Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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",Mtll7ipV- " ''WI
jjitm -, s'n jfe'W'' V'vljgg
t A"?
SI" 20
' -8
" A
I '
Karl G. Pearson, 17- Year-Old
Prodigy, Leads in Competition
With 250,000 Other Pupils
Washington Pupil Turned
Prosaic Subject Inte Colorful
and Interesting Story
VyilEN a s, a- im tn Mi -uni Mi 1- H. Pen s n" i fe ' ttle en t'jre f
ii'vi, of I.i'nUb ig, K.v . tiif rcijrhhei mi !.
"Wr i, if th'it'- n"tb i i het-It', lie uii-lv '.e iineu"t te oto eto ote
thinjr. Hi.'-, pet .i piu.i .tat"
Fer K H Peai ou xn-.t,-, p.ifistr . F.'sg,i$h ii F.etl.ar' Cei.epe, e"p
of the .ipt Known n'' i', nini!tr iihiiit..v:ni institution i" the Middle
West ami a nmit of riph . hu'astie attniniren's I.ikcwse, Mi. P'aien,
M'he, li!.c her husband. vn t ' ;edsi c-.trnaiO'i, xa a wenia'i of 'rei 2
chnrnuet and devoted te lu'i 'a.m!y interc-t-.
in.i Wfie x.rilt and igceu,
physt-clly ard mt.lectJOi!.
Se Karl (. Peatser.. as the sir .i'
tiainpri, iirepcd ,1 poed star' w Ve
in his j)hjcn1. nicn'a! a-.d puiVial
As tli? fit- passed 'be ' ced
Itarj r i'j"" ( weie i ! n"!y nj"e i
The be a t-f.!'.'!' ,i' i i-i'Ji us.
Emiren'iicnr, no. . a in ! faxe',
for the 1' riv a a l-mi of i ien.5,
and in his father's private 'lerary
xx'eic cne l"en eiupu", eh e'ly in
the Held of Knpl.-h !, atu-e Te
thee the 'in Li 1 acces an! nf
them he made full ue. He tend
pred.1p101.5l., I'll- a! a du'j. but be
cause the'e in 'he Ibtn-v his hev-
,; -'((ii'i
i nitiuxl
1 1.1 Ml.
spend ns
w ,n
1. I
hced lr.tt !'L"-t- r": er"d
When t',e "eiphber-, lean eu t'-at
nt si've ' hud ieaa a'! of ?ha'e
peare" n'ay-', thy lmd.te I and ai !
"Just ha' nc thought. U' it
the b'oe I. '
trd 'i .i. ' i..!.i.).i i. iz' in1"
Jniitli. and .t!i h ii'Iui ""' f
peneni'' ' ii i 'u i. - Ttv i' i
(rKr H mit. nd '.HHa u r d
Hilueni e'l.i' !i''s . .1 'i'i'i-I lii'
pppnpi.in tir- i 'r - i ' t" ,i" lt
.wept nj r ti t' . '" 'n l!'.;i!i
with no rn 1 1 i in mrai1 -fl i't H.
('nnrllr.,'! v ri '"i-'v n'trihu i.i" "
lintin i! "iti 'ije'i
Ve Kit! i I'-'.irw ""f'f'i
ytefs old . f Vilnnst ' I' '" ' r it
Is the K.it I'm! jt !r"fi! c t f h'
rnrliff fnt."ruii and dvin l'
rirCMirn-'j'ii 11 '!i" Nili ii ' '
lia. m . 'in n,,-' in . i ' ' '''
werthv i' f'lie'it. i r. II 1 ir ir
lenf fiii ' T i ii i'i''v -i 'i ir
ilup, e 1" '!!' I ' i'"a i'"a
tienal .i ' fiiiJ ri- I i !
Wins in Competition
With 200,000 Othcri
Ami '
2e0(-) "'
thre ijr ii
the mij i - .
