canine Dlood have naughty passions the
came as dogs of common life, and Blempton
terriers enjoy a sharp fight abont as much
as they do a run on the course. Only such
dogs as '"agree" together are taten out at
one time. They are led on (o the plains be
tween Garden City and Hempstead, their
chains are slipped outofthtir collars, and
in a second thev are off nml away. After
their return to the kennels t'li-y .ire curried
and rubbed and put back into their little
yards. This exercise goes on lrom morning
until the last dog has had his run. Then
corses suprer, the only meal of the day.
But such a meal!
It varies every day, as all meals should.
Sometimes it is oatmeal, boiled in a rich
broth of calves' heads and cows' hearts.
Sometimes hominy forms the base of the
meal, andat other times it is rice or bis
cuits. Some of the dogs receive special tid
bits in the shape of bones to gnaw or other
dainties dear to the canine heart. These
special delicacies, however, are given with
caution. If it is a bone the fortunate pos
sessor is shut away from his companions
until the feast is over. Envy is a vice that
u it It
even Mr. Belmont's management cannot
drive out of the kennels, and it is not in the
nature of the best bred dog to stand hungrily
by and calmly watch another dog gnaw a
juicy bone. And so it happens that the
dogs must be separated one from the other
when bones are distributed.
Back, of the main kennels and at their
right are the puppy and hospital kennels.
Tne four barracks' on North Brothers
Island could not be any more secluded than
the latter. In the puppy kennels the yard
is broader and covered with grass. The
house is larger, lighter and has a family
bunk several sizes larger than the ones in
the main kennels. The mother dog can be
confined in the house behind wooden bars,
while her youngsters scramble about the
yard or engage in a brotherly or sisterly
fight as the spirit moves them at the mo
ment. Sometimes these fights are savage.
They are always spirited and seldom noisy.
A Blempton puppy takes punishment and
returns it like a war-tried major, and
wounds are sometimes inflicted by puppies
less than a month old that leave indelible
'mtM-- if- ' . i I
27le Night Quarters.
scars. Not long ago a dissension occurred
in mc lime lamur ui uuiureu. iuc puji
pies inherited the gameness of Rnbicon,
tneir sire, and when this particular trouble
occurred every dog in the yard was instant
ly ready for business. And pretty serious
business it proved to bel
One of the youngsters caught hold of the
runt of the 'litter, who set np a pitiful
squeak. The sister of the little fellow at
once made for his tormentor and the others
gathered around to see it out. Finally the
dog caught his sister by the neck and would
probably have killed her but for the fortu
nate appearance of Mr. Hopkins. As it was
the puppy has a scar on her neck that will
take a month or so to wear away.
"When a pnppy is old enough to be taken
from his mother he is "farmed" out to a
neighboring farmer after the English sys
tem. These (arms are called "walks" and
each farmer has one or two of the 45J young
sters that are scattered around the vicinity.
In order to stimulate the farmers to do their
best for their little boarders, Mr. Belmont
is in the habit of having private competitive
bench shows twice a year, generally in May
and November. At "these shows each farm
er exhibits his boarders and they are judged
impartially upon these points: Their physi
cal condition, their manners and the ease
with which they can be led on the chain.
Prizes are then distributed among those for
tunate enongh to make the best showing.
Shortly atter these trials Mr. Belmont
looks over his youngsters and selects those
that he does not need for breeding purposes
in his own kennels. He catalogues and de
scribes them and offers them for sale. Some
Tery amusinc incidents enliven these sales.
The prospective buyer always visits the ken
nels and looks over the lot, and it is seldom
that he chooses unaided the best dog. Not
lone ago Brisk and Trump, two exceedingly
valuable and well-known show dogs, were
offered by Mr. Belmont for $50 each. One
man, in opposition to Mr. Belmont's advice,
relused absolutely to take either dog, and
picked one ont by himself that never has
won and never will win a prize. Finally
one of the docs was sent to the bench show
in Toronto, where it made a. hit and was
sold lor $150, and the other dog, about the
same time, made an equally good sale.
"Are all your puppies as good specimens
as those you have here?" I asked Mr. Bel
mont. "Most of them are creditable, but some
fall below our standard either through in-
Currying a Faxorite.
herited causes or accidents in the kennels
and on the walks."
'I suppose those you give away?"
"No, indeed. Those we destroy. "We can
not let dogs go out of the kennels that will
hurt their reputation. That would be very
unwise. "When a -puppv or even a mature
dog meets with an accident that destroys
his usefulness, we destroy him. This is
either done by drowning or shootinsr, and is
perfectly painless in both instances."
As unlike the Blempton kennels as is
possible, save in the one respect that both
contain dogs, are the Hempstead farm Ken
nels ot Thomas H. Terry and A. O. Lewis.
Both Mr. Terry and his partner are well
known among the dog lovers at home and
abroad. The former is trie Vice President
of the American Kennel Club, Secretary of
the fashionable "Westminster Kennel Club
of this city, and Mr. Lowis is the manager
of the American Kennel Club Stud Book.
The Hempstead kennels are about two miles
from Mr. Belmont's place, and within a
short distance from the kennels of the aris
tocratic Meadowbrook Hunt.
Mr. Terry, who is the founder of the ken
nels, obtained his start by the pnrchase of
the entire string of imported rough-coated
collies, then the property of Dr. "W. J. Dou
ney, of Newmarket, Md., in 1881. The
kennels were removed to Hempstead in 1883
and are now the largest of this kind in
America. In arrangement the Hempstead
kennels are very different from those ot Mr.
Belmont The dogs are kept in two large,
well-ventilated rooms. Around the walls
there extends a low, straw-covered bench.
