wmpW- x. viTp r& iff- !-r?c? THE PITTSBUEG DISPATCH,' ,-" SA-TUHDAIT, MAT 4f. 1889. DANCES. YIELD $1,500. The .Merry Little Peet Around the May Pole Pay Handsomely. THE FINAL EVENING OP TRIPPINGS Suggests That There he a Eepetition for the Benefit of WOETHI WORKING GlfiLS WHO NEED IT Last night's repetition of the "May Day in Metric England," was even more Euccess fal.than the preceding event. The audience was made up of the ton of the two cities, and an aristocratic aroma per Taded every portion of Old City Hall. The programme, described minutely by Thk Dispatch yesterday, was crowned a lasting success, for which the efforts of both managers and participants are specially deserving of compliment. The spacious hall contained representa tives an de rigenr society, and the little dancers must have felt flattered as the jew eled lorgnettes in the hands of fashion were centered upon them. The terpsichorean "trippers" vied with each other to gracefully do their best, and it may truthfully be said they discounted the previous evening's pretty performance of the same programme. The dances were in imitation of those indulged in through out England, Scotland, Italy, Bussia, Switzerland, and, lastly, the "minuet" or cotillion of colonial da vs. These were all faithfully portrayed, par ticularly that of the Swiss imitators, in which the following named charming young ladies took part: Misses Lyde Severance, Dora IPrice, Myrth Bakewell, Mary Kerr, Maidie Siebeneck, Edith Rankin, Lyde Sutton, Alice "Wilson, Annie Rhodes and Mossy Miller. This grace of action and lovely movement brought forth great applause, and finally an encore. To this a response was given which was most meritorious. The other dances were heartily applauded, and to most all a recall was acceded. As a financial success, the affair was be yond expectation, the receipts, which will go toward the betterment of the working girls, amounted to f 1,500. Everv person connected with the event was so Highly pleased that an early repeti tion of the May Day is seriously con sidered. A LOSS PROMPTLY PAID. The Widow of a Man Accidentally Killed Kecelvr 83.000 Shortly After His Death. The sum of 53,000 was paid yesterday to the widow of the late "William H. Morton, of East Liberty, it being the amount of the life insurance policy held by him in the National Alliance of New York. The gen tleman was superintendent for Mcintosh, Hemphill & Co., and on April 9 received accidental injuries from which he died on Saturday, April 27, and was buried on Monday, the 29th. The proofs of death were submitted to the company May 2, and the check was received by the widow and beneficiary May 3 for the fall amount in sured. This is a fair sample of the prompt ness with which losses arc paid by this com pany. The National Alliance carefully selects its patrons from among the best business and professional men in the healthy localities of the United States. Dnring the past two yeais over $2.000,000 have been placed in policies in Pittsburg and Allegheny among the leading professional and' business men, who, without exception, give their heartiest indorsement ot the manner in which the niuness of the company is conducted, pro- ncing the system most equitable, eco- aical and safe. Mr. De Forest Weld is General Manager of the Alliance for .tsbnrg and vicinity. - B.&B. M The enormous business of last quarter made more remnants than we had sup posed. Samt marvelous prices will con tinue in force until every lot is gone. Booos & Buhl. Carpets MotIbe Briskly Everybody pleased with our wonderful stock and prices. "We have the stuff, and the people know we sell the cheapest at the People's Store. Campbell & Dice. GIBSON, Large, Guckenheimer, Finch, Dillinger, Overholt, Hannisvilie and Sher wood pure rye whiskies. Schuetz, Benziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market sL, cor. First ave. "Whiskies, winex, bravdy, gin, etc., etc BCHUETZ, RENZIEHAXJSEN & Co,, 100 and 102 Market st, cor. of First ave. -.All the leading brands of imported Champagnes sold bv G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave., City. But The Bulletin to-day. Permanently enlarged to twenty pages. A splendid number. Medium weight merino underwear. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Cabdtets, 51 Per dozen, at Elite Gallery, 516 Market $t, Pitts. Proof shown. B. & B. New fan cv flannel neglige shirts new im portations, "brightest stock 76c to finest Boocs & Buhl. For a disordered liver try Beecham'c Pills. Fears' Soap the purest and best ever made. illBJjJCiI UJtD, Dispatch, dis cusses many subjects dear to the heart of woman. She describes the latest fashions, and UlU how to be beautiful and healthy. DIVIDENDS. Lawrence Bank of Pittsburg. 4 lid Pittsburg. Pa. way L 1889. TMVTDEND-THE BOARD OF DIB! J TORS of this bank have this day declared a. dividend of THREE PER CENT on tbe capital stock ont of the profits of tbe last six months, payable on demand. myz-2-D JOHN HOERR, Cashier. EDUCATIONAL. BENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTI TUTE, Trov, N. Y. Examinations for admission to this, tbe old est School of Engineering In the United States, will be held In en June 5, 1S89. Can didates will be examined In the following sub jects: Spelling, English grammar, ceoeraphy, arithmetic, algebra, through equations of the Sd degree Including radicals and in plane ceometry. Tbe examinations will be wholly written, and a fee of $5 will be required of each candidate. Place of examination given about .May 20. See this paper. For further informa tion address D. iL GREENE, Director, ap30-73-TT8 Troy, K. Y. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN My wife. Margaret Gilchrist, having left my Led and board without just cause, I, after this date, refuse to pay any bill contract ed by ber. myS-22 JAS. M. GILCHRIST. TVTOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN letters testamentary on the estate o James Callery, deceased, late of Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned. to whom all persons inne btcd to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them 'known, without delay, J.D. CALLERY, "WILLIAM V. OALLKRY, Executors. apl8-09-S ESTATE OP PETER WALTER, Jr De ceased. DMTNISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE A. is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Peter Walter. Jr., late df Allegheny City, State of Pennsylvania, de ceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those havioc claims or demands against the same 'will make them known at once to Mrs. Alice j.'Walter, at No. 64 Chestnut street. Allegheny , t-ity, ra. MRS. ALICE W AliUSK, unuttu a 3U-frALTgg. AduHnlttratew. plS-S - - - tS'Display advertisements one d?war P square for one insertion. Classified teue- tiwnt on this trace such as Wanted. M" To Let, eJt, ten cents per line for each chtr" fnf tion, and none taken for lest than fifty THE PITTSBURG DISPATC BRANCH OFFICES. v e For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offloea have been established at the folio-wing places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for Inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already hive accounts with TIB D1S PATCH. rrrrsBUBQ. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3X9 Bntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Mth street and renn are. E. G. STUCKEY&CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St M. HTiiKFi.y, Fifth Avenue Market House. XA6TEND. J. TV. "WALLACE, 6ia Penn avenne. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & 8HElBLER,5thav. ft Atwood St. sotrrnsiDE. JACOB srOHN. No. S Carson street. CHAS. ECHWAKM, 1707 Canon street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. JIclSRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin aves. ti. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKRV M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. WANTED. Male Hcln. VTTANTED-AT ONCE, CARRIAGE PAINT V EKS. Apply to F. "W. SAWEBT 4 CO., 917 to 5S2J Penn ave. mr3-59 TITAN TED "CUTS LIKE BLAZES"- M Arents seeking sellers send stamp. K. u. LEWIS, C'hllllcothe, 1 aplZ-15-s WANTED-EXPERIENCED MECHANICAL dranghtsman wants position. Address DRAUGHTSMAN, Dltpatch office. my4-36 -VTT-A-NTED-A GOOD COAT AND PANTS V MAKER Immediately. Call at CHARTIERS AVE., Chartlers, Pa., on P. ft L. E. R. it. my4-99 TTTASTED-A FIRST-CLASS SHOEING AND V Jobbing smith; none other need apply. JOHN HOLT, NegleyP. O., Allegheny co., -Pa. my4-15 -VTTANTED-A GOOD COATMAKER-GUAR-VV ANTEED steady work. Apply to CHAS. F. STE1SS. Jr., No. 2G Beaver avenue, Allegheny City. my4-26-D WANTED-DROG CLERK EXPERIENCED In the retail business for connterclerk In a wholesale drug house., Address BOX 1005, Pitts burg, Pa. . my4-43 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN counting-room; must write a good hand and bare flm-class reference. Address T. Y., Dis patch office. m J4-66 TJANTED-TWO ENERGETIC SOLICITORS TV In an entirely new and pleasant business, at good wages. Cxil at NO. IS FEDERAL ST., Allegheny, Room 11. my4-2 "TsTANTED-A. MAN TO CANVASS AND COL W LECT lor the Prudential Ins. Co.; a good field for experienced men. Supt., Altoona. Pa. Address J. H. HYDE, my4-8 WANTED-TWO NATURAL GAS FITTERS for country town: only first-class men need applv. Call at 3 o'clock to-day only. VTM. G. PRICE ft CO., 13 and 15 Wood St. my4-100 WANTED-AS FOREMAN-AN ENERGETIC man to take charge of slate rootling, tile and mantel business; must have had some experi ence. Address ROOFER, Dispatch office. my4-30 -TTTANTEO-AT ONCE-SELLING AGENT V for Hartraan fence at Crafton, Mansfield, Homestead, Miadvslde; fine opening. J. W. CAUGHEYftCO., Room 4. 49 Fifth are. my-l WANTED -AT WHEELING, W. VA.-20 first-lass stonemasons and cutters at the regular price per davors hours work. 13 25. Ap ply to J. H.. ROSENBERG, 'Wheeling, W. Va. myJ-71 WANTED-TKAVELING SALESMAN FOR glass and queensware, with an established trade In AVcstern Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio; satisfactory reference required. GLASS, Dispatch office. xny4-42 TTJANTKD-AGENTS TO SELL A PATENT Y ledger, advertising cards, fans, mem. hooks, rulers, etc.. to merchants: exclusive terri tory: big profits. MODEL LEDGER CO., South Brud, lnd. - apl6-53-E0D -Tin-ANTED-COMPETENT DRUG CLERK TO TV take full charge ot store: salary and Inter est In profits, with good chance to become owner; give age and references. Address U. A. 8., Dls patch office. mj-4-BS TrrANraD-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING n cowder and Dure solcei: stfta with roodi: coke workers, miners ormiUmen can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASH1KO TEA CO., 88 acEBon si., Aiiegneny, ra. jai&-ovrcs T70R 8ALE-MT. WA8HINGTON-TJLYBSE3 X? street, nice 2-story house of 8 rooms, ball, cellar, stable and outhouses: lot 119x114 ft.; de sirable and cheap. Bend ror descriptive list. L M. PENXOCK & SON. 105 Fourth aye. mr4-47-Jrws WAN TED -IMMEDIATELY -A GOOD marble cutter and a first-class marble J'Ousner. Aaaress, stating n Address, statins: lowest wares will work V1 UU tfbAU (VI VWIICOUVUIiUIVb A'W' MARBLE AND GBAN1TECO.. Erie. Pa. aplS-S6 no time for correspondence, DUNNING VTJANTED-A DRIVER FOR ONE-HORSE V wagon: must be experienced In handling lumber ftnd acquainted with streets of both cities: must have first-class reference, also be able to write; none other need apply. 212 FIRST AVE., city. mv5 WANTED-EXPEEIENCED REAL ESTATE salesmen to work on commission, or will give the right man an Interest in the business: must be acquainted with city and East End prop erty; references required. Address with lull name, BEAL ESTATE, Dispatch office. mj4-95 -TTJANTED-J FHtST-CLASB MARBLE AND T granite salesmen; must have experience in this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GBANITECO., Erie, Fa. mh26-78 WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, latest and best shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic etc, thoroughly taught for J5 per month: instruction private for both lexer, open dally 9 A. M. to 8 p. M. apiwe-msu WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY: 875 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at borne; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; foil particulars and sample case free, we mean just what we say. Address BTANDAKD S1LVEBWAKEC0., Boston. Mass. fels-3-D -TTTANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW V men to sell onr goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade: largest manufacturers In our line: Inclose 2-cent stamp: wages 83 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati Ohio. apJ-8i-TTSSU YTTANTEO-AGENTS FOB OUB NEW PA- YV TEKT fireproof 6ares; sites 28H8xl8;welgbt BOO lbs.: retail price f33; others In proportion; highest award (silver medal) Centennial Exposi tion 1SSS; rare chance; permanent business: our prices lowesti we are not in the safe pool; exclu sive territory given. ALPIN S AFE CO., Cincin nati. O. ap3-72-WS WANTED-AGENT8-P5 TO 2 A MONTH can be made working for us. Agents pre ferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. N. B-Please state age and business experience. Never mind about send ing stamp for reply. B. F. J. & CO. my4-34-my4.Jel.JrS, an3, se7,ocS Female Help. TTJANTED-EXPEBIENCED GIRLS TO AS V 80BT rags. H. MARCUS. 63 Poplar alley, city. my4-98 -VTTANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE VY WORK in family or three. Inquire at 48 BACE ST.. Allegheny. . my4-4 WANTED-GIBL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: family of three. Inquire 121 CEN TER AVEN U E, Pittsburg. my4-27 -TTJANTED COOK MUST HAVE GOOD VV recommendations; no washing or ironing required and good wages paid; apply immediately. 190 WESTERN AVE.. Allegheny. my4-71 WANTED-ALL LADIES WHO HAVE FINE furniture seeding repairing, refinlshlngor upholstering to go direct to headquarters; tele phone 1628. B.AUGH & KEENAN, 33 and 34 Water street. my2-94 Stole and female fle)o. -TTT A NT ED SEAMSTRESS, WAITRESS TV chambermaids, cooks, loo house girls, Ger man and colored gins, male and female Help for hotels, waiters, drivers, farm hands, gardener. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st. ap28-106-MThS WANTED-A BUTLER, 8 FARM HANDS. 2 men for botcl, woman cook, 87pex week 200 house girls. 40 for hotels: 60 coots and rh.ml bermalds for small families, (3 50 to 84 per week' nurse girls, 2 colored. MEEHAN'S AGENCY. 545 Grant st. apIJ-D Situation!. WANTED -A POSITION BY IRON AND steel chemist; threeyeirs' experience; best references; near city. CHEMIST, Dispatch office. , myf-7 WANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN 22 years of -age, with 2 years' experience in the grain and feed business as salesman, collector and assistant bookkeeper; can make himself gen erally useful: best of references. Address BUSI N ESS, Dispatch office. my,-es Partners. WANTED-PABTNEB FOB ESTABLISHED city newspaper; one who has had experience In writing Fittoburr matters, or soliciting adver- tiring preferred. For interview address, with real naae, V. E. JL, Dispatch office. ay4-38 Boarding. WANTED-IN A PRIVATE FAMILY IN THE East End. board and two good rooms for a married couple, young lady and child. Address E. B. C East Liberty.' my4-4 Booms, Bouses, Etc. TTT-ANTED-TWO UNFURNISHED "ROOMS Address. V suitable for light housekeeping, with terms and location, X. 0. Dispatch office. my-7 Financial. ANTED MORTGAGES - LARGE OR 410 Grant street, apH-47-D small. U. wrnian. PlttsBiJ; wS fTED-MORTGAGES OS PROPERTY IN er eltyuoweit rates or Interest. SPEN- CERAG Ub3i.il, lis smitnaeid st. mvn-i TTtrANT VV In s JMOETGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in mnlJ to suit, at , o ana o per cent. GRAEUING V JAJHf wtuuuixit .ito-v (tOKTGAGES MON EY TO LOAN VV Inicmit suit st 4K, 5 and 0 t per cent. ALLES & UAILI; 184 jronrtb are. Ti el. 157. api9-ii TITANTED-MO P TGAGES ON CITY PEOP- VV ERTY. over' 000; H per cent; no tax. 11EN KIA. YtA. CO., K Fourth avenue. mhZ-aS-D TITANTED -HENl COLLECTED PROMPT- Y T LY; property i inaged with satlslactlon. .Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. ALliU it. HA.lL.Cl, . iaiy-ai VTTANTED . JAGE3 IN ANY VV amonnts: AM to 6 1 I cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL BLACJL- CO., m rourtn avenne. jaiWH-irrhs TaTANTED-MORTGAG -"WE ARE PRE- V PARED to make loal iof $300 to I50O. 000 on mortgages on cut or eouqti DRAPE A CO., lis Fourth I tproperty. JA8. W. , jrinsourx. my2-8l-D TTTANTED-RENTS TO jLECT in both YV cities and suburbs: to branch or the business wo nay special itlon; established ISO Fourth ave. ISG3. W. A. HEfiRONASON! my4--TTS -m-ANTED-M O RTG AGES LARGE OR YV smaU amounts on lmpro' cltTor Alle & COULTER. chenT conntr tirooertv. MCCl Kcal Estate Agents and Auction) ers, 98 Fourth ave. my-ou Wanted mortgages: mo: sums oftoOO to ra. 000 and up AGES-IN on Pitts- burr. Alleihenr or suburban 1m real .313 estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDEl wood st. my iVJTWS WANTED-TO LOAN S5CO.OM. IN , of S3, 100 and upward, on city an JUNT3 amonnUatSandSperccnU BLACK & HAIKU, 85 Fourth avenue. seil-dSS-D TIT ANTED- MORTG AGES-tL 000, O00TO LOAN Y V on city and suburban properties at 4K, iand C per cent, and on larms in Auegnenyana aaja- cent counties at 6 per cent. ju. rjuxnuvji 45 BU.H, ltu a ourtn avenue. ap7-fU WANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MORT GAGES; 8100 and upward at 6 per cent; two, 030 at 4X per cent on residences or business roperty: also in adjoining counties. S. H. RENCH, 123 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D WANTED-TO MAKE LOANS WE HAVE from 10 000 to 1100, 000 to loan on mortgages on property in the city or county or adjoining counties: all the details attended to in person and without publicity. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. my4-39-mTS SHscellaneons. WANTED-TO BUY AT SECOND-HAND-twin baby carriage. Address BUGGY, Dispatch office. my4-97 WANTED-MOTHERS TO BRING THEIR children to AUFBECHT'S ELITE GAL LERY, S16 Market St., Pittsburg; cabinets only ft per doz.; proof shown; elevator. myl-51 WANTED-LEARN THE ART OF GENTLE MEN'S garment cutting: no trying on re quired: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. 7 to r. u S14 Wood st. UBLlNG & SON. ap30-63 WANTED - IMPORTANT TO SALOON keepers-There is no trouble with license In Chicago: the brewers attend to It, enter bonds and brin'g license, payable every four months, to customers: have some good saloons for sale; in vite correspondence: will honestly answer ques tions. PH. RAISCH, 137 Larrabee, Chicago. my3-58 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residence. TTIOR SALE-I1.000-SECOND AVE.. ABOVE Jj Try St., brick house of 5 rooms and attic; lot ISiITO: rents for 1120 per year: terms easy. J. R. COOPER A CO.. 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 TJIOR SALE GOOD 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. A? Devllllers St., close to Wylle ave. and Court House: lot 24WxlM; 12, 600: on easy terms. W. V. MCNEILL 4 BRO., 105 Fourth ave. my2-85 TnOB SALE-WYLIE AVE.-,NEaB EKIN BT. A? a bargain brick house 6 rooms, good cel lar, nat. and art. gas: lot 22x110; price, 83.500. J, R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 FOR SALE-CARSON ST., BETWEEN THIRD and Fourth sts.,2-story pressed brick dwelling, gtrooms; all modern Improvements: price low; lot 20x100. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. apSS-lll-TTSSu FOB SALE-SECOND AVE.. NEAR REDOUBT alley, lot 40x80 feet, with two dwellings; can be bought at a very reasonable pric. w. A, HEKKON&BONS, No. 60 Fourth ave. my4-90-4,g,H,H FOR SALE-CARSON ST., NEAR TWENTY. FIRST, 2-story brick house, 12 rooms, side Sorcoes, greenhouse, etc: lot 80x120. u. J, LE1CHNER, Beat Estate, 2208 Carson St. mvMS F)R SALE-(99)-8 PER CENT NET INVEST MENT: Harrison sL.ncar Forty-ninth St., two z-story frame dwellings: rent for 8390 per year; lot 22x100; terms reasonable. 22x100; terms reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. myS-44-FSTu FOB SALE-WYLIE AVE.. NEAR S0MEB3 St., good two-story frame house of 6 rooms, attic bath, range hot and cold water, hardwood mantels, good dry cellar, etc : lot 24x100 to alley: 83,000; on easy terms. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 FOR SALE-NEAR FIFTH AVENUE BANK lot7ix95; corner property: 2 brick dwellings, 6 rooms and attics each; rental f600 yearly: room to build three more dwellings; p"le S5.0U0: big bargain. ALLES A BAILEY, lM Fourth ave. Telephone 167. my2-77-MThs FOR SALE-LAWRENCEV1LLE PROPERTY, Forty-third street, double brick oft rooms, attic hall, both gases, water, etc ; each well sew ered and all in good repair: large lot. running back to an alley; will sell singly or as a whole very low. Call at office. BLACK 4BAIKD, 95 Fourth avenue. myf-si-n FOR SAlE-LOUUBT ST.-UEAB MILTEX BERGER, an elegant pressed brick dwelling of 9 rooms, wide hall, vestlDule, bath, w. c. range, marble mantels. Inside shutters, nat. and art. gas, plenty of closets, good laundry with stationary tubs and h. and c. water: good sewer age; lot 24x100. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 FOR SALE ONE OF THE GREATEST BAR GAINS ever offered In the Seventh ward, on Elm St., near Wylle ave., neat, well-finished two storv brick honse of 6 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, good cellar, both gases, etc.; also In rear and fronting Congress st. a two-story brick bouse of 7 rooms and hall, well finished throogh ont. For price and terms see J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-61 East End Rcsiaeoces. FOB SALE-A NIOE 7-B00M FRAME DWELL ING and stable: Carver St., 8 mlnntes' walk to East Liberty station; lot 25x103; will sell at a bargain: price. 82.500. MELLON BROS., K) Station st, E. E. my4-84-Tus FOR BALE-OR TO LET-ONE HOUSE OF 6 rooms and one of 9 rooms, with bathrooms and all conveniences; No. 1 location and cheap; pos session at once. Inquire at NO. 6103 BOND STREET, E. E. my4-18 FOBBALE-fliON CASH, BALANCEMONTH LY payments, will purchase a six-room modern style house on Meyran ave., Oakland; good slxe lot, with stable on rear. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ap30-S8-TT8 FIR SALE-A NICE HOME-BUILT OF GOOD brick and stone, with 8 large rooms, bath, laundry, both gases, large porch and slate roof; very desirable lot, 45x120; Margaretta st. near Hiland avenue; low price. MELLON BROS., 0349 Station St., E.E. myl-18-Ths FOR 8ALE-8S,500-MKLLON STREET, COR NER property: substantial modern style frame dwelling; 10 rooms, ball, bath, all modern conveniences: lot 60x120; convenient to cable lines or Liberty station, P. R.R.: a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 89 Fourth ave. ap30-41 FOR SALE-A NEW6-BOOM HOUSE IN THE East End: natural gas: marble mantels; hall; cemented cellar; perfectly dry;' porches;! nice level lot: 'pure water, etc.. etc: price only 83,000, on monthly payments; immediate possession. JAS. w. UttAjr js. uu., lsurouruiavenue, ruts, burg. my4-33-D FOR SALE-A PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST End: paved street, complete sewerage; Queen Anne frame dwelling, reception hall, range, bath laundry, 9 rooms: a very complete bouse, close to P. R. R.: lotSOxlOO. and only 87,500: 81,000 cash, balance to suit. BLACK BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. my4-59-D FOR BALE-ON BRADY LANE, WITHIN 6 minutes' walk of tbe proposed electric road, about 6 acres with a modern frame dwelling of 7 rooms, stable, orchard or select bearing fruit trees, grapery with a fine lawn: the owner wish- inir prices in the neighborhood. o rejuuye, mu-wu u.u.i uauv buo current t co., vi rourvn ave. my3-25 UIOR SALE-EAST END HOME-CHEAP-JC- Near Fifth ave. cable-cars and convenient to P. R. R., a new 2-story frame dwelling of8 rooms, bath,hot and cold water, electric bells and burglar alarms, wired for 'incandescent lights, ana all other modern improved convenience: large lot, good location; this Is a bargain; call for ail par ticulars. BLACK &BAIBD, 05 Fourth ave. my4-59-D TTIOR BALE-A BEAUTIFUL OAKLAND C residence on Meyran ave., near Bates, two story and mansard brick of 9 rooms, hall, ves tibule, tile floor, laundry, bath, w. c., stationary washstands, slate mantels, French plate glass mirrors, elegant chandeliers, natural gas, hand somely papered, etc, and only (8,&0; terms reasonable. BLACK & BAIRD. 85 Fourth avenue. mj'4-60-4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15 K SALE-A BEAUTIFUL BOUP ST. KESI- r dence containing elegantly papered rooms, 4 of which are on the first floor (parlor, norary, aining room, jtucnen ana nauj, oain, launurv. natural gu: an moaern conveniences; lot 42x170 feet; this fine homcls in one of the most desirable locations in the East End, convenient to P.K.B and Fifth avc'cable tarn, and will be sold che p, as owner Is leaving -the city: call at office. BLACK 4JJAIBD, 96 Fourth ave ' mysE-MWTba FOR SALE IMPROVED KEAL ESTATE. East End'Kesldencea. TjWRSALHf-THENEW HOUSES AT COLTART r Square, Oakland, are for sale by W. A. HER- j&upi.aaurtes jxo. w xourm avenue. Snperln- tendent on the premises. ap: I30-85TWS TTOR SALE-A NICE HOME-SIX - ROOM JP frame, nearly finished, near Point Breeze and Fifth avenue; price, K,H): terms to suit. MEL-' LONHROS.,6343Btetlon St.. E. E. my4-S3-D FORSALE-ON A PAVED AVENUE IN THE East End, new frame bouse of 7 rooms, re ception hall, pantry, gas, etc.: corner lot; price S3.500: a bargain. ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 wood st, my4-U-D fJiORSALE-OAKLAND RESIDENCE-HAND-J SOME brick residence of 10 rooms; hall: ves tibule: replete with modern conveniences: large lot with stable on the rear; send for descriptive list. I. LI. PENNOCK.&BON, 105 Fourth ave. mv4-47-ltws - Hazelsvood Bcsldences. SALE LYTLE ST.. GLENWOOD- -rvR i3 cb flnlsbet cheao. two ?ood irame dwelllnErs of 4 rooms. nlshed altlo and cellar each; lots each 24x13); easy terms. J. K. COOPER i CO., 107 fourth aye. my-i-51 FOR SALE SYLVAN. NEAR HAZELWOOD avenue, fine two-story frame dwelling, 9 rooms, attic, large reception hall, slate mantels, inside shutters, nt. and art. gas, bath, w. c, laundry, slate roof; house In perfect order: loca tion and surroundings first class; lot 60x120, with beautiful shade trees; 3 mlnntes from station. SAMUEL f. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. my4-9J-TTS AIIcBheny Residences. F IOR SALE HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, au conveniences ana large lot. cnoice loca tion, Bldwell street, Allegheny: low price; easy terms. iau, a, aruijuuti, vaxuiuaiu. ap9-46-TTS FOR SALE-NO. 32 REBECCA ST., ALLE GHENY. 9-room house, with lot 24x100; prop erty Is lngood condition; will be sold very low. McCUNEA COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. jny4-50 F OR BALE-ON SEIGLE ST.. SIXTH WARD, Allegheny, new frame honse of 7 rooms and finished attic, bath. n. gas. , etc; lot 40x100 ft.; price very low, Wood st. ALEXANDER & Lti- 3U my4-i3 F OB SALE-DESIRABLE STOCKTON AVE. residence near Arch St.: lot 2W4XM0iee iu Park wav. with lane dwelling of 10 rooms; late conveniences: stable in rear. V. A. HEB RON 4 SONS, Nc80 Fourth avo. my4-89-4,7,9, 18 FOR SALE NORTH,. AVE., FRONTING parks, ans,elegant 2-story brick dwelling, 7 rooms: purchasers would do well to examine this rronertv. as the nrire.la.verv low: lottUUJo ?1nG-. -t"-rt P"fT.'-Sr.3iAMWlir LX. 77 Dl! . efr. ap28-lll-TTSSu FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT, on account of removal of owner: lot 42x100 feet: well improved by first-class dwellings; La cock near Sandusky st. Call or send for particu lars. W. A. HKRRON & SONS.No. 80 Fourth ave. my4-89-4,7,9.13 FOB SALE - ALLEGHENY HANDSOME brick residence on Fayette street, of 9 rooms, hall, marble vestibule, laundry, stationary wash tubs, bath, both kinds of gas, marble and slate mantels throughout, with modern conveniences; lot 20x160 ft.; send for descriptive list. L M. PENNOCK fc SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. my4-47-irws FOR SALE-CLIFTON. TENTH WARD. AL LEGHENY, Monday, Msy 8, 2o'cIock, at auc tion, several handsome nouses, on the main ave nue, a number of cheap houses, 30 lots in size and value to salt all tastes. Come and see this beautl fnl suburb. For particulars see large advertise ment. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Auctioneers. my4-4S FOB SALE-I7,000-ON FEDERAL ST., ALLE GHENY, will buy a fine three-story brick bouse of 10 rooms,hall, vestibule, bath, lanndry and attic stationary washstand, hot and cold water, both gases, heater in cellar, good range, marble man tels, inside shutters, slate root, etc.; also frame bouse of4 rooms on rear of lot; this property is well sewered and a biz bargain: possession at once. EWING & BYERS, No. 107 Federal street. my4-l9-Tussu Suburban Residences. FB BALE-NEXT SATURDAY. MAY 1L AT 3 o'clock P. M., near McKeeaport Water Works, 4 frame bouses containing 4 rooms each; SO building lots. W. a SALES, H. L. CHUTZ. " my4-s-jiwrs FOB 8ALE-AT BELLEVOE-HANDSOME modern 2-story frame house of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, water, both kinds of gas, marble man tels in every room: one and a half acres ground, with fruits, etc. : very desirable: send for descrip tive list. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. my4-47-uws FOR BALE-WILKINSBURG, 8 MINUTES from station, new irame dwelling 7 rooms, finished attic reception hail, porches front and back, water in kitchen, nat. gas. good sewerage; fronts on 60-rt. macadamized street; good side walks; lot 62x120: price only 84.000, ana terms to suit. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-5I FOB SALE-BUBUBBAN PBOPEBTT-a acres, with large orchard, abundance of water, excellent dwelling house, spring and car riage house and all other necessary outbuildings; E mlnntes walk from B. R. station; would ex- change in part for city property, terms, etc. from JAS. W. usarii s uu., mxsuria ave., Pittsburg. my2-80-MThs FOR BALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND, WITB fine bouse, 7 large rooms,. frnlt and shade trees, grapery, etc., springhouse, water in kitchen; stable, chicken house, etc.; a beautiful place, sit uate at Howard station. P. V. & 0. B. K., near Homesteads a gre&t bargain If sold soon: byO.R. TOUDY, Real Estate, Insurance and Steamship Agent, 1721 Carson St., Southslde. Would proba bly take other property In exchange. ap28-180 T7OR BALE-THE FINEST PROPERTY AT J Emsworth, having a brick residence of 15 rooms with all modern improrements;largeporch es, spring water in the house, bathroom, with hot and cold water: a large brick stable,lcehouse,etc., with from 2 to 12 acres of ground, having a beauti ful iawn covered with line shade trees and shrub hery.and Inclosed by a lovely evergreen hedge; fine vegetable garden, etc., near station and in best part of Emsworth. C. BER1N0ER ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. ap30-85-TT8 FOB. SALE LOTS. City Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS-WE HAVE A FEW MORE of those 8250 ones left at head of Twenty-second st. incline on small monthly payments. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond St. ap2i Ka-lli-TTBSU FOB SALE-1300, 8300, 8300, FOB A WELI located building lot, 25x179. near Penn rye, cable line. Nineteenth ward. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St.. E. E. myl-18-ThS FOR SALE LOTS I LOTS It LOTS II I IN Byrnes' plan. Eighteenth ward, FUty-sev-enth and Bntler streets; large, cheap and on easy payments: send for descriptive list. I. M. PEN N 0CK A BON, 105 Fourth ave. myl-47-MWS FOR SALE LOTS-l HAVE A NUMBER OF lots, on Carson st. and other streets: almost any locality; very cheap; terms easy; by O. R. TOUDY, Real Estate, Insurance and Steamship Agent, 1721 Carson St., Southslde. apCS-130 East End Lots. 1TIC OR SALE DALLAS, P. B, R. 3 MINUTES J walk from station; lot 8250. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E.E. myswo-TUFSSU FOB BALE-A DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT in the East End; 40x100 ft. to SO-ft. alley: on Bond st.. near Hiland ave. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. my4-13 FOB 8ALE-I55O-8550-NICE LOTS AT HOME WOOD, 1. B. ,, on Finance St., 3 minutes' walk from station; SO trains a day. MELLON BROS., 639 Station St.. -E. E. my4-88-TUS8U FOR BALE HAYS 8T., THE CONNECTING link of Negley and Highland ave, : a beauti ful building lot 34x100: lies high and dry; will be sold at a bargain. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E.,E. myl-18-lhS FOR SALE-8300-f300-CHEAP, LOTS IN BEST location, 25x175: property in this neighbor hood advancing in price rapidly; near Negley ave. and Penn cable cars, Nineteenth ward. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E,E. myl-63 FOB SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. X R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation nn snrpassednprlce ranging from 8408 to 8600. Inquire ofD. C. NEGLEY, 6108 Penn aveV, East End. no28-y7S FOR SALE-LOTS-WHY NOT WHEN SE ,. LECT1NG a. home locate in the best: our Orchard Plan lots fill every, want as to comfort and pleasant surrounding: large lota with terms to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mys-s-D FOB SALE-LOOK ATTHIS-FLAN OF LOTS facing on Negley and Center aves., at Roup station, and within live minutes of either cable line; the finest location for residence, or the best chance for enhancement In value, in the East End: all conveniences .of city lire, with the pleasures ot a rural home, at moderate cost and easy terms. MELLON BBOS., E. E., or. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt.. 512 Smithfleld St. ap28-79-TTBSU Hozelwood Lot. TTiOR BALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS AT HAZEL 1 WOOD; choice lots, 26x130 each; fronting on 60 foot streets ; location unsurpassed ; terms to suit buyers. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 Farms. FK 8ALE-)B EXCHANGE-FARM UNDER LAID with coking coal. Tight on railroad and near station. Inquire of JAMES L. OBH, 140 Fifth ave.. Pittsburg. my2-73 FOS,?AJjEi!0iSAi!?3ONEMU'E FROM STA TION, on Fort Wayne R. R.; 8-room house, good bank barn, stable and other buildings: 2 or chards; price 50 per acre: will sell farm., stock and Implements on, long 'time, easy payments, or take real estate in exchange; also 8) acres 6 miles from Beaver FalU: house, barn, orchard, etc., for 82,600; send for farm and exchange list Inst out. N. F. HURST, Real EsUteBrokef; Rochester. Pat ap28-12-EOD Unsccllancons. TTIOB SALE-BEAUTIPUL LOT8, BIGHT AT JP .'S-'i0"!. ,n.-??l1IuS nd Allegheny and In East End, by JAMESL. OBB. 140 Fflthave.. Pittsburg. hnrif myJ;7S FS ?i.LE-FOyKirH AVJS-, S-ST0KYBUI0K building; good location: lot -23x110 ffc; send for descriptive list. L M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave. rav4-47-Mws FOB SALE-ATLANTIC CITY.N. J.-HOTELS. boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO.. real cstateagents, Heal Estate and Law Bnlldlng Atlantic Cltv. N. J. ao5-9-D TTIOB BALE-LOTS AT. BBUBHTON, EDGE- W.V' w'lcand Brlnton stations, P.B. B. i also m acres on B. It. at Brnsbton and 10 acres on K. B. at W llkinsburr. verm tics dim tub Agents, ?8 Fourth arc . my4-' FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban Lot. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK. WILKIN S UURG Lots, 40x120. J. R. COOPER & CO., lWPourth ave. apZ7-78 FOR SALE-SUBURBAN BUILDING LOTS, , at Emsworth, 60x100 ft., from et50 to 300: con venient to station; terms reasonable. ALEX ANDER & LEE, lis "Wood st. myMO-ius FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK, W1LKINS-. BURG-Lots. 40x120 and 40x240, on your own terms; these are the most desirable lots on the market. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap27-78 T7K)R8ALE2-ACREAND 6-ACRE PLOTS 10 A1 miles from the city, 1 mile from R. R. sta tion In new plan of Maryrllle. Get plan from JA8.. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 .Fourth ave., Pitts burg. my2-ao-MThs FOR SALE AT EMSWORTH-P., FT. W. & O. By., beautlfnl building lots, only six minutes from station : lots each 60x120; boardwalks, excel lent water, fine view, good natural drainage: one of the choicest locations on the Ft. Wayne road: cuuicesi locations on tne S nces very low and terms easy. CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 FOR 8ALE-20 FINE LEVELBU1LDING LOTS in Orchard plan, Wllklnsburg, three minutes' walk from railroad station: fruit trees on every lot; the driest, most level and finest building lots in the market; low taxes, good water, etc., etc.; will sell on long, easy payments and furnish money to parties who desire to build. Plans from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. my4-3S-D "ITIOR 8ALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NATL JL' Bank of Commerce has a very few lots left at Wllklnsburg, all wellsltuatedand very desirable; also at Edge wood; for person swishing large lots for less money, tbey have quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the whole valloy: they wUl be sold free of taxesfor 1889 on very easy terms. Apply at the BANK, fe27-ll-ws FOR BALE-LOTS, LOTS. LOTS, LOTS . Maplewood Park, Wllklnsburg. elegant building lots. 40x120 and 40x240;l50 to 400: 10 to 820 down, balance 8L 82 and 83 per week: these are tbe most desirable lots on the market; 68 trains each way dally; they are bound to double in value within the next 90 days. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave., or on the grounds every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday from 3 to 6 P. M. np27-78 "CWR SALE-AT LESS THAN COST OE THE JL bouse, lis acres of superior land adjoining Monongahela City; coal, limestone, springs, fenced, highly improved; 8 acres In fruit; a new, large brick mansion of 14 rooms, marble mantels throughout, inside shutters, bathroom, cellars, everything complete and modern style: cost 813, 000; large irame bank barnf.also fine horse and cow stables, smoke bouse, spring house ontbulld lngs: 1 mile from railroad station and town; only lion time; must be seen to ne appreciates WiTOSH. m "rant street, Pittsburg. Pa., "newlist." w. mr Alleencnv Lots. N FOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUG HER, 43 N . Diamond st. mh7-98-S FOB BALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL INGS or manufactory, 128 feet front on Strawberry lane, by 100 feet, near Preble ave., Ninth ward, Allegheny; easy terms. WM. A. SIPE, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. . , ap30-00-MWS FOR SALEBUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOR SALE-DRUG STORE, ON LINE OF railroad; population .1,200: no opposition; terms reasonable: reasons good. Address 8UL PHONAL. P. O. Box 900, Pittsburg. my2-64-TbSSu TJIOR SALE-BOOT. SHOE AND GENT'S FUR A H13HING store in a nearby, growing NISHINQ store in a nearbv. rrowlnr manu facturing town, doing a cash business; good rea sons given for selling, JAS, W. DRAPE ft CO., 1Z9 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, my4-40-MWS EOR SALE-A GROCERY-A RARE OPPOR TUNITY: will sell at invoice or Inmp; best location on largest avenue in Allegheny; a great bargain If sold immediately; owner is moving West. Address A. G. 8., Allegheny P.O. mj-S8-MWT8SU FOR SALE - A FTRST-OLA8S SALOON doing a first-clast business: half block from the N. C. R. R. depot; price SL 600: cause of selling is to dissolve partnership. Address HOWARD & LUBY, 401 N. Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. myl-is i FOR SALE-GOODPAYING BUSINESS FOB' lady that can sew for about IL000: neat little confectionery and Ice cream business. 8200: bakery with horse and wagon, 8400: stores of all kinds; 100 business chances. SHEPARD & CO.. M Fifth ave. my3 "nwR SALE-THREE LICENSED HOTELS- A' J One In Beaver 'conntv. on line of U. K.. price 83. 000; one in Lawrence county, on line or a. it., large uoase newiy papereu aau paimeu, price (8,000: one in Ohio of 15 rooms, price 83,000; above hotels are centrally located and doing a good buslne-s. 1H03. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. my3-28-TTESu IOR SALE-AT A BAROAIN-A RARE . opportunity to purchase a fonndry and ma chine shop, with an entire outfit of tools, nearly new; shop Is now doing a thriving business and Is situated In a wide awake town In Western Ohio of 8,000 inhabitants, where natural gas is now be- .log piped and will be ready for use in a' short time; good reasons given for selling. For partle- iulars and terms call on or address JOHN WHITE LEY, 439 Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. ' myt-87 FOR SALE-A GENERAL HARDWARE, honse furnishing and builders' supply busi ness in one of the most prosperous manufacturing towns in Western Pennsylvania, on line of rail road; value of entire stock about 84.000; could be reduced to 83,000; no opposition; tbe only store Of same kind in the town; tbe place Is booming on a solid basis;, this is an excellent opening; IU health the only reason for selling. Fnllerpar tlcuiars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. my4-3S-D Business Stands. FOR BALE-BLACKSMITH SHOP-ONE OK the best stands for business in either city is offered by ns for sale: the property can be had at a bargain if sold soon. Fall particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fenrth avenue, Pittsburg. my4-38-p FOR BALE - ALLEGHENY - SCHENLEY leasehold: on the best part of Ohio street, 3 story brick store and dwelling, and a 8-room frame house In the rear, fronting on alley. Send for descriptive list. L M. PENNOCK St BON. 105 Fourth ave. " my4-47-HWS FOR SALE -THE PARK PLACE HOTEL, cor. Penn and Brushton ave., 18 rooms, with all modern Improvements for hotel purposes; the owner refused an offer a short time ago of 815, COO; rlce now 810,000; lot 75x140. J. O. REILLY, 77 