Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 24, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Another Called Game Defeats
the Giants.
Local Lawyers Talk About the League
Beseire Kule.
Winners at the Lexington and London
Ennnins Eaces.
The Brooklyns again defeated the New
Yorks in the world's championship series.
The game was once more called when Sew
York looked formidable. Local lawyers
express opinions about the League reserve
rnle as it applies to the contracts of the
recent season. The League's new contract
contains nothing relative to the classification
rule. There were good running races at
Lexington and London.
rsrzcuL teligeam to thk dispatch t
Beooklys, October 23. Brooklyns three
games, 2ew Yorks one game. This is the
war the series stands between the clubs, the
former having won the game to-day, 10 runs
to 7. As has been the case in three games
out of the four thus far played, darkness
put an end to the proceedings. That these
games are anything but a hippodrome was
well showed br the bitter leeling engendered
by a kiek at a decision of Umpire Gaffney
on the run that enabled Xcw York to tie
the game in the sixth inning when that club
made the great rally of the game, which
would have enabled the Giants to surely
draw tbe game bad not Can Richardson,
through over anxiety, muffed an easy fly ball
In this inning 21 minutes were wasted in use"
less talk and the spectators were thoroughly
The whole cause was the decision Gaffney
made, he ordering Ward to go back to third
base on a ball that bit O'Rourke. When it was
shown that even bad tbe ball not hit that
player. Ward could not have been pat oat be
changed his decision. Then Brooklyn lacked
and succeeded in talking the game into dark
ness. President John K. Day was greatly dis
gusted and said that he would have an under
standing with tbe umpires and find out whether
this sort of thing is going to last throughout
tbe series. If Brooklyn is to be allowed to
delay matters as has been tbe case in the
series thus far, the game of to-morrow will end
the world's chamnionshiD games ot 1SS9. An
amicable settlement will undoubtedly be
There seemed to be no good reason why tbe
men should have been allowed to object as lone
as this was the case. Lynch said it was no use
to fine the men, as it really amounted to noth
ing. It was a very cold day. There was a high
wind during tbe afternoon and the thermome
ter stood below 40. It was surprising, indeed,
that tbere should be over 3,000 people on the
grounds, as was the case. They stamped and
shouted to keep themselves warm, and they
bad plenty of chance to do the latter. If the
weather bad been warm the cranks would have
gone fairly wild over the game and especially
the kicking. Buck Ewing felt very sore over
the way his club was handled. The New Yorks
happened to get tbe worst of the umpiring all
throngh tbe game. They feel pretty sore, and
the for will have to fly soon.
Crane pitched, and a bad man he is to handle
on a cold day. Errors let in most of the
Brooklyns' runs, and the New Yorks' fielding
was far worse than that of their opponents.
Terry was very effective, and it was not nntil
tbe sixth inning that he was pounded almost
at will, bmith put up the finest game on
either side to-day, making snme marvelous
stops, recoveries and throws. His clever work
prevented scoring in more than one instance.
He bad five ont of the six fielding assists of tbe
Brooklyns, Collins having but one chance at
second base. Whitney and Gore did tbe best
batting for New Yorks, Collins for Brooklyns.
Tbe game began at 2.52, New Yorks at tbe
bat, and Lynch umpiring behind the bat, Gaff
ney on tbe bases, bcore:
O'Brien, L.. S
Collins, 2.... 3
Burns, r.... z
lontz. L. 2
l'lncknev, 3. 0
Curt, c. 0
Terry, p..... 0
CorkhlU. m. 0
fcmlth, e..... 1
Gore, m 1
Tiernan, r. 0
twirp, c... 1
Ward, s 1
Connor. 1... 0
2 KIch'dson.2. 1
C O'Konrke, 1. 1
3. 1
Crane, p..
... 1
Totals 10 71711 8
Touts ..... 7 9 17 14 16
ErooklTBS .2 0 2 0 3 3-10
-New Yorks 0 0 1 1 0 5 7
Earned nm Brooklyn. I: New Yorks, 3.
Two-base hits Clark, O'Kourke.
Three-base Mis Crane, Gore.
Home ran Burn.
fctolen bases-O'Brien, Collins, 2; Foutz, Plnck
nev. famlth.
first base on errors Brooklyns, 3.
bacrlficehlts Barns, 2: routz, Ward.
Lft on bases Brooklyns, 3; 2sew Yorks, 6.
fctruelc oat-O'Brien, Collins. Clark. CorkhM,
hmltn, Tiernan, Ward, Connor, VJchardson,
Doable play Richardson. Ward and Connor.
Passed balls Clark, I: i-wlue, 3.
W lid pitches Crane, 1: Terrr, 1.
"Wild throws Clark, Crane, Ward.
Mnffed thrown balls Connor, Bichardson.
Molted fly ball Kichardson.
Muffed roal flv hltney.
Timeor came Two hoars and 10 minutes.
Umpires Lynch and Gaffney.
Fred Pfeffer Throws a Little Llsbc on the
Brotherhood Mystery.
Chicago, October 23. The Brotherhood of
Baseball Players has issued a call for a conven
tion, which will meet in New York soon after
tbe 1st of next month. Fred Pfeffer, who is
reported to be tbe bead of the Brotherhood
movement in v;nicago, admitted this to are
porter to-day.
"Each chapter will send one man," be said,
"and then all our grievances will be talked
oTer. Of course I cannot say what will be
brought up before the meeting, bnt all griev
ances we may have will be thoroughly dls
enssed. Yes, tbe classification of players and
the salary question will be an important con
sideration. I think we can settle everything in
a day: anyhow we will not be in session over
two days."
"Will your grievances be presented before the
League meeting, which occurs November 137"
"We agreed that it would be best to bold a
meeting before the meeting of the League
directors, because we might decide to present
onr claims before them. But it is too early yet
to anticipate what we will do. We have really
not yet decided upon anything definite, and un
til the meeting occurs all talk rbont what ac
tion we will take is merely surmise that is be
yond what I have told you."
Do you think that tbe Brotherhood and
League will get together and settle all possible
"They may and may not. We are preparing
for a battle, and have been looking around for
grounds in the different cities, and we may de
cide to go into the baseball business ourselves.
If we think we can make more money by act
ing independent of the League, why we are go
ing to do it, bnt we are not going to make any
kicks against the League doing just what it
wants to as regards hiring players, manage
ment, etc."