Va'.ni i . i
$1(100 : m.
tended ' in
tbln i ' l v
nualli b -i'
turcr ' '
best i"-"""!
te gein i '
Tlie t.i-
I'fnriii' i i" "
( r ihn r'.i:ii'' . M
Itevl rn In e'iiy
nit y. ' "v.i- "Ii 'l:nl
CI, if
Mr. i ii "- i
,1-fK ' '
, i. . ' v JiMnl
Iii ! .l""i ."
t r ii 1 . "Kin
cl ! 1,1 lininiii hi i, 'loei'i In
l.H'cr i niiiitiv i hi
,llli IM i It f
v irr r .it 1tl l -1- M'l'id "5 ' '
Hill l ,11 I ep'tllllnC'l I'i'll-
I i ili. :l ir II "f til" '.It " "1"
i . i." I in th" r Inti." ii I i -
"1 Mill"" n'li',,1, ltli l,f l ' "
ur in Kninpi' 1 iMijejrl t i i ,1
.1,1 ..' nf i" I.I'lllliV T ,u
It I.'l"d. Mi'l1"! I 1CM i n'
clid.'ii; ! IiIemiis ; M hi.' li'W
'Ihiish I htin u.t vet 1 n i .il I" ' I
1 ii nlf t .i i ! all'i" Jl.i "i "'.it n'l ii"
ii tl loin I -'atiii !"'h(i i1 .f
v ci i adtir'Pi te .i ," nl.'.r '
I'm. it - . h a the n-p m-i'-tp) "I
a'let, ' n; In ( njii'i.it u I ii'm J
i'l P.i.il"' bi': tn iv'i iaii. and
! i.ii'ii'- t'l i iiix u'.i'ins a '"'
a i nVeridi rn fibin.t thorn Tl T
i..1 i. . f .1 n v. n-d- hit ! ". ")
ji t i ii ! ( "i in 1'ii;I.-'i
"M- nic'lier aiiij I hnppi pi' i"
n .f i'iiii!i ', 't a ''. K l i'
lii.n . mhIi- lit.-..- !ai; thi1 ill"
cf f.rm.u.i 'he I!I fr -n Hair S
I In M..T i .11 "I 1 1 I"'1 ii' -ar 'JOl
I a in iei.." in,1 ' ' w tta "'''(,
'i'W ii te ' 'ii .i-' hi , t i e at
'i !- 15 ' II I'.l' 1 -li i t!i '
1 !v i t i 'i I 'i i ,i u
he' I . ip I fl' -i- tin- ' e'
pri rem tl x purl of vintns
1 w It li'i lif r't i!t V.'ll '. .1 '. "it'e
' A? or ret .mi. .j te J..nllber: I ."
'r.d'd pi in a", ii.strict.et in ac
Mli'inh ei thf i' t ,V I srw olecr
I b"".ii'i' nit ri't d in b.i"liH 1 I
H" f.nrnl We skl'i lis , TlflliT. hu'
I i I'pui cl'v r'jar It'd .ii an r
fl.i'i.H ml tll'i 't'ltii. ; vf th" hi
t"ii. s. i !. 1 b . ii.; .ivpras . f i'i" i 'ay
' r-. ,nij . i (it'ii r 1m . ,al' ti.ai'"--l
r ns th' ":.r- 'e. 1 v a. m i 'i
rai ' I i nh :i ,n t.n. rm,
i H'll.li- tn ii II." (tPt t.l i '"
'.'(.ii , ri"i l'i'ii .r'n i'
t"'.ii mnii an i Knun I d'"u
'" "a; .ii.'l i . ' i' .'' fi"i.i
ik ;. i mi . 'n '"' i Tex .
i . nrei mediate pint. - i i n i eir
I 1 d . nf th ' ii mil I !
.j n'u r.
A g ti r i I, I
I. I 1-Pi ' ' ''i-i I illU'"
: I "i , ftcti fii n ) .r
.! l'i .' It'ici r Mine
i. ri ' i l
Sen of Kansas Professer Had
Read All Shakespeare ys Plays
Before the Age of Seven
Success Entitles Him te Four
Year Course at Any Col
lege of His Selection
It should he Mild that I'careii Is tn i "Then I thought, 'ThK Is jUit what
Washington b.v Ii tup of the appoint- j erer body else will be doing. lier
menl of hii faihrr two jenri ace n! niw"l ''e thousands of ci-nvs like thli.'
spcrlall-st In feu'lcn education in the' "As niinnl ever the Fiilijeft In
Utittnu of IMueatler.. ' ir. mind mv theiiKbts went lmd i .
