Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 11, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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Mn Carr's Bemarkable Statement in
Defense of Supt. Starr.
Interesting Testimony for the Official's
Side of the Case.
The trial of Superintendent A. B. Starr,
of the Fort "Wayne Railroad, was resumed
yesterday morning before Judge Magee. E.
H. Johnston, Esq., in opening the case for
the defense, said the orders under which the
gates at Federal street are operated were
issued by Mr. Starr's superiors. The gates
were erected before he was made Superin
tendent, and the rule relative to silencing
whistle and bell was adopted at the request
of Allegheny citizens.
E. B. Summerville, a civil engineer, pre
sented a plan of the crossing, and gave the
measurements and grades.
J. K. Turner, Trainmaster, explained the
"workings of the gates. He said the man at
the swing gate crossing the tracks is the
superior of the man at the safety gates
crossing the street The signal lights are on
the swing gate.
Eliot Holbrook, Superintendent of the
Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad, and
George S. Davidson, of the Pittsburg, Char
tiers and Toughiogheny, testified that the
safety gates were the best known appliance,
and superior to the old bell and flagman
system. Mr. Franklyn B. Gowen, for the
prosecution, said they would admit the
safety gates were the best appliances, so a
number of witnesses on this point were ex
cused. Trainmaster Tnrner was recalled. He
said two men are on duty at the Federal
street gates. On the night of the accident
Stewart -Cunningham was in charge of the
swinging gate. It was his duty to open it,
and the duty of the other man to lower the
safety gates. Prom 125 to 130 trains and
locomotives cross Federal street every 21
hours, with about 1,900 cars.
E. B. Martin, the engineer of the train
that caused the deaths, testified that on the
night of tne accident he was going west
with 27 cars. The gates at Federal street
were lowered as he crossed Sandusky street
As he got to Maginn's factory the swing
gates were turned against him. He reversed
the engine and stopped just inside the gates.
He had not been running over three miles
an hour, and was almost stopped as he
crossed Federal street As he approached
Federal street the safety gates were down,
and the swing gates partially open, showing
a green light Then they were suddenly
dosed, showing a red light He reversed,
and rang the bell.
Mr. Gowen read from the testimony at the
Coroner's inquest to show that the witness
had testified that he blew the whistle, but
did not ring the bell. Mr. Martin said the
record was incorrect, and that his present
testimony was correct In re-examination
he said Miss "Wyman and Mr. Culp jumped
from the car directly in lront of the engine.
Had they remnedon the car they would
not have been turt He also said that the
engineers ran b the signals in the towers,
and pay no attention to the gatemen unless
the latter flag them, when they stop.
At the afternoon session Martin's testi
mony was corroborated by his fireman,
Tracer. The witness thought the engineer
sounded the whistle, and said both of them
reached for the bell rope. He couldn't say
positively that the bell was rung.
Edward Gregg and Thomas A. Parke
were on the car. Mr. Gregg said he heard
both -histle and bell When the engine
struck the car there was no one on the rear
platform, to which he had run, but himself,
the infsnce being that the others had
jumped off Mr. Parke corroborated him.
George Kearny, a brakeman on the train
which struck the street car, testified that the
train was going at the rate of two miles an
lour when the Federal street crossing was
reached. The bell had been rung and the
-whistle blown previous to reaching the
gates. He looked ahead and saw the en
gine crash through the gate, and saw a man
jump or be knocked from the rear platform
of the street car which was crossing the
Thomas Dalzell, a newsboy stationed near
the gateman's box, heard the whistling of
the locomotive, which was probably at the
rear end of Maginn's factory, and also saw
the accident
John S. Slagle, a commission merchant
of Allegheny, and passenger on the street
car which was struck, heard the shrill
-whistle of a locomotive, and turned around
in time to see the headlight about 40 feet
from the crossing. Several parties rushed
to the platform of the street car, and then
the accident occurred.
George A. Kelly, druggist and passenger
on the street car, testified similarly to Mr.
Leon J. Long, clerk in Criminal Court,
was standing on the southeast corner of
Lacock and Federal streets, and witnessed
the accident He heard the whistle of the
John McCord and A. 3. Boyd, both pas
sengers on the street car, had heard the
whistle of the locomotive, but heard no bell
Dr. Pearslevwas on the street at the
time and heard the whistle, and thought he
heard the bell also. The testimony of J.
M. Tatem, Jr., and John Billings, boyr,
corroborated that of Dr. Pearsley.
Judge Over was placed on the stand and
testified to the good reputation borne by
Mr. Starr in Sewickley, and also spoke
highly as to his reputation as being a cau
tious railroad man.
Major W. G. McCandless, of Sherman
avenue, Allegheny, had been annoyed by
the ringing of the train bells and blowing
of whistles while they were passing through
the park. The witness complained of this,
and went to see Mr. Starr, who referred him
to Manager Baldwin as a superior officer.
Major McCandless testified also to the good
reputation of Mr. Starr. Bev. Dr. Allison,
of Sewickley, testified similarly to Judge
Over. Judge Kirkpatrick, of Sherman
avenue, Allegheny, had complained also to
some of the officers of the road about the
whistling, etc
Commodore "W. J. Kountz, at the time of
the accident, President of the Pittsburg,
Allegheny and Manchester Street Car Com
pany, was sworn, and said he thought the
introdoction of gates infinitely safer than
having the flagman standing in the middle
of the street The witness thought no acci
dent could occur if the gatemen discharged
their duties honorably.
Upon cross-examination Commodore
Kountz was asked: "Do you think a rail
road manager should pay more attention to
the sentimental nerves of a few gentlemen,
or to the lives of people?"