Mr. Spalding Is about disgusted with the
mere mention of the word Brotherhood. "If
the newspapets would drop all this talk
about a big combination of players and what
i hey are going to do." be said. "I thinfc tho
Brotherhood would go quietly to work. I don't
jr jknow anything more about the Brotherhood
R that I see in the papers, and I don't believe the
gplaycrs ho save Joined it have any more
lkn ledge of it than I bave. Isn't that so
SDajerf This was addressed to tbe younc
! "I gue you are right. Mr. Spalding," replied
Dwyer. "I don't know tbe scheme, but I belong
to It. That's about all I can say.''
Te-Day's Iiocal Game.
If the weather Is favorable tbere will be lots
of fun at Recreation Paik to-day. The Pitts-
"trarft, at least eight of them and an outsider, I
will play a picked nine. Of course, as is Gen
erally known, tbe game is for the benefit of ex.
Manacer Phillips, A large number of tickets
haTe been sold and a big crowd of people is ex
pected. Either Gaivln or Staler will pitch for
tbe Pittsburgh, and Blair or Toole will be in the
box for tbe picked nine. The game will com
mence at 3 o'clock.
Promlaeut Lawyers Smtn tbe Reserve Bale
Will Hold the Players.
The threat of the League magnates to enforce
tbe reserve provision of last season's contract
against the players continues to be the theme
of general discnsslon among baseball enthusi
asts. Following Is section 18 of the contract
over which there is so much controversy:
"It is further understood and agreed that the
said party of the first part shall have the right
to reserve' the said party of the second part
for the season next ensuing the term men
tioned in paragraph 2, herein provided, and
said right ana privilege is hereby accorded tbe
said party ot tbe first part upon the following
conditions, which are to be taken and construed
as conditions precedent to tbe exercise of such
extraordinary right or privilege."
Tbe conditions referred to arc to the effect
that the plavcrs so reserved for the '"next en
suing season" are not to be paid a salary less
than received during tho season just expired,
as mentioned in paragraph 2. The latter para
graph simply means the season in which -a
player signs.
Tbe opinions of Attorneys R. A. Johnston
and Major Montootb were asked regarding tbe
question, yesterday. The Major said: "Why
the contract is plain enough for anybody to un
derstand. It simply 'means that all players
who signed it this year must remain with tbeir
particular clubs next ear. There is no get
ting over that point, ot course, providing the
contract has not been violated. The next en
suing season' in the contract at present means
next season and undoubtedly every player who
signed the contract by so doing gave the party
of the first part first claim to his services for
next year. That is the plain and correct view
of a very simple question. The contract law
of Pennsylvania is very definite. If I contract
to supply you with coal for this winter and tbe
winter next ensuing most assuredly that means
that I most supply you this winter and that of
1S90. The baseDall contract means what it
Mr. Johnston, who is a candidate for the
District Attorneyship, said: "Legally, section
13 means just what it says, and it says that
players who signed the contract for 18S9 to play
with a certain club must remain with that club
during 1S90 if the party of tbe first part wish to
enforce their right. That is quite clear."
Several other lawyers atter reading the con
tract expressed similar opinion. Manager
Hanlon, of tbe local club, was told of these
opinions last evening and he stated in reply
that tbe entire matter hinges on tbe word
"reserve." He said that a prominent lawyer in
New York is at opinion that the word may
mean many things as it is stated in tbe con
tract. It is a fact, however, that the players
are generally becoming convinced about the
famous eighteenth section after hearing legal
opinions regarding it
He Trie to Show Where Ex-President
91111s is Wrong-.
The opinion of Mr. A. G. Mills, which ap
peared in yesterday's Dispatch regarding the
reserve rule, has caused John M. Ward to make
a brief reply. Mr. Ward says:
"What I do object to, however, is to see men
like A. G. Mills giving tbeir opinions on the
outcome of any action the Brotherhood takes
in the future. The Brotherhood have no
secrets whatever. Mr. Mills and others may
enjoy laying ont our programme and predict- H
lug its luture, nut as yet ne or anyone else nas
no right to criticise the Brotherhood.
"Let us look at baseball without regard to
Brotherhood and see if there conld no: be a
success made of it by other men. Can anyone
reasonably say that there isn't plenty of good,
honest business men who conld handle base
ball affairs as well as tbe men now in the
League" This talk that the men would not
pull together and work just as faithfully as
now is all nonsense. Men bave more chances
now to do wrong than they would with a
change of management."
When questioned abont the reserve rnle
Ward took a slip of paper from his pocket and
read that part of the contract which be had
copied off for the purpose of studying up.
"They say that tbe best legal talent claim the
men must remain under a fear of being pre
vented from playing ball elsewhere. This is a
big bluff If they had any such right why
haven't they prevented men playing ontsido
tbe League before to-day, as there bave been
several instances where men have broken con
tracts and gone to California and other outside
places. This whole question hinges on tbe
meaning of that one little word, 'reserve.' It
is all one-sided and conla not bold a player who
wanted to go outside.
"I will admit it does bold a man in tbe
League, but that ends it, and just as good legal
authority as we have has decided that no such
word as "reserve' is used in any contracts out
side of baseball, and is ton broad to hold good.
"Now, for instance, you signed a contract
with your employes for a year, with the privi
lege of renewing it, would the word 'reserve' be
used? It is purely a League scheme, and they
forced men to let it go in the contracts, but it
will not hold."
A Great Time In Store for the Bridegrooms
This Evening,
Bbookaytn, October 23. All the arrange
ments have been completed for tbe banquet to
tbe Brooklyn Baseball Club to be given in tbe
Academy of Mnslc to-morrow evening. The
official, literary, nrofessional and social ele
ments of Brooklyn's community will be largely
represented. But a few of the tickets placed
on sale remain in the bands of the managers.
Dr. H. C. McLean has been untiring in bis
efforts to make tbe occasion one long to be re
membered by admirers of honest baseball
playing, and in vie w of tbe programme mapped
ont it is fair to assume that his expectations
will be more than realized. Corporation
Counsel Almet F. Jenks will begin the orator
ical feast with a congratulatory address. The
following toasts will be responded to:
"Onr Quests: The President, Officers, Mana
gers ana Players of the Brooklyn Baseball
Club" President Charles H. Bvrne. "The Na
tional Game" James D. Bell.' "The Ladies.
Brooklyn's Mascots" William C. DeWitt.
"Brooklyn, tbe Cradle of Baseball" James W.
