""W.1V EVENING LEDGER-PHIIJADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1U 191?. tf BRITISH ARMY PAY , TOO SLENDER, PLEA : OF ENGLISHWOMAN ADMIRALS STURDEE AND VON SPEE BOTH NOTED COMMANDERS British Victor in South At lantic Sea Fight Veteran of Egyptian Campaign Von Spee, Able German Strate gist. sP BTORF, OPI3NS 8t30 A, M. AND CLOSES AT 0 r, H. mail on rnoN'n onnrcns filled Yr A C4-ss. Vast New Stocks in Readiness for i cai jrUMiiii 4?iui c Every Need Christmas and Later Save the YELLOW TRADING STAMPS Full books of them aro ex changeable for acceptable gifts. H ATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE IN THE SUBWAY STORE Rubbers and Rubber Boot Sixes and styles to fit all shoes. T Writing to Relative in Phila- Children! BOc A 70c Hnb- OfJ ber, sites 6 to 1014,. .. OOC J UUlJJllia, JUC VUtlllll.lluo ON Women' ftffc to Bite ilnhlier 39c - T . ("- f: tension increase or rn- 1 2 MORE Men's B.1.KO short Hoot.. So QQ Market Donblo Yellow Trading Stamps With livery 10c Purchase Until Noon Filbert Eighth AFTER THAT, UNTIL CLOSING TIME, SINGLE STAMPS Seventh 2'.98 '1.49 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS riora' Storm Klwr Iloots (3 to 6) Minaes 2 Short Iloots ((11 to 2) imiqppipi wp!!wip.fi ., fsJfe LVV I 's N V, vates and Deplores Offi cers' Hardships. Oomethlnsr of tho distress brought by the war upon tho wives nnd families of British soldiers at tho front Is described by on Englishwoman, who writes n graphic budget of news to a relative In Philadelphia! "Wo aro nil very glad that a new achetno has been arranged and a paper Is sued by the Government, giving Increases In the pensions of soldiers and their do pendents which will greatly nmcllorato tho lot of our poor womon who lose their bread-winners during tho dreadful war. 'It Is a step In the right 'direction nnd ens with which every person will bo In agreement; It Is the least we can do for our dear fighting men, I also hopo we hall soon hear of a now scheme of pay and pensions for our officers all these questions havo been neglected far too long. At present I know of several cases Where officers' wives aro virtually penni less, as tho mobilization regulations make an Immense difference to a great number, chiefly in tho case of special appoint ments being held li( pence time. "A great friend of mlno married last year an nrtillery lieutenant who was ap pointed ns adjutant to a territorial brig ade and wa made a temporary captain With greatly Improvod pay In conse quence, but alns! on mobilization they And that he must go back to subaltern's pay which for a married man Is absolutely a hopolcss state of things; Indeed It Is oven for a. bachelor as an Independent In eomo or nn allowance form his family is a necessity to on officer. Their uniforms aro numerous nnd very expensive and their mess bills alone swallow up more than their pay In most cases. (Pat says it Is a race between his pay and his mess bill every month, nt least It was when he Was In an infantry regiment. Toor Kitty (my friend) says she does not know how ever alio is to mnnago to live, for Bhe has a very tiny lncomo of her own. OFFICERS' SHORT COMMONS. "Then I have another friend married to a major In the army, and they aro Bow minus an additional JI000 a year which he had from an appointment. Sho Wanted to sublet the furnished Iioubo they had taken and had found an excellent tenant, but tho landlord turned crusty and refused to alow her to do so, I think it was most unfair under tho cir cumstances, and In my usual revengeful way I heartily wish I could punish the. old wretch. I am afraid these cases are mild In comparison with many, many oth ers. Of course, there Is a special society for aiding officers' families, but It will be only as a last resort that people of tho better class will ask for help, and It is ""hoped that the country will meet tho po sition with