The witness answered that the gates, if
properly attended, would dispense with the
necessity of bell ringing, etc., and that, had
he been in Mr. Starr's position, he would
have acted likewise.
The testimony of Patrick Can-, at the
time of the accident and still in charge of
the safety gates on the Federal street cross
ing, created a considerable murmur. He
' said: i'l saw the car coming and heard the
whistle, but could not tell about how near
it was. I opened the gates and the two
'street cars commenced passing over. I then
- saw the car was upon us and hallooed 'for
God's sake hurry up land cross;' 'twas then
' the accident occurred."
55i, i ii I
uJu, uvHca uijuvau cfv&a-uuiujureu tuc i
witness, and Carr said: "JC first warned the
street cars to stay back; but when they were
on the track I told them to hurry."
Mr. Gowen here said, "Why did youraise
the gates when you saw the car coming?"
The witness answered: "Because I knew
the people would raise them if I did not"
Mr. Gowen Ah! Then that is the pro
tection furnished the people by the railroad
company, is it, by gates?
The witness replied by affirming thatthe
people frequently, when in a hurry, raised
the gate to pass under.but that no street car
driver had ever done so.
William Duncan testified that S. 8. Cun
ningham, formerly gateman at the crossing
on Federal street had told him one morn
ing when Cunningham was on his way to
appear before the grand jury in Mr. Starr's
case that he (Cunningham) would help to
send Mr. Starr to the penitentiary.
L. A. Hall, an official of the Pennsyl
vania Company, was in his office at the Fort
Wayne depot when the accident occurred.
He heard the whistling and witnessed the
Charles W. Bobb. of the Allegheny bar,
had been disturbed by the whistling of loco
motives, etc., and had complained, he
thought, to Mr. Baldwin.
Ii. Peterson, ex-Mayor of Allegheny, had
frequently heard the complaints of many
-persons about the whistling, etc. He knew
of no ordinance passed against it, but
deemed bell ringing unnecessary. Mr.
Peterson remembered having had consulta
tions with several city officials on the sub
ject and thought the managers of the road
had been interviewed On the subject Mr.
Peterson here produced the following peti
tion, which he had mailed to Mr. Baldwin:
Allegheny. October St 18S2.
IV. A. Baldwin, Manager!
Deae Sib We, the undersigned residents
on West Park, Allegheny, would respectfully
call your attention to the fact that your trains
are -again stopping on the park andcansinga
great nuisance by the screaming and escaping
of steam, switching, etc. This occurs most fre
quently In the evening and at night and is at
all times, as you are aware, contrary to the city
ordinance, while we give you credit for what
has been done in the past, we must protest
against the renewal of this nuisance, and re
spectfully call vour attention thereto. Signed
by Ormsly Phillips, Henry Irwin, James Pat
ton, Jr., C. G. Donnell, Ed. Gregg. J.Lockbart,
James L. Mcintosh and Thomas McHennig.
The above was handed me and 1 respectfully
urge your immediate atteution to the same.
Ii. Peterson,
Mayor of Allegheny.
November 3, 1S82.
' John S. Hampton, member of the Alle
gheny bar, knew of the complaints, and in
terviewed Mr. B?Tin, and frequently
wrote to him on the subject of having the
whistling, etc., stopped. Mr. Baldwin
thereupon directed Mr. Starr to issue the
order preventing bells being rung and whis
tles blown by the trains while crossing
Federal street and the park.
A number of letters between Mr. Baldwin
and Mr. Hampton were read, and also one
to Mr. Starr, directing him to issue the or
der. At this period court was adjourned
until Monday morning.
To-Day'i Trial List.
Criminal court Commonwealth vs Thomas
Clark, Joseph Carson, M. Murray, William A.
McCllnock, Charles Jacobs, Thomas Richards.
Sitting; front Justice
On motion of W. H. Martin, John H. Thomp
son, of Butler, was yesterday admitted to
practice in the United States District Courts.
A verdict for the defendant was rendered
yesterday in the case of Christian Broader
against John A. Pack, an action on an ac
count The jury is out in the case of Thomas and
James Delaney against the German and Ger
maniaFlro Insurance Companies to recover
Insurance for damage by fire to a party wall.
In the case of Alfred and Frank Grossman,
charged with passing "counterfeit 'money, the
United States District Attorney entered a
noils pros, and the defendants were discharged
front custody.
In the case of J. W. Brophy, postmaster at
Mt. Carmel, Northumberland county, a plea
of nolle contendere was entered. The charge
was forging money orders. There were three
indictments against Brophy.
Jasies and Fanl Cinquo, of Pittston, who
were on trial in the United States District
Court for passing counterfeit money, wero
found not guilty. John Woods, of Butler
county, was also acquitted of tne same of
fense. A Brxx in equity for partition was filed yes
terday by John Gray against Isabella Bell and
the heirs of George Gray, deceased. He de
sires a partition of the estate of George Gray,
his lather, who was a member of the firm of
Gray & Bell, coal operators.
George Gutdue, a. Hungarian, charged
with falsely obtaining a money order from the
postoffice at Pittsburg, was placed on trial In
the District Court yesterday, andW. H. Mar
tin, of Butler, was appointed to defend him.
The case was still on when the court closed.
James Allen, of Mercer county, the old
man who was convicted on Tuesday last of
manufacturing counterfeit money, was placed
on trial yesterday for also passing counterfeit
coin; a verdict of guilty was returned and the
aged prisoner recommended to the extreme
mercy of the Court. A motion for a new trial
was immediately made.
