Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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I Hi
retreat of Von Kluk.'s army would nat
urally compel the- retirement of the
entire German force. There Is no piv
otal point In the extreme eastern part
of Krone for the army to swing upon,
so that we assume that tho Gorman
left will fall back to Mctz and tho
Oj Hit centre and right wlntr will move back
ward to Belgium. It Is my opinion
that the noxt big battlo will bo fought
on German and Belgian Boll and that
tho Germans will bo strictly upon tho
defensive. I would not bo surprised
to see Qermnny suing for peace by
the beginning of 1915."
Wounded French and British soldiers
arriving In this city report tremendous
fighting along tho line, especially at
tho western end, where tho Allies have
been making a supreme effort to shat
ter the Invaders' flank, the losses nre
frightful. Every trench that the Ger
mans have been compelled to give up
is full of dead. The French generals
telegraphed to General Galllenl, tho
military governor of Paris, to rush n
tralnload of chloride of lime. The Ger
man trenches will be filled with lime
and the battlefields will be sprinkled.
Losses of the Germans have been
appalling. Some unoillclal estimates
place the Invaders' losses In the battlo
of the Marne and the battle of the
Aisne at 500,000 killed, -ouuded and
prisoners. In the absence of olflclal
estimates only guesses can be made.
The eighteenth day of the big en
gagement found the German defensive
apparently much weaker and the Allies,
on account of the strength imparted by
fresh troops, have been able to occupy
more favorable positions. It Is said
that the French nnd British have been
nblo to capture a number of heavy
German guns, but have not been ablo
to turn them upon tho enemy, owing to
lack of suitable ammunition.
Crown Prlnco Itupprecht of Bavaria
Is reported to have been captured by
the French nnd to be a prisoner In
Nomcny. In order to liberate the
Crown Prlnco the Germans are making
vigorous assaults against Nomeny, it
Is said.
An officer, Just back from the front,
says that the French who are operat
ing in tho vicinity of Thlnucourt hnve
been meeting with success and that tho
GcrmanB In their rearward movement
lost n number of prisoners. One Ger
man corps is said to havo boon beaten
back in disorder nt that point, many
of the soldiers surrendering volun
tarily to the pursuers.
This corps Is believed to have been
the 60th, which Is known to hae been
operating in that district.
Thlaucourt Is 27 miles southeast of
Verdun and about 23 miles northwest
of Nancy.
Tho Germans have been making vig
orous efforts to retain their lines and
the troops stationed in the centre, near
Rheims, have been engaged In violent
operations which are believed to have
been a cover for the reported retreat of
General von Kluk.
If, as claimed, Von Kluk's army Is
giving way and there seems to be
nothing to militate against such a con
clusionthe centre would have to hold
Arm in order to prevent the French
from driving northward at Rheims and
cutting tho German right off from tho
balance of the army.
BERLIN. Sept 30 fby way of Amstcr- troops killed, wounded and missing to
No decisive result on the right wing
is announced by the "War Office today.
It is added the French have resumed
the offensive along the Meuse.
Two statements, both unusually
brief, were Issued early today. They
An indecisive battlo has occurred
on the right wing of the German
army in France. Siege guns opened
fire Tuesday on the Antwerp fort
resses. The French have renewed their
advances about Verdun It is quiet
along the centre.
A brief statement Issued at midnight
declared that the allied French and
British troops continued their attacks,
without success, and that whenever
any ground was lost by the Germans
It Immediately was regained.
(This Is the first admission from
Berlin that the Germans ever have lot-t
ground in the Battle of the Aisne.)
The latest list of casualties issued
here increases the number of German
i more than 117,000. The great majority
ire named as missing. This total
covers the fighting In both the eastern
' and western theatres of war. In the
1 latest list the 60th Infantry Regiment
I was the heaviest loser. Out of its en-
rolment, IS officers, 16 non-commis-
sloncd officers and 532 men were listed
as killed, 166 officers and men as
I wounded and 130 missing.
i It is stated officially that Prince Os
I car, who is suffering from heart dls
i ease, will bo unable to return to the
, front. He has begged his father, Em
peror William, for permission to vio
late the physician's orders, but tho
I Emperor has upheld their edict.
