Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 12

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,, -rTxriT-rt nttTT UiWrnuTA. SATTTmiAY. "MOVK.MHER ll 1014.
f -ffe-- $
klfen Adair Believes That a Policy
of, Stoicism Is Sometimes Neces
sary.' ,
f hw,tally things, go wrongt
kK tS much or a klrni loo longl , ,.
f Ui"1 follftwe ft mitt nil ft Wfpms nm,
lite I tatrt tho em ngfiln'
Scottish pot, George Mncuonaia,
inimSo.i o vnrv into note hre. For
hi t o easily do thin fco wrong with
Tl of ua at tlmt! Troubles never come
liielv. nnd 11 never rains but It pours-
Jifftj ancient aaylnga ot tho sbrcs aro
or comfort, yet too true!
1.. Afrnlti nr fnnMnlfttton to thO ai-
s.i..i tiirAa hin nH mnrn of an Imperii
ftnc than a kindness. There Is a certain
Fp of -woman who makes a point of
unK-o everywhere. Altnougii sno con
Ai. kinraoir inrllnnpnnnliln ns n hospital
Wller, her position there Is more oftlclous
fifth omClal! Bllff IS a wniamo v.
fmforter, ana Is disliked by all who
; There aro days In tho lives of all of us
vfcn It nlmnst aeems ns If every man's
iiand were against us, nnd the oftcrlnc
it untimely sympathy Is but a further
ftntnrv. Antlnnn nnrnk louder than mere
I swords, and tho silent, Inconspicuous net
,' iSone out of the fullness of a very kindly,
Sympathetic heart Is of rar greater vaiuo
than reams of tH-llmed rhetoric
' pro" some minds It Is nit easier thing to
liter sympathy to tho nnilctcd than to
offer congratulations to thu happy! Thcro
icem more occasions for sympathy, too,
; than tor congratulation.
iAUwi how hardly things go right! "
It U hint to watch on t mitnmer's night.
for the lh will corns, nnd Ilio klsn will my.
And the ummer's night Is a winter's Onyl
T-Yet n. spirit of optimism will entry us
trlumpharitjy through tho bad times.
Est Ua remember that every life Is innde
tip, of sunshine and rain, nnd If the Bun
shone nil the time wo would got so nc
ctistomcd to It that Its charm and benuty
would grow atalo from dally familiarity.
But judicious mingling or rainy days
makes Us appreciate the sunshine nil the
i P'Thne with the plcnsurcs nnd tho Joys ot
- life for trials and troubles must be inln-
, feted with our happiness to" the end that
' w shall appreciate the beautiful and tho
ffood. Tho development nnd the deepen-1
. Ing ot pharaqter nrlso through sorrow.
B There Is much to be admired In the
doctrine of the Stoics, If tho truth bo
' totd. They faced II to calmly and with
Untroubled brow, regarding It ob a mere
passing- discipline nnd looking over to
the life heyona. une tsioic icacimiB went
0 too far, however, and In us compieio
F tllmlnatlop. of all feeling defeated Its own
end. Yet the spirit of the Stoics was a
very fine and a very noble one. In the
1 tibur of trouble such a policy will carry
n tis triumphantly through, for It is pos
,l slble to raise the mind above the trouble
. Slid the present sorrow, nnd look onward
K to tho days of hnpplncss to come. Llfo
at la" a-series, of upa nnd downs, nnd often
' times things will go wrong tho wisest
imlnd will look beyond tho present to n
w happier and a better future.
bo "
5 'Across the Counter
.- However one's preferenco may lie, tho
auestlon of price must often cast the
"" deciding vote where furs aro concerned.
DI f-Tho black furs are becoming to nine
r. m-nmn nut of ten. and their price Is
President of International Woman Suffrage Alliance
...... 11.. lAm thnn thnt nf the furs that
rtW "ou-nj .,.. .. --- --:: ".."-
ranic arr
H -fashion.
ink amoner the extremes of the season's
AV LNeckpleces of black fox can be bought
fa Sor iu. roxn uiat iikuiv. mo j.'"-"-" -
XOu, no anu "
Mutfa to matcn starx at jiiov nu
mora expensive, according to tno
quality. A black fox muff that costs
5 la really very nanasom
"3niitn black lvnx Is more expensive,
tout hard to distinguish from fox by the
average person.
