Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 18, Image 18

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r A Talk With the Proprietress of a
Fashionable Bathhouse.
The Gorgeous Apartments of a Jffew lork
Swell Bachelor.
2ew Yokk, October 5.
OBGEOUS are several
of the ladies' Turkish
bathing establishments
of the fashionable type,
and in them you can
see the neatest things
extant in washer
women. Th e y are
chosen for healthy pre
sentability to begin
with, and are dressed
in becoming uniforms,
from the prettily cap
ped and costumed girl
who nshers you iuto
the ante-room to the
muscular, bare-armed
one who attends you
in bathing and rub
bing departments. The
height of the luxury i
attained in several of the rival baths, and
our swell women are the customers who
make the business profitable. By means of
gS. small tip and a large lump of taffy I got
the mistress of the lounging room at a Turk
ish bath to tell us some gossip. According
to this mercenary long-tongue, Mrs. Lang
try is one of the most persistent bathers who
come to the establishment. She might fail
to keep an engagement with some famous
irockmaker, but with her bathing mistress
never. But to let her talk:
"It was a re.il pleasure to bathe Mrs.
lanetry." said the woman, "she was so
beautiful. Most women take medicine
when they don't feci well, but Mrs. Lang
try took a bath. She ordered the kind she
needed, and it varied according to her fccl
" ings. Sometimes she would come here with
a book and sit for two hours with her feet in
hot water, studjing a part, and the steam
rolling up about her in clouds. The first of
these toot baths cost her 30 she told me,
and it was the only time I ever saw her
angry. She was suffering from a sick header-he,
and she wanted the bath kept at a
certain temperature for a full hour. AVhile
I was adjusting the steam she laid her book
a'-iJe, and did not resume it for half an
hour. In the meantime the vapor moistened
the leaves, the ink ran all over the paper.
and there wasn't a legible page in the book
when she cime to opin it. It cost her $50
to have the work copied. At her bath
Mrs. Langtry always had me rub her down
with tine salt and alcohol to bring the blood
to the serface and keep her lroia taking
cold. Many a time I have kneaded her to
break up a cold taken the night before, and
I used to beat a tattoo on her throat and a
rat-a-plan on her chest to exercise and rest
her vocal organs. I washed her tace, too,
by incnes to clean out every pore, and I
steamed her hair and eyebrows and eye
lashes to make them grow.
"She had the most beautiful pair of feet
I ever saw ona woman: they were perfection
in shape and color; not small, but long, and
every toe developed and as soft as a baby's.
Her heels were tne regular pin cushion pat
tern.snd it was her boast that she never had
a skin blemish in her life, and didn't even
know what a bunion meant For a long
time I washed her every day, sometimes
with a sponge and not more than a gallon of
water, and again with a ton of steam and a
dozen brushes, always finishing by spraying
her with violet water, rolling her up in a
lot sheet, preparing a cup of cofl'ee and pro
tecting her siesta irom the slightest disturb
ance. I never called her by her name. In
the bath she was known to us as Mrs. Lc
She was very generous and exceedingly
kind hearted. She never gave me an ordi
nary tip, but she would tell me to buy a
pair ot shoes, or a ures and give me the
money to pay font. Then she often told me
how to take care ot mv health, what to eat.
and the nicest way to get along with the
patrons. I remember she once saiu t hat if I
wanted to become popular I must first
please people, and then always give way to
them. First try to have my own way, and
then by giving up in time I would gener
ally get it in the end. I find it so, too.
"Mrs. Potter used to come here very often.
She was nice, but didn't care for much
water. She never took the showers. She
wanted to be rubbed until her skin became
soft, then douched with lavender water and
orris, and hand-rubbed again. I had to
keep this up until my arms were lame, and
many times she has gone into the cooling
room for a nap just to give my arms time to
limber out again. I never could find out
what perfume she used, but it clung to
everything she had on, and I could always
tell whether she had been in, during my
absence, by the smell of the sheets and
ton els in the linen basket. She was gen
erous, and aiwas gave me a dollar 'to buy
a pair of gloves."'
"When I asked if man-ladies drank at the
bath, she said: "All ot them drink some
thing. The stage women as a rule call for
mineral water, ginger ale or coffee, and the
con-professionals for claret and other light
wines. As a rule 1 can almost tell the
married women, lor they order champagne
or a mixed drink, while the single ladies
take a glass or a pint of claret and drop off
to sleep. Would you like something for a
beauty sleCD?"
"Xes; I don't mind,1' I replied. "What
would you suggest?"
"Well, claret is a healthy wine, you
know; but if you care to stay an hour I'll
get you a cocktail."
. I tried a glass of St. Julian at CO cents,
curled up in a warm sheet, and (ell asleep.
If there is anything that delights a Hew
York belle it is to get a view ot a real, out-and-out
beau's apartments. There is addi
tional zest in it if the sight be surreptitions;
vet invitations to suppers, such as our swell
bachelors have taken a fancy to sometimes
give in their, lodgings, are always accepted
with avidity. The party must be chaper
oned, of course, to be quite right, and it
was so
with the one which I enjoyed last
The Croesus" dining room was extempor
ized out of the parlor. Usually he cats at
Delmonico's or his club. The Croisis apart
ment house, the Knickerbocker, the Cum
berland and others have many suites that
f xrel this in size. Here are ouly two rooms,
hut tbey are spacious to a degree that is old
i tshioncd in these days of compactness. The
bedroom and drawing room are separated by
a passageway, out of which opens a bath
room, waidrbbes and storerooms. The bed
room, hung with Indian silk flowered in
crimson and cream, has a canopied bed that
might do for a monarch. Isn't it a shame
that it should have no queen? The drawing
room, crowded with superb oak cabinet's,
seems half a divan, for sott seats cushioned
in crimson plush are to be found on every
side. There is one cabinet particularly in
teresting to connoisseurs. When opened it
is found to contain every imaginable liquor
and the newest and rarest glassware. The
owner has only to telephone to be served
with dinner or supper from a restaurant, but
lie keeps stocked with beverages. Thanks
to his inherited wealth, he is entirely inde
Yet mystified mothers, chagrined chap
rones, wonder why the master of Liberty
Hall, contingous to the restaurants of
Madison Square, does not pop the question
to the pretty girls with whom he talks and
waltzes at Tuxedo. While about this par
ticular apartment there is an atmosphere of
the refinement of existence from the statue
of Cupid triumphant to the flask ot crcrae
de meuthe halt empty, another bachelor
apartment in the same block indicates the
manly tastes of a master who rides hard at
polo, "engages the foils at the Fencejs Club,
and has a bout with the boxing gloves at
the Bacquet. On the walls are hung foils
and fishing rods, the pictures perpetuate
cross country exploits of the good old coach
ing days, and the small but well stocked
library is full of volumes of sporting refer
ence. But in order, that the assthetic side of
life may not be slighted, there is a piano
forte and a banjo, and while a Chopin se
lection or a nigger melody ripples from the
one or the other, a capacious divan is occu
pied bv spellbound golden youth, drinking
at once the music and a brandy-and-soda,
such being the contrasts of life in the abode
of rich men's sons. But this sumptuous
lodger is no anchorite hermit. He olten in
vites bevies of his fashionable feminine
friends to fe'astings.
