Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 12, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Benmant of the Storm's
Wreck Yields 16 Bodies,
Bard Work Recovering Eemains of
Dr. Read and Young Carroll.
The Funerals of Some of the Victims Held
Testerday Afternoon.
In spite of the continuous cold, raw air
yesterday morning the number of spectators
around the scene of the fallen ruins on Dia
mond and "Wood streets were as large as ever.
At an early hour Mr. Flinn and his gang
of men, who had done such efficient work
during the entire night left the place, after
completely clearing out the cellar of the
"Willey building and the rear of trie south
part of "Weldin's store. These men had
discovered the bodies of five more victims
of the disaster, viz.: Albert Goettmann,
Charles McKeown, George Blendinger,
Leonard Schiffhauer and Dr. James L.
Bead, the latter being taken out about 6
A. 31.
Blendinger and Schiffhaur were dis
covered in the rear of the Willcy building
at about 1:30 o'clock in the morning. They
were lying closely together, wedged in an
almost inextricable position among the
debris. It took the men about an hour to
rpt them away from under the rubbish.
"When the two men were at last gotten out
their bodies were so mutilated as not to be
recognizable, except for clothing and other
like differences. The police authorities
ordered them to be taken to the morgue,
where they were identified afterward and
removed to their respective homes.
But still the body of Dr. Read had not
been recovered, and on account of the
prominence of that gentleman and his large
acquaintance in the city, the men were
anxious to get at the bottom of the cellar in
"Weldin's store. According to the elevator
boy's story, the remains of the doctor were
supposed to be near the elevator. Mr.
Flinn ordered an additional force of men
over to the "Weldin building, and the work
was now concentrated on the one object:
"Let us find Dr. Bead before we do any
thing else."
Fresh vigor and an increased persever
ance were called into requisition, and at
last their efforts were repaid by the recovery of
Dr. Read's remains. He was found to be lying
near the elevator. 'His lace presented a very
lifelike appearance. Nothing but a gash on his
forehead disficured his countenance. His
body was aUo but slightly mutilated. Nothing
but his abdomen bore any marks of severe in
3 urici. His body as taken to Samson's under
taking rooms and prepared for burial.
The deceased was born in Philadelphia, and
early in life studied for the ministry and en
tered the itineracy of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. In those days the denomination was
in its infancy, and he endured all the priva
tions and hardships to which the itinerant min
isters were subjected. He came west shortly
after being received into the ministry, and was
appointed on the old Redstone circuit. He was
subsequently stationed at Washington, Wheel
ing and at other places. After some years his
throat became affected, and in 1837 he was com
pelled to accept a superannuated relation, and
never again resumed active work in the minis
try. During his long life, however, he fre
quently preached.
After retiring from the ministry he located
permanently in Pittsburg, having Been ap
pointed local acent for the book concern of the
M. E. Church. In connection with this he
opened a general bookstore, and for many
years carried on business on Fourth avenue
near where the Fourth National Bank is now
located. He also practiced medicine, and was
one of the first homeopathic physicians in the
city. It was Dr. Read who first introduced
homeopathic medicine in this city, and he
caused the preachers very frequently to take
up cudgels for the new medical treatment in
their pulpits.
He opened up a homeopathic drugstore in
connection with his bookstore, and homeo
pathic medicine was for a long time known
only in this city by the name of "Dr. Reed'
pills." In 1S69 he retired from the book and
drug business, disposing of his store in the
former line to James R. Weldin fc Co.
The practice of medicine he continued, how
ever, and he was still active as a homeopathic
practitioner even at the time of his death,
when he was SI years of age. His wife died
some years since, but he leaves behind him five
children, Charles H. Read, of the window
glass works: Dr. J. Sant. Read. St. Louis; Mrs.
Simon Johnston, Mrs. William McCnllongh
and Mrs. George L. McCoy, of Sheffield street,
Allegheny. He made his home with Mrs. Mc
Cov. and the funeral, which will be on Satur
day, will take place from Christ M. E. Church.
The remains will be interred in Homewood
If anyone supposed that, when the men who
found Dr. Rad bad gone, no one would trouble
about the rest of the missing, it would have
been a mistake. The Department of Public
Safety detailed a number of men to the scene
of the disaster.
About this time it was rumored that a man
who had worked in Eichbaum's printing estab
lishment had been buried under apile of bricks
in a small alley which divides the Eicbbaum
and Willcy buildings. He was supposed to
have been cleaning tho windows on the second
floor when the cyclone blew down the Willey
building, and, as the walls fell, lie might have
been knocked down. However, an entire
cleaning of the alley from debris failed to find
Another rumor was afloat by which it was as
certained that a young Hebrew had been seen
going into Thoma's store for some leather, a
few minutes before the accident occurred.
Nobody had seen him come out again, and the
conclusion arrived at. therefore, was that he
was also buned in the cellar. His name was
pven as John Srhuck. An investigation, how
ever, brought out the fact that, althongh the
young man had been in the shop just before
the crash came, he had left in time to escape.
Then the stories about the ladies supposed to
be buried in the rear of Weldin's store came
np again. But that also had to be recorded as
a production of some imagination. Several of
the young men from Weldin's store who were
questioned upon the subject, emphatically de
nied the nossibihty of such a thing. Said one
of these gentlemen:
"There was cot a lady in the rear of the store
when the accident occurred. Those who were
In our employ had all gone to dinner, and the
lady customers were all in the front of our
store. Everyone of the persons in the store a;
the time of the disaster has been accounted
for, and none of them is missing."
In the meantime the work of removing the
debris and the stock in Weldin's store Mas con
tinued, and tcveral men were also occupied in
clearinc away the rains of the north wall of
the Willev budding, which tumbled into the
rear of Thoma's store. Since there were only
two bodies found in the cellar of the WUey
building, where it was thought at least six
would be found, the tneory gained credence
that some of the men bad probably tnmbled
with the wall behind theThoma building. Bat,
up to last night.no one had been discovered
During the forenoon the rumor suddenly
tpreati on the streets that a boy bad been found
in the ruins, ana that he was still alive. This
story had originated from the simple fact that
Dennis Carty. who since the accident had been
with friends, had been removed to the Homeo
pathic Hospital. Young Dennis and his sister,
Alice, were passing in the front of Weldin's
store on their way to school when the crash
came, and both had been badly injured. Alice
was immediately removed to the hospital, but
Dennis was taken care of at his home, because
his Injuries were not considered so serious.
