Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 31, 1889, Image 1

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Xasts Chairman Conger, of Ohio,
Deep Inlo the Tureen
of Despondency.
fto Proceed at Once to Help Ua-
" honeOnt ofthoHnd.
Poraker Plsrares Out u Majority for Him
elf of From 151,000 to 15,000 He
Send! BU Respects to Admlrera In
.'Pennsylvania Lost Appeal of His Party
In HI Behalf The Gorerno'r Talks In
Polyaytlablca Chairman Neal, of tho
Democratic Committee, Kot Afraid of
Blc Words He Says Campbell Haa the
..yJ'Kepnblleans on the Rnn A Bleb Candi
date for Senator Would bo an Acquisi
tion. $; Interesting and roseate interviews -with
- Eepublican politicians in Ohio are gleaned
. by a Dispatch staff correspondent For
aker thinks he'll have from 12,000 to 15,000
,- ..plurality. Chairman Neal, of the Demo
. cratie Committee, gives no figures, nut cays
he's as hopeful as eTer. Springfield Re
publicans aren't as sanguine. They think
the fight a very close one.
Columbus, O., October 30. Colonel A.
L. Conger was deeply immersed in the
tureenjoi despondency when a visit Teas paid
to the State Republican headquarters this
alternoon. Prof. John M.Iiangston, the mag
netic colored orator, has been swaying vast
crowds with his eloquent Culminations
" V against mossbacked doctrines, during the
past week, but Senator Quay telegraphed
'Colonel Conger recalling Langston to Yir-j-ginia.
" .- Conger kicked by telegraph, and sent an
v 'urgent telegram also to Langston, who is at
Ironton, begging him (Langston) to tele-
'.... craph to Quay the Ohio mission was a noble
one, worthy of even Old Dominion foren-
' sicalities. Xangston couldn't see it in that
light He left Virginia against his will,
and only upon Senator Quay's imperative
assignment of him to Ohio, officially made
as Chairman of the Rational Committee. So
. Langston was only too glad to get back to
Virginia, and .returned a telegraphic answer
to Colonel Conger, stating that the wishes
of Senator Quay would be paramount with
Meanwhile, Colonel Conger received a
uwlnWii" ft -flMiort-Quay which must
nave Deen loaded. The a ational Chairman
' eaid imperatively the situation in Virginia
had become desperate, owing to the attitude
of the Republicans malcontents and the
widely believed stories that Langston had
been turned down by Senator Mahone on
account of his color these latter having
had a disastrous effect upon the colored vote
in Virginia. It was a .Macedonian cry,
with a sting in its tail, and Senator Quay
wound np with a gentle reminder that the
National Republican Committee was boss
of the situation.
' There was nothing for it but compliance,
and so Langston was notified to leave for
"Washington on the first train after his
speech at Ironton to-night. He sent word
back that he would love to set his foot on
.his political heath once more. His re-
. A. i ,itvftT!i 5nln Virrrinia will t AalikliMfA.4
f ' by sundry hullaballoos. So another
speaker was assigned to the broken en
. gagements, and Colonel Conger
-mysteriously some say to go to Ironton, to
renew me Dauie. xseiore ne went ne was
seen for a few moments and talked equably
ol the btate situation, despite his evident
annoyance at the Langston episode.
Colonel Conger does not claim the whole
' of Ohio, but says serenely that the battle is
1 fairly well won. "Said he:
- ''1 can fully admit that the Halstead
; matter was a facer to our campaigners. It
. vgave the Republicans a chill which was not
'easily dissipated, but everybody has pulled
themselves together, and are working with
, -redoubled energy. Mr. Hahtead's manli
ness has recoiled upon the Democratic
orators who so eagerly seized upon .the affair,
and I think we have really gained
ground since the truth became known. I
can say that never in the history of Ohio
- politics has the Republican organization
been as perfect and thorough as at present,
and that is what counts. We really have as
good an organization as in any Presidental
' -campaign in past years. I have had within
. the last 24 hours detailed reports of the reg-
rViiftratiouof voters, which show it to be but
slightly smaller than last year, and much
lirger than the last Gubernatorial fight.
There are large numbers of war boys who
r 'will cast their first vote, and cast it for Gov
ernor Foraker."
"Will Governor Foraker's illness detract
. -from his vote?"
"It is claimed that his inabilitv to sneak'
' 'during the past week will lose him 6,000
J&jYVoIcs, hut I think that all moonshine. He
$Syhas been tne recipient of much more sym
f Jfpathy than would offset the other claim.
"-jiiTh'e talk of third-termism has melted away
Sinthelast week, precisely as might have
-" .been expected. We are sure of the Legisla
' "tive ticket, and positive ot Governor Pora
, ' leer's triumphant election. With such a
iiuperb organization, and such able presen
ilation of the issues of the campaign, the nlu-v-
- ralSy should reach between 18,000 and 20,000.
. -ifmajrgo higher, but we are moderate, and
, JonJfcHwant, or claim, tha impossible things
expected by the opposition."
litis lea.rn.ed that under to-day's date con
fidential icomnftinications to the trusty
hcBehmeB'-of the Republican party have
goms?iiroB here aU 0Ter the Btate- After
udrj-JTlaonitions to the effect there is im
rtanM.n,watching the count and guard
tallysheets; that a full vote is of vast
ortance; that no attention should be
toTilaBderoBs attacks upon Governor
tw75 matter how startling or terrific:
that nothing could be surprising at such a
stage of such a canvass, the communica
tions says:
Defeat now would vindicate those who per
petrated the notorious election frauds of 1631
and 1SS5, and giro them control of the State
Government and Btate institutions. It would
enable them to destroy the laws securing hon
est elections, as well as much of the other leg
islation enacted for the protection and ad
vancement of the interest of the citizens of
Ohio. It would destroy the credit of the Bute,
and increase taxation. It wonld give the De
mocracy another United States Senator from
Ohio. It would give a Democratic Legislature
the desired opportunity, under the new census,
to gerrymander the State for Congressional
purposes, so that Instead of IS Republican Con
greesmen from Ohio, as we now hare, we wonld
probably elect bnt four or five. This gain
would undoubtedly give the Democrats a ma
jority in the next Congress, allowing them to
destroy the American system of protection,
thus crippling the manufacturing industries ofs
oar Btate or reducing the wages of the work
ingmen of Ohio. Wales.
