Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 07, 1951, Image 7

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    June 7, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Seven
| “ ‘ . ‘ | | | : Pp
I'he ceremony took place in Cum- |] was held following th edding at ‘oh TH P and Mi rungart wil visi
RECENT WEDDINGS | berland, Mr,, May 16, with the Rev.|the Odd Fellow all in Winburiie Garden Clubs Visit Dividend Payable To Brungarts Mark 2a hint ' 0.C.. and Willlams-
| H. T. Bowersox officiating The bride was graduated rome | Milton Iris Gardens | Farm Credit Office 50th Anniversar §. Va, during the week of their
| After a ten-day furlough, Cpl [Cooper High 8 nol | y rary
l'ussey has returned to Camp Le- | was employed by the J. 1H. Franc membe f Garder Daniel E. Womer, of State Colleg J a
cune, N. C, where he Is stationed | Refractories Company in 8% , i ellefont Fle t G D 1, assistant cretary-treasurer i well known Selinsgrove ent .
with ‘the U. 8S, Marine Corps. Mrs, '8hoe. Her husband was gradumt And Ha 1 V y traveled t f ti Arm dit om i Bell will lebrate thelr ov) Wedding ——
'ussey is residing with her parents' from the Cherry Tree Hig! hool | M Fhursdi vternoon 1 sit fonte, annour that we Federa ner
Brown—Alexander After the ceremony the wedding
Mrs. Bessie Alexander, of Miles- | party and guests were entertained
Bore, and George M Brown, of {at a dinner at Flesher's Tea Room
1shore, were married at the Miles- | at Julian
durg Methodist Church at 11 am Mr. and M1 Brown went on a “hei Buns . %
May 26. The Rev. Robert M. Vow- | short wedding trip and upon their |‘! Pine Grove Mill and is employe
ler officiated. return will live at Dushore The newlywed coup! oho Mi aay o ib : : wilh Fip=- | ¢ ared Vig ne gman Gh n Re e burg Jun 901 Wiis BOTHERED BY
( P { and Mi 5 .
a : net el ennsylvanis
The bride was dressed in a white Landon—Spencer Sil yt yl gy y
3 EN “ . | ANE JErsey on |
ind navy suit with navy blue ac- Tussey-Ellenberger Mr. and Mrs. George Phelps Spen-
cessories. She wore a corsage of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Ellenberger, | cer, of Bronxville, N.Y. announce ' ApdvinihuaiiBn at tr AP REY sty vs D4 gradu from Susquehanna Ui J
pink rosebuds. f Pipe Grove Mills, have announ the marriage of their daughter, Miss | . € iron ’ iy ! Wi ni ! a } apital stock of he i versity in 1900 a with tl Roaches
Mrs. Darrell Emenhizer was the | ed the marriage of their daughter, Jaime Burnet Spencer, to Mr. Rich- | Saulsbury—Metzger 9) a Las Bio bh 5 ven arn in the | tion of four year as b of
matron of honor and wore a navy | Mary N. Ellenberger, to Cpl. William | ard Warren Landon, son of Mr. and! Miss Nancy abet Metzg Aidt. ’ sty fp : Wl, Lam \ t
blue dress with navy blue acces- | Tussey, son of Mrs. C. F. Tussey, of | Mrs. 8. Whitney Landon, of Llewel- | daughter ir. al \ I . , wh . : r mas rs | i
sories and a pink rosebud corsage. | 706 W. College Avenue, State Col- | lyn Park, West Orange, NJ | Kaylor of 8. Allen street, Stat wre Sui ” I” go. Agi : : atin and fucati J See (Claster’s
Darrell Emenhizer was best man. ' lege Mr. Landon Is with the U. 8.|lege, became i v on el £ on Ral : i
Marine Corp tationed at Camp bu ! 1 ay | ; .~ ret : 4 J
Joseph H. Pendleton, Oceanside, Cal i le SBauisbury I Reh : wh io ' 4 MY a ; - Po A votre) 'hey are the pares 8" Ad Today
The wedding took place in Pasa- Beach merly of t ye sda a ee,
dena, Cal, Monday, May 7, In the | College
Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. | State Co it 2:30 po. m. Jw ' J Ae . slg dn atic A203} | Bureau of Standa Washingt | Page 8
reception followed at the home of | The single rin ren as § ) ” y y dlliudeiiniin Ih ag y “ 1 al ally, tl wif { Prof ||
M1 N Tilt, an aunt of theiformed by Rev. And: KE. Nt : oi rr pn rr Ah hey OF V1 Frederick Steves the { |
