Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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jtwuinln LLmmiflriiiii iiiiitinminntifinniftmi.i.n i nni nf. mni " a" HMi...riiiiiiiiiiii I i i I ilMlS' 'llIrM
"Well had the boding tremblers learned to trace
The day's disaster in his morning face,
Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee
At all his jokes, for many a joke had he ; .
Full well the busy whisper circling round
Conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned."
(Ooldamtth'ft "Deserted Village.")
WOULDN'T you like to be the
"Dear me, no! I wolild
much rather be the sunset. I like the
whole sunset better than just the sun
Xow who do you suppose was talk
ing? Birds? Fairies? Children?
Xo, none of those; Two flowers
were talking together and their talk
was in the long ago fairyland time
of the world.
In those days all flowers were
white white as the clouds and as
snow, and every flower could talk so
plainly that the fairies and birds and
creatures could understand and talk
back equally well.
These two particular flowers who
talked about the sun were cannas.
Lovely white cannas that thrust their
glistening petals above the green
leaes like icebergs pushed out of the
"But the sun is so lovely and gold
en," said one canna, continuing their
talk, "I'd rather be yellow like that
than any other color in the whole
The fairy queen was puzzled.
"How stupid you are!" cried the
other. "Don't you see-that yellow is
a flat pale color? Now, I like the
flaming red of sunset, that is a gorge
ous live color worth talking about
you .ought to wish to be red, as I do!"
Just at that very minute, before
there was timc(for the first canna to
answer the fairy queen walked by.
"Good afternoon," she said to the
cannas, in her cordial, poiite little
way, "is there anything I can do for
you today?"
"Do for us!" exclaimed the cannas
together, "what do ydu mean?"
"I mean this," answered the fairy
queen, "this is wishing day. I am
around collecting wishes, every plant
may make one, and who knows?
maybe they'll all come trucl"
"Then I wish to be yellow!"
"I wish to be red!"
Both the cannas spoke at once, and
so suddenly the fairy queen was sur
prised. "Dear me, how, quick you made up
your minds," she said, "you must have
been thinking about it before."
"We were," the two cannas assured
her. "And I want to be yellow," the
first canna repeated. "And I want
to be red," added the second.
The fairy queen was puzzled. You
see she had expected to make each
kind of flower a color, and now two
flowers of the same kind wished to
be different colors.
"I don't know what to think about
that, she said; "wpn't either of you
give up?"
"I don't like red," said the first
canna, "I'd rather be white!"
"I'm sure I don't like yellow," the
second canna assured her positively.
"Very well, then." said the fairy
queen, making up her mind quickly,
"you may both have your wishes,"
and she waved her magic wand.
Quick as a flash, the white of the
blossoms melted to yellow and to red,
and the gorgeous cannas faced each
But alas! the canna that liked vet
low had to look at a red canna, and
the canna that liked red faced a yel
low blossom all the day.
At first that seemed very dreadful
to them, but as the days of sunshine
and shadow passed, each flower saw
ungucsscd beauties in the other's
And, would you believe it? When
the fairy queen came by next time
she saw strcaks-of yellow on the red
canna and blotches of crimson on the
yellow bloom.
Tomorrow A Belated Sunflower.
Copyright, 1014, by Clara. Ingram Judaon.
I have watched when tho moon goes
so fast,
Far above nil the trees' so high;
And breathless ho rushes along and
straight past
All the clouds, when they nil tho
And I've wondered JuBt why, when so
swift In his flight.
Ho never la ablo to get out of sight.
And I've wondered and wondered Just
(And I novor can guoss alone),
"When all of the clouds have flown over
tho sky,
Then tho moon stands as still as
But perhaps ho takes rest when thoy'vo
all gono away;
Or, lonely, he's sad and Just don't
want to play.
And one day I watched while tho rain
fell down fast.
For Leerle to nod up to mo as ho
But I cfldn't see him nor hear his quick
Before the light shlned high up ovor
the street.
Why didn't I seo him, when I was close
And how did ho ever reach up thero so
(Copyright, Malcolm J. Johnon, 1014.)
"You should have heard Smith crackins
up his wife's biscuits this mornlnir."
"I believe I did hear him. I thought
at tho tlmo he was chopping wood." Fun.
"How'U yeh have ycr eE8?" demanded
the busy waitress.
"As well as could bo expected under tho
circumstances," replied the absent-minded
physician. Puck.
Mass Meeting Tonight In Bellcvue
Btrntford Connected With Carnival,
A largo mass meeting, under auspices
of tho Homo and School League, will
bo held tonight at the Uellcvue-Strat-ford,
In connection with the ' Safoty
Week" carnival and convention now
being held In this city. Lecturers of
prominence will deliver Illustrated ad
'di onsen on problems of safety and acci
dent prevention. Mrs, Joseph It. Call,
Director of Public Safety Ocorgo D.
Torter and Franklin 11. Wentworth, of
Boston, are to bo the main speakers.
Yesterday was devoted entirely to ex
ercises In tho public schools. Addresses
were made by representatives of the
railroads, tho Philadelphia Rapid Tran
sit Company, the Home and School
Leaguo and the County Medical Society.
During the day Mrs. Jessica V. McCnll,
of Brooklyn, N. Y., assisted by Miss
Catherine II. Bill, Mrs. William D. Lar
abeo, Miss Helen Stewart and Mrs. M.
Van Wper, addressed the chlldrn of th
Meredith School, Fifth and Balnbrldga
streets; tho Randall School, Ninth and
Balnbrldga streets; McCall School, Sixth
and De Lancey streets; Furness School,
Third and Mifflin streets, and the Meade
School, 18th and Oxford streets. In the
afternoon an Illustrated lecture was
given by Mrs, McCall In the recreation
hall of tho Athletic Recreation Centro,
Mth and Master streets.
