Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 16, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 19, Image 19

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    BAY ED
X was evening, and
the streets in the
town of Jackville
were 'all alive with
people, because there
was a great circus in
the place and every
body had come ont
to see it and enjoy
the fanny capers or
the clown, the grand
gymnastic feats of
the acrobats, the
agility of the riders and the beauty of some
of the animals.
The circus stood in the market place,Iand
all the youths -were standing in the front of
the entrance gate laughing and joking,
chaffing and teasing each other like young
fellows will do when they are together in
great numbers. But if they had only passed
jokes among themselves it would not have
mattered much, but soon a few of the ruder
boys commenced to make remarks about the
people passing by.
"When the young men began to show
their ill-behavior, little Charles, -the cob
bler's son, of JackviiR, objected. But his
playfellows did not take the least notice of
his show of displeasure, and they kept their
sport up for quite a ft bile.
.rresenuy an old, aecrepii-iooKinK man
tried to grope his way through the crowd
on a big crutch, and as soon as the young
men in the crowd saw him approach their
game commenced on him.
".Make room for the old party," said one
of them, "he is going to hire himself as a
monkey in the menagerie."
"Maybe he is going to have a bout with
the clown," said another, and "I believe he
is going to try his luck at rope dancing,"
card a third.
Charles stood indignantly by, and never
said a word. The old man had to pass
through the midst of the rude Iellows, and
one of them held out his foot to see the man
trip and fall to the ground. The brutal
fellow would probably have succeeded had
Charles not been watchinp him. Before he
could thrust his loot before the aged man
Charles took hold of him by the shoulder
and pulled him away.
"Leave the old man alone," he said,
"maybe you will be old yourself some day.
How would you like to be ill-treated by the
young people?"
" The old pan thanked Charles and walked
into the circus, but the young man whose
shoulder had been pulled was very mad, and
it was with the greatest difficulty that he
could be prevented from making an open
attack upon Charles.
"While the quarreling was still going on
among the youug men, and the noise and
the music in the circus had commenced, it
suddeulv began to rain. First the drops
falling from the clouds were small and in
significant, but gradually they grew in size
as well as number. 2Tow the rain came
down in torrents, thunder filled the atmos
phere, lightning pierced the clouds,
and the wide heavens looked like a pano
rama of fire and water. As the hours" went
by the storm increased in its terrible
force. Several houses had already been
set ablaze by the rapidly descend
ing streaks ot lightning. The streets
began to be covered with water. The gutter
grew into a stream, and the river, which
was wont to float through the town in a
calm, even manner, changed into a roaring
. torrent. The ripples of an hour ago were1
now transformed into wild waves, threaten
ing to roll over the banks in tumultuous
T, In the meantime the circus was a waste
'plain. Tne sightseers from the town had
run for their homes as soon as the rain
poured in through the canvas roof. But.
before all'had succeeded in getting out of
uic ciiuusure, me ueavy wiers aaa soasea
tnrongh the entire tent. The pillars were
loosened in the ground, a wavering of the
irau structure, a snaiung in its weaK founda
tions, and, behold, the entire building col
lapsed, burying hundreds beneath it. Still
At the Circus Entrance.
the rain grew worse, and the jraters from
the stream had now the upper hand. They
were running over the banks and making
wild ways through the whole town. Noth
ing could resist them. The houses were
swept away like cardboards, and the people
wereovertaken in their flight to be dragged
within its grimy folds of waving waters,
never to get out again.
Go back to the circus! There stood the
young men who, but a short hour ago, were
laughing and cursing, teasing and pro
voking everybody that came within their
reach. There they stood. The first bit of
rain had not frightened them in the least.
They -were used to a little shower like
that. But, alasl from the small rain the
storm came, from the storm the flood and
deluge, which transformed the entire scene
into a roaring sea and a watery wilderness.
When the circus collapsed before their eyes
it startled them, but they were not yet
afraid. What did these Iellows care who
was being drowned under the large canvas
sheets as long as they were still alive?
But they were to get frightened too.
nen tne circus tell to the ground and
buried hundreds of people beneath it, and
the atrial shrieks of the dying masses went
u; uiw me air snouting lor help to be
saved, the scornful laugh on the faces of the
oune men died away into a pallor of most
ghastly whiteness.
"There is my mother's voice!" cried one
of them. "And I hear my sisterl" called
out another, and so on. Nearly everybody
had a dear friend or a relative in the circus,
and now they could not help them.
Only Charles, he had no friends. His
father was too poor to go into a circus, and
his mother was too old, and then she was
also deaf, and the fun of the circus would
not be fun for her.
When the young men heard the dying
shrieks of their dear ones resound through
the awful night of destruction they jumped
within the wrecked circus to see what they
could, do, but it was too late. The waters
in the street were rising higher and higher,
and now even they had to battle with the
maddened waters to save their own lives.
"What shall we do; we are all lost 1" they
cried, and so it seemed, for in their yonth
inl, reckless forgetfulness they had stood in
the nater until the very flood came running
over their heads and threatened to draw
them down within its ghastly depth.
But what is that? There, "from the midst
of the wreckage of that circus, where there
are hundreds and hundreds buried under
the canvas, which covers them like a funeral
shroud, there from the very midst comes
forth the form of an old, decrepit man. He
has his crutch still in his hand, and he
Walks alnnrr net na nnipflv m na rlid m law
iiT ae' n "I'B"ayw.a bent toward j
-Mrn. Tin.-.-.. I... -.-.:....;. -..- . !
-. .. -"iv ".- "e jroung j
f I ill I if I WLS
1 men in the water, fighting for their lives,
he walked steadily towara unaues, wnom
he asked to stop. It was very peculiar to
see this old man wade through the raging
deluge without getting wet, when these young
men had the greatest danger from drowning.
"Take hold of this stick," the old man
shouted to Charles, "and you willbesaved."
The voung man looked in bewilderment
at the wonderful stick, but the old gentle
man looked so honest that he trusted him
and grasped the cane with the greatest con
fidence. It was well that he did, for he was
just sinking down into the depth.
Just when he held the stick and the old
man led him away from the seat of the
flood, Charles looked around and therehe
beheld his companions vainly struggling
with the wild waves of destruction. An,
other moment and they all disappeared
never to rise again.
