Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 06, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    HSBBBKMBMBgjgMgygjflmprw ? -, ... -.. - ."' - .. , , ..-- .mm -. ...-. t - "'"
five Thousand of Them Going to
Kashvillo From the North
ilBportant- Question of a Delicate Natnre
to le Discussed,
ft liZ
kh "Worcester, Mass., July B. Albert P.
! Marble, the Superintendent of the public
? icbools of this city, is the President this
..- year of the Kational Educational Associa-
, , tion, which will hold its annual meeting in
,-' 'iJashyille, Term., on July 16, 17, 18 and 19.
'. Xike all of these summer meetings, this
gathering of teachers of the country will
bare two distinct objects, pleasure and
..profit. Careful attention has been paid to
both features of the plan, and each teach-
. er cai9 obtain both at reduced
rates. All through the "Western
" 7 Btates the railroads hare followed their
""" practice of recent years, and hare given
, calf rates to all members of the association.
,, It is Mr. Marble's -expectation that 5,000
teachers from the Korthern States will at
i tend the meeting, and as many more from
the South. Letters have been received by
hita from Alabama, Georgia, South Caro-
lina, CVirginia and other places, indicating
" a good representation from every State in the
South, with the exception of Arkansas.
. The pleasure in the programme is to be
found in the going and returning by difler
, . ent routes, and in the excursions from
'iJ "Nashville as a centerto the Mammoth Cave-
the natural bridge, Imray Cavern and
' teany battlefields.
t Kashville people have been extremely
t- cordial in their welcome to the association.
The city was selected provisionally at the
Sieeting of the association in San Francisco
last July, and when Mr. Marble went to
Nashville last November, be was met at
Cincinnati by a committee sent for that pur
pose. In Nashville he received a most
cordial greeting from the citizens and
-. from educational men from Alabama and
' Mississippi, who attended the public meet
f Sue for the purpose of putting the matter
before; the people. Chattanooga, Memphis
and other cities were also represented. All
' of these Southern people were enthusiastic
strain the meeting, ana mere was no Hesita
tion in making the final decision to hold it
t It has been feared that trouble would
Wise from the prejudice regarding colored
people. The Northern men have stated
their position to the Nashville managers of
the meeting, especially in behalf oi such
colored teachers as may go from the North,
who are accustomed to Northern treatment,
and it is understood that special care will
be taken to have everything pass off
smoothly. One of the local committees is
"On Colored People," and the whole re
sponsibility for amicable arrangements has
been pat upon them. Without doubt, many
colored teachers from the South will attend,
'and the number has been estimated as high
as 4,000.
Several id ras will be made prominent at
this comUg meeting, and it is hoped that
permanent good will come from the things
said and d tne. In the first place, will be
the patriotic idea. It is hoped that the
meeting will increase the friendliness of the
2orth and South, and that the patriotism
ef each section will be reinforced by that of
the other. In order that the impression
from this feature may be the
more lasting, the exercises in accord
with it will occur on Friday
evening; July 19, the very last meeting of
.the association. Colonel A. S. Colvar, a
Kashvills journalist, will speak on "Edn
frtion and the Eepublic" E. "W. Webb,
If BeRbackle, Tenn., will address the asso
ciation on "The Teaching of Patriotism in
the Public Schools and Everywhere," and
General H. B. Carrington. of Hyde Park,
Mass., will take up the subject of "History
a Patriotio Force in School."
Another subject which will be made
prominent will be the growth of the South
in education within the last 25 years. A
colored teacher, John H. Burrus, of Bod
Bey, Miss., will speak on "The Educational
Progress of the Colored People in the
South," George T. Winston, of Chapel
Hill, N. C, will have a paper on "Tne
Higher Education of the Negro," and
the Bev. Dr. A. G. Haygood, of Decatur,
Ala., who is the agent for the distribution
of the John F. Slater fund in the South.
will speak of what has been accomplished
under his administration. Messrs. Burrus
and Winston will speak on Wednesday even
ing, Jnly 17, and Dr. Haygood Thursday
Manual training will be another of the
prominent topics before the assembled edu
A fourth leading subject at the meeting
trill be what is called here the parochial
fechool issue, though the real significance of
the subject is often veiled by the use of the
word "private" instead of '"parochial." In
this case the speakers are not professional
educators, as they are in all the other cases.
Bishop Keane, of the new Catholic Univer
sity at Washington, and Csrdinal Gib
3xns, of Baltimore, will speak upon the
question relating to denominational schools,
"Should Americans Educate Their Children
ic Them?" The side of the Protestants will
he supported by Edwin D. Mead, of Bos
ton, and John Jay, of New York, whose
arguments will be in answer to the ques
tion, "Has the Denominational School a
Proper Place in America?" These speakers
srilTcome on Wednesday forenoon.
INHOLY orders.
General W. T. Sberm-tn'a Bon Ordained Be
Receive tbe Vestments of n. Sab
Deacon A Solemn Ceremony
Presided Over bv Arch
bishop Rraru
Philadelphia, July 5. ThomasEwing
Sherman, a son of General William Tecum
teh Sherman, received the orders of tub
deacon in Archbishop Ryan's private
chapel this morning at 7 o'clock. Mr.
She. man arrived in this city on Wednesday
evening, and is the guest of the Archbishop.
Previous to his coming to this city he had
been in a spiritual retreat at Woodstock
College, Maryland, for eight days. The
ceremony of this morning was entirely pri
vate, only the clergy and members of the
family of the young candidate being ad
mitted. Among the latter were Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas W. Fitch, of Pittsburg; Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Thackara, of this city; Miss
Sherman, Miss Rachel Sherman, Mr. D.
Tecumseh Sherman, of New York; Mrs.
Colonel Steele, an aunt, and Mrs. A. M.
