Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 14, 1889, Image 1

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IT'S JL ' '
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tises vigorously 'and liberally. Advertising is
, truly tlie life or trade. All enterprising and
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satisfied. r adrertWac ra If;
the coluiaa 01 jbs x
patch. t
Receives a Rousing Reception
From Five Thousand
British Voters.
On the Subjects of Erin's Wrongs
and English Misgovernment.
Parnell Speaks at St. James Hall. London
lie's n Jolly Good Fellow Slnslnc and
Cheering An Arrnlcnment or the En.
Cliah GoTernment Dnpllclty and In
justice Toward Irelnnd Scoring Salis
bury and Balfour The Parnell Commls
slou a Wasto of Public Time and Money
The Government Should Ilave Prose
cutedEnglishmen HuuibugKCd on the
Irish Question.
Mr. Parnell has made a Dlainand forcible
statement of his position on the question of
home rule for Ireland. He made it before
an assemblage of Englishmen and was
cheered to the echo, notwithstanding he told
some nnpleasant truths in a straightforward
manner. He arraigned the Government for
its treatment of Ireland, touched upon the
Times forgeries, and thoroughly reviewed
the whole subject
LONDON, March 13. Copyright. The
meeting in St James' Hall, at which Par
nell spoke this evening, was one of the
most remarkable political demonstrations
witnessed in London for many years. The
big building was crammed with some 4,000
or 5,000 people considerably more than it
was built to hold and their enthusiasm at
times almost amounted to frenzy, uhich is
the more remarkable, seeing that
99 out of every 100 of the
people present were Englishmen, not used
to letting their emotions run away with
them. Mr. John Morley and other Liberal
leaders were on the platiorm, and also Ar
nold Morley and Cyril Flowers, the official
Liberal whips, whose presence signalized
the public identification of the Liberal and
Nationalist parties.
John Morley made'a slashing speech, in
the course of which he described the Gov
ernmental connection with the forged letters
as infamous, and promised Smith, Ballour
and company a torrid time in Parliament
A Jolly Good Fellow.
When Parnell rose to speak the huge au
dience, men and women alike, jnmped to
their feet, cheered, and waved their hats
and handkerchiefs forifive and a half
minutes by the clock, and wound up by
singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"
with terrific vigor for another minute or
two. Parnell's eyes glistened and his lips
trembled with emotion, and several minutes
elapsed before he had entirely recovered his
composure. He spoke as follows:
"I cannot attempt to describe my gratifi
cation and delight at the reception given
me. Such evenings will do more for the
union than 20 centuries of the firm govern
ment laughter of Salishurv and Balfour.
I am sure my countrymen throughout the
world will be equally honored with me by
your reception of their cause. I prefer to
draw lessons from passing events. This
great meeting is assembled to protest against
their petty and malignant meanness and of
Mr. Balfour s government in Ireland. The
Chairman expressed hope that I would be a
Privy Councillor. On that point I must be
pardoned for saying nothing.
A Pointed Question.
"But it is legitimate to inquire whether
there is not something rotten in a system of
Government which compels the ostracism
from the affairs of your Empire of 86 of the
103 Irish members. That is one of the first
results of seven centuries of firm govern
ment much firmer than we are likely to see
again Cheers Government under which
it was only necessary Us get up forged let
ters against a man and not to prove them to
enable the Lord Lieutenant to have him
beheaded. Fortunately they cannot do
such things nowadays. What then has
been one of the results of that system? That
we Irish members Irom the very necessity of
our position are unable to take that share in
the duties of Government, which is one of
the naturaland justifiable hopes of all men
entering Parliament If we - iolated the
pledge, upon which alone we obtained the
trust of our constituencies, namely, that we
should refuse to accept place or office for
ourselves or others from any English Gov
ernment as long as the just rights of
Ireland were not conceded, were we
to base and mean we should fail
to find a single constituency to re-elect us.
Twenty-Four 91. P.s Imprisoned.
"Well, then, is it not a matter for inquiry
why Mr. Balfour cannot govern Ireland
two years without imprisoning 24 Irish
members of Parliament as common felons
for offenses unknown to your law in Eng
land mainly for speaking and writing in
the newspapers. Cries of shame.
"We now come to another question. I
will not enter into the details of the charges
and allegatlens made by the Times, but
speaking generally, I want to know why, if
these charges ana allegations naa any
foundation, the Government of the country
did not take them up themselves, and inves
tigate them to their source by the machin
ery at their command, and if they want
ed special machinery why 'did not they
construct it with the power at their
command? They had all the machinery in
Ireland they required for the detection of
crime, and especially constructed, lor tnem
by Parliament. If they wanted extra power
they could have obtained it When were
these charges first started? When was the
command first given to the forger and per
jurer to obtain or invent evidence which
would result in putting us on trial on crim
inal chirgcs, the punishment of which was
, An Amateur Failnre.
vvf i""It was at the very moment when Lord
viMlCarnarvon was inviting.us to confer with
"him on the future government of Ireland,
and as to a new constitution (for these were
his words in opening the conversation)
which was to be given to Ireland, establish
ing her Parliament That was one of the
reasons why this business of unearthing
crime was left to amateurs laughter and
a pretty mess they made of it
"Why, again when Lord Carnarvon was
driven from office owing to failure of his
colleagues to carry out the pledges he had
given us with the charges strengthened by
the proofs ot forged letters, did not the Gov
ernment undertake the job? And you
must remember this no single matter sub
stantiated by the Time was unknown to
Lord Carnarvon and Lord Salisbury when
they entered into these negotiations with us,
so theyjcould not plead ignorance.
Worthy of Englishmen.