He Calculates on Havtns; a Majority of
12.000 to 15,000 Not a Candidate
for the Senate, Thonsli He
Once Had Such Aspira
tions His Hopes.
Columbus, O., October 30. Governor
Poraker to-day descended the broad stairs
of his handsome mansion on 'Broad street,
with a springiness of step and a sprightli
ness of bearing which conveyed anything
but the impression that he was or has been
ilL The afternoon was beautiful, and the
Governor sighed as he shook hands with
The Dispatch correspondent and, gazed
out through a bay window.
"Too bad to have to be cooped up in such
weather, is it not?" said Ohio's Executive,
with his old-time geniality.
"Then you cannot meet the Americus
Club at Warren to-morrow?" asked the
"No.and lam extremely sorry. The Amer
icus Club are gallant fellows, and I should
haye enjoyed keenly their companionship,
but I havebeen forced to give up thejlan.
Mv physician has just left, leaving positive
orders that I should remain quiet Thongh
my bowel disorder is entirely gone, I still
suffer Blight pains, and he says that the
erlort of speaking might be attended with
disastrous consequences. I have just sent
telegrams to' Pittssrg, indicating my re
grets at not being able to go to Warren.
The committee, however, will give the
Americus gentlemen some capital oratory.
Major McKinley and Geoeral Jones, of
Youngstown, will supplement the efforts of
General Hastings and Senator Delamater,
and that
for the most exacting. I have made 60
speeches in the campaign, but will make no
more except to positively keep my Cincin
nati engagement. I have not yet outlined
my remarks for the close of the campaign."
The Governor was told a joke related at
the State headquarters, half an hour before.
It seems that there was a meeting at a small
place a few miles from Colnmbns. last
flight, and a Republican speaker thundered:
"xney say we can't elect Porater. Fellow
citizensl We must elect him." A Pitts
burg traveling man got up in the rear of
the hall and said: "S-s-s-say, you f-f-fellows.
if you c-c-c-c-an't elect him, jnst
s-s--shove him over to P-P-P-Pennsyl-vania,
and we'll v-v-v-vote him out ot s-s-s-sight"
Governor Poraker laughed heartily. "I
believe that," he said. l'I have received a
bushel of letters from Pennsylvania, all "of
them couched in the warmest terms. andX
value then--Tci liigtJTJrjmfeejJ;- 'Sincejay..,
eniorcea retirement J. nave received a mul
titude of kindly communications, but I shall
be-all right again in a few days."
"How do you estimate the vote of next
"I have haa some little experience in
Ohio politics, and I never felt more thor
oughly at ease as to the result than I do at
present It is hard to be accurate in esti
mating the vote of a great State like Ohio,
when it is remembered that 800,000 ballots
might be cast next Tuesday, but I think I
am conservative in estimating my plurality
at between 12,000 and 15,000, and
this, mind yon, is not based on
hopes, but on reasonable deductions. There
are many elements in this campaign which
nre calculated to puzzle even the most expert
politicians. In my last Gubernatorial can
vass a Labor ticket was very actively
pushed, and some strength thereby drawn
from the Democrats. In the present cam
paign, although there is a Labor tiefcet, I
have not encountered any evidence of its
activity. As regards Hamilton county, the
Democracy have attempted to place the Re
publican party on the defensive, simply be
cause the State administration has done its
sworn duty in securing an enforcement of
the Dow law. The rec'ent.Sunday closing of
saloons in Cincinnati, for the first time in 30
years, has been saddled on the Republican
party as an exemplification of inimicality to
the liquor people, when, as a matter of fact,
the Republican m State administration has
which, if not adhered to by a Democratic
administration, would be a subject for the
gravest censure. It remains to be seen
whether the superserviccable adroitness of
the Democracy, in provoking such an issue,
will fail of its purpose or not As for the
personalities in which this campaign has
abounded, they were not of my seeking.
The Democrats indulged in vituperation and
abuse and were met by the record of their
candidate, quoted calmly from unimpeach
able authorities. I used no abuse, I called
no names, I simply presented facts against
allegations, and I think that they would be
very glad to-day ii they had not invited the
"The -present campaign iB an instance, and
a notable one. of the coheiivenMn nf n,c
Republican party in this State. Those
stories of coolnesses between Senator Sher
man, Major McKinley and my.elf, which
originated at the Chicago, convention, have
been seized upon and magnified a thousand
fold, and pointed to as proof of the allega
tions that I would be sacrificed by Senatorial
candidates, or either sacrifice them for my
interests. With but one exception, in the
case of a prominent Republican, there was
engendered by the Chicago convention, and
that exception had its origin in a personal
matter, and not in political pursuits. But
here is the triumphant refutation of the re
ports in the fact that Senator Sherman and
Messrs. McKinley and Bntterworth are
heart and soui in the lists fighting for Ohio
"Then there is no avowal of candidacy for
the United States Senate among the Repub
lican leaders, Governor?"
"Certainly not Several gentlemen want
to be Senator,and any one of those who desire
the honor is admirably qualified. "No,
emphatically, this is not a contest for the
Governorship, with ulterior designs on the
Senatorship. Before I was nominated for
the Governorship I did have a well-defined
intention to become Ohio's junior Senator,
but my party wanted me once more as their
standard-bearer,and I put the other thought
aside. I am confident that I shall be elected
Governor, and I intend to serve every day
of my term. Nor does modesty forbid the
reflection that I can but take my renomina
tion as an indorsement .of my conduct of
affairs during two terms'
upon the weal of the State. I believe that
we shall carry Hamilton county, and I am
not afraid Of any disaffection!. It is tueleis
for the opposition to attempt to magnify the
feelings of individuals the isolated in
stances of the natural disaffections resultant
upon Federal appointments into a tide of
opposition within our ranks. Like the
poor, the kickers are always with us. It's
an old story. I. can only repeat, that with
such experience asl have acquired in pre
vious contests,! am led to believe that the
result of the campaign will be a crushing
defeat to our traducers."
