.rCKl?feSW iMS&Jt ' W feHKL . g. -rt K. . F.CJ t b v t 41 tl 1 P4 U Jl cl en ri 1 Gl tu - Hi MP BpS l"-i at 'M ffil t if -41 SBC w w X' MBjkjL, m ISk- naw'W hhbP V 3m3a& Tninr g? jfm) IK:- a&9w U:m.,.Jk-,v HKH iiiiBI lwH 4 rs . "'v-ilMTt ini 1 ". fc. .ISJ5R TWICE BACK ! beKtlnl1 ttan tW... n pit London of German spies and sub- aarinea, but the real cause of the y . Implies repulse attacks r BY GERMAN INFANTRYMEN PAnTH. Mnv. it. TtOIIUlsn nt HllnlaH iMfatotrtr AftaAlra ho right bank of tho Tser In Delirium psnfl fn th& Argonne region et Franco is gflrtouneed In an official communique la Bd here this afternonn. Tha bombard .Went Of fthelms continues, and the fight lhg In tho Argonno region la apparently severe. As some trenches there havo been taken and retaken by the opposing forces. TUB OFFICIAL. STATEMENT. Th official statement follows During the day of November 28 the Blackening of tho enemy's artillery in ivuo i-unsinni every wnere wo attacks by Infantry directed against tho bridges which wo have thrown Upon the right bank of tho Vscr to the li "" u iMAinuue wero minrpiy re puisea xnere was no ngntlng on the rest of tho front In Belgium and as far as the Olse. The same can bo said of the situation on the Alsno nnd In the champagne district. a usual) iiiivijiia WHS very viuicnuy 7 bombarded during a visit paid to the iuwh uy journalists irom meutrai countries. x In tho Argonne some infantry at 'tacku havo resulted In the taking nnd rc-taklng of some trenches. Tho ef fective forces engaged have nover reached tho number of a battalion. Tho ground lost and regained has never exceeded 26 metres (81 feet). On the Meuso, nnd In the Vosges there Is nothing to report. HEADQUARTERS .MENACED. Field headquarters of tho Gorman gon- i eral commanding the rleht centre aro being menaced by tho French artillery, j-so close havo tho Allies been able to t push their lines to tho positions of tho (.Germans. These headquarters nro located ' Hear T.nnn llnnn n. Mrrh ptnlnnnna flint commands tho surrounding country. Th ftnrmnna nrn nnnrtni in . alttn. ptng many bateaux Into tho region of ximiiuuo in vesi riunuern ior tno 00 ' Vtnila nlimn.a rtf ,,ntv. ((...m ,1... 6 j transportation of troops across tho Inun- uuicu uiainci. inis wouiu prove a most hazardous undertaking, for tho westorn i "KAISER'S SUBMARINES FLEE FROM ZEEBRUGGE HARBOR LONDON, Nov. 27. A dispatch from Rotterdam says that J several Gorman submarines which wcro C In tho harbor of Zcebruggo escaped to sea despite tho heavy bombardment of that port by British warships. Tho llro of tho British naval gunners was wonder fully accurate. Ono shed containing three submarines was destroyed nnd 27 men were killed. Tho slulco gates of the sub- t marine dock were destroyed. All the railroads In Belgium havo been given over to troop movements nnd tho transportation of war materials. It was declared by refugees. Tracks that had been destroyod havo been constructed and . aynamitecl tunnels havo boen reonxmoil IFor several days tralntoad after traln- -tioau-omicrman troops have been passing Into Western Belgium. The population In FRENCH REPULSED IN VERDUN DISTRICT, BERLIN REPORTS BERLIN, Nov. 27. Ulnar German successes, without nny decisive result In either the western or f! eastern theatre of war, aro announced In an official report from the German , general staff made public here this after noon. "British Bhlps did not attack the toast of Flanders yesterday," It says. "Thero havo been no actual changes In the battle Wl "To tho north of Langemarck (In Bel- glum) we have taken a Kroun of houses a; and a number of prisoners. French at tacks m the neighborhood of Apremont and St, Mlhlel (both In the Verdun dis trict of France) were repulsed. "In the eastern theatre there was no E decisive battle yesterday." VICTORY IN POLAND CLAIMED BY KAISER; 