"Why, again, did not the Government,
instead of fighting behind the petticoats of
the Times, say boldly, 'We think these
matters worthy of clearing up, and will our
selves appoint a tribunal for the purpose.
We shall ourselves be responsible for the
proceedings, and we shall ourselves prose
cute the parties who may be found in the
result worthy of prosecution.' That would
have been a Government worthy of En
glishmen. Cheers. But no, they had
recourse to every subterfuge and dodge. In
deed, they pretended that they had estab
lished the commission to enable me
to disprove the letters. But they so care
fully framed the terms of the act that the
Times was enabled to compel us to appear
in court day after day for nearly six. months
for 52 actual sitting days of the commis
sion while every. charge, every allegation,
devisable by the cupidity and ingenuity of
informers and jailbirds against everybody
else but ourselves, was brought forward and
investigated, untilat length theyapproached
the letters most unwillingly, and gave us
for the first time an opportunity.
A Judicial SenndaL
"The skill of Sir Charles Kussell and
other gentlemen was promptly used for ex
posing what, without disrespect to the
Judges, I shall venture to call one of the
most scandalous wastes of public time and
money ever instituted under the guise of a
judicial investigation. Cheers. Why
do our political opponents go to all this
trouble to attempt to throw discredit upon
the repreientatives of Ireland, and necessar
ily upon the cause they represent and their
"Well, I think the plain answer is be
cause this country being remote from Ire
land, the people of England not being in
contact or communication with, and not un
derstanding the real wishes, thoughts and
aspirations of the people of Ireland, it is
comparatively easy to lead them astray on
any political question in Ireland. Cheers.
Humbugged Englishmen.
The Tories know that they cannot hum
bug you on one of your own questions, so
they allowed their domestic and Imperial
policies questions you understand full well,
to be swayed by those prudential considera
tions to enable them to avoid a vote of
censure upon any English, Scotch or
Imperial matter, but not so with
Ireland. They can humbug at least
they have been able up to the present and
hoodwink you upon an Irish question with
the utmost facility. So it happened that
the Tory party, which in 1885, by the mouth
of Lord Carnarvon, promised us an Irish
Parliament in 1886-'87, turned right around
and renewed their policy of coercion and
produced forged letters as proofs of the
criminality of Irish members. Cries of
shame. I think we are entitled to ask
all thinking, reflective men and women in
England to consider this:
"Is it right that the future and the liber
ties of Ireland should be dependent upon a
casual publication ot a forged letter by the
Times on the morning of a great division.
Cries of "No." It has been admitted on
oath by the manager ot the Times that the
publication was purposed to affect the divi
sion. Cries of shame.
The Irish Question.
''Now let us come to the question of the
government of Ireland. The land question,
tor instance, is only one example of the
bungles every English Government makes
in an attempt to rule Ireland from West
minster. I do not say that the land ques
tion is an Irish question, but bring it
forward as a most salient example of the
unfortunate incapacity of the English Par
liament to do justice to Ireland."
Referring lengthily to the history of the
land qucstron, the improvements made by
tenants and the fact that the ocenpants had
built their houses, the speaker proceeded:
"You English men and women ought to
reflect when you read of forcible resistance
in some cases by Irish tenants against
armed force that it is not real resistance, be
cause it amounts to such resistance as a fly
might make to an elephant about to crush
it under its foot. Cheers and laughter.
But when you hear these things you must
reflect that after all these people are being
expelled from homes they built themselves
and which are their own property, although
the law has not yet efficiently protected that
Beyond Hnman Endurance.
"You must see that it is sometimes not in
human nature to endure and withstand
this provocation as passively as we desire
they should for the sake ot the future of
their country, and that sometimes their
manhood revolts and they strike a blow in
their own defense."
Here Mr. Parnell related a story which
he had heard of a man convicted of joining
in a revolutionary movement, not unjustly,
perhaps, but a man made bitter by recol
lections of the famine period and of days
without food a man who recollected hav
ing seen his mother carry a dead daughter two
miles on her back to bury her, and who had
seen her return from the sorry funeral only
to find her remaining daughter dead, when
she had to perform the same office again.
"That," said Mr. Parnell, "is the history
of many men who are denounced to-day as
dynamitards and Fenians. And although
from' every point of view we condemn vio
lence and illegal unconstitutional action
from the point of view of the interests of Ire
land from the point ot viewot morality and
of hope and confidence in the future yet
sometimes we cannot help thinking that
after all there has been much in the lessons
English Misgovernment
has taught Ireland for generations to justify
or excuse the actions of these rash, hot
headed men; cheers men who, despair
ing of parliamentary agitation, losing, and
justly, all trust in their Irish representa
tives who so lepeatedly had betrayed the
constituencies which trusted them, turned
to criminal methods as the only hope for
the luture of Ireland. But it is an honor
able thought which I feel to-night, that since
the introduction of the great measure
of 188C Ireland has definitely turned her
back upon all these base, hopeless and des
perate courses; that she is confident that in
the ways of the Constitution lie her safety,
and that under the genins and guidance of
that great and devoted Englishman,
Gladstone prolonged cheers, with
the new hope that has come
into all our hearts and breasts, the day
of ultimate freedom for Ireland cannot
be long deferred. We tire now
on the eve ot a great popular up
heaval a movement which will not
subside until you have enabled your great
leader to carry through the legislature of
the Empire a measure which will give Ire
land all legitimate control of her own future,
her own interests and her own welfare with
out any shadow of harm or ill to your own
greater interest"
Mr. Parnell resumed his seat amid loud
and prolonged cheering.
Bnssell Bos Three Weeks In Which to Pre
pare His Aralauche of Argument
The Last Lame Testimony
No Interim Report.