Rldgcnay. "Baseball In Ye Olden Time"
Harry Cbadwick. "The Press Honest and
True in the Support of tbe National Game"
P. C. Ricbter.
There will be addresses by the prominent
guests, who are to attest their appreciation of
tbe team's work by tbeir presence and their
words. The above is only a partial list of the
toasts, for Dr. McLean and his committee have
been so nnsy arranging for music, decorations,
etc, that they have ueen nnable to complete
tbe regular programme for tho bahquet. It
will be a great night for Brooklyn lovers of
He Is Determined to Fix All Hli Old
Chicago, October 23 President Spalding,
of the Chicago ball club, to-day reiterated his
statement that he would institute legal proceed
ings against the reserve members of tbe Chicago
team who shall refuse to sign contracts for
next year.
"Why do you Intend to enjoin them?" Mr,
Spalding was asked,
"Well, when we signed onr contracts last year
it was under tbe'agreement that we bad the
right to reserve them for this year. Now, we
wish to enforce the terms of that contract, but
as yet no one Unt Captain Anson has signed. I
bave notified every one of tbe players that they
miiKt enme to tne front and sif n for next vaii- "
"Will they do itT"
"They have a secret organization and they
won't say they will not sign, nor will tbey say
they will. They simply look wise and say noth
ing. But, I will fix them," added Mr. Spald
ing. "My attorney assures me not one of them
will be able to play ball in Chicago, if I have an
injunction on tbemandyon can bet your last
dollar I will protect my rights."
Slav Go to California and Take Old
Sport Gaivln.
Brooklyn, October 23. Manager McGnni
gle has had a chance to go to California with a
team of his own selection. Negotiations were
opened with him as soon as the Association
season closed, and be wired his term. As yet
he has bad no reply, and tbe outcome is still in
doubt. If ho goes Pinkne, Burns, O'Brien
and Fontz, of the Brooklyns, and Jim Gaivln,
of tbe Pittsburg!, will probably go with him,
beside several more first-class players.
.When tbe world's series terminates, Mac has
arranged for a bunting trip to Maine. Pink
ney, O'Brien, Burns and Captain Cudworth, of
the Worcester team, will accompany him.
Tbe County Lensae.
It was Intended to hold a connty league
meeting this evening, but it will be postponed
for a few days on account of tbe averages not
being completed. Mr. Edwards expects to
have them finished shortly. There is a desire
In some quarters to extinguish any chance
I Hess may have for the prize of the best batting
i average, oecause ne leit me league oeiore tne
season finished. This
would seem unfair.
When tbe meeting is held the East End Ath
letics will be presented with the Pratt pennant.
It is a splendid flag.
Scranton nnd Wilkesbnrre 3Incti In Enrncst
Regarding; the Scheme.
Wilkesbaeee, October 23. There is every
probability that Pennsylvania will have a
strong State baseball league next year. The
matter is already being strongly talked up in
this city and Scranton. The Willlamsport
baseball enthusiasts are dead set for a State
league, and Harrisburg will be one of the first
team to enter. Eight clubs will compose tbe
league Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Willlamsport,
Harrisburg, Lancaster, York, Easton and Al
lentown. Bcranton and Wilkesbarre would
prefer to enter a stronger league, but since this
is almost impossible they will consent to join
the smaller cities of the State and get good
rlnhs m a Rtato lurmiL The Willlamsport pa
pers are afraid that Scranton and Wilkesbarre
will take advantage of things and place high
priced teams in tbe field. The clubs as a whole
will insist upon a salary limit- Fifteen hnndred
dollars is thought to be about fair. Williams
port people insist that JLOOO would be the right
ngare, ana aiso mat nexi year i""! man
agers can get good ball players for $75 a month
the same players to whom 5100 a month was
paid last year.
Some of the Scrantonians, who have plenty of
money behind their baseball enthusiasm, would
like to put a 52.500 club in the International
League, but it is not likely that the Interna
tional League will have any room for Scranton
without) Wilkesbarre, and, for that matter, it
will have no use for botb, Wilkesbarre could
not support a fiSOOteam in the Atlantic Asso
ciation last year, and that fact alone -would bar
her out.
The League's New Contracts Say Nothing
Abont Classification.
Washington, October 23. This morning's
mail brought to League headquarters the first
batch of contracts with players for the season
of 1880. Chicago, Boston and Pittsburg are the
only clubs who have thus far notified President
Young that they are in tho market and able to
seenre talent tor the coming year. None of the
new contracts contain the names of players
familiar in the League or American Associa
tion circles, but the signers are men who have
yet to make reputation for themselves in the
two leading associations.
Mr. Young sajs he is not acquainted with tho
merits of M. J. KittnUge, whom the Chicagos
have signed. Neither does he know anything
of the qualifications of Robert L. Lowe, who is
nnder contract to play with the Bostons next
seasoD. His home is in Pennsylvania, and he is
said to be a promising young player. The Pitts
hnriTQ Tiava nlcn ithirrl ill three Tonnff Oliv
ers, a M. Laroque, W. M. Kittridge and P. 3. -1
uameis. as notning is saia in mis connection
about classification, the indications are tbe
League is not going to make the classification
rule one of tbe issues in tbeir probable con
troversy with the Brotherhood.
Barnle Signing Men.
Baltimore, October 23. Jack Kerins signed
with the Baltimore club to-day for the season
of 1890. He is the first player to attach his
name to a contract. Manager Barnie has also
secured the services of Joe Werrick, formerly
with tbe St. Louis club, but more recently with
St. Paul. Werrick sent on his terms by mail
and he was notified by telegraph of their ac
ceptance. He will play second base in place of
Beddy Mack, who will be released.
Bad Weather Cnnscs Mow Time nt the Lex
Ington Races.
Lexington, Ky., October 23. -The weather
was cold, attendance light and sport good to
day. Tbe track was deep with mud.
First race, purse, six and one-half furlongs
Starters: Fred Wooley, Electricity, Mayblossom,
John Morris, Elslnore, Kenonnce, Znlt. Befer
encewonln afleht hva neck. Fred Wooley sec
ond, a length, fceute third. Time I:28H-
becond race, purse, six furlongs Starters:
Fakir, bunny Brook, Flyer, Milton, Grade W,
Queer Toy, Eslellc. Milton won in a gallop by
four lengths. Queer Toy second one-half length,
Oracle IV third. Time 1:3.
