Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 16, 1914, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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" T ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' i .1 n ii I I ill i hi" i.ii I,, ill I i i I.
?' as m
is oik JU ,
$200,000 BY WILL
5&i K
teEstkte of ex-City Treasurer
f Will Ultimately Revert to
University as Endow
" ment.
,, The University of Pennsylvania -will ul
Atfoafely receive nn amount nppn)xln-in.t-
llK $800,000 from tho estate of Wllllnrrt
'Ti, Irvine, eK-Clty Treasurer, who tiled
In the Medlco-Chlrurglcal Hospital De-
tmber 6.
j The sum bequeathed to the University
its either for the erection, equipment and
..'endowment of a mining engineering bulld-
&. to be known ns the "William D. Ir-
Titie School of Mining Engineering," or
for tho construction of nn audltorjuni. In
which all University exercises may be
( Mr. Irvine's will wni admitted to pro-
i bate today. Ills estate Is estimated to
-be In oxcosi of $200,000, and excepting two
, private ben nests of $5000 each It will re-
vcrt entirely to tho specified use of tho
itjfiia testator devised that his estnte
man ira neiu in trust uuring mo lite vi
hW Sister. Mary It. Irvine, and that sho
hall receive the net Iniome therefrom.
The executors of the estnte are Mary
B-Irvine. John C. Bell and tho Real
Estate Title, Insurance and Trust Com
first Regiment Armory Is Crowded
Daily by Visitors.
The Philadelphia Association's poultry
haw at tho First Regiment Armory
I jiroaa nnu waiiowmu streets, is nurocung
big crowds dally. Many wonderful sights
aro to bo seen.
Yesterday's awards:
Vhlte Plymouth Rock. Cock Flnt, Chris.
C. Burrough. second. Mlnch Bros : third, Paul
u. Springer; fourth, Meadowbrook rarmsi
fifth. A. L, Russell, Heh First. Paul a,
Bprlnger; second, Mlnch Bros.; third. A. L.
Russell; fourth, Abboylelx rarm: nfth, Chris.
C. Burrough cockerel First, John II. Hchoet
ler, second and flfth, Edward Moser; third.
Winch Bros : fourth. Rancocan Poultry Farm.
Pollct First. Chris. C. Uurrough: eeconl.
raul a. Springer, third. It. V. Jloreri fourth.
Winch. Bros., fifth, Abbeylelx rarm. Pen
First. A. I Russell; second, Moadowbrook
White TVyandotcs. Cock First. Louis Paul
Graham, second. Allen C. Roberts; third. John
Ciawell; fourth. "W Y. Dcissler: fifth. Vf. II.
TVIIIlams. Hen Flnt. VI. H. Williams, sec
ond. John Clawe-li. third and fifth, Louis Paul
Craham, fourth, W It. Wlillama. Cockerel
first. Louis Paul Graham; second. Allen C
Roberts, third, A. S llarle, fourth, W. II.
'Williams; fifth. Harry W. Brltton. Pullet
Fltst, second, third and fourth. IV. It. "Will
lams: nfth, Allen C. Roberts Ten First. W.
H. Williams: second. Allen C. Roberts; third
snd fourth, Carr Bros.; fifth, Harry W. Brlt
ton. Ross Comb Rhode Inland Red, Cock First,
Frederick II. Btlllwatron: second and fourth,
Blrchwood Poultry rarm: third, T n Bur-
rougn. iten v irat ana laurxn rreuencK n
StUlwagon third, John II Moftett. eecond. n.
A Feather, fifth, Eltenwood Poultry Farm.
Cockerel- First and fourth, rilenwood Poultry
Farm, second. Frederick II Stillwngon: third.
Rosa & Tllton fifth, fleorgo W Mathewa.
Pullet FIrit, Roso Tllton second, L. F.
Buehler A Son; third. Ellenwood Poultry
Farm; fourth, T E. Burrouirh: fifth. Frederick
j:t. Huuvragon. fen Mrst. jtose ez imon- sec
ond and third, nilenwood Poultry Farm;
Btirtnr I K uuenier at on i
nnrlf Himtih fnt Klmt. fourtlattd TT.
Sir lh- aAAnrf itilrri fourth nrf fifth. John
2w vt'.., v ir.n TiH. .1,1... m tmirtir
V John W. Ward. Jr i second Mm W C Lasst-
TterrnKn. touniana . smun. wrccn:i r ir,
fVmrtland M Smith rocond. third and fourth,
John W. Ward, Jr Pullet Flrat, Courtland
H. Smith: aecond, third, fourth and fifth,
John W. Ward. Jr.
Surgical Operation Will Not Be Per
formed on Borton.
J. Wlllard Borton, H years old, of Ger
mantown, who It charged with a series of
t Germantown robberies. Is "a normal boy"
and. must look to discipline and training'
Instead of a surgical operation to correct
his ways. This was. the statement of Dr.
James H. Lloyd aXter the boy had been
under observation at the Philadelphia
f Hospital for a week.
a no ooy was lateen do j oro juago uor
man in the Juvenile Court a week, ngo for
trial on robbery charges. It was stated
that an accident to his head years ago
find mnrla htm abnormal. The trial was
U, postponed, for a week for an examina
' Negro Held for Murder in Addison
Bcreet .uouse.