Dangherty, ot Columbus. O.
At 7 o'clock the candidate wearing an
nmice, alb and cincture, and carrying on
his left arm the maniple and tunic, entered
the sanctuary preceded by the acolytes,'
altar boys and priests, the Archbishop fol
lowing. The Archbishop proceeded to hit
$eat where he was clothed in the pontifical
Vestments. All tbe other clergy knelt in a
semi-circle around the altar, The candi
date prostrated himself while the litany of
the saints was being solemnly chanted by
the master of ceremonies, the responses being
made by the clergymen in attendance. After
the litanr and Kyrie Eleison had been said,
the pontffical inhibition or mandate was
read in Latin bv tbe Archdeacon of the
lnasr, Father O'Keeie, in the name of the
Archbishop. The Archdeacon then called
forward tne candidate and the notary
announced the name and title to which he
was to be ordained. The archbishop ad
dressed the candidate who remained kneel
2Bg at the foot of. the altar. The address
VM in It&tin, Mr. Sherman, was advised to
consider well the ministry that was to be
given to him, and was reminded of bis
duties at the altar, which he was urged
to study and execute neatly and diligently.
Continuing, the archbishop said, "and,
therefore, if heretofore you have been slug
gish in devotion to the church, henceforth
you should be diligent; if heretofore you
nave been slumbering, henceforth you
should be vigilant; if heretofore given to
drink, henceforth temperate; if heretofore
lacking in purity, henceforth chaste. All
of which may He vouchsafe to grant you
who liveth and reigneth God world without
end; Amen."
The candidate was then presented with an
empty chalice, covered with a paten, after
which the Archdeacon handed him cruets
filled with wine and water, and a basin and
towel, all oi which he merely touched. As
the chalice was presented to him the Arch
bishop spoke of the ministry, and then ad
dressing the congregation asked that the
blessing of God might descend upon them
all. The several vestments proper to the
sub-deacon's orders were then presented to
Mr. Sherman. The young sub-deacon was
handed a book of the'epistles, and in a short
prayer the Archbishop asked in the name of
the Holy Trinity that the candidate would
have the power to teach the epistles in tbe
holy church of God, both for the living and
for the dead. Mr. Sherman will be or
dained deacon to-morrow and on Sunday
will take the orders of priesthood
Tbe Quaint Sanctuary Wbere Simon Cam
eron Worshiped In Boyhood The
Witness Oak Returning;
Good for Evil.
Motjitt Joy, Pa., July S.-fili Donegal
Church, so frequently mentioned in sketches
of the late General Simon Cameron, is one
of the most interesting relics of pioneer
Christianity in this country. East Donegal
township, in this county, was settled by
sturdy Scotch-Irish emigrants more
than 175 years ago. In 1723 they or
ganized the East Donegal Presbyterian
Society. In 1740 John, Richard and
Thomas Penn, the proprietors of Pennsyl
vania, conveyed to the society 200 acres of
land for church purposes. In that year the
church was built. It replaced a log church
which had been put up in 1724, in which
the Bev. James Anderson, one of the first
Presbyterian preachers in New York City,
had preached since 1726, having accepted a
call from the East Donegal Church in
that year. The present church is built of
stone, tbe walls being covered with
plaster. It stands in a grove of ancient
trees. Originally it had but one door, a
double one, on the southwest side; but
about 1750, a door was cut in each end and
the interiorjiomewhat changed to accom
modate the increased attendance. The
church has no steeple. Among the relics
that are preserved with the church is the
original communion table, a heavy walnut
table, pat together with wooden pegs. The
table was used in the old log church as
early as 1727.
One of the most revered objects connected
with the old East Donegal Church, which is
looked upon as part ot tne quaint sanctuary,
is an immense oak tree that stands In the
yard in front of the church, and lasts a vast
expanse of shade when in leaf. This tree.
although not less than four centuries old, is
as sound and sturdy as it was when the
aborigines camped beneath its spreading
branches. It is called "The Witness Oak."
In 1777 the Rev. Colin McFarquhar, a
learned Scotch divine, was pastor of the
church. His wife and family were in
the mother country, and while he had
never positively avowed his loyalty to the
EJng, he had not shown that he favored the
American cause in tbe Revolution. His
sermons often counseled conciliatory
measures in the struggle, and the Sunday
before the battle of Brandywine he-was
preaching such a sermon. His congrega
tion was made up of stern and uncompro
mising patriots, and on that day they re
solved to give positive demonstration of
their love for the American cause.
They left the church before services
were over, taking the pastor with
them, formed a circle around the big oak
tree, and with it as a witness they swore an
oath of allegiance to the Colonial Govern
ment and its cause, and compelled the Rev.
Colin McFarquhar to do the same. A few
days later tbe most of that'band. under the
lead ot the dashing and impulsive Colonel
Alexander Lowry, fell at the Brandywine,
and mingled their blood with its waters.
The old Donegal residence, so dear to
General Cameron, and where he died, is
near this ancient church, and is so situated
that to drive upon its grounds requires a
wide circuit around the church crounds.
Some years ago General Cameron offered to
endow the church in the sum of $10,000,
and secure the same sum from his brother
William, to be used for the benefit of the so
ciety, which was and is barely self-sustaining,"
provided the society would grant him
right of way throughacornerof the church's
groinds, so that he could reach his
own grounds without having to drive so
much out of his way. He was then in
active politics, and the East Donegal con
gregation contained several prominent anti
Cameron men. "Under the lead of one of
these the congregation refused the offer, an
act since deeply regretted by tbe societv.
