5S5533aafeSr3K3 i'tr3B!7 "syseasa-w r" " -a-W.- g,.. ii itt.Vli.JN.llNG hElKtlnU lllJ.LAJLii;jLrFHlAf VVEI)JMJiJSDAY D KO ill MiiJiili 9, 1U14. gTtfr M-.rt. eewigBfcA . I k : m ORDINANOBS Thurvja in pursuance of tha autlmrlty wated fii them ny in fourth flection of in Act tjAnMy approved May 131)1. 1857, they do hereby ,(N.iet and appropriate for park nur re in for ths health nd enjoyment of jh people' forever a certain tract of ground Wr l fe Thirty-fifth Ward, and bounded and descrlbeM a follows: Beginning- at a rfllijt t th Intersection of Hie northwest aid ef O street and the northeast aide of Ionr street. (IV-ncr north ST degree 40 minutes 8S eorrd east seventy-flv 75) feet four and rlVe-etghlhs US) Inches to the wont sHl of Oxford avenue, sixty feet wide: thence along the nl ld of Oxford nvjmie north 4 d . BfH al minute 63 second west eltty-elglit (W) feet ven I J) InrMa to n olnt; them telth (a degrees 84 minutes 80 second west !ihten (18) feet seven-eighth ftt) inch to tVtlnt; lhrn.ce tinrlh S7 degrees 58 mlnut. tl md west twenty-eight (IS) feet ten (10) Inches' td a point, thence norlli to degree 2ft rntnute 4(1 svonds, went twenty-six (Id) feet Bin and tits-eighth rosy Inclie" to a point thence south 37 degrees 3 minutes 49 second west eigniy-ono ion reel eleven ana one-nsir 0KDINANCE3 11M) Incite to A point In tb northeast elds or ionT srr'iei. amy leei wine: menee; stone: the Mid northeast side of Loney atreet, south 88 degrees in minute 7 seconds east one hun dred and four 1101) feet four and three ejtiarter ft) Inches to the first mentioned enlrt and place of beginning. 8itlon S. Tha City Solicitor la hereby di rected to fil In tho Court of quarter Besslona a petition on uvnaii oi 1119 i.uy selling lorin the ground herein appropriated to the and that Slid Court ahull nt-polnt. a Jury to atsesa tha images aa provided hy law. Approval! inia a aay oi weeem per, a vt . App 1U14. N. 777. nUDOLPII BIAUKKNnUTKJ, Mayor of Philadelphia, AK.OTtDtNANCB SKr.teCTrNC AND APPflO frlatlnr an Irregularly shaped pleea of tround oundad by Waatmlnster arenua, rifty aayontli atreet, Itaverfortl street and Fifty, ala-hth street. In tha Thirty-fourth Ward, as R playground and open publlo place for tha aalth and enloyment of tha people flection 1. The Select and Common- Councils f tha City or Philadelphia do ordain, That rry virtue and In pursuance of the Authority testid In them by tha fourth aectlon of an Act of Assembly approved May 10th, 1R.17, they do hereby aalcct and appropriate for play cround Durpnsea and for the health and en joymint of the people forever", an Irrcjrularly "MWW: wi "" siiimicu in ine ! niny wara, neicnoeii a rollona: Bealnnlnc llU!"! ,,T "wuMiid flte hundred and aerenly (rro dollars, from Item IT (h), uniform for ninw. on thousand tlOOO) dnllara; from Item 21 ). salaries, three hundred and fifty dollars from Item 24, .salaries, three nun- rw I.MRV ulnars, rroin item xr, eaisries, elaht hundred and flrty rani) dollars; from Item Sm salaries, seven thousand four hun dred and seventy 174701 dollara, from Item HI (loan), erection of brtdsjes, one thousand seven hurdred and eight) -one 11781) dollars and f"fly-r)ve 40) centa. Ueparbment of Supplies (BMectrleal) From Item 35, fuel, ate. one thousand two hundred (I2P0) dollars, Depart ment of Public Works- From Item 1, print ing, etc., three hundred (300) dollars. City Commissioners- From Item 0 (a), Salaries, five thousand en hundred (5700) ilollares from Item (e). (ravelins; eapenws, eto., thre hun dred and twenty (.ISO) dollara; from Item (1 CI), uniforms, four hundred and elahty C4M) dollars: from Hem A (el. travellno- exoenees. two thousand three hundred and twsnty-seven (K12T) dollars and (Ifty-four (.T4) cn(s. clerks of Counclta. rrom Item S (e), Intemstlonal Convention on Home Kducatlon, five thousand (WOO) dollars, rtecelver of Taxes Front Item a (d). prlntlnr. poll books, tax receipt boolca, eto , two hundred and ninety-five (203) dol lara and fifty (SO) centa. lleglstsr of Wills: From Item 3 e, miscellaneous, three hundred (.100), dollara: from Hem 4 (b), blank forma, ets., two hundred (20D) dollara. Sheriff: From Item 1 (d), Juries, four hundred (400) dollars: from Item 3 (h), costs, five hundred (SOO) dot ars. Coroner: From Item 1 (e), chemical anilyser. etc.. eight hundred (SUO) dollars. Board of necreatlon: From Item 1 fa), sal atlee, two thousand five hundred C2RO0) dollara, Mw rrom Hem 1 (a), salaries, six thousand (0000) dollarr, to the following: DBPArtTMENT OP VVIiUXO 8AFBTT. oiubctoivb offtcfi and equipment, OftBINAKCKS gerald. fl.TO: Themas Foster, IMOi ntrfy FtanMIn, 111 TO, Bdward Mrmer. f3.83: Hor ace Fesmlre. Ift.OT, FredKrlck Frank, JJ.70', reler Finn, I.1.0S, (ieoras Gibson, .ft.SO, t'hnrles aallagher. 15.20. Joieph Oers, llo.Wi Ofhrer Orlmm, I4.WI, Jerfy (Jeonnottl, i7.C0! iiiikkii virrii, ejv. a m . dsviii aiacount ewi"i Charles llannuni, ti.fO; John llamon, $.(0i John Holton, fl.vd, Kmmett Hammond, fs.fX); Clayton Hill, $(.80; William Isaacs. 17,73; Charles, Jackson, It.llOj William Kennedy, 3 70i Ahdrew Knox, liffOj Frank Kinsley, 4 Wj Michael Keonane, .W.Mj Chorles Klelnt. 1.J!0; Thomas Kennedy, 17 80: James Keys, f.1.75; Charles Klett, 0.M: Herbert Kronts, B.C0; Mlchstl Keafse, H.ttU William IiR-son, j.20: rranK Lawrence, l.80i Fdward l.ynh, sJt,20i James Laxelle, W.35j Wesley .ans, i.-j,48j Martin Iyford, I8.18, William MrRean, 12,0.1. Joseph Mellon, 8.0i Thomia McFarland, 14.80: Arthur Mdlholland, 17.181 Jll.VU, 13.03, James Cltara, raurth at Flftr-elg thence along tterr. 4, Maintenance automobiles Item 0 (a), Ilorsewataring stations, etc., five hundred dollars . ., Bureau of Police. Item 4 (M, IloreeshoelnR Item l (d). Postage and advertising.,. Item 0 (a). Maintenance and repairs to niilo patrol and wagons, bicycles and .motor cycles ,,, Item 0 (d), nepslrs to furnlturo ... ... Item 0 (0, llepalrs to police and pntrol fiuunse 1500 6000 100 MO 400 Item o (b). Communication services. cj. '.ftlIltll Bnn W.atMln.la. ah..a ong AVektmlnsler avsnite xm real itl Inches to FIflv-seventh street, thence north- "ii.-iuijr niviiK ijiiy-nvnun sirecK n less PA Inchaa to a point thenca westwardly panlloKnn a line, parallel with Callnwhlll atrset 7H feet, Dk inches to a point, thence northwestwardly parallel on n lino with Fifty seventh atreet 114 feet 214 Inches to a point, thenca northeastwardly IT1 feet 1H, Inohee to a point In the south side of Ilaverford street '.w..r20lnt b,l"ir Tl feet OS Inches west of Fifty-seventh atreet), thence northwest' wardly along Ilaverford atreet 120 feet to n otnt thence , aouthwestwardly 8t) feet 8'x Inches to a point, thence tvestwardlv on a line parallel irlth Callnwhlll atreet 20(1 feet ill Inches.' to a point In the east line of Fifty elyhtli street, thence southwardly 280 feet 10',i Inches to Westminster avenue and place of be ginning. Section 2. 'The City Solicitor Is hersbr di rected to Jlle In the Cdurt of Quarter Sessions a Petition on behalf of th Cltv tffnv rnrtli the grnund herein appropriated to tho end that said Court shall appoint a Jury to assess the damacee as provided by lsw, ADproved Oils 2 day of December, A. B. , , -'.. RUDOLPH BkANKrcNnuna, .. No: T7g. Mayor of Philadelphia, inoo 2fSl Item 0 (C). To nav bills of nnllremen In a curing evidence, aa follows: Tftlnard Agnew, 110 40) Chsa. Allen, tonoi Tlieodoro Hoer, 3.f0 Jacob Blattau, in no: Oscar Brown, !-j!I iVm- Belslmw, $8.18; John Barrett, M.POI Dorrancu Boox, 4,00 Walter Hranwell, 15.031 Frank Burke, il.OJi CJiss. Baker, jjois amsn, at.or; ueo. iiauswitie, z wj Bunting, ?R.B3i John Outran hft riat,mM SI Wm. Barry, s.0,20: Oeorae Bens. S(133! Wm, nr. S.VR3! John Oirrsn. 1AVO kn rnl- lshsn, 111.00; John l Corry, JH.ao; Harry Cope, M.W: Michael Croka, tl.tl.1) Walter .', james Diegg. f.wj: .lonn cttrion, Itobert Mitchell. l llnvM J(olIeth. t Thomas McFarland. 18.03: William Myers, u.s.i jsmea niuigrew. s.-.4u: William ic Corkle, II 78; Joseph Mctllnn, B.6.1: Michael Mi earthy, 15.70; James Maneelr. 13.76; John Mahony, M.RO; Thomaa McCulfougli. 3.20; Wlttlam MihmiV a. ItO H-hnmaa XfcrViwetl. &. .. . - -:--."-.v. "..':-'w'- --.. ....-.. ..., i.ii9i ianiei unctti, 13.20; I-onanl O-ftea matak, 03; William Pensyl, 12.031 Thomas Pendenast, 93; chsrles Palma, 13.20; ThomasOultley, 7; Frank Qulnn, 7,80 James nichsrdrnn, ICBSi Alexander Blchle, flIS: Harry Itlcli, 11.08; Robert Ilellly. 