Third race, purse, mile and a sixteenth Start
ers: Princess Bowling, Llederkrans, Bonaletta,
Plunder, Prince Fortanatus. Piincest Bowling
won In a gallop by three lengths, Fiince For
tunMus second, length and one-half; Bonaletta
third. Time 1:53.
Fourth race, VIley stakes, mile and a half Out
bound won handily by eight lengths, Heron sec
ond. Time 2:51. No other starters
Flltn race, pnrse, half-mile Starters: Vale
dictory, Great Scott, Lady Jones, WUlleJf, Ellen
Douglass, Grace Ely, Silver Lake. King Fortune.
Grace Ely won drlring by half length. Lady
Jones second by four lengths, Willie M third.
Time, 53J
Entries for to-morrow:
First race, purse, six rurlongs Pauline 88. Cli
max II 95. Koxanna Ten 97, Antwerp 99. Outlaw
100, FredWoolIeylCO, aommyKlOi Cast oteel 104,
jvauea ii.
Second race, purse, four and a half furlongs
Elvlis. Camilla 110. Ladv Jones 110. Lottie S lift.
ay 113,
Chantress 11C, Sena 107, Prince Albert 106, Work-
mate 101
Third race, bandlcan. one and one-elehtb miles
Longallight 111, Deer Lodge 102, Birthday 105,
Princess Bowline 111, Sportsman 107.
Fourth race, Clark stakes, six forlones Mora
s V O Jlorrl. 110. Loneshore 110. Bosemont 113.
ir ondaie 117.
The Gnn Expert Have Good ,Contet on
Squirrel Hill.
There was as excellent day's shooting at the
Squirrel Hill Gun Club's grounds yesterday.
The weather was good, the attendance large
and the contests exciting. There wero fonr con
tests and each bad between 20 and 30 entries.
A fine revolver was offered for tbe man break
ing the most birds in tbe four contests. This
was won by J. P. Andrews, who defeated E. E.
Sbaner by one bird for the prize.
First contest was at 9 blue rocks, entries $1,
first prize, a hunting coat J. P. Andrews won
with 9 straight; Q. A. JlcClnre, 8, second; Will
iam McKniRht, 7, third; J. Wampler, 6, fourth;
R. McDonald, 5, fifth, and C. Davis got tbe
sixth prize with 4.
Contest No. 2, at 10 blue rocks A. Button,
first, with 8; J. P. Andrews, second, with 7: P.
Kelsey, third, with 6; C. Davis, fourth, with 6;
S. Gwynne. fifth, with 4; William Andrews,
sixth, with 8.
Contest No. 3, at 15 bine rocks, entrance f2,
first prize a gun cover, and second a hunting
coat P. Kelsey won, with 15 straight; E. K
Shaner, 13, second; J. P. Andrews, 12, third: Q,
A. McClnre, U, fourth; F. Slicker, 10, fifth; K.
F. Davison, 9, sixth.
Contest No. 4, at 12 bine rocks, entrance SI 50
first prize a gnn cover P. Kelsey won,with 12
straicht; R. McKnicht,ll,second; F. F. Davison.
10, third; W. H. Brown, 9. fourth; William
McKmght, 8. fifth; G. Byran, 7, sixth.
The final results were not reached until
numerous exciting ties had been shot off.
$10,000 TO C091PETE FOR.
The Prizes to be Given nt the Great Inter
national Billiard Match,
rsrrciii. TT.aanjji to thk dispatch.!
New Yoke, October 23. Further details of
the proposed international bUliard tourneys
were madepnblic to-day attbeBrnns wick-Balke-Collender
headquarters on Broadway. It was
stated that tbe company was witling to put up
a round $5,000 for the New York and Chicago
tourneys, whtcb, with 5u0 entrance money
for each competitor, will make nearly
SlO.OOOto comnete for. This is to be divided as
follows; First prize, 40 per cent; second prize,
30 per cent; third prize, 20 per cent, and fourth
prize, 10 per cent. The billiard manufacturers
furthermore have signified tbeir Intention of
dividing all the receipts above expenses among
the players equally, thus assuring something to
every comnetitor.
George Slosson said that he conld state posi
tively that Albert Gamier and Beaux, tbe
French expert, will cross the ocean to meet tbe
Americans over the'green cloth. Vignaux may
come along too.
Rnclntc nt Linden.
Linden, N. J., October 23. The new track
of the New Linden Blood Horse Association
was opened to-day. Tbe track was in bad con
dition and the weather wintry.
First race, seven furlouca Two starters, Fltz
James and bt. James. The latter won In 1:39.
Second race, mile and a sixteenth Hypocrite
won, Kern second. Lonely third. Time:. 01.
Third race, mile and an eighth Two starters.
Tristan and Vivid. Vivid won in 2:08X.
fourth race, five lurlones Fernwood won.
Mary Buckley colt second. Ocypete tlurd. Time
1:07 J,.
Filth race, one mile Stephanie won. Jennie
Jlcr'arland second, Flltaway third. Time 1:54.
sixth race, three-quarters or a mile Freedom
won. Gun-wad second, St. James third. Time
Gray to Lafferry.
Harry Gray, of Birmingham, England, but
at present at Braddock, issues a challenge
through this paper to box John Lafferty with
five-ounce gloves for points. Gray desires tbe
contest to bs one of ten rounds. An answer
through Ihe Dispatch win receive atten
tion. Got Tbeir Notices.
New Yobs, October 23. The managers of
tbe New York club served notices of reserva
tion on their players to-day. The notices are
the same as served on tbe players of tbe differ,
ent out-of-town clubs earlier in the week.
Sporting Notes.
TriE Giants are certainly getting a tough
Fred Pfeffeb seems to come very near
the trnth regarding the Brotherhood and al
leged plans.
Oakland According to tho last census
taken in London. 1SS6, its population was 4,149,
53tt That of Pennsylvania taken in 1880 was
4,282,786. A, therefore, loses.
Vinegab No. 1 The world's championship
has been contested for five times. The win
ning clubs have been: Providence, Chicago
and St. Louis tied, St. Louis, Detroit and New
Al Johkson, whose name has been so fre
quently mentioned of late in connection with
Brotherhood baseball in this city, has leased
ground for a ball park on Willson avenue,
south of the Nickle Plate track. It is a fine
site, bnt too far out, although Johnsdn says it
is but 17 minutes' ride from the Square. Cleve-
tanu Acaucr. -
The Governor Asked to Send Troops to
Harlan Conn House The Howard
Faction Threaten to Barn
tbe Entire Town.