Yesterday, however, the bov took such a bad
turn that it was thought advisable to take him
to the hospital also.
On the cyclone's worst scene of action nothing
further of importance happened until after
noon. The removal of the stock from the book
store continued: oneot the derricks in the Wil
lcy building was taken away; and, in the mean
time, a gang of men was kept employed in the
rear of the western part of Weldin's establish
ment. Here a large portion of the Willey
building baa fallen down. One of the
derricks had tumbled in there, carrying with it
death and destruction. Several of the men
who had been working in the building at the
time of the disaster stated that Richard Car
roll, a cousin of Roger O'Mara. Assistant Su
perintendent of Police, had been at work near
the derrick when the crash came. It was
thought, therefore, that he would surely be
found there The sisters of the young man,
who. by the way. was but 22 years of ace, w ere
at the rums during the forenoon, anxious to
bear whether their brother bad been found.
They had been at the morgue and at all the
hospitals innumerable times, but always they
bad to be turned away because the man could
not be tound there.
It was 2:45 o'clock when Martin Frank, the
Building Inspector, who was standing at the
opening which the men bad doc in the cellar at
weldin's, called one of the workmen's attention
to a rag protruding from the debris. The
workman, Daniel McGinley, stooped to pick up
the supposed rac; but it wouldn't come. He
pulled again, harder and harder, until at last
ho uncovered a human lcc.
"There is another body!" the bystanders ex
claimed, and at least 20 men jumped forward,
offering their assistance.
"Keen bick those men I" Captain Dan Sylvus
ordered. The Building Inspector now took
directed charge of the men and the way to get
at the body. Its position was indeed ery
The main pole of the derrick, which bad
fallen down here with its appending spars and
beams, must have descended with a terrific
force, for it stack at least three feet in the
ground. Just near the base of the derrick and
the beams the body was discovered. The pro
cess of extrication was very toilsome. Beam
after beam, spar upon spar were pulled out;
but still the derrick defied all the efforts of the
rescuing party. Frank at last had a strong
rope tied around the beam, ten men were told
to pull at it, and there was a tug of war against
the cohesive quality of three feet of ground
and a large union of human strength: but the
latter gained the victory. Ihe derrick being
? mlled nut, and the bodv being bare, it was
onnd that the victim bad fallen with the
derrick, head foremost, and with snch force
that the man stood literally on his head. Sev
eral of the bigger spars bad penetrated his
body, and death, of course, must have been
instantaneous. Ho was taken to tho morgue
in the patrol wagon and afterward removed to
bis home. A peculiar coincidence in the case
of this man, who waslateridentified as Richard
Carroll, is the fact that his father, John Carroll,
met bis death about ten years ago by falling
from a building where he was occupied as a
now numbers 16. Some were killed outright,
while others have since died at the hospitals.
The list is as follows:
The injured persons are" all doing very well,
with but one exception. Quiutius Barber, col
ored, one of the men at the Homeopathic Hos
pital, was very low last night, and the chances
were thought to be against him.
George W. Rpdgerson, of Beaver, brother of
Contractor John B. Rodgerson, who was killed
in the horror of Wednesday, said last night
that his brother is the eighth member of a fam
ily who was killed by accident. The father was
killed by falling from a derrick; the mother by
being struck by the fall of a chimney; one
brother was killed in a foundry, another in a
quarry: another fell into a well; another was
whirled to death around a shafting, and an
other was killed on a railroad. G. W. is the
only surviving member of the family, and says
he desires to die in a similar manner.
Some of the Victim Laid Away Yestcrdny
Sad Scenes That Will Lone be Remem
bered by Neighbors of the Mourners.
Though not all the crape streams at the
doors of houses wherein lay the dead from
"Wednesday's accident have yet disappeared,
some of them were removed yesterday. The
funeral of Thomas Jones took place from
his late residence, No. 77 Park way, Alle
gheny, yesterdayaf ternoon. The remains were
interred in the Uniondale Cemetery. Rev.
Richard Carfield, of the Wood's Run Episcopal
Mission, read the burial services of the Episco
pal Church and at the cemetery, members of
the Allegheny City Lodge No. 252, Order of
Sons of St. Georje, took charge of the funeral,
and a number of members of the lodge were
The case of the late Mr. Jones is a very sad
one. The young man was the main support of
his mother and a large family. He came to
this country several months ago from England,
and about ten days ago the mother and chil
dren arrived in the city.
The mother is almost heartbroken by the
loss of her oldest son and main support. They
have but few friends and no relatives in the
The funeral of James McGough, the driver
in the employ of Mr. J. H. Skelton. the Third
avenue liveryman, took place Irom the St.
Paul's Cathedral at 10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. The remains were interred in the St.
Mary's cemetery. As the young man had no
friends or relatives in tho city Mr. Skelton
took charge of the funeral. But one carriage
followed the hearse to the grave.
The funeral of William Stringer, one of the
boy victims, was buried yesterday afternoon
from the residence of his parents, in Day alley,
in the rear of 39 Resaca street, Allegheny.
Rev. J. L. Fulton. D. D., of the Second Presby
terian Church, Allegheny, conducted the ser
vices, which were both simple and touching.
A large number of floral offerings were sent to
the house by sympathizing friends. It was
well attended, as the unfortunate bov was a
general favorite. The remains were interred
in Uniondale Cemetery.
John Hill, the colored boy, was buried irom
the residence of his parents, lo. 32 Bedford
avenue, at 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A
large number of friends were in attendance.
The lad was 14 years old, and was the last sur
viving child of the family, two girls and a boy
having died before him.
Tho Coroner's Jury Hears the Testimony of
Leading Witnesses.
The Coroner's inquest over the remains of
tha victims of the Diamond street accident
was formally opened yesterday morning.
The hearing was in the Coroner's office.
Theldentityof thevictims was sworn to by re
sponsible persons.
C-IL. Willey.proprietor of the building at Nos.
37 and 39 Diamond street, was the first witness.
He testified that Joseph Stillberg, architect,
drew up the plans for the buildlnc; Hucken
stcin&Co. were the contractors for the brick
and mason work, and George C Miller for the
woodwork. The building was to have been 30
feet -nlde. 80 feet deep and 74 feet high, with six
stories. The plans were afterward altered and
a seventh story was to have been added.