John Bmllh, the Baltimore Negro who
fk shot and killed Margaret Da via, a negro
woman. In her home, 1717 Addison Btreet,
was arraigned in the 12th and Fine streets
police station this morning and held with
out bail- lie was arrested after the crlma
last night by Policeman Shanklln.
The police have been unable to learn
A motive for the shooting. Smith had
eonia to Philadelphia from Baltimore but
a few hours before. The Davis woman
was passing through a hallway of her
home when the Negro leaped, from a
dgarway and shot her. He attempted to
scape, but was captured after a chase.
"g&JRTM0 &,& " " "
lm ii ry, jkj remtrun at., and
sw3"W5r.L" """ """ """
a. tuiror, iwo w. uuicn ave., and
t KaM. Mil BstnWMie at-, and Fannla
, OH 8. Trf at.
ai JmtalllN. Bth at., an4 HeJ.n.
leaden Wathasy M TSl" Brown st ami Jennla
JSSr j? CiMl., ini lUrelay t, am! ilar
gljw, Eminmn. ant .
an. Hll Ftraoa at.
ib, xuua jusjw, ana jrsn u,
i BraBdrwt4 at.
J IVubw, 19W. UMt avs., and ara
ftftft J-W '
rk, 1MB 3
Lw.- ""
ansAW, -40O Iimbard
asu- i amriarn at.
K. Pradissr. WU
rr. ,flw aiirvma at..
jaBC m nscr w.
3p- KaLIr
I " " I i i -..... - - , t . ! mil " - I llll ' I
"m, yy Hra.E'JrAOCBEWLEr. t OMMiTTEE
fir Jsstisifeb jn
Greatest Success of Present
Season Due to Splendid
Cast Mme. Destinn Un
able to Appear.
The story of "Alda." last night's opera,
is exclusively the story of tho cast which
presented it, and the story of tho cast
is almost exclusively the story of tho
men In It The singing of Caruso,
Amato, Dldur and Bossl made the
undent opera rich In color and feel
ing; It made what promised to bo a tor
turous rigmarole a glorious enjoyment.
Jlme. Destinn, owing to sudden Indispo
sition, was unable to sing Alda and was
replaced by Mme. Marie. Rappold. She
was in tolerable voice, but for two and
a half acts sang In a monotonous and
unskilful tone, entirely undramatlc, ut
terly unevocatlve, and becoming effective
only In tho plaintive moments for which
her voice seemed to be suited. In the
last acts, however, Mme. Rappold's voice
took on warmth of tone, displayed at
least some appreciation of the dramatic
Import of the singing, affected Its hearers
to some degree of feeling and made one
wonder why it all had not happened be
fore. Maria Duchene, on the contrary, was
sadly troubled. Her voice broke, oh occa
sions, and she seemed unable to sustain
the shortest tonal flights, but when she
mastered herself her voice was powerful
end supple.
Messrs. Caruso, Amato and Dldur were
In no wise troubled. From his first
words, Mr. Dldur" a bass was clear and
sound, almost noble in Its dignity. Less
rich, but still attractive, was Mr. Rossi's
King, And the two great singers of the
evening, Caruso and Amato, were Irre
proachable. Tho , miracle of Caruso's
singing Is not that his voice persists
against the lapse of years. It Is that to
the magnificent tone which is his by the
gift of the high gods, he has within the
last six yenrB added, little Item by Item,
a sense of artlstla singing which Is re
markable In so great a tenor. It Is the
habit of tenors to have great voices and
to caro nothing how they sing! It was
even Caruso's habit- Five years ago the
"Celeste Alda" would have been a display
of virtuosity, as It must be, and nothing
more. Last night Caruso Bang It with a
quiet fulness, a steadiness dt tone, a beau
tiful disregard of Its "possibilities" and an
overwhelming sense of the Justness which
his art demanded. Bo he stirred faint Im
aginings and evoked memory and desire.
And this Is not because his voice Is falling
off; still It tills the audience with Its sweet
savor, still It can make roelcUy rise and
fall so that the heart rises and falls
with It. The difference Is that now
Caruso appreciates his gift, whereas
years ago he simply employed It
Amato, with his performance Jn "La
Qloconda," Indicated his rare endow
ment of dramatlo intuition, which affects
not only the gesture and bearing, but
the very modulations of his voice as ell.
His playing last night was sturdy cor
roboration of the praise he won before.
Appearing only in two acts, ha made of
Amonasro a personage of striking fea
ture, whleh took and held, the imagina
tion, And his voice passes 'quite beyond
criticism of technique. It makes him the
one baritone who ehcftild always be beard
with Caruso, the one who, being so heard,
makes perfection absolute.
for net week, the company, with
Qadtki and Hemper and Schumann, and
Urius and Braun and Oorits, will pro
duce "The Magle Flute," It will be the
fifth opera, the mid-season offering, and
it is Mozart at lost I
Acted jm uNcte
Women Quests I"ind Pun Galore nt
Annual Entertainment.
Nothing In tho way of entertainment
novelties which might have tho least
feminine appeal was overlooked at the
annual "Ladles' Night" of tho Rotary
Club of Philadelphia, hold Inst night nt
Kugler's. The women present were re
galed with stylish spring' hats which,
though made of papor, savored of the
Parisian boulevards.
Many of tho most prominent repre
sentatives of Philadelphia manufacturing
Interests were Included In tho 820 guests
who sat down to the banquet table and
joined heartily In the songs. Speeches
were mostly Impromptu and of a humor
ous character.