"Prince Jonchlm, who was recently
wounded, will return to the front early
in October," the statement ndd. "The
other sons of the Emperor aie well."
This refuted the report sent by Eng
lish correspondents from Beleium that
Prince Adalbert had died in a Brussels
J&bl K MfHp7 js& 2KJeS
PARIS l -n montmioaiu C. A revigny V. I fo amjuCnVSgW ynlW o
X GERMAN -gJSg.ggtffttt- I J
The official line of battle as given out by the French War Office, but without date, so that changes may have occurred since the combatants occupied the
positions noted, has not changed markedly on the right, centre or left. As now lined up the French right runs from Pont-a-Mousson to St. Mihiel, then to
the heights of the Meuse southeast of Verdun, Where stiff fighting, including a bombardment with siege guns, has been going on for several days. In the centre,
between Verdun and Rheims, the line runs through Varennes, Souain, around Rheims to Berry-au-Bac and the heights north of the River Aisne which it
follows almost to Soissons and Compiegne. Across the Aisne and the Oise the line runs through Ribecourt (held by the French) to Lassigny (held by the
Germans), to Roye (held by the French), and Chaulnes (held by the Germans). To the north of the Sommc the line stretches between Albert and Combles.
Further north, unofficially, it is reported that the French are fighting an extended German line near Cambrai and the Belgian border.
Heavy Guns Placed for
Bombardment and Surren
der of German Garrison Is
Believed Imminent.
LONDON, Sept. 30.
That the armies of both General von
Boehn and General von Kluk have
of communications. If the Germans
failed to hold it. tho annihilation of
the entire western part of their forces
tvn overwhelmed by the Allies in a J undoubtedly would follow.
common disaster and that they aro J jjos, or t.e new.snaners nrlnt the
Purls rumors that the German right
fighting to e-oape destruction, is indi- I
cated by dispatches received here to. wlng ,s ,n Pompieto retreat, but do
day. The army of General von Rohn j clartJ t must ,)0 accpu,(i lm,ier ro.
was sent to reinforce that of Von Kluk j,erve.. inasmuch as there would bo
when the pressure of the French nnd ( ule kel,bowl ot now8 of tllls mnK.
Britlbh troops became too severe for , nltU(Je be,nf? wUhheWi
the latter to withstand alone. J Tne rumor ln(U General von Kluk
Though the English censor permitted nad offered to surrender has been
the transmission of unofficial dispatches widely circulated ever since the bat
MrMiik that the German right wing tie of tho Jlarno. In fact, one news
hud met w)th disaster, the Government ugoncy sent a report from Its Ostend
-Ycs3 Bureau refm.ed to confirm them correspondent that Von Kluk actually
'. ni.t tHtemer.t was made at 10 Ai na,j
u in .,
The Press Bureau i U able to
confirm the report that tho German
right wing has been broken and Is
being pushed b9jk
Efforts to Bt an explanation of the
word "li'iuble," whether leaning that
in, information had boen received or
.hpther in accordance with tha rulo
that no report on fighting should tw
PEKIN, Sept. 30.
The fall of Tslng-Tao Is Imminent as
a result of steady bombardment from
both land and sea. according to a state
ment issued at the Japanese Legation
today. It slid that Fort litis already
hus been silenced and that hcay dam
age had been indicted on Fort Kaiser
Point. These two forts, with Fort
Moltke. form the centre of the German
In order to shell forts effectively It
Is necessary to mount guns on Mount
I.au-Shan. Tlitse neie dragged up the
mountain for Sl feet under cover of an
attack that Kept the real plan of the
Japanese concealed. When the German
discovered what the Japanese troops
were doing, four guns already had
leached the position chnfcen.
A bursting shell killed the soldiers who
were drawing up the fifth, nnd it fell
back to the bottom of the mountain,
ciushlng 10 men to death. The com
bined Japanese and English fonts cap
tured the railroad east of the Tung-Ho
Rier In a night attnek. and Tslng-Tao
lias been completely Isolated as a result.