generosity, or, I ought to say, with Justice." Concerning the disappearance of Lord Annesley, whose death since has been confirmed, sho writes: "It Is very distressing to read of tho. disappearance of Lord-Annesley and Mr. Beevor. They left Sheernesa on Thurs day last to fly to France nnd It is feared that they have cither had n fatal acci dent or havo fallen Into the German lines. I hopo we shall soon hear that they are alive and. well. Lord Annesley has dono splendid work in Belgium nnd took part In the defense of Antwerp: it will be very hard It ho has come to an untimely end While merely flying across the channel. "I must tell you n story quite a true one of one of our army doctors In Paris Colonel . He Is n nice, old dear but peaks in an extraordinary high voice. A wenderful rumor "got around In Paris 'that two very Important and much dis cussed German generals had been taken prisoners. Just after the news reached one of the hospitals Colonel entered the hall, whereon an excitable French doctor dashed up to him, shook him by both hands and exclaimed, 'Isn't It splen did von ICliilc and von Stein have been caught!' To his amazement the Colonel coolly replied 'Good! I'm sure I con gratulate you I I haven't the faintest Idea who they are, but I'm sure I am pleased if It gives you any pleasure!' LONDON NOT "PANICKY."' Reports that London was panic-stricken at a prospective German raid are dis claimed as follows; "The Germans mads a most daring raid en our east coast three days ago, they only stayed in English waters for about JO minutes and it is surmised that their object was to lay mines and to set up nervousness among our people. We are all wondering how a squadron of their fast cruisers and destroyers could leave its base and reach our ahqres, evading our patrols until within a few miles of Lowe stoft, But no one seems to be the least bit panicky In consequence." "We shall havo the most anxious times until we know which way fortune will turn and I suppose It may bo months before we shall definitely know the re sult of the present struggle. Let us hope that the end will come sooner than we can reasonably expect Just at present. Certainly the German calculations have been entirely upset, The English were to be wiped out within three days of their first coming into action! Paris was to bs Uken In about three weeks: Calais was to be theirs by October 25. The Tpres was to be taken by November 1, the Kaiser's express order! But none of these events have taken place yet. thank heaven, and we hope and pray that the Kaiser will continue to be foiled In spite or the tre mendous efforts he is making to drive the English and the Belgians to the sea and cut them off from tho French." AUSTRIANS TURN ON CZAR IN WEST GAL1CIA FIGHT Heavy Storms Sail to Abate IPury of Renewed Battle, VIENNA, Deo. 1A Despite severe storms in western Gallcla heavy fighting between the Aus trian and Russians is going on there, according to an efijeial report from the Austrian Qeneral Staff Issued here to day. . The situation, in southern Poland, where the Auilriana suoBOrt tha nrmin win.. :ts quiet In tho vicinity of Plotrkow. Russian asiaflts have met a stubborn realstaoce onUhe part ot the Austro tftrmans and pave gained ao advantages, (fRACOW tJEARS CZAR'S GUflJS $4itg Tak to Cellars for Safety ram I Btabrdjnut. MaVTKJUMM. Dec la Mints a Berlin dlspaWit wind of Kimm&u iru at Uroo, tut Aua- flying vr tfce j- OJOtiuiujt boBitut and Wt resident. f Uu: ctti are dJuJn Tfce fategraaf JsiKal triw AriAf lrLi mil Vice Admiral Sir Frederick Charles Doveton Bturdce, Commandor-ln-Chlef of tho British squadron which has crush ed tho German fleet near tho Falkland Islands, is a veteran of tho Egyptian campaign of 32 years ago, and considered ono of the ablest officers of tho ROynt British Navy. Until a few years ago ho whs nsststant director o'f the Impor tant Naval