SOCIAL LIFE PHILADELPHIA MISS iiuaii.ui-y uuumi iiofl lonuuu invi tations for a theatre party, to be fol . MMNlt Tti f1 IM t.-.. I...... I...t lowed oy a supper aim uuiiuuik, i iiikiiw ui December 6, In honor of Mies Iluth Coxe, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe. Jlr. and Mrs. J. R. Evans Roberts have also lent out Invitations for a theatre party, to be followed by suppor and dancing at the nlts-Carlton the night of December 16, In honor of Miss Inez Drayton. Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Paddock. Klapp, of 1718 Bpruce street, have sent out Invitations for a theatre party, to bo followed by supper at the Hitz-Carlton on Tuesday evonlng, December 15, In honor of Miss Mary 8. Wurts, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts. Dr. and MrB. Benjamin C. Clio will give a bal mosque nt their residence In Bryn Mawr this evening. There will bo about GO guests, Including Mr. and Mrs. John W. Powers, Mr. nd Mrs. Philip Fenn-Gaskcll Hall, Mr. and Mrs. John Tenbrook Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Shetzllne, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nowcomb, Mr. nd Mrs. John B. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gage, Mr. and Mrs. John E. McDevltt, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dowhurst, Miss Kathryn Kimball, MIbs Mary Pletchor, Miss Elsie Lawrence, Miss Constance Gill, Miss Sara W. Stewart, Miss Margaret Moylo, Miss Helen C. Fulton, Miss Anne Pohllg. Miss Cnrlotta Brodhcad, Miss Katharlno Hart, Peter Penn-Gnskcll Hall, FranclB C, Miller, Melvln Snyder, Jnck Blank, George A. Mellon, John P. Scott, Bill Pohllg, Tlorson Miller, Henry Brodhead, Carlos D. Gilo. A dinner will be given at the Pennsylvania Hospital on Monday night by the doctors of the staff In honor of Dr. Ralph Bromer, who has Just returned from the American Hos pital In Paris, and Dr. Richard Dale Hopkln on, whose marriage to Miss Florence Adclo Savage will take place on Wednesday. Doctor Bromer had a most Interesting time In Paris, where ho was nrrcsted by the Gov ernment suspected as a German spy. Ho will leave for Boston next week, where he will be located for somo time. Mr. ftnd Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer will entertain at dinner tonight In honor of Jlr. and Mrs. Beach. Mr. and Sirs. Charlton Tarnall, of 17th and Locust streets, will entertain a children's party this afternoon. Mrs. J. Morgan Harding will entertain at a theatre party tonight, to be followed by a supper at the Bellovue-Stratford, In honor of her sister. Miss, Dorothea Oberteuffer. Mrs. J. Madison Riley, of 1830 De Lancey place, ha Issued cards for two at homes, Wed nesday, November 11, and Wednesday, Novem ber IS. Mrs. Riley bofore her marriage, which took place In the summer, was Miss Florence Robinson. Arrangements are being rapidly completed for the musical extravaganra. which will be given by the managers of the Northern Home for Friendless Children In the ballroom of the Bellovue-Stratford on the nights of December 8 and 9, and rehearsals have been going for ward merrlty all the week. A "try-out" for the cast took place on Tuesday evening and prao tlcally the entire cast has been decided upon. The words and music of the farce, which Is entitled "The Countess of Tubs," has been written for the occasion by Charles Leon Downing, and some wonderfully attractive solo dances and specialty work arranged. Miss Mario Starr, whose work In the "Prince of Albania" last year won such favorable com ments, will again do a specialty dance, as will Miss Mirlim Blsler. Twenty-four children of the Home will have a dance, clad In "nighties" and pnjamas, their tiny bare feet keeping per fect time to the music. Lovers of the caberet will also have a scene especially to their Hieing-, with a vory realistic setting. The music Is catchy, and a tender vein of lenttmcnt runs like a thread of gold through the humorous situations In which the "Coun tess" nnd her expressman husband find them selves. A large room on the third floor of 1615 Wal nut street has been loaned to the manage ment for the rohearsals. and as a proof of the enthusiasm which pervades the performance, boys from the Home tnka turns In keeping the room scrubbed and dusted, while their mall "listers are planning to do their share of the work by folding circulars nnd letters. ALONG THE MAIN LINE