16.00; Harry Itobson, n.Mi Oarrett Bedmond, 11,18. Hugh Hellly, a.03; Frank Bhoads, Jl.BO; Phllo Itoseboro, $3.03: Officer Reddlngi I4i Bayard Smith, $1.70; Andrew 8ullan, 14.20: Ferd. Sapplnglon, II; Ixjuls sibrs, i.4S; Lodls sibrs, 110.20; Orover Stoekar, 13.50; William .sclby, 0.23 arank Schneider, 14.55; Ueorge Splllman, X.1,70; Frederick Shecklen, 11.13; Robert Teat, 43.40; William Tyson, li.OO, .loeepli Troyano, 13.03; Howard Tom- nsun. ,;; iiarry TUCKer, a(,io: uaviu thus, 13.43 Frank Tlemsn, i:l.41t Oeorge Whit--wo-th, S; Itobert Williams, 10.03: Andrew Walker, 5.35i Albert Walter, I4.0.1I Michael Wootten, 8.25; August , Wagner. I2; Henry Woodrttdd, 11.10: Chss. Allen, 13 85 Ed. Aa new, 111.20; Andrew Bender, 15.80: T, Black, 12.03- Chaa. Beckman, U.80; Wm. Barrr, o.Bi)j T, Boyer, ,60: Wm. Bunting, I3.56j 0..r Brown. 3.75: cieo. Bens, IS.fVli Wm. Belshaw 17.00; Jacob Blattau, I2.S.1- John llirrett. law: Walter- Branwell, 13.30; D. Boos, II 24 chsa. Baker, H.SOt Iiarry Cope, 16 03; Walter Cook, 1.1.53! John Clifton, I4.0O; John Corry, 18.5.1,' Vincent Cuneff, 12.60; John (.runs, "i dniiies uiras, 9i UlRllliew uiarK, .-u; joy. 0BJWNA2ICES lars from ft.BOO lo f 1,800 per an mint each from July 1st, at ordered by Board of Judges, and so as to provide for the following positions from November 1st; Court officers, IT at the rate of 13,000 per annum each; assistant probation officer at the rata of 11,600 per annum! clerks, 8 at thl rats of 11,200 per annum each; clerks, 8 at the rate of 1 1, OX) per annum each; clerks, 3 at tha rate of IPOQ per annum each: as sistant special agent at the rats of lt,ooo per annum; probation officers, fi it the rata of 11,200 per annnm each; probation officers, 14 at the rat of 900 per annum each: aten ographens, S at the rate of 00Q each! Interpreter, 3 at the rate o' il.COO per annum each; Janitors, at the rat of f?20 per annum each, and to provide for 4 proba tion officers, 3 stenographers and 1 dork at the rate or looo per annum each, and of 1 Interpreter at ths rate of 11,500 per annum, from Oc tober 15ih to November 1st: and to pay salary of Mae MaeFarland, aa probation officer, for 0 days In May, 114.53; of Henrietta S. Addlngton. Rgent. 8 days In May, 118.33, and of Cora V. flchuman, stenographer, 0 daya In June, 115, fourteen thou sand three hundred and ninely-ieven .. .. dollar and twenty rente U,89 7.20 Hem 5 (10. Jurors' fees, etc., fifteen l.n.,--nJt Ih A tiMV4M,( anrf SIIV- nine dollars and thirty-seven cants. 18,359.37 Item S fe. witness fees, etc., one tnousana nve nunarea aouara Item 8 (h). Mlsccllaneoua expenses. Municipal Court, fire thousand dol- Item 7 Vc, To pay Blll'a' Inoufrtd for tho Municipal Court aa follows: Wil liam II, Hcnklna Company, furniture and atatlonery. H03.C0; IV. A. Cox. pneumatld typewriter keys, 18: Royal Typswrlter Company, (ypewrller desk, 122.50: T. Alexander Berry, Installing exhaust fan, 1116: II, U savoy, furnishing keys and repairs, 12.60: Clem Towel Supply Company, towels, 18.00: Shoemaker Busch, Installing and furnishing disinfect antn 12491 Patrick, Carter A Wllk ih. ivmmnv. rtitnhhtittona and cord. - ...- ... -t.1 . .. J T -a), tlatttt I'snn ji.ieDiii aim ,-!,-. vum- ohdinaJjoes 1,500 8,000 ihn Creeden, fl.W; AN - OnDINANCK TO AOTHORINE THE opening of Ardlelgh and Woodlawn atreeta, Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the ,city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Department of Publlo Works be authorised and dliected to notify the owners of property ever and through which the following atreots will Pass, that at the expiration of three months from the date of said notice said fT'S1 w'" be required for publlo use; Ard IJlBb .street, from Price to Haines street: Woodlawn street, from Sprsguo to Ardlelgli !"' . .Provided, however. That, the bed of the. said Ardlelgh street be first dedicated by the- owner thereof before the ordinance shall go Into effect. . S.tc,J?n 3 The Mayor of the City Is hereby authoMjea and directed to enter aecurlty on behalf of the city of Philadelphia for the pay-Went-fif any damages which may be assessed by treason of the opening of said atreeta. Upon the nilng of said bond and at the expiration PL-Jlw said three montha the Director of the DejSurtroent of Public Works shall forthwith proceed to open said streets. Approved the Kd day of December. A. D, rnnlr. tl Off, Tin... rl---. t M Jt.es; John Csrr. l.80i lforry Cave, IS: Mat thew Clark, IB.O.-,; John Creeden, 5.60; Daniel t-rnnrii, i .,o; josepn uervin, .: Joseph ucr yln. (.40; Bobert Dunbar, 14.23: Joseph Doug lass, 15.80: D. Davis. IG.lB! Will. Daly, I4.2.1: Jacob Daufman, H.08: Jacob Daufman, I'l.oi; Aiulrew paut. 17; Andrew Kmanuel. 14.05; Wm. Rshcr, 17.73: Thos. Earnest. 1.1 15: Snm- ul Ford. 13.15: Horace Fesmlre. f-MO: Bd warn i-armer, i.tia; i'oier nun, Chas. Orlmm, 14.43; Jerry Oconiiotil. JS.23; ..w, iiuiiuii, t.j; .nnn uersi. sitt.-u; I lias, Uallaalier, 2 73: Bnlph Gold. 5.13: Wm. Olta son, lOO.,; Wm. flrcen, I0.5O; Chas. llannuni, Sf.gT: Clayton Mill. 14.80: Emmett Hammond, M.20; (leo. Henna, $4; Heyward Hngan, S5.U5: John Haley. 0.1B: Bobert Test. 15.10: Daild Titus. 82 Wm. Tyson, IS.60: Frank Tleman. '; JPjepn irovano, o.i; ivmiam IffaacB, rmcr, 81.05: Harry Franklin. Iin.jo; in. 8J.B6! Thomaa Foster, ltl.10' Fred ank, J2.20: Edward Farrell, 13.10; 17.15: J)hn curran. llarrv Cair 17.14 llatilel DArnah linn Jacob Daurtman, 11,(13; Bobert Dunbar, 11.75; Andrew Daut, 17; Joseph Dentin, I2.80; E. Iavls, 111 20: Fan Dean, 16.72: Wm, Ebald, 10.30: Thomas Karncxt, 87.25; Andrew Kman uel, 111.25: Wllllim Esher, IS; John Bwlng, 1.83: Edward Farmer, 13.03; Peter Finn, r-'.lll Thomas Foster, 10.03; Thoma Flts gerald. 12.40; Samuel Ford, l.00(- lMward Far rell, 81.407 Frederick Frank. 11.55; Harry rrn..Kiin. tn..--u: Horace fesmire. su.s.-,; Oeorge l.ltson, 3 63; John Oers, 110.45; Chas. Gallagher, 12.70; Itobt. Orllley, 18.20; i;n I nil Gold, U80: lUlak (lold, 13.50;; Chas. Clrlmin, 3.55; Harry Ureeliy, 3.i; William ntftiBnn- XO IlftV U'llihm 11...- MIM, T. -. "-L.:.. 'i-s.- ;i-'-:"'".'.:. ,,. T.-"."-.'. -y11' ironnr.iii, i..i-; uincer uuilliora, S.IO; (,iav- mui jiui, onv; i-Aiiinieii usmmona, Cl'us. llnnnum. $(.20; Italpli Haeson, lonn iiumoii, a 10; uonn iioiton. I lens Kes 18J Clav I. I2.0S; n. 3.7d; onu iiunion, s-.ju; onn iiauon, si,- win. enacs, 87.00', Chas.. Jackson, 13.50: Michael (esrsr, fil.25: Chas. Klett, I7.6D; James Keys, 0: Herbert Krnntr. I8.1:(: Michael Keohane, .(n 14.10; Thoma" Kenned; . flpgmn sir. ill J u; jiicnaei iveonane, M.iu; Herbert 10,13; Wm. Kennedy. r,,r,0: Charles 13.115! Chss. Klett, 10.85: Michael 15.15: Thos. Keneedv. ST.SOf .Innte No., 779. RUOOI.PII BLANKiENBUBO, Msyor of I'hlladelpbla AN OnprNANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE , Pennsylvania Railroad Company to construct and maintain a conduit to carry electric wire under and across Woodblno aienue, at HUty-ecrond street. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils V of, the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That authority be and (a hereby granted the Penn sylvania Railroad Company to construct and maintain "a conduit to carry electric wires under and across Woodbine avenue at Slxty Jfoond atreet, as shown on plan on tile In the- Department of Publlo Works, Bureau of Surveys. Tho said conduit shall bo laid under the supervision of the Department of Public or ka (Hoard of Highway Supervisors), and be used exclusively by the said company In . he, conduct of Its own business. Betoro ex erclslnj any privileges under the authority of this Ordinance tha auM PannavLaiila llall.nn Company shall enter Into an agreement In form satisfactory to Iho City Solicitor, protecting the City from all damage by reaaon of the conatrut.tlun and maintenance of said conduit. and to remove same a( any time upon the passage of an ordinance or resolution of Coun Sif ,!.,tht fe .Provided. That tho "sum of ".J!' W1 dollar shall (list be paid Into the City, Treasury by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to -coyer the cost of publication hereof. Approved the 27th. day of No ember, A. D. No. 780. TTT? raTsT.T5tr nr iWT.'riVT)tTirt wewwa-a aa as uawi art-Wai J W l-la Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE CON atructlon of a branch sewer In Prlco street, from Ardlelgh street to Sprague atreet. Bectlon 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Department of Publlo Work be authorized to enter Into a contract for the conat ruction of a ewer In Price atreet, from Ardlelgh atreet to Eprague atreet. Section 2. That the Director of the Depart . rnent of Public Worka ahall advarttae, accord lag to law, announcing that bids will be re ceived for the sewer above authorized, and he Shalt allot It to the lowest responsible bidder, and 'It shall be a condition of thp said con tract that tha contractor ahall accept the sum assessed upon the lines of sale! sewer In man ner and form authorised by existing ordinance, and-any excess over and above the said as sessrasnt. In addition to that provided for by ordinance, shall be charged to Item No, 151, or any other Item for the construction of branch sewers. In the appropriation to the Department of PuLlla Works (Bureau of Sur rey). '' Section S. That the Director of the Depart ment of Publlo Works la authorized to pay for Inspections, bortoga and expense Incidental to the work at constructing aald branch aener from the Item for the construction of branch -aiosrs. 