Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 18, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    --"'" ftxmB
wfy is & mmBSpmmJovnpwss' i?mimr''& Bpwmmn '4 sr grot?:
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Rates Again Collapse, but
Late Recovery Develops.
Decline Imparts Greater
Strength to the Financial
i-nlher collapse in foreign cxchango
i", las the feature of today's trading
? . touched the lowest level leached
ff F Cpe began Its gtneral war and
?M,. It was to impart to tho market
iltrons r Kiln of con.ldenco than has
"D1 b ' ... v,t mnllV WCC tS.
UZh-in t trading tho market be-
erratic and rates broke ns low ns
ES-'toM ft -demand sterling and 4.83
WAw for cable. Thero was a later re
,H!t however, the advance pushing P
?Vd sTcrlhig to 1.9W to 4.05 and
6i?ltl , 4 w"i to I.IC. Thero was aetlvo
S from 'many Investors at the low
"SwMful financing of Now York City's
kSict debt and fiecr olTer ngs of cot
n and grain bills Influenced, In a largo
1 ...ire the drop In exchango rates.
ThcrS Is reason to believe that within
.hi next few ''ays the exchange market
liii atsumo fairly normal proportions.
' don noTs more optimistic and tho
imnroveinont thero has been one of the
S able features of tho whole Ilium
ri iUaition. There still continues tail
of reopening the Stock Kxclinngc there,
and conferences are dally under wny be
tn Knsllsh rnuUrrs and brokers and
tha Government representatives looking to
:m. rarli action along this lino In view
of recent Trench and English successes
on the European battlefield. French
treasury bills are being offered In London
on a 3 per cent, basl', and are reported
to have been taken freely at this flguie.
Another evidence of tho Improvement
abroad Is shown In tho weekly return
of the Bank of England, which has just
been lsued, and which gives the propor
tion of reserve to liability nt 21.18 per
cent. This represents n gain of 6 per
cent. 04 compared with tho reserve as It
stood at tho outbreak of the war, and
an Increase of about l', per cent, over
last week The Institution has added
13055 002 to Its reserve during tho week,
slid $G,OCO,1 to Its bullion holdings, while
ik.rn has been a big contraction In
t loans, other securities showing a decrease
of 115 CT.WJU. Tiiern is u net imiuii. uu in
depolta of J7.000.COO. A dccicase In cir
culation Is noted of J2.0D3.O0O. This finds
.rnlanatloii hi the contraction In trailo
ind tcstrlctcd expendltuiea In different
There was a good attendance of
brokers In the London financial district
today but tiadlng In securities was not
brisk. Gilt-edged Investment Issues were
lifeless, as brokers are not willing tb
take risk of advising clients because of
fixed prices. Australian mining Issues
hardened on tho announcement that the
Sydney and Adelade Stock Exchanges
would be reopened on Monday nnd that
the exchange at Melbourne would resume
business shortly.
An Issue of 2,000,000 sterling Sao
Paolo, Brazil, notes matured today.
Metropolitan Water Board bills to tho
amount of 1,000.000 were paid for.
Call loans wore plentiful at 1V per cent.
Three months' bills were 3 per cent. An
Issue of 20.000 Indian rJoverriment bills
will be offered next AVednetday.
Thanks to an Improvement In tho Eu
ropean war situation, duo largely to the
reported victories of the allies, each day
witnesses an easing up of conditions In
the financial maikets, with buyers show
leg a more noticeable desire to get Into
the trading. Thero Is a broader dis
position to buy stocks. This Is apparent
In the Increasing number of dally sales
In the market here and In New York.
Securities that last week could find no
takers because of an Indifferent demand,
are now being bid higher. Quotations
maintain a stability which is surprising to
Investment brokers, and the situation, on
the nhole. Is considered In general gopd
A meeting was held In Washington
today between bankers and n special
committee, appointed by tho Federal Ite
imc Board, to report on the advisability
ef forming a JUO.OOD.OOO gold pool to re
lieve the foreign exchange situation. The
general bMicf prevails that only a small
mount of tills sum will be actually
reeded, but tin fact that It Is proposed
to make sin li a latgc mm available is
Mpertrd to aid materially in the further
reduction of foreign exchange rates.
An announcement from New Yoik this
ttternoon .ud that thero has boon n very
general demand for tho unallotted poitlon
ef the 3100 iiuo.ooo Now York city 6 per
tent, rorpuratc stock nnd two and three
)ear revenue bonds, and that tho loan
Vjtilil unduubtcclly lie oversubscribed.
Cor,iarati.ii and Individual Investors
ie 'aking extensive niTuiints of the
Mw Uaue Xo ligutes were given out
ty the s.ndu-.ite managers as to tho
amOUllt tlf :ninll-.itlnnq hill I, u.nu inniln
liionn that -mbiu-lptloils were coming in
,ipiuiy fi-um nil parts of tho country
ina dso f oin abroad. Onti New York
orporaticn su si ribi-d for $5,000,000, and
mother roi J.i hip.oOii. .t the same time
i.rcat main Icibi.s and telegrams were
received ti tl.c ofln.es nf .1. P. Morgan
fo, and Kulin, Loeli & Co.. whero
ubscnptiuiis rtp,0 taken, bidding for
wads m amounts ranging all tho way
irom .) ,p t0 ninnv thousands.
IlOnd hnu.Uft Inni- HnnK,A.l !.... .,.nu.
oqul) es. wt, M, hprnmn mnnlfrat vnutnf.
ray. were continuing today, and In some
-s aa.ia' Files wero made. Small
founts of ne...linB general mortgage Is
m for ip., off ... flom tlle Julj. 3() e0
ii J'TtH'' Sfrauo Ilattery changed
Korth." 1.'- ""' frnctloual offerings of
p..ri ' ' t"111 a' ro" w to 55.
Foreign Trade Expert Says Bequests
Will Bo "Simply Enormous,"
Restoration of pcaco in Europe will bo
followed by a big demand for American
manufactures, especially machinery, ac
cording to an opinion expressed in a
cablegram received hero today from
Franklin Johnston, publisher of the
American Kxporter. The message, which
was crniea rarls, September 14, appar
ently was delayed In transmission. It
read as follows:
"Business conditions hero are remark
ably good, considering all the circum
stances, and arc Improving day by day.
Thero has been nn especially marked Im
provement this week. All shipping routes
from Franco aro open. Considerable
manufacturing Is still going on and ex- i
ports or the specialties and luxuries which
aro typically French continue good.