Every merchant In the city has re
ceived an Invitation ftom the Homo and
School League to participate In the ob
servance of "Safety Week." Large em
ployers of labor havo been asked by
the league to lend their co-operation
and Influence In tho great work of fire
and accident prevention and conserva
tion of human energy and effort from
unnecessary waste.
"Industrial accidents and the waste
of modern economics can be stopped.
They must be stopped. Accidents and
wa6to aro Inexcusable. They are u
product of thoughttessncBS, selfish greed
and a lack of social consciousness." This
Is the cry of the Homo and School
Leaguo In Its campaign, which has al
leady won tho sympathy and attention
of tho city.
Over Europe's
Tragic Lot, He Praises
Rescue of Tourists by U.
S. Diplomats.
Responsibility in Great Op
portunity Rests on Govern
ment and Business Men,
According to Delaware
and Hudson President.
High Temperature and Humidity
Make for Summer Weather.
For tho first time In years a man
haB been overcome by tho heat In au
tumn, with tho mercury hovering
around tho 90 mark and extreme humid
ity making conditions oppressive. Tho
victim, Santo Polo, 1117 South Marshall
street, a laborer employed by the Key
stone Contracting Company, at 15th
street and Indiana avenue, succumbed
Polo was removed to the Samaritan
Hospital and physicians later decided
that ho wa3 well enough to go to his
Predictions of a 15-degree drop In
temperature for lost night or early this
morning by the local weather fore
cister wero wide of the mark, and this
morning tho heat was little less un
comfortable than yesterday.
tJnlversity Underclassmen Hold
Their Annual Scrimmage Tonight.
Fophomore3 and freshmen of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania will give their
own version of war this evening, when
they meet In the traditional poster fight.
Though not as well known as the bowl
flEht. tne poster fight Id considered to
bf the roughest of all the University
"raps, and is the traditional method of
coming the incoming class.
Th ohject of the fight Is for freshmen
to tear down a poster containing soph
omoiii. ideas as to the correct conduct
ft iU ''eDOrtment nf the. frsghnmn Thlo
Sense Fog on the Bay Responsible
for Bella's Mishap.
While proceeding up the Delaware River
this morning the British steamship Bella,
from Port Antonio, Jamacla, with a cargo
of fruit, went ashore off the quarantine
station nt Marcus Hook. Tugs have gone
to her assistance, and It Is expected the
vessel will bo floated about 2 o'clock this
afternoon at high water.
The damage to tho steamship, If any,
Is not known. She Is not In any danger.
The Bella, commanded by Captuln Jame
son, sailed from Port Antonio, consigned
to the Atlantic Fruit Company, on Sep
tember 19. She arrived at the Delaware
breakwater shortly before midnight last
night and picked up a pilot. The bay
was overhung at the time by a thick
mist. Cautiously the pilot worked the
vessel up past Reedy Island. She reached
Marcus Hook at 6:50 a, m. While ma
neuvering to pick up the quarantine of
ficials she grounded.
New Law Will Let Buyers Know
What They Are Getting.
Every loaf of bread to bo sold, in the
future. In this city, must bo marked ac
cording to Its weight. By authority de
rived under the new "commodities" net
an order to that effect will soon lie Is
sued by the Bureau of Weights and
Measures of tho County Commissioner.
Tho exact quantity of all goods sold in
sealed packages will also have to bo
stamped upon tho boxes. In the selling
of groceries, for instance, it will no
longer be possible to buy a "hox of
itarch" but Instead the housek epfr w.ll
receive a "pound box" or a "half-pound
box of starch."
The traditional "box of candy" will
also give way to the pound, for tho rea
son that the law creating the new Bu
reau of Weights and Measures requires
mat it compel nil merchants to sell the!
NEW YORK, Sept. 24. Judge L. F.
Loree, president of the Delaware and
Hudson Railroad, arrived here today
aboard the Southern Pacific steamship
Antilles from Genoa. Speaking about the
plans now being promoted for the expan
sion of the American Merchant Marine,
he sold that not since tho Napoleonic
wars has so great an opportunity been
presented to the United States to build
up Its shipping and to extend Its foreign
"The extent to which we utilize this
opportunity to establish a Merchant Ma
rino and extend our foreign commerce
will be a fair measure of the capacity of
our business men and the Washington
administration. The responsibility for any
failure, partial or total, must rest upon
ono or both of these forces."
In referring to tho economic los-ses sus
tained by tho warring nations, Judge
Lorro said:
"Tho thing that most appeals to the
man whoso habit of thought has been
along business lines, after making due
allowance for the vast destruction of
life and the distress which will naturally
follow with the loss of heads of fam-
I Hies and the support of the disabled, Is
the tremendous waste of capital and the
effect of that loss on tho future. Mod
ern Industrial condition require the capital
Investment of about JlO for each work
man employed,
"The total dally expenditure of the
powers engaged has the practical effect
of destroying the means through which
1000 men can be kept permanently at
work. Tho indirect effect must be half
again as large, so that tho ability to
BOSTON, Sept. 2L-"After witnessing
the sad scenes of devastation nnd destruc
tion and tho appalling toss of life which
Is now tho tragic lot of a great part of
Europe, we have reason to congratulate
ourselves and to ebthankful to Almighty
God that our beloved country Is enjoying
the blessings of peace," said Cardinal
Olbbons, who, with Cardinal O'Connell,
returned from Naples today on the liner
"Tho United States Government de
serves great credit for Its splendid work
In facilitating the return home of so
many American citizens In Europe as
a result of the war. There were thou
sands of our follow citizens there. Many
of them had gone to Europe with only
enough moeny to defray their regular
travelling expenses and were wholly un
prepared for the conditions they found
thrust upon them. Our American ambas
sadors and consuls deserve unstinted
praise for what they did to help those
people to return to America."
Cardinal Gibbons and his traveling
companions, accompanied by Bishop
Corrigan, of Baltimore, and Monslgnor
Phahan. rector of the Catholic University
at Washington, left Boston on the 10
o'clock express for New York. They
will proceed at once to Baltimore to
attend the closing sessions of the con
cntlon of Federnted Catholic Societies
now In session there.
