nT'rv'W: ' KOM HI FA TSOI. A Chinese Entertainment at the Sec ond Presbyterian Church. KEW TEAE'S DAY IS CELEBRATED, According to John Chinaman's Idea of Hav ing a Good Time, WITH MUSIC, FEASTIKG AND SINGIKG "Kong HaFaTsoi!" Don't for a mo ment imagine that this is the literal spell ing of a railroad brakeman's pronunciation of the words: "Passengers trill please re main seated, etc" It is, in plain, every day Chinese, "Happy New Year!" The Chinese spring it upon their unoffending countrymen one day in the year. Yester day was that day, and the Chinese class of the Second Presbyterian Sunday school cel ebrated the occasion last evening at the Second Church by a display of their knowl edge of bad English, worse music and ex cellent eating. The class conducted the entire entertain ment, except that Mr. Edwin S. Gray intro duced them and a stalwart police officer took tickets. A group of them stood chat tering 'about the door of the church, and acted as ushers. They can talk more in one minute than a school girl can in two, and that is making a bold assertion. As ushers they are a success. Poor John can no more withstand the wiles of a charming American girl, however, than he could cut off his cue. These dear creatures got the front seats, and the remainder of the audience wandered about at their own sweet will. wide orEir. The entertainment was opened by singing. Kev. E. K. Doneboo led in prayer. Lee Johnston then made a short address, in which he welcomed the guests, and thanked the instructors of the school for their kindness. A nervous little Chinaman at the door stood on one leg all the time, tearing he would blunder. At the close he went out and hugged himself. Lee Haw read a scripture lesson and Qong "Wha Hi and Lee Haw sang as a duet "Come to the Savior." Long If ie made his first appearance in public as a reader. He was not altogether a success, as he lorgot his lesson. He took the whole matter as a joke, however, and commenced to grin so audibly that he had to leave the stage. Applause was plentiful, but Qong had had enough of it The nerv ous man at the door was disappointed, but almost had a fit at the success of Chin Yeng and Lee Haw's duet. Yee Chee read a .scripture lesson. Yee Dock, Lee Haw, Chin Yeng and Qong "Wha Hi are the names of the members of 'the Chinese quartet. They sang "Bringing in the Sheaves." A unique feature of the entertainment was a dialogne. Yee Dock no relation to a dry dock appeared as "1888," and Lee Haw'as "1889." The former was to expire (metaphorically speaking) on the btage, and, before doing so, to consign his work of redeeming the world to "1889." The nerv ous man at the door fairly boiled over with ioy when they had concluded without a break. The school sang a hymn. THEIE XICE PEOGKESS. Mr. "W. P. McJunkin made a short ad dress during the evening, in which he re viewed the work of the school. Lee Haw then sang another solo. After singing by the congregation, the formal part of the pro gramme closed. The audience was then invited to partake of the excellent supper which had been pre pared. The dining room had been prettily decorated with odd Chinese deorations. The musicians of the school got up on the platform and enjoyed themselves. It was as much fun for them as a cow has in a pumpkin patch. To describe their music is almost an im possibility. Two of them got bold of mon strous gongs, which they hammered unceas ingly. One rapped away on what looked like a herring carrel covered with a cab bage leaf. The sound resembled the soul- stirnng music produced Dy snaning a to mato can containing a dozen small stones. Another sawed away at a one-stringed fiddle. Two blew horns, while one lit tle yellow-faced man sat down and howled. His eyes were closed, but his mouth was open; and he could make more noise than a big Maltese caton a back fence. Yet, a wild, unearthly kind of music, and they kept almost perfect time yes, they kept all the time the andience dared to give them. The little nervous man was almost wild with joy, and twisted himself into so many positions that a professional contortionist might well have envied him. Pandora'a Box ol EtIIi Never contained a worse one than malaria. Extirpate it when it first shows its hydra head. If you don't, it will wind its sinuous length about you. and, perhaps, in the end crush you. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters annihilates and prevents it So it does dyspepsia, constipa tion, liver complaint, kidney ailments, rheuma tism and nervousness. You cannot select a prompter tonic and alterative. Two Days Longer. Our sale of $9 suits will continue two days longer, to-day and "Wednesday. It is our first snit sale of the season, and comprises about 310 elegant tailor-made suits, manu factured from imported cheviots, fancy worsted, English cassimeres, etc., at $9. "We had a great call for them on Monday, and so extended the sale for to-day and to morrow. The suits are all superbly made, lined with heavy silk-finished serge, and $9 is the quick-selling price they go lor. P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Valentines Wholesale and Retail. The largest assortment in the city of the latest novelties in valentines, such as "Cupid's Telegram," "Messages of Love," booklets,celluloid goods,etc. Alarge variety ofcomics,fringed and lace valentines also on hand at L. Breuninger & Co.'s, 535 Smith field street, Pittsburg, Pa. "Wholesale and retail 3,7,10,12 Get Out!! Your aching and unsightly teeth, and go to Dr. Charles S. Scott, 624 Penn avenue, op posite uorne's, to do it. He has the only absolutely safe anesthetic, and always suc ceeds in getting the teeth out Mb mouth full of roots after he is through, and his artificial teeth always fit The Sisters cf Mercy Hospital very thankfully acknowledge, through Rev. J. "W. "Witherspoon, the receipt of S120 from the Filth United Presbyterian Church of Allegheny, this, amount being part of a sum raised toward defraying the expenses of a friendless yonng girl who has been an inmate of this hospital during the past ten months. Removal of Johnston's Gnn Store. ,Big bargains in all kinds of cans, re . vol vers and sportsmen's goods. All shop aWQrn and second-hand goods will be dis fSoiedofatorbelow cost before we remove K?7K5Bissel Block. Something New to Try. Try Marvin's new Cable Line cakes, digestive biscuit, snap rings and three raisin cakes. They are the latest out tisu Sample Free. Ask your grocer for it. Electric Paste Stove Polish; saves dust, dirt, hbor, women, carpets and furniture. At Hamilton's You can get pianos and organs of makes that are known; every name is familiar to yon. Invalids call at U02 Carson st and be eared free of charge. DON'T WAKT PRESENTS. The Citizens of Edteirood. Belnc Opposed to Their Snpenrlior'a Liberality, Re fuse to Renominate Him. There was a lively breeze over the nomi nation of Supervisor of Streets in Sterrett township, last Saturday night, at a meeting of the citizens held in "Wilkinsburg, Mr. A. T. llowand has been the Super visor of Streets during the last year, but the citizens of Edgewood are apparently dis satisfied, for they have nominated Mr. J. C. Livingstone. t One of the irentlemen who was present at the meeting Saturday night said to a re porter of The Dispatch yesterday: "I believe this is the reason why Mr. Eowand was not renominated: During the last year there was a tax of 5700 levied in the township for street improvements; but Mr. Eowand claims that he expended $5,500 for that purpose. "When he was asked for a presentation of the bills for that amount he simply stated: 'That is all right; that money has been made up by Mr. George "Westing house, Mr. Caldwell and myselt." "This liberality toward the township, however, does not please the citizens, and for that reason, it is claimed, they have now nominated a man who, they hope, will shape his" expenses according to the levied taxes." THE NEW STREET BILL Will Probably Fast Blaster, So Controller Morrow Thinks. The new street bill, which was referred by Common Council to the Legislative Com mittee, has not yet been acted on by that body. The clauses which stipulate that damages incident to the opening of a street should be