. . ii . . . l"
And new for the Merj of the prlre'
TrinnliiB e,a,, whleh n't an fs.iy nt
nil, but a initiative into wlilth have
been coinprc'ed elements of histeij.
economics mid that alwnjs-welceme
quality knew i. a "litimnn lnlenst":
Firt of nil. one of the reqiiliements
wim that the esuv should net exceed
700 weids In IniRth
n'slsncd te all competitors nlllte.
Penren'i en was t Iiein for the
scholarship award by a pieiess of elim.
inatien. The tlnce bet from each
IiIrIi school In tin1 1'iilted States and
teriitenal jiossclens weie submitted
either te the State unherslty or ether
State nutlieillles in I'liiirge of the con-
little Htntieii railed .lohnsleu., i,...
Ihe miles finni Lindsberp. H liml ,
he.(.ir for a station and the whole .et.
titiR wbldi 1 pieceeded te nie,
"Then I rpcilled newspapci' ,.tttoen,
In which the diaraclera sit around tie
stee in the (euntry stoic and rhcir
tobacco and ettle the pioblems 0 tba
The subject was "tnvcise. I heie is nlwavs one of (h.u
wnu was a ineiui et Teddy or feni
ether celcbiity.
"I put .lohnslewn and Snul: (Vntep
teRethcr and had tnj K.ttins nnd
"Taking the points I wanted (0 mali
I Illustrated them.
T thought it would he meie intcr,
estine than a diy statement of fact."
test. There the "wcedins: out" wr.s
continued until nn n?i cement wn.i ' Received $4000 Award
jeached en the best es.ay wiltten bv for Writinn 700 Wnr,le
And that wen him a four Tjr
Knrl 0 I'o.'ir-en, wline eisa wen S4000 unicrsity hdielarship
i ,i
' In
d( i di il wiuit
r -
i. i '
"i i" ,
V -i-
i las
. rs u
l-are it '
r netfi'.
i .1 tie
. i
U I )
lla' . .
r Hi
Wl I."
IV ' i
" i i :
"n m
u -I
ami .'
nn . '
i i ;
t I
11 i
I'f 1
i i t'.
I ,
I. .!'
i r
ii .'
im i
i -ill
iMi aji-
. i s III ill
.. '!h.
i: uh'T
i ii
eil IS
' !:-.. . I
il. 'V
I Si 1
I '
1 1 iKh
,1 -nil I I
.'" 'In tf i 1 t 1 i I hi J( III' I .Ittl li.
'" Hi!" w ii ' h ii 1' -i r i-lll'l 11 in, SO-' , elit IIS
I blips. WHO It II -t tll.ll 11" ',,! 1 t,.' lia.e lills(, l0'll Sdloel
i n f'-w ii I. nt'- wall; of CntK then I shall lime piieu'!i te ee.
any student in the State. Then the
essays of tlice wlnr.eis. some of whom
recclM'd State awards, were sent en te
the Iliuhwav Education Heard In 1
Washington, which assiRncd te the
three national j.idKcs the task of decid
ing and of snylng. "This one. of all,
is the best."
Made Fads Intercstiny
and Wen Scholarship
In commenting en the sclprlier. of
Pearson's essay, lleeice Heiiicb I.erl-
jniet, one of the judges, said:
"I fed that, all lacters eensideied,
the css.iy by Km I (5. Venison is the
best of the .ones, The obvious facts
that aie streiicd in all the e-vnjs are,
In this one. presented in n mere Inter
esting fashion. It shows less outside
influence and meie migluality."
Hew was it done? Where did Pear
son "set the Idea"? What led him
te tell of the aluc of geed reads In
. narrative form?
, The student smiled.