The building was entirely open at the ends
from the bottom to the top. The specifications
said that the lower pari of the building was to
be closed in with a storm front.
Architect Stillberg swore that he drew tho
plans for the bmldit r. and that tbey had not
been altered, with the exception of the extra
story. He said it was not necessarv for the
architect to personally superintend the erec
tion of the building.
John Huckenstein, contractor, testified to
having charge of the masonry and brick work.
The inquest was then adjourned until Mon
day morning at 10 o'clock.
A Benefit Next Tuesday Evening.
The Washington Monumental Committee
will bold an entertainment in the Coliseum
next Tuesday for the benefit of sufferers. All
the receipts will go to those afflicted by the
disaster in the Diamond. The entertainment
will be of a musical and literary character. The
GAIL Band donates its services, as do all the
other performers. The programme is to be ar
ranged by Manchester Council 121, Jr. O. U. A
Tho Exposition Society Will Hold a Mass
Meeting to Raise Fands.
The Exposition Society re-elected the old
officers yesterday. President, S. S. Marvin;
Vice President. John Bindley: Secretary, J. W.
Batchelor; Treasurer, A F. Keating.
W. E. Schmertz. Joseph Woodwell and G. A
Berry were appointed a committee to call a
ma8 meeting in old City HalL Tuesday night,
as noted elsewhere, to raise money to finish the
Dr. B. M. Hanxa. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
Two Pittsburg Glass Manufacturers
Engage in the Business.'
Tom Barry Issues a Call for the Labor
Meeting This Evening.
A new coke company has been formed
with a capital stock, it is said, of $1,000,000.
This concern has purchased 763 acres of
first-class coking coal lands in Fayette
county and propose to erect several hundred
ovens and begin the manufacture of coke.
The cost of the land purchased and the
erection of the ovens, it is claimed, will
amount to $400,000.
The company was formed during the past
few weeks and the negotiations for the land
were conducted very quietly. "When a
Dispatch reporter made inquiries 3mong
coke operators as to who composed the com
pany, he was informed that James Chambers
and H. Sellers McKee were the leading
stockholders in the concern. The gentle
men are the most extensive window glass
manufacturers in the country, and the fact
that they have decided to engage in the coke
business, is very significant. 'It is very evi
dent, dealers claiming that there is money
in the business or shrewd business men would
not engage in any such enterprise. When
these new ovens are built the construction of a
branch railroad to the South Pennsylvania
Railroad will be necessary and the company
has stated that a branch will bo built.
There seems to be a great demand for coking
coal land, as the following telegram Irom
Umontnwn indicates:
Dr. Walker has sold the surface and coal of
his 160-acro farm, lvmg close to Uniontown, to
William Thaw, of Pittsburg, for $82,000. The
farm is crossed by the Pittsburg. Virginia and
Charleston Railroad, and gives Mr. lhaw
another opening for his 2,000 acres of coal. This
makes $122,000 of coal land purchased by Mr.
Thaw here this week.
The wage scale has not yet been settled, and
the operators do not seem to be making any
effort to meet the workers and arrange wages.
It was stated yesterday that there is an over
production, and that the leading operators had
decided to restrict production by closing down
a portion of the ovens next Wednesday. This
information came from a producer, and a Dis
tatch reporter called on several large
operators to have it verified, but was unable to
see an one except Mr. G. T. Rafferty. As Mr.
Rafferty is the leading stockholder in the
McClure Coke Company, one of the largest
concerns in the Connellsville region, his opinion
is worth something. He says that he has
attenaed no meeting and knows ot no move
ment to restrict production by shutting down
some of the ovens next Wednesday.
He Extends a Formal Invitation to All
Working People, and Replies to Some
Charges Made Against Him.
The arrangements for the big labor meet
ing at Lafayette Hall, this evening, have
been completed, and the indications are
that the hall will be crowded with
Knights of Labor anxious to hear
Barry's expose of the doings of the
general officers. He wired yesterday for
and expects to receive to-day an affidavit
made by F. F. Donnelly, the official stenog
rapher of the General Executive Board.
In this affidavit Mr. Donnelly tells of a
number of things that were done that might
not have been done.
Tom Barrv was very busy yesterday and
conferred with two crafts who are in the
Knishts of Labor, but he declined to say
anything about them at present, except that
many of them would fall ioto line within a
short time and become members of the Broth
erhood of United Labor.
The next move of the brotherhood will be to
call a meeting of tho leaders. This meeting
will be held at the same time and place as the
General Executive Board of the Knights of
In yesterday's paper there appeared an inter
view with a "Leading Knight,'' whomade some
remarks about Barry. No name was given, but
Mr. Barry made a guess, and, in response, said:
"If Campbell wants to cry quits, I am satis
fied; but if he wants more, let him bark again.
Had I been as faithful to Jay Gould and his in
terests as Pow derly and his colleagues were in
the Southwest strike, be would, no doubt,
furnish me with money, not to break up the
Knights of Labor, but to assist in continning
the farce of deception and victimization of the
workmgmen, as was done in the Southwest
and oilier strikes. Jay Gould and his kind aro
not as lriendlv to me as they are to Mr. Pow
derly." Mr. Barry last night issned the following
formal call for the meeting to-night:
To ihe working men and women of Pittsburg
who unknowingly have pone Into voluntary
servitude to King Terrence the Klrit, and have
not yet lost the spirit of American man and wo
manhood, you are cordially invited to attend the
mass meeting in Lafayette Hall and bear a truth
ful statement of the methods practiced In the
General office of the Knights of Labor and how
your (ieneral officers enjoy the luxuries, living
at your expense, while many of those who bear
the taxation and assessments are allowed to re
main, when evicted, homeless and 6uppcrless. If
j ou arc Interested in hearing the truth, and hare
not lost all your spirit of Independence, resent the
Insult of the would-be dictators by being present
at th
meeting. If yon are moral cowards and
afraid to hear the truth, do not come. 1 will be
prepared and will answer any question that is
asked me.
River Operators Are Moving Tbelr Empties
Up tho River.
The river coal operators will likely start
their works within the next few works. For
several days past the empty barges, flats
and boats that have been brought up from
down the river have been moored on the wharf.