XOI7ISYILI.E, Ky., October 23. News
from Harlan, where Judge Lewis and party
are besieged in the Court House by Howard
and his followers, is anxiously awaited. A
correspondent who went to Fineville last
night wires as follows: Wilson Howard
and one of his principal henchmen named
Jennings are among the wounded, and it is
said that Howard's injuries are probably
fatal. The Turners have been in possession
of the town for more than a week. Their
leader is John Turner, iust 17 years of age.
Howard's.forces have been in camp one mile"
from town. Tbere are about 40 men in each
crowd, all equipped with Winchesters and
revolvers. Yesterday morning Turner led
his followers in an attack on tbe Howard
camp. The attacking party got in the first
work, bnt were finally driven back to town.
A report reached Pineville at 11 o'clock
this morning that the Howard forces in
Harlan, enraged by the battle of yesterday
and the probable fatal wounding of their
leader, left camp last night and started for
Harlan Court House intending to kill every
body that belongs to the opposition and burn
the town. (i. C. Huff, Clerk of the Harlan
county court at Fineville, is afraid to go
home, though he has no connection what
ever with the trouble.
The latest report from Harlan Court
House states that AVilson Howard had cut
off Lewis and his party from communica
tion with the town. Sheriff James Howard,
of Harlan, who is here, urges that the Gov
ernor send troops to quiet the county. He
ssvb on account of the wide extent of the
feud he cannot find men not concerned to
form a posse and execute tbe law.
BROAD-AX eyee watchful.
Editor Smith Makes bpeocnmaknrs Flash
Up (be Fllnn Clnb Fee.
A well attend meeting of theFlinn Ee
publican Clnb, of Allegheny connty, was
held last night in the Eleventh ward school
house. Mr. Samuel Harris presided, and
James Brooks acted as secretary. A num
ber of new members were tafcen in and sev
eral speeches made.
Mr. B. P. Stewart in an address, severely
scored the would-be leaders of the colored
voters in the city. He said that with over
20 years' experience the Afro-Americans
have not learned the power of their votes
and how to utilize that power to the best in
terests of race elevation and political pro
gress. They should not hold themselves as
wards and beggars and have no higher valu
ation of their citizenship than to hold their
suffrage up for the highest bidder. In conclu
sion lie favored the indorsement of the Re
publican ticket.
Mr. Walker rose to make a speech, bnt
"Broad Ax" Smith called a halt, as Mr.
Walker was not a member. Mr. Walker at
once paid 10 cents and became a member.
He then made a stirring speech on the status
of the colored race.
Mr. Tnrfley at this juncture entered and
started to make a speech. He was also
halted by "Broad Ax" on account of not
being a member. Mr. Tnrfley said be
thought it was the workingmen's club to
which he belonged. He wns informed such
-was not the case, and departed, declining to
join. Several more speeches were made,
and tbe meeting adjourned nntil next
A'Bnnk CasJiIer Neatly Robbed of a Package
Containing 31,150.
Newark, N. J., October 23. A surrey
containing a fashionably-dressed woman and
two men drew up in front of the German
American Savings' Institution at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon and the two men en
tered the bank, leaving the woman in the
carriage. The elder of the visitors told
Cashier Ki. v. w eoner mat tne woman in
the carriage desired to talk to him abont
making a large deposit belonging to some
minor children. He accompanied the elder
man to the carriage, leaving the yonnger
man in the bank. The woman engaged him
in conversation for two or three minutes,
and told him slie would come again. As he
turned to go into the bank, the yonnger man
came out and got intoNthe carriage, which
was driven away rapidly.
As soon as Mr. Webner reached his desk
he missed a package containing $1,150 in
bills, and an alarm was sent out. The
thieves were seen by scores of persons, none
of whom knew them. The money was not
within reach of the opening in the bank
railing, and it is believed that the young
man vaulted over the railing or crawled
through the opening, as Mr. Webner locked
the door when he went out of the inclosure.
Mr. Webner was alone in the bank when
the visitors arrived.
A Cbtcnco Court Makes a Decision That
1 Will bo n Precedent.
Chicago, October 23. A question of in
terest to landlords was decided by the Ap
pellate court to-day. Neil McCaul leased
certain premises to A. Hertzberg, having
first put the plumbing in repair. Hertzberg
claimed that they were defective and re
fused to pay rent, whereupon McCaul sued
"The landlorrl,in such a case is not an
insurer," says the Court, "unless the lease,
by its terms, makes him such. It is the
settled doctrine that there is no implied
contract on the part of the landlord that the
premises are tenantable or that they will
continue so dnring the term. Nor is the
landlord bound to repair unless be has ex
pressly agreed to do so in the lease or con
tract ot hiring. The defendant might have
protected himself against the consequences
now in sight by agreement with the plain
tiff, but the court cannot make such an
agreement for the parties."
A Rigid Quarantine Has Been Pat In Force
Upon Polee Island.
Toronto, October 23. The Provincial
health office bas received a letter from Dr.
Hodgetts, of Pelee Island, where somewhat
of a smallpox scare has arisen, stating that
a local Board of Health has been organized
and health officers appointed. At present
there is only one case on the islandwhich
is progressing favorably.
All others who were in any wayexposed
to the contaeron have been ncidlv Quaran
tined, and there is no fear of further danger.
i i
A Proficient Three Years' Work
Has eiven Williams' Indoor game
baseball world. Of dealers generally.
to the
Plaib Coats and Wraps.
Bargain prices for Friday and Saturda;
35 Fifth aye.
Friends of the Woolstons Say the
Character of Mrs. Wells Was
She Was Clever EnoQgb, Though, to Destroy
All the Documents
A Few of the Proofs That She Got bnt Utile of Mr.
Woolston's Cash.
Emmet Wells is to, sue his wife and Wool
ston. He will seek to recover his lost money
and charge Woolston with alienating his
wife's affections. According to friends of
Woolston, the woman was more sinned
against than sinning.
isrxcrar, teliqram to ths dispatch.!
New Yoek, Oct. 23. Nothing has yet
been heard from Contractor George F.