Cardinal O'Conncll gave out tho fol
lowing statement:
"At last we are homo again In our
own America, prouder, still, If that wero
possible, of her liberty, of her founders
and of her institutions. May God bless
our America, her rulers and her peop'tj,
and keep her ever prosperous and happy
In the full possession of national honor
and lasting peace.
"Three of the American cardinals ar
rived too late to participate In the elec
tion, C.rdlnal Gibbons, Cardinal Begin
and myself. The ancient regulation of
beginning tho conclave on the 10th day
after tho death of the Pope was made
when cardinals did not reside as such a
gieat distance from Rome as they do
now. and undoubtedly a new regulation
will be made In relation to the opening
of the conclave that will enable the
American cardinals to reach Rome In
time to participate In the election.
"The cholco of Cardinal Delia Chlesa
as Pope has already produced a most fa
vorable Impression. At this particular
time there Is great need of a vigorous
Pontiff, with a knowledge of diploma'! ::
relations and with wide, practical ex
perience In the affairs of the Church and
the State.
"The present time Is a most trying one
In which to begin the arduous labors of
Pontiff, and Pope Benedict XV will at
the very outset of his pontificate be called
on to face as serious and as difficult a
problem as ever fell to the lot of a sov
ereign Pontiff, Lut In his labors he will
have the prayers and cooperation of all
his hlshops, priests and people throughout
mo wona.
"On throe separate occasions during my
short stay In Rome the Holy Father re
ceived me In private conference, and I
was amazed at the wonderful qua Ities
he displayed. His ready and quick grasp
of affairs, his Intimate knowledge of men
and conditions, his gracious tact and
courtly bearing, his manifest love and
burning desire for the betterment and
happiness of the people, his deep knowl
edge and simple faith, Impressed me In a
marked degree, and promises a glorious
reign for the Church nnd for the people
throughout the world."
Denied Admittanco to Her Home,
Visitor Flreu at Her Brothers.
A fight over a girl ho knew In Sicily
six years ago, In which ho Is accused
of firing three shots at her brothers,
led lo the arraignment today before
Magistrate Carson, at the Second and
Christian streets station, of John
Monte, 1122 Kntcr street. He was held
In $M0 ball for court-
The girl Is Miss Jennie Ross, 1(5 years
old,' 721 South Ninth street. Her brothers
are John nnd I'letro Ross. The family
came here from Italy six months ago.
Monte had been hern for six ynrs. He
had known Miss Ross ns a child In their
native land and he used this acquaintance,
tho girl testified, to force his attentions
on her.
Monto called at the Ross house last
night and was refused admittance.
Then, according to the girl, he called the
brothers across tho street and a fight
started. In tho mlddlo of It Monte Is
accused of drawing a revolver nnd firing
three shots.
One bullet passed through tho shirt
of John Ross. Just grazing the skin.
Policeman Isola heard tho shots and
chased Monte through Btreets nnd alleys
to Delhi and South streets, where he
captured the man.
Widow of Woman's Suit Manufac
turer, Aged 00 Years.
Mrs Henrietta Casper, widow of Henry
Casper, for many years a woman's suit
manufacturer, died veterdav at her
home, 1R(M Diamond street Phe " a W5
years old, Though she died suddenly, her
death was biousiht on b th' inllrmltltx'
of her age.
For 12 years Mrs. Casper had retired
from business and had devoted her time
to chirltable work She was the oldest
member on the board of directors of the
Jewish Mnternltv Hospltnl. Sixth nnd
Spruce streets, and a member of the con
gregation Kenes'th Israel. One son.
Simon H. Casper, shirt manufacturer, 10W
Filbert street, and a daughter, Mrs. A. A.
Uallenborg, survive.
Ex-Select Councilman Cooper's Will
Makes Her His Beneficiary.
Ex-Select Councilman William H.
Cooper, of the Eleventh Ward, who died
recently at 712 North Third street, be
queathed his entire estate of 1!,000 to
his widow. Hannah M. Cooper, and four
Other wills probated tndnv were: Kate
LIddell, formerly of Philadelphia, who
died at Worcester, Mas., leaving an es
tate of Jin, 500; George W. Chapman.
4918 Beaumont avenue, $15,000 ; Anna
F. McGarry, 49 South 45th street, $3000.
Personal property of Frederick C. Stein
beck has been appraised at $2544.55.
Mrs. Rebecca A. Wills, a nurse during
the Civil War, died yesterday at her
home, 12'7 Cambridge street, in her 733
vear. She was the wife of a veteran of
the Civil War. who, for the past sixteen
years has been the watchman at the
U. S Mint. They were married at the
outbreak of the war Mrt. Mills was a
member of the Abraham Lincoln Lodge
No. 4, Ladles of the G. A. R : Anna M.
Ross Circle. No. 30; the Garfield Lodge
No. 19, and other associations. Three
sons, Charles M., George E. and David
H., survive.
Belief in Last Inheritance Makes Her
Feel Independence.
Believing tat her father willed con
siderable money of which she has been
systorlnusly deprived, Elizabeth Lan
parter, 19 years old, a domestic In the
home of Mrs. Rose Tllberg, of 2123 East
Clearfield street, refuses to work for her
living, and so rind herself plnced in
charge of Mary Gillette, of the Court Aid
At the hearing before Magistrate Camp
bell, of the Belgrade and Clearfield streets
police station, it was testified that the
girl had been stealing small sums of
money rrom ner employer. Mrs Tllberg,
Mrs. Anna E. Worman died yesterd. y
nt her home, 3442 North Broad street. She
was 73 year3 old. and had been In feeble
health since last Enster. Her death was
due to a paralytic stroke. The funeral
will be held on Saturday, when she will
be burled in the Rivervlew Cemetery,
Ltmbertvlllc. N. J.