40,000 OF FOE TAKEN Battle Tide Again Turns to Germans, Berlin Declares. Successes Avert Invasion of Posen and Silesia, BHRLIN, Nov, 27. tUHa ary experts today declared that the announcement made here of heavy losses fllte4 on three Russian armies In Iceland by German forces, who captured 4000 prisoners and captured or destroyed ISO guns, was the most important news received since the war began. The conflict In Poland has been rocard. & All In T?rlln nn thn eHAls nt thn wttr vln. tory for the Germans meaning almost oompleto annihilation of the Russlar ,,-forces west of the Vistula, while dfe oum permit tne itussiana to strike at lesla and Posen and sever the railroad JSiterJes that are of such great lmpor- Sf- -to tne uerman troops. ho Berlin version of operations In na la In direct contradiction to the tregrad ofllclal reports, which record ,e capture of SaOOO Germans and the seD- faUan of wings of the German army .VisWi tb retreat of the enemy's entire lrw towara its on Borders.) Malw alnrat, military expert of the TagWtt. says that the news from FoUad will remove all uneastDeas that 9A bean felt here for some time became sf the ma&ffreneea of moorta from tlu " akllir Hun ' "Waf Military reaiKMU." km layti, 'It tts Becewiary for the uffldalji to with- tnot of the Information received the front Thb, cundttioo may last time hut it can be stated that ifc tMcM reelvol have bD vary lie- teMias in Poland has oat baen fry the OwmtH auci eases Tfca Is Able to cuur vast nuQ.brg oi uito the conttivt itu reaaurcee am iUua th tiiiJortsijient sent to lite ton tar him laat k ma4e their jj-ne reii. wur laiaJUu c emeu t z BEATEN IN YSER ATTACK disaster remains a mystery. A Secret inquiry' was started today by the British Admiralty. shores of this Inland sea In Belgium aro held by French, British nnd Belgians, and their artillery has been planted to sweep the water. The Germans might try to tiansport troops under the concentrated Are of their heaviest guns, but even un der these circumstances the enterprise would be a foolhardy one Unless most of the French and British guns were silenced. ( Heavy troop movements are again re ported from Western Belgium, but du ctal dispatches make no mention of any ntw ofTenslvo movement by tho invaders In thai region. A daring attempt to mlno tho Allies trenches In the vicinity of Arras wns re ported today. German sappera had suc ceeded In carrying a mlno trench well Up to the British lines, worklnir under covor of darkness. Only tho discovery of tho enemy prevented tho blowing up of tho Britons with enormous loss of life. The Germans ' have been keeping up a vigorous demonstration for tho purposo of checking nny proposed attacks by the Al lies, but beyond this thoy havo not tried any crushing movement. ALLIES' LINES STAND FIRM. Thero haVo bsen 76 days of fighting since tho battle of tho Alsno began, and tho lines of the Allies aro nowhere In any danger. At every point from tho Vosgos to the North Sea tho Germans have tried, at some time or another, to drlvo home n wedge, but they were frustrated everywhere. On tho otnor hand, tho Allies aro making approclablo progress In their attacks at both ends of the lino nnd at tho apex of tho Ger man wedge, near Solssons. The thunder of hostile guns must bo ringing plain In Mctz, for a telegram from Belfort says that the French bombard ment at Arnovllle, which Is between 10 and 15 mllca from Metz, has Increased In vigor. Reports from Dunkirk, Calais and Havre stato that tho German submarines which nro patrollng the English Chnn ncl nnd tho North Sea nro becoming bolder. Theso reports naturnlly havo aroused fears for tho safety of British transports and ammunition and supply ships plying between the continent and British ports. tho neighborhood of Llego hns been for bidden to travel, because all tho spneb on tho trains a required for tho soldiers and marines nnd for ammunition and pro visions On thn nthfir linml ......... ...... .n ........ ...... n, tfc nw, n uKcuij uio- I patch from Northern Franco says. "Clr- ...niamuu rujjuria aro current tnat tho Germans are retiring In West Flanders." Tho dispatch also sajs that Ostcnd can bo retaken by the Allies nny time they cam to occupy It. It says: "Tho bombardment of tho Belgian coast had satisfactory results Our troops havo cautiously pushed forward as far as tho outskirts of Ostcnd, encountering only small detachments of the enemy. If cov ered by tho guns of our warships wo could rcoccupy Ostend any tlmo. The de struction of Zeebrugge and the other Ger man defenses on the Belgian coast gives once more ocular demonstration of Brit ish naal supremacy." , ., LONDON, Nov. 27. The following dispatch has been re ceived by a news agency from Geneva, Switzerland: "fcoven thousand refugees, mostly mem bers of wealthy Gorman families of Breslau. have arrived In Slunlch. They declare that Breslau Is In a state of con sternation because of the reports of the approach of tho R-usslans nnd that busi ness has been suspended. "In Eadcn, reservists of tho 1S91 to 1631 classes, mora than 40 years old, have been called to tho colors These new forces, amounting to ,TO,000 men, nro being sent to the Jlhlno forts to relievo tho garri sons there for active lighting. "Germany continues sending naval and military officers to Turkey. Twenty-eight havo passed through Innsbruck, coming ftom Munich." ? .rhnClet,, l,h0 fcene nntJ tno naws from the Lodz-Lowicz front shows that the tide of victory hns begun to now toward us again." PRZEMYSL OUTWORKS TAKEN Home Hears of Eussian Success at Beleaguered Stronghold. ROME, Nov. 27. Unofficial advices received by tho Rus sian Embassy report that some of the outer fortifications of Przemysl havo been captured by tho Rurslans. rJuH,!"5?1' v," the WveSa". n eastern Gallcla. has been under siege for the last two months, Earlier In tho week tho garrison was reported weakened by dls. easo and short of ammunition. GOEBEN IS BEING REPAIRED 100 Qermans Working on Her, Speed Permanently Eeduced. PSTnOORAD, Nov. 27News from Constantinople via Odessa mentions that more than 100 German mechanics are working on the cruiser Goeben, dam- ?P? '2 a r,1fe,nt batMe' and " Jned that she will be commissioned again In three weeks. .Her speed will be permanently reduced hVleT8' Wln q ,h damae Excursions Lea. Cbtnut StT OhStf Ferries Sundays, 7.30 A. M. Atlantic City, Sea Isle City, Stone Harbor, Wildwood, Cape May. Mt f Swuen to Sea Ule City in lUtoroina T raln Traliu, No 2?X- Wre um city 9.04 p. M. ' nth I'olnl i ,wi r. St. Alter Dec. a ,00 V. . On ami y SJ i; m. Other I B.lt IT. M, rwfifflKy' 'ft jet."' isSjilii - J TT EVEKINC LIfiDGKU PHILADELPHIA, tRI i mSw ilkrWKm v5k vua .witfSBu. iorrav yw asmri ii"rBiM i wi)fjMw s. st5t'nyx " iy x rassw,. -"-.snc wwyaK VMWiHmT.j't,. jo. vj. m um smwm SIMPLE SAM HE'LL NEVER British Naval Losses 19 Warships, Willi 5077 Dead and 473 Injured BrltiKh nn.nl Input, confirmed by the Admiralty, now lotnl 10 wnrahlp", Including A dreadnought, n bnttleshlp, crutaer. -uhmnrlnp nnd other craft. A tntcmnt lRiued by the Ailmlmlty on Wednesday placed the life Io-ok In the navy nt 4327 officers and i men killed, 473 wounded, 0U3 misting and 1 .""." captives or Interned. To tills total must bo added 7riO lost on tho Ilulwark yesterday. In addition to tho lois of 10 vtamhlps, reports from German sources, unconfirmed by tho Admiralty, tell nt tho destruction or sinking of the destroyers Druid, Laertes and l'lioonlt, nnd the light cruisers Gloucester, Tearless, Arcthusa, Talcon and Bril liant. Dtte, Ship nnd Class Tonnage. Cause, Loss of Life Aug, (1, Amphlon. light cruiser 8,440 Submarine. ml Sept. B, Speedy, torpodoboat destroyer 800 Submarine. Sept. 0, Pathfinder, light cruiser 2,040 Submarine. Sept. 7. Warrior, nrmored cruiser 13,fl10 Stranded. Sept 17. Plpgnrd II, school ship l.flOO Foundered. 