-:' Svv BB. ! ; KmmmiwmtmmimiimSmf'i'liHtWfm! mpM" nk-'p uwmwwmfin1"1 -mwMmwmi'mr'im FINAL PORTS FINAL if.-..., - .J -- - - . j - - L VOL. I-NO. 50 . v" PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914. CorTBMtiT. 10H, lit tnr. Pckmc I.nvirii Commkt, PRICE ONE CENT I ! i t il 1 Germans Halted on Yser 'Mother" Jones 1200 Men Indicted 800 Saved From Fire Assails Rockefeller -Carranza May Flee SCENES' iAND: EVENTS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY r- Jill ' --" ' . ffi& ':'- " " ' -v v . ,e f A .-, S-. '-.:,;; Lr-.-.-: ",-: .:. - - - .... . .. WHEN' THE SULTAN GOES FORTH TO WAR --l'hato. bv r.iui Thommon. . TURKEY WAS PREPARED FOR WAR -Phoio. by raul Thompmn. Turkey's new army has an exceptional number of military bands to the corps. Here one is shovn leading'itsregiment through the At the arsenal in Constantinople The Sultan's call to arms revealed the fact that the Turks had been long preparing for conflict with Russia. "'" " ! iii.iw.w mmmmimmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmi wtis.f&t&mmmmm&wfi - - "! XW--iimY,V!' dm3teBmm. mBKAU.i'', irrs-n-:,.'.-.- -...- ..-- - a J4$$?$3ti AUSTRIAN' SOLDIERS CHEER THEIR EMPEROR Photo, by Underwood & Underwood. Vowing to fight, and' die if need be, in the defense of their Fatherland. The ceremony of administering' the oath of service to troops bound for the front is observed amid Jirrlng scenes in Yenna- WEST PHILADELPHIA BOY AND WARSHIP MODEL John Lane Evans, of 5215 Chester avenue, shows skill in design at the age of 12. His U. S. S. Oregon is nude entirely of wood and tin. ' ll"",IL ' ' ' ' ' '"" ' '' muni ii mm limn l i i i..in inwnriinj .iiii.ii.ht.iii rim i . , . , "I mm i liimmrrnnii iii.ji.iiii ii ,i qi i i, i 'ill ' i , I I I1 V I ' "' ' ' ' """ 'Offfrttbt Uf Vndrwuod & Vkdroo4. "WHO DIBS IF ENGLAND LIVE?" THE FUNERAL OF SIR CHARLES DQUQLAS I COUNTESS GREY AND WOUNDID MEN .&Eujt urria kira., u,. u j.... c t .u. n u 1.1. , i , 1 . t ' , t, , ' ". . . . ... . Ob mt estate in Northumberland. At Howtck Cate tk ae mm woww muvm urn --a, " ""-w - " ww n wv iw sj on ne pja.ns 01 rrwif, w nw irug tee streets Loaaaa. 4M Britwh soldiers recuperaHag from xkm wouuda. Tfc tw-wlsomc cie a tit tnt SHiw M " " 4fi jvi win. wm hn (min dm iwifrj pMttr, tne Jwri mh rVfrt, Wf eer4tiBce witto ow custom. b4 turned into t nuutary hospital by hw and tier two lufhtra. "Pi W&' st t a&MMVa-tt jfeiiW , KW-