There were acres of them, and yesterday al
most all the ton boats in this section were put
to work towing the empties up the river. They
will be placed at the different works, and the
indications are that work will soon be com
menced. None of the operators would say anything,
but it is understood that there will be no
trouble regarding nages, as tbey til seem to be
anxious to load all the coal they can. The re
port that work will soon be resumed at the
mines reached a number of men who had quit
the river and gone into railroad mines, and
tbey are anxious to return.
John Flannery Explains the Cause of the
Trouble in the Order.
John Flannery, ol the Trades Journal, a
leading Knight of Labor of this district
has the following to say about Mr. T. B. Barry :
"Mr. Barry has many friends hero who be
lieve that he was illtreated and that there is no
escape when once the administration wants to
expel a'member, it does not matter whether
justly or not. and that in cases where a mem
ber is unjustly expelled if he does not stand in
with the powers, there is no hope for such per
son if he appeals to the highest court. At any
rate the great majority of wage workers here
who were once members of the order are indif
ferent, and it is just such feuds as that of
Barry and the order that has brought about
the depletion of the active blood of the order
and the impotency of associated labor in K. of
L. circles in this vicinity."
Carnegie's Rnllmnkers to bo Paid on a
$30 Basis This Month.
The wages at the Edgar Thomson Steel
"Works this month will be greater than ever
before, that is since the sliding scale went
into effect. The wages each month, as
is known, are based on the selling price of
rails. Last month the wages were based on a
$28 60 per ton selling price, although rails were
quoted at only S2S.
There has been no advance in the price of
rails according to the quotations, but notices
have been posted at tbe works announcing that
wages this month will be based on a 30 rata
for rails. '
Tho K. of L. Executive Board.
The Executive Board of D. A 3 K. of L.,held
an important mcetinglast evening. All tbe ac
counts were presented, and the affairs of tbe
3 car -nere discussed, when it was decided to
refer all matters to the Auditing Committee,
which will meet on Monday evening. No
reference was made to tbe action of two of the
trustees in renting tbe hall for a meeting of
Dr. J. B. Morrison, a Penn Avenne Dentist,
Commits Suicide by Shooting He Was
momentarily Insane.
Dr. J. B. Morrison, a popular dentist,
whose office is at No. 430 Penn avenue,
ended his life yesterday morning by shoot
ing himself in the head. Tbe deceased was
sufferinc from stomach troubles, and it is
supposed that he was temporarily insane
when he committed the deed.
Dr. Morrison occupied rooms on the first
floor of the building. He told Mrs. Hoover,
his landlady, that his condition was worse
instead of improving yesterday morning. She
heard no more from blm until she was startled
by the report of a revolver. Mrs. Hoover hur
ried to his rear office and found Dr. Morrison
lying on the floor. Drs. McDonald and Wylie
were summoned. They did what they could,
but the unfortunate man died in a few
moments. He had removed his collar and
necktie, and also his shoes. Placing the
muzzle of a 3S-cahber revolver in his mouth,
he fired tbe fatal shot.
Mr. Morrison was 33 years of age and was the
son of Dr. H. Morrison, the dentist, of No. 507
Penn avenue, a brother of J. D. Morrison
the music teacher, and a cousin of Baron
Jackson, now at the Court of Wurtembnrg. He
was married, and had practiced dentistry for
the past 15 years.
Dr. Morrison suffered from dyspepsia, and it
is supposed that this ailment drove him to com
mit the deed.
Coroner McDowell held an inquest on the re
mains of Dr Morrison last evening. The testi
mony went to show that the deceased had been
suffering from a severo attack of Indigestion,
and had eaten nothing for two days. The ver
dict was suicide while suffering from temporary
aberration of tho mind.
Ends In a Resolution BelngPassed to Retain
the Present One.
There were 33 citizens present at the
charter meeting in the Common Council
chamber of Allegheny last night, and Mr.
J. H. Stephenson acted as President, The
committee of five appointed at the last meeting
to take legal advice in tho matter, was em
powered to confer with the Finance Committee
of Councils on the subject. The Chairman sug
gested that tho number of tbe committee be
extended to seven, and motion made to that
effect was passed.
Mr. Rowand moved that tho committee be
instructed to advise the retention of the pres
ent charter. The motion was adopted. Mr.
Price thought Councils competent to handle
the matter. He also adviced.the Finance Com
mittee to get copies of the charters of the
various classes and have them distributed
among tho citizens.
Mr. Hugh Gating hoped that, if the city -went
into the second class, they would elect the
beads of the departments, and not have them
appointed, as they were in Pittsburg, "because,"
he said, while ho had "only been once to see
one of the chiefs there," he "had enough of
Mr. James Callery then moved an amend
ment to Mr. Rowand's motion, to the effect
that the elections for City Councils were to
continue as heretofore. This was also adopted,
and the meeting adjourned, to reconvene at the
call of tbe Chair.
The Knights and Lndlcs of Honor Spend a
Pleasant Evening.
Thomas A. Armstrong Lodge, Knights
and Ladies of Honor, held an open instal
lation of officers at Lafayette Hall last
night. The ceremony was begun by the
audience singing tozether a hymn according to
the proscribed rules of the order. Colonel W.
D. Moore formally welcomed the friends of the
order in a few brief remarks. The officers re
cently elected were installed as follows :
Past Protector, David Goodman: Protector,
Harry L. Berger: Vice Protector. Alex. Little;
Chaplain, Mrs. M. E. Uerger: Gnlde. Mrs. E.
Lenz; Secretary. W. J. McKein; Treasurer, J. B.
Berlin; Guardian, Wm. Uurtll, and Sentinel, I.
The Protector of the lodge, Mr. Harry Ber
ger. was presented with a handsome jewel
badge. Grand Vlco Protector George W. Mil
ler made the presentation speech.
A programme of vocal and instrumental
selections and elocutionary exercises was then
given by members of tho lodge. Sister Emma
E. Goodman rendered a piano, and also a vocal
selection. Messrs. Goodman and Parloni in
strumental duots. and Sister E. Miller recited
"The Polish Boy."
Grand Secretary Goodman read a statement
of the condition of the order.
The Most Rcmnrknble Protest Yet Entered
Before the Assessors.
There is occasionally an oasis in the des
ert in which the Board of City Assessors'
wrestle daily in City Hall, something so
unique in the proceedings as to drive for a
time dull care away. Yesterday a man
came in and submitted his valuation and a
protest. The figures stood side by side with
those of the board, and Mr. Case, after an ex
amination, thought the appellant must be
laboring under a delusion, as bis figures were
but $10 less than those of the board, foOU in one
case and 310 in the other; but tbe man said
with an I'd-rather-be-right-tban-President ex
pression on his face:
"That's my valuation."
