Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 04, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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The Home Boys Are First in a
. Hot Argument.
Sotae Great Fielding by the Yisilors
and the Local Team.
A Great Chance for McAuliffe and Meyer
to fight.
Gomes To-Day.
National League Indianapolis at Pltts
traig, Cleveland! at Chicago, New Yorks at
"Washlncton, Philadelphlas at Boston.
American Association Clnclnnatls at
Baltimore, LonlsTilles at Philadelphia, St. Louis
at Columbus, Kansas Cltys at Brooklyn.
Iktebkatioxax. League Syractises at
London, Rochesters at Toledo, Buffalos at To
onto, HamUtons at Toledo.
Games Pin jed Yesterday.
PirrsnUEGS 1.... Indianapolis.... 0
chicagos .. 2....cx.evelasds 1
Kansas Citys..... 9....Beookltns 6
13altimokes 7. . . .clncinn atis 2
The Veteran Shuts tho Hoosiers Oat In
Brilliant Style.
There is not much room to tell the stories of
base bail defeats and victories at present, no
natter bow glorious or inglorious they may be.
res if there was space at command, the fact
that thcro is little desire to read abont any
thing except the dreadful calamity at Johns
town will surprise nobody. However, tho
thousand people who went over to Recreation
Park yesterday to see the local talent and the
Hoosiers lock horns sawaconQict that is worth
rememberinc- Judging from the way in which
the two teams performed, it seemed as if the
demolition of all the world except the ball
ground would have very little effect on them.
Two old foes met and, depend upon it, every
thing else for the nonce was forgotten.
The real contest of yesterday's game lay be
tween Ualvin and Boyle two well-known
youngsters to people of along time ago. Old
Jimmy reappeared, and If ever he was young,
sprightly and vigorous it was yesterday. Jim
my's work was just as impressive and effective
as that of the most elorious gladiator that ever
entered the Roman arena of earlier days. He
accomplished just what every admirer of the
local would wish be shut the Hoosiers out.
couldx't touch jimmy.
They couldn't touch the old fellow. His
pitching was undoubtedly better than on any
occasion this year, and if a rest improves
everybody as much as it has done the "Old
Man," judging from yesterday's work, Pitts
burg will be almost invulnerable in the way of
pitchers. Oalvm's work really reminded one
of the best achievements of his life.
And let no one forget Henry Boyle, Viscount
jienry, as ne ougnt to oe cauea, or at least
ought to have been. In the way of giving a
few bases on balls he made one or two mis
takes. One of these caused his defeat. In a
sense, that is, in a cosmopolitan sense, it was a
pity for Boyle to lose such a game as he
pitched: but his own error was the deciding
point. Had that particular base on balls never
ieen made the teams might have, played an
unfinished game, with a score of 0 to 0.
Although the hitting was remarkably light
there were some interesting features in the
game. Both teams fielded brilliantly, and when
hits couldn't be seen the idea was to see some
thing great in the field. Borne great work was
seen, and it is safe to say that the local team
can field just as brilliantly as those who have
met them at other places say they can. With
out doubt the fielding was excellent.
Two of the errors credited to the home
players were extremely excusable. They were
errors credited particularly to Kuehne and
Smith. These mistakes, however, does not
prevent impartial people from saying that
Smith and Kuehne did first-class work. Han
Ion fielded in his usual bright way. and that
means a great deal. He caught a very difficult
And the Hoosiers did a little better fielding
than our fellows. ' Glasscock caught, with one
hand, a liner from Kuehne's bat in the seventh
inning that caused the thousand spectators to
cheer loudly. Denny also kept up hie record.
One pleasing feature of the game was the fact
that a boss of Miller's friends presented him
with a handsome gold watch "and chain. It was
generally pleasing because everybody thought
be deserved it.
The only run of the game was made In the
fifth inniug. Maul led off and reached first on
called balls. Kuehne followed with the first
bit for the local players. He knocked the ball
to right field, out was doubled up with Smith
on the tatter's short fly to Bassett. Old Gal
Tin's daisy crack to left, however, brought
Maul home and that won the game.
Fessenden. the new umpire, gave great satis
faction. He is a prompt and lusty-voiced gen
tleman. Store:
rmaBcnc n b r a e
hnnrtsy, r... 0
Hanlon. zn. 0
IScckley, 1. . 0
Sillier, c... 0
Dunlap, :... 0
Maul,- 1 1
Kuehne, 3.'.. 0
Smith, s 0
Ualvin, p.-- 0
1 2
0 2
1 fi
0 2
1 1
I 0
0 1
1 0
Scery. 1 0
1 1
2 2
0 14
1 2
1 0
0 4
0 I
0 3
0 0
uiasscocK,s. u
Hlnes. 1 0
Denny. 3.... 0
Sullivan, m. 0
sijers, c... 0
M3Uec'v, r 0
Bassett. 2.... 0
Boyle, p.... 0
Totals... .
Totals ..... 0 5 27 14 I
Plttsburgs. 0 0 0 0 10 0 0
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Earned runs None.
Two-base hits N one.
Total bases lMttsbnrg s S, Indianapolis 5.
8aetiSee hits Hanlon, nines.
Doubleplay Uassettand Hlnes.
Molen bases Sunday, Miller, Maul.
lltse on balls Maul 2. Smith, Boyle.
First base on errors Pittsburgs, 1; Indianapo
lis. 2.
Struck out Sunday. Smith, Denny, McUeachy.
Passed balls Myers, Miller.
I.eft on bases l'lttsDures, 7: Indianapolis, 7.
Time of game One hour and 30 minutes.
Omplre Fessenden.
The Storm Still Rates.
WashxkGtoit, June 3 "While the New
York Club was at the bat in the fourth inning
the rain, which had been falling slightly in the
beginning, of the inning, developed into a
heavyfbower, and at the end of the prescribed
time 30 minutes there being no cessation
of the storm or prospect of it, the game was
.declared off. The washingtons had scored
two run
iro runs ana Xtew York three.