The light wing of the Allies now ex
tends to Kiuo-fhau Hay west of l.lu
l.ln.! Guns have bfen mounted there
that haw a longer range than those on
the German gunboats in the bay, and
the lattei have be-n forced to seek shel
ter beyond Vln-Tau Island.
ne'ore the German gunboats were
dr.feii back, bombs dropped from aero
planes had killed a number of English
Great Fleet In North Sea Expected to
Give Early Battle.
Germany Is strengthening the armament
of her fleet In the North Sea, according
to rcportB of travelers who have recently
passed through the Kiel Canal. The ves
sels are being equipped with new ordnnnce
which the Krupp worlcg have perfected
after two years of experiment. The new
guns nre being placed on both armored
cruisers nnd dreadnoughts.
The canal Is described as being crowded
with warships, Including the largest bat
tleships. The arsenals nro busy day nnd
night, and long trains arrive continuously
with Immense guns for the ships.
Tho Germans are reported as declaring
that the whole fleet soon will be ready
to fight.
The correspondent of the Evening News
has telegraphed to London that the sixth
German naval cacualty list gives the
names of one man killed and 31 officers
and -I'i3 men missing.
Heglnnlng on Thursday, according to
order." Issued today by the British naval
nuthorltlts, no neutral trawlers will bo
allowed to fish on the east coast of Eng
land, but they may continue their opera
tions on the west coast.
Thl order will affect a large number
of Dutch and Danish trawlers now using
Grlm.sby as a Ashing base.
Hosts Pour Through Car
pathian Passes and Move
Briskly Through Unforti
fied Territory Galician
Campaign Quiet.
surrendered, a rumor that met
wtth prompt and official denial,
The latest report emphasizes that the
French have occupied Peronne. This
announcement, however, originally was
made on September 'H. uhon It nan
Mated the French had carried that city
by storm and it win then being lined
as headquarters for the operations
against Bt. Quentin.
RecitUM of this fact, the suggestion
t..cd until five day after it has taken ; ;s thft, , ,alfest repon of u,0
.).i- met with nu success . toil,lne of the German right may be
This dispatch wan received by th bflaBd on the UoveIopment8 ul tUe three
Impress from its corespondent t ,,ay, bsgjn,ns Saturday, when the
Uheni , uermans' greatest effort was crushed
Person-, nrri;ns hero from Urua- in jghug that for severity eclipsed
,tis say that the Germans are prepar j anything of the war to date-
nig to move tt.o RdminlstrMlvo head- a ts admitted that the German right
n rarters uf he military government I -j mual soon reur or be Isolated
fn.ni Hriissels o Namur. This Is ' ami raptured, but '4P to noon today
lurn-n to mean tnat the Oermans are tha War Office absolutely was without
geiiing ready for thr. next stand 'information of any decided change In
nearer timii own f.-untUr." the filiation on the battle line north
Naraur Is on the Germans' lnuisi line, i of Paris.
RENEW AMERICAN MASSACRES ; Nonh Sea Bt0Tm Be,Ted t0 Have Cut
German Right Actually Pro
gressing and Still on Offen
sive, Is Opinion of War
Capture Dutch Ships and Drop Tombs
on Towns, Are Charges.
HKItUN, Sept. 30 - (liy w-iie0!H
through Saywlle, U I.)
It Is announced here that Sven Hcdln,
the famous Snedlh explorer, employed
tc Investigate charges that German
troops committed atrocities In Holslum.
states in Swedish papers, to which ho
has Klven Impression? of his journey
through UelsUn and French territory i
oceuplt-d by the Germans, that tho pop.
ulatlun, on returning to their homes,
praised the splendid discipline of the
German troop3.
This Information ulso was given out
today ,
"Owing to the bellicose attitude of the
British warships crulbing near the Par
duntlles, Turkey closed tho Strnt3.
