piPpf WMmmmw:wmmm''m Wfimf?w m& V ivnuxiNir ", ""wmi j 9, C m& vr,- - . . - , - s .tC p SWKT W 32 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1922 WWW$W Mai.?... ft a m f y it E.vy ! ,..- iS IGE RAISES ANNOUNCED IV CHIC na rtAnnnnlTi.iiiA S5frk rit r. eunrunw i iui pMiObe Empleyes of Susquehanna 811k V) Mllla Get 10 Per Cent Mere . Incrennes In pay rnncltic from flat ttvcnty-flvc- cents n tiny te 10 jier cent of rx I Ml tic M-licilnlcs Iinvt' licen nn nn neuncetl bv five Inrce rnrpenitidim in widely ilKTcrent lines wilh mills nnd factories In nine cities nnd towns of I'ennsjlvnnln. .About three tliensnml empleyes lmnc fit liy n 10 per cent inercine nnnniinccd by the SuMiucliiiiinu Silk'Mill!' Corpor ation nt Its hcndipiartira In Sunbiirv. The corperntlon lias mills there and at Northumberland. Milten, Leeklmvc-n, Jewcy Shere nnd Lew Mown, l'a., nnd I another nt Marlen, O. A Hlmllar increase vvns announced by I the Sunbnry Cenvcrtinc Works, for empleyes ei us tiyeinc departinent. At ri..; ln ih A,ni.i,.e.. .. " 1 1 J."""" ,:' ' ' ..v..,.,,, , in- !,,, Veundr.v 1 einpniiv ordered an inerens,. ' .ffectlns -UK) cn.pleH".. , The A hum lean Sheet and I ,,,, lr.,i(i 1,.. A...l rr; . , ,,n . .,, .-,n,i .iini 1 i nr Company nt Hlmteii has im-renspd wages 3ti pur eeiu, uweii is ,, p,,,. Cl,llt higher than the Inernnvp cm n ted re cently by the indcpeinli nt union mills. At Alteena 1110 u. m. J ia re Taper Coin- "V. ...... ; 1.1 ; ii . ' '"'V ' ' pnny unnenneeil that 100 empleyes in Its factory at Keai'illj; Springs weulil pt nn (nerp-isi! uf liu"nlv.lta. J?. jtet nn incrtas'L 01 iwuitj-nvc cents a day. 10,000 STUDENTS AT TEMPLE Dp. Cenwcll Says 500 Are Prepar ing for the Ministry Dr. Iii;m1I 11. Conwell announced today that 'l tuple lnieisii. uf which lie Is pn".(l"tii, will open it full tfi'in with mre than 10.(100 .students. He said thai Hill students were prepar ing for the I'lesh.Nterl.tn ministry and 100 for the HnptN' ministry. "If tlie Hii.ird "i IMur.ti Ien carries Ollt the p" m '" i-'iniit 'i'l'iuple I'ni- versity witn tic nr' -. Mimms, Detween 200,000 an 1 women wl'l k otherwise i" (aid. ".IMI.IHIO .1 . .Il.v ll I..' I 1 ins men 1 ! ii-atii'u .in. I'lie." and w Ite 1 he MKAMMIII' MM It ll Extra Service te IFLOEIDA TEXAS Via Direct "All Water Routes" Modern oil-burning steamers insure regular schedules, and afford a wide range of passenger accommodations and high standards of cuisine and service. CHARLESTON, S. C. and JACKSONVILLE, FLA. uith through connections te Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, Mont gomery, Pensace'.a, Mobile and New Orleans. P S. MOHAWK S ? ARAPAHOE ? 1F.SAPK S.S. APACHE S. S. COMANCHE KEY WEST u GALVESTON, TEXAS with through connections te all points in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and the Pacific Coast. S S SAVJnVTO fpt. 20 Oc It Nev. 1 S H V M.VLLORY Sept. O.t :i Nev S S s COMA! S-pt. 3-1 O-t "! Nev 1' S.S. CONCHO 0. 4 OU..3 Nev. ij Fall and Winter reservations new available for both one-way nnd round-trip tickets. Rates include transportation, meals and state room berth. Bedrooms with double or twin beds and private bath; or ether staterooms in special or preferred location, may be secured at varying extra room fares if desired. Fast threuHh Passenger and Freight Service te all interior points Southeast and Southwest CLYDE-MALLORY LINES New Yerk City Ticket Offices S. . Menticth, 029 Chestnut St., Philadelphia I Tel I embard 71. "J U West Coast 18 days te Les Angettt 24 days te Seattle 22 days te San Francisce 25 days te Portland Express Freight Steamers, semi-monthly from Philadelphia via Panama Canal, te Les ADKeJe. Ban rrancisce. Oakland. Seattle. Portlaeil S. S. Brush Oct. 6 S. S. Celd Harber ....Nev. S. S. Wabash Oct. 20 S. S. Blue Triangle .. .Nev. Team frrizbt received dally at Tier 10 North (Feet uf Vine St.) issi'jtanee ffiuen in discharging Team Freight NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Oicn'r nnd Agents V B, Shipping Beard Sienmers XS6 S. Fourth St.. Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 778M MALLORY1 TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Operating U. S. Gov. Ship GENOA. LEGHORN. NAPLES. MAHSEILLES SS "Sinsinawa" Oct. 1 1 GENOA, NAPLES, BARCELONA SS"Carence" Sept. 23 5 S "Luxpalile" Oct. 28 evrvri IM n. Pfl. Inr. 1,1, l',i l,,r. I 108 S. Fourth St.. Phila. , Lembard S144 Main 7791. BLAKE LINES Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER BS Tnnehuttii" Sin "Hist (ieliunslm ?CPt. Oct. GEYELIN&CO.tlnc. 108 S. 4th St., Phila. Lembard 5144 Main 7791 I'lillndelphln Acenta fnr w! A. ntAur. a tn.. inc. .Optratmg U.a. oev. enips. (KERR LINES1 Operating V, S, Gov, Ships Sailings Frem Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SvS "Ckicksiaw" (USSB). . .Oct 21 HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc., AL 32B Chestnut St., Phila. LUmbard B264-5 Main 7311-12J HEW YOKK TO ROTTERDAM VU rifniatitli, lioulesu-Sur-Mr '21X.I is N.V SS IS. 2 y fiAMsmtcA une Lr il4vlWs1s ll T'tmJlZZJiuSM? fW.I::3sMnflH, eatfjs. , AnTltUTt Sept. 17, IDA n wife of a, Hewell Arthur, Funeral setvl.-ee Wed., a P.m., at her lal restdeme, 01'.' V. 7th at., Oak I.nne Im private, hamferd sept, is, 10:2. nv. ivrr.- LIAM IIAMFORD. J) n. Relatives nnd friends. Rebert A Limberten I,edge, Ne. N7. F. ami A, M.; Mellta K A C. Ne. 248. am Invited te ftinernl services, Thurs,, 3 P. M . at Central M E. Church. Green Iani, llnxhoreiigh. I'a. Int nriv.it'". HOLten. On Septembe r 10. 1022. EI 17.A BETH FUNSTON daughter of Charles W. nnd Lrdln 1: Bolten Funeral services en Tueedav even'ng, at s o'clock, at her late residence. 72U N. 20lh st. Interment prl Nate. BOULTON Sudden)--, nt Mnrrlstewn. N. J. Sept. 17 1H2- WILLIAM IIOWEN BOULTON. husband of tiulsx Kelly llnulten nnd ten of the lain William U and Mnry 17. llnulten, In his 8th eer. Funeral services nt St Peter's church. Morrlstewn. Wed . 10'3(l A M. (davllght saving) Int. private, BRIGHT Sept. 17. JANE I. BAHR.' wdfa of inie Jehn K. Ilrlelit. tilth mses Wed.. 10 A M.. Church of Our Ladv of the Hesary. lnl private HURKHARPT. -Sept 17. 1021. MAR- OAHET. widow of Jehn Hurkhardt Rela tixea nnd friend nre ln1til te funeral erv- !r. Timrs l- r. m. ui renaenc. IP40 N- Klp In vpjti, ced.ir Hill Krirnrt. mav e.ui We.i. ee Ciiu. i'8!I;irA.,n.s.'.'r.IVti.ll''t.." .A- -1?'-1: L'.""1." "" ."