Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 22, 1860, Image 1

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    % Jfamiin Uefosgaptr—$tboftb to politics, Ctmperautt, literature, Science, &||t gtec|anics, Agriculture, ©|ie (Sbttcafion, Amusement, (general Intelligence, tU.
J. S. & J. J. BRISBIN,
ffijje Centre gemocraf.
OJlce in the Arcade Building, Second Floor.
TERMS. —SI,SO if paid in advance or within sis
months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari
ably be charged. No subscriptions received for
a shorter period than six months and none dis
continued, unless at the option ot the editor, until
ail arrearaees are said.
Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 59
lvrwi'ly occupied by the Hon. James Burnside.
Jan. 19, 'tO.-tf.
all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt
ness. May, 0 '59.
LAW, BZLLKFUNTE, I'A. ifll attend prompt
ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office
next door to the Post Office. [Sspt. 20, 'SO, tf
-LAW BELLFUNTE, I'A , will promjitly at
tend to dll legal business entrusted to him office
three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'6o
Ili. CUNVJiYA.MJi.it, BEI.LEFONTE, PA., will
intend to and correctly execute all businesi on
trusted to him. [Juno 14,—'60, — tf.
OFFICE on High street, (oldoffice.) liellefonte
ra. Will attend to professional calls as
heretofore, and respectfully offers bis professional
services his friends and the public. Oct.26'sS
DR. FAIRLAJAB has associated with him DR
J. H. DOBBIN'Sin the practice of medicine
1 ttice as heretofore on Lishop street, opposite the
Temperance Hotel. March 19,57.
v I'IIYOTCIAN, having permanently located
offers his Professional services to the citizens of
l'ine drove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully
oslicits a liberal portion of the public patronage.
[Feb. 16, '6o. ly.
J. j. IsINGLiE, Operative
and Mechanical Dentist, will prae-
nTV tico all the various branches of his
profession in the post approved manuer. Office
and residence on Spring St-Bcllefonte' Pa.
[Mar. ?. '6O. tf.
0 LAW, liELLi.Fo.NrE TA. vYill attteud to all
i.usiness entrusted to him with cure and prompt
ness. Refer to Gov. Pollock, iViilton Pa. and
lion. A. (1. Curtin, Bellefonto Pa. Office with
John 11. Stover' jan. 5, '6O.
tons wishing to secure themselves from losses by
6re, will do well to call upon him at the store of J.
R. Muflly i Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond,
three doors above Alloglitny strre', Beflefonte,
Centre co , Pa. Mar. 15, '6O. I\.
W W. WHITE, DENTIST, has per
. luancntiy ioeatea in Boalsburg, Centre
County Pa. Office on main St., next door to the i
stole of Johnston <fc Keller, where he puiposes I
practising his profession in the most scientific J
manner and at moderate charges. mar.
Paving associated themselves in the practice ,
of law, will a'ten 1 promptly to all business en
trusted to their care
Office in the Arcade. [Not I 1, '6o.—tf.
TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor
rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to
the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accouuts
1 Adminstratior s and Executors prepared for filing,
office next door to the Post Office.
Oct., 19th, '6B, WM. J. KEALSII.
Office and residence on the North
(astern corner of the Public Square, near the
Sourt House.
Will be found at his office, except two weeks in
sach month, commencing on the first Monday of
each month, when he will be filling professional
engagements elsewhere. Oct. 22. '57 48 tf.
BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro
tession in the several courts of Centre county.—
All business entrusted to him will bo carefully at
tended to. Collections made and all monies
promptly remitted. Office, on High St. formerly
opcuped by Judge Burnside, aDd 1). C. Boal, Esq.
wherbhe can be consulted both in the English and
inthe gerniau language. May 6,'58 —22 ly.
Office in the rooms formerly occupied by
Liun & Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macraan
ushas associated with W. P. Maemanus, Esq., in
the practice of law. Professional business intrus
tedl o their care will receive prompt attention.
They will attehd the several Courts in the Coun
ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield.
June 21, '6O, tf.
LA-V, wiii attend pro uptly to all business
eclru stedto their care. Office in the building
formerly occupied by Hon. Jas. T. Halo.
