Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 16, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Vol.44, No.I5L Entered at Flttsbnrg Fostomce.
JNovemberlt, 1SST, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
Kewa Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 70 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 46, Tribune
Building, cwYork.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending September
30, 1SS9. as f worn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
The Dispatch for four months ending Beptera
ber issa.
Copies per issue.
Daily Dispatch, One Year $ 8 00
DailtDisfatch, Per Quarter 2 00
Uailt DISPATCH. One Month 70
DAILTDisrATCn. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
XA:LYDlSFArcH.lncludlng&unday,3m'ths. 250
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, l month so
fero. day Dispatch, Oneiear 150
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 125
the Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at
1Z cents per week, or Including bunday edition, at
ITcents per week.
The organization of the colored people of
Pittsburg to establish a co-operative store,
shows that whatever may be the condition
of their race in the South, in this city they
are ready to keep up with the most modern
methods for improving their condition.
There is little room for donbt that a co
operative mercantile establishment founded
on the basis of cash, low prices and good
business management will do a successful
trade and effect an appreciable economy in
the cost of life to those who are participants
in the project In organizing this enter
prise, the colored people seem to be a little
in advance of the white people, most of
whom are content with the old plan of com
mercial profits. The colored people will do
more to better their condition in this way
than by any number of organizations to
strike for offices in behalf of some favored
wire-pullers of that race.
It is rather surprising to find the papers
ot Philadelphia uniting to assert that the
recent accident on the Philadelphia, "Wil
mington and Baltimore branch of the Penn
sylvania Railroad was so unavoidable that
it must be ranked in the class which is
termed by the old law-books, "the act of
God." Inasmuch as it was caused by the
dropping of a car-door on the track by a pre
ceding train it takes some peculiar logic to
reach that conclusion. This the Philadel
phia Press supplies as follows:
It is true that the doors of freight cars if
well secured are not shaken loose by the motion
of the train, and that obstructions of this sort
are soon removed from a track well patrolled.
But it is Inevitable that human vigilance willl
fail at some point, and the dropping of freight
car doors in transit is not a common occur
rence. In other words, the argument is that when
a calamity is caused by such gross careless
ness that no one could have foreseen it, the
responsibility is removed from those in
charge and placed upon Providence. In this
case a smash-up ot serious character might
have been prevented either by keeping the
door of the car securely fastened, by patrol
ling the track or by a moderate watch on the
train from which the car door fell. It is to
be feared that if this case reaches an unfeel
ing jury this statement of the leasonswhy
no one is responsible, will be held to show
decided and inexcusable negligence.
The accident at a Cincinnati inclined
plane yesterday in which the cable hoisting
the car gave way. letting the car fall to the
bottom, with fatal injuries to eight out of
the nine people on the car, is a matter of
the utmost importance to Pittsburg. "With
our half-dozen inclined planes carrying
thousands ot people daily, the mere possi
bility of such an accident is something that
calls for the utmost safeguards. It is under
stood that all of them have the precaution
of double cables, which is supposed to guard
against the danger of a break. But if any
casualty should occur that would sever
both cables, they are not generally provided
with safety catches such as are used on
vertical elevators which would stop the cars
if all the ropes were cut This lack should
be supplied. Certainly no precautions can
be too great against such a calamity as has
been shown in Cincinnati to be possible on
the inclined planes.
"While the contemplation of grain eleva
tors, fire engines, factories and the like may
be relied upon to give our guests of the Pan
American Congress some idea of the mate
rial advantages of this country, we are glad
to observe that the managers of the tour
have already seized the opportunity to ex
hibit the greatest treasure this continent
owns, the American girl. At Buffalo on
Monday a reception was held in order to in
troduce to the South Americans a number
of the North's fair sisterhood. The dele
gates are reported to have been gratified; we
should have been surprised had they not
The American girl is indeed a liberal ed
ucation in all that is lovely and loveable to
those with whom she comes in contact She
is not like any other girl on the globe. The
manifold charms and virtues of her sex
have the freest scope. The fetters upon her
liberty of action are, in spite of the utter
ances of enthusiastic women who strive to
divert the ambitions of the sex, fewer and
less burdensome than her sisters elsewhere
complain of. To the South American man
the North American woman must appear
singularly free and independent It is hardly
to be expected that the immense advantages
which the freedom of her women has con
ferred upon society in general in the
United States will be fully brought home
to the gentlemen of the far South by the
superficial examination which they may be
able to make at public receptions. Still
they will probably be convinced that it is
sot necessary to watch and chain a woman
asifshewerea dangerous wild animal in
order to make her the nearest approach to
an angel that this poor, battered old earth
In a recent speech in the Ohio campaign
Senator Sherman took up the subject of
trusts and combinations, first declaring that
'they have no connection with tariff laws."
This, while textually correct, is open to ob
jection as colliding with the somewhat salient
fact that one of the chiet trusts in the coun
try the Sugar Trust is maintained by the
tariff on sugar, and would be knocked to
"pieces by the repeal of these duties. But
Mr. Sherman subsequently took correct
ground by declaring:
If loch individuals or corporations combine
KsW'WLtJ .tt. -lAft- TJBfrMJt'lfitf irf iT-illri&II T J
to advance the price of the domestic product
and to prevent the free result of open ana fair
competition, I would without a moment's hesi
tation reduce the duties on foreign goods com
peting with them, in order to break down the
This is not only the ground which intelli
gent protectionists are beginning to recog
nize as absolutely necessary, but it is the
position which actually supports the protec
tion principle. The avowed purpose of pro
tection is to stimulate and increase the com
petition of domestic capital in the produc
tion of manufactured goods. If the manu
facturers of any protected industry combine
to prevent competition, they are therefore
combining to defeat the purpose of protec
tion. So long as they are permitted to do
so, they nullity the public objects for which
protective tariffs are levied; and there is no
truer way of asserting the real protective
principle than to reduce or repeal the duties
in such cases.
This fact has been recognized by such
leading advocates of the protective principle
as the New York Tribune. Senator Sher
man's announcement of the same principle
should warn those who are attracted by the
combination craze that the surest method of
getting protection on their industries abol
ished is to put the trust theories in practice.
The ordinance pending in Councils re
quiring the electric wires to be put under
ground, is objected to on behalf of the elec
tric railways on account of the additional
expense. We presume that the same ob
jection will be offered on behalf of the
other companies, but the electric railway
corporations are the first to offer it, and per
haps have the most reason to do so in view I
of the increase in expenditure which it will
Of course the reform will entail addi
tional cost; but the cost will be slight in
comparison to the safety of our streets and
their relief from the incumbrance of the
poles and wires. Even to the companies
themselves, the assurance against damage
suits and the security against interruption
of business when it becomes necessary to
cut overhead wires in order to get at burn
ing buildings, should well repay the extra
investment involved in the construction of
adequate and permanent underground con
duits. It must be said, however, that the ordi
nance now pending hardly seems to meet
all requirements without providing some
regulation for the manner and extent of
laying the underground conduits. It
should not be left to the discretion of every
electric company to tear up the streets
wherever it may choose to lay a conduit for
its especial use. The true method of treat
ing the matter is to permit two classess of
conduits to be laid, one for high tension
wires and the other for low tension, and
to give all companies using each class of
wires the right to participate in their use.