---. .... .iu-u..,. "i i.ivw rhner A lluzbv nued , " SerMeen at rrlmlv Met nc lfeup, Mfinrlnnn, N. J.. Plftli-dttN 2l't. 2 )' M idaillsht-aaMn time) Vllnc n,t resld'iice of llenrv W. Whtner 1127 II Id ' . Msorcnteun, N. J . IVurth-d.iN, 7 tn 11 l M DAVJKS --Sud.lenly. Sent 17 1052. HOW. ""'-'Alie 1.VIIJS. aged 72 IMneral .crvlees ed 10311 a. m.. nt Ki-k Nice's, oaet aernmntnwn nve Tnt pmate 1 IVIS. Spt. 17. fllAULUH R.. husband ' Pf Mar n. raw 'ne iiatsetti n-Hmei and frlplt are Invited te attend funral. Wd . i 3U A. M . 'Inte residence, r.SKI Wash ingten a-. Sjlntnn mass or requiem at , i'hureh of the .TrnnallBUratlen, 10 A, M. Int Ilnlv Crees em. n.WIH. ept. Id. CHAni.ni H. son of 1 Je-eph H and Cather tie Paif 'nee Ilenderl, ' aed 1" I'intnl "rleci Tues 2 P. M.. lesldeiKe M57 Hcne st. Int. Jit. Vernen Cem 1 in- nni . - m ie.'2, mnNi: 1... ,! ,1 t,. i Wll'l-'m 1 till Hels (nee iMellal' ned 111. It!itas and friends llr.v'td te ftinnrs, Wt 1 . 1.10 V M. lote reslder,,. 3.11 Lie si ervin's st Am r ice's P i: "hiinh 2 P. M int. H Hilda IV-rti. I rlnds mnv call Tues eve IiCPPLR -- !iuddcn. at Wlldwoed, V J. Spt id. J'lHN J . husband of Annl Dap per men ( err) Iurieral. t' whl' h relatives nnd filnd,. a," pullee of ,17th 1)1"'. . I'hlla. I'"lt a 'lard. Mn' Itnd v fnljp. are In r's. Wd 1 Se P M lat re-ldnc. 134 M' Kan et Int e'rutlv prlvali. FINNUilTT Se-' Id A'NIK V . wlf of Mleh.iei ,1 i-irn-ii- ( n SI- P-vlttl. H-InhM1. nn i f it Js ar !niled l" aifend f unet a V" si' . M ff m luisband'e residence M',s t's lei s' -,'l n Inch mass at tf Chur. 1 v ii-r 1 1 of VI terj. 10 M In-. H C . -' 1 !r sTuwsiiir Mnirr.t Of. 3. 12, :i. 31 Nev a. 13, 3 ... Oct. i, 13, 2 ... Nev. :, 11. 21.30 Oct. :. :. :s ... Ne 3. h, r.3 ... Oct. 7. 17. 76 ... Nev. 4, 15, I ... Oct. 10. 1, 23 ... Nev. 7, 15, ZJ . . ence via "Overeea Railway" te MIA Freight G 20 F STEAMSHIP LINES Philippines East Indies Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Pcnang, Belawan Deli, Pert Swel tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Seerabaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO S S "Mobile City" Oct. 1 5 SS "Steel TrAveIer"...Nev. IS Fer rules nnd particulars npplr te NORTON, LILLY & CO. GENERAL AGENTS Bourse nitlg., Philadelphia Lembard 8078 Main 2445 BALTIMORE LINE Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVONMOUTH S ' S "Monmouth" Sept. 20 S S "Puget Sound" . . . .Oct. 14 GEYELtrs) tt Ce., Inc. 108 S. '1th St., Phila. Lembard 314.4 Main 7791 f'hllidclidila Arents VV BALTIIVIORE STEAMSHtP CO. Opnsting U. S. CV. Ship r.,f . T-tn'r'Mlirf'JK SM rrnvriis FOSTER - Suddenly, en Sunday, Sept. IT. at l o'rleck. at his residence. 232 .Shady ave., Pittsburgh, VI.., WILLIAM SILL FOSTER, M. I)., In hla Slat vear. Funeral services en, Wednesday afternoon, Sept 20, at 4 o'clock. FREEMAN, , Sept. 10. 1022. ELIJAH, husband at Lucv rrceman, Hcinttvcs and f.rl.'.ntl.". ure Invited tn n t trait funernl. Wed . 2 J', il.. from his late residence. 000 Hort Hert nnals at., Vex Cliaae. Phlla, Int. private, I.nunvlev feui. (lUOOif M-et 17. PATI1ICIC A , liuabsnd Sfi ''VtV '''"en1 "' llreen). ltelaes und frlemls. le empleyes of th0 lleusa of rer. r,?.c,,,l?,.,-n",LnM ."e-eletles of which he vn n Vh.''J re 'i" . ""'' .'" attend funeral, Inuie. a .10 A. M ie!dence. 13IH I'hureh n""a I "in L1U1C1 10 A- ' " M. Uoml Ueml M ll.'i-v-!0!1 t,?l1"m'''-. in. 1H22. JACK ill :."Iv.U.n,", ,nly ch"'1 f Jehn D and katlmn M Haas fnen t-,..,.l n.i. tlics and frlcmli, al.e Creecent l.ndire. Vn. 40J. V and A M Pal.,i.. ti . 1 u Kft.ptri"' Nd ",B- nncI emplejes of Narberlh Pestqf flee, are InMted te the ..ie.. nS Tuesdav nfternepn at 2 o'clock, at enrents' teeldenci. '3 uinyuris ale., Narberlh. I'a. Interment private Mllt.,,4 ...... wii.si -, - aiKineim-. at h ran,,. r.'v,"Q. H? U !""t.n Siuare. I'a lelty f,A,M.lrl'',, N. hustunu of .Marian Unities "'en"lv.,;.'1ni'''.,'1, ?.rp 'fvit'sl te the e'r". , " .""Inenlav afternoon sept "0 nt : : o'.'etli. nt tin, Diivnr if Ilnlr Illili- is"n Chestnut. at, 1'hll.i ttilcrment nriVni." ,8- .. ........ -- ,-r m, 11. ,- -v : II 1IMS1 C.. art -..".." dat.:lit of I'ruuet and th 'l.itVjain.. 11.. .MAV. ur.j iiivMru le ntieiwi ruiiel i'h. ,1 a,i A I f-em her tnnthT 9 rsslilm,,.. "Mn. n Huntingdon st Selen'n renulem n,a.. u. nn s Church. Cem 10 A. M. Int. NeT Cathedral HAYDLN.- Pr.t 17. IIKTTY PAINTS. dnuKhler of ri,err O and Orace II. II, v.len aced 2 F11ne1.1l s-rMie, Wed. 2 I' M pari ents' residence 2H4S liridce it 'ivSl'i, pUJ.i Int rirnanniAiinl tnivia iil.ni.lNp.--.Fent. pi. ifi22. VALF.N'TINU ( . beloved husband of Anna 1 M. Hebllnir "ll V,.?.A, Mu .fr0m ,'" "l resdei.te. -II Master ft i-elemn Te,iUPm ma,, t decr' rlT '" A M lnl- ll " HI'NT Slid lenlv ,.p: in .TAMI1S P. e,!"il'd ,nt A"T y1- V",.,t nelutUf. nnd friends, nlre emplevs nf P. e. I . are ln!ted ,.i,fl"1ir' Wp1 s 3fi M, ii,,. rn,,,,,n, l!"' " h "t Pnleinn teiulem mass, ti'i!1, of T.' J,"Bt 1"'"-"J Sacrament, Int. He'v Cress Cepi. KPATINll Sent. IP. ifti.'. sfT.s- ..,.. iiiiivytu 1 v.il of Themas Kentlnc ir'i-c fvmfiev)" "rtiln """ an.'i .'rl"'e n-c Invited t3 attend fu-1 J"-"'. JVed- San A M ros.Merce nf hnr hi-band. 721 E Mj.- st s, lemn renukm I m.s st Hei- Vame chur, h in A. M. Int. 1 lli'v Cress Cum ' KHLI.Y Su.jrlenlv Pert 17 PATTtlCK ! J l-levd husband of snrhla li Keiiv (n nrd llelntle.s nnd friends nisi Nativity iim .' Mcity. and all ether societies i of vhtC'i he was n member. Invited te fu. 5'rn Thure. s .10 A. M., from late rl. I een ,11,M HeUrnde st yeimii rneulem majs at the NntMtv 11 V M Church 10. A. JU.,nJj.I,'lv Penulehrn i.m t.l.VtlSKnij .s.iMCUL 1.IM1PKOO. 21" H. pepti st . died Ninth Menth tilth. 10L"c. "F"'1 ia. .rtelithes and frl-nda. nnd em pi ' cl Hern i. llardstt lluktnc Company. ."ii1'?. ?. fu"fl ssruees Wednesday, U J'" P M from Adelph Slnnhiu Kunral Parlors, ii)'J Mount Vernnn ts. n.mmn. ' ry,Vb,'..,'eV " Tuesday cvcnlnrr, from 1) te I '.n r- Si, "",'"""' ' 'U Fellows Cem Cem eter COd and Diamond sts. , . w i--.. ivii e; i.awnri e I i.nltri,. of i ero Ine V.'el'l and the late Nathan 1 J'V.t Jeternieiu 31 wi'minntnn. N c M CARROLL Sept 17. IinuTHA ELI" AHETII Mei-AnjtOLI. Funeral ser'ces at late reslder , rer Sbarpless nnd Mentana 5e, , Melrose rark. Wednesday. 2 no P. M In'er'-ient n-'at" M i. xl'LEY few ia. 1JI22. MnOA1ET ir 'e rt Hntmiel MlS'.llllev t,,n I n.lei n.,ll. tl-e. 1 friends ..re Invited te aren.l fu- ' s.,i-e,"wed ' 1" m" rw:S.i Vi?"1 :.sianT.;i:h wanted rim a hpiTlciTCss 'iheet lane H.rmsntei; Tnt nM.-ili "' SPECIALTY SHOP. WITH SK1.EIT CLI- MAROT Sept 15 ir'vnv 'irt..