Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 16, 1914, Night Extra, Image 3

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ir ! T
VOL. I-NO, 55
Cortnioni. 1014, tt TnnPDtuoI.tMEs Commkt.
4 & t 0t
Entire Regiment of 3000
Men Reported Wiped Out
by Inundation When Dykes
Are Cut.
Fury of Battlo Lessons as Bliz
zard From North Sea Rages,
Causing Great Suffering in the
Yn their desperate efforts to cross
the. Yscr Canal and continue' their
drive to the coast, the German in
vaders in West Flanders are again
encountering floods let loose by the
cutting of the dykes. The Paris War
Office reports that an entire regiment
of 3000 Germans lias been wiped out
by this sudden inundation of the coun
try in the vicinity of Bixschootc.
A lull In the battle, owing to the
floods and to the fact that the armies
r nr.iv cnmnelled to fight in a rag
ing blizzard, is reported from both!
Paris arid Berlin.
Ten thousand men have been landed
from the French warships to reinforce
the Allies' lines, and the Germans are
also bringing up fresh men, as well
rs more big guns sent by rail to the
In the vicinity of Dixmude, ac
cording to the French official reports,
the Germans have been dislodged
from the positions they had won on
the west bank, of the Yser Canal and
ll now have no footing across that
u .... ,,,i,irh lins' been the scene
of such stubborn fighting.
Turkish forces have defeated the
Russians and driven them back from
the invasion of Armenia. This is of-
' ficially admitted in Pctrograd. Con-
stantinople reported such successes
British and Indian troops drove the
Turlis froth Sheikh-Said, a stronghold
nt the entrance of the Red Sea. Guns
and several prisoners were captured.
Reports from Athens say that Turk
ish warships have sunk a number of
British vessels in near-Eastern ports.
. . . .J 1 ....1,'hi
fa French ships are reponca uon1Ualu...B
nes towns near Smyrna.
' Seven Russian armies are now mov-
ing"bn Germany from East Prussia to
Silesia. Along the entire line the Ger
mans are either pushed over their
own frontiers or are in retreat be
fore, the Russian pressure. Chief re
sistance is being met beyond Stallu
ponen. in the eastern part of East'
Prussia, and at Plock, in Poland. Two
"converging Russian armies rapidly are
moving to a junction at Cracow,
which is virtually invested by the ad
vance guard.
For the third time the Russians
have seized Soldau, an important
strategic point in East Prussia, across
the border from Mlawa. Heavy
forces have been left there to make
the possession permanent. N6rth of
the Mazur Lakes the Germans are in
full retreat. The advancing Russians
have captured Angerhurg in this re
gion, in their progress to Koenigs
berg. cores of cannon and thousands of
prisoners have been taken by the Atu
trians in their invasion of Servia,
where two decisive victories were
won, according to Vienna. The Serbs
have concentrated near Valjevo and
are offering stout resistance to fur
ther advance of the enemy. Austrian
gunboats on the Save River are cov
ering the passage of fresh troops into
Notify Police by Telephone They
Stole from News-stand.
Considerate thieves who obtained but
Su cents cash, and ft-30 worth of candy
and cigars from the stand at the Logan
station of the Philadelphia and Heading
Railway, early this morning, telephoned
to the Germantown station and told the
police alt about the 'robbery. They ad
vised that, aa they were In too much of
e. hurry to close the window they had
smashed, the police had better put a
guard tm the station. The men then
robbed the Olney station.
BluecoaU from the Branchtown station
hurried to Logan and found that the
burglars had told the truth. The entire
station had been ransacked. Repairs to
the window smashed by the visitors arid
fixtures damaged in their search for loot
will probably cost more than the amount
of the booty.
At Olney the thieves got J5 cents in
cash, several packages of cigarettes and
a, pair of shoes.
For Philadelphia and vicinity
Cloudy tonight. Tuesday cUar and
turn 10 J' tS dt.areea coUUr
for dttuiU, iott pagt.
Hnd Hoped to Reach 05 Years, But
Succumbs at 80i
Issnchar a. Williams, whose deBlro In
life wns to live to bo 95 yours old. nt
which nge his fnther died, wns found
dend In the parlor of his home, 1034 How
son street, by his boh, Frnnk, fO ycm'.
old. llnd the" man lived six more years
his wli.1i would have been gratified.