, Neckpieces, wnicn inciuao a wnoie am-
I3LI, COSt -I.W. jriiiow inuua id iiio.v.
)8t S3T.C0.
A. skunk set of guaranteed turs can
. tmncM for S29.75. This Includes a
Neckpiece of generous slro and n muff
af tha round variety.
t TWad raccoon can be purchased at
Site nun price and in the same style.
ft' Blue fox, a peauuiui ana inninimu
Cur. Is selling now for S10 a set.
f Bets of cinnamon rox, irimmea wim mo
iimah tRll x.nd the head, cost S33.50.
' . . ' j - - ltJ .. mv la
raturai iox, tno bo-ccu cu ii
mind at the Price of $29.75. This includes
'two whole animals, one for the neckpiece
.tad another lor the mum.
White fox Is a beautiful rur lor aress
'occasions. X handsome set or Aiasxa
hlto fox can be louna now at me price
$70. .
S-Hudson seal muffs can be round at
Xha low price of $2J, and stoles at the
Isamo figure.
F Natural men costs ju ior a muii. ami
S3) and upward for a neckpiece, depend
ing on the snaps ana size.
nlBR.ltufW of Bkunic oppossum sen ior as
iaxS..... rpu... nV art AV..ltn
JlltlO "w .a. . . ......
luff-to carry wita we topcoa. ior every-
youni.- '
When Not to Give Way
.strl who has no mind or will df her
Kun u a Door sort of creature, even to
a5 " . ' . i... . i- i
frlenas. one generally euctccua u
S "put upon" to an alurming extent.
R,1 anrntirases the selnsn ones ot ner
Eequaintance to be more selfish than they
fc.rn ant times when it is best to
dealfflBijako Btsnd and put down "."'f "H
1h"Wlt, as there are times when It Is best
;p -yield Braceiuuy.
A eirt has her own little province, and
IV A mail . w - .-
: wsrtiy, oven ir ne is per iwetintaii,
t h Js on 'his delicate ground.
In her sunny olllco on 6th avenue, high
above the nolso and bustle of New York
city, sat airs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the
world-famed stiff rage leader, and chat
ted on the subject which she has made
her llfo uork.
"One of the signs of the rapid Increase
of sentiment which points tho way to
final victory," said sho slowly, is mo
chango of attitude of the press of this
country. Tho suffragists wclcomo tho
Evening LuDOEn nnd Its progressive at
titude upon this question as one of tho
most Important factors In the coming
"Did the result of tho recent elections
surprise you very much?"
"It Is difficult to give anything either
spicy or now." Bald Mrs. Catt. "but we
aro not very much surprised that, ns n
result of the recent elections, we did
not get more than two States. We
havo observed for years that every
time wo win a victory, the first ef
fect of that victory is to lose what comes
next In the list of campaigns The reason
Is that when the women vote, It Is always
wrong in tho estimato of some people!
If, for instance, It could be proved that
the voto of the women turnea a mw
Republican, the Democrats, generally
speaking, will not approve of woman
suffrage. If those votes turn the State
Democratic, then tho Republicans will
not approve.
"Every time a law la passed In a West
ern State, and it la claimed that the
wemen secured that law. there are those
In the East who do not approve of that
law, and consequently do nol approve of
tho right of women to express their
opinions. It requires tlmo to recover
from the effect of this Influence, and to
get popular sentiment aroused once more
to tho point where it recognises that a
woman is a human being, and as such.
has precisely the same right to express
her opinion about matters and things as
any other, human being, even If the
latter happens to be a man!" and Mrs.
Catt smiled In an amused way. '
"Do you consider that the woman suf
frage movement Is progressing pretty
"We are convinced that our movement
Is traveling onwards at a rapid rate de
spite the fact that many of our States
aro not yet clvlllred enough to actually
grant the vote.
"What pleased you most In the recent
tcr's Mill In 1S4S, the Eastern population
was nlrendy spoken of as congested, but
the great West wns an unexplored
wilderness. The East had 200 years start
ocr the West. When two centuries have
passed over the West. It must bo. thnt
tho commercial centre will be on the
I'nciric coast Instead of on the Atlantic.