Tho "general music" was furnished by
"Honey Songbird" Evans, assisted by tho
Pfaff & Shaver Orchestra. Tho other
music came with varying degrees of
spontaneity from the assemblage.
Tho feature, calculated to be of great,
est Interest to the women, but which nlso
proved a "hit" with the men, was nn ex
hibition of tho newest Ideals in furs, dis
played on living models.
Tho guests Included E. J. Berlet, Inter
national Rotnry vice president: Miss Au
gusta Kohnle, contralto, who contributed
to the evening's entertainment, and Dr.
John Dennis Mahoney, of the West Phil
adelphia High School for Boys.
Addresses were made by the officers
of tho club, Including Guy Gundaker,
president: Frank H. Stewart, first vice
president; Charles A. Tyler, secretary and
treasurer, and Henry S. Evans, sergeant-at-arms.
The committee which nrranged the af
fair consisted of Henry W. Buse, chalr
mnn: J. Harry Bowers, Frank C. Harris,
William J. Stecn. William A. Stuard, F.
B. Barnltz, George P. Smith and Howard
Crew Remains Aboard Smack Being
Pounded by Seas.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Dec. 16,-Cap-taln
James Johnson and his crew of
five mon are still sticking to the fishing
smack, Isabella L.. of Angelsea, which
Mere Man Furnishes Amusing Though Pathetic Feature
in Busy Whirl of City's Streets and Stores.
Walk down Chestnut or Market street
any other time of the year but this holi
day season and you will see all the lassies
who meet their swains after office hours
clinging tenderly to thelr'arms a?d look
ing adoringly Into their eyes. Walk down
those same bright thoroughfares a week
or 10 days before Christmas and what do
you seeT The swains are as forgotten as
the roses of yesterday, and the lassies are
putting positive cricks Into their pecks
gazing Into the shop windows.
After all, what Is a mere man, com
pared to a real ace Jabot or the latest
creation In bloussT
The queer, Improvident ways of the lone
man shopper cause many a deprecatory
mile to his feminine observers. There
was the man the other day who wandered
anxiously up and down the aisles, Just
like the biblical Hon, seeking whom he
could devour. Each counter he searched
anxiously. Finally he arrived at the place
where they sell notions though he hadn't
a notion of notions. He stopped suddenly
with an Eureka expression on his face
and pounced on a, IHtte-heart-shaped box.
"Would you like a box of hair pins?"
said the genius ot the notions.
"It isn't the hair pins. It's the box I
want," he replied. "I've walked miles In
y i
went aground on tho bar off Absecon
Light. Tho Btnack Is coated with Ice.
Tho high winds aro sending seas smash
ing over her at moment intorvals, and,
nccordlng to the lifeguards, there Is the
smallest hope of saving her; but Captain
Johnson and his crow refused again to
leavo their vessel and, made preparations
to spend a second night aboard her.
Negro Asks Man Who Signed It to
Cash It for Him.
William Johnson, a Negro, 28 years old,
of 1349 Poplar street, was held undor
$S0O ball by Magistrate Boyle at the
39th Btreet and Lancaster avenue station
this morning for a further hearing on
suspicion of larceny. Benjamin Stoker,
a lumber merchant, of 31th and Market
streets, testified against tho prisoner. Ac
cording to the latter, Johnson approached
him yesterday with the request to cash
n check, which, Stoker said, was drawn
by himself and which he had moiled a
day previously to a creditor. Johnson
maintained that a man whose name he
was unable to give gave him the check.
Stoker charged that the check was stolen
from the mall. Federnl postofllce Inspec
tors are Investigating the case.
The funeral of Francis T. Magulre,
contractor and builder and formerly
commissioner of Radnor township, will be
held from his home, 414 Bellevue avenue,
Wayne, Pa., Friday morning. Ho died
Monday night of heart disease, shortly
after attending a meeting of the Total
Abstinence Beneficial Society of St
Katherlne's Church of Wayne. He was
62 years old Mr. Magulre was a member
of tho Phllopatrlan Club and tho Knights
of Columbus. He Is survived by his
widow, three sons and three daughters.
Funeral of Miss C. M. Cohen
The funeral services of Miss Catharine
M. Cohen were conducted this morning
at her home, 334 South 21st street, by
Rlbbl Lean II. Elmaleh. The Interment
was In Mount Sinai Cemetery. Many
handsome floral pieces were sent by
friends of the artist Miss Cohen died
this shop and spent hours searching for
JUBt such a box, and I'd have It If It con
tained dynamite. By the way, could you
use the hair plnsT"
"I da use them," she answered coyly,
And he paid 15 cents for a box that
a woman could have bought for 6, but
the pleased smile that he wore as the
result of bis achievement was doubtless
worth three times that sum.
The lean Santa Clauses who ore stand
ing around, about In the toy departments
of the shops and on the street corners are
a source of perturbation to the small
"Ma." said one youngster In puzzled
4onas, the other morning, "you said
Santy had a tummy like a bowl full of
Jelly and a race like a, red apple. This
one ain't got 'em."
And the Santy thus referred to pulled
himself together and puffed out his Jaws
and his tummy In an endeavor not to
compromise his species, but tho little boy
wasn't bolt satisfied with his effort v
The woman who hesitates between giv
ing her husband the chafing dish that
she needs herself and the smoking Jacket
that he really wants, and decides on
the latter, usually comes home feeling
that she has done a mighty big and
noble thing!