"The cssas had te be in b Mav."
he said. "Twe months before that I
e .V F'is'i
l.i'i IN .( N
V (il N il I i
' And h
lai Bt,s'. in the
' s- Imel tilT
i i v r 1 "ri
. ' ' hi
fitln t's III i i n is nflei i 1 n 1.1s fa-
niilritiiN wnu oilier tnMcis. lie knewi ' bfgan looking up refciences in the Con Cen
l'i M' ami pneti alike the authets grcssieniil Ubiurv niul assembling rna
thelf mnIp. their history. Aluady liiti'iinl. This tool; me about a month,
his n siiflieleiit luikgietiinl et Kngliih Uy that time I lnd my material fairly
' e.p.N ,, ,,!. I m .nkli.g i fnirb I litei.i.ure te delivn- an llis.ructlNe lee- " o.g.u.ue,, an,. ie,t , ceuiu stmt te
'full ci.uise, .,ii,i tliv tiw I bine ebt.iini'd i"e mi the subject. A natural im'.in.i- , ",i,e ,m' "s''l.v-
timi in this diiectieti litis been supple- "I wrote one. Ii wns the obvious
iiii.tiil bv serious tud An uniisunl I form. It leniiiined all the facti J
motneiN ln inabled him te tetiU n1i it ' thought it ought te contain, i onden-e,
one nnq'jIJ
IIIKllllg tti
'i Noelleiit'
ilk" te i i l
lu'ept r ilinf'
inn of 1 1
.III s'llljeMs, 1 should
i' le de mi At the
ln'l i iviMdei the pieh-
M I "'
I I - p iv'tt iimgrs a. 1 i
W e
it'll bini !
i i mi
I I. M
m a. a.
r.iei .
s '11,
Hasn't Yet Ihcidvd
Cellere He'll Attend
. l
l.i .c.
ii ( i :
n'r es
pi ii '
tl n'
I ie fi If w I
.f n
i n.i ii
,'i- ".
thett" Mihi irted
the tin il v ii
repute l'r .1 ilni In i II hi
ldeiit of run." u TniNPi-'tN .
tarN of AS"( i ni'f II'-nrN ' N i ir"
hiiuclf a f.iirii'i 'il l'i1 i-h" "
faini in-; i t' " ni . ti-i-rgi II i.i c
I.eruiier, "Ii r t "'' f"1' '
ning Pull' A'i 'li'". lg'ei i ci I'oni I'eni
Kin's r "I i v .i- " i ns.
tylc. nti x erit n,,i it 'i.i in
15 it ( I 'Ii 't i a r i ' ni
It whuh - " .1 ie i si i i ,.
tinsel me i 'life'
Pin tlie tircst nt I r ifnrt lie i v n Ml
young I'm " ' i '! ' ' ' 'ifi.i'N
stud in I nil" t i we Ti .t.der
tind his t'l'Hnp'i timsaiT te
undiriUand Inn 1' '"" cip'eni', thf
t n .
f sir,,,,
i si) r
i.1 .-RN
' I C
el i
f Si -0
i t I
tp e
pin' " i '
I ,!' s
I .r
1 ' I O I ,
'ii . in.' IV i r
I ' , e. 1,1 II I .(
ireiter tlinu
i.d ).. sin ,
1 I 'Id! I1 N
fmm hii'M '
nnd sem. i:
- .en 1 I "d
I .is
,i' i I M.ii .gin
r'ui ,'! -s ,,. t ,jf
1 'I'l I1 NN OH' fi(
' i ill ,1 1 ,' .1 I I e
'Ik I nf J. n ( ),, ;
' '. iniliu- f i k .,-.,
.iik lieir- 'n 'if tfirr.
i Pn,i f i
It di'N. 'i..ii, ii ,, d .,,iiin (,. 1,1 1
high solie 1 n eik he is i.pceiiln l-i-'('icsteil
in M ikospenrt.in studiis lis
ailj, InieiM in stiuikesppnie, nutu'"'1
ilite'igli 1 - ( n. i .rn le I ninli's Til. i
i as ,. r- 'i 1 II, i. ,,, pint .! . ir
li a ! n . ' i n le tlie !.nle.
spcii i' s-.ii 'n rf W.mb'ng'nii. nnd 'I's
iMr nniII I n i niure in piii t in' ii'
in "Anti i in li -'e ijittt.i '
I'o.u-en i fin rn Intel' sfpt c.
ipinlntiiuci iili tlie li.idiug ilni.it'.i
. t 'il' th' Mi i .. -HireiHi id. in -
Jlii.fMf I s Iuenns.ih; tun li If I I.
In i nil.