All the summer's promises of marriage
are not being kept this autumn. To one
hotel near to New York came a dainty little
maiden one warm July day, with a pair of
feet so small and well shaped that before 36
hours had passed midst all the gayety and
lun she was the envy of the girls. Her
numberless variety of shoes and silken hose
simplv drove them wild with jealousy. At
tached to this dainty maid with the wonder
tul feet was a handsome mamma and a de
voted fiance. So devoted was hethat the
other tri-colored blazer young men simply
stood at a distance cursing the luccy one,
and vainly sighing for an introduction to
the modest maid with the innumerable
As the summer wore on, the fun became
fast and furious, and the soft, gentle girl
was beginning to change. The timid, help
less look: was giving way to a dehant, inde
pendent gaze, and the associations with the
poker-playing.champagne-loving crowd was
gradually doing its work. The devoted
lover looked on in a despairing kiud of way
and vainly expostulated with mother and
daughter. One day he went to the city to
buy a birthday present tor his reckless
sweetheart. He intended to remain away
until the following afternoon to attend to
some business, but as the man was out of
town when he reached his office, and the
longing to get back and protect the pretty
little girl was so great, he rushed to the
depot, swung on to the last car and went
back to the hotel.
It was 10 o'clock when he arrived. He
hastily inquired for his fiancee, and was told
she was walking on the beach. He started
down there, listening for the merry laugh he
knew so well. As he hurried on he heard
the langh he had been listening for, coming
from a turn in the beach just in front of a
lantastic little tent He went quietly up to
it and looked. Out in the water was the
girl wading in the moonlight. Her com
panion was a man whom she had promised
her lover never to speak to, and sitting on
the beach was a red-lipped blonde girl.
The man listened and heard the girl
laughingly tell her companions what a good
joke it was on him; how he would scold her
if he knew; what a bore he was, and bow she
was only marrying him for his money, and
how independent she meant to be when she
was married. The man stole quietly back
to the hotel, wrote a few lines, pat them in
box No. 13, took the midnight tram back to
the city, and thanked kind heaven for let
tin n him find out his mistake in time. The
affair on the beach was too much for him.
Claea Belle.
A Carious Invention lobe Attached to Street
Boston Herald. 1
For some time past pedestrians on State
street have remarked a peculiar attachment
to the lamp post at the corner of State and
Devonshire streets, and many have been the
surmises as to the contents of the little iron
box and its usages. Superintendent Allen
of the Lamp Department said it was an ar
rangement for lighting the gas at a certain
hour each night and turning it out a certain
hour in the morning. In fact, it is a newly
invented machine designed to do the work
of the lamplighter, with the single excep
tion of cleaning the lamp. It has a clock
work arrangement, which is so regulated
that it conforms to the moon's changes and
lights the eras and puts it out earlv or late.
according to the lullness of the moon or the
change in time of rising or setting.
The machine is about the shape of a pear,
and contains a clock of the eight-day pat
tern, which in turn is attached to a fulmi
nate cylinder in which are 400 small pit
holes filled with a water-proof fulminate
compound or enough to last a whole year.
In place of the alarm on the clock is a
spring which is attached to a cylinder, and
when the hands of the clock point to the
designated hour, the cylinder is turned by a
ratchet having the same number of teeth as
there are pits on the circular of the cylinder,
a spring is loosened, the gas turned on, and
a small hammer strikes oirS of the pit holes,
and the result is that the gas is lighted at a
uniform hour all over the city, or wherever
the appliance is attached.
By a simple mechanism after the gas is
lichted, the reverse is the order, and at the
same time at which the clock is set in the
morning, the gas is turned ofl all over the
city. A man is only required to visit each
street lamp by the new arrancement once a
week to clean the lamp, and at the same
time to wind the clock; or, if he should
happen to miss a day, the work will be per
formed just the same by this automatic
lamplighter, as the clock runs nine days.
A Very Little Lady Who Refused to Kiss
Albert Edward.
St. Louis Republic
A friend of The Man About Town has a
daughter who enjoys the unique distinction
of having refused to kiss no less a person
age than the Prince of Wales. It was at
Nice, and the child, who is just old enough
to have a mind of her own she is about 7
was out of doors playing with some other
children. The Prince came up at this mo
ment, saw the pretty child and asked for a
" 'Deed I don't kiss gemmen, " answered
the baby indignantly, as she rejoined her
parents and told them that "that man out
there wanted a kiss.-"
The way the Prince is being snubbed by
American girls, big and little, is refreshing,
to say the least
Grandma' Ercs.
They wonder why I loved her so;
They marvel where the niacic lies
That Lnits me to her, they who know
That Gladys has her Grandma's eyes!
They say she's hut a thoughtless tot;
They say 'tis true she never tries
To pleasure me but try or not.
She can't but please with Grandma's ejps.
They say her sisters are as sweet; v
It may be so, as tbev surmise.
But who hut Gladys comes to greet!
Me gayly with her Grandma's eyes? v
Sbe'd have the Moon? I'd give the Sunt ,
What wonder that my heart denies
No draft that's made on it by one
Who always asks with Grandma's eyesT
She lights up all this world of woe.
She silences e'en sorrow's cries;
She follows me, where'er I go,
Forever with her Grandma's eyes. v
Ah, who that knows what powers proceed
From simple tilings, in what strange guise,
Can doubt a little child may lead
An old man with her Grandma's eyesl
With Gladys I grow young agalnl
I, who am gray so fast times flies
Am young, yet how my heart aches when
She looks at me with Grandma's eyes!
Sly Child Wife smiles once more on me.
Glad tears within mine own arise.
As with my Grandchild on my knee
I gaieinto her Grandma's eyes.
