Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Evening ledger-phi iadbiiPHia', WEOTrtaspAY, bept'ember 23, 1914.
3 Head of Colorado Fuel and
Iron Company Refuses
Terms Offered, But Is
Told to Reconsider.
WASHINGTON, Sept. . President
XfWton today rofused to let the Colorado
rue! and Iron Company turn .down Ills
lan of ft peaceful settlement of the
Colorado mining striae, wnen j. . wei
fcorne, president of the oompany, told tho
preildent Hint his plan was not acccptnb'lo
to the company.
The President, In reply, told Mr. "Wei
borne to reconsider, and In the most em
phatic fashion told him that in view of
the present crisis In the country he should
rot definitely refuso the offer of settle
ment Mr. Welbornc promised to get In touch
with the other operators In Colorado, and"
va their answer In the President's
hands In a few days. It la considered
irobable that tho operators will square
the Issue presented by the President and
land pat on tholr declination.
The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company
through Mr. Welborn today presented
n alternative plan of settlement to the
President. Tho latter declined to con
sider It. saying that he was not thdr
oughly familiar with tho facts of the
Colorado situation, but that he thought
the plan of a three years' truce a fair
cnt. He added that ho did not Intend
t to act as Judge or arbiter In tho situa
tion, but only as a peacemaker.
The Presldont showed his dlsappolnt-
. Hfntnlt TTn linri tiMlnVori thnt.
Sunder existing conditions, his proposal
. !.. t.jiMrB trutA venMlrf h n,
tnr a thrco years truce would be ne
tepted by both sides. He remained
firm, however, and Informed tho coal
magnates that ho would Insist on the
acceptance of the plan.
"Go back to Colorado," he Is reported
to havo declared, "and rcconsldor your
decision. You cannot afford to decline
such a proposition In view of all the
existing circumstances."
Mr. Wolborn was closeted with tho
president for nearly an hour. On leav
ing the White House he appeared flus
tered, but ho declined to divulge any
details of his Intorview.
Commerce Commission Hot Inclined
to Suspend Bonds' New Rates.
WASHINGTON Hept. .-Advnnces
from i to VA cents per mile In tho
charge for mileage books proposed by
the Eastern railroads to take effect Oc
tober 1 may not bo suspended by the
Interstate Commerce Commission.
If any recognition of the few com
plaints that have been filed acalnst tho
proposed advances Is taken at all by tho
Commission It will be within tho next
week. However, the Commission ha
already gone on record as holding that
the passenger rates aro abnormally low
and this referred chiefly to the practice
of the roads In selling mileage books.
It Is believed here that the plan of
the Eastern railroads to Increase the
cost of mileage will be followed by a
similar plan on the part of tho South
ern and the Western roads. So far as
possible the advance will be general
throughout the country.
Survivors From Three Cruis
ers Sunk by German Sub
marines Arrive in England.
Tell of Escape.
Crowd Hears Rev. Mr. Illman nt
Noon Gathering.
A crowd of several hundred persons
assembled near tho Federal Building.
Klnth and Chestnut streets, at noon to
day listening to nn address on woman
suffrage by the Hov. Thomas W. Ill
man, pastor of All-Souls Unlversallst
Church. The meeting was held under the
auspices of tho Equal Franchlso Society
and was one of n series, of noon-day
meetings. Dr. Illman In a short ad
dres outlined the necessity of woman
suffrage ns a means of attaining the
Ideals of popular government, and main
tained that woman suffrage was essential
to the millions of women of all classed
for their own protection nnd the welfare
of the race, lis assorted that woman
suffrage would do a great deal In elimi
nating the white slave evil.
ur. illman was Introduced by Mrs.
Frank Miles Day, member of the Ad
visory Doard of the Equal Franchise So
ciety and vice president of tho Pennsyl
vania Child Labor Association. In Intro
ducing the speaker Mrs. Day said that
Roman stiff rago was needed not only ns
a means of achieving the final economic,
political nnd social emancipation of
woman, but also ns a means of carry
ing out Immediate reforms along the
lines of social legislation.