This hebe iajjul
T.,,7?5 t-fil. LEM'MCl
WASHINGTON, Deo. 18 -General O. B.
Davis, for 10 years Judgo Advocate Gen
eral of the United States Army, died to
day at his home in this city. Ho was 68
years old and was retired In 1811 be
cause of age. General Davis wrote (nu
merous books on military subjects.
Ho was ona of this country's represen
tative at the Hague conference and the
Geneva Red Cross convention.
Mlchncl A. Bdyle, wclghrnnster nt the
Philadelphia Mint during President Cleve
land's administration,, nnd nn nctlvo
lender In Dcmocrntlo movements, died
jemoiuiiy 111 ins nomc, loot iNorui mn
street, following an attack of heart dis
ease Ho was 68 years old Mr Boyle
In later years was engaged In tho heater
nnd range business. He was a member
of tho St. Mnlachy's Roman Catholle
congregation, tho Holy Name Society and
tho St, Vincent de Paul Society. ' He
lcavei a widow nnd five sons, ono ol
whom, William Bojle, U a theological
student at St, Charles' Seminary, Over
brook. Tho funornt services will bo held
en Saturdny morning with Solemn
Requiem Mass nt St. Malachy's Church,
11th and Master streets.
J. Scott Davis, superintendent of tho
Union Stock Yards of Lancaster, who
died Monday, will bo burled tomorrow
afternoon nt 2 o'clock from his late home,
424 North 34th street. Mr. Scott, who was
a descendant of an old Lancaster County
family, sa,w active servlco as a member
of the Carolina Cavalry Corps during the
Civil War, and was at ono time engaged
In tho wholesale dry goods and notions
business In this city. His widow, Mrs.
Emma C. Dnvls, and son survive.
TORONTO, Ont., Dec. 16.-Hon. Robert
Jnffray, Senator of tho Dominion of
Canada, nnd president of tho Globe
(Toronto) newspaper, died oarly today.
Senator Jaffray was born near Bannock
burn, Scotland, In 1832, and had been
educated at tho Stirling Academy, Edin
burgh. Ho emigrated to Toronto In 1852,
whore ho started In business. Since then
ho had been director of numerous rail
ways, insuranco companies, land cor
porations and other enterprises.
Mrs. Doborah Brook Worrall, wife of
Frank Brook Worrall, a real estate dealer
of Media, died suddenly yesterday nfter
noon from an attack of acute Indigestion.
Sho wns stricken while drilling the chil
dren of tho Sunday school of tho First
Baptist Church of Media for the Christ
mas cantata. Mrs. Worrall was well
known in church and social circles. She
la survived by her husband and two small
AMSTERDAM, Dec. 16. Johannes Ber
nardus Blommers, the eelobrated Dutch
painter, president of the Dutch Academy
of rnlnters, died nt Tho Hague ester
day. Mynheer Blommers was born nt
Tho Hague In 1S43 He came to this coun
try in April, 1912, when he was commis
sioned by the pcoplo of Holland to paint
the portrait of Andrew Carncglo, now
Slanging In tho Peaco Palaco at The
Wllllnm Henry White, president of
White Brothers & Co, smelters nnd re
finers, who died Monday from an Illness
of pneumonia, will bo burled tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock from his home,
1421 West Erie avenue. Mr. White was
In his 75th year nnd had been In the
smelting business for more than 45
years. He leaves a widow, two sons and
ono daughter.
Thomas A Murtagh, for 28 years for
eign agent for the United States Express
Company, died yesterday nfter an Illness
of nino months at his home, 2031 Arch
street. Ho was 43 years old. He leaves
a widow, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Murtagh.
NEW YORK, Dec. 16. Colonel Edward
Daniel Meier, past president of the Amer
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers,
died here late yesterday at the home of
his daughter, Mr. Meier was a Union
soldier In tho Civil War.
HAGERSTOWN, Md Dec. I6.-Lleuten-ant
Samuel Melchor Strlte, U, S. N., re
tired, who commanded the after eight
Inch turret on Admiral Dewey's flagship
Olympla, during the Battle of Manila.
Bay, died here yesterday. He was 49
years old. He was the son of former
Justice Samuel Strlte, and brother or
former Mayor Abraham C. Strlte, of
llAItitKIl. On December 15, 10H. jrinr
W wlie of Robert N JJarber, Sr.. and daush;
ter of the Ute William and Loui.a I'hllliDe
ageii 87 yeara Funeral on Friday, at 10 a!
m.. from 2024 North JUth at. Interment
private, at Weat Laurel Illll Cemetery.
1IA11NE8. On December IS, 1014, AHOH
W., Jr.. eon of Amon V and the late Barah
M Uaroea. In hie 15th year Funeral aerv.
ices on Thuraday, it 8 p. m . at Illdse avi.
and ltlghter it, Wlssahlckon. Interment
private, Friday a m. ' ""nenc
MAII.K. On December 34, 1014. FnANIC
HAYLiJ. aged TT years. Tho relative!
and (rlenda of the family, also Mellta Lodie
No. 5, K and A. M . Columbia. Marie
Lodge, No. Sli Jeruaalem B. A. CbauterrNo
3 St. Jobn'a Commandery, No 4, K. T, sr
invited to attend the, funeral service, on
Friday afternoon, precliely at 2 o'clock, at
hla lats residence 1013 llaco at Interment
at Ve laurel IIU Cemetery
BIMIA11TZ. On December 13, 1D14.ANNIB.
wife of llarry Otlharts and daughter of the
late Michael and Mary TUhe Funeral on
Thureday at o.S0 a m from 806T Potter
t Illxb Maaa at the Church of the Aaoeu
jton at 10 a ra. Interment St Mary's Cema
Tary Olouoaater N J .