1 Approved ths 27th day of November, A. D, ? - No;7oT. ""UK Se vmW- S&SB:. 'Sit vsKm 'arass iSs-A .,' J3 (' 'HaV-' V SMS? twSt;; " pWHrW ra aeitltaa niriR asSjiGsai " 'Vsi mIisb. Wffc tars. 4bsW Pfff b"M3, wi r -.siiBp RUDOLPH BtANKENBURG, Mayor of Philadelphia., AN!0!tDIr,'A.N'CE TO AUTHORIZE CURTAIN iransiers in in annual appropriations 10 the IDepartmenta of Publlo Safety. XHibllo Wt. lniblio llsalth and CbarlUes, Wharves, DocS and Ferris, Supplies, Board of Recrea tion, my Commissioners, City Controller. . Clerks of Councils. Coroner. l.aw, Couimla siooera of Fatrmount Park. Proihonotary, Its sslter of Taxes, Rsglstsr of Wills. Sberlrf and Olty Treasurer, for the year 1D1I . dcctlort 1. The Select and Common Coumlla 'f the City of Philadelphia do prdaln. That tha (Ity Controller be authorised to make the tollotrlnr transfer In the annual approprla tlons to the various Departmtnta for the year ll(, via.: Department of Public Safety, Director's Of fice I FVom Item 3. transportation, etc, Sve hundred (500) dollars. Bureau of Police. From Item 8, salaries, thirty-two thousand eight hundred and forty-six ($2.8481 dollar and ila-tHy-savse (8T) ctcts. From Ham 8, sal aries, three thousand (8000) dollara; from Item 7u (loan), removal of ashes, one thousand bV9T hundred flTD0 dollars. Bureau of Fir. From ltetn 18, to f)C up property at Bomarton, two theattDd f.va. hundred (2500) dollars. Depart msbVbC Publlo Works, Director- Offlca: From Its 1. valari, alx hundred (800) dollars, mruu of water. From Itarn 1. salaries, on ttyimand two hundred (1200) dollars, from Item 3, ullrtu, six hundred (eXM) dollars, fls)si Item (I, salaries, two thousand seven hundred (27001 dollars, from Item. 8, salarlsa, eight hundred (SOU) dollars, from Item 0 ic), haulltir asft-ts, seven hundred (700) dollar . from Item to, salsrlss. ten thousand (10,000) dollar from Item 13 (b), tounoattooa Cor ealmntf. three thousand oaa hundred and euty-Igbt (B178 dollar and twenty-nix. eai; rrn xiem l tcj. laawa uoD y. el.:., six hundred and Bfiy-nv (55) aaa aixtr-two- (OKI ceaia: rrom. llem is salaries, two thousaqd sight hundrad aouara; irosn 4isat io, salaries, nv ed (8001 dollar, from Item 10) (loan). ittao of uueen i-n niters, ten tnou IB.GO0) dollar. Bureau of City Proserty Ilea 17. repair to macadam roads, on nd flv hundred 1300) dollara. A of Surveys: Frorn Xtein T. salarlsa. tbousaiid aeinw huadred and sixty (87W) : rro tiesBMW, 10 $j ciaun or aticnaet ittt jsbc thous4vd suae auB4xe4 and (wi.i aopsare. aaa iBiny lev) cents, i BH lt3al. eaBBstrtuitlAn a imn jjUat, Ii xhouisod five hundred (Saw; Wtfeeu of Oa srsai Jtesn 1 aal- itt t)wiaiid Arc auMdsed (lt00 dol- vreait r ni'Kways rrwu ttaiu i. 3d ass "rf aad aitv- (se tAsf njsiiara a3a qxig'au taswj aram i sarei. issim u;a caw faasjs ana tortsr-juu frass ttasu i. ssuarss. it wwoj' laaa (It) ioilars "ity-Jive Andrew Knox, Krnntz, Klelnts, Kesrse, lfava 0.43; Frank KlrIley, ld.80! James Iizolle, 3.t)5: Martin l.vfnnf. a.-(.4il! Wm. r.nwann. lil.TOi Wesley 1.5 an s. 83.M. IMward Inch. Sld.20; Frank 7,"wrenre, 85; Wm. Maliony, 6.75: Arthur Mulliollsmt. 83.0.: Josrnli Mellon, 0, David McBeth. 8I2.S0: Thos. SlaDowelt, 5; Chss. MacCorkle. I3.C0: Tho. McFarland, 7,70; James -Mulirnw. yo.45; Wm, McKean, 1.30: William Myers. $5.0.',: John Mahony, 0: Jamea Mnneely, 10.03; Thomaa McCullough, 87.S3; Mlcliael Mcrarthy, 17.25! John No lan. 86.25: Daniel O'Neill. ?1.1.1: jamea O'Hara, II.4S; Joseph Oleynlzeak. 5.t5; Cliarles Pal mer. 11.10; Thomaa Pendegast, 87.HO; John Pyle. 18.40; William Tenayl. 13.10! Wm. Pat terson, J3; Frank Qulnn, 87.00; 11)08. Qulg ley, 8f3.i; Harry Rich, 17.21; Alex. Ritchie. 17: Hugh Belli). 17.40! Jas. Richardson. s: John Bedding. 1.1.16; Harry Itobson, 18.2.1; Frank Ilhoade. 12.01: (larr-it tledmnnd, 8.1.40; j-nno jwseiiorow, .t.n; ltooi. iceitty, an.wo; Andrew Sullivan. Sii Lewis Slbre, 10.75: Orover Sloeker. $0.80: W. Shappcl. : Oeorge Splllman, IS.43; Oeorge Stinger, J2.S2; I'-red-erlclt Schehlen. $1.80; William Selhv, 85.05: Jaa. Sullivan. 80: Harry Tucker. 10.83: Albert Walter, fl; Bobert Wllllims, 80: Michael Wootten, IS: Andrew Walker, J5.:so: Urorgo Whltworth. S: Kdward Acnew, I13.t0; Chas. Allen 86.73: chaa. Beckman, J 1.43: Walter Bransvcll. 1.1.73: Join Barrett, 18.50; diss. Baker. 14.6.1: Dorrnnce Boos. 8.1.171! Frank Burl:, 83 75; Wm. Buntlnt.. .,"i0: Oscar Brown, 18.15, This. Boyer, 8i.2f): Jacob Blat tan. 85.10: Oeorge Benr. 85.85: Wm. Belslmw, 8iJ!0; William Barry. d.0O: John Crook. 12.20! John Currnn, s.".S0i John Creeden, 85.10; John Carr. 81.83; Harry Cave, 87.07; Harry Cope. 85.1.3; Walter conk, 84.02; John Clifton 81.81; James Clegg. 18.75: John Corry. 87.15: William Callahan, 82. ": Matthew Clark. 10.60: Daniel Dornarh, 83.23: D. Davis. 80X0; Robert Dun 1'.H'S4: v11""; Dau.'.- n: Joeph DerMn, K-19; I?.".?J!,, Douglass, fl fill: Jacob Daufman. 87 01 : William Ksher. 87.00; A. Kmanuet tin.03: Thomas Karnest. J3.23: Thomas Fitzgerald, Sl.lti; Peter Finn, 82.5.S: Hsrry Franklin. 813.10: Thomas Fnater. Sinn. r.'t.a.l. erlck rrank. 82.B.1; Edward rarmer. xj.aij Horace Fesmlre, Id 03; 1-Mwnrd Farrell, 8(1.20: Samuel Ford. 83.03; Oeorge Olb-on. 86.40: Cbas. (.-tam. 83.0,1; Balnh Oold. I.1.C0: Chas! Oallaiiliw. J3JS: John Oers, 810.0.1; William Oreen, fa: Jerry Oeonnottl, 87.15: William (Reason. 80.05; John llolton. 82.10; Cut) ton. Hill, 83.80; Emmett Hammond. 84; Chas. Han num. 83.5.1' Jam-s Heam, 3t50; John Haley, f?'..,,JCwJ,r'1 Boean. 5 00: Samuel Haines, 81.17: William Isaacs, 87.00; A. Johnston. 818 83; Chss. Jackson. fl.75; Jamea Keya. IB 18; William Kennedy, 85.00; Thoma Ken nedy, J7.SO; Cha. Klett. 8R.30; chas. Klelntz, 13.110. Andrew Knox. I3.R0; Prsnk Kinsley, 18.40: Herbert Kronts. 10.03; Ml rhael Kearae. I5.U.1; Michael Keohane. 82.8.1; v iiuaiii ianuii, ,u.i.i: esiey jjyons, n.n; Flward Lynch, 10: Frank Lawrence, 8.ML1: Mnrtln Lyford. 18.95: James Izelle. 85.55: Thomas McFarland, 14.00; William McKean 1.1.83; Arthur Mulholland, 0.03; Michael Mc- i.anuv. ,- ingmni airuuuougn, S(,iU; JO' seph McQInn 2,2o; William Mnhony, 80.40 ianis;s) iiiuiicTij , ej-kf. Tiiomas Aicrariand, SO.lis! Jamts Mulffn f?.?.".: IMVIU Moll(li. n..O: Chan- MeHnrkt, p' Thomas McIowfU. I.C0: Wtllfftm Myers, o-isa-v, etuiiii siuutii, o,wd; i.aniei irraflll. ',nS 500.00 soo'.oo 200.00 200.00 101.00 500.00 1.500.00 -v, jiuiu iunnany, en so: 7iiui Joseph Melton, Iff. ST .Inaenli tlninn ram Item 8. seistut. to UscNiaaad IvaCl &aA mad twa&ty-sliaa matt) doalars. frasa I fi. () ftorseahiasf. oaar (aosjaaad e-aht hun 4d ilMW) dllars fruai Ilesn 11 (el), ses-sz ,;J;ri care ..(. motor wyel. 9i buBdied (5w Aiawt Kan: litui 13. aalsrua, tarets thsu- 1 saves anqreq Ktvut oanarg: rrvsa iteea te) tat U rati. tig at Sanaa Oaroea jmsaea inmisana i mf uuu aouar iff. asuaslsa. on tnuuaaaa o& m Mud &flv .;t!Sjk dtlius ir&m ItdOi 31 as 'i au.ilrcd ml taat alx (M iulUia. mam it i "s.riw or jtajroage, er. , luuiiv) a.i. i sax .toaasea oa izi - S1US SlSl) odra m-i jm , ,rg TTv!A Ifm 4 i Bbtts l-m-UHfg fcc vji U)u tmfbi alUI u.i -ii teui r..us ,(i24i ,.;j.M J a j jui -'-. 'j'p i' ' i" i Ss-J-C CVmuko Tt l-. s.fcu t iftaiU ULJS I kiidrd awd fcij i6Si tlt Hmnn u ISibjlss laestltsV (Httl CBaritua awaaai Jr ,ti. i.1aa Fssai MHOE I aaisruesk t&iit: -.. . . j j ;.d Ahr '&i eUljan. !im k- 4. ea -H -s tsmtf , ff?"Sii: '( ftsis itsasi SsTv I -iuos. ijuiKirv. ei: iiiigu neuy, au.sa; Harry llnbson, n.8.l: John lidding, 13.60: Frank Klioids, 12.0.1 1'tillo Itoieuoroiv. 8J.CS: Gar rett Redmond, 13.5.1, Alex Ritchie, IU.7.1; James Jtlcharueon, ed.lS: Robert Ilellly, 3.n0; Harry Rich, 80-0: (Irovar atoeker, 53.20: Oeorge Spllman. 18.50: William Selby, J3.r-fl! FredtrKU Hchre.klrn, 82.43: Louis Slbre. IK.3.1; Jamea Sullivan. It; Andrew Hiillituu. 