But this rejection of his generous offer did
not serve to lessen General Cameron's
affection for tbe old church, dear to him
through boyhood association, and by the
presence of tbe graves of his father and
mother in its burial ground. Only a few
months ago he wrote a touching letter to his
legal adviser in Lancaster, in which be re
quested the lawer to meet him at Donegal
Springs and draw up a paper in which the
old church was to besubstantially remem
bered. ""
For Slate and Tile Workers Protection.
R. R. Livingston, Recording Secretary of
local Assembly 491, K. of L. (the slate and
tile workers' new independent local), called
at this office last evening to say that there
had been some misunderstanding with re
gard to tbe organization alluded to. It was
simply formed, he said, to protect brothers
in good standing who were not recognized
by the Federation of Labor, and it did not
draw anv support whatever for the protec
tion of tie bosses.
Tbe Whl.ky Killed.
The Coroner will hold an inquest this
mornlngn the body of Joseph Xanigan,
the boy who stole whisky from a wagon and
drank so much of it that the effects killed
The wagon belonged to Spencer & Lid
dell, the brewers, and while the driver was
in a saloon on Penn avenne to deliver beer
the boy went on the car and stole a tin can
of whisky.
J3ethlehm are realistically described in to
morrow's Dispatch by Itev. J. IT. Young.
It the Beit of ill known Olngsrs,,
An Express Train Strikes a Carrla-te, KIII-
Inr tbe Four OccJpanU.
Red Bank, N. J., July fi. A horrible
railroad accident occurred at Little Silver
this afternoon, by which four persons lost
their lives. These were Mrs. Ward, widow
of the late Samuel M. Ward, of New York;
her son-in-law, Joseph Keating; Elsie, the
3-year-old daughter of Mr. Keating, and a
nurse girl. About a week ago she moved
down to her summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs.
Keating, their five children and the nurse
girl, whose name could not be learned, came
with her. This afternoon at 2 o'clock Mrs.
Ward, Mr. Keating and his daughter Elsie,
and the nurse girl started out for a drive.
They drove westward toward the Ocean
Port bridge.
As tbey reached the railroad crossing near
Schanck Conover's farm, which is close to
Parker's creek, at one time the scene ot a
fearful railroad disaster, the 438 way train
bound north was seen approaching. They
waited until the train had passed and then
started to cross the track, not observing the
south-bound express train coming toward
them, and before Mr. Keating could pull
tbe horse around tho locomotive struck the
carriage. Mrs. Ward, Mr. Keating and
the nurse girl were instantly killed. The
top of Mrs. Ward's head was mashed in and
one of Mr. Keating's arms was cut ofi.
The nurse girl was considerably cut about
the head, and she received several injuries
about the body. The little girl, Elsie, was
alive when picked up. She was carried to
the Little Silver station and -Drs. Crater, of
Ocean Port, and Whitmore, of Red Bank,
were summoned. The little one was uncon
scious, and tbe only marks seen upon her
were a slight scratch at the side of her nose
and a few cuts upon her legs. She lived,
but an hour, and her injuries must have
been internal ones.
To Aid the Dear Soldiers to Hear Free.
Washington, July 5. Arrangements
have finally been completed whereby the
Surgeon General can furnish free tbe sound
disks invented by H. A. Wales, of Bridge
port, Conn., to those who are receiving
pensions for deafness or are still in the
army. .
To-Day Is tbe Last
Day of our great closing out sale of summer
suits and light-weight clothing. Every
thing must be sold by 11 o'clock to-night.
We have marked men's fine suits at the
most ridiculously low prices ever, heard of.
Don't fail to attend to-day and secure the
pick of about 1.500 men's suits at $8, worth
$17 and $18. About 900 men's stylish cut
away suits now selling at $10, reduced from
$22 and $24. and 360 very fine dress suits
worth $30 and $28, that we now sell for $15.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
Don't Bay a Straw Bat
Until you see the
Great Eastern, at Smlley's only.
Fancy flannel dress shirts.
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth aye.
- Fresb Arrival.
Just received from the Anheuser-Busch
St. Louis brewery, a large supply of their
celebrated Budweiser beer, in both quarts
and pints. For sale at G. W. Schmidt's,
Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
lordly kUchens.arc cleverly depicted by Btakely
Mall in to-morrow's Dispatch.
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homes for 'more than a quarter of a century.
It is used by the United States Government.
Indorsed by tbe heads of tbe great universities
as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only
Residing at 3440 Penn avenue, has also been a
great sufferer from catarrh. Tbe tenacious
secretion that formed In ber nose, and which
she was unable to discharge, ulcerated Into tbe
bones until tbe walls of ner nose fell In. giving
it a flattened appearance. In vain she tried to
find some doctor that could cure ber of catarrh
before this ulceration took place, and tbus save
ber from the dlsncurement of ber nose that
sbe will now have to carry as long as she lives.
Her sense of smell also became entirely de
stroyed. She had much headache, ringing
sounds in ber ears and dizziness. Aa some of
tbe mnens that dropped down from her head
lodged in tbe bronchial tubes of her lungs her
breath became very short. After becoming
cured at tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute,
at 323 Penn avenue, she says:
"I -wish to tell the people that although I
have treated with several physicians for
catarrh I never found any relief until I com
menced treatment with the physicians of tbe
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, and now I am
happy to state that after using their treatment
I am entirely cured.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one ot tbe Consulting
Physicians at tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia
Institute, No. S23 Penn avenue, will
advise with any ladles suffering with diseases
peculiar to their sex. Remember, consultation
and advice are free to all.
Patients applying at the Institute for treat
ment or consultation, will please call when con
venient in the forenoon, and tbus avoid the
Office hours. 10 A. M., to 4 P. It, and 6 to 8 p.
K. 8nndaTSl2top. K. jji-n
With sleepless vigilance Sahfobd's Gnr.
gkb guards the home against a thousand dan
gers that live In air, water, food and climate.