He swore to it, and will thus save, by devo
tion to principle, 11 cents on this year's tax.
Could John Hampden have done more?
Frank Curry, nn Old Foreman of Brass
Founders, Dies a Suicide.
Lieutenant Duncan yesterday morning
picked up a sick man on Second avenue, op
posite the "Wonnser Glass Company's fac
tory, and sent him to the Central station. He
arrived at 0:15 A. M. and died at 10.30. Sergeant
Cochran stated that the doctor believed the
man to bavo taken a dose of some kind that
killed him. The man was about 45 years old,
5 feet 10 inches tall.
His name was ascertained to be Frank Cnrry,
once foreman of tho Win. Powell Company,
brass founders, in Cincinnati. His appearance
would indicate that the world had not gone
well with him for some time past.
Freight Trains Bnmp Together Near Wood's
Ran, Unrting a Brnkemnn.
By the bumping together of two freight
trainson the Ft, Wayne, near "Wood's Bun,
yesterday morning, Brakeman' "William
Stewart, aged 25, was thrown from tbe caboose
platform of the forward train. Ho fell beneath
the wheels that followed, crushing both of his
legs and inflicting a scalp wound and other
injuries which, taken in connection with the
amputation of one leg. at the West Penn
Hospital subsequently, may cause his death.
Got Overcoats and Wraps to CIcnn.
Which Ho Never Returned.
The police are looking for a smooth-faced
German about 35 years old who has been
victimizing shopkeepers and others In Pitts
burc. He claims to be able to clean wraps,
overcoats, etc., says he works at 43S Market
street, flashes up a forged recommendation,
and then agrees to return the articles at a cer
tain time, which he never does.
He happened to go into 133 Market street,
when his little trick was discovered forthe first
And So He Passed Away From a Constable
While Seeking Ball.
E. Phil Brougham has disappeared very
suddenly to the disappointment of several
persons. He fell behind in his accounts
with his employers. They had to arrest him,
and a constable and others surprised him ono
night last week at the Allegheny Skating Rink,
from which he was taken to the police station
on Twenty-sixth street. In trying to secure
bail on Saturday last from a reverend father
on Wylie avenue, and while in charge of a con
stable, he slipped out and has not been recap
tured. He is a college graduate, very slick and
genteel, and could pass muster.
Doctors Arranging for tbe State Medical
Society Meeting.
A number of eity physicians held a meet
ing at tbe Monongahela House last night
to make arrangements for the entertainment
of doctors who will attend the annual meeting
of the State Medical Society, to be held here
in June.
The doctors decided to raise money among
themselves, and if they are not equal to the
task appeals for outside aid will be made. A
chairman on transportation was also appointed.
Important Amendments to Pittsburg's
Street Act Proposed.
Make the Present Law for Pnblic
Improvements Clear.
The amendments to the Pittsburg street
act, submitted to the Legislature yesterday
by Hon. S. M. Lafferty, are regarded at
Municipal Hall as of great importance. If
successfully carried through, they will re
sult in grand and extensive improvements
to thoroughfares next summer. For the
want of this legislation, all such improve
ments have been checked for several years.
The East End was more affected by this de
lay than any other district. Now there is a
ray of hope for the redemption of avenues
out there from theonud and broken condi
tion which -make many of them impassable
two-thirds of the year.
The present law under which Pittsburg is
acting was vague in some of its most vital pro
visions. Lawyers pronounced these defects
fatal, and owing to the uncertainty as to
what litigation might arise therefrom, the
city did not test the law to its full purposes.
The amendments which Mr. Lafferty intro
duced yesterday were framed by Controller
E. S. Morrow. They are intended to make
tbe present street act clear in its provisions,
and remedy all defects.
In this way the amendments will have im
portant results, although they propose no very
radical change in tho forms and methods now
in vogue. On account of the lack of spaco
this morning The Dispatch gives only the
gist of the amendments stripped of their legal
The present law requires that for improve
ments of streets, City Councils must be
petitioned by one-third of the proprie
tary Interests affected. The amend
ments change this requirement so that
it will hereafter only apply to streets,
lanes or allejs to bo opened or otherwise im
proved in rural or agricultural wards of the
city. The purpose of this change is to prevent
the operation of snch a rule on the thorongh fares
in the built-up sections of town where the as
sessments would be immense. Ordinances are
to be passed for the improvement of such ave
nues. Another amendment provides that where
proceedings are suspended by the Court the
city shall not be liable for the cost of any
The present law says that the cost and ex
penses of improvements shall be levied on
properties affected by the Board of Viewers
after the
shall have furnished them with a certificate of
tho cost of same. The amendment requires
damages by reason of grading or changing tho
grade of any street, lane or alley to be levied
and assessed by the Board of Viewers upon
properties benefited. Another amendment
clearly outlines the duties of the Board of
Viewers. Just now they are not at all clear.
The amendment will make their duties gen
eral. By the present laws a citizen who takes an
appeal has to pay all costs whether he wins or
loses the case. An amendment now changes
this, so that if the appellant wins the case the
city shall pay the costs.
It is designed to have these amendments con
sidered as early as possible by the Legislature,
so that they may become operative in the sum
mer. For that reason they were Introduced at
this time by Mr. Lafferty.
A Pittsburg Druggist Indicted In Mercer
County Courts.
A dispatch from Greenville, Mercer coun
ty, last evening stated that Joseph Flem
ing, tbe Market street druggist, Pittsburg,
had been indicted for selling liquor without
liccn' and that Mr. Fleming was taken to
Mei . by a constable on Thursday and gave
bail for a hearing. He is charged with send
ing liquor by express to Mercer, C. O. D.
A reporter called upon (Mr. Fleming at his
placo of business, last evening,, and showed
him the dispatch. He said:
"I was indicted along with the rest. They
have no case against me. NVe never have vio
lated the law, and if we thought we were guilty
in this case we would not have sent liquor C.
O. D. We are extensive advertisers, and sell
much liquor throughout Northwestern Penn
sylvania. For some of it we are paid cash, and
tne remamuer we scna u. u. u.