87.10: Howard Tunilinron. I2.14, William TysonJ 17.53; Frank Tleman. KI.07! Itobert Test, in.20- Harry Tucker, 80.S.I. Davis Titus, 85.20; Joseph 'rrpyaiio, 5.25; Alhert Waller. 85.7.1; Jobr Williams. IMS; .Oeorge Whltworth. IT.5J; Michael Wnolteii. 18.15: Andrew Walker. 16 43. laard J. Aguew, 112.15; William Asher, M: Chas Allen. 13.23: Frank Burke. 1-H2' iVIllism Harry. 13,15. Andrew Bender, i;'I9! IViZ'.' RUwau. 14.80. Theodore Boyer, 87.43. IVIIIIsm Brown. U'Jl. William Beli shaw. 14, Oscsr Brown, 87.20. William Bunt ing, IJ.05: Oeorss J. Benz, 18.25: John E. Barrett, M.15, Chsrles Beckman, 84.51: Chas, Baker, 83.76. Walter Branwell, .102; Dor " Bj. 82.45. John Clifton ?103; Waller tfnlt, 85.CO: John N. Carr. 83.56; Harr) Cave. 8.38; Harry, J. Cope, 4.10. Jamea Clegg, e.2.1; John L Corry. 17.10; John J. Creadon, 5.2V John crook. W.10, John. C Curran 15; latthew Clark. .is. Joseph Darvln. 13.70; Andrew Daut, IT. Jacob Daufman, 5,89; Rob rt, Dunbar. 18.04. D M. Davis, 13.60; Jo iS?R. D01ill!r l'-3i Daniel Dornach. (4.00; William Eaher'. 87; William Ebald, 11.781 An drew J. Kmanuel, 110.30; Samuel Ford. 1.80; ...... c aamirv, f-iu; sTeasrica rranx. iUr ? .Flnoi. 1iRj Edward Farmer. 12.10; Edward Farrell. 17.03. Thomaa Fttzrerald. IJ.02! Marry u Franklin, 812.15: William filsason, 87.0.1; Georg. oTbson, I3j Charles Orlmm, 84.80, John P. Oars. 111.10; Albert HrTbr,?iW,-rhrl, J- Oallagher, Ii78j Ralph Oold, 1185; Marry Oraeby, 84, JIarry (Jreeby, 8S.S0. Jerry Oeannottl. 13.75, WII Jram Oreen. i.B3. Ralph Haason, it.29; Cha. y. Ilannum. 1J0 Emmati Hammond, IS.B3; Clayton Iflll. 84 70, Havward Began. 5.iO; John t. Itolton, 83.39, William Issaia. 87 85; irlaa R Jackson J&35. Charlea Klatt, 14.70; Herbert P. Krontz. i81, Thomaa Ken ue.ly, 87.00. Jamea D. Keys, J6.12. Michael Kearse. I3.S8, Michael Keohane. .io. Itank P. Kinsley, 10.46 Andrew J Knox. ID; John J. KrumnieL 2 13, Charla KlaUtz. 11.00. Edward J , Lynch, S70. William wson. 8A.SO1 Martin Lyford, I8.0, Wesley nLyoa. 83 M. James Isll, $5.85, Joseph V. Mel lea. I5.M, John Mahony, It). 70; Jams Uanel, 14.80. Joasph McOlrui. 86 00: Thomas J McCulIougb, 8T.50 Mlchset McCarthy, 17.60; A. Mulholland. 17 30, William Mahony, 15.20; Thomaa McFarland. 17 45, Charlea MacCorkle. 4.20. -rhos. McDowell. &.M: Darts MoBeth, f.5, Wlrtlam Myers, U 45. Tlwa McFarUnd, IS'19' FL,ua MoKean, t Jamaa Mull raw. tJM; John B Nolan. 83.05; James O'Asura. 85.13; Daniel W O-NelllT 19.05. Jsaaph Olay zacuk, lilkl; Thos. Pandtgast, 8T.B0; Charles Peoavl, 82 84: Frank Qulnn JiiS; Thowaa OuUfey, U-Si, Jkn Redding. b3o. Oarrett navauig MIS, Alg tutcOle, III. Raillt, HOlo, lUrry Rabeon. 87 40; rwMBufuw, as , sTaut noaaaa. z.wi "!- UatJflo KkaarjUaa. U OS, W. B. arr Rich, last Jumaa B. IS. W 18L Shanul S3. Prad- si r&ifts- m&$i?Tiuz. tiirt Tst. H. tulsvlck 1UU&. u wm Tywp. uavitj tuu, wKmmkmmBk. wo' Albsif Tl'StiT. ,5 20. Michael Wc-altae. lairi VA. d.ld RcV.TMUams. 87 H. Our) AfflST 84 (a). Georaa JlSB. .4JS' fit car IlleHMB. 8t m Tl i lr Is, Baker. JptTa. , Whit worth. Agaew. in. ir. iP"i was, aumsssg. ebJWJsau. xjj m Jf-ig: mm ;S- t vm KfX'if sv-s, -J ItWF 4JPHBKW M'eJPaETW! ts tu$mMw lLam Ears StM W'"i KtaaweU 83 Charlea XBOEBOSalil BiMOK 2 BV SrSBul Walies Cwk MM. '"ha usta cailalua 8J to . ipift a u?t 'i$uk 8.1 Ittinn i.ij 4 Tl JKitans- JJ m sxin twjn lSTB, ItanitS l'".u :.L. -; Hi l-joh I'cr.lu. p 74 triBigjD KtoaMT H Aadre EwmI lu'li fciha Vwtnt $tl 'liun Uaiiitxi. E, Vailu. e- f T Hi Uanael Fiifik pit, Mwaa sraneil, a.6 Thomas flii 1MW aua II 73 Jaiil 3j u .'iiuii 3 fc, Hrry iv5 HM 85 15 Ai.Jrew UW D Dail. Thomas Kennedy, 18.10! William Ken nedy, 13,85: Chas. Klelntz. 14.23; Frank Kins ley, at, ,,,; Anorvw jtnox. 3.&u; jsmes Lazella, H.7.T Martin. Lyford. 13.20: Edward Lynch; 0 75; )'"rank Laarenco. IH.C0: Weslev Lyons, 80.16; Wm. Lawson, 88.00; Wm. McCorkle, 5.10: Jamea Mulgrew. I1.B0: Wm. McKenan.. I2.m: Thos. McFarland, 14.45: David McBsth, il2.ro: Tliosi. MrCulIotlgh, 17.00: Joseph Mc 'Olnn. in; James Maneely. 10 03; John Mahony, 10.7.1; w llliam Jlahony. fl.n.l: A. mulholland. 14.50; Joseph Mellon. IB! Ofdcer Myers, 14.80: Thos. McDowell, Jvi.R0, L. 0Reagon. II r Jo seph Olevnlicak. 13.73: Daniel O'Neill, 110.60; Jas. O'Hara, 11.82: Wm. Patterson, 83.(t3; Thcs. Pondegaet, 17,05: Chas. Pnlma, 85.HO; William Pensyl. 13; Thos. Qulgley, 31.20: Harry Robson, 83.75; Oarrett Redmond. 35.20: Alex. Ritchie. Id.70; Phllo Roaeborow, 82.60; John Redding. 13.15: Harry1 Rich, 8H.S13; Rob ert Ilellly, M.C0: James Richardson, 0; Frank Rhoads . 1.20! Hugh Ilellly, 10.03: deo.8plll msn, 15.55: Frederick Sl.ecklen, 12.00; Frsnk Schneider. Il.u: William Selby, a.irj; Chas. smith, 81.50: Bayard Smith, 8'J.tio: Louis Hlbre. 812.10: Davli' Titus, li.io; Joseph Troyano. 13. 5: Howard aomilnson. 81.77: Hsrry Tucker, 80 Bl; Robert Test. 85 55: Will V?."l V'.?."' ,.w'10i . JS!eDh Vanhorn. 83.8J; Michael Wootten. 8 30: Andrew Walker. Jt.wi, Henry Woodruff, 19.17; Albert Walter. J3.o,lt oeo. Whltworth. 14.0.1; Bobt. Williams 84 Jamea Oenoe, 53.02: F, BchraUliuhti, a.sa 811.50; total, three thousand eight hundred and twent)-elght (8818) dollara and ninety-two IVJ) canta. Provided. That one warrant In favor of Wal ter Ollbett, Chief Clerk, may be drawn and counteralsned upon the presentation of proper nffldavita and voucher. Item 0 (d). Transportation and ex- , penses of special officers during Oc tobsr. No ember and December, one thousand two hundred dollars.... 81.200.00 Item 0 (a). Transportation and ex- panses or actecuve mviilon, fir hundred dollar ... Item 21. Transportation, etc., two hundred dollar Item 23, llepalrs and maintenance of automobiles, two hundred dollars... Item 25 (a). Repairs and malms nance far automobile, two hundred dollars Item 26, Uniforms for police sur geons, . to pay bill or Joseph N. Snsllenburg (1013), ons bundrsd and one dollara Bureau of Flra. Item D. Shoeing and pasturing ani mals; two thousand dollars I2.C00.00 nam it tai, ,,ci,b hhu iiiiiiaiensnca to automobiles, five hundred dollars Item 11 (b). Repairs to apparatus and rebuilding apparatus, one thou aand flvo hundred dollars... Item 11 (c). Repair to harness, fifty dollar Bureau of Correction. Item 0 (c). Repair to buildings, two hundred and thirty dollars Building Inspection, Item 3 (a). Postage and printing, two hundred and fifty dollars.... Item 4. Horse keep and automobile maintenance, one tnouaand and thlr-ty-threa dollar and thirty-three cinu ....................... Bureau of Steam Engine and Boiler Inspection Horn 3. Special, three hundred and alxty-alght dollara and ninety-one centa IJeaOl Electrical Bureau, Item 3 (a). Transportation, five hun drad dollar I500.CO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Bureau of Surveys. Item 8 (b). Hire, storage and care of horaes. vehicles and automobiles, two thousand dollars 82 000 00 Item S (c). Cleaning oftlcea, two hun dred dollar 200.00 Bureau of Water. w Item 20. Salaries, sight hundred dol lara 1800.00 Jltm 35, To pay claim for damages by reason of break In water main from Hoxborougb ressrvolr, on July 4, 1013. as follows; Jossph Myar. ninety-eight (88) dollara; John De Kyue, nlnety-nve (5 dollara and seventy-five (78) cents; Emily E. and Caroline Hippie, six hundred and ntty.thrcs ((113) dollara and nfty-elx (6B) centa. eight hundred and forty-aavsn dollara and thirty one centa , 817.31 n.m , JiHru of Highways. llsm 2 (a), Tranaporlatlon. meals, communication ssrvlcea and ad) er asing, ono thousand dollars 81.O0O.0o Hero 4 (s). Repair to automobiles, Ihree hundred dollars . 300.00 llsm 14 (s) For repaying Oermsn town avenue, from Montgomery aie ".".. '2 ,)ork "r"t. nineteen thou- ."hd dollara 19.000.00 Item (a). Hire of teama for haul- ,.,n,r' Jbrea hundred doUars SOO.OO Ing, two thousand dollars 3.000.(0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND CHARITIES. n. a , , Bufl olirallh. !Q . (.eJ- .7 iu1d dental dlspens ry t tbMsthts W Baldwin Vub. In al.a.l al a . a ..." - ,. r"l 'Ili" nunarsa aousr 1132; Piny, furnishing keys and making Ol repairs. 82.501 O. vVlnneberger d sons, desk, 8.0; J.. B. Soule, on- graving minutes, jju; ov; . iwj chool, board of children, 8-310: In dividual Drinking Cup Complny, furnishing dispenser and cups, 114; Uses. Welsh A Co., law books, libra ry labels, et., 11.077; Webster A. Xtelcher, expert services, handwrit ing, 1100: Thomaa J. aartland, haut inV 83.60: Jackson Vacuum Cleaner ' s.ooo 500 2,509 8.000 13,000 851.60 12,132.40 1500 50.00 1230.00 lao.oo 1.033.83 872.11 1SM 127.11 Ha., li i w.uja aousr..... etuu.w S'-. " ' f pay salary or ueorgs S!i.I0f' Assistant Nutssncs Inspso Yix '"m January let to October i lhJ V lh r ? 