"Holland Ib exercised by the capture
of Dutch ships by the Hrltlsh. The Hot
tordsmache Cournnt states that Rngland
thoroughly disregards the rights of
neutral S,tntes. Tho Dutch steamer
Sophie, Rotterdam to New York, was
captured by the HritlHh In the channel 1 as ut crred the English Channel
By J. W. -T. MASON
N'UW VORK. Sept. 3.-Thcre is no
official Information that can In onv way
be Interpreted us affording a basis for
the Paris report of General von KluK't
ictrtat. On the contrary, the new bat
tle fine of tho Allies, announced with
iifeuul frankness by the French Govern
ment, shows a considerable gain by the
Last week Peronne and Lassigny weie
hi possession of the Allies, representing
the closest points to Von Kluk's muln
defenses that had lieen captured hlnco
! the battle of tho Aisne began. The new
imposition of the battlo front restores
I.asslgny to Von Kluk and moves tho
Allies 10 miles back of Peronne between
Combles and Albert. The reconstructed
lattle line shows considerable offensive
power is retained by Von Kluk.
Von Kluk's rout at this time could be
tamed only bv the unexpected npptar
unie of ttronit reinforcements for the Al
lies. Such additions to the iissai'nms
pinbahlv would have to be supplied from
Oreat Hritiiln Slost of the HrltUh troops
sent to France subsequent to the arrival
of the flrt expcdltlonarj army have had
to be used for making (rood losses and
keerdnR the Iirltibh corps up to their
full strength
It is Improbable that a second army
Nomad Bands Have Also Invaded
Persia, Petrograd Reports,
ATHENS, Sept. 30.
1 1 Russian titration to3a announced
lh re'lpt of a dispatch from Petiogmd.
t'atlng that the Ki.id urged tj nu
ri b rur .b IH, 'als i e j Mm -a nig
r m Arnn1i.nb ai njr the Pcrsia r il r
... I... ! t u AIM. fL.II PK 111 '
tc' - d assaulted the names
k eo ict"
Communication by cable with Germany
has ten broken since Monday Tin.
L reak ts presumed to be due to the ter
ifti. storm iat hus been raging In th
North Sea
It ii stated ne-e that Germany has
and tahen to Lowes
"The Brltlch Jllnistor at The Haeuo
has admitted thut a Hrlttsli aviator th
ing aboK the Putch town of Maegtricht
dropped a bomb, thus violating Dutch
"Captured Hritlsh olflcers. Colonel
Gordon 4nd Lieutenant Colonel Nelsh,
both of the Gordon Hlshlunders, have
confessed in an otlleial examination that
tho Rrlttsh Ooiernmem handed over to
both dum-dum bullets to tuke the place
of Drownings "
Colont-l qordon wo reported more
than two weeks ago to have been killed
in battle i
Herr Ilallln, head of the Hamburg
American Line, states In the ifamburier
Nachnchten that the Ilritlsh money mar
ket has been discredited by the mora
torlom for a long time
"Likewise the tutting gf the German
cable and the stupendous lies if the i:ng
Itsh and French news agencies, ' he says,
"have produced a moratorium of truth
for the over-seas world."
Mrs Anna Dromhall Colbrldve. wife
of Sergeant Forrest 'olbridi;e. of the
Hth District police station died today
at her home 33 Lust Hut les si reel t,er-
man town. Mrs I olbml.e was 67 jears
old and had been 111 for some time She
This second army, composed of trained
CnlonlalH and Home Territorials, corre
sponding to American National Guard,
Rlinuld. howeer. soon be ready.
Its sudden arrival at the battle front
might force Von Kluk to retire as hastily
us the present unconfirmed French ru
mors suggest
PETROGRAD, Sept. 30.
The Russian advunce guards are now
within 120 mlle of Budapest, with an un
fortified country before them, through
three pathways In the Caipathlans, at
Dukla Pass, Sanok Pass and Uzsok Pass,
the columns detached to ndvance into
Hungaiy nre pouring out on the plains.
Through two of the passes are railroads,
which the Russians now control to points
In the foothills on tho Hungarian Bide
of the Southern Galician border.
The force which advanced to Sanok
Pass was opposed by German artillery
sent to cut off Its movement. The Ger
mans were defeated In engagements
south of the city of Sanok nnd retreated
to the northwest, abandoning their guns.