21 Sept. 10, AIM (Australian), submarine. . . 4.',(l Accident. Sept. 20, I'egasus, light cruiser 2,135 Battle. Sept. 22, Cressy, Horuo and Abouklr, ar mored cruisers 12000 each Submarine. l,l"id Oct IB. Ilnuke. light nrulsor ",,110 Submarine 471 Oct. IB, I)..',, subninrlno n70 Sunk, gunfire 23 Oct. 20, K-.1, submarine 4ft0 Sunk, gunfire. 2.1 Oct 27. Audacious, superdrcadnnught 22,r00 Mine, 2 Nov. 1, Hermes, light cruiser C.00O Submarine. 40 No. 1, flood IIopo and Monmouth, armored cruisers 0,000 each Battle. 1.G00 Nov 11, Niger, gunboat H10 Submarine. Nov 20, Bulwark, bnttleshlp 10,000 Submarine. 720 TURK SUBMARINE I HARBOR ATTACK SUNK BY RUSSIANS Attempt to Raid Warships in Port at Sebastopol Re ported Failed One Vic tim Claimed by Gunfire. PETROGRAD, Nov. 27. Two Turkish submarines that tried to enter the harbor of Sebastopol to at tack tho Russian warships were discov ered and fired upon last night. One Is reported to havo been struck by tho Rus sian gunners and sunk. Tho two vessels are believed to be part of those sent to Turkey by Germany. PETROGRAD, Nov. 27. Success Is re ported from tho snow-covered plateau of Armenia, whero tho attempted Turkish advance has been checked. In the centro the Turks havo boen driven back to tholr positions at Dovenbolnco and Erzerum, whllo failure has also attended tho clumsy experiments In turning movements made by tho Turks at German Instigation on the Russian left near tho Persian frontier and the Russian right near Datum. The possibility of a further energetic 1 I l o 8 i MSiigTOm'lfa' il si tl bHLIIIiIjQI'I I H I (JL3 Thousands of overcoats, all of them correct. $15to$55 Ja.cob Reed's Sons 1424-1426 CWnut; Street ' i iWmVitVsWNMMM J- x T 4 Tl Tl T JTTr T I'rum London Opinion GET PAST "B" IS FOR BELGIUM ofTenslvo by tho Turks In this region seoms excluded, especially as tho British occupation of Unsra will provent tho withdrawal of any largo body of troops from Mesopotamia for tho purposes of re inforcement In Asia Minor. RUSSIANS IN SERVIA BEATEN BY AUSTRIANS Advnnco In Serb Territory Pro gresses, Vienna Bays. VIENNA, Nov. 27. Russian forces havo been sent to rein force tho Servians, but tho operations of the Austrian troops In Serb torrltory con tlnuo to be successful, according to an olllclal report from tho General Staff. It follows: "In Sct-vla our operations proceeded successfully. Tho enemy Is worn out, by our heavy attacks and Russian troops now lighting with the Servians have had to fall back with them. "South of the river LJIg wo captured tho eastern heights and took 300 Russian pris oners From Vnljovo we have advanced In the direction of Kosgevlel, 19 miles south of Voljevo." Bequests for Dog and Horse CARTHAGE, Mo., Nov. 27. A provision of ?2 DO a month for the support of his dog Leslie, and a stipulation that his 23-ycar-old driving horse Tony bo main tained by his estate, are clauses In the will of "William A. Lecklo, of Joplln, pioneer mlno operator of tho district, who died last week. BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS eoiis IF YOU CANT SAY BOBS iii BOBS c A-V BOBS BOBS 3MT BOBS gggf SPRING-ROOT ggg gogf TO YOUR DEALER fogs BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS BOBS B0B3 To Select an vercoat from the average clothing stock is a matter of time ana elimination it fre quently takes a long while to reject the undesirables. Ancn one chooses from an assortment of PICKED styles' the process is vastly short ened, and your selection most satisfactory. "pt"?' t rKt r - DAY, NOVEMBER st . " 9000 TURKS TAKEN AS RUSSIANS DRIVE TOWARD ERZERUM Complete Rout of Sultan's Forces in Armenian Cam paign, Announced