This point suggests anew the necessity,
especially in the crowded parts of the city,
of an adequate underground structure be
neath the pavements, in which sewer, gas,
water and electric conduits can all find
accommodations, and where all can be
reached as they shall require repairs or re
A striking example of the way in which
the lapse of time is relied upon to cover up
old scandals is furnished by the appearance
of Mr. Peter B. Sweeny, one of the lights of
Tammany in the times of Tweed, with the
claim, advanced in the form of a long inter
view in the New York TForZd, that it is all
a cruel mistake that he was ever engaged in
the Tammany plunderings. Mr. Sweeny's
timely withdrawal to Europe when the dis
closures were made, and his prolonged resi
dence there for eighteen years, are ex
plained by "business engagements," which
now permit him to return and clear his
name from all connection with the old
Mr. Sweeny's evidence of his innocence
is based on the claim that he returned a
million dollars to the city treasury, which he
might have kept as City Chamberlain; that
he proposed to support Mr. Oswald Otten
dorfer for Mayor at a time when it would
have prevented the plunder; and that he of
fered Mr. Charles O'Connor and Mr. Tilden
full opportunity to investigate his office.
Mr. Sweeny does not deny that there was
wholesale robbery under the Tweed ring,
but he solemnly asserts that he did not
know of it
This last touch is a little too artistic.
Everyone in the country knew that tbere
was plunder going on in the city govern
ment of New York long before the exposure
came out It was evident in the rapidly ac
quired and offensively displayed wealth of
men who only a year or two before were im
poverished ward-workers; and the means by
which it was obtained were so secret even
to the outside gossip of lower New York.
To suppose that Mr. Sweeny did not know
of it is to suppose that he was at once super
latively ignorant as well as superlatively
innocent; and neither Mr. Sweeny's ene
mies nor his friends ever accused him of
either quality.
Mr. Sweeny's claim of innocence is not
much thinner than that made by other job
bers after the thing has blown over; but it
is too thin.
The multitudinous rumors about rail
road deals, consolidations and transconti
nental combinations are more explicable on
the ground of the opportunities which they
afford for operations for the benefit of the
officials than for the advantage of the stock
holders. The net earnings of a great trans
continental line, such as has been recently
outlined, would not be likely to materially
enhance net earnings; but it would create
an almost infinite field for parties on the
inside to operate in stocks and bonds for
their decided profit
Boston is now agitating for the abolition
of drinking saloons. The destructive work
of the saloon upon those once great charac
ters, the Hon. John L. Sullivan and Mich
ael Kelley, Esq., have convinced Boston
opinion that a thorough and sweeping re
form is necessary.
The statement by the press dispatches
that the train bearing the South American
delegates stopped at Erie because that was
the place where Mr. W.E. Curtis, in charge
of the excursion, "found a wife," gives a
unique idea of the industries of the lake
part of Pennsylvania. Still it does not ap
pear to have a very vital bearing on the sub
ject of international trade, unless Mr. Curtis
has in view an enterprise lor furnishing the
South American republics with first-class
Yankee wives.
The information that the protests of the
river men against the closing of the cflannel
by the Wheeling bridge are likely to prove
effective, without a contest, is good news. It
is always worth while to try to make the
other side hear reason before beginning to
fight it
The remark is made by the New York
World that "the Washington Arch Memor
ial Oommittemen must be rested by this
time from the arduous labor of summering."
Oar esteemed cotemporary fails to point out,
however, that the Grant Monument Com
mittee is also resting from its triumphant
achievement in the line of doing nothing
for the past four years.
Millet's great picture "The Augelus"
is reported to have arrived in New York.
Now if the custom house valuations are
watched perhaps some accurate information
may be obtained concerning the real prico
paid for the picture.
The information that the recent Repub
lican primary at Media, Pa., was the occa
sion of a mob and shooting scrape for which
one of the participants was sentenced yester
day, may lead to sarcastic and not wholly
unjustifiable inquiries from our Southern
friends whether Pennsylvania politics are
under the rule of riot and revolver.
The eight-hour movement is making
ready for a great effort on May 1, next
Whether it will amount to more than the
last effort of the sort is something that it will
be necessary to wait until next year to find
This story of the manner in which a cer
tain actor won some thousands by specu
lating while in this city is a fine advertise
ment both for the actor and the establishment
through which he did the speculating. The
latter half of the advertisement might not
be so first-class if the experience of the man
who lost the money were given.
Mayob Gbakt's axe seems likely to
earn a place in the public estimation along
side the trenchant instrument of Mayor
Patrick Gleason or its efficiency ia making
the corporations come down.
The sellers of anthracite coal in Phila
delphia have formed an organization for
their self-protection on the basis that "there
are too many retail dealers in anthracite."
People who wish to sell anthracite coal in
the future are thereby notified that the free
dom of this happy country does not extend
to the anthracite coal trade.
Exile Zola, the novelist was recently
obliged to serve as a juryman In Paris.
The mother of Bayard Taylor celebrated her
80th birthday Sunday. She lives at Kennett
Square, Pa.
Both the candidates for Governor of Massa
chusetts this year are Harvard alumni: Mr.
Brackett in the class of 1865, Mr. Russell in that
Autos RuBiNSTEur actually completed his
half century of public musical activity some
months ago, bnt tne event will not be formally
celebrated until November SO.
President Harbison and Cabinet, ex
President Cleveland and other noted men have
been invited to attend, the unveiling of the
monument erected in honor of Csesar Rodney
at Dover, DeL, on October 80. Ex-Secretary
Bayard will deliver the oration.
Ellen Terry is said to suffer agonies of
anxiety whenever she undertakes a new part,
and she can scarcely bear any one to speak to
her on the days preceding the first perform
ance It is her habit to spend the greater part
ot the time in driving for out into the country.
so that she feels secure against the intrusion of
visitors. The only person whose company is
welcome to her on these occasions is her daugh
ter, Ailsa Craig.
Bra Fbedebick Yotjkg' who is over 70 years
of age, has returned to London after a remark
able journey. Daring bis sojourn in South
Africa he has visited the Kaffirs in their kraals,
passed a fortnight in the bosh without entering
a house, interviewed Mr. Paul Kruger, com
pletely traversed the Transvaal, and traveled
altogether just 16,000 miles. He has not had a
day's illness since he left England. His journey
will stand as one of the most remarkable ever
made by a man of his age.
Prof. Eben J. Looms, who will ac
company the American solar eclipse expedition
to South Africa on the sloop-of-war Pensacola,
to assist in both the astronomical and natural
history work, has been for 40 years in the No
tional Almanac office at Washington, and has
made computations in every astronomical alma
nac issned by this Government. He has been
an observer in other fields also, and in 1S79 he
discovered the aemarkable circummutation, or
leaflike expansion, of the English maidenhair
fern, which Prof. Asa Gray, of Harvard, con
sidered one of the most wpnderf ul of botanical
A 250,000 NECKLACE
Tbo Costly Ornnment to be Worn by an En-
eliib Brewer's Wire.