Clebk op Coukts McGunn egle yesterday
filed his answer to the mandamus proceedings
instituted against him by MortonHunter, Esq.,
to compel him to register the bond of H. L.
Berger, a refused applicant for a wholesale li
cense. The answer states that he believes that,
under the existing laws, he has no power or au
thority to register the bond as requested.
M. Nauman, President and O. S. Hirstman,
Secretary, of the School Board of the lit
Washington sub-school district, yesterday filed
in the Clerk of Court's office a statement in
connection with the matter of increasing the
indebtedness of the district for the purpose of
procuring funds to purchase ground and erect
a schoolhouse. It is intended to raise 822,000
by issuing bonds of $1,000 each bearing! per
cent interest to mature in 1909. An annual tax
of $3,000, commencing in 1890, will be levied
nntiltbe principle and Interest are paid off.
The assessed valuation of taxable property in
the district is $2,716,9S2.
WORMS in children worry and fret them,
the attending symptoms simulating many
different diseases. When their presence is
indicated, use at once Dr. Jayne's Tonio
Vermifuge, and you will rid their bodies of
the worms, and clear out their nests. You
will find this .remedy also a good tonic for
weakness and general debility ic children
or adults, restoring the appetite and curing
most of the symptoms of dyspepsia.
401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth ATenue.
Capital, 8100,000. Surplus, 545,000.
Deposits of f 1 and upward received and
interest allowed at I per cent tts
Books, Sc. Books, Sic.
All the standards at the bargain niche in
the basement of The People's" Store, along
with dress goods at ridiculously low prices",
such as satines, 17c; buntings, 5c; plaids,
15c; all wool goods, 36-in. wide, 25c.
Campbell & Dick.
Celling: Papers,
Embossed papers, plain gold papers, lacquer
pressed leather papers; ingrain papers, tile
papers, in fact every kind of wall papers, at
John S. Eoberts', 414 Wood street, Pitts
burg. Best Velvet Carpets as Cheap as Ingrains.
The Bpecial offering of 10,000 yards best
velvet carpets at $1 per yard (sold at $1 50
everywhere) will continue during the com
ing week. Borders to match all patterns,
Edwabd Gboetzingeb,
ThS, 627 and 629 Pnn avenue.
Excursion Sunday.
The steamer Mayflower will leave foot
Wood St., Sunday, at 10 A. M., 2 P. M.. 4
p. M. 6 . M. and 8 p. M. for Shingiss
Park. Good music. Bound trip 25, cents.
Our 3 for ?3 shirt is the bargain of bar
gains. Boggs & Buhl.
Beee, Ale and Malt 'Extracts for sale by
G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
HCTlHRRPUnQIC the new novel-
mi. nmum iiwwiu,
etle. tru Eidneu
Lusta is carried forward in the Sunday issue
othk Dispatch. It groat in interest with
cacn cnapier. Aeoau.
After Thirty Tears' Delay, Mrs.
William Parker Demands Justice
She Wants Her Title Established to a
Group of Three Islands.
Sak Fbancisco, May 10. Within a few
months the Department of State will he
called upon to take steps to establish the
domain of the United States over a group
of islands in the North Pacific Ocean. The
claims to these islands have been before the
authorities at Washington since 1857, but
owing to the conflicting statements of owner
ship and other causes a valid title to the
islands has never been issued. Authenti
cated documents relating to the claims are
now in this city: Prom them has been
gleaned the following story:
Early in January, 1852, Captain William
H. Parker and his partner, named Hays,
chartered the brigantine Beindeer at Bono
lulu to make a trading voyage to China.
After leaving Honolulu, the weather being
calm, the brig drilted, until on January 13
a group of three islandswassighted,situated
in latitude 16 59' north, longitude.l67 22'
west. On January24anotlierisland was found,
in latitude 172 31'. All efforts to find any
trace of these islands on charts proved un
availing, but Captain Parker, alter taking
bearings, verified their position. On Janu
ary 15 the Beindeer came in sight of John
ston and Cornwallis Islands, situated re
spectively in latitude north 16 52', longi
tude 1C8 47' west, and latitude north 16
46', and longitude 169 20' east. Captain
Parker examined these islands, and found
that their entire surface was an immense
body of guano.
After Parker returned from China to San
Francisco his discovery was not imparted to
any one until 1857. During the session of
Congress in 2856 an act was passed authori
zing the President to issue proclamation
and letters of protection in favor of any per
son who might discover any island upon
which guano deposits were situated, extend
ing the dominion of the United States over
such places, and granting to the discoverers
title to such islands. Parker having obtained
knowledge of the passage of this act, entered
into an agreement with a civil engineer
named B. F. Byan, of San Francisco, to
assist him to develop his guano discoveries.
On September 28, 1857, there was filed a
declaration addressed to Lewis Cass, Secre
taryof State.setting forth the discovery orthe
islands by Parker.
Byan estimated that there must have
been no less than 616,750,000 tons of guano
on the islands. The three small islands not
marked on the chart were named Morrison,
Parker and Byan islands, but inasmuch as
the discovery of Cornwallis and Johnston's
islands dated back to 1807 these names were
retained in the declaration.
Pending the confirmation of Parker and
Byan's application to Secretary Cass on
December 19, 1857, an agreement was en
tered Into by them with Asa Stoddard and
Bobert G. Byxbee, of San Francisco, by
which it was agreed that five-eighths of all
profits that might arise should become the
share of Stoddard and Byxbee, who were to
fit out a vessel and bring samples of the
guano to San Francisco. The schooner
Palestine, Captain Ferryman, visited the
islands and the captain took possession of
them in the name of the men who had sent
him ont On his return these men formed
the Pacific Guano Company, and took steps
to obtain a title to the islands, ignoring
Parker's claim. Hearing of how he had
been tricked Parker went to Washington: to
present his case, but died soon after. Noth
ing more was then done in the matter.