-i l'N"-1'L1: 1N Nf'"t CVHOI.INA'.S I EAD lef ,i.r rUd Kltrh.n Mr?i : rfmiral itwSi !NO l',rV EXCELLENT ePPORTl'NIVY Tu 1 r M at late "n'lilVnra CT-?i r.r. V A W0.1LVN Villi 11 VS MIOVX HE- mantewn ne. Int. erlv"i V-C' (''' " &ll"r's IN A SIMILAH POSITlnN. SAL- MAYI.H In I'hll-.delnhla. Pa. en PP- AHY AND IIONI llASIS. STA'I I' A(IE. Itemter 17. 1H2' itINNin 1' iv ' ,1. Li. ED! ATI'N. Ht.FEItl'.N'i'EH. 1 Xl'Kltl- I ne-u I hu-s s 30 A M.. resldcr-e if btr.lees e' several tall, K 'el-npic.irlnt; sales husanl 211", ,s Ilancreft st Seleinti re-'weme-i f r their cost and auit dcpirlmentss I It ' IV 'v Cress Vi- i'1 '"-r ii ' nurua cs at, jienica m a, . , M i'I LLOCGH -Sept. Id. MICHAEL hail inl of ll'n M-( u'.le'uli Rentlvs und frlen. . 3,r0 lie,!.- Name Secief t"lted te fune'a ri.urs . ,10 a. M. relden-" -I J4 N B2d s- Solemn renulem mi'i Chun'i nt Ojr Lady of Hesary 10 A M Int Hely Cress Mt'lIVVLS - Sept. 18, ,TAT;. wife n Pat rick Mciflr.nis Re'atlves anl filerds ni invi-e ,0 Rte,i runeral. Thurs . 8 .in A IM la'e residence. 48211 Ieneaster se. Se.- emn reiiu em ma-s Church of Our Metber of Sofr ""..lri A '.. let Hcly Cress cem It iONEY ert in, WILLIE ANNA. wldgw of RVbard Mooney. In her 7tb jur Fursrrl strvlres V.VI . 2 P. M. at in r ln' r"sldsn e Wallln'erd ave , Snji'i yd.a In M' ' lletewr. P"esrterlan Ccrn Pileudj r,m -si T , . 7 e 0 P M V.m!tT-..;--V -.Vfl 1C IIMrS Ke'.-,el lbusvsr. of Marv Me Isey Ile,i',H and I frierdj Inwed te furerat. Th"t. s no A IM from his latj res'den-. 2I4H V lji'h ' Peemn reiulern mass at Ijidv of Merc Ch'i'ch 10 A M. Int. Helv Cress i'm 1 .MYERS On Sept. Is 1022. AVNTE M. MVER. Relatives and friends are Invited te the fervlte. en Wcdnesdav afternoon et 2 oceric. at he- 'ate resldsni.e. S00 N 41st t. Inte-rreit rrlvs'e PARSONS Sent 1, 1P22 JANFT W . wife -f Geerpe H Tartcns snd daus iter of Her.rv and Elizabeth B Swan Funeral ser-icej. wed 2 v M residence r.ih K. Hrlnei ef Oermar'n-in Iniermee' pri vate fr ers mav v3" T'les lv even'MC. PATl-f.-, N '.ert 17 I".'.', JOHN IM'-IT,1--iv Re i' es anl f' mis are ri'tl t" f'jnefs vv..l S A. V. late ri' "n" ' fid ' i-,esfer vi e Reqii'ei i mass ut thei CSur'h of Most niesjed Si.-rarrent 0 A. M Int He'-. Cress Ce-n , Pt-f e,pt 17 THEODnRE A. PAPL ' hRe,Mves anl friends are InviteJ te utt'ru fun-ral services Tues eve nt S P M.. 1 from his Isle residence. H7,,6, Wnetland ave. 1 I Int. I'hurrhtevvi. I'a . Wed neon pevvEI I scp' Id THOMAS husband I of F"t - T'eivc', Relatives end frlinJs alse1 Orsnl c ir 0' Pa.. F. of A . e-rp eyus 1 uan vlr Ltr motive Werl'e invlteii 'e ru nersi Vet . R 11 A M.. frtm hie let" red den. 1.'47 '.Oth st. Se'fnn h'.rli run St -a;ls ' Pales' Churth 10 A. M Int Hei' -us i eni . 7'P.IEsr -Sipt. 17. FRAS'E I11'DEN. tpe 11 e Jn-hui nnd Annie j'ntst iiui l re'ee- hrlssle Emery Relatives ard frif-'-Fr-I' : lew ', prl 'e P M r v bin I hH ! mei iU,' s si empires Smith Iv n- fr i-. nvtreil te terI"es, V-i 1' ' .- residence of h r I p he'-'f.- H Emerv. 1722 S l.Mh tt. In' Fr'end3 may call Tues., s te n IV S, n.. 17. 11)22, JulIW hu-i-arh H. P.awsen (r.ee Smith). In iir. ReUtlves and frlsnds nlse ef Oriental Indite. Ne 3S3. 1" rnd e Invited te funeral tervtces. V.'ert . A M t I' M nt 1472 Emerald st Int. nrivuc. Oreenm j'lit Cem. Friends may call uei. ' iV'Uv-AItD -On tSsst. 1C H'22. OEnr.OR RKMllte husband of the late Mary A Ilu.rili aefi ee years. Helatlvts and f.ie, .. ' , Ph-klns Endue. N. 4'e I art A V ail F'rtelliv lAidvre. e Us I '. 1 re muted le the service, en Wednet t i , re U' 'i o'elec'x. at Ms resi lei.ee 1-7 I '.' M lit-irmsnt nrlvate, en Tl.urs- ilt'-E"".";?."': MARC.ArtE CiERaLDINM:. wife of Charles Jesepl ill M me, Aljruen Funeri. te vvhleh rel.u: i and frlenls are Invited. Thurs 8 A M , fre'ii l.r late res'denie, l'.'O Heel ei Hih ins ii at Church of Sacred Heart B 3n A M p-e 'te Int. strletly prlvite. -.W.KEE.s, Hspt 17. EI-l.A. v ui v ,f Oi-atet narkees Services Wed.. 2 P M, ,t rtldeni-e 101't N Orat2 n It.' pri- ' ia'. Friends may cell Tues eve i THF. -Sept 17 MARDARET T wife, ef-',nrne W .Savre acd il P.elift' es d-d trie- Is Are Invited le attend funeral. I "us a 1' si SdO'J erk read. Int. Mt ivi;.' i- - ' Ai',tll"CyE - en Sept l. 1ti5.' SAM f. , ,ei i,f the Inte jesirh i-nl i -, . . n T atn.UtluUln. of An I ill!. a I',. Pe , es and friends, also Ap-l.e l... l Ni "H'l 1 e O. I" . are Invmd t -re re. "e Thursdav mernlnc at It i.' . , nt M SulPts' Church Terresdile I'i rr terrier.' In adtelnlnK cejnetery llsmaii s ms !,: .-vei Wediesdav evenlnc frun 7 f , 'i ec k at , Is late residence. BSOO Ct-J,ir ,,UW,vV.4VK,.-s"lS: IT. I0S5. rilAMrV ! tir of "llllam nnd Anna Stevenson i .i, t i, ei eued 11 Hflntlve". and friend, i, - r ut ., ,f Hi Am a Pnrpehlai hehoel Inv te fui sral Thurs. , .iu A. .J. from I parents' irndenie. iiari.t I , Se rnn reiiulsni mass Ht Anna Lhun h J AM Pi'. Helv Sepu'chre em. SI M".IIAi'K At Cjunl. rt,wn Pa -' p J JIVFIVEY W .TONBllAi'K bust,, ..i f Lr" llsiineii "teneb.iclt. nite I , f v-ars 51 iu. . I i es and friend' a e In 'i t, nit' i f win in I fervlces en 'Ilium. :pj j.. . M jt h i lute res'dence. lb 'rei.t st , qu -own Lit. I'nlen I'm -T vnT .i1denlv Hept 17, Id;; M V s-l'l v H -TI'MtT "(""1 "' Hela'.t esamll f if. '. ,re ijvlled te intend fjnnra! f r e at us Inte residence Ne SU4U IV lehur , We, 'J P M. Int Amen nn ..,hii !' Ccru Friends may call 'lues. 7 t,, l , P,THi 'MAI Sent. 17 JESSE P 'riIOIAS I aged BT vears. Relatives nnd fr'-nds r, n. ited t0 services, at late reslden ,1, i-cs N 20th St. "1 TUesqay. m n - n, rnt . Wednesday A. Jl Vlncent UapUtt cm . CTOMLINP'IeT-APtaMt. Hellv, N , , HTVk LEWIS a TOMLINririN ..fj'ft ifiervl.e, nt his. residence. Sill W Washlnn- 'ten Ft l' JOn. .- -1 i i' f 1 Int E ei en Cem.. Lumberton. N. J I tjfevMvvreJiheJ kier V'aipntiuri- Purer il 11, n 1 i V I 1 rre, . v reid;nce or inn m n n,u, C(irl 1 , teihii'tf, -'S3 N 1,,ln "' Im Ferest "VeVnMAN -Rip, 17 Iflil ROSA I in M .wiVkMaN wife of Charles J .W,i iJ. and S' Marv'a l,,?' " . Wv'i 'hurch are Invite! te attend funeral. Wc-d., d:oe A. ?f from her latfr resident.. 610 I Hermft asset.. IXoxherouKh. bultmn reyulsm mi, 8? Mary's church. 10 A. M. Int. private. St. Marv'a Cem. ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK PrnvUe, new, the future Is uncertain. Pesutlful. Aceessltls. Perrstual rrt. Main nmre Olenstde. Pennu Heity 1'hensa. VfnritT VKEH1 iT?l iTS5!!?!Sr2Kti' jTis.. " .''' W LOST AND FOUND UAH PIN Lest, a japrhire and dlamenJ platinum bnrpln, about 11 alnnes, between 12 nnd 3 P M.. Hcpt. iaih. b. tneen Cllnlen et. and lllh nnd Chestnut, WiiiMtnn1ut'.s. Ileturn te J, H. Caldwell, Chestnut nnd Juniper sis., reward. llltACKMrr- Lest, a-recn. Beld neTxTliieTrnce'. .,"1,'.3 "rPhlres, a dlamendst ehnptilng district. Heward, 1 n.la, ledger O ffk-e . , UAHPIN Ist. Saturday evnltur. Sept," in! at Washlnuten lane nnd (Ireene at . fler fler mantewn. a diamond nnd enpphlre bnrpln Snltnble reward if returned te Jeseph Wainc. .Tr.,.01rard National Hank. HAHPfN-Lest, I'rlday. 