Messrs. Ilale i, Hoy will attend to my business
during my absence in Congress, and will be as
sisted by me in the trisl of all causes entrustedto
them. J. T. HALE. jan 5T860
/\ The undersigned having associated them
selves iu the practise of Law, will faithfully at
tend to all professional business entrusted to them
iu Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties, All
collections placed in their hinds, will receive
their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new
buiiding on Allegheny street.
n .f.imVG itOUSE OF
Bills cf Exchange and Notes discounted ; Collec
tions made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter
est paid on Special Deposits, Exchange on the
East-n cities constantly on hand and for sale.
Deposits received. April 7 'SB
opened a Barber Bhop one door above the Frank
lin House, where he can be found at all times. —
Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on
hand. Jlair Dressing, iS'hampooning, Ac., atten
ded to in the most workman like manner. He
hopes by striot attention to businese to receive a
liberal share of public patronage.
i/efluTelbntw, June 28, —tf.
mm actual Measurement by Instrumea-
F tal Surveys throughout the County.
By H. 1 . WALLING, Civil Engineer,
rpnE undersigned proposes to publish by order
1 JL a large and accurate Topographical Ma] of
\ CeDtre county, from thorough and careful sur
veys, by IT. F. Walling, Civil Engineer.
Every road has heon carefully surveyed by
course and distance, and the location noted of all
the public roads, Dwellings, Churches, Post Offi
' ces, Hotels, Stores, School Houses, Factories,
| Mills. Shops, Mountains, Ponds Streams, Ac. —
1 The names of Property Holders generally—caro
! fully including those who order the work;—will
be engraved upon the Map, showing the exact lo
j cation of each.
Extra Maps of the Principal Villages will be |
engraved upon the margin o f the Map ; also a ,
Table "t Distances, showing the number of miles
from t acta Post office to every otliea throughout
the county, together with the latest statistical in- ;
formation. An ornamental border will surround ,
the Map
The Map will he engraved by the m st skillful
Artists in the country, handsomely colored and j
uionnted, and will be delivered to those who or- !
tier for Five dollars per copy.
We are now actively engaged in forwarding til's
work, and shall endeavor to give every property
holder an opportunity of ordering * copy, and a!- j
so of examining the work before its final com
pletion; in prtlcr to make it entirely satislactory j
us to accuracy, Ac. -
The map will contain all the information usual- j
ly found in Town maps, for each of the towns in ,
llie county, and it is obvious that the most liberal i
patronage is ueeded to sustain us in producing a ;
work of so great magnitude and expense. As it
is evidently of such practical utility ud intetest
to busitiess men and citizens generally, present
ing so minute and distinct a representation of the i
county, that even the'child may readily acquire a j
correct idea of each town, village, Ac., and their
trne directions, distances from each other, we con
fidently solicit and expect the hearty co-oporation
of the intelligent and enterprising citizens of (leu- (
fre county.
S. D. TTLDEX. Publisher.
These maps are said exclusively by the
Publisher, and no variation in price, No more
maps are printed than what are actually ordered.
IVc the undersigned, having txamined the re
cent surveys and drafts of Centre county, also
Topographical Maps of other counties, pulisbed .
hy Mr. S. D. Tilden, take pleasure in recommend- !
ing a Topographscal Map of this county, which s
very much needed, being of great'practical value
to business men and citizens geperlly, and from
lie united testimonials and recommendations the.'
ave front distinguished gentlemen wh-re they
ave made surveys and published county maps.—
We feel confident they will furnish an accurate,
reliable and useful Map and Directory well wir.
ty of liberal patronage.
i l e hope the citizens of this county will interest
themselves sufficiently in this enterprise, so that
the Publisher may engravo upon the margin of
the map, extra plans of tho villages in the county
upon an enlarged scale.
Considoring the expense of such a survey of the
whole county, and being entirely a local work we
think it is offered to the citizens on very reason
able terms*
WDI. F. Reynolds, James T. Ilalo. John Hoffer,
Adam Hoy, Win. A. Thomas, K. C. Iluiue3 Ira U.
Mitchell, if- N. McAllister, J- S. Barn hart, as.