Intelligence Department of tho Admiralty at Whitehall, London. His rlso to commander of the second cruiser squadron, to which post ho was ap pointed in 1912, was rapid and was mark ed by .service which brought forth favor nblo comment on tho part of his supe riors on several occasions and twice won him tho gold medal of the Royal United Service Institution. He was appointed rear admiral In comrnnd of tho first bat tlo squadron In 1010, nnd In 1912 received tlie post ho now holds. Vlco Admiral Sturdee was born on June 9, 1S59. He entered the navy In Ml, and his first Important war service was In tho famous Egyptian campaign of 18S2, as a result of which he wears tho Egyp tian medal, with tho Alexnndrla clasp, for his services in tho bombardment of Alexandria and for tho same service he wears the Khedive's big star. After his return to England from that campaign, In 1S80, he wns married to Miss Marlon Adela Andrews. In 1833 Admiral Sturdee was detailed as assistant to tho Director of Naval Ord nance nnd In 1899 ho was promoted to be a cnptnln. In tho samo year ho com manded tho British forco which landed In Samoa, and his service In the Samoan campaign won him another decoration. Ho is a member of tho United Service Club of London, and his homo Is nt Dal keith Cottage, Inles Green, England. Admiral von Spec, commander of the Germnn cruisers In the engagement with tho British squadron, was noted as a naval strategist and was said to have played an Important part In drawing up tho German naval plans which went Into cffcOt automatically at the outbreak of the war, and enabled German cruisers which were widely scattered over the Pacific to come together In spite of the fact that their communication with Ber lin had been cut off, and It wns Impos sible for their commanders to receive or ders from headquarters. While the details of the plan are un known, of course. It Is said that each commander had been supplied with a sealed map of tho world when the plan was drawn up several years ago, and that on each map were tiny dots in various parts of the Pacific to which the com manders were to steam with all speed the moment war was declared. On their return to the dots that Indi cated the plnce they vould bo Joined by other warships, it is said, tho cruisers were to meet merchantmen at specified points to receive coal and provisions, making It unnecessary for them to put into any port until they had been Joined by enough fighting ships to malco their power formidable. The carrying out of this plan made it possible for the German squadron consist ing of the Scharnhorst, Gnelsenau and Leipzig under tho command of von Speo, to meet and defeat the British squadron consisting of the cruisers Monmouth, Good Hopeand Glasgow and the trans port Otranto under Rear Admiral Crad ock oft the Chilian coast on November 1. VA Ws. m The Mosl Satisfying Gift is one that combines charm and utility. There is no more delightful remembrance than an attractive Elec tric Lamp of distinctive design. The Electric Shop at Tenth and Chestnut Streets is the headquarters for Electric Lamps of all kinds. " Nowhere in the city will you find a more compre hen ve--and, for the value, lower priced- display of beautiful and efficient lamps, for the library and living-room, as well as at tractive boudoir, detk and piano lamps of varied design, There are, in fact, lamps to suit every taste, from the simple cottage types to the more elaborate imported ones, at prices to suit every purse, Vuit the Electric Shop tnd s& these buss for yeumtf . TW we aba EUctrie devices of every type sad price. Ut aid you m mdtutf your QwUtsui MfectieA. sumb tJrne. turn ah fmmmt mm Jewelry and ilverware Inexpensive glfle will be highly appreciated. $2.50 Brace-$1 Af Oold-fllloil, beautifully engraved: lolnt nnd catch. Guaranteed for two years. $1.50 Cuff no. Links .... OC Solid Roldiplnln nnd fnnoy designs; rtomnn or English finish. 