To this each dog is chained. The kennels
combine the comfortable features of canine
house life with those of a bench show. The
dogs are always ready for exhibition. Back
of these kennels are four yards, 200 feet
deep. In these the dogs take their daily ex
The kennels are managed by Augustus
Bushmore, an experienced collie and hunt
ing dog trainer. Among the famous dogs
in the collection are the imported champion
Tweed II., whose list of field trial and
bench show prizes would fill a newspaper
column; the imported champion Robin
Adair, also a great prize winner; the im
ported Glengarry, champion Znlu Princes?,
champion Lady of the Lake and champion
Lass o' Gowrie. Altogether the 75 collies,
puppies and all, represent a market value of
nearly (20,000, and many of the imported
dogs cpst lrom $500 to $1,000.
The kennel treatment of collies does not
differ materially from that of other dogs.
They are fed once a day on biscuits or meat
broth and rice, hominy or oatmeal, and they
are given abundance of exercise. The pres
ent quarters were finished less than a month
ago, and combine all of the improvements
known in kennel building. The kitchen is
a marvel of neatness and usefulness, and
will compare favorably with that of most
farm houses of the bettter class.
The Hempstead Farm kennels are the
ideal ones for collies. Back of the farm
stretches the leTel plains that once belonged
to A. T. Stewart, the merchant prince. Mr, J
Terry basleased 2.000 acres from the estate
and proposes to add the raising of sheep to
the breeding ol collies. He already is
largely engaged in the raising of the setters
and pointers, and owns the largest herd of
Jersey cattle on Long Island. Thus it wilt
be seen that the Hempstead collies of the
future will not only be well bred, but well
trained, and, what is more, he will come of
well-trained progenitors, so that all of his
wonderful instincts will come to him fresh
and vigorous. Benjamin Nobthbop.
Mb. Jaspee LAWMAN has just finished an
oil portrait of Mr. Walter, tne soap manufac
turer. ' Onb of the latest works by Mr. Charles
"Walz is a life-size portrait in oil, which ma7 he
seen at Young's.
A batzteb cleverly-executed portrait, bear
ing evidence of skillful handling, is shown at
Boyd's. The work beaTs the name of E.
Quite a number of fine pictures by European
artists will be shown at Gillespie's 'daring the
week. Something above the ordinary in the
way of etching is exhibited there at present.
The subject is a landscape, with sheep, after
the picture by A. Manve entitled, "Dans la
Brujere." It is etched by Mr. C. I. Dake.
Mb. A. V. King shows a very pleasing study
of still hie at Gillespie's. The subject consists
of a brace of game birds tied together by the
feet, and hung to a nail in a board. The study
is a very simple one. but at the same tltno it
produces quite a pleasant effect as it shows
some good drawing and at the same time it is
freely and vigorously bandied.
Mb. D. B. Walkxet has just completed sev
eral fine paintings which will shortly be placed
upon exhibition. He is working away as indus
triously as usual, and has a number of Impor
tant works under way. The statement pub
lished in a Pittsburg paper to the effect that
Mr. Walkley had left the city is entirely with
out foundation. He ha not left Pittsburg, and
has no intention of dning so.
A couple of new paintings by Mr. Jas. R.
Woodwell are shown at Gillespie's. They are
both marine views, and were painted duringtbe
past summer. The style of execution is easily
recognizable as that oi Mr. Woodwell. and the
effect rendered in each work is that of a very
pleasant aspect of sea ana sky ana shore. Both
pictures have considerable strength of color,
but the one which shows a curling wave about
breaking upon the shore is rather the most
pleasant of the two, as tne whole tone of the
work is the brighter and more cheerful. It is
also the best in style of composition and line
Among other interesting objects that orna
ment the studio of Miss Madge Irwin Is a large
china vase which that versatile young artist
modeled during a recent visit to the potteries
at Steubenville, Ohio. This work is quite a
handsome piece of art ware, the modeled de
sign consisting of a large dragon clinging to
the side of the vase. It is one of a number
which Miss Irvin has recently executed, and
she has orders for several other such pieoes
for the Steubenville potteries. The superior
quality of the ware turned out at these works
is evidenced by the fact that some of the finer
?ieces are purchased by Tiffany 4 Co., of New
ork. Miss Irvin has just finished a number
of flower studies, which are very clean and
strong in color. Among them is a large deco
rated panel of geraniums, and another smaller
one of petunias.
When a book Is written or a piece of music
composed, there must, if the work is to be of
any value, have been in the author's mind some
idea or purpose other than the mere desire to
write the book or compose the music; there
must have been some new thought or feeling
to express, some new truth to teach, or at least
an old idea that will admit of a new and better
form of expression; falling this, the labor will
be thrown away and result only in the produc
tion of a workthat is without strength or value.
So it is in art. unless a picture impresses one
as filling a place which none other has done,
unless it tells us of a truth which we have not
elsewhere learned, it might as well have been
left unpainted. Assuming that an artist is
possessed of a certain degree of technical
skill, a picture from bis brush will have a
greater or lesser value according as the object
which leads to its production was
noble or commonplace. A crear pic
ture is simply the embodiment of
a noble thought in a suitable form of expres
sion, and aside from its technical qualities, will
be an exact reflex ot the depth of feeling and
Intellectual power possessed by its author. It
is the deeply earnest and religious mood in
which the old masters painted, and the strength
of purpose and feeling with which they in
vested their works, that gave to theirproduc
tion a quality of strength which is felt and
appreciated even yet, and will continue to be
in spite of changes which time and the evolu
tion of ideas may bring to pass in the purposes
and practice of art. In this one respect the
men who lived in a more sober age possessed
a slight advantage over the artists of the
present day, but it it one that is overbalanced
a thousand times by the superior knowledge
of modern painters. It is this superior knowl
edge that has broadened the scope of art, and
rendered certain qualities of technical excel
lence objects in themselves worth striving for.