Democratic Chairman Keal Says His Chief
Haa the Republicans on the -Rnn He
Would Like a Elch Candidate
for Senator, Tbonen.
trnojt a wXrFcoBBispoJTDiTr.i
CosYUHBUs,. 0M October 30. The State
Democratic, headquarters are small, but
bubbling over with enthusiasm, due to the
fact that at the chairman's desk sits a tall,
spry-looking man Who has made himself
somewhat of a 'terror to Republican man
agers. James E. Keal.has put up a stiff
fight from first to last, and has hustled to a
degree heretofore unknown in the short end
of Ohio politics. He is a great optimist,
and has managed to infuse an amount of
hope into his party which, if backed by
votes, may make next Tuesday's election
uncomfortably close.
The evening rays of the sun fell slantwise
upon Mr. Neal's "hair as The Dispatch
correspondent entered. It was for a moment
puzzling to decide where the rays euded and
the hair began. Mr. Neal'a conversation
was as hopeful as Hon. Tom Cooper's. "We
see nothing to cause discouragement, and
many things to predicate victory," said Mr.
Keal. "While I do not assume that Gover
nor Foraker's illness
I do believe that Mr. Campbell has had the
Republican party on the run since the
Halstead faux pas."
"It is claimed that you have abandoned
the Legislative fight?"
"We have not. It is absolutely false.
The Republicans have abandoned the Por
aker fight I put one claim against the
other. They concede his defeat Why, all
the leading Republican papers are setting
up a howl about the Legislature being in
danger. Read between the lines. This
means that Calico Poster, Bntterworth and
all the rest of the gentlemen with United
States Senatorial bees in their bonnets are
ready to save their bacon at Foraker's
"Are not there Democratic United States
Senatorial candidates who might be willing
to sacrifice Campbell?"
"No, there is no well-defined candidate of
that nature. Frankly (sotto voce), I wish
we had some distinct candidate with a few
dollars to spend. It would be an added ele
ment of strength. By common consent the
Senatorial fight is waiting until the Legis
lature meets, so far as we are concerned."
"The Republicans claim that the lapse of
a few days and Halstead's frank acknowl
edgment of an imposition has eliminated
the ballot-box episode from the campaign."
"That cannot be true. The people are
clamoring for all the changes on the topic
our orators can ring. It is still, and will be
until Tuesdav night a potent factor ip the
campaign. The use of Campbell's name in
snch a connection, and with no shadow of
justification, is our strongest card, and we
shall play it with persistence. We will
carry Hamilton county, dead sure. The
Music Hall meeting Saturday night will
enlist as speakers Senator Voorhees, Gov
ernor LP. .Gray and Congressman Lamb,
of Indiana, and Candidate Campbell. On
Saturday afternoon there will be a great
meeting" at Middletown, O., Campbell's
birthplace, over which Judge Thurman
will preside. On Pridav evening Judge
lThnrman,will speak .in this" city, aided by
xa.a voorhees and uovernor uray. we
are making it lively, and expect to carry
the State and snuff but 'Little Breeches'
Poraker at one fell swoop."
Generals Kelfer and Kennedy Think the
Contest Is a Close. One Wby the Lat
ter Never Mentioned Foraker's
Name In n Fonr Weeks.
Speikofield, O.-, October 30. General
R. E. Kennedy, "King Bob," Congressman
from this district, was in the city to-day.
General Kennedy has been stumping the
State for four weeks, and in that time has
not mentioned Foraker's name once in pub
lic. To be succinct he is working for the
Republican party, nor for Poraker. A few
nights ago he delivered an address here, ap
pearing on the platform with General
George Sheridan. "King Bob" spoke
about half an hour, half of that time on na
tional issues. Then he darted off into State
issues. He spoke about the extravagance
of General Hoadly's administration,
and then about the economy of the fol
lowing administration comparatively. Here
be had an excellent opportunity to mention
Foraker's name, but he studiously avoided
doing so.
Poraker assured Kennedy (who was and
is ambitious to try the Gubernatorial chair)
some months ago that he would not be a
candidate for election to a third term. With
this understanding, Kennedy started out to
secure the nomination. Then came the an
that Poraker was again a candidate. Por
aker got the nomination, and he and Ken
nedy since have been bitter enemies.
"How goes the fight, General?" was asked
of him to-day.
"Oh; all right, I guess."
"And the prospects?"
"Well, they're pretty good."
"We generally understand that you are
not very enthnsiastio in the campaign?"
The General smiled and answered: "Well,
I have been on the stump four weeks."
"Uut in that time you nave not once men
tioned Foraker's name?"
"Oh, well" Bnt he left and did not
finish his sentence. General Kennedy's
manner in speaking showed that he had no
heart in his work.
Republicans here to a great extent are
discouraged with the campaign, and are not
straining their nerves for Poraker. It is
estimated that Poraker's plurality in this
county will be 1,000 less than iwo years ago.
General Keifer to-day, in conversation
with Judge "Smith at the Court House over
the situation, said: "The result promises
to be close," but in a languid tone of voice.
The General is known not only to believe
but to hope that it will be so. He has no
use for the Governor, and only pretends to
favor his election for prudential considera
tions. His political future may depend
upon it Judge Smith fully coincides with
General Keifer as to the prospects' of
"closeness," and gave reasons for the
danger ot the tight going against
them, especially in Hamilton county.
General Keifer, too, dwelt on the subject,
saying that long continuation in office by
one party, and the personal strikes at, and
jealousies incident to, a new administration,
would account for much of the disaffection
now existing in the' party. KeiferFoster
and Sherman are also opposed to Poraker,
and conservative Republicans admit the
gloominess of the situation.
Scalded by' a Bursting; Boiler.
Hamlet, Ind., October 30. A portable
boiler on a farm near this place oxploded
this afternoon, killing -Adam- Mann and
calding seriously five others. Pieces of
J he boiler were found 2,000 yardi sway.
I i
And Sparkle of Diamonds Catches
theEyeofaPrettySoubrette V
Breaking Off Suddenly Her Engagement
With the Casino Company.
lie Tlrst Intimation to Her Best VrtendaefHsr
The glitter of a diambnd broker's jewels
and other wealth has caught tho fancy of &
"Nw York opera company soubrette, Marie
Halton, and yesterday she eloped with him.
Her skipping out was. an original one. She
went do wn to see her lover off on a European
steamer and bade her friends goodby all of
a sudden.