reckoned with the cost of open ing, and that property holders shall have the right to petition councils to open located streets or to locate streets; also that councils must act on such petitions within six months, etc, were variously discussed in City Hall yesterday. Controller Morrow went to Harrisburg last night to engineer the thing through, as it will come before the House to-day, and will probably pass on to the Senate, where amendments can be offered. IOWA JUSTICE Upsets Hirer Hates nnd Knocks Ont Diana gerial Calculations. The "Western Traffic Association met in Chicago yesterday to readjust rates between the Mississippi and Misouri rivers. A re cent decision of the Towa Supreme Court that the State Railroad Commissioners could make rates to apply within the State has upset the calculations of the managers. The commissioners thought the Iowa rates were too high and reduced them. This de cision has completely demoralized the rates between the rivers, and the managers met yesterday to see what could be done in the way of restoring uniformity. DEITEN FE0JI HOME. A 70.Ycar.OId Man Snys Bis Sons Will Not Provide for Him. A man named Henry Bierman, aged 70 years, complained at the office of the Anti Cruelty Sooiety yesterday, that his sons, Harry and Alfred, refused to provide for him.. One of the sons lives on South Fif teenth street and another at Jeannette. He says they put him out of their houses. G. W. SCHMIDT, Wines, Liquors nnd, Clears. "With the increased facilities at my com mand for doing business, and my steadily increased sales, I am enabled to purchase in greater quantities and direct from both im porters and distillers, and by so doing I place the goods on the market at the lowest prices consistent with the quality. The prices I guarantee in every instance, and the stock I offer from which to select is one of the largest. In my wine department I am offering all the leading Champagnes, Brandenburg Freres, Clarets, Lauterne & Sohn. Bheinish and Moselle; "P.. Bruning haus' " Burgundy, Brandenburg Freres, Sauterne, Hungarian "Wines, also Sherry, Port and Madeira "Wines; Beer, Ale and Malt Extracts; Natural Mineral "Waters, Olive Oils; Olives in one gallon kegs; Liqueurs and Cordials, 'Imported Brandies, Bum, Gin and the finest old MonOngahela Pure Eye "Whiskies in the market I aUo offer the largest assortment of the finest imported Key "West and Domestic cigars in the city. Call and get a price list of liquors and cigars. Goods delivered to all parts of Pittsburg and Allegheny. G. "W. Schmidt, TTFSU 93 and 97 Fifth ave. 20 to 40 Per Cent Discount Are the inducements offered by "W. "W. "Watties, Jeweler, 30 and 32 Fifth avenue, on his magnificent stock of "Worcester, Donlton and Crown Derby porcelain, in cluding marble clocks, lamps, bronzes and Vienna novelties. Customers are multiply ing every day, as the bargains offered are unparalleled. tts HEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM., 401 Smltfafield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $38,000. Deposits of Si and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts Fnrnitnrc. Owing to the property that we occupy now having to be sold, we are forced to dis pose of all our goods before April next Now is your time to buy. All goods marked in plain figures. No old styles. No shod dy goods. One visit will repay you. A. Laegee, 17 Federal st, All'y, Boyle Block MEETINGS. NOTICE-THERE WILL BE A MEETING of the Republican voters of the Nine teenth ward at the Hiland school house TUES DAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 18S9, at 730 o'clock, to nominate ward officers. By order of the Committee. Pittsburg, February 9. 18S9. felO-1 JR. O. U. A M.-THE MEMBERS OF Lawrence Council No. 61 are requested to meet at their hall. SS10 Bntler street, on WEDNESDAY at 2 o'clock P. M., sharp, to at tend the funeral of our late brother, Jacob G. Pore. Members of sister councils are invited to attend. By order of WM. STIERN, R. Sec.. CH. ACTISON, Councillor. fel2-84 THERE WILL BE A MELTING OF THE Republicans ot the Fourteenth ward, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, at 730 o'clock, at Soho Schoolhouse to nom inate candidates for Councils and ward officers. Call ordered by the ward members City Com mittee. fel2-2 pittsburg akd lake erie Railroad Company, January 21 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT a regular meeting of the directors of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad Com pany, held January 22, 1889, it was unanimously resolved that a special meet ing of the stockholders of said company be held at the office of said company in the citv of Yonngstown, State of Ohio, on FEBRUARY 20, 1SS9, at 10 o'clock A.M., to consider the advisa bility of increasing the capital stock of said company to $1,000,000, and also to consider the advisability of increasing the bonded deit of said company from 52,000,000 to $1,000,000, and issuing the bonds of the company, secured by a second mortgage, therefor. JOHN G. ROB INSON, Secretary. ja24-38-Tu POLITICAL. TOHN LETZKUS, Candidate for Select Council in the Thirteenth ward, Allegheny, to-day authorizes his friends to announce his withdrawal from the fight fel2-33 SPECIAL SALE. For 10 days only. No. 132 Market street Alle gheny, brick house 7 roomsrbath, laundry, sta ble; side porch; corner lot 23x100 ft Look at the property and call for price and terms. A. D. WILSON, fel2-57-Tus 5 Federal street, Allegheny. US' Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except -where advertisers already have accounts with The Dis patch. PITTSBUKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, ZM Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 51th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fultonst N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. "WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK SHE115LEK,5tli av. & Atwood St. SOUTHSIDE. JACOB SFOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCBEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut st?. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKYM. GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Male Heln. W ANTE11-BOY ABOUT 17 YEARS OLD-IN- tJUlltE at SIAKTELL'S, 105 Smithfleld St. fel2-M WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COACH MAN for livery- Apply T. B. MORELAND, 6100 1'cnn ave.. East End. feS-2 -TTTANTED CARRIAGE AND WAGON V blacksmith to work at repairing at WERNKE BROS'., McKccsport. lel2-45 WAS TED-TWO YOUNG MEN TO RUN AS it news agents on trains. Apply at NEWS STAND P.iUE Depot, Southsldc. fel2-78 -TTTANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN TO ACT AS V news acents on trains, with 810 CO cash se curity. Inquire UNION NEWS CO., B. & O. depot, foot of Ross St. fel2-05 WANTED-TWO BOYS TO LEARN 1HE barber trade; one must have some experi ence. Apply at M. LEININGER, 88 Irwin are., near JacLson St., Allegheny. fe!2-62 WANTED YOUNG MARRIED FARMER TO take charge of a farm in Dakota; good chance to get land for himself at same time: good opportunity. Apply E. D. H., Dispatch office. fe!2-S3 TTTANTED BOOKKEEPER WITH GOOD T V references; must be sober: one who has had experience in the liquor business preferred: must give 81,500 to J2.000 bond. 361 FIFTH AVENUE. le!2-4 -VTT ANTED - AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S T V loot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc.; sells at sight. Inquire after 3 P. Ji., WM. SEMPLE, JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-D WANTED-YOUNG M AN TO AGT AS TREAS URER, and correspondent for dramatic com pany: salary must be moderate and be able to fur nish bond. DORE DAVIDbON, Seventh Avenue Hotel. fcl2-S3 -YTf ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllinen can makemonev In their spare time. YAMASHIRO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson st., Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-86-TTS w ANTED-HELIABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen: nosltlons nermanent: special inducements now; fast selling specialties; aon't aeiay; salary iromsiarc. uiivhi .tsKua. Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. fc9-60-TTR WANTED STEWARD - MARRIED MAN preferred, to take charge of a select private club house in the heart of the cltv; cafe privileges and profits and a fair salary beside for the right man; best of reference required. Address V. M. H., Dispatch office. fell-7 -TtJANTED-AGENTS TO TACK CARDS AND V V show samples in stores and putllc places for one of the best-selling articles used in every household: 82 dally and commission on sales in- nuencea; sena lo rents ior postage on samples ana particulars, irs. Aaaress rawz, r. o. dox tsio. New York, fel2-632 TfANTED-A LIVE CANVASSER IN EACH 1 V town to sell a commercial specialty, popular and of long standing. Large commission. Quick sales. No capital required. Inquirethe commer cial standing of our house. Established 1866. Wrltefnr particulars, inclosing 2-cent stamp. THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO., Dayton. O, Ja23-3-E0D Female Help. WANTEI-A GIRLTO DO KITCHEN WORK; must be a good washer and lrontr, -Inquire at 151 MEYRAM AVE., Oakland. fcl2-61 -TVTANTED-A MIDDLE-AGED LADY WHO V can speak English and German to do gen eral housework. Call after 10 A. a. to-dav at 1151 LIBERTY ST. fel2-77 WANTED MILLINERS, MILLINERS, milliners: 12 first-class trimmers wanted for customers of ours In the city and out of town; apply soon. PORTER & DONALDSON. fel2-32-TIS WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED NURSE girl to take care of a small child: good wages and best treatment. Apply at 112 SHEF FIELD ST., Allegheny, between 9 andl o'clock to-dar. feli-60 TVTANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL ?V housework; one lately from Ireland or Scotland preferred; to a good girl good home and goodwages: must bring good reference. Inquire 65 CONGRESS STREET, city. fell-8 Male nnd Female Heln. ' -ryANTED-IMMEUIATELY-HEAD WAIT VV ER, while or colored; steady work, good wages: cooks, chambermaids, house girls, dish washers, nurse girl. MRS. MEEUAN, 545 Grant st. fe4-99-D -TTTANTED-AGEXTS-ENERGETIC MEX V and women to handle our goods and ap point sub-agents for this town and surrounding towns and districts: the goods consist of the cele brated English medicines for females, and a full line of toilet articles; they arc honest, genuine articles, and sell well when properly introduced; 100 per cent commission. ENGLISH SPECIALTY CO., room 5 Mansur block, 156 East Washington street. Indianapolis. Ind. fell-4 WANTED-SITDATIOXS. WANTED-SITUATION AS BLACKSMITH'S helper, by a young man of 2 years' experi ence on wagons and norseshoelng; good refer ence. Address J. M. C, N o. 25 Vickroy street. felMS TTANTED-A GENTLEMAN WHO IS FA Y V MILIAR with business details Is open for a situation which would be one of responsibility; any reference required can be given. Address A. H... Dispatch office. fe6-64-Tnwrs WANTED-PARTNERS. WAN1ED-A BACKER WITH 85.000 IN AN established business. Address J. R. K., Dispatch office. fe!2-79 WANTED-ROOMS. UOUSES. -rrjANTF.D-TO KENT, 3 OR 4 ROOMS FOR VV light housekeeping, in Allegheny, or a 6mall house In central location. Address M. C. D., Dispatch office. fe!2-47 TTJANTED-ON OB BEFOKE APKIL L OF- V FICE rooms on Fourth ave. or on Wood St., near Fourth: must be first floor front. Address D. D., Dispatch office. feW-69 TTrANTED-TO RENT, BY A RELIABLE YV person, house of six or eight rooms, with bath, gases, etc.; must be In a good locality in Allegheny and not exceed ?30 a month rent. R. S. P., Dispatch office. fe!2-46 TTANTED-ON THE P. R.R., NOT BEYOND YV East Liberty, by a family of but two persons, a neat house in good order, containing about 6 or 7 rooms and conveniences; prompt pay. Kent not to exceed IVfl per year. Address PUNC TUAL, P. O. box 34. Plttsbnrg. fel2-44-TTS WANTED-FINACIAL. -CTrANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN Y V In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GKaFJJLNGt & LTON, 135 Fourth ave. apS-el-D "TTTANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT; MoNlH- YV LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a23-a29-D WANTED-TO LOAN 825.C00 ON CITY PROP ERTY at S and 6 per cent, in sums to suit. D. B. THOMAS & CO.. No. 403 Grant street. felO-51-EOD WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over 84.000; i)i ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92Fourth avenue. inuS-aS-D WANTED-KENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-81 WAN1ED-TO BUY A GROCERY: STATE location, ain't stock, particulars generally: communication confidential. Address, for 10 days, O. K., Dispatch office. felO-Jl-Tusu WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS from 8S00to20,000at 4K to 6 per cent, ac cording to size and kind of mortgage; no delay if the title Is good. W. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fei-48-TuF WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of 83,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on a per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and t per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2i-d-D WANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MORT GAGES; (100 and upward at 6 per centi 8500,000 at Hi per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4- WANTED-MORTG AGES-81,000, 0C0TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K Sand 6 per cent, and on tarns In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNUCK & SON, 105 Fourth avenue. . ap7-f41 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-TO SELL PLUMBING AND GAS fitting business. Address K., Dispatch of fice. . fe!2-98 WANTED-EVERVBODY TO CALL AND see our line ot photos and crayons; lowest prices for fine pictures. STANFORD CO.. 68 Federal st. la23-93-TT TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO V V TOGKAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, "and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-k27 -rTTANTED-lF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TV to w rite a good business nand, write a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinary account, write a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the discount on it for dars. mnnthR and Tears, and cret a general knowl edge of bookkeeplng.penmanshlp and arithmetic, attend the College or Commerce, 98 Fourth ave. W. W. MCCLELLAND. lTln. no20-8l00-TUS FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. FOR SALE WE CAN SELL YOU A NICE little 3-room frame house on Bismarck way, near the High School, for 700, H cash; lot 20x75. J. U. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. felO-126 FOR SALE-S6,000 WILL BUY FINE PROP ERTY on Third ave., near Market St.: must be sold at once to close an estate. W. t . MC NEILL & BRO., 162 Fourth ave. fe8-71-TTFSu FOR SALE-S4, 500-81, 000 CASH, REMAINDER on easy payments, one square off Fifth ave.. corner Logan and Caldwell sts., brick house of nine rooms. W. A. HERRON & SONS., 80 Fourth ave. fc5-00-TTS FOR SALE-IK YOU WANT A BARGAIN come nnd see a 2-story, modern 10-room brick house and 2 lots: a few blocks from the postofflce. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 504 and 500 Smithfleld street. . fel2-74 FOR SALE AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON Belonda St.. Mt. Washington, rooms and finished attic, bath, h. and c. water, inside w. c., a. and n. gas, in fact it is one of the finest resi dences on the hill top; terms very easy: lot G0xi20. J.C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. lclO-126 East End Residences. FOR SALE ON PENN AVE.-NEW FRA3IE house, 8 rooms, reception hall, bathroom and all modern Improvements; convenient to both steam and cable cars; only 84,000 THOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-75-TTFSSu FOR SALE-83.700-OAKLAND RESIDENCE, on Meyran avcnuc,2 squares from cable cars, new house 6 rooms, good style and late style; lot 22x100 ft.; stable on allev in rear; terms easy. W. A. HERKON & SON S. 80 Fourth ave. fe8-76-r FOR SALE-ONLY 85,000, 81.000 CASH, A COM PLETE home on Baum st., Shadyside, house 7 rooms, late Improvements, inside shutters, re ception hall, location good: lot 50x100 ft. . A. HERRON & SON S, 80 Fourth avenue. fe7-3-TTFS FOR SALE COR. LOT ON PAVED hT., within 5 mln. walk from Roup sta. : 55x140, frame bouse, 8 rooms, bath room, hall in center of house, nit. gas. all modern improvements; only 18.000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-76-MTUFSSu; FOR SALE AT OAKLAND FOR 83,000, REA SONABLE payments; 3 minutes from cable line on Atwood St., bouse of 6 rooms: lot 20x100 ft., well located: all now renting for 8300 per year. W. A. HERRON 4. SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe7-3-TTFS FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT BRICK dwelling and large lot on Penit avenue. East End: a most complete residence: large rooms nnd modern throughout; lot 100x130 feet; price only 811,000, $1,000 cash, balance in annual payments. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pitts, burg. IC9-5S-MTUS FOR SALE-83,a-JUST ONE M1N UTE FROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and Testlbule, nat. and art. ga, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard: choice location and special bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-85.500-DESIRABLE EAST END residence, near steam and cable cars, new l house, late style. 8 rooms, bath, range, nat. gas. wasmiuuse, oil neu linisucu anu nrst-ciass oruer; lot 40x110 ft. (more ground can be had at reason able rates); location first-class. W. A. HERRON &SONS, SOFourth avenue. fe8-77-8,9,12,14,16 FOR SALE-AT SHADYSIDE, FOR 81000. small cash payment down and balance on monthly Installments, if desired; new house 6 rooms, attic, bath, range, hot and cold water.nat nralgas: lot 30x150 feet: a complete home; only 3 minutes' level walk from the station. W. A.. HERRON & SONS. No, &9 Fourth ave. fe8-7-D FOR SALE-84,250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; hall, vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers: this is onlv 6 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-OR RENT-A DESIRABLE EAST END dwelling, on Roup street, near steam and cable cars; late style: 8 large rooms: late Im provements; lot nicely elevated, 42xliX feet, or 84x100 feet, to suit purchaser; a bargain If sold quick; possession at any time. For particulars see W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. felO-83-MTTS FOR SALE-WE CAN SELL YOU AN EAST .END residence for 8500 cash, and will make payments on balance like rent; this is a brick dwelling situated on South rilland are., and on line of new cable cars; has every modern con venience, and will be sold. If taken at once, very cheap. BLACK A BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. f e6,-6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 23 T7I0R SALE-CORN ER LOT ON HILAND AVE., D 64x189; brick house (about 3 yrs. old), recep tion hall, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor, 4 bedrooms, bathroom and linen closet on second floor,. 4 good rooms In attic, basement launary, furnace, natural gas and all modern Improvements; 5 minutes' walk from either line of cable or street cars. THOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-75-TTFSSU TTIOR SALE-ON CORNER OF TWO PROM1 JD NENT paved aves. In EastlJnd, large lot, new brick house, parlor, library, dining room, leceptlon halL Kitchen 'and pantry on first floor, 5 bed rooms, bath room on second floor, large storage room, cedar closet and servants room in attic, electric bells, speaking tubes, sliding doors, slate mantels, elegant neighborhood, convenient to steam and cable cars; only 16,000; a rare bar gain. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-76-MTuFSSu TTIOR SALE-JUST COMPLETED, A VERY JD desirable East End residence, late style brick, 9 large rooms, bath, pantries and laundry, large porches front and side, front and back stairs, 2 w. c'.. inside shutters, tile vestibule, hearths and facings, hard wood mantels, stands back from the street 25 feet, lot 40x121 feet, nicely graded, corner Summcrlea and Elmer sts., con venient to cable and steam cars, one square from Ellsworth ave: only 87,500; terms reasonable. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. feS-77-8,9, 12. 14.16 Allecheny Residences. FOR SALE-ARCH ST., NEAR PARKS. 2 story br. dwelling, 8 rooms, with all modern improvements: stable on rear of lot; lot 20x100 to Vetost; LOOOdown, bal. tosult. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. f elO-126 OR SALE-82.i00-HOUSE AND LOT, 53 Corryst.. corner Ann St., First ward, Alle gheny; lot 23x27; brick, six rooms; rents for 5240: only 2, 100. A. LEGGATE & BON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fel2-90 FOKSALE-A10PER CENT 1NVESTMENT-2 small houses in Allegheny near Ohio street; lot 20x50 feet: real estate; rent ?348: will sell for 83,100: very cheap. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittburg. fe8-65-D FOR SALE-(99)-HlGH ST., ALLEGHENY, 2 storv frame dwelling, 4 rooms, porch, etc.: lot 15x250 feet, with 300 stocks of grapes; good order, homelike, close to street cars; cheap ifsold quick. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fel2-51-TUS FOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUR new, 6-room houses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas; lot 33x100. or larger, if desired: situated on line of Ferrysville Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire of J. A. McKEE, 708 Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. 1a31-72-TTS Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-OB TO LET-AT COEAOPOL1S. P. & L. E. K. R. ; bargains In large and small Sroperties, and easy terms. LASHELL & RAN .IN, 67 Fourth avenue. fel2-72 OR SALE-AT NEVILLE STATION, P., .FT. W. C. It. R., Hi acres ground, house 6 rooms, 400 grape vines, fruit of all kinds, 3 min utes to station: only 8S.C00; terms to suit. LASH ELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth avenue. A12-72 OR SALE-KNOXVILLE, RIGHT AT TER MINUS of electric road and street car line, a 2-storv brick of 4 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, city water, nat. gas; lot 25x100; priceonly 2,500; bargain. BLACK BAIKD, 65 Fourth ave. 1C7-1-8,0, 12,14.16,18,20, 22, 26, 23 FOR SALE-GOOD SUBURBAN DWELLING and large lot 180x400 feet: fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, etc.. etc , at Hazelwood. B. & O. K. R.; price only 87.000, on long, easy terms of payment; Immediate possession, very great bar gala. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fel2-5 TTIOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN JD home, with stable and two acres or ground, nicely laid off In walks, flower beds, shrubbery, etc.; on line of electric road, Perrysville ave., Al legheny; house contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, ntted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences of the city. Inquire of J. A. McKEE. 70S Penn ave,, Penn building, room 611. Ja31.72-TTS IOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST - . if V """"""v" ji"n iu Aiiegncny 1 splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from t to 5 acres of ground at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. jaia.g FOR SALE-LOTS. , Hazelwood Lots. FOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE building lots at Hazelwood, convenient to the station; cltv water, natural and artificial gas mains: will be sold at a low figure prior to March 1. uEORGEC. BURG WIN. Attorney at Law? . .. ...... iCl-WTTSSU FOR SALE-GLENWaoD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb of the city; only 12 min utes by the B. & O. ; 24 trains-aMay each way: building lots for sale near the station at 8300. $400. SiOO, 860U, 1700. tSOO, 11,000, according to location ?.nd..H5?.?.f.!?iJtermto,altEarcners. GEORGE C. BUBGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 JTourth ave, iel-43-TTESa TUESDAY, FEBRUARY FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lot FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS!-FINE BUILDING lots on Forty-fifth st.. near cable road; cheap to ready buyer. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 163 Fourth ave. feS-72-8,10,12,14,16 FOR SALE-LOtS-ON THE EASY-PAYMENT plan; as low as 85 per mo. taken: some on Wv llo ave. some on Wickst., some onllt Washing ton, others in Twenty-seventh ward, Southside, J. C. KEILLY. 