Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 29, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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Magnificent Strnctnres and Topical
Songs to Catch the Public.
Footlight Favorites Who Feel the Pnlse of
the People.
pmirnar roa tei dispatcb.
The entrance to most of the theaters in
London is as inconspicuous at night as a
lighted shop front, the managers seimingly
thinking that it pays better to rent the
greater part of their front to the proprietors
of restaurants and cigar divans who crowd
ont the bills of the play with menus ol table
d'hote dinners for three and six and colored
advertisements of Turkish cigarettes.
But the music halls of London want all
the room they can get.
From the high bronze urns on their, roofs
flames of gas lick up the evening fog and
signal back to the dignified white lamp on
the tower of the House of Commons that
their people too are still sitting. Their win
dows and half tronts of stained glats blaze
out over colored awnings.umlormed nndbe
xnedaled servants crowd the steps and side
walks in superfluous numbers and velvet
carpets lead iuvitinglv up broad stairways
to loyer hung with silk curtains.
The music halls are at night the real peo
ple's palaces, and though the queens who
rule in tHem are numerous they hsve but
one King. He has reigned now for 20 years
and is called the Great McDermott S. H.
McDermott is his name.
I find that the average stranger's idea of
a music nan is a place where one sits at a
sloppy table and views a variety perform
since dimly through a cloud of tobacco
smoke to an accompaniment of clinking
beer glasses. He may Cud it hard to con
ciliate this idea with the tact that the Shah
visited one of these palaces, the Empire
Music Hall, with the English royalties, and
be can hardlv believe that three of the halls
in the 'West End are largerand as handsome
as any theater in the States; that one em
ploys 600 people, and that if he went into
certain parts of these halls in anything but
evening dress he would leel very much out
of it
a stgiit trim m'deksiott.
The king of the music halls came down
the steps of the hotel at 9 o'clock one night
just as bis royal brougham drew up in front
of tbem and my democratic hansom tnrned
the corner.
"We are all in very good time," said His
Majesty graciously. He was in evening
dress with an Inverness cloak hanging from
his shoulders, and in his hand be carried a
blonde wig, his onlv article of make-up.
"The Pavilion,"" he said to the driver.
"X am only doing three turns to-night," he
continued as the brougham rolled toward
the must hall. "The Pavilion, the Royal
and the Charing Cross. But they will give
you an idea f the uifferentsorts of halls and
the different artists."
On the stage the King of the Music Halls
looks like a mn ot 25. He is probably
abont SO. Twenty years ago be introduced
a uew song, which said that "we don't want
to fight, but, by Jingo, if we do," etc., etc.
The people who felt that way came to join
in the chorus, the papers quoted it and
when an honorable member ot the Lower
House rose and recited it in Parliament it
became famous. And so McDermott gave
a new word to political nomenclature and a
new title to the Conservative party and soou
became as famous as the song. Since then
almost every good comic song that you have
heard ..has had him lor a sponsor. He has
hlspick of the best songs just as a good
jockey has his choice of the best mounts.
The brougham escaped from the circular
puzzle or moving vehicles in Piccadilly
Circus and drew up at the stage door of the
pavilion. As we descended, three men, in
the fantastic get-up of a knockabout negro
act, hurried out of the stage entrance and
jumped into a waiting four wheeler.
"How 'r Mac," called one of them in a
cockney accent that came verv strangely
from a black face. "We've taken all the
langh out of that bouse. You're too late."
A young girl closely veiled and wrapped
in a long dolman got out of a hansom and
followed us in. McDermott raised bis hat
and the girl nodded. "Late as usual."
She said impatiently, "I got blocked on the
Surrey side. It seems to me they're always
tearing up those streets." As she spoke she
whipped off the veil and bonnet and let the
dolman drop from her shoulders. Her
shoulders vpn iAnnnr1 vprr tpit nwttr
and her skirts were short and fashioned
after those introduced in the States by the
Gaiety Company. Her name is Lottie Con
nors, and she dances almost as well as Letty
Lind. There is more abandon and less of
trace, but she gives one a very good idea of
ow very good a music hall dancer is.
Prom the wings I could sec that the house
was as richly decorated as a theater could
well be. Tliere were no tables, an unob
trusive brass ledge on the back of the seat
serving to bold the glasses, and the tobacco
smoke wis drawn out ol the way through
an opening in the root. The seats in the
balconies onlv extended a lew rows back,
the balcony being given over to a prom
enade, where men and women walked on
heavy velvet carpet or lounged in arm
chairs, or over the railing that separated
the lobby from the seats. Iu the boxes
that lined the first balcony were many
theater parties, the women without bonnets
and in evening dress. In the gallery and
in the promenade that surrounded the stalls
and pit were the ubiquitous 'Arrits from
the banks and shops who give most of the
liie to that part of a. music hall's perform
ance, and it is a very large part, which
takes place before the curUiu.
One of McDermott's songs gave these
young men a chance to express themselves.
In it he said that he had asked Mr. Glad
stone how he came to lose his place. A
somewhat delicate question for even so dis
tinguished a monarch as the McDermott to
ask. but the Grand Old Man answers
"All for the sake of Ireland, all for the Emer
ald Isle.
I've seen the world and my friends grow cool,
In myOld. old are they call me a Tool;
. But I'll live to see Ireland gain home rule,
And they'll give me back my place."
Not satisfied with this, McDermott asks
Xord Salisbury in the next verse how he
thinks Gladstone lost his place, and is
courteously informed that it was due to his
love of power.
"What cares he for the Union's rights?
The Llb'ral party he disunites;
"For what? for the votes of the Parnellltes,
That's why be lost his place."
These two verses have the effect of stirring
up all the Conservatives and Liberals in
the house, or at least the very larje part ot
them who like to make a noise, and the En
glishman, for one who poses as a sell-con-
--... . .....- ...... . ... , ,,.,...,,
-tained individual, can get more exciu-d and
make himself more conspicuous in a public
place than any other representative of any
other nation. The hooting, howling and
hissing having drowned the applause, or
vice versa, the song is continued. In a
time ot great political excitement in Amer
ica it is possible that a well delivered line
or song bearing on the political situation
might stir up the audience to soqie tem
porary degree of applause or disapproval,
out in London the music ball audiences on
all occasions are ready to explode and will
stop the performance until they have said
what they think or are through hooting.
The singer count on this and stir up the
'house whenever they want to by touching
any one or a dozen well-worn subjects.
- Indeed, if a man wants to grt the average
Englishman's opinion on public questions
he should not go to the Honses of Parlia
ment nor rend the papers, but attend the
musio halls. There he will learn that Mrs.
. Maverick shonld not rune: that foreiirn
laborers are not wanted; that tree trade is to
BiVtiiooted: that the .Prince and Princes of
Wales are to be cheered; that all reference
to German marriages will call forth groans;
that the Duke oi Wetminster, "Charley"
Beres nrd, Buffalo Bill, Boulangerand John
L. Sullivan are intensely popular, arid that
the one man who is sure to be hooted more
than any other is the unfortunate Henry of
Battenherg. At the Alhambra Music Hall
the introduction of a United States soldier
earning the Stars and Stripes among the
representatives of all other nations calls
forth the loudest and longest cheers.