The clever artist of modem times is a trained
observer, and his skill is such that it enables
him to execute a clear and intelligible record of
his observations. His mission then, if be bo
umply clever and not burning with the fire of
genius which promnts him to oripnate great
thoughts, is to look about him with his well
trained ej es and tell us hat he sees. Thns we
are made acquainted with many fundamental
truths that would otherwise escape our obser
vation; bavins had ourattentiou directed to the
workings of some natural law by the inspection
of a picture paintc d with that end in view, we
learn to look for the same effect in nature and
find pleasure in its discovery. A pictorial repre
sentation ofjnatural ccenery mustalwavsbe exe
cuted with a view to the expression of some
particular effect ox nature's varions moods,
flie leading object may be tho expression of
beauty, dignity or grandeur of composition,
and in this case all other considerations must
be keDt subordinate to this one. So also a
picture may be notable for its sublimity of
conception, for the beaut' of its coloring,
for the degree of artistic feeling ex
pressed in its execution, for any
one of a number of desirable qualities such as
atmospheric effect, the expression of great
snace and distance, the clear brightness of day
light, the flood of golden sunlight or the dark
ness and gloom of a storm: it may express any
one of a thousand different effects, but it mnst
render some one ot them clearly or it is of little
value. In a painting representing the various
features of a landscape it matters not how w ell
tbe different parts may have been executed
when viewed separately; though the sky, tbe
trees tbe rpeks ana ground may all be perfect
in themselves, unless they bear to each other
that nice relation and harmony which cxls.s in
natnre at any given moment, the whole does
not constitute a picture. It is this quality of
harmony and completeness that renders
modern work more generally pleasing than
that of tho old-time painters, and it is along
this line that future advancements in art must
Otrs customers are now making their holi
day selections; call and make yours. "We
will lay it away till called for. M. G.
Cohen, 'jeweler and diamond expert, 533
Smithfield st The only street clock on
Smithfield st. in front of door.
Grand Holiday Display.
This department will close January 1,
1890, making it an exclusive holiday dis
play. Call and see our wonderful selection.
"War. Haslage & Son,
81 Diamond (Market square).
Fob bargains in drygoods, carpets and
rugs, go to the large bankrupt sale, at auc
tion, of the stock of a New Tork importing
house now being cold for the benefit of
creditors at 723 and 725 Liberty st, corner
of Eighth. Sales daily at 10 a. m., 2 and
730 P. M.
None but Flennnnt Effects
Follow the freest use.of F. & V.'s Iron City
beer. The purest materials only en'er into
its composition. All dealers keep it.
Answera to Correspondents.
Jack B wins the bet. Certainly French,
Kendrick & Co.'s is the best placo to bny
china. No need to tell you their store is op
posite the City Hall.
Order your photos and crayons for the
holidays now at Lies' Popular Gallery, 10
and 12 Sixth st. Cabinets $1 per doz. and
extra panel picture. rrsu
Cash paid for old gold and silver at
Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth ave.
Special Sale Flash Saeqneil
800 fine plush sacques, $15 to $25, best
values ever shown,
arwsu Rosenbatjm Ss Co.
Far Corset Bmrcalni
Go to the closing-oat Mis of F. Schoenth&l,
612 Penn stb-
Edgar, Wateman Visits the Beautiful
Azore Islands,
A Curious Yoyajra With Old Breton Hon of
the Sea.
icohbespondisce or the dispatch.!
Ponta Delgada, Azores, October 24.
The force of early oriental tradition un
doubtedly led to the discovery and peopling
of the American continent. That remote
and mystic phantom of historic and ethical
authority, the Puranus, placed the Chandra
dwip, or "Sacred Isles of the "West," within
the waves and vastness of the Atlantic.
Pindar described the place of rest of the
Greek heroes as the
t Isles of the blest,
Where ocean breezes blow
Bound flowers of gold that glow
On stream or strand.
Or glorious trees, whence they
"Wreath chanters for the neck and band.
The ancient Irish bards were forever sing
ing of Hy Brazil (or Breassil) as an ocean
hidden land of perpetual sunshine, with no
ble streams, mountains and vales, filled with
perennial verdure, where there was neither
care nor decay. The fabled Keltic heroes,
like Ossine MacFion, were transported by
supernatural power to this Tir-na-n'oge. the
country of perpetual youth and island of the
immortals. Compensation in the sad fate
of King Arthur at Camelford came in the
bearing away bv tender hands of his hurt
soul and wounded body to the "island valley
of Avillon," from whence he shall "come
again" and give a reign of justice and
peace to his beloved Enzland. Tasso, of
pathetic memory, in his glorious "Gerusa
lemme Liberata," locates the wiles ot the
enchantress, Armida, over Rinaldo, when
the latter onght to have been bael there with
Godfrey shying rocks at the heads of
Pagans over the walls of old Jerusalem,
as being wrought in "the Happy Isles,
the Fortunate," placing the islands even so
late as 1570 to the west and south of Gibral
tar. The Egyptians also believed in, and
sang of, a similar island paradise of which
Plato makes Cretias tell the story, as having
been received through his grandfather from
Solon, who gathered its particulars from the
priests of Egypt. The fabled and vast At
lantis of all these nations' fancy may have
had existence and disappeared; or it may
have existed in magnificent proportions,
and its location be still marked by those
islet minarets which, like the fine, low
towers of crumbling castles, mutely tell of a
wondrous olden splendor and power. Ibis
conjecture is at least an interesting one, and
gains no little fascination when a glance of
your eye, sweeping in a northwesterly di
rection over your map from Cape Bayador,
on the northwest coast of Africa encounters
as possible broken links in a former mighty
continental chain, first the Canary Isles,
then the islands of Madeira, and beyond, for
hundreds of miles raising their cloud-kissed
peaks from sapphire wayes, those lustrous
gems of sunny verdure and bloom, the
Western Isles, or the islands of the Azores.
