Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 22, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Vol. 44, So. 43. Entered at nttsburg Postoffice,
"ovember IV 1SS7, u second-class natter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dally edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending March
1, 1SS9,
Copies per Issue.
, Average circulation of the Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for February, 1SS9,
Copies per issue.
DA7XT DISPATCH. One Year . f 8 08
Datlt Dispatch, One Month TO
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one
year ' WOO
Dah.t Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter. ' "
Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month .
SU5DAT Dispatch, oneyear. 2 SO
Weekly DISPATCH, one year. 125
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, orlncludlngtheSundayeditlon.
at 30 cents per week.
-we; bollebs explode!
By'the explosion of a boiler at the works of
E. Munroe & Son a few days ago four liTes
irere lost. Yesterday the Coroner's jury re
turned a verdict in which the owners of the
boiler and Boiler InspectorTVilliamTrenter
were censured for disobeying the law. The
boiler which exploded with such fatal effect
had not been inspected for two years. The
law says every boiler shall be inspected
once a year. It is a law which should be
carried out strictly by the officers appointed
for the purpose, and the owners of boilers
should' be eager to comply with its pro
visions, if for no ether reason than because
it is in their own interest to do so.
But the public is as deeply concerned in
the matter as the owners of boilers. The
use of steam is now so extensive in this city
and county that everybody is vitally con
cerned in the punctual and efficient inspec
tion of boilers. The inspectors are paid to
lessen as far as possible the dangers at
tendant on the use ol steam. If they fail to
do their work conscientiously they commit
nothing less than a crime.
It is timely to refer to the new provision
of theTederal law as regards the inspection
of steamer boilers, an account of which will
be found elsewhere in this issue. The se
vere tests there ordered for aged steamer
.boilers would seem to be as applicable to
'boilers on land.
The first gun in the State Treasurership
campaign is to be fired,we are informed, by
the Democratic battery in the Assembly at
Harrisburg to-day. Mr. "Wherry, the lead
er of the Democratic side of the House, has
charge of the gun, and he has taken the
strange precaution to let his opponents
know beforehand the nature of the ammu
nition and the point upon which the piece is
trained. There is not to be any ambuscade.
The valiant "Wherry is above such tactics.
It is not probable that the discharge of
this gun will hurt anybody, though san
gnine Democrats assert that by it they will
establish to the satisfaction of intelligent
voters that the present Republican adminis
trators of the sinking fund have deprived
the State Treasury of enormous sums. For
a proper consideration of this matter it will
be well to await the debate promised for
There are a good many men in this neigh
borhood who ride bicycles or tricycles, and
sooner or later the awful question will con
front them, if it has not already done so, of
how to define the garments with which their
nether limbs are clad. At the meeting of
the League of American "Wheelmen recently
it was discovered by a youth who proudly
hailed from Boston, that these nether "gar
ments, usually abbreviated to half the usual
length, had been immorally, profanely and
inaccurately called "trousers" in the by
laws of the league. But in the natural ex
citement incident to this discovery the Bos
tonian 'cycler cried out: "Trousers are long
pants." The assemblage gave vent to deep
drawn sighs at the "long pants" from a
Bostonian month.
The danger of such a discussion is appar
ent. It is of course advisable that wheel
men here and elsewhere should understand
correctly what they wear. There is no need,
however, to drag in the heathenish and hid
eous word "pants" into the controversy.
"Whether it be settled to call this article of
attire knee-breeches, as the League of
American "Wheelmen has 'decided to do, or
to coin some new word, such as demi
trousers, or tronserlets, or to revert to the
old-fashioned term, knickerbockers, we sin
cerely trust that the 'cyclers of Allegheny
county will abstain from pants long or short
in their conversation.
That nsnally thoughtful member, Mr.
Dravo, is quoted as supporting the alien
labor tax bill, because it wonld help to put
an end to the employment of such undesira
ble elements as are found among the Hun
garians and Italians in the coke regions.
But examination serves to show that the
bill does not stop at a single class,or specify
any special characteristics ofihe alien labor
that is to be taxed. It would, as its terms
now read, apply to the German, the Eng
lish, the Scotch, the Irish and the "Welsh
laborers just as much as to the Hungarian.
Bepresentative Dearden made a remark
able point when he urged that the United
States, not a single State, must deal with
such questions. The Federal Government
has already taken a long ztep to prevent
such conditions as disgrace the coke regions
by prohibiting under severe penalties the
importation of laborers under contract. If
this statute is vigorously enforced and
why shonld it not be? immigrants can no
longer enter the United States excepting
upon their own resources and responsibility.
If they hare enough self-reliance to come on
these terms, the chances are greatly im
proved of their quickly adopting the man
ners and spirit of their new home, in place
of being mere underpaid and underfed tools
in the hands of greedy capitalists.
The proposed law is exceedingly crude in
other particulars. If the public appre
hension is keen as to the nndesirability of
certain cla'es of immigrants, it is equally
mindful of the benefits which more desirable
classes of immigrants have conferred in
helping the national growth. To pnt all
alien labor everywhere through the United
States under the ban would be stupid from
an economic point of view and equally so in
a political sense. The alien, in probably
four cases out of five, becomes a citizen as
soon as the laws permit. If -existing laws
are enforced, duly those who are, self-supporting
can come in. And the laborof such
has a productive value beyond what is neces
sary to sustain them. They cat, wear
clothes, must have houses to live in, become
buyers and consumers in short, and so add
their quota to the activity .of trade and man
ufactures and to the demand for labor of all
sorts. It seems strange that it is needful to
recall these facts; but they certainly cannot
have been considered by the authors or sup
porters of the bill now at Harrisburg, whose
idea is that the business of the country and
the labor market wouldimproVe if all aliens
were excluded.
"With abuses of immigration the United
States Government alone can efficiently
deal. Its officers have been clearly negli
gent in allowing violations and evasions of
the laws already on the statute book. It
is due that the law against impor
tation of contract labor, for instance, should
be punished as sternly as the smuggling of
ordinary goods. If the Legislature of Penn
sylvania were to pass a resolution calling
attention to this point, it would accomplish
more than it is likely to do by the too
sweeping act which treats all classes of im.
migrants alike, and fails to consider grave
economic questions as to the effect of the
better class of immigration on the business
and labor market.
The President and faculty of Xale are
justly indignant at an act of vandalism per
formed by students of that ancient and hon
ored institution. A statue of the celebrated
Professor Silliman was broken from its
pedestal and thrown in the mud by colle
gians, anxious to distinguish themselves by
doingsomethlng extraordinarily funny. Yale
is unable to see the point of the joke, how
ever, and it looks as if the mischief-makers
would be doomed to lasting disgrace. The
students have held a meeting and passed
resolutions strongly censuring the guilty
ones and charging them with defaming the
good name of the university. If the perpe
trators of the outrage are detected doubtless
their immediate expulsion by the faculty
will follow.
