Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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of the Decker Case.
It is Much Like an Old-Fashioned
Trades Union.
Comment Concerning Dempsey, Eilraln,
McCaffrey and Others
There has been nothing during the week
more interesting to a large number of people
than the new ieatures ot the Decker case. If
indications are anything like a safe guide it
vould seem safe to say that there will be
highly interesting phasesot thecase in ques
tion before it ends. When Mr. Decker com
menced his suit probably he nor anybody
else thought that the great question would
be: What is the League? On a matter of
principle Mr. Decker wanted his money,
that is, that part of his salary for which he
contracted with the League; beg pardon,
with President If. E. Young, and which
part is yet unpaid. To get that money was
the great object of Mr. Decker and his attor
ney, Mr. Watson. Jfow, however, matters
have taken a surprising turn. The great
desideratum is not so much to get the un
paid salary as it is to find out what or who is
the National Baseball League.
Importnnt to tLc Brotherhood.
Probably no question could lie raised of more
importance to the Plai ers' Brotherhood than
that of what is the League. Recently there
lias been a growing desii e among the players to
rebel against certain conditions which were
considered illegal. Time and turn again the
Brotherhood has intimated its readiness to help
toiemeiiya few existing inequalities, but so
far no attempt has been made. Heretofore the
identity or the apparent non-identity of the
League has alwajs been the dJEcnlty which
lias scared plaers from tackling the League in
court. It is, therefore, easy to ee that no case
could be introduced which is of mnre-Tital im
portance to ball players and also to baseball
patrons than the case in question. It is a pity
that John M. Ward, President of the Players'
Brotherhood, is not in the country at present.
Had be been here he might hare been useful to
a great extent in assisting to have the very
knotty question solved.
A Fen- Word About the Leo cue.
Far be it from me to try and explain at this
junctnre what the League is. I suppose we'll
have to await legai developments, but there
are one or two features of the question which
can be dealt with here. Common sense would
certainly prompt us to expect that whatever
the law defines the National League to be
there must be responsibility somewhere. It
cannot be that an orga-'ization like the Na
tions Baseball League exists in this country
entirely irrespons.ble for its acts simply be
cause in a legal s-ense it is not tangible. Any
organization or institution of this kind will not
be tolerated nowadays, and the question simply
resolves itself to this: If the League cannot be
defined for legal purposes it ought to be. This
is onlv fair to the players and the puolic. It
does seem singular that President Young, in
the name of what is called the National Base
bail League, should make contracts with peo
ple and the latter be unable to find the re
sponsible person should the League's part of
the contract not be fulfilled.
Like nn Old-Foshioned Trades Union.
In my way of thinking the League resembles
one of the old-fashioned trades unions. These
organizations had laws or understandings
among themselves. They would agree one with
another to carry out certain rules or require
ments. Those who broke faith could in many
cases not be made responsible to law, but the
unions could blacklist them; that is. to a very
great extent deprive them of their work. Of
course this deprivation had to be skillfully
managed. It could be done as follows: A man
blacklisted by the unions would secure work
at a union concern but the Vorkmen there
would refuse to work if he was continued on
the premises. There is no law to make
a man work where be does not deVre, and
sooner than have trouble the employers would
wash their hands of the non-union men. The
Rational Baseball League is idenditical to the
union above quoted. Those who compose it,
whatever it may be, have an understanding one
v.th another that such and Buch rules and reg
ulations will be carried out. Whoever violates
these rules will be blacklisted, be he player or
anybody else. The blacklist simply means that
those who remain in harmony with the League
and its rules refuse to work, that is play, with
the blacklisted man or men. Certainly there is
no civil law to force one club to play with an
other, or compel one man to play with or
against another. This, then, is just how tbe
League stands to-day. Its officials admit
that many things connected with it which
would not stand the test of law. but it is only
fair to add that if it was carried on in strict ac
cordance with civil law it would not be the
League. However, it is to be hoped that before
long we will learn definitely what the League
is, both for legal and practical purposes.
About the Home Players.
Manager Phillips is more hopeful than ever
about the prospects of tbe home club. It has
not yet been definitely decided how the nine
will be made up. This means that there is
still some hope of White or Rowe coming
here. It is reasonable to expect that both of
these players cannot remain with the Buffalo
club doing nothing. That club cannot keep
them both, and I don't suppose that either
Rowe or White desire to live for a season on
their savings. At any rate I was told yester
day that White may be here after all. This
suggests another question. Will White do us
any good? I am one of those who hold the
opinion that notwithstanding the many excellent-qualities
of Jim White he would not be
an improvement here. There are hundreds of
people who very wisely argue that Kuehne
would, takinsr cvervthine into consideration.
be better than White. It would seem ridic
ulous to place the latter on first instead of
lteckley. Let well enough alone, is an old re
mark worthy of notice. It seems now a settled
fact that Hani on will be with us. He has
stated definitely that be will play here unless
there is a serious hitch in the salary question.
There is no fear of this.
A Significant Change.
The fact that the American Association has
decided to hold its schedule meeting on the
same day that tbe League meets would seem to
be more significant than at first sight appears.
In oneense I take it to mean that there is a
strong desire between the two bodies to have
tbe graded sUary qnestion fixed up and agreed
upon as soon as possible. Although one body
meets at Columbus and tbe other at Washing
ton, one meeting can easily be informed as to
the action of the other. At any rate, it is to
be hoped that both organizations will arrive at
a. common understanding regarding the salary
Those Hlih-Triced Trotters.
The week has been remarkable for the sale of
high-priced trotters. Tbe fact that the young
ster Bell Boy brought S5L000 at a public sale
was enough to take one's breath away. A few
years ago it would have been thought stupid on
tbe part of anybody to talk about paying or re
ceiving Jol.000 for a young trotting horse.
Doubtless tbe high price paid for Bell Boy, lor
Blue Grass Hambletonian and Edgemark,go to
Ebow that trotters are more popular in America
to-day. than they ever were.
Among the Pacifists.
There has been little doing among tbe men of
fistic fame during the week. The affair be
tween McAullffe and Myer has dropped into
insignificance and is now only talked about as
a burlesque, fake and hippodrome. There has
been renewed talk between Dempsey, McCaf
frey and Kilrain. The first named has restated
his willingness to face McCaffrey to a finish,
but both men are awaiting the reply of the
California Athletic Club relative to the amount
of mouey it will offer. As stated in this paper
but Monday McCaffrey is nuking preparations
to leave pugilism and boxing permanently. In
this he is, doubtlessly, taking a wise step, be
cause there is not much in it now in America,
nor will there be for some time to come. Dom
lniek, however, is anxions to meet Dempsey in
a contest to a finish. I met Ed. Bradford the
other day. He has just returned from a long
visit to McCaffrey. Bradford tells me that
Domintck neer looked better than now, and
that he is:really in earnest about wanting a
meeting with Dempsey. Kilrain has also come
to the front during tbe week. He declares to
tbe world that Jem Smith, the Englishman,
has acted meanly toward him, and as a result
Kilrain is anxious to fight Smith for love or
money. Whether or not this statement was de
signed as a means of trying to give the public
to understand that there is some strong feeling
between these two worthies I know not. I do
know, however, that no matter when Smith
and Kilrain meet again, there wiU be hundreds
of people .who will" have little faith In tnem.