There are many pleasant wavs, for those
not dreading a wholesome sea voyage, of
reaching the Azores. There, is a line of
steamers and one of packets from Boston.
Certainly one line from New York, whose
vessels trade with Mediterranean ports, land
passengers on their way. You may get every
month or so stanch sailing packets from
quaint old New Bedford, that single Ameri
can seaport town which still believes in
American ships and American seamen.
From Southampton, England, you can, dur
ing the orange, or winter, season secure
passage by sailer or steamer almost any day
of the week. "While from Lisbon, the Gov
ernment mail steamers of Portugal depart for
the Azores, with regularity on the first and
15th of every month. Being at tbe old city
of Nantes, on the Loire, and but a few
miles from the Bay of Biscay, I had a"
choice only, so all wise authorities urged, of
Lisbon or Southampton for a port oi de
parture; but coming upon some delicious
oranges wrapped in tell-tale corn husks at
one of the fruit stalls of Bue du Calvaire, I
played the commercial and maritime de
tective along the quays from Nantes to fit.
Nazaire, and found for I know those
oranges came not from the Madeiras, bnt
the Azores, as surely as "Bourbon" could
be traced to Kentucky, and not to Maine
a jaunty Breton brigantine just ready to
set sail for Ponta Delgada, the cap
ital of St. Michael and the chief city of
the Azores. Its captain, a good-natured
soul, broad, bushy and benign, nothing
loth of kindly company, gave me his own
berth and freedom of his tiny cabin, with
passage, for just 100 francs, agreeing to Bet
me down safely at Ponta Delgada, whither
he was bound for a second cargo of oranges,
providing fair winds prevailed, within ten
days; and within as many hours we had
lost sight of the noble lighthouse of St.
Nazaire, and, on a southwesterly course,
had sighted the grim crags of Spain at
Finisterre, when night shut out the land,
which came not again to sight until the
gray peak of Pico, one of the Azores, which
rises over 7.000 feet above the sea, on the
morning of the fifth day of our voyage, was
seen as but a tiny speck on the far western
It was a curious voyage with these old
Breton men of the sea. Some singular ways
were found among them. Their vile sour
wine, which! they consumed by the gallon,
their garlic, caviare and salted fish, their
white bread of wheaten rock, their stews and
soups, and coffee black as ink, and their
cooking above decks in the old utensils of
two centuries ago, at all hours of day and
night, after the mannenof the picturesque
Cuban coasters I once kuew, are all of un
savory memory. But the good fellowship
between master and man, the utter lack of
the howling brutality under the guise of
"discipline" upon American vessels, the
constant urbanitv between fellows, and polite
humility of captain to seamen, with their
splendid physique, the picture-making dress
and groupjngot the crew, theircurling hair,
fine, glossy beards, tremendous chests and
frank, free, sunny faces ever turning to one
in respectful deference or pleasant smile,
were all like melodious verse to an enchant
ing idyl of the sea.
The Azores, named from the acor, or
hawk, are nine islands lying in an extended
group whose general direction ranges north
west from St. Mary, the southernmost
island lying in the latitude of Gibraltar,
about 350 miles northwest, to Corvo, the
northernmost island, in the latitude of
Philadelphia. The nine islands comprise
three groups. The southwestern contains
St. Mary with 3G square miles and 9,000
people; St. Michael, tne largest .azorean
island, with 224 square miles and about
112,000 inhabitants; and the Formigas, or
Ants, a group of exposed rocks, hidden from
view by fogs and exceptionally dangerous
during the winter. The central group con
sists of Fayal, with 40 sqnare miles and
about 28,000 souls; Terceria, with 180 square
miles and perhaps 60,000 sonls; Graciosa,
with 32 sqnare mile and 13,000 people; St.
George, with about 90 square miles and 19,
000 souls; and Pico with possibly an area of
80 square miles and 20,000 inhabitants.
There are but two islands in the northwest
ern group, Flores and Corvo, the former
with about 130 square miles and 12,000 souls,
and the latter with not upward of 40 square
miles and 1,500 people. The Azores there
fore have a total area of 850 square miles, or
three-fourths that of the smallest of the
United States, and a combined population
of 280,500, barely exceeding that of Rhode
Island, as given by the census of the latter
for 1880.
The clearest and simplest way to geograph
ically locate the Azores in one a mind is to
remember them as a scattered group, or as
detached groups, lying in the Atlantio al
most in the path of Europe-bound steamert,
about 2,000 miles east of Philadelphia and
New York, 750 miles west of Spain and Por
tugal, and 1,100 miles to the west of south
of England. Historically considered they
are almost devoid of interest, their relation
to the fabulous fancies of oriental legends
rising far superior to the realism of their
actual discovery and colonization by the
Portuguese about the middle of the 15th
century. In the main the Azores have been
veritable Isles of Peace. The wretched
struggles between Spain and Portugal
scarcely ever reached in ill effect to these
enchanting shores; and the occasional belch
ing of a volcano or toppling over of a monn
'tain, with perhaps as infrequent a dispute
with British men-of-war, or an Algerian
pirate, over the spoils of some petty, som
nolent port, have furnished the most trving
vexations these simple, sunny people have
known or owned.