Mary Norton Bradford,
How He Has Taught the Young Em
peror to Obey His Suggestions.
The Happy Home of the World's Greatest
What sort of a man is Bismarck?
Much has been written about him, yet
even in Germany his personality, his method
of life, his method of work, and his own
peculiarities are known only to those who
surround him.
I may say that he is no longer a worker
in the sense that Americans mean work, for
he has passed that time of life. The hew
ing of wood and drawing of water he leaves
to others. He simply looks on now with
satisfaction at his own work, with the mag
nificent prospect ot Germany; smiles at his
adversaries, leads the young Emperor along
the road he should take, looks him calmly
in the face, and knows that his sovereign
believes in him and all is well. He is an
early riser. All great men seem to have that
unfortunate peculiarity. Some of us who
are not great like to lie abed late in the
morning. Neither Bismarck nor Glad
stone is of these. At daylight the
Chancellor is awake. He seems to consider
himself a sentinel on duty. He begins his
work early, but only such matters as are of
the utmost importance are brought to him.
The details of unimportant work he leaves
to others. His son, Count ilerbert Bismarck.
who bids fair to become a great diplomat
some day, shoulders most ot it But the old
Chancellor's usefulness is not over, and,
when he wants to, he is capable of doing as
hard a day's work as anyone in the empire.
His body is feeble, but his mind is still as
vigorous as it was when he kept all the
great statesmen of Europe awake, thinkine
what new plot he would spring on them. He
sleeps in an unpretentious and plainly fur
nished room. Like the old Emperor, who
nas ueea taia away lorever, he liKes a mili
tary cot or iron bedstead. Those who have
seen his room say that it is so unpretending
as to be almost uncomfortable in these days
of luxury There are none of the modern
conveniences which are considered neces
sary even by those who are not quite well-to-do.
His morning meal is a plain one, and is
usually taken in his room. Alter (his such
business of the nation as it is important for
him to see and decide upon is brought to
him. If there be important documents that
need his signature, or a conference of min
isters or heads of departments, or if there be
any episode of a national or international
character, he inform himself thoroughly
about it, and discusses it frankly with his
son, aud then with his chosen advisers.
After this he spends an hour or more with
the Emperor. The old man has so molded
the character of the young man who now
sits upon the throne that only a word or a
look is necessary for royal approval.
Ifanythint: were needed to show that
Bismarck is a man c' iron, it is found in
the fact that he was one of the few persons
who looked so far into the future as to see
that William III. would some day be Em
peror. Bismarck molded his character
to suit himself, and in doing so he taught
the boy to despise his own mother and Eng
land and all that was English. The unfor
tunate ex-Empress Frederick, it may be
said, has left Berlin forever, unless the
death of Bismarck and the return of her
son's love and respect should call her
thither. It may be all well enough to say
that the Emperor loves his mother, and to
point to the fact that he eagerly embraced
his royal grandmother upon his recent visit
to England, and to give other evidences of
loyalty to his mother's country and her
family; but those who know the facts well
know that it is only for show. Bismarck
not only hates England with all thg ardor
of his great nature, but he hates every
other country in Europe, and he has taught
his Emperor to do the same. William III.
loves and respects Bismarck. They are
like father and son. The young man does
as he is told. He has neve'r taken the bit
in his mouth yet, and he probably never
will. Bismarck s influence over him is
really remarkable. He ' controls him in
every way. In a word, the Emperor is a
puppet in the Chancellor's grasp.
One of the strong peculiarities of Bis
marck is that he never forgives nor forgets.
The word mercy is unknown to him. He
had none even for his Empress when the
Emperor Frederick lay dying; he has even
less for those who have antagonized him
through life. He has a remarkable mem
ory. He never forgets, and if he sometimes
appears to have given up a treasured plan
it is only in the appearance. He has been
a patient waiter as well as a great diplomat
He has been a believer in the old adage,
All things come to him who waits." He
is the most hated and most despised but
most admired and the most feared man in
Europe. His remarkable plots and his
superior intellectual powers are unques
tioned, and, with the exception, perhaps, of
Gladstone, it is not too much to say that
he is the greatest man in Europe, if not in
the world, to-day. He is the one man who
holds the scale balanced between peace and
After his conference with the Emperor he
takes a walk in the magnificent gardens of
the palace and then a frugal lunch. The
afternoon ia spent in seeing a few callers, or
with his family or attending to some state
business that demands his attention. But
he knows, if he knows anything, that in
creasing age aud physical infirmity demand
that he shall have rest, and he takes it. His
dinner, at 6 o'clock, is the heartiest meal of
the day. For the benefit of thousands who
may like to know upon what the great man
feasts, I was informed that his usual dinner
consisted of soup, a roast, vegetables, black
bread and a light wine or beer. He dines
out occasionally, but not often. Two or
three times a week a few of his chosen
friends are invited to jup with him. After
this they smoke and chat and tell stories.
Sometimes there is music, a song, and if
not, an occasional game of whist is indulged
in. and at 11 o'clock the great statesman
retires One day differs little from another.
The bow of peace seems to be set in the sky,
and there is nothing to trouble the old man
at present. The details of government work
he leaves to others; but he insists that he is
as well as ever, and occasionally he sur
prises some of his subordinates by appearing
unexpectedly on the scene and by showing
that lie possesses a great deal of information
upon the minor details of government
It would be hard to find two men who are
so radically different as Bismarck and Glad
stone. Both have arrived at the age when
most men have passed into scnility,but both
seem to be vigorous and capable of doing
yeoman service. Bismarck differs from
Gladstone in that he pays little or no atten
tion to literature, and rarely, if ever, makes
a speech. Gladstone, as all the world
knows, is continually speech making or
writing pamphlets, or discussing this or
that ism, or plunging headlong into some
work that many a younger man would feel
unequal to; but Bismark, trained as a law
yer, schooled in statecraft as no other man
lit Europe, able to speak half a dozen lan
guages, conversant with all the classics of
the time, cares nothing for them now.
He seems to have but one hope and
onp ambition. It is Germany. Few per
sons know that he is a proficient Greek and
Latan scholar, and it may surprise people
to be acquainted with the fact that in his
early, days he made numerous translations of
Virejl and Homer. History and geography
havevlways been his favorite studies. He
wouldnot be a German it he did not love
musicl He is a great admirer of Beethoven,
I "- '""w "w """ ww.j. ...,, uaku
I French) he speaks ia high praise of the
realistic novelists of that country. In, his
younger days he was a great gambler, and
it is on record that he has not bet on a card
for many a day. He is a great smoker and
prefers the old-fashioned pipe to a cigar.