A. Beaver, Cyrus T. Alexander, Ed. BDnchard,
11. Brookerhoff, Win. P. Wilson, Geo. L. Potter,
Geo. Livingston, Jacob V. Thomas, Geo A. Fair
lamb, Jas. 11. Rankin, James F. Riddle, John
Tonner, Jesse L* Test, George W. Tate; John T.
Hoover, P. B. Wilson, James Linn, J. B. Mitch
ell, E. Greene, J. 11. Stover, R . G. Duiham, Sam'l
Linn, H. P. Harris, A. S. yaleutire.
Aug. 23, ISOO. If.
Aoii the various affections consequent upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains,
Heartburn, Loss of Appotite, Despondency, Costiveucss,
Wind aud Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared op strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated
Hoi laud Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro
duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with
those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this
mighty country, many of whom brought with them aud
handed down the tradition of its value. It is now offered
to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful
medicinal virtues must be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons whose
constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the soat
of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up tho
drooping spirit, and, in feet, infusing new health and vigor
in the system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find thi3 a beverage will
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular
remedial properties.
Tlie Genuine highly concentrated Bcerhave's Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
Oss DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The
great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
Hfg- Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It ean be forwarded
by Express to most points.
Pharmaceutists and tEhemisfs..
FOR SALK A V the luilowiug named pi aces in
Centre county :
J. Harris A Co., Beliefonte; D. Houser A Son ;
Plumville Mills ; Geo Jack & Co., Boalsburg ,
Adam F. Shaffer, Madisonburg; Samuel Pontius,
Z\on ; Balser Weber, Howard; H. Brown. llu
blersburg: C. G. Ryman AT. M. Hall, Miles
burg; A! T. 'Schnell A Qo., Port Matilda; Bhule
A Heesjnan, Millheiin; Sam-jtfrailk, Rebersburg;
T. Wolf A Son, Wolf's Store; W. Wolf, Centre
Hall; R. H. Duncan', Spring Mills; J. T. Jack,
Potterß' Mills';' 1 Peter Kiriin, Churchvilie; J. H.
iiahn, SpringfeJ b-;Xri:Jn K A Bolinger, Bai
ieysviWe; ; Nixon A
Co.,'Mi 17Ha;/?'
A Yeiffick:*BrVStf/'Pinc Grove
's 4 lit
ers avi bj u„. ,
I don't like to hear the noise of those ham
mere. The dull song of laboring picks breaks
upon the ear with a montonous regularity.—
They are making tracks for a railroad in this
old town. lam not pleased with the "im
provements," 85 some call it, for a pleasant
farm house and its surrounding fields that
sloped from high and undulated hills had
vanished forever, before its nod. The great
genius of enterprise, with its ugly shear's of
commerce, is clipping at the poor wings of
poetry and romance, till, I fear, by-and-by,
thoy will have only power to flap along the
ground, their ethereal faculties chained down
to stock-taking and invoices.
I am sorry the house has gone, for there
are some recollections connected with its his
tory for the sake of which it would be pleas
ant could it have been spared. An old farci
house surrounded hy fields of waving grain
and corn in the autumn time, and overhung
by the branches of various trees, golden with
the fullness of time, is a sight of picturesque
beauty in a rich valley, especially if a fine
old mountain looms up in the background,
or a deep shade of forest trees stretches away
into the clear mellow atmosphere beyond.
In that one before us, (I am now speaking
as if it stood in the old spot, ) the widow of
the noble Captain Piermont lived some twen
ty years ago. The old lady was a fine spec
imen of old time women: dignified,even cora
mandipg in manner, with a fresh bloom up
on her cheek, artistically moulded forehead,
and a deep, earnest expression in her bright
eyes. She was a woman of refined and cul
tivated intellectual powers ; a woman who
ia youth had known no stint of wealth, whose
mind was stored with classic lore, who, till
she emigrated to the wilderness of the World,
never soiled her fingers with even household
Father and husband were both dead. The
bones of the former reposed in another coun
try, beneath a marble monument; the latter
bad now slept two years in the little buryiog
| ground, beside the wooden church, in sight
! of the red farm house, and a small gray
I stone marked the place where his ashes min
gled with the dust.