London, March 13. Copyright The
Times case came to a lame, impotent and
fitting conclusion to-day, the last two wit
nesses being informers whose evidence in
one instance was utterly discredited and in
the other was completely neutralized by his
admissions in cross-examination. Mr.
Charles Kussell will have nearly three
weeks in which to arrange the course of the
defenso, and he will receive the assistance
of William O'Brien and Edward Harring
ton, both of whom are to be released from
prison for that purpose. Mr. Biggar in
forms me that his present intention is to
make a speech and call witnesses in his own
behalf entirely irrespective of what the
others may do. The Irish leaders and their
lawyers will shortly meet to discuss the
course they shall take.
Prior to the adjournment Sir Charles
Kussell asked the Court whether it was pie
pared to express judgment regarding the
question of an interim report on the forged
letters. In reply Presiding Justice Hannen
said: "We are not prepared to give an an
swer limiting our freedom of action. The
extraordinary circumstances attending the
withdrawal of the letters speak for them
selves. No report can enhance or diminish
their effect. But we have not yet come to a
decision as regards the making of a report"
The Daily ITews, referring to the absence
of an interim report bv the Parnell Commis
sion, says that Presiding Justice Hannen's
emphatic and weighty words almost amount
to a substitute for a definite judgment
Gladstone Writes a Letter Defining the
Present Situation. ,
London, March 13. Mr. Gladstone has
written a letter, in which he says: "The
Irish crisis has become acute to an unusual
degree, and is pressing itself be
yond all former experience on the
mind and conscience of the people of
England. A great conspiracy which aimed
at the stabbing of the vital interests of Ire
land by means of forged letters through the
honor of Mr. Parnell, has been disgracefully
exploded, and those who urged the inquisi
tion with such eager glee are now only seek
ing means to disown and evade responsi
The Sad Scqncl of the Murder of McCIure
and Flanagan.
New Yoek, March 13. Michael Riz
zolo, alias "Ked-Nose Mike," who was re
cently convicted at Wilkesbarre of the mur
der of Bernard McCIure and Hugh Flana
gan, made a confession, implicating Giu
seppe Bevivino and Vmcenzo Villela,
Bevivino and Villela fled to Italy. Pink
erton sent an agent to look for them. With
the aid of the Italian Carabiniera, or police,
the agent caught Villela and recovered
$1,000 of the money stolen from Flanagan
and McCIure. Bevivino couldn't be found.
On February 17 the Italian police mis
took a youth named Basillio Fablani for
.Bevivino. He resisted arrest and was killed
in an attempt to escape, 'The people of the
town weremuch grieved at the occurrenpe,
as Fabiani belonged to one of the best fami
lies, of Maida,and was a young man of great
Tbey Have a Candidate for Commissioner of
Internal Revenue.
Chicago, March 13. The Whisky
Trust, as well as the united Illinois Repub
lican Congressional delegation at the Na
tional Capital, is supporting Asa Matthews
for Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Nearly, if not quite, one-half the total tax
collected on spirits in the United States is
paid by the trust, and the position of that
organization was stated in conversation this
evening by Adolph Woolner, a Peoria dis
tiller, who is one of the nine trustees of the
big combination. Mr. Woolner said:
The whisky men are in favor of Matthews
because they think he will collect the tax
closely. You see it is to our interest to have
the revenue laws strictly enforced. A new
man who lacks experience and doesn't know
the law cannot prevent the violation of the
law and illicit distilling. Miller, the present
commissioner, did pretty well the first two
years, but Congress cut down the appropria
tions and hampered him so much that moon
shiners have sprung up in nearly every Southern
The New Catholie University at Washing
ton Formally Approved.
Rome, March 13. A papal brief approv
ing the statutes of the Washington Uni
versity, will appear to-morrow. The brief
is dated March 7. In it the Pope commends
the Episcopate for establishing the universi
ty, from which, he says the Papal See ex
pects to derive great advantages. His Holi
ness recalls the fact that the establishment
of the new institution coincides with the
centenary of the Catholic hierarchy in
America, of which it is a commemorative
On themotion of the Cardinals and the
congregation of the propaganda fide, the
Pope willingly approves the statutes of the
university and authorizes the professors to
confer academical degrees in philosophy,
theology and canonical law. The conclu
sion of the brief places the university under
the control of the American primate, the
Pope reserving the right of revising the
programme of instruction.
He Tolls Why He Should bo Governor of the
Chableston, W. Va., March 13. In
the Supreme Court to-day. President Carr,
of the Senate, submitted his petition for a
peremptory writ of mandamus against E.
W. Wilson, setting forth that there is a va
cancy in the office of Governor, which has
been usurped by E. W. Wilson, a private
individual; that petitioner is President of
the Senate and by law entitled to the office,
etc Governor Wilson responded in person
denying the allegation ot Carr. A decision
is expected on Friday.
Bhode Island Will Endeavor to Get Bid of
Providence, R. I., March 13. After a
disenssion of less than half an hour the
Senate, by a vote ot 22 to 15, has passed the
resolution resubmitting the prohibitory
amendment to the Constitution. The reso
lution must now pass the Assembly to be
submitted to the people in 1890.
Not the Engineer's Fault.
Mauch CitUNK, Pav March 13. Henry
Cook, engineer of the first engine that
crushed into the excursion train 'at Mud
Run, was put on the stand this morning.
He claimed that the collision was not his
fault, but that the signals were wrong.
Captain. Skinner Thinks Belribnlion
Overtook Allegheny Connty.
A Favorable Report tote Made on the
Australian Ballot Bill.