oVFlMinooK Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Book myer will give a bal masque followed by a buffet supper, tonight, at Ro-Arden, their at tractive home. City avenue and Raynham road. The guests will number about 100. The large ballroom, converted Into a barn for the occasion, will be beautifully decorated trtth autumn leaves, yellow chrysanthemum and pumpkin lanterns which will throw an artistic light over the dancers In their many varied and picturesque costumes. In the dining room a lare pumpkin, filled with yellow chrysanthemums and variegated autumn leaves, will form the table centrepiece, while the glow from pumpkin-faced lanterns, smaller than those decorating the ballroom, will throw the same pretty light over this room. The favors will be appropriate) of Hal low en. Mrs. John D. Baits, of Overbrook, will give a luncheon to a few friends on Tuesday at Hamilton Court The spirit of Halloween will reign over the Overbrook Clubhouse tonight, when the Oc tober Saturday night dance will bo changed Into an old-fashioned Halloween dance. Under the glow of pumpkin-faced lanterns, and In rooms decorated with autumn leaves and great comstilks, dancers dressed as ghosts, witches, goblmi, and In other weird and picturesque costumes, will come out and dance with their fellow mortals who will have donned but the conventional evening attire. The dance, which Is a subscription one, will be followed by a subscription dinner. Among those who have reserved tables for tonight are Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Passavant, who will give a dinner of eight covers; Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis Vetterleln, who will entertain 'x guests; Miss Frances W. Perry will have several guests, while Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Wolfe nd A. W. Vlck will give dinners of eight covers. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Balding will close their nm on City avenue, November 5. and will go to New York, where they will sail November 1. en the BoltsJre for South America, where fll spend the next four months tn.Yeluyr EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, RATTmDAY. OOTOBEB Zl. 1018 IN AND ABOUT through the principal States and cities, return ing to Overbrook In March. MEIUON-MIss Isabelle G. Carter and Miss Ella S. Carter, of 415 South 40th street, will give a Halloween costume dance tonight In honor of their brother nnd sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic P. Carter, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Carter, on Bcncon lane. The house will bo prettily and appropriately decorated with autumn leaves nnd tho pumpkin-faced lanterns so long Associated with Halloween. The table decorations will bo similar to those In the drawing room and hall. About 20 guests In various costumes are expected to help cele brate the night of the goblins, and among them will be! Mr. nnd Mrs. R. G. Gnmble, of Palmyra, N. J.j Mr. and Mrs. Hlllman, the Misses Dovo, Miss Helen McHenry, Miss Eliza beth Jones, Miss Elltnbeth Roehm, Miss Kath arlno Taylor, Julian Blddlo Cnrtor, Charlston Llnslcy, James Ashbrook, Harold Fellows, T. Luedcrs, Mr. Whlto and Mr. Meadowcroft. Mr. and Mrn.-J. Wldcman Leo hnve Issued In vitations for a dinner to be given November 25. Mrs. James K". Davis and her daughter, Miss Agnes Davis, hnvo returned from a three weeks' visit to Atlantic City. NArtnEuTn Mr. and Mrs. John B. Morgan will give an Informal dance tonight at their home on Chestnut nvenuo. Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. Mulholland, of E3 x and Chestnut avenues, have returned from New York, whero they wont to attend the wed ding of Miss Margaret Scott Claff nnd Harold Hcgoman, which took place Wednesday night at the Apthrop Hotel, 70th and Broadway. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. William T. Gummey of 329 Pel ham rond, Germantown, nnnounce tho engage ment of their daughter, Gcrtrudo, to Mr. J. Ramsoy Vnn Rodon, of Overbrook, Pa. Miss Elizabeth Smith, of East Pcnn street, will glvo a Halloween party tonight in honor of Miss Martha Shoemaker, who will mako her debut later In the fall. The guests will Includo Miss Dorothy Dlnsmoro, Miss Margaret Lukons, Miss Edith Dallas, Miss Ruth Morse, Miss Grace Hnrpor, Miss Mary Marls, Miss Margaret Hall, LIndsey Satterflold, Esther Rhodes, Fran ces Brown, Edward Lukens, Robert Haines, Oliver Tathura, William Hall, Norman Morse and Stnnley Herrlck, of Princeton. At tho marriage of Miss Margarotta Mndoletne Quln and J. Evltts Coulbourne, on Wednesday, November 4, the ceremony will be performed by tho Rt Rov. Bishop McCort, nt tho Church of St. Vincent de Paul, and will bo followed by a reception at the homo of the brldo, 261 West Walnut lane. Miss Katherlne McIC Quln will act as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will bo Miss Mary Gralg and Miss Madeleine Delahunty. Miss RoBomnry Dolahunty will be flower girl. Mr. Coulbourne will have Edward C. Quln as best man, nnd tho ushers will bo Georgo Snyder, John Cunningham, Dr. A. C Albrecht and Harold Marston, of England. Miss Elaine English, of West Bchoolhouse lane, will have as her guest over the week-end Miss Lillian Bomey, of Washington. Miss English and her guest will attend the dance to be given at the Huntington Valley Club tonight Arnold Jennings will return to his home, 6012 Greeno street from Hill School, Pottstown, to spend tho week end with his parents. Mrs. E. Eldridge Pennock, of 6722 Greene street, will entertain informally at a Hal loween party Saturday night The house will bo banked with autumn leaves and fall flowers, while tho sun parlor will be converted tnto a cornfield. Informal dancing will be a feature of the evening's entertainment. Miss Eleanor T. Town will be Mrs. Pennock's guest over the week end, William R. Tucker has returned from Wash ington where he went on a business trip. Mrs. William W. Smyth spent several days last week at the Lincoln entertaining her guest, Mrs. T. White, of Baltimore. Mrs. Smyth left yesterday for Pittsburgh, where she will visit friends for severat weeks. Mrs. Edward S. Jackson, of 331 West John son street, left yesterday for Atlantic City, to be gone several days. ALONG TIIE READING Mrs. Dudley A. Levlck, of Township Line road, Jenklntown, entertained at a small luncheon on Wednesday when her guests In cluded Mrs. Howard R. Levlck, Mrs. A. Sid ney Rambo and Mrs. William Harley Mulford. Miss Helen Radley, of S Sharpless avenue, Oak Lane, entertained at a bridge party on Wednesday afternoon at her home. There were CO guests present Mr. and Mrs. Gardner M. Cobb, whose wed ding took place October 20. returned to New town yesterday, and will be at homo to thetr friends after November 1. Mrs. Cobb was Miss Mary Wettllng. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jarden, Jr., have returnod to their home, 4327 Old Tork road, end will be at home to their friends after November 1. Mrs. Jarden will be remembered as Miss Nellie McLaughlin. WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. and Mrs, W. Clyde Decker, who are oc cupying tholr new home, K38 Catharine street will give a phantom party tonight. Dr. P. Samuel Stout will entertain at his home, 4701 Chester avenue, tonight The guests will be masked. The wedding of Miss Lillian Boris, daughter of Mrs. J. L. Boris, of 4S24 Cedar avenue, to George Allan Blgman will take placo Wednes day at 6:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother. Miss Boris will be attended by her stater, Mrs. Florence B. Potts, as matron of honor, and will have her little niece, Miss Lillian Potts, as flower lrl. James Blgman. a brother of the bridegroom, will act as best man, and the ceremony wilt be performed by the Rev. Dr. J. Beveridge Leo, pastor of the St. Paul Presbyterian Church, Nth street and Baltimore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hyland, of 5100 Larch wood avenue, will entertain at their homo to night. The gut-sts will appear In costume and the house will be decorated with pumpkins, autumn leaves and twinkling electric lights. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Lieutenant W. F. Cochrane, U. S. N., and Mrs. Cochrane. Lieutenant Charles T. Black burn. U. S. N.. and Mrs. Blackburn, will en tertain this evening at the home of Lieutenant Cochrane. 1319 South 21st street, the Glrard Estate, in honor of Lieutenant Scheibla, U. a N.. and. Mr. ficfaelbu, of Hrmatown, and '. MISS HANSELL FRENCH EARLE Miss Earle, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George II. Earle Jr., of Bryn Mawr, will be Ruest of honor nt a dinner which will be given next "Wednesday, by her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Dilworth Bcggs, before the dance which Frederick L, Baily will give for his daughter, Miss Edith II. Baily. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stanbach, of this city. Tho affair will bo a costume danco, and will bo followed by a buffet suppor. Yellow chrysan themums, brilliantly tinted autumn leaves and cornstalks will bo used for decoration, and black cats, grotesque Jack-o'-lanterns, grue some ghosts, grinning pumpkins, etc., will help to transport tho guests to the land of elves nnd witches. Tho guests will bo Captain Reynold Hall, U. S. N., and Mrs. Hall. Captain Byron Blcrer, U. S. N.. nnd Mrs. Blcrer, Captain A. S. Wil liams, U. S. M. C and Mrs Williams, Lieu tenant H E. Wclte, U. S. N., and Mrs. Welte, Paymaster Manning H. Phllbrick, N. S. N.. and Mrs. Phllbrick, Lieutenant Becker, U. S. N., and Mrs. Becker, Lieutenant Philip Seymour, U. S. N.. and Mrs. Seymour, Paymaster Waln wrlght U. S. N., and Mrs. Walnwrlght Lieu tenant Commander A. T. Graham, U. S. N.. nnd Mrs. Graham, Surgeon G. E. Robertson, U. S. N., and Mrs. Robertson, Dr. A. Herbert Allen, V. B. N., and Mrs. Allen. Naval Constructor Allan J. Chantry, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Chantry, Doctor McAIpln, TJ. S. N.. and Mrs. McAlpln, Doctor Dodge, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Dodge, Lieu tenant Charles A. Lutz. U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Lutz. Naval Constructor A. B. Court, 17. S. N., and Mrs. Court Captain William Bell, V. S. N and Mrs. Bell, Lieutenant Commander G. B, Landenberger, U. S. N and Mrs. Lnnden berger, Lieutenant Bruce Ware, 17. S. N and Mrs. Ware, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Dr. and Mrs. Mulford, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clinton Williams, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fenner, Mrs. Scott. Miss Olma Custer, Miss Anno Harris. Miss Marguerite Gray, Miss Jesse Wllletts, Mrs. Towers and Messrs. Torrey, Wllmer, Pugh Meade, Hellmen, English, Flemtng and Pleas anton. TIOGA Mrs. Lillian Park Harkness, of 3627 North ISth street will give an old-fashioned masquerade party tonight at her home. Halloween games will be played and fortunes told. The decora tions and favors will be appropriate to the ove of witchery. The guests will be Dr. and MrB. Charles Edward Hollowell, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carey, Mrs. Caroline Taylor, Mrs. Will iam Crispin Clarke, Mrs. Esther Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. George Behrlng. Mr. and Mrs. Ell wood Hackett, Miss Dorothy Hackett and Byron A Rath. Mrs. Charles Thompson, of 6313 North War nook street gave an' informal tea on Tuesday afternoon, when her guests were Miss Florence Irey, Miss Ida Drlpps, Mrs. W. Crofton, Mrs. J. H. Chadwick, Mrs, Louis BIggard, Mrs. John O. Taxis, Mrs. Raynor Bowman, Mrs. Wesley Flanagan, Mrs. Morton Illman, Mrs. Harvey Cressman, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Paul Volght Mrs. J. Neufeld. Mrs. Victor Beck, of 32SS North Broad street was hostess to the members 'of her "500" club en Tuesday afternoon, at a luncheon and card party. Her guests Included Mrs. Raymond Brooks, Mrs. Ellwood A. Steelman, Miss Mary Weldon, Mrs. Zane Hoffman, Miss Edna Mc Fadden, Miss Jennie Querns, Mrs. William Voorhees, Miss Edna McFadden, Mrs. Carl Schaeffer and Miss Kathryn Querns. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carroll and Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles O'Brien, of SS51 North Broad street will entertain this evening. The affair ii a costume supper and the dansant; autumn leaves and yellow chrysanthemums will be used for decorations, and black cats, gTOteaque pumpkin heads, grinning ghosts, etc., will help to take the guests to the land of the witches. Their guests will be Miss Frances Rodgers, of Secane, Pa.; Miss Frances Woods, of Wash ington, D. C; Miss Dorothy Wlerllng, of Pittsburgh; Miss Helen Chllds, Miss Helen Toole, Miss Marie O'Donnell, Miss Henrietta Rellly, Miss Catherine Murphy, Miss Clara Hellmtch, Mrs. A. Grady, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Yates, John Farrell, of New York; Albert Crown, of Blnghamton, Frederick Wallace, of Churchill. Md.; George Blades, of North Caro lina; James Ryan, Jack Hunter, Merry Mc GIU, William Burns, Philip Hellmlch. Thomas Greeley, Alfred Sweeney. John Collins, Louis Carroll and Frank Wolfe. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mrs. Caroline Hackett of 413 Linden street, entertained at dinner last evening, afterward taking her guests to hear Mrs. Llpplncott In recital at the Y. M. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Collins, of Haddonfleld, have been in Atlantic City for a sojourn. The Colllngswood Country Club members are giving a series of "C00" parties on Wednesday vinlogt. A WEDDING OF SOCIAL IMPORTANCE Miss Marion 13. Fowle to Become Bride of R. Sturgis lngersoll at Bradford Hills Today. Tho marriage of Miss Marlon B. Fowle, daughter of Mrs. Georgo D. Fowlo, to Robert Sturgis lngersoll took placo nt 1 o'clock this afternoon In the quaint old church at Bradford Hills. iMss Fowle, who was given in marriago by her brother, Georgo D. Fowle, was gowned In whlto satin nnd lace. Her court train was embroidered In silver, and she carried orchids and lilies. The bridesmaids were Miss Susan B. lngersoll, Miss Ceclle Fltler Howell, MIbs Mar garet Yorko Bannard, Miss Anna Warren ln gersoll, MlS3 Edith L. Smith, Miss Christine Rowley Baker, Miss Story Crozer Page, Miss Gretchen Clay, Miss Kntherlno Herman Kre mer, Miss Charlotte M. Bain, Silas Mary M. Mitchell and Miss Mary D, Sharpless. Harry lngersoll, a brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. and tho ushers wero Francis Boyer, John H. Potter, Jared lnger soll. Edward Law, Henry A. Carter, Walter Htighson, William B. Connett, Henry Loughlln, Wendell Kuhn and Eric Kllner. A wedding breakfast at "Tho Coop," the summer home of the bride's mother, followed the ceremony. YEAGEH SSIIDHEISER. A quiet wedding took place In tho Chambers Wylle Memorial Church, Broad street below Spruce, at noon today, when Miss Elizabeth H. Smldhelser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. God frey Smldhclser, of 2410 North 27th street, was given In marriage to Joshua R. Yeager, 1S00 West Ontario street. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Achilles Loder. The bride. who was unattended, wore a traveling suit of taupe panned velvet with a velvet turban to match. Immediately after the service Mr. and Mrs. Yeager left on an ex'.-ended Journey. Upon their return they will live at 1600 West Ontario street, where they will receive after January 1. CHARITY BALL Again a Fancy Dress Affair, in All Probability Takes Place December 10. Plans are actively under way for the 35th annual Charity Ball, to be held December 10 In the Academy of Music. Committees havo been appointed, and, although not finally de cided. It Is probable that tho nffalr will again be a fancy costume ball. Elaborate special features are also being talked of, but not yet determined upon. There have been several changes In the committee of management of the ball. Wil liam Baker Whelen and George Emlen Stnrr are new members of the committee, and Robert E. Hastings and C. Emory McMlchael have resigned. The death of Charles C. Townsend created another vacancy on the committee. J. Franklin McFadden has been elected chair man of the board of directors In place of J. Somers Smith, Jr., who resigned from that office. The committee now Includes Leonard T. Beale. J. Somers Smith, Jr., J. Parker Norrls, Jr.. Dr. Hobart A. Hare, Dr. John Frazer, William J. Clothier. C. C. Harrison. Jr., Ed ward C. Dale. J. Franklin McFadden, Richard Peters, Dr. William Pepper, Marshall S. Mor gnn, Arthur E. Newbold, Jr., J. Hartley Mer rick. Samuel F. Houston. Dr. Edward P. Davis, II. Laussat GeyeHn. John F. Lewis, Albert P. Gerhard, John H. Packard. 3d. Edward lnger soll, William B. Whelen and George E. Stirr. CHESTER AND VICINITY Mrs. William M. Bowen, of MadUon street, Is entertaining Mrs. George C. Hill and daugh ter, Allco. of Salisbury. Md. Miss Mary Murray und Miss Frances Murray havo returned to their home here after spend ing several days as the gusu of Miss Ger trude Buckley, of Fennel! stret. Mrs. Jennie Erb, of Boston, Is the guest of Mrs. George D. Ilewes. of Highland avenue. Philip Schwartz, of Fulton street, is enter taining his father, Abraham Schwartz, of Vienna, Austria-Hungary. Miss Mildred VolUhardt has returned to her homo on Upland street, after spending several days with relatives at Port Deposit. Md. Arthur Dolan and George Oxenford have gone to Merlden. Conn., where they will be the guests of friends for two weeks. SOCIETY CELEBRATES ALL HALLOW'S EVE Dcbutantea, Married Set, Young and Old, Will