A Close Event.
1CAGO, June 3. Close but comparatively
uninteresting was the ten-inning game to-day
in which Chicago won. Score.
Chlcairos 0 1000000 01 2
Clcvelands 0 0010000001
Base hits Chicago, 6: Cleveland, 4.
Errors Chlearo, 2; Cleveland, 1.
ltatteries Chicago, Untcnlnson and Somen;
Cleveland, O'Krien and Zlmmer.
Terrj's Wlldness Gives the Cowboys a Game
at Brooklyn.
. 2EW Yobk. May 3. The Kansas Citys de
feated the Brooklyns to-day. Terry's wildness
was costly. Score:
Kansas Cltys ....0 000600139
Brooklyn 1 100001306
Base tails Kansas Cltys. 10: Brooklyns, 10.
Errors Kansas Cltys. 3; Brooklyns. 11
Batteries Sullivan and Donahue; Bushong and
Couldn't Hit Kilroy.
Baltimore, June 3. The Cincinnati were
unable to bat Kilroy to-day and put up a
wretched fielding game. The Baltimores had
no trouble In winning. Rain terminated the
game at the end of the eighth inning. Score:
Baltimore 2 0 2 0 0 1117
Clnclnnatls. 0 0200000 z
Ttase hlts-Baltlmores. 12: Clnclnnatls, 4.
Krrors Baltimores, fi: Clnclnnatls, 6.
Batteries Tate and Kilroy, Vlau andMnllane.
The Electrics Won.
The "Westinghouse Electrics defeated the
Fayettes on Saturday by the following score:
m -Weitlnrhouse Electrics.... 3 4 0 2 0 4 0 010
f.,- Fayettcs 0142010 1-9
" ,Si- McKeesport Beaten.
fe.,-. .Xfe-&ottdJM beat the McKeesport yes-
terday somewhat easily at McKeesport. . .The
homo nine was weak owing to the absence of
their best players who were at another place.
The score:
jc'kkesf'i it D r A El
.lartln, s.. .
Uartman, c
Smith, m..
Costcllo, 2..
Carroll, 1...
Baker, p...
0 1
1 0
0 1
1 4
0 1
0 s
0 0
0 1
Leamon, 3 .
Mlllnce, p.
Kin chart,:
Miller, r...
Cargo, c...
Wood. a....
Manafee. m
Martin, I..
Boss,!. 1
ilu e!
ToUls ... 6 2
Totaji.... .12 3 27 17
McKeesport 0
Scottdalc 0
2 10 10 0 2 0-8
0 0 0 0 17 4 -12
Passed balls Hartman 2, Cargo 2.
struck out McKeesport, 9; Scottdale, 5.
Umpire Barr.
Trl-Stnte Iiencne.
Mansfieid, O., June 3.
Mansnelds 0 0 10
Wheelings....: 0 0 2 0
3 2 1
Batteries Beam and Bird; England andBow
Hits Mansflelds, 3; "Wheelings, 7. I
Krrors Mansnelds, 6; Wheelings, E.
V mplre O'Brien.
St. Louis Winners.
St. Louis, Mo., June 3. To-day was an ideal
raclnS day. There was an excellentprogramme
and great crowd at the track.
First race, seven furlongs, selling Bridget first,
J. T. second, Tudor third. Time, l:30i. The
winner was bought in. for p, 275, $375 over entered
Seconc race, one and '.one-eighth miles, handi
cap purse-Cartoon: first. Fayette second, Stride
awxv third. Tlmc,l:5SV(.
Third race. Southern Hotel stakes, for two-year-olds,
six furlongs Uttle Crete first, Aralgo sec
ond, I'ennP third. Time, 1:I7.
Fourth race, inlledash, lor maiden three-year-olds
MaTlaps first, Lucy P second, The Elk third,
lime, lrtftf.
Fifth race, .Manufacturers' purse, for all ages,
one and one sixteenth miles Los Angeles first,
Valuable second, Lela May third. Time, 1:91H.
Worth Fighting For.
The following comej from New York;
ir Jack McAullfie, the lightweight champion,
and Billy Meyer mean business, and are as eager
as Meyer pretends to be to meet in the arena for
a purse of 3, 000 a side, they now have toe oppor
tunity, as will be seen by the following:
san Francisco, gal., June 1. 1889.
Police Gazette The directors of the Califor
nia Athletic Club will give a purse or S3.000 ror
Jack McAullfie and Billy Meyer to battle for with
the Police Qazette champion belt and lightweight
championship or the world. The directors of the
club would prefer the contest to take place In No
vember instead of September. If Meyer and Mc
Aullfie are satisfied, answer.
Entreldrnm Say a. Word.
Sporting Editor Dispatch!
In reply to the challenge in The DISPATCH
of the 3d inst, in which a certain party desires
to back Mr. Grorge Cartright against me for a
12-hour race. I (would say that I do not consider
myself capable of running him even, but would
run bim providing I got a reasonable handicap,
and, if Cartwright's party will meet me
Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Lou
don Theater, we can very likely arrange a
match. J. J. Engeldbum.
Griffin Out for Glory.
Boston, June 3. Johnny Griffln, the Bain
tree feather weight, who surprised the sport
ing men by defeating Jack Havlin in remarka
bly quick time, has been selected to go to San
Francisco to fight Tommy Warren. It was un
derstood that the winner of the Havlin
Uriffln fight would be selected by the Cali
fornia Athletic Club as the man to meet War
ren and he will be sent there at once.
KJUbir tho Enthusiasm.
The flood excitement still prevails high above
anything of a baseball notion. Last night, at a
lato hour, it could not be learned whether the
Pittsburgh and Indianapolis teams intend to
play two games or one, or even cone at all.
The flood has unfortunately dampened baseball
enthusiasm here. Morris will likely pitch to
day for the home team, if there is a game.
The ynlkyrle- Be-".ten.