Doctor Illman said In part: "One
thing 13 very evident about the move
ment to st cure votes for women, nnd
that Is It has censed to be a sur
prise, a novelty. Militant auffragettlam
has nt least been successful as an adver
tiser of the desires and alma of aroused
and progrchstve women In nil civilized
lands, especially English-speaking women.
Jloreover, It can no longer bo treated
s a Joke.
"Women want to vote to remove the
stigma of Inferiority from their sex; to
Jiave a voice In securing their self-pro-tectlon;
tn tnke a place in the life of
the world that shall nccord with their
nonest realization of their own powers
nd capacities; to answer the demand
or society s clenily perceived and gen
erally confessed need of their awakenou
na Intelligent feminine services. The
voting force of the country needs new
Wood, with finer Ideals and loftier con
ceptions of the voter's responsibilities
rm.f nro an ln,cfal part of tho
soman's movement."
Chinese and Customer Carry Dispute
to Police Court.
The story of a shirt ,- ,,ei.,.. i .--
"aglstrate Ilenshaw m ih. rnt..i n-ii.-
-"un into afternoon, nnd ho used Solo
nonesf,ue wisdom to unravel the plot.
The story runs like this: Dnvld Mat
thews, Fortieth street and Baltimore avc.
"'. took three shirts to the laundry of
Charlie i.ee, tzzi Market street. When
he shirts were returned to Matthews he
"Id that one of them did not belong to
Wm and wan Inferior to the shirt he gave
fonnwl!l,namln Lee Bald dld- Words
followed and the Chinese was arrested.
anv k . cont"versy was renewed to
enL fnr.e thc 5IKlstrate. it would have
eone oi. Indefinitely had not he made a
fUafcestlon. Matthews was asked to tell
?uc.h. more tne Bh,rt "e on" had waa
worth He put tho figure at 11. It was
"Plained to the Chinese that It would
cost many dollars to have the case go on,
at the suggestion of the Magistrate.
he save Matthews a dollar and both men
ent away smiling.
AH Parties AgTee Not to Oppose
Names Belonging' There,
0U.n5.el rcrrentlng all political par
rnnn lt'orm Julge Ralston, in Com
won Pleas Court No. 5 today, as he
St ti.Prepar,ntf lo hear application of
on l "if, . have thelr nam Pa"
thev y ,lUvUI" assessors' lists, that
theL i aBreed t0 nsPt the petitions
fled ,1V,C8.Jind whero 'heV were satis
raw. i.V ,he "PP'teant was entitled to
.oum i . Mm" put on thc st her
tUlon !nt1erpo,e n objection to his pe
nnon belnir irranll rv. I
' found for
LONDON, Sept. 23.
The magnitude of tho disaster suffered
In the North, 8ea when the cruisers Abou
klr, Cressy and Iloguo were struck by
German submarines, struck home to Kng
lond today when It wns learned thnt only
611 survivors, ofllcers and sailors, had
been accounted for. Tho missing number
1GS4, the throo ships having carried 2100
sailors and 165 officers.
It Is believed that eomo of tho missing
have been rescued by ships that will re
port later, but oven tho most optimistic
fear that thc death list will total at least
Only tho barest details have yet
reached hero of the terrific execution
caused by the torpedoes sent from tho
German submarines. The unofficial re
ports state that the three cruisers wore
sent to tho bottom within a spaco of only
two hours. Thc Aboukar was attacked
about 6 o'clock yesterday morning.
Within a few minutes her shattered hulk
had sunk, leaving on the surface only
wreckage nnd members of the crew who
had been able to throw themselves into
the sea before the vessel went down.
Within a short tlmo the Iloque reached
the spot, and whtlo close watch was kept
tor thc enemy's submarines, its boats
were lowered away to save the Abouklr's
men. To this fact many of tho Iloguo's
sailors owe their lives, for, despite tho
precautions taken, a submarine dispatch
ed a torpedo against the Hogue's hull
and she followed thc Aboukar to the
The Cressy was the third to be de
stroyed. She Is snld to have been sent
to thc bottom about 8 o'clock, while
her boats were engnged In rescuing the
crews of the Abouklr and Hogue.