"Good old h'Americal" is what they
rather incorrectly yell.
Bat in the meanwhile McDermott has
finished his song, bowed to a tumultuous
chorus of groirns and cheers which follows
the Gladstone verse and comes off smiling
and looking at his watch. He has ten min
utes to spare, and I ask for that length of
time to hear the next singer, Miss Bessie
"Everybody's Bessie" and "Good old
Bessie" is what Miss Bellwood is fondly
called bv the young men with briar pipes
in the pit promenade. This does not mean,
however, that she is old, nor, I regret to
add, that she is conspicuously good. Miss
Bellwood is one o the most picturesque
figures of the London Hall. She is pretty
in an impertinent sort of way, has a very
good voice and can give a better
imitation of the cockney lassie than anynne
on the London stace. This may be because
the Bow Bells never rung over a greater
cockney than her own air, impetuous self.
When she gels very angry she has an ab
rupt way of using her fists. Once she used
them on a well-known 2ew York man in
the Gardenia Club and only three weeks
ago an unsympathetic livery stable keeper
had her at Bow street lor slapping him in
the face. The Marquis Mandeville was
mixed up in it some way, the cab proprietor
having called at Bel I wood's house to collect
a debt from the bankrupt lord, who was
theie and who shoved him out ol the way.
Cabby shoved back and "Everybody's
Beioie," who happened to be hanging on
"Uncle Kim's" arm, slapped the audacious
duu iu the face.
We go to Charing Cross next; a small
hall with as clever people as one sees in the
more swell places for more money.
Prom Charing Cross we strike East to
the Boyal, in Holborn. This is not a large
theater, but its bill is very strong. It includes
J. W. Bowley, who sings a very beautitul
song called "A Starry Hight" The audi
ence always call tor this as soon as he comes
on, and he sings it very enectively with the
lights turned low. The greater part of the
audience join in the second chorus, singing
it so tly, and the effect of the 300 or 400
men's voices singing together in the dark
ened theater is very striking.
The Sisters Bilton lollow McDermott It
is a happy conjunction of royal personages,
for Belle Bilton, the fairest of the sisters, is
the present Lady Dunlo, having married
the eldest son of 'the Earl of Clancarty. of
the oldest peerage in Ireland, and the
only lord who sits in the Upper House as
the peer of the three realms.
Some say that she was designing and
others that young Dunlo is an idiot. In
any event he married her a few months ago
and the next day his father, the Earl, packed
the bridegroom off to Australia in a sailing
vessel vith his tutor. It is understood that
a special act of Parliament provided as a
protection for weak-minded sons of re
spected families will annul the marriage be
fore Dunlo is of age He is now 19.
It is a long drive from the Royal to Har
wood's, but McDermott thinks we should
see all sorts of music halls, and so, althongh
it is late, we start at once for the far East
End of London. The driver loses bis way
twice in these unmsbionable surroundings,
but a bobby sets him right again.
Even the stupidest policeman knows Har
The dirty, ragged boys who fight to open
the brougham doors are so dismayed at the
sight or McDermott that thev forget to ask
for a copper, and gaze after him in wonder
as he hunts up the proprietor. The proprie
tor is a young man, and seems much grati
fied with the visit ot royalty. "All the boxes
are lull to-night," he says, "but I fancy you
came to see the place more'n the show.
There's some prize-fightin' chaps in the first
box. I'll ask 'em to make room for you. Tell
vour iriend not to mind if the boys don't
like your clothes." We come into the box
from the back, and in a second 600 ot the
worst faces I have seen during a two years'
dilettante experience in crime are turned on
us. There are no seats iu Harwood's,
only long benches which allow the
strongest man to shove his weaker brother
off the end into the aisle if he wants room.
The place is packed as cloiely as the street
in irt'Dt of a newspaper office on a Presi
dental election night, and SO per cent of the
audience they sre all men have prison
clipped hair. They apparently don't like
our clothes, but the presence of Tott Wall
and Fred Johnson and Harwood himself
probably prevents them saying so. As it is
the middle-weight champion tells us that
we're "as sale as if we was in the Tower of
London." It is only 4 pence for a seat fn
Harwood's and 6 pence for a box if one
withes to be a swell. There are two per
formances a night, one beginning at 7 and
one at 9. The nudience bring their fried
fish and bitter ale with them and munch and
drink betweeu the turns.
'One can better afford to miss seeing St.
Paul's. Cathedral than Harwood's.
This emled my ride with the King, but I
took several later with his prime minister,
Thomas Holmes, who is to London what
Tony Pastor is to New York and William j
Gilmore to Philadelphia. Holmes told me,
and we a terward verified the statement by
examining the list of licenses, that anyone
w ho happened to be fond of music halls
could visit a different one nightly or one
year and three months, Sundavs included,
and never revisit the same halt" That gives
one an idea of how large London is and how
popular are these places of entertainment.
Became He Won Too Greedy He Got Only
Onr Itlrd Instead of Twenty.
New York bun."i
In a discussion as to the northern range
of the wild turkey, it is asserted that in the
old times they were not met with north of
Hampden county in Massachusetts.
Against this tbe writer has the testimony of
the late General John A. Dix, who was
born in Kcw Hampshire, and as a boy
recollected seeing many flocks of that bird
there. He told a story of a certain man in
his town known as Turkey Bill. He was a
noted trapper ot wild tnrkeys. These be
captured in a small log house, fitted with a
door, sprung by the bunter in concealment.
On a certain occasion Turkey Bill, having
located a fluck ol 20 birds, set his trap. He
scattered a trail of corn leading to its
The tnrkeys approached. One entered,
then a second, and so on until 19 of them
were inside the structure. The twentieth
lingered, loth to enter. Turkey Bill pa
tiently waited for him to joiu the others.
He was snre of 19, but he wanted them nil.
Soou the nineteenth bird emerged from the
trap, then the eighteenth, and so on until
but one remained within. Then Turkey
Bill sprang the door. He was at one time
sure ol 19, hut in his greed he overreached
himself, and in the end secured but one.
General Dix was disposed to apply the
moral of this story to the methods of certain
cotemporaneous statesmen.
An Original Entertainment.
The Tempest.:
Tbe song and dance entertainment by Mr.
and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes at Lenox
last week is said to have been the most
charming feature of the brilliant season.
Everybody was invited even the farmers
from Berkshire Hills rushed to the show
without putting on their new boots, and all
the villagers crowded around in rural ad
miration. Appropriately Named.
new York Bun.f,
"Pa, what is'a blanket mortgage?" asked
Johnny Cumsc-
"It is one w fitch keeps a man warm work
ing to pay itj'Treplied Cumso. ;--'
Tbe Mohawk and Hudson.Bnllt In 1S26, by
an Astor Compnny.