They met before.
Something About tbe Scullers.
It seems that the English are not yet in pros
pect of getting another first-class sculler.
Some time ago when Bubear blighted all the
hopes centered in Charley Carr many aquatic
patrons in the North of England thougLt they
had a world beater in George Norvell. The
latter, if lam rightly informed, in a private
trial simply 'lost"Carr off. Norvell also beat
Bubear In abalf mile race,and there were some
indications that another first-class man was
coming to tbe front. Bubear has. however,
also settled the ambitions of Mr. Norvell by
giving him 10 seconds start and a beating in a
tbrce-mle race. This would seem to say that
Americans need not expect Norvell here in
pursuit of international chamnionship honors.
Teemer has resolved to take part in the Sioux
City regatta next July. This means that be Is
not going to Australia dunng this summer at
least. If be does not go before next fall
it might be advisable for him to wait and see
what O'Connor docs. All that is needed is to
find out what is the standard of the Australian
first-class row ers. Either O'Connor or Teemer
would be excellent trial horses for this. If
O'Connor cannot defeat all the best scullers in
Australia itwould be useless for Teemer to go
.here. I met the latter on Friday, and he was
looking the picture of health and vigor. He
has not definitely made up his mind as to what
he'll do this year.
Remarks About tbe Fool Rill.
The poolselling amendment bill seems to move
slowly along in tbe House at Harrisburg.
When it was first introduced wo all thought it
so harmless that e expected it to "fly" through
the House. However, it seems tobe somewhat
"in the soup," at least ft has for a time disap
peared. I had a long conversation with Rep
resentative Lemon on the matter the other
day. Mr. Lemon told me that the sense of the
House has been quietly taken on the measure,
and that there is a good majoritv in favor
of it, besides this tbe "speakers" of the oppo
sition nave agreeu iu pruvniiu nu uisuusaiuii
regarding it and why it is still kept in the back
ground nobody seems to know. There is an
opinion to Uie eficct that the country members
will try and kill it. It it quite easy to see. bow
ever, that if the country reprei-entatives were
to do this they would simply be injuring the
prospects of their own localities. Were the
bill killed to-moi row there would still be bet
ting at the races: but of such a clandestine
kind as to make it dis'ioncst. As a result the
races of tbe various fairs would be devoid tbe
enthusiasm and attendance that they otherwise
ould hare had. On the other hand, if the bill
becomes law, whatever betting there may be
will be regulated and beyond all doubt tbe
various districts where the races are
held will be given part of the
profit of the poolselliug. It ought not to be
forgotten that the proposed bill does not com
pel associations to sell pools against their will,
whatever association does not wantpoolselllng
need not have it, but to allow It means better
morality and greater financial profit to tbe dis
tricts. The SIx-Dny Pedestrians.
It is some time since there was such a boom
in the six-day pedestrian contents as there is
now. Lately they have been numerous and as
far as I ban learn they have been profitable.
Artistically speaking I never saw much to ad
mire in a six-day plod on the tanbark; there is,
however, excitement enough in a race of this
kind to keep one's hair on end for a week. There
is always smethiug to admire in tbe pluck, say
of Llttlewood and also Pete Golden when he
nu here. There is a race going on now at
'Frisco, but who the winner will be is hard to
Eredict. Moore, if he keeps all right, ought to
e near first place at the finish. In the second
week of April a 112-bnur race will begin here
in the Grand Central Rink. Something like 40
entries are expected, including all the promi
nent pedestrians in the country. The race in
many resoects will be a novelty here and is
almost sure to be a great success. Prikgle.
A Large Batch ol Great Yearlings Fpr
A gentleman who has recently returned from
Kentucky, has called at our office. Speaking
about horse lore in Kentucky generally, and
tbe yearlings more particularly, which will be
offered for sale in New York this summer, he
"There are a number of good ones at all the
principal breeding establishments, but you
ought to see Swigert's, of the Elmendorf. I
tell 3 on they are a wonderful lot You know,
of course, that there are several of the finest
bred ones in tbe world to be found ttiere, and 1
noticed that both yon and others of the leading
ing papers have written about them. Still, 1
say. they really did astonish me. They are a
truly grand lot. The brother to Firenzi is
as like Haggin's mare as anything you can well
imagine. Tbe same make and shape, the same
varmint look about bim; in fact, as like as two
peas in a pod, of course with the diflerence in
age taken into consideration. Dry Monopole's
brother, too, is Dry Monopole over again, ex
cept, perhaps, that be looks like making a big
ger animal than bis brother. Lonisette's broth
er, tbe brother to Los Angeles and half-brother
to Tremont, are all colts which will create a
sensation. In fact, I never saw so many really
first-class youngsters collected together. It is
not only that tbe Glenoids are sucn a grand set,
but tbe get of RoUierhill and Bersan, his other
two stallions, are first class. You never saw
better, cleaner shoulders than the young Roth
crhills have on them, and tbe young Bersans,
too, are finished from head to foot. They are
particularly good-lookers, and resemble their
sire about the make of their hind legs more
nearly than any I can call to mind." Sports
The Athletic Union Washes Its Hands of
the National.
New York, February -X Thelnter-Collegl-ate
Athletic Association, in annual session to
day, withdrew from tbe National Amateur As
sociation of American Athletes. The resolu
tion of withdrawal is as follows:
Besolvcd, That the lntcr-Colleelate Athletic
Association of tbe United States hereby withdraws
from tne Rational Amateur Association or Ameri
can Athletes, and for the future remain an inde
pendent association, governed entirely by its own
constitution and laws of athletics. This is passed
for tbe sole purpose of placing the Inter-Collegiate
Athletic Association in an independent position
and not to be construed as either an approval or
disapproval of the principles of any other associa
tions, and that any colleges holding games under
auv other rules are to be be expelled from the In-tcf-Colleglate
Athletic Association, with the ex
ception of the ew England Association and simi
lar associations, which will be exempted from
this rule until after their next convention.
Delegates say there was no opposition to the
resolutions. The action is looked upon as a
victory for the Amateur Athletic Union, which
is waging war against the N. A. A. A. A.
Tho Berkeley -Oval cup was offered the Asso
ciation to replace tbe Mott Haven cup,-the
shields on -which have been exhausted. Tbe
Berkeley Athletic Association will be notified
that its gift will be accepted if the name be
changed to the Inter-Collegiate cup. The fol
lowing officers were elected: President, J. M.