11.100, eight .: i .'"r- "na asvsniy-iwp aouara and Jhlrty-ona cants . i? ft Auio-cell eoulpmsnt. Hos pital for Contagious Dlssases (loan), J2 hundrad snd nlnstyrone doUara s,"1 eighty-six cent , ... Iteni J3. Auto-call equipment. Hos pital .or Contagious Diseases, one bundrsd and twenty-aeven dollars and fourteen cents..' Item 34. Tu nay bill of Waltar. Snv- u C?. emergency repair to laun dry, Hospital for Contagious Dis eases, one thousand nln hun dred and thirty -Ave dollar. 1,833 .... Bureau of Charities. Item 8. Repairs. Jc. three hundred dollar ;. 13M Item 11 (a) Removal of ashes, seven , hundred dollar ,. 100 Item 33 (a), eanltary floortsg, dv dred dollara ;.."..... 600 Item. 60. Auto-eatl equipment (loan). alx hundred and thirty dollar rBO Item al Removal of boilers (loan), one thousand nv hundred dollsrs.. 1,500 DEpARTMEKT OF WHARVES, DOCKS AND T aS AlltllaaSl Item ll ib). Teasporary amployss to operate Qiy ice BaatS, three thou- sand dollar $8,000 DBPAR'WaWT OF SITPPLIB8. (DIsaotjMrs Orflea.l Iteat 1. So aa la usvlda for a chief sau or Company, repairs, 12; Lit Brotnera, fnm ture and aupplles. 'u.J ?..,.. .a TTav A Ron. sllerat an o rooms, etc.. 10.758; Albert Ander- man, elatlojerv and supplies. 8118.10; M. J. Heavy, fitting up rooms. II.310.OI; John Wansmaker. lanllof' aupplles, 110.0.1; William i". Hoaklns Xfompany, furniture and furnishings. 84.S40.ti5 (loan), seven teen thousand six hundred and nine tJ'Jdri dollar and thirty-one cents 17.DI.31 Kern 13 (a). Telephone, four hundred and tntrty-alx dollar and nlno cents 435.00 "en. .10. Printing, asseasora. lists eight mousnuu . .....-.. -w. Item 30 fa).'" HnuVlng ballot boxes, meala. etc.. two hundred and fifty- titii" M.'supp-iiv.: Vtktionir : yte: (general election), three hundred Item 35. "Equipment, furnishing, eta, two thousand flvo hundred dollar.. Item CO (b). Care of boys and girls crmlttea to, Olen Mills Sclools, eight thousand dollsrs Item 88 (f). -Children committed to industrial s:hools, etc., thirteen thousand dollara Item RO (k). State Asylum, etc.. Far view (deficiency of 1013), ninety ItJm 80. ' 'to ' p'aV' bin ' 'as' ' foflows: IMward Darby & Sons Company, Inc., metal lockers, 1120.00; M. J. Heavy, furniture, furnishings, etc., 1125 (for room 507, tipstaves), eight hundred and fifty-one dollars and sixty cent r.. " CLKItK.H OF COUNCILS. Hem 2 (h). Advertising and publish ing' loans: To pay bills of the "In ? Hirer," 8600; "Publlo1 Ledger," 770.40, and the "Press." 1572, for advertising loan ordinance, two thousand one hundred and thirty- two ooiiara ana tony cgiua. ....... , uri'x LuniHuifi,ii,ii. Item 3 fa). Stationery and office sup plies, fire hundred dollars.. Item 5. Printing the annual report of me city controller ana preparing tue annual statement for the Finance Committee, five hundred dollars.... ,500 CORONER. Item 3 (). Transportation of persons, one hundred and fifty dollar. ...... 1160 Item 3 (a). Stationery and office supv piles, two hundred dollsrs 200 Item 8 (b). Coal for Morgue, one hun dred and thirty dollara 130 Item 3 (t). Post-mortem material, etc., two hundred and fifty dollars,. 250 Kern i. Burial expenses for Polter'e Field, six hundred dollara 500 Item 1 (a). To pay salary -of Mai Aron far compensation as Assistant city Boucuor auring ino moniu oi January, 1013, one hundred dollars. $100 Item 1 (c). Prothonotarys costs. Magistrates' costs and expenses of City cases, five hundred dollars..,. COO Item 1 (d). Expert service, five thousand dollara 0,000 Item 4. Law books, five hundred dol lars ,...,,... ...... ....,... 800 COMMISSIONERS OF FAIRMOUNT PARK. Item 8. Supplies, stationery, printing, postage and miscellaneous, five hun dred dollars 8500 Item 5 (b). Labor, skilled and un skilled, thirteen! thousand two hun dred snd ninety dollars 13,200 PROTIIONOTAny. Item 3 (a). Communication service, one hundred nnd fifty dollsrs '$150 Item 5. Furniture and furnishings two thousand five hundred dollsrs.. 2,500 RECEIVER OF TAXES. Item S (d). To py bill of Albert An- derman for books, blanks and eta- tlnneryr two hundred and ninety-Ova dollara and fifty cents.... $293.50 Item 13 (c). Refund to St. Timothy's Hotpltsl for sswer laid In front of building. 8250,50, nnd to John Bob", erts, amount overpaid for- personal taxes, $20; total, two hundred and seventy-nin dollars and fltty-slx cants ., ,. 270.66 REGISTER OF WILLS, Item 3 (b). Blank forms and sta tionary, five hundred dollars,,,...,, 500 SJIEniFF, Item 3 (f). Preparation and advertla Ing Sheriff's Proclamation, ntne hundred dollars $000 CITY TIUSA8tJltr.n. ' Item 1 (b). Salaries and wages for extra help, one hundred dollars .... $100 Item 3 (c). Communication service, four hundred dollars 400 Item 2 (d). Printing, engraving and binding, one hundred and fitly dol lars ..,..; 150 Item 3 if), Bpeclsl and miscellaneous services, one hundred dollars 100 Item 3 (a), Jtatlonery, two hundred dollars 200 Item 3 (b). Cleaning and toilet sup plies, fifty dollars T. 50 Item 2 (c). Special and miscellaneous supplies, tno hundred dollars 300 Itsm 4 (I). Plrsmen'a Pension Fund. three thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars and twenty-eight rents ,.....' ;J,SW2S , Approved the 37th day of November, A, D, 1014, RUDOLPH BLANKBNBURO, Mayor of Philadelphia. thorlzed lo.mploy labor, hlr team and equipment for repairs of streets and roads, and pay for same out of unexpended balancea In Items 20 .(loan). 31 (loan). (3 (losn), 110 (losn) and 182 (loan) In the appropriation to b .Department of Pabllo Works, Bureau of Highways. Resolved, That the Clerk of Council be directed to presnt this resolution lo the Mayor for hla approval or disapproval. Approved the Jth any of November, A. . ' ... nUDOLPH BHANKBNBURa, No. 769. . Mayor of Philadelphia. RESOLUTION AtrTHOKIZINa TUB DE pertment of Public Works to Issue permits' for breaking streets during tho months of December, 1I4 January and February. lOBli and directing the clerks of Councils to present this resolution to the Mayor for his approved or disapproval. Resolved, By the Select and Common Coun cils of tho City of Philadelphia, Tnal all ordi nances which forbid or prevent the Depart ment bt Pllhlli, Wnlra 1mm laanlna- rurmlll A permitting; the doing of work In any atreeta in inn .Jiiy During me winter moniiw iironi the first day of, December, 1B14, to the first day of March, 1915, following, or, nny other day or date) be, and the same are hereby aus pended and declared to be Inoperative, at the Judgment and discretion of the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Publlo Works, during the winter months, to the end that the Department of rublle Works, as far as possi ble, permit th carrying, on or continuance of all classea of work In said Department -which may give employment lo our people. Resolved, That th Clerks of Councils he di rected to present this resolution to the Mayor for hi approval or disapproval. " Approved the f)th day of November, A. D. 1014. RUDOLPH BtlANKENBURO, No. 76D. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN OttDINANCB TO AUTHORIZE TUB paving of Fox St., from Twenty-second St. to lll.ah.nv at-a. Section 1. The Select and Common Council of th City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the uirector or me ijepanmeni or mono vvoraa be authorlred add directed to enter Into a con tract with competent pavers for the paving of Fox atreet, from Twenty-second street to Allegheny avenue, with the best quality of refined natural asphalt, with vitrified brick flutters. The City cost of said work to ba nken from the Item for Intersection In the ap propriation to th Department of Publlo Work (Bureau of Hlghwaya). The condition of the contract shall he that the contractor shall col lect ths cost of said paving from th owners of nroporty respectively fronting on said atroet, snd shall enter Into an obligation Willi the City to keep said atreet In good repair for five year after the paying la nnlahedt Provided. That ssld street shall bo first dedicated or property opened, and that the Director of the Depaitmcnt of Publlo Works shall advertise for proposal for paving said street and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and that the owners of property fronting en ssld street shall not be charged more than ths contract price. All ordinances or parte of or dlnancea Inconsistent herewith be, and the same are, nereDy repeaiea. Approved the 12th day of November, A, D, .. ' RUDOLPH BLANKTCNBURO, No. 7.0. Mayor of Philadelphia. ORDINANCES Item I ft). Paving Intersection-, twen ty.flve thousand Jjellar . . . , ... .. ?S'ir COMMI83IONF.RS OF FAIRMOUNTARK. Item 6 (b). Labor, skilled and unskilled, fifty-one thousand seven hundred and ten dollars .,'T,1,0 Approved th 10th day of November. A. ". iif. No, 77,1. RUDOLPH BLANKHNnURO, Mayor of rhlisdefphla. jaufc- AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE grading of Fox atreet. Holmesburg nvenue, Drexel road and Cobb's Creek Parkway. 