Tbey Succeed In Qettioz the BrtMns Bill Defeated In
The well-known negatived border raid
bill is again under consideration in the
Honse, a resolution to place it on the; calen
dar, having passed yesterday by a vote ot
122 to 47. Captain Skinner, who has It in
charge, made a great soldier speech on the
subject. The Australian ballot bill is to
be reported favorably. Senator Robbins'
text book bill has been killed in committee.
Habbisbubg, March 13. Captain Skin
ner, of Fulton, to-day called up his resolu
tion to place his bill, popularly known as
the border raid bill, on the calendar. The
measure in some form or other is a well
known one in the halls of legislation, the
matter having recurred at regular intervals
since 1864. The State appropriated (400,000
for the relief of the people of Chambersburg
whoso homes had been consumed by the
torches of rebel raiders, ann inl868a special
commission ascertained the damages done in
the border counties of Pennsylvania and
fixed the total damage at $3,000,000, giving
the victims certificates stating the amount
of their individual losses. The State there
after did nothing.
The present bill was negatived by the
Judiciary General Committee of the House,
and it required a vote of a majority of the
whole House to place it on the calendar,
which was done by a vote of 122 to 47, after
Captain Skinner had made an eloauent
speech. Chambersburg, he said, would not
have been burned by the rebels had the
sons she sent to battle been at home, armed
to defend her.
It was one of the best soldier speeches of
the session, and the big veteran thrilled
his hearers as he pictured the stars one
night looking down on the ashes of Cham
bersburg and on the pale, upturned faces' of
her dead sons who had fallen in battle for
their countryon the soil of Georgia.
Captain Skinner said that when the
Pittsburg papers, 19 -years ago, made vio
lent attacks on the measure for the relief of
the border county sufferers, he had said in
his speech on the floor of the House that
the time might arrive when Pittsburg would
come to the Legislature asking such relief
for herself. His words seemed prophetic of
the great Pittsburg riots, and he believed
that when Allegheny came to the Legisla
ture, seeking relief, she would have ob
tained it had she not brought a lobbr.
The form of Captain Skinner's bill is to
give citizens the right to bring suit against
the State for damages. Some of the Alle
gheny members think
in this, and a caucus is called for to-morrow
morning, to consider the advisability
ofattemDtiae ioJiavelhe bill amended to .
give cities and counties this same 'right i
xnis wouia, it is. arguea, permit .rittsuurg
and Allegheny county to bring suit against
the State for damages caused by the riots.
The big stumbling block in the way is a
special law which bars Allegheny and
Philadelphia counties from such benefits,
and exempts them from responsibility for
the losses of other parts of the State. Mr.
Lytle, of Huntingdon, who followed Mr.
Johnson, of Cameron, in a speech against
the measure, charged that a syndicate had
bought up claims and wis pushing the bill.
He also said that many of the original
claimants were dead, and their heirs wore
pushing the claims. Mr. Kreps and Cap
tain Skinner both denied the syndicate al
Jegation, and the latter said it wasn't the
fault qf the deceased original claimants that
they were dead, nor was if their fault that
manyof them had died in the poorhouse.
The Captain quite won the sympathy of
the Spouse, but his bill cannot be passed in
regular order, and it isn't likely a special
order will be made for it Simpson,
Senator Bobbins' Text Book Bill Knocked
Out OfTtlio Floor.
Habbisbubg, March 13. The Senate
Educational Committee this afternoon nega
tiveil Senator Bobbins' bill providing for a
Btaje Commission to prepare uniform text
books for the borough and township schools
of tine State. Prof. Wickersbam, State
Superintendent Higbee, and Superintendent
Luctey, of Pittsburg, talked against the bill
yesterday, and Senator Robbins says thejr
talk was all in favor of the school
booU publishers, many of whom have
been here working against the bill. Senator
Robuina says the influence of the Depart
ment of Public Instruction has been against
the measure, and it is defeated in committee
in spite of the fact that he showed con
clusively the economy and utility of his
plan. The committee was a tie on the
question, and Chairman Stamen cast the de
ciding vote against it
Mrl Robbins' county, Westmoreland, has
sent aim a petition of 3,000 names in favor
of thf bill, and he has indorsements of it
from half the county superintendents of the
Statei He will endeavor to have it placed
orrthti calendar, and will at least bring its
merits before the Senate.
The Australian Ballot BUI Favored.
HaIrbisbubg, March 13. The Senate
ons Committee will favorably report
Australian ballot bill, with aniend-
One of these fixes the time for the
;i ijt trn Info effpitf. .TitinaMr 1QOO tn.
steadof July, 1889. The right of the voter
to vote tor wnom ne pleases is also ex
tended. i
f I The Right to Attnch Wages.
) trsoM a STArr cobbksposdixt.3
Habbisbubg, March 13. The House
Judiciary General Committee to-night
actecj favorably on Representative Lafferty's
bill giving merchants the right to attach
wages for debt This is the bill advocated
by the Retail Merchants Protective Asso
tion, of Pittsburg.
Need of a Good Bond Law.
Habbisbubg, March 13. County Com
missioner McKee is here in the interest of
several county bills affecting Allegheny.
He) would like to see a good general road
latv passed, but is of the opinion that it will
be; a long time coming.
la a Sub-Committee's Hands.
Habbisbubg, March 13. Representa
tive Robinson's alien land owners' bill has
peen referred by the Ways and Means Cora-
muec iu a suD-commiuee, consisting oi
Sillingsley, Biter and MacDonald.
No Farther Troublefor the General Revenue
Bill In the House The Auditor Gen-
eral Disappointed Natural Gas
Companies Protest.