It is easy to understand that in an insti
tution where hundreds of young men are
constantly associated together the spirit of
fun should be rife. A certain latitude is
allowed to students, and the public in gen
eral looks upon their pranks goodnaturedly,
regarding them as but the natural result of
a youthful tendency to vary -the monotony
of college life. Students, however, should
be able to draw the line between fun and
lawlessness. There is no excuse for such a
senseless and contemptible act as that at
tributed to these nameless Yale men. Even
street gamins would be ashamed to wantonly
destroy a work of art and an honored
man's monnment front motives of mischief
alone. "Where is the manliness of the rising
generation, if persons who are men in years
and matriculated members of one of the
chief educational institutions ol the land
stoop to deeds so small and degrading? It
is to be hoped that the offenders will be
caught, and after the Yale faculty has dealt
with them, handed over to court for further
The Oklahoma boomers seem to have
fallen into the error frequently made by
"Western boomers, and pushed their schemes
forward with an utter disregard of conse
quences. The result is trouble for them
selves and utter weariness of their actions
on the part of the law-abiding people of the
country. It may be true that the Okla
homa district is one of the regions of the
earth most bountifully favoredby natnre.aud
therefore a very desirable land in which to
settle, but it must be remembered that the
territory is not yet opened to homesteaders,
and consequently those who are seeking to
establish themselves there in defiance of
law are endangering their own chances of
securing possession of the much-coveted
There are tracts still unsettled in several
of the new States and Territories in which
the soil is said to be equal to any in the In
dian Territory. Under these circumstances
it is hard to account for the conduct of the
"boomers," who are exhibiting such undue
haste, and resorting to such rash measures
to gain a foothold in Oklahoma. Mean
time, the misguided boomers are learning
how unwise it is to try to dely the authority
of Uncle Sam.
One of the interesting features of the
License Court now in session is Judge
"White's running commentary on the ethics
of the liqnor business. Yesterday he said:
"Money-making is merely an incident to
the saloon business; the primary thing is
the accommodation of the public."
It is to be feared that liquor dealers will
hardly coincide with this view of their bus
iness. The man who puts his money into a
saloon, and his labor into serving his custo
mers, is apt to regard money-making as the
primary object, to which he will render all
accommodation for the public directly sub
sidiary. A good many people will agree
with Judge White that it would be ad
vantageous, if liquor must be sold, to have
the simple and decent accommodation of the
thirsty set above the making' of money.
But to the saloon keeper who wants to make
a living, or a fortnne, the principal end in
his view will always be to look after the
dollars first, and anything else afterward.
And the testimony in the License Court
seems to set the saloon keeper above the
plumber, the natural gas companies, and
even the iceman as a coiner of money.
The most thriving industry among the
chief officials of the Government at "Wash
ington just now is the building of barriers
against office seekers. Secretary of the
Treasury "Windom has promulgated a notice
to applicants for places in his department
that they must ask for interviews and pre
sent petitions before one o'clock in "the day.
Persistence, whether personal or document
ary, after that hour will be fatal to the can
didate's chances.
Urged by similar reasons, President Har
rison is reported as saying: "I have made
up my mind that I shall make no promises.
I don't propose to have people going around
on the streets saying I have lied about ap
pointments or anything else." But Mr.
Harrison can hardly hope to escape the so
licitation of the thousands who think they
have a right to obtain promises from him.
In the other departments the state of af
fairs is the same. The rush is not unprece
dented, but there is no falling off in the
number of noble creatures who are willing
to jump into the glare of public life for a
'moderate compensation.
IK a dreadfully learned article in the
current number of Harper's WecUy, Mr.
"Willie Winter, the sentimental dramatic
critfc of the .New York Tfibune, makes
what he calls a reply to Dion Boucicault and
other censors of the American newspaper
in its relation to the stage. In this reply
he asks Mr. Boupicault to notice the rise
since 1850 of certain good actors, among
whom he mentions Lily Langtry. Why not
include Mrs. Potter?
Michigan is considering the proposition
to pay her Governor 514 a day instead of $3,
as heretofore. Apparently the policy of
letting the office seek the man hasn't proved
altogether satisfactory. A man of first-clnss
executive ability is not likely to break his
neck in an effort to capture a $3 Governor
has discovered a large stock of store-worn
laziness in his office at Washington. He is
going to clean it out by getting nine and a
half hours of work from his clerks instead
of eight. Look out for a consignment of
brand-new clerks next week.
Since newspaper men are so fortunate in
securing places in toe diplomatic service,
we move that first-rate all-around reporters
be sent to represent this Government in
Hayti and Samoa. Then we might get re
liable and intelligible news from those
places occasionally.
The actresses who have been ill, Mary
Anderson, Lily Langtry, Minnie Maddern
and Bhea, are all reported to be nearing
good health again. But they must be care
ful to avoid reading Willie Winter's glori
fication of the New York Tribune's critic In
Harper's Weekly.
The Japanese Minister of the Interior
has gone to Berlin to study the German sys
tem of government. The system is ea&ily
understood, but not easily adopted. Full
directions for making it effective may be
summarized thus: First get your Bis
marck. Though Congressmen are dissatified with
their pay there is small probability that any
of them will advocate a strike for higher
wages. They are fully aware that there is a
great army of unemployed statesmen will
ing to take their jobs at the old rates.
Me. New said yesterday that Editor
Murat Halstead wonld be Minister to Ger
many. It will be a little further from the
Enquirer office, but Mr. Halstead will still
have lots of fun, and lager beer, "over the
Sekatob Sheb&iAX says he is not'
making any recommendations for office. If
he is not already popular with the adminis
tration,, he is certainly pursuing the proper
course to make himself so.
It is reported that the English are rapidly
becoming converted to the doctrines of
Henry George. If Great Britain is anxious
to put his theories to a practical test she is
welcome to the first chance.
Hasn't the bilious green stamp a friend
anywhere? Third Assistant Postmaster
General Hazen is against it, and the New
York Hun's cat is licking its lips.
Saeisbtjby has promised Queen Victoria
to Bang on with his Tory machine till 1893,
but his promise and the machine are both
liable to be broken before that.
The wisest thing a disappointed office
hunter can do is to close his mouth.
Mb. Balfour, the Chief Secretary for Ire
land, has bought 4.000 acres of land in New
Sib Charles Rdssell, the great cross-examiner,
has a hard voice, coal-black whiskers,
and heavy eyebrows.
Among the Fittsburgers registered at vari
ous hotels in Washington are W. Q. Johnston
and wife, James S. Kay. John Peddee. M. L.
Malone, Joseph B. Bpeerand C. C. Scaife.
Pbesident Harbison goes to bed at a
much earlier hour than did Mr. Cleveland.
The men are very different in physique, and
one requires much more sleep than the other.
The New York TForW says: Sir Julian
Pauncefote, the coming British Minister to
this country, affixes the letters K. C. B.. G. C.
M. G. to his name. It was only one letter which
made his predecessor notorious.
The late Henry Ward Beechafs farm up in
Peekskill, which cost him altogether about
3200,000. has just been sold for $75,000. Mr.
Beecher used to say that he was obliged to
lecture all the year ronnd in order to make his
method of farming pay.