The old man led Charles away from Jack"
ville.to the top of the mountains, and when
thev arrived there he said: "You can stop
with me and I will be your guide in your
life. I saved you from the flood because
you were worthy of it."
But Charles mournlully shook his head.
"Ah I what is all this to me, if so many
friends of mine have perished in the
waters? "What do I care for the treasures
you have heaped up here within your
vaults, and what do I care for the delicious
viands and the sparkling wines which yon
spread out on yonr tables? What does it
matter to me whether I can lounge upon
s 'ft divans and sleep in silken bed
clothes, it my friends are dead and rotten-
ing in the treacherous waters beneath. If
you could save me, please restore them to
me and I will be your slave for the rest of
my life."
"But then, my dear fellow, those friends
of yours are a very bad lot; no good to the
world nor themselves. Bet them be wher
ever they like, forget them and enjoy your
life, which you have earned by your kind
ness to me."
"I do not know that x have done so much
to deserve all you mean to give me. All I
know is, that the pleasures of all the world
are nothing to me, if I have not somebody
to share them with me."
"All right then my lad," said the old
man, '"your kindness of heart and your
devotion to your friends shall be rewarded.
Here take this sponge and carry it to the
bottom of the hill. Then throw'it into the
water as far as you can; wherever it falls it
will absorb all the waters of the flood and
the town will be as clean as before. As the
waters recede and you discover the bodies
ot the drowned take this horn put it
on the mouths of your friends and blow into
it until they awaken."
Charles joyfully jan down the hill into
the streets of Jackville and then he threw
his sponge. He managed to have it drop
just in the center of the town, near the mar
ket place, and no sooner had it touched the
waters than the sponge began to grow and
absorb all the water until it had all disap-
E eared from the streets and out of the
ouses. Then Charles went around from
house to house to find the bodies, and when
ever he discovered one he blew his horn into
their mouths until they awoke.
It was a hard task, but the young man
accomplished it at last.
When all the people were alive again and
they realized whom they had to thank, for
their great deliverance, they all became very
grateful to him. They offered him the
crown of the city and made him Charles,
King of Jackville, for the rest of his life.
The Success With Which It Is Used as a
DTotlve Power In Paris.
Engineering and Mining Journal.J
Everyone who has visited Paris in recent
years must have noticed at the corner of the
streets, in the rooms of the principal hotels
and public buildings, the pneumatic clocks.
In the apartment in which they are placed
you do not hear the usual ticking of the
clock, but a sound sharp and clear, which is
repeated each minute. The mechanism is
extremely simple, the important part being
a Kmjill nvlindpr fnrniQtipd with a m'efnn
..., .. ...... ... .. .0.V,,
joined to a small flexible metallic tube and
to a system of pipes connecting with these
in the street. Each minute a wave circu
lates through the whole system of pipes,
marking a progressive movement on the
face of all the clocks The number of these
clocks on the 31st of October last amounted
to 7,800. Their installation has been largely
facilitated by the existence of the sewers in
which the pipes are placed. According to
English ideas, these sewers should be
rather called subways, as they are spacious,
high and furnished with sidewalks, so that
a man can walk in them with ease.
The compressed air is supplied as power
to 13 sewing machine shops, four ice-making
establishments, 39 turners, each taking
about two horse-power, 16 printing houses
requiring about 43 horse-power, 35 wood
working factories taking 70 horse-power,
and to 86 various industries. Paris offers
a specially good field for this Bystem as the
police regulations do not allow boilers
above the basement floor, and there are
many industries requiring small power
which could not economically employ separ
ate steam engines and boilers. The gas en
gines offer many advantage! to the small
manufacturers, but when gas is as dear as
it is in Paris it is not economical.
These facts explain the great success of
compressed air power in Paris, and in less
than two years its progress has been enor
mous. In the interval between October 31
and December 20, ot last year, 78 horse
power additional has been supplied for mo
tive force, and for electric lighting; 261
Jin Apology From the Heart.
Miss Chamberlayne "What does your
father, the baron, call his estate on the
Herr vin Griff It vos named, bv mein
grossiaaer, aer casdle ol Scbeinderblitzen
- - - I .. J . ... h ' n
jui.s unamberlayne Thank
nn. Tt- ---..
juiiy sorry to navetrouoled jtia.Juigt.
Saved From the Flood,
IT 1
" f
She ..elates Her Impressions of the
Famed City of Churches.
The One Feature of "Which Pittsburg is
the Host in Need.
Beookltn, June 13. Brooklyn is famil
iarly known as "the bedroom of New Tork"
as Allegheny so largely is of Pittsburg
and it is not badly named, since thousands
of New Tork business men only sleep in this
great city and have their washing done, and
vote when occasion offers. Thepeople of the
provinces in which Pittsburg is rather con
temptuously included by the metropolitan
brethren of New York have little con
ception of the size of Brooklyn until con
trasted with other towns less famous and
populous to size in the Union. It exhibits
but little of the rush, roar and racket that
so strike the stranger in New York it is
not noted for business or manufacturing,
but is chiefly, it would appear, engaged in
the traffic of feeding and clothing the multi
tudes within its borders.
There are miles and miles of provision
stores and saloons, bakeries, meat shops,
shoe stores, drug stores and drygoods estab
lishments, as may well be believed are nec
essary to supply such a host of people. It
lias avenues almost wholly devoted to Cheap
John trading, and back streets as dirty and
foul-smelling as can be found anywhere,
but it is withal a beautiful city of comfort
able homes, adorned and beautified in most
cases with good taste. One ot the striking
features is that on most of the residence
streets the houses are set uniformly back
from the sidewalk, which gives room tor
small garden plots in front, that, as a rule,
are beautifully kept as lawns or planted
with flowers.
This building back from the line is estab
lished by law, and the pleasing effect is of a
continuous garden. No man can spoil his
neighbor's view or shut out his sunlight by
building in front, as is so frequently seen in
Pittsburg, where no such rule exists. On
both sides of the street are rows of beauti
ful trees, lovely maples, graceful elms,
drooping willows, sturdy oaks that for size
and beauty are hardly to be equaled.' On
some of the narrower streets the branches
meet, and their foliage interlaces and forms
an arch of richest green.