It was not until 1879 that Parker's second
wife, who lives in this city, learned of her
husband's claim, and employed attorneys to
combat the alleged title of the Pacific
Guano Company. As proof the ownership
the company produced a proclamation said
to have been issued to them by Lewis Cass
in 1859, bnt there is no record of the fact in
the archives of the department Mrs.
Parker is now taking steps to secure the
recognition of herclaims by the State De
partment. Seafaring men who have visited
these islands say that an immense quantity
of guano still remains.
A Deluded Woman DIei In Ajrony Under
tbo Care of c Faith Healer.
Sybacuse, May 10. Mrs. Royal E. Fox
died the day before yesterday. The re
sponsibility for the fatal termination of her
illness is laid by public opinion at the door
of what is called Christian science.
Mrs. Fox had been subject to bilious at
tacks for several years. When the first one
came on Dr. Jay W. Sheldon was called.
When the patient had begun to recover she
wleft in the charge of Dr. E. H. Flint,
Mrs. Fox was to some extent a believer in
Christian science at that time, and her hus
band was, as he is yet, "very firm in the
faith," to auote an expression used to-day
by one of the friends of the family. During
a recurrence of her illness' some weeks ago
Mrs. Fox relied entirely upon Christian
science, Mrs. E. P. Bates attending her, and
she got better. She was told then that hav
ing once been cured by Christian science
she wonld be free from the malady there
after, and she entirely believed it.
"Last Saturday the disaese came on again
Ith unusual severity. Mrs. Bates was out
of town, and another apostle of Christian
science Mrs. Norrjs was called. Mrs.
Fox's daughters urged that a physician be
called, but their entreaties went for nothing.
Mr. Fox had unbounded confidence in
Christian science as a curative power and
felt sure his wife would again recover. The
patient, it is said, suffered terribly, and fre
quently called out in her agony, "I must
have helpl I must have heipl" She was
told that all she needed was courage, and
she would be sure to triumph over the mal
ady. Mrs. Fox took scarcely anv nourish
ment during the attack. Dr. Flint was
summoned at the last moment.
"When I entered the house," he said to
day, "Mrs. Fox had just passed away. The
body was still warm, but there were no
signs of life. I was called to make out the
death certificate, I suppose. I assigned as
the cause ot death inflammation of the
Dr. Flint expressed the opinion that if
Mrs. Fox had been allowed her own way
she would have had the services of a physi
cian. One of the neighbors said that the
body immediately after death was "j
twisted up," its position leading her to
believe that Mrs. Fox was writhing In agony
when she died.
And Its Elebt Occupants Were Carried 25
- Feet to tlie Groand.
isrsciAL TZLxanxit to tux dispatch.
Piedmokt, W. Ta., May 10. A scaf
fold at the julp mill, in this place, gave
way to-day, carrying eight men to the
ground, a distance of 25 feet. Five of the
men, J. W. White, Henry Jenkey, Getz
Long, H. Biley and J. Barnum were ter
ribly injured. Long was hurt internally
and 'will probably die.
White goods of all kinds from 8c to 50.3
a yard; best goods for the money, at Boscn
bauni & Co.'s. . '
Tli?AV MITTKS their AaWto. aim and
Ublit mil 1M, future, are detcHbed at
length by their teachers .and leaden in to-morrow
m Dispatch, otvina the characterise nnrt
the results ot education upon those deprived o? I
the sower to hear or speak. ", v , ,, Axl
Fresh Vales of Ill-Treatment Concerning
tbe Cook Coiiaty Issane Asylnm An
TJnfortannto Voting Lady's Kcla-
tlves Applr for Her Be-
leaso From tbe la-
CHICAGO, May 10. The condition of the
Cook County Insane Asylum, which was
looked into by the Coroner and the grand,
jury last week through the death of Bobert
Burns, a patient, as a result of brutal treat
ment by attendants, was brought to the at
tention of the County Court to-day. A
petition was filed by Miss Julia A. Willard,
who asks that her sister Dora may be re
moved from the asylum. Miss Dora is said
to be a lovely young woman. Her age, the
petition sets forth, is 17 years, and she has
been an inmate of the asylum nearly a year
under an order of the county as a person of
unsound mind.
The petitioner states that the Cook County
Institute for the Insane is an institution
built for the accommodation of 600 or 600
patients; thatthere are in the hospital about
1,000 patients and it is so crowded that it is
impossible to give the patients the accom
modations necessary for the proper care ot
their health and treatment of their mental
disorders; that there is not a sufficient medi
cal force and force of attendants, and that
the food is of poor quality, badly prepared
and of insufficient quantity; that on account
of the crowded condition of the institution
patients are huddled together indiscrimi
nately; the vicious with the virtuous; the
violently insane with the mildly demented,
with the consequence that great bodily,
mental and moral harm results.
The petitioner avers that her sister has
been compelled to occupy the same narrow
cot only 2 feet 8 inches wide with a
woman of depraved mind, and that as a con
sequence she has acquired the habit of using
blasphemous and scandalous language. The
Court granted an order on the superintend
ent to show cause why the petition should
not be granted.
A Bitter Conflict Being WagedBetweenTwo
Classes at Chicago.