8octlon 1. Tho 8elect and Common Councils pf the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to enter Into contracts for grading the following streets to the established grade of the City, with the necessary drains, etc., vis.: Fox atreet, from Twenty-iecond street to Allegheny avenue; Holmesburg avenue, from fltato road to the Delawnre River: Drexel road, from Fifty-second to Flfty-thlrd atreet: Cobb'a Creek Parkway, from Webster to Catharine street. The cost of snld work to ba taken from the Item for grading In the appropriation to the Department of Public Work (Bureau of Highways). In all cases whero ths material required lo excavate or fill any legally opened atreet within six blocks of the streets herein suthorlzed to be graded can be Interchange- amy uenu. me JJirrgiur ol in jjepartmem or Public Works shall advertise for and award the contract, so tlutt the some shall be m bcdled in ons and the same contract: Pro vided, That the grading shall be advertised for and the contracts award to the lowest re sponsible bidder. All ordinance or parts of ordinances lncon slstent herewith be, and the sams ara hereby . a j, co.au 101 No.- 771. AN ORDINANCB TO, PLACE ON TUB OITT Plan Addison, Rodman. , Filbert, Oerner, Gladstone. Olenvlew. Itoseberry. Hemberger, Magnalla, Marston, Mayfleld..Deu8!asi. Wel- jens and Wlshart atresia: Hazel and 8y- broofc avenues and Cross lane. ,. Section. The Select and Common Council Of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That the Department of Public Worka (Board of Surveyors) be anlhortzed to place on the City Pl-in Addison nd Rodman street, each: of the width of forty feet, from Fifty-eighth to Fitly; ninth street; Filbert street, of the width of fifty feet, from Fifty-second street to a point two hundred nnd sixty-four feet nine and on; quarter Inches westward. Uesner street, pf the width of forty feet, from Slxty-Mtth to sixty-sixth street; Gladstone and Boseberry streets,, each of the width of rorly feet, irom Third (o Fourth street; Olenvlew street, of the width of forty feet, from Algard avenue to Frankford avenues Hemberger street, of the width of forty feet, from Llpplncott to Clearfield street! Masnoll street, of the width ef fifty feet, from Waahlngton lane to Tulpe hotken atreet! Marston strest, of the width of forty feet, from Cambria street to. Chalmers avenue! Mayrleld atreet, of the width of forty feet, from Sixth to Marshall street! Douglass street, as now built upon, of the width of thirty feet, from Arch tn Cuthbert street! Wellens street, of the width of fifty feet, from Front to Msscher street! Wlshart street, of the width of forty feet, from Front to A street; Hsrel avsnue, of the width of forty feet, from Fifty-eighth to llfty-nlnth street: Baybrook avnnUe, of th width of forty feet, from Sixty filth to Slxty-alxth street! Cross lane, of ths width of forty feet, from Mermaid lane to T.tnpnln TV-tvat TrnvMi1. That hefore said atreeta, except Filbert street, ahall bo placed on the plan the owners of property within ins lines tnsreot snail witnm one- year iro.n the approval of thla ordinance, dedicate tl beds of the earns to th City on the lines and grades aa conr.rmed by the Board of Surveyors, or ehsll Indemnity the City against all damages or clalma for damages which may arise from placing aald atresia on the plan and their aubaequent opening to the confirmed Unas and grades: And provided, That before said Filbert atreet shall be plsced on the plan satisfactory ovldence ahall be furnished within one yesr from the approval of this ordinance, that said street has been open and In con tinuous publlo Use for a period of at least twenty-ono years: And provided. That, the provisions of the ordinance of April 8, 1RDO, relating to atreeta extending In a straight lino shsll not apply to Cross lane. All ordinances or parte of ordinances Incon sistent herewith be and the same ara hereby repealed. Approved the 28th day of November, A. D. ' RUDOLPH BijANK77NBUna, . No. 788. Mayor of Philadelphia. HEtf WANTEfi MAliE UHBHBtt WANTED. Apply American uunams. Kerlh MAN for all-round work at burbn tt" same when necessary, atat tf'SiiHI., nc and wages wanted mo board furnlenea). Address A 210. Ledger gfflo SALESMAN wanted, experienced Itt wool nolle, etc A 220, Ledger Office, BUPEniNTHNDBNT-Man l.rt 'SL.f.'a'JSS textile mill who en flgur prices, understand s mansglng Jacquard lmVavg, ttteroujhly competent to take full Wmrge ,froT" 0l.ii? work to manufaetored gqode; state f1 l" aryl first-class referenc only considered. Bchadewald Mills, 3dndItuntlntdom StTPEniNTBNDKNT for ihon onslstlntt five cylinder and 10 Cordons! must be good compositor nnd be nble to O. K. form ! pressroom. 70 Ilonsrd it, Dstrolt. TVANTED-Voucher, payroll, cost and rIr.r.'rtsT board clerks: must b experienced; position outside of city; state fully, experience, .'" ences and salary expected. P 718, Ledier Office. rWANTED Man familiar with the wiilt metal bualnes for shipping department; one thor oughly familiar with tho business, to go out of the rltyt good opportunity for right party, A 201, Ledger Office. , . WANTED Bright sslesman, acquainted wltS users of fruit syrup In large quantities: those capable of closing good contracts on a commission basis only apply. Address M (121. T.artaer nMrm. WANTFD Bright young man. not over 25, unquestioned character and Integrity, pleas ing personality, quick at figures, with expe rience in a nstlonal bank: best reference requlred. A 322, ledger Office. WANTED, by stock and bond house, member Philadelphia and New Tork Stock Exchanges, p. 1Z. bkpr. nnd asat. cashier: answer In handwriting, giving ago, expertenco and ref-ereni-e; strictly confidential. A 223. Led. Off. WANTED Registered Oerman-spenklng phar macist, slnrle. hnneal anil anhar. Ann!, In r Koompel, 830 S. Webster nve., Scranton, Ta. WANTED Young man for office work In an investment nouse; reference. A 221, Led otf. WHITE MAN AND WIFE wanted to do entlr work of house at Walllngford, Pa.; wife good cook, man to take care of horse; per sonal reference. Apply 1024 Arch St., be tween 11 nnd 1 Wednesday. (lenerat AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE TUB opening of Oxford avenne. to Its full width, from the south side of D strest to Pine road. Section 1, The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Department of Public Works be authorized and directed to notify the owner.l of property over and through which Oxford avenue, to Its full width, from tho south shin of D street to Pine road, will paas. that at ths expiration of three months from the date of said notice said street will be required for publlo use. Section 3. The Mayor of the City Is hereby authorized and directed (o enter security on be half of the City of Philadelphia for the pay rnent of, any damages which may be assessed Vi' r-?.,on V th opening of said street. Upon the mine of aald bond, nnd at the expiration of the aald three months; th Director of ths Department of Publlo Works ahall forthwith proceed to open said atreet. Approved the 17th day of November, A. D. ' . RUDOLPH BLANKT1NBURO, J0' TH' Moyor of Philadelphia. Approved th 10th day of November, A. D. JVUDOLPIT. BLANKTlNBUnO, Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCB TO AUTHORIZE THE revision of the lines and grades of a portion &.c,vY, riV ". !! and to place upon the City Plan Pastorlus Park. Occtlcn 1. Th Select and Common Council of th City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Department of Publla Work (Board of Surveycra) be and la hereby authorized to re viae the lines and trades of that portion of City Plan No. 140. bounded by Germantown avenue. Willow Grove avenue. Seminole ave nue and Orajer's lane, and to plac upon the City Plan, at th Intersection of Lincoln ave nue end Hartwell lane. Paatoriua Park, and auch park places as may be nacessary to com- 101 Approved the Oth day of Novembsr. A. D. No. 773. Btinrvr.mT nr.ivi.