"The futuro demand in Franco for
American machinery and manufactured
Boods of nil sorts will bo simply
1014. Decrease.
July, stcmi $tff.i,r,tl $27,8K.1
Corporation Income 10.1,403 38,08.1
Becond week Kept 272,S0.1 J.1.1,340
1'iom July 1 2,773.855 3117,103
Recond week Bc.pt R07,091 J42.763
Trom July 1 8,243,104 010,701
Keond week Sept $TOS,73 $40,313
I'roni July 1 .1,020,105 CS.3TU
1014. Decrrane.
Feeond week Sept. .. $1,1.1:1,000 187,000
From July 1 12,880,101 200,028
Second week September. . 5202,000 J.12.0OO
Krom July 1 2,283,000 3H8.000
pocond week' September.. ?141,eWiO Jll.tM
Kiom Julv 1 1.S17.0I4 14,713
Second week September. .$1,0110,042 $47,011
l'tom July 1 11,702,812 077,010
Other Railroads Forced to
Such Action Because of
War, but Pennsy Has
Year's Supply of Oil.
Augudt 1014. Increase.
Gross earnings $128,4G7 $10,014
Net earnings 02,280 4,385
Twelve months:
Gross earnings $1,341,2.10 $73,00.1
Net earnings C07,riB5 07,011
for August:
Gross earnings $70,780
Net earnings 27,585
Twelve months:
Gross earnings $1,110,000
Net earnings 403,025
T)Pnlfn 4),a fal iVint ImhAnllnna fit I
crcpsoto oil, used by the railroads In crco-'
sotlng tics, havo been almost entirely cut
off by the European war, causing the
plants of several railroads in the Middle
West to close down, the Pennsylvania
Railroad announced to'day that tho com
pany has enough of this kind of oil to
treat all the ties It needs.
A week before tho war began, the
Pennsylvania Ilallroad received a ship
load of tha oil from Germany, from
which country the best brand is obtained.
This was divided between tho company's
two crcosotlng plants, ono at Greenwich
Point and tha other at Mount Union,
Pa. Whon this supply of oil Is exhausted
tho company will use the domestic
product. The company has a large supply
of tics on hand at both plants, which
Is now ready for treatment.
U was announced today that tho creo
sotlng plant of tho Missouri, Kansas nnd
Texas Ilallroad, at "West IJcnlson, Tcx
had been closed becauso tho company's
principal sources of supply of oil, Ger
many and England, had been cut off.
Iff !r ' UPLHBi '
Hi Ammm '
m - : 3 i
III W$m&tW3rmS& KL s
Increase of 2,150,000 Bush
els Reported From Indian
apolis Alone Both Corn
and Oats Are Firmer.
Taylor-Wharton Iron and Steel, regular
semiannual 4 per cent, on common, payable
October 1, Books close September 24, re
open October 1.
Southern Utilities Company, regular quar
terly l?i per cent, on preferred, payable
October 1.
American Public Service, regular Quarterly
1 per cent, on preferred, payable October 1
to stock of record September 23.
GenornI Chemical of California, regular
quarterly lfti per cent, on first preferred,
)a nhle October 1, to stock of record Sep-
icmDer in.
Soles and Cash, a quarterly of 3 per cent.,
pasablo October 1.
Washington Water Power, a quarterly $1.75,
payabla October 1, to stock of record Sep
tember 12. Three months ago $2 a share was
Hawaiian Plantations, monthlv ni follows:
Hawaiian Sugar, .10 cents and 80 tents extra;
Hutchinson, 1.1 cents, and I'aauhau, 15 cents.
New England Power, a quarterly of Hi
per cent, on preferred, payablo October 1 to
stock of record September 23.
Vacuum Oil, regular semiannual .1 per cent.,
i.i)ablo October 31 to stock of record Octo
ber 1.1.
Houghton County Traction, regular semian
nual $1 on preferred, payable October 1 to
htoek of lecord September 10.
Massachusetts Lighting, a dividend of $t,75
on common, $1.M) on new preferred and 25
cent on new common, p.iyablo October 15 to
stock of lecord September 25.
Cincinnati Hamilton Traction, regular quar
terly I per cent, on common nnd lit per rent,
op preferred, paable October 1.
JtacAndrctts and Forbes, regular quarterly
1 'j per cent, on preferred and regular
quarterly 2'j per cent, on common, both pay
able October 15 to stock of record September
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. The market to
day broko again, with demand sterling
4.035TI.33'4: cables, 4.931 tfTl.91; marks, Wc,
and French cables, $5.1005,11.
Sun nnd Tides
fcun rl.
6.00 p.m.
' lJif
Ths fo'u
fUM r 1 1-
Wen. A
ood Electue
cnmeitiblo ,'1f.
' "rir juv
1 nt o .
" ")- and offers wero ie-
Mill,- Hill nml SnlitivlWill
din.-IVnnsylvnnl.i. !H: Hiir.
11.;"" ' ' J-nimtieipnia Elec-
iMPL,r: "Kawii'iruiaiHi fonl
waPhlladel,.lii.lTl action. rai
morula rid Conl stock, to.
Advm." 7: "'' '"""" '"l.
i mad , ?J? tllG effei:t ll "
! the "' lm wnBhouw slightly
'l 1 erocks ar.Mn r July 20- Stendart
stations Th '" ,1emr"ld nt advancing
Btramiiff In L'nlted
l.i QlDS the anununrrfiifint l i.n.
,M,15' nin '"i,' ths
tACnn .? r- Dr,v'us time, a proml-k-.v'"1
eir Gei iii.i i...t ....
KrillacliM o, iui;i eua uio
"' Clriulmn,! V "" ",la ivpuri nas
?IU U, . , b l,eopin ot In touch
J'nslon of I, "lcans a general sus
ia'nces tor rment3 against credit
deral ' S,1,nlPi,ltc.,ce ot he Oemum
t akeau,hc!' lsse' Aueust 10.
S,U will, df h?"""1? Courts ' tlenl
i5 wy can dirt,. 'J803 whero Mobility
'" wa? ettly 'raced to ctrecu
to the
in.n n!'le ee tog
'uiiiHn. - 1UIjimi.' nw rnrniim
.?. ' 'w iSJ liwmzil
S:43 a.m.lFim sets.
High water. 12 0 n.m IJIIgh water. .12:20 p.m.