One day during the hardest campaign of
i our soldiers, Madame Pierpont was alone at
! the farm. Pomp, a negro servant had gone
,ori some errand which would detain him un
til night-full, and Alex the hired man, had
wounded his hand in the morning with an
axe, so lhat he was quite disabled, and was
obliged to return to his borne, a mile distant,
which, by the way, was the nearest home
stead to the old red farm house. The wid
ow's-four brave sons, of ages varying from
eighteen to twenty six, had started but two
days previous to the field of tbeir country's
' bit.le.
While the widow realized that in all prob
ability, some, perhiips, all of her treasures
Wjull be smitten with the ruthless hancj of
war, her cheek was-still unhlanched, and
holy hopo sat in the repose of her beautiful
features. Only now and then she turned to
open her Bible before her, and read a few
consoling passages, and straightway resumed
her work with a trusting smile. Ah ! pa
triotism found an endearing home in many
such gentle breasts.
Suddenly from the distance came a sound
like the tramp-ling of horses' feei. and a great
cloud of dust betokened the approach of
travelers hurrying to their destination. The
widow moved to the door, and shading her
eyes from the intense sunshine, watched the
progrees. They drew nearer, and in anoth
er moment three horsemen drove up before
the door. They wore mili'ary costume, and
were all fine looking men. The formes* gen
tleman by far exceeded the others by his im
posing figure, and the greatness of his coun
tenance. It needed no introduction to assure
the widow that it was George Washington.—
With 'hat character which always characte
rized him, he bowed gracefully to Madame
Pierpont, as he blandly asked if he could
find rest and refieshment.
"Our horses are wearied ; we have ridden
since this morning and would fain recruit,"
he added.
"Certainly, gentlemen, and welcome," she
replied, smiling, throwing open the inner
door as they dismounted.
" Our poor beasts," said one of the officers,
patting his smoking horse. " I would they
could be attended to immediately. Is their
a groom or set vant about your house, Mad
ame, who could rub down and feed them ?
I will reward him liberally."
"We would ask no reward in this house,
sir," replied the widow ; " if you will lead
them round they will be carel for."
" Mako yourselves perfeatly comfortable
gentlemen," said the widow, "and excuse me
wile 1 prepare your refreshments. You must
he hungry as well as fatigued."
In another minute the widow was in the
stable unsaddling the poor horses —work to
which she was not accustomed, but which
she nevertheless could do in time of need,
; being a woman of strong muscular frame and
i great energy. She knew it must be done by
| heiself or not at all. As for men and horses
they were completely jaded out. She rubbed
the animals down with straw with her OWD
hands and led tbem into stalls and prepared
and gave them food- After changing her
dress the widow returned again to the parlor,
where the officers, having unbuckled their
vwerds end doflW their rape, set conversing
tfi . •-
together, evidently enjoying a delightful rest-
As the widow stepped oyer the threshold of
the room one of the officers was remarking to
his companions
"He was one of the best men, and as fine a
looking young fellow as ever volunteered.''
"Do you speak of young Pierpont ?" asked
,- Yes, he fell yesterday, pierced by three
balls, poor fellow ; it was a hard fate for
such a boy."
For one moment the cheek of the widow
was blanched, the heart oi the mother shock
ed, but she ppoke almost calmly as she ask
ed :
"Which one was it, sir?"
"Henry Pierpont, if I am not mistaken—
Was he known to ytu ?"
Was he known to you ? Oh, the torment
that followed that question ! lie who had
taken the place of the dead at their board,
and, with gravity beyond his years, carried
out the plans his father left unfinished. And
now his blue eyes were closed forever ! his
bright locks rolled in the dust! 0! the tho't
was anguish ! A deadly paleness came over
her, but she rallied with great effort, and
said as calmly as before, as sbo turned her
whitened cheeks away :
"lie was my son, sir."
They did not see her face as she walked
quickly and firmly out of the room.