13th, biirpln.'nlieul ,1 Inches lnni, black ennmel with email pparis irwiiru. ..i ei 1 .. J.eilffer I mtc (.'AIlOCAHl'-lKist ln'd.v' allver cardense ulth Initials "I, A. ll. L'.." In Hadden Itnll or 011 llenrdwnllt, Atlantic Cltyi te ward P I'.ll, Ledger Office. L('H- I.est. Saturday afternoon, liear.lenk Intewn, Pa., leruf-hnlred fexterrler.' whlte, with black spetn. Heturn te Laurence llut ler, Jenklntewti. l'a. Ileward. Pheno Oenntr. ling or Pllbert 2130. sCAIlVPlV ixist, Ulntnnnd nnd ts-arl eearN pin. between Hansom st . stli nnd Walnut; reward. Jack t'lsher. 722 Snnsem et. HELP WANTED PSMALE AMIUIICVN family ealllnrt for lluenes Aires S'Pletiibr .10 wnnia et.prrlried elilldmire- fnr tr P Phene Wllmlnaten 7 ."2. t.rtleri. te Mrs I'usniller !u)epc"iirt Del KefiMenc. DILL Lt.UK Vetinir woman as rtne,T npher and bill tlerlc te imerete Ltiderivnml bllilniT mnchinn In offlre nf -.nni.:sciuuiii: concern tunr Frent ami Olrnrd nvc.! atnte full details, past experlenrn and salary 00 slred P I2. I.der Office CHAMIinnMAID. tthlte. Prettnnt. for nll :ir country estnte; nn ether rhnmber nvitd assists her. 4 In family I help, Inf r-npih referctii'is lth lepij; state ace and na'lenalltv. Write Mrs, l . Orcenvlllu Post Pest Post e'nie Pelannre CLKHIJ Yeunit wutinti 20 te 2." vear.i of ase. must be well educnteil. tiBt;rcssie and a ui'linc worker, for n position of repenl- t .1 1 its. teod slartlnK into i.ltli plenty of up- pnrmni'y fr advancement A. II, Kirch b.u.'n Cu . ITrnad and Carl enter, U PitK- llrlxbt cTri under ,'Wte operate llurreiichs cileulater, larite puitiuf.irturlne rnpk.err Jlread nnd Chestnut sts . statu nse, siheellt.g experience and minimum salary ,si ed ddress Calculater, P 1) IlerJ.M. Ct.nni jeunir ladr, for Vnst dcp.irtniint, nt.si be miicl: and ainir.ite at tluun s. Abrase Ce Tnceny and Pialey sts. I rajiJif"rdlSfie ULN'I.S'I itOOM ihTm.1. whits, under sil'j must lle in. Apply Offke Uldc. Ne. 8, (P-7irdCelleie untffAki:tt. e.vru Frni:it. ion a NKW UKPAHT.MKNr I1UI.NU CiPHNIlDi PTII' SALAhY LAST PedlTIONl srnii vly confidential. p tiuu, i.niiuKn epricq PILE 1 t HIIK Manufacturer k office; ern- ttal I.citlnii; stale aite. ekp. and s-Unry de.lre,! Addrcrs M-41. P (1 Pnn."00 a LACK MENDERS ExperlcliCid machn'ie nundire fe lA'erii lecee Jlremlei Lace Ce .snin.rset nnd A sts I.ADIKM We can place 3 ladles In our International orKinlzstlen nt eti:: must be real appearlne and hae fair education. Apr H'Om 122S. Wldener Uldj., 0.45 A. M. te 4 i" ai rst e avd hhkn WAiLAiiLE ad. Dill.--. MANACiKH. HO.XL 0. STATION V, I NE YUI'.K CITY REIViPBLKHS. twiners and ielers wanted! I fenu'e en heavv r.i-pet vnrn. none hut , epe-ier d need npp! J,,mea Leea & Sens .Ce H'artl and Oxford sts, SALESWOMEN A larce department store rmulres the se-v eiate experience. AeuretB M eui. l.cduer en. SALESLADIES vvantel te 'ell bulldlnc lets emy theso with exper Wntn s. L Hsm trermsn 40H ETUltHhle Hldr . Hnltlmere, Md. SALESWOMEN Lit Hrnthim rciiuirc aalen- wernu'i for various dcjartm'-tit". Apply Pureau of Emplesment. tccend f.oer. 7th and Flllcrt ate SHIRT OPERATORS, vv.v lave .1 few nT- eancles re wllllnif vven.ers etearij vvurl: end koed pas TI19 Wmlvllle Shirt Ce.. Wesf-llle. N .1 STENOGRAPHER .Mers ins 1 nn primary position fee mere 1 ,h, ftrrtlni.v .l.nnrrenli.. VV u 1 epmlnj fur ,i :eumr 'veire n v. Im is herself piefleient In eienosraphle v irk mil vvlu pus sesses per.iei ellty und ability te nieccssfully Clreu thu tlfurtu of uthers. Apply Iluresit of Employment WANAiLVICEIl'S STENOGRAPHER with some liiekltepm.i ex. rerlence, this Is a permanrp'. position with Interesting vverl: In a sales eff.ee for an ap plicant of the prepr t: p-; applj bv letter In own handwriiln", Klve rffrnces and telephone numl or. The Consolidated Ex. 1..I1 .If 1 M-l I Ces 2iJ"0 Ari-'i ei. TELEPHONE OrEPVTINO An excellent opportunity for yeum: women jierween is and 23. experience unnecessary, g.i.arv u.iid vvhlle lfarnliif. The training ceursa Ja thert and thorough. Th work I" elenn anJ nttructlve; the bui bui reunlliss pleaaanl M-a's rerved nt low cest: slclt benefits. App y te MIS -TEV ENON THE I.EM. TELEPHONE COMPANY. Ifi31 ARclI faT. WI'JM IIS Esp i.n uplm'Btery end Rimp 1- n.-n'i - bems steady verfc, eoed warns H're hi'H Mlw Ce. 1"H 1'iainend ,th llr, Vi i.VLsT Wanted a vvuimin uf the tPe vhe 1 .tn ea n $d0 weekly nt.d I no the education, hea'th enl apnearancn te maintain this naidlni:, the firm Is of old stnndlne and h', ds n htirh railns In the mercantile ni;i) rles sdvaneement is assured If the woman Ki.'i ssee t I eduer ( dfl V,' Van nn.. il tu 40 te travel and eubct ii s repri'stfi'atlvHS for educnlletial r : '"or, re selllnm Protestant; per il r, tvaeber or person with tales u.. I.'in-e perferred 1' UOs I.ejger Ofllee WOllEN A larje or;anlzn'len of Inrnat enal ecete reiju'r'e vvcieen te vvirl; ote exeinttve post-f'e-ii very repidlj , tberefei, we need women vh' are nukk te Itarn nnd who vvlll apply themselves erersetrcully and fiilthfullv. Cm) frrm 10 A M. te 1 P. M. 1001 Cuienlul Tr ,s' llldi;. WOMEN AttraotUe liosltien open for ' In.' 's vf "duoatien iir.d r'rpem.ent wishing eenirenlal eli-vatlns pee'tlnn vvnh idl-kiie"n t is i f eie!lflit ri putatleti, rvieptlensl i p l r"ji i'v for iltfli' pi"pk. no c.p rlee e r. ,-,iir' A poly ifter 1 ' A t., 70 J uu uu rtne, H'dr IQ'h nr.,1 Mnrlift k'- A :.T.M51".I! OF Vi t WOMEN 1 te 1.5 jears. with of leiim 1 jear's li'iih hi l.oei iralnini; or its "QUlveleit lire le-mK reiisidered as ca.'bler-lnspntet if von .,ive tin ablllw te handle tiuur-n necurately nnd ii.. interested in belPK ti.ilntd fur u sued s'.ead jsjsltlen. Apply llureati of Employment WANAMAK.ER'8 HI'MNBlS SEHVIi'K CO 1114 Land Tit'i , STENOS lYPLsfH, HKl'HS . part tim. CASIIlEJlS CUU.S wanted (levern many vat-ancles, e; positions, S IL'O me . animations -J. pt & Oct Write for roe open (' 1121 1. I) HELP WANTED MALr. ABLE-BODIED MEN HLACKSMITII'' BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PER.UANE-NT POSITIONS rENNS VI. VAN LV It A I LRO.X D lfti'd' FILBERT STREET ACCOUNTANTS Experleneed senior accountants required for permanent positions. Apply bv Utter only, statins nualltleatlens In detail. IIOHACE P, GRIFFITH & CO. Finance Hide. Philadelphia ARCHITECTURAL DHAFTSM Vli bv eris of the busiest offices In h.istein Pennsyl. vanla' first class i.mbir draftsman. Biv complete parib'uiarn in rrst i.