Masquerade in Weird Cos tumes Tonight Opportunities for fun-making on All Hal lows' .Eve are unlimited, and the occasion in-variably-brlngs forth many novel and Inter esting entertainments. The indefatigable and charming hosts, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clothier, will give a Bupper tonight at Valley Hill farm, their estate near Phoenlxvllle, following the Picker ing Hunt Club races, when the Maln Line hunt ing sot will turn out In full forco. Probably tho largest affair of its kind will bo tho supper-dance, to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Eugene Smith for their daughters, MIbs Mary C. Smith and Miss Edith T. Smith, at "The Button" In Falrmount Park. Mr. and Mrs, Smith havo given a dance on Halloween for several years past nnd the youngor set in cluding debutantes of this and previous years, look forward eagerly to the night. Among tho guests will be Miss Katherlne M. Kremer, Miss Edwlna Elklns Bruner, Miss Alva Sergeant 'Miss Phoebo W. Adams, Miss Ellen J. Sellers, Miss .Marguerite T, Patterson, Miss Mildred Lee, Miss Jane Harding, Miss Anne II. Spencer, Miss Christine Bpencer. William Piatt Pepper, Roland M. Hunter, Ludwlg C. Lewis, M. Stevenson Easby, Edwin M. Lewis, G. R. Sergeant, Walter W. L. Fotterall, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Jr., Armltt Brown, William O. Rowland, Caryl Wilcox, George Harding, Rich ard C. McCall, Lieutenant A. Elllcott Brown, tT S. A. Judge and Mrs. J. Willis Martin will give a country supper tonight at their Chestnut Hill home for Miss Margaret Burton, the debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Burton. Tho guests will don farmers' attire. Dr. and Mm. L. Foster Jack, who will Intro duce their daughter, Miss Mildred Mnrston Jack, nt a tea this afternoon, -will afterwards take the receiving party with a few additional guests out to the Merlon Cricket Club for the dance to be Blven there. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lleber, of Bryn Mawr, will give a country dance at farm near Nowtown Square. Most of the country clubs will also their give dances for tho members and their guests. For the costume dlnner-danco, which will be held at tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club, a number of tnble3 have been reserved. A number of dinners will precede the dance, to be given by the Delaware River Club at Torresdale, and at the Old York Road Country Club; also a masked danco will be given, under the direction of Miss Hannah Comly, Miss Emma Comly and George A. SUfer. Falling as It docs on Saturday night Ilnl loween will be a most propitious time for en tertnlnlng nmong the youngor school set and It Is difficult to find a boy or girl who has not been bidden to at least one party. Dr. and Mrs. Norton Downs will entertain for their children at their country place at Three Tuns, Mrs. Robert E. Glendlnnlng will give a party for her young daughter. Miss Mary Glendlnnlng, at The Squirrels, her home In Chestnut Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Janney, Jr., of Chestnut Hill, will also enter tain for their daughters. Miss Alice Janney and Miss Meta Janney, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Grove, of Germantown, will give nn affair for their grandchildren. Miss Helen Grove and Billy Grove. Another small hostess will be Miss Alma Wanamakor, daughter of Mrs Will lam H. Wanamaker, Jr., of Merlon, whose guests will appear in fancy costume. A children's party will also be given by Mrs. Edward Norrls, of Chestnut Hill, for her small daughter. Miss Emma Blddlo Norris. The guest a will Include Miss Dorothy Logan, MIbs Elizabeth Logan, Miss Margaretta Dixon, Miss Dorothy Fagan, Miss Adele Fagan, Miss Dorothy Cramp, Miss Lillian Ferguson, Joseph Walnwrlght, Frank Norrls, Henry Pratt, Henry Norrls and William Norrls. ROXBOROUGH Mr. and Mrs. William J. Butler, of 225 Foun tain street, were the hosts at a delightful mas querade dance at their home, last night (Fri day). Autumn flowers and foliage were mingled with ghostly pumpkin lanterns In the decorations. Fortunes were told In a witches' cavern, and mystical ceremonies created much amusement for the guests, who Included Miss Martha Gill, Miss Anna Hess, Miss Sue John son, Miss Clara FInnegan, Miss Ella Finne gan. Miss Emme Haas, Miss Bella Snow, Miss Vera Westcott Miss Reglna McGarrlgle. Miss Dorothy McGarrlgalo, Miss Dorothy Graham, Miss Martha McConaghy, Miss Marie Love, Miss Emily Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Hirst, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Goettman, Harry Ester heldt. William Hamilton. James McEmry, Will iam Halley, James demons, W. Clemmons, Elmer Hess and A. Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hsnnlger will give a Halloween dance tonight at their summer home on East Port Royal avenue, which will bo beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and chrysanthemums of the red and golden autumn tints". The guests will wear fancy costumes and will be masked. They Include Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Malnwarlng Mr. Rnd Mrs. James Hlndle, Miss Inez Cartledge, Miss Jessie Bonsai, Miss Marian Stout, Miss Iva Dugan. Miss Ruth Leas Miss Rosa Smith, Mlis Anna Dugan, Alfred Hennlger. Stanley Bussinger, William Bovard, Clinton Wunderlleh. Conrad Waldle, Rowland Dowees and Calvin Haln. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones will give a Halloween dance tonight at their home. S23 Fountain btreet. The decorations and favors will be In koeplng with the night, as will be, nlso, the costumes of the masked guests. Among those who will participate are Miss Carrie Dittmar, Miss Gertrude Bottoms, Miss Edith Burns, Miss Margaret Berger, Miss Emma Roswell, Miss Eleanor Dealy, Miss Annie English, Miss Kathryn Ellwelt, Miss Marian Bertolot, Miss Elizabeth Ferris, Miss Emily Duerr. Miss Helen Hlgglns. Miss Marie Sheppe, Raymond Brillbeck, Addison Erdman, W. von Thurn, George Arnold. Maltland Bot toms, W. Koch, Carl Albrecht and Howard Stuckcrt. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Cards have been sent out by The Strollers, announcing their dances for the season 1914 1915, a series of four tangos, which will be held In the grand ball room of the Rlttenhouse Hotel, 22d and Chestnut streets, on the fol lowing evenings: Fall dance Wednesday, November It Winter dance Wednesday. December S. New Year dance Wednesday, January 8. February dance Wednesday, February 10. The Strollors' dances are becoming mors popu lar each season, and this year promises to be one of the most successful. Tho committee in charge of the dances Include Harry B. Ladner. chairman; Elmer Ron an, secretary; David R. Myers, treasurer, and Leo Balzerelt, Jr., William C Fox, Jr., Jacob Grauer, P. Will iam Huster, Albert II. Ladner, Jr.. Philip Q. Lewis. Frederick W. Lota. Alfred Martin. George L. L. McGlnley. William M. Moser, A G. Mets, William A. Behmld. Harry E. 8choen but Otto F, gchonhut, Louia Wlatsr, Jr, . I , f PASSED BY THE CENSOR LrEUTENANT OF DBTHCTlVllJS TATH t firmly convinced that Tonw la narur') most marvelous invention. "Not bo long ajffi," he explained, "it man beat his wife into unconsciousness, whlla drunk. The neighbors called In tho pollca and he was arrested and the woman taken to tha hospital. I went to her bedside- when wa received word that she had regained con sciousness, for we feared that aha would die from the terrible Injuries. " 'Why did he beat you like that?' I asked. M Shure,' sho replied, 'ain't ho me husband?' "And It was useless to argue further, She recovered to receive further beatings, t pr.o sume, but she never appealed for police pro tectlon." VON MOLTKE, not tho chief of staff of tho present German army, but his greater uncle, was taciturn It was sold that he could remain silent in every languago ever Invented, and German. It was disconcerting to faoe this human nphinx, and Marie dels linger, a famous German actress, now dead, found It so one evening when fate placed hor noxt to the general at a public dinner. For moro than an hour Moltko had not ut tered a sound, nopoatodly had the actress sought to draw him Into conversation. Again and again sho had laid traps for lilm, but the wary old strategist wan too keen to be duped. At last Gcistinger could restrain her self no longer. "General," she said, after both had been muto for ton more long minutes, "let Us change the subject." And Moltko did by resuming a new silence. THE Rev. C. R. Allison, rector of Trinity Church, Rochester, who Is woll known In this city, used to eat his meals across tho streot from the parish house. Every morn ing he mot an Irish nurseglrl, who Invariably greeted him with, "Good marnln,' father; God bless ye." One morning, dressed for a