Hallowell, Harvard; Vice President, J. V. Cul
len, Lebigb: Secretary, J. W. Ponder, Swartb
tnore; Treasurer, F. P. Snodgrass, Lafayette;
Executive Committee, H. M. Banks, Columbia;
L. Doiemus, College of tbe City of New York;
Thomas F. Bayard, Jr.,Yale; J. D. Dennegree,
Tbe Ball Flayers to Have a Great Time in
, the Old City.
rniLADELriHA, February 23. The Spald
ing base ball tourists will be tendered a
crand reception and banquet by tbe Sport
ing Life upon their arrival in Philadel
phia. Many national and local dignitaries,
the prominent journalists and all the sporting
press writers of the country, all the club offi
cials of the League and Association, tbe um
pires, many of the more prominent minor league
officials, and all tbe leading baseball lights of
the United States and Canada will be invited to
meet tbe conquering heroes on this occasion.
The banquet will be given in the Union
League Hall, whose banquet hall is tbe most
available for the large number of guests who
wiU be invited.
Wants a Florida Team.
Mr. T. F. Wilson, or Leechburg, was In the
city yesterday looking for good ball players.
He la organizing a team to take to join the
Florida League. He tried to engage Elmer
Cleveland yesterday, but Elmer wanted $250
per month and his expenses. This was too
much for Mr. Wilson. The latter is now nego
tiating with Pitcher England and Catcher
Tbe American Teams Flnv Their Best Game
Since Leaving America An Exciting
Contest Large Crowd . Present Flor
encs the Next Standi
Roue, February 23. Copyright. Rome
saw her first professional game of baseball to
day. It was a good game, too, for tho boys, re
membering that they were, treading historic
ground, Tlid their prettiest, and the result was
one of the best contests we have had since we
left America. Five thousand people witnessed
the game, and they presented a picturesaue
appearance. The diamond was placed in an
elliptical plot in the center of the Plaza dl
Sienna, in the Villa Borghese. The inclosure
was about the size of an American ballfield,
and was surrounded by a magnificent park,
which has been the scene of many a mediaeval
tourney. It is now very seldom used, except
for important occasions like the present one.
The last time it was used was the occasion of
the visit of the young German Emperor.
The remains of tho old amphitheater, once
occupied by the lords and ladies of feudal
times, are still in fair preservation, and to-day,
on the crumbling stones, thef appeared a good
representation of the literary and artistic popu
lation of Rome. There were also young priests
and pupils of the American, English, French,
German, Scotch and Irish propagandist school,
in their several habits, ranging in color from
sober black to glaring scarlet.
Among tbe fashionable people present were
Duchess Collere, Signora Crispl and daughter.
Prince Borghese's family, Prince Torlonia,
Count Ferrara, Count Giannotta, and others
of the King's staff. His majesty, King Hum
bert, was not present, being detained bylllness.
The Queen and the Prince of Naples drove by
during the game, and paused to observe it.
On the way to the playing grounds the clubs,
and the other touAsts drove to the Coliseum,
where tbo party was photographed. The plav
ers were in costume. The costumes proved
very attractive to the Romans, especially the
small boy Roman, and they viewed them with
wonder. When the players arrived on the
ground they were received with three cheers
by the students of the American College, who
were encouraged by the smiles of Bishop Mc
Quaid, who was with them.
The ground was somewhat wet, but the game
was admirably played throughout. All the
Roman newspapers were represented on the
field, the Heforma by Editor Carlo Paladina,
who visited America some time ago an the in
terest of the Italian Government, and came
back here a frantic admirer of all things Ameri
can. Tho score of the game by innings was:
Chicago. 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 03
AU-American. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
Tener and Daley were tbe batteries for the
Chicagos, Crane and Earle for the Ail-Americans.
The fielding on each side was particu
larly brilliant.
The classification of playeis into grades ha3
unfriends in tbe party. Ward says experi
ments have been overdone. Hanlon says it is
not feasible. Anson says it is unjust if it was
feasible, and Wood that it won't work, and
ought not to. Spalding says be doesn't ap
prove of all the sentiments ot the players on
We leave for Florence on Monday.
Tho Woods Ran Belle Captures tbe Pe
destrian Prize.
The six-day female pedestrian contest at the
London Theater finished a little before 12
o'clock last night. It was a great success in
every respect, that is as far as honest endeav
ors to win were concerned and tbe attendance
and order in the building. Clara Bell, the
Woods' Run representative, won. and she won
on her merits. She is undoubtedly an excellent
female pedestrian and as snch is probably ca
pable of holding her own -among the best of
talent. Sbe has speed, style and courage.
The great struggle has been between Miss
Zelletta and Mrs. Robson for second place.
These twocon test ants have had a hard fight of
it and both were tboroughly exhausted last
night. They struggled on, however, and tbe
score shows bow they finished. Mrs. Rnbson's
feet were in a sad condition. One great&nd
satisfactory feature of tbe contest has been tbe
remarkable good order maintained alUhrough.
Although policemen were in attendance, they
hadn't a thing to do bnt enjoy themselves in
looking at the contest. Not even a loud word
was spoken during the three days and, doubt
less, this contributed largelv to the good and
respectable attendance. Following was the
final score:
Miles. Laps.
1. Miss Jennie Ranson 70 28
. Miss Apple Harvey 95 17
3. MlssLalu Zeletta 121 0
4. Miss Alice liobson Ill 3
5. Miss Clara Bell 131 7
6. Miss Mamie Wood. 100 2
Jack Glasscock Reefers His Troubles to a
Mr. Smith, of the Wheeling club, had a long
conversation with Manager Phillips yesterday
about Glasscock's case. Mr. Smith stated that
Glasscock bad placed his case in charge of Mr.
Blackhurst, attorney for the Players' Brother
hood. Glasscock, of course, .claims that ac
cording to the Brotherhood contract a player
cannot play for less this year than he did last
year. The Indianapolis club, as stated yester
day in this paper, offers Glasscock S2,o00, being
$500 less than last season. Mr. Smith and Mr.
Glasscock claim that this is contrary to con
tracted agreements.
During the conversation Mr. Phillips, how
ever, very aptly pointed out a weak spot in
Glasscock's case. Last year tbe latter signed
to plavfor the League at $2,000, and there was
a personal understanding for an extra SL000.
This condition may mean that Glasscock is
still the same player that be ever was, hut that
personal considerations may be more estranged
than heretofore. Indeed, the Indianapolis
club evidently thinks that be is a better man
as a "player" because the club offers S2.500,
being an increase of 500 on his salary last year
really as a player. Certainly Glasscock won't
see it this way, but the matter only sbows bow
many things lawyers and baseball magnates
will have to deal with under new and restrictive
Manager SweencvMakes a Statement About
His Clnb.