Never bas it been found wanting In any emer
gency, and hence it bas become enshrined in
countless homes as the realization of all that is
preventive and curative in medicine and condi
ments. Once introduced into the household It
can never be displaced. It is its own best ad
vertisement. Thousands say dally. "Use Sax
pord's GnroEBi It is the best of all gingers."
Composed of Imported ginger, choice aro
matic, and the best of medicinal French
Brandy, Basvokd's Gkiqeb is vastly superior
to all otber gingers, and care should be exer
cised in purchasing, lest acme cheap, worthless,
and often dangerons ginger be substituted.
Ask for
' With Owl Tredo Mirk en the Wrsppir.
The Most Agonizing, ItchingBurning,
and Bleeding Eczemas .Cured.
Eezema- in Its worst stagss. A raw sore
from head to fL Kalr gone. Dootors
and hotpiUU fail. Tried everything.
Cured by the Cutlcura Remtdiet for $8,
I am cured of a loathsome disease, eczema,
in its worst stage. I tried different doctors and
been through the hospital, but all to no pur
pose. The disease covered my whole body from
tbe top of my bead to the soles of my feet. My
hair all came out, leaving me a complete raw
soro. After trying everything, I heard of your
CuncTJBA. Remedies, and after using three
bottles of CuncunA Resolvent, with Cuw
cttea and Cuticdba Soap, IOnd myself cured
at the cost of about S3. I would not be without
tbeCtmctrEA Remedies in my house, as 1
find them useful In many cases, and I think
they are the only skin and blood medicines.
I8AA0 H. GERMAN, Wurtaboro, N. Y.
A Most Wonderful Cure.
I have had a most wonderful cure of salt
rbeum (Eczema). For five years 1 have suffered
with this disease. I bad It on my face, arms
and bands. I was unable to do anything what
ever with my hands for over two years. I tried
hundreds of r&nedles, and not one had tbe
least effect. Tbe doctor said my case was in
curable. I saw your advertisement, and con
cluded to try the Cttticuba Remedies; and
Incredible as it may seem, after using one box
of Cuticuba, and two cakes of Cttticuba
Soap, and two bottles or CumctraA Resolv
sot. I find I am entirely cured. Those who
think this letter exaggerated may come and see
me for themselves.
GRACE P. JHARKHAM, Belle River, Ontario
Cntloura fltmedies
Cure every species of torturing, humiliating,
itching, burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of
the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair,
and all humors, blotches, eruptions, sores,
scales, and crusts, when physicians and all other
remedies fall.
Sold everywhere. Price: Cutiuuka, 60 cents;
Soap, 25 cents: Resolvent, $1. Prepared by
tbe Pottee.Dbtjq and cukuical Coepoea
tion, Boston.
-SSrSendfor 'Sow to Care Skin Diseases,"
6t pages. 0 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
PTiKH, black-heads, red, rough, chapped
ana ouy sian preventea Dy uuticuha
and pains, backache, weak kidneys,
rheumatism and chest Dalns relieved
in one minute by the Cutlcura Antl-
S""""i. Pa In Platter. The first ahd only In.
stantaneous pain-killing plaster. Jyt-ws
.JtNt-J "W
There isnothine'rts equal for relieving
ING, reducing the INFLAMMATION,
taking out HEDNESS, and quickly
bringing the skin to its natural color.
BEWARE of Impotilicn. Take POND'S EX
TRACT only. See landacape trade-mark on
buff wrapper. Sold only in our own bottles.
All druggists.
POND'S tXTBACT CO.. 76 otrt Ave., U. T.
Almeria and Malaga Grapes,
Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
A number of our patients who have been
swindled by traveling dootors, ask why don't
the law protoct ns T we answer: Every doctor
will cheerfully show you a receipt given by tbe
Protbonotary bearing the seal of the Court and
tbe date he registered bis diplomat. Self-called
doctors cannot show such a receipt, and travel
ing doctors may have one of late date. You
can also examine Physicians' Register in Pro
tbonotary's office. Ladles don't employ a
Mrs. doctor who is not registered if you value
We are encouraged by so many of our new
patients manifesting their appreciation of our
honest effort to protect those wbo are being mis-ledbyadl-playolfalsecolors.
We are an asso
ciation of regular registered resident pbyslcians
of long experience and thorough education, and
by combining our skill we offer tbe sick and the
deformed an amount of talent worthy ot their
patronage. Our specialty, catarrh, dyspepsia,
diseases of women, tumors, deformities and
other chronic diseases, medical or surgical.
Consultations free; physical examinations SI to
S3. Correspondents inclose two stamps. Office
hours 10 to 1120 A. M., 2 to 5 and T to 8 r. K.
Dr. ORR, 720 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Pa.
i ii'unnu' isi -
I W 11
fj jas-.
ff Does tic
Jk&L to
m 3M fll
1 lot 24-inch Twilled Silk Sun Umbrellas, fancy bone and celluloid bandies, fl 6C
were $4.
' 24-inch Gloria, La Tosca handles, $1 23; reduced from $1 75.
Children's Parasols, 20 cents to 51 25. All greatly reduced.
Satin, Feather-tipped Fans, 25c; would be .cheap at 50c.
150 Satin Feather Fans, ivory sticks, 60c; reduced from L
Beautiful Pocket Fans, lOo to 25c; worth double.
APRONS Our Leader, 60 "-dozens nice Lawn Aprons tucked, 120 each. A finer
quality, large size Lawn Apron, 15c; worth 25c. Lawn Aprons, lace-trimmed, our price,
18c. Nursing Aprons, 25c, 35c, 50c Unapproachable values. Fine Embroidered Aprons
and Misses' and Children's Aprons, an immense choice, lower than anywhere else.