The Abouklr was struck on Its star
board side. It was thought she had
struck a mine, but while the Iloguo was
lowering four lifeboats she was struck
on the stnrboard by a torpedo. It was
then understood that submnrles were in
action. Four were seen and fired at.
The Abouklr sank In ten minutes, and
the Cressy, also approaching to glvo aid,
was torpedoed and sank.
Two submarines are reported to have
been hit, but this Is unconfirmed. The
third escaped. It Is supposed nt least
four German submarines engaged in tho
Most of the survivors of the Cressy
state that they were three hours In tho
water, swimming, before they were pick
ed up by small boats. The survivors
were nearly undressed In their berths
when tho torpedoes struck. They Jumped
out and leaped overboard. The captain
of the Tlton, which helped In tho rescue
work, believes thnt It is possible other
survivors may possibly have been picked
up by fishing boats.
Only one German submarine was seen
near the spot where the British cruisers
Abouklr, Hogue and Cressy were sunk In
the North Sea yesterday by the captain
of the Dutch steamer Tlton, who picked
up a number of survivors nnd took thera
to The Hook.
Survivors from the three British
cruisers sunk In the North Sea were
kept under close guard today at the
Shotley Naval Hospital and the Great
Eastern Hotel at Harwich, to prevent
their giving out any details of the dis
aster. Tho only Information vouch
safed was that they reported probably
700 had been saved.
ir i i mmemmmmmm faww ----- '.''. - - n n
' 'iai
VIgerman w r ' 1 is L I
Exercises in Schools and
Meetings Today Arc Pre
paratory to Three-day Car
nival and Convention.
The 10th day of the battle on the Alsnc and nearby river valleys, from Noyon to the Lorraine frontier, finds the great armies still lined up in front
of each other almost in a deadlock from one of the greatest artillery duels the world has ever known. While the Germans claim to have retaken the
Heights of Craonne, and to have gained a small town near Rhelms, and to have attacked the heights along the Meuse, at Vigneuilles, which is near Troyon,
the French claim that these movements of the enemy were without special result, and that the advantage still lies with the allies, especially in their flanking
movement near Noyon, Lassigny, and on the left bank of the River. Oise, where they are threatening the forces of the German right, under von Kluk.
Official reports give no details of this flanking movement, but unofficial place the French van near Peronne and St. Quentin on the Somme, and a large French
force at Lassigny. The German right has also moved its headquarters north over the Belgian line.
Secretary, Newly Arrived
From Tokio, Stresses Anti
American Feeling in Inter
view Obnoxious to Administration.
Fleet f Aircraft Mokes Sally Over
Cologne Grounds.
ANTWERP, Sept. a.
British aviators have dropped bombs
on the Blckensdorff aviation ground at
Cologne, setting fire to one of the sheds
used to house Zeppelins,
The newspaper Handelsblad says that
the aviators, five In number, flew In
company across Belgian territory Into
Germany and, after dropping the bombs,
escaped. Near Antwerp one of the avia
tors met with an accident and was
forced to descend, A troop of German
Uhlans started to capture him, but he
waa rescued by a Belgian armored au
tomoblls. The extent of the damage done In
Cologne Is not yet known here.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Because of
what Is regarded by the State Department
as "loose talk." Baron Wllhelm Frelherr
von Schocn, recently secretary to tho Ger
man Embassy at Toklo and freshly ar
rived to Dwelt thc staff on the German
Embassy In Washington, may bo politely
requested to move on to some other cap-'
Baron von Schoen talked at length In a
morning newspaper. His Interview wns
brought promptly to tho attention of the
Whlto House.
"1'ou may safely say," the Baron Is
quoted as saying, "thnt the mass of tho
Jnpanese people believe war with the
United States Is Inevitable. Throughout
Japan thcro Is an Intense hatred of tho
American people."
This declaration by a diplomat Is re
garded as being especially obnoxious at
the present time, when the Administra
tion is seeking to steer a neutral course
and avoid collision with other nations em
broiled In tho European struggle. While
tho White House had no statement to
make about the situation, it was evident
thnt the Administration was deeply In
censed. The utterance of Baron von Schoen
were regarded today as especially un
fortunate. In view of thc strained rela
tions now existing between the Admin
istration and the diplomatic representa
tives of the Kaiser In this country.