From the New York World. 1
The beer people of England have mints of
money. They have put twoscore millions into
the brewing business ui this country and don't
seem to miss It. The Guinness people have
been very wealthy for two or three generations,
and when they turned their brewery into a
stock company they became richer still. The
consequence is that they have secured a knight
hood for the head of the house, and the wife of
the great brewer is known as Lady Guinness.
She has a passion for diamonds, and though
her title does not take her into the society of
peeresses, she has gems beside which the fam
ily jewels oi moss oi mem wouia seem iiKe tne
merest trinkets. She has just given an order
for a new necklace that even with unlimited
credit and the greatest industry cannot be fin
ished for several years, because in the first
place the best old-mine stones are very scarce,
and secondly becauta she has stipulated that
every diamond in the necklace must beja per
fect match. It is to bo a very elaborate pattern
and will cost $250,000.
Just now the fashionable ornaments in Paris
are little gold or silver toWres of Eiffel with a
diamond on ton to represent the electric licht
A Paris jeweler has one injhis window that at
tracts crowds all day long, and Is almost as
much an object of popular curiosity as the fa
mous tower itself. This one is on exact copy of
the iron structure, mada in silver, and covered
with diamonds, with a huge diamond at the top
which is set on a spring, and, as it quivers,
shoots out long rays of colored light. There
are 40,000 small diamonds set into the silver
frame. Of course it cannot be used for any
thing, and must eventually be broken up and
the diamonds used in some other way, but it
has netted the jeweler in advertisement far
more than he paid for workmanship upon it
Merchant Traveler: The buckwheat cake
will soon come to the scratch.
Yoneers Statesman: The slot machine to
test your weight Is one of the weighs of the
Florida Times-Union: Even the homeless
man may have a title clear to mansions in the
Louisville Courier-Journal: When the
carpet manufacturers' trust gets started the
American housekeeper will indeed be floored.
Baltimore American: When the Czar goes
on a journey be is careful about taking a route
anywhere, because be doesn't want to be
Chicago Herald: A Kansas farmer has
raised a bog which is nearly seven feet from
tip to tip. On the Chicago Board of Trade
the noble animal would be classified as "long
Louisville Courier-Journal: The Presi
dent has jnst appointed a Director of the Mint
Should a Director of the- Mint Julep oe needed,
Mr. Harrison will begin to remember bis neg
lected Republican friends in Kentucky.
New Yohk World: There is another war
cloud over Europe. The autocrat of all the
Rnssias left Berlin with a czardonic grin on bis
An Expressman SoITcrlng Greatly From a
Small Wound on Ills Hand.
Willtamspobt, October 15. Philip Zealor,
an express driver, was bitten on the band by a
large black spider a few days ago. He paid no
attention to the wound, which seemed insigni
ficant, but yesterday his hand commenced
swelling. He is now laid up, suffering excru
ciating pain.
The physicians say the spider was of a poison
ous species and the result of injury cannot
yet be predicted.
An Odd Epitaph Improved Upon Twins
bare, Oikosh and Kankakee Comedian
Solomon's Trick Justlco to Insurance
In the graveyard cemetery the natives call
it of Twinsbarg, a small village within driving
distance of Cleveland, there is to be seen a very
ordinary tombstone upon which, to the memory
of some departed Twinsburger is Inscribed:
Remember me as you pass by;
As you are now, so once was 1;
As I am now, so yon will be.
Prepare for death and follow me.
This legend was very popular centuries ago
in England as an epitaph, but the other day a
very smart young lady who happened to visit
the Twinsburg graveyard added a happy
couplet to the quatrain, as follows:
To follow you, we're sot content.
Until we know which way you went.
Twinsburg, by the way, is an instance of the
triviality which has governed the naming of so
many places In America. As I understand it
the little village of 250 inhabitants has to ask
the smiles of fortune and the favorable consid
eration of the world under its silly name be
cause two brothers who were twins founded it
and owned all the land thereabouts, These
twins evidently lacked imagination. Their
modesty was large also, or they would have
called the place by their name, as Brownsville
or Johnstown, for instance. But they just con
tented themselves with commemoratlngtho fact
that they had come into the world at or about
the same moment, and they have left the fall
particulars of their natal distinction on their
But Twinsburg I Heavens, what a name for a
place I
It is really remarkable that the people of
Oshkosh have not ere this made an attempt to
change the name of that thriving Wisconsin
town. Oshkosh cannot sound lovely to any ears,
and even if it is not derived from the utter
ance of an intoxicated Scotchman hospitably
inviting travelers to join him in a "hot scosh,"
no hidden meaning can make the sound of the
word euphonious.
Kankakee is another town which suffers by
its name, and, in the slang of the theatrical
profession, is a synonym for a future world that
even actors do not desire to reach. Yet I sup
pose there are people to whom Kankakee and
Oshkosh sound sweet. Home is well called by
any name.
Jjyou have not been to see "The Brigands"
yet and intend going, it may be worth your while
to keep a sharp look-out for a trick that Fred
Solomon plays in the final chorus of the first
act. The comedian has a very strong voice,
and you can hear It almost as plainly as the
liquid notes of Lillian Russell above the others.
In the midst of the whirling, rousing waltz
song Solomon may be beard to interpolate two
or three bars of "Annie Laurie." It has the
oddest effect The" orchestration of the work
permits this insertion to be made without dam
age to the real air.
Of course there is nothing artistic about this
little feat but it will make you laugh. A good
many on Monday night failed to notice it
It is the custom to abuse insurance men, to
make light of their persistency and winning
ways, and the number of jokes made at their
expense in the course of a year brings them
into formidable rivalry with tife messenger boy
and the mother-in-law in the field of the pro
fessional joker, but it is time to give them
credit for some excellent qualities which they
possess in a degree above all other men.
Insurance men are punctual to the dot;
whether it is to sign a contract involving tens
of thousands or merely a call of courtesy, they
maybe depended upon to be on time. They
are, most of them, I honestly believe, fairer,
squarer and more directly honest in their deal
ings than tl)e majority of men in other lines ot
business. The best insurance men, I am speak
ing of life insurance in this instance, are
broadguaged and far sighted in their treat
ment of the great herd of insurers. Tbey do
not take advantage of tho ignorant, and that is
as much as to say in this mitter of insurance
about seven-eighths of the risks they write.
Hardly more than two men in ten understand
the conditions of insurance, and the writers
thereof could swindle thousands, where only
tens are deluded by less scrupulous agents to
Meeting of a TrI-State Alliance Opposed to
the Stealing of HoracsC
Bloojiington III., October 15. The annual
convention of the Illinois anti-Horse Thief and
Detective Association convened in this city to
night and will continue in session to-morrow.