-inTimnrt Mayor of Philadelphia. $200 300 1.000 tnsoMtmr la frem MCrV4r 1st, two Ui24rsd lt T MMltWsL WI SSjIJtWS shall W L414 vast OtaW for wmS sola, out Wlf X F. oa Inspector. tvunlefelnis atvd WBW Sttute- sasy, aanmuaUag to Had. tot, six jtujMsftt, dollars . Bern 8. Fuai, laeluJUig UsvimlaitUig NNk. tn WtMsael 4 wHEtin Itsaa M. Fursvttvue, hurilUo. bad- ' Mg. wam JJri wrt o.aau VTuutaer4oBrs Urn; 3 stattwiss. raasisiar oaaar, et u& t,iKMieqs.a vs-o Isuadna om lfS 11.8W iafwifi' stEi-'aatAS: ) Ilea: 1 W. feaavsaanr ealpior, I t Ua4asa Bva biMJi-ad dvOan. taVtW CrT C'JHMklHlOXVWt. ? f J"rilvif tM ' saijtMMg f 4v te'-trnre- 9C0 00 ttfaaC fsssfB $Sf AN ORDINANCE TO PERMIT FRANK O. Schuler to erect and maintain a clock on the aldewalk In front of hla property, 453 Frank ford avenue. Section 1. The Select and Common Council! of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That aarmlsslon ba and Is hereby granted to Frank I. Schuler to erect and JSalntaln a clock on the sidewalk In front of hla properly, 45J Frankford avsnus. Th dial of aald clock not to excead three feet In diameter with base not exceeding two feet, and shall M erected under the supervision and to ths satisfaction of th Department or Publlo Works, and ahall have no advertisement other than the name thereon, and shall.be removed at any time upon the ViFVUP ,n. ordinance to that effect. Pro vided. That sold Frsnk a. Sohulsr first pay the sum of nity (50) dollsrs Into ths City Treasury for th publication ot thl ordinance. Approed the Sdjlayof December. A. D. 19H. .IWWlrf-Il JJ.AJf IVSJlYUUltU. Mayor of Philadelphia. July d, 1 y-elghth No. ISi). ii ORDINANCE TO REPEAL A PORTION w orujuane approved. July o, IS ajns -wm paving or Fifty 3Iotfmn to Tlwl strset. Sietleii 1 Tli Select on of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That so much of ordlnan aporoved July 8, 114, au thorising ths pavliig of A. Albanu. Allison and L.5r f'W- . authorizes th paving or iiH7-wn streei, irom llorruan to Tpola "ivsssivi i?x s. .". .'r j ninriwiwu eaiui weij u( aqani mr . No. no. atreet. from 'elect and Common Councils adeluhla do ordain: That so AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE ADDITIONAL appronrlatlan to th Department of Publlo Health and Charities. Supplies and City Com missioners for the year 1014. out of money rs- leasra oy mo (.ommissionera of the Sinking ?".nf aJ5..,to 4.he. DePrtmenta of Publlo Safety. Publlo Worka and Commissioners of Falrmount Park, out of monsy restored to tha general fund by ordinance approved July Section 1. The Select snd Common Councils of the City ot Phllsdelphla do ordain. That out of money. released by the Commissioner of the Sinking Fund the sum of four hundred ami aaven thousand one hundred and forty (107.140) dollara and sixty-three (03) cent Is hereby appropriated to the Department of Publla Health and. Charities, Sujnpllea and City Com. mlsstoners for the year 1014, as follows: PEPARTMENT OPft'jja HEALTH AND BUREAU OF HEALTH. Item 3 (c, Miscellaneous, two hundred dollara Item 3. Supplies, miscellaneous, two hundred dollars ....-.. Item 12. Abatement of nuisances, one thousard dollara r , Item 15 (b). Wages Hospital for Con tagious uiaeases, niieen tnousand dol lars 15,000 Item 18 (c). Alterations and repairs to steam Unas. Hospital for Contagious Diseases, twelve thousand dollsrs..,., 12,000 BUBKAU OF CHARITIES, Itsm 3 (b). Special and ralscellsneoua services, one thousand dollars $1,000 Item 13 (b). Repairs to roofs. Including new spouting, -ono hundred dollars.... 100 lEim -a. (Of.,, Aiisnuaius- payroll, ten Item 41. ICeeD of Insane In State lnstl. tutloru, seventeen thousand, dollars... 17,000 Rem 20 (b). Completion of power plant for Philadelphia Home for the Indigent at Holincsburg, one hundred thousand dollsrs I lOO.OOa Item 20 (c). For power plant at Phila delphia Institution for Feeble. Minded at Bvberry, eighty thouaaud dollar'.. 80,000 Itsm 20 (d). For steam and electrla ducts, cable, etc., Philadelphia Insti tution for Fesble-SIInded at Byberry, forty thousand dollara.,... .,40,000 Item 20 (e). For aewage disposal plant, Philadelphia Institution for Feeble Minded at Byberry, thirty thousand dollara . 30,000 Itsm 20 (f). For completion of sewers, draining buildings snd s-rounds. Phila delphia institution for Feeble-Minded 10.000 CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAT Tins STTLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 6o per line Three Insertions Ins week.... 12!o per line fiJXfn consecuttre insertions... 10a perlln 10CO line contract (dally ad- ' ""'"" o.Yert.,J,,nJ $o perllne ffltuatlon wanted, three lnserv v"r"um tlon In a week s-. loo perlln THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) .u2n.",,5? ,n J!." classifications except Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found. Per sonals, Boarding and Rooms. Ons Insertion "Oo perllne Three Insertions In, a week.... 1714opr'n ?JJn..conMCU,lv Insert ons... 13o perllne 1C00 line contract (dally ad- ii'-t.1..,."y ...'12Me par Una agate Unas to ths Inch, DEATH NOTICES-elther paper- 10 line one tlm roc Three Insertions ....... I. . "III. T":.."iloi DAILT ONLY In Effect Decemier t, ltl COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both the morning and evening oaptra of same day: ., " PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING.) EVENING LEDGER . (EVENING.) above. '"" CaU per "n" el t0 nXtM llvn utiiA- AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIO LEDGER MAT BE INSERTED IN TUB EVENINO LEDGER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CnABpE. , wmJn. riff5 ,lor8. n'r our nome that win accept Ledger wont ads at office ratesT HELP WANTED FEHATjE AUTOMOBI11E repairing and driving taught by experta; special attention given to carburetor and magneto details: a road lesson every Vlay and license guaranteed! day nnd evening courses: easy terms. Call, write or phon XZy'rPS." ,iK,A- Huntingdon Anto School, 2413-15 E. Huntingdon. LEARN TO BH A CHAUFFEUR In tho largest repair shops In this city. A practical course In driving nnd repairing . ,. AUTOMOBILES AT A SMALL COST TO YOU IN WEEKLY . , , . , PAYMENTS We Instruct In our shops, working with our mechanics, 8 hours dally. 4 hours evening. Sea our big shop classes nowiworklng re P.'i!y!l.c"r"' D"y C"1 evening blesses. FOnD USED CAR CO., 020-31 N. Broad St. I 5IADE 150.000 In flvo vears with a am. 11 mall order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, 00S, Ixickport, N. Y. MOVING-PICTURE OPERATING taught. $18; positions secured; open dally and Mondoy. Wed.. Frl. evgs. Mott School, 1503 Santom. . G R II E N E W A L D S isxecutlve office positions, tech. nnd sales Eosltlonsi high-class employment exclusively ooks and blanks gratis. 250 S. 11th st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ANT IlIGit-UIt.tDK ..nm-cr til ltsl- tlon can be quickly nnd sat s i tunl filled by the Commercial Ittcl'tn l.j. 5". fc. .euger v-enirai. .vitss (lean, tho employment specialist. In ihii,e. ... Bu.iva.iuua Ull llie O experienced youni; no-ran (V ot office positions. 1 . i.iiieint BOOKKEEPER-Thoroughly experienced, de sires position where ability will count; com petent to take entire charge; possesses execu tive ability and will make good If given a trial 'in a responsible position. E 837, ger Central. Led- CANVASSER8 wanted. . ex ajiisMuim wanted., exp. prof.: ssl n com. K.ystons Bklrt Co.. I52lf Columbia av".'' mtTTmiitiveie. - "." wiiuuu.Dia ior one child. 2 vet aid SiV.1 i.SsaJ? "..0'Le"d,.f,,rThSi: nVcMon11..',. ...delphia A. 3f. Roaawlg. 033 S. lith aL. Apply at once. COOK1NO and downatalra work Experienced t,.i' ill ".iKiul." 1" "ermantown: good w?ce"' . Room 230. Ledger Illdg.. 8th and -- . --. -.v. ,u,r iiius,. oil . Chestnut, before 11 o'clock Tliursclsy. iS."'!,"!!1'' .rt lr nn.r.1 JjeMdowne' Sv-'a." v-"" ,"u """""". "3 IIOUSEWORK in .mall f,my Qerroan praf.l 8P.nd refa. required. Call Room 230. Led! ear ji.ua.. rnnwn a ana p. m. Wednesday. Prot.j Tef. required, t. 704. Ledger Office! at Byberry. fifteen thousand dollara... 