Tho Russian force moved on through
the defile.
In the Uzsok Pass the Russians dis
lodged the Hunveds from three positions
end gained the further side, where they
are now descending to the Hungarian
There arc no fortifications south of the
Carpathians to stay the progress of thfl
i mles from the north.
In Gallcla the campaign is quiet. The
southern column has taken Dukla, a
railroad centre.
The fighting at Dulka Is believed to
have been with the Austrlans, who fell
back to Jaslo and attempted to rally
there. Roth Dukla and Jaslo are on
the Jasielka River.
Unofficial advices stnte that pait of
Geneial Ruzskys forces has already
reached Tarnow, and that fighting has
been In progress there for 1M hours. The
capture of Tarnow will Ieavo the road
clear for an advance on Cracow.
That the Germans expect no attempt
by tho Russians to tnko Cracow by
storm, but expect General Rnzsky to
rest content with nn investment of that
olty, while hN main foires pursue their
march on Silesia, Is indicated by a dis
patch from Warsaw stating that tho
Germans nre fortifying the heights
south of Klclce, Russian Poland. These
nro In the way of a direct advance Into
The Russian onward march through
Gallcla Is declared to ho proceeding un
interruptedly In two parallel lines. Tho
Austrian resistance Is declared to be al
ready so badly broken th.it the troops
of the Dual Empire seem unable to
muke a decided stand It Is not believed
that they will give battle until Crucow
Is reached.
The Austrian Crown Prince, Arcliduko
f'arl Franz Josef, Is tepoited to have
reached Cracow jesterday and to h.io
taken command of that post, with Gen
eral Conrad von Hoetzeudurf as his chief
of stuff.
Bodies of Sailors Strew
Shores, Says Danish News
paper Hurricane at 110
Miles an Hour.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. 30.-Rcports cur
rent hero for 21 hours that a German
warship has been wrecked in the North
Sea have been corroborated, Danish news
papers say, by the finding of many bodies
on the short south of Esbjerg. All wore
tho uniform of the German navy.
The disaster is snld to have occurred
in a terrific hurricane that Is sweeping
tho North Sea nnd Denmark. The wind
at times has reached a velocity of 110
miles an hour. Severe damage has been
done at many points.
Steps Taken to Protect American In
terests After Tieaty Abrogation,
WASHINGTON, Sept 30.-Wlth the
Tresh Troops Hurried to Isolated
Provinces Battle Reported,
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 30.
A dispatch to the Koiiespondence,
slates that the Austrian government Ii
sending fresh troops Into N'ortlicnsttin
Hungary to stem the Rueslun advumc
Ablth already has penetrated the Car
pathians II is unofficially reported In tho
Hungarian capital that a battlo wns
fought between Austrian and Russian
soldiers neui Malumszeg je.iterday.
The dispatch follow a;
Orokomoso is about S3) miles cast of
Uudapust Marumaros is a county in
Hungary borderln gon Tiansvlvunln ami
Gallcla. The ('aipathlan Mountains ex
tend through it Its western border is
abrogation of all Turkish lie.illos i about 175 miles cast of Rudapest
scheduled to take plate at midnight to.
night, the admission b Secretary of the
Navy Ddtilels tod. that the United
States cruiser Tinnesacc has been order
ed to the Medltfirane.ni, took on a new
The State Department has received no
reply to its note delivered to the Turkish
Government of two wvrks ago, protest
ing against the abrogation of the Tuikish
treaties In the absence of a reply to
this protest the Tennessee has been
ordered to the viclnltv 0f Turkey In order
to be ready for any possible outbreaks
The irulscr North aroilna is within
1.' hours sailing of Turkish waters, and
It is expected that these warships will be
sufficient to guard Americans and their
in . ,. ....ho,,, f-.. ... V .V , ! succumbed this morning to a atroke of I sufficient to guard Americans and their
.,M w.thout fo eign malls for the last . paralysls. Her husband, one son and a property In Turkey m the event of
1 vt!k- "daughter aurvlve. J anti-foreign outbreak-
Dispatches received from Petrograd les-
ttrda) stated that the Russians had pene
trated Hungary us far us t'tighva;, which
Is only 170 miles from Ijuii'ipert Other
dispatches said it was evidently tho in
tention of the Austrian Govtrninent tu
leave Hungary to Its fate and centre Its
activities In helping the Germans This
surmise. In view of the above dUpatch,
was apparently wrong.