It Ik not nt all Impossible that our chief
dealings will be with tho Orient rather
than with Europe! Whatever happens,
woman's suffrage reigns for all time
ovci the great West.
"What proportion of the United States
has ndoptcd woman suffrage?"
"A littlo more than half tho entire ter
ritory of the I'nlted States Is now cov
ered by woman's .suffrage," replied Mrs.
Catt eagerly. "Next year we nrc go
ing to voto on woman's sunrage in
four Eastern State-. Now York, Penn
sylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
If these four States could be lifted up In
a block, and set down In the middle of
Montana, there would still be territory
enough left In that great State to make
tho big State ot Indiana, while the littlo
State of Rhode Island could still have
a considerable acreage left.
"Before the war Abraham Lincoln said:
'This nation cannot exist half free and
hnlf slave.' It became the slogan of the
anti-slavery movement. We may now
imltnte that slogan and say: 'This na
tion cannot exist one-half ruled by all
the people, and the other half ruled by
half the people!' "
"Do you think the Eastern States will
be long In following the example of the
A little moro time, a lime more ei-
Woman Outside the Home
Around the Clubs
At the Forrest Theatre, Tuesday, No
vember 24, nt t p. w., Madame Lalla
van der Velde, wlfo of tho Belgian Mln
Ister of State, will apeak on behalf of
her countrymen. Madame van der Veldo
wan In the midst of the suffering her
self, with her husband, so she can describe-
the horrors of the Delglan situa
tion first-hand.
Many well-known women are connect
ed with this charitable affair, of which
Mrs. Frank T, Orlswold Is chairman of
nriangements. Some of them arc Mrs.
Cornelius Stevenson. Mrs. Arthur Blddle,
Miss Agnes Rcppller, Mrs. Monry Mc
Kean Ingersoll. Mrs. E. Walter Clark,
Mrs. Henry Mlddlcton FlBher. Mrs. H.
La Barre Jayne, Mrs. John Markoe, Miss
Agnes Irwin and many others.
Love's Best Reward
The recompenso of true affection does
not always romo nt once, nnd Is not al
....... i, ....... nt nri in 1m n recompenso.
Many n devoted sweetheart lins hail to
wait, as Jacob did, for the love of his
Rachel, long nnd weary years. Rut when
the love has been gained, then the time of
trial seems to bo as nothing In com
parison. . . i ,1.
And there have been gentle, loving girls.
too, who have waited In silence, hoping
that their secret devotion might be re
warded one day. And when that ; day
has dawned, they have known that all
tho alienee and suspense have been well
worth the enduring.
Thcro aro ninny lives, too, whoso reward
docs not seem to como In this life. Ap
parently they receive no recompense for
their days of waiting and hoping. Yet
they havo tho serenity of fnco which
shows tho Inward pence of a resigned
To "ih-m nlso love brings Its rew.1.rd7
the reward of having loved even without
return. To love Is Its own recompense.
In the Boudoir
A very new arrangement for Milady s
boudoir It a little white octagonal disc,
made of an absorbent material, and sat
urated with perfume. A frame of metal
incloses the dine, so that It can be hung
In n bedroom and not be visible. bother
it is scon or not hardly matters, however,
becau-e the little disc Is ndt unattractive
b nn.v means. , ,
The perrume Is renewed by dropping
It m tho disc, so that you can hang
It -in a closet, chest or shirtwaist box
until It Is scented, and then remove the
disc to somo other place. I no lltuo
?: ... nii,rt In the da littlest way,
and come In every Imaginable llnlsh. Dull
black, brass, gunmeiai, UH1.v.,
nickel, white enamel. Verde antique nnd
even frosted silver plate aro some of the
styles. They range in price from & cents
to $1, complete. ..Mfc
On the same order Is the moth-block,
only, of course, a strong camphor prep
aration Is poured on In place of tho
perfume. This costs only 25 cents com
plete, nnd can bo hung wherever desired.