This association is confined to Illinois, and has
a membership of 3,000. It is snbordlnata to the
Wabash circuit, which includes the States of
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The object of the
association Is the suppression of crime and the
apprehension of felons, more especially horse
The strongest local organization in the State
is at Daybreak, tbis county, which nas a mem
bership of 100. The benefits are confined to
members of the order. The local organizations
are so many organized companies with their
military officers, ana each company is properly
armed. It is a secret order, and the convention
here is held with closed doors.
A Gentle Reminder.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.:
The Czar's present of' a snuff box to Prince
Bismarck was no doubt intended as a delicate
way of acknowledging that the Chancellor is
"up to snuff."
Willing to Take it as a Gift.
From the Wheeling Intelligencer.:
Wheeling is ready to take the World's Fair,
andber chances seem to be about equal to
New York's.
The performance of "She" at Harris' Theater
is worthy of the great success it has met with
here and elsewhere. The weird tale of Rider
Haggard has been done into drama with con
siderable skill. All the pictnresqueuess of the
background has boen retained and the story is
made to proceed smoothly and to most thrilling
climaxes. Mr. Webster makes an interesting
Horace Holly, and Jean H. Williams is an en
thusiastic Leo Vtncey. But naturally Mario
Rene is the central figure as She "who must be
obeyed." and the talented actress brings to the
part much artistic force as well as great per
sonal charms. The scenery is very good, and
the management of the mot of Amhagger is
Entibely by accident credit was not given to
Mr.Gustave Kerkor for his share in tha music of
"The Brigands" in THE Dispatch's notice of
the piece yesterday. From tho programme it
appears that Mr. Kerker composed the finale
to the first act, which is by far the best number
in the opera in our estimation, and two songs
ot more than usual prottiness, especially -The
Kiss" duet Altogether it is only just to say
that Offenbach's contribution to the music of
the opera seems secondary to that of Mr.
Kerker. Mr. Kerker also showed great zeal
and no little skill in leading the orchestra on
Monday night Mr. Max Freeman also de
serves high praise for his management of the
The circus at the World Museum this week
is really one of the most remarkable shows
given in a low-priced place of amusement
Some of the performers are well-known artists.
Mons. Natalie, a strong card -with Forepaugh's
show last season, is a wonaeriui equilibrist,
and Jene Weitzman astonished crowds yester-
(jay by his extraordinary feats on tho tight and
slack rope. Ho gave an out of door exhibition
yesterday that drew a huge crowd to the river
bank. The work of a number ot other clever
athletes and clowns, and tho jumping of Kel
son Sinclair's greyhound deserve praise. The
band concert and the centaur are among the
other attractions. '
The Grand Opera House presented a new
programme to Its patrons on Monday night
The cover bears a very artistic design and the
printing and paper are superior to anything of
the sort seen in Pittsburg theaters before. It
would be advantageous, however, if all the
matter relating to the night's performance
were printed on the same page or on adjoining
When Mrs. Jenness Miller delivers her de
lightful lecture on Dress Reform this afternoon
at old City Hall she will illustrate the advan
tages of the plans she advocates with ten
entirely new costumes, which have never been
exhibited outside of Boston! Her lecture will
also contain much that she omitted at her last
The verdict of many good judges is that "Tho
Possible Case" Is, If anything, better acted by
the company now performing at the Bijou
Theater than It was a year ago. The comedy
is a wonderfully bright and artistic picture, In
.which many good actors shine.
The Woman's CInb Hold Its Regular Meet
ingAmusing Incidents.
The regular meeting of the Womans' Club
was held yesterday in the teachers' library.
Mrs. Taylor, the Vice President, presided at the
request of Mrs. Wade, the President After
calling order, the minutes of the last meeting
were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Dr. Ramsey,
also several letters of greeting from various
Woman's Clubs in different portions of the
United States extending to the Pittsburg club
good wilt and best wishes for the comingseason.
An amusing incident was the result of the
Treasurer, Mrs. Prentice, informing the ladies
she was short of money necessary for transact
ing business regarding the coming lecture of
Mrs. Bishop, Her suggestion that if the mem
bers would all pay their dues the deposit in the
bank to the credit of the clnb might remain
untouched met with approval on all sides. The
Vice President requested that the Secretary
read the names of all delinquent members.
The Secretary protested it was unconstitu
tional, whereupon the Vice President compro
mised by asking her to read the names of those
that had paid their dues up to date. During
the reading of the names various purses came
to view, and the rapidity svlth which names
were added to the list of paid up members
afforded considerable merriment.
The afternoon was devoted to concluding the
business arrangements for the lecture of Mrs.
Coleman EL Bishop at Buena Vista Street M E.
Church on Tuesday evening. October 22. The
subject, "Physical Culture," is one all the
ladies are Interested in, as tbey are also In
dress reform. The next meeting will be on the
first Tuesday in November.
Hiss Emma J. Wlckeraon Will .Instruct
in Psychic Culture.
If the average Pittsburg woman is not cul
tured to the very finger tips before spring it
will be because she does not improve the op
portunities afforded her. The various clubs of
the city all aim at mental culture. Miss Bessie
M. Wright, who has already arrived, will or
ganize a class for physical culture; Mrs. Cole
man E. Bishop will later on in the month do
likewise, and last, but not least is Miss Emma
J. Wickerson, who will Instruct in psychic
culture. In on interview with the lady lost
evening at the residence of Mrs. Alex Hughes,
No. 378 Wylie avenue, she said:
This is my first visit to Pittsburg: my home Is
in Boston. I intend to spend the month of Oc
tober here and return again in April. I am
simply organizing my class now and making a
survey of the ground, so to speak. The pros
pects for a large class are promising. My first
lecture brought together 18 applicants and the
next one 35. I receive my classes at No. 6
Sixth street every Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock, and at 7.30 P. M. also. I am here under
the auspices of the First Church of Spiritual
ists. Tuesday afternoon and evening of each
week I shall devote to receiving, not only mem
bers of my own church and society, but any
person who desires to investigate our religion.
Between 0 and 60 persons have called to-day.
among inenumDer Air. ana Mrs. james uor
don. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hughes, and Mr. and Mrs. Lohmeyer.
The Order of Honor Hold a Session In
The Grand Lodge of the Pennsylvania
Knights and Ladies of Honor convened yester
day in the Grand Army Hall, on Fourth ave
nue and Wood street Seventy-five delegates
from all parts of the State were present with
the following officers: S, A. Hughes, Fast
Grand Protector; L. B. Lockard, Grand Pro
tector; George W. Miller, Grand Vice Pro
tector; B. Goodman, Grand Secretary; J. Hi
Kerr, Grand Treasurer; Hannah M. Graham,
Grand Chaplain.
The morning's session was taken up with the
enrolling of delegates and appointment of com
mittees on Iaw,lflnance, German work, printing
and credentials.
In the afternoon the Grand Protector, Mr.
Lockard, made bis report The increase of
membership has been very marked and nine
new lodges have been created. The report of
Grand Secretary Goodman was submitted and
approved. It showed an increase in member
ship of 1,200 members dnrlng the last two
years and of 76 lodges in existence.
Pleasant Anniversary Celebration by Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Fisher.