77 Diamond st. felO-128 FOKSALE-LOTS1LOTS1-FEBRTJARY9. 1833. at i o'clock, and every Saturday thereatter' on the premises, 'West End Place. ' ' Thirty-fifth ward, Pittsburg; 40 minutes from Fifth ave. and Market st. ; near the terminus of West End street car line, ana known as "Halerman's Hill, " at auction: terms, 8.5 cash, balance in monthly pay ments of 8-i. with interest at 4 per cent. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja20-54-TTS East End Lots. FOR SALE-DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on Barton st., near steam and cable cars, at Shadyside. AV. A. HEBRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fe5-83-TT8 FOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN TON avenue, near Hiland ave., each 40x100 lect to 20-foot alley ; price reduced to 835 per foot ifsold at once. BiiACK ABAIltD. 95 Fourth ave. fe6-49-D FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS ON OAKLAND avenue (which is paved). 3 minutes off Fifth avenue cable line: very desirable; price and terms reasonable. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ic5-S9-TT6 FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near Hiland; situation nnsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees; price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. jal9-12-TTST FOR SALE 2 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON Grazier street, each 40x135 ieet to 24-foot alley. Bank of Commerce addition plan, Brushton sta tion; act quickly and secure this rare bargain". JNO. F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfleld st. fel0-64-Tnp TTIOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS. ATDALLAS STA J TION, P. R. R., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging lrom 8400 to 8600. In quire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6100 Penn ave.. East End. no28-i78-TT8 FOR SALE-ONE OPTHE MOST BEAUTIFUL sites for a fine residence in the market: sets high, with magnificent view; abt. 4 mln. walk from Fifth ave. cable cars; elegant neighborhood; 196 ft. front by abt. 300 ft. deep. TIIOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-74-MTTSSU FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS1 ON SOUTH Hiland ave.. Walnut St.. Howe St., McCnlly St., Roup st., Conrad St., O'ilara St., Rural ave., Penn ave., Walllngford St.. Barton St.. and all the principal streets and avenues In the East End, at lowest market prices. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-74-MTTSSn Alleshcnv Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS-8340 MORRISON AVE., Allegheny; 81,000 Klrkpatrlck ave., Alle gheny; 82,300 Avery st., near East Park: on your own terms. W. W. McNEILL&BRO.. 162 Fourth ave. fe8-74 Suburban Lots. FOR SALE AT CORAOPOLI3-3 LOTS AT A sacrifice on account death of owner. LASH ELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth avenue. fe!2-72 FOR SALE-ONE TO THREE ACRES OF choice, level and nicely located ground at Emsworth, P., Ft.W.&C. R. R., with or without improvements: w ill be sold at a bargain. BLACK & BAUtD, 95 Fourth ave. f e7-99-8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19.21, 23, 26, 28 Manufacturing Sites.. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Rlveravenue, by 215 feet in depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. feW9-D FOR SALE-ON WYLIE AVE. EXT.,, 115 front by 127 deep on Granville St., suitable for a manufacturing or church site; only property on the st. having the .depth: must be sold at once to close up an estate. K. C. BEATTY, 96 Fourth avenue, room No. 20. fc!2-42 miscellaneous. TJIOR SALE - 8A REASONABLE PAY JD MENTS and long time, near Shadysifle sta tion, on Baum St., 1 square from Center ave.; 7 large rooms, reception hall, weU finished, inside shutters, late conveniences. Lot 50x100 ft.; location good: a desirable home, cheap. W. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe8-76-D FOR SALE BUSINES3. Business Chances. FOR SALE-GOOD GROCERY-STOCK AND fixtures; will invoice about (LOOO; doing nice business: no better opening in the two cities. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. felO-88-TuSu FOR SALE - SMALL GROCERY STORE IN the city doing a good cash business, stock and fixtures worth about 8300; low rent. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., IB Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fel2-66 FOR SALE-LEADING GROCERY: DAILY cash sales $100; can be doubled: handsome, large room in best location; nice fresh stock: in voice, 83,600; rare chance. C H. FOLSOM. Lima, Ohio. fe9-13-TTSSu F lOR SALE-BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES of land fronting river and nnderlald with coal and flre-clay; this property is situate at New Cumoerland, W.Va. Sec BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fonrthave.- 62-37-14,5,6,7,8,9,12.14.16,19,21,23 FOR SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED BOOT and shoe store. In a country town, on line of railroad; present owner has made a small fortune; satisfactory reasons for selling. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. felO-45-MTTS FOR SALE-CIGAR STORE; DAILY SALES about 815; can be doubled easy; fine room In splendid location: nice fixtures, well-selected stock tobacco, cigars, pipes, etc, ; invoice. (750: a treat opening: making money fast. C. H. FOL OM, Lima, Ohio. fe9-13-TTSSU FOR SALE-SMALL WELL-STOCKED FUR NISHING goods store, lease and fixtures; business last year. 111,500: expenses light: good Investment for right party: best location for transient trade in city: good reason for selling. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave felO-60-TT8u FOR SALE-WHOLESALE PRODUCE COM MISSION bnslness; the best adapted, most convenient and one of the best established houses in the city; want of sufficient capital only cause for selling: all correspondence confidential. Ad dress LOCK BuX 909, Pittsburg, Pa, fe 10-53 FOK SALE-STOKES, STOKES, STORES; drag, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc. : 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Filth ave. Ja30 FOR S ALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LARGE and successful general store, in a manufac turingtown, on line of railroad; last year's busi ness, 870,000, mostly cash: a rare opening to an ac ceptableman; ill health the only reason for sell ing. JAS. "W. DRAPE S. CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe8-65-D Fc Or. SALE-OR EXCHANGE FOK TOWN pro or 6mall farm; will give or take difference; the furnlshment of National Hotel. consisting of 26 well furnished bedrooms, office, reading room, parlor, dining room, kitchen, laundry, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural gas throughout house; hotel located opposite Court House, has a well established trade, and for a pleasant home the town of Beaver cannot be surpassed in the State; this is a flne opportunity for a lire man to make a comfortable living; long lease given. For particulars address E. W. MCGINNIS, or J. H. CUNNINGHAS1, Att'y., Beaver, Pa. fe8-29-Tursn Business Stands. FOR SALE-BEST BUSINESS LOCATION IN Mansfield; large storeroom, and dwelling of 7 rooms; good cellar, gas all through the bouse; good stables 16x24: lot 40x140 to an alley. Inquire of M. FREDERICK. Mansfield, or address MANS FIELD VALLEY, PA. fei2-3S-TTS3U. FORSALE-THENORTHSIDE GKAIN ELE VATOR and warehouse in the rear, with track connections, together with a finely-established and paying business in grain, flour, feed, bay, etc., etc.; said elevator contains two fast running French burrs, chopping mills, together with all modern appliances for handling grain cheaply and quickly; bin capacity 50,000 bu.;soUl' on easy terms; ill health reason for selling. JOHN P. DEAN, cor. Irwin and North ave., Allegheny. fe7-88 FOR SALE-HOTEL-THE BELMONT SUM MER resort and furniture, 'with 8 or 38 acres land: old trees, shrubbery, etc. at Ebensburg. Cambria county. Pa. : 9 miles from Cresson, on branch railroad; nice drives: churches, stores; best or schools; telegraph, telephone, Postofflce, all near; also 15 acres land and 17-room house; fruit trees; 4 springs; at Loretto, 4,S miles from Cresson, Pa. ; all good resorts were tilled last year with people mostly from Pittsburg; be sold at bar gain Ifsold by March 1: license 875 per year. WM. W. IVORY, real estate office J. J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth avenue. fell-40 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metal. F IOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Rail enclnp. I smill dvnatno and 21.imn nnd meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE It, MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-I63-riS FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines from 4-horse power np. boilers, pumps, etc.: call or write for prices. FAHEY & PFALLSR. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35-TTS FOR SALE-ONE 10x16 ENGINE; 1 2-FLUE boiler; 40-lnch diameter, 18 feet long and stack; all in good condition, and selling tin ac count of increasing power and plant. l'HCENlX CLAY POITERY WORKS, East End, city. fea-71-TTSSU Miscellaneous. TTidR SALE-THE CONTENTS OF ELEGANT Jj residence that we have Just received, com prising parlor suits, bedroom suits, carpets, hat rack, sideboards, mirror door wardrobes, shades, lace curtains, rugs, lamps, engraving, statuary, mirrors, etc.: all goods must be sold be fore February 15, as owner is leaving the city. PITTTSBURG AUCTION CO. 93 Third ave. fe6-61-TUWTSU EO. H.BARBOUR. VJ CIVIL ENGINEER, Sttrveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerol Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Bntldinz. nel2-k66-D 61 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. G A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u oeventn avenue, . ,. ,.. Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-rrs 12, '1889. TO LET. Cltr Residences. TO LET-TEN MINUTES' WALK 'FROM Court House, brick dwellings or 6 rooms, marble mantels, inside' shutters, vestibule, cemented cellar, nat. gas: a desirable neighbor hood. 4 and 6 MILLER ST., near Center ave., 825 per month. felZ-80 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT SEWICKLEY. A GOOD FKAME house of nine rooms, beside bath and all modern conveniences; lot 80x125; good stable; three minutes from station: possession April 1, 1889. Apply to S. B. LIGGETT, on the premises, or ROOM 203, Penna. Co. Office, 1C03 Penn ave nue, city. . fe9-26-Tussa Hazelwood Residences. TO LET LARGE DWELLING HOUSE 18 rooms: Second ave., Gleuwood, near station; 7 acres of land, stable, orchard, vineyard, city water, gas: good location for flrst-class boarding house. EDWIN LOGAN, 150 Fourth ave. fe8-33-EOD AUcshcny Residences. TO LET-COR. ALLEGHENY AND WEST ERN avenue, Allegheny, a very desirable residence, 10 rooms, late improvements, stable, etc. W. A. nERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel2-92-TWP Apnrtmenls. TO LET-LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT room, with gas, etc.. suitable for office, onoi before April 1. Inquire 312 ROSS ST., city. fe!2-81 Farms. TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent 8500. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third av., Pittsburg. Jal5-39 Offices, Dek Room, &c. TO -LET A SUIT OF VERY DESIRABLE offices. No. 931 Penn avenue. Apply to MISS JENNIE LOU, 314 Penn avenue. felO-s2-TTSSu TO LET (99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms in best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal6-28-D TO LET-ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR OF NO.23 Sixth ave.. suitable for offices and dwelling. Address DEMMLER BROS., Nos. 526 and 528 Smithfleld St. fe!2-58 TO 'LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. AV. C. B1DWELL & CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. ia30-28 TO LET-FREE RENT-TO APRIL 1. 1889 Offlces, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; Sood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL W. LACK7& CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja29-S6-D TO LET-HOUSE NO. 25 SIXTH AVE., BE TWEEN Wood and Smithfleld sts.. suitable for offices and dwelling. Inquire of DEMMLER BROS., Nos. 526 and 528 Smithfleld St. fe!2-53 T 10 LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smithfleld. Liberty and Seventh avenue. well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. ja8-32-D TO LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND floor, 518 Smithfleld St., opposite City Hall and adjoining Duquesne Hotel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS & FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. de4-d63-rrs TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. Jal8-51 TO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of its building by adding 15 large, airv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., oner the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a flno location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House, at Perrysville, on the Perrysville plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds: and also frame dwelling, with large garden joining, and every thing in flrst-class order: long lease is given to the right nartv. For further information call or ad dress THEDAN NER MEDIC1N E CO., 242 Federal St.. Allegheny City. fe2-15 Business Stands. TO LET-SECOND AND THIRD STORIES NO. 632 SMITHFIELD STREET. Inquire at above number. fel2-49-TT. TO LET-FROM APRIL 1, BRICK STORE ROOM and six rooms; Frankstown avenue, close to Station street, 830 per month. MELLON BROS., Station St., East End. felO-12-TTSu TO LET-FINE LARGE BUSINESS ROOM on Fifth avenue, between Wood and Market streets; rent low to a good tenant. W. A. HER KON St, SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe9-25-MTTS TO LET-flS PER MO., LARGE COR. BASE MENT, well lighted; owner will fit up same to suit tenant. No. HFederal St., Allegheny. W. A. HERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe7-4-TTS O LET-SANDSTONE QUARRY AT MET- CALF station, A. V. R. R., known as "City Quarry;" also 150 acres of coal to lease or sell; shipments by river or rail. For particulars call on or address D. COLL, Burrell P. O., Pa. fe8-67 TO LET-SPACE, WITH STEAM POWER and heating: 2,000 square feet on each first and second floors; brick building, corner West Diamond and Erie streets, Allegheny; splendid light and good office; would give long lease to good tenant. Apply on premises to JOHN S. BOYD. fel2-71-TWT Special. TO LET-BTJSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGS on the line" of Penna. .ave. and Butler st. cable cars. SeeM. P. HOWLEY, 3819 Butler St. fe5-33 PERSONAL. PERSON Ali-FL.BOOKSPlWlJflSQUE America. Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Germany and 30.000 more books in all departments of literature. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. fe3 PERSONAL-SEND 15 CENTS, SILVER OR stamps, to pay postage, and we will send you our great illustrated paper, The American Bazar, six months on trial, and present you by return mall with an elegant triple-plate butter knife or sugar shell. THE AMERICAN BAZAR, 122 Pearl street, Boston, Mass. fe!2-G4 PERSON AL-YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so be up and make the best of It; see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of flne cleaning and repairing: give him a trial, telephone 1553. ja8 LOST. LOST-ON SMITHFIELD STREET OR FIFTH avenue, on Saturday afternoon, a diploma from Pittsburg Normal School. Finder will please return to DISPATCH OFFICE. fel2-43 LOST-A RED PLUSH POCKETBOOK IN THE ctble cars atlhe forks of the road; the con ductor was No. 4; there was a small sumof money, etc.. in it and some papers valuable to no one ex cept the owner: the finder will please leave it at 112Wylieave. MARY HUGHS. fel2-3 LOST-STRAYED OB STOLEN FROM 39 Taggart St., Allegheny, a very dark liver and tan colored setter dog, with white on breast: when missed had nickel-plated collar on. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to B1BER & EASTON, 505 and 507 Market St., Pittsburg, and no questions will be asked. fe!2-89 PROPOSALS. The Pennsylvania railroad Company, Office 233 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, February 7, 18S9. QEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO (j the undersigned (and marked on the ontside "Proposals") will be received at this office until 9 A. m. February 28, 18S9, for furnishing ail labor and materials and erecting complete the proposed machine shop, erectiDg shop, boiler shop and smith shop, to be located in the city of Altoona, Pa. Proposals to state, separately, gross sum for (1) iron work, (2) brick and cut stone work, (3) mill and carpenter work, (4) tin and sheet-iron work and spouting. (5) plumbineand drainage, (61 painting and glazing for each buildinc. Plans and specifications can be seen at this. otnee, room its. Annex ounaing, ana also attbe office of H.W.Webber, Assistant En cineer,at Al toona, Pa. This company reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. WILLIAM H. BROWN, Chief Engineer. fecO-9,12,14,16.18,20 HOTICE TO COHTR ACTORS Office of Will H. Gbiggs, City Clerk, ) East Liverpool, O., January 24,1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PKOPOSALS will bo received by the City Clerk of the City of East Liverpool, Ohio, at his office until 12 o'clock, noon, of the Day of tell J, D. for Improving Market street from the north side of Sixth street to the north side of Fifth street, by paving the same with nreclayparing brick, according to the specifications now on file at the office of John A. George, civil engi neer. Tho bids.may be for either work or ma terial, or for both: if for both, each must be separately stated. HEach bid to be guaranteed according to law. Bidder to furnish samples of brick to be used, also to use the printed forms, which will be furnished on application. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Council, felO-100 "WILLH. GRIGGS. City Clerk. CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the ilureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full, information, call on or address t JAMES ANDERSON, 3 East Diamond street, Je5-n57-XT3 AUegheny.Pa. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT MY wife, Christina 8eiri, having left my bed and board without just cause, I will not be re sponsible for any debts she may .contractaf ter this date. ADAM STEIN. FebruabY 9. 1SS9. I C9-37-D auditor's Office. NTT, ( 6. 1889. J MUSKEfOUJI COUNTY, Zanesville. O.. February 6, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT is the intention of the County Commission ers of Muskingum county, O., to construct three highway bridges across the Muskingum river in said conntv; one near the month of Brush creek, one at the foot of Underwood street, Zauesville. and one near the mouth of Symmes creek. By order of the Commission ers. - J. A. KNIGHT, Auditor and Clerk to Commissioners. feS-90-D Law offices CHARLES F. McKENNA, 146 Fifth avenne. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE-LETTlSRS of administration cum lestamento annezo on the estate of the late Thomas E. Pollard, of the city of Plttsbnrg, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all parties in debted will make immediate payment and those having; claims will present the same duly Erobated without delay, at office and ware onse, corner of Penn avenue and Eleventh street. Pittsburg. MRS. M. E. POLLARD, fe5-96Vru Administratrix C. T. A. TO JOSEPH SLACK AND MARY ANN BLACK, his wife.-and all others, the heits and legal representatives of Matthew Fielding, late of the county of Allefsheny, in the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. You are herebynotified that John F.Whcless, William S. Riddlo and Elizabeth RiddiePayne, plaintiffs, have filed a bill against you and Laurence W. Prophater in the Court of Com mon Pleas No. 1 of Alleeheny county, in said Commonwealth, at No. 114 March Term, 1S89, the substance whereof is as follows, viz: The said plaintiffs are the owners and are in quiet possession of a piece of land in the First ward. City of Allegheny. Pennsylvania, being lots Nos. 2 and 3 in the planlaid out by Edward Stephens, recorded mDeed book vol. 85, page 5.3, said lots together having a frontage on the northeasterly side of South avenne formerly Bank lane, of 50 feet and a depth of 150 to an Matthew Fielding, about the year 1846, by deed dnly executed, conveyed and delivered Sossession of said premises to Edward W. tephens. The title of said Stephens is now duly vested In said plaintiffs. And said Stephens and bis vendees and plaintiffs have been since about the year 1846 in notorious, adverse, con tinuous and exclusive possession of said premi ses. Said deed from Fielding cannot be found, and is believed to have been lost. Laurence W. Prophater, ono of the heirs of Matthew Fielding, asserts that plaintiffs title to said premises is invalid, and that he and you are the true owners thereof, and thereby pre vents plaintiffs from selling the same. And the object of said bill i3 to obtain from the court a decree that plaintiffs' title to said premises is good and valid in law and equity, and to compel you and Laurence W. Prophater to release to plaintiffs all yonr claims to and interest in said premises as heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Fielding, deceased, if any such Inter est yon have. And the -plaintiffs, having made search for you in Allegheny county, and not being able to find you, made affidavit thereto and presented the same to court. Whereupon the court have made this order: "And now to wit, February 2, 1889, the fore going affidavit is presented in open court, and upon consideration thereof, it appearing to tho Conrt that Joseph Slack. Mary Ann Slack and all others, the heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Fielding, late of the county ot Alle gheny in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania deceased, defendants in the case, cannot upon diligent search and inquiry be found so as to be personally served with process, and upon motion of H. and G. C. Bnrgwin, attorneys for plaintiffs, it is ordered that the said Joseph Slack, Mary Ann Slack and all others, the heirs and legal representatives of said Matthew Fielding, be notified and required to cause an appearance to be entered for them on or before tho first Monday of March, 1SS9, to the bill of complaint filed against them in this case, and that a copy of this order and a statement of the substance and object of said bill be published as provided by law in the Plttsbnrg Dispatch once a week for three weeks." Note. If you fail to comply with above di rections by not entering an appearance in the Prothonotary's office on or before the first Monday of March, 1889, the bill will betaken pro confesso, and a decree made against you In your absence. H. & G. C. BURGWIN. Attorneys for plaintiffs, 150 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. FEBRTJARY2.1889. feS-41-Tn RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE ELDREDGE, NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk to depot or beach. Large cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E. J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. fell-3-D THE WINDSOR REOPENED FEBRUARY L 18S9. Extensive alterations have been completed. Hot and cold sea-water baths attached. Every room heated by steam. G. WATERS. WM. E. COCHRAN.Chief Clerk, feo-61-rrssn "OT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Steam Heat, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. ja!5-58-D OLD POINT COMFOBT, VIRGINIA. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMonroe; open all the year, accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location; deligbtfnl climate; thrilling historic surround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famons Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winter 48. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, the most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months in the United States. Send for descriptive pamphlet. no27-y40-TnrSu F. N. PIKE. Manager. AMUSEMENTS. BLHHfe- T WEEK ENGAGEMENT OF RUDOLPH ARONSON'S ORIGEfAL NEW YORK CASINO COMIC OPERA COMPANY, Including all the favorites: Pauline Hall, Marie Jansen, Jennie Weathersby, Francis Wilson, Charles Plunkett, George Olmi, Harry MacDonougb, etc In a grand production of the two great Casino successes, "NADJY" -AND- "ERMIN1E." Presented with elaborate scenery, costumes and appointments, augmented orchestra and a GRAND CHORDS OF 60 VOICES. SCALE OF PRICES: Parquet and first four rows in Circle S 1 50 Parque"t Circle 100 Balcony 1,75 and 50 cents Gallery 25 cents Lower boxes -..