One of the first railways, if not the first,
in this country, was the Mohawk and Hud
son, which was chartered by an act ol the
New York Legislature on the 17th of April,
1626. The commissioners who were in
trusted with tbe duty of orcanizing the
company, says the Railway Age, met lor the
purpose in the office of John Jacob Astor,
in New York Citv, on July 29, 1826. One
of their first official acts was to appoint
Peter Fleming chief engineer and send him
to Enziand to examine as to the feasibility
of building a r.iilroid. Mr. Fleming's
salary was fixed at $1,500 a year. The road
first used horse power and later on adopted
steam lor use in day lime, retaining horses
however, lor night work. It was not
deemed safe to use steam after dark. At
first the trains consisted of one car each,
which in its construction closely resembled
the old-tashioned stage couch. There was
no conductor, no bell cord, and in short
very few of the innumerable attachments
which belong to the railway traiu of to-day.
The road connected the two towns of Al
bany and Schenectady and was 17 miles in
length, bnt that portion which was operated
by steam was only 14 miles in length, horses
being used on the incline plane division
from the top ol one hill to the top of another.
In those days the only brake used consisted
of a wooden wedge which was dropped in
between the wheels and the end of the truck
.frame when the train was about to coin,
mence the descent of a grade. When it ap
proached the station the station agent met
it as it neared the platform, placed tbe
wed,;e in position, and when the time ar
rived for it to start again on its trip he re
moved it and the train sped again on its
The first improvement on this brake con
sisted in placing a strip of leather on one
side of the wedge. On one side of this
wedge was a hole in which a broom handle
or other handle was placed lor convenience
in operating the contrivance. As business
increased and cars were added, it was lound
impossible for the engineer to see all the
cars of bis train so as to determine if they
were moving along iu proper shape, so a
guard was placed on top of the first car bark
of the engine, who kept his eye on the en
tire train, and notified the engineer to stop
when he discovered that any particular car
bobbed about enough to indicate that it was
oft the track.
Thonffb Kicked and Beaten lie Follows
His Mnter Even Into Prison.
New York World.:
This is a story of a Spitz dog. Its owner,
Jacob Ebring, is an aged, white-bearded
man, who, owing to his peculiarities, was
deserted years ago by his wife and grown-up
children. Ebring and the dog lived to
gether in a single room at No. 9 Spring
street. Ehring at first made a living by
wearing a placard stating that he was blind,
butthedogled him a chase while quarrel
ing with another dog, and it was discovered
that be was not blind at all. From that
time on he gave up soliciting alms and
played a Ante for a living, while the dog
The dog was working all day last Satur
day and bv&evening he let his aged master
know, by barking dismally, that he was
hungry and tired. The old man kept at
work, however, bnt the dog obstinately re
fused to do any more work that day. This
so exasperated his master that he let fly a
kick at the dog, but the latter dodged, and
the man tell to the pavement and broke his
arm. He then chased the dog and broke bis
flute over the animal's hack. A throng
gathered and Policeman Median arrested
the old man for disorderly conduct. The
dog went along of its own volition.
At the Eldridge street station it was dis
covered that Ehring's arm was broken, and
an ambulance was -summoned. On its ar
rival the dog jumped into the vehicle after
its master, but the Iatter's temper was still
ruffled and be threw the dog out. With one
bound the animal was back again looking
mutely into bis master's face, as if it seemed
to regret its share ot what had happened.
But the old man didn't care to make iriends,
and out went the dog six times' in succes
sion. It then trotted beside the ambulance
to the Gouverneur Slip Hospital.
The dor gained admission to tbe hospital
and found its way to its master's room.wncre
the two created such a disturbance that.a.ter
the man's arm was attended to he was taken
back to the station house nnd locked up.
The dog followed him to the cell door, and
with the grating between tbem they made
friends during tbe night. They were the
most loving companions at Essex market
yesterday. Ehring was nevertheless sen
sentenced to the workhouse, for two months,
and the dog went with him to prison.
Manhattan Island Wm Orlstnntly Sold to
the Dntcb for Only 824.
Youth's Companion, I
One of the most successful of land specu
lations was the purchase of Manhattan
Island from the Indians by the Dutch West
India Company in 1626. It has long been
known that the astute Dutchmen bought
this island very cheap, and there used to be
a tradition among New York schoolboys
that tbe price was twobotilesof rum. This,
however, is now proved to be an error. A
few weeks ago General James Grant Wil
son, editor of "Appleton's Cyclopaedia of
American Biography," discovered at Am
sterdam the original deed of sale among the
papers ol an old Dutch family. The price
paid was about equal to $24 of our present
The island contains 11,000 acres of land.
In the month o July lust, Mr. William
Astor, of New York, boncht a corner lot on
this island, 60 leet wide by 200 deep, for
$450,000. It is evident, therefore, that the
original expenditureof $24 has been justified
by events.
Bnt, on the other hand, it mav he re
marked that it anyone had taken $24 in 1G26
and put it at interest nt 6 per rent, and if he
and his successors had each year invested
the interest money at the same rate, the cap
ital would now amount to about $116,000 000.
This is not so much as the landoi New York
is worth, but it would have been a very
"tidy" investment
The Or rim n Postal System.
Philadelphia llulletln.
Mr. John Field confesses that he has been
studying postoffices abroad. After refer
ring to other capitals, he said: "Wonderful
system they have in Berlin. Everything is
strongly organized; but what struck me
most was the method adopted for trans
porting mail matter between the central
office and 37 or more sub-stations. Pneu
matic tubes are in use, and the dispatch
and promptness enforced are most admir
able' And Trt People Like Them.
Kew York Ledger. 1
A baby is a specimen of human nature
Uncontrolled by principle. It is a being of
fierce instincts with no morals. It is the
opinion of observant persons who have
studied babies Irom a philosophical stand
point that if their capacity for misehief
were equal to their ferocity, they would
soon exterminate the adults of the human
I Lovr Yon Denrly.
I love you dearly. Omy sweat!
Altbonsh )nn pass me lightly by.
Although you weave my lite awry.
And tread my heart beneath your feet.
I tremble at yonr touch; I sigh
To see you passing down tbe street;
I love you dearly, O my sweetl
Althongh you pass me lightly by,
You say in scorn that love's a cheat,
Passion a blander, youtb a lie
I know not; only, when m e meet.
I long to Ulss yonr band, and cry,
"1 love you dearly, O my sweetl
Although you pas" roellghtlv by."
viuhh az. juciuriiy.
The International Congress of Orien
talists at Stockholm
A Banquet in the Magnificent Ball of a
Swedish University.