A delightful party was given last evening at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher, on
Winebiddle avenue. East End. Their superb
borne was handsomely .decorated with cut
flowers by the hostess, and about 40 odd friends
congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Fisher upon the
seventeenth anniversary of their wedding.
Among the guests were Miss Augusta Fisher,
ot Oil City, a niece of Mrs. Fisher, and Misses
Lutchon and Fowler, of Meadvule. After a
sumptuous repast served by Mrs. Fisher's chef,
assisted by Writt the dining room was trans
formed into a boll room and Gemert inspired
fairy feet to trip the light fantastic until the
"wee sma" hours of the morning.
Interesting Feast Yesterday at the Little
Sisters of the Poor.
Twice every year the wealthy friends of the
Little Sisters of the Poor give a royal feast to
the aged inmates of the Little Sisters' Home on
Penn avenue, East End. One of these dinners
was given yesterday. It was a jolly affair. Two
score of old women surrounded the table, and
being from many different nations, there were
"dfshes to order" to please them all. The Irish
woman, the German woman and the Scotch
dame were all flattered with some particular
fancy to suit their various appetites. A distri
bution of smoking tobacco was made to a few
of them, and the pipes glowed red with fresh
contentment in the dusk last evening.
In a Social Way.
The Society f orthe Improvement of the Poor
are making arrangements, through Mrs. W. A,
Herron, President and Mrs. S. E. Lippincott,
Secretary, for reception day at the Children's
Temporary Home, on Washington street to
morrow. Donations and contributions of cash
and provisions will be received during the
morning. Lunch and refreshments will be
served to the guests by the committee in charge
of the reception.
In the parlors of the Episcopal parsonage on
Grant street yesterday morning, Mr. Hubert
McFadden, or Philadelphia, and Miss Mary H.
Deady, of Allegheny, were made one by Bishop
Fhelan. The wedding was followed by a
breakfast at the home of the bride on, Monterey
street, and a reception was given the young
conple in the evening.
A symphony in music will be the wedding
of Mr. Will McCntcheon who sings in Christ
Church on Penn avenue, and Miss Belle
Tomer, a member of the Second Presbyterian
Church choir, which will take place on the last
day of this month.
Mrs. Coleman E. Bishop who will lecture
on Physical Culture in Buena Vista Street M.
E. Church, October 22, and afterward organize
a Delsarte class comes to the city very highly
The McKecsport Turners entertained a large
number of friends last evening in honor of
their ninth anniversary.
Mks. Colonel Thomas Hudson, of Ells
worth avenue, Shadyside, will give a select
dinner on the 17tb.
Mbs. A. V. Vebnjeb will give a card party
on next Friday evening at her home on Ells,
worth avenue.
Twenty-Two Years It Amounted
813,000 and Was Compromised.
Prom the Philadelphia Becord.I
A 22-year board bill, making a claim of S12,.
921 66, held by John Tyler, Jr. against the
estate of Isaac Cook has been settled at Bridge
ton, N. J., by ajury's award of $7,539 S3. Cook
boarded with Tyler, and had agreed in ex
change for home comforts that he would pay
the debt on Tyler's farm, amounting to $13,000.
Cook left Tyler's children $22,000, but said
nothing about the debt; then Tyler entered the
claim for board.
John BIoA. Munnls.
John JlcA. Munnls died suddenly on Monday at
the residence of his brother. Wm. U 319 Alain
street Seventeenth ward. He had only been sick
a few days from the effect of heart troubles.
"Mac," as he was familiarly called, was popular
with a large circle of acquaintances In Lawrence
vllle. He was only 22 years old. His mother Is
Airs. Emma Mnnnls. a former well-known school
teacher in that section of the city. She la the re
cipient or widespread sympathy In this affliction.
Air. Munnls was burled yesterday afternoon.
Mr. James Irwin,
This morning Mrs. James lrwln, wife of Air.
Irwin, of the Allegheny postofflce, died at her
late residence, onLltuezowavenne, Second ward,
that city, or typhoid fever. She was an estimable
lady, and leaves a husband and several children to
mourn her loss. The employes of the postofflce
sent a yerf flns -floral remembrance.
Ways In Which Bright Feminine Tollers
Support Themselves Labor Ko Longer
Undignified Peculiar Occupations That
Proved Profltnble Womanly Independ
ence Growing.
To-day there are two widely different roles
for the penniless woman to play. She may sit
quietly with folded bands and let her friends
and relatives come forward and support ber,
or she may do the first thing her hands find to
do and so support herself. Of course tbere
are many women who prefer the former role.
Weak, indolent women, who have been brought
up in luxury, who have been accustomed to
dawdle through life doing nothing, find it easy
to sit still and let some kind-hearted person or
persons Bnpport them. They do not stop to
consider that they are Incumbrances In so doing,
-nor that they are livlngCon charity; work of
any kind to them wonld mean a loss ot social
position, but they can live on charity.
There is another type or woman, a type of
the larger class, we believe and hope, who pre
fer to, and who do, go bravely out into the
world and become self-supporting. These
women scorn charity, though they do not re
fuse to be helped in the right way; they could
not be happy If they were idle, and, as far as
their social position is concerned, they are in
different They have not the time for much
society, but they find that their real friends do
not think less of them for helping themselves,
and tbey maintain their self respect which
they could not do did they permit their friends
to support them in idleness. This latter type is
the true American woman, pessessed of the
true progressive American spirit and the num
ber of such women increases every day.
A Change for the Better.
The other woman is a type of the past age, a
relic of a false system of education, and she is
rapidly passing away. It Is only too true that
the entrance of a gentlewoman into any kind
of business or vocation for the purpose of mak
ing money has been looked upon with great ab
horrence so much so that it has been a very try
ing thing for a sensitive woman to come boldly
forward and to undertake work for the purpose
of needed support There are always friends
and relatives of such women who are ready to
express horror at the idea of "a lady" doing
this or that says a New York Star writer, but
they do not suggest anything else that she may
do, nor do they offer to make up
from their own purses what their friend
loses by listening to them. Bat happily,
such a state of affairs is giving way to
something very different Women are more
and more becoming workers, and suc
cessful ones, in nearly every field. They are
no longer content to be idle. Those who need
monev take up work that is profitable, and
those who do not need It take an active part in
various works where their sympathy, Intuition
and judgment do a vast amount of good work.
Every year a larger number of women is
found among those who work for a living;
many fields become crowded, and new ones
must be onened. Teaching and keeping board
ing houses, the only two occupations that for
merly suggested, themselves to tbe minds of
women who were suddenly deprived of com
fortable homes, are left iar behind now by
brisk, enterprising women. The field was over
crowded, so they turned their attention to
something else.
Work That Is Profitable.
The craze for household decoration that was
started a few years ago was a boon to many
women, and resulted in the organization of the
various exchanges for the sale of woman's
work, through which many women make a com
fortable income. These exchanges, by taking
many articles beside decorative work, gave
women an opportunity to find out what they
could do, and so we hear of a woman support
ing herself by making a certain kind of pickle
or sweetmeat One woman, who has a child to
support, knew that she could make excellent
chicken pie and a peculiar kind of
pickle; she knew that she could do these
things well, and she determined to make
them her support She supplies several
clubs, and makes a comfortable living. We
hear of another woman who had a taste for
making bonnets; it was the only thing she
could do really well, so she opened a millinery
shop, and supports herself and three children.