BOVIV-On December 14, 1814, MAHTHA,
dauKhter of tho late William and Mary B
Doyd. Funeral aervlcea on Friday, at 1 u
la., at 3SW 8. 10th at Interment Northwood
BOYlfE'-On December 19. IBM. MICHAEL
A , huiband of Catherine A Uoylo. Funeral
on Friday, at 8,30 . ro , from 15S2 North
11th at. SaJJma High luijulem Maaa at bt
Malaeny's Church, at 10 a m. Interraest Old
Cathedral Cemetery
BHICKI.KY. On December Jfl, idj.,
JBNNIH I, widow of Valentin Urtckley,
In her 44lh year Funeral aervlcea on Thura
day. at 8 p. m.. at 10a Washington aveM
Oolllngawood. N. J., also ervlsea at the
Bbeneier M. JB Church, Seel I County. Md.,
Friday, at 2 p. m. Interment Bbenezer
Cemetery.- .
BYRNK, Suddenly, on December 14, 1914,
MAKe a.
TVILLIAU VT., husband of Ellen n?m, of 59
Ceatea at... Sharon Hill. r Du notice of
riftilral tvfll ht rlvatv
.- .;.;:-.wiv "--.""t"'
l M i-uqija vn
Tamh.' 1K lnl4.
WAitD 6INCL,AlIt . CAMi'HEl.U , IK. Jl
jean Ttelatlvea and friend are Invited to
11 fc m., at the residence of his slaters, 257
Bouth 44th at Interment prlisto
DAVIS-On December 14, 1914, J. BCOTT,
husband of Emma O Davis, in his T4th year.
The relatives nnd friends are invited to at
tend the runeral service, bn Thursday aitpr
Rnon, at 2 o'clock, at hla late residence, 4S1
otth 34th st. Interment st the convenience
of the family. ., ...
DEri!ltKN. On December 11, 1014, MART
A , wife of John fl Dererven. Funeral on
Frldiir, at 2 p m precisely, from, her late
residence, lffil North ltth at Interment
. rrlvntp nt Mt I'esce Cemeters, . ., ,
hKVINKV. On December 15, 1014, of dlph
thrru, BTKriIRN I, ran of rhomaa. J,
nnd Dell Devlnoy (neo Murray), need 2
jears months, lteildence 1001 South at
No runerftl ,
I.oTan. JAMES DOLAN. 2031 Dast Let-
DOIIAN, At PhOenlxvllle, Tn., on December
LI. 1914 BWZAI1ETII B.. dnughtrr of James
N nnd tho into Anna Kdmleton Dornn, Fu
neral nep Ires nt tho residence of her fathor,
SOT Hall st , I'hoenlxvlllo. on Thursdny, nt
2 n in Interment Morris Cemetery, rhoo-
Kli(IAH-On Decembers. 1014, MATtY J,
wlfo of J S. Bdfrar (neer Ilalley) ITunerai
on Friday, nt 1 p m., from 242 West Ox
ford interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery,
rjlASintv At South Westvllle, ,N. J, on
rx-ccmnar IS, 1UI4, JAMI.H KliASRTt, mted
70 years. Funeral on Saturday, December
in nt 10 a. m from Chestnut st , South
Westvllle, N, J Interment private, at
Mount -Morlah Cemetery.
OAUS-iOn December IS, , 1014, ANNA,
daughter of Annie and the lata John Onus,
Funeral on Saturday, at 1 p m., from Z120
Watklns st. Interment private, at Glen wood
GI11II8. Near Columbus,. N. J on Twelfth
Month 14th. 1014. THOAS 8 0111119. aied
ST years Itclatlves nnd friends are Invited
to attend the funeral, from late residence,
near Columbus, N. J . on Sixth-day, tho 18th,
at lft 10 n m. Interment Upper Sprlnyfleld
Auto will meet l n. m train from Market
st. ferry, Philadelphia, and V 4n n. m. train
from Trenton nt Joruemovn, N J.
GOIUfAN, On December in, JOH. JOHN,
husliand of Catharine Gorman. Funeral on
Trlday at 8 SO n. m., from 1800 llutler St.
iRolcmn. High Mats of llequlem at St.
Stephen's Church nt lt a. in. Interment
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
ailAYr bit December 13. 1914, JANB.wldow
of Joseph Gray. Funeral services on Thurs
day, at 2 p. m.. nt her late residence, 1413
Bouth 17th st, Interment at Central Laurel
Illll Cemetery
1IANCK. On December 14, 10l4. EDWAHD
11, HANCB, nged 81 years Relatives nnd
menda ore invited to attend tho funeral
cervices, on Thursday, at 2:1G p. in., at his
late realdence. 101 West Tulpehocken at.. Ger
mantown. Interment nrlvato. Carriages will
meet train at Tulpehocken Street Station
leaving; Uroad Streot at 1 23,
HAND, December 13.M014, at his late resi
dence, 0123 Wayne ave., Germantown,
Mass nt 10 o'clock, Friday, December 18, nt
Church of St. Vincent de Faul, German
town HlINItV. On December IB, 1014, WILLIAM
J. HENRY, at his Into residence, W17 West
minster ave, in his aid year. Due notice of
tho funeral will bo given
17th st.