In personal appearance he is very stoop
shouldered, and when walking leans lieavily
on bis cane. His clothes are ill fitting, but
his eye is clear and the firm mouth is easily
discerned through a gray mustache that
hardly covers his lips.
There is scarcely anything remarkable in
his house at Eriedrichsruhe. It is abso
lutely plain. The furniture is of the sim
plest character. There are evidences here
and there of the handwork of woman, but
no great paintings decorate the walls( and
his library is filled with a choice but inex
pensive assortment of books. Portraits of
his wife, his daughter and his sons, of Von
Moltke, of Cardinal Hohenlohe. ot
Thiers, of Beaconsfield, of Gladstone
and of the three Emperors under
whom he has served decorate his walls.
A recent visitor to Bismarck's home, in
describing the place, says that although
some of the rooms contain much that is
plain, others show evidences of luxury and
of decidedly historic importance. In the
drawing room the floor is covered with a
rich carpet, there are three fireplaces here,
where, as soon as the cold, weather sets in,
blazing logs light up the room and make it
warm and cheerful. There is an abundance
of couches, sometimes two and three in one
room. The dining room is severely plain."
Its chief adornment is the bronze statue of
the Emperor given by hihfsclf to Bismarck.
There is a bronze imitation of Niederwald,"
which stands in a fine oak cupboard in the
smoking room. A leaflet is attached to it,
with the following words written in the
Emperor's own hand: "Christmas, 18S3.
The crowning stone of your policy. A fes
tival destined chiefly Jor you and which
you unhappily were not able to attend.
W." In Bismarck's study there is a
small card table bearing a brass plate, on
which is an English inscription to the effect
that on the table the preliminary peace be
tween Germany and Prance was signed at
Versailles in 1871. When opened there ap
pears the central ronnd of green cloth with
the very candle spots that were there when
Bismarck and Eavre put their names under
the treaty. Bismarck often laughingly ex
plains how he became possessed of this curi
osity. It required some diplomacy even on
the part of the great diplomat. The landlady
of the house, who owned the table, obstinate
ly refused to part with it tor any considera
tion of money, so as a last resort Bismarck
called in a cabinet maker ond ordered him
to make another tabic exactly similar. When
the twins were put side by side the landlady,
womanlike, decided in favor of the new and
shiny table, and Bismarck triumphantly
carried off the old one. If the Chancellor's
study and bedroom is plain to severity, the
guest rooms, situated on the first floor, are
distinguished by comfort, ease and luxury.
It is a happy home, as those who have
been entertained there will testify. In it its
owner forgets, so far as he can, all strife.
The torch of hate is put out. There is no
thought of war, but instead there is feasting
and music, the prattle of children's voices
and an air of quiet and peace that bodes
well for Germany. The silent man, the man
of blood and iron, the man who has put the
standard ot statesmanship and diplomacy so
high that his successors will have great dif
ficulty in reach i i. g "t,the most hated and best
loved man in Europe, is nearing the end,
disguise it as much as his friends will.
What his thoughts are amid the scenes of
revelry in which his children and his grand
children take part no one can tell, for he has
few confidants, if any. If his life had been a
failure in every other respect, he would still
be great, for he has taught one magificent
lesson to statesmen, which is the value of
silence. Ekedebic Sanbubn.
A Few Mementoes Still Preserved of the
Persecutions of 1692.
New York Sun.1
In the busy little city of Salem are pre
served a few relics of the horrible year of
1692, when a number of the best citizens of
the town were hanged on the accusation of
some poor, deluded persons, mostly girls in
their teens, who asserted that they had been
bewitched and tortured by the prisoners.
The relics are displayed on a large stand in
the center of the main office of the Register
of Deeds. The first thing that attracts at
tention is a little bottle containing a half
dozen witch pins. These implements are
nothing more than the ordtnary pins used
two centuries ago, when pins were still
manufactured by hand. The interest at
taching to these specimens come from the
fact that they are the very pins that were
used at Salem to stick into the accused per
sons to see whether they were witches. If
the unfortunates were hurt by this treat
ment it was a sure sign that they were
witches unfit to live.
Beside the bottle of witch pins is the
official seal of the Court of Oyer and Ter
miner, before which the prisoners were
tried. It is a little iron stamp fitted with a
black wooden handle, and its impress is
seen upon the only warrant for the hanging
of one of the prisoners that has been pre
served. This warrant, as it was written out
by the Clerk of the Court, fills the greater
part of a sheet of paper about foolscap size.
It is written in a crabbed hand but is quite
legible. It is addressed to the Sheriff, re
cites tne crime lor wnicu one ot the female
prisoners had been tried and convicted, and
orders the Sheriff to hang her on a certain
day. On the lower part ot the page appears
the Sherifi's return, written in a round,
bold hand, certifving that he has carried
out the mandate of the Court Photographs
of this interesting document are on sale.
But the most interesting relic is the court
record of the trials of these unfortunate
prisoners. These papers'are kept in a large
volume so arranged that every document
may be read without being touched. Here
are the affidavits oi the ignorant girls and
boys who tell of the tortures the alleged
witches made them suffer. Here is the de
tailed examination ot the prisoners, giving
question and answer. The record was neatly
written, and is still as legible as though it
were recently committed to paper. It was
doubtless written out each day by the clerk
from his notes after the adjournment of the
court It tells the story ot a great delusion,
and probably no original documents that
have come down from our forefathers are so
replete with tragic interest
Tbe Writing Export Not to be Baffled by the
Little Ulnchlnc.
Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The use of the typewriter does not baffle
the writing expert Men and women who
use tpyewriters show nearly as much indi
viduality in their work as they would do
if they used a pen. It is harder to detect,
but that is all the difference. Any business
man who is used to reading correspondence
irom concerns which employ several type
writers can tell at a glance which one of
the half dozen wrote the letters he receives.
Signs of carelessness, haste, ignorance of
punctuation or the profuse use of punctua
tion marks, a wide or narrow margin around
the writing, some peculiarities in capital
izing all these things carry meaning to
the expert examining typewritten copy.
But the personal characteristics bf the
typewriter are better concealed by the type
writer than the person using a pen. Nerv
ousness can be discovered, but the qualities
depending upon temperment cannot You
can tell a hopeful, despondent, generous,
close-fisted man by the work he does with a
pen, but when he does it with the machine
he hides himself.