London, June 3. There was another jacht
race to-day in which the Valkyrie, Irex and
Yarana competed. The Valkyrie finished third.
The official time is as follows; Irex, 3:55:51;
Yarana, 4:09:07; Valkyrie, 4:09:59.
The Jockey Club Prize. l
Pabts, June 3. The race for the Prix Du
Jockey Club prize' was, won to-day by The
Clover, Achilla was second and Phlegethon
third. Fifteen-ran.
Baseball Notes.
MoKKiswill be tried to-day. .That was the
latest last night.
Habby Stat.bt is still as vindiotlve about
opponents as ever. He, amid all the wrecks, is
looking well. j
Tiieee may be an approaching avalanche,
but the officials of the local duos are awfully
chilly as to prospects. .
Beckxet certainly made one of the best
catches of a liner that has been seen In this
city for six or seven years. -
The only way for the players in amateur
teams to be reported correctly is for their
scorers to give correct returns.
If there is a game to-day Getzein or Whitney
may pitch for tho visitors. They are both good
fellows. Old Jim is always in line; even in
Amid the wreck of wires and the loss of
lives, there is no reliability about the results of
games. Therefore, don't look for.tables for a
day or two. '
Hovr Some of Them Preserve Their Vitality
for an Unusually Lone Period.
It would be rash to .affirm, remarks a
writer in the London Evening Standard,
that, under exceptional circumstances, es
pecially when seeds have been kept from
contact with the air and in a dry atmos
phere, some ot them may not preserve.their
vitality for an unusually long period.
Beans have been sprouted 60 years after
they were gathered, and seeds of plants be
longing to the same leguminous tribe taken
from the herbarium ot Tournefort, who
flourished in 1694, grew into fruiting plants
in the Jardin des Plantes in the year 1810.
The seeds of the sensitive plant are known
to have been vital after being kept for 60
years; haricot have germinated after 100
years, and there is an indispnted instance
of a grain of rye sprouting when 140 years
Still more to the point, maize taken from
an apparently undisturbed Inca tomb in
Fern, which could not have been closed
less than tnree centuries ago, showed a
feeble vitality, and a fact of a very remark
able character, which renders dogmatism
unsafe, was recorded from near Shrewsbury,
about the year 1871. In cutting down a
large elm tree, a quantity of acorns was
found in a cavity of the trunk, though so
completely inclosed by the growth of
the tree since the squirrel or other animal
had placed them there, that two feet of
wood, showing 120 annual rings, inter
vened between the acorns and the open air.
Yet several of them terminated. In these
cases the seeds were kept in a perfectly air-'
tignt space, ana entirely excluded from any
agents likely to stimulate germination, or
cause the decay of the young plant. We
also know, as a familiar fact, that when
forests are swept by fires, the growth which
springs np in the burnt tracts is not the
same as that which disappeared. In North
America pine and spruce are succeeded
first by a growth of brambles, which in
time are replaced by dwarf birch, poplar,
and bird cherry. Then scrub oaks and
various hard woods follow these, and pine
rarely re-appears except upon laud long
mellowed by agriculture, though the suc
cession of trees varies much in different
parts of the continent.
In Cssar's day the Hercynian Forest
modern Harzwald consisted chiefly of
broad leaved trees. But firs and pines now
predominate. In Styria, when certain sec
tions of pine forests are cut down, young
oaks take their places; and in France, after
the felling of timber in the forests of a
particular district of that country, brooms,
fox-gloves, heath, birches, and aspen spring
in place of the oaks, beeches and ashes
hewn down by .the woodmen. Then, after
an interval of 90 years, or thereabouts
aftei the third coppicing oaks and
beeches reconquer their original position.
During the present century the terri
torial extent of tbe United States has more
than quadrupled. The total area Is now 3,603,
881 square miles, while in 1788 it was only 827,
814 square miles, and in the same period the
nation nas issreasea zrom 8,ksj,zii to near-,088,098.
' "THE
Continued from Mrtt Page.
ble velocity with which the water gave the
warning, made the matter "all the "more- as
tounding. '
One of the important features of the flood
is'the laxity shown in identifying the res
cued bodies, thus proving that beside the
innumerable families- swept .away from
Johnstown proper, the death, anil rain has
stricken districts further up the mountains,
sot heard from. The houses piled np in the
debris here, in many cases show them to be of
rural architecture, log cabins being numer
ous. Robert Simpson,
L. E, Stotiel.
Three Thousand Bodies Hnve.Becn Recov
ered and as Many More Are iixpect
ed Awful Scenes Around tbe
Dlorgnes The Search
for Relatives and
JomrsTO'WTr, June. 3. The number of
dead bodies which have been discovered and
prepared for burial in the different charnel
houses has almost reached over 3,000, and
those who are in a position to know claim
that nearly as many more will be unearthed.
An effort was made by your correspondent
this afternoon to get an accurate, and com
plete list of the bodies so far handled, but
it was fonnd impossible to do so. Tbe
number has grown so large that the under
takers who are preparing the bodies for burial
said they got'tired counting and gave it up.
At the Fourth street or school house morgue,
in which locality the deaths were the' greatest,
the people in charge said it was impossible to.
say how many bodies they have handled since
Saturday morning, Mr. Kittell, who has been
In attendance all the time, said they had
handled' over 2,000, but could not give the ex
act figures.
Herman Ebbert, of Allegheny, had kept tally
of the number of people prepared under-his
care. Up until i o'clock this afternoon he had
received 629 bodies. Of this number about 100
came in to-day and those who could not be
identified were burled almost- as soon as they
were prepared. At tbe morgue In Millville
there was only one body received to-day.. It
was that of an unknown young girl about 15
years of age, but there was nothing about her
person by whicn she could be identified. This
body made the forty-sixth corpse prepared at
this morgue. ,
One of the Many Unknown.