"Now, God forgive me 1 I feel as if I had
done a cowardly thing," muttered the officer,
while his lips grew pale with emotion.—
'Coming here to partake of this woman's
hospitality, I have crueliy stabbed her to the
"You are not to blame, my friend," said
Washington, in his deep lone?, in which
blended a sudden pathos. "Neither if I read
her aright, would she recall tins child brave
ly fallen in his country's cause. This is no
common woman—her very face speaks of her
soul's nobility. Mark me, when you next
see her she will be tearless; no word of sor
row will issue from her lips. Our mothers,
our wives—l am proud to say it—are hero
ines in this trying period. And this," he
continued, pointing to the Bible, "this is the
secret of their greatness; whenever you be
hold that volume opened, hearing evidence of
constant perusal, there you will find women
capable of any emergency. I l-epeat it when
we meet again, she will be calm, and tearless,
although a motner bereaved of her child."
And so it was. Madams Pierpont had
schooled her grief for the time into a sudden
acd sacred submission, and when the officers
were called into another rcom to partake gf
the smoking viands she had prepared, they
found her ccllecied, unchanged in manner,
and serene in countenance. The officer from
whom the news had suddenly burst, was lost
in admiration of her conduct, and was often
heard to say, subsequently, that he venera
ted women for her sake.
Toward night the trio departed, thanking
the kind woman with grateful hearts for her
courtesy. They found their horses ready
saddled, and were forced to conjecture that
Madame Pierpont had herself performed the
duty of hostler.
General Washington kindly took her hand
before he mounted his charger, and addres
sed her tenderly and affectionately. Teais
came to the eyes of the officers while they
lisiened, hut, though an increased pallor over
spread the widow's face, she murmered :
"I am thankful, to my God, sir, that lie
has deemed me worthy of demanding my
firs'-bora in this glorious struggle. lie was
ready, sir; ready for life or death."
But yrhen they had gone, and she returned
to the silence of the lone house, the mother
wept exceedingly bitter tears. Draw we the
curtain before her sacred anguish.
Farewell, obi Pierpont bouse, with your
carpet of mallows, uLd old fashioned flowers
in old fashioned pots standing upon the
stoop. I feel sad at the thought that I shall
never again see its doors wreathed in vines ;
wherein hung clusters of luxuriant grapes,
nor its wind.ows on the lower floor, all open
ed, with the white curtains cf snowy uiusiin
floating wi-h a dreamy undulating motion in
the pleasant breez a .
Is it Cheaper'?
Is it cheaper to build jails than it is to ed
ucate your children in good moials, aDd
thus prevent their becoming inmates of our
prisons ?
What sort of men will those men make
who are allowed to frequent rum holes, to
smoke, swear, and play cards ?
. Eo parents suppose they cau hold the roiDS
of goverment over their sons, while they per
mit them to speod tbeir evenings away from
home, subjected to all the evil influences
which are always concentrated in a village?
It is cheaper for a father to pay for tho
mischief which his sons do, than it is to buy
them a library of books ? If parents would
keep their sons contented at home, let them
take good newspapers eo as to lurnish them
with mental and moral food. Is it not cheap
er to furnish good books, good papers, and
plenty of them, for our children • Iban jt is
to let them go without, and run the risk of
their contracting a taste for immorality, to
bacco and strong drinks ?
The daughters, too, should not be neglec
ted. Take papers and Magazines for them,
give tbem something to think about and then
they will not grow up silly, weak-minded
women, who take no interest in anything but
fasbiom, dress and flirtations.
How they Fall
It is feldom that a youcg man sets out in
life with the determination of living vicious
ly. His intentions are correct enough, but
be is weak, lie minglea with men older
than himself, with whom it is gratifying to
his vanity to associate. lie finds among
them habits of thought, expression andjac
tion, which in his very soul he loathes; but
he is weak—how can ho rosist the eyil ? Nay
how can he avoid taking part in it, unless he
wishes to make himself appear singular, and
becomes the subject of his companions' ridi
cule ? By degress the unfeeling or obscene
conversation of his companions becomes less
disgusting and more palatable, till at length,
words that at first would bays made his
cheek tingle with shame.or stung his con
science with remorse, become the woof of his
conversation. The licentious thought, the
coarse expression, the blasphemous oath, is
welcomed with a smile, and lie is ready to
sneer at others, whose moral nature is still
too sensitive to allow them to do the same.