Mr. J. J. Sweeney, manager of the Dnquesne
Baseball Club, of tbe Allegheny County League,
called at this office last evening and made the
following statement:
"I see that reports have been circulated to
the effect that our club may drop out of the
league before the season ends. Of course
people who say this must, as I understand, be
estimated as our friends. Well, allow me to
sav that the Duqnesnes have all the financial
backing required to carry a club through the
season. We finished last season all right
despite the unkind words said about us. We
had difficulties then which wo don't expect to
have this season. However, we promise to
have a team from the start to the finish this
year, and it may be that some of friends will
know it before the season ends."
New Orleans Races.
New Oeleaits, February 23. The weather
to-day was beautiful, and there was a large at
tendance at the races. The track was heavy.
Following is a summary of the events:
First race, half mile-Indiana, Mary T, Maid ot
Orleans, Lizzie Scclt. Breakdown, Cleo Martin.
Mary T won in S!i seconds. Maid of Orleans sec
ond, Indiana third.
Second race, fonr and one-half fUrlongs-Lulu
May, MacAuley, Latnont, Wild Boy, Kensington,
Florine, Benton. Lulu May won in 1:02J. La
mont second, WHd Hoy third.
Third race, three-cljrhths or a mile Mollle
Hardy, Ked Leaf, Kollln Hawler, Electrlcltv,
Little Em, Llda L. Mollle Hardy won In 1:11,
Llda L second, Kollln Hawley third.
Fourth race, six and one-balf furlongs McMnr
try, Henry Hardy, Frobus, Mirth, Silleck. Mirth
won in 1:31, Sllleck second, McMurtry third.
Don't Want Any Show.
Al Pratt received a letter from J. W. Spald
ing yesterday giving advice to the effect that
the homecoming "ball players better have no
real "great" banquet or display after they
arrive in this country. Mr. Spalding, on tbe
advice of President Al Spalding, intimates
that after the boys get away from New York,
tbey will need as much rest as possible. This
injunction, however, is not meant to prevent
any private, or more correctly speaking, quiet
reception that may be arranged. Of course,
lots of people will want to meet the boys, and
arrangements will be made for friends to meet
Twns Too Cold.
Lexingtox, February 23. The combination
sale of trotters, which continued here to-day,
was marked by cold weather and slim attend
ance, and resulted in tbe disposal of 56 horses
for 9,725. Messenger Chief; stallion; Rex
Messenger, was the highest priced animal sold,
his purchaser, Mr. Gentry, of Sedalia, Mo.,
paying SS30 for him. Ho was the only animal
that sold for $500 or over.
Description of the Ancient and Ener
getic Game of Golf, as it is
A Large Number of Implements Necessary
to its Pursuit.
Taking an example from the energetic
work that has been done by the advocates of
hurling, several Scotch sportsmen in this
vicinity have undertaken to introduce this
national game ot Golf to America. It is
not, as hurling is, a characteristic game of
one country or locality only, but it is nev
ertheless a game that is played only by
people accustomed to Scottish sports and
Scottish scenes. All who have read the
marvelous stories of Robert Louis Steven
son have become familiar with the word
"links." This term signifies a plot of
ground that corresponds in general char
acter" to the English downs. To put
Flayer and Assistant
it more 'concisely, downs means links,
and either word means a field of uneven
level, overgrown with grass, whose extent
is so considerable that one may stand in the
middle of it and see in the distance either
the sky meeting the earth at the horizon, or
the distant blue of ht'ls that are many miles
It is upon tbe link of Scotland andjtho downs
of England that golf is played. Golf requires
a field of the most extensive dimensions. It is
one of the most ancient games known in the
catalogue of sports. It was certainly in vogue
under the present rules in the tim.es of James
L, of England, and it is credibly reported that
Charles I. was playing it on Leith Links when
he heard df tbe rebellion in Ireland.
Up to this time golf has made no advance
whatever in the United States. It is occa
sionally played in Canada, although even there
it has not assumed the importance of a regular
department of sports. It is a game that de
mauds at once the utmost physical 'develop
ment upon the part of the player as well as a
consi ''.Table amount of skill; and it arouses
the interest only of those who go into sports
for the love of action. It is far from being a
"dude" cranio. No man should attvmnt to mav
golf who has not good legs to run with and
good arms to throw with, as well as a modicum
of brain power to direct his play.
Given a strong pair of lungs, firm muscles
upon the legs, and a healthy desire to emulate
others in physical exercise, a man may become
a golf player. Without these he had better
stay out of the sport, for no man -who cannot
Walling for the Word.
run several miles without stopping can make
any kind. of a respectable appearance in tbe
game. Appealing as it does to those who are
most truly athletes, and involving as it does
considerable skill. It , should attract tbe best
element among sporting men, and equally with
hurling it should have a chance of becoming
one of the recognized American games.
In addition to the fact that it ap
peals to men of athletic development,
it is also, by the nature of tbe game itself, a
most aristocratic exercise; for no man can plav
at golf wbo bas not a servant at command tb
assist him. It is probable that no sport exists
in the world to-day, or ever did exist, in which
tbe services of a paid assistant are so essential
as in this national came of Scotland. The
truth Is that the servant is as essential to the
success of tbe game as the player himself.
Perhaps the. best description of the game,
which would certainly be unique in a republic,
may be given in tbe words of one of the most
expert players in this vicinity, Mr. Alexander
D. Mac Farlane. Mr. Mac Farlane bas played
tbe game many times in his native country and
is most ambitious to see it Introduced among
tbe vital athletic sports here. Speaking of it
to the writer, he said:
"To play golf properly we need a very large
expanse of uncultivated soil, which is not too
much broken up by hills. A few knolls and
cullcys more or Ies3 really assists to make the
game interesting. In Scotland it is played gen
erally upon the East coast where the linka are
most extensive. Having selected the field, tbe
thing necessary is to diga small bole perhaps
one foot or two feet deep and about four
inches In diameter. Beginning with this hole a
circle is devised that includes substantially
the whole of tho links. About once in 500 yards
of this circle a hole is dug corresponding to
the one I hare just described. If the grounds
selected cannot include so large a circle
as this the boles may be put at
as short a distance as 100 yards from each
other: but the best game is played when the
field is large, enough to include boles at a uis-
When the Spoon is Handy.
tance of 500 yards apart. The design is to
make as large a circle as possible with boles at
about the same distance apart. The game then
may be played by two or four persons. If by
four, two of tbem must be on the same side.
Inasmuch as the -partnership game is plaved
upon substantially the same rules as when two
are contestants, I will confine myself to de
scribing the game of individual Dlajers.
There are ll implements of tbe game, the
most important of which is the ball. This Is
made of gutta percha and is painted white. It
weighs about two ounces and is just small
enough to fit comfortably into the holes in tbe
ground. Still it should not be so large that It
cannot be taken out with ease. The other ten
implements are tbe tools of the players. Their
names are as follows: Tbe playing club, long
spoon, mid spoon, short spoon, baffing spoon,
driving putter, putter, sand iron, cleek and
track iron. Each of these is about four feet
long, tbe entire length of which, in general,
consists of a wooden handle. The head is
" TS-
spliced on and may be either metal or wood.