Upon tho breast of the young girl was a
bruise about one-half men wide. Tbe men
who refer.?!! lie- thought that tbe body had
been i 1 . n.-fnre they discovered it. The
marks on lit; ;;irb wrist were supposed to
have been maJu by a bracelet which some of
the robbers who have been plying their ne
farious calling on tbe dead, were trying to
secure from the body. They, evidently could
not get it off quick enough and in their eager
ness to get the article of jewelry bad rudely
jerked it off, bruising the young girl's tender
flesh. She was taken from the water near
Cambria City.
Tho sight of so many coffins on the sides of
both tracks and on the station platform at
Nineveh almost caused the sightseers to turn
bckand filled them horror. Since Sunday
there has been a large number of coffins scat
tered around the station in full view of the
people coming up from Pittsburg. The sight
of so many coffins when gazed upon by those in
search of relatives and friends had the effect of
giving them the horrors. One woman, upon
seeing tbe coffins, thought of what -was to- fol
low and refused to continue on her way to
The Dead at Nineveh.
Tbe morgue at Niniveh now has a record of
handling about 285 dead bodies in the last two
days. The beautiful station has appropriately
been, called "The City of the Dead." The
scenes at the different morgues were not
pathetic, they were excruciating. At St, Co
lumbus Church, every time the wagon would
be driven up to the door, there would be a rush
for tbe place by the greater number of the in
habitants of Cambria City. -There
were mothers there almost in the
last agonies of despair' over tbe losses
they had sustained. One woman did
nothing all day but sit . at . tbe shrine
of one of the images in the church and, clasp
ing her bands upon her knees, would rock
backward and forward, giving vent to heart
rending sobs. The church presented 'a deso
late appearance. The magnificent decorative
work on the Catholic church was smeared and
and disfigured with mud, and. dirt. The
corpses, when brought in upon stretchers, were
placed unon the tops of the "pews. -The curios
ity of some people, and the eagerness of others
to find the bodies of their friends did not pre-'
vent them from rushing 'in and out of the
sacredediflce made more solemn by ,the pres
ence of death. "
Atthe school house morgue the attendants
had to close the door against the people who
clamored for admission. Had this not been
done it would have been impossible to do any
work. Relatives of the dead people who' had
been brought In had to stand back and were .re
fused admission. Some of tbe dead bodies
were so bruised up about the face that it was
not thought necessary to embalm them'to
await identification by friends. One little
baby girl had her head almost smashed to a
jelly. One of the eyes was sunk almost into
the middle of her head. It was 'fixed and
glassy. After lookingat her face a moment the
observer would turn away with a shudder.
Cambria Furnnccs to Start Soon A
Temporary Bridge Built.
rrsoM A STAFF coebesfondent.j
Johnstown, June 3. Powell Stackhonse,
Vice President of the Cambria Iron Works,
after starting a gang of men to work to clear
out the debris in tbe works below the blast f ur
nace,said it was hopedTo have the lower works
running again in three weeks. The company
desires to afford every encouragement to Its
The trestle from the stone bridge across the
the present channel of the Conemaugh has
been completed, and tbe work of laying a
temporary track into the town will be resumed
to-morrow. Tbe rope foot bridge, which was
completed this evening, was badly damaged
before 9 o'clock to-night. The footway of
boards is tied to the ropes and tho large amount
of travel over it displaced a number of these.
In the center it is supported by three skiSs
which add greatly to its stability. Passengers
going over it must keep ten feet apart.
It is a rather precarious structure at best and
as soon as possible will be replaced by a solid
bridge. The ferry that was used to transport
passengers yesterday took 8,000 people across
the' Conemaugh to tbe stone bridge, ana the
record to-day before tho foot bridge was com
pleted was 5,000.
The Fourth Ward House Overrun With Its
Reslnarant Business.
Johnsto wjf. June 3. The Fourth Ward Hotel,
on Adams street, is the only hotel left in the
city, and it is doing a rushing business serving
meals. The first barber sbop since the disaster
was established to-day in a room adjoining
President Moxham's headquarters in this
hotel. It is running only two chairs.
Seven undertakers arrived from McKeesport
to-day, and axe in charge of the embalming.
McKeesport also sent two carloads of provi
sions, and a carload of clothing and shoes will
arrive to-morrow.' Five of tbe police force of
McKeesport were added to-day to the force
from Pittsburg.
A Few Reported Lost are Found Safe
Fittsburgcrs Among tho Number.
JoissTOWif, June 3. Miss .Margaret Pat
rick, daughter of W.W.Patrick, tho banker,
reported lost on the ill-fated train near this
place. Is safe at the Logan House, Altoona.
Hiss Jennie Paulson has not been 'heard from,
and relatives are here endeavoring to reach
Altoona In quest of the lady;
Joseph and George B. Shea, J. Lawrence and
young Charles Clarke were here this afternoon,
returning overland from Altoona. They were
in good spirits and were anxious to allay the
fears of their families and friends at home by
ISventy-I'onr Men to Oversee the Work ot
Clenrlna Away Debris.
JOHKSTOWH, June 8. A Corps of 21 men ar
rived here at 12 o'clock to-night In charge of.
Evan Jones, of Uraddock. Tbeywill direct and
oversee the larsre force of men which will bn
eat out by the Chamber of Commerce to-' J
morrow to facilitate the work of undoing, in a
measure, the vast destruction.
The arrival of these people, coupled with
additional relief corps' which have just now
reached here, will assure general concentration
of efforts and subsequent speedy results.
An Ureent Appeal for Laborers and Tools-
A Two Weeks Task to Clean the Town
5,600 Survivors Reported
Johnstown, June 3. Captain Jones ar
rived.from Braddock this afternoon with 160
men, and a lot more will be' here in the
morning. , They, have with them everything
necessary to remove the debris picks, shov
els, axes, etc. To-night they are sheltered
by a large tent in the middle of the space
that has been swept clean.