Chicago, May 10. The case which, it is
alleged, involves a Chinese Highbinders'
conspiracy, came up in a police court this
morning. The defendant was Charley Sing,
an employe of Ah Suey. It appears that
some Chinamen entered the store in which
he was employed and demanded the cash
box, and that he drew a revolver in defend
ing his employer's property; that the police,
when they made the descent, pounced on the
wrong man, allowing the robbers to escape.
All of this and more was stated by Wonc
Chin Fo, the well-known Chinese lawyer
and journalist of New York, who came here
to defend Charley Sing.
For some time, Wong said, the hard
working Chinamen jn the city have been
preyed upon by a set of thriftless Mongo
lians too Jazy to work and desperate enough
to obtain money in any other war. These
cases have never been reported to the police,
as the Mongolians put little faith in the
justice afforded by the law. There was no
proscution, and Charley was discharged. It
is claimed that when'Wong Chin Foo ar
rived here an attempt was made to buy him
off. Wong declared that there is a scheme
on loot among the rieh Chinese grocerymen
to drive out the smaller dealers by employ
ment of thugs.
BURG. Change of Schedule bundnr, May 12, 1SS9.
Train No. 37 of the C. & P. B. B. will
leave at 12:45 P. M., ten minutes later. Train
No. 4 from Chicago and Toledo will arrive
Pittsburg at 60 p. sr. instead of. 735 p. ir.,
making the stops east of Leetsdale hereto
fore made by Beaver Falls train No. 34,
which will arrive Alleghany at 5:45 p. M.
instead of 0:40 p. ir. Sunday trains hereto
fore running between Pittsburg and Beaver
Falls will run between Pittsburg and Bock
Point. Train No. 20of the P., C. & St. L.
By. from Wheeling and the West will ar
rive Pittsburg at 2:10 A. M. instead of 10
A, U. McDonald's ace. No. 29 will leave
at 1025 P. M. instead of 10:00 p. M.. and
Mansfield ace. No. 31 at 105 p. M. instead
oi 10:40 P. M. The foregoing is Central
An Excellent Finn for Visitors to Furls.
Mr. J. Harvey Wattles departs for Paris
in June in the interests of his father, Mr.
W. W. Wattles, jeweler and importer of 30
and 32 Fifth ave. He has already some fine
orders to nil for his customers during his
stay there, and will be glad to receive any
others which may be intrusted to him.
He also offers to pack and ship any ar
ticles which may be purchased by Pitts
burgers while abroad this summer. This
plan will save much expense and trouble,
as he will ship all together, thus lessening
cost of freight and deliver right to your
house. Office in Paris 21 Bue Martel. Ths
Fine Whiskies.
XXX 1855, Pure Bye Whisky, full
quart 2 00
Monogram Pure Eye Whisky, full
quart .". 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye, Whis
ky, full quart 1 60
1879 Export, Pure Eye Whiskv, full
quart ." 1 25
1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quart 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97
Fifth ave., city.
Removal of II. Holizman & Sons.
We hereby wish to inform our many
friends and the public in general of having
removed to 111 Market st.; are now fully
prepared in connection with our manufact
uring department, for the furnishing of Turk
ish spring beds, hair mattresses, recovering
of furniture and decorative upholstery in
general. We are also offering the better
line of portieres and upholstery goods left
over from our auction sale at greatly re
duced prices. H. Holtzman & Sons,
HI Market st.
Smyrna Bags Cheaper Than Ever Offered In
This City.
The special" sale of 20,000 Smyrna rugs
will continue dnring the coming week. We
have four sizes, commencing at $2 and run
ning to ?7 60 each each size 33 per cent
lower than market price.
Edwabd Geoetzinoee,
Ths 627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Walk and be Happr.
In purchasing furniture, go where you can
get the best goods for the least money, and
you can do this by walking a short distance
irom our principal retail streets, to the man
ufacturing establishment of M. Seibert &
Co., cor. Lacock and Hope streets, near rail
road bridge, Allegheny. D
Tlio Largest
Stock of Xincrnsta Walton, Japanese and
pressed-leather papers and room moldings
ever shown in Pittsburgh the wall paper
store of John S. Boberts, 414 Wood street.
Do Yon Want to See Bargains?
Come to The People's Store, in the base
ment, and you can buy a serviceable school
dress made of plaid, 15c a yard, along with
the 5-cent books. Campbell Ss Dick.
Dsapebt nets, Spanish,. Chantilly and
escurial fiouncings at exceedingly low
prices, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
B. ifcR.
Ladies, gents and children's hosiery.
This is hosiery day here. Ours the best
beyond doubt. Boggs Ss Buhl.
CFU QUPRH1M and his daughters
UCri. OnC.riMArlrUrnbh ClaraBelle
with a delightful topic for the Sunday issue of
also photographed bv IMspeBular contributor ,1
rrrE uxspatch. uoLoneL jnaersoirM citls arc
Three of the Celebrated Band Expi
ate'Their Awful Crimes.
The Dangling Sopes Broke and a Horrible
Scene Ensued.
Ozaek, Mo., May 10. The leaders of
the Bald' Knobbers have expiated their
crimes on the gallows. Christian county
first adopted Bald-Knobism in 3-885. Dave
Walker was the first leader, and the mem
bership soon reached between 300 and 400.
Bach newcomer was Invited to join and the
majority did so. There was a fearful ordeal
for the candidate, who found himself in a
dark and lonely wood or ravine surrounded
by masked men who imposed blood-curdling
obligations, the infraction of which was
punishment by death. Once in, he could
never get out and remain in the country.
There were numerous visits by the band
to petty offenders, but nothing occurred to
attract widespread attention until theGreen
Edens affair, which terminates in the over
throw of Bald-Knobism. The Knobbers
first came into prominence when tbe notori
ous Frank and Juba Taylor entered the Dick
enson home in Forsythe, Taney county, and
murdered the inmates. They were captured
and lynched by the Law and Order League.