Low water.. 7:22 a.m.lixiw water... 7:37 p.m.
itni:rv ibuand.
High nnter.. 0:ln m.pllirh water.. 0:4.1p.m.
Iiw water.. 3:40a m.U.ow water... 3:35p.m.
High water. n-4()a.m.3llgh water.. 7:02 p.m.
Low water. .12:30a.ni.ll.ow water. ..12.30 p.m.
Vessels Arriving Today
Mr. L'ninlenliorB (I'an.), SrlmiMt, Delaware
IlreaKv.Rlur. lo.i.l ull In bairols nt Point llreeze.
e'liprlU ilir J, from rildelUs. Ma gundy Hook,
to load coal.
c.mrt.i mi.), from New orlt, load Thomp.
son's Point ... .
UK llmeiner (Nor.). Huenos Ayres, bones,
amhorod oft Mjicus Hook for fumigation,
llaltlenhll'S Mlssuurl and Illinois, flom .n-
Str. Algiers, New York, merchandise, Clyde
'sir Usrom iDan.). anchored at Hreakwater,
ordered to li.iltlmnre.
Haniii mlins illi.), for Baltimore.
ilMilaua (Hr.). fur IMItlmora.
Vciumuor (Dr.). for I'nlmouth, for orders.
Ve'lm illr I. 'or ll.ino.
AuchcmTag (I'D. for Havana.
Pnwneo. fT New York,
liturgo . Cide.
Steamships to Arrive
(iUbgOW ....
illasgoiv ....
Liverpool ...
. .. .Hrjiirr.l.im ..
, ,. ...itomrilain ..
.1 .union .
Manchester .
Steamships to Lenve
...Liverpool ...
,..ll.tgnw ....
Annual Inspection of the track of the
Pennsylvania Railroad from Plttsburch
to New York will be conducted on next
Tuesday and Wednesday. General Man
ager S. C. Lonrr and a party of 250 of
ficials of tho operating department will
start from Pittsburgh on a special train.
Pennsylvania Railroad, in carrying out
the company's general retrenchment pol
icy, will discontinue tho following small
passengers stntlons'on tho Pittsburgh di
vision after October 3: Weaver's Old
Stand, Brlnkerton, Shoup, United,, Trau
R'.r. Udell. Hecla, Mutual, Calumet, Rum'
baugh. Mammoth, Pleasant Unity Cross
ing, Marguerite, Leigh, Pennsvllle, Cham
bers and Blddlo.
Northern Pacific Railroad during tho
company's last fiscal year sold SOO.00O
acres of land, according to Thomas
Cooper, land commissioner and assistant
to the president of tho company. The
land was principally In Washington nnd
A temporary Injunction has been grant
ed In St. Louis preventing five vice presi
dents of rallwaymen's unions from call
ing a strike on the St. Louis Southwest
ern. The five conductors said that a ma
jority of the engineers of tho road had
voted against a strike. On next Tuesday
the defendants must show cause why tho
Injunction should not bo made perma
nent. Tho trouble Is tho result of tho
management's refusal to reinstate a con
ductor who was accused of drunkenness.
With a view of promoting more Inti
mate commercial relations between the
United States and South American coun
tries, the New York Central Rnilroa'd, in
conjunction with the American Kxpiess
Company, will send two agents to tho
principal cities of South America.
Candidate of the Philadelphia Chap
ter of the American Institute of Bank
ing for the presidency of the institute,
the annual convention of which will
be held in Dallas, Texas, on Septem
ber 22, 23 and 24.
Name. ,
Dominion . .
Killderdyk ..
APiilellyk .
Maltio .
Itnrt Point.
Man. Mariner
Name ,
llnverturd ...
. .tiept. a
..Kept. M
..ept. 1.1
..Sept, 10
..Sept. .1
.Nipt. 1.1
..gept. S
..Sept. 12
..Sept. lo
..Sept. Ill
..Sept. IS
..Sept. 2(1
...Ow-1. 0
Among the now Philadelphia members
of the Investment Hankers' Association
of Ameilca aro Cassatt & Co., Iliown
Bros. & Co., and William P. Bonbright &
Co. George W. Kendrlck, 3d. a member
of the firm of E. W. Clark & Co., and
William West, of tho firm of Mrnry &
West, ore members of the Board of
Governors of the association. The next
annual convention of the organization
will be held in this city in November.
Felix M. Warburg, a brother of Paul
M. Warburg, member of the Federal Re
fcerve Board, has been elected a elliector
of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, suc
ceeding his brother.
Tho Legislature at Kingston, Jamaica,
has increased ad valorem duties from 10
to IG 2-3 per cent. It also voted $110,000
to tho war fund contribution of the Em
pire, Resolutions have been adopted by tho
National Association of Credit Men, In
which a strong appeal is made for tho
restoration of peace nmong tho bclllgeient
nations of Europe at an early moment.
Tho resolution also warmly commends
the policy of nbsolute neutrality adopted
aim pur such ry president Wilson.
Banks lost to tho Subtronsury yester
day $190,0110; since Friday, $2 453,000.
Elmlra Water, Light .t R, R. Co. hu3
sold $281,00.) 5 year 6 per tent, collateral
trust 6s notes, secured by deposit of $2D3,.
000 consolidated 5 per cent, bonds of iwo
and also has Issued under authorization
of tho Public Service) Commission $IJ5,000
1 per cent. cumuUtivo first prefoncd
W. Harklio Hems, formeily of Hemy &
West, has teturned from Newpoit, It. I.,
whero he spent the greater purt of the
William S. Evans is Indorsed for
President of Banking Institute.
Twenty members of tho Philadelphia
Chapter, American Institute of Hanking
will leavo Philadelphia this evening on
tho 6:52 o'clock train over tho Pennsyl
vania Railroad for Dallas, Texas, to at-
tend tho annual convention of tho Amer
ican Institute of Banking, which will be
hold In that city on September 22, 23 and
21. They represent tho local chapter as
delegates. Amnng them will bo William
S. Evans, of Henry & West, bankors nnd
stock brokers, who has been unanimously
Indorsed by the Philadelphia Chapter as
Its candidate for tho presidency of the
association. As yet no opposition has de
veloped against Mr. Evans.