rid y omer, Jr " Ln ' b a atu consiger in t Busauehant
plan to reside in
The bride
. Pant tather. The
That's what vou get when vou shop at BROWN’'S ranger Parrett ter Mori
arrett, daughter « LO
. . . and that means every member of the family! NE et AL Nillard Parrett of i cher on 3 nos k Other vl M ‘ B \e RE A oT Ea
oe Magog bap BU LU RE SE red Bh ig oi fond mus ne mace | SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, WILL BE
ENS PLAY  |EESeitl fiiiotte | Sn Elst BEARERS Mother Dollar Day
SHOES | SHOES | on ar Fb Br TLE [igs rt mms Sr a
ang, and Mrs. Edward Hosterman | Mrs Ray Fortuna Miss Ginny Decker Bible School Starts . | TSE
$3.69 to $795 $1.99 to $3.99 | of Rebersburg, organist, played the |iately preceding the ceremony M y :
For Any Kind of Work
ANKLETS—Reg. 39 4 pairs $1.00
Prod SIOVEr 0 i exonth fons ann Bi; , \ eek BOYS CAPS $1.00
select from Al but as maid of honor. The | tournalicm 4 ) I nt B red | INFANT'S CREPE KIMONAS—Reg. 69 2 for $1.00
{ a1 nsbu Train-bearer wa r of New \*is [ ) ( n > "
wO R K Mi inda > AATonsbursg m , Hon . A : a ’ ie i" SWIM TRINKS $1.00
Earl rungart if  Rebersburg of f ; \ H : : J tl ONE LOT SHORTS & HALTERS £1.00
GIRLS SLIPS (Lace trin. med. built-up shoulders), all sizes $1.08
'S’ } f the } e's parer for the pr . . , Meth BOYS SUITS Asst. styl nd s. Reg. $2.95 to $4.95 $1.00
BOYS'—1 to 6 GENTS—Sizes 6 to 10! nt YARN ELL vi Fre FLEA
Wins College Honors In Pleasant Gap DRESSES—Small sizes— mostly prices to $3.95 $1.0
i Hundreds of pairs to In nin Miss. Barbara Wan $318 Tnatoring in home : W. Decker, of | Ples v : ONE LOT OF OVERALLS—Reg. $1.95 to $2.95 $1.00
Miss Slivia Wance | Kaopa Kappa Gamn ; | 1ethodist Luthe hurches ONE LOT OF WATERPROOF PANTS —Reg. 6% & 79¢ 2 pr. $1.00
man for his brother y ' . : H ONE GROUP SUN DRESSES $1.00
S 1X] 0 E S while the ushers were Charles Ben- |g he a3 A i g . wel BUTCHER BOY SUITS—Jeg $1.95 to $2.95 $1.00
T E N N i S net al ialph Emerick, both of i : . ; P N { g Friday ONE GROUP PAJAMAS—Crepe. Sizes 4 to 6. Reg. $1.95 $1.00
$ H 0 E ¢ home of the bridegroom's pas exaity : yh toh yee ty SILK PANTIES—Al sizes, reg. 6% 2 prs. $1.00
. ents. the couple left on a wedding , Ho Bib GIRLS SHORTS $1.00
$3.45 $1.69 ir. Brungart 1 an employe of From Tast Wee | a WATCH OUR BARGAIN BOX . ..
escorted to the al BONNETS Only a few, but values to $295 $1.00
SUN SUITS —Reg. $1.9 $1.00
Sizes 9 to 13 Rebersbury mb fC K Dl Jody Tas” xarhag al? Or GIRLS CREPE PAJAMAS (1 group, asst, sizes). Reg. $1.95 $1.00
BUILT 10 TARE IT wilh, wry op Many New Items Added Daily
I L vi BRASSIERES Cotton and Satin
YOUTHS & BOYS—11 W § Beve on, renY > 1H 2. WAY STRETCH GIRDLES—Reg
CAMP thiag Bon 4; wr. 4} 1 : M LADIES STEP-INS—Reg. and extr
3] 99 $2 19 yt race IE on. awn 1 11 exile Arm NYLON HOSE (broken shades and
. 9 = :
For Boys, Women and Men IEN'S—6 to |
He dota Tag oem wot Erp pe om she, he te ie pesing PEACOCK KIDDIES’ SHOP
$2.99 $1.59 $2.39 gi A win RE or | rt ! : ‘ Where You Get the Best for the Least”
They're Solid Comfori $3.99 an. William Hug! ! Pp ; ' a PHONE 4184 BELLEFONTS
Brown's Boot Shop
Bellefonte's Complete FAMILY Shoe Store . : " ; ¥ . ort | . n gE ive EX vy 0 ci : Modern Way
ete Iu pr To Finest
EE I——
_- TS an To Fine wl | NE
Plants Still Available | 7 (hy Em apne
eating fuck 59
From Our Own Greenhouses rs. Stanley Tufts and Be BER ’ | want . . . fiom 130" ( week's wash even al-
Some folks for flower wrden
some folks for fruit and
vegetable growing . but EVERY
ONE goes for the economy the
find when the wp for plant
Wood ing's
a a a
«+ « HA! Your to- (as gives vou more
§ wate ¢ from a j0-gal-
ter than vou
t from an So-galion
fu order or store n by anv other
(sas 1s ready and able automatic fuel Check
to serve you 24 | rs the right size for your
ent M
ve," : i
Li aday—j365days| family and equip.