Tiieee is a tremendous rush in Vienna for
portraits of the Baroness Marie Vetsera, bnt
although the photographers have orders for
thousands of copies they can snpply none, the
plates having been destroyed, and all the pic
tures bonghtup by the court.
Secretary of the Interior Noble Is not
overcome by the pressure pnt upon him by
office seekers. He shows no signs of being
worn out by the importunities of applicants for
place, but is in excellent health and spirits. A
friend said to him the other day: "Don't let
the office seekers kill you, Noble." "Oh, no,"
returned the Secretary, "it Is I who am killing
The Chinese Minister at Washington ex
pends more money in telegrams and cable dis
patches than the Government of the United
States. In communicating with the Chinese
Government he makes use of a cipher, but as
nis dispatches cost $1 a word his bills are enor
mous. His expenditures tn telegraphing reach
an average of 31,000 a week, One day recently
he spent 8J.O0O In sending dispatches to China
regarding the Milwaukee riots. His cable
messages to China go to Havre, from there to
Aden, then across the Arabian Sea, through
Hindostan and Slam to Tekin.
That indefatigable prima donna, Miss
Emma Abbott, wishes it to be clearly under
stood that she will appear as Eltie Maynard in
"The Yoemen of the Guard" at the Saturday
matinee at the Bijou. Miss Abbott is afraid
that because she always takes Wednesday af
ternoon for rest some of her filends are doubt
ful about her singing on Saturday afternoon.
She will sing at every performance the rest of
the week. At the Saturday night performance,
in compliance with many requests, she will
sing The Last Rose of Summer" between the
acts of "The Bohemian Girl."
"Our Governor" will hold a reception at
the Opera House to-night assisted by Matilda
Starr, "the authoress on her travels." The de
lightful comedy is well known to theater-goers
'as being one of the most proline of rare amuse
ment in the repertoire of the Florences. The
entire lower body of the house has been sold,
a large block of seats having been taken by
the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
Joan of Are Brings 833,400, bnt the
Purchaser I Unknown.
New York, March 21. The sale of Erwin
W. Davis' collection of noted paintings at
Chickenng Hall was concluded last niebt. It is
now claimed that the sale was bogus, all the
high-priced paintings being bidden oft by a
friend; who paid nothing for them.
The most notable picture of the collection
was Bastlen Lepage's "Joan of Arc," the won
derful creation which, while sometimes criti
cised as & work of art, is always admitted to be
a triumph of artisticgenius. It was knocked
down fdr $23,400. The purchaser gave bis
initials as "C. T. B.," but his identity could not
be learned.
Slaklnir nu Impression.
From the Chicago Tribune.!-
A Montreal paper insists that much of the
so-called Yankee slang is really of classical
origin, and can be found in the writings of
standard old English authors. It is evident
that Uncle Sam's attentions to Miss Canada
are making some impression on the coy maiden.
w ' ". t" - J,
Dimples Can't Be Mode Two Pictures of
the Coart A Curious Coincidence.
In an envelope shamefully small and finicky
to contain a matter of such stupendous import
ance a note reached The dispatch yesterday
in which a young woman of this city unfolded
a question, evidently very near to her heart.
Here Is the note, or all of it that is essential:
"Canyon inform me if It is possible to have a
dimple made, in your cheek as Miss Evelyn
Malcolm said could be done, in last Sunday's
Dispatch? If it is possible, please give me
the name of a doctor who will perform the
The whole question was laid before three
eminent surgeons yesterday, and their answers
were all decidedly in the negative.
Miss Evelyn Malcolm wrote as follows in
The Dispatch last Sunday:
"Our modern belles have realized this fact,
and cry: 'Hey, for a dimpiel Can it be bought?'
Yes, maidens of Gotham, it can be bought.
Have you 3100 to pay for a dimple? If so, go
forthwith and buy it, for somewhere in this
town, and no donbt in many others, yon will
find a physician who will make a dimple In your
cheek, in your shoulder, in your arm for 5100
apiece. I once saw a woman who had a dimple
near the left corner of her mouth which she had
purchased for that sum.
"By a veryskillful operation a little piece of
the muscle bad been taken a way, and the re
sult was a dimple which seemed perfectly legiti
mate, and not tho base little fraud it really
A skillful operation could be made, the
three surgeons I have alluded to assured me,
and a piece of the tissue or muscle taken away.
But in place of a beautiful little dimple there
would be a hole which, in time, would be cov
eredwith a cicatrix or scar. This would not
resemble a dimple anymore than a hole in a
blanket would a kissable mouth. In short,
with all proper respect to Miss Evelyn Mal
colm, dimples cannot be created in faces to
order, whether the surgeon be offered $1 or
51,000,000 as a fee.
A couple of days ago the License Court
claimed my attention for a half an hour. It
happened while I was there that a string of
tough applicants came under consideration
and Judge White was terribly severe with
Not much more than an honr later Judge
White might have been seen in the forward
corner of a Fort Wayne Railroad car looking
the picture of good temper and lovableness.
A poor woman with a baby or two in arms and
a small boy beside her sat opposite the Judge,
who had his back toward the engine. All the
way, to Sewlckley, almost, the Court was play
ing with the little boy and taking a friendly
cognizance of the babies.
It is a curious coincidence that the first
American Minister Plenipotentiary sent to
France was Benjamin Franklin, a printer at
first by profession, and the latest Whitelaw
Bold, also once a" poor typesetter in Ohio, in
front of whose office, the Tribune building, in
New York, is the statue of Benjamin Franklin.
It Mr. Beld can keep up this coinciaence of
events to the extent of equaling his illustrious
predecessor in his diplomatic achievements, he
will be a happy man, indeed.
The Stars and Stripes Subjected to Indignity
at an Exhibition.
Kingston, Ont., March 2L The American
flag incident is still an exciting topic of con
versation. The details of the affair are: The
City Hall was crowded by a fashionable audi
ence to witness "National Representations."
Miss Annie Harold, one of the prettiest blondes
in the city, was selected -to appear as the
"Queen of England." On the floor of the
stage was spread the Stars and Stripes, on
which was erected a throne. After Prof. Mar
shall, of Queen's University, who acted as
Chairman, had made remarks the characters
came on the platform, the Queen first, carry
ing a scepter. He directed her to the throne,
and when she took her seat he alluded to the
Stars and Stripes as being beneath her. and
said the fact showed the relations existing be
tween England and the United States. A mur
mur ran over the audience, as many Americans
were present. The Professor again pointed to
the flag, and, while the Queen was looking
down at it, said: .
That's the way Britonslook at the American
She placed her scepter on the stars and
bowed to tho audience. Many Loyalists in the
hall took exception in private to the action of
the professor, who Is a Scotchman and came to
this country to take an appointment in Queen's
University about Ave years ago. The next day
the matter was freely commented on and
letters appeared in the press stronely disap
proving the professor's course. In all proba
bility the matter will be taken up by the col
lege authorities, as some of the most brilliant
graduates of the college and the most libsral
givers toward its endowment fund are Amer
The President Issues n Wnrning Notice in
Beeard to the New Indian Lands.