13,000 Hem 10. dollars 7 $2,000 Itsm ID',-,. R'fMKNT OF SUPPLIES, iici.ni. For entitoiln. two thousand $S,000 Vtng o f hi a lad. 137th day ofNovmUr. A.D. 1311. RUDOLPU BLANKENBUKG, flayer cur Philadelphia. AN QHpINANCL TO PKRUIT DAVID tha, aMewa' WA reectMiTg la erect and rualiuala a clock oa raewant jn iront of bia property on tha akle Fltty-aecood atreet. dftseo feet nsrth of Okaocallor atreet. beaaion 1. The Select and Caramon Council. M ta aw ei Pbilid.lpaU o erdain: TSat "Ifa ww iuu ta OVraaiw wwm to tract and atalobtlB sMsi .be and la hereby giaatad ta David vaiDwin aatos nSMsrtv aa t fliteea feat north of sldewsli u eacsved flu ii Hi g t b front jf hla pro. askl a! &&, Jc on th th tSaVstr y-aMcaod ktrut flttiiatm t north at fftfsMt Th dial ai ixatd eliVck tint tn M fMt ta dUoacttu- wb Ui tvt - LBMlf DaTBatX1 fain i-tiaa unu tiiaMsariB iiti rntuvd at tuy una udou tbi Dew so nutx wki. rro- m9 ia t-tty -Mmwtr m. 7i. JaHOaV.UTIOl AUTtlpsSiSINU TU Dst- a-wuw eroaia te a a . r assets tn wnawi r ruwia wsau to Wjy UWr " taws, w (uipsaeot, xoy repairs to Street ud rcd ajuTiy t aaaae eisi ot rtptn4d hatiuiuea la certala ruam ffeaa RgjEtr Baiiau ct aSaVays ! 43 jEasseaVsay late liii aiTliiy fsiwilsna "rrr-lh gv 4 tt)2g$s4giwm wiS plK e.rvat ; Wsnll, b 8. cirAniTiits. Coal for llnnia fnr tha In digent at llolmeabura. ltva thousand .dollar $5,000 Item 18. Meat and flsn, fifteen thou sand dollars 18,000 Item 20. Groceries, ten thousand dollars 10,000 Item 22. Dry goods, etc., three thousand dollars S.OOO Item 24. Vaccine virus, drugs, etc. five thousand dollar 5,000 llsm 26. Fsed and bedding for horses, etc.. two thousand dollars 2,000 RECEIVE! Oi TlYPIt. Itsm 8. Books and forms for 1915, eight iiuiuwjui dollar ...... FIRK. Item S3. Fusl. Including Illuminating oils and gaass, three thousand dollar $8000 CORRECTION. Item 18. Fuel, Including Illuminating and burning oil and gasas, one thou sand dollara $1,000 Item 17. Flour, groceries, meats etc., twelve thousand dollar $12,000 msiiWArs. Item 10, (b). Lumber, cement, brick and chsr materials and supplies, tools and equipments 1st repairs to"all classea of streets and roads, four thou sand dollar $1,000 Item 10 c). Lumber, cement, etc., for repair to bridge, sewers and Inlets, two thousand dv hundred dollars.. 2,600 ' WATER. Item 20. Stationery, printing, cs, draft- area aonsr iiuuouwuuK-Wblt girl. Prot.. for house: work, small fam., Qtn, F 240, Led. Central iTO USEWpiiKpVhite, girl waritedinapaT merit; aleen home. L 702. TjiJuar onS. ' IIOUSEWORK-Whlti family Ctrl wantaiS In n ....... t..t a. .,;,. r:" "" '" -. BOOKKEEPER Toung woman, competent,, knovyleuge of typewriting, accurate and trust- tvorthy, desires sn opportunity to prove her-i .,. y ,u una eoeibiiia launiui. ninrenr ns- slstant: qualified ref.; answer all week. A 135. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experlehced, wltlil nu.iviuu Kiiowiougo oi sienoKrapity; can tauei cn.t.n wniiio m mjoif. y- i-ta. itiger central. BOOKKEEPER, assistant, high school and! ..cup Bmu.i ,u enor. i mi, ea. cent BOOKKEEPER and stenogrspher: 5 yeari? experience: Al references. E 041. Led. Cent. CHAMUERWORK and waiting-Young German I i-rotesiani, expu.; best rers. u 700. Led. Off. COLLECTION, correspondent and manager: ex perlenccd business woman possessing sale ability; familiar with advertising buslneas; can work Inside or outside. E 850, Led. Cent 'COMPANION, traveling; young business wom an of experience and refinement will act aa social secretary (stenographer), companion: nn, e S..I w.0 u.H.n.lt.llI... .rt a., -J .. -' ,m. ..m ... n,,miaiui)r. & u.W A.CU. .CHl. family, ur downstairs work or heusewarkt small .... . . ..... l ...T-: --. . -- nny, reicrsuca, i,eii pnone Wyoming X330. add. No. 2, Ledger Br 10th and Cayuga COOK Competent English Protestant desire . position! geod references. 1520 Falrmount av. COOK, colored, flrat-class, wishes position: Via-, Hf.H.. , Ta.a. 1,4. ..-...- -. " .. . ...... w. j.. oua,, io.ii iwilliruil St. COOIC or housekeeper; Prot.: adult family; no washing: suburbs. 2301 W. Firth st. COOIC. first-class, with child 5 years: city or country. M. 745. Ledger Central. COOKVoung white Protestant! ha 5 years? prlvat reference. Telephone walnut 1713. COOK Capable, experienced woman wish yw-.nm. ,,, v4.ya.tn uniliy. 1. lua. Led. Off. COOK Reliable up-State woman; competent. reference. L, 701, Ledger Office. """" COOK OR IIOUSEWORK-No washing, ex. urinueq xangusn tTOteatsnt. L 707. Led Off. CUOK.INO and downstairs work: Ger. " Prot ; coropeveiu ana experienced. M 735. Led Off. LADY OF responsibility, education and re" flnement. ibout 30j with fair ahar ot business Plutys V.ttxi Jor Permanent, poal lion with old-estaoltshed house, where best city cre dentials rsthar than business experience will be considered; one willing lo work herd and follow Instructions; houra 0 to 4 dally; sal. ary 121 weakly- A 136. Ledger Office. SALESWOMAN to call on the small dry good, stores In Philadelphia and vicinity to aall notions on commission; state axe, experience. any. and references. Address It 6257 1-edger Office. General WOMEN-BBOOME GOVERNMENT CAY2Ur.8i $70 month: Philadelphia examlnatlonajloon aauiVtauuaauuUB. JIV. SJSPK. flO VV HOClV -T.J na"?." Ingand engineering supplies, flvo hun-, iisr .. Bubbsr goods, packing anj Ju i, on thousand dollar,... . sjiecincai, taooraiory ana Item 23. bricants. iiero, i $800 1,000 cleaning supplies, etc,, one thousand datlara r LOOO lieaa S4. iisrawBir. soois, iusaoer, eve., OB thousand dollars 1.000 C1TT OOMMI8SIONBRB. " Item 0 (b). Jurora' fee, sin thousand sla hunared and forty mltvt and sixty-three casta 9,19.53 Sactlsn 2- That live aiuu or one hundrad and evaty-five thausaad (178.000) dgliata raered ?uru.'WC'd& iH. ,&rtSlh pi $mk- uttt o. eniarv, . m uwtssaaa a. tana .. sum a (b). Wags, fw hujitoajaiu tsa $0 S hua- 1110 no HO 3.000 Hew 9 Laborers, repairing oraa aaa tairiy amvaxs I Iteaxi 13 (b). Wages. Sv hun4reJ and I BRy dollars . ... ... item 10 (). wag, msic ibusb ew- lar .... Ham 19 to). Wag, additional construe - tlBO gaBg. IW9 IIW.a,aaa a)i) auaatam itu U li TrVi A.t t:.M-sisi k'l item & w Wfr sftty- ihtoi- saJW atitJ3 HELP WANTED MAIiB ACCOUNT ATraaulraa aarvlcaa'ot young gen. tleman, knowledge ot D. E bookkeeping: ao curacy and punctuality easan'l; replying please tat exp. salary sxpectad and ref.; parfpoal. tlon & good proapeo'e future. A21SI Led. t)rf CXW!?1 "of neat appearance on a apian, did free offer; hustlers csn make 125 to 150 weekly. Apply a to 10:80 a. m 132 Arch. WAitu sisuran wanica on upholstery work SifflrnTffi JBra.1?-- HStaS& 25SB& jmsSFWi taSttfAS titnlty to reailtaa ambltlM. PTU company oaa teo Ihrta such man Hi2 elty aalasmsa of wlpl admtlaedM! P 70ft LzrptMtl OPFI08 COOKING, chamberworlc or houaeworkrna washing: colored woman: raf t. ms ri3'ir DRESSMAKEll wanta engagemants-SnTTcrr out, good fitter, 1939 Montrose: Dlck-MUatw EXPERIENCED colored dressmaker. 'xit cutler and nttert advance styles, sQaetand jvenlnr gown; Ullored suits; .ltllons . term reasonable. Phone Baring lira w uunwmu iiuuauvvoiiit in small famllv . cltyt references. 1503 B. jrievai." iS?'"' QIinSiFil?JiL'1ilre JwaHlonTn .wjj,yn., ml. GOOD plain cook want position with nHv.'. or call! ' (b0T Uhlu WI- aONrERNESa-ProtastaBt. Gerrna" SSEeh. aj- Jf avavn 1T. tUv N. Y- HOU8EKEEPEIR (working), x?-d,Wb!trpret. ffi.ra "r:s,ai'.Kft.otth: --- ' ----t vsa m.i wf,s, eSXOO aUutir anstftx iHaUi ittsUDtr a saiw a k Dttre U ooc. tn 90$ nts&s OPPOHTi: UVTV 8&JfSS ?LB!? acoualBlad with lis, tb.i.-.'-! - " iw. 5Uj Sai.i iiar tsir'.ss. MM " -wtr barttaaariy to "a'vOTgar 'ii?Krs$fc 'caWanVdlVSS the Household Resjatry Burea snd ftoor ledger Building, th and Cheatnut nr5i! upon or Ulephon. Miss Baal " chirgeP iiyuocKuiiiv uermsn woman good eeek. workt Iv-eat PJilla. preferred. A 200. lirns MOTHER'a HfcfLPER - CbrnpTtint" woman "0W "Urex chsjsVon!;" r twoISS dreo; referencea A Hi. Leda.V Otnc mni8E. practical, wlshs engagernanu "forma ressopafie." Phone O.rmEirigj.-tV UrmM '"""". jrHicai, wisnas care of lnvlid -nervoua catlent r Tir. "i2v "1 c - - - aaav, u. MMmZilWWT- IIT 1 r-at I;,...rk i ' "ur- auowiaag of boakkeeo ug and business mathoda p , Lid. Off rtXMt t i tif Ta a.' "" i J1- - UBUAUUS OOWfta Toman ta took riii,. gfUpilVmt,S ioSJn wh'srf 1Sm??tl?,ln Pnint; "S&a.lBf-wn- LABOB raw reail tnmsAU 'ir tut4KWAY lie s esasarw .tUfytMam, lea) tVi SaJd -iOHArd ,. ....... . W.004 I1W.0W) I 'wprfi, 3fi3Sarj .. z.--z-jzr-z7r-"i ?" "f 5-vvrif incf nr Jivla month lu u. u 3i iSSSnrfrl? Latent. klllaAUUta iwUiirBt APJ2K? f 'tz. r-"?r - iswutyui arsk .i!,, .. uBTL.T'tW.. Tia-tevt, ilvTwiiiTu. .rzz.f. .US?""". 'm. nod iaa.: TiZrr!!2".V!.c-r- mi' xi. rVT -., -. .ei.nu.ajs. jr lfe t-dJjet Wfereur- AM;: ffi' '' wu5ma?s?;i-vuu ff ,. arSUt Lu ... r' " "r"83 V 114 taf &eJ on 4;talia3 MratKgitAiieK V&USQ Otil.e; f u' V i.1, -ivri. sj i,j j f -ISlIt fc? , (.Bie. , n,. 9 & LfjiJjal-eSj Em&Suh.'s''jWSfKpllMm MimM && r a, s Sf'WSFlRL SUB. A III ll iftl ffTWaasss-lM