Stockholm, September 12. On Wed
nesday alterooon the members ot the Con
gress gathered at the Central Railway sta
tion in Stockholm, after having spent the
morning in listening to communications in
the different sections. A long special train
was provided withont charge for an excur
sion to Upsala, the historical center of the
Swedish nation, and the site of its great uni
versity. On the train the members, who are
beginning to he better acquainted, mingled
promiscuously without much national dis
tinction. In our carriage, lor instance,
there were German, Dutch, American and
Portuguese professors, an Italian Count and
a Parsee high priest, but the unity of the
republic ol letters was shown by the general
and lively conversation on philological sub
jectswhich, by the way, was mostly' in
French. 1
The ride was over a fertile plain, atd
the repose and beauty of the lanj
scape about Upsala suggested its suitable
ness as a place lor a quiet, studious lite,
a lew miles beyond the city is the site df
Gaml.i-Upsala (Old Upsala) where the fiijt
festivities ol the day were to be held. Here
was the residence oi the Kings of Sweden iu
heathen times; here have been lound ru
inscriptions and numerous remains of
early ages of man in the North: here Christi
anity bad its longest and most decisive
battle with the old Norse mythology am
superstition. Upon tbe plain are ma
small buri.il mounds, and three of great si
traditionally the graves ol the gods Od
Trior and Jfreva. A rndely bunt stode
church stands upon the spot once cove
by a lamons heathen temple. As tbe train
approached we saw upon the top of the b 11
oi Odin the university student corw,
closely massed, and making an effective
show with their white caps and silk fl.itjs
and banners. We got out on a long tempo
rary platbrm, decorated with standard,
bearing festoons and national flags, aili
marched under a green arch to Odh's
grave, on whose slopes the whole compaiy
lound room. In the valley attendants were
placing great drinking horns filled with tie
which, from long time, it has been a custcm
to drink nt tbis spot. On the hill opposite
were all the military bands from Stockholm,
playing stirring Swedish airs. Behind tfe
musicians, and on tbe neighboring hill,
were clustered masses of people who ia
sembled nothing so much as swarms of bed.
As soon as our large company bad fouifl
place on the side ol the mound, which coil-
manded a wide view of the fertile surroun:
ing country, the music of the bands cease
and uount Hamilton, the uovernoroft
province, made a speech of welcome, whi
the students followed by a deafening four
lold cheer; then Uount liandberg, on beha
or the Jung, presented to tbe Congress
souvenir of the meeting in Sweden, to I
handed down from session to session. Thr,
gilt was a drinking-horn, of the antique
Norse pattern, made of oxvdized silver, in I
laid with enamel and decorated!
with gold. It stands upon a pe
destal made oi three dragons, with
diamond eyes and bears upon its lid a
golden owl. Prof. Max Muller, ot Ox ord,
then replied in German on behalf of the
members of the Congress, in his usual con
cise way. The occasion, he said, was one of
great interest for its place, its persons and
its significance. The gi t was made to
representatives of tbe East and West; it
was a symbol of their union for common
literary effort. He hoped that the King,
who had made this session so successful,
might continue his protection to future con
gresses. While the band played "Hor oss Svea"
stadentsclimbed the hill carry inggreatborns
of mead, an insipid preparation of honey,
from which we all drank, though most oi
the uninitiated spilled more than they got.
Then the students on the hilltop made an
open space in their midst, Irom which Prof.
Hedenius, the venerable rector of the uni
versity, wearing bis gold chain of office,
made u short hut effective speech inviting
the guests to a collation in the great hall of
the university, and leading the students in
After wandering about the mounds and
visiting the ancient church we were taken
to Upsala by the train. There the band and
student corps, who bad preceded us, led the
way with flying banners over tbe cobble
stones of the streets about half a mile up
bill to the university. The entire route was
decorated with fiat's and bunting, and was
lined by large crowds kept back by the po
lice. The procession made a detour to pass
the great cathedral, the finest in Sweden, a
high gothic building of brick which is un
dergoing a complete restoration, for which
the State, city and private persons have
given 1,000,000 crowns. Passing many uni
versity buildings, tve came at last to the
splendid new Aula, the surprise of the day
to most ot us, tor I should not know where
to find its equal in American or loreign uni
versities. A State which puts more suniptu
ousness and embellishment upon its educa
tional institutions than upon its theaters
and opera houses, testifies iu a very substan
tial way to its appreciation of letters.
The building has a good site, standing
upon the topota hill and fronted by a large
open square, lb i- two stories high and 250
leet long, and is built of glazed brick,
trimmed with granite and sandstone. Bed
granite pillars support the. iriezc, under
which are large bronze allegorical figures
representing the four faculties: religion,
law, mi dicine, theology. Above are the
arms of Sweden on enameled shields, and
the arms of the 24 provinces, and set in the
building are 40 granite tablets bearing in
letters oi gold the names ol illustrious men
who have been its professors. The univer
sity was founded in 1477, and has now 60
professors, as many assistants, and 1,800
stulents, divided into 13 nationes, accord
ing to the provinces from which thev come.
Duelling is unknown in the university, and
a great deal of interest is felt for quartette
Biuging, which is cultivated here with more
enthusiasm and success, perhaps, than any
where else in the world. The student
chorus which went to the Paris Exposition
ol 1867, took the first prize against many com
petetitors, and another picked chorus has
just returned from this year's exposition
covered with glory.
The same complaint is made here which is
so general over Europe, that the excessive
number of young men who flock to the uni
versities is causing great over-crowding of
the professions. The tendency toward
manual and technical training in the lower
schools is looked to as a means of giving
We went in by a spacious vestibule sup-
fiorted by dark granite columns, and came
nto a noble hall, extending the whole
length ot the building and taking in both
stories. Magnificent marble staircases go
up to the right and left, and a broad gallerv
containing statues and antique casts ex
tends around the second story. The whole
effect is very classic and appropriate. Be
tween the staiicases is a green marble portico
fl inked by bronze caryatides, and over the
portico is a tablet with the words:
("Free thobght is j strong, but rigR
thoucht is stronger." By the time we
.reached the university iL was dark, and the
rgrea ampitheater wm already. lit up
and dazzling'in Its snmptuous decorations
of gold and colors. The seats had an been
removed, and the crowd surged to and fro,
though fonat least an hour it was most con
cerned with the collation which was set in
the corridors. We had been fasting a long
time, and the feeding ol such a multitude
involved a good deal of confusion, but the
supply was choice and generous, and in
time we passed into the great hall between
lines of girls dressed in the bright iiid
pretty Dalecarlian peasant costume, carry
ing baskets of flowers from which they gave
a bouquet to each visitor. Here there were
more speeches the rector taking tbe lead,
and Schrader, of Berlin, High Priest Modi,
and others speaking Irom the tribune. No
body paid very much attention to the
speeches, I regret to say, and Irom the
gallery nothing could be beard bnt
the confused murmur of the seething
throng ol visitorsand white-capped students;
introductions and meetings, eating, drink
ing, walking about were all going on. The
fact is the company was really too tired
physically to remain still long enough to
hear what was being said. There was in
stant silence, though, when the student
chorus gathered upon the platform. About
60 students formed a semi-circle about their
leader and sang without notes some well
It was the perfection of male-part slhging;
faultless time and harmony and excellent
effects iu shading, showed 1 ng and carefil
training. The rich, effective bass vas notice
able, bnt was well balanced by the fine first
tenor voices, so scarce in our own student
choruses. We were not too tired to hear
them again and again, and then to call them
to the front hallway, where they rendered
some of Lassen's and Kjerulfs songs.