Washington, March a. The following
telegram was sent at 4:30 o'clock this after
noon: The Commanding General, Division Missouri,
The act of Congress approved March 2, 1889, pro
vides in substance, that no person shall be per.
mitted to enter upon and occupy the land recently
ceded to the United States by the Creek and Sem
inole Indians, until said lands are opened for set
tlement by proclamation of the President, and
that no person violating this provision shall ever
be permitted to enter any of said lands or acquire
anv right thereto.
The President directs that the officers under
your command cause the people to be fully in
formed of these provisions or the law, and that
tliey take and preserve the, names of all persons
who may enter the territory in violation of this
provision, bo that the same may be enforced by
the Land Department when said lands are law
fully opened for settlement.
By order of
. Major General schofiild.
j. c. kelton, a. a. g.
Japanese Taking an American Tour.
Chicago, March 21. Count and Countess
Stana, Marauds and Marchioness Malda, Lied
tenant Yospi, Sallon Kato, MInra, Horinchi
and a number of attendants from Toklo, Japan,
arrived here from San Francisco this morning.
The party left Tokio on February 16, and landed
in San Francisco March 4. They are traveling
for pleasure only, -and after visiting Niagara
Falls, Washington and New York, will sad for
A Hard World to Live In.
.From the London, Eng., Globe.
Look to your candles! A correspondent of
the Timet says that the green ones are often
colored with arsenic and the red ones with ver
milion, and mentions a case where nearly all
the people at a children's party were poisoned
by the f nmes of the candles on a Christmas
tree. What with arsenical wall papers and
candles, and green peas, it is a wonder anybody
is alive at all.
Canada Don't Want American Lard.
Ottawa. Ont., March 21. In the House of
Commons to-day, Hon. Mr. Foster, Minister of
Finance, said that the Government had under
consideration the advisability of excluding
American lard by increased duty or otherwise,
in view of the extensive adulteration practiced.
Beware of Bluffs.
From the Detroit Free Press, l
Within a week after the report of the play
ing of a phenomenally heavy game of poker at
Kansas City comes the news that two people
have been killed in that place by falling over a
bluff. '
BInJor Simon D. Brown.
CHICAGO. March a. Major Simon B. Brown,
father of George F. Brown, general manager of
the Pullman Palace Car Company, died last night.
His earlier residence in Chicago dated from 1S40.
He removed to Blooraington. ill., about 1445,
where he resided until the breaking ont of the re
bellion. President Lincoln commissioned him
Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. At the
close ol the war Major Brown entered into busi
ness at Nashville, T-nn.. where he resided for
several years. Finally returnln g here, the change
was followed by broken health, which culminated
two years ago In hopeless Invalidism.
Barney Sheridan.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Newark, O., March Jl. Mr. Barney Sheridan,
for many years Superintendent of the Western
Union Telegraph lines in tuls section, died at his
home here to-day, aged 56 years, from, the effects
of a paralytic stroke received six months since
in Columbus. He leaves a large family.
Astrast Ten Pettenkofen.
Vienna, March 21. Augosi Von Pettenkofen,
tlie'Austriaa painter, is dead.
Nomlnato a Stnte Ticket and Favor Another
Vote on Prohibition,
Providence, March 21. The Bepubllcan
State Convention met in Music Hall this morn
ing and was called to order by Isaac Goff in
the absence of the regular chairman. On the
call of nnminations for Governor, H. C. White,
of Providence, named Governor Boyal C. Taft,
and he was nominated amid great applause.
The Governor spoke of his inability to express
his thanks for the honor bestowed on bim, but
could not chance his mind from the decision
made, early in January not to accepttbis honor
again. "The office requires sacrifices I am no
longer able to give, The success of a party
depends on no one man, but on its principles,"
General William Ames on another call for
nominations nominated Governor Herbert W.
Ladd, of Providence, and he was unanimously
indorsed by the convention. Hon. Enos W,
Laphain was nominated for Lieutenant Gov
ernor, but Delegate Emerson said he was
authorized to state that while Mr. Laphain ap
preciated the compliment, he Is obliged to de
cline. Daniel G. Littlefleld was then nom
inated. The rest of last year's ticket was then
renominated. Mr. Ladd was presented to the
convention and made an address, accepting the
honor and forecasting victory.
The platform congratulates the people of the
Unlteo; States at the return of the Bepubllcan
party to the National Government. It Indorses
the, views of the national policy set forth in
PresfdenTHarrison's inaugural. It disapproves
of the 'practical suspension during the past
four years of that liberal course of national
pension legislation adopted by the Bepubllcan
party, believing it should be more generous as
the age of these brave men increase. In re
gard to resubmission of tho prohibit Jry amend
ment, tho platform says: We believe it is the
duty of the General Assemplyto permit the
people ot the State to pass judgment upon any
proposed amendment to the constitution,
whenever an opportunity Is demanded by any
large number of citizens, realizing that our
constitution furnishes full protection against
hasty changes.
He and Lice Try Their Hands at a Game
Which Neither Understands.
From the Washington Post. 3
Bain prevented President Harrison from
taking his usual constitutional walk on Tues
day, and In his determination to find some
kind of recreation, he called Secretary Hal
ford, and the two men began an investigation
of the ramifications of the White House. They
finally invaded the old billiard room, which
has not been used, since President Arthur's
time. The Private Secretary not knowing any
more about billiards than the President was
nonplussed when he was directed to "set the
balls." The two men shucked their coats,
however, selected each a cue, and began to
chalk the ends of the sticks .like professionals.
"Shall it be a pocket game or a three ball
balk?" asked Mr. Halford.
"What's that?" asked the President.
"I don't know," replied the Secretary, "ex
cept I have seen the terms used in the sporting
columns of the Indianapolis Journal."
The President smiled as he' replied: "All
right; let it be three balls, and we will make it
a cushion game."
The two men fixed a rule that each should
have three times to strike at bis own ball with
the cue and four successive opportunities to
hit a second ball with his own after he had
succeeded in punching the "white alley." At
the end of an hour the President drew a long
sigh, and, putting up his cue, inquired of his
Private Becretary:
"Lige. how does the score stand?" -
The Private Secretary put on his Methodist
eyeglasses, nd, looking at the blackboard, re
plied to the Presbyterian President:
"I have forgotten to keep the score and don't
see a scratch on the board."
Ho Decides That Ho Cannot Afford to Attend
the Paris Exposition:
From the New York Sun. 3
Those who have read of King Dinah, of the
Nunez river, West Africa, and of his hermet
ically sealed beer brewery, which runs only
when the King is looking on, to prevent the
sly introduction of poison, will regret to learn N
that alter counting the cost he has decided
that he cannot afford to go to the Paris Expo
sition. He formally announced this fact a
while ago at a banquet he gave to some French
King Dinah once invited a rival chief to dine
with him. He prepared for his guest by dig
gins a deep pit beside the festive hoard, con
cealing it with branches and a little earth, and
placing thereon the chair of honor which his
gnest was to occupy. It was thought that after
tho rival chief had tumbled "into the pit it
would be a favorable time to fill up the exca
vation. Somebody took the news to the in
tended victim, and on the appointed day he
had a pressing engagement .elsewhere. His
grave has not yet been dug. If France would
give King Dinah a deadhead ticket to Paris,
put him in a conspicuous spot, and let him
distribute circulars describing his eventful
career, he would be one of the greatest curiosi
ties, in the bis show.