98c Rose Bead Efi Necklaces .... OUC JIndo from tho flower nnd retnlns all natural odor. Various colors. $1.98 Vanity Cases, 98c German, silver nnd Kold-flllort, attract ively engraved. Combination coin, vnnlty and card compartments. $1.98 Ring: Mesh Bags, 98c German silver, plain nnd fancy frames, various slses. Silverware Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets, Also Men's Military Sets $5.50 to $7 Values, Set $4.50 to $5.75 Quadruple-plated, bright sliver flnlsh; fancy desl; boxed. Children's 25c to $1.75 Sets, 19c to $1.25 Knife, fork and spoon sets; also with napkin rings and cups. FIRST FLOOn, 8TII & MARKET STS. oxidized Nicely Just Arrived! Another Huge Shipment of Men's Swagger Balmacaans to Sell at Savings of One-Third to Nearly Half When we purchased them hardly ten days ago we were obliged to take the maker's entire stock. This involved a great many coats more than oven so large a store as this could show and dispose of at ono time, so we divided them into Jots. This is the second shipment. In Every Way These Goats Are Very Exceptional for the Prices We Ask They are genuinely good qualities. Faultlessly tailored and neatly hand finished. In every line and ripple they conform with the most correct fash ions for men. The Actual Values $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 OurPrices, $fl.7R $11.75 $12.75 $15 Rich Imported fancy woolens and fine chinchillas In tho most fashionable colorings nro offered for your choosing. Overcoats for Men oi More Conservative Taste in Dress Dressy semi-fitting and equally smart styles in fancy mixtures blue and black kerseys. Made single or doublo breasted and many silk lined. $15 Values, Q $20 Values, $13.7R $25 Values, R Stylish winter kinds oxportly tailored from all-wool materials. E Clearance of Men's Suits Earlier $15 to $20 NOW $10 to $13.50 A Raincoat A Splendid Gift for the Boy Worth $5.00 Holiday price . . . $2.85 Kterr Lid Wants One, nnd Here's a Verr Exceptions! Vnluc. ' Stylish slip-ons In sturdy, double-texture materlnl, with nil scams cemented. Sires 6 to 18 years. We pack them In pretty holly boxos. Boys' Suits, Reefers, Overcoats & Balmacaans ! Surely a youth, tcould appreciate any one of these at a gift. A wldo assortment of the very smartest new styles in hfsh-erado fabrics. SJO Vnliirw 0 AQ I gO.BO VnlufS o QQ I fSJM Values $A QQ ' 2D FLOOR, 7TH & MARKET STS. lVVWVIWVVMVVfcVVMVtMWVVIVIVI Special Holiday Sale of Men's Furnishings! It Will Economically and Attractively Supply Many a Gift Need at an Average of 25c to 50c Less on the Dollar flmm rlvt FHI H-HW Combination Sets 50c Ideal Gift and Excellent Valne Consist of a knitted 'tie. silk hnndker- 1 chief, link cuff but- tons and lover s-knot i scnrfpln; in ah nt . tractive collar box.- .All match In color and come in tho fol ' lowing shades: Nnvy, Itornl. Hello. I trope, firar. Purple, i unmet ana Jirovrn, FIRST FLOOR. SEVENTH AND MARKET $1.50 "Onyx" Half Hose. .$1 ,1 R Elcirant Onnlltr HInck Silk. high lustre. Fast color, double heel and toe. With extremely Llsle-llned sole; $6 House Coats $4.9ft Fine Double-Fncrd Cheviot In Ittch Coloring I Splendldlr Tailored With nobby shawl collar, patch pockets, silk frogs and silk cord bound edges. $4 Bathrobes $2.Qft Genuine blanket bath robes In two-tone color combinations. Cut full and lonir. with, piped seams and rolling collar. Cord and tassel. Good variety of patterns. $1 and $1.50 Shirts, 79c Hlgh-grado percale In rich striped patterns. Plain; negligee Or plaited models; extra full coat styles; attached cuffs. $1.00 All-Silk Re$ Four-in- . Hnnrl Ti PJ Fnnlilounlilr Lnnrc Onrn-End Kinds Some twenty handsome plain shades, and an ' excellent quality. Each tie In a holly box. 18c 50c All-Silk Knitted and Crocheted Ties Manufacturers' slight Imperfections on reverse Blue notuing to nnect wear or