Courtship and Weather
Aro lovers affected by nature's caprices
in tho way of weather, or aro they In
dlffeicnt to a thing that makes the com
fort or discomfort of other less happy
"is a'glrl moro blissfully happy when
sho la sitting in the golden sunshine,
facing the sapphire sea. or when, in tho
dreamy dusk, she and he look into the
....j.. i.mimr nr nnd weave together
all the sweet fancies that lovers delight
The moods of nature do affect us, aB
we know. Do they affect sweethearts?
Perhaps the truest answer would be
that they do. but, on the other hand,
love la so mighty and all-powerful a
divinity that he la able to rise above
them. ... . ,... i,.
For we see exquisite ouna uu v.o. ,.
rtomalnes arc dangerous chiefly because
they move In such mysterious ways their
wonders to perform. They are of such
n shy and retiring nature that nobody
knows just what caused them, where to
look for them or how to avoid them, and
the confusion that results Is mado Just
n little moro confused by the close re
semblance of other and less harmful
germs and symptoms to tho chief of
their tribe, J
Dut one thing about ptomaines has been
established beyond question. They are
born ot putrefaction, they live In filth
nnd their favorlto breeding ground Is
nnlmnl refuse or, . falling that, decayed
meat tissues.
The connection bolwcon ptomaines and
shellfish is obvious. Shellfish arc nil
Bcavcngcrn. Tho more delicious they nrc
tho more open-minded and catholic thoy
aro sure to bo In food matters.
Severe cascn of ptomaine poisoning re
sulting from shellfish have done much to
sprend the Idea that they are dangerous.
Therefore somo people avoid them alto
gether; othors eat them Indiscriminately
nnd trust to prqvldcnco to Btand between
them and the consequences. Lobsters,
crabs, oysters, clnins or shrimps tnken
from waters contaminated with the
sew ago of n city or n large town aro
always dangerous. The sewago Is thick
with nnlmnl refuse nnd the crustaceans
are as suro to get It as they are to be
served up In our restnurants nnd lobster
pnlnccs. A thousand may be eaten with
out harm, while tho thousnnci-anu-first,
looking exactly like his neighbors, may
be reeking with ptomaines.
The only insurance ngnlnst ptomaines
that the shellfish eater can depend upon
Ir nbsoluto knowledge, first, that tho
savory morse! Is fresh; second, that he
canto from clean waters.
The first condition can bo met by buy
lug tho shellfloh alive. If thev are for
tho homo table, or Insisting upon ade
quate nssuranco of their homo address
nnd age, If they are ordered at a res
taurant. If you cannot live without oysters In
a big city, yon are comparatively Bafo
If you eat them only nt u placo which
guarantees Its wholo supply ns being
from uncontamlnated waters nnd which
opens the oysters freshly for each order.
Food Expert.
Public opinion ought to Induce any alert
restaurant keeper to furnish ample proofs
that fte has compiled with the first j con
dition. As for the- secona, yo ,--
or hip -"-i ..-".: ..!.
...... .1. .it.i.M ir vnu tji.i.
pretty sure oi irc-n uiit, - ",r; u la
. i .i. ru. .niia inMns that it is
mado from oysters freshly opened ior
Immediate cooking.
.. i .......lit. Iilnmrit for the
serious discomfort that results from cat
Ing stale fish. But In this case they are
seldom responsible, the mischief arising
from another set of germs that cause
somewhat tho same symptoms, but are
not so daiigorous. But oven this cannot
be depended upon, for atu' stale lhhM"
quite within Its power to harbor tho true
ptomaines. ... , -j.
The same may be said of canned goods,
sausage milk, butter, Ice cream, cheese.
cen of decomposed fruits and vegeta
bles. In fncl, hnrilly any food product
Is exempt from suspicion. If It has wltn
In It the germs of putrefaction. .
Tho fenr of canned goods Is wnrranteu
only when nn Inferior grade Is used, in
a well-conducted cannery only tho fresh
est nnd cleanest materials aro 'e
nnd these are put up under sanitary
conditions, so that first-class canned
goods are among the purest and safest
of foods. The danger comes when de
cayed meats, fruits and vege ablcs nre
used for canning or when the bulging m
tho can shows that fermentation nas
sot In i
The surest wny to avoid ptomaines la
to make It your business to know that
tho food you buy Is clean and that the
food In your homo is Kept "".X,,T,"i
under conditions that aro absolutely
.i,nn nn,1 A.inltnrv.