Government Functions
Antony His Studies
into the limited spit" allot In
Uncommon Sense
ceurs-e In college!
lie dramatized dry facts. n0 fl(
"punch" into his argument. Witf
the brush of nn nitist, he piinted ,
drab subject in ilvid colors and t0II
it for the highest price ever paid (or
.such a production !
That wok nil, but it was enniiRli m
win ever some ."0.000 etheis win, ( alt
in facts and figures but failed te tn
the dramatic possibilities of tln km.
Hut the secret 1ms jet te be told.
Il will he lecalled tint the subj,,
assigned was "Hew (ioed (leans An
Dm eloping .My (AininiunitN "
Johnstown, Knnsns.
natuiallj sualii after
Imimh c'sny of n thriving. Iioeminj,
tmstiing lewn, drawing its llfebloej
from the hard-surface read painted lnti
the pictuie by the stiekps of tk
author's blush.
"And Is it all true?" teii ak. "'
the read actually built V And did it
de nil that?"
Again the amused, slew smile
"Uy no means." tomes the air.ncr,
"It is still the same blot en the la-th
"cape. I was down that way ,a
nummer. Tlie old Imv ear is still there
'J'he fuimliinds were still hansnri
mound. Thcv had just bien in iU
stoic for n fresh nuppv of cliemcf
tobacco Theie TMisn't a 'isn "I
pi egress "'
J'ictien! I'nadultcialed flrtle.i-
luineinnthe, rolerful, const rui tire-
fiction with n purpose wen the hifhtil
sthelastic aw.ud.
lie h.n f.i
fin ctieiiiug i
d t tne te stud?
ruNeiumt'iil ai il
Tlie Haiti and the Plant
uceius. C1.1..C.01- ,,., peiinriiriii e ei iYX , fll,,RC , s nnw ,. ,,,
indiNiduals piemltirtit In public lite. He asks them questions int they
All thesi' netiNlfies. incliidlns t. , Ltcnel nnswer v
, i r i f . i . i ' And becau-e lie ,pft net find in their
..l.t.irsh.,. or ,'ie U. .. nrr. haw m..., hralns ,,, int,.,,.itlrn , hat was put
,t l.ed'.saii f eurtiil his parti. Ipattnti tlMO , ,.tti., , ,,. ,, ,.,....
in atlileilrs
'i have net had time, ' he cenfrsPS,
"te tliNet'i te .iihlettcs in recent year, i
1 hope te gel l,-i 1; Int.i it at collide
it is irrtnuly a lenl'Iy hnbbv."
nf t'i" !!pn'
r,- lid t't
nnd l iiN ar 1
r .' en
I 1-
1 i - i ,
I. I I N
.11 I ' c
p'T'etfllftllce i,
I ,i
Autobiefrapliu Tells
Story of fits Life
i'ii ie h
as lie
pored in
ll ' 10 I M 'f
I! uird nf th"
I! ill '."
1 1 p.it mi i t f
the Intirni u' dpi n'ie hi pi "i. the
itininil ii'i'i't te the I irfst'itic si'.il
ir'hip I ",r '" '''
MY A I 'lUIUi-i i It PHY
Hn Knrl (I p. arson
"1 ant "f Snvu.nIi i.iiin'iigp mv
fnthci s la1' lieine tn ii? I iiiidniirei.J
Bwcdeii. Mi i H 'lit' , n,i,, t is I1..111
la Unlcsburg. l'i is a! . of .sin..1iIi
dl'KVU' I UM ln'in ' l.itidsbuis,
Knn , .lime I t P'"i In Mil n
father had m ciinm go te Duiept
!'tt spend sniiie unit' in its.iiieli work
t Ullhi'lSl'N ii'liteiu I nn.is then M
j'ytaia of nje nnd iiiadi the tilp ac
'MBmitulcil le im inetlicr nnd silster.
i',. '.,: .... .,
' . ,g V,,.,
' I .
i- .("I Tfel',1
' T I i 'll
-i "i nbs.cnnip it
Nove, ,hi r s fi, 1 ii .10 s,rpn.d
liHri 1 run Mir in '-aiii '.mt m, ".