The university authorities showed us one
special favor which nas perhaps the most
appreciated of all the arrangements for the
day, not the less so for having been decided
upon during the exercises asasodden happy
thought From the library building was
brought over the small glass case contain
ing that priceless treasure to all students of
Teutonic languages, the Codex Argeuteus,
or Silver Book, containing Ulfilas' Gothic
version of the gospel, made in tbe iourth
century. From this unique manuscript has
been recovered tbe Gothic language, wfiich
lies at the very root of Germanic compara
tive philology. It is written on leaves of
purple parchment in letters of silver and
gold, and is bouud in heavy cOversof silver,
whence Its name. We had ample opportu
nity to inspect it close'y.as it was putonthe
table in the room of the Consistory, a cham
ber where the furniture and decoration is
even richer than in tbe great hall. It was
late at night when we left, marching in a
long procession downhill to the station,
through crowds which seemed even greater
than those which greeted our arrival, and
the windows along our way were lighted
with clusters o candles.
The lete given at the Grand Hotel ou
Tuesday night by the Count aud Countess
Laudberg was characterized by a lavish
display which was meant to be suggestive
ot Oriental magnificence. The great ban
queting balls and half a dozen other apart
ments on the first floor were reserved icr the
Eurpose. A small army of servants was on
and, lining the way Irom the street to the
parlor, all dressed in oriental costumes.
There was an immense crowd present, in
cluding the notables and court circles of
Stockholm in State array.
arrived at 9 o'clock, and were received with
muctrpomp and circumstance. Both wore
ordinary evening dress (except that they
had ou the blue sash and star of the Sera
phiui Order), and this costmne seemed to
show their fine figures even better than mil
itary uuilorm. The decorations of the
rooms were most elaborate. At one end of
the banquet hall was a life-sized
statue ot King Oscar, modeled for
the occasion, and representing him
crowned by an Egyptian genius, Then
there was an Egyptian drinking ball
nrovided with annronriata mnral paintings
7in mock lithographic style. There was a
bowery ante-room filled with tropical plants,
in which were mingled colored incandescent
1ghtsrand where bunches ot hothouse grapes
rere tied to real grape vines. An orchestra
played a long musical programme, and
there were even Oriental dances in costume,
and of course a sumptuous supper with a
great profusion of wines. The royal party
bad a small room to themselves, where
about IS persons sat down to a regular sup
per, while the rest of us found supplies at
the tables in the other rooms, or were gra
ciously, permitted to stand at the door and
watch the royal group at their meal. When
the tine came fortheEing to be driven away
the wlole distance irom the hotel to the
palace;was illuminated by red Bengal lights
fetnt short distances along the quay and
over the bridges, which were prettily re
flecteclin the water.
I think it will be seen from these accounts
that tile Orientalists are being treated to a
good leal beside the dry details ot scientific
work. It might almast be said that every
effort J3 being made that tbe sessions of the
Congress shall interfere as little as possible
with (lie round of entertainments, which is
still at Its height On Thursday and Fri
day tfiere were great fetes, the litter being
givectby the citizens of Stockholm at tbe
suburban villa of Hasselbacken.
j James Taft Hatfield.
An Old Olan'a Cate Little Pet That Under
J stood All Be Said.
New Tort Snn.J
A Jray-hcaded, homely old man sat on a
bene i in a sequestered part of Central Park
the other day and fed the squirrels with pea
nuts. One plump fellow cocked his tail in
air aad actually took the kernels from the
old man's hand. "If Jock was here," said
the old fellow, "you'd see him on my shoul
der. He often jumps from a tree right on
top of, my bat It took me a year to tame
him. I call 'em all Jock. I tamed tbe first
one fire years ago. He got so that he un
derstood all that I said to him. One day I
gave him a cream nnt, and said: 'I don't
know what you will do with that, Jock;
snow's too deep for you to bury it'
"Well, he just ran up a tree till became to
two forked limbs, thrust the nut between
them and pushed it down hard with his
paws. Then he started down the tree, but I
said: 'Why, Jock, the wind'U blow that
out' Then what did he do but go back,
take hold of that nnt, shake it with bis
paws, and look at me as much as to say,
Mister, I guess that's all right'
"They shot Jotk three years ago, when
thev said the quirrels were getting too
thick in Ihe park, and destroying the buds.
I don't think the squirrels can be too thick;
them trees looks as if their bads had been
injured, now, don't they?''
Here lies the roid; the white-oaks still
Spread wide their sheltering arms,
Qreen fle'ds and hedperows crown the hill
The farms, the pleasant farms!
Yet past the bridge my path i keep,
To jonder ruined wall
'Whose mint and myrtle, ankle-deep,
Are dearer tban them all I
The loved, remembered spot is there
Where roof and cbimnev rose,
Though scarce a trace ot human core
The patient greensward shows:
Is sunk in moss and briers.
What mirth and household comfort shone
Long since, by vanished flres!
How the great pear-tree reared aloof
Its honeyed cone of flowers,
Dropped Its green firstlings on tbe tool
And bent Its arms to ours:
Where now at noon tbe tranquil cow
Stand cool In dappled shade,
For us the hemlock's opicy boughs
Their Becond midnight made.
Here, then, I come, I know not why.
As child to mother's knee:
Sweet are the thoughts of dayi gone by
As once, of days to bel -
And when the sunset sklei
are clear
M v nathwav trllmniAra tt-
And mixed with all tbat changes here
mge, 4
Is Love, 'but cannot cha
Dora Head Uoodale in, Xe
Bessie Bramble Philosophizes on the
Evils of Hasty Marriage.
Wedded. Life for Many Women is but a
Bough and Speedj
rwarrm roa rax pispatch.i
When girls allow themselves to be hur
ried into a hasty marriage they little know
they are giving up the brightest and sweet
est time of their lives. The men they love
are never so devoted, never so bent upon
pleasing them, never so charming in man
ners and conversation as during courtship.
Then they dunce attendance upon the girls
they admire, wait upon their wishes, hang
upon their lightest words, and pick up their
handkerchiefs with the most devoted gal
lantry. Nothing seems a trouble or a bard
ship that is done by a man for the woman
he loves and desires to marry.