Captain Nat Kinney, who was himself
killed by one of the band at Ozark not long
since, stood at the head of the Bald-Knob-bers
at that time. The Greeu-Eden killing
occurred on March 11, 1887. A friend of
the Edens had been whipped by the regu
lators and Edens had condemned the Bald
Knobbers for the act. The night of March
10, 1887, the band met to consider Edens'
offenses. There-were 66 present, of whom
29, alter a brief deliberation, proceeded to
Edens' house to punish the inmates.
They were met with resistance and fired
several volleys into the house, killing Will
iam Edens and Charles Green, his brother-in-law,
and seriously wounding old man
Edens. The outrage aroused the people
and the Sheriff of Christian county with a
posse pursued and captured the entire
gang. The prisoners were taken to Spring
ield for safe keeping, afterward transferred
to a new fail building at Ozark, from whence
John and Wiley Matthews escaped last De
cember John Matthews returned later and
surrendered himself, but Wiley is still at
The Bald-Knobbers were sentenced to
hang for the killing of Green and Edens.
They were David Walker and his son Bill,
John Matthews" and Wiley, his nephew.
None of the condemned men had reached
their 50th year, and JJill Walker was not yet
The drop fell at 93 A. M. The ropes
broke, and the three men fell writhing to
the ground. The scene was terrible, and
the execution was simply a bungled butch
ery. The men were carried again to the scaf
fold at 10a0 o'clock, Bill Walker groaning
and almost insensible. The ropes were adjust
ed again and the poor wretches were strangled.
Dave Walker died in 15 minutes, John
Matthews in 13 minntes and Bill Walker
in 14 minutes. The streets in the vicinity
of the fail were crowded with people from
the surrounding country, bnt there was no
trouble, although the excitement was in
Last night William Walker was baptized
-by immersion in a bathtub which had been
carried into the jail. Matthews passed a
restless night, praying at intervals, but the
Walkers slept soundly until 4 o'clock this
morning. Services were held in the jail at
70 A. M. Matthews took part and prayed
earnestly. William Walker also led in
prayer. Up to the last moment Matthews
declared that he was innocent.
The jailyard was lull of guards armed
with Winchesters, shotguns and revolvers,
and were in charge of Captain G. "W.
Taylor, who was the foreman of the grand
jury which indicted the Bald Knobbers.
The three Bald Knobbers were firmly oi the
opinion, up to within 48 hours of the exe
cution, that they would never be called upon
to pay the extreme penalty of a life for a
life. 'Neither of the trio had yet reached
his 50th year and William Walker was
barely 19 years of age.
A Woman Who Insured 27 Relatives With
That End in View.
LONDON, May 10. The body of Sydney
Bolton, aged 11 years, who died at Dept
ford in February last, was exhumed to-day
and evidences of arsenical poisoning were
found in the remains. The boy had boarded
with a Mrs. Winter, a relative, who, upon
bis death, had obtained 20 insurance by
forging the name of the boy's mother to the
Insurance receipt.
It is learued that Mrs. Winters has in
sured 27 relatives and five of them have
died. It is believed that she poisoned the
five and intended to do tbe same with the
La Pebla del FuaiABare a high grade
Key West Cigar, manufactured for those
smokers who can appreciate Havana tobacco
in its natural condition. Sold from ?6 50 to
512 per hundred. G. "V7. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Filth ave.
T7T TlffD A nit and its supposititious site in
liLUUnAIJU south America it fully de
scribed by Beverly Crump in to-morrow's
Dispatch, mth an account of other places
visited along the Sfanish Main.
Nearly every one is occasionally troubled
with bilious attacks, more especially in the
spring months, after the system has been sur
feited with hearty food during the winter. The
action of the Liver is interfered with, causing
an overflow of bile into tbo blood. The blood
carries this bile into every part of the system,
causing yellow skin, yellow eyes, liver spots,
etc., and often serious cases of bilious fever
originate from this bile poisoned blood. A
few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters, taken on
appearance of bilious symptoms, will remove
tbem and protect the system from a probaDle
serious attack.
Run Down in the Spring.
T am n.lnt Hnrdoftlf 131ood Bit
ters for Sick Headache and Bil-j
iousness. It is the best medicine I
ever took. I was so run down this
spring from overwork that my
husband urged mo to see a doctor.
I was scarcely able to stand and
concluded to try B. B. Bitters first:
the first bottle is not yet finished,
bnt I can go about my work with
pleasure already. I shall take an
other bottle.
care of Edwabd Dooley.
15 Lyman Btrcet, Springfield,
I tell you for the benefit of oth
ers what Bnrdock Blood Bitters
ha done for me. I have been a
sufferer for years from LlTerCom
plaint and weak stomach. At
times I was so bad that I would
apply to our family physician for
relief, which would be but tempor
ary.Last falll bad an unusually bad
spell. Mj-mother bought a bottle
of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it
gave me great relief. It helped
me more than anvthinir I have
Will Relieve
and Cleanse
Bile Poisoned
ever taken. It is also excellent
for constipation. Mrs. Lizzie
GRUBB.Ickesbnrg, Perry Ca, Pa.
Last spring my health became very poor. I
had no appetite and my liver troubled mo. I
nsed several medicines, but obtained no relief
ub1 I was finally persuaded to try Bnrdock
BloodBitters. This medicine cured roe.
Maud Fisher.
K . i. I- . . b
ti&SS&i- .., .':..