Jfir 'Menn Cni.ii lull Afp Ilpvelepin,
M- f i ,ui in if t ,i i n .ii fir m the
lln'vn "s V is ii Mmili .n'verNi ;
- ' irsh i
"fi" 'fi i" ' 'fni" ' n du
ll III le I S10 11 i ll'l' ' UN'"
i i ,vr i i s li p tiexf I Hie, I
n ( i.'d It n no ( ip i p. ' vpe- or t s .j, I
worked .ntii I 'a' ., ned suffie Pitt
finds te cnriN il . ,;'i cel cge. Thu
ii-,.ard openn ip gti-u' pnssibilitiei for
in" I "liall I'e'v be iiter a'.ln te od ed
tjin n templet" (iiirne n ;ell:cl
srioiie n li . li nn i i itip.ire me for the
bur I'm in there I I.'inp I e,j"H nt
i i. , iik n u'ip-'s of 'i -c f r a law
., iii i.'miui'n s, .mg (e cei n
tun n . b" n r.' ' i' ""'
Min de 1 i i nn f. inner mic
iesis i ir .' a'i a l'i be remom remem
u rut in intiri'i '.en with t hi u.d and
i iieuiiriiuemi'i ' I hnie leieiired fiem
nn puiii ip.il Mr C'liain't I I.i 1 1 . mil
tne icaiheib of Kftstein UiiIi Si lioel "
An Essay That Wen a $4000 Scholarship
Hew Geed Reads Arc Developing My Community
of, ' f 'rtlfi tht it
t I! i , '. (' ,i i
" '("' l I el.fi 'I
i! 'i ' n
S fl'p
ficrl' i fit . rinr'isily plui'fd hy the ri"('.-.
(hi, j in i,, All b '.utii 11 ' ' f ,' 'i ( !' rv i Kirntii '' l
,i ir'i (j, i i 'iii' by I re weed' ' uml u s'i .i mil or i!iiib
if ' . t 'If n'ni irr. 'I'l'l
rli-'ifj t'ltc ec( r'e'l i"l Stun d
'ir r 1 1 c i'ii 'nt'irci din here t
('or ll f i hml hem ilen it in if' '
i. ith
, tj in i r 'i rf,
in ai n in- 70'
.1 n bittl ifiuf ' 1 '1 ' ( iii,
1 'mi, 1 iax hi ,1s 11 si 1 ffi-hn iiLril
liiick'ev' (imli'thi
1.1 i, i II f !' f f
t Itn 'I fmv'ris tn rrrcb llml'iin. tiny
unci tin " 1 Srnutr Sin tfirhl Insirtrtl en "no hm, , n, glumji.
in7 in II a, 1 lUrpiiti " The mud rni builf ut'l ,ecl- uml lenrrele
cuHtblr rn f ctiniiiiiij thr Krunr.it Intel: land. The uiilreud company,
rd m thr aiU fereircnif html jirefprxi, mniirrd the t innslaivhle freight ear and
1 ii biiir 1 nine put in i' i nee hiiitablr ilepnl An up'te-dulr rjaruye nml a tilling
htutien Hiiirrd ie spriiig up eccr mght. Willi the pietprri of u geed
read te th milutm htatien, the farmers built an delater le sare
htiulitig 'If n nun's yield thr tm or fifteen inilcb te Summrrville
AI tl r trhoel mettuig if A'tgunt, IlucUUm vat chosen ait the site
of the i. -ihdnted meheul for si adjoining dmtriets. "This jg the
place," se m t the argtunevt for the proposal, "for the yetiiinrteis can
,1 ', i.'firi -' iithfil ler tl'i
tudiil ni'.'ij ' a peuit fif 1, ut tartlcr rei'li ' I md i,m git hcrr (ml nni m"c up the room with muddy feet; and ,f they've
thr ether (Unr'ien v err pamt'hle only n' hnccitmn ;. nod, or otter gat tee jar te nail;, i e air vev in a position te ran a bus line for
etrry ilmner thr chitf neficnrd into s'.rAj mud. e' miidr the fnrmere them."
prerr Hie jiftrrn miles le Summer die rather than in elump thuninh Te tn-
My fatnllj spent tninn time in llribtel Asteniehln? ncrleUBnMs cbaractwhe
Ud WJnUeu, i;ue., alter wntcn tne alraeit every uiifrinc, ivery aci, evurj
grmial ipicsUen, "Jleuj it Rucktenf" Steic Hue new
. . . i ji . .... .. 1 . r .. .i-..ii 1 i
four un'.'s of mud te liuchten. nniwein. nt, tilings are mevin , una ij yuu uen r Oftete ,i , ;,( ;op;
Heweicr. thr mime kivd of mud produced corn and plump uheat, down the lead."
