Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1914, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 9

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" "l" "" "" " ft .1
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yt' r --i'v'urwiMWtyi'!U''''V ".
1 ilTTT I i ii i im in Hi Hi iiiiMi ii'iiT Mi l 1 1 n ! limn if in wwiMiimMi 'nTnUiM mmmmmWmmim
w?rr nm li ii WMipi'iiil '-WSSOT
Prices of Wheat Start Un
changed to c Lower, But
Further Reaction Soon Sets
CHICAGO. Nov. 2.-Hesllntlon wab
ahown In the wheat market nt the open
liiff today, prices oprnlnR unchanged tii
He. lower nnd nfter tho start tho market
reacted further. Fcnr3 that more
European countrlm would be drawn Into
the var wcro offset by continued heavy
receipts ot Interior points.
A private onhlo report! il an advance of
4'ttl. In hard winter wheat nt Liverpool.
Shipments from North Ameilca for the
week were O.OM.roo bushels of which 3,61l,
X bushels went to the United Kingdom,
I,003.tjOJ bushels to Italy and t.121,000
bushel to France. Of tho total, Canada
shipped 1.600,0)0 bushels.
The market semis to have accustomed
itself to the heavy dally export builncss.
All adlres from abroad Indicate the
Urscnt necessity of European countries
continuing to supply themselves from the
Vnlted States. The harvest In Arson
Una, hoivcxer, will soon be under wny.
and It Is estimated that country will
have n, fairly large surplus.
Denmark linB prohibited the exporta
tion of nil foodstufTs. As an Indication
of the rapid marketing of uhent In tho
worthwost. statistics show M per cent,
of the crop of the three Northwestern
States nnd Montana has been disposed
of. Fnrincrs' reserves are now estimated,
at 48.000,(iOO bushels. Complaints of dry
weather nre now coming from India.
There have been beneficial rains In Kpnln.
Corn declined on line weather. Deal
ings were on a light scale. Tho trade
appeared to be waiting for tho move
ment of tho now crop. Shipments of
corn from Is'oith America for the week
were 74.CGO bushels.
Oats also showed a tendency to work
lower. Shipments of oats from North
America for the week were 2,3G0,OOO
J.eaillnR-futures rnncod as follow s:
Vnr.u 4i..1'.
ineai eeprn.
December .. 1.1(1
May . . . . .si
Corn (new delivery!
c nsi,
1 21,
December r-sx.
.... 71,
Nox ember , ..
Itlb -January
.Tnnunry .
hid t Asked
110.72 'I0.77
.. n.H3 ni.n-
in 22
0.W) 10.0.' 11.00 il.fi
ts.no m.K
.it).i2 lii.ar.
S,(sl l.i.1
10.12 run
SLW YOI'.K. Nov. 2. Uutter-Markrt, llrm.
TteCMlfts. .1S25 packaKes. Crcum-TV cctrn. .'Ue. :
hlKhvr scoring. .lltjC Slate dairy, "lfj.T.'e.,'
imllatlmi creamery 2:PfJ2l'&c.
nrR Market llrm. Tlccclnls, 70.s C3s.-.
Tresh oxtra. firsts. .T-MJIIc.: frc-li. firsts. 2.lf
nic, nearby, whites. S2!."c.: nearb, mixed
2!)ff.17c special murks. 1.V jflEtVe.
Believed Charles Schwab "Will Make
New Castle Site of Industry.
J5 WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 2. The pur-
"base of a large tract of land adjoining
B" aw Castlo by tho Ilethlchem Steel Com-
t jnny ts believed by ateel men here to
', mean more than the mere establishment
of a projectile plant to supply warring
i Europe .-
Years ngo Charles M. Schwab, head of
' tho Uethleheni Company and ulso the
Hnrlan & Ilolllngsworth Corporation In
this city, declared ut a luncheon that
steel could be made cheaper In Dela
ware than In Pittsburgh and gave llg-
urea to prove It. It Is thought tho steel
magnate Intends to build n plant on
ti tidewater, where his vessels may unload
their ore, and the New Castle site has
been purchased for this purpose.
'British Government Announces Plan
' to Facilitate Business Resumption,
j l.ONDuN, Nov. I.-A plan of the Gov
ernment to facilitate the opening of tho
jHocK Exchange Is announced by tho
reasury Depiutment In an official statc-
lent. The Plan would orevent undue ric-
Mrcelatlou In investments by avoiding the
ccesslty for forced realization on secu
rities. An arrangement will tie made by the
jovernment with the Bank of England
o advance to Stock Exchnnge members
0 per cent of the value of July 2D of
)ho prices of stocks held by lenders at 1
er cent, anovo the uunk rate. These
dvances are payable at any time. When
locks again reach the prices of July 29
endera have tho right to call their loans.