If mopey must be made and children educated,
a woman must first find out what she can do
well, and then go to work earnestly and do it
with all ber might
There is plenty of poor work on the market
that no one wants, and no one buys; there are
plenty of unskilled laborers poorly paid. It is
well to remember that there is always room In
the market for a good article, and that skilled
and skillful workers are always in demand.
Women as Shopkeepers.
On Sixth avenue are two dainty little women
Vho keep a jeweler's shop, and If you go in to
have a pin pnt on a brooch you are politely
asked to wait a minute until it is done, xms is
a business that does not seem to have been
taken up by women to any extent, and yet their
more delicate hands and dolt fingers would
seem to fit them for jewelers and watchmakers'
work. Two young women made very comfort
able Incomes last year by teaching whist to
members of their own sex, whist clubs being
always fashionable and popular for winter
evenings. Chess is rapidly coming to the front
as a fashionable game, and here is an oppor
tunity for making money. Mending establish
ments, where everything, from the finest lace
to the most ordinary garments, may be neatly
mended, are very profitable, and are organized
by women who have a taste for such work and
for nothing else, and whb are wise enough to
have found it out
Some young women started the Idea of going
about to houses of wealthy persons and dusting
their bric-a-brac two or three times a week for
a moderate sum, and they were quite success
ful. Shopping for persons living at a distance
from tbe city has been done for years, and
niany women have made very comfortable in
comes from commissions charged. Marketing,
also, on commission, might be made profitable
by a woman who haskepthouse and thoroughly
understands all about the ordering of a din
ner, the best joints and cuts to be selected, and
tbe right season for certain meats and vege
tables. Some Cnnsoal Occupations.
In fancy work the drawn linen won Is very
much in demand for doylies, teacloths and
bureau covers, and bring large prices. Some
women make a specialty of this work, as others
make a specialty of knit goods for babies. An
other woman devotes herself to the making of
photograph frames, and others to making ois
rnitu nlrklf-a Iftllv nreserved fruits or candy.
All these things are supposed to be exclusively
woman's work. So they are, and tbey are
honest and honorable work.
Certainly, whatever a woman Is capable of
doing well she has a right to do, and if it is
work that has heretofore been considered ex
clusively a man's work, that Is no reason why
she should be termed unwomanly. It Is so
much better to cultivate a taste that we have
than one that we bavo not and if a woman has
no taste for making pies and basa taste for
running a steamboat, by all means let her run
the steamboat And she Is doing It Down on
the Jersey coast a young woman is assistant
engineer on a steamboat where her husband is
engineer. And we have to-day women as
blacksmiths, lawyers doctors, and in almost
every field -where men work. In Dover, if. HM
Mrs. Mary E. G. H. Dow bas proved herself a
very successful president of a horse railroad,
wbich'shows that a woman can be a successful
manager as well as worker.
After a Hard Straggle, In Which His Can
Was Broken.
Stboussbubo, October 16. The Rev.
Charles S. Mervine, pastor of the Tannersvllle
Circuit while out riding to-day encountered
near Wesley Cbapeh about three miles from
this place, a good-sized bear.
Borrowing a gun from a neighbor who hap
pened to be near by he tackled the bear, and,
nftir a. desnarata struggle, in which his gun
was broken, killed the animal.
He stood-wlthout one fettering band
Upon his native shore:
The joyssnd freedom that hope brings
Wera alibis own once more.
The weary jaln and misery
That haunt the captive's lot
The past the bitter, drearypast
Was in that hoar forgot.
He reached his childhood's borne, and paused
To view its aspect fair:
No dreaded change, no dull decay
At first he noted there.
The same old trees were casting still
Their shadows on the ground.
The rose, the myrtle and the vine
Were flourishing around.
And yet a fearful stillness reigned
O'er each remembered place.
He saw no hurrying form appear,
No sweet and Joyous face.
Ho kind and welcome words of cheer,
Ko tones that once bad been
Tbe very sunshine of his life
Were gladdening the scene. '
He stood within his childhood's honysl
Despair was on his brow.
Beneath the weight of agony
His spirit seemed to bow.
He stood there, pale and desolate,
And earth no longer shone
Alas I alas I what Is this earth, ,
"When those we loved are gonel
JfBwWJtoedwortft. ,
To tho General Gossip of tho Day Gotfl
oa'i Boing's Yesterday.
New Yoke, October li Detectives at Castle
Garden to-day detained Mary Byrne and John
Burns, two immigrants who arrived on the
Aurania. Mary Byrne Is really Mary Lahunte,
daughter of Patrick Lahunte, of County Wex
ford, Ireland. Mr. Lahunte is an extensive
land owner: John Burns was his gardener. He
paid Miss .Mary much attention ana cnauy
prevailed upon her to elope with him, Tbey
took passage, with papa Lanunte's mosey, oa
tbe Aurania. Before sailing tbe enterprising
gardener neglected to buy up the cables, asd
so a dispatch got here ahead of them from the
father, asking that they be detained until
brother Lahunte could get here and have a
talk with, sister Mary and tbe prospective
brother-in-law John. Mary is not a pretty girl.
She is well educated while John Is not
A Juvenile Barglar Combination.
Michael Gumm, Eddie Whalen, James Roper
and Michael McConagly, all under 9 years of
age, broke into Campbell's grocery store, in
Jersey City, last night and carried off 20 ham,
a string of rat traps, and all tbe cigars and
candy they could lay hands on. They were
caught and locked up, and to-day were held for
Shouldn't Have Left Papa.
Mrs. Charles F. Shepard tola a police justice
to-day how for a couple of years she had sup
ported herself and her two babies by washing
and scrubbing, while her husband lived with
his parents. When she was married, six years
ago, she said her husband earned S3 a week,
which helped support the house. Recently he
had not given her a cent Shepard, who is a
sharp-faced, thin-legged little dude, answered
his wife's com plaint thus: "I live at borne be
cause It Is nicer there than with Amelia. I
work in papa's shop and earn $1 a week and my
board. Amelia may have tbe dollar if papa
says so." The justice held that Mrs. Shepard's
allowance must be at least $2 a week, and Shep
ard, in default of baft, was locked up.
AYictlm of tbe Wire.
John Feeks, the lineman who was killed by
an electric wire three days ago, was buried to-'
day in woDCiawn Cemetery. Hundreds of
curious persons crowded the room where the
bodylay. None of them, however, were
lowed to see the disfigured face of the dead
man. The services were conducted by the
dead lineman's lodge of Odd Fellows. Twelve
Western Union linemen marched behind the
coffin. The contributions for the Feeks' family
amounted to about (1,600 this afternoon ana
$1,000 more will be raised before the end of the
week. Pictures of Feeks, as he lay dead among
the wires, are being sold in tbe streets.
Fighting a Northeasterly Gale.