Secretary Windom Entirely Ont Of Patience
With the Office Seekers.
Washington; March 21. Secretary Win
dom has been so overrun with office-seekers
that he has had scarcely a minute to attend to
his official duties. This afternoon he dictated
the following notice, with instructions to have
it posted conspicuously throughout the build
ing: The Secretary of the Treasury reserves the time
from 10 till 11:30 A. K. for receiving benators and
members of the House or Representatives. Other
persons,deslring to see him upon matters relating
to official patronage will please call between 11:30
A. u. and 1 p. M. The .Secretary requests that he
may be excused from receiving visitors after t p.
II.. in order that he may be able to devote a part
of the day to the consideration of the current busi
ness of the department.
Secretary Windom in speaking of this matter
said it will be well for office seekers to under
stand that It will not be to their interest to file
their applications after! o'clock.
Courteous Treatment Guaranteed.
Washington. March 2L The Secretary of
the Navy has been informed through the Sec
retary of State that his Eminence, the Bishop
of Alaska and tho Aleutian Islands, contem
plates an early tour of Inspection to the most
distant parishes of his episcopal see,and that he
will be provided with a Bussian war vessel for
that purpose.
The Secretary of the Navy has instructed the
commanding officers of United States vessels
in Alaskan waters to extend to the bishop the
courtesies dne to his position and any facilities
he may need.
Reduce 7 Jacks to gills.
How many degrees in a college?
How many sins make one scruple?
How many perfumes make a scent?
How many pounds make a prize fight?
Reduce 3 gallons of whisky to drunks.
How many seconds are there in a duel?
How many feet make a book agent tired?
How many minutes in a previous meeting?
How many barrels in a political campaign?
Add one oyster to each plato of soup in a
church festival, and determine the rise in price
per slate.
A MAINE grocer bought ten barrels of cider
at $2 a barrel. How many of his friends were
afflicted with chronic vertigo before the elder
gave out?
If a man spend three-quarters of ah hour try
ing to unlock the front door with' a button
hook, how much did he spend at the club dur
ing the evening?
A man puts $5,000 in the hands of a Wall
street broker, with instructions to invest the
same in wheat; bow much does he lose by the
transaction? Ank, $5,000.
A ii an fails in Business for 320,000, His cred
itors levy npon hb assets and obtain 37,000 in
settlement of their claims. How much does
his wife make by the transaction? Ans.,
A AND B play a (game of poker. At the
start A has 3300. After playing two hours A
discovers that B is an army officer. He there
upon quits the game. How much does he have
lett? Ans., Nothing.
Iran A. D. T. boy goes on an errand at the
rate of one mile in 43 hours, and another at tho
rate of one mile in Sfimours. which will come
out ahead matching pennies? What chance
has the man who employed thenrof remember
ing what the message was about when he gets
the answer? All fromUilje.
Tendered by tbo members of the ffroMlnn
to Tbelr Old Hall.
The members ot 'the Frohsinn Singing So
ciety gave a grand farewell entertainment last
night in their old hall on Sixth avenue, con
listing of a vocal and instrumental concert, in
which some of the finest local talent took part.
The .ball was crowded to Its utmost capacity.
In fact, a nnmber of the gnests had, to find
room in the ante-chambers, and the necessity
of more accommodation was never more strik
ingly demonstrated to the members" of the
society. But patience is contented in a very
small compass, and even if some of the gnests
felt a little cramped at first, they soon forgot
their discomfiture under the spell of the
musical charms which emanated from the
instruments ot such performers as Fidelia Zit
terbart, Fred Toerge and Charles Cooper,
While the programme was somewhat lengthy,
its details were anything but wearisome, be
cause each selection seemed to stimulate tbo
musical desiro of the audience to an eager
anxiety to listen to the entire nnmber of the
combination. '
The members of Zitterbart's Orchestra, com
posed of about. 40 musicians, chiefly young
amateurs, opened the programme with one of
Beethoven's symphonies, which was rendered
in a very pleasing manner. Then eight mem
bers of the Frohsinn Society sang a double
quartet, which received great applause.
By this time the audience seemed to be
warmed up, as it were, but when Mr. Cooper
played a cello solo in bis usual masterly style;
Miss Agnes Vogel displayed her sweet voice in
a couple of beautiful German songs, and Prof.
Fidelia Zitterbart aroused the enthusiasm of
every lover of mnsic by his wonderful per
formances on the piano, the entire audience
was pleased.
Prof. Zitterbart's rendition of the Scotch air,
YComin' Thro' the Eye' represented the
climax of the concert. Everybody listened,
and a silence pervaded the hall which, apart
from the? softly rippling notes of the piano,
made it possible to hear a pin fall on the floor.
Then a grand chorus, entitled "Morning in
the Forest," was sung by the members of the
Frohsinn in a very happy vein, and a musical
quartet by Miss A. Zitterbart, Miss G. Guen
tner. Miss J. Burgy and Mr. Ed. Hoffmann, ob
tained also well-deserved recognition from the
audience. A violin solo by Prof. Fred. Toerge
was another gem o( the performances of the
evening, and the genial "Fred" was repeatedly
called back to his "fiddle and bow."
A chorus, "The Singer's March," by the
V dancing was indulged in until after midnight.
Order of Solon.
The Star Lodge No. 5, of the Order of Solon,
gave a musical and dramatic entertainmentlast
night in the Bixth Ward School Hall, in Alle
gheny. The Crescent Orchestra rendered sev
eral enjoyable numDers, and the Iron City
Suartet, consisting of Messrs. Homer, Shook,
orrowand Hcndrickson.was several times re
called. A. Y. Lee, assisted by tho Misses Reed
delivered some interesting remarks entitled,
"Travels In Many Lands." A grand tableau
completed an entertainment which was very
successful both in regard to attendance and
TheY. M. H.A.
The Young Men's Hebrew Association gave
a well-attended entertainment last night at
Cyclorama Hall, Allegheny. The literary part
ot the entertainment was followed by dancing,
which was continued to a late hour The en
tertainment was given to the patrons of the
lately concluded and successful lecture series,
and about 400 persons were present.
A Y. M. C. A. Entertainment.
An enjoyable entertainment was given yester
day evening under the auspices ot the Young
Men's Christian Association in the association
building, and as it was the last of the winter's
Reason unusually well attended. The. Bryant
Robertson Combination rendered some pleas
ing numbers of a ventriloquial and musical
A Pnrty lor the Little Ones.
Mrs. James Chambers entertained a number,
of little children at her beautiful residence, on
Bidge avenue. Allegheny, yesterday afternoon.