HUDSON On December IB, 1014, PATRICK
It., husband ot Anna C. Hudson (neo Car
roll). Funeral on Friday, at 8,30 a. m ,
from 2111 llerks St. Solemn Requiem Mnsa
at St. Elizabeth's Church, at 10 o, m. In
terment Holy Cross Cemetery,
HUGHES. On December IB, 1014, OnonaD
V., husband of tho Into Mary Hughrs, nged
112 seam Funeral on Thursday, nt 8p. m,
from nod South lid st . Camden N, J. In
terment at Columbus, N. J., on Friday morn-
JAnMnS On December IB. 1014, CHARLES
JAMBfl. Duo notlco of the funeral will bo
clven from tils late reslderce. B1S2 Drown st.
KKLI.Y. On December 13, 1914, PATRICK
I,. KULL.Y. Funeral on Tnursuay, at t:;iu
n, m., from Sarah st , below Walnut lane,
Germantown, 21st Ward Solemn Requiem
Mass at St. Vincent de Paul's Church at 0
n. m. Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
LAIRD On December IB, 1014. CAllRin
F., wlfH ot John L. Laird. Funeral services
on Thurwlav afternoon, nt fl o'clock, at her
late residence. 1321 Jefferson street. In
terment nt Lock Haven Pa.
LEWIS. At Mt. Hollyr N. J , on December
IB, 11114. JOHN 1 LEWIS. Funernl on
' Friday, at 2 p. m , from 63 Pine at. Inter
ment Mt Hollv cemetery
LONOISNDORFER. On December IB, 1014.
PitANK II.. husband ot the late Kllzabcth
LongenJorfer. I"uneral on Saturday, at In
n. m i from 111 North U3d st. Interment
prlat nt Northwood Cemetery
ItlNGIOIIII. On December 13, 1914, MARY
JANC. wife of George Longford. Funeral
services on Thursday, at 2 p. m , nt 2035
East Ontario at. Interment private, at Oak
land Cemetery. ,
MAGUIKK. Suddenly, on December 14.1DM,
FRANCIS T. MAQUIRE, husband of Susanna
' A Magulre (nee Mallon). Funeral on Friday,
at HMO a. m, rtom 41 i Rellevue ave,
Wane, Pa. Solemn Mass at St. 'Katherlne's
Church at 10 a. m. Interment at St. Denis.
LUTZ. Suddenly, on December 14, 1014,
HANNAH A , widow of George W. Lutz.
Funernl services on Saturday, at 2 P m., at
Q540 Kensington ave. Interment private, at
North Certsr Hill Cemetery.
MARSHALL. On December IS, 1014,
IIAlUtV. husband of Mary Marshall (nca
McKlnley). Residence. 2o!cl lAramlngo ave.
Dun notice of the funeral will be gien
MAST. On December IS, 1014. JOSEPH,
sen ot Elizabeth and the late Joseih Mast
Funeral on Friday, nt 2 p in , from 4J20
North ISth st. Interment private. Ivy Illll
1010 Sharswood st.
3IrROY. At tho Ausuatlnlan Monastery.
Vlllanova, Pa , December 14, 1014, Very
Itov. C A. McEVOY. O. H. A., aged 74
yeara Reverend clergy, relatives and friends
are invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs
day morning. Divine Ofnce begins at II.J0
a. m. Solemn Requiem Mass at 10 a, m.,
at Bt. Thomas' Church, Vlllanova, Pa, In
terment at Vlllanova.
McGKATII. On December IB. 1014, nt her
residence. 321 Preston at., Phlla , ANNIE W..
widow of William McOrath and daughter ot
the late Rowland and Isabella Walker.
McILWAIN. At her residence. 4117 Leidy
ave., on December 18. 1014, CATHARINE M.
widow of Hugh T. Mcllwaln. Due notice ot
tho funeral will bo given.
MU.I.KTT. On December 12. 1014, MARY,
widow of John Mlllett. Funeral on Thursday,
at 8.30 a m., from 2311 Coral at. Solemn
Requiem Mass at the Holy Name Church at
10 a. m., precisely. Interment at Holy Sep
ulchre Cemetery,
MIIMOAN. On December IS, 1014. HER
TIUJUB ii . daughter of the late Robert and
Emetine Mllllgan Funeral from her lite
residence, 13.17 North Alden st.. West Phila
delphia, on Friday, at 2 p m Interment
Northwood Cemetery
MOItltlB. On December 14. 1014, WILL
IAM J MORRIB Funeral aervlcea on Thura
day, at 2 p. m . at Bt. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Darren Hill. I'a. Interment adjoin
ing cemetery
MOHKHACH December 13, 1014, FRIEDA,
wits ot Charles Mosebaeh (nea Kern). Real
dence, 1333 North 2IUh at. Due notice of the
funeral wilt be given
MUnTAGH. On December IB, 1014,
THOMAS A. MUKTAUH. husband ot Eliza
beth A Murtagh Due notice pt the funeral
will ba given, from hla late residence, 031
Arch it.