il&mond st. ap23-Ul-rrssu FOR SALE-THE VALUABLE PROPERTIES, Nos. 4506 and. 4303 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, to be sold at Trustees' Public JSale, on Thursday afternoon. Mays, at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Particulars and circular from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 123 fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myf-38-D FOR SALE -HOTEL, FURNITURE AND lease, with extensive transient trade: 50 rooms furnished in good style; most modern brick house In this growing city, population '8,01)0, in center oi tue great on ana gas neias: nne oa: busi ness: license furnished at once: nrlce 88.000: bar gain and easy terms. C. H. FOLS0M, Lima, 0. t apZT-B-Bfla FOR SALE-PLANING -MILL AND LUMBER yard: located In a lively town In Ohio, 85 miles from Cleveland andlOOmiies from Pittsburg, on tbe Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad and :he Ohio canal, surrounded by a rich farming section; building new and machinery In flrst-class order; flood established trade for ,14 years; poor health he only reason for selling. For further particu lars inquire at U6 WASHINGTON AVE.. Alle gheny City. my2-78 FOR 8ALE-THE CHAUTAUfUA HOTEL property, all furnished; with a furnished cottage of 11 rooms. 4 acres of ground. Icehouse, livery buildings, etc., at Mayvllle, head ot Lake Chautauqua, opposite railroad station and steamboat landing; about 55 bedrooms, double parlors, large dining room and or dinary, large billiard room with 4 new style tables and complete equipment, excellent bar room with counter, beer -cooler, mirrors, etc. ; icehouse full of good ice; lamproom, barbershop with lavatory, commodious kitchen, long range, almost new, furnace and ovens, pantries, china closets, commissary rooms good office with safe, and desks, etc : large music hall and ballroum, etc., etc.; tbe entire furniture, carpets, silver ware, etc. etc., are in good order; everything In readiness to open the hotel; wide piazzas on each floor stretch over the entire front affordlnar a charming view of the lake and its beauties, and groanus ampie; large nveiy ana ouiDuumngs, etc., etc; the hotel is one of the best on Lake Chautauqua and has always enjoyed lib eral patronage: can be run all the year; as the owners do not wish to rent the property we have been authorized to offer it at public sale, on Tues day, May 7, at 2 o'clock T. m., In ouromce,129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, and it will be allowed to go at an Immense sacrifice, lnclndlng the entire furnishment, etc.. etc.; possession given at once and terms to suit; further information and particulars from a personal examination by one of our firm will be furnished at our office; arrange ments are made to allow prospective purchasers to examine the premises, etc JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. my4-41 Slannfactnrinsr Sites. FORBALE-JIANUFACTUBINGSITK, FIFTH ward, Allegheny, lot 120x230 ft. ; fronting on street and railroad; with large buildings and machinery: will sell as a whole, or reserve ma chinery; splendid location: send for descriptive list. 1. M. PENNOCK. & SON, 105 Fourth ave. tny4-47-tw8 FOft SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FJRSALE-2 HORIZONTAL EHD1NES, lSxffi, IBall engine, 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTE& MCDONALD, Pennavc, cor. Thirty-second st. Iel8-i63-ns Mlsccnnneona. - TTIOB 8ALJS-ELEGANT DECKEB BQUABE A' piano, in good condition: will sell cheap. Address Mrs. JULIA WILLIAMS, Lyttle street, Hazelwood. , my4-76 TTIOB SALE-STOCK OF' DBYGOODS, GBO J? CEBIES, etc., In a small village on railroad; will sell or rent store bnlldlng cheap;' Is doing good business and no opposition; good reasons for selling. For further information address J. Jl., Boxai, Coyleville, Fa. my4-8 TTlOB SALE - BBOADWAY PUBLISHEBS -X' havlnellst over 10,000 canvassers sacrifice their bnslness for 88,860 cash-tbls week; manu facturers cost present stock overflow; own otber property worth many 'thousands and no debts; sfttisftctory reasons. MANUFAOTUB1CBS,.,1 Fortaavnuc2(ew-Yok. myi-77 FOR SALE-MISCELLANXeCS. Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock.. fcc FOR SALE-HORSES JUST ARRIVED AT Exposition Driving Park; 60 bead extra fine driving, business andsaddle horses. Inqulrefor JAS. MCKEOWN. myJ-41 TTOR8ALE-SHETLANDPONY. AN ENGLISH J? cartandtarness; any little boy or girl can drive it: can be bought cheap. Inquire a. j Ai-n.- MAN 4 SON, 530 to 536 Penn ave. my4-67 FOR SALE-nsEATED BAROUCHE. ON LY used ft few times; cost 8975. will seU for 8176. Can be seen at residence of CHAS-BCH .WAN, Margarettast-i near Negley avo:, East End. my4-94 " FOB BALE-2 GOOD HORSES. 6 TfEARS OLD, well broken to harness; will not scareat any- thing: partlc uinsr: win De sola cueao ior wans oi use. u. artlculars call at E. GKO lETZINGER'S, 627 to 829 Penn avenue. KJJ14 FOR SALE-SINGLE RELIABLE COACH ERS, fine saddle horses and drivers, Jersey cows and bulls, from 2 years to 7 years of age. given on trial forperfect satisfaction; horses and cattle right from Kentucky. Apply at 190 MEA YER AVE., Allegheny. my2-72-S FOR SALE-HORSES-WILL ARRIVE MAY2, at the Exposition Driving Park, ,20 head ot extra fine Kentucky hoises, among them some extra fine -roadsters and saddlers of especially fine quality, with all the various Kentucky saddle gaits and harness combined. The owner, J. C. tWYMAN, a responsible horseman, of Lexing ton, Ky., refers to Jas. A. McNally and Pprter k Donaldson, of this city, and invites those in need ofauythlnglnhlsllne to Inspect stock. my2-70 TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-THAT FINE BRICK DWELLING honsa of 10 rooms. No. 85 Colwellst.; rent free until June 1. Inquire or J. A. BOSS, St. James Hotel, or on the premises. apa-25 TO LET-COTTAGE HOUSE ON MT. WASH INGTON, cor. Gray and DUworth streets: has ten rooms, large lot; Is supplied with natural gas and city water; will be divided to suit two tenants. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO. 'S OFFICE, 10 and 12 Wood St. ap20-17 AlleBhcnT Residence-. TO LET-NICE 7-ROOM BBICK HOUSE, ALL conveniences: cheap rent: Second ward. Al legheny: street cars bandy. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. my3-45 TO LET-ON KIRKPATBICK AVENUE AL LEGHENY, good brick house of 6 rooms, fln isned attic, batn, range, etc; no water rent. ALEXANDER. A LEE, 313 Wood St. my4-10-TuS Eiut End .Residences. TO LET-5-ROOM HOUSE NEAR HOME WOOD station. V. R. R.ralso. ldrnlshed Trsn Wllklnsburg. MCCUNE & COULTER, A AgehtsrS fourth ave. my4-a) Saburoafrejldeneesw mo LET-(W)-IN SEWICKiffirTHEBRICK resinecce oi tiames Aaair, uiosatliix. snnarafrom' station: eomnletelv fnrnlshi mediate possession. SAM DEL W.BLACK CO, 99 Fourth ave. my3-27 mo LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS. I atl Laurel Station. Ft., Wavne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage bouse, two acres ground, with ilver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM.T. DUNN. mh9-63 AD&nmenla. mO LET-SOME FINE UNFURNISHED 4 JL and 8-room flats for housekeeping; nat. gas; two store rooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH BT. my3-lS-HSSa Tr LET FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 20 rooms for S6O0 a vear: location nnsnmassed fnr nmme hnqrH.rl! within thTAA TnlnntM Vftllr of the ocean. Address J. O. FBABER, box 238, Atlantic City. N.J. ap2$-45-rrssa Farms. TO LET-NICE FARM ON RAILROAD AND near station. Inquire of JAMES L. ORB. 140 Firth ave., Pittsburg. my2-7J , Offices. Desk Room, dec TO LET-LARGE OFFICE ROOM ON WOOD St., near Fourth avenue: ground floor with heat, light, etc. ALEXANDER & LEE, 31.1 Wood street. my4-ll-D Business Stands. TO LET-FOUR LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8, 000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as tbe Coas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue, Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MB. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Allc gheny Wood Carving Co. ja23-25-MWg PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,030, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-23 SERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second flonrf Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order; spring styles hov readv. Telephone 1558- mhs PERSOHAL-THE TRUTH AGAINST THE world-To tbe thousands of men and women vho suffer with either headache, backache, dys pepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, neuralgia, scrofula, bloca poison, old sores, discharges, etc., and other weaknesses from whatever cause, Ta-va-ion Specific Remedies areunequaled. They positively cure when all other means fail. By their use dis eases disappear' llkedew before the midday sun: indorsed oy tne leading pnysicians oi Europe ana .America; are. pure, safe and reliable for all dis eases that flesh is heir to. See sworn home testi mony at DR. GRIFFITH'S CHEMICAL CO., 301 Grant St., cor. Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Cut this out. my4-70 AMUSEMENT. MAY INAUGURATION OP THE NEW EXPOSITION BUILDING. FESTIVAL. FIVE EVENING A2TD TWO AFTERNOON CONCERTS, fiffiW HAY 21. tues: SALE OF -HAMILTON'S MUSIC STORE. SEASON TICKETS NOW IN PROGRESS. 43-Tlcket for Single Concerts, S3, 82, $1 and 50c, according to location. Season' Tickets, 12 50, $3 and $3, according to location. Private Boxes, seating six, 8100 for the' season. The celebrated Steinway Grand Piano used at the Festival Concerts. my3-D NEW YOE PHILHARMONIC CLUB, Assisted by Miss Elizabeth Norcross, OLD CITY HALL. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 1889. Tickets for sale at H. KLEBER & BRO.'S, Wood st Price Jl, 75 cts and 50 cts each. Music students half price to any part of the house. No extra charge ior reserved seats. myl-20 . BLTOTJ THEATER Matinee to-day at 2. HOWARD ATHENAEUM STAR I SPECIALTY COMPANY. Next week Frank Mayo in Davy Crockett. mj4 GRAND OPERA HOU8E Every Evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. ALONE IN LONDONv Week May 6 Boston Ideals. ap28-18 "ARRIS' THEATER ONE WEEK, MONDAY, APRIL 29. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Next week "Over the Garden WalL" ap29-17-TTS TJ ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, , HARRY KERNELL'S NEW SPECIALTY COMPANY. ap2SS GRAND CENTRAL RINK TO-NIGHT. PROF. HUBLBCRT'S , Wonderful HORSES, DOGS AND POMES. Four Nights More Matinees Thursday, Friday and Saturday. myl-33 riRAND ORGAN RECITAL ON FRI OT DAY' evening, May 10, 1889, under the auspices of the Musical and Literary Society' of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Cburcb, in their new building, cor. Station st and Col Jinsavc, E.E. Tickets, 50c. Reserved seats 25c extra. my2-o7 C. STROUP- BANDBOX NOW OPEN. 25 UNION ST. Grand opening May 27; myt-73 WALTKBJ.USBOUItXE. RICHABS BABB0W3. BARROWS & OSBOHRNE JOB PRINTERS, , . W Diamond street . ' " - H2-krrs8u OFFJCiAL-PTTTSBCRO. Nonas is hereby: GIVEK" that the report of viewers on the damages caused by the erafllnsof Natrona alley, from Stanton avenue' to Fifty-second .street, baa been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from aate. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. PrrrsBUBO, April 25, 1889. apafrfiO -vrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLl reports of viewers on the openings of Fifty-first street,from Butlerstreet to the Alle gheny rivet, and Center avenne, from Aiken avenne to Hiland avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common' Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. PTrrSBPBO. April 25, 1889. ap25-60 Officb of ) Department of Pcblio Safety, BTOEATJ OF FlEE. PlTTSBUBG, PA. ) oealed proposals will be re- (3 CEIVED at the offlco of the City Control ler until MONDAY. May 13, 1889, at 2 p. jr., for repairs of engine houses Nos. 2 and 6. Flans and specifications can be seen at the office of F. C. Saner, Architect, corner Sixth and Liberty streets. ' Bonds in double tbe amonnt of bids must ac company each proposal, said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Cleric . The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROW2T, ifyI-60 Chief Department Public Safety. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the reports of the viewers on the con struction ot sewers on Sheridan street, from Station to Hoeveler street; Rodman street; from Hiland avenue to Sheridan street: Na trona aHey, from Fifty-fourth to Fifty-third streets, and Hoeveler street frpm Hiland avenne to Collins avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date.. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of-Department of Pnblic Works. PrrrsBUEG, April 25, 1889. ap2C0 SEPARATE AND IffiAJJED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until May 13, 1889, at 2 P. if., for altering and repairing No. 7 Police Station. Flans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in donble the amount of each bid will be required; said bonds to be probated before tbe Mivor or City Clerk. or or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of the Department of Public Safety. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller SJ until the 8th day of May. A. D !Sis9, at 2 P. M., f3f'47'jfewater pipoontne louowing streets: 10,600eetT121' Negley avenue, from Penn avenne to BryanTiSlf et- t 13) feet 44ncb, R6 tree from Grove street to Concord alleyflW, , .. . 320 feet 4-Incb, ConcofM116 from street to Rose street, , r.-. 250 feet 4-incb, Morris street, froS. Carolina, 1,700 feet 6-incb, Grazier street, from?06" wood avenue to city line. V. . 750 feet 6-inch, Grazier street, from Murain"1 avenne to Dallas avenne. v 600 feet 6-incb, Boqaet street, from Fifth ave nue north. 2SO feet 6-Inch, Holmes street, from end of pipa to Fifty-second street. SCO feet 6-inch, Holmes street, from Fifty second street to McCandless avenne. 600 feet 6-incb, Holmes street, from Fifty third street to Fifty-fourth street. GOO feet 6-incb, Farragnt street, from Stanton avenue north, 930 feet 6-incb, Euclid avenue, from Center avenne to Mignonette street. 1,200 feet 6-incb, Amber street, from Sanm street tuPenn avenue. L100 feet 6-incb, Webster avenne, from Thirty-third street to Clarissa street. zoo teet o-incn, ivy street, xrom w ainui street to Howe street , 2,100 feet 6-Inch, Margaretta street, from Hi land avenne to Clearvlew street; 650 feet 6-incb, Gross street, from Cypress street to Liberty avenue. 250 feet 6-inch. Bmallman street, from Thirty Sixth street to Thlrty-seventlrstreet 700 feet 6-incb, Lilac street, from end of pipe to Ellsworth avenne. 600 feet 6-inch, Lenora street, from Shetland street to Joseph street. 150 feet 6-lncb, Ivanhoe street, from Magee strfifit A sis t. 1,000 feet 6-inch, Park avenne, from Rowan' avenne north. 600 feet 6-lnch, Thompson street, from Shet land street to King street. 1,500 feet 6-incb, Dallas avenue, from Penn avenne south. 6Q0 feet 6-incb, Conkhng street, from wylle avenue to Webster avenue. 400 feet 6-incb, Millwqod street, from Finland 500 feet 6-incb, Sweeney alley, from Enoch street south. 450 feet 6-lncb, Brecxinriuge street, from Morgan street east 515 feet 6-lncb, Forrester street, from Kaer cher avenue west. 215 feet 6-incb, Kaercher avenue, from Blge low street to Forrester street 250 feet 6-incb, Jones avenne, from Twenty ninth street east 800 feet 6-incb, Finland street, from Milwood street to Brereton avenne. 800 feet 6-lncb, Brereton avenue, from Fin land street east 500 feet 6-incb, Ben Venue place, from Mil vale avenue west 1,000 feet 6-incb. Susquehanna street, from Home wood avenne to Dunfermline street. 650 feet 6-Inch, Kelly street, from Homewcod avenne to Sterrett street 650 feet 6-incb, Bennett street, from Home wood avenue to Lang avenue. ' 310 feet 6-tncn, Clawson street, from Grazier street to Susquehanna street. 600 feet 6-incb, Evallne avenue, from Liberty avenne to Harriett street 275 feet 6-incb, Edwin street, from Adler street north. 1,875 feet 8-lnch, Forty-nlntb street from Butler street to north side of A. V R. R. 12,000 feet, more or less, so men on 'Hiland avenne, from Reservoir to Bryant street. Bryant street, from Hiland avenne to St. Clair street St. Clair street from Bryant street to Banm street. Banm street from St Clair street to Negley avenne. Negley avenne, from Banm street to Ronp street. Roup street from Negley avenue to Ells worth avenue. 8,000 feet more or less. 16-inch on Penn ave nue, from Point Breeze to a point east of Lang avenne. 100 tons pie lead equal toPenna. refined lead. Hauling 4,010 tons, more or less, water nine. FIRE HX DRANTS. 100, more or less, single fire hydrants. 75, more or less, donble fire hydrants. GATE VALVES. 40. more or less. 4-inch gate valves. 