Captain Jones took a survey of the situa
tion on his arrival and was soon impressed
by the immensity of the ruin. He says
there should be not less than 2,000, and if
possible 3,000, men sent here at once. He
has telegraphed this opinion to the Chamber
Refugee! on the Hillside
of Commerce, backing it by a demand for
them. He wants them to bring all neces
sary tools, and. says they should be formed
into two camps, which should be guarded
by an adequate force of military. He wants
Pittsburg to send the men here,and he wants
the Chamber of Commerce to demand the
military guard from General'Beaver. The
camp' should be supplied with cooks and
everything necessary to, their subsistence.
Many Laborers Needed.
"The local people," said Captain Jones,
"have only 600 men at work now, and these
are nearly exhausted. One of these camps
I tell you about should be in the southeast
ern part of the town, and the other in the
center. It will take not less than two weeks
for such a force of men to clean this place.
The sheriffs of Indiana and "Westmoreland
counties should have the debris piled along
the banks of the streams, and re-examined
for human bodies. The Pittsburg Chamber
of Commerce should ask them to' send out,
men to do this at once. In my telegram to
them to-night I make this suggestion."
Adjutant General Hastings to-night sent
this dispatch to he Pittsburg Chamber of
Commerce: '
Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburg:
It will be well to send at least 1,000 workmen.
A View of Johnstown.
with axes, picks, spades, saws and other tools,
to move the debris. The men should be organ
ized in gangs under competent bosses and be
prepared to stay here ten days. I will furnish
tents, and they can be supplied from the gen
eral commissary. It is my judgment that all
workmen living here and willing to work
should be paid good wages, and then, to pre
vent imposition, purchase supplies for them
selves and families from the' general commis
sary at reduced rates. This will prevent idle
ness among the citizens. Captain Jones is here
with 150 men, and has charge of all workmen
from a distance. Among other tools, there
shoud be 100 wheelbarrows and plenty of one
inchrope. Please advise me.
(Signed) D. H. Hastings, Acting General.
Clearing- Away the Debris.
General Hastings, in response to The
Dispatch correspondent's question whether
he thought the Chamber of Commerce peo
ple would readily respond to the call for
men and tools said:
'Undoubtedly so. "We are fairly or
ganized, but not as perfectly as we might
be. Everything is moving along in a satis
factory manner, and by to-morrow night
we will be making very material progress
in clearing away the debris. In 10 days at
least, with the force of men proposed and
expected, our work will have shown a great
degree of push and a probable early end.
On the Banks- 5 the Conemaugh.
The Pennsylvania road is acting very gen
erously, aside from the interest it must take
in its own behalf, and I am sure every
effort will be made to expedite the vast
work as hand."
Five Thousand Survivors.
Dr. J. J. Buchanan, of Pittsburg, has
been placed in charge of the Bureau of In
formation concerning survivors. His head
quarters are over the new postof&ce, at -the
corner of Main and Adams streets. ,Dr.
Buchanan is assisted by Dr. H. J, McCona
hay, of Pittsburg, and tbey have under
them 15 men doing clerical work. Twenty
different agencies were established by them
at noon, and were held open until after 6
All the survivors are requested to give in
their names. They wrote them on slips of
paper, and. in the evening each agency band
ed in its collection to headquarters. The
clerical force thereupon, proceeded to place
them in alphabetical order. At a rough
estimate there are 6,000 names already on
the lis't of the survivors. Dr. Buchanan
says a fresh clerical force is badly needed,
as the men at work are nearly worn out, and
he requested The Dispatch correspondent
to make an urgent request for men from
Pittsburg. Simpson and Sofiel.
Myopathy From England.
London, June 8. The -Twenty-one Club,
which was formed to commemorate the visit
- r bf J ssW rw.
of the London Artillery Company 'met at
luncheon to-day, Major Durand, presiding. In
a speech tho chairman alluded' to the terrible
disaster at Johnstown, Pa.,, and spoke or the
sympathy of the people of England, for tbe
sufferers. Mr. John C. New, the American
Consul General, in response thanked, Major
Durand for his expressions of sympathy.
Relief Is Being-Raised for tho Suffering- at
Johnstown Philadelphia Has Raised
a Big Fond Even Europe Is
Represented Legisla
tive Appropria
tions. Philadelphia, June a In pursuance of a
call issued by the Citizens Permanent Relief
Association, a largely attended meeting of citi
zens was held at the Mayor's office to-day for
the consideration of measures for the relief of
'Johnstown sufferers. Drexel 4 Co. were chosen
as the treasurers of the fund with a contribu
tion of 810,000. Several subscriptions of
tl.OOO each were announced," and late this
afternoon the fund had reached a total
of 15,000. Maay subscriptions were also1 sent
direct to Drexel's banking house. Including
$10,000 from tbe Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad CompanynS5.000. from the Philadel-
hia beer brewers, $5,000 from the Baldwin
ocomotive Works and other large individual
contributions. Up to this evening the direct
subscriptions to Drexel & Co. amounted to
$103,705, mating a total ot the two funds of
over $148,000. This exclusive ot the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company's subscription of
825.000 and that of the Cambria Iron Company
of Z20,0U0, which amounts will be dispensed at
Johnstown and vicinity by the officials of thoso
corporations. Large quantities of provisions,
clothing, ettv. have been contributed, and will
be forwarded to Johnstown as quickly as pos-
AT FouQHXEEpsie; N. Y. A general
movement was made in the city to-day to for
ward money and clothing to the sufferers in
Pennsylvania. Mayor Rowley has issued' a
proclamation urging citizens to' act promptly
and generously. The first move was made by
the Poughkeepsle Eagle, offering to receive
and forward at once all moneys contributed,
and people have been sending money to that
.office all day. Factory operatives are con
tributing, clergymen are taking hold of the
matter and to-night the Retail Dealers Asso
ciation held a public meeting at the Court
House to appoint committees to go abont
amongthe merchants with subscription lists.