A; 1 a vear ment, today
Milford i § i ) >
PLANTS IN FLATS |: A Be : i ji i on (I
ven. is er
tion, ant
Mr. and
5 daughter '
Summer Mums Cleone Clearfield. ‘visited
GARDEN PLANTS Anchusea Phlox RE ow oe 2
Stocks Calendulas
0 dF = fo, ': Dianthus company with lot of 4 ow . Ff & u
Tomato Plant Egg Plants Ageratum SY er Si Deranb ji vif AND 1Y SAves You NEXT SIU DA
Potted Tomatoes Pepper Plants 0 hes monk the home of his ancest : 35 ’ ro
tted T pper Plant Galardia Carnats Mi and Mrs. Pred K luce top quality sil : 5 not only pay less to | LAUNDRY i a mew
Fi lal arn joved a duck dinner at the hos ge the easy, low cost way stant . since you | automat Gas cloches-
“loradale of " Honry. who live ; Stumm) / don’t have to buy | dryer! lt frees you
of & ’ Me > ff their son, Henry, who li nea in a Martin Steel-Bilt Sik bd
Brussel Sprouts Celery Plants joi Plants Milesburg. oh Sunda) ’ eel-Bi such a big heater from hauling, hang-
Broccoli Daisies } Mrs. Blain Rockey and daughte All steel airtight walls but Gms also costs up | ing, pinning. Tes Aull
: vr Sweet Williams of Jersey Shore. visited relative special leak-proof joint 8 to $00 a veat less to | dry action costs less,
Pansies here on Sunday and attended Me daalss Ag b . ' ‘ run than any other in faster than any
Ami th morial service at Fairview a38U proper fermenta all automatic system other automat dryer.
Aster Plants Amaran Visitors at the home of Mr. and tion. prevent over-heating
POTTED PLANTS Hardy Pompons {ware air and Mon Glayton Walk, | ANd frost damage. Prevents NO WONDER
’ i » at } y " y
Petunia Plants ler of Ohio: Porden Walker a1 ticking in winter, and
f y Ma "Chrysanthemums son Mern, of Milesburg, and an ol guaranteed to withstand .
Verbenas— Lantanas * Zinnias f friend and neighbor, Mr. and Mr heaviest pressure of grass 2,250,000 families bought new
Lobelia * Fuschias (15 varieties) George McCormigk, of Centre Hall | ilo automatic Gas water-heaters —
: Marigolds : {who entertained them with tales of ”
Summer Phlox Geraniums his trip to California, where the) Call or Write last year alone. Why wait?
p spent two months recently | Order yours from your merchant
Fancy Leaved Double On
Baurga) emo aa. FRANKLIN W plumber, appliance store, or Gas G:
' ‘oo is phews, Earl Heaton, of Bellwood /
Caladiums Petunias , rd Clyde Heaton, at Altoona. vi ¥ company, today! HS has pol i
lyssu ‘e fs ited with them; also Mr. and Mi
Bleu. 2 bu WOODRING’S [== MUSSER .
Coelus Ageratum i Mr. and Mrs. Prank Blair, of | d (eniral Penn vania (as (om an
' , Milesburg, were callers at the home S ‘
Cigarette Boston Yellow FL of Rphity Shire ed wy at the h | pring Mills, R. D, 2 | Pp |
Plants Daisies ORAL GARDENS :
Cabbage Plants Cauliffower Plants
al | NS.
p———— )
. 1 n nd ed
| Capital, in the oy of cash, in PHONE MILLHEIM 12R12 City a Bott Gas
this day .of | e taxation i= nt
"io bein — i | used Wo be Cw hilemtit avaiba ble BELLEFONTE : A STATE COLLEGE