Charles Summers, a veteran of the
Civil War, died yesterdav at his home,
30.11 Amber street. He was a member of
the Captain Philip R. Schuvier Post. No.
M. G. A. R . of the Kensington Circle.
No. 4. B of A., and of several other
until the latter could stand th" annov.
employ permanently C0IV men Is destroyed i a"c no longer. John Sleuhr. the elrl'.i
each day ns the war progresses. Of I guardian ad a member of the Hoard of
course, tnis doe;, not mean that these
men will be absolutely Idle, but rather
that the loss must he distributed ovt-r
thoso who ura kept at work.
"Tho cifect necess,irll will be espe
cially severe on the j dinger men seek
ing employment for the llrst time. The
Woman Asks 825,000 for Alleged
Breach of Promise.
PARKERSBURG. W. Vb,. Sept 2t
Suit for $25,000 damages for breach of
promise was begun here today by Miss
Etta Shrewsbury, of this city, against
Judge Perry Nicely, president of the
County Court. The latter Inst Sundav
married Florence May Soule, of Eas't
Liverpool Nicely Is prominent In Dolttlcs I tdche of the bureau sairi t..,i,.. .,... " '."
here and is reputed to be wealthy action will soon h,. taken. tL: V.,...
Miss Shrewsbury, who is 3S years old, I '''l notified either Indirectly or direr
and employed In the ofllce of a local phy- ' '' that he must stamp the weight of tho
wares according to an exact standard of lt'Bt,'uc,lol, capital through taxation
measurement. Jrh ........ . ".' .. "- iiiiiriiuiiitB mxri, unci
"bagful" will hereafter be held Illegal by
tho bureau.
Tho order concerning the sale of bread
Is of paramount Importance. According
to E. J. Catteli, municipal stutUildari
about l.onaooo loavi-s of bread are sold )n
Philadelphia dally. There are nhouf 1200
bakers, each ot whom will be obi ged to
comply wit!, the ncv regulation.
!la,.?'l.,ca 'Vs "". yet tren sent to
-.. . ...i- iiirmi liiuilljcurs, Dut un nt.
f' htV, IS Placed on the wall back of I slclan. says that Judge Nicely paid mark- ' bread on each loaf.
'" narrison I'hemical Laboratory, and ed attention to her since 1905. and that
afconomores. Rlrfnncrl trt tl,A wola
"! well smeared with lard, bank them
"Ives around it At 10 0 the freshmen
'"a-so the sophs If the freshmen do
roi j.aw tne postPr down by u o.C0clt
iiire is an intermission. At 11:15 the fight
Bins, again. U the freshmen do not
cavi the prater down by 12 o'clock the
iophomors are dsclared winners. If
e rrefnmtn tear ,he poster (Iown ,hey
are the winners
Man Sent to Jail for Jingling at
ringing uf dour bells struck Charles
AUStm ..f 3719 Ciral-A or root !.,.,,,
vtl, . "pe'i? hls l me' a"d as a le ult
iri traie Emely. of the Park and L
i.m .aVtniJes station, todiy sentenced
'HIT) to JO rlav. ,.. .V,. r-..... n.i'..
:""M charged with disorderly con
f"p J et'cnt 60me tim I"" "lent be
r. . hl" '""-st ringing duor bells on
1 ' 'i avenue
William J Marlon, of nil Marvlne
lrU aiso came in for a, 30-day sentence
" f hands of Magistrate Kmelv
-' 1 rvfc the nledK last -! ' but
" rnty fe.rgot about It last night.
The rmipo&e of th law iu i ..t., ..
they were engaged to be married but that ' consumer tu Judge the amount t hut L
the Judge postponed the wedding on i fc''e Is receiving for 5 cents iilll.iL.:
a loaf or bread could b made In any sie
or weight without the knowledge ot the
purchaser. J somc SMtl the jft0,,Ve
dictates a definite wvlght for a 5-cet loaf
und unttsa that amount Is given the star":
keeper may not sell it as "a loaf "
tho income tax is Just ns certain and
has Just as baneful an effect as its de
struction, through wnr.
"The authors of these taxes may not
seem so culpable as the authors of
wars, hut considering tho relative
periods of duration of their activities,
these civil destroyers undoubtedly work
more harm to civilization than the mili
tary ones."
Man Charged With Making Brutal
Attack on a Girl.
Archie tlonawltz. 1035 North 20th
street, was held in SiO" bail for court
Managers of the St Vincent Cirnhnnn
stated that the girl had been placed in
the orphanage and had also heen an In
mate of the House of the Good Shepherd,
but neither Institution could keep her be
cause of her refusal to work
Mrs Easter Ferguson died yesterdav at
her home. 1330 Fairmount avenue. She
was 88 years old nnd her death was
brought about bv n severe cold which
added to the infirmities of her age. Five
sons and two daughters survive.
Seven Horses nnd Cow Tcrish on
Faxson Estate,
Fire destroyed the barn on the estate
of the late Chief Justice Tdward M. Pa
son, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vanla. on Old Vork road near Ourklns
1mm. Pa , last nuiu. emaillni loss
estimated at '.'nnno Colonel Harvey Ji
Paxson nnd Edwnid E Pnson hurried
to the scene fwi ltei n'"'r ,,
nt Holicong. The fire wa-. dl-covere1 nt
9 30 o'clock last night. l lioard Tib
hen, of Dovlestown, who wns passing in
nn automobile '"
A farm band drove a hord of cows
from tho barn Into n meadow, hut sven
hrrses and ouo cow were burned to death
various occasions, saying he did not de
sire to wed until his first wife, from
whom he has been separated, died Thj
first Mrs. Nicely died about a year agf
in Indianapolis.
today by Magistrate Boylo, at the 39th ' on'1 largo amount of crons wns Ho.
street nnd Iancaster uvenuo station, on ' stroed. The Paxsor mans on was
the ihargo of making u brutal ntticlc on ! threatened for a time, but men employed
Film Inventor's Widow to Whoin
Fortune Came Too Late.