$12 00 Upper boxes 8 00 Advance Sale opens Thursday at 9 A. jr. ; fe!2-l NOTICE Thfi fair to be held by the Ladles of the Mystic Chain dnring this week at the Penn In cline, which it is advertised the Rov.il Italian Band was to furnish music for it. It is a mis take on the part of the printer, as the music will be furnished by the Great Eastern Italian Band, and not by the Royal. fe!2-34 COMMITTEE. TTARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening, "A BUNCH OF KEYS." Next week The Nelsons. f ell-10 p RAND OPERA HOUSE U Every evening: Matinees, Wednesdayand Saturday. CORA TANNER in Robert Bu chanan's sucressf nl new play.FASCINATION. Week Feb. 18th the great Lyceum Theater suc cess, "The Wife." felO-7 TJaRRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY- To-night-Matinees Tuesday, Thnnday and Saturday. HYDE'S BIG SPECIALTY COMPANY. . lelO-t 1ASINO MUSETJM- J Week of February 11: The Gleeson Children. Bertha and Johnnie; Gen. C. R. Decker, Val "Vino, Bessie Searle and others. Admission 10c Open from 10 a. 31. to 10 P. a. fell-13 TIJOU THEATER ' "THE STILL ALARM." Next week Casino Opera Co. fell-30 3 AUCTION SALES. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE TUES DAY MORNING, February 12, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Market St. Handsome brocatelle, Mlk.-plojh and hair cloth parlor suits, 2 pianofortes, flne pier mir ror, mantel cabinet, pictures, bronzes, polished wood center tables, handsome silver piano lamp, fancy rockers, fine bookcases, secreta ries, library tables and chairs, leather couch, rattan rockers, desks,flne clocks, rugs, curtains, brussels and ingrain carpets, linoleum, finely carved chamber suits, wardrobes, folding beds, bed lounges, cbeval glass, chiffoniers, bureaus, washstands, bedsteads, dining room chairs, sideboards, hallracks, and in walnut, oak, ma hogany and cherry; kitchen tables, chairs and. safes, lanndry furnishments, dishes, cooking; utensils, beddinr, stoves, toiletware, lamps, etc. HENRY AUCTION CO- LIM..Auctioneers. 3 felO-116 ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE FRI DAY, February 15, at 10 a. m., will ba sold at public auction, on the premises, corner of Carson and Eighteenth streets. Twenty sixth ward, Pittsburg, the Farmers and Me chanics' BanK building, and lot 40x120 feet, either as a whole or In two or three parts. Also, on the samo day. at 2 P. 3L, on thai premises. Maple street. Twenty-seventh ward, will be offered for sale nine building lots in the plan of the aforesaid bank, adjoining tho school yard and grounds of St. Michael a Church. f. H. SORG, H. I. BERG. Je., L. S. CUNNINGHAM. felQ-69 Assignees. UCTION SALE OF BAKERY. AT 2S0S Penn ave.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 18S9, 2-story brick with frame In rear.nako shop in cellar, together with stock and fixtures; sale positive, as owner is leaving citv: sale com mences 1 P. 3L, sharp. W. MERRILL, Auc tioneer. feft-6-D BUSINESS CHANGES. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE JiX bave purchased of L. P. Rider his patent, dated July 0, 1875, for improvement in; castingr axle boxes and other tubular articles, and that all parties infringing said patent will be held strictly accountable. KINZER& JONES. FirraBUBG, January 17,1889. KLNZER& JONES,. FOUNDERS, 101 TO HI PENN AVE. Seamless Axle Boxes, Pipe Bails and Fine Gray Iron Castings A specialty. Jalg-Tr-TTS DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE IB hereby given that the Cresent Foundry Co., Limited, of Allegheny City, Ba.. has this day been dissolved by mutual consentot all tha members of said company at a regular meeting called for that purpose, all debts due by tho company will be paid by Louis Wertheimer, who will continue the business at the samo" place, under the namo of Cresent Foundry All claims dne to the company he is author ised to collect. LOUIS WERTHEIMER, WM. V. KISH. LOUIS N. KISH. J. J. KISH'S Estate, per WM. V. KISH and LOUIS' N. KISH. Executors. Allegheny, February 6. 1889. fe7-9 . NOTICES. COUXTT COMJIISSIONEHS' OFFICE, "I Pittsbueg, February 6. 1889. J THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WTLTj hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Tuesday, February 12, First, Second and Third wards, Pittsburg; First and Second wards. Homestead. Wednesdav, February 13, Fourth, Ninth, Tenth and Twelf th wards, Pittsburg. Thursday, February 14, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Eleventh wards. Pittsburg. Friday, February 15, Nineteenth. Twenty first and Twenty-second wards. Pittsburg- . Saturday, February 16. Twenty-tbird ward,. Pittsburg, and Second ward, Allegheny. Monday, February 18, Ross, South Versailles' and Indiana townships. Thursday, February ZL Thirteenth, Four teenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners, R. E. MERCER, GEO. Y MCKEE. DANIEL MCWILLLAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. fe7-19 ELECTIONS. Pittsburg and Chicago Gas Coal Co., Pittsburg, Pa., January 22. 1889. J THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of tbis company to electa President and Board of Directors for the en suing year, and to transact such other business as may be necessary, will be held at Room 11, Bissell blockon TUESDAY, February 12, be tween the hours of 3 and 4 p. m. J. A. SMITH, ja3M4-30,fe5,12 Secretary. Mansfield coal and Coke Company; i Pittsburg. January 12, 1889. $ ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Mansfield Coal and Coke Company will be held at the office of the company, No. 1042 Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa.. TUESDAY. February 12. 1889, at 2 o'clock p. 31., to hear the report of the board, elecS directors for the ensuing year, and act upon ' such other bnsiness as may be brought beiora them. JOHN K. SH1NN, Secretary. jal2-72-12,15,17,19,22)21,2i,fe4,7,9.12 Pittsburg and Castle Shannon! Railroad Company, I General Office, Carson street, f Southside. Pittsburg. February 4. 18S9.J ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETlNrf of the stockholders of this companv will ha held at this office on TUESDAY, February 19, 1889, between the hours of 2 and 4 P.-3L for the purpose or electing a President and ten directors, to serve during the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may .properly come before them. E. J. REAMER. Secretarv and Treasurer. fe3-U- HimsEBTOonjr- F0RSALEandTOLET.-': 3 rooms np to 10 rooms. In the beautiful borouzh of Knoxville. only 1 miles from city postofflce. Beautiful homes are sold on-payments, tho -same as rent. - . By all means visit Knoxville before taking your house for another year. Never havo there been such oppcrtunities for people to get homes. -93-Take Southside cars to Twelfth street; and ML Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Kailwayr MOXVILLELMDIMPROYMMT CO.- OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE,; ;- f eS-57.rrssu KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. -. '-" -U FIFTH AVENUE. Dwelling houses that can be converted into business properties; prices from $5,900 to 512, 000, on payments of SoOO cash and balance on longtime. Properties now paying fair rate of interest, and enhancement Is certain. SAMUEL. W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Established 1S7S. jaSl-xrs OFFICES TO LET. Fonr or five offices on the fourth floor of tho Renshaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets, fe6D T O LET- ONLY THREE of the large rooms suitable for office or general business purposes, la the new DISPATCH building on Dla-" mend street, now remain unrented. THOSE WHO WISH the most central sit uation in the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service," electric light and steam-heating, should ap ply at onco to the new ' DISPATCH BUILDING. Nos. 75V 77 and 79 Diamond street;.. WALTER J. OSB0BNE. RICHARD BABBQW3. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, - . .. 90 Diamond street. ' Telephone No.SU se3-kS6-xiSB3