Death Is believed to have been has
tened by an Injury which Mr. William
suffered In a fall five years ago. The
man and his son had been living nt the
Hewson street nddress for 40 yenrs. When
the son returned home yesterday after
noon ho found his father lying across a
small couch.
Cruiser and Gunboat Wreck
ed by Shell from German
Guns Off Belgian Coast,
Berlin Announces.
BERLIN, Nov. 16.
A report received hero from Geneva de
clares that the British cruiser Falcon and
tho gunboats Brilliant and Illmaldo havo
been disabled by German guns nlong the
Belgian coast This was given out In
an oflicfat statement Issued today. '
AH of the vessels reported disabled aro
small and old ships. The Brilliant Is n
light cruiser of S600 tons. Her largest
guns are two six-Inch weapons. She also
carried six 4.7-Inch guns, eight four
pounders, one three-pounder and four tor
pedo tubes. Sh'e carried a crew of 273 men.
The Rlnaldo Is n gunboat of D30 tons,
which wbb In service as a tender. Thero
are two Falcons, one a destroyer and the
other an antiquated gunboat attached to
tho torpedo range. The one reported to
have been disabled Is most likely tho
New Schedule Will Become Effective
After December 15.
The Baltimore. and Ohio Railroad today
will follow the example of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad and the Philadelphia nnd
Rending Railway Company by announc
ing a schedule of increased passenger
rates, effective nftor December 15. The
Baltimore and Ohio oHlcials will file a
schedule of the now tariffs with the In
terstate Commerce Commission at Wash
ington this afternoon, iphe full details of
their proposed Increasci will be made pub
lic at that time.
Ofllclnls In' tho Philadelphia passenger
olllce of the Baltimore nnd Ohio Company
stated this morning tho proposed In
creases would be virtually tho same as
those announced last week by thp Penn
sylvania Railroad, their chief competitor.
Almost coincident with the announce
ment that tho Baltimore and Ohio Is to
join the Increased rate movement came
the news that detlnlte opposition to the
fare increases Is being planned through
out the suburban towns In this State and
along tho lines of the two railroads In
New Jersey between Camden and Atlan
tic City and other seaside resorts.
Business men, dally commuters and
officers In the various suburban building
and Improvement associations are up In
nrms over tho proposed Increase. The
new rates, they declare, will bring about
an Influx Into the city of hundreds of per
sons who cannot afford to pay the In
creased railroad fare. The whole matter,
they Bay, will promptly become a political
Issue In every town affected, unless the
Interstate and the Public Service Com
missions block the -planned Increase.
Definite and well-organized opposition
has begun, but the leaders as yet are not
certain Just what course they will pursue
to register their protest. Mass-meetings
are being planned, and It has been sug
gested' that a lively legislative flght-r
.in. l.rf.intnr. whn nv.. , ,ii.
roads will be begun In both States.
Inspectors Howelgh 00 1-2 Tons
Without Finding a Violation.
Inspectors of the office of the Sealers
of Weights and Measures have found no
short weight in coal wagons on the
streets of the city during October.
A rigid campaign of inspection upder
direction of Supervisor Vlrdln resulted
In the re-weighing of 6BW tons of coal
during the month. The loaded wagons
were taken at random from the streets
to the nearest scales by the Inspectors,
and in no case was the -weight below
the 20 pounds margin allowed by the
The Inspectors also Inspected 13.023 bal
ances, measures and weights, confiscating
1653 of that number iand condemning 612.
There were 433 violations discovered dur
ing the month.
Methodist Ministers Taboo Places
Where Liquor is Bold,
Hereafter Methodist churehes and or
ganizations of that denomination will
not hold banquets or dinners of any kind
in a hotel that sells liquor, This was
decided at tho meeting of the Methodist
ministers of Philadelphia and vicinity In
Wesley Hall, 1018 Arch street, today. The
motion was unanimously carried.
The speaker at the meeting was the
Rev. F. A. De Marls, of Vtneland, N. J.