SUMMER NECKWEAR New Birectoire Pleatlngs, 15o a yard. Silk, Mull and
Crepe Lisse Rufilings, 25c and up. Satin and Tinsel-trimmed Rnfflings, 10c a yard.
Fauntieroy Collars and Cuffs, with ruffles, 50c a set Loraine and Marie Stuart Chemi
settes, in Linen and Linen Embroidered, from 25c up.t Guipure and Oriental Lace Col
lars for children.
PILLOW SHAMS Braided, white and red, 75c Fine Cambric ditto, with Euffles,
L Embroidered Cambria Shams, new patterns, 1 60 up to 59 a pair.
"UNDERWEAR 210 dozens ladies' lashioned fine ribbed Vests, ecrn, pink or blue, 18c.
SASH RIBBON 180 pieces satin striped. 6-inch, 22c: worth 45c Block Plaid pure
silk Sash Ribbons. 35c, worth 60c.
Club and Gladstone Bags, also Chatelaine Bags, 51, 51 SO, $2, worth double.
510, 512! 514 MARKET ST.
"We have cut the price without regard to
cost $3 goods for $1 25; $2 25 for X CO; $4
for $2; $4 50 to 12 60; f5 to$3; $6 and 7 50
goods marked to fi. The goods are all
clean and tbe styles the newest.
Our great Bargain Umbrella Sale is com
manding a great deal of attention. Ton
can get a bargain in 1m umbrella as well as
a parasol now.
Sacques from 75c to $6, all sizes, 32 to 42.
Low Neck Corset Covers.
We are calling out a number of lines of
gowns, skirts, chemises, corset covers,
drawers, which we offer at much less than
regular prices, to close out at once. You
can get some good bargains in these. You
will find them out in trays on the muslin
underwear counter.
Anew and beautiful line just opened in
ooze calf, seal and grain leather, in black,
seal, mahogany, tan and sage.
Traveling Bags, Club and Gladstone
shape, in grain and alligator at very low
Portenonnais, Parses and Card Cases,
newest shapes and sizes.
Sterling silver as well as the imitation
silver; newest designs. Side combs, fancy
stick pins, nail brushes, hair brushes, tooth
brushes, combs, band mirrors, etc
Cream "White Silk Fringes, Black Silk
Light-Colored Nets for mountain and
seaside evening wear.
Black, Pish and "Brussels Nets, Striped
and Figured Nets.
Chantilly Laces and Flouncings, specially
extra good values.
J.DIAM02TD, Optician,
S3 Slrctlx Street, rPittsTaurjj-.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, eta
MBfetL ABTIFlClAli EYES made to order
QKS.111" warranted. Always on hand a
S' large and complete stock. J aS-rrssu
Patentee and sole manufacturer of tbe Eureka
Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose
blades fitted to other eye glasses, .... .
Oculist's prescriptions a specialty. All kind
of lenses ground and spectacles made on the
premises. 908 PENN AVENUE, PITTS.
Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia.
One of tbe Most Complete
Institutions in America for
tbe .Education oi xoung
Circulars sent on application.
REV. E. N. ENGLISH. M. A, Principal.
Repairing a specialty.
103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St.
Telephone 85L PITTSBURG. PA,
With the coming of hot weather competi
tion gets fiercer. Everyone wants to dispose
of SUMMER GOODS. We have entirely
too many, and intend to sell them quickly if
Startlingly Low Prices
"Will do it Bead the following and draw
your own conclusions:
150 20-inch SATIN PAEASOLS, Plain,
Stripes and Checks, formerly $2 now ?1.
75 22-inch Striped and Plaid Parasols,
51 25; formerly $2 CO.
112 22-inch Satin Check, Plaid and
Striped Parasols, $2, were $3 60.
1 lot Satin, fine lace-trimmed Black Para
sols, $2; reduced from $4.
. ' JjSynssa
Mr Stfl tiVtfQf V
'r "TT tf rifT.
TB.e Best
Genuine has a red H tin
tag on every plug.
OLD HONESTY Is acknowledged
to be the PUREST and MOST
market. Trying it is a better
test than any talk about it.
Give it & fair trial.
Flopped Prices.
Isji't this business of reduc
ing prices being overdone?
It may readily be that peo
ple can't be got to buy, in any
other way, if clothing is of
doubtful value: that recourse
must be had to the sensational
and "paint-the-town-red" in
We're selling our reliable
make at fair prices. Having
begun the season so, we don't
feel called on now to resort to
topsy-turvy prices to bring
Some lots we have lowered
in price. We mean you to
hold us to every word. Some
of our goods: not all. They're
incomparably low in price: the
quality's right
Thin goods, too: right sizes:
new goods: correct prices.
Making to-order well done:
1,000 styles of goods.
& Brown,
Sixth street and Penn avenue.
A new city amtd forest trees. A beautiful
place just opened to home seekers of Plttsburc,
and brought right to their -workshops, offices,
stores and mills bj three lines of railway. If
yon want a perfect home or an InTestment that
will yield quick and large profits in advancing
values, look at Groreland.
On wide arenue, with extended Tiews of riTer.
Churches, schools, stores, electric street rail'
way, natural gas and all conveniences of city
and country combined.
Buy no lots until you have examined plans
and learned prices and terms at Groreland.
Chas. SomerIl3 Wood St,
VT. L MILLER. Agent at Beavsr.
bpeclalty Correct fitting of lenses and
frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye.
Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own
factory and workmen are our Inducements.
WM.E.8WEREN, Optician,
COMPANY Schedule in effect Jane 1839;
Central time!
r. i. L. IS. R. B. DlPAltT Tor Cleveland. 5:0a
4:00 A. JC. -ItSB. 4sl0, -Mr. X. For anclnnso"
Chicago and St. Loala, 4:00 a. m., IiJS, S:30r. it.