NEWARK. N. J, Sept. 21 -Mrs. Re
becca Allen Goodwin. S2 years old. widow
of Hannibal Goodwin, a preacher, who
invented the photographic film, is dead
here at her home In March last she
obtained a settlement of more than
$l,0frt.O-X through her victory over the
Eastman Kadak Company for Infringe
ment of her husband's invention. At the
time the money was paid she remarked
"it came too late "
Many years ago Goodwin formed the
Goodwin Film and Camera Company and
sought to promote his Invention for films
and cameras. His wlf retained much
of the stock, but tfcye Ansco Film Com
pany also acquired a large block of It
ana camea un me ugm against the East
nian Company,
Trial Board Acquits Four Accused of
Beating Prisoner,
Four policemen of the 17th District, ac.
cu.ed by Neil Pitts of having beaten him
iw oiacKjack3
Mis Emma Adams. 310 North 55th street.
hl.s former sweetheart
The girl testified todty that liana wit z
I owes her 166 and because she would not
, let him telephone to her father yesterday
to complain that she was annoying him,
he attacked her in drug store at 10th
1 street und Uuunater avenue. Policeman
1 Shannon heard her cries and arrested
I tlonawitz. Miss Adams satd she broke
I off her engagement to the man some
months ago beeause he boasted of beat
ing li's sister.
on the estate mnniintd
flames from spreading
to prevent the
William O llarrlt VM S 1.1,1, it 4 cr.
Un utr ..'"l Ktsimrt at l"
William Srher.itiiiiin. mT K Park at nnj
h.irle. n SI. or.. .'.'IT K ?,t8iri.t
Fr.infc Ilurrl jn'-'. ' HalUy ' alHIi
e iij
AITKKN--CM September 21. 11(14 MAlt
rjAltEr I. MTKP.N lotf ut At aiiUr cit
Interment private ta'iidim.' Pr-pryivrlnn
rtvir-li Hi.rw-x i.rr,tinls. nt I.ea.n.uii, I.an
riwr . ft
TIAItNIIl'ItST On Feotember IS. 1014.
PATH Fit INK Vinill.VtA Ife of Jotp,,n
Darnhuret. age J TO sears nelathts nn 1
friends are malted to a'tend ti funeral
ferWcei. on Friday afternoon at 2 fO octok.
nt tier late rel !-.- i;,"tt J,rrron street.
CiermantciAn In'e-ment rrla.
I.-.rONK. (n September 3?. 1014,
AMANDA io r,f .7'ferh M Basone ah' I
75 years Tun.rdl hit i"ea on Sat'ir'. at 1
p. m at the r.-ienn 'f rr n.iii-n. i a.
i'0 redar et T pmreed to Fern nod
t'emeten !np-niont private
4Vj; SVmrn it
IIIKIIKCK. i pnl-r 31 Jft4 I.At'RA
11 wife it i'Vtirlf H. Blrhedc Funeral
from 14.', Kiir'i'oun ne on Friday ,,t j
P m Interment prlvute ut Nor tinned
HI.OOMHriM. On September 38. lfH. at
her Ule reillenn I'mn Wln' As v .win.
HOI IT .-u. i'ie;mnna me Jt'IJA. widow ot
Crarlet lUwmb irir aoe I KH vtr. Due no
lire of th. (i.nertl ill It given
HHItTON. -Xeir Mmmt Holly, N .f , on "d.
temtier : 1IMI l.VVM.tiA widow of V7i
lam Itorton aged fi't irart. Funerwl p-unte
on SaturdiM. Fii'otir-r i"! ut 1 p. m near
Mt II -.tlj N" f Interment t Fienreen
Cemeter I.umwrton X J.
MltK.NN IN. i'-' .-ffiiroler ;'1, 'uu. pat.
Hii-i r iirrvw.v .J(i,.(n. . .-',nit.
nc HpjI i mil in o' i.e la . Ml ru i" I
Pr' 'Ee: I'renian F'imtj, erijr -vi, it
"M i n from SJlT ! vie tin t. i, r. i
Ketilrm V 'f at Bt. i Ivi-l , biindi at
4. n. Interment Ne Pvhtdral iVm. -
llliltj!.-jn September i'S. 1014, JOHN
aon of !.e lat Jair.e ana Serhln Br- r
met M-V'em atel ' ,ar Funeral ' i
l-e in Mtjrm ,it ;; i.. n -jitt k.-i
tl!li.-in liurroent at BelUviic tvmetei v .
,jIiij'fr.yi!M?I9.- , t,c.E oi!t Kir ;
M'l" IIT"N met' a ,i. lumut,!,!
dauiM. i .f '-.ar ' r in, Cw t 11 Jtn
Tt. i. n e t. nlitr ?.t, J14 !,,.,' tiorl e ., J
rtvS" T.:i- l.ieV'i " '""---" -'
COVVF.V. Suddenly, on September -Si, 1914,
ALDEnT 1,., son yf Oscar c A and Annl
W Covvey (ne Hums), ! 18 years 0
mflnlhi. ttelstlven and friends also B V H.
SodAllty and Junior Holy Narne Society ef thtt
Church. -or Our Lady of Mf Carmel, are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Saturday
morning, at R o'rlock, from his parcnta' rel
den, 2.104 South 3d t Solemn HlRri Mas,
of neqtilem at Church ef Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel at 0.30, precieety. Interment at
Holy Cross Cemetery.
CROHni. On September It, 1014, JOSEPH,
husband of Jennie Croehy. Funeral eer-dces
on Frldar. nt 2 p m . at .21 Et Alleuheny
ave. Interment strictly private.
HA I.I.Aft. Suddenly, on September 22. 10H.
JOHN J., huerand nf Nellie A and eon of
William .1 and Man- E . Dallas. Funeral
eervlrcs and Interment private.
t)H'FIKI.tl-On September 23 1014. ELIZA
JANR. widow of Champion Duffleld. Fu
neral rvree, on Saturday, at 2 p. m.