On one or two occasions the statements
Ismied from the German Embassy have
stirred the Administration.
Director Cooke to Becelve Proposals
for the Work.
Proposals for the raxing of 63 brick
and frame buildings and smaller struc
tures on tho line of tho Parkway will
bo received by Director Cooke, of the
Department of Public Works, on Oc
tober 2.
Twolvo of the properties to be de
molished are located betweon Cherry and
Applctrci- streets east of Seventeenth
street. The remainder of the structures
are all west of Logan Square.
Contractors may bid to pay the city
for the privilege of reducing thc building
for tho materials or to receive pay from
the city for the work, with the ma
terial remaining In possession of the city.
The properties were purchased by the
city at prices 10 per cent nbovo tho as
sessed valuntlon.
Thev are located on Seventeenth,
Cherry, Twentieth, Vino, Pearl, 21st,
Wood and Cnrleton streets nnd West
Logan Square. A mill property on the
south side of Wood street west of 21st
street is Included. .
mii,n ' toV. me court
for u& a8kta nex week to fix a day
1 Th "v""" Pass upon the petition,
left n5B7lM of ,he Petitioners had been
or oth., as3,or" st by mistake
1 Ud w,w ' .many of them betm omlt-
i tSrni? ?""?,, "e ,Pmom had not re
' Clih r cUy ,10mes by BeP'em.
totnt Vm. . ' ol ,n extra astes
. Boll .J? n tll"J PeMons went to buy
Jury Convicts Head and Employes of
Petty Officers' Club.
Ira Rykes, president, and the employes
of the Petty Onicers' Club were found
guilty of operating a speakeasy by a
Jury In Judge Curr'a court this afternoon.
Judge Carr deferred sentence pending a
notion for a new trial, and Increased the
amount of ball from $300 to 600 for each
J. Mlra and A. Iwal, two Japanese
waiters employed at the club, and James
McKenna and William McNamara, other
employes, were also found guilty by the
Policeman Pound Him With Stolen
Machine He Couldn't Bide.
Inability to ride a bicycle he is alleged
to have stolen near his home today re
sulted In the arrest of Otto Tallo. 12
years old, of 1606 Federal street. The
boy was found by Sergeant Mllburn of
the Fifteenth street and Snyder avenue
station, seated on a curb trying to figure
out how to maintain his centre of equilib
rium. The boy -waa taken to the House
of Detention and will be given a hearing
tomorrow ,
His Language In Answering Inquir
ies Shows His Sensitiveness.
When Magistrate "Joe" Call was in
terviewed this morning regarding the
recent changes In his olllco nt 118!
Glrard avenue, brought about by Dis
trict Attorney Itotnn's Investigation fol
lowing the recent straw ball scandal,
he seemed nuite resentful that the pub
lic should be Interested in the conduct
of his olflclal business. His remarks
were couched In such language that
they could not be printed, making it
quite evident that the Magistrate Is
very sensitive to any Inquires as to tho
personnel of his office force.
He stated that the amount of clerical
work required by his duties Is not large
and that It cannot be carried on tem
porarily without the services of a clerk.
The Magistrate gave as his opinion
that the duties of his clerk are so In
consequential that It matters little whom
he appoints to the position, particularly
since the Incumbent receives only i a
week salary,
Mr. Call did not vouchsafe any In
formation as to what other means of
livelihood his clerks have to bring their
i n week up to a living wage, nor
would he explain tho large fees believed
to have been received by former em
ployes. The duties of constable In the Mag
istrate's odlce, since the dismissal of
"Jake" Gtllman, who was Involved In
the straw ball dlftllcultes, have been dis
charged by Frederick Nlchterleln. of
96S North 10th street. Previous to his
appointment by Mr. Call. Nlchterleln.
although an electrician by trade, was
associated with his father, Theodore C.
Nlchterleln, In a saloon business at
Eighth street and Glrard avenue. Fred
erick Nlchterleln's ninny friends In the
20th Ward, where the Magistrate's court
Is located, expect thnt he will make a
faithful and efficient constable.