A Seal Cent eHBtel to be Celebrated la AHe
EBenr To-'Morrow.
The German M. E. churches of the two
cities will celebrate their semi-centennial
to-morrow. Extensive preparations have
been made for this jubilee. A programme
has been arranged, of which the following
is the substance: At the church in Alle
gheny, corner of Ohio street and Union av
enue, the Bev. P. F. Schneider, a former
pastor, will preach at 1020 a. m. In the
afternoon at 2i30 a mass meeting will be
held by the members of the German M. E.
church and their friends, at which it is ex
pected that the venerable Dr. Nast, now 82
years old, will be tbe principal speaker.
In the evening, at the same church, the
Bev. John Bier, one of the original mem
bers of Pittsburg, will deliver an address,
giving interesting historical facts of Ger
man Methodism, also incidents and remin
iscences of his own long ministerial career.
On Monday evening, at 3 o'clock, the
Bev. C. Golder will read at the Allegheny
church a history of the beginning and growth
of German Methodism in Pittsburg and Al
legheny. This wilL be an interesting pa
per. Alter the reading of the same, an op
portunity will be given to theold mem
bers to relate their old-time experiences.
The following named German churches
will be represented by visiting brethren:
First Church, Sixteenth street, Southside;
the church on Fortieth street, Lawrence
ville; another church at East Liberty, and
the last one on Fifth avenue. These dif
ferent congregations will also be present at
tbe mass-meeting to-morrow afternoon.
German Methodism, an organic whole
with the English-speaking part of the
Chnrcb, has had and will have a wonderful
growth in the United States and also in
Germany and Switzerland. The public is
invited' to these services.
Tbe Mahoning- Iron Men Aik for a Cat on
Manufactured Iron.
The Mahoning and Shenango iron men
have asked the Central Traffic Association
to reduce the1 rates on manufactured iron.
The association will meet on May 14,
when the request will be considered. At
that time also the committee to devise some
plau to meet the competition of the Cana
dian Pacific road will repot t.
Wllkinsbarg's Mew Corner Stone.
The corner stone of the new Wilkinsburg
St. James' Church and school building, to
replace the one destroyed by fire last Christ
mas eye, will be laid to-morrow afternoon at
330 o'clock. The ceremony will be per
formed by Et. Bev. Bishop Phelan, assisted,
by a considerable number of the reverend
clergy. Bev. Father Keane, of the Sacred
Heart Church, East End, will preach the
sermon. A train leaves the Union Btation
at 230.
Bandar School Hoars Changed.
The Board of Christ M. E. Church have
changed the hours of Sabbath school meet
ing from 9:15 to 930 A. M., and the time of
gublie worship from 1030 to 10:45 A. M.
abbath morning next Dr. Felton will
preach on "Childhood Nurture;" in the
evening on -"The True Basis of Character."
Senator Brown is lying very ill at his home
in Atlanta,
Tbe firm of W. B. Edmiston & Co.. import
ers and manufacturers of ribbons, silks and
velvets, at 119 Scrinz street New York, made
a general assignment yesterday to Charles Bon
ner without preferences.
The Connecticut Senate has passed finally
a hill prohibiting tbe manufacture or sale of
oleomargarine colored in imitation of butter,
and also prohibiting the sale of imitation
cheese. It now goes to the Governor for ap
proval. The Boston Journal rrablishes a letter tram
General Clinton B. Flsk denying the state
ment that he had said he would not be a tbird
party man next fall. He says he is still carry
ing the Prohibition flag on the highest summit
he can reach..
Judge Barrett In the New York Supreme
Court yesterday Rave a jndirment dissolving
the Electric Sugar Refining Company, Alex
ander Cameron, representing the corporation,
consenting thereto. E. Burnhain MoSettwas
appointed receiver and directed to furnish a
bond for 310,000.
The customs officers at Montreal have
seized the stock of F. Glronx & Co., agents for
French perfumes, patent medicines, wines.etc.,
valued at $25,000 to $30 000. The officers allege
that the firm has for some time been entering
goods at undervaluation, the invoices placing
them at even less than hal f cost, and that there
is sufficient evidence to warrant the seizure.
Governor Francis, of Missouri, has signed
the grim option bill, which thus becomes a
law. The bill virtually prohibits all dealings in
grain options unless the party dealing In such
options actually own tbe grain. The statute is
so worded that tbe issue cannot be dodged, and
grain dealers are greatly wrought up and
claim the law will drive them to East St.
Barsnlna la Ribbons,
All widths and colors, 15c a yard at The
People's Store. Campbell & Dick.
THTT 1BV1? interviews Ward McAllister,
DlllU UIEl but the King of the Crest Trust
treats him with cold disdain. Nye relates his
experience in the columns of tomorrow's DIS
With an increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val.
ley Railroad. ie5-6o-TTS
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithneld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
If you suffer from Headache, Nausea, Dizlz
ness, Faintncss, Alternate Costiveness and
Diarrhffia, Yellow Complexion, Weakness, Ach
ing Shoulders or any other symptom of bilious
ness or Liver Complaint, procure a bottle of
B. B. B., which will correct the clogged condi
tion of the Liver, cleanse the blood of all im
purities and tone up the entire system. It is
an acknowledged fact by all who have used
A Horrible Condition.
I was in a horrible condition from
dyspepsia and a combination of other
i complaints. In the morning when I
got out of bed It seemed as if I could
not stand up on account o dizziness.
Heating Bnrdock Blood Bitters hlch-
iv recommenoea, i am now nsmg tne
first bottle, and, although not having
i used auite a full bottle, the dizziness
has entirely disappeared and I am
much better of my other complaints.