Only a few vessels came into port to-day Is
the face ot the northeasterly gale which, was
whistling outside. The steamer Fornesla lay
to for 12 hours on Monday off Fire Island, not
daring to breast the wind and the terrific seas.
The steamship Russian Prince spent nearly
half a day in the tame place battling with the
Dan Lament's Street Railroad Trust.
The latest thing in alleged trusts is a great
New York street railroad trust steps toward
which have been rapidly made ot late. Colonel
Dan Lamont is credited with being the acting
agentin the work of organization and consoli
dation, and one of these days he is expected to
appear before the world as President ot a sur
face road syndicate, as great as the one in
Philadelphia. Colonel Lamont, who is ostensi
bly only tbe President of tbe small Avenue
O Road, now known as the Houston, West
Street and Pavonia Ferry Company, has been
very active of late. He has acquired a con
trolling interest in several small lines, acting
as agent for parties unknown. The syndicate
is presumed to be composed among others of
ex-Secretary Whitney, Colonel Lamont; Steve
Elkins, Peter S. Widener and other members
ot the Philadelphia Syndicate.
That's a Story a Backers Eloper TeHs to
Explain Borrowings.
Findlay. O., October 15. Some weeks ago
mention was made of the disappearance of a
Miss Amanda Longbrake, a young dressmaker
of this city; after borrowing from various per
sons about $1,000. It was said she had gone to
Columbus to marry a gentleman who had been
paying ber attentions for a number of years.
Last Friday she retyped as unexpectedly as
she bad gone away, and the report was soon in
circulation that when she reached the State
capital she found she bad been deceived in the
man, he already having; a wife and three child
ren. This story Miss Longbrake now denies, and,
in explanation of ber sudden departure, she
tells one of the strangest stories imaginable,
the substance of which is as follows: She says
her reason for going away so mysteriously was
to break a spellwhlch a certain colored woman
had put upon her, through which she had been
forced to borrow sums of money, which the
black siren had appropriated.
Miss Longbrake protests that the colored
woman bad completely bewitched her, exer
cising her magic over her in such a manner
that she was powerless to resist and was com
pelled to do whatever was demanded. This
enchantress would command her to go to cer
tain business men and ask for a loan of money
or their indorsement on a note, and she would
be so worked upon by tbe colored "hoodoo"
that she was as clay inthe hands of the potter.
The money thus procured was all taken by
the colored woman and appropriated. Some of
Miss Longbrake's clothing is now in ber posses
sion, and before tbe dressmaker broke the spell
that bad been woven about ber, she worked 13
days making dresses tor the "black art" pro
fessor. This, in short is Mies Longhrake's remarka
ble story, and her reason for borrowing the
money ana her sudden disappearance, ana her
friends are now taking steps to make the
colored woman disgorge. More sensational
details are promised, not the least of which is
a story told in connection with Miss Long-
brake's disclosures, to the effect that a number
of business men In this dry have also been
victims of tbis same woman who, by tbe same
arts, has extorted from them large sums of
The TJsnal Verdict.
From the Detroit Free Fress.l
Eighty-two persons have been killed ia the
United States during the past six months by
boiler explosions, and in no one case has any
one been held legally responsible for the ca
lamity. This ought to encourage tin peddlers
to run engines.
FrvB years ago John Sill, of West Chester,
purchased a 6-cent peach and buried the ker
nel. Tbis season he picked eight baskets from
the tree which grew therefrom. -
The heaviest real estate owner ia Berks
county is James C.Levengood, of Womelsdorf,
proprietor of 11 farms.
Sixteen months ago J. P. Rochester, ot
Logan, O., lost bis family pet dog while on a
trip with tbe mining engineers' excursion
around the mines. One evening last week the
Uttle fellow came trotting Into the house, wild
with joy at seeingthe family again. Where he
bad been all this time no one knows. He had
cot been heard from since lost more than 20
miles from home.
A citizen of WellsvMe, O., now 7i years old,
boasts tbachebasnever paid a cent to a law
yer, doctor or minister.
'Squibs J. T.Bbodt, an old aad prominent
citizen Of Charlestown, W. Va,, died last week.
He was a relative of President Van Buren, and
a near neighbor of J.Teniraore Cooper, tbe
novelist In his early life In New York- Ha lo
cated In Charlestown in 1857, and was in the
Confederate army as Quartermaster, and drew
the last dollar ever paid out ot the Confederate
treasury, the day preceding tho fall of Rich
mond. The Tarentum Sim reports that there are 118
old maids in that vicinity.
While hunting back of Dunmore, near
Pittston, several days ago a man came upon a
rattlesnake, and as he shot it a wildcat made a
jump for him. His dog grabbed the wildcat by
tho bind legs, asd the wildcat whirled and sent
tbe dogf away, yelping. Then the sportsman
mada a fierce kick, which, seat the cat out of
slht down a deep mine-hole.
AWHEiLno youth was engaged to fear
drla at the same Use.' AH feand it oat serf
jww Ua't WHfagsd at sK1 -1 , , s
Mapleton, Me., points with pride to a A
local 4Jf pound Irisk potato.
It is estimated that Jg.We.OGQ has bees
paid to hotel keepers fa. tie White Mountains
this summer.
A woman in Wadley, Ga., has become
a grandmother at the age of 98. Site married
when only It, and her daughter did likewise.
Frederick Livingstone, aged 86 years,
and the oldest man in Peterbofe.N.H., is Presi
dent of the First National Bank: In t&at town,
and it found dally at his post of duty.
Mrs. Cynthia McPheeters, living; aear
Greescastle, IniL, i 80 years old. Ob her last
birthday she entertained a party of friends asd
baked tbe cake that formed a portion of tee
"Aunt" Belle Crawford, aged 90 years,
who has lited in Kansas since 1866, toother
first ride on a railroad train the other day, ge.
ly of her aiece.
A letter was received at the State House
in Boston the other day addressed to "Governor
John A. Andrew." It ease from a veteran of the
Civil War fa New Zealand, asd made isqabias
about certalfl back pay.
A magnificent Esjlwh kee, known as
the "Wlsfarthisg oak," which measured 38
feet 7 Inches in girth in 1741, has jastbeea re
measured and found to have grown bat: 17
inches In tbe interval 130 years,
Horatio N. Waldo sad wife, of AreaaV,
.celebrated their sixtieth wedding aaaJvewary
recently. Mr. Waldo Is 81 years old. was an ar
dent Abolitionist and his bouse wasastatiea
iu wjo lamoua "unaergrouna railway."
Very few people are aware hew may
more people have visited the Paris ExBeaW6
than were admitted to the Centennial at FWa- '
delphlaln 1K76. This had 9,867,635 visiters aad
the iParis Exposition Is in a fair way to have
The Bussiaa clergy have set up a mas
sive clock to cerameaorate the Bork! railway
aceMest ia which the Czar aad his family nar
rowly escaped death. Tha dock faces theseena
ot the accident and once a year, at the exact
hour, a heavy silver bell tolls fox five raiautea.
A- unique triple anniversary oecaned
Sunday la St Mark's Chares, corner of Bed
ford avenue and South Fifta street, Brooklyn.