-mr ,, , enpurlrnce refernnc-s eelaiv rxpeit'd, (ten eral and i lurch piae I . Hitilier ju f,i Iteadl.ic. l'a. . AHCfinECTLHAI. DRAFTSMAN vvaninl exprrinutui in cmcute and tel build. ni; dialgn, location Central .Michigan, state nee, sIVry, fenyer experience pnd date available, AWlrsss M t20, Ltdaer Office, BOOKKKEI'Elt end atpnegraiiher Yeung man, experienced. Apply, wlthrefer.nc,. LiSlAli -- - "'- "'',' '' ' "' HELP WANTED MALE BOtLERMAKEna DLACKSMITIIH MACHINISTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED JOHN OOLL ft COMPANY CONTRACTORS 1021 ARCH ET. ASK FOR MR. JONES HOILERMAKERS and HLACKSMITHS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA 1t.VTT.UOAD 10-'3 rit.HERT SI". HRirTCLAYERS IINtl .1011. flOOD PAY. APPLY I.I.Ni nl.N DRIVE AND MOCNT AIRY AXE. TVKE PENNSYLVANIA TllAIN. ALLEN LANE STATION. OK (lEIIMANTewA AVE. TROLLEY. AMU FOlt Mil. KiiTH. HOTS We want sMne n:--t in me bnjs, m tn 1fli vtars of nee mIii nuld be Inleresjul Ja Is'imaiii'nt pe-ui, ns in our lunler Depiri treni. must hue nt leist 1 jear'a hlsh s. Ilcul fdiieitilini or equivalent. Arplv Hunau cf Employment WANAMAEER'S CARINETMATsEIH nnd irnM finishers; (Me. rTli'r.i'Mi mill, AppU Celutnbl.i f'raphe. pheiM Mfc Ce . E. HiddlA st.. extended, llaltlmoie. Md CAKPENI I.HS aiii"t I 1 UK tools rend;' for vvnrli Apl Kriimr Woedwor'dn Ce.. .Id and C mil 1 rl 111 I -.t" COMI'L ri-NT S M.ESMEN We should be pin 1 ii. 11 eri a number nf A-l salesmen vvbn 1 mi i -pies 111 us te the public end who nil r.ipil of mnnniilnr ,md ill rcitlinr 11 s il s 1. ,-c'. both men and women, If v en feel it it vei have the neieH'irv (jinlitliatlntis .'" should hi- Bind te have leu call nny attcrr.ien this veeu. Apjdy In lUriau uf Employment WANAMAKEHS CtXOv Vainr. ui"i,'"-tMU. vachl. vvbl'e tnille ce3t)U who Is HlilltlB- te itiftlie liluiself ireriei.illv u-"ful Pheii" KeiislnBlnti. ilue CRAN'E 'IPI.I'AIOKS expei lencnl en le -n. motive line IVursnn k Ludaschit l.um ber Ce . Wvt-iniere'i.'i I t np.lD-Lltl.ver lilliVEH en bakerv'v.iKnn.'enlv exp'rlenced nun v he uilsi Knuvv Jewish and Eiifillsli Prauji. tl.'il N nth st. Dp'aFTSMAN- Eirerience.l nrshltecliifsTl ilmftsni.in b tpt'iieerliu oeiu.rii; tnnn en erleni e. ml.ir.v expettud and i,firt,nc. P s.H. Idcer ntPrc rvc.P.AVEIl Ooed steel ript ,,t r plain encraver: min who can op.rate infrnvlm; tnuhluc, Stat" selarv expicel ml nnd samples In drat Iett.r M ML' Le igr I 'If Ii " HP.VHUS" for out of rin, ni service and ev-pnllceinrn preferrel iflve nue, linlisht and vvelsht. AfU'lJ (dip r OffMr IIa't TIILMMER vs-ind iMeTlemieil en i1S?-eejllb'ils y.,a.K bthst, HELPER In bakei-v tode uuieral work. Ilinun CV'. N tlth st. HELPERS wanted. Xlentnumcry Iren and Slre Cr; ',lS llerk f St. , LAIloRATeKV HELPER S .trp'e nnd test viater for eeftinlna, must b able te eiand ardi. neld mid Midi- solutions, but need ne: be exper. .'pre.i en v aler. tute s,ilar desired. Addri s. L-le I' ii llex :i17n LABennns, laiierers (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK J3.50 PEP. DAT STRAIGHT TIME. RAIN OR SIIO'B I-'HEE TRANSPORTATION HOARD ADVANCED CALL A. C. R. H OF N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFTICH 123 NORTH 16TH STREET LUMBER CO! MTERS anl laborers wanted. Pearson I.ud'ieuher Lumber Ce., West- rnereland st and Delaware Itlver. MACHINISTS HOILERMAEERS CAR INSPFCTOU3 TOR RAILROAD WQRIC BTEADT EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD WAC.E3 PLENTY OF OVERTIME rniTE HOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. 1JTH ST. PHILADELI'HIA. PA. CENTRAL HAIIJIOAD OPEN DAILY. 7 A OF M1W JERSEY -VI. TO 3 P. SL 1 srds first class. 1 11 I er Ce,, West- reHl ,r "i vi Im ni-i I,, (e MACHINE and stir! er peHrsen i. I.Udllbi T iierelend st nnd D y MAN Wv want a n cbarBO of tbe erfl e a te sell 'in IsfPe uf "t i plnn. ensy te sill- hlcb cenipnuy vvlth evtr $U'.' 1 In- u ' h ile mien ', "i ii i i-np, r iiIvh 1 iss an I t tabliKleil .00 mh, le. M Mt), I.eugsr ,'"e;J , MAN" AND WIPE in de ruet-il l.eusr vvei It. Includln:; laundry le'c tii iv.isIht): fim- lly of rt. en P. It P. in. .n lin ., tate nee. experience and wanes vvaritsd. Ad Irisx 1 H5II, Ledsi.T Oftlce MAN DisIBiiini dtp.u'.n ent of carpet mill wants tt veuntr nm . must . hlh ., hoel irrnduate. with draw iii- , 'l,. Hm ,hewI. edne of deslirnlnif l'f"'eirr Apply Hexbury .nrpri ' ...,-. MEN with exec Utile fib. llj Wintrl Ii nr tornatlentl oreenUMtlen iVn bem,. A M. lll'J l' M 1' '1 ' u'oiertl Hldf. we In ii Ifi '1 lllet MEN 1' 'oil virjrt a iinnil Pe'-lll ill v. Illi il fast erewmi; , ,,,lerll ai , 11 It ..,!,.. Is a. clean-cut lrv bt'.veei, l,.. of 25 and 00 w-he knows t value of truth nnd also pessi-sUng ditermtniiM in te rbe te the top unlimited advinie exit rxpenen net lierese.liy. .Applv nfl. m , M 0 n Vends m Hldar lunj M ir!.t ,i ' HEN Posltters 'in ., i. pniK piiei for i! PflBht mm le .,'t i retarv and treusurer, with seme taplte preieul nssetx ever S12ri.0OO nnd a menv mul er, wllh n.w i.loed Mid lw wire l M"i Lub'er office MEN An International nrlnnuatlnn lies several epeninr" fir m n v i, wish te liefer tbe'r pi jdt.ups in Uf references re fiulred. ''all Roem 122s. Widen, r HldK.. 0 45 A. M. le 1 i M OFncE hets 16 YEARS OF AGE Excellent opportunity te advance te a mere responsible position. SEARS. nOF.WCK ,wn CO. 404H Hoeseii-H Boulevard PLANINO MILL r.ssls.ent fernnan i iipabTe of Millng up and keeping In npalr lilgh-sr,-ed m n bines geed wies, mil., Ilret laspj ii'aii H'Pd til'1 I' vrs "i & Ludasrher l.um u i Cu iisini. . , .' ii and li.liiv.iri II ver. As, fnr Mr ir PRINTING i M.iJhVlVN One nf Phlladelrlila s l.in,et minting plants, doing the bctler class of catalog and color work, bug nn opening for "Ji additional snlesinnu; this should be a r.iffandld oiioor eiioor oiieor ii.niiv fee nn ixeer euced nrlntliis salesman who feels that he. can expand his salsa With .he bacVlmr or lare. well-emiipppid i ll ' " -s'f.'.'W- !