From being an unwilling hearer he soon be
comes a "willing partaker, and the advance is
rapid to glorifying in it, and himself becom
ing the tempter to others, to lead them in the
same path he has himself trodden. It is by
this weakness—this moral cowardice—that
wo are led into sin, despite the promptings
of our better nature. It may be that in our
hearts wa despise the man by whom wo are
led, but we come at last to applaud their
sentiments and adopt their tone.
ExampleVof Perseverance.
How true it is that persevering efforts wili
invariably command success. The man who
knows no such word as "fail" will as surely
conquer in of life as the eun rises
and sets. If you are disappointed_to-day,
don't lay awake.on account of it, go to bed
and sleep, that you may be better prepared
for the renewed effort which you propose to
make in the morning. Though the labor,
the care and the anxiety of years may come
to nought in ap hour, no matter, let all go,
summon your smiles and energies and go to
work again. Success, honor, emolument,
must come at last! Edward Livingston, it
is said, having finished his great fJnde of Jjou
isianian Law, Lei,eld the labor or three per
severing years perish in an instant in the
flames ; Thomas Carlyle, when he had fin
ished the first volume of his French Ilevolu
tion, had eveiy scrap cf it burned, through
the carelessness of a friend ; Mr. Audubon,
having wandered and toiled for years to get
accurate representations of American birds
found that two Norway rats had, in a single
night destroyed two hundred of his original
drawingp, containing the forms of more than
a thousand inhabitants of the air. All were
gone except a few bits of gnawed paper upon
which the marauding rascals had reared a
family of their young. lie went to work
again, however, and in less than three years
had bis portfolio again filled.
TION.— It is said that you can find a quota
tion in Shakspeare to suit any event, and
Mr. Ilosmer, of Toledo, cites the following to
shew that he had the late election in his
We hare the heart's biood of tho
House of Lancaster !
Who else than Buchanan was intended bv
the demand,
James of Lancaster, resign thy crown !
Thou hast deeieved me—
— And,
Here behold the pale ashes of the House of
And then, inimitable Sir J..hn Falslaff, in
the fullness of heart, exclaims—
Buck ! Ruck ! I would I could wash myseff of
the Buck !
And of the Douglas, what, than this mo
ment, did the great bard point to, when he
Dough* is discomfited !
Or whcD he made Douglas say,
J aiu the Dough* fatal to ail those
That rear thisc cofors on *bem.
Mother Mother Mother !G, my dear mother /
Do I see you ?
Our Hannibal was doubtless intended, in
those lines put in the mouth of his enemies :
Hannibal drives back our troops,
And conquers as he fists.
■Worth Remembering
Life is short, therefore should be well and
usefully employed.
If thou become offended, let not the sun go
down upon thy wrath.
A good deed done in the day ia a satisfac
tion to the soul at night.
Kind words alleviato misery and are as a
balm'to the afflicted.
Pray unto Goi for all men, for they ara all
members of ona family.
God is unto us a kind Father, llim should
we always love and obey.
lie that is wise will lead a good life that
he may some to a good end.
All that we possess in this life is a gift of
our Heavenly JTather.
Love not the world nor the things in the
world, but love God.
JS?- There are souls which fall from heav
en like flowers ; but ere the pure and fresh
buds can open, they are trodden in the dust
of earth, and lie soiled and crushed under
the foul treed of some brutal hoof.
Country Meetin' Talk
An Illinois editor, who sometimes has SD
"attactof phonography," recently attended
a country naeetin', where he took down the
different topics of conversation.