It was the celebration of the completion of the
first GO years of the history of tha church, of SO
years' service by the rector. Rev. Dr. Samuel
i3fi& gears' servtee by the sex-
I " ,. . ...
iiit eoioay oi vieteris, js-avsnun. witq
,100,060 inhabitants, Is said to master M9 "re
ligious sects," easily beatifig the record of oar
country, of which It was oaee said teat we had
"a hundred rrtijioHS but only oee gravy." Bat
what is a "religious seet!" Two of tfeteee Vic
torians are set down as "secret wnmMooM,"
one as a "fatalist" and six, profess "reJfcjoo
There are between 660 aad 660 CMaa
men in Sunday schools aad missieas ia New
York. They are there chiefly to learn te taBr.
English, for there are only 68 ot the aaafeer
who are out-and-out Cbiietiaas; thatla, mm
bers of the churches. A religions worker
among tha Mongolians Bays Oe chorea people
have got to realize that the Chlniiaa.it is a
pretty hard subject to Christianise.
Miohele Giovanni Batista Kessese?
sailed from New York August 21 on the City of
Paris. He came home a week-ago last Friday.
When helefthome he sealed 388 possess net
When be had Sntobed his training at Cartabad
he weigh ed 173 pounds. Leanness is so foreign
to his nature, though, that he has new ckmbid
back to 19a, aad his weight is still growing. Few
of bis friends recognize him la bis etaaged con
dition. At the funeral of Mrs. Isaac WT. Sher
man, wblch was solemnized last week at New
port, K. X, the first carriage contained the be
reaved husband two of his brothers and a sis
ter.the combined ages of whom was 868 years.aa
average of 77 years. The longevity of this
family is really remarkable. Mr.8ermaahas
six brothers and sisters living, aad the com
bined ages of the seven Is SS years, an average
of 75 years.
A Kissimme, Fla., paper says that S.W.
Short, of that city, while digging in aa Indian
mound unearthed an Indescribable geld seme
thing, supposed to be a trinket or ornament be
longing to the long-ago era of the mound baBd
ers. It was found only a foot below the sar
face, is very bright and smooth aad somewhat
resembles the old Bint skinning-knives used ty
the Indians before toe introduction of steel. It
weighs ten peaflywelgfiC about tee raise of a
tlO gold piece.
A Moseow haater lost a qaall iaeeifcer
day, even after he had shot aad kffled tt Tha
bird fell oath's opposite side of a rivalet,a
plain' sight of ne shooter, aad he leaped aareas
the brook after it having no dog with hta. He
bad his eye on the dead bird, but jutsaeaa
mink darted out of its hole in the bank, seised
the quail in its mouth, aad skipped baek into
Its burrow before the SBortsmaa had tenets
-file his objections. Ho poked in the hole with
a shut, qui tne mine was oeyosa nis reaea.
After a foar-daya' trial at EatlaadjTt,
Calvin M. Inman, of Hampton, N. Y has been,
found not guilty of the murder of Parries Sea-
.notat Poultney, October I, 1368. The jwy.
without consultation oa the endeaee, reaeaod '
the verdict in genuine Yankee style, it was
agreed that those who thought the prisoner
guilty were to beM some object la tee
closed right band, aad taose considering the
prisoner not guilty were to be espty-basded.
They stood in line before the foreman of tae
jury and opened their haaas, aad aH were
empty-handed. The jury were oat only tea
Farmers living ia Oa vieiaity of a
a corn-cob pipe factory are exceptionally fortu
nate. Although many BatiKon of cobs are
burned or allowed to rot every year, the prise
for pipe-making purposes) keeps up. A farcer
living near WaehlngtenMo., recently sold IBS
bushels of corn for 180 and got $37 for the cobs.
This Is at the rate of 67a a baaae, and if onlr
sufficient Missouri meerschaums were smoked
to make tbe demand larger, tarmers weald
soon be rich. Cora cob, pipes are manufactured
by a very simple proerss, and are la tais de
mand all over the country. Secaa wera re
cently shipped to Jsarope, aad mere wera.
ordered soon after their arrival.
Giles GiSbrd, of Newton, Pa., m a
race with a Woodcbaek on Farmer BttesH.
Tompkins' place the other day. He saw the
woodchucknibbliegia the clover, qaite a dis
tance from hjk bote, and pat la his beet Heks to
reach the bofe ahead of tee woedeaaek. Gil
ford got tbere first and Hack his heel in the
hole, with his teat toward to e scampering ani
mal. There wasn't room for the woedchuck
and the heel, too. and so the weodehaak stuck
its teeth through Glffsrd's boot and into his big
toe. That made Gifford remove h4s heel from
tho hole with good deal ot celerity, and the
woodchuek then sHppea oat of sight in a
twinkling. GiSeri went Heaping away.
light collars are said to be the eaase of
nearsightedness. Itlswelltoreaember, however,
that tight callers are frequently able to see double.
Hotton Transcript.
Sammy Maw, what does it meaa by a
tnan laughing In his sleeve r" fAIrs. Lanworth
Better ask your father; he has hidden many a
smile under bis vest Terrs Haute totprttt
The Czar embraced the Kaiser aad
The Kaiser bagged tbe Czar.
As bruisers shake each other's hand
Ere they begin to spar.
VHicaga iwM,i.
Oldbaan Yes. rav dear Miss DasalevtV
they say, you know, teat every man of 40 If oMher
a fool or : p&ytieian. -. .&
Miss DasMer-And vet I did sot knew, Mr,
Oldbean, teat you had ever stadMed sudfetee,;
America. Y
"I am quite surprised, Mr. Meeker, ter ac
count for y oar wife's knowledge of parUsmeatary
"She? Great Cssart Hasn't she oeea speaker
of tbe house for the last fifteen years T" Kictt
mond JHtpateli.
"Do you know who her grandfather was?
Have yon- ascertained anything la regard to ber
pedigree r These are telaga yea oaget te know
about the woman yoa are to make year wife."
"Oh, hang her grandfather!"
"My boy, that'sj-ast what teey did. "-Judge.
"What are yoa doing these days. Jack?
"1 am looking resad to get a position with little
work and big pay."
'Yoa'll never get R."
"Why not?"
'Becaose yoahaye no poHUeal lnllu enee, "-Boston
"What a Crowd ia Bestoa Means. Straa-ger-WBat
Is tee meaning of this vast crowd
something anssnat happening 1
Boston AUn-I don't know. sir. IhaveJastM
rlved on tea ground myself. It may 6?'
TBiDhonT concert is last over, or It may oa that
Air. SBlUvaa la drank again, -juagc.
Don't tret inbllaat John Henry,
a Jury awarded the. plaintiff in yonr brsaeti sCj
promise salt onlysUcentsdsmagea. nu
of voar seers deeldss that when losing Ji a
maiden oalT Iee aixecati. It Isttee lr;
.nn.nilr .lata nf vaarsetfoa Urtat aaa
rt-t TWWMSfta tea slot of oUT.-d
Vw?BW ssrlrw4T