Jfor Buffalo, SlOO X. X.. 4H0, 9iMr.li. JTor Sala
manes, S:O0 JL. v., 1:33 F. X. JTor Beaver Falls,
tiOO. "3:00, 8:30, 10:15 A. x.. 1:3s. 1:39. 4:10. 5:15.
"9:30 r. X. iror Coartlera; :OU, 15:30, 5:35, Sdo,
8:53, 7:15, ):(, 8: JO, 9:8, 10:18 A. X., 1J.-05, 12:45,
1:40. 8:30. 14:30, 4:50, -5:06, 8:18, Oi, lOiSOr. X.
ABRivrt Krom Clevelsna, t:K A. x., liiSO.
Has. 7t55 9:40 r. X. From- Cincinnati, Chlciro
ana Bu Looli, 12:30, 7:55 r. X. From Buffalo.
SiSOA. x.. 12:0, 9:40 r. x. From Salamanca.
12:30, "7:55 P. X. From Touncatown. 8:30.9:20a.
X. t2l30, 8:32, "7:K, 9:40 r. X. From Beavet
Fall. 8:25, "4:30, 7:10, 9 a) A. X 'lSO, mo, 833:
7:55. :40 r. M. From Chartlers, 3:lx 5:2i"8:30
8:45, 7:03.-7:47, 9:20. 9:57, 11:59 a7x lllo. 1:32,
3:17. 4:00, 4:40, 452, tUfi. 9U2, 9:40, 11:12, Va
A.X., is:isr. x.
P., a 4 Y. trains for Mansfield, 8:30 A. x 1:30,
4:50 r. X. For ssen and Beechmont. 8:30, A. xT,
130P. x.
P., CAT. trains from Mansfield, Sssen and
Beachmont, 7:08, 11:59 A. x.
P.. McK. & Y. B. U DxrAKT-For Hew Haven.
11-M A. X.. V.X P. X. For West Nawton. 15:30
10:05 A. JC. 8:30. 8:14 P. X.
Abbiyx From Mew Haven, t7:50A. M., S:00r.
X. From'WeatMewton.8:l&riV:50A.x.,l25 -5.-0S
For McKeesport and Elliabeth, 5 JO, 10:05 A. x.,
3:30, 8HSP.X.
From Elizabeth and MeKeeasort, 7:50 A. X..
1:25, '5:00 r. X.
IJalljr. ISundays only, twill run one hour
late on Sunday. I Will ran two hours late oa
City ticket
offlee, 401Bmlthfield street.
a tuainarr vall-st bailkoad
,CLTrlni leave Union Station (Kaatern Standard
time): Klttannlnr Ao.. :54 a. m.; Mlajrar Ex.,
daily. 8:45 a. nu, Hulton Ac, 10:18 a. m.; Valley
Camp Ac., 32-06 p. m.: Oil city and DnBola Ex
presa,2:O0p.m.;HulunAet:0op.m.: Jtlttannlnf
Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 8:00 p.m.: Klttaan
lna; Ac, 5.30 p. m.; Braebarn Ac. 8rt0p.ro. iHul
ton Ac, 7i50 p m.: Buffalo Ex., dally,
l-Mp. m.s Hulton Ac. 9:45 n. m.i Braeburn Ac,
11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn. 12:40 p. m.
and 8.35 p. m. Pullman Bleeninc Cars between
Pittsburg; and Buffalo, JA8. P7 AMDEBSOM,
U.T. Act. I 1)AV11 MCUABOO. Geo. Bunt.
XTinaii.TiBii.u'aiime)! ieave. i Arrive.
Wlldwood Accommodation
4:n a m
7:20 a m
9:W a ml
7:20 a m
7:23 p m
8:10 a m
UarEx., Ak'n., To,, Kane..
jJUuerjAccommoaauou.. ...,
Chicago Lxpreaa (dally)
Wlldwood Accommodation
New Caitle and FoxnurrAe
12:40 p m
11:04 a m
a.uu p u
sao ij m
FlratelaaafaretoChlsMcatOSSL Second eUs.
o:a p m
5:40 a m
89 so. Pullman Bufiet steepias ear to Chicago
Now. since Old Sol has opened
the above question is of special
judging from the general rush to
laita1 (iii Dptmi f
The opinion seems to be unanimous that, without comfort, life is a bur
den. But why wear heavy clothing, when the cool, thin, filmy garments
can be got for so little money? How unwise. Did you ever stop to con
sider that the wear and tear of your heavy clothing is quite as costly (if
not more) as a new summer coat or vest? Don't be penny wise and dol
lar foolish. Remember the hot weather has only commenced, and during
the next three months light-weight garments will be indispensable. If
comfort and economy haye any charm for you, then attend our HOT .
WEATHER CLOTHING SALE without delay. Vou.can buy
Men's Handsome Flannel Coats and Vests for 74 Cents.;
These goods come in stripes cheeks, plaids and stripes, all sizes, and
cannot be matched below $i 50. '
Men's Fine Lawn Tennis Coats, $1 35.
Boys' Fine Lawn Tennis Coats, $1 25
In the regulation yellow, blue, black and red stripes. But these are only
two noteworthy specimens. There is hardly an end to our showing, for.
we have literally tens of thousands of coats, or coats and vests to match,
and they're made of the following popular materials: Linens, Creoles,
Alpacas, Mohairs, Pongees, Lusters, Silk Pongees, Silk Mohairs, Silk
Warps, Spun Silks, Flannels, Serges, Poplins, BriJliantines, Sicilians,
Fancy Worsteds, Cassimeres, Seersuckers. Another thing quite condu
cive to one's comfort during these hot days are
Thousands of them to choose from: Domestic Flannels, French Flannels,
Silk Stripe Flannels, Doemet Flannels, Oxford Flannels, Silks and Jer
seys, etc., pleated or plain, with yoke or without, and ranging in sizes up
to 20 neck measure. A positive saving of 25 per cent guaranteed to
every purchaser.