Unkownn Heroes
Not to the brave upon the battlefield
Alone, tbe palms ot victory belong;
Nor only to the great of earth the song
Of praise and pawn should the singer yield.
Greater the souls thai, single banded, wield
Tbe battlc-ax against the hosts of wrong.
Unknown, un-noted. In life's reckless throng.
And only in Qod's day to stand revealed.
How many such, in patient, humble guise.
Beside us walk their grief appointed way!
Nobly enduring: worthiest to shine
As fixed stars in Fame's eternal skies.
For these, for this, I reverently lay
On their dear dust this little leaf of mine.
Overland, tj
Shirley Dare Gives Practical Advice
to Widows and Single Girls
Avenues of Employment in Country Towns
Pointed Oat.
rwaiTTEK ron rai dispatch, i
The case is old and sacred as the times of
the first church of Jerusalem, when the ear
liest electiou of officers was for elders to see
that the widows were not neglected. Widows
and lone women to-daydo not seem to have
anybody to look after them in the church or
out of it, or why should they write to a
stranger those homely letters one knows by
the envelope and writing from North Gar
diner beyond Troy, and Gardiner Falls, la.,
Gardiner Canyon, Col., and Gardiner's
Bend, Miss., not to mention the New En
gland Gardiners, all bearing the same re
quest "So tell us something a woman can
do to make a living."
One letter that came while I lay helpless
from an accident has haunted me 'days and
nights, coming from a woman no longer
young, saying in trusting confidence that
she has very little to live on, was "lying
awake nights contriving how she could pay
off the mortgage on her little home," and
begged to know how she might earn just
enough to keep a roof over her head in old
age. There is enough in that line about
"lying awake contriving" to fill an outline
of struggle, praying, toiling, trusting the
history of humble lives that will be very
sweet reading in the leisure hereafter, when
even tired women's work will be done, and
sorely tired women's troubles ended. Then
the memorials of life will be held precious
as the rust battle flags and army buttons
from jackets torn byjshot on the field. You
would hardlv take the price of your home
stead for that button and those few relics of
the desperate fight which meant so much to
you and yours. Tbe time will come when
we will not barter one of these bitter exper
iences of earth for anything heaven has to
offer, but they will live. with us, tender,
sacred memories, whose secret lies between
us and our Maker, and bows our hearts in
thankfulness to remember. But
is practical help, iu pointing out ways to
help themselves. The time willicome when
every parish will include with its church,
parsonage, schools and social clubs', its
church house, like those of the devout
Moravians in this country, when the single
women and widows and those left solitary
and destitute find a home, out of their own
means if able, but all, provided or unpro
vided, under the shelter and counsel of the
wise men ot the society, who look after the
investments, collect debts and take thrifty
care of business interests in which women
go so helplessly astray. This by the way, "as
tbe suggestion also whether it is not better
to take thought for the lonesome women be
fore hand, so caring for their narrow in
comes may keep them in comfort through
age, rather than leave to the benevolent the
tardy, fruitless labor of picking up the
dropped stitches of a purblind lite. Conld
I not the deacons of South Gardiner, in their
uuamtw uiiiu txinxus bMlugs jur mas
widow so that she need not lie awake weary
nignis over ine mortgager with money in
"'Governments" at 2 per cent, why not in
vest little in "preferred stock,"" lending
money to struggling women at the same
rate. Mortgages on real estate are good
security, and it will make life and death
difference whether people pay 3 per cent or
6 per cent interest. This also, is by the way.
Meanwhile, I would be, not the dove of
promise, with the olive, but the raven to
bring bread to these solitary ones. There
are not a few homely helpful ways in which
women can make their services valuable in
any community beside the dressmaking,
nursing, or taking boarders, which are the
three standard vocations for women, and
which must be considered separately before
ie are through talking. Take half the
towns and townships in the Union where
anybody who wants a ribbon dyed must send
it to the city or do it herself, perhaps not to
her satisfaction in either case. Men's coats
need refreshing, and long'cloaks and good
gowns rusty with a season's wear would be
useful years longer if the colors were re
newed. Most women of mature age, in the
country towns at least, know enough of dye
ing to turn out a good black, nut brown,
madder red, bottle green or indigo blue, the
colors most in request.
I for one would be grateful to-day to find
a clever woman who would take last year's
cashmere, and the old indestructible Ameri
can silt, and return them the same full
black with honest logwood and vitriol
which Mistress Lucy Perham used to dye
iu one of those thrifty Northwestern towns
where domestic arts are still held in honor
towns which have the reversion of all the
down East virtues. I can dye things my
self, but I had far rather pay some woman
who needs the ?2, than take my mind
off other things, for with writing and
making pear syrup, drawing the plans for
the new seaside cottage and grounds, doing
up uie wiuuuw curtains ana composing tne
ode for the town centennial, besides getting
up the women's petition to the State Legis
lature, making new sheets and the Jail
dressmaking, that small mind has enough
to do already. If I could only find a
woman to come into the house, do up those
shades and put them up when done, it
would be a Godsend to all tbe housekeepers
in the place, for shades and curtainsare just
the things w Inch trouble and burden them
more than all the rest of their cares. Every
body knows it is a nice piece of work to
hang white shades so they jill run true
and smoothly. Servant girls refuse utterly
to touch them, the laundries charge the
price of new shades to iron them, and only
the high priced upholstery houses send out
men" to bang them when laundried. The
old fashioned luxury of fresh shades every
spring and fall is forbidden to middle class
families, and with it, we lose a dozen
niceties ot touch which gave a charm to
homes of old.
In my mother's time there used to be a
very important womau in society, some far
off cousin of the best families very possibly,
who undertook the finer performances lor
which good housekeepers always need help.
She could be had by the day or week to do
up shades and embroidered pillow covers, to
retrim lounges and toilet tables, to clean
and press the dominie's coats, to make Tire-
serves, mince pies and fruit cake, and quilt
bedcomfortables homely duties, but no
artist in the exhibition was ever held in
higher esteem than this artist of all work.
Talk of your women of to-day who go out to
dust china, arrange flowers for dinner
parties or advise about furnishings! Their
chief range is in the brains of the vaporing
newspaper women who invent them. What
society stands in suffering, perishing need
of are the clever, capable women of domestic
arts, who to some serviceable strength add
the precision which comes of practice. There
is a sphere for such women in. town or coun
try, or if they fail to find it in remote
villages where all housekeepers are clever
and capable.let them send their address to
me, and I will fipd them places enough in
towns. They used to be respected and,
valued by every householder in the town,
sent for in the family chaise, treated as a
familiar guest, and returned with store of
fruit or nice things, or the reversion of a
good gown, besides their earnings, and I am
bound to say they were felt to be worth it all.