Ward politicians regard the appoint
ment of Nlchterleln as a wise step on
the part of Magistrate Call to smooth
over the rather ugly situation which hns
arisen out of the alleged Irregularities
In his office. Nlchterleln undoubtedly
will receive the Ilpubllcan nomination
for constable nt tho coming election.
Conservation Measure Opens Mining
nnd Oil Tjands to Public.
WASHINGTON. Sept. ZJ.-The House
today passed an administration cunseri
vatlon bill, regulating leases of public
lands containing coal, potassium, sodium,
oil and other minerals.
Several million acres of valuable mln
Inland oil lands are opened to the pub
M under proper. rcairicUoaa by th bUU-
Temperature No Indication, But Sub
tle Change Evident.
Tha mmmr green lias given way to autumn's
tironn anil &oM;
The mnrle np is flowing1, and the year Is
growing: olJ;
Wild turks fatten for the feast, the banquet
ing 1 nlrh
Anil nil the world la rerdy for a taste of
pumpkin pie.
Autumn displaced rummer nt 4:26 o'clock
this afternoon. This year the unusually
oppressive temperature served to con
ceal the subtle change from summer to
fall, but for those who sought there was
plenty of evidence that the new season
was at hand.
In the woods the chestnut burrs are
splitting and tho walnuts are almost
ready to drop; apples are lusciously ripe.
The autumn shower of leaves has set In,
and all trees but the evergreens are con
tributing to the vnrl-colored carpeting.
Flapjacks nnd maple syrup nre coming
Into their own In tho lestaurnnts, and
before long turkey will bo on the regular
bill of fare, even In thc smaller cafes, for
those who have the price. Soon the man
with the charcoal roaster will take up his
position In the city streets with his box
of chestnuts and his tiny gloss.
Th6 smoky haze that ordinarily ac
companies the advent cf autumn so far
has been missing, but tomorrow or the
next day It mny make ls nppearan?!.
The local weather foreMMr, murvollrg
at the present hot spell, rxpects a drop
of 15 degrees In the temperature tonight.
The tnng as of burning leaves peculiar
to autumn will come along later.
Summer, however, went out In a blare
of glory. The mercury climbed to 90
degrees this afternoon, and tonight the
Influence of the thunder showers In the
Ohio Valley Is expected to bring r.bout
a drop In temperature. At 6 o'clock this
morning ihe thermometer registered 68
Ycsterdny was tho second warmest Sep
tember 23 on roeord hero. At 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon the mercury climbed
to 32 degrees. The hlghn.it ever recorded
on that date was In 1M5 and the figure
reached was 97 degrees. The dry spell
now being experienced nlso is the second
longest In the records. In 1910, from
September 16 to October 19, only ,M of
an Inch of rain fell. This year, from
August 22 until today, the precipitation
has been .37 of an Inch.
Southern Congressmen
Threaten Filibuster
Against War Tax Measure
Unless They Are' Granted
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. - Southern
members of tho House who have been
demanding emergency currency legisla
tion especially for thc benefit of the
cotton growers today, threaten a fili
buster against tho war tax bill unless
tho Administration nnd Congress show
some disposition to hear their com
plaints and grant their requests.
As Representative Henry, chairman of
the Rules Committee, Is one of the
chief agltntors In favor of a currency
act whereby a billion dollars' worth of
emergency currency would be turned
loose In thc South, to be loaned to cot
ton growers, the Southern members be
lieve they have a fair chance to club tho
Houso Into submission. ,
It is understood that Chairman Henry
will do all he can to make trouble for
the Underwood gag rule which Is neces
sary to get the war tax bill passed un
less ho finds that his cotton currency
bill will get a chance.
Tho Ways nnd Menns Committee havo
planned to get the war tax bill through
tho House In a hurry tomorrow after
noon under gag rule and steam roller
If enough Southern Democrats Join
with the Republicans to vote against tho
rule and conduct a real filibuster, there
are grave doubts as to tho passage of the
Harold Pender Named for the
Electrical School.