- ?' .Vk- HELP WANTED MAIife HALES ENOINEER. vvlth fellow Ine nmnnir nrchllects nnd, plumbliiB; trade, te retire, sent out-of-town mnnufntturer: produce a new hlxh-clnss specially essential te all Plumbers: either whole or part time with ether noti-cnmpetlnit lines: commission! Per inimenc association! splendid future in blah rlnsa salesman or neeni. M 821. ledger Ofllce, SALESMAN WE NEED A SALESMAN I'linsuHAiii iv re iim.ni iJXei-V.f.HAC'l'H SALESMAN WANTED Wldelv-ltnewn rrlntlnc mnchlnery eemnnnv wl emtiiK salesman In Phllidelnhlii' a-. Pl'cant should be perfectly skilled In m" ri,,saj:.i,p'j'".re''.!iiK ' r; :?i "'" -"uVh":., I lllll'.IV. printers r.les?. Hp'.,0:'1.,,.'e ncuualnlance with ..m.... ,... k.,.. ..'' ""'". rsiemiiiiiiw ii I'll lane nnis nn ....... ,, .,u,,v. -, ....i --miTii i, nun in veers of iil,-i', rxirptl'inal. (.lean-ut, uulcls thinkers: such ns tan alve reference from previous emplevers. none ethers: position will Held Ofllce re,ma,,cnl revenues. M BOO. Wdger ie?.iA:i.,ln.',uln,, .wllh niitomeblle. ei . ni".n".' v;,,Ken, trnJ'9 Id Philadelphia .,.L?Jcl,'i,lv '? h".'"Jl rrn.nlnent tmnufne. Celers. 80 Murray st,. New Yerk. SALESMAN We hale nn 0110111110- for an ex Perleneed lecurlty salesman : n-J" , mere inSreeei" 1 S t 'j"1"."'' ! lllvr''l lumnlls.lOII rnntrnct 1rW7 Ijnd Title llldit. f,A,e'.:s'V.Aiv """I'd" e rnrry e'lTne of ri! e" vl'i'i,.rniK.."1eu,h Pvmsvivinla nnd 'jaisM,,0" Z6 K-na,,"B0 SVs,JL'ifJ-is-.-T? mn rer Pl7linile"lphl"nil oeeif , ,?! J V1 "f"""n. 2 relllltle, also r,.,.,.i i,M",M. ,'rn'n' ten. ern permanent tetiiievti,,,, VVntiut ir.14 for appointment SALESMEN wanted for bullilinir lets ni,i timers preferr.d. Wriie u i n... man. 40(1 Uquiiahl- 111,1V . n. i .".,, S'Vs'nf4Jel:-'f'ervTvJ'' "J1."'"'!!!' e'nl sslesmcn! PJeime'rcVffJee' fg'' """"l' t,.'.,vieIi'.t.A cc,"f''l rea'l estate," office "has fh'l.e? 3i"" or n" escerenc.,i selet,,r m the rent department: splendid oppertun ty for lid'"e"Sfnce.f0r ,h0 r,Sh" '""" " "al- f"!?' ,- Experlerccd eulslde cutters en -'' nn(1 ?'".' set sjs., ei nj f) S'i2Ji:ilnXI",.MU,i .""l'0'ulra- rutte"r'smT "1 ,ml mJI'ii- ,0."' ,'!l,r'''. W"lr Ce. il and Market sts . ssreint fleer. WANTED HOILERMAlvERS HLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS CAR REPAIRMEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WARES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR. HOARD APPLT TO CENTRAL HAILROAD COMPANY OP NEW JERSEY C. E. CHAMBERS, SEPT. MOTIVE POWER AND EQUIPMENT JERSEY CITY. N. J. WANTED FOn SERVICE ON NORTHERN rACIFIC-HAlLWAT MACHINISTS rASSENOEH CARMEN FREIGHT CARMEN BOILER MAKERS HAMMERSMITHS BLACKBMrTHS TINNERS riPElTTER3 AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILWAY LABOR HOARD TRANSPORTATION WILL BO. FURNISHED APPLY ROOM fOO. FINANCE BLDO. 1420 S. TENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA flenernl GHI.E.N'EWAI.D'S A .SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE CORRESPONDENT (hicneg. ), luindlg delalls, $40 ASS"' te effUe executive Ills, co-p AKH'T puichaH'nw dept.. exp young man. - ....... .-... - YOUNG men nccts . JunlerH, henlerr. illPi 11 T-N-fl . , e ears men. In ich i env evers. A UU"I m, i k ni, teller iititil ftililfeua :,.. r.n-..' .:;.,. ;.i. . i,, ,ei,r,lll.,'i r," Ill ., -'I. n-..,,. i unn.n AHS'T le employment rpgr . geed address. INTERVIEWER, ofnre und bales training. DRAFTSMEN, tools, llgs. dies, punches. DESIGNER, take cliargn lnter..hangeable rarts. f,i;i'Y (sieneg) femnle: geed elfer. Bkpr (female), take charge small office APPLICATIONS -nlletted from exp, office nnd factory executives, nil capacities; local nildentB niilv ref. required Ne i 'irellment charges. re H lltll Office Interviews 10 tn 1 "" SHALL I HT.VY7 SMALL I GO' Tefere inat-l'iK n cbniige tin, I out If v ti nre n tie rlunt tr.u U. Te kn iw what epr llfi v.erl: should be Is a stall ' 1 1 tlie llirht dire -lien. 'i'He trained nnullst will knew from k study of jour face the vocation for ou This study Is based en scientific laws, no psvcholeglrnl tests no trade tens. Ask us all about It. BeukUt "H" en request. MEHTON INSTITUTE 1T02 Wslnut st. Phrne Spruce 6205 Wn NEED 2 MEN te roinplfle our orrsnlrailen' must le ;,-, or ever, hard work will be lewurded ulti a geed position and rapid ndvaip einent, refer (tiers nuuller' ("all pertnnillv for Inter view Roem 710 V, ldenr ll'dg , li ti je s , AJd or 3 -in te 5 P M we teai ii Yen. te nitivi: and repair AUTOMOBILES "" PRACTICAL WOHK ONLY. BY etii METHOD YOU CAN LEARN QUICKER AND HHTTKIl TIIAPI in ANY OrilKH BETTER SCHOOL." MtiIiW!.V'fJWlfIr,i&,M, $23 yen fl JPSSitW1 ceur i, I v.f..'XJ f.l'. - U-VWrle- Jv I , BUHiUm. vii UL'1' in: ejirii- iiiiui a'fina'ncial SERVICE Te"LAR(IR mi,.,,' CATs'TILE CONCERNS AND CAN eFi'rn ' a'ilvA e"TOUrvW HELP WANTED MALE flenersl Transportation work Traffic .Asso ciation wnntn rellab men te eiiallfy for positions directum dom-atie and fnrels-n shir plnm $250 te s.-din mentbfv: exp. unnccrnsnn '. common school educntlen essential! only men of Reed diameter need apply! If wlllltiB and desirous of innklnn connection worth while, wrlln. without nbllitntlen. slntlns. Present position, ngs Philadelphia P. O. Hnx H t. BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1111 Lnpd Title. ACCOCNTNT- Tax expert for Pub. Acct. CLERKS- I.edcer. lUlllns. etc,, ,1R-f2.1 ENOIt Mecb., central slntlnn exn., I'.'inn. Pl'RCItASINn Ast. In department, Hfinn. SALES EMIR. Exp. concrete dfsljn. $lnn. tTENOOHAHIBRP Oiker positions open In mnnrnpTl'il. ciiKlneerlnc nnd rales, WORK' liind. -If nil nre lei.Mnc fee work of any any place, wrlte us what you would like te de. Heal Johnstown, rn. Scrvlce Ce,, llex 208, MEN wanted. Clevt. postal clerks, carriers: write for Instruction nart. Immed. for np. Pllcnllen Oct. 1. P 1421. Ledner Office. SITtTATIONS WANTED FEMALE fjOVERNESS Vis. lulnr In French. Herman. Ensllsh school brnnchesi ref. A fi.13, L. O. LAUNDRESS, white, first class, wnnts work BthP"'gl references Phepe .t-eejst72(j OFFICE MANAI1EH Ynumr woman, thor ther nucblv trained nnd familiar nil detslls office set-uti and m.inaeemrnt. R vears' ex perlence, desires change of positien: will consider enlv position of rcspenslbllliv vvlth opportunity for advancement. A 001. Ledger qrfee. SECRETARV -Energetic, experienced secre tary, eapable assumlne ihnrge large office or Important private work, deslrcn position! will consider only position offering advance men t. A 71s I .edgcr Office. 81ENOOHAPIIEH ileslres n position with nn established and reliable concern' ex perienced! age 21. Address A 24, Ledger Off .CO; STENOORAPHEH. boekkeener. high school griid, 10 vears' exp. quick, accurate; J30 xvvrli. A 71.1, Ledger Office TELEPHONE OPERATOR wishes position In broker's office, experlnicrd; geed refer- enee, P. 011, Ledger Office. TYPIST WISHES EXTRA WOHK TO nn AT TIER OFFICE OH AT HOME. PHONE OREGON 8S2S W. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, will keep Kicks: $.' w eekly. Address Accountant. T'.O.Ilev.- rt.-.nn ADV. SALESMAN wTllT mlxhnndlsjnir brnlns vv antHtelllii l'bla.A.e;i, Ledger Off. BOOKKEEPER. ""Wharten Scheel graduate, wants work 2 or 3 tilghta a week, A S23, Ledger Office. C1LVCFFEI IX, A-l mechiinle, des. pos. with prlv. fam : will co anywhere' can furnish best of icf from last emplevrrs. eOS Mel- leinisn st., Lawndnle. Ph. Fex Chare, jftiU W. ClIAL'I'FEUH-mechanle wishes prlv, pos.; 10 jeers' exp. hlch-grnde cars, rnreful drlver.best refs. A 720, Ledger Kifflce. CHAT'FFEI'n EXPEhrENOED. WISllEH POSITION. SPARE TIME. V eTl-.TINYWIVM OR nVENIN(r4. P H3I. LEDUh'll OFFCE. CIIAPFFEPH re, irtcchanlc. desires trlvnTe lips.; man led: best rets. A ill'.'. L'd Off. I COOK, Japanese wants position general housework, feed rcfermee. K. Yama, 400 S. Oth h!. EN'llNLER. nieeluinb nf, wllh 7 veals' ex"- 's'llllve exner. Ill b,i7e r,r Jeeleit neil rnn. strtieilen, would like in connect with rel. con. ! " s- 112 ELeuJenjt , pliiev. Phlla. Pa. M4V AND WI1 E. erperlcncd and capable (Amerlcansl with n splendid record of Sel.ru rt u..,.MA.a...( ......... ......... ,.. .nll ,-v.u v. .Illi- 'ILi'l ill'lllilurillL'lll ill .,T-I. known heteli. desire position te take charge f apartment hmife or ether fio!tien of re. fpenslbllltv unquestioned references Jl )22. Ledger Office. MANAOLH, letnll. Yitle graduate In business and law, experlenied. new emplnvcd. reeks popltleu ns matinrer or assistant, depirl nient stele or nuv retnll store exrept cloth. InBjjn.irrled 32. .Protestant. MflO Led. Off. REAL ESTATE Voting man, 24 " llieinusli ttaliilng In real estate law- nnd pract'ee. first -clina tpst end correspondent, cnpnble of rendering expert service In drnv.lng deeds, leiifes, ngreements. rtc. deities position v.ltb bteker specializing III bUhlness properties or mortgages jJedEorerflee. HALESMA.Vwllh"cnr. heidtr of 2 nation il records, desires change, A 7ns.J,ed. Off. Ye"fN(JMAN ntl-riTlng college In I'hlla lie. ares pirt-tlmr employment, nfterneuns and Saturd.tvs, t.r In evenings; efficient stenog rapher or cap office assist. M 801. Led. off AGENT3 rOLLOvV the dollars 3.',0 te 3100 per week the niei.ev 'ours, eemeihliig new, net nn old. woineul p-oi'eHltliin- field unteuched: ex perience unneteHtarv: takes overjbedy bv storm, moms rolls In: (.hew no, sell 40 demonstrated In en minute: sells en demon demen demon rtratlen; the new Inkless Fountain Pen, the twentieth century wonder, never leaks' or spills; with this pen no mere ue for the Ink bettle: samplQ pen SOc. this preposition Is 18 kaiat: menev back If net as rrprcsenled' agent's pretlt 20i) per tent exi'Iiihii.i terri tory rend for ngenty today. Inklers Foun Feun tain Pen Ce . I,'i23 Mh St., PesMeiries. Ia. AllENTS le handle our product In Yhljiidei" phla, snlarv and commission, lends fur. nMiel, reliable, men enlv , lefeienrcs re. nu'red Addiss E.igle ink Ce New Yerk EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED Pieteatantsi bridge. I.sdy's maid chambi-rmnldT vvallresa, cugks. loie Jialn- WANTED Competent help In every on en paeltv, refereiice requlied 1IMU Haln brldge st. 511 RUOERS. XI 7 S. 20th Reliable help supplied and wanted. ROOMS FOR RENT CHEST Nl i" 3247- Furnished large frtTnt ei.lllllllim,' ei llle li'iiui, Itien HIOKie reOl M'Rl'CE. 1731- Cbnke rooms vvlth private niia semi private hitn steam bent ei., lHt servlie verv hnniellke. 21103 CHESsTNUT 1st fleer front, suitable, for huslti"ssur pniffsslenal efibei, PHI'i-E. nS.T'.' - Nicely fum. inrimriidlnlnlng bnth, owner, elee.: prlv, finillv, i.eniieiiiiin WALNUT. 2205 Upturn.. 2 rooms',-bath" kitchenette: ether suites furn; tiewj med'. ern. r ferences nxelianged llTIl ST N.. lS.',r,--l.sige nevvl fum fient im for gmitleiiiaii. nrlv. fam Ida nr, tr, .1 IfiTH ST.. N. 2020-Tw-e nli.u" nrg,i fur,,J 2deeiv rnis for gent: pnv famiiv tef re.,sonahle: renvenleny le trslns and trelievs' 101 II. N.. 130 (HOTEL RUR1C Central"' shopping district, near statiens: b-nutlful turn, mm : flic,' spetless: dally, vxkly. rates lbTTI, N. 37.1b Fum living mi U lieiirin runWjnteijreml-pr.lv .1 ath rlee . phone' 2H T'H si. H, 2TO 2 in I Lit n.. unfiirnr rs . bath oleo. jiwner Near liittenjunife me. Ft 'HNISHEI front room with or without bciHtd. enlv ladlea t.eed apply. I12UI W uhlnglen ave 11TII ST.. S., llfll (The Pcfrln) Single and double vacsncles, private suite, Attractively furnished: teasenable Walnut 73U3, Wl'.HT I'lIII.ADEI.I'HI.V 45TH. bem' es , 420 -- Attractive room In refined for gentleman, electric l'EN'.NSV.V.NIA sunt KHAN. GTV (22 VV. lecan) -Large rmTfurn. nFutil furn , nil con vs.: gentlemen or teuple W nininir OH'.'O .1 " BOARDING 220 HARVEY HI'. (Il'l Desirable rooms In modern house, rellned adult Pr-ilf slant family, gued table, lefuremes. Uirman- !iT-Vn:1:''"',i.:' I'JNE, 41 III Finn lonuleii; brlr-bT"roems1 steam heat, het water! geed table: ref- eience. Haling (IMI7. WILL beard lltil.v Bill 2 le (lllllllv 5141 K.mstenil n I ears; private 10 III N. IMS- Ufiiutiful 2d"eler" front TlnT S. II., i Ice WILL HOARD CIMI.I'IlEVfn.nrTmTmhH te 3 Nears I'li.,i, l'n.g,i i,is;r, j " I'ENNSYI.VAMA SI'lll'ItiiAV COUJNIAL INN """""""' ave.. nrn xuL. Jixirvu iniv,Mu,, elm rif u,0 me'1t nltrncti'fi Plaies en the Main line: mite 0 looms ,iii. bath, su le 2 meins and bath, sin- ge moms with sod without prlvita bath. GERMAN I'evVN oinfertiihln linfn.r"llfe' 7e I .,....,..,. i . ,, ,.....' ..',,, n ii'-rmui' i, i.'Mi'ieii ll lecality: I'-fl i,er vvfel ,viu, ,,,,,i. Miss MacOrath 150 Maidewoe.l I ei One., en, r. n. ....-.', .. ' -lapieweim , ziz: " "" nf. MACHINERY AND TOOLS 2 Ne. 72 Wetzcf Stokers With ste.im engine renntcted bv worm gear 1 8-H. P. Vertical Engine IHre. t cunmieUed te (llnth sninl pump. 1 Chicago Automatic 24-ft. Conveyer With (nrnage A f mulnr and track 1 10,000-gal. White Cedar Tank All prav Hi ally new Frederick R. Gerry Ce. ENGINEERING DEPT Telephone Oregon OS74. D0GSAND BIRDS "STRONGUEAHT" thrilled 5011 win ,,., iiiiirvnle-i pi-ifermnnic In 'The Hit.n. t,ll,' mi. inlelllui'lil. will I red pelbe .,: inn be liiugl'l In ntt In ir il life with ?,.'. sieed . I itniiil MtUliii, aii k L ,'" benrt" de.H whe.i ,ini ,uv u deg 4.! ,!, that mil nnd will rerih r service in in ii," ut n-ul, I ring the jdilldien In klni j V.ir tu pet the lineal Utter uf pe.ilg.-eeu peilei dogs In AmrlcB. me or via Doylcsteivn i,i.J '.VtSrUi" aajsA Wrii 55 i .". tV-.'f' f.