I have tried many other medicines.
With no relief.
Mbs. Mart chaucbt,
625E.Bansom St., Kalamazoo, Mich. .
I had been troubled with Liver
Complaint, Indigestion and Palpita
tion of the Heart for five or six years
and could get nothing to do me any
good until I tried B.B.B. I used 13
bottles and now I am a sound man. I
feel better than I ever did in my life.
My digestion became all right and I
have no more trouble with my heart.
I feel very grateful toward B.B.B.
and feel like recommending It every
where. Yours respectfully, Frauk
Hickmajt, New Straltsville. Perry
Co., Ohio.
I have been taking Burdock Blood Bitters
and using it is soy family this, spring. For
three years J have had the dyspepsia. I got a
bottte or two of yesr Bitters and they have
cured me, and I never felt better hi my life. Ic
Is a sure cete for dyspeyeta. and beet Hiedieina,
x khow ot, a. misniira, lbiwi, jhch.
jilodms; msmm
A Yonnjr Lady Gives an Interesting!
In the Boston Globe.ot December 23,1888.
occurs the followine: "For nearly two years i
I have suffered constantly with severe head. 2
lives at 95 Newbury street.
"I had not been well for several "years be
fore that, however," she continued. "At
first I seemed to have a cold all.the time.
My nose would be stopped so I could not
breathe through it. My throat gave me a
ereat dear of trouble, and wonld constantly
fill with mucus. T C '
"As my nose and throat got worseStbe
trouble began to extend. TherewenTsharp
pains in my chest and side that 'werffso
severe they wquld almost take mybreathl ,'
away. I also had a constant pain across J
the forehead and over my eyes. My head -i
would feel dizzy and confused. At times'
it wonld ache so severely for days- thafjlt
seemed as though it would burst,
Miss Christine Mackenzie.
"My sleep grew restless and disturbed,
and I would feel weak and tired when I
woke np in the morning. One minnte I
wonld feel feverish and the next would seem
to be freezing.
"My eyes became weak. They wonld
be dim and watery after reading a few min
utes so that I could not see at all. With,
the soreness and discharge from my head
and throat, the pains in my chest and head
and my loss of strength, I felt very sick in
deed. "I was discouraged and thought nothing
could be done for me, but having read the
statements of patients who had been enred
by Dr. Blair and his associates, I decided to
see them. They told me my trouble was catarrh
and that my case was a curable one.
"I placed myself under tbe treatment and I
began to improve steadily. The headaches and
pains in my chest disappeared. My nose and
throat are clear, I sleep well and have gained in
strength and weight. My complete recovery
was an agreeable surprise to me."
Popular Explanation of a Matter TJinnlly ;
Veiled In Technicalities. '''
In this connection there can hardly be a
more interesting subject than the ultimate '
effect of catarrh noon the hearintr. The
processes of this disease in poisoning the
breath, rottinr away the delicate machinery
of smell and taste, poisoning the lungs ana
the blood and passing into the sten;if7enV
feebang the digestion, Vitiating the seorpJ..
lions, ail tnisnas pernaps oeen very gen
erally discussed; but the very frequent effect'
of catarrh of the nose and throat upon the
hearing has not been touched upon as often
as the subject warrants.
A very little study of anatomy will show.
the reader that the junction of the back
passage of the nose and ihe upper parts of
the tbroat are connected with the ear by a
minute and delicate passage known as the
Eustachian tube. Along this tube ths
catarrhal process extends, producing con
gestion and inflammation. By the further
extension of this process to the mucous lin
ing of the tympanum of the ear is caused, in
some eases, slight forms of catarrh of the
midale ear and in this way partial or com
plete deafness is produced.
Partial or complete deafnes3may in like
manner result Irom the swollen, thickened
tissue encroaching upon the mouth of the
Eustachian, tube.
Partial or complete deafness may result
from catarrhal interference with the nasal
breathing depriving the ear of a proper supply
of pure air or from the effects of obstruction in
the casal passages, causing undue rarlfactlon,
or condensation of the air in the middle ear.
In such cases as these general remedies
which are often prescribed prove comparatively
ineffective. A cure can only be obtained by
skilltul and scientific local treatment and let
It be said here that nothing could be- attended
with more disastrous results than unskillful
local treatment combined with constitutional
treatment- and caro for the disease which
brought abont tho trouble to the hearing.
Publishing; Names.
A word of remark may not be'out of place
regarding the publishing of the names of
patients treated and cured. While such
publication is made each week in the daily
papers, and the name and address of the pa
tient given, so that the statement can be
easily verified and substantiated by any
one, it should be said that all such state
ments are entirely voluntary.
"I should like to be treated," a lady re
marked the other day, but I would not
like to have my name in the paper."
Let it be stated that Drs. Cope- :
land & Blair never publish a name"
or statement without the full and -free
consent of tbe patient, nor do they publish
one hundredth part of the testimonials, '?
letters and statements received by them from1'
grateful patients. As observed, the state
ments given are entirely voluntary, and are
given by the patients for publication. Drs.
Copeland & Blair would never publish the
most emphatic testimonial - unless the
patient giving it understood 'that it was t
be printed, ana gave willing consent.
Are located permanently at
Where they treat with success all curable
Office hours 9 to 11 A. H.; 3 to 5 P. xf:7,
r. a. vouuuajr uiuuuGuj
Specialties CATARRH, and ALT7S
viapaf - VC "CA mu U . wr-
UonsnKamon.Sl W. Address s& sat tot
. .- . rLi
says i.-i on aixta ave-" J
lMd'.iiiMiLkjMUsk.t &&J:S&2L