Dr. Harold Pendor, former director of
tho research division of tho Electrical
Engineering Department nnd Professor
of Electrical Engineering nt the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology, will
become hend of thc Electrical Engineer
ing Depaitmcnt of the University of
Doctor Pendor is known throughout
tho country ns an engineer, scientist and
teacher. He graduated from the Johns
Hopkins University In 1S33 and iccclved
his doctor of philosophy degree from the
same Institution in 1001. 1'pon graduation
he taught at Johns Hopkins and later at
In 1D03 he entered the service of the
Wostinghouse .Electric nnd Manufactur
ing Company on tho engineering stuff.
He was later employed by the New York
Central Railroad to draw plans nnd
specifications for the various parts of
tho cilstilbutlon system for the New York
terminal electrltlcatlons.
He wns a member of the engineering
staff and secretary of tho McCnll Ferry
Power Company from 1D0j to 1900.
Jn 1909 he wns appointed professor of
theoretical and applied clectricltv at
"Safety First."
This Is tho cry of Philadelphia today,
when the city enters on a campaign of
safety, preparatory to the Carnival and
Convention of Safety, which will open
Bnturdny and continue three dnys In Con
vention Hall, Broad street nnd Alleghenr
nvenue. The convention will be con
ducted under nlisplccs of the Home and
School I,cngue.
"Safety Week," ns tho period will b
known, opens today with exercises In all
tho city schools. A corps of 200 speak
ers, delegated by the Homo nnd School
I-engue. will speak on various forms of
safety. The children nre to be given a
lasting Impression of what It means to
guard the safety of their health, minds
nnd bodies,
The exercises In the schools will begin
with n salute to tho flag, typifying th
secure foundation on which the nation
stands. Recitations nnd essays on safety
will he rend by the pupils nnd the pro
gram concluded with un address by .
representative of the Home and School
At a meeting this nfternoon in Wlther
spoon Unit, at 2:15 o'clock, under auspices)
of the Safety Committee of the Brooklyn
Rapid Transit Compnny, headed by Mrs.
Jessica McCall, reports will be given on
what has been accomplished In Brooklyn
to safeguard children In tho street.
Mrs. McCall and her assistants wer
brought to Philadelphia on the Initiative
and at the expense of tho Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company. The Rapid
Transit Compnny has nlso engaged Wlth
erspoon Hall for a children's mass meet
ing this nfternoon nt I o'clock, when
Mrs. McCnll will give the principal talk
of thc scries. Mrs. McCall Is remaining
In town as a guest of the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company, and will take
part In the safety carnival.
In thc evening a symposium on Indus
trial safety and accident prevention Is)
to be held nt the Uellevue-Stratford.
Mrs. Joseph R. Wilson, head of thc com
mittee In charge of the convention: Direc
tor of Public Safety George D. Porter,
nnd Franklin H. Wentworth. Socialist
writer and lecturer, of Boston, are to
speak. Some of the nddrcsscs will be
Illustrated by lantern slides.
Tho carnival and convention proper ha
n program wide and vnrlcd In Its pur-
I pose. Among the features are drills Oy
Order Acts as Supersedeas in Election
The Buprome Court today gave an
order allowing the appeal of Dr. William
D. Bacon from the decision of Judge
Audenried confirming the report of thr
special examiner In the contest brought
by Dr. Philip H. Moore. Moore contested
the election for Select Council in th
Itth Ward, and the Supreme Court ord
acts as a supersedeas on the lower court'c
The omalal returns of th ritinn
showed Doctor Bacon, the Republican
candidate, to have been elected by seven
votes over Doctor Moore, the Fusion
candidate. When the ballot boxes were
opened before the examiner a number
of ballots were found to have been Im
properly counted for Doctor Bacon, and
others were not counted for Doctor
Moore. After a recount, the xaminr
reported a majority of 23 votes for Doctor
Moore. An appeal was at once, taken
when Judge Audenried confirmed the ex
aminer's report, and the effect of the
supersedeas will prevent Doctor Bacon
from being ousted from Councils until
thc appeal has been finally disposed of by
the Supreme Court, which probably will
not be until next January.
English Fortress Could Not With
stand German Siege Guns.
NEW YORK. Sept. 23.