R0O2 Tlnlcum Hve. Interment private.
Friends m view remains t-tlday etenlnti
after 7 o'clock
Kf.r.MTT On September 23. 1014, ItE-
1IK f'A KI.LIOTT. nged yens runrrjii
eervlcee on Saturdav, nt 10 a. m., at 1341
South 11th nt. Interment at Olaeeboro, N J.
Ilemalne may be viewed on Friday, between
R nnd 10 p m 'Automobile funeral.
I'niNMAV. nolB FniNMAN. 32 years,
1K20 South Uith t. ....
I'lHfUt M)N. On September 23. 1014,
RAPTKR widow of William Teruson. Fu
neri! ferMcee at 1.110 Falrmount ave., on,
Friday, nt 11 a. m. precisely Interment prl
atc I'I.(M)I). - On September 22. IBM. PHILIP P.
flood, bueban 1 nf Marv Pollock Flood. ad
Tfi years Itelativca and frlende. also Lode
No. 2, F. and A M . and sun Ivor" of Co K,
11th Pa Vol Caalry. are Invited to ,t.
tend eervlref, Trldav at 2 p mu. a his lata
reMence, 47(0 wiwi" menu" Oermantown.
lntrrnc.1t prun'e rhelten Illlle Cemtery
rrc H. On September 22 1014. HALTHA
SAIt, husband o' the lv Pauline Kuch
Funeral from the Home of the Little Slteri
of the Poor, lsth and Jefferson st., Friday,
at 1 p m Mats nt 0 p. m Interment at
Holy Cross Cemeterv.
IT Clymcr et. . .,
OAHHlSON. On September 23. 1014.
rjFOIirjn MYEHP. son of the late John and
Judith Hampton Garrison Funeral on Satur
day, at 10 a. m . from 002 North 10th ft.
Interment ot West Laurel Hill. Cemetery.
OHNTNniC On September 4rl. 1914, AU--Ot'Cr
h'Jfbnnd of r-hrle'lna Ocntner (nee..
TJraun) Funeral on Friday, at 8 30, from
I 1." N. 27th n Requiem Man nt Ltul
flit's Church at 10 o'rtocfc. Interment prl
OKHSTI.n. On September 23. 1014.' HC
OINA. widow of Myer S Gertle 'and
dearlv beloved mothr of 'J. L. Swope, of
New 'York cltv and Carrie Oeretle. Swpp,
In the "0th jenr of her age. Relative and
frlnds are Iml'cl to attend th funeral
ervlce. on Friday, at 2 p m . at her lata
residence, BOO North ISth st Interment at
convenience, of the family. New ork
papers pleiee copy. ....m
OOfiriWIN. On September 23. 1014 JAMES
H. GOODWIN aged 71 years. F uneral eer
vlce on Friday at t p m. at 2412 Clifford
st Imerm-nt nt Mt. Hnllv. N. J., on Satur
dav. by lo IS a. m train from Market
HAl'sKS. On Nln'h Month. 22d. 1014. "HOW-
ARD M HAINES husbnnd ef Katherlne E.
Hninee Inet Hlreri and soft or the lata
Hurr nnd Elizabeth B Haines Services on
?oient'i-di (Fifirdav) nt 11 a m . at Bis
Irti residence Mienolla. N J 1
IIAItBIS. On September 22 1011. FRANCIB
A., nustiani 01 i-.mine is name, uue no
tice of funeral wll be given
IIEVIlKIt'iO.N. At his la to residence flsaa
Mcfniium nt.. Oermantown, JAMES P. HEN
DERSON, aged IS years Funeral service
and Interment private. .-.,.
IIIIMHION. On September 22, 1014, JOHN
I- HENDRON son o' the lato William and
Ellen Ileidron Funrnl on Saturday, nt
"O t m.. from 2fi3S Belgrade t. Solemn
Itequlrtn Mars ut s't Ann Church, at 10
n m. Interment a. New Cathedral Ceme
ter' JENNINGS At the Edlnborough Apart
ments. 42."'i '"h'stnut et, on September 2-1.
1114. J. HAPVEY JENNINGS. Jon of tho
late D ffford and Julln H Jennings. Fu
neral services nnd Interment private.
KKKISLEIt. On September 21. 1014.
LOl'IPA. wife of John O Koebler Funeral
on Frldav. at 2 p. m . from 2018 Reed St.
Intermeni at Northnool Cemetery.
KINtiSTON At Heverly. N. J . on Septem
ber '.'2. inn. ALBERT E. oldest son of Al
bert E an1 AlKe O. Kingston. In his 13th
car. Funeral on Frlda at 2 '.0 p m.. from
rarcnts' residence, Broad et . South Beerly,
N J. Ser- Ic-s In M. T. Church at 3 o'clock. I
Interment Monument Cemetery.
I.l HATTY. MARY LUBATTY. 22 months,
1U2. N Hllti-n at.
I.l'MJKOAHI). On September 23. 1914.
JEVNIE B daughter of Jennie and tha
late Lav rence I.undgir1. aged S years T
months Funeral on Saturda at 2 30 p. ra..
fr"m '.iV'i Eaet Lippln-ott st Interment pri
vate at Rel!eue Cemeter
1.1'NIIY. At Atlantic City. N J., on Ninth
M-nth 21d 114 GE'iRTF. w. LfNDY.
Funeral at Friends' Meeting House, corner
Mnln and nardn strec-s Mt. Hollv. N. J.,
on Soenth-day 20'h, at 1 p. m. Interment at
Mt Holly cemeterv
MAEUTEN On Septemher 22. 1014. MART
R lfe of Harry C. Ma-rten. aged 4.1 years.
Funeral on Saturd'iy. it 1 p m . from lato
renldence, 12S South llneetvond st. Remains
may ho vlened Friday evening. Interrnent at
Fernwood Cemetery.