"Vote for Lovcjoy ?" exclamed a politica l
arpirant, indignautly, "I'd BS soon vote for
Mm. Lloyd Garrison himself, loaded down
as he is with "
"Two ol the fattest beef critters you ever
set yonr eyes on ; interrupted a dealer in
cattle, "that eold for "
"That bond yellow dress again," exclaim
ed Miss Sbruco ia what might have sounded
like a whisper if sne had been on the other
sido of the room, "painted too, an I half f-u
inch think, and wears "
"Teeth and toe-nails to get the office;"
broke in an other politician, "but people will
not trust liirn again ; besides he is "
"Spavinrd in both hind legs, wind broken
and foundered to boot, as I told Mr. Jarvis
at the time "
"ODS tea-cup full of butter, two of sugar
three of flour, four of eggs, and a sprinkle of
nutmeg makes "
"Both ends meet, when thq year comes
round poor woman ! for she has got six chil
dren, the oldest one blind, and "
"No saddle or bridle to ride him with;
some body stole it, while I was gone to Chi
cago after "
"The long promisied millennium day
which we have no doubt is to be brought out
through the administration of "
"Two Dutchmen, a monkey and a 1 and
organ to grind it ; and oh ! it made the fun
niest music, and the littio fiigures danced
about like -"
"Nine thcusand miles railroad tfaok, and
this at an estimate cost of "
"Five cents a dozen I sold four hens to
Mrs. Wilson, and the hawks carried off three
besides ai.y number of chickens, and "
"Such a handsome young man; and h
dances so beautiful. Did you ever see a
handsomer pair of whiskers, or a more insin
uating "
to my tea-pot, and Ti m declared
he had not touched it at ali, and kuew Emily
hadn't for she had been all tho time "
"Running at thß rate of twenty-five miles
an hour with no head lights on ; and around
a curve at that, when the locomotive broke
the bridge over "
"That young Miss Jones that had the
small-pnx last spring. They do say that she
is going to marry "
"The scarlet fever and the hooping cough
and I don't know what he hasn't bad boor
little darling! This is the first time 1 baye
taken bim since "
"The Mexican war which I consider per
fectly unjustifiable, unless it is on the ground
that "
" The preacher ba3 come," exclamed a boy
and depositing my report in my pocket, I
proceeded intc the school bouse to muse up
on the utility of phonography.
A good Story
| A good story is told of a Washington coun
ty man, who on his way to Cincinnati be
came somewhat elevated by sundry drinks,
hut as good luck would have it, found a boat
at the wharf and was quickly on his way.
feoon after leaving the wharf, a man came
round for his fare." Horrall Lauded but a
five dollar bill, and received four dollars and
j ninety-five cents in change. lie rainuied it
: into bis pocket-book with great eagernesp,
supposing the clerk had made a mistake. —
That done he leaned back into his chair mid
fell asleep. A little while he was plucked
awake by the same man, who again deman
ded fare. "Discovered the mistnke," t: ou't
tie, holding out a handfull of change. The
man, as before, took only five cents, aud
llorrall again vsot into a doze: Ere he had
farely to dreaming of home and friends far
away, around came the collector again, and
thus it went on for a long time.
At last llorrall thought it very inconveni
ent, and couciuded to vote the collector a
nuisance, and he g ; ve him a bit of adv.ee be
sides; so, said he :
"Is (hie) thais a da-n-ger (hie) ousho (hie)
boat ?"
"By DO msans," said the man. "Bran
"Then, by gummy, (hie) why do (hie)
don' you collect all the fare at once—nut
bother a fel (hie) heller for it every mile as
it (hie) comes due ?"
'• Really," said the man, " where do you
think you are goiDg 1"
" Cincin (hie) hiunati," said Horrall.
" Cincinnati," said the polite conduclor,
" Y*hy, you must be sadly out of your reck
oning. This is the ferry-boat, and all this
afternoon you have been riding to and fro
between New Albany and Portland.
That night llorrall staid in Louisville.
woman in Peacham, Vermont, who has a
dress which she wore for forty-seven years.
This woman and the one in New York, who
paid $3 000 for a dress to wear at the
Prince's ball, represent the two extremes.
One of the features of a late fair at
Atlanta, Georgia, was the appearance of
twenty pupils of a school, on the grounds
with their teachers, all clothed in homespun.
Reading and observation must fe;d
the mind ; meditation and reflection must
change the food to substance.