Habbisbubg, March 13. It was plain
sailing for the remaining sections of the
general revenue bijl, to-day. The adoption
by the House last evening of the amend
ment exempting from the 3 mill tax, all
manufacturing corporations except those
enjoying the right of eminent domain and
brewing, distilling and canning companies',
settled the principal point of difference
against the framers of the bill.
Auditor General McCamant said in refer
ence to the amendment to-day "that he was
of course sorry his jdea of the matter had
not been carried out In the bill, but the Leg
islature of course had the disposal of the
matter in its own hands, and he was not re
sponsible, for its action. He has yet to meet
a lawyer, he says, who will say the exemp
tion is constitutional.
It was expected that there would be
trouble to-day over the section imposing the
8-mill tax on gross receipts. Objections
were to have been made on behalf of the
natural gas companies, but Mr. Hall had an
amendment inserted in the section confining
its provisions to incorporated natural gas
There were few objections to the remain
ing sections of the bill, and the House took
little notice of .them. Some, debate oc
curred on the making of a new special order
for the bill on third reading. -Thursday of
next week was finally fixed on as a date
agreeable to every one, and it will come up
at 10:30 a. m. on that day.
J. M, Dickoy, ef the Franklin Natural
Gas Company, arrived here to-day to repre
sent the peculiar case of a number of natural
fas corporations and the injustice that will
e done them by the bill. His own com
pany is a prominent example. This com
Eany buys its gas from the Oil City Fuel
apply Company, which pipes the gas to
the city limits of Franklin, where the
Franklin Natural Gas Company receives it.
The gross receipts of the Franklin Natural
Gas Company are about 65,000 a year.
Half of this sum it pays to the Oil City Fuel
Supply Company, under its contract with
the latter. Tire Franklin company will, of
course, be compelled- to pay the 8 mill tax
on its gross receipts, and as the Oil City
company will have to pay the 8-mill tax on
its gross receipts, it will pay a tax on the
sum it receives from the Franklin company,
which sum will therefore pay the tax twice.
They Dlenn to Take the Soldiers Orphans'
Schools Fromhe Syndicnte.
Habbisbubg, March 13. Senator
Gobin this morning introduced in the Sen
ate an act for the government ot the Soldiers
Orphans' Schools. The bill provides for a
commission, consisting of the Governor,
Superintendent of Public Instruction, De
partment Commander of the G. A. R. of
Pennsylvania, one Senator, two members of
the House and five members of the G. A.
R. This, commission shall make all ar
rangements for the comfort of the children,
gay what schools shall be continued, and
appoint a male and a female inspector, at
$1,800 and $1,000 salary respectively.
Orphans under 10 years will get $100 a year,
and between 10 and IS years $113 a year.
The bill, if passed, will go into effect on
June 1 next The members of the G. A. R.
are very anxious to get the schools away
from the rapacious syndicate, and will
make an effort to push the bill to final pass
phe Education C9mmitte5LafL.ihftJ3enate.
took charge of the bill this afternoon, but
postponed: consideration of it until morning,
at the request of the joint committee of the
Legislature of soldiers' orphans. The bill
is unsatisfactory to members of the commit
tee, in that it gives the State Department of
the i. A. K. a majority representation on
the commission, to take charge of the or
phans and the schools. The bill is the one
recommended by the graduates of the sol
diers' orphans schools at the meeting in
Philadelphia, and, it was understood, the
sub-committee of the joint committee to
which it was referred would revise it but it
'didn't do so.
The Dressed Beef Convention Sits Down on
the Combinations Inspection on
the Hoof Favored After
a Warm Debnte.
Sz. Louis, March 13. At the Cattle Con
vention to-day resolutions were introduced
by the Texas delegation declaring against
trusts, and outlining a measure to suppress
them. The clause concerning the infliction
of punishment provides that any cor
poration violating any of the provisions of
this act shall forfeit Its charter and
franchises and its corporate existence shall
cease. Any foreign corporation under simi
lar conditions shall he denied the right to do
business in the State. Any violation is
aho declared a conspiracy against trade and
upon conviction carries a fine and impris
onment, the maximum being $5,000 and two
The evening session was devoted to the
consideration of a measure for the inspec
tion of meat on the hoof in eaoh State.
After a prolonged and warm debate lasting
until after midnight, in which Texas and
Illinois delegates were most bitterly op
posed to the measure, the bill was adopted
by a vote of 46 to 25, and the convention
adjourned sine die.
He Hacks His Wife's Face nnd Cats His
Own Throat.
Erie, March 13. Adam Lauix, a wagon
maker in this city, 55 years old, attacked
his wife with a knife to-day in a fit of
jealousy. He deliberately stabbed and
slashed her face in the most horrible manner,
driving a hroad-bladed knife through her
nose, laying her cheeks open below the eyes
and otherwise disfiguring her. She made
her escape and fled into the street drenched
with blood.
Lauix then placed a note where it would
be seen In which he declared his perfect
sanity and responsibility in the matter,
after which he cut his own throat, hacking
and mangling it so that pieces of the
trachse are gone, and although he is still
alive, he must die, as the wounds cannot be
stitched. M rs. Lauix may recover, but she
will be hideously scarred.
MIsiHotchklss' Friends Reiterate the Story
of the Engagement.
Ottawa, March 13. The engagement
of Governor Hill, of New York, to Miss
Hotchkiss, daughter of the United States
Consul at Ottawa, is announced here
among the friends of the young lady.
Consul Hotchkiss laughed when shown the
published denial of the Governor, but de
clined to say anything about it He says
that Governor Hill ought to know all about
it, and to him he would leave any explana
tion that might be made.
It is learned beyond doubt, however, that
the Governor and Miss Hotchkis3 are en
gaged, and that the charming young
daughter of the popular Consul at the Do
minion capital will at an early day adorn
the Exeeutive Mansion at Albany as Mrs.