On the morning of the seventh day out
from Nantes we sighted St, Michael. By
noon we were abreast of its northwestern
craggy peaks and basaltic headlands; and,
after several honrsof pleasant sailing almost
underneath the frowning battlements ot the
heights of the "Seven Cities,'" the Cande
laria, and Picode Vigario, weronndedPoint
Deleada. and came to anchor within the
artificial harbor of the chief city and port of
St. Michael, quaint and sleepy old Ponta
Delgada, the third city in size and import
ance in Portugal and the Azores. The har
bor itself is but a slight indentation within
a great semicircular arm of the sea, forever
exposed to fierce, though balmy, southwest
winds. The city straggles to the right and
left for more than a mile from tbe docks,
and creeps prettily out and up over pleasant
ways of verdure and early winter bloom to
ward a circling group of high and serrated
outlying hills.
The Government mail boat having
steamed out of the harbor with frantic dem
onstrations of interest and regard on tne
part of the thousands . collected at the lower
plazas and along the quays, the customs
and health officers, tobacco boats, beggars'
boats, and hotel runners' boats now swarmed
about our little brigantine, and we were
boarded, taken, examined, questioned, and
bullied not a little, after the uncttfous
Portuguese manner; but all with an ampli
tude of deferential politeness far exceeding
anything I have ever elsewhere seen.
The bowing, scraping, hat-doffing and
salaams between our captain and the
officers during the meagerly necessary for
malities of port entrance, were something
astounding. My captain was fully their
equal in these cordial gymnastics, but the
cold blood of a Northern clime coursing
through my own veins rendered my part in
these proceedings so stiff and stately that I
was instantly set npon as an undoubted es
trangeroi who must be captured for prey;
whereupon more than a score of apparently
half-mad boatmen and rnnners sang, palav
ered and howled in hideous chorus, "in
God's name" to "Durnia na minha casa
esta noitel" that is to "Lodge with me this
night!" But my good Breton captain bel
lowing at them all "Bastantel bastantel"
preserved me from these superlatively
polite vultures; and, when evening
had come, took me in his own gig to the
landing, led me up the slippery stairs
and conducted me through plazas, courts
and beneath huge arches into a by-street,
clean and pleasant, but dark and silent, to
an ancient habitation where we halted.
Here after much knocking and bawling an
old man made his appearance. He and the
Captain fell upon each other's necks and
kissed. Then solemnly proceeding through
a flower-filled patio, or court, we came to an
apartment where sat the old man's wife and
daughter. The former showered all manner
of greetings. The latter, an Azorean beauty
of no immature years, sat silent and
blushed as the big 'Breton as blushingly
stammered his greeting to her. It was easy
to see I had fallen upon a little romance at
the outset. But that could wait; and in a few
moments all the wonderful verbal floriture of
negotia'tion had resulted in securing for me
a home while at Ponta Delgada for bnt one
"serrilha," or about 25 cents in American
money, per day. I knew the Captain would
tarry "below, and, promising to visit him
aboard his brigantine on the morrow, I bade
tbe croup a plain English "Good night!" to
which they all responded with an unctuous
"Deos o permital" when the aged Senhor,
with a light consisting of a wick dimly flick
ering from a basin of lard, showed me to a
comfortable room, whose balcony overhung
the street below. In this, and upon a bed of
cornhusks as clean and sweet as in my olden
American farm home ever prompted to
pleasant boyhood dreams, I passed my first
night in the balmy isles of the Azores.
Edgar L. Wakejian.
Sate money by purchasing your holiday
presents in diamonds, watches, jewelry,
silverware, clocks, bronzes, etc, V! M. G.
Cohen, diamond expert and jeweler, 533
Smithfield st. Large street clock in front of
IrTon Want to be Prepared to Give Thanka
When the Day Cornea,
Drop in during week commencing Novem
ber 18, and look over our carpet remnants on
first floor.
Velvet carpet remnants.
Body Brussels remnants.
Tapestry Brussels remnants.
Ingrain carpet remnants.
The prices are, like the carpets, but rem
nants of what they bring in the roll.
The pieces rnn lrom 10 to 30 yards, big
enough to cover any ordinary room.
Edwabd Gboetzinoeb,
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
See! Hear! Buy!
$44 5 oct, parlor organ, new.
$55-"-6 oct. parlor organ, new.
520 5 oct. parlor organ, sec hand.
$25 5 oct. parlor organ, sec. hand.
5100 7 oct, square piano, sec hand.
$130 7ji oct. square piano, sec. hand.
$175 7 oct. upright piano, new.
Please cut this out and put it in your hat
for future reference, and remember when you
buy from other dealers at the outrageous
prices they a3k, you are making the rich
richer and enslaving yourself.
Our store open every night till 9 P. M.
Echols, McMtjrbay & Co.,
123 Sandusky street,
(Telephone Building.) Allegheny, Pa.
Tusu '
Pittsburg and links Erie Railroad Chance
In Time.
There will be no change in time of
through trains, except that the afternoon ex
press lor Cleveland will leave at 420 P.
M. (central time) instead of 4:10, as hereto
fore. This train will have a Pullman par
lor car for Cleveland and will rnn to
Youngstown daily. The Youngstown ac
commodation, arriving at 920 a. m. will
run daily. The Beaver Falls local train
win leave at 720 A. M. instead ot au as
now. Two additional accommodation trains
will run to Coraopolis leaving at 5:35 A. M.
and 820 a. ll. Returning trains will leave
Coraopolis at 6:15 and 9:10 A. M. The
Beaver Falls accommodation will leave at
620 p. m., instead of 5:15, as now.