The Judge of the Greenville Courts, is a Pro
hibitionist and has not granted a license in
Mercer county. The prosecutor in this case
holds the opinion that a sale is made at that
place where the article is paid for. This opinion
will not hold in Pennsylvania courts, ai Judge
Stcrrett, of tbe Supreme bench, decided in a
liquor case similar to tbe one in which we are
involved, that it is not a violation of the liquor
laws to sell It C. O. D.
Tbe defendant was Joseph Finch and the case
was heard six years ago. The lower court
found him guilt-, but the Supreme Court re
versed the decision.
Some of the Bills Thnt Allegheny Members
Introduced Xc'erday.
Aiken Stewart, of Verona, and Hartford
Brown, of Beaver, members of the Legisla
ture, returned from Harrisburg last night.
Mr. Stewart stated that he was made Chairman
of the Committee on Coal and Iron, and a
member of the corporation and judiciary com
mittees. He introduced four bills yesterday, an ap
propriation of $80,000 for the Deaf and Dumb
School at Wilklnsburg; another defining con
veyances by deed and mortgage; one giving
Ecrsons a right to bring suit for middle profits
efore recovery in suits of ejectment, and the
fourth providing for writs of scire facias to be
issued by boroughs to compel citizens to pay
for paving, laying of sewers, etc. when per
formed at the expense of the borough.
Mr. Stewart thought tbe amendment offered
to the Brooks bill by Mr. Brooks himself, to
make licenses transferable, was right, and he
would vote for it.
A number of other legislators got back from
Harrisburg on the midnight train.
Rate Cutting Stops Becnnse the Ticket
Sellers Fear the Spies.
The warning given by Judge Cooley to the
passenger men has had a most beneficial ef
fect, A well-known railroad man said yes
terday that since last Friday passenger rates in
Pittsburg were never so well maintained. The
ticket agents are thoroughly scared, and to add
to their terror the local railroads have filled the
city with spotters.
""Yes," said an official of a certain road yes
terday, "I have met these spotters within the
past few days, but I can't tell whether they are
sent out by tbe inter-State commission to trap
the roads or by the railroads themselves. It
was about time that something was done. Tbe
passenger business in tbe city has been rotten
lor years; but lately the cutting of rates has
become serious. All the roads are guilty
alike. The lines hardly ever gave a passenger
a reduction over their own road, but it was
done to points on other lines through the com
missions paid."
The Constable Indicted an Three Counts for
Extortion in Office.
The grand jury yesterday returned a true
bill against Andrew Harcum on three
counts of extortion and misdemeanor in
office. The informations were made by County
Detective Langhurst at the instance of Judge
Collier, to whom complaint had been made that
Harcum, after arresting parties on processes
issued by Court for costs owed by them in
cases, allowed them to go free upon paying him
his share of tbe costs.
Only One Couple Who Wanted to Risk it on
Unlucky Friday.
The record for the marriage license office
yesterday was remarkably light, but one
license having been issued. This has occurred
but once of twice since the establishment of
the office. The license was for Patrick Camp
bell, of Braddock, and Mafy Ann McTighe, of
The Threatened Downfall of the Geological
Survey Excites Irony In a Pittsburg
Geologist Mr. Aihburner Asserts and
Shows Its Bene Ills to Citizens.
The department of the State Geological
Survey is threatened with abolition because,
so it is asserted, its maintenance is a drain
upon the State Treasury. Becent dispatches
from Harrisburg indicate that more than
usual interest is being taken in the work
and publications on that account- There
are quite a number of members in the Legis
lature who regard the Geological Survey as
an ornamental institution, and of but little
practical value to the material Interests of the
State. A reporter called on Mr. C. A Ash
burner yesterday for his views. He said:
'If any intelligent citizen should make a
careful inquiry as to the character of survey
work, he would never question Its practical
utility. When the survey was started in 1574
the annual production of bitumlnious coal in
Pennsylvania west of tbe Allegheny mountains
was only 13,000,000 tons, and of anthracite coal
east of the mountains 20,000,000. In 18S3the
bituminous production had increased to 19,000,
000, and theanthracitoto 32,000,000 tons, whereas
for 1883 1 estimate the bituminous production
at 32,000.000 and the anthracite at 41,000,000
tons. In 1SS0 Pennsylvania produced 2,250,000
tons of pig iron, and In 1888 3,(50,000 tons.
"Much of this marvelous development of the
mineral resources of the State is due to the
natural growth of tbe country, but the mineral
growth of Pennsylvania during the past 15
years increased in very much greater propor
tion than that of any other sections of the
country. This has been due largely to the
work of the survey, because it has shown the
Ecople where the best mineral deposits lie; it
as represented tbe true value of its mineral
lands, and thus encouraged their development
and inspired the confidence of capitalists.
"I remember just on the eve of the publica
tion of my own report on one ot tbe coal
counties, a large tract of land, presumably con
taining valuable coal beds, was about to be
deeded in New York for S500,000. When my
report appeared the prospective purchasers
called a halt, because 1 said the lands were
worthless. Developments during the last ten
years hare shown that I was correct, but the
owners took tne matter to narrisuurg, ana at
tempted to defeat tbe next appropriation.
The whole matter was exposed by the
survey and the work continued. I know of an
other case where a retired member of tbe State
Senate, who always supported the Survey
bill, bought a tract of land in his own county,
which had always been considered worthless,
conglomerate land. Wnen the Survey report
claimed it contained valuable coal it was
ridiculed. The State Senator, however, bonght
tho land, and inside of 18 months cleared
'The work is done for the information of
citizens. According to tbe United States Coal
Statistician the private profits of citizens re
sulting from the work of the Survey would pay
many times over the expense incurred.
"The work itself has only cost 633,000, and
the reports about $800,000. But for the latter
sum the Legislature is solely responsible. The
reports were used to make votes, and supply
second-hand bookstores, which it was never in
tended to secure.
"You might as well stop coal mining, drilling
of oil and gas wells, mining of iron ore, quar
rying of limestone, as stop the Geological
A Midnight Blaze.
A fire broke out in the drying room of
Walker, Stratton fc Co.'s soap factory on Herr's
Island, Allegheny, about midnight and an
alarm was turned in from box 157. Several
firemen were overeome by the odor from burn
ing bones and had to bo carried away from the
scene. The blaze was soon extinguished, how
ever, and the loss is rlaced at $700.
r novel
ist, writes entertain
ingly about horsemanship in To-morrow's
Dispatch. His information is valuable.