.MiCltltMiri:. On September 21. 1014.
MICHAEL husband of Annie MeCormlclr,
tcrmerly of T014 Tasker et. runeral on Fri
day, at ' 3" a m . 'rem 2012 MeKean at.
Solemn Requiem Mars at St. Edmond'a
Church, at in n, m. Interment at Holy
Croe Cemeterj.
McEWF.N. On Septemher 23. 1014, JOHN1.
srrn of the late James and Sophia McEu'en
(nee Rs ri. aged "0 e- Funeral on
Saturddy at 2 p. m . from 2114 East Will
iam ft. Interment at Eeleue Cemetery. Re
mains may lie viewed nn Friday from 7 to
10 p. m
Jle.M.MHIN On September 23. 1014. JOHN
T . husband of the late Ellen MiMahon. Duo
notice of the funeral u1U be phen. from his
Inte residence. 132 Green st
MICKLi: On Ninth Month 22d. 1814. HOW-
Alio A. MICKLE In Mr iOth ear Rela
tives and friends ore In 'ted to afend tho
runeral. on Sixth-day the 2'th. at 2 "0 p m..
from ht late roslden-e, 11 West Prospect
ae, Moorento-vn. N J Train Ieaes Mar
lct tv ferry Phllalelphla. at 1 21 p. m.
Trolloy, foot of Market St.. Camden. 1:3S
p .11
MII.LF.K. At Naples, Italy, on September
;i) IrfH. ANNA HARE M1I.LLR widow of
he Uta E. Spenrer Miller, in the S24 year
of her age Due n nice of the funeral will
! given.
.MILLER.- -On September 22. 1014, WILLIAM
FKANi'l-, huihnnl of Ma L. Knausa Miller.
In hla 7'M ear. Funeral on Friday, at 0
.i. m piecierlv at 4MI North Broad st.
Interment trlvate.
.MI.VOi:. JOaEI'Il MINOR, 7 jears. 8719
Madison nie.
y.'ars 2 I.M North Stnnle et
NORTH. In East Brandvwlne. Pa , on Sep
tember 23, I'll 4. J FRANCES, wife of
Georg.' R North Funeral on Saturday, at
1" "" a. m. interment Hopewell M. E Cem
etery O'NI.II.I.. On September 21 1014, ANNA
M. lfe i' Jatn- n Ve 11 and daughter of
th- late John an I Brldjre'. M tlonay Funeral
in Frllay. at a. m from V14 North
321 street. Wet Philadeltiht Solemn Masi
-f P.equifm at St Auatba a thjr-h at 10
n m Interment H'b Crew Cemetery.
CHAIKI(. At Burlinitton. N J on Sep
tember .'- l'H4 ELIAPETH PCHAFFEH.
oged t't nam Fumral rl' en Friday, at
2 p. m . at her Hte residence Salem And
Mill rnai, Burlington. N. 1 Interment prl
iii. MHMEKTZI IU. At SmlthMlle. N. J. oa
'-ptember J.' l'14. PIIEF Losa widow of
Jncnh Schnertzier Funeral from the rest
dence of Mrs William Simons, Smithvtlle,
N J. on F'id S'ntember 2", at S a. -m.
Il'gb Mot at 'h .Trad Heart Church. Mt.
H'hy ." J at ft vt a m Interment at R.
i.emter mi rioiiv
iernl -i. -,1.1
a-e near S'h and Olnty are Interment
'rictly priiaie
S,l rVVu .'.'". an ""byr 21, 1014, EDWARD
t SHEA. Jr . son nf Udwjr I J and the lata
Mary Shea inra Wall.. In bi. 23d y4r.
unerat on Frlda. at .:iu a. m. from; 44iS
Nnnh L.iwrme at, High Requiem M at
(. linn h of the Incarnation at In a m. Inter-rnn-
nt New rnihtdn! Cemetery
U!T1I.-;iii apteniber 23. 1H14. S1ABT ffi.
w f ! JAUluiii' H jiif.i mv H-.lU. ged 4l
itire r,neri! 'n Saur'a. nt i m . from
1 v. tu . ur.i t F'lKn'lMe Rtqulem
fas4 ai the 'bur h if the in-arna'lon nt
V a. .t' Interment pr.i ate at H 1 Serulchra
tTM'AIMi- At vuvi-.,f.J x j on gen
tcmi . .', lint HAN v AH e f wilTloi.i
Mar. rlnji r as I 04 ar- rineta. ar.-
- n FMIjj f I (i m it 2.H4 North
J"''"' f! Intaraiept ot .Vr.rthno4 Cema-
faTPriCMtSU - Ort Sept. mi-er 31. 191J.
Prertrl.ii Srelrhr .'ml laughter of John and
A'l" Ki-har Fttn.ru, (n Fr'd at 7 30 a
?,' J"Xm T""' ,v '' Tmpor t. PMamn
Hij(h ILqiuepi Mil. .11 r,i l.uW'aa Chur-h
it ' i m, h.i, )ni.rmnt .it Holy Cron
...T- , Wf 2
1 .em.rr ;u, rio'lv
MJI.LjrK--On ;:ept nher 21 1014. C
.-i.l LI K r i; T'l titf Frier
e or, FrU ot 2 p. m. at ol'l
l)lit)N.On Nuiih Mnnlta -'.i taia wil
LlA.M II L I KirtVN VurT-li; '"'rtit 2.' fc
Lhlin.'ll' V fl.u '. ' " ' IM'JH
H-rtwrt W I IUe.inw.wr, ntin IVcniaiei-k i
eel nianche E Will.. 0'it licuM aw
US Tjjlor ai".. V d .i
paries 4 iros vi.-,
n I'arr vn'iqiixia
snl ,DB
Walker ct.. nBrf i...