Heavy Fire Against Outer
Works Ceases "Hold
Capital at Any Cost," King
Orders Generals.
ANTWERP, Sept. 30.
The German operations against Ant
werp continue to take shape. Tho Ger
man long-range bombardment of the
outer ring of fortifications of tho city is
progressing with no apparent damage to
the Helglan positions.
According to the War Office tho Delglan
troops, by a series of sorties from tho
Antwerp forts, have succeeded in inflict
ing considerable damage on the enomy.
After a heavy bombardment of tho
outer forts the German artillery fire died
out at 8 o'clock tills morning nnd a lull
Tho War Office Issued an official state
ment to this effect this afternoon. The
statement follows:
The German bombardment bated at
S o'clock without silencing the forts.
During the tiling many houses In
Llerre, a suburb, were set on tire.
The populace has taken refuge In this
Tho Germans used heavy guns
against the forts, and Belgian
artillery leplled vigorously. The futt
that the German ordnance is much
hiavler than that of the Helglans has
enabled the Get mans to attack at
Very bhort runge.
A member of tho General Start said
this afteiuoun:
The German attacks havo been re
pulsed with heavy losses. The. de
fenders aro confident of teslstlng a
It Is now tcrtnln that tho reduttlon of
the Antwerp forts will bo attempted, and
this operation will bo curried on by tho
marines and naval reserves from tho
fleet ami tho engineers from the Land
ivehr otganUutions and the siege gun
battalions Ry this arrangement It will
not bo necessary for tho tlernwna to
withdraw any of their active troops
from France where they are now heavily
It Is reported here that Austrian troops
have been seen In the German line out
side of Antwerp and scouts report that
heavj Austrian siege nrtlller. which
was used with the- Germans In tho re
duction of Muubeuge Is being brought un
from the south. '
It Is nu believed that It will bo possible
for the Germans to take Antweip Tho
forlillcatiuns have- been plated In condi
tion tu withstand u tit-en nt ,.n . . -
Max Llnder Reported Slain In Battle I" addition there have been nll J.
of the Aisne. "" fJ""r"u"la "' Pulnl vantage
and the dykes have been onencii nnn,i
ROME, Sept. S0.-The death in battle oft tog the lowlands. opened, flood-
the Aisne of the 'movies artist, Max King Albert In a council of his generals
Llnder, Is reported In a dlspafh from declared that Antwerp must be held at
Germans, Reinforced, Seek
to Renew Checked Ad
vance Against Warsaw.
Deny Losing Ground. '
PETROGRAD, Sept. 30.
Tho German army, heavily reinforced.
Is battling today with tho Russian army
of General Rennenkampf In tho territory
between Nlemen River and tho East Prus
sian frontier. Tho fighting Is especially
despeiato In the vicinity ot Ossowlecz,
Druskinlkl nnd Augustowo.
Four army corps are. reported engaged
on each side.
Tho Russians have concentrated their
armies along the Nlemen, from Vllna and
Tho Germans nro attempting to cut tho
railways between Warsaw and Potro-
grnd. Tho battlo will perhaps continue
for several weeks.
The German forces have been repulsed
In their endeavor to cross the Nlemen,
but heavy fighting continues In tho
Suwnlkl district, accoidtng to an official
report from Grand Duke Nicholas, Commander-in-Chief
of all the Russian
Tho report from Grand Duke Nicholas
was as follows:
There was severe fighting on Sep
tember ,2S near Ossnwiccz and Drus- '
ncnlki. Tho enemy tried to cross the
Nlemen, but was repulsed. Tho bat
tle continues.
The AuBtrlans in Gallcla have been
repulsed near Dulka.