"Old trees in their living state are the only
things that money cannot command," says
Landor, but this is hardly true of some of
the streets of Brooklyn, where money will
buy vacant lots with splendid trees in front
already grown. It seems to be the . custom
to plant the trees, whether the lots are im
proved or not, a plan which adds more
value to the property and which gives the
buyers the advantage of good shade trees at
once a .valuable consideration especially
on the sunny side of the street. This plan
has been adopted in Washington, where the
streets are shaded with unbroken lines of
trees, whether the lots are vacant or im
proved. But while Brooklyn is so well supplied
with garden space and lawn delights and
splendid trees along its streets, that, as
Pope says, "are nobler objects than a prince
in his coronation robes," it glories also in
its parks, and especially in Prospect Park,
which is one of the loveliest to be found
anywhere. It is located on what is known
as Prospect Heights, and when within its
beautiful forests and in view of its grassy
meadows and wooded slopes and dells, it is
difficult indeed to believe that it is within
the confines of the great, busy, populous
city. This park is 550 acres in extent, and
the ground cost somewhere about $5,000,000.
Think ot that, Pittsburg city fathers. The
Brooklyn folks hold the opinion that their
great park tar exceeds in beauty the more
famous Central Park of New York.
The lake alone covers an area of 61 acres,
and in the winter it is a great skating
ground for the young folks. It is to be
noticed that this magnificent pare is not
simply to be looked at and admired while
great staring boards warn everybody to
"keep off the grass," but is intended for the
enjoyment of the people. Its large tracts of
close-cut lawn are used by tennis parties;
its lovely retired and shady woods are the
delight of picnic parties; its broad stretches
of fields are the resort of amateur Jjaseball
players. It is a paradise for children, who
are to be seen on Saturdays and holidays
loaded with lunch baskets, balls, tennis ac
coutrements and game devices, going to
spend the day in the park.
It is the resort of babies and nurses for
country air. Women take their sewing and
their books and luncheons and revel in its
sunshine and fresh air. Here resort the
lover and his lass to enjoy the rapture of
young love s dream in happy ramblmgs in
the shady woods, or by the side of rippling
waters. Prom its highest point can be seen
the city ot .New xork, the bay and harbors,
the Highlands, the Kill Tan Hull and all
the country for miles around. Handsome
provision is made for enjoyment not only of
outward loveliness to delight the eye and re
fresh the soul, but also for the regalement of
the inner man. The department of public
comfort includes charming resorts for the
obtaining of tea and coffee, milk and re
freshments of all sorts.
A grand boulevard over 200 feet wide and
6 miles long leads directly from the park to
the ocean at Coney Island. Provision is
made for baseball, cricket and polo, and
there is also a parade ground for the Na
tional Guard where they can show them
selves for inspection in full array of soldier
clothes and the toggery of glorious war.
Park carriages are in abundance, which for
a quarter will give the visitor the grand
iwuuua v tuc jjuia. nuu buuiv uu luf ucauwes.
Music in the park is a regular institution,
and it is now proposed that the band shall
play on Sunday afternoons. As a
relief from carkmg care, a refreshment
from toil, a taste of the delights of the
country, a refuge from dust and dirt and
bricks and mortar and closeness of city
houses and tenement surroundings and
gutter odors, the inhabitants of Brooklyn
have a refuge 'of heavenly delights in Pros
pect Park.
On pleasant Sundays and holidays it is
thronged with the workers, who find health
and enjoyment amid -its cool "sequestered
shades. It is to be noted, moreover, that
many of the merchants and employers give
their employes a chance for such rest and
pleasure by a half holiday every week in
the summer. On a large drygoods establish
ment we saw a placard to thisseffect- "This
store will be closed at noon every "Friday."
This had no reference or relation to the
keeping of the seventh day holy, nor was it
framed in the belief that Friday was an un
lucky day, nor was there any special holy or
superstitions observance about it it simply
meant that the employes were to have a half
holiday for rest and recreation every week.
This is a eood arrangement all aronnd.
Nothing will be lost, and much probably be
gained. Everybody knows that the store is
closed on Friday afternoon, so they buy all
they want on other days.
In viewing the magnificent park of
Brooklyn the contrast with home crent in,
and the thought came, when will Pittsburg,
with all its wealthy prosperity and pros
pects, give to its citizens a park ? Is it not
shameful that a ciiy of toilers a city of
such advantages, privileges and pbwer as
Pittsburg should be so far behind the age
in what constitutes the advantage of its
people ? Prospect Park is a liberal educa
tion for the citizens of Brooklyn, to sav
nothing of its beneficence as to health and
happiness. v
Brooklyn is also known familiarly as the
City of Churches, and to the stranger within
its gates it would seem that they hardly Jive
.. .. At..:- .:ti a- . jV .
uiku ivtrucgea as to piety anuineir
means of grace. Notwithstanding all its
saintly advantages and notable preachers
and numerous churches, it falls very :ar
short of keeping the Sabbath day holy m
Puritan style. We rather fancy the saloons
are closed'by law, but within reach of our
vision women work and sew and go on
with their daily avocations ; within sound
music lessons are given and the air is pierced
by the high C endeavors of aspiring tenors
and the lowD descents lot .ambitious
bassos. Sopranos shriek Wagner selections
a la JIaterna and Lilli Lehman, and altos
fill the air v ith the direful ditty of the
"Fisher Maiden" a.song harped upon and
hung on to with maddening monotony by
back street singers. A persistent Sabbath
breaker ot the most exasperating and dis
gusting order is a man with an organette a
most diabolical instrument at the best
which discourses character-dance songs that
would make a muddle of the pious medita
tions of a saint, and wake him to righteous
Why sueh direful infractions of the Sab
bath should exist in a town which once held
Henry Ward Beecher as a demi god, and
now holds Talmage as prophet, priest and
king, is past the power of man to under
stand It would seem that, with such elo
quence and power as theirs, backed up by
its wealth of churches and Sabbath schools,
that Brooklyn should be a model of Sunday
propriety and saintly goodness. But,
truth to tell, with all .its
noble institutions and the puritanical
notions that have been handed down
from Jphnathan "Edwards and Increase
Mather and the holy men of old, and that
are still pounded in, in a modified measure,
by some of the most noted divines of to-day,
this great and populous city does nut differ
widely in the way of Sunday observence
from others less favored and gifted.