(Says a Newark paper,) arc invited to read
this little wayside etory, which is but one of
thousands like it that margin the highway of
lite all along to ife (dose, On Friday last,Rs
our every day hat-it, we dropped in attho
station-house to see what items might bo
gathered from the criminal docket of the
obliging telKtale slate of the attentive Chief,
and having gafnert-d all that was of interest
to us, was about passing out when we met in "
the door*way one of the most loathsome hu
man beings it lias ever been our lot to en
counter. We stepped aside, quite wi'iing to
give toe ragmuffled man - tor he had been
man orce—the lp.rg9St privilege in passing,
and was astonished iodoed when catching a
glance at us he advanced, presented his hand
and called us by name. Of course we tooi
his tremhlind hand, though at first vro could
discover nothing in his haggard features that
at all reminded us of any former acquaint
ance, but when he mentioned his name and
the name ot the paper on which we learned
the first beginnings of the " Art preservative
of all arte," the veritable " Bill Philips," HI
old fellow apprentice stood before us, \Va
had toiled side by side as embryo composi
tors in a newspaper office (the Lycomimj Ga*
zctle) bearing the name of the county in
which it was located In the nothern part of
Pennsylvania, and wo had known him then
as an uncommonly bright boy, a natural wit,
a pet among his fellows, and withal the
quickest and most correct compositor in the
office. Leaving the offico and business our
selves on account of ill healtL before we bad
half completed our profession, we beard lit
tle of Biil evcept that for some trival cause
ha had run away from his eniplover, who
was likewise L l3 benefactor, and but oncu
heard of him, as leading a rather dissipated
life in the city cf Philadelphia. I eat down
by the side ot Bill ou one of the station-house
benches and listoned as he recounted bis ad
ventures from tho unlucky day on which La
threw his "wardrobe" over his shoulder and
turned his baek upon one of the kindest of
employers, down to the time of our acciden
tal meeting in the station-house door, where
be had come to procure lodging for the Dight.
It was the old story, the result had followed
Lis first step in wrong-doing, and herß be
was after twonty years of wandering, a poor,
miserable, friendless, dissipated creature,
whom to deprive of his glass was to remove
the only prop which now alone served to sus
tain lite. We took tbc poor fellow to better
quarters, and turning homewards begau
thoughtfully to contrast the career of the fel
low apprentice we had just left with that of
others, who in the same office served out
their full apprenticeship, and afterwards fill
ed some of the highest positions in their na
tive States. There was Hon, E. Lewis, un
til lately, Chief Justiceef the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania, who not only served his ap
prenticeship there, but afterwards owned
and edited the Gazclie, leaving it only to fill
stiil higher and more responsible positions ;
then tbero was another, a round-faced,smart
boy, with nothing like the mother wit that
Bill Phiiips possessed, but he was stead' in
liia habits, served his employer faithfully,
and to-day William F. Packer, the able anil
honored Governor of Pennsylvania, DOW re
curs to that as the period w hen he was, by
honettly and steadily serving out bis time,
laying the foundation for that success in life
which has since so abundantly crowed his
efforts. Look at it, boys! There are but
two methods of accomplishing the journey of
life among the close-growing years that in
tervene between the beginning aDd the cpd—
the one leads you through a caresr of honor
and usefulness, the other terminates where
poor Bill Phillips tvill soon lay bis weary
bones—in potter's Field.— Newark Mercury.
! American, is noticing a new patent bier for
1 lowering coffins into gravos, indulges in tbe
following strain in reference to patents:—
"The life ol this stage most assuredly moves
on patent inventions. The infant is wrap
i peu ip linen which has been woven on a pa
cnt frame, and he draws his first drop of
| nourishment from his mothers breast through
a patent nipple soield. The girl fondles a
i doll, the boy whirls a patent top, or plays
with a ball which is made under ooe of the
most yiluable patents of the age. In later
life we put on a French yoke shirt, which
with the rest of our clothes, is sewed on a
patent machine, wbith a patent thread, with
a patent need's, which comes inveloped in a
patent wrapper; and our very boots is made
of patent leather. We rise in the morning
frern a patent eliptic spring bed, undo the
patent fastenings of out windows, roll up our
patent curtains, opes tbe patent locks of our
doors, which were constructed by patent
machinery, and go down to our coffee, which
is made is a pateut Old "Dominion" ccfl'ee
pot. We write with one of Morton's pens,
which we dip into our patent inkstand-
Thus surrounded by patents, we pass cur
life, which is filled with gorgeous dreema of
making a splendid fortune by so ate patent
invention of our own, till we ere placed in a
patent burial case, and lowered from a pat
ent bier into our final placo of rest."
All noble natures are. hopeful. It is
a remajtable l'nct that the people are tho
most charitable people.
fiST A punctual man can always find
leisure a negligent one never,