They were greattalkers, like most women
ol force, bnt they were famous workers.
And It would make atown woman tired to
hear what they could do in a day. They
survive in New England to this day, and I
found one such woman the main support at
a seaside hotel this last summer. She was
a widow of good connections and had a
'small property of her own, but chose to add
smau property oiner own, out chose to add
to her income by helping her cousin, another
widow who" kent the hotel. The laundress
left, and the stout cousin took her place a
while, and this is what she told me was a
specimen dav's work. Beside caring for
15 bedrooms," and helping serve dinner, she
washed 6 sheets, 6 bedspreads, 37 towels
and over SO table napkins beside the
family wash, the only convenience be
ing a clothes wringer, and ironed most of
these things. This woman was a grand
mother herself, over 60 years of age, and her
cousin, who carried on the responsible busi
ness of the hotel and did most of tbe cook
ing, was another spirited, cheerful dame of
75, though nobody would dream it, and had
brought up eight children. Such were the
women among whom I was reared for eight
years of girlhood. In country phase they
"knew how to turn off work," and in
straitened circumstances they "went out to
help," and no more honorable phrase could
be devised or desired. They were the help
and salvation of many an overwrought,
housekeeper, true sisters of mercy, though
wanting veil or habit, and there is room and
bountiful pay for their like in every age.
Such mixed employment is the healthiest
for women, far better than sewing day
in and day out, and you don't find women
who take it up broken down and
aged be Tore their time. On the contrary,all 1
these ssuied helpers x nave Known, lived
past the common age of women, in firmer
health and livelier spirits than any others.
A woman who lets it be known that she is
ready to go out by theday in families, to do
the nice or tbe exceptional parts of house
keeping, and earns her salt at it, can be
sure of liberal patronage. Let her go at it
in a business way, and buy a lew con
veniences, mattress, needles, a rairin seeder,
a sleev'e board and sleeve irons for pressing
tbe narrow, high shouldered dress sleeves ot
tbe dav. a fluting iron, furniture polish.
cleaning fluid, perhaps a pair of yard wide J
steel rollers tor calendering window shades
and widths of cretonne or cloth at home.
Such linen rollers are sold in cities on in
stallments, and manufacturers will find it
to their interest to extend the system to
smaller towns. A woman can provide her
self with hot rollers and mangle, worth $50
in all, by paying $1 a week when she would
never have the $50 in one sum in the world.
Then she must let people know what she is
ready to do. There is sure to be a boy
printer with a card press in the neighbor
hood who will bo delighted to print a hun
dred business cards for a dollar or less, say
ing that Mrs. Blank goes out in families by
the day or hour to do fine cooking and bak
ing cake, preserving, putting up shades and
curtains, refushing clothes, and doing fine
laundry and toilet work. Orders taeen at
home, also for dyeing once a fortnight or a
month as may be. Leave these cards where
tbey will do the most good, at the railway
station, the postoffice, news stand and con
fectionery. Enclose some Dy mail to the
families likely to have work. And then my
dear woman, let me give you tbe key to
success, -or file the ward which ottenest
keeps it from turnine be ready for the
first chance that offers at a moment's notice.
Write this down in your mind, and bend
every effort toward making it good. To hear
the frantic Wail that goes up from the pris
oners of poverty one would say women de
sired nothing so much as the chance to earn.
Yet never in a lifetime can I remember
going to a woman for help, whether in type
writing, dressmaking, sewing or housekeep
ing that she was ready to undertakework at
once. No matter what the emergency, or
ho liberal the pay, or how much her need.
She was never ready at the call to put on
her apron and set to work. She wanted to
see her cousin across the river, or to wash
'out a few collars, or finish a dress, or pay a
call or do something which put off the order
a day and a half or till the week after next,
which might well be the week after never.
are the only ones who seem to have the
slightest notion of the value of time, and
who are able to sit down in the middle of
affairs to do the work wanted in an hour.
I have known one, a housekeeper too, vind
up her affairs and leave at 24 hours' notice
for the farther side of the continent, or leave
Chicacro to live in New York in the same
space, or whisk away, finding three lines at
the office, to catch the next train for a camp
meeting in the heart of a southern pine
forest A newspaper woman can write with
the blotting pad, propped by the sleeping
baby on her knee, or sitting up in her sick
bed, or flat on her back, when too disabled
to sit up, but the average woman, in debt
and half starving, must take her own salva
tion. Perhaps this slackness of fibre keeps
her always poor and in want But do you,
who wish to find your way made secure and
easier, be ready for a call. Have'your clothes
ready, your working dress and apron at
hand, and make your mind to drop personal
interests, or keep them so in hand as to be
able to say, when an employer asks "How
soon can you come?" to surprise her with
the answer, "At once, ir you want me."
Women commonly want as much room to
swing round as a ship does. Do you learn
to turn on a pivot and stop at a touch. In
short, be ready for good fortune when it ap
pears. Shibley Daee.
Wives and Sweethearts NowCarrled Aronnd
in Cbronomoters.
New York Morning Joarnil.l
"Try and bring out the soft expression of
the eyes, and be sure to have the hair deep
brown as in life, won't you?"
A swell young grain broker stood in a
John street jeweler's talking with the head
of the house. As he spoke he snapped the
chain from his heavy gold watch and placed
the time-piece on the counter.
"We will make a perfect liKeness of the
young lady, have no fear of that," said the
jeweler. With another injunction to be
exceedingly particular about th'e eyes, the
Produce Exchange man left the store.
"Photographs in watches are becoming
very populai-," said the manager of the
house to a Journal reporter, who stood at
an adjoining counter. "The young gentle
man whose order we "have just taken wishes
the portrait of his intended wife placed in
his chronometer. The face of the young
lady will be photographed directly on the
inner case of the watch.
"During the past month we have taken
ordes for over 300 photographs. Here is
one of ex-Mayor Seth Low, of Brooklyn.
Isn't It an excellent likeness?"
"What does it cost to put a man's best
girl inside his watch?"
"About 15. All our work is done by a
French photographer uptown, and once a
pretty face is placed in a watch by his
method it will remain as long as the watch
lasts. And another thing," said the jeweler,
with a slv wink, "once a fellow places the
picture of his sweetheart or, if he is mar
ried, his wife in his watch, the chances are
99 to 1 that it will never find its way to a
A Peanut Tender Whose Customers
Very Far Above Him.