Nev Yobk, October 30 .Marie Halton,
the yivacious soubrette of the Casino Opera
Company, sailed on the City of Paris this
morning without going through the pre
liminary formalities of securing a state
room, registering on the passenger
list, or letting her manager know of
her intention. Joseph Lewis, with whom
she left, is a diamond broker, and has been
in town for about months, and the first inti
mation that Manager Rudolph Aronson re
ceived that he was acquainted with the
-soubrette was on the second night cif "The
Drum Major," in which Miss Halton ap
peared as Cfaurfine, a vivandiere.
Lewis bought one of the front seats, and
after the performance sent a note around to
Miss Halton, at the stage door, by one of
the stage attaches. He was at the theater
every performance after that, and sent more
notes around to the sttge door, with great
frequency. These were anpointments to
take her out to supper after the perform
Lewis is a short, thick-set man, of sandy
complexion, and apparently about 40 years
old. It was said to-day that, in addition to
being.in the diamond brokerage business,
he is also interested in diamond mines in
Africa, and that he has a son there now
looking after his interests. Lewis had
known the actress before this, slightly,- and
he soon became a visitor at the flat at 229
West Forty-third street
Miss Halton gradually filled tip the flat
with expensive bric-a-brac, and it was
noticed that after Lewis had visitedher frr
some time she gave up walking to and from
the theater at night, and rode in a carriage
instead. She began to wear very handsome
diamonds, too, both on and off the stage.
At the last her neck and hair and fingers
became radiant with sparkling jewels.
Whenever she appeared in her role she
made more of a show of gems than Pauline
Hall, the beauty of the company.
Miss Halton is plump and has an abund
ance of auburn air. She is about 38 years
old, and is said to be a New Yorker by
birth. To-day Miss Halton asked to be ex
cused from appearing to-night in the opera.
She had received a bad fall, a few
weeks before, from slipping on some
roses that had been thrown on
the stage, and had to give up acting for a
week. Manager Aronson was amazed when
Miss Halton finally sent him an answer to
his request to play to-night It was written
on a sheet of the actress' note paper, and
ran: - t-z - --" --
Deab Mb. AboHSOU I regret exceedingly
not to be able to comply with your request
(implied) to appear to-night As I told Mr.
Albert Aronson, it will not be necessary to
make a similar request during the remainder
Of the season. Very truly yours,
M.E. Halton.
This was all Greek to the manager, ap
parently, and Business Manager Charles
Barton started out from the theater to find
Miss Halton and get her to unravel- its
meaning. Mr. Barton found that all of the
actress' belongings had been removed from
the flat Her 14-year-old brother, Samuel
Halton, was still there, packing up his own
by telling him. that his sister had caught
the City of Paris at the last moment He
said in a frightened way that she had sailed
with Mr. Lewis. He" added that his sister
told him last night she wanted him to go to
the steamer with her in the morning. They
got there just in time to have his sister's
trunk dropped aboard.
"She gave me $20," he said, "and told
me to go back to Philadelphia, where I had
lived before I came here to live with her,
and told me to live there till she got back;
She did not take the trouble to say when
that would be."
Actress Sylvia Gerrish was able to tell a
good deal more than the boy. She has
lived next door to Miss Halton for many
months. Miss Gerrish said that the elope
ment was as complete a surprise
to her as ' to the managers. Miss
Halton and herself and two friends had
gone out to luncheon after the theater, at a
nearby hotel, and had there met Mr. Lewis
and another man and woman who were
friends of Mr. Lewis, and were to accom
pany him on the City ot Paris in the morn
ing. Miss Halton, Miss Gerrish and the
two others in the party agreed to go down
to the steamer to see the others off.
The actresses and their friends met this
morning and rode downtown on the ele
vated railroad. Mr. Lewis and his com
panions were there awaiting them, and ap
parently annoyed by their tardy arrival.
When 'the bell sounded for visitors to go
ashore. Miss Halton startled Miss
Gerrish by saying abruptly, but with ap
parent nonchalance: "Well, I'm" going
too. I guess the trip willdo me good."
Before the party could recover from their
astonishment they were pushed ashore
with the crowd. Miss Halton
stood ou the deck and waved
her handkerchief to them as the steamer's
moorings were loosened. She was smiling,
and in the best of spirits. The man with
whom she sailed was down on the passenger
list as "Mr. J.Lewis."
Georgie Dennin assumed ,Miss Halton's
part at the Casino to-night
Probability of a Missouri Dael Over a Con
flict as to a Widow.
6t. Louis, October 30.--Mrs. January is
the relict of one St, Louis' most eminent
citizens, and she is not only charming, but
wealthy. Some two years ago General Oli
ver P. Gooding, a bachelor of 60 and very
eccentric, proceeded to make violent love to
Mrs. January. She protested, grew an
noyed and finally had .Manager Lewis, of
the Southern Hotel, send fo'r a policeman,
who deposited the General on, the sidewalk.
To-night the General, it is reported, has
challenged Manager Lewis, of the Southern
Hotel, to mortal combat, and appointed
Congressman John M. Glover his second.
She Elopes With a Married Man Who Is
Head Over Heels in Debl
Chicago, October 30. Alexander Har
ris and Miss Hay Ellis, of Milford. Del.,
are under arrest here ft elopers. , Miss Ellis
it the daughter of the principal of the High
OCTOBER 31, 1889.
School of her native town. Last Sunday
the couple fled to Chicago. They registered
at the Tremont Home as man and wife, and
to-day moved into rooms on the Korthside,
where they were arrested. Harris aban
doned a wife' and font children, who are
said to be left in destitute'0 circumstances.
He also left' unpaid bills' amounting' to
$4,000. When arrested- he Tiad money and
negotiable securities to the value of $9,500.
Telegrams have been sent to the Milfbrd
authorities, to Harris' creditors: and to Miss
Ellis' parentsasking for instructions as to
the disposition of the prisoners, who- are
still held at the Central station. Miss J311is
says she willhot desert her companion, who
is several years her senior.
Thirty, Men Arrested for Taking- the Law
Into Their Own Hands Ten of Them
Already ta tho Tolls A Prac-
Uee to be Stopped.
Chablotte, N. O., October 30. No
cose of late years has attracted so much at
tention here as that of the 30 men now un
der arrest at Lexington, charged with lynch
ing young Robert Berner, a white man, who
three weeks ago shot and killed his mother-in-law.