On the P. McK. & Y., the West Newton
accommodation will leave at 9:30 A. U. in
stead of 10.-05, and 520 P. M., instead of
5:15. Three additional trains have been put
on between Pittsburg and McKeesport, in
connection with the Bellcvernon Railroad,
running through to Belleveruon solid. They
will leave at 620 and 11:15 A. u. and 350
P. M. Trains from Bellcvernon will arrive
at 7:45 A. m., and 12:30 and 5 P. if.
Let Us All Give Thanks and Celebrate
the Day.
Of course you will want brandy old
Hennessy, for puddings, sauces and mince
pies and wine to add zest to appetite and
good cheer to the company. Tbe plare to
get all these good thines is at the Half
Centurv Liquor House, 523 Liberty street,
foot of Fifth avenue.
81 06 November La.t Month SI 60
For fine cabinets at $1 00 per dozen, at
Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street,
Pittsburg. Elevator. Fine crayons.
The Intense Longing in the Heart of a
Sailor ttho Has Spent Three
Crews of tbe China Squadron Cheering a
Homeward-Bound Ship.
Can you realize the intense longing for
home which grows up in theheartof a sailor
who has passed a three years' cruise on a
foreign station?
"We had spent that length of time on the
China station, and were expecting orders by
efery mail steamer to make the best of our
way home. Steamer after steamer came,
but no qrders, and growls at the delay were
loud and deep. Some of the old sailors
seemed to think it was due to the presence
on board of some unlucky Jonah, and it was
well for Jonah that the initials of his name
were not known.
"We had sailed from Panama three years
before, and had reached tbe station alter a
cruise through the Pacific Islands. Every
thing was novel to us, and tbe first year had
passed very quickly. "We visited
the principal Chinese and Japa
nese ports, and rapidly became
accustomed to the sight of oriental faces,
with eyes cut on a bias, and that pride of a
Chinaman's heart, his pigtail. Of Euro
pean or American society there was very
little, and how we did wish for the sight of
the pretty faces and trim figures ot our
American eirls. As one of the- youngsters
put it, "If I could clap eyes on one of those
sweet creatures again, I would surely fall in
love on the spot," and he echoed the pre
vailing sentiment. The uncivilized ele
ments of our surroundings, which at first
had attracted, owing to their novelty, began
to grow distasteful, and anything that wore
petticoats or'reminded us of home, was mors
admired than aught else.
"When orders did arrive.to start, we were
lying in tbe harbor at Hong Kong, and all
was bustle for a few days, getting in pro
visions and making preparations for our
long journey. Coal was taken on board
and mess stores of all kinds laid in.
The homeward-bound pennant was broken
out. and made ready for the mo
mentous day of our departure. "When a
naval vessel starts on a cruise, the signal
quartermaster commences this pennant, and
for each month that the ship is away he
adds a certain number ot feet to its length.
Our pennant had grown to such an extent
during the cruise that, flying from the
mainmast head, tbe end floated far astern,
being buoyed up by a small balloon.
The final day came, and boats were con
stantly coming from the shore with belated
parcels, and the ship was crowded with
lAtindrvmen and enmnrArlorf ftnttlinc billR.
The old ship herself seemed to partake or
tne suppressed excitement visible on all the
faces, and with steam hissing from her es
cape pipes, nde uneasily to her cable,
which had been hove short during the
morning waUh. aAt-last all the visitors
were hnstled out'of the shiD. and the old
bos'n, with a due sense of the gravity of the
occasion, blew his shrill pipe, and in a voice
rendered harsh and grating by contests with
many a gale, passed the order, "Allhandsup
anchor for home" No song by prima donna
or tenor was. ever greeted with such ap
plause, nor could any such hare sounded so
sweet to ears that had waited for phis cry for
so long a time. I remember that as the
word was passed, the story of ""Philip No
lan, or the Man Withont a Country," came
to mv mind, and I realized then what a se
vere punishment was his: To see ship after
ship leave for his native land, and never al
lowed even to hear its name mentioned.
The men rushed for the capstan when the
order was given, and with a hurrah the
anchor was brought to the cathead. The
long pennant streamed out astern, giving
notice to the ships in the harbor'that we
were homeward bound, and tbe engines be
gan to turn over Slowly we threaded our
way through the vessels about us, steaming
around each oi the men-of-war, and the men,
clustered in the' rigging, cheered each one
as we passed, and were cheered in return.
Our racing boat's crew had been the victors
in every contest while on the station, and
when the last ship was passed, a fine game
cock, our em Diem oi supremacy, was thrown
from the maintop, and fluttered down to the
water. In an instant boats darted from
each of the ships, and the bird was rescued,
the rescuers having to defend its possession
against all challengers. A dummy Jonah
was thrown overboard, and supposed to
carry with it all bad luck which might in
terfere with a pleasant pissage home. In
the meantime the band had been playing
appropriate airs, such as "The Girl T Left
Behind Me," "Obi Ain't I Mighty Glad to
Get Out of the "Wilderness," and as we
passed out of the harbor the strains of
"Home, Sweet Home" made us all wish
that the way were shorter.
"We stopped at few places on the way, our
route being across the Indian Ocean,
through the Bed Sea and Mediterranean,
and across to New York. The weather dur
ing the whole trip was delightful, and it
was a great satisfaction to think that every
knot we made carried us so much nearer
home. The girls at home certainly did
have hold of the tow rope, and the way
the old ship made time gave evidence
that a goodly number of them were inter
ested in our quick return.
One member of onr crew was destined
never again to see his native shore. He
was a young apprentice boy, who was taksn
sick about the time we started for home,
and had gradually grown worse. He was a
general favorite, and many of tbe sailors
used to visit him as he swung in his cot in
the sick bay, and try to cheer him up. The
poor fellow seemed to realize that his num
ber had been called, and that he must soon
answer the dread summons, but he made a
brave fight against death until the last, hop
ing against hope that he might hold out
until he could see his old mother who lived
in New York. He lingered until we were
halt way across the Atlantic Ocean when
exhausted pature gave up the unequal strug
gle. The burial took place next day.