The handle, as a rule, is made of hickory,
covered with leather. The leather covering is
devised so that the player may secure
A firm OEir.
Most of tbe heads are of iron, though they
may be of wood if the player so desires. They
are of various shapes as may be inferred from
the names of the implements. The spoon, for
instance, is a rough approximation to what we
generally understand as a spoon and is de
signed to lift tbe ball out Of boles or sinks in
the ground. The club, of course, is simply an
instrument with which to bat the ball. The
same practically applies to the driving putter.
All these implements of the game are designed
to lit into the various situations in which the
Playing Well Together.
player mav find himself. This will appear
later on as I describe the process of plav.
"Al the beginning of play each player places
bis ball at the edge of a hole, which has been
designated as.a starting point. When the word
has been given to start he bats his ball as ac
curately as possible toward the nexthnle,wliich
mav be. as 1 have said, either 100 or 500 yards
distant. As soon as it is started in the air be
runs forward in the direction .which the ball
has taken, and his servant, who is called-a
"caddv," runs after him with all the other
nine tools In his arms. If the plaver Is expert
or lucky, he bats his ball so that It falls within
a few feet or inches even ot the next bole in
the circle. His purpose is to put tbe ball in
that next hole, spoon it out and drive it for
ward to the next further one before
his opponent can accomplish the same
end. The province of the "caddy" in the game
is to follow his master as close as possible, gen
erally at a dead run, and be ready to hand him
which ever implement of the gamo the mater
calls for, as the play may demand. For instance,
the ball may fall in such a way that it is lodged
an inch or two above tho ground, having fallen
in thick grass. The player, rushing up to it,
would naturally call upon ,hi3 "caddy" for a
buffing spoon, and, having received it from the
hands of his servant, he would bat the ball with
the spoon in the direction of the next hole. We
must understand that an inviolable rule of the
game is that no player shall touch the ball from
one limit of the circle to tbe other with bis
hands. All play must be done with the tools.
"You can see that in this the caddy really
gets about as much exercise out of tbe sport as
his master; and ho must be so familiar tilth tbe
.noli of the game that be can hand out tbe
richt implement at any moment when it is
called for. If a player has succeeded in throw
ing or pushing his ball into a hole, his opponent
Scoring at a Hole.
must wait until he has succeeded in spooning
it out before he begins to play. Obedience to
this rule obviates any dispute as to the order
in which a man's points are to be made. For,
if I have my ball in a hole and my opponent
has his within an inch or two of
it, be must wait before he plays
until I have gotten my ball clear
of it and thrown it toward tbe next hole. Fol
lowing this general plan tbe players go entirely
about the circle, and as you may 'see, in a large
field, it mar involve a run of several miles. If
1 should throw my ball beyond tho hole at
which I must next enter, I am obliged to knock
it back until it shall enterthe desired place and
be carefully spooned out again. While I am
doing this, my opponent may, by a lucky play,
get his ball within tbe proper limit and thus
gain siune distanco upon me.
"Now, from this you i ould infer that tbe
aim of this sport would bo to complete tbe cir
cle as quickly as possible. This does not al
ways follow. There are no codified rules ac
cording to which the game is played. Asa
general custom the players make tho entire cir
cuit of the, circle, and tbe one who gets his ball
in tbe bole, at which they began first, wins the
game. Neverthele-s, it is sometimes agreed
that tbe game shall be won by bim who makes
the largest number of holes within a given
number of minutes, say 20 or 30.
In either case the principle of the game re
mains tbe same, and if partners are playing it
simply means tbat if A strikes a ball, and B is
his partner, B must run forward and make the
next play, and A must run after him and make
tbe next, and so on, while D and (J, who are on
the other side, aro doing the same thing. In
the partnership gamo there is actually mere
exercise to the players than in tbe single game,
and tbe servants or "caddies" are equally busy.
"Do spectators usually congregate to view the
gamo of golf?"
"Yes, in small numbers: but as a rule they
stand far off, for tho nature of .the implements
employed is such tbat a ball may he driven in a
very contrary direction to that which tbe
player wishes, and therefore may fall among
the spectators and cause temporary discomfort.
Moreover,- it would require considerable ac
tivity upon the part of the spectators to watch
the play in golf, for they would have to run
around and see how every hole was pained
from one end ot the game to the other. I have
seen as many as 30 spectators at one game, but
seldom more: and a good game is frequently
plaved without any at all.
"The principal qualifications for the game
are steady nerve and eye and good judgment of
force, with an added ability to avoid knolls and
sand pits, which in the technical terms of the
Scotch game are called 'hazards.'
'It is not a came which would induce men of
elegant leisure to compete in, but those wbo
have strong wind and good muscle may find in
it a splendid exercise for their abilities and
plenty of chance to emulate each other in skill
and physical endurance."
Ewlna Defends Wnrd.
Buck Ewing was among the spectators at tho
local billiard handicap yesterday, and there
came in contact with the writer. He said: "I
see that old Boston story about Welch,
O'Kourke, Kcefe and myself being on bad
terms with Johnnie Ward is going the rounds
again. There Is nothing in it, and I wish tho
Unoulrer -nonli give it an emphatic denial.
Johnnie Ward and myself have alwaj s been
on the best of terms, and I know that Welch
and O'Kourke feel kindly to him. Tho only
Sossible truth in tbe story relates to Tim
leefe. There is a coldness between tbe great
pitcher and the short-stop, and it is due to fam
ily complications."
"Is it true that you condemn Mutrie fqr ar
rancing a series with Brooklyn?" was asked.
"No. indeed," replied Buck. "I think it is
just the thine. The series will not be a test of
tbe relative merits of the teams, however, be
cause tbe games will be played so early tbat
neither team will be In tbe best condition. I
only hope he will arrange with the Athletics,
Baltimores and all the strong teams he can get,
as it will give us good practice. There is noth
ing in playinga lot of weak teams, as they are
easily defeated, and the team will be as bad off
for practice as if it bad not played at all."
Buck will go East abont the 10th of next
month. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Jennings is In Earnest.
There seems to be some conflicting opinions
regarding the alleged knockout of Jack Jen
nings at Braddock last night by an unknown
colored man. Jennings is classed as being near
the first class, and it is claimed that he met
the unknown when he (Jennings) was almost
totally incapable of standing on bis legs. At
any rate Jennings called at this office last even
ing and left the following business-like offer:
-l will fight the unknown colored man, whom
it Is claimed knocked me out in two rounds, for
from SI to 81,1)00. Tbisls no bluff, because I
will meet bim or his friends at Tom Kllburn's.
Homestead, on Monday between the hours of
12 and 3p.m. I am prepared to fight the man
under P-R. or Queensbury rules, a limited
number of rounds or to a finish. I am anxious
to show that I am his superior as a boxer and
as a fighter."