Berrier was the fifth victim of Judge
Lynch in this State in as many months, and
public sentiment has been thoroughly
aroused on the subject A month ago a
white man and a negro were taken from the
jail at Morgantown and lynched. Governor
Powle issued, a proclamation in regard to
the lynching. The proclamation had hardly
been read before a mob of unmasked, men
took Robert Berrier from the Lexington jail
almost before darkness settled . upon the
town, carried him to the outskirts of the
village, and hanged him to the limb of a
large oak tree.
Of course the Governor was fully aroused
by such utter contempt for his proclama
tion. JThe Governor' determined to do all
in his: power to uphold.the majesty of the
law. He ordered B. P. Long, State So
licitor of the 'Eighth' district, to. ferret out
the' lynchers and punish them according to
law.' After working on the case several
days Mr. Long, on last Sunday, placed
bench warrants in the hands of Sheriff
Leonard, of Davidson countr. for 32 men.
charged with lynohing Berrier..
These warrants were made returnable be
fore Judge Fred Phillips, who had also
been ordered to Lexington to. try the cases
at once. The sheriff arrested 30 men, but
two others had become alarmed and fled.
The preliminary hearing began in Lexing
ton on Monday, and will likely consume
this week. So far ten of the men have
been identified as being in the lynching
Berrier was a brntal man, treated his
wife inhumanly, and shot his mother-in-law
to death. The Governor has ordered the
military company of Concord, 40 miles from
Lexington, to be ready at a moment's
warning to go to Lexington. The company
sleep on their arms at night The Governor
declares that the law shall be enforced, if it
is necessary to call out all the militia in the
Considerable Money In Smuge'lnsr Oplnra
Into the United States.
SAK Fbancisco, October SO. For some
weeks, past papers have published' indirect
charges against Deputy Surveyor Pogarty,
hinting at his connection with the opium
ring. While these have been mostly cleared
away, it is very apparent that the gang of
smugglers has. during the past six months.
been making a very handsome" profit out of
which nlai
through fraud at $400,000. It haa been an
open secret that the smugglers are con
stantly working this port to avoid duty on
the drug, which amounts to $410 per box.
The extent of loss to' the Government has
never before been ascertained..
The largest and most extensive firm in the
Chinese Empire, dealing in and exporting
opium, is the house of Sing Wo & Co., of
Hong Kong. Sing Wo & Co. have a
monopoly of the opium business, just as the
Standard Oil Company monopolizes the
petroleum trade. The figures on their ship
ments demonstrate that scarcely any opium
has been received here through' the Custom
House since July, as compared with the re
ceipts during the year and a half previous.
The net loss to the United States Govern
ment, in custom duties alone, during the
last half of 1889, will approximate $400,000.
Room and Noble Dlsctlss He-Hnted Pen
sions, bnt Make No Decision.
Washington, October 30. This after
noon Commissioner Baum went to the Inte
rior Department and had a long conference
with Secretary Noble relative to the re-rated
Pension Office employes. At the close of
the conference General Baum said that he
had discussed with the Secretary the affairs
of the Pension Office, 'at is the first time
I have had a chance to talk with huu since
my appointment," he added. He said that
the subject of the re-rated employes' cases
was discussed. "That matter is new to me,"
said General Baum, but the Secretary had
gone over it all and is familiar with it
He stated that no' definite action was
reached in regard to any of the subjects
touched upon. He thought that there wonld
be another talk with the Secretary before
uwxi acuon was reauueu xu tug vases oi tne
re-rated employes.
Why Removals In Office Aro Sometime Not
More Speedily Made.
Habbisbubg, October , 30. Internal
Revenue Collector Frldy, of this district,,
was in this city to-day, and indicated that
he would make very few changes in the per
sonnel of his subordinates for the present.
If is understood that the main reason for
such a course is a desire to help Speaker
Boyer in his contest for the office of State
Treasurer as much as possible.
There are a large number of applicants
for the various positions under Collector
Pridy, and by deferring the decapitation of
Democratic officials until after the election
the active support of Boyer by the Republi
can aspirants will not only be secured, but
ihe incumbents are not likely to be per
niciously active in pushing the claims of
Candidate Bigler.
Found In Possession of a Dock Laborer
Arrested at Ashfabnla.
Cleveland, October 30. Jack Holmes
alias "Texas Jack," who has worked on the
iron ore docks at Ashtabula, O., was arrested-
late last night by the police at that
place. In his possession was found a full
set of molds for making counterfeit silver
dollars, and it is thought he has turned out
considerable counterfeit coin by working
Holmes has been held in $2,800 bail for a
hearing. '
Resnlt of the Borrows War.
Birmingham, October 30. The net re
snlt of the chase after Rube Burrows and
his partner in Blunt, county is two dead
deputies and two dead bloodhounds. The
outlaws have escaped, the chase has been
abandoned and all hands hare returned
An ' Exciting Episode in Secret
Meeting Described by a ti itness.
Who Squandered its Funds, and Employed
the' Infamous Spy-La Caron.
Told or Those .familiar With the Dolnn of Us MjJ
'terions Triangle.
In the Cronin trial yesterday Captain
O'Connor told of an exciting scene' in Camp
20 on thfr night of February 8. At that
time he' charged that tne organization was
run by rogues, and that the spy Le Caron 1
was in its jiay. Interesting disclosures were
made by other witnesses.
Chicago, October 30. The story of a
row in a Clan-Na-Gael camp was told in
court to-day, and incidentally a good many
secrets of the order were brought to light
Dennis O'Connor,' a member of Camp 20,
was the first witness sworn. At a meeting
of the camp, on February 8 last, the witness
said he heard Thomas O'Connor state that
he had read in Dr. Cronin's camp the
'minority report of the committee to try the
executive body of the order. The names
of the members of the executive body were
not mentioned, and the witness said he
never knew who composed the triangle.
Then it was voted to appoint a committee to
go up to Dr, Cronin's camp and investigate
the, matter of the minority report which Dr.
Cronin had read.
O'Connor was then cross-examined, after
which Stephen Calloran was. recalled. He
said he could not remember having heard
Captain O'Connor say that the funds had
been embezzled by the' ez-executive, and
that the matter ought to, be investigated.