CUNNING little kitten named NIb
.Uved In a liter apartment building
a great city.
Of course, you have guessed why he
is named JxMsr, yes, lie xvas a black
tten as blade as black could be. As
ack as coal lie was and Ills eyes were
sllow op green, you could hardly tell
ilcli Sometimes when lie looked very
lemn they seemed all yellow and you
indered why you had ever thought
em green Then suddenly he would
r the bark of a dog or the step ot
janitor and tnstantly the pretty
low was gone nnd his eyes were as
een as-grass green as emeralds
Nig led a very hard life. It's no
laughing matter to be a cat and live In
big apartment building!
There are so many things to be afraid
And NIs was not brave at all! He
as afraid of everything.
There was the janitor, with his heavy
oots the Janitor didn't like cats and
ade no effort to hide his feelings. And
jiere was the big gray caUln the next
tiding-a great, striped, tlgery cat
at Nig was horribly afraid of. And
e boys who took such delight in tas-
ne him Ana ine aenvsry v?n you
ee how many troubles there ware. Oh,
cat leads a very hard life verj"!
Then one day he found a new trouble.
brand new trouble, one that be had
!ever even thought of before!
And this Is how It happened.
Two little glrU. ad, of course, their
aiher and mother, though ?flg knew
lothing about them and cared lw,
noed Into the very apartunwt bulki
ng where Nig lived. At flrt Nig kept
.tixay from tbem, for he supposed all
MLlrto. were cruel anc teasing, us were
ft xv bos be bappci ed tu Uuv. But
.tubed them cajraCwUi out of the
ti vt bis He Iwfud tfcjtai Ui
WHEAT. tlerelpt. 121.M0 Imili Trnle
fslrly nctlve ami with troar Wfttern 1
uces prices advanced v Quolatton I'nr
lots In esnnrl elexnlnr. No a. red. spot
and November. 1.12tt.tn. No. i'. red West
em. fllTQIJI, No. I Nonliern Oiiluih
('t)ltN. tleielpto .1000 lnih or(erlnB
llxht anil market adrnneed ',i hut ilemind
only moderat". tjuntatlons: Car lots for
local trade, as in lorntlon. No. 2 vellon.
s."li4Tttlc. : steamer jellnn, Sirv1i4c.
tATS. itecelpis. S8 2,vj mis-i. The market
quiet but firm under mwlernte orler'nRs. limi
tation: No. sr. Mte. naiidi.-.tr. standard
white. .Mnwilc. : No. n liit ,M i.in'V.'i..
I'l.tlflt. tlerelpts. DOS l.hls . 1.3'T.DSA
lb. In sacks. The maiket unlet hut stead).
Ourlnllotn per ton lli. in wood Winter,
rleiir. St.7ri8i4.no , ilo., stralftht. M..2:i. do.
pa.eni, K-l.riiKf i.iS, Kansas stralRht. Jii'e
sailts. ..SOQ. VIO; do, pntent. Jutf sacks.
SVMiitr.i.Oi; sprlnr first. d-ar. Vli)S.?;
do., stralslit, V."I.Tif.Vcii; oo.. pttent. SA.Til(i
." M; ilo . fatnrlte brands. (liti.,M), , t mills,
rlmlee and fnnry patent fitwn.iinj Htv mills,
reetilar grades, winter, dear. l.7.iW l.bO; .lo.,
stralelit, .tf R.'JS; do., patent. (,VnrVTA.
H i: ri.Oflt. ,lmv of sale and without
Important rhango. We quote nearby and West
ern, In uood, nt .(."et.'.Rti,
(jubt and nlthnii: Imporlant chatute gu.ita
tlins t'lly beer. In sets, em iked and nlr dried.
i'. U.Hf. , Western beer, In self, smokrtl, '.ll'i
:tK.; tlt Ijicf knuckles nnd tendets. amnkeil
and air dried, .'onili. Western btef, knuiltks
flint ttnrlers rmokcil tn lie , beef hams, .Itwi
".v.: tork. rtnill). J.ifl2il.' . Iinnis, S. 1". cure'.
lore. MlflUHc.. Mo . skinned. ioop. Mtfll'tio.;
do., do., rmnktd, lfll."i4c other Items, smok
ed, cltv rtired, as to brand and netaite. IWjff
tfi-,; hanir, snniked, Wistctn lured, lS'tfllilc.,
do . boiled, boneli-s- S0tI21c. : pli-nlc shoulder.
H. t. cured, loo-e, II"ifll2i'., iln sinnked. I 'in
t.l'y , liellfo'i. In idckls. acecirdlnu to average,
loose. IIIKH.'-.. brtakfa't baeon, as to brnnd
and nenie , l!v cured, UiftVti-. : hrenkfast
bi.-on, Western cund. 1IHi2i'c. : Hrrt. VVrslttii.
rouiied. tlr'cs. In ',( lie : du . do. do., tuba
10-1. 1 1c. . lard, pure r-tj, kettle rendered. Ir
tic.-, s. Iliiiltc.; Isnl pure ilt. ketils
tenlrred, In tubs. Ittill'iC.