her e ffi.eit vjwry whm tlr prjduee get te 7iarkc. Hut ? piedurcd People h-ing mdfx ait ay make the dntcnir te i each lluekten, for it
also in nk iicrdn along ferm, nnd bridges, and often in the ti'Ud peldn. has boron e n Inc trading point, and they tniey thr feci of riding
In ntlir MSjfc's, tee, thin, utrt. allowed te tnhe their inm course along the smooth surface of its thai eughfare. Summcridlc picnic
around llurktan Hill T'lferd, anted by ait tmjtrnvemi ui impulic, jiurticti leir diaceicred delightful camping grounds along the read
if marl ed, "liuy're hai in' e ' prucc-uji' u eek in Summerville; gnein a where it Huccp.i around the bend outside of town, Jim Sharp is setting
upru-f-ip a eek uenldn't I n- ui none." "What's the use'" retorted a new jiacc )or his neighbors by cutting Ids weeds and ti tunning his
Sine III ie "Xobedy tnnth this? readi jer sight, arcing " hedges and jiamting his houses and barns. "Se many people are
lint Senater Sheffield had geed ideai its u ell im the less usual coming by that these improvements," he say, "arc called for by
ability of inttwg them into ptariier A mnch owner of the uplands common decency,"
led niih a geed-road subscription of S'iOOO; farmers' clubs snbscribrd The mn real estate office in Huckten has sf,,,,,., economic
.fiftW, aiifi tee total amount u ai I'emplrted by u leiy en farm lands gains in se far as these are icficclcd in the salt nf farm lands and
in jirejiurtwn te tliei, nearness te the projected new read. And se town lets. Hut the chief gains, the social and t,piHtual ones, cannot
construction btgan en a hard surface read te lap both the uplands he expressed in statistics.
Musnm that the eollpge did the be no
P.ut if Mr. lMisen will go mtn tbe
gnat w lip.it lieldH in the West in linnet
tune, he will find in the nponed urn
none uf th" tain that tell en tin plants
.1. the spring.
Drv and xellew iIien will be Ntith
no eutwnid indk.itien uf the moisture
t'int the nhseibed
P.ut bientiHP et tlip ineistute, they
n'I'I he full inuuded grains- tlm bread
of tomertow for Mi. IMiseti's hunp'r
ing ci nun 'men.
Fails an. ellep no' whit Ilni 'ern,
Able Intellects aie ens'.inth pimnj
that inui h of the inform itien .ihstutc
IiN the nicil nnIie 'neiiI toi.iile;i tNNP'l'J
jean a,;e H Mtillx inisiiifernntii 'i.
great de.'il that Mi. IM m ''
mill ' rs thought ihe.N kiiett nlmiit cl"
trliitN nnIipii they wein rtniinits II
icchnital k hoels has pinel t.) It
Suppose they g.TNO .ill I.ip tirsKC'l
that wei.. il'i'ined tniuect m college ti
11 illostieilliliie In ineilei'll ilei'lltlt;l
Ml. Ildlseii would rihlh dmn them I
i'iii id of dun e"
Ight te he lnadrJ
thai ..in msily li
found 111 books.
A man max hnNe fntgettcn thu nani
of the c.ipitnl of Thibet .ml still ri
nhle in petfeit nu Impi'iNemeiit en at
aiiplim that will tiiMe ns f-11. ui i
fsiinini 11 inl xtilite
The wei Id needs th" im w NNerk tbll
stub n In ,1 in dins li .ilieinh kne't
Thiliet and 1 11 sr'l!
with st.itlsiu i 1
AM) If he reuld iciiIIn luek into Ihe
lunlii that has been will trilnrd,
t''h(r in college or in business, he
l. rt.,1.1 I.H.I ., .. 1. . I ... 1 .