It is told of a certain gentleman not a
hundred miles away that be used to walk
ten miles twice and three times a week to
see his beloved while they were engaged,
and this, too, in all kinds of weather. No
snow so deep or storm so great as to keep
him athomewhen his Mary Anne was await
ing him, decked out in her best things by
the side ol a bright fire, with love beaming
in Iter eyes, and a'kiss of welcome on her
lips. After a happy evening together, he
would sturdily start for home, five long
miks away, and think all the way then how
happy he was, and to what bliss he should
attain when heand Mary Anne were married
and had a little home of their own. Now
he is a big business man. speuds his even
ings mostly at the club, and wouldn't
bother bis head to walk across the room for
a kiss when he comes home, let alone five
miles. MHry Anne, too, has found that
while courtship was the sweetest thing in
life, and a perfect dream of felicity, yet
marriage is a prosaio reality, with the per
fect bliss left out
Another man, well Known, was, as the
saying goes, per ectly infatuated with his
wife before marriage. He could not en jure
that the wind should blow upon her too
roughly he could not entertain the notion
that her beautiiul hands should be soiled bv
drudgery he could not bear the thought
that she would ever be subjected to bard
ship he could not brook the idea that she
should be other than tbe being whom he
should surround with the halo ol a saint,
and all of the delights and luxuries of life.
But alas, it was not many years after mar
riage before thlsbeautifnldarling, this cher
ished idol, this beloved sweetheart had to
take in boarders for a living, while her bus
band spends his pittance as a bookkeeper in
riotous living, and she drudges as a galley
slave to keep tbe wolf from tbe door.
Marriage makes an amazing difference
in many cases, and if a girl wants to have a
bright spot, a lew sweet perfect months in
her life she will prolong the period of court
ship as long as possible. Not only for the
sake of her own immediate happiness, but
lor tne purpose oi acquiring knowledge as
to the man she has consented to marry.
"Marriage is fatal to love," is a common
saying that has loads of experience to sup
port it; ont while this is by no means
always true, there is enough in it that
should make women chary ot accepting its
responsibilities too soon. They should
rather try to preserve their weeks of bliss,
their sunny hours and gala days of court
ship, their bright, beautiiul, lovely times
when love is regnant, clouds seem far away,
and trouble enters not into calculation or
always sees the loved one as a hero. In her
eyes he can conquer fate, achieve wealth,
ride upoii the topmost wave of success and
fame. To find him living upon ber smiles,
oblivious to everything except as she wishes,
dead to all desire save as she enters in, ready
to die if she ceases to smile and love, is to
feel the sweetness of power, the touch of a
laurel crown, the satisfied aspiration of
human nitnre in its longing-'forthebest and
highest What sne needs to know is that
this glory, this happiness, this bliss is only
for a lew short days a sort of interesting
and entrancing prelude to commonplace
everyday life where sentiment is crowded
out by the cares of tbe world and bouse rent
Long engagements are held in abhorrence
by ninueuvenng mothers nnd foolish and
impatient lovers, bet nothing half so sweet
in liie should be denied to those whose bard
ships follow marriage as effect follows a
cause. Before marriage a woman plays
first fiddle, she is queen of the domain, she
is a star of the first maenitude, she is a saint
of the most approved pattern, an angel ater
tbe highest orier, bnt after tbe ordinance
of holy matrimony has been said over her,
alter, with ring, she has been in church be
fore witnesses, she becomes, as often hap
pens, simply a domestic drudge. She is
called qneen of the home in sentiment, but
must knuckle down in many cases to the
boss of ihe.establishment in reality.
No more does he listen to her as to an
oracle, bnt rather sets her down as one
whose judgment goes for nothing, and
whose Words are entitled to little weight or
consideration. No more does he pick np
her handkerchief or kiss her shadow upon
the wall. No more does be wait upon ber
wishes or hang his decisions upon her
words. No more does he endeavor to shield
her Irom all hardships or shelter her Irom
the trials of tbe world. No more does be,
as representing the average of men, run
after her whims or furnish willingly the
cash for their enjoyment Before marriage
he is so deeply solictious about ber comfort,
he is so earnestly devoted to making her
life lovely, so' entirely given over to love
like subservience, that she crowns him a
king, she hails him as a hero, she earnestly
feels she would
Rather live upon the light of one kind smile
from him tban wear tbe crown tbe Bourbons
But after the vows have been ypoken,
the knot bos been tied, the chain has been
forged, the sacrament has been tasted, it
does not take the good brother long to assert
bis rights, as held under tbe law. It is not a
great while before he proclaims himself
lord and master and big mogul. It is hardly
the common year-aad-a-day beiore he pro
mulgates the decree that bis wishes are to be
held paramount, that his whims are to be
law And gospel that he is to be the su
preme ruler ot tbe roost and the monarch
within the walls ol the home of the lamily.
In this assumption he is upheld by the law.
It matters nothing that be should chance to
be the wrecker of the family peace, the lam
ily fortunes, that he is the breaker of his
wife's heart, and the bugbear of bis chil
dren's dreams, he is the head of the house
under the law and entitled to have bis own
way suffer who will,
Girls as a rule think nothing of this.
Iioving and beloved, they unselfishly trust
to tbeir ideals ot chivalrous mannoou oui;
to Be rudely awakened from their dreams of
felicity by the sad and stern realities of
life. lUen who he ore marriage would have
resented a wrinkle in a roseleaf as it af
fected tbe sottness and smoothness of life
for their beloved Juliets, after the honey
moon will take Ifttie or no thought of the
thorns and briers tbat beset their path.
They will look upon tbem not as angels,
hut us human beings who have to hoe their
end of the row, and more, too. and who
should moreover be glad and thankful to
toil and suffer under their protecting care.
They will look upon them "with a sort of
pity u creatures whom they have rescued
Irom spinsttnlom, and who should be ever
lastingly grateful lor tbeir admittance
into the haven of matrimony. Tbe
lover sighing like a furnace is a
ulemtno- nhlorL nerhaps. for the mis-
trees "of his heart to ee&tMplate, bat
w fc . t '
tbe same man growling like a how sa
Because tils dinner is not ready te Me swrp
jnoment is a man whose wife does sot repose
upon roses, or flowery beds of e se. Beiore
marriage be wonld scorn to be bate ttt,
would put up with anything rathertban
find fault, would.recognize a thousand ex
cuses ' for shortcomings, but alter tbe
preacher has pronounced them mis aad
wife the whole complexion of thing baa
been changed. ''After he has publicly
promised to love, honor and cherish satil
"death do us part" he feels quite privileged,
to rant arounu ana raise uain with an a&aa
dnu that would be amazing if it were sot to
common. Alter the words have been said
that make the twain one he astert himself
as "the one" with all of theenergy of which
he is capable, and the sovereign power that
the law confers upon him. Of course there
are multitudes of exceptions, but we are
talking of the rule.
During courtship is usually tbe happiest
time of her life for a woman, and to cut
short this season of delight by .an early
marriage Is a piece of foolishness on ber
part that she can never 'all to regret- Long
encasements are deprecated by many peo
ple, hut a courtship of two or three years is
far the best in almost all cases. As a gen
eral thing it gives to a woman her one un
alloyed taste oi pleasure, her one gala time
in li e, her sweetest experience of purest
felicity. The letters then written are love
letters indeed, to be cherished at long as life
lasts the "dreams then indulged are full of
ideal hliss tbe future then pictured is
V happiness beyond the power of dictionaries
to put Into words, tbe loveliness ot me as
portrayed by the magnetism of love is
divested of all the harsh accompaniments
that make existence as Dickens called it, a
"demnition grind." Courtship borrows no
trouble, it has no difficulty in making both
ends meet, it is full of "the light that never
was on sea orland."