First Popular Excursion of tho Season
Washington City, Via B & O. R. R.
On Thursday, January 17, 1889, fare $9
round trip, tickets good for return passage
10 days. Trains leave Pittsburg 7 and 11:30
A. M. and 1020 p. at. Pullman Parlor Cars
on morning trains and Sleeping cars on
night train. This will afford, excursionists
a fine opportunity to see Congress in session,
and will also give them a chance to visit Old
Point Comfort. Tickets will also be good to
Baltimore and return. For illustrated eircu
lars giving full information call on or ad
dress E. D. Smith, Division Passenger
Agent, Cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street,
Pittsburg, Pa.
D. & F. S. WEIVTY.
Carpets and Wall Paper, Wholesale and
Retail The Only Jobbing House in the
To supply our jobbing trade, we buy our
carpets, wall paper, oil cloths, mattings,
window shades, lace curtains, etc., irom
first hands in large quantities and at lowest
prices. This enables us to offer every in
ducement in our retail department.
Our prices are always as low, if not lower,
than any other house in the city. A full
stock for fall trade at 120 Federal street and
65 and 67 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. D. &
F. S. Weltv. Established 1860. Ths
Do Yon Know
You can have your choice at P. C. C. C. of
the finest satin-lined overcqator suit for $15,
in their men's fine clothing department? It
makes no difference what ihe former selling
price was $40, 530 or$23 you can take your
pick and choice for
Only one more day to secure the most
wonderful bargains ever offered in this
world. To-day only that you can buy S40,
$35 and $30 suits and overcoats for $15.
Every gentleman in this city should take
advantage of this one-day sale.
P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
Opp. new 'Court .House.
National Benefit Association.
Perhaps there is no accident insurance
company, home or foreign, that is better
known throughout the State than the Na
tional Benefit Association of Indianapolis.
The N. B. A. medal is familiar to the
working men. The prompt payment of all
losses has given this association a promi
nence which it well deserves. J. T. CUN
NINGHAM, Agent, 51 Lewis Block.
A New Year.
With the new year try the new brand of
flour Rosalia manufactured by Whitmyre
& Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny
Vallej Railroad, guaranteed to be the best
flour in the market.
Sanitakium and Water Cure. The only
Eastern institution in which mud baths are
given. Steam-heating and electric lights.
Baths, massage and electricity by trained
manipulators. Address John S. Marshall,
M. D., Green Spring, O.
B. dsB.
Suit Room All the wrappers marked $15
to $10, and $10 wrappers to $5. Beautiiul
eider wrappers S10.
Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny.
A gband auction sale of drygoods will be
held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and this
evening at 7 o'clock, at M. Fire's, No. 102
Federal street, Allegheny.
It Heads tbe I.Ist.
Marvin's new milk bread rivals the best
and sweetest home made article. Your
grocer will get it for you if he does not
already keep it. tussu
B. Si B.
Ladies Japanese silk wrappers $5, from
$15. Boggs & Buhl.
Don't fail to attend the auction sales this
day at 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock P. M., at 31.
Fire's, No. 102 Federal street, Allegheny.
Huerah ! We can now get a first-class
liniment for only 25 cents, Salvation Oil.
Use Bosalia flour, manufactured only by
Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and
Allegheny Valley Railroad, guaranteed the
veryljest in the market,
Marvin Always Lends.
Marvin's new Orange Blossom soda crack
ers, extra soda crackers, Little Gem farina
crackers and. superior ginger snaps are un
surpassed. Your grocer keeps them.
Tbe Last Testaments of Mary Hazlett Tom
on tbe Period of Insanity.
Eegister Conner yesterday gave a partial
hearing to the question of admitting to pro
bate thesecond will filedof Mrs. Mary McD.
Hazlett, who was, two years before her death,
legally declared a lunatic, and George Murdy
appointed a commission to take charge of her
person and estate. She had drawn another
will, subsequent to the one first presented,
which latter has been recently ruled out as
emanating from a lunatic entirely Incompetent
to dispose ot property. The first one drawn is,
therefore, the second to be presented, and it is
claimed she made it before she became insane.
At the partial hearingyesterday the executor
of the will last presented John Bobb. Jr., ap
plied for letters testamentary. Register Con
ner announced that he would Eive his decision
Monday. . . ,
Tho question involved in the last case Is
solely that of a will made by a lunatic being
To Let for Business Purposes.
Parties who require a power service in
their business and who can see advantages
in being in the most central situation ia the
city, should call and examine the rooms of
nil fuTps now readv for occnoants in the new
Dispatch building, 75,77 and 79 Diamond
Besides being ready of access to custom
ers, tenants are supplied with every facility
for the rapid and successful transaction of
Elevator service, both passenger and
freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat
ing and electric lighting free; besides, splen
did light and ventilation of the rooms are
among the attractive features.
Econonomy, as well as other great ad
vantages, in renting here. Apply at Dis
patch, new building, Diamond street.
S. Hamilton's
Grand display of fine pianos and organs is
not confined to Christmas times, as you can
easily verify by noticing a fine solid mahog
any cased, beautifully inlaid with brass,
with elegantly carved brackets and panels,
Knabe & Co. upright piano now on ex
hibition in his show window on Fifth ave
nue. The price is $1,000, but the instru
ment is without doubt one of tbe most ar
tistically designed ever brought here, and
musically it is as only Knabe & Co. can
make them. It iSj however, only one of a
large stock of special designs now displayed
in our salesrooms, ranging' down as low as
$175 in price, and where desired convenient
terms ot payments are arranged. Onr
Christmas run has continued right along,
and our stock shows no depletion whatever.
Come in and take a look at the varieties of
tone and designs we are offering, and you
will be persuaded to exchange your old in
strument for one of these improved, or if
you have none at all, to get one immedi
ately. S. Hamilton,
91 and 93-Fifth avenue.
B. (fcB.
All our suits marked down. Black silk
suits $50 to $35; $40 suits to $30 and $25;
cloth and cashmere suits $25 to $15. You
never saw such bargains. White suits
opened up and marked down.
Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny.
All Winter Goods to be Converted
Into Money. Prices Made to
Move Quickly.
Plushes, Striped, Brocade and Shaded
Velvets, Short and long lengths
from Holiday Sales.
Fancy Pattern Costumes, Novelty Com
bination and Dress Lengths.