If we keep the air of the refrigerator
clean nnd cold; If we empty tho contents
of cans ns soon as they are opened and
keep what Is left over In a glass or china
dish, Instead of putting It back Into the
can; If wo refuse nbsolutely to cat stalo
or unclean foods of any sort, and If wo
avoid dead shellfish, doubtful sausages
and restaurant hashes nnd stews, wo
are using all tho precautions now pos
sible against ptomaines.
If. however, In splto of all your caro
you .arc attacked by ptomaine poisoning,
send for the doctor nt once nnd while
waiting for him to arrive. Induce frco
vomiting and purging. The troublo may
be caused by ptomaines, or It may bo
only a severo cramp, but It Is alwayd
well to be on the safo sldo.
CopjrlRhtc.l by C. Houston Qourtlss
The World and Woman
Poor mothers In "" ""
farmers In the ""'irt aver-
Female stenographers In Mis-""1
.-. 113 a month In salary.
n military '""'yXeM factories In New
Jailers. ..., r.rrulted In London
.teTch Xb.erXw to .pea
French nnd acrmI!"n up the agrlcul
uSS SnKn Slate Unl
verslty. , .1,.,,i,icr of Speaker
.tWi. a b00k on
cotton. Franco now
nnd pointsmen. .rncrs havo
.T'u.SJE oWfAon. due
To0 be XSfTArs r -
woman must earn 80 a year in tho coun
trLonaon"trrhrPr,8a.aWh,ch lst.n
fort, a little patience, a little more edu- j L,,. wi,h winter's frost or drench-
cation, and our Eastern States will 1 tol- Jlth drlvnff gieety rnln. and It differs
low tne muro uucii .. ., - -
and grant votes to meir women. " i
certain to come as the sun Is certain to
Th"famous suffrage leader leaned back
in her chair and wrinkled her brows
th."?heUgUreatest victory to my mind In
the recent election was tno '"
the State of Ohio." said she. "While
r." ; i. h.t Rmtn will not be per
mitted to vote at tho next election, in
wnsMtunca of the vote taken, yet 600.
000 men voted favorably to woman's suf
frage. It Is the largest vote which has
ever been cast for suffrage in any coun
try. Another election will put it through.
"The victories gained in the recent
election. Montana, and Nevada, are not
to be despised. It must be remembered
that when gold was discovered at But-
.In Inmnrrnwl"
An almost prophetic light shone on
tho suffrage leader's Intellectual face,
and she smiled in anticipation of that
day of days! ....
"Another thing," said she, "which has
rapidly arisen is the great number of
self-supporting women. That number In
creases day by day. Women on this side
are learning an important lesson from
the war on the other side, ard that Is the
Importance of women to the maintenance
of society, when tho bottom drops out
as It has in the warring countries. There,
they are running the factories and the
farms, serving as switchmen and con
ductors on trains, cleaning the streets,
and doing all sorts of things that women
were never supposed to know how to
dol That women should have fair wages,
good conditions, and the same right to
defend their Interests at the ballot box
as Is glvon to working men, Is a senti
ment which Is appealing to the best sense
of American men."
.. . .t.. ..tnl. I An nn
not at ail irom uiui ... . ... -
those who bask In the sunlight ol ry
summer and rejoice in 'no Tl " '"
of the sea breeze. And the hearts that
beat for one another care not at all
whether the sun shines or the tempest
ragca. The fire of love is eternal, and
not even the waters of death can quench
Courtship is cdurtshlp. and equally
blessed to man and maid, whatever the
weather and whatever the circumstances.
The Doings of Women
Switzerland has women miners.
African women work as coal heavers.
New Jersey has nearly 100.000 widows.
Philadelphia has three women black
smiths. Widows In Kansas number over 15.000.
Queen Elizabeth, of Belgium, is a dog
Now York Stnte has nearly 1,000,000
working women.
All the pearl fishing In Japan Is done
by women.
Russian women are now employed as
rond repairers.
Tho women In Munich are now acting
as hod carriers.
In India a girl marries when she Is 10
years of age.
Australia has nearly 1,000,000 women
who have the vote.