The paity front this city will Join the
delegate's of several other Eastern cities
In Washington. A special train will be
taken over tho Southern Railway to
Pallas, wnere the party will arrive- on
Monday, establishing iionrinimrtcrs at
tho Adolphos Hotel. About GOO delegates
from all i.irts of the LTnited States will
attend the convention. Tho sessions will
bo dovotcd to economic discussions of
banking, and thp election of olllccrs will
be held on the 21th. On the way to Dallas
the patty will pond a day In New Or
leans. Tlieto will be a debate on tho proposi
tion of Oovornmpnt-nwiicd telephone
lines. In which Philnilrlphla will have
the negative side. William A. Allen, dr..
nnd Paul Dotwller, of tho Philadelphia
National Hank, and It. U. Froy, of tho
Pennsylvania Compony for Insurances on
Lives and Granting Annuities, will rep
resent tho local chapter, while Chicago
will hnvo tlio affirmative' side.
The delegates from this oltv are: ,T. P.
Borden, C. II. Chaffee. A. H. Coate. P. B.
Dotwller, W. S Kvans, A G. Fells, C. W.
Funnlngor. P. t Frey. II. .1. Haas. N. T.
Hayes, Harry Kollnck, E. ,T. Morris, D. J.
Myers. W. A. Nlckenl. T. W. Scattertrond,
W. H. Stroud, J. C. Wallace, O. S. White,
William U'. Allen, Jr. and, F. l Eves.
Lozier Company Creditors File Bank
ruptcy Petition in U. S. Court.
DETROIT, Sept. R -Three creditors of
the Lozier Motor Company have tiled
a retitlon in the United State circuit
Court, asfklng that tho companv lie de
clared bankrupt. It in undcistnod that
?io liabilities aggregate $2,.'',0i),0(O. Tho
plant has neon closed for some time pend
ing efforts nt reorganization.
NEW YORK, Sept. lS.-Knmvn move
ments of money for the wee-k ended with
the close of business on Thursdnv luili
cates a gain In cash by the local' banks
of $3,Slfi,K0O. They gained by direct ex
press from the Interior SS.Tfil.Guo hut Inst
to tho suhtreasury $.",.4.".3,rO0. This loss
includes the gold taken fioni the Institu
tion for shipment to e'anudn. The loss
on suhtreasury account alone was J2.-153,000.
CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Wheat opened
quiet but stronger today, with Decem
ber up at ILIO, and May up t cent at
$1 174. Tho receipts in tho Northwest
wero smaller today. Sentiment in tho
market appearod to bo more two-sided.
The very heavy receipts of both winter
and spring wheat thus far this week nnd
accumulating stock, Ihcludlng an Increase
of 2,150,000 bushels at Minneapolis nlonc,
havo caused Increased hedge selling.
At Liverpool the decline in tho Amer
ican markets yesterday and nn easier
tendency at Paris tempered the firmness
prevalent there on Thursdny, and open
ing values wero unchanged to M6, lower.
The demand at Liverpool Is becoming
more pronounced from outside sources,
and countries other than North America
nro offering practically nothing. '
Shipments from Argentina for this week
vvprc 24,000 bushels, against 101,000 bushels
a year ago. The visible supply there
Is 420,000 bushels, against n''0,or) a year
ago. The stock In New South Wales and
Victoria Is 3,461,000 bushels, against
4,792,000 bushels last year, and In South
Australia C36.000 bushels, against 1,408,000
bushels last year.
Tho receipts of wheat at Minneapolis
and Duluth today ivcro 10D9 cars, against
1075 cars a year aso; at Chicago, 3M cars,
against 70 cars a year ago; at Winnipeg,
116-1 cars, against 1113 cars a year ago.
Corn opened firmer, but trade was only
moderate. December was up 'J, at 71, at
the outset, and May up '$, at 7.1-H, hut
lost the advance on selling. Shipments
from Argentine for tho week were smaller
than had been expected, amounting to
2,202,000 bushels, ngalnst -l.sjt.coo bushels
n year ago. Of the week's shipments,
IhOS.OW bushels went to the Continent,
against 3,G13,0'O bushels a. your ago. Pi ices
at Liverpool were up Id. The weather in
Argentina Is .mfavorable fen eondltloning
Tho visible supply In that countrv Is
R.100.0CO bushels, against 3,750,000 bushels a
yenr ago. The receipts of corn hero to
day were fis cars.
Oats was firmer. Trade was less active,
but well distributed.
SK sb'amshlpg have been e bartered to
take l.CfiO.rOO bushels of oats from Balti
more to Franco. December opened up i,
nt 4Di4. and May up J,, at 32'i. Receipts
of oats hero today wero 113 ears.
leading future ranged as follows:
1 cstcrdny's
CTOe. ctne.
Open. Hlsh.
Den-mlior .. 1.1 w, 1.12
Mtiv 1.17i 1.10
orn enow uemurv)
1 i it s 1.HU. i.in
l.K. U.1R--I tl.llli,
Dn ember
o tober .
January .
p t ember
January .
471 r
Transit Officials Table Petition Not
to Recognize Transportation Problem.
The protests presenteel by a majority
of the stockholders to President Jeremiah
.T. Sullivan, of tho Union Traction Com
pnny, against the company recognizing In
nny way the rapid transit program, wero
not taken up by tho Incoming Board of
Directors of that corporation when it met
to organize at noon today.
A majority of tho former directors, all
of whom wero re-elected nt the stock
holders' meeting last Wednesday, at
tended the meeting today. Jeremiah J.
Sullivan was re-elected president, Charles
K. Heed, vice chairman of the board, and
W. J. Shields, secretary and treasurer.
The meeting then adjourned.
James Gay, a member of tho board,
when asked what action had been taken
In regarel to tho protects, said: "That
matter Is settleel, nnd will not come up."
No olllelat action will be taken, he said,
adding that the tiling of tho protests de
fined the attitude of tho company.
"This attitude has been well understood
hv tho directors for n long time," he said.
"It was settleel long ngo that no action
would be taken In rcgnrd to tho transit
Tho protests will be pigeonholed In the
safe of the Union Traction Company In
definitely, said Mr. Gay.
Will Propose Issue of $250,
000,000 to Buy 5,000,000
Bales at Ten Cents a
Pound Suggest Acreage
Local Men Optimistic Exchange of
Professors With South America
Thero Is every Indication of an Im
provement in business generally, espe
cially In manufacturing llnrs, nnd It is
due largely to tho prosemt struggle In
Europe. Tho wnslo caused by the big
conflict and the scnrclty of worklngmen
havo nlready started American wheels
to hum.