Girls, fust out of school, who rush into
matrimony, as if it were the garden of the
gods, miss this interval of purest joy, of
ricnert oeamune, oi rarest happiness, xney
marry in haste and repent at leisure. Mar
riage n a success wnen true neans are weu
and love welds its fetters, but its troubles
and trials are sore tests at times. In court
ship love is paramount; in marriage it often
goes under. A lucky wooing is olten long
a-doing, but there is more pleasure in it
than in the rush of a wedding which brooks
no delay and which, as result shows, bad
better h'ave been delayed forever. A step
in life so Important Should never be entered
upon unadvisedly and lizhtlv in anv case.
xnd young women should make a point of
"being engaged long enough to have a
good time, and to make sure that their
marriage is for better and not for'worse.
Matrimony brings heavy responsibilities
and emphasizes the seriousness ol life, and
none should Better understand its require
ments than tfie "women who thoughtlessly
take upon them Its vows and assume for
themselves Its sacred and momentous duties.
What women mi most in marriage is
what they most enjoyed in courtship ap
preciation and the expression and attentioni
of love. Alter they have become man and
wife under thelaw of Church and State, the
husband is wont to wax careless and Indif
ferent He may still love his wile, but ho
feels under no obligation to show it by word
or deed. If his wife roasts herself in the
kitchen to get him up a good dinner he eats
it withont a word of praise or appreciation.
But Hit is not goodehas no scruples about
finding fault
"I stood my husband's neglect until I felt
I mist break down, or die, or fight it off. I
concluded to fight, and yon may know we
had a time of it I taught myself to pay
no regard to his censure, and, as it never
occurred to him to praise, I thought thou
sands of times that marriage was undoubt
edly a failure, and that I was a fool for hav
ing given up freedom and independence for
the ser dom of such a life."
Many women have a like experience, and
yet how easily life could be made happy if
men and" women could be made to under
stand what bliss is possible, if, instead of
changing their manners alter marriage..:
they would conduct tbemselves as tbey did
In the happy a'ays ofcoartehp? -If a man
in his character as husband were still the
fond lover, the devoted attendant, the ap
preciative and demonstrative sweetheart,
love would not dle but blaze and blaze
afresh the sweet dreams would become
realities, the high ideals of marriage would
be materialized. Bessie Bbaublx.
An Immigrant Tfalnba nn Elephant One ot
Jersey's Pests.
Philadelphia Inqnlrer.l
It is truly a cosmopolitan gathering that
collects daily at tbe Zoo. Bepresentatives
of nearly every nation visit there. Yester
day a sturdy daughter o. the Emerald Isle,
who had been in tbis country but a few
days, was among the visitors. She was ac
companied by relatives, one of whom told
her of the mosquitoes that infest the low
lands near tbe river's edge. He described
the Jersey product as having an elongated
body with a protruding nib and tail, and
told ber thai the insect shoved his nib in
one's flesh and sucked the current of lie.
After the monarchs of tbe forest and jun
gle had been inspected the young woman
entered the elephant house, where the tower
ine Bolivar and the mild mannered Princess
and Jennie are quartered. The young
woman, eager to see the sights, was the first
of ber party to,enter the buildinsr. Those
accompanying her had scarcely passed
through the doorway, when their newly
arrived relative, breathless with excitement
and ber face pallid from fear, rushed by
them. She was pursued aud overtaken and
an explanation called for. Between her
sobs she managed to tay:
"The muskety wanted me!"
From her relative's description she had
mistaken the great beasts for tbe tiny in-,
sects, and when Bolivar thrust his trunk
through the ban to beg for some toothsome
morsel she interpreted it as his desire to
Back her blood. She was nervous through
out her stay in the garden.
An Old Irfidy Who Hod n Liking- for the
Pnmrs of Tobacco
Scottish American.)
Some Ed inburgh students on a football tour
to Glasgow wished to secure a carriage all
to themselves. Just as tbe train was about
to start, up rnshed an old woman, who
sought to push ber way into the carriage.
To deter her one of the students exclaimed:
"My good woman, this is a smoking com
partment, don't you know?"
"Weel. weel,'' returned the old women,
"never mini, I'll mak' it dae," and in she
"Smoke her out," was the word passed as
sooq as the train started. Accordingly all
the windows,, wire closed fast, every pipe
was taken out, aud soon the carriage was
completely filled with a dense 'cloud of
tobacco smoke. The effect, however, was
not all that could have- ben anticipated.
The old woman seemed in the height of en-
joyment;hut one of the yonng men began to
snow aeciuedsymptomsoi Deiugexceedingly
sick. Taking his pipe from his mouth, he
leaned back with a dejected air, whereupon
the old woman, leauing forward, said in a
wheedling tone:
"II ye are dune, sir, wi' yer pipe, would
yon kindly gie me a bit draw, as I forgot
mine in my hurry to catch the tralu7"
, Married 78 Years.
Daniel Lauisberry, a resident of the
northern part ol this country, and, who is
101 years of age, visited Madison I'M Satur
day tor the' purpose of having his first pic
ture taken, says a Lac Qui Parle corre
spondent of the Pioneer Press. The old gen
tleman is as chipper as a matt of 65 years or
age, and, with' the exception of (dyspepsia,
he enjoys good health. His wife, who is
only two years his junior, Is living, and is
likewise in good health. bela? able to do
ber own hoawok.NTley wen married 78
yeats ace. , "
-" t - ! i mRrm jjinr-
" ' -
Tke&cr(ef Eler&al Life u KwnM
by tbe SaYwr.
ALmmb Bused Cpea fore aad Mm ??&
aaee of Unty. " , fj
. i !dPfy
- -
' w ate uu roa raa DtsrATtftl - 14 Z
j.t is recurueu la ise gospels how a OenaMKE
lawyer asked aad asswered a mon. iaa pert
antqnesttea. "What shall Ido,".hesidp.
"toinhefMeterMlJile?'' AadChiistaaa4
him answer that himself. JfS, '
Becausethe raau was qaite eapaWe of a-
swerlug bis own questia. It w m
knowkdge that he .Beeped. He, kaewV .
enough. The maa's. need wm sairitauU
rather than meets!. .It wm aByrooiasioai.,
"'" UB lacked, and rejiixtties. We-J's mrv-
Tln la fl.-. I , f l. -iX
j ..... oerjr umsn sest sswaagiiuiis
eternal life. And w-eay be saw tewt ?
conditions of that MJ -U ;.
sure and so possible oi faleklaseat that ey
are withiu tbe reach of the verv kiM14
human creature. lata far 'ftarkeHeviSr
that Baphael'a "Stood of Aiheas" lii
food nictnri. nf tiaunA tr . ,
- ... U,C1I, iieayea.w sec re-5,j
servea wr tbe philosophers. vA eW
many very Ignorant people wltt getfifs
here, I hnpe. We may be allet.!
tbat with Him, to whom the prolooiidoit
wisdom Nor this world U only iWWwess,'
learning is not halfso acceptable a love!