- . ... ..
without iirovocatlon. ' TROLLEJV CAK STRIKES WAGON I Augustu. Hlmrn.l.l ach l.eau nitml and
,,,. , , ' i FUi uce M J rati .,3'. & i,, ""
day Jt a hearing be. I t, . ,. TT , . Jeha H ixiftirl I. Ir tu-j s i-,,h , . 4
oarJ. with i-onuu.n. i Drive1 Hurt anrl One of the Horsss Sarah iirte. 30 Me.ho ,,, & " ,o4
were e.xuneniteil toda
-. ...v 1 vim itoaru. wan t'uput
Temnem alrti,,.. '
xiir.. .a t?"rte'1 h- I'oliwmati Wilson. 1
McGlnty. avu and Arrhd a on ,hat '
Jvell attacked them after he had t.een ar- '
rested at J7th and Fedoml streets for
participating In a row in which two
women were cut Wilson and K ntv
admmed atrlklng Putg Tluy said hev
were handling nve prisoners in a patrol
wagon .nd were hurrying the injured
women to tne Polyclinic Hospital Dr
A double team, owned by William J
Meehan. of Philadelphia, and in charge of
Frank Mader. K Sarah street, of thla
cit v m muck by a trolley car in Olou
caster City. Jf. J.
.M-der -.4S on hU way to the immigrant
t iiior. He was thrown from the w.-tron
n4 suffered serious Injur to hi less
Ih-- waai n waa damaged and one hor
Maxwell, of th krit.i ...lee " "V.. .r. f? 'v urea mat he had to b killed
j 1 uu k-cked him upon hia a7r vaf he rl I ZlJViJLoto.l"K.
I a.- vuiuv 49111,'
frihtened and left his post.
jm. po n
Ann It
Wi'luim A
F S hlueier ?t;o V
Kt In 1 i on-ar
Hen lit
jr. timtect K' .
1'atier.on jh g UurkaairM
Hir.h It! N. m i.T JS a1m.
J 1 V Uinlu at " "'
i.T.' ... - IB! FllBBl
1 aceover. 4 11 Dlcktnsnn M
J.rne F Tillman 17u Elwln ft -..
r:'n- I7MI F!!n
M r-'j KeppeKin 4 It F tiaater it
Ilia Mll'er 1 .1 I'liiui.. .. "
Ediarl F Shiir 1J.. N ;,icn
I.u-i Bank.. 1147 .V A i,n .-
AIMrt H H'jbb
es-o M HI!" Wi'aaur rt p
Oe.r Hill 2144 Jeffe .,n V
Lui.ae 2111 .r..rrern ,
Cbarlej A Andtraen IV)7 Srrinic Oar Jen t
and Kaiherln.i M Joria0 II? Orr at.
aad Fan.
it ail
aJ F: -
ail i"lara
Slith 'Hi iFr
at 172a ilfratl r
I Vbl'FH - On
itiKTrA i'i
en i r !
tu bit it ii i r
lloru lie lit
Hi !r u
liilerm-nt privatu
!;. ml ! mi4 HEV-
' t'.v 1ie ltnr , ,r Jul
im- t 'rml i- tniiti-i
.- .m iiii. nt I i u.
;n ! i ani'nl at
Tti?ljKl.. t sptml r 52 1011 C,RO.
I.IMT, jic f j, , R,nit art 12
' . Fun-ral fr i . on Ft, -la- Sep.
"m' " at .' p ii .-1741 ,v..rth iath
I.HHIITI., .i i jer njryn itni.!
tlr era and Nej ork , nr, j4.
f Ur.- a.j.liler.1'. oa ktptrmrier 2."
Ora lata. I'iit V a.T.JV
:; ,v.. "'.'.".... ":.,''.?'?',w i
if. i , i, ' '1 ' r ' the ut
rtrnt at i.Un
bTU'.- Su1.. rii. r
'HV, bu-b-.ti. -f HI
U eft Ult .f - I- I
ft rvicii I'll f 111 ;.i
reHua ;-, , , ru
att i'a- c, tntr
itui. ' bl UUI!Ul:k.
' 1 CHARLES b i. .
1UH. ' '" r '"
TlnH' 1 r A
eptem'ar 23. ISM.
M'.ii:.: ne tjr-
frnin F'joir.!
in at hit lata
I lntrmant at
nl-er .'1 1811,
'ate V'U 3lH
i at .' p oi..
ll;r. anl Amclu f to lick Hiih n'. ' t
frlBl. r ttnliej (r. attiaAl th fu.wtai i ' ' IMi
iC Oil 811.1 la ll'tin i.l. . , ' .' TESTl -.
h'r lait reUac tflca-oa J liontn u.. , ' "It M V
JJ- Alt; iur-.iii , .i, ., , ., .i H..f n
the !- '' pra train fr ui th ttfa.ijna ftr- U.'lb
mail i ACri 8t-tn.n Htran'Bi iil. , br Jt 1'
, ... .; -. t ....,.....:. ---
m- . ., i..uri urn i ca)ter
ill tilllKltb HhI.d on ?pt.mb., a.
' WILLIAM ..UHIEK !? TxT-iifa
nl ta Ute Mary A hait-r ,, S
xtara Pna cm.k of tki fuaer! Jilt ta
I (II l.lNr. la w,.Jt Chenter Seotemh.r .
191 1 MAV .. ! 1.I.N - . the ", . ,r ,"
t-r if" Furcra' f-m h.r !V , - 1, , ,
-- z- ' v i rva't- i . ..
'r J Hull ila- a" l
Jn';..-.hr,'j; -b "y ' Ll-
inioNt ty us c.jloSa.
is or c iJenton it
i''l iji
a ii
Seine -tar'
H 11 ' -tn
txtUM i
W taira. 49
;tii toi.PBj.s-,
t ' t
a. i.iri siar
' " S-pten.
t 'Ulrf is Ka
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I , r. F-4 t
IT' ut j- M
, n
' . '
4 ) "I
l .t
I i
ft la s-r'e-m
In St T
terrctnt errstir aij-inlna
jean. 1313