Woolston, whose peculiar relations with
Mrs. Caroline P.'Wells have been tne talk
of tbe town for two days. It is doubtful
if the two have yet reached Helena,
Mont., whither it is believed they
were bound. Mr, Frank E. Kogers,
of Morse & Eogers, who has been
more intimately associated both socially and
in a business way, with Woolston than any
one in New York, said to-day that an inter
esting story might be told on behalf of both
the implicated persons, but he did not feel
authorized to tell it. Much might be said,
he affirms, in mitigation of Mrs. Wells'
"I know all the facts in the case,"ez
plained Mr. Eogers. "and I know the
woman is more sinnea against than sinning.
She is the unfortunate victim of unfortunate
circumstances. I don't believe she has a
dollar of Mr. Woolston's property.
found in those trunks at Sheepshead Bay
were not negotiable. None ot them had
been transferred to her. Most of the securi
ties found there were shares in a defunct in
surance company. Mrs. Woolston has bar
raised her husband in every way in her
power. She swore out "a search warrant for
the examination of those trunks by stating
that she wanted to search for a hair brush
and comb belonging to her which her hus
band bad carried away. On the strength of
that warrant she examined all the private
papers of Mr. Woolston and Mrs. Wells,
and she carried away some that didn't be
long to her.
"Here is a letter in my pocket now ad
dressed, as you see, to Mr. Woolston, which
she took from one of the trnnks and after
ward sent to my wife. But she has not
succeeded yet in making any trouble in my
"I have known George Woolston, as my
partner told you to-day, for a great many
years. I did not know about his relations
with this woman nntil about a year ago.
Then he told me all abotit it I knew that
there was trouble between Woolston and his
wife and that they couldn't live together.
I have seen Mrs. Wells only four times in
all. If all tbe facts about the business rela
tions of the two were known, it would place
the woman in a much more favorable light."
A gentleman who was present at the ex
amination of the contents of one of the
trunks at Sheepshead Bay, but who does
not wish his name used, "said to-day to a
dispatch reporter: "Among the woman's
papers was a receipt dated about seven years
ago, made out by George F. Woolston to
Caroline F. Wells, for more than $3,000.
This shows where some of Emmet Wells'
money went, and also that Woolston knew
the woman by her right name as well as by
thename of Mrs. E. ATWillard, which she
then traveled under.
"The woman had evidently preserved all
her correspondence with great care, but she
had been shrewd enough to cnt ont from the
most compromising letters the signatures,
dates and often names in the body of the
epistles. Most ot the envelopes had also
been destroyed.
"I can confirm that portion of Mrs.
Woolston's story relating to the attempt to
confine her as an insane person at the Grand
Union Hotel. I was one of thdse to whom
she sent an appeal for help by throwing the
letters ont of the window. The letter which
reached me was crumpled and stained with
mud. On receiving it I went at once to the
police station nearest the hotel, and, getting
a detective, we went to her room. We ar
rived jnst after she tad been liberated, and
so there was nothing for ns to do."
Mr. Emmet Wells will probably soon be
gin suit against both his wife and Woolston.
He will seek to recover from his wife $ ll
000 which she carried away, and the case
against Woolston will probably be based on
alienation of the affections of Mrs. Wells.
What Will be Done With the Boodle Raked
In nt the Big Show.
Secretary Fitzpatrick, of the Exposition
Society, reports total receipts from all
sources, $90,000; estimated expenses, 40,000;
average daily attendance, 10,000: largest
attendance on one day, 35,000; largest num
ber of excursionists admitted on one day,
6,000; net profits, $50,000, of which $12,000
will be devoted to payment of interest on
$200,000 worth ot bonds, and the remainder
devoted to improvements, etc., as may be
The Beautiful Falle at Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, October 23. The first
snow of the season commenced falling before
daylight this morning and continued all
forenoon. It melted, however, as fast as it
A Bis Sensation.
We call your attention to-day to our sale
of men's kersey, melton and worsted over
coats at $10. Now you can buy a $10 over
coat any place, but the ones we shall offer
to-day at that price will be garments worth
really double the money. They surely will
create a big sensation, for whoever heard of
men's elegant overcoats (choice of kersey,
chinchillas or worsteds), silk-faced, satin
.sleeve lining, cord edge and gnaranteed first
class, going nt the low price of $10. We
make the boast andean verily it that tbey
are the bicgest bargain ever seen in Pitts
burg. To-day we start 'em going at $10.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
B. dSB.
Ex. ex. ex. Triple JCXX bargains are
the 46-inch all-wool imported cashmeres at
55 and 65 cts. Boogs & Buhl.
Fbidat. and Saturday of this week special
bargains.in coat and suit room. Don't miss
them. KMable & Shusteb,
35 Fifth ave.
Wlno of Pepsin
For dyspepsia, indigestion and enfeebled
condition of the stomach. Pint bottles, 75c,
at Fleming's Drugstore, 412 Market st.
Stockinette Jackets.
Bargain prices, for Friday and 8atnrday
this week.
35 Fifth ave.
F. & V.'s Iron City beer is unrivaled.
Connolssenrs pronounce it so.
Nntnrnl Gas BUI Reduced 75 Per Cent.
O'Kisfe Gas Apphasoe Co.,34 Fifth av.
Cabiket photos, f 1 per dor. Lies' Fop
alar Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st, - xrsa
Trlbntcs of Respect From His Associates In
Cltr Departments.
Tbe funeral of the late James Ford will
take place from his home at 2 p. m. to-day.
The services will be conducted by the Coun
cil of American Mechanics, to which he be
longed, and the members of Post 41, G. A. E.
Each of these societies has appointed three
pallbearers, and the Police Bureau has ap
pointed three more. Tbe interment will
take place in the lot "of the One Hundred
and Second Regiment, the old Thirteenth,
commanded by ColoneLRilev.
The Police Bureau will be represented at
the funeral by 100 officers in full uniform.
At a meeting of the Assistant Superintend
ent, inspectors and captains of the police
force held at Central station yesterdav after
noon tbe following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased an all wise Provi
dence to remove from ojir midst one of the
most sterling members of onr force in tbe per
son of the late James Ford, therefore be it
Resolved, That we deeply deplore our loss
and the city's in being deprived of one whose
personal worth was not second to his ability
and fidelity as an officer. During the years of
his service with ns be was always to be fonnd
at his post, and nntil death's icy hand was laid
upon mm ne never ios; a aay irom duty.
Resolved. That we extend to his widow and
son the deenest condolence in this their heavy
affliction, by which tbey lose a loving husband
and a kind and indulgent father, whose life
was devoted to their comfort and the advance
ment of their interests.