There will be no school exawiuatiea- evea
in theology, at the day of judgment
The secret of eternal life is in the heart or
every human being. Some people seem to
be waitm? for tout.. Burv.lnn. A..t..; .
teach them a saving truth whiek tbey have
never dreamed of. Some iaagia gate most
open in the side of the hill tbrsegh which,
a by a path urueea and h a heard .beiore.
tbey will enter into the kisgefoa el heaves.
u.T r ..tfce lawyer's qaeeti.. "Wbat
shall Tdo?" they say. Aad ai! she ttee
they know all tbat . fir J
I 2nd here fa oar-Tawd'. J - Jgfe .
Tile? ?nnfvars .! a L a ss
the "adequacy of preseot - casM
Unities." He 'referred the weJI
that sacred book whieh it wasAe?
man s professional business to eHy 'st
and know" by heart Just as Abrsbaea. Ut
the parable, assured the rich mas thai it
his careless brothers paid no heed to tbe old
revelation ol Moses and the prophets, o
i iT "a gnosis, getttug vpoutet ;
moldly graves, aad bearing bmsmsjm wiek
the ink yet undried from toe eoaaet4 eeHta- '
ber oi heaven, would have asy eHetit at ill. 1 . '
Thry knew all thatithey needed te kae. I
How to be saved tverybody ha the m- -swer
in his heart "Brother, there Is, a '
light within thee, follow it and the art
happy, forsake it or re.use IU gaiaMug as4
tfiuu art miserable." I. it give as lartbec
leading tban tlwt, then tarn ahoat to tbe ,
right aad keep straight oa; lollow that, it-isf
enough. Chnst made the lawyer leefciaU
aud read his own. answer. And there it t
was already written down- la tbe rams' '
mind, waiting only for an honest aad earn- ?
est reading. w f
What the lawyer needed was to traBstaM "
knowledge into action. "Thou hast answered
right, " Uarist said. "Do tbis aad then
Shalt live." There is a jfeed deal of differ
ence hetweea kaowine a truth theologically
and knowing it religiously., Weawy-saylfce ,
creed, bat to live; the ereed is the ewwrtiil
"""J;. Tk" the daily duties and do them;
shoulder the daily- crosses, lollow- tbe beat
religious light you havethe beaedietiea of ;
God is at the end of that path. Js- "
Abe lawyer answered, the attestfea. sA
CuristiOet the answer stand iserastfcan
V. '"? : V"w g-gretner m rsyj
aud lawgiver had stated Jt,M kstesd WrJa."8
wa in tne dooks otJHoses: "Taoa stnttlev'
the Lord thy God with all thy heartfaiid,- -with
all thy soul, and with all thy strtBg,
aud with all thy mind; and thy neighbor'
as thyself." Tne-Master made no oofflmeat,
nor addit.on. -
Because Christ came to make His greatest;
revelation to the raer, not by any new word
but by a new life. The truths whieh Ha
came especially to emphasize and to tcaesl
were taught nnd emphasized more by Hi
history than by His preaching. Not in what
He said, but In what He did,, are to be
lound the peculiar aad ami precious truths)
of our religion. II yen will think of it yod
will recognize this fact, that when we, Wast
expression lor our seme o the divine cora
passion of our HeaveBly Father, or lor oar
certainty of tbe dlvi&e forgiveness of our
sins, we go not to the gospels but hack to
the elder scriptures. We find words, not
in the utterances of Christ, but iu the mes
sages whirh the pen 1 mists and the propHeta
brought "The Lord is my Sfcapherd." That -was
written in a psalm. "Like as a father
pitieth his own cbildrea,e.Tea so is the Lord
merciiul unto them that fear Hiss. Foe He
knoweth whereol. we are made, He remem
bereth thatTieareijufdusU" Thatisfrom
another psalm. "Though year sias be ' aa
scarlet, they shall be as white as seow;
though they be red like erwiHm, they shall .
be as wool." A,prophetaid that "".,
Christ came to teach the essential sprri-"
uality or religion; that it la above sIKbb
terial expression, forms being' ealyMief
symbols of it, and of no good aa betierf
than a dead body, without the pirit&ft
spiring them. That was not new. Christ
came to teach the fatherhood of Ged.'iwd.
the universal brotherhood of mas; that GM
loves us, anil that we ought to love -Hi
and one another. That was not new either.
I cannot think of aby statement br'our
Lord of either of these truths more impres
sive than the old statements of them by tha
men ol the old time. "
No. Christ eame to pat life Into all ihe
truth whieh men had taught and heard be-
fore, by His Messed embodiment of it la
Himself. One man is worth a thousand
libraries, even of sermons. He, who went
among Ihe heathen of Decauolis and healed
their sick, and looking Up to heaven sighed
to think of the miseries of men He has
taught us more abont God's fatherhood aad
man's brotherhood than all the preachers,
though they bought their sermons straight
from Gbd, could have taught us in
T? who for nnrwtvu UmM.j'Ui in-
the bitternessof death upon the cros, needed
not to preach in any new words, even of
heavenly devising; aboHt the boundless
ItiTA n fl-lnd flfarl thsa lniAn!i..r l- , i
and Go.l's longing to save the sinner. The
cross was sermon eaougn.
Rn PhrlitbuV li. I.. t .. .
T ,. , "" ""er answering as
he put it, and accepted it. making no addi
tion What ceuld be added to it? "Thou
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thr soul, and with ail
thy strength, and with all thy mind; and
.... .9.,u, . .uscn. vvnai oesias
tbis can auvbodv writs In "ft.. kt. Ant-r
of man?"
Aud so the word at tha center of religion
trio xrnrA 1.c A A . .i ..
- ,.... fsv, AHU MIC MfKIS.iC "
right who declared that "love is the .nlfiU-
t - .U- 1 ft . ... ...
ins m uic isw. no ae was rignt, too.
who said, "Only love then, do anything.
Because he knew that he who genuinely
loves can do nothing amiss toward his Mas
ter whom he loves, nor toward his neigh
bor. Above air eloqnent speech, tboojxb.
a man talk with the tongue of an.nngel;
above all knowledge and spiritual Miscern
raent, and understanding of doctrines and
theology; above all strength of laiib, though
we should move mountains; above all excel
lent generosity and abundant giving to the
poor over all is love. Thrtnk God lor that,
because we can all love. We may not, be
very ttlllinl sr utterance, nor wiw, ut
strong even ia mith, aad we mav be poor,
instead of being asaoag those whose priril
hhi lllalo beD tlw boor, but we eaa all .
love- Beeaaee that is born ia us.
Aad to leve 04 sad to love our l
is ia Iu ' Ufa.
t ir$iL