Under any circumstances, a burial
is an impressive sight, but doubly so when
it occurs at sea. It was a bright, sunshiny
afternoon and the ship was under full
sail. The body had been stitched up in a
hammock, weigntea witn a couple of shot,
and was placed on a bier on the quarter
deck and covered with the Union Jack. Tbe
light sails were taken in and the ship hove
to with the main topsail to the mast, roe
and fell slowly to the movement of the
waves. The bos'n's call was again he"ard,
but how changed the' tone, and burdened
with what a sad significance. "All hands
bury the dead." Tbe men and officers gath
eredon the quarterdeck with bared heads.and
a cloud at that moment, obscuring the sun,
threw a veil of gloom overthe scene. Amid
a most impressive silence the chaplain
stepped out, and in a voice which was
hardly under control, commenced reading
the burial service.
"When. he reached that passage which
reads: "'We therefore commit his body to
the deep," the pallbearers lifted the bier,
and carried it to the gangway, resting one
end on the rail. As the solemn words were
uttered, the end of the bier was raised and
the body plunged into the water with a
sound that seemed the crudest thing I had
ever heard. Few eyes were dry, and it was
days before the impression produced died
In a couple of weeks more we reached
New York. My first sight of God's owa
country was when I went on deck at mid
nishf. and Barnezat light wa Is s&rhL I
eteed there for sosa tine waieUsg tM !,
con and thinking over the things that had
happened since I last saw it.
By noon the next day we were at anchor
off the Battery, and in a few" days the crew
were paid off and scattered. Many a home
was made happy by the presence of a long
absent husband, father or son, and many
wonderful yarns were spun about the things
seen daring the cruise just ended.
To he a Plump Rhode Inland Bird, Already
Beadr for the Sacrifice.
isrxcuz.xxi.xaxAii to tux sisrxTcn.i
Peovidence, B, I., November 16.
President Harrison is to have a plump
Bhode Island turkey for his Thanks
giving feast, and it maybe a source of grati
fication to him to know that the bird that is
to grace his table has already been selected.
Senator Anthony in his lifetime provided
these delicacies for the Bepuhlican Presi
dents and Mr. John M. Brennan performed
a similar service for President Cleveland.
President Harrison will be indebted to Mr.
George C. Leonard, of this city, and Mr. H,
H. "Whiley, of South Kingston, for his
bird. The latter raised it, and the former
hunted the country over until he found the
one that was in his opinion best suited to
tbe President's stomach.
The bird will be killed in the most ap
proved fashioo, and will be packed ip a
champagne basket, with other delicacies.
Then 'it will be sent by express to the "White
House, on the day before Thanksgiving.
Ferr of His Friends Think He Was S-
cleotly Dignified.
Charleston, S. C, November 16.
Postmaster General "Wanamaker has very
few friends in the Palmetto State, outside of
such fourth-class postmasters as owe their
appointment to him. But Senator Hamp
ton's letter to him in reference to the
Columbia postoffiee is not approved In this
State outside of Columbia and thecapitol.
Many of his worshipers think that he has
pnt bis foot into it this time. A good many
of the Democratic newspapers are silent on
the subject. Others are outspoken In con
demnation of the letter to Wanamaker. The
Greenville Dally News, red-hot Democratic,
says editorially:
Tbe document Is not a finished or beautiful
production of sarcasm, and its taste and dig
nity as a communication from a Senator of tbe
United States are open to question. If Senator
Hampton thought necessary, for his own vindi
cation, to assure tbe public that be had been
deceived by tbe Postmaster General be could
have done so In direct and dignified terms.
- -
In Slalnr.
Visitor That's a fine globe yon have
Host Yes, geography has always been
my favorite study. Clinton, yon may run
out and pla awhile.
Host Say when, old boy! Puck.
Are Too Afflicted?
Beader, are you afflicted, and wish to re
cover the same degree of health, strength
and energy of body and mind experienced
in former years? Do any of the following
symptoms or class of symptoms meet your
diseased condition? Are yon suffering from
bad health in any of its many forms conse
quent on a lingering, nervous, chronic or
functional aiseaser jjo you leei nervous,
debilitated, fretful, timid, and lack the pow
ers of will and action? Are you subject to
loss of memory, have spells of flashes of
heat, and dizziness In the head, and feel
listless, moping, unfit for business or
pleasure, and subject to fits of .melan
choly? Are your kidneys, stomach,
urinary organs, liver or blood in a disor
dered condition? Do you suffer from
rheumatism, neuralgia or aches- and
pains? Are you timid, nervous and fretful.
with your mind constantly dwelling on the
subject? Have you lost confidence in your
self and energy for the active duties of life?
Are you subject to restless nights, broken
sleep, dreams, palpitation of the heart, bash
fulness, confusion of ideas, aversion to so
ciety, vertigo, ringing in the ears, dimness
of sight and blotches on the face and back,
obstinate constipation, pain in the back and
general derangement of the whole system?
If you are thus suffering you should consult
Dr. Smitb; 315 Penn avenue, the eminent
specialist in nervous diseases,' and be re
stored to health and happiness. Office hours,
9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 m.
The doctor invites corresponce from people
at a distance, but never answers any letters
unless they contain two stamps.
Tbe Holidays Are Approaching.
Yon are thinking about bnying a watch.
The best and cheapest place in the city for
diamonds, watches and fine jewelry is st
Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth ave.