Resolved, That as a soldier he leaves a stain
less record, and as a citizen he bas been hon
ored by the implicit confidence of all those with
whom he was connected. The country loses in
him as well as our municipality one whose
place it will be difficult to nil.
Resolved, That tbe above resolutions of re
spect for our late associate be published in the
Pittsburg daily papers, and a copy be engrossed
and forwarded to bis widow as a testimonial of
our sympathy with her, her son and the rela
tives of the deceased.
t John McAleese.
' William McKelvt.
Henry WHiTEnousE,
Daniel Silvis,
Henrt Untekd atjm,
George Mercer,
Richard Bropht,
William Stewaet.
Patterson Post G. A. R. Resolute Against a
Disloyal Perpetnntloe.
Abe Patterson Post No. 88, G. A. B., the
oldest and most conservative branch of the
Grand Army in Allegheny City, has taken
a step in a new direction. At the last meet
ing of the post, on Tuesday night, the follow
ing paper was offered:
Whereas,' The survivors of the Becond
Maryland Rebel regiment have erected on tho
battlefield of Gettysburg, within four feet of
the monument erected by a loyal Maryland
regiment, a monument commemorating the dis
loyal deeds of said rebel regiment.
Whereas, Tbere iseverylndlcationthatother
rebel organizations and regiments will, if per
mitted, follow the example and thus under
take to make treason honorable; therefore, be
Resolved. That Abe Patterson Post No. 88,
Department ot Pennsylvania, G. A. B., com
posed of men who gave their best service in de
fense of the Sag; and many of whom shed their
blood on the battlefield of Gettysburg, desire
to enter their solemn protest against this
sacrilege and most emphatically denounce any
such intrusion by traitors upon sacred soil; and
ask that tbe Gettysburg Battlefield Associa
tion, the Chairman of which is our worthy Gov
ernor and comrade, Hon. James A. Beaver,
Governor of this Commonwealth, cause the said,
rebel monument to be removed, and express
orders given that no more of that nature be
The resolutions were discussed and then
were unanimously adopted.
A New Method of Coring tbe Antics of a
Balky Horse.
There have been many cures proposed for
the freaks of a balky horse, very few of
which haye been successful to any extent.
It remained for the gripman of car No. 35,
of the Pittsburg Traction Company, to solve
the enigma. He, bearing in mind that the
cable cars had pushed the horses out of a
job, felt that the record should be kept up.
Last evening a peddler's wagon, while
being driven up the steep .grade on Fifth
avenne near Soho, was stopped throngh the
horse turning balky. Persuasion of every
kind, from a clnff to reading an editorial on
the Tanner question, proved fruitless. He
would not budge, and winking knowingly
with his off eye, seemed to say, "look at tbe
fun I'm having." A blockade was immi
nent and the cable cars began to accumulate
when the gripman of No. 33, grasping his
lever and the situation simultaneously,
moved his car up gently nntil it touched
the wagon. He then pulled her wide open,
and the look of pained surprise which
passed over the countenance of that horse as
he felt the impetus, was a study for an ar
tist. He started out at a lively gait and
soon distanced the propelling power which
cured a hard case of sulks.
Mrs. Dnrnnt BoseFrom a Sick Bed to Trace
Her Husband to Pittsburg
Inspector McAleese received a letter about
a week ago from a Mrs. Durant, who lived
at 118 East One Hundred and Eighth street,
New York, stating that her husband had
left her to come to this city, on September
30, and she had heard" nothing of him since.
She asked that the Inspector would look him
up, as he was probably following his voca
tion as a miner in this neighborhood.
Jhe Inspector had sent ont inquiries, but
had received no replies of a favorable char
acter, and Tuesday he was surprised to see
Mrs. Durant, a pretty little English woman,
walk into his office. She told him that her
husband bad left ber destitute and so ill that
her physician had given her up. While
still sick in bed her 3-months-old infant had
died, and she was thus left entirely alone.
She sold her few household effects to get
enough money to follow her husband here,
but ne cannot be located. She was given
shelter at Central station Tuesday night, and
yesterday, through the efforts of tbe matron,
secured temporary employment nntil her
husband can be found.
Two Ijods Arrested for Injuring tbe Castle
Shannon Bnilrond.
Fred Vettmyar and George Seibel, two
boys about 15 years of age, were arrested
yesterday evening and entered bail for a
hearing on Saturday before Alderman
Lohrman, on an information preferred by
E. J. Eeamer, charging the boys with cut
ting a wire cable owned by the Castle Shan
non Bailroad Company.
Mr. Eeamer, the bookkeeper for the
company, alleges that the boys cut the cable
in such a manner last Sunday as to render
it useless, thus preventiug the operation of
the company's coal cars in and about their
mines at Oak station on tbe Castle Shannon
road. The cable is very long, quite valu
able and is used to run the coal pars in and
out of the mines. Eeamer claims that the
boys cut the rope almost in the center, ren
dering repair impossible.
Tbe Castle Shannon U. K. Koandhonio Re
duced lo Asbes.
The roundhouse of the Castle Shannon
Bailroad was completely destroyed by a fire
last night, which, originating abont 11
o'clock in a pile of cotton waste, quickly
spread throughout the building. Five
locomotives out of six in the house were
very badly damaged. The loss is set at
50,000. There were no casualties attending
the conflagration.
frmpnthv From Alt.
Tbe funeral ol Captain William Russell's
son, Florence, held at the home on Ward
street, in Oakland, yesterday afternoon, was
attended "by numerous friends of the family,
inclnding many river men. Captain Bus
sell and bis wile have the sympathy of a'
host of fries da ia their sadden bereTssnt..
Dry Goods, Jfotions,Carpets,Millinery
Honse Keeping Goods, Furs, Art
Department and Boys' Clothing
On the main floor there are Dress Goods, Silks, Suits
and Wraps, Hosiery and Underwear. Also GENTS' COMPLETE-FURNISHING
opposite the Gents' Furnishing Department you' will find "H"'
department, the largest, brightest and most interesting resort
for all kinds of Muslin, Woolen and Hand-made Underwear.
" In LADIES' UNDERWEAR our line is complete'
comprising everything in the
from a plain Chemise at 25c to
$12 50, 15 to $25.
Just opened our winter stock of LADIES' SKIRTS in ,-f
PACAS, MOIRE ANTIQUE, etc, at prices ranging from
50c to $10.
CAMEL'S HAIR and the best SCARLET .ever
offered at the price, viz: $1. ,f , .