U ' t-t-.TnTP. T h ' r-t-.TTiTn T A handsome Belt or Windsor
Scarf free with every Shirt costing 98c or more.
We have just placed on sale 600 pairs Ladies' Curacoa Kid Oxfords,
Opera and Common-Sense Lasts, genuine hand-sewed and hand-turned,
C, D and E widths, and in sizes from 2 to 7. Regular price for these
Oxfords has been $1 25. This week choice of styles goes
For Only 75 Cents!
Worth $i 2; a pair. We further have placed on sale 650 pairs Ladies'
Fine Kid, 'hand-sewed and hand-turned Lace Oxfords, with patent
leather tipped toes, regular widths and all sizes from a4 to 6. They're
kid-lined throughout and made up on n neat-fitting last, with medium
narrow toe and a nice shaped heeL The usual price of same quality is
$i 50; our price for this week will be $1 25.
Ladies who prefer can select Tan Oxfords, hand-sewed and hand
turned, at the extremely low price of $1.
We will make a grand and special display of Outing Vacation
Shoes in all colors and for, both sexes and all ages th'is week.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street"
Our Special Sale of Men's Fine Suits continues with unabated4
after Mar 12, 1SS9. train leare Union
Station, rittibor-i as lollo-nt, utera Standard
New Tork and Cnlesgo Limited orFaUmaa Ves.
UbnledsUrat7:Ua, in. . .
Atlantic Xxprets dallr for the East. J20 a.m.
Mau train, dallr. except Bandar. SO), m. Uns
dar, mall, 6:). m.
Dar express dallr at SrOO a. m.
Mall express dallr at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dallr aM:J0 p. m.
Eutera expreu dsllr at Ttli p. m.
'ast Line dallr at 8:10 p. m.
GrtensD-trg exprroi :u p. ra. week Oars.
Jerrr express 11:03 a. m. week drs.
All through trains connect at J ener Cltrwlta
boats of ifrooklrn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. Y,
aToidlnf double ferriage and journer through S.
Train! arrlre at Union Station as follo-rit
SUI1 Train, dallr 8:10 p. ra.
AVentern Express, dallr 7:41a. m.
1'aclUo Expreu, dallr ;, -s'Sp vu
(7hiff.n Limited Exnress. dsllr 8:SO d. m.
futLuc dallr. ll-Mp. in.
For Umonto-rn. SiSO ana 8t3Sa. m. and 4.23 p.
m., without change of ears: K.60 p. m connect
ing at Greenibntg. Trains arrlre from Union
town at 9:45 a. m.. 11:31. tOi and 8:10 p. m.
rrom FEUEKAL ST. STATION, AUegnenr Cltr.
Hall train, connecting for iSlalrsrllle... I:ii a. m.
Express, for JllAlrsnIle, connecting for
Butler , IiISp. ra.
Butler Accm 8:3) a. m 1:25 and 5:43 p. m.
Bprlngdale Accom9rtXl,HtSOs,m.:Osnd 6:20p.m.
yreeport Aecom 4:13. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m.
OnSnndar : .12:50 and t :30 p.m.
Uorth Apollo Aecom U:00a.m. and 8:00 p. m.
Alleghenr Junction Accommodation
connecting for liutler. 8:20 a.m.
Blalrarllle Accommodation 10:40 p. m.
Trains arrlre at FEDERAL 8TKEET STATION!
Express, connecting from Butler 10:33 a. m.
Mall Train. 1:43 p. m.
Butler Accom SMC a. m., 4:40 and 7:3) p. m.
Blalrarllle Accommodation :S.p. m,
Frccrort Accom. 7:40 a.m.. 1:15. 7:20 and 11:10 p. m.
On Snndar 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. ra.
Sprlngdale Accom. ...8:27,11:43 a.m., 1:25,6130 p. m.
North Apollo Accom. .....l:0a. m. and 5:43 p. m.
Trains leare Union station. I'ltuourg, as follows:
For Moaoanbela Cltr. Wen BrownsrlUe and
Unlontown. u a. m. For Monongahela Cltr and
West Brownsnile. 7:08 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday. 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela Cltr. 8:43
p. m., week dars.
Draroaburg Ac, week dars, S:2 p. m.
West Elisabeth Accommodation. 8:20a. m- 2MB.
83U and 1WS p. m. Snndar. 9:40 p.m. .
Ticket offices Corner Fourth arenue and Try
street and Union station.
General Maiuurei. Gen'H'aM'r Agent.
XT station. Central Standard Tin. Leare for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.nu, d s :00 and
d 11:18 p. m. Dennl.on, 2:45 p. m. Chicago,
12:05, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling. 7:30 a. m., 12:05,
6:10 p. m. Steubennlie, 5:55 a. m. Washington,
1:55, 8.35 a. a., 1:5c, Ida. 4:35 p. m. Bulger, 10:19
a. m. linrgflttitown. 811:33a.m-. 5J6p. m. Mans
field, 7.15, 11:03a. m., :S0. d8:36t 10:55, p-m. Mc
Donald!, d 4:13, 1 10:26 p. m.
From tbe West, T.:10, d8:0O. a. m.. 8:09, dS-J$
p.m. DennlsoL, 9:30 s.in. Steubenrllle. 5:03 p. iu.
Wheeling. lilC, 8:41a.m.. 8:03, 8:54 p.m. Unrgctts
town, 7U a. m.,S (:08 a.m. Washington 6:W. 7to.
l:SSa. m- 2:35, 6:20 p. ra. Mansfield. dS-JS. I .-03
a. m.. 12:48 d 6: and W;"0n. m. Bulger. 1:40p.m.
dll,s. 8 mas j!,- ,&, tratesv execpl i JgJ-ggfafl J.rlwLit M
his heavy batteries on Mother Earth,
interest to sweltering humanity,' and,? 3
Mar 12. 1899. Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d T31
a. m d 13:20, d 1:09, d7:45. except Saturday, lias
S. m.t Toledo, 7:25 a. m d 13:20. d 10 and except
aturdar. 11:20 p. m. : Crestline, 5:45 a. m.s Clere
land, 8:10 a. m 12:45 and d lliOS p. ra. and 7:26
a. m.. Tb P.7 F. W. C. Br.: ew Castla
and Young-town, 7:05 a. m 12:20, ):4" p. ro.;
Younrstown and Miles, d 12:20 p. m.t Meadrllle,
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05a. m., 12:20 p. m.t MUes
and Jamestown, J:4i p. m. Mastlllon. 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling and Bellalrc 6:10 a, m-12:45, JOp. m.:
Bearer Falls. 4-00. 8-05 p. m Bock Point. SSaa
a. u.: Leetadale. 6:30 a.m.
ALLEGUENY-Kocboter. SJ0 a. nut Bearer
Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m. : Enen. 1KB p. m. j Leets
dale, 10:00. 11:45 a. m., 2.-00, 4:30, 4:45. itia, 70, tr39
p. m.: Conway, 10 JO p. m.t Fair Oaka, S 11:40 a.
m.: Leetadale, 88:30 p. m.
TRAINS AKBIVE Union station from Chicago,
except Monday 1:50, ds.-oa. d6d5 -m., d 80 p.
m.: Toledo, except Mondar JS0, d 8:35 a.m., M
p. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and
Slew Castle. 9:10a. m., 1:25, 6:50, 10:15 p. m.;NU
and Youngstown. d 6:50 p. m.iClereland, ditSOa.
m.. l-JS, 7:CO p. nut Wheeling and BeUalre, M
a. m., 2:25, TO) p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula. IrS,
10:18 p. m.: Masalllon, 10:00 a. nu; lilies and
Jamestown. :10 a.m.; Bearer Falls. 7J0 a. mn
l:10p.nu. KoctPolnt, a 8taj p. m.t Leetadale,
10:40" p. m.
ABKrVK ALLEGrtENY-From En on. SK a.
m.i Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 8:40 a. m.t Bearer
FtUs. 7:10a. m., 5:45 p. m.: Lecuda 8:30, 6:15,
7:45 a. m 12.-O0, 1:45, t.-OQ, tsXK 9K p. nut Fair
Oaks. 8 8:55a. m.;LeeUdalc. S 8:05 p. m.; Bock
Point. S SjIS p. m.
8. Sundar only; L daily; other trains, except
Bandar. J
Summer Time Table. On and after Mar .
1889. until further notice, trains wlU run ai follows
on ererr dar, except Sunday. Eastern standard -times
Learlng Plttsburg-6:3 a. m., 7: Wa.au.
8W0 a.m.. 9:30a. m.. 11-Jua. m.. 1:40 p. m., 1:40 p.
m., 5:10 p. m 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m : p. m.,
11 Alp. m. Arllngtou-5:40 a. m., 6:20a. m., 7:19
a. m., 8:00 a. m., ioao s, m.. l.-00p. m., 2:40 p.m.,
4:20 p.m., 5:10 p. m 8:59 p. m 7:10 p. ra 10:36'
I. m. Sundar trains, learlng Pittsburg 10 a.m., '
20 p. nu. 2:30 p. nu, 5:10 p. mn rU0p.m0
p. m Arlington 8:10 a. m., 12 m., 1:50 p. m., s39
p.m. 6: p. m s.-oo p. m.
Schedule In effect Mar 12. 1889. For Washing
too, D. C, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New
York, "3:00 a. m.. and Wj. m. For Cum
berland. 8:00 a. m., tlKSO. 10D p. m. For Con
ncllsrUle, 28:40 and -80 a. m.. tl.-oc, M.-OO
snd ao p. m. For Unlontown. 38:40, 8K a. m
mOandl:O0p. m. For Mount Pleasant, tSMO and
14:00 a, m., and $1:00 and 14:00 p. ra. For
Washington. Pa., -S:4V 19:40 a. m,, -WJ, ja
and 8:35p. m For Wheeling. 6:45. 19:40 a. m..
3:35, 8:3ap.m. For Cincinnati and St. Losla.
6:45 a.m., 8:30p.m. ForColumbua. 8:46aBdS!49
a. m.. S:"0 p. m. For Newark. 6:45, 19:40 a. m
8:35, 8:30p. m. ForChlcazo, 6:48. 9:40 a. lav
3:35 and -:3D p. m. Trains arrlre from Hew
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington,
sm a. m. arm "80 p. m. From Cetarabsa, Cin
cinnati and Chicago. 7:48 a. ra. and 1st p. m.
From Wheeling. -f:45, 'lOa. m.. 58.p,
m. Throush iileeplnir cars to Baltimore. Wash
ington and Cincinnati.
Wliteitng accommodation, 8:30 a. ra., Sundar
only. ConnelliTllte accommodation alUiX a. w "
Dallr. IDallrexrept Sundar. sSuadar OBtr
The Pittsburg TTaniier Company will MH:fer
and check bausge from hotels and restdcuees"
sim orders left at B. ft O. Ticket- OHml
Fifth arena and .Wood, street, CHAst.' GvH
-I -
t p
tl -fl&Tl-aV'Hf