Patrick 2Tolan, financial secretary of
Camp 20, produced his record, book, and
from it testified as to the numbers borne by
Coughlin, Cooney, O'Sullivan, Beggs and
Burke, all of whom, except Cooney. are
now on trial. The witness further testified
that he was present at a meeting of. the camp
on the night of May 3, the day preceding
Dr. Cronin's death; that' Beggs presided;
that there was a call for the report of the
secret committee appointed on February 8,
and that Beggs replied, that the committee
was to report to him alone. The witness
said, that on the Sunday following Dr.
Cronin's disappearance he met Burke and
Cooney about 3 o'clock in the afternoon in
a saloon. This was before the witness knew
of Cronin's disappearance. They went to
another saloon ana played cards for a couple .
of hours.
The next witness was Captain Thomas P.
O'Connor,; the man who created, the excite
ment in Camp 20 on the night of February
8 by saying that be had hesrd read in Dr.
Cronin s camp a report of the committee
that tried the triangle. Captain O'Connor
said that Andrew'Poy was the first man to
speak that night: Foy arose in his place in
the camp and addressed the senior guardian
and stated that he arose under a terrible
strain; that after the
in London that the .organization, as an or
ganization, was no more; that-there were
fonr British spies' in ; the organization, and
that it should be reorganized", and
I every one thaVwsain the 'organization who,
had the sllghtest'faini if suspicion' attached'
u iiim auuuiu iro cjjbucu. jljio witness
continued:, '
When he got' through. 1 arose to my feet and
stated that I was not at all surprised at hear
ing the gentleman talk as he bad done; that I
knew by positive information that tne organ
ization was ran by a parcel of rogues, known
as our executive body; that they bad squan
dered our funds,-even to the extent of $100,000;
and not alone that but they sent our best men
across to England to have them put behind the
bars; "and now," said I, "I state positlvelyfhat
Le Caron was an agent of our executive body,
and receivtd pay from them."
At that moment I was interrupted by two or
three brothers with a demand to tell where I
got my information. I did not like' the first,
brother who spoke to me, and I soldi "You de
mand nothing." Then there were two or three
other brothers that demanded to know where I
got my information, and there was a general
uproar at the time. So I turned around to the
Senior Guardian and said to him: Mr the Senior
Guardian demands of -me where I got my in
formation I will ten him." He did not say any
thing. Then there was some more uproar. I
turned a second time and a third time, and said
if the Senior Guardian would demand of me
where I got my information I would tell him.
Then I stated I had heard a terrible report of
the entire trial committee in Buffalo; and that
1 had also seen a written report, 300 pages of
close written longhand, about the trial, and
that I was positive of my statement At that
instant Daniel 'Coughlin, a member., of the
camp, arose to his feet and said: "Mr. Guar
dian, I move you secret committee ot three be
appointed to find out the source of Captain
O'Connor's information." Those were his
words. Then there was someone else on his
feet, and the Senior Guardian rapped the camp
to order, as it was such a tumultuous time,
such a turmoil, and 'somebody spoke, and be
said: "I will hear no more of this subject, and
I will appoint a committee.''
"Who was the Senior Guardian at this
On cross-examination Captain O'Connor
said that he did not say in his speech on
February 8 that Dr. Cronin read the report
of the trial of the triangle, nor did he say In
what camp it was read. He said that after
he was subpoenaed to appear before the Coro
ner's jury he met Beggs and asked him if he
snouia uncioie me
Beggs told him to go ahead, as they were
already pnblio property. The witnesssaid
that he had heard of the "Inner circle" as
applied to the execntive body, but never in
connection with individual camps. Captain
O'Connor said he had been at work on the
Cronin case without pay up to September 20,
when he was appointed as a policeman.
On redirect examination the fact was
brought out that there were five or six mem
bers of Camp 20 present when the witness'
made his speech oS February 8 who were in.
the.other camp when the report in regard to
the triangle trial was given, and.'were
therefore cognizant of the facts as to the
camp in which it was given and who gave
it He explained that it was a verbal, not
a written 'report. There were 18 or 20.
members of Camp 20 in the other camp
when the report was made. That report,
he said was made by the late Dr. Cronin in
his (Cronin's) camp. Subsequently Dr.
Cronin showed the witness the written re
The next witness was Henry Owen O'Con
nor, a member of Camp 20. He described
the proceedings at the meetings of February
8 and 22 without bringing out any new
points. 'At a subsequent meeting,"bowever;
he said Dan Coughlin came up to him and
said that information had been received in
Chicago to tho 'effeattbfet a confederate of
Le Caron was in, t&ijitanizatiori and that
indications pointeiajBLDr. Cronin as the
man. The witness'IJUpped him at that
point '"-
Police Officer John'JM. Collins was then
called, to the wltpesS chaif.: He testified
that he had been a member of Camp 20. He
said that at the reunion'meeting on Febru
ary 22,Dick Powers and Pat McGarry made
speeches denouncing the triangle. Then
Beggs said that this
tad Alexander! Sullivan must cease or, there
wosld fee war; that-8llivaa IumLm&y
friends therei. Collina' descripi
meeting Of. February & ailed
anything -new. Patrick jactt:
Guardian of 'the Clan-na-Gael
Lakeyiewvinstitu"ted byDft Cronin,
which Dr. Cronin was a member.
next witness'. Me told the story of the- revj
ing any-'material information, and then told
of a visit he m&de.to the" house, ot- O'Sulli
van on the Sunday following, Dr. Cronin's
death. Hefthen requeitioned O'SalliTaa
very clqsely abouf his ,'con tract with Dr.
.Cronin. to treat his men in ease of accident
and described' the twitchingof O'SulUvaa's
, TheTcourtthen adjouned until to-morrow.
Attorney. Baker Satisfied Burke's Friends
" JtVrHiaPEG, October1 30. Deputy State's
AKorn'e J.Baker will leave fbr Chicago to
morrow, morning, having sized up the situa
tion: here; -He v says he ia satisfied" that
Burke's: fellow prisoners 'are faking to a
great isaftest, aid expresses the opinion 'that
-thai-jarr- would probably -Bot .take mueh
-Steele ia their stories. '
A Witness .Who Can't be.FaaooV
Peobia, Ii.,Oetober 30. Edward Spetl
man, the prbraih'eai. distiller here who is a
district delegate of Ihr Claa-na-Gael, and
was wanted to-day in Chicago as a witness
in the Cronia trial, has net been found by
the focal authorities. Spellmau has net
been in'Peoria for two wee&s past.