BOYS' WAISTS, are all-wool, 'for winter wear, from3oc
to$i 5a , jjtgk.
CORSETS, in all the newest and most popular, styles.
Corset Waists for Ladies and
rirrtinnni otvatttto
onuuLUJiis. oniwLD, 35, 30, 40 ana 47-incn, ;
ing in prices .from 75 c upward.
BABY'S WEAR: In Dresses short and long. In Coats
short and long, white and all colors. In Slips, Robes and a .
complete line of Zephyr hand-knit goods, such as SacquesJ
Capes, Leggins, Bootees and everything necessary for a
complete outfit
An elegant line of CHILDREN'S PLUSH -'and
SURAH SILK CAPS, in all the new shades. -
Jackets, with and without sleeves, Fascinators, Hoods "and,
Caps. " ' '
Freemasons' Hall, Fifth Avenue.
oeW-TTS"- ,
iVJV '1
For TTesfern Petm
tyltania, West Vir
ginia, etc, fair, ex
cept light rain in
Up per Michigan;
warmer winds, be
coming southeasterly.
PmsBtrBO, October 23, 1SS9.
The United States Signal Service ameer ia
this cltr furnishes tne following:
8:00a. jr.... .......33
Mean temp:
Maximum temp.... 33
Mlalmnm temn...u IS
nsn it .
i.-oo r. x
ltcor.it 47
SsOOF. X .,..........-
Range - . ft
Precipitation. ,
Hirer tl:20 . Jf.. l.Ifst,& change of 2.71a U
River Telecmras.
Moboastowh River 3 feet 6 inches and
stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer &
BBOwrrsvxctx Birer 4 feet 8 inches and
stationary. Weather dear. Thermometer 35
at7r. x.
Wabbkt River 10 of one foot and falling.
Weather clear and cold.
BIra. Brady Strikes Bock at the Mother
and Daughter Wbo Bad Ber Fined.
Mrs. Lizzie Brad?1 was fined IS and costs
yesterday by Alderman Warner, on a charge
of disorderly conduct, on oath of Mrs. Lizzie
Brown. Mrs. Brown testified that ihe de
fendant had called her a hard name, and
Mri Brown's daughter corroborated the
Last night Mrs. Brady made an informa
tion before Alderman Burns, charging
Mrs. Brown and: her daughter with per
jury, alleging that their testimony betore
Alderman Warner was false. The defend
ants will have a hearing on Saturday.
Bulldlna- Permit of Yesterday.
Mrs. J. A. Eehew yesterday took a build
ing permit for two two-story brick dwellings
on Emerson, street, Twentieth ward, to cost
Dennis Haggerty took ont a permit for
three two-story and mansard brick dwell
ings on Carnegie street, between Fifty
second street andMcCandess avenue, to
cost $5,000.
A Lincoln Avenue Seiver.
The Board of Viewers yesterday held a
meeting on the ground to fix valuations on
the new sewer on Lincoln avenne.
Is Wsrranted-fo be PURE, HEALTHY and
unadulterated by poisonous or Injurious
and ill dlsoists consequent upon a loss or weak,
niag of ln"e vital farce.
Price One Dollar, For Sale by Druggists:
25cts. a Box.
way of a Ladies' Undergarment
Bridal Suits at $5, $7 50, io
Misses. ; - $
o . i . i m
A Yowafni TWef.
Susan Edwards, aged 14, was arrested fcy
TA4.1V pAfstoAA lf tca Mum"
night, on, a charge of stealing $K ftwiJ
employer, Mrs. E. Melton, la theXwestty-ljf ,
third ward. The girl wiU profcably be
to Horganza.
Fine Sensibilities Like
Woodbines. Dellehtf si luxuries ot Deaaty to
twine around a solid nprigbt steal of smeer
standing; but very poor things if nnnnrnnlnsrl -";
by strength, tbey are left to creep os tho
round. Bo it is with the body, when sustained
y strength and healtlv all is bean ty and feap
iness. Bat wben enfeebled by disease tkera
i no silvery lining to tba clouds. Gtooro per
vades all nature, and hope dwindles late de
spair, mi inn miii jiiii iiiijiij mini inunmm i
ble boon.healthr Enow teat jtiswitbtayew J
power. xnoBsanos nave Bees as Baa osaoyMK
are. Direnzui 10 meir oaiccsiea asss aaa jar
to their despondingbearts have been lmpartad
by the use of Br. Tail's LrverPtBg, the ireat
boon to snffering humanity.
Tutife Liver Mb ;
Where Can I Get the Beit
Value ftr My Mmiv?
When in seed of a pare wine,
No nlice In the two cities can yoa ret aT
wine or a larger assortment to selart
from than fresaoar Steele of
Pat up in full quart bettles, wUeh we
aresellisf;atfiftyeeBte,OT lire deHars
per dot
Besides OH Port aad Sherry we kee?ali.'ta
leading and finely Havered
Tou also get a good, pare whtoiy asd tali
value forjoar mosey when yea bay oar "
Pure Eight-Year-Old Maperi
GHckmheimer FWyf
Eqtul to any other Brand seW for morenseaey
by any dealer. Put up In fall Quart bottlesiat ,
$100.orlxforJ5 0e- T
Mail orders and all eagmnnleattonaproeayaly .
attended to. "" .
In ordering by maS please reaK by :
craer, araii or regMteres letter.
Bold by all stove dealers. Manofaetared by
882 and 6M LIBERTY STRKET. -
aaew-nB tt
Or tho Llauor Habit PetHtvel
re Iv tore
by Administering Dr,
Golden Specific
It eaa be riTen ffikmn Af hajtm at tea wttaont
tbakaowledfo of the sorsos taMnir I2;
lately ttarajlau. and will eceet a perauasstaad j
peedy aajnbetaer ska patient JimoatS
drinker- anValeoftotto
DraakajdalMTe heaa mi
' ThOBBdfO 1
DraakajdslMTe beaa ssaoa temperas sea
av e taken Mn SoeorSe :
aaaeii u ween apecrae IB nwwirej
Mwieoce a. te-ey biwto
drtaklac from their own free win.
TXttJU Tbesyateoa owe laumeat1
himwiim auermoow
ne i
I sjaaeiaa. i
I JvewranaaflBW viNaaMi. roraaw
IV JLHaBMiLrjuKhajBv' vu
rfril fiaTeBiaTaali mills ill 11
J f9
- '
i i