by Pctrograd. TirLIS, Transcaucasia, Nov. 27. It Is offlclally nnnounccd here that the Turkish forco east of Urrerum has been completely routed by tho Russians nnd have fled to that stronghold. Tho Rus sians have takch 9000 prisoners and 1 guns. Fighting has been renewed south of Alnshgerd, but the Kurd horsemen nnd their Turkish reinforcements have been driven back. JtOMIS, Nov. 27. The Italian Consul In Jerusalem hns naked tho Italian Foreign OIIlco to sond warships to Jaffn, ns It Is feared that antl-Chrlstlnn rlols nnd massacrei may follow. Rpports to hand from Jerusalem slato thnt all the British, French nnd Russians In tho city havo been Imprisoned, nnd nro being harshly treated. Tho opportunity hat" been seized by the Tutklsh soldiery to toot tholr houses. Tho Turkish authorities showed reltic tnnco to repress tho ngltntlon, hut tho Consuls of neutral countries Insisted that two soldiers who looted a Gleok church 'nnd murdered Kb priest should bo sub jected lo exemplary punishment. Tho soldiers wcro accotdlngly hanged. DttKMK, Nov. 277Tlio German Pi ess Bureau glcs out tho following: "Tho Turkish Embassy nt Rome says that the Egyptian advnnco gunrds on tho Suez Canal deserted to tho Turks. "A dispatch from Homo says reports from a reliable source set forth thnt tho French losses up to Noember 1 wcro 130, 000 men killed, 370,000 wounded, and 1G7,000 missing. "Reports of n pan-lslamle antl-Rrltlsh movement nro confirmed by tho Russky Slovo of Pctrograd, which says that tho movement had Its beginning In Afghan istan. "Tho Torte says that all Arabs who aro fit for military service havo declared their readiness for a holy war. "Tho Persian Legation nt Constantino ple hns iccehcd Information from Tabriz thnt Kurdish troopi mtrprlsed a Russian garrison nnd killed 2000 of them " AUSTRIANS REPULSE CZAR IN CARPATHIAN BATTLE Vienna Statement Also Reports Suc cess in Onlicin. VICNNA, Nov. 27. "Fighting In Russian Poland hns ns sumed the proportions of a continuous battle," dcclnres tho Austrian olTlcInl statement Issued today. "In western Gallcla wo repulsed tho Russians. Marked progress has been made In tho Carpathians near Colubrn. Tho enemy's centro It very strong near Lazarevatch, but wo attacked thero and took 1200 prisoners, throe guns, four nm tnunltton wagons and three machlno guns." HOLY WAR PROCLAIMED i Official Notification to Moslems Pub lished in Constantinople. CONSTANTINOPLE, .Nov. 27. . Tho proclamation of a holy war was published hero for tho first tlmo today, although It vas announced nearly two weeks ago. It Is signed by tho Sultan and 23 Mo hammedan priests, and calls upon tho en tire Moslem world to rlso against tho English, Russians and French. H aarrfN. 27, 1914. WAR MOVES FIND RUMANIA READY TO SIDE WITH ALUESt Passage of Car's TrooDo'wn Danilbe to Save Serbs From ' Disaster Indicates Complaisance of Balkan Neighbor Bucharest's Ambitions. By J, W. T. MASON NEW YORK, Nov. 27.-Report from Soda that 15 regiments of Russians have arrived at Rndlevatz, In Servla, Is of sensational significance, If true. Tho statement asserts tho Russians hae matlo the Journey along tho Danube River. Tho Danlibo- 'empties' ln).o tho Clack Sea after crowing Jtumanla, nnd If tho Russians havo tlscd the river to reach Sorvia, they havo v)61ated Ruma nian neutrality. J m, Hinv could' wot have passed through" Rumania In this manner without n, k,mwl1irn of the Bucharest Govern ment. As a neutral Power Rumania must havo prevented this movement of troops by ono of the belligerents, or else have seen Us neutrality violated, as was Belgium's. Thero Is no doubt of tho ability of tho Rumanians to prevent tho Uanubo being used by tho Russian army. That they havo not dond so enn only mean tho Rumanian Government hns voluntarily disregarded lt neutrality prdvlded always the tcport of tho