Ha talked on "The Emphasis of. Meth
odism," and urged the Importance of
evangelistic work.
Reports were received from Coatesvllle
that the Anderson campaign, which,
after ill weeks' work, ended last night,
was a great success. More than 2009 per
sons were converted.
Doctor Anderson, the evangelist, is the
pastor of a Methodist ahureh in Scran
ton, and received a leave of absence to
bold the revival servlee in the will
President Appoints Postmasters
WASHINGTON, Noy. U. President
WUtB this afternoon made the following
re appoint mean ot postmasters:
UendoU. IU. B. J lie, Trappe. Md .
Mary W. McKuoit, Uariae City. Mlcb .
Charts J. Tarts, Grand Kapida, Mlob ,
Charles . Hagadene. Bonis, Tax. A. if
Bute, j.
$2,000,000 CARTED
Hundreds See Trucks Bear
ing Fortune Federal In
stitution A u s p i c i o u sly
Two million dollars' worth of Federal
reserve notes for the Federal Iteserve
Bank of Philadelphia, which opened to
day, were hauled through central Btrccts,
and hundreds of persons passed th& heavy
trucks which carried tho money without
realizing such nn enormous nmount of
wealth was within reach.
With tho exception of the drivers of
the teams and a half dozen expressmen,
who wcro unarmed, thero waj no one on
hand to guard tho money ns tho trucks
wcro driven through tho congested sec
tions of tho city from tho Baltimore nnd
Ohio station to the Federal Rcscrvo Bank,
In tho old Western National Bank Build
ing, Chestnut street above 4th street.
Tho banknotes wero packed In heavy
Iron safes and scaled In the Treasury
Department yesterday. After tho combi
nation hnd been locked tho offlcinl seal
of tho Treasury Department was plnccd
on them and not broken until they woro
opened In the bank today.
When tho now bank opened this morn
ing, Charles J. Rhonds, governor of tho
bnnk, and Richard L. Austin, Federal
reserve agont nnd chnlrman of tho board
of directors, were on hand to start the
mnchlnery of the new Institution In mo
tion. Shortly nftor their arrival Mr.
Austin and Mr. Rhoads received tho fol
lowing telegram from Secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo, who sent n similar
message to governors and Federal re
serve agents of each of tho 12 regional
banks, .
"Please accept my cordial congratula
tions upon the openlnc of the Federal
reserve bnnk of your district and my sin
cere commendation upon tho effective
work you havo dono In preparing tho
bank for business in the short tlmo al
lowed for tho opening.
"I am sure tho Federal reserve banks
will servo a great and beneficent pur
pose In the future of our country, nnd
I nm sure this department and the Fed
eral Reserve Board may count upon your
loyal co-operation In the Important work
and duties which have been confided to
you. My hearty good wishes for your
Although tho bank was not scheduled
to open until 10 o'clock, Arthur E. Post,
former special Inspector of tho Depart
ment of Public Works, who Is the acting
cashier, nnd 12 clerks were ready for
business at 0 o'clock. Soven of tho clei
are appointed men, whllo the others have
been "loaned" to tho bank by the Phila
delphia Clearing House and other banks
in tho city.
Since last Thursday many of the 768
member banks In this region havo been
sending In their reserve deposits. Banks
In this city are required to deposit 15 per
cent, of their reserve, while other banks
throughout District No. 3 are required to
place 12 per cent, of their reserve with
tho Federal Reserve Bank. Mr. Austin
said today this amount will be between
$15,000,000 and ?20,000,000, and -will come
Concluded on rase Two
$8000 A DAY NOW
Belgian Relief Board Sounds
Urgent Call to Aid in
Sending Off Second Mercy
tu m--,.,.i, ii.... ... , ,mn
The Norwegian freighter Orma, of 2000
tone, was chartered late this afternoon
to carry provisions for the thousands of
starving Belgians. Announcement of
the name of the second mercy ship was
made followlno a meeting In the pri
vate office of John Wanamaker.
The Orma will dock here next Satur
day. She Is bound for this city from
New York. It Is expected that she will
be loaded a week from tomorrow.
Benefits for the raising of funds for
the starving Belgians are being planned
today in different parts of the city.