Tho Welsbach Company, whose plant
Is locnte-d In (Jloucesler, N. .!., announced
today that it had employed more than
300 additional hands to keep pace with
tho big domestic trade lesultlnc from
tlio war. A representative of tho com
pany said for tho first time In the his
tory of the company ordeis were received
from all parts of the world.
Both Kurope and South America aro
making hi? demands for clothing, and,
as a, result, many textile mills -which
havo been running a little more than
half time aro now running full handed.
The local manufacturers are receiving
requests dally from Europe to do their
best to meet tho demand.
Kvery effort also is being made to open
a steady market with South America.
As representatives of several South
American tlrms are now making In
eiulrle:s In this city tho business men
leel optimistic.
As a means of improving South Amer
ican trade relations. Dr. Roswell C. Mc
Ctea, detn of the Wharton School of
the University of Pennsylvania, has sug
gested an exchange of professors between
South American Institutions nnd the Uni
versity. Ho points out that Yalo has
successfully exchanged with German uni
versities and contends that a similar
plan with South America would bo
ceiually as successful.
.. 0.42
tO .12
0 .-.i I
11. in
!l I-,
10 02
II. .12
lo.or, m.7,-, pi.fc,, Ki.7.1 ioVj
Hid. tAhkcd.
20.1.1 20r,7 20 12 20.07
Directors of the 1 locking Valley Hall
way havo taken no action on the regular
iiuurterly dividend or 2 per cent. Nor
mally, this dividend would have been de
clared i-everal ueeks ago. Chairman
Trumbull said after tho nieetlncr nf ,h..
directors In New York that he hnri n
statement to make.
About 518,000,000 Have Come
Under February Agreement.
NUW YORK, Sept. IS. A circular has
been t-ent to holders of Chicago, Rock
Island and Pacille collateral trust bonds
a. n.-WtO c.n.ln. ,l.n, ,li...A l.n.'A Kni... iln.
70 L .TKL.Itlr, t".l HIV.'- II.,'' .CI. wt--
7.1'!! posited or agreed to be deposited under
the agreement of February 2tf. 1014. sub-
SjtaiUiiillyJS!S,O'"fl,0ifl of "bonds and that ap
proximately $7.yV00 bunds lurVi? been de
posited In Holland with .t committee
formed there, and with which the home
committee Is In communication.
The trustee has declared tho principal
of the honds to bo due and has brought
nn action which Is now pending to fore
close tho trust agreement anil for the
s-ale of tho pledged stock. It Is stated
that It Is possible to carry through a plan
mnking adequate provision for tho future
financial needs of the railway company.
A committee Is now ngaged In the
preparation of such a plan which will
provide for tho purchase of tho pledged
stock at foreclosuie sale, but which will
not deal with tlie financial requirements
of tho railway company.
Itank L'tearinzs tnil.it. ..nmr.lrA - i.-
Kponnlns day last to years.
I'hllaelelnhla. Si-'iim'-jti -. -MVt-... -.JP.:?-..-
I'oston i!i.Mi:,.Mi2 'sLsnWir .-i-mi'-v1.::
Tlio market quiet und unch.inueil
Ity bief. In tets. smoked and .iii-.jreii :tn
,. .-Bit:, ii in el,
Man. KsctmiiKe
f.iieiiliagen ...Sent,
Muni'lieter . . Sept. iti
i onaon sent. I'll
Itottenlam ....Kept. ?
Sailing: Today
Aiicoiia (Ual ). Conulgllcrle. Uenoa, via New
YorK, pastcneem and merchandise.
Name. , Krom. Time
I.untlanU Ilv i-n'ool S:3o a. m.
(Telle Liverpool fc:3uu, pi.
Italtle Liverpool
Steamships to Arrive
Name. ..Krom Date.
irtfiiila Ilurdvaux Sept.
(a.ria f.euoa Sept. a
Aniljk. Itotterdam Sept. a
Steamships to Leave
Name. , for. .
Kinland Uv crpool
Aneona .....Nuplen ...
TouMlnu Havre . . .
110! 14 uririiirj.
. . . Sept. 10
Sept. lu
. ..Sept. 10
S.ct. 21
... Sept. Si
....Kept. 21
Sept. 2.1
....Sept. 21
....feBDt. 2
NanJi , sept. 2d
Ukimow .Sept. .It
l'tUrq .....UptterdJm .
St. l'aul i.iiet.wui ..
l.usltanU Liverpool .,
rreiU'rtck VII 'oi;iihagen
'auarUl , ..Naples ....
Ualtli; i Uverpool f.
i-rtfttL' ...........rtat'J.M
ZeebWd ,...,,... Liverpool
rhtaw lv,r ..
Trading Here Firmer With Offerings
Not Equal to Demand,
Tho market for mining stocks In this
city Is displaying unusual firmness and
more stocks are wanted than aio boiug
offered. Theso quotations arc rulinj,.
Jim Ilutler inii M
Midway liift 12
MUrall liWt 21
Montana W M
Tonopah Extension 2 ll-lin 31.
Norlh Star liift is
Merger 27fi 2S
Vet Kml fm US
Atlanta ...... .. l.Hi 11)
UoMfleld ()nolldated IfiutflLI
NettttU Hills SSJT JU
Under a moderito demand for tonnage the
ittamshlp market continues steady, itates are
well sustained.
Indian Transport lilr.). New YorU to Uor
deaun, grain. 2. 04 , Wi. ijiuriers;. option
part general eargo. prompt
Marmllaborg tlMn ). llaltlmor to Ocri;n
tr e hrlsilanla. grain. 18.COJ ejuarters. it
Hrauntoij Illr.). Haltlmure t Krrnw'b Allan,
tl- ports, oats, 40.WX) quarters. Vs. 8.1 . pivmrn.
liuttonwood (Jr.. l'UU i" Marjeilles, urala
"5 Ono quarters, 3s. ill., prompi.
AnUr tNor.) 1104 tons, llaltlmore to Ha
vana, coal, pmate terms, prompt
Westward Ho (Br). 1M10 tons. Xew YorU to
Australia vlo IMnama Canal, genera) vargo.
private terms, Detolicr.
u-.nt Br.. 3M tons. same.
Trojan (Br.), i173 tons, same, Ottoter-No-vtmt'er.
Kaall (Br ). 20 tons, llomtay to PfcllsuUI
nhia or Haltlmore. ore. ,.,3s.. prompt.