It has, moreover, its political rings and
bosses and hypocritical tricksters just as
have the less pretentious cities. Indeed,
judging by the many stories of double
lives led by some of its citizens, as are told,
we might say it was vastly worse as to its
Sunday school superintendents and pillars
of the church. Bessie Beamble.
A Doctor Says They Are Not So Dangerons
ns Is Generally Supposed.
Philadelphia Kecord.1
Carpet tacks are not generally regarded
as a healthful kind of diet, but many men
have taken them into their stomachs in
varying doses without suffering any injury
from them, but even deriving benefit from
this peculiar article of flood, if the word of
prominent physicians is to be believed. In
addition to the many carpet layers who fill
their mouths with tacks while at work, and
now and then slip one down their throat by
accident, there are three colored men on
Bombard street who are able and willing to
startle a spectator by swallowing a handful
of sharp-pointed iron tacks with the greatest
nonchalance, as if they were the most nutri
tious morsels. These men haves, neither
leathern intestines n'or copper-lined stom
achs, but they are able to take care of a
prodigious quantity of carpet tack without
any apparent discomfort or ill effect.
Medical anthorities assert that there is
far less risk attendant upon swallowing a
tack than is generally supposed, and that
such a performance is sometimes productive
of beneficial results. The freak who swal
lows a single tacbora handful of them is
seized with an abnormal desire for food, and
it is to this fact that the harmlessness of
the swallowing of tacks is ascribed. Curi
ously, the tacks invariably pass through
the stomach with their heads "bowed down
in reverence" and placed in the center of
the food. Even when the points of the
tacks penetrate the walls of the stomach
the result is not so dangerous as would be
The reason was explained in a very sim
"ple manner yesterday by Dr. T. S. K. Mor
ton, who said: rxhesetacK strallowers gen
erally have very 'strong stomachs, and the
amount ot gastric juice in them dissolves
the iron, and the result is a liquified mass
similar in nature to the oxide of iron which
we prescribe to sick persons as a tonic.
Beally there is a certain amount of benefit
attached to the swallowing of tacks, and yet
there is always danger of a serious result in
consequence of sueh an act. I have never
known of any person who has been com
pelled to go to a hospital from such causes,
"But I remember a case of a horse that
swallowed a large sized tack. Alter his
death we cut open his stomach. We found
there a solidified mass of a stony nature.
When this hard substance was split open we
found that the tack constituted its nucleus.
A similar effect would take place in a per
son's stomach, if the tack should happen to
stick for any length of time in the walls of
the intestines."
Qualities That Are Neces.nry for a Ranch
man to Have.
Philadelphia Times.
To be a successful cowboy one must be
skilful in four qualities. He must be a good
rider, have complete control of his lariat, a
good knowledge of the country and be a
keen judge of cattle, and their brands.
Biding all sorts of horses, as he does, soon
gives him an intuitive knowledge as to
whether any particular horse will give him
trouble and when once on he has got to
stick for all he knows how. His rope comes
in handy CO times a day either to catch some
maddened cow or runaway calf, to haul
wooiand hundreds of other uses. Without
a knowledge of the country he could
never pilot a branch of cattle to the main
herd or could be look up strays and final
ly other cattle men would palm off the most
miserable specimens upon him if he could
not tell food beef from bad. His readiness
to distinguish and knowledge of the various
marks used to denote ownership is exceed
ingly important, especially in the spring,
as disputes frequently arise.
All these qualities a really good cowman
excels in and when to these is added cheers
fulness, adaptability, and good humor it is
hard to find a more pleasant companion.
The life is hard, but the freedomland excite
ment seem in most instances to outweigh
the hardships.
Not All Her fault.
Chicago Tribune, j
"Maria," demanded Mr. Billus, with
much seventy, "do you mean to tell me you
paid 50 cents for that lot of worthless auc
tion trumpery? Are you never going to
learn the value of money?"
"How can you expect me to learn any
thing about it, John, when I have only
$1 50 a week to practice on?" replied Mrs.
Billus, sweetly, and John stole softly out
into the woodshed and kicked himself.
Denver Times. 1
A fashionable bootmaker of Chicago says
the average shoes outfit of a fashionable
bride costs 5100. But .then it must be re
membered that the shoes are made for the
Chicago foot, and that leather is dear.
The Dinner Honr.
Shippen Clerke Good gracious, Bich,
whv do you eat so fast ? You'll choke your
selll Bichmond Stratecott Why, can't you
see fbereVonly 25 midftes lelt us to smoke
cigarettes in ? Puck. . t A ij
People who are superstitious are in high
feather, these days. They .remind the skep
tical that the year began with an eclipse on
the 1st of January 'and will end with an
eclipse on the 31st of December; and, ask
ing triumphantly, what might not be ex
pected in such a portentous twelvemonth?
point by way of an answer to the elemental
furies which have smiften the Conemaugh
Valley and the city of Seattle .in the New
World and Hong King in the Old. What
next? they inquire.
Plain and unimaginative folks regard
these happenings as coincidences. We re
member that fire and water have broken
loose before; and the only new thing is the
electric girdle which to-day runs into every
newspaper office and makes these occurrences
a matter of universal and simultaneous
How much latent heroism there is in
lying around loose, waiting for an oppor
tunity to reveal itself I How many heroes
there are whom we never suspect of being
such until they lift themselves into uncon
clons grandeur on the arrival of the occasion.
We thought them common, coarse, illiterate,
selfish good fellows not to know. But when
the steamer was sinking, when the railroad
train jumped the track: when the mill dam
cave way and. flooded the valley with desola
tion, la. these men were the only clear.headed
and self-sacriUcing ones. They measured up
to the hour and died to keep others alive.
Read this acennnt of otia sneh nero vonder at
Johnstown, and then take off your hat to your
Just before the disaster of 'Friday broke
upon the town a man came riding down the
road that passes through Conemaugh to Johns
town, liko some angel of wrath, shouting his
portentous warning, "Run for your lives to tae
hills I Run to the hills I" The people crowded
out of their houses alone the street, awe
struck and w6nderiufr. Nobody knew the
man, and some thought he was a maniac, and
laughed. On at a quick pace he rode, and
shrilly rang out his awf nl cry. In a few mo
ments, however, there came a wave of ruin
down the broad streets, down the narrow
alleys, grinding, twisting, hurling, overturning,
crashing, annihilating the Weak and the strong.