The Food ship Committee, ot which
Cyrus H. K. Curtis is chairman, will hold
a conference today In the private office
of John Wanamaker to, arrange plans for
an entertainment In the Academy ot
It was announced today at the relief
bureau In the basement of the Lincoln
Building that the Thanksgiving day ship
chartered by Mr. Wanamaker will arrive
here next Thursday.
Before tho second ship can sail for
Rotterdam on a similar mission as the
good ship Thelma, Phlladelphlans" will
have to contribute 150,000. Should the
citizens of Philadelphia and residents of
New Jersey and Delaware, who have
agreed to help contribute IS00O each day
for at least a week, ft Is assured, the
Thanksgiving day ship will be loaded
with provisions.
Announcement has been made by the
Pennsylvania Ilallroad that It will aid
the fund. Farmers throughout Fennsyl-1
Vanla were notlnea today tnat flour and
other provisions for the thousands of
starving Belgians would be shipped free
to this elty.
Cities, towns i and villages throughout
the State are falling In line to help the
stricken families in Belgium. Harris
burg was the first elty In the State to
respond to he State-wide appeal Doyles
town, Chester. Montgomery, Bucks, Del
aware and Lancaster Counties today were,
represented in the contributions which
reached the relief bureau In the first mtlL
"There are three bags of potatoes belag
sent to you for the Belgian sufferers.
May God Wess you all." wrote a farmer
from Doylentown.
Mill bands In Kensington have signified
their willingness to all the hold of the
seeoad ship Dances and card parties are
being planned by mill workers. The pro
ceeds will be used In purchasing pro
visions for tbn sufferers
Members of the First Methodist BpJa
copal ChufcJ. of liertrantowB will l&ott-
CenetBdtd ) ru Twe
German Cruiser Emden Aided from
Hnnlla Is Charge.
TOKIO, Nov. 16.
The first nllcgntlon that the United
States hnd failed to live up to tho stand
aid of neutrality It set Is mnrio in a dis
patch received from Kobe today.
It declares that the German cruiser
Emden was enabled tq find and sink tho
steamship Troylus as the result of a wire
less dispatch sent from J.nnlln. The
Information contained In the wireless
message. It was declared, wns obtained
In Kobe by a German merchant who has
been arrested and will be tried as a spy.
Two Negroes Held for Attacking
Lcnn Smith nt Gun's Point.
Two NcKroes, enoMif them Identified as
one of four who nttneked 16-year-old Lena
Smith, 433 North G2d street, holding off
her escort at tho point of n revolver, wcro
held without ball today by Magistrate
Uoylo for a further hearing next Monday.
Tho men wero arrested by Special Po
liceman Wootcn nt ."'h nnd Vine streets.
Ho told Mnglstrnte Boylo today he ex
pected to get tho others suspected of hav
ing been implicated In the nssault within
n few days.
Tho prisoners gave their names nt Wil
liam Junes, North ."Sth Btrcet, nnd Harry
Long. Penrl street. I.ong wns positively
Idcntlllcd nt tho 61st nnd Thompson
streeU station as ono of her four nssall
nnts by Miss Smith. Andrew McLaugh
lin, of Illghlnnd Park, Delaware County,
the girl's escort, also Identllled the man.
Neither wns sure of Jones, but the Magis
trate decided to hold him also on sus
Prosecutor Kraft Calls Attention to
Irregularities With Funds.
J. Mooro White, probation officer of
Camden County tho last 13 years, was
dismissed from office today by Judgo
William T. Boyle, of Common Pleas
Court, after Prosecutor of tho Pleas Wil
liam J. Kraft had called tho Court's at
tention to conditions In White's office.
Formal charges, which may result In a
prosecution, will be lodged against White,
according to Prosecutor Kraft. Mrs. Edith
Van Hlsc, who hns been assistant proba
tion officer, will havo charge of the work
until a successor can bo appointed. At
present thero is no eligible list.
The Prosucutor notttlod Judge Boyle
that ho nnd County Collector Bell had
demanded $11), said to have been collected
by White as flnoB, Whlto admitted that
he did not then havo tho money, the
Prosecutor asserted, but promised to turn
It over within a few days.