The" Grumblers Want President Har
rison to Get a Move on Him.,
Walker Blaine the Confidential Legal Ad
viser of His Father.
Secretary Blaine Bnjlag BI; Blocks of Washington
Eeal Estate.
Active Republican politicians in Wash
ington are reported as grumbling because
the ins are not being turned out fast
enough. President Harrison, they say,
is making haste a little too slowly. Secre
tary Blaine is making preparations for a
lengthy residence in Washington. He is
purchasing big blooks of real estate. A
Clarion county crank turns up at the
White House.
Washington, March 13. The poli
ticians who are in the habit of knowing
things a little in advance are grumbling
because they don't know anything about
what the President will do, and nobody
seems to have any idea of what is likely to
happen. They have decided that the
tronble is that while other Presidents have
usually had each a guide, philosopher and
friend, President Harrison has no adviser,
or has adopted the whole American people
as advisers. There is a good deal of irri
tability on the part of the politicians be
cause the nominations are made so slowly,
and because there seems to be no system or
theory on which they are made. Political
considerations are thus far quite subordinate
to personal considerations, and, geograph
ically considered, the appointments seem to
be made on the carpet-bag principle.
Senator Farwell explained his idea of
civil service reform to the President to-day.
He told, him that the elder Harrison and
Zachary Taylor were killecfl by the impor
tunity of office seekers, and he would be if
he didn't put a stop to the sort of thing now
going on. Furthermore, the Senator said
he didn't like to come to the President and
beg things; he was not in the habit of beg
ging. He wanted to know what Illinois
could have, and the Illinois delegation
would recommend the right men for the
Senator Farwell insisted that Asa Mat
thews, of Illinois, was just the man for
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and it
never would do to appoint a West Virginian
to office where the chief work was to pre
vent the manufacture of moonshine whisky
in the South. The President replied that
the appointment had not been decided On,
and there Senator Farwell left it. Senator
Cullom didn't go, because he didn't see that
calls at the White Honse led to any visible
results, and he was tired of talking.
Walker Blaine is to be his father's legal
adviser. He takes the office which Mr.
TfvniH fillpd with li lflfftTl. CfiaWftTi
one of the highest authorities on criminal
and international law this country has pro
duced. A few years ago young Mr. Blaine
assisted ex-Postmaster General Cress
well itr representing the United' States
before the Alabama Claims Com
mission, and Mr. Cresswell speaks
in the highest terms of his assistant's abili
ty. The office of First Assistant Secretary,
instead of going to Walker Blaine, goes to
Eugene Schuyler, nominally of New York,
bnt a resident of Europe.
Colonel Bussey, Assistant Secretary of
the Interior, is another personal selection
with a portable residence. He lived in
Iowa before the war, in Louisiana after the
war, and lately has been making his head
quarters in New York, to which State his
appointment is credited. In the Civil War
he was Colonel of the Third Iowa Cavalry,
and he promoted Lieutenant John W.
Noble over the heads of 12 captains to be
Major, and now Secretary John W. Noble
gets Colonel Bussey appointed as Assistant
Secretary of the Interior.
Republican Congressmen Anxious to Have
the Guillotine Work Faster.
Washington, March 13. The slow
ness with which-the chief appointments are
being made is causing a deal of discontent
among Republican members of Congress
who are forced to remain here to look after
the interests of applicants for positions, and
who Can do nothing until higher officials,
whose duty it is to attend to appointments in
their departments.are themselves confirmed.
The decision of Clarkson, of Iowa, to ac
cept the position of First Postmaster Gen
eral, will probably afford some relief to these
Congressmen, who as soonashe is confirmed,
can present to him the cases of applicants
for postmasterships which are not of the
Presidental class.
There are hundreds of suoh places waiting
to be filled, and charges will be preferred
against hundreds more, which will doubt
less result in their removal, so that the
new First Assistant will have his hands
It Will be Handy for Him to Communicate
With the Fress.
Washington, March 13. A sign
painter was busy to-day, changing the let
tering on the door of Senator Quay's new
committee room. It is located in the gal
lery of the Senate chamber, close to the
press gallery, and the Senator will therefore
oe handy to the boys, that they may ask
him for the columns of news which he has
every day, but never gives to them.
One door leads to two rooms, which have
hitherto been used by the Inter-State Com
merce Committee. Senator Quay will have
the inner room, which is the pleasanter of
the two, and the lettering will now read.
"Inter-State Commerce" and "Transporta
tion Routes to the Seaboard," the latter
being the committee of which the Senator
is Chairman. '
He Will bo Allowed to Kemaln for the Time
Washington, March 13. Attorney Gen
eral Miller said this afternoon that no fur
ther action had been taken in the case of
District Attorney Waits, of West Virginia,
who has notified the department that he does
not propose to comply with the request for
his resignation.
The Attorney General said that no one has
yet been selected for Mr. Watts' place, and
that the latter would probably be allowed to
remain until his successor has been nom
inated and confirmed.
Quay Getting In His Work.
Washington, March 13. Postmaster
General Wanamaker has appointed the fol
lowing named fourth-class postmasters:
William P. Lashley, at Buck Valley, Pa.;
John Fillman, atMillmont, PaV
Calls at the White House nnd Lands la the
Lap of Justice.
srxciAx. TZLxasAx to ins dispatch.