fishing expedi tion, ho again met tho girl. Sho looked at him quizzically. "Good marnln', father," she said hesi tatingly, "If ye'ro a role one, but to the dlvvll wld yo, If ye're not" HAVE no fear, ye bachelors, for a. Judicial opinion of tremendous Import has been handed down to safeguard you and your reputation. Justice Hendrick, of tho Supremo Court of tho State of New York. Is tho Solon who has rendered so signal a service to sin gle mankind. It started when a nurse sued the widow of a bank president for defama tion of character. Tho learned Judge listened patiently to all sides, took voluminous notes and then handed down this decision: "It Is proper for a young man to enter a basement to pack a young lady's trunk," ho holds. So now there Is no reason why you should not be useful as well as ornamental. IN THE village of Dormarvo, on the Rus sian frontier, lives Hcdwlg Stavno, who was 121 years old on October IE. and who Is thought to be tho only human being allvo today who saw Napoleon and his hordes march upon Moscow. "Wrinkled, bent and with quavering voice, she tells how tho French soldiers commandeered her chickens and ducks, because they would not eat her black bread; crooning, sho recites the tale of tho retreat, the desolation, the horrors of that disastrous campaign. And now she sees again an invasion of tho "bear that walks like a man." What she thinks Is not knqwn. for old women do not talk when the enemy is nigh. ALL the heroes are not found on battle . fleldB a bromidlc expression true, but one based upon many precedents. In so far as physical courage went, It Is doubtful if there ever was a braver man than Paulus Stephanus Krugnr, President of the South African Republic the man who forced Brit ain to pay a price that "staggered human ity." It was on March 4, 1S90, that tho writer aw Oom Paul give a display of derrlng do amazing in its neviness. For months the foreign residents of Johannesburg had been demanding railroad connection with tho coast. For months Kruger had been telling them to wait. On the date mentioned a great mass-meeting was held on the grounds of tho Wanderers' Athletic Club on Hospital Hill. Speaker after speaker denounced the Boer Governf ment until revolt was in the air. Sud denly, over tho crest of a hill, appeared an open barouche drawn by four horses. In the carriage sat Oom Paul alone. He mounted the speakers' stand. Facing 20,000 Infuriated men, he didn't quail. His heavy blue eyes flashed Are. Drawing him self upright from his customary stoop tho old man stood nix feet tall he began In a rasping voice not an apology not prom ises not retraction. "You foreigners," he growled In a voice of thunder," if you don't like the way wo Boers run this country, get out!" For an hour he abused us scolded us de fied us. And we, 20,000 strong, were cowed by the superb courage of a lonely old man. THERE Is yet another phase of so-called heroism, which Is characteristic of tho professional soldier the sacrifice of any and everything to the causo for which one is fighting. Old Field Marshal "Wrangel, of Prussia, made such sacrifices. In 1E48 thn revolutionists had captured Berlin, nnd tho field marshal, a withered little man, who sat on his horse like a monkey on a camel, was In command of the besieging governmental troops. Wrangel sent word to the revolu ists that he would enter Berlin through the Brandenburger Thor the next morning. The reply came an hour later: "If you enter Berlin, wo will hang your wife out of the window of your palace, so that you will sea her as you come through the Thor." The next morning, Wrangel rode tnto Ber lin at the head of his troops and as he passed through the Thor. he muttered sotto voce; "I wonder whether they've REALXiY hanged the old woman?" They had not! BRADFORD, Qur Land of Plenty From the Chlcsio Journal The United States has 7 per cent of the world's habitabla area, and 8 per cent, of the world's population. Also, the United States produces 30 per cent, each of the wheat and gold grown or mined In the world. This country produces K per cnt. of the world's tobacco crop, E6 per cent of the world's cotton crop, 68 per cent, of the world's corn crop; while 49 per cent of the coal, 44 per cent, of the iron. 55 per cent, of the copper and 3 per cent of the petroleum output of the big, round earth la furaUbel Uy Un4s under tie Stars and Btripes. it .; 1 T ; M