Mrs. Brazier, proprietress of a knitting fac
tory, sent off 60 dozen'snits of underwear to the
sufferers in a largo case to-day. Tbe move
ment is general among all classes high and
low, rich and poor.
AT Elizabeth, N. J. Mayor Grier, of
Elizabeth, to-day, issued a proclamation calling
upon all citizens to be generous and prompt In
making contributions of money or clothing for
tbe relief of the stricken people of tbe Cone
maugh region, and designated places where tbe
donations could be left to be forwarded as fast
as received. The pastors of the chmches have
also appealed to their flocks to contribute
liberally for the same purpose. Seventy-five
carpenters and bridge builders, in tbe employ
of the Pennsylvania road, repairing the bridges
on the line of the road between here and Tren
ton.were forwarded to-night by special train for
Johnstown. They were joined at Jersey City
by 75 more from that section of the road. They
go to re-building the ruined railroad bridge
wnere tae noiocaust occurrea.
At New Tobk The Fourth National Bank
has subscribed, through the Chamber of Com
merce fund. $1,000 for the relief of the' Johns
town sufferers. The -United States Express
Company announces that it will carry free of
charge over its lines supplies donated for the
relief of the sufferers by the floods in tho
Johnstown district. The Mutual Life Insur
ance Company, through Richard A. McCurdy,
has sent the following' ndtice to Us general
agent for Pennsylvania: "Notify all Mutual
Life policyholders in Johnstown and vicinity
that 80 days' extension of time will be allowed
inpayment oi premiums, ana pay all deatn
claims caused by calamity immediately on
prpofs and identification.
AT Easton. At a meetlngof citizens called
by Mayor Lesber to-night, I)r. Traill Green,
Dean of the Scientific Department of Lafay
ette College presided. Cashier G winner, of the
.First National Bank, was elected Treasurer
and Teller Herman, of the Northampton bank.
Secretary. Snbscriptlons were opened for the
Conemaugh Valley sufferers, and although
committees had been appointed for each ward,
donations aggregating nearly $4,000 were made.
The first three subscriptions came from tbe
Lodge of Elks, the Fire Department and tbe
police. Rev. Father Regnery; of St. Joseph's
Church, said that each of his 1,000 members
would contribute to the fund.- Easton is irood
,f or $10,000.
AT Chaeleston, 8. C At a meeting of the
Charleston Cotton Exchange to-day $500 were
subscribed for the relief of tbe flood sufferers
ot Pennsylvania. A dispatch was sent to the
Mayor of Johnstown rcouestincr him to draw
tf or that amount. A special meeting of the
city council win do dcki to-morrow to extend
help to the Batterers. A general subscription
will be started for the" Sams' 'nurnoM. The
JVeuw and Courier to-day says: "We have
learned to know what timely .help means in
this section of dlsaster"and distress and we at
least should give without waiting to be asked."
At KrrTANNTNO Interest and sympathy
-here deepens with tbe receipt of, additional in
telligence from Johnstown. Yesterday collec
tions were taken up in many of the churches
.for tbe benefit of the; sufferersvand these with
the other subscriptions make the total cash re
ceipts nearly $1,000. Tbe Reynolds House has
been turned into a storehouse for wearing ap
parel, and goods of this nature have been ar
riving all day. A large consignment of cloth
ing was forwarded this tmornlng and more will
follow shortly. .i
At Mansfield a union meeting of Mans
field Protestant Churches was held last night
;at the First Presbyterian Church. Fonnhun
dred and twenty-five dollars cash and a largo
box of provisions and clothing were subscribed
for the Johnstown sufferers. St. Luke's and
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Churches will
take up subscriptions, which, it is expected,
will amount to upward of $200.
At Washington A subscription for the,
relief of the sufferers by the' Johnstown flood
was started at the Postofflce Department to
day. First Assistant Postmaster General
Clarkson signed the list by subscribing $100.
The indications are that nearly $10,000 will be
raised in this department. Postmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker bad already subscribed $1,100
in Philadelphia.
At Irwin, Pa. At a citizens' meeting called
by the Burgess, the citizens of Irwin started a
subscription list, to which $600 have already
been subscribed.- The committee forwarded on
Saturday 13 boxes of provisions, which will be
followed to-day by another shipment consisting
of clothing of all kinds and provisions.
At Shaeon Burgess Wallls left this after
noon for Johnstown with $1,200 'raised by citi
zens of Sharon for relief of the flood sufferers.
The relief fund is growing rapidly and will ag
gregate over $2,000 by to-morrow. Boxes of
clothing and bedding were forwarded over the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Ax On, City Collections were taken up in
tbe various churches yesterday, and some con
tributions from other sources amounted to $500.
Mayor Payne is acting as Treasurer and will
forward it to the- Relief Committee at Johns
town. AT HABEiSBUTto Governor Beaver pre
sided at a meeting to-night in this city at which
several thousand dollars were subscribed for
the relief of the sufferers of the Conemaugh
"Valley and Harrlsburg.
At Bethlehem, Pa. Tho Bethlehem Iron
Company to-day contribnted $5,000 for tbe re
lief of the Johnstown sufferers, and directed
tbe Johnstown authorities to draw upon them
for that amount.
At Buffalo A relief train on the West
"New York and Pennsylvania Railroad will
leave here for Pittsburg to-night with contri
butions fit food, clothing, etc, for tbe flood
sufferers. t
AT Haetfoed, Conn. The House to-day
concurred with tho Senate in passing the reso
lution appropriating $25,000 for the flood suffer
ers in Pennsylvania.
At Boston The House this afternoon sus
pended its rules and admitted a bill appropri
ating $10,000 for the relief of the Pennsylvania
At Greenville, Pa. Eight hundred dol
lars has been raised here by tbe churches ana
others for tbe Johnstown sufferers.
At Berlin, Gehm'any A fund for the re
lief of the Johnstown flood sufferers has been
organized in this city.
Though the City Is Completely Shut
From Railroad Communication.