OHEItDOltrPII. Suddenly, on December IB,
1814. UECHNA OUERDORFKR. widow of
Leopold Oberdorfer, Relatives and friends,
also Leah Lodge and Queen Esther Lodge,
are Invited to attend the runeral, on Thurs
day afternoon, ar 2 o'clock sharp," from her
late residence. 8001 N bth st. Interment
at Adath Jeebunin Cemetery.
O'DONNEIX. On December 14, 1014. SA
RAH, widow of Hugh O'Donnell. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the runeral
on Thursday morning st 7 30 o clook from
tho residence of M Miry Pat ton, Jflau N
Hutchinson st High Requiem Mass at St.
Malachy's Church at t a, m. Interment at
Holv Ctoss Cemetery.
PALMER On December 18, 1014, ESTHER
11 PALMER, daughter of Charles and M&ttle
Palmer (nee Perker) Funeral services on
Thursday, at 3 p. p at 426 Walout St..
Camden. r4 J
PETERS At her resldsnce. 4824 Chestnut
st , on December II. 1814 MAIJBBA CHAL
FANT. widow of J Btwood Peters, if. D
Funoral aervlcea and luternunt private
POWERS On December 18, 1014, JOHN.
son of the lata Jehu and Hannah Powers,
at the residence of his brother-ln law. J4d.
wara - Btara, 1 1. ui jumim su uue notice of
the funeral wilt be given.
PNFlKS7gfab.r 1. 1 , MARIl
lalnfrlad One Merits). Funeral on
day. at a aw a in., irora leer Wallace
Boiemn High Requiem Maaa at the CuhseVa!
at 10 a m. Interment at Cathedral Csa
right. Rustv
'L RPfiBY (N HE?fS,
mnot?LY,-On December lMCHAf.
V . husband of George . A Rldsely (nee
Rich?). Funeral o"Thuda December
17, t ! p. m, from 10 52 North 2Ttn St..
camden, N J Interment nt Arlington
mshON On December 14. 1914, JOHN,!.
RISUON Relatives and friends, also Car
riage end Wngon Builders Association of
Philadelphia, are invited to attend the funeral
services on Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock,
at his late residence 220(1 IlranUywlne at. In.
ferment private
ROIIEIITR On December IB, 1014, LptJlSH
A, daughter of the late Joseph and Mar
garet F Roberts Funeral from 2741 North
Snth st . on Friday, the 18th Inst , at 2 p. m
Interment private
ROSHNSTEIN. On December 12, 1014. IA55
SiiB, wife of the late Louis Roseneteln, In
her 72d year Relatives nnd friends ate In
vited to attend the funernl on Thursday, at
2pm, from her late residence, 2210 North
18th st Interment Rodcf Shalom Cemetery
lnafrli-lv nn (Inwpra
8IU.KEII On December 14, 1014, JOHN,
husband of Pauline Seizor (nee Ilnenel). in
hie Htli ;rnr. Relatives nnd friends, also
Deutchen Iljerbcr und Drucker Vereln. Phil
adelphia Mllchhnndler Untentutzung- Vereln,
St. Michael's Druder ttnterstutrung Vereln,
are invited to attend tho funeral on Fri
day, at 3 p. m , from hll late resl
denc, J2I1 Emerald it Interment at Cedar
Hill Cemetery , . .... ,.,.,.
SnilAN. On December IB, 1014, ANNA,
wife of Dnvld U. Seran, at Woodbury
Heights. N, J .... ,
SOIOMON. On December IB, 1014, CARO
LINE, wife of tho late Joseph Solomon, in
her 7Blh rear. Relatives and friends, also
Leah Lodge, nra Invited to attend the fti
nernl, on Thursday, st 10 am , from the
parlors of Emanuel Asher A Son. 1002 Dia
mond st. Interment at Jit. Slnal Cemetery.
Positively no (lowers.
STEWART. On December 12, 1014, WILL
IAM STEWART, runeral, on 'Ihursday. nt
fi a, m , from till S. Schuylkill ave. Requiem
Maes at St Anthony's Church, nt 0 W a. m.
Intermont at New Cathedra! Cemetery.
STINSON. On December 13, 1014, MARGA
RET, wlfo ot James stlnson. Funeral, on
Friday, at 8 a. m from 1421 B. 2d st. High
Mass of Requiem at the Sacred Heart
unurcn, nt v ou n. m. interment jiuir iv
Cemetery. .
TAYLOR. On December IB, 1014, dEOROB
w husband of Elizabeth 8. , Taylor,
Funeral on Friday, nt 10 10 a m., from 403
New Park nve , Colllngsnood, N, J. Inter
ment strictly private, at 8t. James M. E.
Cemetery, Olney, Philadelphia, .....
TOOMEY. On December IB, 1914, EMMA
M., wlfo of John J. Toomcy and daughter
of Chrlfctopher nnd Amlo Snyloff, aged 28
jears. Residence, 2B3J Fast Cleartlcld st.
Duo notice' of the funernl will be given.
UMIICK. At Conshnhocken. Pn, on De
cember 13. 101 1, KIAS. II, ULRICK, widow
of Jacob M, Ulrlck. Services, on Thursday,
nt 1 p m , nt 018 Harry st., Conshohocken,
Pn. Interment private, Monlgomory Ceme
tery. Norrlstown. .