Large' Claims to Receive Bla Personal
Attention Before Betas; Passed
Upon Excessive Fee Clakas
to' Be Debarred.
"Washexgtok, October 30. General
Baum has issued instructions, to heads of
divisions in the Pension Office directing
that" all claims Involving large sums of j!
money, alter they" have been prepared for
special adjudication, are sot to be passed
upon. They are' io be brought
to' his department,- and he pro
'poses to give them his" personal
consideration before' the pension certificate
will be Issued. This change wfll'iTo't delay
the final' adjudication of the' claim,, as the
'Commissioner intends to give the preference
to business of 'this character and examine
the cases as soon as brought before him. He
does' not intend to make a re-examination of
the cMes, but, in connection with the official
familiar with the cases he will go' over them
so as to know what they are and the princi
ple upon which. they have beek decided.
The Commissioner, in an order issued to
day to chiefs of divisions, .calls attention to
numerous fee agreements filed in the office
which are not in proper form,, inasmuch aa
they dd not contain the provisions of law ,
which show that agreements for fees in er.
cess of 510 are merely permissible and not J
compulsory, xne commissioner orders teat '
attorneys be. advised of this formality, aad,
that the said fee agreements, must, not be
recognizee lor certification of a fee in
of $10 after, November 18 next.
The Bone of Contention la si CasreaCos
vention Has a 'Wore!' to.. Bay.
Chablestok, S. C October 30. The
Bev.L H. Pollard, rector otBt Mark.'s.Pv
E. Church, who is "one of the bones of con
tention discussed at the reeeat triennial eea-vention,-was-
asked to say what the negro
churches in this diocese intended to do' about J.
hit. "As to, the clause wBchl prevents the
general-convention from interfering in the
work of the diocese," he said,. "I.think the
convention's action was the only course that
could have been taken. I certaialrdo.Bot
regard it as a victory for our opponents.
The white churcijmen of South Carolina
fear an invisible shadow. They imagine
that It nil tiarrfpra ahnnTi? Ka lwian awa
and all distinctions removed,. that colored 1
people would crowd them' out or to the wall.
They cannot trust their own superiority.
"Did not our Be&rmed Episeopal frieads
fill themselves' with this same delusion?
And' what is the result? "Why, to-day they
have not a respectable congregation ia the
whole State. Suppose In any diocese,
North or South,, tne colored churchmen
outnumbered the, whites, aad would be so
injudicious as to elect a' colored man bishop
of the diocese, is it not certain that xaaay
who now think themselves Christians would
immediately leave the Divine for
human institution."
The Stale Mrabersklp Now Reported tabs
Upward et23,M9.
Hassisbvsg, October 30. At the aaera
ing session of "the Christian Endeavors of
Pennsylvania, a report was submitted shew
ing that 266 societies, had reported to the
State Secretary, comprising a membership
of 14,038. Denominationally they are di-:
vided as follows: Presbyterian, 121; 'Meth
odist, 46; Baptist," 42; Xutheran.'ll; ITnlied
Presbyterian, 9; Congregational,- 7; Re
formed; Christian,3;Bformed Episcopal,3;
Evangelical, 3; Moravian, 3; Mennonite, 3;
United Brethren, 2; . Beformed Presbyte
rian, 2; .Beformed Dutch, 2, and 6 where no
denomination is given. Of the 266 so
cieties, 17, with a membership of 1,122,
have not the pledge. The total number of
societies in the State is claimed to be 008,
with a membership of 25,000.
Bev. Dr. "Wayland Hoyt, of PhiladeU.
phia, delivered the convention senaoa. Be
marks were made, showing the. progress of
the religious movement, by Bev.. P. E.
Clark, who originated the Christian En
deavor societies. This- evening Governor
and Mrs. Beaver received the. delegates to
the convention at the Executive Mauies.
mental mimm NOT A bas.
A Tendency to InsanUy Not Good Ground
for Refastaa a. Pension.
WASHiHGTOir, Ootober 30. In" the ease
of Bernard Brnner, late ot the One Hun
dred and Twenty-third Ohio Volunteers,
who was refused a pension on the ground
that at the time of bis discharge he was
mentally ineapabteof performing the duties
of a soldier. Assistant Secretary Bsssey
rules that a predisposition to insanity is not
sufficient ground for the refusal. He says :
The Government took this man apparently
sound and returned him to, civil life maei
festly unsound- It took him when he.was,
capable of supporting himself and returned
him incapable, to be a burden upon others.
I am clearly of opinion that he' is entitled
to a pension under the law-"
The soldier was -discharged from 'the ser
vice August'12, 1863, and it is believed that
he will be entitled' to receive between 97,900"
and $0,000 in arrears. t
Laborers Threaten Io Bestrey a Steamer If
TherAre Mot Paid.
New, Bbtjs awicx, NJ J., October 30.
At Tanner's Corner, on the' Baritaa Siver
BailroaoViOO Italians, kept oat of their pay
by a sub-contractor; have seised, a 16,060
steamship, have stopped work oa the read,
and, threaten destruction of the .property
unless' their demands for about 18,000 wages
are act. f V. - "v"
The.Sheriff has pm-ieiirt seeMwifca.