Quiet nnl llt prices rcriucul "0 to1n.n. cju i
latlnnic Ptnmlirtt Rranulaictl, .V-lAc. nno
rrinulitril. . 40 ; iiowdcrctl. r.."Oc; t'nnfri--tlonerii'
A. .'Mi'.: "oft Krnlcn. 4 .IMj.i.l.v.
llfTTIIIt. Demand absorbed the limited
orfirlnjss of dclr.ihle stoik, pitccn of wlti'li
ruled llrm. Quotations Western, friwh. enlld
nacked cteanicrt iany ap.clala, -ti,,-. ; cxttu.
ale; extra litat, .".2na:i.; fltsts. 2.t(l(i-. . ec
onds. 2.vp27c : ladlc-packcd, 2tii2'lc,, as to
quality, nearby prints, fane ".7c : d.., an
a?c extra. :iHf.'!i).., .In., tirata, .'IHi-Vtc; d.,
si'oi'ndM. 2W:!ic ilpeclal t.tnty brands of
prlntn Jobblui; nt 41fMlr.
i:i(lS. Kin new -laid eggs well cleaned
up end llrm. Ijuotatlnns In in-.- cs'es. nuoitu
extra. :i."r. per do7.-n; nearby flrs a. SJ.'to lnr
nnnd.trd msc: nearby etrrent ic-iclpts, S.i.iU
n per alamlard ease. Western extra, firsts,
u.0 per can : do., Ilrsts. J.70sr p per ease:
do., reennds. Id.ltof i.-( per rase, r.itulleil ami
teeratod froslt cjjgs uero Jeddicd out a .ti"H
lie. per dox.. sa to rpiallty.
CIIKCSi:. The market llrm under light
nffcilngs. but trade quiet, tluutntl'iiis: ,m ..
Ycrlt, full-crenin, thnlet-, I.Ve : ilo, do., fair
tt good, H'iTrl.V.; do., part iklms, Cifl'le.
I.IVt:. Desirable stock In moderate sup
pl and steady udth trade fal . 'notation
IVwIr, l.'Iffl.V. : old r. slers, t.iflJc. . aprlnz
ililekens, nct-ordlnir to 'iunllt. 12fllSc ; dtt'd;s,
l.lClMr.: geese. l.'UIUi-.. gulnoaa, youns.
wc'Uhlnc s lbj. and ner nplere. pc inlr. .tic.:
da. uclxhtng 1V.OI1) lbs nphec, pe- pair. ihii
H.V.; do, nelghini I In nple-c per pair. .. .
old. lor pair, flt'i : plEeons, nor pair. Lrfilv
Dltr.S.sr.I). Offerlng.i lllirrnl, but trail
fnl- .I revised ftf-urt-M. tlUOtnttons: I' reall-
i killed poultry 1'ou Is p-r lb Selected lienvy.
I 1e.; do., nelgliing 4t,i."i lb', apiece, l.i-.l
do., weighing 4 lbs. npltre. II.C ; "., veiRii-
Inc JIVj lbs. apiece, lacillc. : do., neighing -t
lbs and under. 12I2'..i : old roosters dr
plcked. IHKjC ; litnlllng . hlckcns nearby,
neighing llflFf.' lbs. apiece. 2n122c. ; broil
ing chickens, nearry. fair lo good libit 1. :
ihlckriis. We-tein. 4 lbs. nnd over apiece. 1-iW
ir.iic. : do., do. :iij lbs. nplece fat. lie:
do., ilo.. S,tiV, lbs. apiece l!fn UH-jC. : broil-ins-
chickens. W-Mcm. I'iUiS lbs. nplece,
17c: hrolllnr eldckens. Western, fair to good,
lL"(Mlc. : equal.s. per dnz.. white, weighing II
to 12 lbs ir do::.. 'l lni,4...ii ; white neigh
ing n to I" lbs. nr do?., S:i.1im:i 7.". , white,
weighing t ll-s. pT doz . 2,.".insi -.7." ; whl'e.
weighing 7 lb. per dnx.. SS1,J.,.,M; white.
welKhlng ibitl'i lbs. per do:., Sl.2,"ir I.il-s ;
iliitlc nnd No. 2. ,.Ue.$t.tti.
cliolcc stock In fair request and alues gen
erally well iiustnlneil. Quotations. Apples per
on' Jonathan, f Ptf.'t .".n; King, 2.."0rf:f; liliish,
M'.MHi.l. llaldwln. 1.7.'.fi2..vi; (licenlng. St. 7."