Ascot (Br ). 2780 tons. New York to Medi
terranean' general cargo, private term,
"am HARKS.
Ivlsa (Br.l. S5H tons, ilalUmox to Jusara.
Cut, coal, private tfrms. " - - -
AIU M. Colburn 113.1 tg, J'blllplili
Ieniina n., l.r...
T. .,'". u in?,, in m'ih himoki 1 1171.1;.. T."' ' '"'"'pie- in r true l'orti. 111... at
city I'cei, iinu.kUt. an.l temui.. mi. .K. I and -:." , Kti.il.la. -;..-,n . r" ril r t " , 1", J .T? ?
iili-ilrlid. Wi.tu.. N'citerii .f Knm ,le and Itorly IllaU. per hhl sj iUi ",.' i'.S04'
tenders smoke I, .1S131... Wf haiiis Jlu.M.. '1...- f.. i;.ir 1 1. ,'k ,,', , ,'k.L'' tV'-TJf' I
1 am.. H. I'. .ur.d. l..on. I.V.hUP, do., 'niiilierries. Jmn ,h ' .'.,.lrft',.-l, ,sI,r-
Mnned. loose, r.ijfi, iii... . ,in . mil k"l. 1SJ -'V.1. llBlit. i?il S3 ii '1, kirt?7n!S $1-7n'
ll'c.; other luuns. nnoki.1. elty - ore 1. M, tn IW'-e. I'Saches. Va ,r 4..ih h.j?; JKE " t
rand nn. rured. isiiltc.; do.. I.0II-I. Imne. do., do . per irato" T.lT V it M ft et.Slt.lo. .; .
efcS. .". ,..; lcIli(. ,ou,lL,ra. .s. (. .urwl. ,un. .Mars land ),.r hu.kef Aii'V ' liolB?ro
ue, isiiusi.c, do., Hinoke.1. I Iw II V-je. ; , per eraie. T.V fsi ;.v A',.hfI pn.,J. , ' ''.-
'n'Ale,S "'I"1,'9 ac'','-'uB " ''v;,g. l-se. baEket-.arBV",uhit,. o -5'-1 lo .1 1S : '
lOWlSe breakfast taion. n in l.run.1 nnd niHium. usa.ln.- r,-. V. r,J. "" '"ffsOe.j
S I'usket IfH' Oil .1 1. 1 "-" nne. per
i.t, vn 1 "V..r '. TO, .,. i.er urn nan- 1
J5i,.:i.,i.hr .?rtU.K ii-n. pear-. New
.1. ,r..rK'-n':i' ivl ""' . siwa n
Good Progress in West in Seeding of
Winter Goods.
The Mudern Miller ays tlio viefk ha
been Idenl for seedlntr of winte-i wheat.
New York tin Tils nn WJTii ! A-. V.H.',iitV 1MI ' """ '"P1" '"w" " " manr inrouKnout
.-sew lork ? s I00.341.2, l ?::.. 7Ja)7 the belt. The foil Is in Rood uonditmn.
1 Farmers In Kansas show a pronnune-ed
tendency to hold wheat, and the move
ment will Insure oven mnrHetinff of sup
pliea In the Northeast a hwivy move-
I mi'nt of wheat from Pakutas wits stimu
lated by a good demand n Minneapolis
nnd Duluth. Thrc '. a sharp leeesslon
ill the movement of the best grades of
wheat from North Pakota and farmers
show a tenduu- tu hold on to their supplies.
IHueh. fS.Mfi.1; nthor pood eating varieties,
""i. meaiiim, si.Hrusm, apples.
"t per namper. lniiiei...
"i. rinr
Cotton men In this city nto Intcresterln
n, conference whleh will be held In Wash
ington on Monday next by tho Govir
nors of nine cotton States, when n plan
Will be discussed to save tlio cotton crop
from low price destruction. Tho plan
involve"? tho Isstia of $230,000,000 In 3 per
cent bods by the StntcM Involved. Th
proceeds will be used to buy and store
5,000,000 bales of cotton at ten cents a
Tho plan, which was advanced by W.
G. P. Hardin?, Birmingham. Ala., a mem
ber of the Federal Unserve I3onrd, will, If
It Is agreed to by the conference of
Governors, require legislation by th
Stales Involved. Included In these States
aro North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Florida. Alabama, Mississippi,
I,oulslann. Texas nnd Arkansas. The con
fetencp, it Ir understood, will arrive at
some definite basis of division between tho
various StaUs, ftxlns the amount of bonds
each should Issue and the amount of
cotton each should purchase.
A plan will also bo brought up to cut
next year's cotton acreage W per cent.
This schomo will bo advised by the special
committee of Sonntors and Representa
tives from the cotton growing States after
consulting a number of decisions of the
Supreme I'ourt. This committee will re
port to the full conference that tho Fed
eral Government has the power to curtail
the production of cotton by placing a
prohibitive tax upon it. Th" committee
consists of Senators Clark, of Arkansas;
William.'', of Mississippi, nnd White of
Alabama, and Representatives llardwlclc
of Georgia, and Burgess, of Texas.
Alternative proposals for a prohibitive
tax on tho production of cotton In 1915
will also be placed before all the SVmtors
and Representatives from, the cotton
growing .States.
Manufacturers Say Shortage of Water
in Canal Has Little Effect.
Clark Rollins, superintendent of the
Joseph 31. Adams Company, ono of tho
largest manufacturers of woolens anel
worsted yarns In this community, at
ilain and Dupont streets, said today that,
contrary to the general opinion that the
leFtrlcted operations of the manufactur
ing plants along tho Schuylkill canal
were eluo to lack of water In the canal,
lie attributed the closing of mills direct
ly to the reactionary elfcct of tho free
traelo activities of the Democratic Con
gress at Washington. "We arc now
paying a higher price for rawvi polthan
when the high protective wool ta'rTrt'oif
tho Republican party was In effect," saldT""
3Ir. Rollins.
Tho firm of William Spink & Co., at
River road, Jlanayunk, manufacture
of shoddies and wool yarns, said that
not lack of water In the canal, but un
sound Democratic legislation was the
real cause of their now operating only
about half the time.
While there has been a mllel shortage
of water, worrl was received from manu
facvjrers along tljo canal by Wlnfleld
Giles, In charge of lock No. &5 today,
that too much water was coming through
tho canal, and requesting that It be
shut off.