fM lot dsatttst. ' -' ; - ' t -
vnto J.. J, Jkket ' v&tali
.'.HP n t - i iTtt
iiOBHiaewser -j
Tlw T&toilOtgl,.klnTUagWtf
-CtL-a gsls.ii ins- VtaUs 1
He SssBs gas Cos HssmU
3. J. Steketts, the PrHsfcwyphiaitir, -
taraedram. WaaMagte juuHjiday Hi
mass of. testimony aboat Us eaeaaaasaistl
George WertinjheMe for' rafriasMatyf I
patent He waatg t8l9W,0tw itaawsjaf.. 3 jjj
Josses P. Sieketts. tM
plumber aad inventor, of OaklaiiiiiftsiaSijI
yesterday frees. WsMBgte; T: ;0
ne west to see the Cewwturioatr ef1
ia regard to sreeeat iaveattMu Mi
has catered suit aaia 9btye:TS aWhiyj
aoase vsr dosages lor asiac aarpaaC-asj
figures ia the wit have heem fm.ti
?a,ww,ww. , ?S
Mr. Kieketfs was sees, at afc sttea'ea J
Fifth aveaueyestdayafteraeeBjskK'Maef
was about to depart fee his hesae,ost Bcfitest J
,HiU. He said the peteaf la ajsnaasfctal
gas escape pipe in Use, oa atf the atawissij
It ceasists of a smaiW W Jafii
parallel aad about 13 inches itiii
the large msia, having small bvaaeaWwtltl
spnaoing.copBer usages Jruacever
joint In the maia, whleh eoOeet the,
escaping rrotd defective , loiate aad
it to-tee smaller pipe abevev Thoaoa.t
gas escapes to a safe plsee iasWed l Mtsvl
permitted to filter through taeythv eaasf
mix with the air, forming a dswvtaatf
Hssea ia -mv name ot ueorae WmU
hoase. Xr.Bieketts claims to IxaWi
inveafer. He has a whola volsnsa
testiaway taken in the ease. To Tm
patch ante he said :
"xwIbsve just catered Hrftra"
iagtoa agatast Westiaghoase. It k aqrf j
yen bod, ihjs gas escape, aae) Wees
nas ne rigst to use it The J
Company had been using the
tnvaaRe of an upright Pipe, wrtk'a'
dow exieBarag unoer tae atala:
each joint ia the main with tM
the street by a separate plae. It
tremely liable to slog at sash sad i
handy aad nasals ia otaWjaspsees.
Whea I invented that aew sesaM asaavll
took It'to.Saperinfea4eat- 'flsssaat
Philadelphia- CemaaayaasV 'shostssTii'.astl
mas. a explained aew It wya
meat oa' the other; Hr. GiUtcai
to let him show It to Wi
did so: and before! I ksiasr.
, . . . ..
w eugDoi? oaa aottea.oat, a
waahariasT x. out oa his asaia
"What la Xr. restiaghsaVta
ties- eaesfce for his aetioo?" . '
(?Tba--"at&lsa. 'thai' )T vu-h-.
theirs. iad working uoder, their.
waeaXmade the ,iaveatiea. I saaf
,ib;iwh .eeaspany jastaaas
pluaAerer gas fitter wotha at Ma'
I charged theaffor ihe ataasrial
my time as X waaW aar other
-, "Sew: leaa; after taa-
a year.:' t
too poo to arra.
"Why did yoa. delay aettea so Tislf
3?eeaase I wag' pot iaa psassWVsaj
weannymaa mca w agasaaa. M
money, w ugai a- asaa of tne
brought suit as soon as I ooold (t
oiai eaotlng to do se."
"Will joa tell. the psUiswhoii
ing yoaaow ia year fight?."
"So. I do not taiak it eaaiotaa t4
lie. A win toil yea, thoaga.-l-eaav
asm? as jar. w estuureease. dare
"What do. yoa consider the
"Well, I've understood that -ai "
lagaease get a,uw) ar th
turned over, to tee PfeuaeMafekt
They consisted of aa isvsetioa fen
Veraer patent, whleh eosc Was easy'
aad is of ae trreat imrsrtonaa a.'.m
that is set- werth aaytMas; asai flufe i
indispaie. fselceaaidertkfr to hti
aJtfflHt&ewBfe of Hhs ,,&
. xt oesag user DoasBess asssra wstea 1
Mrmaeioa was received.' it was i
see Mr. Westfagbea inreaassl
Caaaoa Bert Commit' Balelrfel
Wasn't Alto wed t Bo a Wasaff
israelii nusuviean i
, New York, October 30. Ootaasa. ;
aesaerwas aetiaed to-day er thai
Mrs. Hannah Taurine White. 78 i
2161 Eighth avenae. 'Mrs. White lfeasTi
her seal Bteaard & White, aad Mil
the foarth ftoer of the &aajWltHe aasi
an eagiaeer oa, the Sixth iAt
Bailread sineeit wasbwiU. Jfrs;
tbe' yeaager, etieetsd this saottrlai
her saetaer-ia-kw araposssl ta da jksi
lag Mr tne ttatuy. 'i&ea Hw eM
oa her best etothes. aad aUtcis a
White feaad her awtherta-Jaw hyse 1
RBie eatae Dearoom aeer.
She had Beared a SataraUd. i
oarbebe said frees a two saass heefa i
tumbler, eoaeealsd-tae bottle ta a
aad.tfcea swaUewed she aetd.
a& VSstsvxSsS OvWBHn s9sa sfvWffOVaa da
GtaaswerlurV Oa.
Waskxxsxox, October 3. A
Secretary BetokeUer still refeeed
give oat tor aahlieatiea the 'eoartsssts, at"; 1
letter of District Attorney Lyao, af
burs;, in.reaard.to the ease of the'.
glassworkerxV "I' would like to ohllga 1
ijispatch," saia ae, ;tmt e
would, not ae nroner to do sa..aa 1
are. in doubt what action to take.
to-day seat all the papers ia tne
Selieitor of the Trsaeary, aad, aatfl 1
htooptatoa.-Ieaasayae4UBs'aMM la)fi
-"I diseovered, the preeeatsaeat at'1
inet Attorney, weaia reosiire a aw
eonslderatiea.thaa I haa tisse to'
to referred everything to the I
ntiMT amid aumt is
Two' JaM Breatfsra Leave Bialud f
Tery Sweastto Motsv
WPiouiiai-ssBAaio tsw-msi
Woodbtocs Ta.-,. Oetefcer
Bataaer; aa esaspsd eonviet-
murdereas assault, rseeatlT
Wilson, of Mt Jaeksea. anal
Waiiaaas, a Eveline veitris-rv i
sernBK & font aKmtWassrteawo
dag their war last nltht ttessasg
rest stoae wall of the toiltlaitol
yard arateaas of a Maaket ftsjtluii n,i
aan ac.a wiaaow aaeve taw apsstvrsv
aesied .tssa.lMset watt am a WaVId
stxaetea m eerd weed. - ,-k
, i'W'Mjatlti
t '
,K i. ..,. J- iHVl .Tf. ' JfL
.tfstfubsot: . !? 'JiSV..,
Jse--V-. 7
.. .tvVS
" " iiii'Xi !'"
I fflaWitMeWeTOJliiMWileW