Forty feet high, some say; SO, according to
others, was this sea, and it traveled with m
credible swiftness. On and on raced the rider,
and on and on rushed the wave.
Dozens of people took heed to the warning
and ran np to the hills. Poor, faithful rider;
it was an uneaual contest. Just as he turned
across the railroad bridge the mighty wave fell
upon him, and horse, rider and bridge all went
Into chaos together.
Rights anil Duties.
The Rev. Dr. J. G. Roberts, formerly of
Kansas City, now of Brooklyn, read a paper
before a recent gathering of the "American
Clerical Union," on "Rights and Duties," the
key to which is found In this sentence: "There
has been of late a clamorous, universal cry for
rights rights of capital, of labor, of women,
etc, with very slight mention of, or regard for,
There is truth in the statement. The old
"sense of duty" has been supplanted by a de
sire for the enjoyment of rights and privileges.
Rights are essential. These have been
wrenched, too often; from the grudging band
of oppression as the result of the solemn pro
'tests of martyred patriotism. They have walked
from scaffold to scaffold and from stake to
stake have lought their -nay up and out, like
a tnunaer storm against tne organized seinsn
ness of human nature. Men may justly claim
and exact their rights.
But dnties are no less important. Theie is
the force of gravitation In the word ought.
When we have our rights, when we should
begin to practice our duties. Rights relate to
the individual. Duties relate to the com
munity. Rights are what we should have.
Duties are what we should do. Rights are in
herent. Duties are diffusive. Rights are what
we appropriate. Duties are what we ive
forth. If it is indeed true that "It is more
blessed to give than to receive." then we should
put even more empnasis upon amies man on
rights. Rather let It be said they should go
together. They are united, like the late Siamese
twins, by a vital ligament. The inquiry of a
Christian 13. not what can I get out of tho
world, but what can I put into M
A Deprnved Pair or Shoes.
Did you ever realize, beloved brethren, how
much depravity there is In a pair of squeaky
boots? We went to a conference the other
day. and you were there with those boots; and
you were very active and untiring, bless your
generous soul, in efforts to promote its inter
ests, and the comfort of the guests, and you
would have been entirely successful had it not
been for those boots. First you went up to the
pulpit with a notice, and every step was empha
sized by that unrythmical squeak. The
eyes of the audience left the speak
er's face and sought your feet, and
you almost broko the thread of his discourse
by treading on it, as it were. Then you remem
bered that the coffee for the supper bad not ar
rived, and you must needs go and see about it.
If with dignity and propriety you could have
left your boots in vour pew beside your hat,
your" exit would have attracted no attention;
but, unfortunately, an extra squeak seemed to
be Imparted to those boots, and the eyes and
attention of the whole audience followed you,
as with conscious but ineffectual efforts to
step quietly, you left your seat, went
the whole length sol the aisle, and clumped
dpwn the stairs to the vestry In your
laudable deslie to see about the coffee. Then
when you came back the same process was re
peateJ. You had not been In your feat ten
minutes when you noticed that Dean Drowser
was fast asleep, and that others were likely to
follow his example, so foul was the air. So,
what should you do. but open the windows on
the north side, another very laudable task Had
it not been for the squeak in those brogans,
wblch was a little more unpleasant, to the
preacher at least, th n the foul air would have
been. When the collection was to be taken,
you must pass the box, and the squeakqueak,
squeak kept time to the clink, cllnk.clink of the
coppers and the nickels. It is such a little
thing that we would ask of you, dear brother.
surely it is not unreasonable. Leave that
squeaky pair at home tho next time, and wear
the old boots. We do not care if tnere is a
patch on the toe and a break on the Instep, or
even if they are run down at the heel. On the
principle of a boy's definition of salt, that K is
"the thing that makes meat taste bad if you
don't put any on," so your new boots left at
home will add more than anyone thing to the
solemnity and impressiveness ot the next con
ference. . ""
t Curt! on Urlclit.
Mr. George William Curtis in the current
number of Harper's Magazine, has an appro
priate leader on the late John Bright, in which
he contrasts the great commoner with other
eminent Englishmen, and emphasizes his moral
"Those who take a desponding view of the
world, and who site the oldestcry of discontent
that it Is sinking from a golden to an iron age,
cannot deny the occasional signs of a better
fate than they admit. One such sign is sug
gested by the late speech of Mr. Gladstone In
Parliament upon bis friend John Bright. They
are by far the most eminent of English states
men of tuoir time. In gemns, in ability, in
comprehensive grasp, )n oratorical power, none
of the greater modern English figures Sir
Robert Peel, Canning. Pitt, Fox surpassed
them. In purity of character and loftiness of
life no Englishmen have been greater.
Pitt died broken-hearted after Austerlitzj
Fox was a great leader of opposition, rather
than a constructive statesman; Canning but
fancifully "called the now world into existence
to redress the balance of the old;" Sir Robert
.feel proved his own greatness by accepting
Bright's and Cobden's national policy, and
nobly enforcing it. But ot John Bright. Glad
stone said truly: "Ho llvod to see the triumph
of everr great cause to which he specially de
voted his heart and mind." He illustrated
noble citizenship. He showed the profound
difference between a public man and a poli
ticianand it is the difference between a lion
and a mouse. His signal and unique service
lay In the demonstration of his life that the
loftiest influence, the surest power and the
purest renown in puouc iiio oeiong to qualities
Yirilri nnlltinlanfl nn tint hflPPtMrili tinL.uG.
which politicians do not necessarily possess.
"Such a life and career are of the utmost
service to young men of the English-speaking
rare, both in England and in America, by re
minding them that meanness and trickery and
littleness f every kind are not essential to the
highest success."
A missionary Micam Gonjr.
"If wo are trying to bring Hottentots to the
knowledge of Jesns Christ it never occurs to
us to set up on onr Atlantic coast some colossal
steam gong, and sound npon it prodigious
thumps of Invitation to them to cross to our
own evangelized continent for the purpose of
breaking with their Idojs of wood and stone,
and turning to the living God. We bring the
missionaries to the x heathen, and not the
heathen to the missionaries'. But as 'dis
tance becomes less, and tho "candidates lor
redemption come closer home, an Inex
plicable change begins to coma over our
Ideas and methods. The gong expedient grows
in our estimation less and less Impracticable.
If we do not literally resort to a gong or to a
church bell, we at least project a church spire
high enough into the air to answer the purpose
of an evangelical placard, and supplement this
standing invitation by inexpensive resort to
printers' Ink and newspaper advertisement.
We have'rlot adjusted ourselves to
the gospel policy of Jesus Christ till we have
gone clear to the man, live he In Timbuctoo or
on the same block with the church."
Rev. C. H. Pabxhttbst.
Interesting Yonns Men In Religion.
In our religious exchanges there is a per
ennial discussion of the question as to how to
Interest young men in religions work. It
seems to be taken for granted that young
women will engage In such work without urg
ing. So thev an. Ix this because tnev are bet
ter than menf Is it because their sympathies
are quicker? Is it because thev have more
Anyhow, the young men need coaxing. The
great point to gain is right adjustment. Young
men must be made to feel at home in the
church must have a social rooting. Then tbey
should be assigned to posts for which they are
fitted. When stationed, make them feel re
sponsible. Nothing educates like responsibility.
You cannot interest any man, old or joung,
until doomsday, by letting him swish arouhd.
Give him a definite commission.
Short Sunday Selections.
Not to detract from the fame of Father Da
mien, the heroic leper priest of Molokat, In tho
Sandwich Islands, it ought to be borne In mind
that Roman Catholics and Protestants are
about equally numerous, and that a Protestant
native minister who had come to Molokat In
charge of his leprous wife, is also doing effi
cient work there, and all this is the product of
a Christianity but half a century o d.
Judge ToUKQEE.in an article in The Forum,
says: "The African Methodist Church which
has not a white man among its members or any
organic relations with any white church organ
ization, reports a membership of 460,000; it has
12,000 place? of worship, numbers 10,000 minis
ters, has 15,000 Sabbath schools, supports Its
own denominational papers, has missionaries
in the West Indies, Mexico and Africa, and
its reported contributions foot np more than
2,000,000 annually for the support of church
Over 43,000,000 copies of gospel hymns have
been issued in tbis country and in England.
It is estimated that In Paris 50,000 persons
who were formerly free-thinkers and indiffer
ent to their religious Interests are under gospel
Influence through the M'AH Mission.
Tax London Missionary Society, with only
30 English missionaries at Madagascar, reports
828 native ordained ministers and 4,295 native
preachers, with 61,000 church members and
230,000 "adherents."
- Listen to a short sermon out of church,
preached by (and from) the O olden Sule: A
wife must be one of two things to her husband
either bis crown of glory or his crown of
thorns Selected.
It is estimated that some women carry 40 or
50 miles of hair about on their heads. Forty or
50 miles wfthout a switch is a good longdis
tance for an 'air line. Laivrence Mass.)
Some people were talking with Jerold about
a gentleman celebrated alike for the intensity
and the brevity of his friendships. "Yes," re
remarked the wit, "his friendships are so warm
that he no sooner takes them up than he pnts
mem uownagaio. iriuv xnougnis.
"See is insupportablef ' exclaimed a wit,
with marked emphasis, and referring to a
well-known society lady. Then, as though he
had gone too far, he added : "It is her only de
fect.7' Ibid.
I plead against the carping spirit which
makes a preacher an offender for a word, and
the lying spirit which scatters falsehood right
and left, to the iu jury and grief of tlje most
zealous of my Master's servants. Many lose
much blessing throngb criticising too much
and meditating too little; and many more incur
great sin by calumniating those who live for
the good of others. Spurgeon.
Arii missionary effort is a matter not of
choice, bat of obedience. Mrs. J. X. Hilt.
Hebe is a text which it will do us all good to
commit to memory: "If a man think himself
to be something when be is nothing, be deceiv
eth himself. But let every man prove his own
work, and then shall he have rejoicing in him
self alone, and not in another."
If you could make a pudding wi' thlnkin' o'
..the.batter.. it 'ud. be easy gettin' dinner. Mrs.
jroyier in jiaam jieae.
Attainments are never so well exhibited
as when they exhibit themselves. The attain
ment ought to show the man, and not the man
the attainment. A small man is generally
anxious to show all the size that he can: but a
great man's size is seen without his effort to
show It. M. Clay Trumbull.
Some men get on in the world npon the same
principle that a chimney-sweep passes unin
terruptedly through a crowd. Doug lass Jerold.
Carlon Fact as to Its Universality In Both
Art and Great Industries.
In looking over the books of a "Western
distilling company the fact has been shown
that saloon keepers are not alone the buyers
of the alcoholic 'products. In fact, it has
been ascertained that among the best custo
mers of the distilling business are the man
ufacturers of carbolic soap, fireworks, brass
goods of different kinds, various iron estab
lishments, lock manufacturers, celluloid
manufacturing company, watch-makers,
woolen manufacturers, cotton mills, varnish
manufacturers. All wholesale and retail
druggists and manufacturers of proprietary
medicines, nitre manufacturers, chloroform
manufacturers, chemists engaged in over 30
different pprsuits, all straw good makers,
picture- frame manufacturers, perfumers,
all extract manufncturers.patent medicines,
all gas companies, all electric light manu
facturing companies, all hat and cap com
panies, furniture manufacturers, compass
makers, all preserving of specimen com
panies, all the hospitals, vinegar men, all
tobacco manufacturers, cigarette and cigar
men, 'all the railroad machine shops, all
sh ellac makers, lead pencil makers, organ
and piano manufacturers, ink makers,
blacking manufacturers, rubber goods
makers, cement makers, brush manufac
turers, quinine makers, wall-paper makers,
patent-leather manufacturers, cutlery men,
all the carriage manufacturers, fulminate
men, etc.
These are the'occupations represented on
the books of the manufacturer of alcohol,
and there are probably over 1,000 other
kinds of industries employing alcoholic
preparations in their business. It is one of
the prime articles in use, and- the only
known practically useful solvent of all the
essential oils.
There is not a single article of clothing
on the human body where alcohol is not
used. Shoes, trousers, stockings, hat,
shirts, collars, cuffs, sleeve buttons, etc., all
other buttons, thread-makers, jewelers, etc.,,
all employ it in the progress of their arts.
Boond to Kill Them Somehow.
Chicago Tribune. 1
"Mary," said the sick man, feebly, "those
yowling cats annoy me terribly. Can't they
be reached by a shot-gun or something of
that kind?"
"No," replied his wife; "they are on the
tint roof ot the adjoining house."
"Mary," exclaimed the invalid again,
after a pause and his face grew hard and
pitiless "throw some of those medicines
up on the roof."
The Appreciated Party.
Hcxr Xork Weekly.
Mr. Bouillon Yes, sir, I am a profes
sional cook, and it gives me pleasure to
think that I belong to a profession that is
fully appreciated. "When a particularly
palatable dish is set before you, your grati
tude goes out to the cook, does it'not?
Mr. Blinks "Well, to tell the truth, my
gratitude' generally goes out to the waiter.
Why He Wanted to More.
Texas SIftlnzs.1
Jack Borrowit I think I'll haye to move
next week, Mrs. Pancake.
Mrs. Pancake-rMr. Borrowit, haven't I
always treated you with the ereatcst consid
eration? If your money wasn't ready, I've
ueeu willing to wait a aay or two.
"I know it, ma'am, butyiu've' put in the
ivum wt juc n jnuiiiy wiiii two smau chil
dren, and" next door',"a man who plays tie
WMUJW. . 1
A Collection of EniMcal lis for
Home CracMm.
Address communications for tMt department
to E.R. Chadbouek. Lewision, Maine.
E."W. Harms.
I am very soft and light,
Trembling if you breathe on me;
But am mostly out of sight,
As many truest comforts be.
Often from the lips of youth,
In a modest way I come;
But I tell you of a truth,
'Tis a signal there for fun.
Borne of England's lands we AIL
In a poor and barren way;
Farming many a sandy hill
When the sheep and lambkins stray.
And a rendezvous are we.
Lying off the coast of Kent,
Where ships at anchor you may lee
Until on active service sent.
In "Webster you'll see that Wotton sayi
I "need a temper fresh and cool'
That in my keeping yon may trust
Milk, wine, and mayhap dairy tool.
Curtail my name, and a substance rich
And unctuous, yellow as pure gold,
Seen dally in the most of homes.
Here likewise you may now behold.
Curtail again, to Western wilds j
Take me a journey if you will;
Behold that peak; a mountain? nay:
But yet too high to be termed a hilL
If again you curtail, npon its slopes
Two gracefully frolicking lambs appear;
My present form tells you what they do
When either one ventures the other one near.
But If you're inclined to dock yet again.
I'm a mark to be shot at, an object of aim.
And again, then my favorite drink I resien.
And once more. If you leave ma there's no
one to blame.
Now I'm left all alone, and I feel pretty cross;
Let me be, or I think I will sting;
In which case you might wish to curtail me
For a vengeful and venomous thing.
Happy Thought.
1. 1 begin R. A. T., Rat. 2. Date it Sunset.
3. A rails at U. 4. Scold Nat. S. Ol nine mats.
0. Philip bad ale.
7. Coarsest. 8. Lol A. dines. 9, Ol see N.
dig. 10. Stir Sadie. IL A clear top.
12. Do mine on satin. 13. This stone man. 14.
If my cat is on it. 15. Lee can drive. 18. So
Marv Is in. 17. No. M.. praise bis peu.
630 Tn-rMPOBTAlfT.
Clipped and not of legal weight.
Diminished, scanty, moderate,
I come before you. lively, gay.
And In an actve, nimble way,
For I am volatile and small
And neither strong nor dense at all.
Though wanton and unchastel be,
Loose, and indulging levity,
I am not gross or burdensome,
Howe'er unsteady I become.
I own I'm unimportant quite
And inconsiderate, trifling, slight;
Therefore 1 cannot be aggressive,
Nor vehement, nor oppressive
Clear of impediment am I,
Jiot difficult to those who try.
Eternity holds rich rewards.
Prime's noblest efforts there are crowned;
Ob. may we 'gainst temptations guard;
Our totals with good works abound.
Onr second here may we improve.
And wisdom's nobler heights attain,
Not taking when 'tis ours to give.
Nor counting smaller efforts vain.
SO, 5. 6. is to strike.
83, 71, 65, 88. 54. 72 is a masculine name.
4, 81. 63, 27, 89, 76, 73, 13 was an ancient phflosc-
74. 39, 19, 42, 36, 63, 8b, 82, 88 is a poisonous
29. 77. 91, 57, 25. 40, 68. 85. 16. 33, 64. 78. 79 was an
Important region in West Virginia during the
Civil War.
34, 15, 9 is a turf.
11, 52, 61, 55. 3, 68, 2, S2, 48, 31 names an Ameri
can author.
4L 12, 44, 46, 69, 49 was the Goddess of Morn
ing. (Mvth.)
56,17, 87. 80 is a bird.
8, 1, SS. 70, 14. 67, 75 is a much-esteemed fish.
84, 22, 18, 28, 60 is a famed woman of Greek
87, 7, 23, 10 is a musical Instrument.
46, 2-1, 00. 58, 28, CI. e0 Is to train.
69. 47, 62, 43, 20, 21 is a garland.
Whole, of 91 letters, is a quotation from
Byron. Don Juan,
allegheny, pa
633 logogram.
Of eight different letters are we, intact;
If you take us by three and Ave.
Wo are statement of a wintry fact
Or plants in the spring which thrive.
Just take ns now by four and fonr.
In the animal kingdom we'll be
The brizht-hned flowers of spring no more,
In spite of our louglngs are we.
'Tis true that we open and close the same.
That we live till our owner dies;
But we're uglyand clammyandcold ana fame
To us never a poem applies.
Although ages ago in describing Juno
A poet almost praised our mistress' eyes.
'Red, White and Blue.
I had a little dog
With which I nsed to play;
I will not tell bis name.
You can guess it any day;
But alittle devil came one time,
And led my poor dog away;
Then 1 felt so very sad
I could hardly get along,
"When a meliorator came
And righted up the wrong.
:i23 AnTraus Laueenttus.