Suggests n Ble Sweepstake.
It may be that almost all the leading pro
fessional rowers of America and Australia will
meet in England this year. The indications
are that none, except probably O'Connor, will
go from this continent to Australia this year,
and Hanlan is coming home. If this is so, the
Australians will probably be disposed to go to
England, believing that if they do tbe Ameri
cans will go there also. A friend of Teemer
said last evening: "Depend upon it, John can
get backing in Pittsburg to take part In a re
gatta or sweepstake in England. Gandaur will
.also go, and at least there- ought to be seven
or eizht starters. An arrangement of tbat
kirid would be fairer than either O'Connor or
anybody else going from America or Canada
to Australia to row." ,
A Letter from Tener!
Pete McSbannlc, of this city, now signed
with the Hamilton club, received a letter yes
terday from John Tener, now one of the pitch
ers traveling with Spalding's teams. Tener
writes a long letter, in which he goes on to say
that tbe party is having a good time. 80 far.
that is up to tbe time when the letter was
written, nothing was too -good for the ball
players. Everybody had treated them well,
and, physically, every member of the two
teams were all right. The boys are all long
ing for home.
An English Opinion About the Belhune
Kettlemnn Record.
After working the dismal vein, it Is only meet
tbat 1 should expand myself on a genuine rous
ing article, such as the, new and original and
undoubtedly genuine 106-yards record, stamped,
made in America. Mr. Bethune we know as a
regular flyer, able to beat all nations, colors
and creeds. Bethune the great has been
smothered at his favorite distance by Kittle
man. If he were I I mean if e were 1 In tbjs
name the connection of ideas as regards great
unusual feats and presentation plate or other
trophies would be appropriate. This Kittle or
Kettle man is evidently modest as talented in
space devouring, for be retired with Bethune
to a nice quiet corner to perform his record
breaking. With much diffidence I mention that Kansas
was the State, and with reeard to the name of
the particular town or city in Kansas I will not
deny its possibilities for comic copynanufac
ture, which it are I mean to say which it is
Wichita. Speaking for myself, I would not
venture to doubt any record dated from Wich
ita, Kan., and as I have long longed to see
someone get two and a half inside evens in a
set match, I only trust that the Kittle cattle of
Wichita may be moved here Wichita with tbe
Sath-measurer, starter and timekeeper, and
ethune to make a pace, all complete so that
I may assist at another 9 sec performance.
Tbe big sprint put me on a little bit better
terms with myself, and on the road to cure of
the dumps. London Referee.
In Evil Rrpnte.
London, February 23. Bubear beat Norwell
on the Tyne this week after conceding bim a
start. Norwell is practically a novice. Scull
ing, however, is in evil repute in England just
now, and Bubear is so distrusted that no one
took any interest in the race.
A Bis Piceon Shoot.
The members of the Herron Hill Gun Club
have decided to have their lire bird shoot dur
ing May next so as not to conflict with the an
nual shoot of the Sportmen's Association.
There will be x.500 lire birds on hand. Tbe
regular shoot, on Decoration Day. will take
place when nve or six contests will be on the
Simpson's Skniing Chnllcnge.
NEWBirnGH, N. Y February 23. FJmer
Simpson, of this ciy, who came in second in
several of the national skating races here yes
terday, has issued challenge to any one of the
Donogbue family to skate a race on tbe Hud
son river on Monday. Tim Donoghue has ac
cepted. Sporting Notes.
Kansas City has offered Sam Barkley's
services to Hamilton.
Atlanta, Ga., has decided to enter a clnb
in the Southern League.
Brooklyn is said to have a line out for
Nagle, the Omaha catcher.
The catcher of the famous Yale battery of
18SS, Dann, is now in Boffals.
Huoi Daly, tbe one armed pitcher, is in
Washington trying to catch on.
A number of professional ball players are
having outdoor practice at Cincinnati.
Manager Harry Spence. of the New
Haven team, is making an effort to secure
SAM'Sairnr, who formerly played first base
for the Loulsvilles, has signed with the Des
Moines. 6
George McGinnis, the old St Louis pitch
er, is being pressed for tbe vacancy on the As
sociation umpire staff.
Ed Andrews, of the Pbiladelphlas, has bet
A. J. Reach a hat tbat be (Andrews) will steal
TO bases the coming season.
Crane and Murphy will work together next
season as a battery, and take their regular turn
at battery work for the New Yorks.
Morris O'Neill, who managed tbe Kalama
zoo team last season, will play second base and
act as manager for the Oakland, Cal., team the
coming season.
GS Schmelz, of the CIncInnatis, is lndin
nanrover the report tbat he tampered with
McKean or bad any dealing whatever with
that or any other player.
In a recent cablegram John M. Ward says
he has not decided to play In Washington tbe
coming season, and will not state his intentions
until he returns to New York.
Farrell may not sign with Baltimore this
year. He was afflicted with rheumatism last
year, and unless bis condition improves before
the season opens he will not be signed.
Old Jack Lynch says the success of a
pitcher depends mostly on tbe man who catches
bim. Lynch says be would like to play with
the New Haven club if Catcher Halbert was
engaged with him!
S. G. Ryder, Masstllon. O. All we can
say Is that we expect Mr. Spalding did not
leave on bis trip- to lose anything. He may
have made monev in Australia, but be knows
best himself about his later success or fortune.
Caruthers, of the Brooklyns, frankly
acknowledges that his work last season was
not what it should have been, and he is deter
mined this seasou not only to regain the
ground lost, but to outshine, if possible, bis
rilliant playing of yore.
Manager Sharsig has not yet secured a
building for the Athletic players to practice in,
but be is on the lookout for one. He will order
his men to report for duty about March 15. He
will not confine tbem to indoor work, but will
play at Gloucester on every favorable day.
' Mike Kelly and Arlie Latham will be mem
bers of tbe picked nine which is to play against
tbe Phillies in Florida next month. .Kelly says:
'No one in the business will work harder than
I to get into condition when I start in. and I
am in ueau earnest to snow my irienus ip Bos
ton how to play good ball."
The hopes of the Columbus management of
getting King and ilillisran from St. Louis are
lasted. Tbey come too high. When Von der
Ahe was first asked how much would buy King
and Milligan, "der boss president" asked a cool
10,000, but this figure he lowered to 28.000, and
then he refused to go further. The directors
were willing to pay $5,000, but could not seo
their way clear to adding an additional 53,000.
Jimmy Peoples thinks Columbus will como
in fifth at least, and adds: "We will nut a few
scars m the record of the $100,000 aggregation
at the other end of tho big bridge. Maybe
Orr. Mays and myself won't try when we run
against the Brooklyns. If tbey don't drop a
few games to us it won't be our fault. Nothing
would give me more pleasure than to knock
the Brooklyns out of a game that would cause
them to lose tbe championship."