100, more or less, 6-inch gate valves. 10, more oriess, s-incn gate vaives. 5, more or less, 10-Inch gate valves. 10, more or less, 12-inch gate Takes. 10, more or less, 16-inch gate valves. 15, more or less, 20-inch gate valves. 16. more or less, 24-Inch gate valves. U, more oriess, 30-inch gate valves. tr&tiiiuijjua. 500, more or less, K'iocb. 800, more or less, -mch. 200, more or less, -inch. xuu, more or less, i-inco. 25 reels, more or less, best American hemp packing., 10 bates, more or less, best white cotton waste. 500 pounds, more or less, best pure sheet gum packing. 200 pounds, more or less, best square gum packing. 200 pounds, more or less, best 2 and 3-ply can vas packing. MISCELLANEOUS CASTINGS. 250. more or less, gate boxes. 100, mora or less, plug boxes. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made and all otber information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Hnnnlv and Distribution. Each proposal must be accompanied by si bond in donble the' amonnt of the estimated, cost, proDaica oeiore tne .Mayor or Ulty uierE. The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works: ap27-3 NOTICES. c IOMMERCIAL MEN TAKE NOTICE- Ai married gentleman who can furnish un surpassed references and bond is open for an engagement at a moderate salary. Is highly versed in acconnting, commercial law and mathematics; also a fluent speaker, experi enced stenographer, and fine, rapid penman, Correspondence solicited. H.D. REED, Care Box 683. my3-U rTTHE BONDS OF THE PTTTSBURG AND WEST END PASSENGER HALLWAY CO, due this date, after which interest ceases, will he paid on presentation at the City Savings Bank, of Pittsburg, Pa. . JOHN O. REILLY, President. Plttabnrg. May L, 1889. a 3-68 plANOS, ORGANfcV S. HAMILTON, H AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE, . Pitfcbarg, Pa, apWi-D. AUCTION SALBB. ANOTHER CARLOAD, OF FINE MISSOURI HORSES At Public Sale. The undersigned have bouebt another car load of finely bred horses in Calloway coonty. Mo., a county noted for its production of fine roadsters and saddlers, rivaling any other county in Missouri. Tennessee or Kentucky, and will offer the lot at Pnblic Sale at their sta ble In the rear ot Town HaU. Washington, Pa formerly occupied by Kelly & Martin on TUESDAY. MAY 7, 1889, At 10 o'clock A. st. Included in this lot will be H good Saddle and Harness Combination Horsec, one Match Team of Fine Black Driving Mares, also good saddlers. This team is 5 years old, 15Knands high and weigh 1,100. One of them took second premium at St. Louis, Ma, last fall in competition with Kentucky's best saddlers, and together tbey took second premium at same snow for best match team. This is a grand team, both mares, having good pedigree s, which wUI be given onldaytof sale. Also sraalL children's pony, well broken. One 5-year-old Pennington Horse, 11 hands high, brown, shows 3-minutegalt to harness trotting and Zi gait to. saddle, single footing: While special mention is made of tbe above, the whole car load are good ones, embracing a number of ex cellent Carriage, Family, Driving and Saddle horses, tbe choicest lot ever offered in Washing ton, Fa., and must be seen to be fully appreci ated. Terms made known on day of sale. utLAUiiuis a nuuu. 2rM8&." my&38 AUCTION SALE, Clifton Avenue, Tenth Ward, Allegheny, Monilay Aflernoon, May 6,-1889, At2 o'clock, on tbe premises. One hands oaa six-room dwelling; lot 50x175 feet; a most desir able home. One nice little four-room honse, good cellar, lot 24x100; will be sold at a bargain. One two-story honse, very complete in every de tail, beautlfnl lot and choice location. Those, looking for complete homes' in the prettiest suburb of Allegheny, and on easy payments, should not neglect this opportunity. It will be. a rare chance to get just wbat you want; Sev eral cheap houses on other streets. The special feature of this sale will be some 30 Iota, some of tbem (and only a few left) front on Clifton, avenne. These are large and fine. A few on Highland avenne, commanding a magnificent view of Allegheny and the Ohio river. AH tastes can be salted. Values ranging from 00 to 81,500. All these properties are located be tween tbe Pleasant Valley and Electric line; and close to tbe new Incline. Fare to Fifth avenue 4 cents. Terms very easy: Come, yon will not be disappointed. JAMES W. DRAPE, Auctioneer. mj4-4S BhEriffa BalEH. ' ABSTRACTS OF PROPERTIES TO Bfi SOLD BY ALEX. M. M'CANDLESS, E8Q SHERIFF OF ALLEGHENY COONTYy ON MONDAY, MAY 6,1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., AT THE COURT HOUSE, CITY OF ''pgjTKBTjRG. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Five hnndreddoiirs of the price or sum atjr which the property ahaihe struck off, shall bo paid td tbe Sheriff at tne tL "-alcorby Friday, May 10, 1889, at 10 tfefi. the purchase money shall be les. sum, in which case only the purchas. shall be paid; otherwise the property wilL . A again on Friday, May 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A, ' K., at the same place he put up and sold at tbef expense and risk of the person to whom it was ' struck on, who, in case of any deficiency la snch re-sale, shall mke good the same; in casa of the sale being for a very large amonnt, will demand that 10 per cent of the purchase money be paid in addition to tho (500. Estate of J. Heron Foster, deceased. Orphans' Court, L.F. 1 '4r,12S "lOO. J.A.feery. All that certain lot or piece of ground situata in the City of Pittsburg, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on Fifth avenue (for. merly Fifth street) at the corner of lot No. U3, in the general plan of Pittsburg, thence by sold lot northwardly upon a line parallel with Wood street, the distance of 240 feet more or lew to Virgin alley, thence by the same eattwardly, the distance of 30 feet, thence by aline par allel with Smithfleld street southwardly, tha distance of 240 feet to said fifth avenne, thence by the same'westwardly, the distanco ot SO feet to the place ot beginning, known as tbe Dispatch property, upon which are erected x nve-Btory building with an iron front, fronting; on Fifth avenne; a three-story brick bnlldlng, fronting on Virgin alley, and a four-story brick. building In the middle; subject, however, ta a certain dower interest of Mrs. Jane D. Flee son, widow of Reece C. Fleeson, deceased,, amounting to the snmbf $5,875 70, the interest of which la payable to ber dnring her life, and thereafter the prlndnal thereof is payable ta heirs of the said Reece C. Fleeson, deceased, and subject to existing leases upon said prop erty. ALEX. .X. MCCANDLESS, Sheriff. Shkbiff's Office, ( Pittsbubo. April 13, 1889. ( ap2(M2-a RESORTS. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTICCrrr, N. J MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the honse. Elevator. aplC-Sl-D E. ROBERTS t SONS. TJ EDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS. JD BEDFORD. PENNA. , Leading mountain resort. Water nneqwded, Hotel newly furnished. Toerge's Orchestra, Opens June 8. Write for circular. ap7-87-p L. B. DOTY. Manager. CURTAINS. "We make a specialty of cleaning and dyeinz lace curtains; also dry cleaning Damask Turk ish portiers and all kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dye Works, M. MAY SONS & Co. ap2-TX3 65 SIXTH AVE. , CLOSING OUT SALE- Balance of stock of GaBinger 4 Co., coasistiagf of glassware, lamps and trimmings, tases, crockery, cutlery and fancy imported goods. Dealers will consult their own Interest by call ing at 109 Water st. Most be closed out try JuneL S. FRANK; Assignee. ' myf-23-s 32 Lets at $100 each. 12 Lots at $200 each. 7 Lots at $300 each. -' 10 Lots at SSOO each. , ; These arelargelotafrontlsgon60-fee4?4Tee4.' ' one of which Is being-paved; and are marked at - - low prices to sell themselves. Situated ia TMr-i ty-eecond ward, 10 minutes' walk from teeksee water and gas; good neighborhood; fare 3 neater -' monthly tickets U 25. I wHI be ok tha w3' - every Saturday frOm I to 5 o'clock. Tenaata' suit. & Uff FIN, Foojth avi ad IsiaHhfefcL apo-16-rs bi CONSUME XOUR OWN GARBAGJt TX stoves and ranges wMle Tistac tin sma C cjooUngJoraayofter jwwMeTlV 3s Eureka Garbage Baraer. Tor miaS5 -ZT cuhcoatainW tuJJffi, IAXm,AXT)MmM, ? j3$foi s 4fc-'v3H 3-1 'm STMB .:! T -'. "'.'' ul -,.- ,.1' a, ., . . - J$k- rfCL.'4ibl tA. Mi iiiJt&iuMii j.K3aaft -.i.&""si mm :: n . ' " v "-to; J