Yard and a half wide Cloths, 50c, 65c
and 60c; yard wide Novelty Suitings,
35c; double-width Cloths at 25c;
Wool-faced Dress Goods atl2c, are
a few of the many bargains for early
$2 50 for a Plain Newmarket, with
Cape; $5 for a Fancy Newmarket;
$10 for a variety of styles in Plain,
Braided or Cape Sleeve Newmarket
at a uniform price. $20 to $30 can ba
saved on Pattern Garments, only
one of a kind. $5 to $15 on Plush
Garments. Seal Garments of the
best class at special prices.
Heard, BitiEFi Eaatnn.
Handkerchief extracts and toilet waters in
fancy baskets and boxes,sui table for Christmas.
Fine toilet soaps In great variety.
JNO. A. RENSHAW & CO-del4-ws
Liberty and Ninth sts.
I bavo this day purchased all the right, title
and interest of J. L. Kennedy in the livery
business, at 133, 135 and 137 Sandusky street,
Allegheny, and solicit a continuance of the
favors shown to the old firm by their patrons.
jall-21 F. S. LIGGETT.
A. of John P. Meyer. Notice is hereby given
that letters of administration on the estate of
J. P. Meyer, late of the city of Pittsbnrsr, Alle
gheny county. Pa., deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, to whom all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same will make them known with
out delay to EMILTA C. MEYER. Administra
trix, No. 2116 Sidney St., Pittsburg, B. S., Pa.
JOSIAH COHEN, 85 Diamond street.
1 of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, No.
an, December term, 1888.
In re voluntary assignment of Rosenthal and
Bennett to A. Israel. Notice is hereby given
that the first and final account of the assignee
In tbe above matter was filed in the Protbono
tary's office of said county on FRIDAY, Jan
uary 11, 18X9, and that the same will be allowed
and confirmed nisi by the Court on TUESDAY,
February 5, 1869, unless causa bo shown to the
contrary. A ISRAEL, Assignee.
lMckson plan. Thirty-third street. Call and
get a choice level lot. Tbey are the best located
and most suitable lots now for sale. Prices from
$450 to 800 each. Very easy piyments. Bay now
before prices go up. First buyers will ret a re
duction and a preference. See plan and get full
particulars OfTHOS. MCCAFFREY, 350) Bntler
street. Office open evenings. jal2-3t-ws
Jj Thirty-third .treet. in Dickson's plan or lots,
finest view and best location in tbe city; Thomas
O. Dickson and the late Joseph Dickson's resi
dences, at a big sacrifice, with three or more lots
to each: very easy payments: also hnndredsof
hoasesand lots all over both cities and suburbs;
carriage alwavs In waiting to take parties to see
property. THOS. MCCAFFREY, the leading
agent. 3o09 Butler street. Office opea evenings.
Telephone 1811-2. Jal2-33
good, stockwater In every field but one. grass
and clover In abundance, smooth, faces east and
sonth, on pub. road; abont 800 bearing trees,
principally winter apples: large 2-story finished
frame house, extra large bank barn. 2 threshing
floors, fancy wagon shed, carriage boose, harness
room, crib on stone posts, etc.: neighborhood
civil, churches, school, mill. P. O.. store, etc.
very convenient: M miles from county seat and
State Normal School: title Indisputable; price
only S30 per a.. In payments. Interest S per cent;
12,000 can remain on long time; lists free. E. H.
JJUTEiSBAUQU, Homer City. I's, Jal2-U
Penn Ave. Stores.
A GREAT many people must hive
seen the announcement of our "Janu
ary sale;" the buyers are many and
eager. That 50-cent table filled np
again thousands of yards of these
marked down dress goods sold already.
The fancy velvets are the greatest
bargains ever known. Come soon ox
you won't see them.
Black dress goods, too, a lot of very
nice goods, at very low prices.
At tbe silk bargain counter there was
a perfect jam many lookers, yet a
great many buyers just as we told you,
the best silks ever offered for so littla
The new stock of ladles' muslin un
derwearas usual the assortment of
new styles is very large, and tha nicest
made goods only, even if at 25c or 50o
each. Extreme, lace trimmed gar
ments as well as plainer styles.
Embroideries all new for this season.
From 5c a yard up to specially fina
goods. Edges in all widths matched
sets, skirtings, flouncing!, French
bands, all overs In fact the largest
stock you will find is here close prices,
bargain lots, too. in these new goods.
Bee the dress trimming "mark downs"
r-braid gimps, galoons, bead ornaments
and galoons at half price now. Also our
entire stock of finest quality fur trim
mings at just half last week's prices.
In the cloak room coma in the mo
ing tho 'bargains are plenty do:
wait, come at once. Children's cloak,
at very low prices.
See the woolen and merino under,
wear prices down, away down, on all
these winter weiehts: some are shop
worn a little white and scarlet wooL
Tell your friends about this sale ana
do them a favor.
Penn Ave. Stores.
Apricots, pears, cherries, ties, prunes, gi
ger and assorted fruits, in fancy cartons and',
the pound, for sale by
de!4-ws Corner Liberty and Ninth sts.
County Commissioners' Office, i
PrrrSBrnto, January 7, 1889.
JL hold appeals on the following named(dii
tricts at their offices as follows, to wit:
Tuesday, January 8. Franklin township.
AVednesday. January 9, First, Second
Third wards, Tarentum borough; Sharpsr
borough, First and Second Wards; Verona b.
ougn. 4
Thursday, January 10, Sewicfeley boroufA
Beltzhoover borough.
Tuesday, January 15, Sterrett township.GIen
field borough, Osborn borough, Bellevue bor
ough, West Bellevue borough.
By order 1
P. VT. SIEBERT, Cleric Ja8-97
Next week Kate Castleton "APaperDoH.
To-day's Matinee "The Merchant of Venice."
Evening "Tha Fool's Revenge and Yorick'
Love." Week January M, HERRMANN.
evening this week In basement of the Ca
thedral. Special attraction each evening. Tha
elocutionist, Lillian Burkhart, on Saturday
evening. jaII-49
Every night and Monday, Wednesday Friday
and Saturday matinees,
Next week "One of the Finest."- Ja7-10 "
Crescent City Combination, headed with. XT
Symonds, Hughes and Rastus, John W. Cof-jT'
fee, the skeleton dude. Admission, 10 cents.
Open from 10 A. M. until 10 P. 3T.
To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday ai --
Saturday, rr,.
fir iiBBUk