An Injunction Acalnst Olnry Anderson.
Louisville, February 23. Bourilcr Broth
ers, owners of the Masonic Temple Theater, to
dav brousht suit to cnioln JIarv Anderson from
plying at Macauley'-s next week. They show a L
son was to play at their place, and claim tbat
the change will do irreparable damage to them
selves, as manageis, and to the reputation of
their theater. Chancellor Edwards took the
case nnder consideration.
The annual love feast of tho Worcester
County (Mass.) Musical Association was held
the other day. The officers' reports showed
healthy development in the organization's
work anjl secured their own unanimous re
election. A suggestion to take programmo
space from the soloists and givo it to the or
chestramade in the clerk's report would
seem to indicate that the faithful criticism of
Krebbiel, Wilson et al. upon last September's
festival was not altogether in vain. Clerk
Munroe would like to see tbe permanent en
dowment equal to the Handel and Havdn's
$30,000. Whatflgure would Secretary Duff, of
our Mozart Club, name as a suitable endow
ment?' Fire nearly destroyed the largo brick block
of Watson & Davis at Warren yesterday morn
ing. It was discovered about 6 o'clock. Loss
on building and goods was over $12,000, partly
CYPHERS At her late residence, 115 Lam
bert street. East End, on Saturday. February
23, 18S9, at 10:50 p. M.. Mrs. Sarah E., wife of
John Cyphers and daughter of Mary A. Bor
land, aged 46" years.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
Bare Treats in Store For the Mozart
'Clot's Associate Members.
Tie Boston Symphony Orchestra Secured to
Assisf at Conceits.
The Mozart Club has long held acknowl
edged pre-eminence among the musical or
ganizations of this vicinity. Its manage
ment seems bent on retaining that proud
position in the best possible way, by giving
its patrons all it promises, and more much,
more. Two of tie three regular concerts
promised the subscribers, or associate mem
bers, have been already given this season,
and in a thoroughly satisfying manner.
There has also been given an extra concert,
lor tbe general public, at which Emma
Jncb, Hope Glenn, Leopold Lichtenberg
and Teresa Carreno assisted. In April will
be given a Ballad Concert, as was done last
season but this time the clnb's orchestra
will participate. Two tickets for this con
cert are allotted each associate member, a
clear bonns over and above the clnb's
One wonld think that, with this and the
giving of the third regular concert on the
usual plane of borne-made excellence, the
clnb's doty to Its subscribing patrons wonld
be luily done. And so it would, in ail con
science. But tbe Mozart Club goes farther yet and,
in the announcement which The Dispatch
is authorized to make this morning, offers its
associate members a greater treat than any
that has marked its previous history. The
club last night closed an engagements with
Assistant Manager Frederic E. Comee, se
curing the Boston Symphony Orchestra to
assist in the third regular concert. May 15,
and for an extra concert on tbe following
evening. The final signing of the contract
awaits only telegraphic confirmation from
Boston, as to which there is very little doubt
The "Wednesday evening concert will be
devoted to Mendelssohn's great oratorio,,
"Elijah," than which no work of its class'
contains stronger and more varied interest
for the average, audience. Solo parts
will be taken by an eminent so
prano who is to accompany the orchestra
on its tour; a prominent bass, whom the
clnb will engage specially, and the best lo
cal tenor and contralto available; these,
with the- trusty Mozart Clnb choru3 and
the country's foremost orchestra,
will give a performance well
worth hearing. For this concert the usual
number, some 800, tickets will be placed at
tbe disposal of the associate members just
as in the other regular concerts.
The second evening will be taken up with
a brilliant miscellaneous programme by the
orchestra and its own soloists; for this the
whole house (Old City Hall, ot coarse) will
be placed on sale to the general puMic.
When one reflects tbat the Mozart Clnb
labors solelv and unselfishly for the ad
vancement of art in this community (even
the indefatigable conductor, Mr. McCoilum,
does not receive a cent of salary), and when
one considers, farther, the great amonnt ot
work, worry and responsibility that is being
gratnitously assumed by the few active
workers in carrying ont the plan, now an
nounced, our people cannot fail to take gen
uine pride in having snch an organization,
so officered, in onr midst.
ArKOPOS of the above important an
nouncement, a brief resume of the career of
the Boston Symphony Orchestra is in place.
Like the Mozart Clnb, it is founded upon
a genuine and disinterested love of art. It
was organized in 1881 by Mr. Henry L.
Higginson, the wealthy Boston banker,who
called a few leading musicians together and
said he wanted to fonnd a permanent
orchestra of tbe . ..highest class that
shonld do for tbe musical advance
ment of the community what only such
an institution can do. Money was not his ob
ject, be said; be has proved his word by cheer
fully paying for eight years a deficit variously
estimated at from 810,000 to $20,000 a year, be
sides making ample provision in his will for
carrying the good work along after his death.
George Henscbel was conductor for tho first
three seasons. Under bis progressive leader
ship an excellent orchestra was developed and
the symphony concerts became a more and
more prominent factor in Boston life. The first
season 20 concerts were given on Saturday
evenings, each preceded on Friday af er
noon by a 'public rehearsal," differing-
from the concert only in tbe
lack of dresscoats on the per
formers: 21 of snch pairs of concerts is the
number that has prevailed in later seasons. The
second and present conductor is Wilhelm
Gerlcke. who was drawn from Vienna. His
regime has been of greatest benefit to the or
chestra. He made a radical change in its mem
bership on his accession, and has lost no op
nortnnitv of improvement since. Kneisel.
Adamnwski and Loefller, violins: Geise, Velio;
Mole. Ante: Sautet, oboe; Belter, horn;
Mueller, trumpet all artists of tbe
first water have been acquired by Gerlcke to
fill the places of players whom most conductors
would willingly have kept. His rehearsal has
been most rigid and exacting; bis programmes
lofty in character, if a bit too conservative at
first. Gericke's five-year contract expires with
this season, and there is much cause to regret
that be bas declined tbe proposal to renew it, in
order to seek neaitn ana rest in nis native city.
His successor has just been secured in the per
son of Arthur N lkiscb, the still young, but fa
mous and popular conductor who succeeded
Anton Seidl in charge of the Leipzig opera and
wbo has at times relieved Keinecke in the cele
brated Gewandhaus concerts.
The players of the Boston Symphony Orches
tra aro engaged for tbe season; each week tbey
play three rehearsals, two concerts in Boston
and one elsewhere. During the last two or
three seasons a half a dozen coastwise and in
terior trips have been made, and, besides, many
of the men have been kept together
for the summer promenade concerts.