S.I' Twenty-ounce, flM'.'.'C 7.1; l'l.pln, f 1.7.1
(f?-.2ri. Yorlt Imperial. l 7.1fl2: other good nt
lng iirletle. M.7.1H2 .1.1, medium, SMil.lu:
t'rab, $11171, .10. (rab apples, per bufh. lmk. t.
si, HUM, 7.1, applia. Wc-tcrn. ner box. fHil.Tid;
aprleN. Delaware nnd Pennsylvania, per ham
per, aiflltlc. UulnccH. per bbl. S21i:i..it).
Lemons, per lmx. S:ii4 (irapefrult. Klotlela,
iwr iinte. SI Wsfr.', ?.V I'lncappjes, per e-niti'
Porto Kirn. tl.2.1fl'i.2.: I'lorlila. SIR3..10 Cran
berrlea, i.'iipo foil, IT.irl Itiack. per bbl., $1.."0
l: do., ilo , do, p.-r ernte. SH 1 40; cianhcr
rleii, Jersey, pel into, S11M.2.1. lVacbes, New
Vork nnd PennUanla. per basket I ante
white or ellow. ciii i$l medium. lOfi.ltlc.
Pears. New Vork. iht bbl. Sockel. W .KI51.I;
llartlttt. No. I. JI'lV.IO. do.. No 2 J.2..KISI:-,:
lleiirte Uusc WHS i(: .-ln-lclnn, Slli.1, lleurtc
t'lalrgrau, Ji'.'.."!'!!.! Sii; Ibmrre d' Anion. X2 "J.1i
::2.1, Lluihesr, S',.,.Mri.'l.'.M: Howell. S21I2 ,KI,
other varieties, SSfi.'l: poirs. Ilartlctt or Seckil.
per iiupb. liasket. l.2.tl2 tliupcs. Now York
Concord, per "-lb. basket, pimiv.. do, per 1
IU. basket. 11(1 Inc. : Nlaxara. per I -lb basket.
Iti1I2c.; Delawnres. tier l-lb. basket. P'fM.lc.;
graj'cs, Concord, per 2U-lb. basket, auii 10c.
Trn!c nulet and ne?t potatoes weak. Othr
PKatHlteM nhoued little chatiRe. QuntntlnnM'
While pntntopii. psr buMi, l(enn)"Innla, SS
fifiiita. ; Neu York, 4.W.'Ui. ; wlilt potiitoM.
Jrey, pr liashrt. l!iSs47ict ; awe! potato",
Ilnstprn Shote, per Mil. No, I, Sl.ii.Vrr !."",
No. '-', "rcfrt1, Hueetn, Jerncy. per libl. No
1 . KVJ.V.f i.r.o : No Lt ? I ,ai l.r.l ; Hw eet 1,
Jfry. per Uanltft. A!6i,(0c. Onion", per hurih.,
Ji1fr;oc.; ilo., cholre, per XIIMW. bag, 1 , iln.,
neiltiini. per Iihi-Ui. bnR. 7."ii)0f. CahhiKP,
dnmcKtlf. per ton, h6t,i)-t do.. Dintsh, r
ton. 51-wi n, cauliflower, New VorK. pv i
rate. t.."ifjn( Celery, New Yuri, per htiiuh.
1)GiV.0l. Muirhrronitf, jer -1-IIn basket, 51 U I
4 . .
CHICAUO, Nov. 2.-lioas-Itttcipta. ;i,l)i)0.
markets 5c. lower: mlxn.1 and Putehers, Jil.'.'.U'
7.HO: gooel heaxy, S7 V."fJ7.."0; rouiih heavy.
fi.HtiT.li): light, 7i7.M: rigs, i.l0tf7; bulk,
J7.2.-.B7.H). CATTLE HccelptH. 21,(IU0; mur
kits loe. htEher: Pcexcs, jn.V.irril: ioiu nnd
heifers, t 7.Vf?l 2.1: stockcr ami feeders, f.'.rv
S; Texans, 7.418.s."i- inlxca, S'lfflu SO.
SHEW' Iteeclms, I0.i- markets strong: na
tive) and Western, $!.2.?i! t.1. Umls. f.'....u
.... I .,.,. , ....,. . , . ...ii...
him coaxlngly, hut he pietcnded not to
hear; ho saw them lay out tempting
bits ot food, but ho pretended nut to
see, though ho always went around
afterward and ate the titbits.
Gradually he got tho Idea, into his
timid little head that these little slila
were his friends. And a prouder, liap
pier kitten never lived! He followed
them everywhere. I.ald for hours nt
the door of their apartment watching
for a, sight of them, and altogether
showed as plainly as ever a cat can
that he considered himself their slave.
But one day he carried It a bit too
The two little girls, with their moth
er, were working In their storeroom,
straightening their nlnvthlntrs mid he.