Washington, March 13. A 30-year
old man arraigned in the police court this
morning, on a charge of vagrancy, claims
he is 'Uncle Sam," but when asked his
name, gave it as Benjamin Shirrv. He hails
from Clarion connty, Pa., and has been-
here three days. Me spent the nigMft at
the night lodging house, and during the
day he visited the Departments, He got
through all right until he visited the White
House last evening. There he attempted to
assert' his rights, and declared his intention
of going upstairs foriis clothes. He also
wanted to see three of his lady friends,
Misses Connors, Hughes and Finley, who
he said were there from Clarion county. He
says he knows them well, and cannot under
stand why he was prevented from going up-itairs-
He takes no notice whatever of the Presi
dent, but is especially interested in the
ladies. He knows that Mrs. Cleveland has
left the White House, but denies that Mrs.
Harrison has yet arrived there. When in
formed that he had been given 60 days on
the farm, he anxiously inquired how he
could send word to his lady friends. He was
told that he could call at the end of two
months, but one of the colored prisoners
informed him that he wonld then get an
other two months. The good-natured pris
oner remarked that by that time he would
be in Europe.
President Harrison's Appointments
Rushed Through the Senate.
Washington, March 13. The Presi
dent to-day sent the following nominations
to the Senate:
Eugene Schuyler, of New York, to be As
sistant Secretary of State, vice George L.
Rivts, resigned. Walker Blaine, of Maine, to
be Examiner of Claims for the Department of
State, vice Francis Wharton, deceased. Cyrus
Bnssey, of New York City, .to be Assistant
Secretary of the Interior, vice David L. Haw
kins, resigned.
The Senate has confirmed the following
A. C. Mellette, to be Governor of Dakota.
L. B. Richardson, to be Secretary of Dakota.
Cornelius H. Hanford, of Washington Terri
tory, to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Conrt
of the Territory of Washington. George W.
Irvln, of Montana, to be Marshal of the United
States for the Territory of Montana. Smiley
N. Chambers, of Indiana, to be United States
Attorney for the District of Indiana. George
S. Batcheller, of New York, to be Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury, vice Hugh S.
Thompson, resigned. Albert G. Porter; of
Indiana, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Min
ister Plenipotentiary of the United States to
Italy. John A. .nander, of Illinois, to be
Minister Resident and Consul General ot the
United States to Denmark. Walker Blaine,
of Maine, to be Examiner of Claims in the
State Department. Richard Root, to be Post
master at Keokuk, la.
The confirmation of Walker Blaine was
out of the usual order, and made by unani
mous consent, probably as a compliment to
his father. The position to which he is ap
pointed is practically that of legal adviser,
or "law officer" of the State Department,
and its incumbent -necessarily occupies
specially confidential relations with the
The New Sccretnry Intent Upon Becoming
a Big Property Holder.
I Washington, March 13. Secretary
Blaine has only been one week in office, but
he has already become an extensive investor
in real estate. Within 21 hours there have
been placed on the books at the Recorder's
office a record ofthe.purchase by Mr. Blaine
of lots on Meridian Hill at the head of
Sixteenth street, the various sums paid ag
gregating about $30,000. Sixteenth is the
broad, beautiful street which is located ex
actly on the longitudinal meridian ot Wash
ington and extends north from the center of
Lafayette park, in a direct line from the
north entrance of the White House.
Many of the recent new dwellings of
notable people, the finest in the cltv, have
been erected on this street. At its head, on
the brow of the hill, is the new, solid stone,
castellated residence of ex-Senator Hender
son, of Missouri, who was prominently
mentioned for a Cabinet office, and his mag
nificent structure has given an impetus to
the sale of lots in that neighborhood where
all of those purchased by Mr. Blaine are
He Will bo Satisfied With the Deputy Com
misslooershlp of Pensions.
Washington. March 13. It was de
veloped to-day that the delegation from
Northeast Pennsylvania headed by ex-Congressman
Jadwln, Congressman-elect
Wright, and State Senator Newell, which
came here last evening to urge the Hon.
William N. Reynolds, of Tunkhannock,
for some position whose identity they
wouldn't disclose, are desirous of securing
for that gentleman .the post of Deputy Com
missioner of Pensions.
Mr. Reynolds is said to have the "backing
of both Pennsylvania Senators and neaily
everybody in his part of the State, as well
as the State Government and Legislature.
Ex-Fresldcnt Cleveland Sends a message
of Condolence to the Widow.
Charleston, S. C, March 13. The
Coroner's jury in the Dawson murder case
will not meet until 11 o'clock to-morrow,
when a thorough investigation of the crime
will be made. Dr. McDow is in jail, and,
under the advice ot his counsel, ex-Governor
Magrath, will not speak of the cir
cumstances attending the bloody deed.
Messages of sympathy have been pouring
in to Mrs. Dawson to-day from all parts bf
the country. Ex-President Cleveland tele
graphed: "I am shocked by the death of
your husband and I sadly tender you my
heartfelt sympathy and condolence." The
funeral this afternoon was attended by an
immense crowd, representing all classes of
the community.
A Wealthy German With Too many Re
puted Helpmeets.
Cleveland, March 13. Nearly 20 years
ago a well-bred German came to Cleveland
and soon took a prominent place in German
society. He prospered and Mr. and Mrs.
William Schuetrumpf became known in
many German organizations. Yesterday
they disappeared with their children.
The cause nf their flight is the fact that
Schuetrumprs genuincwife and grown-up
son had learned of bis prosperity and loca
tion and the latter had come to America on
a tour of investigation. Schuetrumpf and
the woman had eloped and left Germany in
A Itlnn Who Forsook the Order and Then
Committed Suicide.
Elizabeth, N. J., March 13. James
Payne, aged 48 years, last night shot him
self in the left temple, at his home, 258 Liv
ingston street He cannot recover. He
was married. Sometime he was prominent
in the Knights of Labor, but-recently with
drew from that organization, and has since
complained that the labor men were hound
ing him and seeking to throw him out of
employment and threatening him with per
sonal violence.