Two Families Aroused in Time to
Escape Flames.
The coughing ot a baby choking from
tho smoke acted as a flro alarm early
this-morning nnd saved two families.
Samuel Zlegler, 2310 'South 7th street,
wns aroused from his bed on the second
lloor by henrlng his 2-months'-old baby
Jennlo coughing violently. Smoko was
pouring Into the room and curling up
through tho floor. Hastily waking his
wife Eva, Zlegler snatched up the baby
and groped his way to the window.
With tho baby In his arms and fol
lowed by his wife, Zlegler crawled out
upon the front awning and broke Into
the second-story window of the building
next door.
Giving no thought to his own property,
Zlegler told his wife to turn In an alarm,
and dashed Into the building next door.
He aroused the family of Abraham Kap
lan, who slept on the second lloor. Kep
lan'a fnther, Nathan Knplan, SO years
old, was overcome by smoke and was
carried out by Zlegler. Kaplan and his
wife rescued their four children.
Auto Hits Bicycle and Hurls Rider
Against Young Woman.
In n collision today between nn auto
mobile truck and a bicycle. Ada Newhall,
1319 Dickinson street, and Harry Cross
man, 733 Morris street, were cut about the
head. They were removed to the Hahne
mann Hospital. The driver of the truck,
Joseph Carlson, 6352 Glenmore, avenue,
was arrested.
Grossman, riding the bicycle, collided
with the truck at Broad and Arch streetB.
Ho was thrown against iMIss Newhall,
knocking her to the street. The bicycle
was crushed beneath the truck.
Carpenter Unaware of Serious Injury
Dies After Operation.
iFor six months John McCullough, of
Haddon Heights, N. J., had been suffer
ing from a fractured skull, not knowing
the cause of pains In his head. (He died
today In the St. Agnes' Hospital, after an
McCullough, while working as a car
penter on a building operation downtown,
was struck on the head with a plank. He
bound up the wound and thought little of
It- He visited the hospital two weeks ago.
Physicians found the fracture and put
McCullough In the surgical ward.
B, J, Newman Says Conditions Here
Are Worst In Country,
Councils Was severely criticised today
by B. J. Newman, searetary of the Phila
delphia Housing Commission, in an ad
dress before the Congregational Minis
terial meeting at ISth and Chestnut
Philadelphia, Mr. Newman said, has the
most unsanitary slums In the country.
Mr. Newman declared that as long aa
Councils refused to enforce the laws
which were enacted in 1813 conditions
would not too changed.
''Ministers should tell their congrega
tions about the true conditions In this
olty." said Mr- Newman. "They should
know how the poor exist." -
8000 Loss in Storage House Flro
Fire caused damage estimated at about
13009 early thle morning to the furniture
ojia storage bouse owued by C. W. La
roeso. ItM (Jermantown avenue. Polioe
Sorseaat Saelth discovered the blase. It
Is thought the r. ws starWd or sales
sUblLag ax fiiiist' bsf
Battleship Steward Victim
of Daring Hold-up by 1 8
Year Old Youth, Is Charge
in Court.
Thai Drew Hastings, commissary stew
ard nboard tho United States battleship
Connecticut, of 2126 South Broad street,
was the victim of a daring robbery when
riding In a taxlcnb last Thursday, be
enme known today in the nrrnlgnmcnt of
Kdwnrd McKenna, 18 years old, of 2127
Fcrnon street, before Magistrate Tracy,
on a charge of highway robbery.
Tho robbery, which took placo In the
henrt ot the city, In ninny respects wns
llko the rccont ono In which D. Lynn
Mngrudcr, Jr., n prominent physician of
I3ryn Mnwr, was n victim.
Doctor Mngrudcr was robbed by two
men, ono of whom was a sailor aboard
a United Stntcs bnttlcshlp.
News of tho Hastings robbery, which
the police ot tho 11th and Winter streets
station, describe ns tho boldest which has
taken place hero In months, hns been kept
When McKenna wnn nrralgned today
beforo Magistrate Tracy, In tho llth and
Winter streets station, Mr. Hastings
waa not present. The hearing wob post
poned until next week In order to have
him attend.