Jongngs. when Nig found them. He
immediately wanted to play. Hut work
ing time Is no time for play, and the
little girls tried to tell him so. But
would he listen? Not he. He hung
around close In spite of the danger of
being stepped on.
Finally the work was all done, the
room in order and locked up, and the
little girls were ready for .the romp
with Nig. But they couldn't Hud him!
They hunted far hours and thn had
to give up and go to their mipyer.
The next niornluir Nig was still miss
ing', so mother was called upon ts jln
the seareli.
(She went straight to the storeroom,
and th we he was! So frightened aud
huugryv poor fellow, h eould hardly
The doleful "meow-ow", with whlcfa
h? greeted bl reuer imM w plainly
as poMibU: "No more storerooms (or
me l think they are worse than jani
tors or boys or anything'"
And thereafter he was vei taieul
where he followed even the little girls.
t.$yni, IM, Cuw laju Jwtteo.
Gross Business Smaller Than
Lasl Year, But Heavy Cut
in Operating Expenses Re
sulted in Slight Profit.
Despite n ermtlmi.itlin of the falling off
In gloss business the Pennsylvania Unit -lontl
itystont, by further curtnlllng opor
cling rxpctises, uns nlda lo shmv a email
Bnln In net cnrnhiRa In tho month of
Settfember. ns coinparctl with the sumo
month of inst year.
The ruin, houever, wns only on the
lines cast, nmntinttin: to JI03.1M. On the
Mtirs west net enrnlnsa were Jios.oro
flinnller, thus tnnUlns the net train $Jil -11
for Ihc whole svatem.
Tho gross cnriiliiRA on the lines east In
tho tnon'.h wrrc ?2l,!lll.3iil, decrcnae,
M.36I.10I; opeintliiK iensca Slfi.lMMl.
tlecrenae, $l,s:i.K3i lie 53.711 369, Increase,
SM.ISJi. Nine montluf eirtm. tlS3,3lli,6:l.
tlcerease. i:,42a.3tiT; nperntlnt; expense,
Slir,,r31C", tlccreaso, Stn.2ly.l13; net. 53C
li.iiTO. tlecrcase. $2.:flD.?21.
The tjruss enrnlnss of Iho lines vnt
were $10.TH,71I. decrease $I..Vi2.4!Mi tipornt
liiK I'liuns-H, Ji.SII.MI, tlectoitue, $1.1(3.93;
net, J2,MI,"S7, tleercnse. IMWilJ. Nine
nioiiths' Kross, $Sj,C22,lI2, tlecrene $lt,532,
117: upcrutlnK expenses, t.'.,331,3J2, ele
ct ensc, $I1.I2,0II; net, Jl,:90,7s!i, Increase,
The Kioss euinlnits of Hues enst nntl
west were S32,5SS,07:., decrease, ,7t3.f,0.1;
oiicriUlns expenses, 2l,O1l,0IS, decteitse,
J2,!WS,1D2; lift, J-f.Stti.ir.il. Incrensn, 2."t.5SS.
Nine months' gross, $2GS,97I,7.'!(!, decrease,
!23,!)72,M.'i: operating expense's, l!21i;,2t;.',377i
decrrnito. S21,C2,IJ4; net, 52,703,700. dc
crense, 12,120.CO.
lilt I Dpitsiiss.
Rrpt mlier grr.ss 122.II2 VJ.-..2IU
Vol lifter msM ... . II. Ill W.niiT
Tltri" tnnnths' btohs.. Ssl.tiin 7.T.47H
Net after tnxM 4SUI up TT.1
Sfnteinlisr gross ?7ill,2."tt $3til,l.VI
Vpi after laws niii.nls "js'i ;a
Tlirpo ninnitis tross.. '.227. .".In iH7.2!i:i
.Vt after tuxes S'.'.IKKI CT.7.1175
Hpiemier nrnss sr..i'JT.Hir. ! ir..4".T
Net nfte-r tnes i..s7.;isi ::nr..:.Mi
TIup.' mnntlis' gross. . iii.ii:ii..'isi: '."(.mi:
Ni-t nftrr tnxri l,;tS7,sss r.sii. J
ST. l.OrlH. ltOCICV MOL'.VTAl.V A PAe'lKIl".
Se; trnilwr cross 2.".2.i:i7 Mi..l!
Vst Inrnme I2.".7." 2il.7;is
Vrnm July I gross Ilss.niil 111.71s
Net Income )(7,.'i(iS 71.271
Venr eneletl June ilo:
(iroi-s ?r7,lll.l4l Sl.lll.mil
Nvt 2.,:t.u,r.iii l'. un.ui.i
Keptemlier gross $l,li.it,.'i. $.".n..".."7
Net ,i:s,U2S ia,nii
minneapolis. st. pai'l. and pal'i.t ht.