"Gibraltar Itself could not stand hetoro
the mighty siege guns of the Grrman
This statement wns made by a Belglnn
nrmy officer to Dr. Frank S. Mason, of
New York, who arrived today on the
White fitor liner Olympic from Liverpool.
The Olympic brought 20T.5 passengers.
Clarence Mackay was regarded as the
hero of the voyage. While promenad
ing the empty deck on Sunday night
Mr. Mackay noticed smoke Issuing from
a ventilator. He notified an olllcer anil
the ship wns found to be on fire, but
the blaze wns extinguished before It did
serious damage.
Doctor Mason declared that he had
seen many examples of German atrocl
ties, and that the Belgian Government
would shortly send two girls as living
examples of Germnn cruelty. Both had
bten sabred by German soldiers, he said.
"A Belgian nrmy officer told me that
Germans threw 3000 shells a day Into
Liege and Namur." said Doctor Mason.
This officer said that even Gibraltar It
self could not stand before the ponderous
German guns.
"At Amiens I saw a number of Ameri
cans giving their last cent to pensants."
Courtland Field Bishop, former presl
dent of the Aero Club of America, said
that aeroplanes had proved a dlsap
polntment In this war.
Massachusetts Tech. and In 1912 was made Boy' Scouts and members of the Police.
o lector oi tne researcli division of tho ad Fire Bureaus on a large drill ground
electrical engineering department. arranged In the centre of Coventlon' Hall.
Thi- following stntemenl commending
the efforts of thc Home and School
League has been Issued by Mayor Blnnk
cnburg. "Philadelphia Is to be congratulated
that within her limits hns been found
n body of citizens sufficiently earnest
nnd patriotic to undertnke this ambi
tious and helpful work, nnd I heartily
commend the work of the Home nnd
School League nnd their supporting
friends to nil people resident In the city,
nsklng of my fellow-cltlzcnB an earnest
support of the 'Safety First movement
by word and act, that the new line of
action which promises so much to tha
community may be Intelligently Inaugurated."
HP ' H
Pound Dead With Friend Who Is
Seriously 111 Today.
Mystery surrounds the death of Anton
Lagler, 456 North Fifth street, formerly
of Washington, D. C, and the serious
Illness of Rudolph Hicks, nt the same
address. A physician summoned today
by the landlady said Lagler probably
died of typhoid fever, but refused to say
positively. Hicks Is at the Hahnemann
Hospital, apparently suffering with the
same malady.
Lagler and Hicks came to the Fifth
street house about three weeks ago from
Washington. Early this afternoon Lagler
waa found stretched on the tioor dead
wan jjicks on me bed In a semi-conscious
condition. Mrs. Silverman, the
landlady, notified the police of the Third
street and Falrmount avenue station
Total Casualty List Gives 10,086 as
Number Killed.
BERLIN (by way of Amsterdam). Sept.
ZX The total German Ioum in ih. ,..
according to lists thus far m,t- n.,hii.'
Vio?V0Su&X SSSS" 5 ?2 r dnr. msZZ
Water Problem Growing Serious
Some Sections.
LAMBERTVILLE, Sept 23.-The water
problem here Is growing serious, and un
less there Is a rain within the next few
days there will be actual suffering The
three reservoirs of the Lambertville
Water Company are low, and wells used
New head of the Electrical Engi
neering Department of the University
of Pennsylvania.
Czar's Forces Demoralized in Poland,
Berlin Reports.
BERLIN. Sept. 23.
ar Ofllce statements Issued hero
this morning any:
"In the east the Germans are oper
ating successfully against the Russian
In Russian Poland At no point havo
tho Russians rennernl from the de
moralization caused hy tho rapid move
ment of the Get mans, who isolated nnd
completely defeated the nrmy which
was advancing ugninst Koenlgsherg.
Tho Austrian forces have resumed the
off enslie, th.- War Oillce at Vienna re
ports, and are training some of the ter.
rltory recently taken hy the Russians.-
Infant Was Left in Care of Stranger
Six Weeks Ago.