No substitute is ever accepted. Con
sequently tbese men have had tbe
most favorable opportunity for working into a
perfect ensemble. It is almost beyond ques
tion tbat Mr. Higginson's liberal policy bas re
sulted in tbe finest orchestra tbe country bas
ever bad. Tbe success of the home concerts is
without parallel: ar the beginning of the sea
son the entire house was sold for all the 43 con
certs, except some 460 balcony seats, for which
"rush tickets" are sold at 2o cents only a day
or two beforehand, in order to give a chance
to the studeuts and people who cannot
afford season tickets. The best seats (most
of the house) were auctioned off, bringing pre
miums all tbe way up to S100 a piece. In other
cities, too, the Boston Orchestra bas from its
first tour met with warmest approval from
musicians and with a constantly increasing
patronage from the public Not long ago
everv seat of the 2.900 or so In the Academy of
Music, at Philadelphia, was sold for three con
certs in succession. The profound impression
made by this orchestra's concert with the Mo
zart Club two seasons ago i3 yet fresh in Pitts
burg memories.
It is a real pleasure to record the achieve
ments of a truly artistic and philanthropic in
stitution of this caliber; it will be pleasanter
yet actually to welcome tbem back to Pittsburg
as the ally of our favorite organizations.
The new Mendelssbohn Club, of the East
End, gave its first concert at Gymnasium Hall
last Friday evening, presenting the foUowing
Overture, "La Diadem" Hermann
By Babylon's Wave Gounod
Menaelssohn Club.
Soprano Solo
airs. AdaUS. Thomas.
S(a) The Currew Anderton
(b)Pack Clouds Away Cellier
(c Oood Jilicht To-day HaUey
.Mendelssohn Clnb.
Violin Soli, $ gg5 Wieniawski
illss Mamie Ecuck.
On the Tree Top High .Bnek
Messrs. Smith, Crawford, German. McConnell,
Wilson, Swope, Simpson and Wagner.
Triumphal Mafcb ("Jlaaman").... ......Costa
Mrs, J. Rowland Speer and Mendelssohn Club.
Oalop, 'Dash" Wiegand
Little Jack Homer Caldleott
Mendelssohn Club.
Morning (Cantata) ....RIes
Mrs. Adah S. Thomas, Mrs. L. E. Palmer. Messrs.
K. K. Smith, F. W. Bearl, Chorus and
Time and space are lacking for a detailed re
view of the evening's work. The chorus of
nearly 100 men and women seemed to be com.
posed of good material and to be fairly well
balanced: the tenors need more drill on inton
ation and the contraltos could be
coaxed to sing louder with advan
tage. Inasmuch as only abont nine rehearsals
have been bad since the organization of tbe
club, no great precision and refinement could
fairly be expected. Under the circumstances,
most of the choral work deserves high praise;
none of it was inexcusably faulty. It may be .
summed np in the word "promising" very. I
The orchestra, owing to an extraordinary
chapter of accidents, claims even greater ;.,
leniency of judgment than the chorus; it did
quite as well as could have been expected. Tha
solo parts were creditably sustained, in tbe
main. With each rehearsal under tbe compe
tent directorship of Mr. J. P. McCoilum, tho
Mendelssohn ClnB chorus and orchestra
will no doubt show steady improvement over
tbe work done last night, which itself presented
many enjoyable moments and formed a pre
possessing Introduction to the public of tho
new candidate for its favors.
Oh. 'Professors' don't do anything! They
only profess." Fbakch Wilsoit.
Crotchets and. Quaver.
The Alpine Quartet, of this city, sang in '
concert at the Braddock opera house last even
ing. Mis$ Belle Tomer Is absent filling concert
engagements at Norfolk. Va., leaving tha '
soprano's chair in the Second Presbyterian
Church to be ocenpied to-day by Miss Adah
b. Thomas.
Messrs. John Gbkneet and Charles K.
Cooper figure on the solo list for a concert to
be given next Tuesday evening at Cyclorama
Hall, Allegheny, nnder the auspices of Darling
Council, Royal Arcanum.
Mb. William H. Slack will conduct
sizable chorus and a goodly list of principals -through
the Cantata of "Daniel" next Thurs
day and Friday evenings at the U. P. Church,
on Cbartiers street, Allegheny.
THE eight Swedish girls with their charac
teristic costumes and good ensemble singing
seem to hav-i left quite a favorable Impression
in tbe minds of the large audience they drew
into the Old City Hall, last Tuesday evening.
Two large and curjous.audiences gathered In
Lafayette- Hall yesterday to hear the noted
Mrs. Alice J. Shaw whet her whistle for their
entertainment and for tho benefit of the Press
Club. Tbe advance sale Indicated that at least
tbe latter object of tbe fair wblstleVs visit was
measurably attained. Tagliapietra, the great
baritone, tboigh mentioned in advance notices,
did not appear.
The Philharmonic Society announces a con
cert for next" Friday evening, at Liberty Hall,
East End. Director Thomas F. Kirk and his
26 bandsmen will be assisted by these individ
uals: Miss Grace Miller, Miss Agnes Vogel and
Mr: W. H. Stephens, singers; Me-wrs. F. C.
Ewart, violin; t O. Van Osten. Ante; T'heo.
Hoffman and Louise Schmenz, cornets; Carl
Retter, piano, and Master Bartiett Briggs, a
prodigy," violinist of ten-der years.
ANewYock manager bas written during
the past week for April dates at Old City Hall,
saying be wants to see about bringing Hans
von Buelow here in that month. It bemg gen
erally accepted that the great pianist's Ameri
can engagement is only for some IS concerts
all told, it would be gicat good fortune for
Pittsbuigtoget one of tbem, judging by tha
past record in such matters. We are waking,
up, however, and managers do well to note tha
fact: vide Rosenthal.
The Wilkinsburg Musical Club comes to the
front with another concert next Tuesday even
ing. The club includes-a chorus of 0 and an
orchestra of 12: Air. G. R. Broadberry is the di
rector. Part songs by Westmeyer, Caldicott
and Danby and overtures by Suppe, Hermann
and Keler Beta comprise the club's contribution
to its own concert. Assistance will be bad
from Miss Inez Mecusker, tbe Buffalo soprano,
Mr. Rlchtrd Cannon, tenor, Mr. J. E. Erth,
zitherist and the Philharmonic Society.
Mr. Franz Wilczek. the young violinist
whose brief stay in this city left a most favora
ble impression, made his first Now York ap
pearance at a benefit concert in Chickering
Hall last Thursday evening. He will Dlayin
concert at Washington soon, and Mr. Tretbar
(Steinway's general utility man) is said to be
contemplating a concert tour next season with
Rafael Joseffj and Franz Wilczek as 'the
attractions. The youth lul artist's present
bright prospects are due, by tbe way, to
the chance acquaintance formed on tho
ocean steamer with Mr. George Eustis, a
voung Washington Maecenas, who summoned
him to New York, relieves him of tbe necessity
of self-support tbat be may devote himself
entirely to self-improvement, and even pro
posers. It is said, to buy for htm a certain 31,200
Guanerius violin. It is pleasant to record
patronage so liberal and bestowed upon so
deserving an object.
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