September gin." ?2.ol2. ir.n Jin.linl
Net .1h2.:iH4 l.riHS
l-'rom July 1 gro.... r., i:ai.ii'.'." snu.snt
Net l.H72.ils:i 11,1132
Peurimr gloss e!ll7.ti:i JfJI.SlT
Net IMV.'.S.II -.-.ll.T.-.S
Tlirro months' gross .. S,T,1il,tl.1l 71.744
Net 833.11711 Mil .-.1)3
Court of Comivnii 1'le.is No. 2 totluy ginntcil
the fntlmving illvortcs:
rntne-es It. Amend tinm FMivanl V. Amcn'l.
Knthertnu p,toen,eoii from Wilson I'. fltcin--nn.
Iiivlil I'ntlln from Uee-klo 1'atlln.
Hv.i IPiilat.it lovits from Milan nojnsftvio
lti. ,los-ph J. I'mslliittl from Mllle A. I.i trllott I .
Slcst'r A Whlto from Margaret 1., White.
Antiu l Alhe-rlson front William II. Allwrl-
ashed First From
Beginning-as early as 6:30 p. m. Tuesday and con
tinuing until the last precinct is heard from, you'll
get first news of the election returns from the
various Ledger stations.
There will be stercopticon views, moving pic
tures, photos of the candidates and returns on
lantern slides at
Broad and Chestnut Sts.
6th and Chestnut Sts.
Nixon Theatre, 52nd and Market Sts.
Chelten Ave., East of Main St.
Broad St. and Columbia Ave, and
Kensington and Lehigh Aves.
Complete returns will also be printed on iill the
electric Ledger Bulletin Boards at .
6th and Chestnut Sts.
Broad and Chestnut Sts.
Broad and Ellsworth Sts,
Colonial Theatre, G't'n Ave. ab, Maplewood.
Nixon Theatre, 52d St. bel. Market St,
Forty special wires direct to the Ledger will
answer phone calls for news
Locust 4300 (Bell)
Main 4770 (Keystone)
If you want the news first,
watch at one of the Ledger
N'ew Yolk bnnks stained from the Siih-
I tieasury Saltmlny 3"t..0. nnd since Krl-
day coined JnOO.OGO
I Announcement Is meV hy the Poslnl
i Telegraph Company that, effective No
i vember 30. the company will refuse to
i sutvly leased wires to brokcracc houses.
In future hiukcia' tncssaKcs will have to
be paid for at the regular rates.
The. New York Stock tlKchanse mem
bership or t'hnrles Hitchcock. Jr., has
been poited for transfer to Ktigene Hale,
Jr. No consideration In Involved In the
transaction, ns both pat tics are members
of the same firm.
The Sharon, l'a , works of the American
Steel t'oiitiiHIes Company were closed oh
b'nturdnj for mi Indefinite period. About
CC0 men cfo made Idle.
Wheal known in the grain trade
n Macatoiil wheat grade No. I, 2.
3 nnd no grade, will In the future be
kn-iun ns Durum wheat, Ornde No. 1.
2. 3 nnd no grade, nccordlitg to n vote
to m lie the change tnken toduj at n
mooting of the Commercial Uichangc.
The present retirements of .Mncaionl
wheat will upply lo tho Durum wheat.
A tentative draft of a uniform system
of accounts for pipe lino (.oinpnnles was
lotlity submitted to the Interstate Com
mon Cmninlsalon liy Chief nxnmlt.or of
Account.i t'red V. yuconc, of the Inler
stato Commerce Commission. Itnllronds
nnd pipe line companies arc asked to
submit criticisms and suggestions before
tho sjstem Is dually adopted.
In a complaint llled with the Inter
state Commerce Commission lodny the
Tampa Hoard of Trade, of Tntnpn, lln ,
requested the commission to compel the
Alabama nnd Vlclisliurg nnd 27 other rnll
roads and steamship companies to Issue
thtnugh bills or lading on all shipments
reaching Tampa via Mobile nnd tho Million-
Steamship Company.
Hearings will he held bv the- Inter
state! Commerce Commission poslbly nt
Cincinnati the latter part eif this mouth
on the ptoposed ineti-nses In rates on
railroads oneratlug from various southern
points to Ohio ItUer crossings. A com
plete. Investigation of tho Individual and
Joint rnte fabric on 22 mllroads will be
Cancelations of Joint rates lc and fiom
points on the Chicago. West Pullman nnd
Hnuthcrti Itullroad and other small lines
In ofllclnl elasslllcntion territory were to
day further suspended bv the Interstate
Commerce, Commission until May 12.