Tho objective of the Germans Is the
northern outlet to the forests in tho
Augustowo section, nnd they are also
anxious to get across the Nlemen nnd
to rctnlte Grodno, from which they were
driven, It la Btnted that tho Russians
have made material galnB all along tho
line, although the battle Ib still far from
a decisive stage.
In this connection, In an addreBS to
his army General Rennenkampf is
quoted today In advices from tho front
as declaring that tho Russians will be
In Berlin for Christmas, and that, there
fore, the troops can easily meet the
present hardships and campaigning
through heavy rains, with expectations
of good times to come.
The correspondent of tho Bourse Ga
zette says:
"Tho battle along the Drussnlkl-Qrodno
line has been raging with great fury
since Sunday. Four army corps (160.0D)
men) aro engaged on both sides, and tho
Russians nre receiving reinforcements
from Vllna. The Germans have tried
to cross tho Nlemen at several points,
but have been repulsed in every at
tompt." BERDTN, Sept 30
According to a War Office statement. In
the East the Germans continue their
advance, nnd tho Russian army of Gen
eral Rennenkampf Is being driven back
in tho Suvmlkl District. Tho Germans
nre now moving eastward along the main
railway line, and It Is stated that they
have captured numerous prisoners and
taken a number of guns.
PARIS, Sept. 3a
Tho War Office has Issued this state
ment on the situation In the eastern
thentre of war:
"In Gallcla the attempted sorties ot
tho garrison of Prezmysl have failed.
Tho Austrian armies contlnuo to retreat
In disorder, losing many prisoners, guns
and supplies. At the Uzsok Pass th
Russians have defeated a Hungarian
brigade and penetrated Into Hungary."
any cost.
Woman Accused of Iiurlng- Her From
Father's Bestaurant.
Repentant tears rolled down the cheeks
of 16-year-old Katherlno Emma White,
635 North Tenth Btreet. aa she told in
Central Station today how Mrs. Leonora
Taylor, 1013 North Bouvler atreot, lured
her away fro mher father's restaurant,
penned her In a house on Falrmount ave
nue, doprlved her of clothing and finally
Induced her to lead a life of shame.
Mrs. Taylor was held by Magistrate Pen
nock In J300O ball charged with violating
tho Mann white slavo act.
Katherlno Whlto was brought to Phila
delphia last night after a year's search
instituted by her father In nearly every
largo city in the East. She tfaa found
on a farm In Watertown, N Y., by Mrs.
Mabel Kellogg, superintendent of the New
York Society to Protect Children from
Cruelty. Mrs. Kellogg learned the girl
was a runaway and, gaining her confi
dence, was told the story.
Tho girl testified today to meeting the
woman in her father's restaurant. She
was induced to accompany Mrs. Taylor,
and later found herself locked in a room
at 817 Falrmount avenue, and was de
prived of all but scanty wearing apparel.
Later she was made an Inmate at
houso on Melon street and again at 1533
Park avenue.
The gill ileclared she was never per
mitted to Ieavo any of the houses In
which she lived until she went to the
Park uvcnuo place. Here she said she
frequently went out, hut was always
afraid to return home. Later she went
to Now Yoik and finally to the farm
whero Mrs. Kellogg found her.
Tim girl's futher, who operates a res
taurant at E53 North Tenth street, stated
his daughter left homo lust March and
since then he has neither seen nor heard
from her ulthough he caused a search to
bo mude hi all largo Eastern cities He
was broken hearted over her absence and
declared he had almost given her up for
The police ure searching for tlnee men
who nro uld to bo Implicated In the girl s
uUappearance and her subsequent career.
On the stand today the girl frequently
burled hei face in her hands and sobbed.
She said she wanted to go home and be
gin life anew. Frequently she glared at
Mis. Tavlor.
Woodbury Official Voting Expense)
Account Is Filed.
Woodbury's official voting expenses,
filed today in the County Clerk's uinr.
show that losing candidates sptnt more
campaign money than tho successful can
didates George W F Gaunt who was nom
inated b the Republicans for re-election
for Btate Senator, received 234 ,
Harry Cahlll was nominated for sher"
on th Democratic ticket. Robert Mu
Is the Republican nominee for Sheriff.
' i