Detroit Sunday News.1
A dealer in peanuts, bananas and confec
tionery, who is located at the corner of Grand
Biver and Washington avenues, has a val
uable clientage in the girls who find em
ployment in the big building of the Western
Knitting Company, under whose shadow he
does business. Those who pass that corner
during the morning or afternoon may have
been moved to sympathy for a man who
never seemed to be selling anything, and
whose bnsiness appeared too be to dull even
to pay a small interest on his investment
However, those who have passed at the
noon hour can readily understand how this
shrewd dealer in sweetmeats, who so well
understands the feminine weakness for con
fectionery, can afford to buy lots on the
boulevard and build houses to rent When
dinner time comes the pennies and nickles
fairly shower down upon this fortunate
dealer from nearly every window on his side
of the building, and they are followed by
strings to which he attaches bananas, Cara
mels, chewing gum, etc., according to the
taste ot tbe purchaser. Since he has a
monopoly of the patronage of something
less than 500 girls, it, is no wonder that he
contemplates a winter residence in Florida,
and a retirement, with
life of ease and luxury,
and a retirement, within a few years, to a
t . A.5rfsa
i i
Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton Talks on
tbe Increase of Nervousness.
We Think Too Bach of Easiness and Too
Little of Pleasure.
vwirizx ron mx dispatch.1
The brain is one of the most delicate or
gans of the body. Doctors have more trou
ble in curing any ailment of the brain than
in tending to any other disease of the body.
Brain troubles are very numerous. Nervous
Jss, insomnia and dyspepsia are three of
the minor troubles caused by a disordered
brain; while some of the greater troubles
are general paresis, softening of the brain,
etc. General paresis has been very preva
lent of late, and many men prominent in
their' profession are now in insane asylums
suffering Wrom th'is disease. There is no
cure, so doctors say, for paresis. Insomnia
and nervousness are more prevalent in this
country than in any other country in the
world, and doctors clalrn that it is due in a
great measure to the way in which Ameri
canslive and try to get ahead.
Dr. Allan JIcLane Hamilton, of New
York, an expert on brain and nervous trou
bles, savs: "Nervousness is the ereat brain
' trouble in this country. It is caused chiefly
ty tne continued strain of business. Ameri
cans take too little time to think about their
"health, and to think especially about their
brain. All the time they are thinking of
business; how to get on in the world, and
how to make a fortune. Many of ihem
would work 23 hours out of the 24 if they
possibly could, and would then comnlain
that they hadn't time to attend to their bnsi
ness properly. This continued strain on the
brain is also the cause of so much insomnia
that is prevalent People who live in for
eign countries do not have anything like the
amount of brain trouble that those who live
in this country have.
"Thev cive themselves more rest than wn
take here, they have more holidays, more
times like the recent Centennial time when
all thoughts of business are put on one side
and the whole community give themselves
up entirely to rest and pleasure. 1 think
those three days' holidav in this city did
those who availed themselves of the holiday
more good than they will ever be able to
Know or. ll'hey may have got tired out
physically, but it was a great rest for their
brains! During the time of the festivities
their minds were entirely removed from
business thoughts and troubles. Another
cause of the nervousness of Americans is
that they keep their brains working in too
narrow a channel. They don't seem to de
velop it enough. They keep working along
in the same groove all the time; of
course, I am speaking, of the majority.
The man or tusiness, the merchant
or the broker studies chiefly the market in
which mdst of their transactions occur, and
let other subjects go by. Children's minds
are not developed properly in my estima
tion. They want to have a wide range of
study, and they want to have that study
made as easy as possible for them. Their
brains are not as strong as those of an adult
They must be trained carefully, and their,
studies should be made just as light as pos
sible. Another great mistake that Ameri
cana make, is in their diet They take as
adults too much of a veze table and farina
ceous diet, drink too much beer and eat too
many streets. Children should have more
farinaceous food.and adults should eat more
meat and take more of an animal diet Meat
produces hysteria when eaten by young
gins, ana wnn laxen Dy young boys is
likely to produce convulsions. Insomnia and
other nervous diseases are dne to insuffi
cient exercise,misuse of the brain and abuse
of food; such as eating hot bread and hot
cakes for breakfastiAduIts want more meat
than the average'American adult eats.
"This climate demands thattheinhabitants
of the country should eat a more nutritious
food than is eaten, elsewhere; then again,
Americans are much .less fitted to take
stimulants than foreigners are on account
of the climate in which we live. I think
that foreign vices are responsible in a verv
large degree for -American nervousness.
The habit of faking: alcoholic drinks before
meals is one of these, ibad vices; and very
few know the tremendous amount of harm
and injury that one drink before breakfast
in the morning causes. The foreign habit
of drinking absinthe, liqueurs and
cordials is another very bad one. Brain
food is a misnomer: Many people claim
that fish is a brain food because phos
phorus is found in fish to a very large
extent. This is not so. A great many
advertisements set forth the advantages
oi cereais as orain looas. These are also
mistakes. The best brain foods are cold
fats and vegetable oils. I consider one of
the most important articles of diet that we
can possibly have in this country to be cot
ton seed oil. It is one of the best fats and
much more healthful than lard. If persons
would use more olive oil they would be a
great deal better .off. There are lots of ways
in which they carrtake the olive oil with
out its being unpleasant for them. There
are a great many adulterants of food which,
if used under their own names, would be
much more valuable than the food which
they are now sold to represent I consider
olemargarine much more healthful than
butter. Butter may contain, during its
manufacture, products of decomposition,
and unless the butter is of the best nossible
quality it may very often do a great deal of
harm, wneaten tood or cerealr tafeen to
the exclusion of all else is very injurious to
the brain and nervous system. It is unwise
for anybody to live on a cereal diet to the
exclusion of animal diet
"If Americans would live more quietly,
would not bean such a constant state of rush
and excitement, and would eat more food
that contained some nourishment rather than
living on fancy dishes, there would be a great
deal less nervousness, insomnia and general
nervous disorders than there are at the pres
ent day. This nervousness has onlycome on
of late years comparatively, and it is cansed
by the whirl of excitement in which Ameri
cans, and especially inhabitants of large
cities, will live. They keep on the go from
early in the morning until late at night,
when half of that time should have been
given up to rest and recreation. They try to
crowd into a short space of time all th'e worK
they possibly can ia order to gain the al
mighty dollar, and by doing so ruin their
health" and constitution. Men should
rise early in the morning, eat a
good breakfast that contains a
certain amount of nourishment
aud discard all such items as toasted muf
fins, corn bread, wheat cakes or anything ot
the kind, rest a little after their breakfast,
go through their day's business with as lit
tle worry and as little excitement as they
possibly can, and after their work is fin
ished in the evening, say from 4 to G o'clock,
according to the time when their business
hours close, .they should have their dinner.
eat it slowly and comfortably and then give
themselves up entirely to rest and recrea
tion. They should try to develop other
parts of their brain than those which are
exercised in following their daily vocations.
And then thev shou.d get to bed early and
get a good night's rest Attempting to
work without a proper rest at night is a mis
take, and if a man is troubled with insom
nia at all he should consult a physician and
have it remedied before anv dan cerous re
sult arises irom-ifcT-r-,
Thnnkt ThatTSeateJKot Expected,
Boston Globe.:
Because a begging deaf mute in Dorches
ter last Saturday kindly said "thank you"
at the end ot the route, after Ms heart and
his pockets would hold no more, the donors
were greatly incensed. Is not politeaeM
always la order?
spr ?-.
iFfi.'V s -f-M m ttm'tm if J. ;.-
A ColMsi af EmtM inr k
Em Mat
Address eommunteaUgruer tMt department
to E.B. Chadeoubn. LneUton, JiftKne.
Copyright 1888, byE. K. Cudbears. t
; ZjZlf
WHrrrnut pope. keats.
The prisoner bound where yoa see the P,
Had bribed the keeper to set bis free:
In parting his guard gave hira this advice:
"Thro none of the cells bat joar own
From each of the famous names you mod
Take a letter that leaves a word behind:
They giva yoa a password gained ith skill.
That must be your motto thro' good aad 111;
It will safely carry you, sure as fate.
Past the sentinel placed at the outer gate."
what path did tbe prisoner then pursue
To find the watchword to carry him thrn'T
Are troublesome, when ,
Thev cling to your garments la spite;
6, 1L 'tis true. r "
Are things bound together so tight
A sort of a iron.
With which one may have fun
Without exact aim. Is complete;
Is notal to 7.
If bestowed oa a maid that U sweet
The executioner's ax was raised and tbe vic
tim's head was preparing to roll as gracefully
as possible from his shoulders, when the kin"
suddenly relented, and, slgateg to tee fiead
man to suspend the ceremony, he teas addressed
the prisoner:
"Answer me truly this question, asd yew life
shall be spared. I never bad a Brother,
but tbe father of the brother of this sea's
maiden aunt is tbe brother of the saele of est
only sister. What relatfoa is this maate.BM?"
"Why. your majesty," aa&& the prtseser, read-
juauilg UI3 ueou, tuis BOB BBt B9
and he whhnered the words wMab
saved his life. y
What was tho relationship between the Use;
iu hue luuiTiuuai rGiema ra; p
763 BEBtrs.
Were you audi to follow
A spirit from the sides.
And. deemhu: nature hollow,
Up into ether rise.
Our action. I've a notlea.
A. painting grand woald show,
O'er which a great eeaimoHea
was raised some time age.
1 W.Wttsear.
. .37 ?
A state ot hopelessness might be
in iruinini way personimeo,
By fancy's pencil bold and free.
Id picture of "a penon Uedp
Words of sic tellers.
J. A plant eaten raw. 2. To arratga.
particular comomaiion or puuejs.
rncnL 5l Woollv. B. Corrected.
w .
PrimaU Clamorous chiding. ttnaU Led. t-ife-'V
.BflfA-Giddy. , A. B. GlNXSS.it. W?
All Is a temple or a charch
It need not caose you any search.
Curtail, and leave to veatilate.
To cool, refresh or, r may state. '
The Instrument with which 'tis done.
The next Is a familiar tone
"Which we in music of tea see
Bo called bv those of Ital v.
Bursa Swsxt. "'
- . t?t
767 EKJ03CA. 4$tb
A TuWMv.n&. &.-!'
A succession or steees; s ? w-
iThestameni or pistils of piantM ,.
A. certaia array 'f
Of figures, they say. ''.
or oi lines or oi wonts meets the gtaace r
w nen we iook at an cut.
Bo stately and tall,
Which fine buildings so mmeh
Living in the groves it stood,
Silent in a gloomy mood;
Now It's dead and makes wsea noise,
Singing like a human voiee.
730 The words of a talebearer.
(The we V
"sofa.!' tall-bearer.)
751 Sprig, prig, rig.
753-L Schoolmaster. 2. Wholesale.
754-1. Wor-king. 2. Shir-Use. 3. Boo-kln.
4. Cooking. & Thln-lOne. 6. Drin-klng. 7.
755 Peri-carp. ,
756- O O T A P L A
737 Buffalo. (Fish, animal, cirr. robe. 0S
75s 1SS3 nluslSSD is the souare ofJSfc.uil
minus 1360 is the square of 28. The ceadltieas
of tho puzzle are also fulfilled by 7388. 186SI and
162401. . -
759 Nur, run. - -
i v
Not a Cosmos Soldier. -
Memphis Appeal. 3
"Yes," said 'Squire Garvin reflectively,
"I was in the army four years, and most of
the time I was an ofSeer. General? " No.
Colonel? No. Captain? No; but I out
ranked ono fellow; he was Fourth Corporal,
and I was third."
IF not remedied in .season, 13 liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dras
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than, cure, the evil.
Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in their action, are gener- jjl
ally recommended by the faculty as tha -
best of aperients. ?
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X deem it both a duty and a pleasure)
to testify that I have derived great ben
efit from their use. For over two years
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Bowman, 26 East Main. St., Carlisle, Pa.
" I have been taking Ayer's Pills and
using inem in my lamiiy since lost, anu
cheerfully recommend them to all in
need of a safe but effectual cathartic."
John M. Boggs, Louisville, Ky.
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which at last became so
bad that the doctors could do no more
for me. Then I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and soon the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action, so that
now I am in excellent health." S. I
IiOugbbridge, Bryan, Texas.
" Having used Ayer's Pills, with good
results, I fully indorse them for tho pur;
poses for which they are recommended.
T. Conners.ar. D.. Centre Bridge, ra.
Ayer's Pills.J
Dr. J. C Aver it Co, Lowe,
"s P -Ji
-- -
Aflla-iffi V
. -in
- W
s -