The ulllu1ran.il of tariff ptovlslons by
the Atchison, Topokn and Santa I'e, Illi
nois Central, .Missouri Pacific, I'nlon Pa
cific and three other railroads, permitting
stopping In transit of livestock shipments
nt points In Kansas. Missouri, Texas and
Nebraska, wero further suspended by the
Interstate Commerce Commission
Plre Destroys Barn; Loss $0000
WKST CIir.STKIt. Pa., Nov. 2 A large
barn on the AMIllnm V. Parker faun,
near Pnrkersvllle, now owned by It. K.
Parsons, fotmerly of Philadelphia, was
destioveel bv tire of mysterious origin
yesteiilay, with nil the contents. Including
a large amount of hay, straw, grain nnd
fanning Implements. The loss l esti
mated at $GW0 on building nnel J3000 on
contents, partly cox creel by Insuinnce.
11.1 Chestnut t.. onii branches: prlx ate anil
clans Instruction J-illy; Fox Trot, .u u PaUo,
Oneslep. To Tno, Hesitation, Itoull Iloull.
Tfss mTrgueritec. walz'
Studio of Modern Dances
Urs Ellrabsth W. Heil, Chaperont,
Spruce 3231.
" Tilt: SlOOllItN PANCKa
Prlxate Lessons t clussti 'PatiKht Anynnirs.
studio. 17.. Manhelm St. I'll . Un. tStSU.
phone the Ledger or
t-'ah lenerves Inerensetl tl.400.000 In
week lonns and eleposlts fell off
The ntntement of contlltion of the mem
bets of the Phllntlelphln t'lenrlng Itouge
.Association for the xxeek eutllng toilny
shoivetl nn Increase In cash rcserxes of
Jl.4C0.00i over last xxoek, xvhlle Iooiik fell
off 42,08,o, Indlvidiitit depoMIs declined
$l,2S3,Cfli mid deposits of honks xt?re $S,
f;,(i00 smaller.
t-'lguies for this xx'cek, with comparisons
Willi last xxeek, nnd the romp week Inst
jear ate given In the roliotvlng tnblo:
Nni. 8. -II on v. wh N .".. '1 1
tjuin S"n7.:imriiii It!? tvis. enst tv urn ii-o
lien'ts iimli. .ari.tiB.tKit) t ."n.coi ik. -ooro
OlrriilAtlnn . Irt.lTsofm ltw.mi llffiifl.no
fine tr. bu. ftu,s.V!Ciu a.?TS.tHT) Moltonn
tlep. nf M.. l?l otT.nrx) ,l.tn nl ni.ina.roo
Kx. rifar. it iniir.nit) t.ii.i nit;.ro
Iteiefxe .. . in,:i.Mi l.lwi.Ooo
11ex. reo. .
ii trotrt)
Sur)h .
Itinolus N'ovrmhef n 11111. wan Sl.emi.t.M.
nitnli'f .'I. llilti, ;.l!ig,.V: N'oetnl)er t. foil,
$3,.m tXKi.
Cotton Exelmnges Opon Nov. 10
WASHINGTON. Xov. 3.-SimtlltnnoilH.
I.x tilth Hie oiienlnq or the U new t'eil
crnl reaene bntika on Novenibcr Ifl, 1ln
lotion cMhatiRea of New York nnd I.liei-
..A..I ...111 m... .,,... Mb l.l.nlu... n.l ..
1I..M i.i i.-.jij.-ii i.ii iu..Miii-n. iiiiie HV
nptceil to by liniikpt eonferrltiB Willi the
It. n 1'tfitl.iMil ltnenrVM Itn.ir.l til.. f3nM..n
,... . ...... ... -v. - .......a... .hi mi'uimi'
llnl!. ...l.n la ......... .1.- .,..,.,..
. n.i... v. uu i"" i vm u."..-iii iiim I in liruisil
Tivhjhiix- nt the conference-, saltl Hint
... ..I.. i. ..I,, .,. . .
11" ll'lllll "1H'UU .Mill IllltllOl l ns in em
Opening date of the. Liverpool oxrliiume.
Store Opens 8.80 A. M.
The Grand Organ Plays Tomorrow at 9, 11 and 5:15
Certain! Special Things
in the Fashion
Salons for Philadelphia Women
who requires aim aSI-lblack suit- a simpJe Mack chioa
silk mraoirolimg" dress, or a rich Mack afternoon, or eveeiog1
gfowo, cam be sure off being fitted promptly and well, and
,at almost any price she wishes to pay, beginning at $15
for a suit. And each garment will be correct in every
If she wishes to choose such garments at home, we
will gladly send a representative to her with a selection
of whatever she desires.
NOON AND EVENING are another matter in which we
specialise. We not only have certain good staple styles
thai, can be adjusted as the wearer wishes, but we make
a point of adapting gowns of the newest fashion.
we will make to order the latest Prince Albert riding
coats, rubber lined, for $40 materials to be chosen from
our samples. These coats are the equal, we believe, of
anything now being made in the city for $60.