The prizes offered for the bestlots of answers
for the month of May" are awarded J. Bosch.
Salem, Ohio, and Ellen Maynard, Allentown,
Fa. No competitor succeeded in getting a list
very nearly complete.
617 Because they are my own.
618 Puzzles, riddles, enigmas, anagram.
5 SO 9 73 61 3 63 12 ' 13
1 20 55 30 67 23 71 28 81
4 14 31 SO 2960336378
76S84S33 45403024 8
7 65 33 43 41 39 49 17 75
74 64 48 42 37 44 34 IS 8
67 10 47 32 63 22 SI 72 IS
6ti 66 27 62 25 64 11 63 1G
! S 9 21 79 10 70 77
Sams," 123, 205,287,309. Center, 11.
620 The Scriptures.
621 No-t.
623 Whip-poor-will.
624 Demagogue, Magog, Gog, G.
625 Emit.
"But my dear, what has that old man to
iTecommend himsolf aside from his riches?"
'Heart disease.'
They Follow a. Sign With a Sagacity Va
equaled by tbe Bloodhound.
E. J. Trippel, In June Overlssd.1 (
The tenacity and endurance of the trailer
are proverbial. They follow a "sign"-with
a sagacity unequaled by the bloodhound,
and ara often employed by the civil officer
of the territory to recover convicts escaped
from the penitentiary. The exactness with
which eyeiy leaf is scanned, every rock and
bush examined, and the close scrutiny to
which the soil itself is subjected, together
with their rapidity of movement and the
absolute accuracy of their inferences, is, to
say the least, startling. Seldom do they
miss the foot prints, and then only when
rains or violent sandstorms obliterate every
trace. They are as skillful in hiding
their own tracks as they are in uncovering;
the indications ofothers.
The procedure on losing a trail is identi
cal with that of a pack of well-trained
hounds. Starting from the last clearly de
fined depression, they circle about until it
is again found. Then jogging along at an.
easy gait with eyes fixed upon the) ground
they do not waver, until the pighthu
fallen or the fugitive is overtaken. They
have a wonderful faculty for distin
guishing the footprints of a particular horse
or person from dozens of others. They
carry a few mesquite pods, which consti
tute, with an occasional mouthful of water,
their only refreshment.
Save Tour Hair
BY a timely use of Ayert Hair Vigor.
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves the color,
fullness, and beauty of the hair.
"I was rapidly becoming; bald and
gray; but after using two or three)
bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick and glossy and the original'
color was restored." llelvia Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. XL I
"Some time ago I lost all jay hair in
consequence of measles. (After due
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then nsed Ayei's Hair Vig6r and my
hair grew i
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come toj stay. Tho
Vigor is evidently a great aidt to nature."
J. B. "Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the cast four or five years a aid find it a
most satisiactory dressing j;or tne nair.
it is ati'i coma desire, being harmless
causing tne nair to retain
its natural
color, and requiring bat a s.,
to render the hair easy U
all quantity
airs. iu. a. uaney, a t;
lea street,
Haverhill, Mass.
" I have been usinjr Ayr's Hair Vigor
for several years, ana believe that it Has
caused my hair to retflin its natural
color." Mrs. H. J. Kiiig, Dealer in
Dry Goods, &c, Bishopvalle, Md.
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co.', Lowell, Mass.
Bold by Druggists an
Mood Purifier.
i a nnrelr Vveeetaole
.Compound that expels
sill bad hnmors from, the
'system. Removes blotch-
ana nuncies. ana
takes pure, rich blood.
s H a i r vigor,
peipared irr
;d Pen omen.
As old residents IJtnow ana back files of Pitts
burg capers prnvci. Is the oldest established,
and most prominenlt physician in tbe city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases. '
M IT DWPII I (? a'M mental diseases, physical...
IN tn V UUO dtfcay.nervous debility, lack of S
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sig lit. self distrnst.basbfnlness,
dizziness, sleeples:.raess, pimples, eroDtloos, im
poverished blood. If ailing powers,organic weak
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fitting the personfor business.soclety and mar
riaze. permanently, safely and privately enred. "t
Blotches, falling f hair, bones pains, glandular
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ulcers, old sores, are enred for life, and blood
poisons tborongnly eradicated from tbe system.
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UnllNMn I uients, weak back. gravel. ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painfnl symptomis receive searching treatment,
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Dr. Whittier's life-lorg, extensive experi
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on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients arc a distance as carcf ally-treated
as if here. Offlfce hoars 9 a. m. to 8 P. M. Sun
day. 10 A. K. to 0. p. jr. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn.avenu.e, Pittsburg, Fa.
eil-'AI-DSU WE
Kesultingt torn Folly, Vice, Ignoranee.Excesies or
Overtaxation. Enervating and unfitting tho victim,
for Work, ftmlness, the If arr'ed or Social Relation.
Avoid ttnikllful nretenders. Poisess thl great
work. Itcontains 300 pajes, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding; .fcmboMed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 by
mall, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Pioipeetns Free, If you apply now. Tho
dlstlnguhled author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D., re
from thJs National Medical Association,
for the PiMZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
KHYSlCiALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of AsilsSmt Pbysidans may be conanlted. eonfl-.
dentlallyTby mall or In person, at the emce of
No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston . 3Ia., to whom all
srders ffor books or letters for adrice should k
directed! as above.
ITnll particulars in nAmnhlM
sent free. The genuine Gray's,.
Specific sold by drnirjrlstj only In
yellow wrapper. Price, fl per-
TiAllcitVM ni olr fn-C nrlivmntl
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fld In Vlttshare by 3. S. Holland, corner
hfleld and Liberty sU, ap!3-5S
Far men! Checks the worst cases In thre
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Wo-e.ttssu I 413 Market street
A' SI 1 11 u urn
from errors of.
Yonth- wmstlnr.
W'akneu. lost vlior. ctc.i
111 inch & rPinAfbxhln m-d
;r after all (fee had
i Tciiorea im ne&im
U lied that he will send thfil
pr cure jKitEte
Miieuqw snuerers
U. Jiri'1'JItL.U-
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A Scientific aSd Standard Popular Medical Treatise om
the Errorsoi Tooth, Premature Decline, Nervou
and Physlctal Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
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