appearance. New accordion nnd crochet weaves in rich colorings and patterns; plain two-tone effects nnd cross stripes. Limited lot. Thrre for BOc. fvtvvvvvvvvvvvvtvvvvvvvvvvvivvvvvvvvvvv The Holidays Bring a Great De mand for GLOVES They Are Such Acceptable Gifts Here are fine economies on tho most utyllBh kinds and best makes. Women's? $1.50 $1 Gloves x Finest French real kid, in black, white, tan and gray. Two-clasp stvle Women's $2 Kid Gloves, $1.50 French renl kid: cluue. and round seam; Paris point and flat embroid ered backs; black, white and colors; self and contrasting backs. Misses' Golf KQC Gloves .... ''' Extra quality wool gloves, in all rnlorw nnd wfxftw. Men's $1.50 Cape $1 OC Gloves ,6 Capo kinds, in tan shades: P. X. M. sewn; spear nnd Paris point hacks. Dnfi-clasp style. FIRST FLOOR. EIGHTH ST. SIDE $42.50 FINE FUR SETS, $25.00 Handsome and Acceptable Christmas Gifts A special reduction of stylish sets in a wide variety of striking new effects. These are new furs of guaranteed quality and the latest style. Two illustrated. 4SSkj fflmflsiR JISWtLiVi lJr mmmi WW' Black Fojc French Seal Red Fox & Hamster Black Canadian Wolf French and Scotch Mole Black French Coney Include novelty or animal shape neckpieces; some trimmed with head and tails; also fancy or plain bolster muffs. $2S and They're Worth Nearly Twice This Sum SPECIALS IN SEPARATE MUFFS S13.BO JHIUS- 7 rft SKLS LYNX,. OU IB FRENCH in Jti 14.75 930 SKUNK OPOSSUM., 30 HUDSON fO 7C? SEAL l7.U S37JS0 NATURAL SQI MAUTEN J x"..$16.B0 '25 40 NATURAL FITCH S-43JSO NATURAL OEf SUNK.... " SECq.S'D FLOOR mrn m Leather Goods Attractive Gifts and Useful, Too $1.50 Wallets 98c Three fold: of genuine cowhide in seal grain; nicely made; some with memo book and several compartments. Secret pocket for bills. $1.50 Velvet Bags, Qq Panne velvet In newest shapes, with gilt, nickel or gun. metal frames. Nicely lined; some fitted with purse and, mirror. FIRST FLOOR NORTH $0 Trayelinp; $g Bags . , Of black walrus; leather lined; heavy protected corners; Inside pockets; strong; looks; side catches. Sixes 18 to IS Inches. BAST END OF ARCADE Men's and Women's Umbrellas $7.50 Values, $C at - Pure Silk and St'lfeand-Ltjwn SB and SS-inch, Sixes. 4" Eight-Ribbed. Men's have buckhorn, capc horrti silver trimmed and Eng lish Furze and boxwood han dles all sterling silver trim med. Women's have all the newest novelties in handles; also ster ling Bllver caps; and gun metal kinds. Threa Initials Engraved Free, 1st Floor, Ith and Market Sts. Hosiery and Underwear Including Many Flits flllfc Kinds lor Qtfts. I0Q0 Pairs of Famous "Burson" Stockings 25c and 35c Values 18c Three Pairs SOo; flls J'airs, Boxed, tt. The only stocklnc knlt-to-flt without a seam has shaped leer. Of medium-weight black cotton and lisle. All sUes. Black cotton la first quality; lisle is slightly imperiect. Women's 50c Stockings. 35c Three Pair lor $1. Our famous WXX silk lisle stockings, with six-thread heel and toe; double top. Black only. Women's $1.25 Ingrain Silk Stockings, SI JtfcCallum, Onyx ami ifuyier Hakes; Alio Our Own Yanlile Hrand, All silk or silk with cotton tops and soles; high spliced heels. Black and popular shades to match shoe tops. Women's $2 Venetian Silk Vests, $1.49 In white and pink. Reinforced. All slies. The nicest sort of Intimate gift FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Friday Bargains Children's $1.25 Sweaters, 50c Broken sizes up to IS years. All colors. While lot lasts. ' No Moil or Phone Orders. Men's $3 All-Wool Coat Sweaters .... Some 60 odd maroon sweaters In' sizes 36 to 2. Knltted-ln pockets. THIRD FLOOR, 8PORTINO GOODS DEPARTMENT n Misses' and Children's $1 $1.50 to $1.75 Shoes. i Patent coltskln nnd gun-metal calf; flexible oak soles. Sizes, children's SK to misses' 1. FIRST FLOOR. NORTH $1 Fancy Pillow Cases, Q,. Pair OI7C SUe 43x30 Inckrsi AVith Embroidery Insertion