...I,'",. , ' . ' ' ","."'.M'UI the fipil.,1 m
f.,.,. ,,,.. .?. .,.... ' .r an inlmdnil s ni-nieiN
' " . 11 . . . . .. 1 . .
iv ii lit ii den ritinn-3 uin nnr . nur n '
"' "" t r'
. Iz-xlii llnrfiu. Vn.l f 1 cnml ilt.'ll
'" i'ii - 1 - 'ii' i ii''
the knowledi:e is fm gotten, i' at If'1
hilppil tlex (lop the iiltnl "liile if w"I
li net thp t.icts that i '1 ji 1 mlpi
in his Ikh'I, but the liJiniii' imn In
L'et in inking in these l.uls thu nnkes
I. in in i. t:i, , f i.f ..iiiipeii text op tie imn nniihh .,
' m 'n,' n,, r, ,r "f" '" '!'!H,"f inning iii ins.tillnicis (,.,,. the vA
nientl ' "nm,rj"l""1 " illi-li- ( ,, ,i,e p.ofe.sers
( OflJlle'lt. ?'
giiMed hPNeiiil words hv the "1en reeD'
lnlltN ' ohliited b the nudl"ncc in f'
, , . " pniti'dlv biii"h,ng in the ini'Mla e
This Seems te Be an Unexplained s, nu,ls ., , ,
Anglo-Saxen Peculiarity i tbink. Iioinenoi. that tie mr i"1
Itefpreiue was latelv nuule In the en lln- ('enlmeiil I Iniu n' xifliMJ'
Daily Tclegiaph te Ilenn .Inmes. mm. ", ' " '" ' "' Mumnii undo n" IJ"S
.0 ., .1.. 1 . . , ' 'he wiling place Ncilh'i in a s
plaining that h ncx,.,- took n foreign dml of pbii...in in Ii.l.ind, hi(,'
friend with Imn te a serious plav in fmuid nn Irish .nidloiife ili.pla th.'
Londen xtilheiit bring uinde te feel cuiieus supeifleinlilx .
And an odd featute el Ihe nntt" '
that 111 Londen one licin ir iii'i"-' w'"t'
one would have leant txpeitid U, a"
net nt nil xx hue one wen II Imxe ft'
pneti-il It te be iiiuipiiut. t tin IiVPtJ'
mini 'J liett in Inn In, thu ing the pf
inriinii'i 1 'Tin New Sin. ' one rn"1
this Mini'ii.'U heiulli'ss or brnliilf
iiiuIiiiMn uiei iiinent again n ml y?J.'a
I Iiiine in Ner Inard i' H tin Hid '
.t the Ilni ipsi.nd He ii" Nli".'"
! s,,, I , ,e I igblm v 'i 11"'
in uml, w,ii,i il,nt of tin (Md i "nl"
be pi. mil le i.ill it'ii II lime'. 'I01'1"
1 wit i
III ,1 wlll'10 tllf II"
ihoie nri! "
1 ashamed by tlm unseasonable laughter
of the nudli'in e.
I haxe a nin d rceellei timi ,,f 11N
rhnWIiig the same leniiuk one i'thnnry
nftt'inoen in lltl'J, nnIieii I hail il,e
1 honor of taking tea with him in th" ln.
ion of the Hefiiim t'luh lie had hi en
te FPe Mlb-I (iCthil Snixeib ', fciilll
tlr.ima. "UiiIIhmIeiiI nod Sen " the
utglit h'lerc nnd lunl finiml il ii'itiiue.
Iv hlluiilx of 11 siiii,,i ,,, ti,, iidi,.,iie
1 giciit deal mine sinhh , n l i , th,.
plilN .
MM Ii exhibit mils 11 if it.it i ,',ir ,,,
l.liglund, I was leading th ! In , ,hit
'I III" II llll'l'ls III
"i-oiiahle gigglus nie
n (Hlltit Nllient Illlln in ,, X.m X ... 1
V -i-i"-, , , ' -' " i'"i sl-l-oiiaeie fjinim nn i.i... - ,
ijeurnnl, 11 wild, tl,,, vui,.,. ,1, v,.,,i, ,.u,v uu,ns ih Inisher') denn. ' J
n'" ? .'. ? 1'pr1".l'11 1' '"''"' people whose aixift nnd angrjr 'll
v ' "oe ii""! n ma-1 generally icmnrer eru