McKenna" was arrested lato last eve
ning by Special Policemen Stockcr and
Barron nfter ho had been under survcll
lanco for two days.
According to the police, Mr. Hustings
said ho nnd McKenna wcro riding In a
taxlcab early last Thursday evening
They had met a few hours before.
Charles Smith, chauffeur of the taxi
cab, testified In court today ho heard a
scuffle. He stopped tho machine and
opened tho door. McKenna va3 pum
mellng Mr. Hastings, he says.
McKenna, ho asserted, then leaped
from the machine at Juniper and Itnco
streets nnd ran down Race street. He
was chased for several blocks, but es
caped. When McKenna was nrralgned today
the police declared he admitted taking
a gold 'watch, fob and a wallet, all val
ued at $200, from Mr. Hastings.
McKenna, on the stand,' deserted ho
took tho wallet and the Jewelry for safe
On being questioned as to what he had
dono with tlio Jewels, McKenna, accord
ing to the police, answered that he took
them Aa New York where he pawned
McKenna was held by Magistrate Tracy
without ball, pending a further Investi
gation by the police.
Two Men Opposed to Sys
tem of Subways and Ele
vated Blamed for Inaccu
rate Understanding.
Interest In the attitude ot Union Trac
tion stockholders to the proposed agree
ment with the City Transit Department
and Philadelphia Rapid Transit for a new
system of subways and elevated lines
has been growing as the time for the
Union Traction stockholders' decision
draws near. Investigations nmong direc
tors and stockholders of tho Union Trac
tion Company reveals that the opposi
tion to the Transit Department's prosram
has been agitated by a small group of
Union Traction stockholders, who are the
largest holders of stock, and that It does
not necessarily represent tho attitude ot
the Board of Directors.
It Is charged by supporters of the plan
that two men most bitterly opposed to
the Transit Department's plans have cir
culated Inaccurate and prejudicial Infor
mation among the stockholders. Without
the approval of a majority of stockhold
ers in Union Traction, which Is the own
er of virtually all the franchises and
equipment used by the Philadelphia nap
Id Transit Company, the City Transit
Department would be forced to build com
peting lines.
A letter addressed to Union Traction
stockholders by James G. Balfour and
John G. Fogelianger, two stockholders
who have been pushing an active oppo
sltlon, warned them that they would be
called upon to pay their share of the
money for equipping the subways and
elevated lines. This statement Is called
Inaccurate. According to the plan made
public by the City Transit Department,
the Union Traction stockholders' only as
sessments will be those needed to extend
the existing street car lines. This as
sessment has no conneotlon with the
Transit Department agreement. The
clause providing for it was in force be
fore the Transit Department plana were
more than rumors.
Union Traction stockholders paid only
J17.W a share for the stock. Its par value
is M. They have never been asked to
complete the payment of tM.. At pres
ent, having paid but $17.50 a share, they
take a dividend profit ot more than 17
per cent. Bought at par the stock pays
six per cent.
K. Clarence Miller, ex-president of the
Stock Bxchange and partner In B lor en
Sc Co., bankers, declared It his belief that
the Union Traction stockholders' opposi
tion to the new linos grew out of Mjeta
formatlon and an unfair presentation of
the Transit Department's ease.
"I tUnc the awlUr has been preaemed
very unfairly.'" said Mr Miller. -The
Union Traoboa stockholders have not
Oeaeladed en XV 1
Pittsburgh Company to Furnish 18,
000 Tons for Shells.
PITTSBURGH, Pft., Nov. 16.-The
French Government has given the Jones &
Liughlln Steel Company nn order for
18.000 tons of 3U-lnch steel bars, or 1,330,XM
feet of steel bars.
Tho Bhtyrt lengths will be used In a
threo-lnch shell, deliveries to be made
within 20 days.
Fierce Nor'easter Sends High
Seas Over Atlantic City
Streets Boardwalk and
Bulkheads Shattered.
ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. 16.-Now Jer
sov'h shore line from Sandy Hook to Cape
May Is In tho grip today of the heaviest
northeast storm that has battered the
sen front slnco January last, when storm
tides played havoc.