There are over 2200 women journalists
In the United States.
Philadelphia boot and shoe factories
employ over 1200 women.
In Sweden every girl not born of
wealth Is taught a trade.
New York suffragcttcB raised J.5,000 In
one day recently.
Over 700,000 women In Ohio are striving
for a chanco to vote.
The New Coat Hanger
The woman who is limited In her
closet room, or who Is an apartment
dweller, and can use every bit of apace,
will npprcclnte the new hangers. They
require no screwing or tacking, for they
are mado to slip on to the edgo of tho
shelf. In tlila way your woodwork Is
protected, too. When pushed on the
hanger, has tho appearance of tho bars
usually put In closets of new houses.
This Is tho first part of tho set, the other
consists of two folding garment hangers
nnd two trouser nnd skirt hangers.
The traveler will find these sets the
most serviceable of arrangements. The
five pieces can be packed In a small box,
and carried with very little troublo. In
this way light dresses, men's clothing,
eenlng gowns, dainty shirtwaists, etc.,
can be hung up ns soon as you arrivo
In an hotel. You will greatly enjoy your
reflection In the glass, compared with
that of tho others who show the unrala
tskable travel stains.
Does First Love Last?
M it Is tho real thing, that Is, tho
actual love of a man for a maid. It
when tho scales fall from their eyes, or
whe the real affinity crosses their path,
the unthinking world around their .Is apt
to smile cynically and say that l oe
is doomed to fade almost as soon as
bYot there are numberless Instances of
first loves that wore nlso tho loves or
the lifetime of their possessors, and these
mo more than enough to convince us of
the foolishness of scorning early devotion.
Therefore, though It, may bo sadly true
that where wo first love we seldom, IT
ever, wed, yet tho opposite is often enough
the caso to inspire each of us with the
hope that ours will be a first love that
will last.
Wise Sayings
An elevated train Is being worn on
rainy days fashion note.
A littlo earning Is a dangerous thing.
In bridge play fast, and lose.
Also, beggars must not bo losers.
Benj. B. Lewis
AND GUl-l-tKinti
Brcellenf toorfc reaionaole prices.
1535 Chestnut Street
Take Elevator
Single Yellow
to wclcomo Spring. Plant
them in the grass, along
the borders, or massed
Thew.km Girt against evergreens,
nogiatered fences, etc.
Trade Mark pm0 bulbs, guaranteed
to give splendid results.
20c per doz. $1.40 per 100.
830 Chestnut St.
American Branch Office
200 Walnut Place
At the Slsn of the
Goldrn Ontrlch
Bring Us
Your Old
We can make
them into
French Plumes
and Latest
Feather Creations
At Half the Cost of New
Best Work Lowest Prices
Feathers Curled on Your Hat
While You Walt
French Festher Shop unccv
Mall Orders Gljtn Prompt Attention
I "3B I
Vienna gi)o$)
An extensive collection of
new models will be displayed at
our show rooms. Devoted en
tirely to the fashions of Women
and MisBes, both in our Ready-to-Wear
and Custom Made De
partments. '
Suits, Coats, Wraps,
Dresses, Waists and Furs
We invite your inspection to
enable you to procure the high
est class merchandise at un
usually low prices.
And Still the Starving Belgians Cry
"For God's Sake Send Food"
"You Have Never in Your Life Dreamed of Anything So Pathetic"
Extract from a tetter of Ambassador Page,
The Winter Cold.
i?i j.-- ..v that now is the time
Lira -ui)iw, i- - . Ai ...-J
,8-st rid or the fall cold in the head.
.-. ,j i hit vnnAW num.
T9f people are saylns. "Do. Ill Just
4a." Tho alarming souuuo -.
mimhinr In the cars announce
tho winter cold cop la on the way.
....i .vn in tenths, every 15 inln-
i uatlt you havo had on or two grains.
awed by halt a bottle of citrate or
jjl , tno rnwiuMs, . .-.
Jt clears up tno system mw
a. a-ood bit of the cold as well.