JOHNSTOWN, June 8. Representative Mc
Donald came in from Altoona to-day with the
relief party from that Dlaoe. Altoona is cut
off by rail from both the East and tbeWest,v
The middle division oftbe Pennsylvania is in
a terrible condition. Its superintendent told
Mr. McDonald that he did not think a train
could bo got through to Altoona from Harris
burg for two weeks. The Altoona relief partv
went to Ebensburg by the branch road and
drove across from there. .
Two carloads of provisions were sent to
Ebensburg yesterday, and from tbere were
brought In wagons to- this place. Two more
carloads were sent there to-day by Altoona,
and will be brought here to-morrow. Altoona,
r.nt off as she is from rail communication east
and -west, is dealing generously with tbe people
of this place.
Two uprloads of Provisions and Conrribu
lions of Cash Ready.
Johnstown, June 3. Two cars of provialont
from" Tyrone came over from Ebensburg tday,
in wagons in the care of Dr. D. J. Appleby and
H. B. Piper. There is $1,000 in the bank at Ty
rone subject to the order of the Relief Com
mittee. Two cars of provisions came to-day
from Latrobe. Logan Lodge, K. of P, of Al
toona, contributes $500 to the sufferers, and
another K. of P. Lodge at the same place con
tributes $100.
Notification was received to-day at relief
headquarters that clothing ot all kinds was
held there subject to the orders of the commit
The First of the Cash Contributions Received
by President Moxhnm.
Johnstown, June 8. Postmaster Larkin ar
rived in Johnstown this afternoon and handed
President Moxham a check for $35,000 as a
contribution from the citizens of Pittsburg.
-Thank God for it," exclaimed President
Moxham fervently, "It is needed badly. Now
we can pay the men we have put to work."
This Is the advanced guard of the cash con
tributions. Pittsburg has been ahead of every
one and every place in her assistance to the
afflicted city.
AllInco Sends Food and Clothing.
Johnstown, June 3. J. Murray Webb ar
rived this evening from Alliance, O., with a'
carload of provisions contributed by the citi
zens' of that place. A carload of clothing and
provisions arrived from the same place yester
Adjutant General Hastings Succors a Poor,
Starving Woman.
Johnstown, June a A big man with a big
heart Is Adjutant General Hastings. Strict as
he is in the performance of " his duty, he is nev
ertheless as gentle as a woman dealing with the
poor stunned beings who have lost their all.
The writer has been near General Hastings on
a number of occasions when little traits ot
character unintentionally revealed the soldier
as the man. This afternoon when the pitiless
rain was pattering down upon the
hundreds of. half-starved victims of the
flood's ravages, who were gathered about
the Commissary Department, General
Hastings was compelled to announce
to the crowd that no morn provisions could be
given out until another carload of crackers
arrived upon the scene. As he left the plat
form, a woman, haggard and faint, bearing a
baby in her arms, tapped bim timidly upon the
"Pleaselslr," said she, while the tears chased
one another down her saddened and halt
shameful countenance, "can't you give me a
biteofbreadr Only a biter I haven't tasted
anything since yesterday morning."
"'Gainst orders," was .the General's laconic
reply, as he strode away. He did not go far,
however, until he had ordered one of his subor
dinates to follow the woman and serve to her
the steaming dinner which kindly bands had
prepared for him. Being an eye-witness to the
whole scene. I walked up to the General and
asked him why he bad not given the woman
something out of the general store.
"I had given orders that no rations should be
dispensed for an hour," said he, "and (with a
good-natured smile) I couldn't countenance a
reach of discipline."
Every Effort Is Being Made to Open tho
Line for Travel.
Philadelphia, June 3. The best informa
tion that can be obtained to-day at the Penn
sylvania railroad office in this city, is to tbe efj
feet that a route will be patched up to Altoona
within 36 hours, thus giving the 800 or more east'
and west bound passengers laid up at that
piace an opportunity, to get away from there.
On the middle division of the main line the
road is clear from Altoona, and they hope to
get from Petersburg to Huntingdon some time
to-day. From Huntingdon to Manayunk bridge
there are several bad breaks. All but one span
of tbe Manayunk bridge has been swept away.
East of that point the Mays bridge is gone, and
but one span remains ot tbe Granville bridge.
From Lewiston to Harrlsburg. a distance of 65
miles, the line is clear.
The railroad people expect soon to get a dis
patch wire through to Altoona over the main
line route when a correct list of tbe passengers
on the Day express and mall train, who were
left at Conemaugh, will be obtained, as well as
the whereabouts of those who did not go to
Altoona. From the best information obtaina
ble it can be stated that Only seven of the
passengers were lost. From Altoona westward,
in tbe day line, the track is open to within a
short distance of South Fork, where the bridge
was washed away Friday evening. Between
South Fork and Johnstown, 1.000 men are busy
putting the track In'shape. At Johnstown and
west of there several large gangs of workmen
are employed. It is not believed that passen
gers can be conveyed from Harrlsburg to Pitts
burg over tbe main line inside a week or ten
days. As to the transportation of freight and
malls nothing definite can be learned.
Should be Promptly and Effectually Ordered
Away From the Scene.
Nineveh, June 3. Some measures should
be taken at once to effectually squelch the
fiendish relic hunters. They are here in full
force and large numbers, and some of the
tricks they resprt to'in their efforts to secure
mementos of the flood are almost criminal in
their cruelty. While working amid the smold
ering ruins about the stone bridge at Johns
town this morningl saw a morbid monomaniac
secure the charred bones of an infant from
amongthe smoking debris and wrapping them
carefully In a newspaper, carry them away
with a look of triumph on his face.
At this place, where tbe dead almost out
number the living, some frightful deeds have
been perpetrated by the searchers for relics.
One man stole an old bandana kerchief from
about the head of a dead colored woman. An
other removed a shoe from an old, gray-haired
man, whose stiff and mangled corpse wasf ound
dangling in a tree, while still another possessed
himself of the sheet which was thrown over the
remains of a child, leaving the body at the
mercy of a weeping heaven.