WATSON. On Deeomber IB, 1014, ADE
LAIDE TJIDWELL. widow of William II.
Wntson, In her 72d year. Funeral on Friday,
Deccmbei 18, at 2 p. m , from 3412 Dlsston
st., Tncony. Interment private .....
WHITE. On December J4, 1014, WILLIAM
II., huiband of Anna K White, . Relatives
nnd friends nro Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Thursday afternoon, nt 2 ! o'clock
precisely, at his late residence. 1421 W. Erie
nve. Interment private at North, Cedar Hill
Cemetery. Funeral at tho convenience of the
VVHITESELL. Suddenly, nt Palmyra, N.J..
December U, 1914.JOHN 8., husband of the
late Susan M. Whitia.ell. Funeral, on
Thursday, at 1:30 p. m.. from the residence
of William Strang, Berkley ave., below 4th
st.. Palmyra, N. J. Interment Harlslgh
WOLFE. At Jefferson Hospital, Phlladel-
delphla, at 0 n. m , on December IB, 1014,
LEON B. WOLFE. Relatives nnd friends
aro invited to attend tho funeral services on '
Thursday, nt 2 .10 p. m , nt the apartments
of Oliver II. Hair, 1820 Chostnut st. Also
services at Lowlsburg, Pa., on Friday, at 11
a. m. Interment at Lewlcburg.
NOLI". On December IB, 1014, HERMAN,
husband of Cllfne Wolf, In his 00th year.
Relatives ami friends aro Invited to attend
tho 'funeral services, on Friday, at 10 30 a. m ,
at hla late residence, 2115 Green st. Inter- ('
ment private. Kindly omit ".owers.
rtORTlIINaTON. On December 13. 10M, ,
REBECCA O., daughter ot the lato Ileniamln
and Lydla Ann Worthlngton Funeral, on
Thursday, 2 p. m.. from the residence of
her brother, llmmor Worthlngton. Somerton,
Tn. Interment William Penn Cemetery.
THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this)
One insertion . lBo per line
inreo insertions in a wbbk..
R,i,n rAnserutlve Insertions.
.. 1Ho per line
.. 10 j per line
innn Una rnntract fdntiv ad
vertising) 8o perlln'
Situations wanted, three Inser
tions in a week lOo per line
THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this)
Permitted In all classifications except Helg
and Mtudtlons Wanted Lost and Found, Per
sonals, Boarding and Rooms.
One Insertion 20e per line
Three Insertions in a week.... 17HO per line
even eonrecutlve Insertions... ISO per line
1C00 lino contract (dally ad
vertising) 12Hc per Una
All rates are based on agate measurement.
14 agate lines to the Inch. t
DEATH NOTlCES-elther paper 1
10 lines one time ., '500.
Three insertions ,li.O
In Effect December I, till
tor inseitlbn in both tho morning and evening
napers of same dayi
Add four cents per line net to rates gives
above. V.
's T.h'ro ls . Jrult lor8 near your home that
wm ci-ept iqgrr want aos at onlce rates, '
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, Jowess:
must bo exp. Apply In own hand's, stating
refs Juvenile Aid Society, 8WN JthaC
CHILDNURSE wanted, Cathoila; must have
good reference. Apply Slla De Lancey at.
" " " a, m.sts i cu
gg&fo. "igmth0.?'8' ""-
lipusEWORK-Rellabla woman for general
housework, must be good cook and waitress.
Apply after 8, 821 N. 16th at. """"
HOUSEWORK White woman. Protetanti" 3
adults: reference. 114 S. 40th at
atatlne exp and sal exp , II 211. Led Off.
WAITRESS, exp , white, uptown restaurant!
select, private trade. F BS7, Ledger Central.
WANTED A eook and waitress. Protest an tat
country place, one mile from Reading wages
$7 per week P. O Box 822. Reading. Pa.
WOMAN, educated, tactful rfln. , .-.-
possessing, forlucratlte position requiring
close attention 8 hours dally, where best city
sredenttali rather than business experience
will ba considered, one willing to work hard
I? leygVoflc?' "Ury "-Mr.
publication 1287 Spruce st
CANVA'SSERS 200 house-to-house canvassers,
attractive prwoaltlon to conscientious men.
F 910. Ledger Central v
HUS1LERS eatable of earning S3 and un.
ward, dally commission b-sls. to demon
atrate our fraa talking machine Apply S
to 10 80. Mr Stiambeian. 1332 Arch it
quires s. few workmen of the better class for
responsible positions In tho ra.tory not of lies,
no medal mechanical or chemical eiuerienee
ncaary, work la neither uuhealihy nor dan
gerous; aa we OMrate some very valuable
sestet proesss (knowledge of wiich must
nT he dUetoMdl' these positions are only
opan la jnn of , craven Integrity sad good
Kutt.wt".rtil lnTwt ,l0o, ,n ' builness
Vnhieh la both tor our wotectton and to make
the wffeftunltyio profitable te them that
tGy wffi ,hay tbe hiiHMet Ic.eotive to rMel-
proHa stouw exoeed USO par yfar aat see
and experience. LWl Ledger Centrsi
6CE' HE CAivr
m'& MfK& A
H i -
lifpltiBiJl t
sKK f
HAVE KIM AN' -fcli -ec j
rtu IE ACK5-r- AtreRS
ARMS AP'TH' HoUtVftS,. .
yp AM
ISK reiv
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