The delicacies were tendered to the little ones
in the exquisitely decorated dining room, and
the party enjoyed themselves very much.
Like His Grandfather He Loves to Live
A writer in the Berlin Tageblatt gives some
Interesting particulars concerning the home
life of the Emperor, William H. Like his
grandfather, the Emperor loves to lire simply,
and, when his habits are not interfered with by
the presence of distinguished guests at the
castle, he rises at 7, breakfasts at 750, and dines
with the Empress at the unfashionable hour of
I. His favorite relaxation is to play with his
Every day he receives, upon the average,
about 600 letters. These are brought to nlm on
a salver as they arrive, and he opens those let
ters which bear a handwriting, a coat of arms,
or a postmark which is known to him, or ex
cites his curiosity. The rest of the correspond
ence goes unopened to the Civil Cabinet, the
members of which deal with it as may be neces
sary. The majority of the envelopes contain
begging letters or personal petitions. The Em
peror has only one body servant at a time in
attendance upon him, and this man shaves bim,
takes care of his wardrobe, and affords him
what assistance he requires while dressing.
Much of the Emperor's time is spent in bis
private library, where he writes much and
rapidly. Every new book, and every newspa
per dealing with military or naval subjects,
whether It be in German, French, Bussian, or
English, is seen by him; and, besides being a
regular blblio-maniac, so far as regards books
on strategy and military history, he is an en
thusiastic collector of portraits and autographs
of his more celebrated cotemporaries. He
leaves the education of his children entirely to
the direction of the Empress, who is not only a
3trict disciplinarian, bnt also extremely atten
tive to the religious training of the young
Princes. This she at present herself under
takes. The children have various masters and
governesses who visit them; but they have as
yet no military governor, nor even any personal
servants or attendants beyond such a nursery
staff as might be fonnd m any well-to-do bour
ceois family in Berlin. At the outset of bis
relgu the Emperor rendered himself somewhat
notorious for bis readiness to speak in public.
Curiously enough, he has the reputation among
his personal friends of being one of the most
silent of men, save on the rare occasions when
he throws off the monarch and gives rein to his
natural high spirits. So much is this the case,
that in his household the saying Is, "The Em
peror never speaks; be only orders."
A List of the Patents Granted to the Key
stone State.
Washington, March 2L The following is
the list of patents issued from the United
States Patent Office fortheweek ending March
16, for the State of Pennsylvania, as furnished
by Milo B. Stevens & Co., Solicitors of Patents
and Claims, Glover building, Washington, D.C.;
Robert J. Buchanan, Pittsburg, rotary measur
ing wheel: Cyrus M. Carnahan, Coraopolls, as
signor to C C Dickey, trustee, Pittsburg, metal
blank for vehicle tongnes; Emry Davis, Kane,
Jnkstand: DarlenW. Dodson, Wllkesbarre, Pa.,
and F. H. Bichards, Springfield, Mass., said
Klchards assignor to said Dodson, mechanical
movement; John W. Elsenhart, York, wire twist
ing machine: Jacob S. Glbbs, Norrlstown, as
signor to Bridgeport Twine Binder Company, ten
sion device for grain binders; John
C Gloss, Verona, pressure regulator;
William J. Gordon and E. D. Gilbert, Philadel
phia, sheet metal pipe elbow; Solomon L. Gregg,
Greene, apparatus for filling and packing cans;
William E. Hlghfleld, Philadelphia, machine for
changing the angle of the flanges ofZ and angle
bars; Charles A. Hitchcock, assignor ortwo-thlrds
to S. A. Davenport and W. Bnrnley. North East,
telephone transmitter; James 1. Humphrey,
Towanda, numbering machine: Simon sillier,
Philadelphia, shirt; William H. Newell, Philadel
phia, tank for water-valve (2), secret supply,
waste and overflow for basins and baths; Thomas
W. Norton. Shamokln, spool holder: Frederick
C Boss, Merchantvllle, N. J., assignor to I.
Powattaln, Philadelphia, pavement: Edward F.
Shellaberger, Beaver Falls, fence; Gnstav Soedlng,
Philadelphia, cola controlled strength tester;
Jeroinow. Wetmore. Erie, vehicle spring; Al
fred Wilbur. Allegheny, assignor or one-half to
B. B. Llghtroot, Pittsburg, alter; Frederick
Winter, Allegheny, rendering.
Con! Production In the South.
Chattanooga, March 2L The Tradesman
has compiled a table from official reports of
each of the Southern States showing the coal
production in 1SSSL The total production in
West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Alabama.
Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, Arkansas and
Texas in 18S3 was 18,0Q1.5S7 tons, valued at the
mines at 519,810,777, azalnst a total production
of 15,281,743 tons in 1887, valued at 816,593,697.
An Opportunity for tho Standard.
From the Philadelphia American. 1
The latest consular report from India states
that Russian petroleum has been brought there
and is unterseMng the American article. It is
in order now for the Standard Oil Company to
run a pipe through the center of the earthv
SlBOl's Son's Severe Sentence.
New York. March 21,-Young Bobeit SIgel,
son of the Pension Commissioner for New
York, who did this country such good service
during the civil war. was sentenced to-day to
six years at hard labor In the Erie county peni
tentiary for forging pension claims and cheat
ing pensioners while feting as clerk in his
father's office. He pleaded guilty to the
charges against bim, last Thursday, Judge
Benedict accompanied the sentence with a
severe denunciation of the young man's con
duct. The prisoner heard the sentence appar
ently unmoved, and his wife did not exhibit
much emotion, but his .young brother, who was
in the corridor; fainted when he heard of it,
and had to be removed from the building by the
surgeon of the ambulance which was sum
moned. General Sigel was not present.
The Feather Workers' Strike a Failure.
Two hundred feather workers employed by
the Cohnfeld Company went on strike, about
two months ago, because non-union girU were
employed at less than union rates. They had
no fault to find with the wages. They them
selves were getting union standard wages.
They claimed, however, that the employment
of the non-union hands tended to depreciate
the rate of wages, and demanded their dis
charge. The Cohnfeld Companyrefused to
comply with the demand, and the strike re
sulted. It extended to other feather factories,
because the employers, seeing what had hap
pened in the Cohnfeld factory.refused to recog
nize the union.. After suffering much hard
ship the strikers acknowledged defeat to-day,
and the strike was declared off. One hundred
and fifty have regained their old places in the
Cohnfeld shop, but the remainder are left -out
injthe cold. The same story is true of the other
A Convict Has No Bights.
Convicts evidently have no rights whloh de
tectives are bound to respect. Willian Scott,
alias Berkley, the bank burglarwho, with Dun
lap and other pals, robbed the Northampton
Bank, was discharged from the Moyamensing
prison, Philadelphia, after serving a five years'
sentence, a day or two ago, and came to this
city for the first time in ten years. He was
recognized when m Fourth avenue yesterday
by two detectives, who took him to the police
central office, and, after exhibiting him to
those who had never seen him, locked him up.