Tho water in the cunal was 10 Inches
below normal yesteirdny. Today It l
reported at normal again. At Klatrock ,
dam the water is up to tho top of the
12-lnch strip at the top of the brtaat of
the dam.
In a few cases manufacturers have
been put to inconvenience by reason of I
shortage of water In the canal. Mont
of them have either stoam or electric
power and In many cases have both in
addition to the supplemental water
...:- ..-.. , v.
ueiawart. ha. .. .......
...-., . . - -. ' ' ' -1
meidge. eltv eure.l. SS1i2l, . tr.dkhit
baron. Western cured. .'-'tCHe, . Ir. Western
refined, tlereei, M,, 11i,c ; .lo dn . do.,
tulw. lli-jiit tn,c. ; lur.l pure rlty, kettlo
tendered, in tlerieK, 1 1 t i I 'Jr. , lard, pure
vily, keltic rendered In tulw. 1 1 S l-V.
SldAII- Marliel cjulet at quoied rates.
Stund.ird gniniiluteil, 7 .We; One. granulated,
7,'J.V; M,vtlerel, 7..1.V . confectioner' A.
7.11c-.. toft gru lea, OISSe7(l5o.
( iii;i;
Bl. p
1,1 'rl Hit. Ti.rt t.i.iiki .iiiImi .111.1 ivliht.ur .7""' '". 1." . sueet noi3t.u.M &..1H
...i..:.. .:.:.:. ...... "j" ";,:.'.. .....:.. v .7: nr. ner hhi vn 1 sr .rj...; -".'
ern fmli. !,iill.l-ij.'kI rreniner. funo iw- ,l ?,,', loimo, - c., ,wr bl)i v"'
clals. SK., exieptioi-al lois hlalier. eMru, :ti' ' LT,S(u-: Vo- M'il: sweets JenS;
ouu. is'e'si . nioie uu.Ai-ii. eiqwh'., v " ...... aweeitf, jersay, ir tiaukt '.u.tfL. v .- .,, ..-
q.ua!tt, iwjiI.vi.hiiu fumv. U.1 : .to., uver- J'"nv Western j, -I "'..iiiSTTi, lit vn' W.OW.ftO fot the sa,
uko extu .T!ii',ti., lo first. :!:.-.: do., vfaoiva'per dm u, bak 1 -. f,iV.jl -A.4."
MtMixl V'Tii!!'.! in.inl tane brand or per Innilb hag I e ,1 h'TJ ,, m?;,f"um- ' nT-r-itr vnn7 1
pilnts johT'lng at I'f-kU I l. illtft. W ' rfwwft'' ,r ' NEW YQSK BT,
I j(Js TijUb lulrtv attlve mid market , SeV-; mushnMuiis ir l-lh hJlV. U .'sV vwv v,-,ri-
linn. HitU uuliin r 1 under lontrol. In I '"ii. per l-it. banket. .KMj.5i.GO. 1 NKW sORh. !
r.l fit s!nuthan
JllfiT.I.. r.. S.
ia.ket"eftir- '5'?!. ..ft-; T5iT 0:,:
ni, ilfci n . ""' '"' OJ(raflf, lp
P'taio market ,eadv niih Mr.mA
n.i,r.r,.- ruiriy active ono, nnn. wun tables rouVi .. . , "..'..'."'' lnr ve
it. ...11 ,,.... . .,-,i v;... ...,l ..ii ;e generally ktea,lv. vvhii .n. . r
n. eholIV: T.. 1 . el,:: .1... "Uir.o ! , ;.' 7:.f lV. l'V.
i.t'ju in. , m, p.in skims, itui-. i,,...!.', ,-"-.. -' i".iioes. jersev. uer
Will Sue Swift & Co. for Anti-trust
Law Violation.
JEFI'CRSO.V CITY, M... Stpt 1S-.s-shsttint
Attorni-y-fJene'ral Wing has an
noiiiK'td that, soon aft. naming . 1 tin
Supremo Court, in 11. towr, he will file
n quo warrant., pruceedlnK and ouster
suit ugntnst Swift . Co , uf Ch'cago and
Kansas Citv, charsting vlulation eif the
an tl-trust law of Missouri.
NEW YORK. Sept l -nr4dtreot
glvt'S the exports "f wliaet. flgur Included
u wheat, from th. fint.nl Stai. s niHi
CutiAda for the uol as T.JU.iW lnihel.i,
e-umpai'ed with T'0 ,it.t week and
-Mlti.iiGO last ..ir Sin... Julv 1 the ex
ports nave o.oii ;: ie.l.Msj bushels, against
CI.QOx.OiO fot the lain," ierbd of last year.
nt IS -Bl'TTKn-lle.
Both Gross nnd Net Show Marked De
clino Compared With 1013.
Accord'ng to statements died with tho
Interstate Coniinerce Cummu-Bion cover
ing operations for Julv, both gross and
n' t earnings of 106 railroad1- fedl olt as
cenivaieel with the same month of the
pre-vious year.
Tho largest decrease was In gross, net
being held up somewhat by a decrees
In opera ttnc expenne. The average mile
age leportrt was ;i7,39o. compared with
JH,U40 In July, as follows
1IU4 Decrease!,
dross oper revenue JI4". 11H IV'! $1" Ititl.TtS!
Operation expenses 171 .77 din P.MI0.117
Net ;: 1,7. -.l'. JS07,C4
iree eases, nui ir j ,1. 1 rr u . , u.-.i.u, lilfAlx ATvn I."! nrTn cpipiB, f.v pai'KH'.rs leamery extras
llrsis. fS.iii tier innn iaw nart current l'"'IA AiMJ I JULfll 'II t., Id. Mraii. "vi. , 11 i. ,11 "J1"
re'ilplJ. ST.fsHriT.Mi i-r nandJ.,1 - ww Wt- li;.VT.n. elpts. 13 1S bush Mark., 11 . t "' U d "Ul',S
ern txtr ilins . ii ...! ilrsw 7 .- stu'iiB 1111 1 u.ltui,, . 7 :. ,,, , ? ifT.lTi-i. .rr, " "' S1
6I.W ivr ;. i. .ii-. 'i.ili-'iiuw ur tl..n in ti. est n.,i Bon. rW,,n Inoii bn'" 'i!i EtlQS Receipts. 1,1,319 Market unset-
case. I'unillfU and icrate.l fresh tBBs uers tots, in eupoit e'-at. r No " He.?q J:i. I.T , tied FKira firsts, - t.i ", nl-lZ t ., ,,l
jobbe-d out at .15'm.:7' . per Jo . as I., .iwlit. siepi , it p.fa t is, , M esti'rn 's 1 A' ' rlfti . 2 n t' ', , " nr ' S ,0 '
l LIU t.i III lli;.. lie, elots. Muut i.,, Lk.it -. . ' '
i.iv ii i-tii.ici' sto. a soi,i luiriv ana ruutii , s-v -..- -,.i, iin mtuiFniA .
firm under inoderule uffBriiigs. fouls. t7t :"" f '"'.f ,cr lo,aI ral. its t.i loci.