Great seas lashing the strand last night
mado breaches In n bulkhead nt New
Haven avenue, Vcntnor, where hundreds
of thousands of dollars' worth of cottage
sites have been created by the process
of building timber sea walls and pumping
In sea sand to Mil the newly made area
tiradc. The swirling waters, thrown
back by the hulkheadlng, shifted the
Bonrdwalk and destroyod a number of
approaches from the strand.
Here the great seas which broke over
the bulkheads between Pennsylvania and
Tennessee avenues and sent the tide
rushing up cross-town nvenuos In the
lower section tore away a part of wreck
ago at the seaward end of tho did Ocean
Pier, which was destroyed by fire two
years ago
Piling twisted out of place and great
glrdeis broken loose were picked up by
tho irresistible combers and hurled
against the concrete supports of the
Boardwalk between midnight and day
break. Gangs of mon went along the
bench this morning and pulled the heavy
timbers high on the sand to prevent their
again being used as battering rams to
night, when another high tldo cqdally as
rough as that of last night is expected.
At noon the gale showed little sign of
The turbulent sea piled Into Absecon
Inlet hero nnd Great Egg Harbor Inlet
n T-nnrrnn. Vi, ttlA Kft.mllA ITllle. tlimed
tho meadows back of Absecon Island Into
an Inland sea ?nd flooded the tracks of
tne Atlantic anu ouuuroaii iuuji
which crosses tho marshes from this city
to Pleasantvllle on the meadow level.
The tracks of the Pennsylvania and
Rending main lines, being built high
above the marsh, were not affected.
Severe damage Is reported among small
shipping at Mulllca River, Pleasantvllle
and other points along the shore of tho
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-A bulletin Issued
by the Weather Bureau this morning
promises a cold wave for this section.
That the temperature will drop 2S degrees
in the next 36 hours is the prediction of
the weatherman.
N0RRIS ASKS $20,258
Estimated Cost for Operation Next
Year Includes Needed Repairs.
The amount estimated necessary for
maintenance of the Department of
Wharves. Docks and Ferries during 1315
is J2O2.ES0, or ?3).03j more than the ap
propriation for the current year.
Councils' Committee on Commerce and
Navigation approved the budget of the
dock department and referred It to the
Finance Committee.
Director Norrls and Assistant Director
Meigs attended the meeting of the com
mittee. The employment of two addi
tional assistant engineers at ?M0 was
declared necessary.
An appropriation of 115,000 was also
asked for repairs, extensions, and altera
tions to city wharves, bulkheads, land
ings and recreation piers.
Other amounts asked are 116,000 to pay
temporary employes to operate the ice
boats; $15,000 for labor and material to
repair the boats, and JJ2.000 for payment
of temporary employes at the dredging
House of Commons Concerned About
British. Warship
LONDON, Nov. 16.
Reports that the English battleship
Canopus had met with disaster were
scouted by Winston Spencer Churchill,
First Lord of the Admiralty, In replying
to questions put to him in the House of
Commons this afternoon Mr. Churchill
declared that he believed the Canopus
to be safe.
At the time ot the recent British de
feat off the Chilian coast, many Inquiries
were made as to why the Canopus had
not been with the Good Hope and Mon
Woman Died From Blood Poisoning,
Which Developed From Pimple.
A farm of blood poisoning and not an
thrax, aa originally diagnosed, was the
cause of the death of Isabella McKd4i)(
H North Front street Miss MeBaaR
died last Friday after an illness of the
days. She was years old.
Chief Medical Inspector Dr. A. A.
Keanu. of tb Bureau of Health; Dr.
William I- Wadawosth, Coroner' physi
cian; Dr. Gfearlea B- Mercer atd Dr. Jan
If. HoJtaaa wade an xaaalnattott today
of the body The pbyaicuas xeaebed the
opinion the woman died ot atreptpopoous,
a form of utooa poisoning
iui&ud by picking at a plmyie e her
fae T6i was bo proof that eke deed
of anihiax. a disease which attack cat
Slit i& iflrslnBrt &Hfee
Eastern Pennsylvania Crops
Saved and Optimism Re
places Forebodings Caused
by Long Drought.
Earth Drenched by Steady
Downpour Amplo Yields of
Wheat and Ryo Virtually Assured.