Established 1853. tots
Is the best in the market. It is the most
Perfect in construction, gives themost light,
urns less oil and yon can buy them from
us at lowest prices, as we are the agents in
Pittsburg for their sale.
"We are now receiving our HolHay Gaeds,
beautiful Dinner and Chamber Sets; a com.
plete Hue of Fancv Goods, suitable lor presents.
If you want to save money and who doesn't!
you can do it at
211 wood snurar,
Opposite BC Charles Hotel, er
lOfl and 104 THIRD ATS.
HOTEtS. , v. 1
Snmmervflle Heights, Augusta, Ga.
This new and elegant hotelwlth accommoda
tions lor soo guests, will open its doors for winter
tourists Dec 1st. 1SS9. In Its construction, noth
lngthat will contribute to tha comfort; of Its . .
patrons na3 been ominea;ic 13 unsurpassea in
all lt3 appointments and general tpne. Otis ele
vator; steamheat; open fireplaces In bedrooms: ,
electric bells; telegraph office: elegant parlors
and dining room: pure mountain spring water;
rooms en suite, with private; and public baths;
Bteamlaondry; excellentllvery. with picturesque)
drives and waits, are some Of its attractions.
The Hotel Bon Air will be under tne superior
management of Mr. C. A. Iinslev. ot Hassacnu.
setts, late proprietor otteGleiihamBceX'FIftli
Avenue, new xorir, ana tne "Anuers," Colorado
Springs. A liandsomly Illustrated book contain
ing full Information win be sent on application
to ilx.Unaley, Augusta. Ca. ' '
solMS-eosa 4
1 THOJrAsvnxii gaaJ
This luxurious hotel, ror tne seasons or isbu-'ko, , -
opcrs Dec. 11 under tbe popular management sm
for comfort and bealtb: sanitary' dralnaest
steam heat; furniture and appointments tha i
very finest; elegant rooms: American cu!sine,V
and rates moderate. For rates or fuller par-
ttculan. address RYLAND HAMILTON'"
Tbom&sville. Ua., or Colonnade Hotel. Pbilv-'J
aeipnia, until uec j. boii-wi
Gold Medal
nimn rvnnoiTinii
rjtnia CAruaiuun.
Sold by
Whom 2D doctors said roust die of eontmap
Her disease was caused by catarrh. She saystg
'1 had a snort backing cough, tightness lnfora
chest, short breath, and I felt tired all the tna3
As I grew weaker X suffered witn tbose terrtblaj
Dizht sweats. 31 r fader toot me to 3) pb
iciaus, wno said I could not be cured. IdoJ
torea witn many pnysicians, due got so-Dejier.T
Alter u years ot sunering l oecan treats!
with tbe physicians of the Catarrh and Pjiuw
sia. Institute, 223 Penn avenue, to whom I oW
mr recovery. My congb. Is cone; I nave i
dizziness, ringing In tbe ears, headache or nlgWl
sweats any more. The pain and soreness In ssyj
stomacn nave left me; my food digests wensal
that now no gas forms in my stomach. JXyj
tnroat nsea to oe so sore I could Hardly I
low; that Is cured. I feel well and strong;1 s
why should I not praise these doctors for tksifj
saving me from such an untJmuy death ru -j
Kearsaree st,near VIrginl3,on Alt. Washing
Treatment by Correspendg
A system by which patients are snecessfaflyj
treated at their homes by correspondene
Mr. David "West, of Prospect, Butler county,!
an extensive farmer and a well-known dealers
In horses, suffered from catarrh andasthma'f ora
15 years. His head, nose and throat was
Unually stuffed up and bad a burning
tloru He was so suffocated at nights that)l
could not sleep, and there were wbeezfajcl
sounds from his lungs when he breathed. Hal
began treatment, and on November She wrote: j
"I bave no stuffed-up feeling, or burning 1 I
my nose and. throat, no suffocation nights tori
wneezmg." aal
The Catarrh and Dvroerola Institute isoer."!
manently located at S3 Penn ave. Tneycarv
Catarrh, Dyspepsia and Diseases of WoaeaT
uonsuiiaaonireeioaii. umce.nours,WAZK
to 4 p. t, ana e to BF.jf. Hunaajs,i3t04 F.'a
. noiu-M
GUN WA is a Chinese Physlqian;:
Owing to existing laws he cannot piaoMiiE
meoicine in America, bo ne nas preparesiai
line ot Chinese herb and vegetable speoHJ
which, instead of simply relievinjr sympt-nma.1
strike at the VERY BOOT OF DISEASE,!!
perform cures that are nothing less tnaa w
velous. A friendly taHrandCONaULTATK!
with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. He Chan
but a small sum for bis remedies, which, thofk
gentle and harmless to take, are certain a I
unerring- in their effects. They SPEEDILTJ
cuius ait Diood, nervous ana cnronicaisM
Yonnir. middle-aired or old men. suffer
uiCKiy restorer! to muuoj. rmoij
AFFUCTED. If you cannot call, write Mea.-!
in perfect confidence. Send for history of hell
fcAljlll. UUil WAUSMUiuiuiuj
lire, ana nis circular on vancer, j.nmorsi
Worm, Rheumatism. Catarrh. Female wa
nru. or Piles. Inclose 4c ILunra forjrw
Office hours, 9 A. jtto 13 K.) 1 to 6 aad 7,1
G-TJ3ST "W.A.,
MOPenn ArvcFlttm'bTuemt-
YL England can best be seat by cheeks
tfceCneque.Bank," which are MilliMfjH
eaakers, merebaata and tnaiHeil.CHEI
jr&faoT-MAX SCW tMWaF4WI
HaaQrMajNVr Iwf JT VlaH " i MHa
. X-rtA ZtM
'.MV.l jJ v 4B