Ik 1.1 -...,.... II.. 1". u.. !..,. .KI,.,.A..U . tlUll. 'J tllon T4k?l ,. . . "-
"- , W ,w.,o.wo. ,.-..Vk., .tua .W.A.H,. , mllS,T
niie, tare, iimiw.; ".. uwiivim sixes, i-ii ;. ,,,."' -t," "
steamer !-
NKW VllllK, Sept. 1 Cieaiiiiga
throjgh tin bank, a-'-'HdiiiK to Imp's I to.
Shippers Expect Better Business Be
cause of Foreign Demand,
Shippers who have long lamented th
Inactivits of loial gra n exporters ars
now antu-iiiatitig betu-r huninests due prin.
clpally tt. tin strong demjnd for the
product from forelffn .marti-ra and lh
applliaii.iii at Httrrikbure for the tn-cui-iottiori
if a new firm of tsportora.
This an4 the betterment of the Inter
national credit system are expected to
Increase the cxpt.itiuion of grain from
this port.
Willi, several cuisri,.. ,.r ,i.. k...
I left tins port rcvfiitlv. Hitniore and
Moiiociil (Miitlpue to di the bulk of tha
, Atlautlv; coast businei-s tn tlu regret at
the shU'per here. Hbu vl.tiiu the port
Is dw Intite4 Hpiitmt in various woys.
The Fiemh cjovernmetit has chrterea
fleet of vesisels far Ibt- transportatan
of giant o its htjs.'. uw'st uf sihlvh is
i iiriiuitu s u-aro iwilllll.irj It wis nqi
i ,2
i itn not. si si i.i i ibt uii ii unsinis usi r - iiert-inis is' awr ki.i ma . s
, , -. , ., , nptti b ,t 1 .. t, i , ..-" . r w. UBinDt , . r . i w !.. ll.-i.-il- int...-., J i a. .
s .. cm ikus. iisr ustii. 9 uuui. UEiiiuiiit: inn 1- - - . - ---- miiti . uii iiirbivn in . 1 , i - 1 - - - r , - - . - -, - iu . a 1 .... ,,11.1.. j. ..(.....!.
at4ee.e; 5oc.. d". oW. 5U,-.; pfgeons, Ji,if i'- V . tiitrd hlt. Mi.tiS-i.: S. I50.i..7 110 In l'!2 un ', i for ti "H tb- Hour of the os,
ib, si!..-. ua.v. ?.r5, ,,s:;,-c; - ' - iwrcW Hasvhn.ne todir.
pjvwud liviusnd fab and msrljet firm ih i,i IVCJ "! "? barrsls, 1. 101.025 -.,,--,..--. .T The liw .xnejrtlnir flrni u-Ill h tun,.
'"nrvr1-.,.! z&yH!& SHERIFF SE-I2ES FACTORY rmtXtJMgrfZ
tu-avy. si V-. f,v' iiid'is . b,. ':' iui'it. n.8 ,10 t i-tnt I5I1 liu-Mrp.irat'rs iue William M ltloh.rd-
$sm s. w.ffediut -. t ftsxrp rfer'ri'sj-afi;!0- ? Atwnut.a .0 inanity to sqi. riiteS1 Kt. bf4K rgr, w,,!irn ;
li . chlelsens. W. stern 3',, lbs. sjii'ie. Uejr. i7?.6.-.. .to , stntighi SSta 50 &' ' VvM J"l' h levied uj,il the.. blK
iuv . uu . iiu. -i(iJ ma aiiii?L . . Haniii . Lmifc-u.. .. rui-r. 11 - - " inttui. ui iif I'ri.n iiuinii jh.i . - - - -
i... "' -i .1 lbs Julei
biolllug chUk.Ds. -Vestero, tvrfta lbs. BlW.e.
iruuk-. . cniiiius cnttikvuj. Wisiero. uir 10
good ISfelbV. snu.'ibs, pes dtiitu. fth'te.
welKblus 11WJS les per U-wu. f i liu ".
vvbUe. vjelsbjns t-tfio aT m, OotiO. $-.! IS
bli., inelshlajt S lbs., pus iu flpaibi.
di.. eiIUm 7 lbs- ir .eii. i irn-4 lo .
UJtUm; Witt, lbs. pr duieu, 1 1 M.
durU end No. - GtK tll-.
. I7s1.ifi sir snwtfy rd.tUoiiid at cu-nr
iiii t.r.4iiit 3
5lj,ii,.,,.Ui,Mf,M,1,,ir nel' but aultt. st 1 toP" -Vvojulal. and ndvuitlscs 7",.... IHMlU.?lja
ta.5 psr bW . In v.004. w vwt' , tu !! th DMlftt lit pubiIC Se S W ',, VH H IllUIWHl IWJMSV
riHPAfn I IV'I? en'nni- iroprt levwd upaa wmums.s of ei.ei,!.. ridi-Ufipbi. sptn...i u; mis,
vuwiii W'S 'Mr, j'l de"f tSK: ! vj.et l!tri.,..r-v:s4
SixiSSM. Sum 2Ti!5?a ffls-PW m ms
-- 1 - ..- ".,. k, 7r. - ms vi uttts ' . i vm muiil.
I 51 H v " 1 '
lutive au4 WcsLern, 3 23in(.i-.. Umb
ulMAtlat f ltLt..
tvhi.'h .0 ,,..,.. K llT... , - " W
. m.,m .-uiivi ww vvlllVltlU.
4 . I A l ' f X
1 " UTTTiVVn" ,i" 1 TJIi1 Jill1 Ti I. I 'in ' li m,tn I'rn U-iL.'KTLi,'Or.l ,T 1 - -1 r ir.i -- Ju -- "' vss Uk VM 4 - - if7sl iaa