Lieutenant Stringer and the other offl.
cors at the Tenth and Buttonwuoij streets
station spent a busy afternoon todav en
tertaliilng n 6-wceks-old baby, while an
effort was being made to find Its mother
The baby was taken to tho police sta
tlon early this afternoon by Mrs Anna
Liindls. of 90S North Tenth street. She
told Lieutenant Stringer that the baby
hud liern left In her care two we.-ks ng'i
.., a. i. ..... nuuiiiii una imu never been
called for
The woman, whom Mrs. Landls de.
scribed ns about W years old and well
dressed, entered Into n convention with
Mrs. Landls while walling for h car in
front of the Landls home She asked
Mrs. Landls to take care of the baby
while she went downtown to buy It sume
new clothes. Mrs. Landls says she has
not heard from her since then Ffforts
to find the mother this afternoon failed
and Lieutenant Stringer said the baby
would probably be placed In a hmoe.
i.r'A"uu "' s"t The is.,,. f
(150,000.000) treasury
Roosevelt Letter Inconsistent in HI a
Support of McCormick.
An open letter to Theodore Roosevlt,
Inquiring how he can support Vance C.
McCormick as thc Washington party'a
gubernatorial candidate in Pennsylvania,
has been sent by John H. Fow, Demo
cratic candidate for Congress In the Third
District. Mr. Fow wants the Colonel to
reconcile statements he made in Louis
iana with his support or the Democrat in
Pennsylvania The letter follows;
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt,
oyster IWiy. Lonr Jilanil.
My Pear Sir I would like to aak yms
whether nu ran now, in view nt the action
if the Washington rany In Pennsylvania.
'onslatenil support its candidate for Gov
ernor? Mr McCormick l a Democrat anl hl
candidacy la belnp; ailed anil aaslatfd by tha
Administration at Washington, so Mr. Wilson,
th Ferrenry of Labor, assertM at Scrantoa
last night
'le renson I ask ou the question is that
In Louisiana, during our late Jatt. you made,
a speech. In which ou stated
"ft Is out or the question that tha old
Demncratlc party, neddert to outworn prin
ciples of 30ernmem ami dead and burled
economic theories, ran ever do real irood.
North or South The Democratic jnarty,
which has possessed absolute power In Wash
ington for the last two jears, has shown not
the faintest smptom of a real understanding;
of the needs of the people It has done noth
ing whatever for labor and Its action on the
trusts and the tariff has shown that It Is
not fit to run the Ooernment "
Fr., therefore, how ran you now consistently
come into Pennsylvania and support tha
W.iflilnKtnn part's candidate for flovernorl
Awaiting Our reply. I remain, yours re
spectfully, JOHN H. FOW.
300.000.000 rubles
bonds has been
Ground Broken for Buildings at Ox
ford and Hnrrison Streets.
Ground was broken this afternoon for
the new Frankford High School building
at Oxford plhe ,inq Hnrrlsun street. Th
ceremonies were extremely simple.
O. A. Snook, principal of the school.
Introduced Franklin Hmwlley, a member
of the Hoard of Hducntlon. He made a
short address to the pupils regarding th
new building. He then took a pick, the
handle of which wns decorated with the
school colors, blue, crimson and gold.
With this he broke the ground amid the
cheers of the pupils.
C. Ornnt Lucus, president of th
Fathers' Association, also made nn ad
drees, after which he, too, broke ground,
Charles Stehle, former president of the
Fathers' Association, presided The pu
pils sang school songs and cheere4
throughout the exercises.
Police Seek Man Who Passed Forged
Police of this city and Camden ar
searching for a man who gave the name
of Jeremiah Conway and who has been
cnfchlng forged ohrvka in both places. His
latest victim was Klmer Vackrl. salesman i
at the .Methodist Kplscopal Rook Store,
1048 Arch street, who cashed a check or
the Victor Talking Machine Company, of
Camden, for $5 50 some days ago.
The fraudulent check was signed with
thc name of Henry B. Hall, as treasurer
of the talking machine company. Offi
cials of the firm today declared that ther
Is no one of that name connected with
their organization and the First National
Rank, of Camden, refused payment on
the check Several others have beer,
swindled within. the last few weeks and
the police think- the same, man i -
eaonslble, ,
i i iyni