When he was arraigned In court this morning;
the detectives said that they had no complaint
to make against him, and he was accordingly
discharged at once. Scott's picture is lathe
rogues' gallery,No. 428.
Billy BIcGlory Sells Armory Hall.
Billy McGIory, not Delegable to get atheatrl-c-il
or any other kind of a license for bis dive
in Hesterstreet, known as Armory Hall, had it
sold by auction at the Beal Estate Exchange,
to-day. The hall, with two adjoining buildings
which were connected with it, brought 383,230.
The title of the property was held by Mrs. Mc
GIory, who paid 361,000 for it about three years
ago, at a foreclosure sale. It Is said that Mc
GIory thinks of opening a resort similar to the
one now forever closed for Armory Hall is to
be devoted to legitimate business purposes In
Harlem, where Harry Hill, having been driven
away from Houston street, is running a place
somewhat like his old one.
Theodore Thomas Concerts Once more.
A project Is on foot to revive the popular
concerts which Theodore Thomas' Orchestra
used to give every summer in the Central Park
Garden, at Seventh avenue and Fifty-ninth
street. The building selected for the purpose
is in the same locality, being the structure
heretofore occupied by a mammoth panorama
at Madison avenue and Fifty-ninth street.
When the necessary alterations are completed,
which unfortunately won't be until the middle
of August, it will seat 3,000 people. The main
body of the proposed, music hall will be re
served for people who will go merely to bear
the music, while the balcony will be devoted
to those who will want to smoke and drink as
well as listen. Theodore Thomas is enthusi
astic over the undertaking.
A Rapper to Edwin Booth.
Augustine Daly, A. M. Palmer aud other pro
fessional people will give a snpper to Edwin
Booth, at Deimonico's, on Saturday night of
next week, in recognition of his gift qf a home
to the Players' Club. As Mr. Booth plays In
Williamsburg that night, the supper will not
be served until 11.30 o'clock. Seveuty-five gen
tlemen of literary, sodal and dramatic im
portance will sit down to it
To bo Coached by Cocjuolln.
Coqnelln is to coach some swell amateurs
who are to play "Le Pondre aux Yeux" at the
Berkeley Lyceum, next week, for the benefit
of a French school in South Washington
Last Day of the Convention of Women's
Clnbs in Washington.
Special Telegram to The Dlsnatch.
New Yoke, March 2L To-day was the last
day of the convention of women's clubs. By
noon all the business had been wonndupand
delegates and members of Sorosis took sorrow
ful leave of each other. When the question of
federation was taken np, Mrs. Clymer.wbo was
to appoint the provisionary committee, said
that she had selected "the members altera
great deal of deliberation. Nineteen States
were represented among the 2 delegates, and
it bad been hard work for her to choose.
At the unanimous request of the delegates
the President of Sorosis, Mrs. Clvmer, was
made Chairman of tha committee. Fiveoftbe
committee will be a quorum. Mrs. Clymer an
nounced the adjournment of the convention,
after a few parting words.
He O nglit to be a Happy Man.
From'the Boston Hersld.1
Ex-President Cleveland ought to enjoy his
trip to Cuba. For the first time in many moons
a press agent will not follow him in his travels
to tell the world when he sneezes.
A 00-foot Greenland whale has recently gone
ashore at Cattcgat, Denmark, the first one seen
in those waters in many years, although once
they were common. The skeleton is to be sent
to tha Copenhagen Museum.
Some women in England make good salaries
by manufacturing the dainty silk and lace lamp
shades now so popular. A dealer-in London,
who glories in the royal patronage, pays one
woman 3200 a month for the shades she
These is a tremendous rush in Vienna for
portraits, of the Baroness Marie Vetserar, but
although the photographers have orders for
thousands of copies they can supply none, the
plates having been destroyed and all the pic
tures bought up by the court.
A ptthon over 20 feet longcrawled npon the
deck ot the Norwegian ship Blrma, at Singa
pore, a short time ago, and routed everybody
that attacked it until the whole crew combined,
and, by attacking it on all sides, succeeded in
pinning'lt to tbo deck with a harpoon. The
snake weighed over 80 pounds.
Queen Victoria and one of her daughters
were driving in Windsor a few days ago when
they heard a blind street musician playing
"Abide With Me" npon an accordion. The
Queen ordered that a florin be given to him for
her, and all England is up in arms at this royal
encouragement of an instrument of torture.
The postal telegraph system InEngiandls
operated at a continual loss. Last year the re
ceipts were 330,000 less than expenses, and there
was, besides, the Interest on eighty millions of
investment to pay, making a total deficiency of
over a million and a half. Since 1872 thenet
loss npon the telegraph department of the Post
office has been over 316,500,000.
Paris courts have decided that the pjlice
have no right to f oTbld newsboys crying in the
streets the news tnat ie in the papers they are
selling. The police issued an edict against such
cries at tbo time of the Wilson affair. The
Cabinet will propose a law authorizing sueh ln
terierence by the police, and absolutely pro
hibiting seditions cries by newsboys.
A Glasgow newspaper sees quite a romance
in the coming marriage between young Mr,
Coats, a member of the great Paisley cotton
thread manufacturing company, and Miss
Clark, a daughter of one of the firm of equally
famous American thread makers. For years a
bitter rivalry existed between the two houses,
until the Scotch firm decided to send an am
bassador to America to make friendly over
tures. He was more than successful, and, the
two great houses wfll be united by marriage la
"Jane. JV. T. Sun. '";,.
A case containing representations of
every President of the United States in meer
scliauBibwJustDea completed and will ha
sentto the Paris Exhibition,
In the recent village- election at Two
Harbors, Minn., the vote for T. A. Bury and
Nels Sutherland, for Becorder, resulted In a
tie, whereupon the candidates flipped pennies
for the position, the former winning.
Glass furniture is manufactured es
pecially f OTjndia, wherq the rajahs like glitter
ing and showy rooms. Glass bedsteads and
chairs, huge class sideboards and other articles
of domestic use are made W suit oriental taste,
A member of the Astrakhan Scientific
Society has been taking photographs of fisher
men at work at the month of the Volga, and of
the Implements used by" them. An album of
200 photograDhs gives a complete represents,
tion of the present state of these important
fisheries, and a copy is to be deposited at the
St, Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
A peculiar accident was met with this
week by Oliver Tucker, whose home is at El
derrille, this State. Ho was climbinga tree,
when it split, allowing him to dropTnto the
opening, which closed upon him. crashing bim
terribly. One of bis eyes was squeezed from
its socket. At last accounts the unfortunate)
man was livincbut in a, most critical con
dition. A shoe manufacturer in Portland, He.,
being asked to assist in providing bread for the
suffering poor, said he would contribute to tha
extent of 100 sacks of flour and 100 bushels of
meal. 1 sack of flour and 1 bushel of meal to
he given to every man in Portland who neither
kept a dog, drank rum, nor nsed tobacco, and
Was in need of bread. According to the local
papers, the first man had not appeared, up to ft
day or two ago, to claim the gift.