The copious rains of Saturday night
nnd Sunday, which had not entirely
ceased today, benefited tho farmers of
Eastern Pennsylvania to the extent of
millions of dollars.
From agricultural sections within a
wide radius of Philadelphia coma re
ports all of tho samo tenor. Jubilant
nnd optimistic. Tho precipitation was
steady, hour after hour, and tho rain
of warm temperature. Just tho sqrt for
which tho farmer had been praying
through the period of drought which
had lasted for the greater part of threo
months, with only slight and widely
separated interruptions.
The rain "soaked" into the parched
earth, and Its effect was scarcely Bhort
of magical. In many places the ground
had been baked by the prolonged dry
spell, and when plowed, with the ut
most difficulty, tho powdery substance
offered small hope of germinating tho
seed. As a result of tho rainfall this
condition Is changed, and from every
point comes the word that the yjeld of
wheat and ryo promises to equal the
usual dimensions.
Streams havo been replenished, for
est fires quenched and In every view
tho rain has been of immense value to
the agricultural and industrial inter
ests. Reports from various districts,
printed below, give a view of tho wide
extent of tho benefits of the downpour.
Montgomery County Farmers Re- o
Jolced by Copious Rainfall.
NORRISTOWN, Pa., Nov. 16. Tester- Ai
u.y o iuiii ivub giauty weicomeu Dy tne
farmers. The seeding is especially bene
fited, the wheat, which In some places
was beginning to show the effect of
the dry weather, will be unharmed
If mild weather shall continue for a
week. If there Is a freeze-up It may bo
dlfferon!, and wheat may suffer. Another
benefit from the rain Is the filling of the
wells and streams, especially was It
welcome on the dairy farms, where tho
foot and mouth dlscaso Is prevalent
Chester County Farmers Believe Crop
Iiong Retarded Will Be Saved.
WEST CHESTER. Fa., Nov. 16. The
rain of yesterday and last night came as i
a great boon to the farmers of this sec
tion, where the drought had prevented
much of the wheat planting and hnd re
tarded that already In the ground. The
fall waa gentle for many hours, moisten
ing the earth to the depth ot several
Inches, Many who had not yet planted
their wheat will start that work at once,
and say the grain may develop as well as
though planted earlier, especially if the
nights continue damp. They believe the
crop Is safe.
The rain was also of much value to
falling wells and springs, but did not
cause much rise in the streams. At Mar
shallton water Is still being hauled by
some of the residents, but the springs
and wells showed Improvement.
Wheat and Rye Crops Greatly Aided,
by Rainfall.
MEDIA, Pa., Nov. 16. The rain of
yesterday produced immediate benefit
since the fertilizers planted with the
wheat and rye crops were dissolved
making available the nourishment neces
sary to push the plants through the sur
face soil. Most of the wheat crop was
planted late and the seed lay dormant,
falling to germinate. If the warm
weather continues or heavy snows cover
the ground during the winter, an aver
age crop is now assured.
Farming Is much benefited as the rain
was completely absorbed by the soil
Wells are again filling up and corn husk
ing facilitated by the moisture. Clover
and timothy aro poor patches and neir
hay fields will yield small crops except
ing these laying In the lowlands near
Ridley, Crum and Chester Creeks.
Fanners Believe Wheat and Rye Will
yield Their Usual Crop,
READING. Fa., Nov. K. Yesterday
rain came at the opportune time to re
vent disastrous effects to fall seeding
threatened by the draught of the previous
K days. Farmers throughout Berks
County say it was a life-saver to wheat
and rye, and with a continuance of wana
weather the 19H crop will not sutler ma
terially. Streams started flowing Sunday
sight, but a rain of a week's duration '
necessary to replenish tfce water supply.
A ban serial result of the heavy down
pour was tin sitlngtdshlBS of forest Re.
During the fey speU approximately MM
aerea of feest land were bwrned. ta 1m
being estimated at ..
louse Bfaaftt to Osteal ?rclpi-
totioa Utiisimih Smu Iacfces.
rxyrraviu, f.. Nov. t. ah u.lt.. ,
SehuyUdU County, and pcii.ii i ;, ,
am ! tbw