IndianK'.'Strs Secede Froat tked
M g Associalion.-
. ,
' "
John HcBride
Bolters ffi
irdfoa wT
lis Contention Sefased to Listen to tee FittsSa
K. of L Leaden,
The convention of miners and operators k
in a tangle. Indiana's contingent has with
drawn and refused to be bound by any eon-
elusion reached. Ohio and Pennsylvania
exhibit a radical disagreement as to the
basis of the scale. John Costello was re
fused permission to address the meeting un
less he would answer questions propounded
by W. T. Lewis. If the association sur
vives the next meeting will be held in Pitts
Columbus, March 13. At the joint
meeting of the miners and operators to-day
there was trouble from, the start The
source of unpleasantness was the attitude of
the Indiana operators. As soon as Presi
dent Dempiter called the meeting to order
he said the report of the scale committee
would be in order.
One of the Indiana operators was chair
man of the committee, and some time was
spent in looking him up, when he reported
that the committee was unable to agree and
had adjourned. There was at once a de
mand to know how the committee stood by
States, and Secretary McBride reported as
Operators, Ohio Scale base, 60 cents.
Operators, Pennsylvania Scale base, 69
Operators, Indiana Bituminous, 50 cents;
black, 65 ceVts.
The miners were willing to work at the
scale of prices of last year, which, were as
"Ohio Hocking, 63 and 70 cents;
Pennsylvania, 74 and 79 cents;
Indiana, 65 and 80 cents.
After some discussion the report was laid
on the table and John McBride, National
President of the Miners' Union, insisted
that the Indiana operators should give some
reason for their unusual demand.
The Indiana men were about to withdraw
when McBride charged them with not hav
ing the moral courage to face an intelligent
body of men. A short recess was taker,
when the Indiana operators came in and re
ported in writing, but at once withdrew.
The communication proved to be belligerent
in attitude, uncompromising iu tone, and in
reality a declaration of war against the con
vention. In closing, the communication
said: "The Indiana operators, because ol
the position taken by the Ohio and Penn
sylvania operators; because of the irrecon
ciliable difference in the scale of prices,
would withdraw from the convention, would
take no part in its deliberations and would
not be bound by its decisions."
The convention was at once thrown into a
state of confusion and the President, Mr.
Towasend,. of. Cleveland, and one or two
others were constituted a committee to hunt
up the Indiana belligerents and, if possible,
get them to attend the afternoon session that
the convention might learn more about
their position. At the afternoon session the
committee reported a conference, and that
the Indiana operators had said that they
could get their mining done at the prices
they proposed and refused to take further
part in the convention. ,
John McBride said the convention had"H5a
come to a point where it would be necessary
to determine whether they should proceed
to fix a scale. It was decided under the
rules Of the joint agreement that the In
diana operators still had a voice in the
meeting, but could not vote. The ScSle
Committee for Ohio and Pennsylvania was
ordered to hold a meeting, which they did,
and reported they had not agreed. The
miners insisted on the scale being main
tained the same as last year, while the oper
ators made a proposition of 55 cents per too
for half the year and 60 cents for the re
mainder of the year.
McBride stated there were certain condi
tions in the, proposition of the miners which
he desired 'to present. He reviewed briefly
the mining situation, and said the miners
were willing to make a conditional scale,
which would enable the operators, to hold
their markets. They were' not prepared,
however, to recede from their present posi
tion in anticipation ot a condition of affairs
in Indiana which they did not believe would
come about. McBride expressed the opin
ion that Illinois had not been benefited by
withdrawing from the agreement last year.
It the agreement in Ohio and Indiana was
not maintained he did not know where the
demoralization would end.
He thought the fight should be confined
to Indiana. Mr, Robbins, representing the
operators of Pennsylvania, said he thought
Mr. McBride viewed the situation only
from the condition of affairs precipitated
by the action of the Indiana operators. He
could not see that Illinois operators had not
been benefited by withdrawing from the
inter-State agreement
The output of coal from mines in that
State had increased 1,600,000 tons in the
past year. He did not believe that any
one Who- understood the condition of the
trade in Ohio and Pennsylvania could see
that it did not warrant a reduction in the
price of mining. If the miners were here
with iron-clad instructions the agreement
might as well be broken up, as it was the
unanimous feeling among the operators that
they would agree to no other terms thin
those they had proposed.
At the evening session there was a long
discussion, which resulted in the discharge
of the Scale Committee and the appoint
ment of a Committee on Conference, to meet,
at 0 o'clock to-morrow morning, as follows:
Ohio Miners: McBride. Chris. Evans and
W. T. Lewis; operators: Townsend, Morton and
Pennsylvania Miners: Conway, McBride and
Patterson; operators: Dempster, Robbins and
If the Conference Committee fails to
agree, the matter, nnder the rules of the
agreement, can be submitted to arbitration,
or everything can be decided off and each
State look after its own interests.
Daring the evening John Costello, o'f
Pittsburg, member of the Executive Board
of the Knights of Libor, asked permission
to explain the position of the Knights, and
answer the charge that they had agreed to
acceDt a reduction on the part of the miners
in Indiana. W. T. Lewis, Secretary of the
National Union, wanted to know if Cos- .
tello would make the statement as anoffl-
cial or simply as a personal opinion. Cos
tello looked upon this as an attack upon
his dignity, and the convention decided
that he must answer the questions of Lewis
before he could proceed.
He refused to say anything further and
considered be had been insulted. Mr. San
ford, an operator of Pittsburg, stated on be
half of Pennsylvania that they must have a
reduction in the price of mining or they
would be compelled to close their raises. .
. ' I "r