Jesse Hess is a bark peeler of Logana
portPa. A few nights ago he was awakened
by something jumping on bis bed and walking
quickly and lichtly over him. He shouted for
a light, and his brother ran in the room with ft
lamp. Perched on one of the bedposts they
discovered a big raccoon. Tha coon looked
scared and dazed at the situation, and Jessa
killed him with ft boat. There was no wav for
the coon to get into the house except by climb
ing down the chimney.
A'curions story comes from Orilla, Can
ada. A. Daniel King, a lawyer of that place,
was run aver by the cars and killed. The acci
denttook place at 2 o'clock in the morning, and
at daylights brother drove a lew miles out
from the station to tell his father of the occur
rence. To his surprise, he found his father up
and dressed, awaiting him. "Where's Danlelf"'
he eagerly asked. "I saw him about 2 o'clock
this morning. He came to my window ard
rapped. I saw him three times and spoke to
him." The old man was prepared to hear of
something unusual.
One oi the strangest pieces of artillery
in Europe is at Metz and is known by the name
of the "Grifflq,"f rom the figure of the fabulous
animal which is to be found among the orna
mental portion of its workmanship. The sun
was cast in 1529 at Ehrcnbrcitstein, rear Cob
lentZv It is 17 feet In length and 3 in diameter.
The bore is 10M Inches; weight, 22,500 pounds.
Its carriage is 24 feet in length and the weight
of the ball which it carries is 157 pounds; 43
pounds of powder is required for the charge.
Napoleon intended it for the War Department;
Paris, but found difficulty in transporting it.
Science says that in an experimental
observation of 38 boys of all classes of society,
and of average health, who had been usinc to
bacco for periods ranging from two months to
two years, 27 showed severe injury to the con
stitution, and insufficient growth: 32 showed
the existence of irregularities of the heart's
action, disordered stomach, cough, and a crav
ing for alcohol: 13 had intermittency of the
pulse, and one bad consumption. After they
abandoned the use of tobacco, within six
months one-half were free from all their for
mer symptoms, and the remainder had recov
ered by the end ot the year.
The Safety Valve gives this record of
boiler explosions during 1SSS: Total number of
boilers exploded, 263; estimated loss to prop
erty, 34,100,000; estimated loss by stoppage of
business, 31,050.000: number of employes thrown
temporarily out of work, 10,000; number of
lives lost, 326; number of persons injured. 491.
Of boilers in sawmills and other wood-working
establishments, there were 69 explosions,
locomotives, 21: steamships, tugs and other
steam vessels, 19; portable boilers, holsters
and agricultural engines, 27; mines, oil wells,
colliers. 18; paper mills, bleacheries, digesters,
etc., 13: rolling mills and iron works. 25; dis
iiUerier, breweries, dve works, sugar bouses
and rendering woTka, 21: floor mills and grain
elevators. 13; textile manufactories, 16; miscel
laneous, 21.
A correspondent writes to the Electrical
Hevievn '.'On passing a clothier's window
some days ago I was amused to see one of the
usually lifelike and beautiful (?) boys that ara
engaged by tailors to exhibit their goods to ad
miring passers by bearing a printed notice
pinned to his chest, 'I shall blush to-night.'
On inquiry of the knlght of the shears' I
found that he had a small set of storage cells
in his shop and a. lamp inside the waxen head
of his 'dummy- and that at Intervals ha
switched on the light for a second or two. This
having become tedins, and the blushing tncre
foie somewhat erratic and uncertain when
trade was brisk, he had requisitioned the bottle
lack from the kitchen, and with an attachment
from the bottom ot it had made the jack da
the blushing at regular intervals, without more
trouble than was required in winding itnp
from time to time. Result crowds round tha
window, and a novel advertisement."
A Toulon, France, newspaper printed
an article baaded "Officers and Cads" that
gave offense to the garrison at that place, and
one of the officers, M. Margaine. called at tha
office of the paper and slapped the face of M.
Pyanet, the editor. There was a duel, and tha
editor was slightly wounged. Another officer
tried to get on a fight with the man who had
written the article. M. Lescudier, but was
unable to get him to the scratch, whereupon
the officers composed an article calling all tha
writers on the paper "curs," except the editor
who had fougbj. This was printed in an oppo
sition paper, and the "curs" promptly chal
lenged all the officers. The Colonel put his men
under arrest, but they will be free in a fort
night, and then there will be a dozen or mora
duels, beside two thatM. Lescudier has on with
other writers who criticised his action. Editor
Pyanet has recovered from his wound and
superintends the dally drill thathis subordin
ates are undergoing preliminary to the. begin
ning ot actual hostilities.
"RpftEnn for rnTrvInff. "Sn In anita aF
your previous resolutions, yon are going to
i-.iw.11t MklvrnitAf MVAnarA II hut M. J
has just married, and he did not Invite me to the
weaaiag. x rfui um rcvciigeu. rncgena
An Easy Language. Mr. "Winks (read
ing) Prof. Davidson says that the English
language is easier to acquire than any other
language tpoten.
Mrs. Winks or course It Is. Even our baby is
learning It. Time.
His Present. A sweet girl Mother,
George told me solemnly that that pretty hairpin
holder he gave to me costs.; yet to-day I saw ex
actly the same kind on sale for 10 eents. Mother
You know, my dear, George is very religlous.i
Most likely he bought It at a church fair. .Veio
fork WetKty.
The Bluff Didn'.t "Work. Bully Do you
know that I am the chap lately acquitted for kill
tag a man? .
Sleek-Looking Party Yes; 1 was In the court
room at the time when you blabbered and begged
the jury to think of your wife and little children.
New york Sun.
Aa Opportunity Loft "I say," said
Berkey to his wife yesterday at dinner, "you '
didn't say anything to anyone about what I was
telling yon the night before last, did you? That's
a secret."' ' ,
"A secret! Why, I didn't know it was a se
cret, " she replied regretfully.
"WeU, did y ou tell It? I want to know. ' '
' 'Why, no, I never thought of It since. I didn't
know It was a secret." .Boston Globe.
Society Notes. It is regretted by the girls
that so many young men like "a Dutch' at their
clubs so much more than they do "a German"
A pew dance will be introduced next season it
one can be found more craiythan some -which
now exist. .
Checks will bo worn In bathing suits this year,
and fathers arc now prepirlng to furnish tha
checks for use.
Seaside cottages can usually be bought at about
one-half their annual rental, but the trouble Is
that they are sold for cash and art rented on
references. Most people hare more 'references
than cash. L ,
Bank does not go for much In this country.
Seme people that are very rank fall 'to be ad
mitted within society's gates; but the nris has
undoubted exceptions.
Domino parties are fashionable Jus nowf where
they play whist Instead of dominoes. ,", f -,
A dnde's highest ambition' this ycarjisito be
an equestrian, and lot or donkeys havejnst
been Imported for them so that the unities may be
preserved. v,
Everything goes la .society except , few old
maids, who seem to possess .wonderftil'stsyloa:
It has been noticed ttatfaii'srasa widow" Is
never very X-22Sm&.
-i fii
&.i On.