Nor are the relic hunters tho only class who
desecrate tbe sanctity of the City of the Dead.
The heartless crowds of excursionists who
have thronged tbe regions round about for the
past few days would be more at home in a jail
than anywhere else if their actions go for'
aught. Some of them have gone through the
town singing, whistling and cracking the coars
est of jokes, while others have trampled o'er
tbe coffins strewn about the roads with an
utter disregard for their sacred and hallowed
The Citizens Issuo on Appeal to the Pub
lic for Assistance.
rsrxciAi. txlxohasc to the dispatch, i
Hakbisbtt no, June 3. A message was re
ceived at tbe Pennsylvania Railroad station at
tbls point to-day, from Williamsport, over the
Northern Central wires, stating that a meeting
bad been held in that city this afternoon, at
which the following was authorized to be issued
to the public:
"The city of Williamsport has been sorely
stricken by the most severe flood ever known
in tbe State of Pennsylvania. All have suffered
great loss. Large numbers of our citizens are
wholly destitute and suffering for tbe necessi
ties of life. Those of our people, able so to do,
are giving wbat tbey can, but are unable to
furnish tho aid sorely needed. We appeal to a
generous public, in tbe name of God, to help
us now. Let everything be sent to tbe Mayor
of Williamsport. J. S. Foreman.
Cnttlng n .New Channel and Damaging
Pennsylvania Railroad Tracks.
Johnstown, June 3. Three Plttsburgers
came here from South Fork this morning and
started for home. One of them, supposed to
be young Clarke, told a gentleman all the oth
ers were safe. Between the dam and South;
Fork run there are only two houses. Every
body in the immediate vicinity bad sufficient
warning to enable them to escape.
A gentleman from that vicinity says the
creek has cut a new channel for itself and is
making havoc of the local geography of the
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks.
Two Charred Corpses Fonnd.
Johnstown, Jane 8. Two more charred
bodies were found among the debris Just below
The Dispatch's temporary headquarters this
evening. Tbe remains were burned beyond
A Crook Driven Oat of Town.
Johnstown. June S. Detectives Robinson
and Mulvey Hill arrested a Kansas City crook
named John McBride. He had in his possession.
a fine gold ring, of which ho tried to dispose
surreptitiously. When taken before the Dep
uty Sheriff threats were made by incensed
crowd, who wanted to lynch him. He was
given five minutes to leave town. He left.
" " '
. CQlifiJ&JBn&GTI&Gr
wmxw mm
Please notice that these prices quoted are riot ibiv
old style,' rag-tag remnants and odd ends, butgg
.for your choice from our immense stock .ffj,
all new goods all
39C 'ets yur choice from all our Ingrains that are everywhere sellings
to-day at 45c to 50c "$,
ARq gets your choice from onr entire line that are selling at low;
priced stores from 55c to 65c.
ggg now for the best extra superfine all-wool jCarpets made in Amer
ica. Choicest styles and all you want. .
74p Everybody knows the best of Tapestry Brussels are cheap at 85c
to 90c; WE HAVE PUT THE PRICE 74c. Not 60c, 65c or
70c for patterns that nobody would have at any price, but the-'
newest and choicest designs, borders to match, in Moquette and
Wilton effects.
Piles of lower grades at away down prices 45c, 53c, 59c.
QQq FOR WILTON VELVET CARPETS that have met with ready:
sale at $1 50. Don't say we are not doing it. Come and see.;
All new, clean, fresh patterns, borders to match worth j5i 50
now going for 98c '
7Dn FOR BODY BRUSSELS. Our buyer has just secured a large
lot of these goods and we will put them in with the rest at 78c,
just to make the dance go lively. Worth $1 if they ate worth a'.
QKg FOR BEST 5 FRAME BODY .BRUSSELS. When these goods:
are offered for less than'Si 25 it is less than value. We expect)
to close this lot out quick. Everybody should buy when they can'
get best Body Brussels for the usual price of Tapestry Brussels.
7Qg sale price for Mats selling to-day for $1 25, and worth it
$1 98 sac Pr'ce fr Rugs 26 inches wide and 54 inches long, adver
tised as big bargains at 2 50.
$2 38 sae P"ce or -U8S 30, inches wide and 63 inches -long; selling
rig m. iu uut cuy tu-uay in ciose price stores at 3 50 10 4 50.
$3 38 sae P"ce or e largest hearth size Rugs, 1 yard wide, 2 yards
long. Measure your rugs and see if you have not been paying
$5 and $6 for this size. We have a small lot in this size to go
at $2 98 not many of them, so if you are slow coming don't'
complain if they are picked up early in the sale. '
$5 98 or a S5, These are dandies, 4 feet by 7 feet, and every?
body knows have been selling from $j to. $g. Nothing oldoV .
. jnoldjr. about these Rugs, and we think the dust'wiU-npi settle '
on .them at these prices. Tney are in stock "and can be hadbyt
the armload or cartload. r ,
or 7jc perySri Think of it ! 40 yards fancy Matting, enough to;
cover two rooms, for 3. Hundreds of rolls to go at this price, and
something, better for S3 75 and $4 50 per roll.
Other bargains in this department will be announced rapidly.
Freemason's Hall, Fifth -Avenue.
BECAUSE it is so unusually handsome and attractive in appear
ance, many persdns thinjj the Ivory Soap is intended for toilet
use onlyl While it may be used
satisfactory results, it is a laurfdry
Prof. Silliman, of Yale College,
Ivory has no superior.
There are many white soaps, each represented is be ''Just as good as the Mveryji,
they ARE' NOT, but like ail counterfeits, lick the peculiar and remarkable qualitjwg
the:g9flUHe..'. Ask far "Ivory" boap imw ipen getting it
Is "
cut down no reserve.
for the toilet with pleasant and
soap in all that the name implies.
says: "As a laundry soap the