--,tj VtVMfr-..'i! , TJSED AtT?OMOBILE3 MACK TRUCKS ALL SIZES ALL STYLES VAN. STAKE. TfORM OH DUMP MACK INTERNATIONAL 2300 CHESTNUT OT. RIDDLE 4-pnss, 'M.pusenberit meters fast cr dltlen: new tires and eeuii- excellent con menu private mvntr. .Diamond 200. 'j.'1: HUICK touring! lale model; m,. ,, cash; terms arranged. Royal MmVSi Cbalinera Agency. 620 N. Hread st. mIW1' 1010 CADILLAC coupe- 4 new tires! . lent conditien: line down. 1 year for bsi ance If desired, llaren's, 040 N, Hread. CHANDLER, sport model; first $359 1.,,. It, balance terms. Royal Maxwell chin well chsl. mers Agencv. 020 N. Hread st. 1021 CHANDLER sedan, 7 pnssengerTTiTi bargain: 2fiO down, balance one Earen's, B40 N. Hread. mr' 1020 COLE sedan, "-passenger suburban- il low ns $250 downs easy terms arrsnM Baren's. B40 .V. Hread. arranrM. DODOE sedan: cannot be told from Tm?. this Is a beauty: S230 takes 11 S.tlV t..m. II., .1 tt. .... r-i ' balsnte . ,n l J. . e'""eu v.naimers Attncy, p..) .,. iireau st. 10j3P.t,.,3ANTi '.""r1"? 1 demonstrator! sivt 1300: terms If desired " BIO N. BROAD STj PORD trucks. late models. In perfect ees. tianel. esnress or e.r...':"0- dltlen, with Ivedles: geed rubber; price reasenable: f.V! If rteslreil The Snilthtrestern l,-e.4 1 -..''' .e.. -:.j .... :":. ...... n UeneT, 0011 Him ir,iiiioiure av". KORD We are headquarters for used Fonts nil models, n dans, coupes, touring- lis liveries ine n. terms arranged; oeeti qiin day and eveiuucw Csrage. 140., Wnej".," PORD tetirlnrf. late models with stnrtrs- Oioreughly everhauled: axied rubber- will sell cheap. The Southwestern Ferd Aimim, r.acl and Haltlmore ave. "nc7. FORD rncabetit, 10S1 medel: special hatu bedy: A-l Kellv-Sprlnrfleld tires: rnMhatll cally perfect! extras: S32B The Seuthwuil ern Ferd Agency. r.3d and Baltimore srs PORD delivery ',4 ten, panel or excreta bedies: will sell cheap. The Southwest. Perd Agency. 53d nnd Baltimore ave IORD TOURINO N 11 Til ST. GOOD ENGINE. 2J0S FOR SALE rierce-Arrevr touring, 7 pi., 4N 11. P ; nrst-clnsi condition; VVstnV house sherk nhserbers: J2000. Can be between 11 nnd 12 nnd 2 and 4, Hlaenlehr's private rarnge. 4222 Ludlow st. " IX)H SALE AT A OOOD HAROALV. " PACKARD CAR. TWIN SIN, 7 PASSENOER, CALL MERION fl9 in"n THIDSOM sedan: 7 pass. ttine a 1 xear te iisv. Baren's. 640 . Bresd. 1022 MAXWELL touring; cannot be teiai from new; purchased .Tune: will sacrifice! time pavt'a arranged Baren's. 640 k. rireTi OVERLAND touring, dark green body with xellevv wheels: mechanically right sisn $40 down nnd balance te suit. 0533 BuiiiL ten ave. Hustleten, Pa, Ph. Rusljetnn M4V OVERLAND teurlna: nlmest riew; flrsTiiTs tnkes It: terms. Reval Maxwell Chalrniri A gency. 020 N. nrend st. "-naimers iu21-20 PACKARD twin teurings nt i.X. rlflte prices; terms. Baren's, 040 M Bread st u,u " PACKARD twin roadster. Hoyal rerd tlr etc,, must 1 sold : $373. 1405 VVvej"' PAI1E touring. lOTj.elerant coiiuTnenTtat of extres $373, 1405 Weed st. ' 920 KOAMKKn,". .?,.'' ..h rms If deslrs.i HARON'f,'. 015 N. Bread. SEDAN. I!l mills S2000: model, excellent celmTTbTT, priee si.ue. rhone H.riVi lrtill W. 4747 Sansom st. 1022 STl'DEHAKEH sedan light six: abii lutelv like new! teinis arranged. BarenT 040 N. Bread ' "ten I WANT te huv for cash a Bulck nr similar tjpe cnbrlnlet or small close, t-ar jhit hss net been used much; one fit for a lady te drlve. M 730. Ledger Office. 8 WII.LYS-KNK1HT tour.. 1021. cce"l. c"enT, prlv. owner, leav. for Cnllfernia. Call r.Qi-1 ,,,,'.i ,,,.,,. ..me, tir, ruil lOlH VV CSV Wnnlisl WANTED -Second-hand DedKe sedan. In flrst-cliss condition- must be 1021 or 18,1 med"!. A 72s. Ledger Office. "' PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND KS? TICx?.r?S2 stn!08 Suite '.'-22, yncend fleer, ever Chllds' R.t. m'H'K. new method hi learning nlanei thlldren our HPeclnltv- will call at veur 1 cms or call nt studio Monday or Thursday Miss Mvera, 723 W Olranl aig. y' DID YOU BUY brass beds, martresses and box springs nt Continental Hetel sale this wcek7 If se. It will be te veur advantage te git In touch velth us Pheno Bar 11 se. 1HF, HOME of painted and dererateiWurrf. It ure. We paint and decorate or finish natural veur furniture. Rogeraen. 1313 Itldte ave. Perlar 1M12. Unco 3S84. CASH paid for old gel 1 1 loops R'.jfere. 4V 8 rllver and antique 17th si. ASHES and rubbish nnd coal removed from cellars, SIB Huttonweod, I'll, Market 4421 FURNITURE repaired re finished uphoTsrr upheTsrr ed and decorated H19 N. 10th. Race 3Uim. BUSINESS OPPORTTJNITIKS Century-Old Lecal Mfg. Concern well known, requires nddltlennl capital: large pi eats made In past can be duplicated Investment sei tiled b priority iijsmm and1 earnings, subsi rlptlens 11000 nnd upwnri; Bubhcrlber.s can expert safety of principal slid spcculiitive opportunity, with absolutely honest administration. Fer particulars a (boss (113. Ledge; off Ire ' ' "" POMF 9DI ITU 5,,,v lnn'l' h',iki I'emei money liarn about the i"Gnrtlen Spel of i ivi,- re-oil iur inc. 1.1..V0I!IA., Lit flrange .N C REPRESENTATIVE wanted In Philadelphia who calls en hotel nnd reataurint trnde te handle commodity pa.lng Bued ce.ilrnls. slens. FOOD APPLIANCE MFG. CORP. J.OCKPORT, N Y. API' -DWELLING, leased low rental, 1712-1 Vine st.. cap he Ju"ll. West End Tr Hldg. STORAGE AND MOVING . STORAGE Br M0VINGuES..Sr PACKING SHIPPING Given Free Aute Van Service Hugs and Carrots Cleaned, Scoured Slerel CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20TH ST., ABOVE CHESTNUT LOG. 1000 Fidelity Storage &: Warehouse Ce. 1809-1 811-1 81 3MarketSt. ALL BUILDINGS FIRE PROOF CONSTRUCTION. A DEPENDABLE CONCERN IS THE BEST. HAULING, PACKING. STORAGE; A LARGE FLEET AUTOVANS FOR LONG OR SHORT DISTANCE HAULING. CALL PHONE LOCUST 1470. ESTIMATES FnEE. MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT TOINT Weekly service fnr small shipments between Philadelphia end Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 37th and Market sis Bsrl.ix 1201 VICTORY STORAGE 5200 FILBERT. Thenn Belmont 4(170 for estimates Moter vsns. Packing and crating, The Jehn Rhoads Ce. ...V.&fJrV Slniage, Packing. Moving, LarpeL-Cleanlnrj ifeNARl'l'l STORAGE CO. 3S70 IfANCAS" TKR AVE AUTO SERVICE HTqtiAC.r:. PACKING LONG DlllTANCE MOVIN' - WALLACE IS20 N. 20TH T ('III MCH LANE, Gf.Nj MANGON 1 X PRESS local long dlstarcs ipevlni Day nh Perlnr 4310 night ph, Rn.e 3021 H Jnrrelt. 1022 Cuululdge et. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE AMD BIDE nXn JUT OVKRHAULi TVe.T Wvjuipt-aE Ff l.i SAirj LaAB :K3l .sufifij ri.V"JiXifj.fj :"; wmm