Bus slnlis reaching Servla by tho Danube rotito li correct If this position hns been assumed by Rumania, It Is of momentous conse quences Tho Inevitable Inference Is that the Bucharest Government hns concluded to" enter tho war on tho side of the Allls, for tho purposo of enlarging Rumanian tenltory at tho expense of Hungary. Oilier clrctimstnnces benr out this con clusion The Rumanian Legislature will bo convened tomorrow, and II Is probable i.nt ti. r'nMnji Mill tin palled unon to make a definite explanation of Its Inten tions. Rumania wants nil It can get If tho Alllei vln the wnr. Its maximum demand probably It the annexntlon of tho Iltm Bnrlan provinces of Transylvania and Bukovlna. Russia, howovcr, having al ready inptured Bukovlna, desires to retain this province. Novortheless, thero Is press ing need to rescue tho Servians from Austria's victorious army. Bccauso of this fact Rumania Is now In a bettor posi tion to oxnet maximum concessions thnn It would havo been earlier In the war, when tho Serbs wero Invading Bosnia. What tho terms really aro doubtless will not bo known until tho wnr ends, but If Russia has been ablo to transport tro'ops up tho Danube, It la tho Inevitable con clusion that Rumania has been promised a largo territorial payment. HINDU GETS VICTORIA CROSS Killed 11 Germans and Received 5 Wounds Defending Trench. LONDON, Nov. 27. Tho first Victoria Cross to bo avvaided In tho present war hns been bestowed on an Indian non commissioned olllcer. Ho was wounded flvo times In defending a trench and killed 11 of tho enemy. E. Bradford ut' 1520 Chestnut Street IMPORTERS lrt"nl tA.1 toTM Wrvl 1 nri foTrtl lir f ir"X1 ln'rA Thanhouser's Greatest Photoplay A remarkable motion picture play by Daniel Car son Goodman and Harold MacGrath. 20 episodes of 2 reels each 3000 scenes 1000 people, including charming Marguerite Snow, clever James Cruze and handsome Harry Benham. Showing this week at the Knickerbocker and Lafayette Theatres, and soon to be featured in more than 200 photoplay houses in Philadelphia and vicinity. The first instalment of this baffling mystery story appears in - MONDAY'S memmmmmmmmmMmim BY QUANVIIiliE tfORTESGTIE PETROGRAD, Nov. 27. Disaster once more lias overtaken tho Germans In Po-i land. Their soctond army of Invasion Is smashed. Tho battle of Koljuschkl Is tho crowning victory of ilio campaign In Poland. What Is left of the German army la being pur sued, surrounded by a wait tit Russians, Tho Kaiser's generals aro fighting des perately to regain their own frontier. When the final cost Is counted Kol jttschkl will bo found a greater blow to ""''." Oermnn nopes man viuici uiii, Koljuschkl, which Is about 20 miles di rectly cast of louz anu ib n juiimun ui thrto rnllrdads whereby troops roach tho Vistula valley, was of ltal Importance to tho German. To anticipate a counter attack they made a demonstration against Iod. This offort Infuriated tho Russians, who, balked for tho moment from Invasion of aiksln, turnt-d to face tho Germans on tho now quarter. It bus been nn axiom nrartig military authorities that Iho Russians cannot tnko the offensive. Bury that axiom right here They took tho offensive like maddened wildcats. Admitting their numerical superiority their victory Is nono tho less brilliant, con sidering tho dlinculllcs Involved In their change of front. Tho German inlBtnko was their falluro to regard tho great nu merical strength of tho Russians. Toto cannot disregard numbers when tho op posing troops nro ns well armed ns you nro. n 'Just the thing" A KODAK HAWORTH'S Eastman Kodak Co. 1020 Chestnut Street " it isn't an Eastman it isn't a Kodak" JUP F " sULBJ-l-g, a u'ama V A Key West cigar of unusual merit. 4 ior 25c $6.00 a Widred Two shapes, "Londres Fino" (Blunts) and Rothschilds. Clarke Co. GROCERS fXXHXVI rzzr, OHO M m m f i-J