UttaaUtlea aro given for the use
te. tub noi mu3int '"'""
bar good thing. It should be
aoon aa you acovr u w
Should go IO P anor ji.
t wight result u yw i i
. - at utbiakv to break up a eotd
'- mwinM more by tradition tfeaa
. seP Sl' "TIT" j i Whisky has no
ifWhar Ma oo results. wnwKjr "
amative qualities wWA h J
ali4 to drugs, aura v "
u-tofto to awr a eoli U every
"gTJiai a wWky. Wtefalrr pro-
duces a sweat, which Is a very good thing.
bu In nine cases out of ten the patient
sits up In bed or gets uncovered and
catches a fresh cold.
People with colds seldom realua how
contagious they are. They taKe out a
damp handkerchief and leave It lying
around. They don't understand that
another person may breathe In the cold
organism from this very 'handkerchief.
KUslng U another way to spread colds.
The person with a cold In the head
should never kUs any one. either on the
Upa, forehead or cheek, until tho cold
has entirely leri. ii ui "y
vent contagion from handkerchiefs Is
to use tho paper ones, which should be
burned as soon as you have Anlihed using
If a soreness of the throat aseompanle
the oold, take It In time, or you may
net tbe grip. A good gargle of one
teaspoonful of salt to a pint of warm
water, er a tablespoooful of alcohol to
one glass of water, or peroalde, one part,
to threa of water, wlU probably remove
the trouble tt It is not serious.
jr -Hfeft Fancy Comb
iSJ' rM W
'"! wi, fMOhM biU. HSd
gl $MMatMM a a lUg lh
. &m "- anufvar"
iSSrtie TJlTiTir "" "
eoiered etfeats. Tbe latter is most ef
fective, aad the colors are so varied that
you east matsft alwojt any gown, or ma
trast preUBy with It.
The Ion ceab. placed In tbe centre
of th head, at tbe back, to hold the
Frew 4l in piaoa. t another favorite,
Tte Is trtuuned W ftltgree work, or
has row of good-alsed ball pa It.
Some one asked the other day if Philadelphia had not done enough
when she sent the food-laden "Thelma" on her errand of mercy across
the seas. Philadelphia will not have done enough, nor will
ever hive done enough, until EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD
HAS GIVEN SOMETHING toward the aid of people who are starving.
Another Ship The
Thanksgiving Ship
will be secured in a few days, and ,gJStotte,l5
be no delay in her setting out on the track of the ineima, wun ner
S; nfd?scrimination nor selection possible as to who shall and
who shEfot be .expected to give. The Spectre;of Starvation hovering
over BtHcken Flandera makes no selection nor discrimination It does
not say-ou Shall be excused because you are a child' ; nor, "You shall
be relieved Kuse you are a sufferingwoman"; nor, "You are excused
because you are a man laden with years !
Death, in its most terrible form, is no respecter of youth, nor age,
nor condition in life.
And so the call of Mercy is no respecter of persons.
People are starving and they must be fed, and so long as this
condition is true Humanity makes a levy and an assessment from which
none can be excused not one.
YET TO GIVE THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS to help to save the destitute
people of Belgium from a death by starvation.
It is hoped, it is expected, it is believed, that all of these will come
foi'ward. '
But It Must Be Done Now Hunger Gives
No Extension of Time
Let us send the Thanksgiving Ship before one of us sits down to a
Thanksgiving Table 1
The Headquarters in the Lincoln Building will keep open 'daily
please note that it will be open tomorrow, Sunday and the work will go
on. The fight will be kept up.
Telephone; FUbert 2456 and Filbert 2457
Cyrus'IjLJC. ;-(Siirtis, ,y .J v, ,, , . ..Public Ledger
Cyrus H. K. Curtis Evening Ledger
Benjamin-G. Wells Philadelphia Press
John J. Collier . , Evening Telegraph
M. F. Hanson ,. ... t . .Philadelphia Record
James Elverson, Jr. . , f . , Philadelphia Inquirer
E. A, Van Valkenburg. , t v... . , . . North American
W. L. McLean Evening Bulletin
tornnenrfeng oenral InUreet
to wonmm WW fee ffitM tm
t v-u Mar-
r. s,. ;.-) -.a. at tk Silfcl
.imiiUjnmi" ilia"1 ' W l. ' .WW "T
nraiwr i.mri m i AM
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