nnd Tito Hdtts of Hemstitching. Fine bleached muslin free from dressing. FIRST FLOOR, NORTH $18.50 Solid Gold Watches, $11,98 Men's and women's all plain pol ished; solid gold cases In desirable sizes. All with guaranteed move ments. FIRST FLOOR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS ROOM SIZE RUGS Some only one or two of a kind S2M AXMINSTEU f. A QC HUQS, 8x13 ft. XteJV 2l AXMINSTHIl - A QCf IIUOS, 8.3x10.8 ft ItttfO 120 AX MINSTER MO AC HUGS. SxlJ ft.. 1A.0 SIO COLONIAL RVG9, J Xtt 9xlS ft "" ITJSO WOOL A FIBRE QtJ RUGS, 9xi: ft. U.J70 FOURTH FLOOR $1.55 Mop Outfit, 69c Consisting of ad justable handled oil mop, heavily padded. 4 - ounco bottle of oil, half pound package of preparation to clean mop, and chemically treated dust cloth. In neat holly box, com plete, 00c. $3 Carving Sets. $1.65 Three pieces, German silver mounted, stag handles. Fine steel blades; in lined bux $5 Boudoir Lamps, $2.98 Bilk shade In various pretty colors, mahoganv base, sis feet or lamp corn wun piug 1AJ THIRD son $2 Dainty Waists, $1 Pink or white crepe de chine, jumper effect, with net sleeves. Another attractive model is in white china Ilk. No mail or phone orders. SECOND FLOOR Boys' $3 to $4,50 $1 & $0 Suits, at ...... On sale at aSO A- M. Natural linens, French ging hams, peroales, galatea, etc; broken sixes. 2 to 6 years at I. White English twills, French lln ene, natural linens. Regulation or dressy models. Slzea S to f years at IS. SECOND FLOOR SI IDDRDQ That Are Very Comfortable and Will Llr rGlo Wear Splendidly &&$&&&& MEN'S SUPPERS ; Romeos, Ooeras and Everetts LEO Valne. . . QQOI Slippers. f yfnZAO Values. 1 fiQlM Cavaliers J i irJ j ' " xvJRea and gre green 3 Juliets (3 to 8) . . Women'a and ChikW FELT JULIETS 1 4Q I Values CkQ Valuta QQ- I t Values i.tfui to )... ooC Mi, to m.. . ofChitoj).. "COMFY" SLIPPERS SSJl'" ..Mfc YJih Ja.8-d "-X.V?:. !?!! unn. sv i f. -..:: - 'w "-".':?TE4,T"r" . (UiT)" 'yciru. SclKtS Tt 98c Harwl-Knittem Slippers zwm 79c Wl a Wttcaea'a SUM Value t to MtwV 1H ale U1U to 3) UMMMirti W "44 to 98c 39c 78c n.es Big GkU' $2.S0 Sfeaa Bfunptas and cancellation of a Bet4j maker Various leathers, BU3ta to f In 1st cl' f IRttT rLOOR, HOBTK Weww'i $3 to $ $4 Sfc-"g Z.o" MWi $3.50 to tP srWtQ99sW nLtAMt BtalcaiLLa thrum mfet&l zalt ari m -.'"' . '7-L5-""-J-.," -" T-,- ' i - T xM sMskla aw H to l la lot $2,60 Women's $5,00 Silk $0 Qg Kimonos ,. i? Japanese silk in floral designs In navy blue, red and light colors. Some sailor collar of satin; other models V-naok, rlbJMm trimmed. SHCOKD FLOOR Women s and Misses' $15.00 Top ?3s75 oais .... About 159 stylish coals of QDe mannish catolures, LoBclas and uhevlots In various outers. wun real xur at snawt collars brlc. oi vtvmamsMMm Mcoro Kzmm Window P; !hsto9Scton.49 BB V KSUfau " . mm " m 'MsUaUktea trioiaad $3VakM Ftae caste net nalasaitca laca. alM, Arab lacM and Marir uitftlA; aad scrim with Uct saadajltoas. the- an TMiRO FLOOR Coutil and fancy atripa brocaded new, up-to-date models tn popular makes. No Mall or Phoue Ortlws. SBCOND FLOOR FURNITURE FECIALS Women'a $8.50 Desks, 9&M Mahogany finish. cwartmul laid drawer; French lag. $19 to $30 $1 t OE Brass Bd.. GV Some 169 floor samples, many V loalal daalaa with aauara toe res. some coattagbua past lea twtt-lwofe. others twslvo -lach aa4 aW MWwv,5rSWEom $22.S0 Fur Sts, $14.7 Black s alec ted Fich CM0 akta. Um4 w, ..if. ana tail, asum f&fft fm $lf HumSlm Malt vr Pbtmt em4t)tm luoatia .u JiajM ;. 6roiati3 pHiowji itbUdl'ua scaFW. lut if . I L'urtti-, i THifU KJ.. ijH WWiiiafWlJS lm llii"i'"W''"'i.i"i"i.,-ni .in.r m , ... - zueh OaaySKtiaij with uwuai4SE5 rlmw: V H csr iiK.j. i uiu ui4i iftv &iH' MVjinAiiaji 'wiTiifttilsiilPisjtfliMftii jTtyfX iipyii isSjiiiViiiiint uJJrjj-ajj-isu-',LiL iAi JXthijijHiJItnsjDM Wsl .. " ", , y i vm. jw nwAwwAiWf iias w mrmnvmum uwjb imwtni wwvt). &MMmmmm,mi , Ml i-idia ' jmti