Other models in this Salon are the new breeches
jvith reinforced seats and cuffs; the long straight
checked coats liked by some equestriennes, the riding
coats with amber suede cloth vests,
skirts, and a new
English tweed suits for country tramps and gplf are
another important item we can supply. Jl hMe- are
priced $25 upwards.
P. S. The
writer was called to see a perfect fairyland of new
clothes lust being taken from their boxes. More than
half a thousand new suits of every conceivable kind
that's good were being priced at $! to $95 j and over
three hundred gowns for morning, afternoon and eve
ning exquisite in conception and in every last detail,
These will be $25 to $175.
Both lots will be ready for inspection At 8.30 A. M.
tomorrow morning.
(Pint Fleer, CutrkJ
piefslliwis snejmlfffrt lo "Itdgtr Cetf
tmt," tllnalttl In il.r Reel rtstale Trust
finlWIitD, ot Hroetel onet Chratavl lrel
irfM he eiitltrereel (it tM column.
Q. ran yon Inform me who ths tnanufitr
lnrer are nf tlie 'Aix, i!ie Ihremllna an.l
ciilllhe inaelilni? C !;,
A The llertltl Mnnufacturlns Conf
patiy. Toledo, O.
Q. I have a rnpv nf n letter fjnn"' '
Al-aliani Unrein il.iteil -The Kurclitlx Man.
slnn," .May 4. 1.M1I. will jeni be le Inil eiiniieli
1 1 let me know nhn the ttnttif ft . "lj.re
llxrt utlie Mansleiif na etiiniteil to The
White llottw" mill l.y wlint rttitlioflty?
A. All nutlmrlly on the "White' House"
nntl Us history tells us Hint the 'Hxeeil
live Mnnston1' hnS nlwnys been known by
both nnmea since Its erection, tt reenis
that when the plans for tho "Executive
Mansion" were completed by nn nruhlteel
niitnoil Hohnti, the rpecMrntloin enlletl for
Virginia snmlstone In the conatrtietloti.
'I j Kitntil nealnst Hie effects of the
xvpiithev nntl kimivliiR that In time the
sandstone Mould become illnov nnd
smoky In npponr.inre, Mr. Hoban nIo
qperllleil n finish for the "Mnnslon" "f
xvhlto point. tlwitiR to tills feict. the
ntitne White Housf" wns npiilled ns 11
nle'Limtne. e-x-en before tho construction
of the "Kxeeutlve Jlnftslon" was com
pleted. ei. XXV weml I like In lellilrt ll.iw ui.itl strlrt'e
style of cutaway coat
above was no sooner
cltir. ane! If pemslbie, ht their naniss re?
A T.'iete Is only one strictly French
paper In 'cw York city, the Courrler del
Ktnls I'nls, which Is published In the
lorm of a dally morning, Sunday and
Saturday edition.
1 Klmlly tll me the dale of the birth ef
the Csar nf Utissla ? a. It. 8.
A. (.!ay IS, 1&8.
t). Apprnxlmsiely, lion' many otillillnr and
lemn nnmelntlims are there In the United
states, ami wliieh Stale lias the larcest num
btr by Itself' T. M. T.
A, liy the statistics of locnl bullillnir
nnd loan associations, nn reported at the
Inst nnnual mcetlnc of the United States
t.vttituc of Local Bulldlnif nnd Loan Asao
clatlotie. the flRurcs for 19l2l9l.t show a
lotnl of 627.1 associations ; of this number,
I'etinsylvnnla lends nil other States with
Q, Is It pnssll.le fnr ln tn ship hmiehnM
furniture thrnucli illrect to ltlierten. JC. .!.,
frnm XX'rst rhllni1elililn hy express, ami If o,
iiliat Are Hie celmrlHnls lo tills city to ixhoin I
shnuld ko tn nlite lit arranctr.ents7
A. Yey. You may use nny of the fol
lowing: O'Neill's, 123 Market street,
Pikes SIO Market street; Wntson'., 55,
Smith Front street.
0 XX hit Is Hie infnnlnc nf th wnrJ
"shoiM-"? 1.. K. M.
A. The inline alven lo a kind of cloth
ti'nlttl.x composed of xvnolen or worsted
ttiBS, torn up nnd refnbrlcnled by power
fill tna-hiner.x. It una tlr-t mode nt Hnt
lev, In Voi-lt'hlre, nbout 1813, nnd In later
limns lins become n xery Important Indus
lr.. c.iiiiliixlnij tlinus.inds of people nt
Untli'v nnd the nelshborltiR town nf Dews
Store Clones 5.30 P. M.
and side saddl
in checks.
than the
I'rrneh nttvtrt there
i.iwiii iiiiriiiijitr-i's-iimisiii mi w.
v .i'a
trm. i
1 jiais.
o 41
- .m
.tf. . n
y?v: fe--s2r:s: