Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 16, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Lawyer Finds Himself Help
less Before Woodsman's
Logic, Who Has Put His
Mark on an Oak.
I'ersona who are returning to Now York
from their vacations arc telling tho usual
bear and fish stories that have gone tho
rounds for ages, but an Unusual talo
has teen bi ought to town by J. B. Scott,
a lawyer of New York nnd Ncwburgh.
Jlr. Scott entertained a group of his old
classmates at tho Ynlo Club tho other
da) for half nn hour by telling them
how, deep In tho Cutsklll woods, ho
learned something about "tho common
law of dtiilivaii Coutily" which ho had
never seen In any law book,
The lawjer wns spending his Vacation
at a Halting c-ltib on tho Orchard Lako
Tiout Preserve, eight miles fiom Living-
ttott Manor in suiuvan uoiiiuy. no lias
been tho club's counsel for ycats, and Is
familiar with every aero of tho club's
domain. It was while ho was tramping
over Mio Catskill ranges catly In August
that ho was startled by tho sound of a
tree f.illlnK about half a tnllo away.
'ltn .ut. Scoit were srveral other
members of tho club and tho assistant
(,niiM .tepti ot the preset vc. The lawyer
tspieF'ed the opinion that some woods
jit.in must bu trying to steal a tree, and
he proposed to Investigate. Tho llshor
men went to a meadow bordering the
urn i-. i ml In the instance they saw
fcinolce curling fiom tho top of the forest
They cut Into the woods again and went
fts fast as possible to tho smoldeilng (Ire.
Soon tho group or investigators, with
Jlr Scott In the lead, saw tho lono
woodsman. Tho woodsman -was sawing
through a big oak tree which ho lind
t Piled He was making to much noise
iitul was o much engrossed In his work
tint Iip ilkl not sco the group of men
who went surrounding hltti. Ills head
was bent low and the club members
could sen nothing but a big bilmmed
black head and n sack which tho man
had over his shouldets. All about him
was smoke anil lie coughed occasionally
us If .suffocating. Mr. Scott was within
ten feet of the woodsman when ho called
"What doe3 this mean and who are
gmphteal position of Switzerland would
still aftbrd a defense to tho Austrian Ty
rol, fbAlnaianee, even were Switzerland
to prevtnt food, news or anything else
from crossing her borders. A neutral na
tion must accordingly recognize that It
Is a factor In tho result, and that fair play
Is best observed by doing What custom
Tho Dutch embargo on tho export of
foodstuffs puts an unusual burdeil on
Germany, Tho ciistomaty rule would al
low her, In tlmo of war, to get unlimited
supplies of grain and oven war material
from Holland Whatever tho proper tulo
should be, It Is a poor tlmo to start a
precedent when It will work unequal ben
efit to the combatants . Germany may
reasonably construo tho action ns hos
tility under tho gulso of neutrality.
The decision may prove practical dan
ger to Holland. As long as she offered
a market for the purchase of grain and
other supplies, Germany's Interest would
be to keep Holland neutral. If Germany
had occupied tho Netherlands as an ally,
Oreat Britain could blockade the Dutch
ports. If Holland had been driven to
sldo with France, Ttussla nnd Great Brit
ain, exportation of grain to Germany
would have been prohibited as trade with
the enemy. If German strategy should
demand tho occupation of Holland, the
Dutch are no longer protected by Ger
many's desire to keep Holland neutral as
a marKot for supplies.
Burst of Activity Among
Explorers Due to Rivalry
Between Nations Many
Rich Fields Left.
Three Hundred Thousand Young
sters in Organization Which
Campaigns Effectively for
Public Weal.
Although tho north and south poles
Jmvu been reached nnd expeditions have
penetrated to tho heart ot unknown re
gions In Asia, Africa and the Arctic nnd
Antnrctle, a great part of tho world
Is still unmapped and unknown, accoid-
lug to Uarl Curzon, In nn address to the
Boyal Geographical Society on retiring
from the olllco of president.
Whllo tho routes of exploring expedi
tions havo made a network over tho little
known parts of tho earth, tho spaces
between these wldo meshes remain to to
explored, and great labois Aro still before
tho explorer and scientist.
"When nn cx-I'rcsldcnt of .tho United
States can plunge Into tho unknown and
teturn with a river 1000 miles long, so
to speak, In his pocket, there is material
tf satisfy tho most Jaded appctlto," ho
"Hccs," the wood.sman replied, with
out showing the least concern nnd with
out turning up his face. Ho Just kept
on sawing.
"Who gave you pet mission to saw down
n tiee in these woods?" Mr. Scott de
mn tided.
"Hces," again icplled tho woodsman
"Don't get so close or jou'll get stung."
The paity refloated at this warning,
and from a wife dlstanco they continued
to ntk questions, but they could get no
satisfaction until tho trunk of the tices
was scvcied. Then the woodsman
t-tiaightencd up. He was fully six feet
three Inches in height Around his face
nnd neck lie woro pink mosquito net
ting, which appeared to have been lipped
fiom a peach basket. His whiskers stuck
out thiough the pink netting. Thousands
of bets hummed all about hint, but he
was not worried in the least.
"What you all want?" ho blusteied.
"Look out for the bees. They won't hurt
me because they're afraid of tho smoko.
but thry might sting juii."
"We want to know who gave you per
mission to cut down n tier- on this prc
e ivc, Mi Scott demanded,
"fin tiee v. us no good; it was rotten,"
rtpli 1 tln woodsman.
Whj did you cut It down?"
" ant a bit of honey for the winter.
Cant jo see what I'm dolti'?"
"Hut who gave ou permission?"
' Ion t need no pi i mission." came tho
riplv Cint my Initials on tho tree."
' What initials"" asked the lawjer, not
SU'Pliu the .sltuntlon at all.
' I fi.tind this tree some time ago," said
the man, still at a distance. "I don't
want the tree, but I went tho Iionej'. It's
There Is something pccullaily stirring
about tho vision of a band of young peo
ple gathered togetlier for a great com
mon cause. How our sympathies were
roused, back In tho old hchuoldajs, by
that thirteenth century Moty of Uio chil
dren's crusade! How our imagination
was kindled by the thought of thoso G0,
000 little volunteers who, inspiicd by tho
gicat wavo surging over Iluiope, left
their homes In Franco and Qnimnnv nn,l
set forth, unarmed but unafraid, for
Jerusalem, to win back the holy sepul-
chcr fiom tho hands of tho cCiMUcrlng
Wo aio far i amoved today from such
old-time fanaticism. But even now tho
New World has Its counterpait ot that
eager nrmy. wiltes S A. MniTnt. nnrlmini
field scout commissioner. In Tho Ciafts
maii. Wo llnd our modern young cru
sadcis In tho Campllro Girls and Uoy
Scouts of America two youthful, enthu
siastic bands that have spieail ueioss a
whole continent theli Ideals of helpful
eumiadeshlp and ptuctleiil achievement.
Tho value to tho nation ot these oi-
n,iuiz,itlons as builders of a conscious
citizenship Is evident when one sees how
closely the joung people's interests are
linked with thoso of tho community. This
Is p.utlculaily slgnlflctnt In tho case of
the Boy Scouts, whoso nctlvo share In
civic nnd State activities has become,
dining the last few years, n really vital
and piogtcsslvo factor In many sections
of the country.
Tho Boy Scouts nie COO.noo strong, not
counting the 8000 scout masters and as
sistant scout masters. Liver) one knows
In a general way what they stand for
their camps and sports and outdoor activ
ities, the badges and honors awiuded for
.special attainments In education, Indus
tiy and art But less widely known is
tho woik thov do In eo-oaeratlon with
city and Stato ofl'clals to piomoto tho
cleanliness, health and happiness of tho
people In their own pnitlcular neighbor
hood, to aid the State in forestry, bird
and animal conservation and to volun
teer their fci vices wherever they can
aid the cause of nubile welfare.
In the cities and towns all over tho
countiy, 13oy Scouts who wish to tnsto
ernmont and was left, llki the Cape Cod
Canal, to private thterprlse.
The masonry of the ancient canal Was
Of tho lightest and most (simple kind, con
sisting merely of two parallel walls of
small rocka which approached each other
near the bottom and thence sloped to tho
top, and tho channel was undoubtedly
cut for the accommodation of the coast
wise navigation between Massachusetts
Bay and tho eastern shores.
It was kept open without obstruction
Until the winter of 1704, when It wns
filled with dirt and rocks by a Violent
storm, nnd remained filled for several
years. The ownership In the canal had
passed from the minister to Captnln Na
thaniel Colt, who refused to clear It, but
was obliged to do so by an act of tho
Tho canal was again closed by a storm
. ,. ' but nelthci" the town nor private
Individuals would assumo the cost of
clearing until nearly a century later,
when a corporation was chartered by tho
State, Which became a. slno.hhnlrlnr n th
a'",unt of WOO, and an appropriation of
J6000 was secured from the General Gov
ernment on tho representation that the
channel would prove of great public ben
efit In cose of war by lemoving the dan
ger of capture nnd nnnoynnco by tho
enemy s cruisers, a smnll steamer cir
cumnavigated the Capo in 1829, but the
project was not a paying one and tho
drawbridge over the canal was flnnlly re
placed by a solid road.
The canal remained closed till tho latter
part of tho '60s, when the opening of a
stoiio quarry on the wostorly sldo of the
Annlsqunm Hlvcr caused It to bo again
opened, and tho greater portion of Glou
cester nnd the town of Rockport has slnco
remained an Island Several jears ago
tho canal was di edged by tho Stato au
thorities to a depth of 16 feet mean low
water, and slnco that time has been ex
tensively used, not only by pleasure craft,
but by large numbers of fishing boats,
tho number having materially Increased
since the Introduction of powerboats.
need new police
for Combating
modern thief
Science of Crime Now Re
quires Trained Force to
Cope With It Send
"Cops" to College.
iv Initials and theicforo It's my h'oney, , tllu, lvnUiies and lesponslbllltles of
on t yo see? ' "otlve citizenship go to the Mnyor and
Thn hiM.' ..lir. i.n.i ,.i,i p .,- ' ask how- thej' can help. The. Mavor is
tomnbile tilp to Livingston Manor for a lr"';t sl" to bo Interested by their
eouit summons, became Intel cstcd un,i I 'oj Ish eagerness, and sets them gladly
braved the bees. He went up to tlm to "0lK'- Hf Rts his public health olfl
fiiiukmg tree and looked for himself. ! Lora m,a llls nollcnnien to co-operato
He found that the woodsman, after cut- wUh tho scouts In whatever under taking
tin-r down the tree, had built a. lire near e.-oms needful. They start, for In
fi hul in the trunk whore the bees had wtanre, with a general "clean-up" enm
tlnh hive, and that ho had then cut out 'n-'S- On one occasion tho Now Yoik
the sMtlon containing the hive. ' blanch of tho Boy Scouts had a "clean-
"If like this." the woodsman explained un campaign, and bos fiom certain
through tho peach basket netting. "Up
hero in bulllv.ui County a man's got a
rUht to all tho honey he can tlnd. These
nl d btes don't belong to nobody, and tho
TN'i'idluckeis eats them like crumbs. Tho
mm who spots a ttee in which theio am
1). ,s,Pts tin honey if he uts his initials i YN'Tl-FLY PAMIMlflSf
1" thr tut. I tut my initials In the tiee , , ,., ... ut'-NS"
i" i. spilng nnd I flgined thnt there In !,omo cltle3 nti-fly campaigns weio
ns ii ale.! lot of honey by this time, and started by tho scouts, and In one place,
I 'Inn i vvunt ail) body else to lob mo of , h, Canada, they accomplished wonders
'liut vvlu.t about tho tree?" asked the
i ittjt i
troops went to tho Ghetto and othei
IJast Hide hectlona. They were so ener
getic In cleailng away lefuso and debt Is
li om hack j'ards, roofs and lire escapes
that the people themselves became Intoi
ebted ami gave must enthusiastic aid.
That hllnncs tn vnll r,f nnnr in.1 T
li iln't got no right to 'the tree, but tho
'"iif) h mine if thoro's going to bo any
with the help of tho cabmen. In Xevv
York, this work has been dono in co
opeiaflon with the city bouid of health
and tho Jluseum of Natural Hlstoiy.
1'o.sters weio piinted and distributed
IlltV 111 ll'l unt hllllll.1, ,n .tr. i.ltlt
b ' utorted thu woodsman.
I mb t. ' said tho lawjer, "If that's
"i Millivan I'ounty we'll havo to live
" ih- law," and tho gioup of Inves-i-itjn
it it the man scratching tho In
l, "' e tree for ''Is few pounds of
fuss about this I'll buy the treo from you uml moving pictures were made showlm?
r ils, ,oiru buy tho honey fiom me. thu lavages of llles ns canleis ot disease,
Ihui', nn light, and )Ou can't keep mo Inducting people how to get rid of them
'ii navin' what s tight. " poison ami traps, nnu now to pioveuc
'ho Uujti took a sensible vlovv of tho tl10"' bi ceding. All over tho countiy the
uiiwilttui law and told tho woodsman scouts visited owneis of llveiv stables
t ut In i-i.iilii havo the honey, and that aml '"'''J' 1,acl: nrds, and pei.uiaded them
tn to noiildii t bo any charge fot the treo to s'"' blank i piomlslng that, with tho
tni tuni aid of the Itoj Scouts, thej would clean
l"U don t i.-t nie catch you on these "I 'heir pu-iiiUps, got lid of niiimiio,
I1'1 ml is ataln," h warned the womls- KUibagf, etc, and do their shaio In the
"'n "W,- imv ii signs all over tho place movement, toward cleaner cities. Tho
oi'aiiiiiu- mat trespassing la torhldden " i results vveie vveu woiin tne efforts.
mod protection or nunc, meat unit other
foods from dust and files is another mat
ter to which tho Hoy rfcouts give their
attention, for they know that uupio
tccted eatables aio a, source of diuigei
to the public health. Tlioy llnd out whut
laws havo been passed In their town or
dlstiiet for !uch protection, and how tho
people uro living up to tho laws, ic
theio are no regulation-, of this kind,
their Investigations nro often influential
in cietitiiiK a demand for pioper legbln
liull The lltshtilig of nctunl dlseuso is an.
other phase of Hoy Scout aitivitv, and
co-operating with health soeit-ties and
hospit'lls they distlibuto piMtt-ts iIisciIIj
ing tho dangers of unhealthy onvhoii
iiient, Impuro fuod mid tho precautious
that should bo taken to avoid contagion.
Jn a number of tho smaller towns thu
bo).s who have studied "tlisf aid" un
allowed by tho police to tnko a practical
part In caring for injuied poisons nnd
warning people on matters of public
safety. liming conventions, homo of the
scouts alto frc'Hent tho railroad stations,
meet trains mid act us guides t . Uitin;,'
strangers. ,
Tho nuestloll mnv lin nnlpi1. Wlint !
tho explanation ot these sudden spurts
of geogi.iphknll nctlvltv In tlllTi-roiit. nnrfo
of the w oral this almost volcanic trastiiL
..... Hum iui -oueouo 10 exp.osiouT xno
answer Is that It has always boon so
Daring breeds dailng: a spirit of honor
able rivalry, appealing not merely to In
dividuals, but to nations, Is engendered;
each fresh reclamation from tho unknown
revenlo fresh ground to bo won which Is
woith tho wlnn ng; every sacrifice en
tailed is tho parent of futuro sacrifice.
"Thu attention attracted to tho ant
uictiu area by loceut exploits has pro
voked a not unnatural ambition to wrest
from nature the many secrets which sho
there holds concealed. A glance at tho
antarctic man. with Its wavering and
hypothetical coast lines, nnd the staring
white blank of the clrcumpolar area,
will reveal at onco the nature of the
piomblems wnlch remain to bo tolved.
What ate tho actual fringes of that
daik und unknown continent? How much
of it is water and how much land or
floating Ice?
"ft Ih not surprising Mint hose mys
teries should have appealed to tho Imagi
nation and filed tho nidor of the select
few who aro dreaming of the solution
of these problems. Of these attempts
the most adventurous and the furthest
advanced, both In -scale and equipment,
is that of Sir Hiiiest Shackletoti, who
contemplates eiosslng tho continent from
the Weddcll Sea to the Itoss Sea. If ho
Is able to cairy out this bold and Napole
onic corrccption he will add n final wreath
to those with which ho Is already
"Whllo tho poles have thus attracted
the most Intrepid pioneers of many na
tions, tho remaining continents, in both
licml'plioies have not lost their charm
for evploters. In Asia theie has ben
continuous und prolific activity. State
ciaff sometimes closes the doors to ex
ploration, sometimes steps In to profit
bv the results. On the- borders of India,
which nie iealouslj guarded, and across
which, partlcularl) on thn northern side,
it Is difficult to obtain permission to
travel, tho political activity of tho Gov
ernment of India in tho unknown and
debated ground between Assam and Tibet
has produced a small but valuable har
vest of gtoginphlcal discovery.
"Africa may bo thought, on a super
ficial view of the rase, to have teceded
Into the background, for great conti
nental oxploration and startling d scov
erles aio no longer made The kinemato
graph and the film might be thought to
be gradually taking 'lie place of tho
rifle and tho bullet. Hut thero Is scarce
ly a part of the African continent,
whether It bo Niger In the Sudnn. Abys
sinia, Hrltlsh Hast Afiiea and Central
Africa, or even the less-known region
of tho German nnd other continental
frontiers In the west, that has not pro
duced Its quota of successful explorers
and Interesting papers The woik of
."lontler demarkatlon nnd delimlnatlon
nlwajs bring fish Into the geographer's
"America Is "not behindhand in Its np
peals to googiaphy. Even from North
Ameilca we have had valunb'e papers
on the Hock) Mountains and tho Sonoia
Deceit. The fact that wo have given ouo
of our gold medals to an American eN.
plorer In the basin of tho I'pper Amnion
is an indication of the value that we
attach to good woik In those legions,
and I asset t without fear ot contradic
tion that theio aio gaps In our knowledge
thero, livers to he traced, mountains to
bo mapped, tribes who have ,-irny seen
Slay Soldier Guard, but Hefuss to
Rob Foreigner.
Comfortable folks at homo nro Inclined
to bcllevo that tho men and women who
go to mission countries on errands of
teaching and healing nro no longer
obliged to face hardships and dangers
such as they encountered a generation
Hgo. This la by no means truo. Physical
dnngcr.s-from dangerous roads, from
flooded streams and even from lawless
and hostile Inhabitants aro still a part
ot tho probabilities. Dr. "W. N. Cham
bers, a representative of tho American
nonrd In Turkey In Asia, has Just had
an unpleasant encounter with robbers on
his way across tho mountains near Hnd
Jln. Ho was on his way to Alntab, to
the annual meeting ot the Cential Tur
kay Mission.
Ho tells the story as follows:
"The distressing and tragical part of
It was tho shooting of our Znptleli (tho
GHNHVA, Sept II. That In many other
wlso progressive countries the police force
Ib ono of the most badly organized of
all the stato departments Is tho opinion
of Professor II, A. Ilclss, the Swiss
"Sherlock Holmes," famous for his de
ductlvo work in the Investigation of crime.
The University of I..ausuMio possesses
a, faculty tho only one of Its kind In
tho world of scientific police, whence
students graduate after three years' dif
ficult but Intel estlng study. At tho head
of this sclentlilc pohco department Is
Professor Hclss, who Is a doctor of laws,
and possecsos several university degrees.
Tho professor Is well known at Scotland
Yard, b tho pollcu In N w voik i aris,
St. Petersburg, Horlln and Vienna. Forty
yeais oid, tall, well liulli, well gloomed,
blue-eyed, and shaven, he Is often mis
taken for nn Englishman. It was In his
largo scientific laboratory at Lausanne
among his pupils that Professor Relss
was found.
Itoferring to the cleverness of tho mod
ern crlmlnul, Professor Kciss pointed oui
the need lor poilco reorganization to meet
modern developments In crime.
"Tho whole police sjsteni from top to
bottom In every country should be com
plete!) leorganlzcd and placed on n scien
tific basis to tope with tho over-lni-ieaslng
'profession' of crime," said Piofosujr
ItcKs. "In many countries tho pillco de
paitmonts are veiy imn-lr behind tho
times. Uuveinmcnts heem to look upon
tho police as ono of the minor dc part
monts of tho state, and usually vote ns
little as possible foi Its upkeep. Huge
sums urc voted annually for the aimy
and navy, and in comparison practically
nothing for tho elflclent moteotlon ut
home o" tho civilian who r-avs thes- sums.
"It may surprise some people to learn
that accord. ny to m s ntioLKS a l.tile
countrj like Switzerland lost In forgeries,
iobberlc3 nnd thefts m-aily JljXiO.000 lasi.
jeai, and Paris alone neatly $1"VjOO,000,
while London and New York undoubtedly
lost considerably bigger sums. And the
lll-suppoited pollc- are called upon to
tight this organized eilmc with out-of-date
"Tak" the oi dinar y poll.emun In Ku-
rone. vvelghteil liv Ills unr nri n"n
soldier detailed to act as guard to tire
party). He wus beside me, and seeking ' n,tn n sword at his side or between his
.-... .v,, icniiiuiice, was snot through
the breast and diopped dead In his
tracks. This was within a minute after
vve were halted and found ourselves In
the hmd and at the mcrcv ot six or
eight brigands. They seaichcd the others
or the party tlnce Armenians from Had
Jin nnd would take nothing fiom mo.
though I offered money to Induce them
logs, hi- cannot run ..lie j.h
a man In tho street Then, again, It takes
him over 20 .-crouds to extract his re
volver fiom h s leather case. If ho ha3
oni, dining whleh time an apache, for
example, could Hie as many shots. The
police should h ivi- a sclontlflcnlly de
signed unlfoim, with weapons Immediately
to their hand. Pc-r.oralIy, I greatly
to deal mercifully with on of tlm mm,, favor fie ordlnnr'- police 'baton,' which
Tl.n.. -.l 1 . . : J .. I.... . - I. lit
4. uu. uiuuii-u oiu io move on, which X
did not do One of tho band was Intent
on the life of my companion, Jlr. Gert
menlin, of Hadjln, and after conslilci-
nblo parlev, and nfter his companions
.stunj, but does not kill.
As lei ai... . not think their
salaiy ol $2j or s.'u u n unth is sutllc ut
to place them lv -'"ii " -
11llng hlghT in the scale of police.
had tuken his ilflu from him. the hi-Vima I think ea h aiauiTn.iK
declared hat ho would grant Jlr, Cert- be a dozen with a specialist at the m-ud
mcninivs me for the sake of his son, of each responsible to tne cmel mireau'
who was a brave fellow, should woik independently and spo-
"There was little money In the pait), cl-il'ze In its own particular branch. Tho
for which the brigands were disappointed. Miends of the police must be graduates,
They forbade us to return to Hadjln on well vetse-1 in criminal and civil law, who
pain of shooting. They would not allow havo undergone n thorough three or fout
u.s to do anything to the dead Zaptlch yiais' training nt a police university and
and ordeied u.s to resume or journey i Inborntorj."
without further delay We were In a nar- ' In 1012 Professor Iteisj oiganlzed on a
row, loekv place at the brow of a deep, sclentlilc bns, s the "higher" police, or
narrow gorge. We pushed on till U detective depaitmcnt, at St. Petersbuig
eon of the late Jacob and Barab cohen, In
hli oith year. Duo notice ot the funeral
will bo Riven,
COOI,. On August 20, 1014, at Falmouth,
England, on U Bw battleship North Carolina,'
I'lIIMP J., hunbr.nd of Mnry A. Cool (neo
Cnilihun), Funeral on Wednesday, nt H 10
n tn., from 2.11 K. WIMey st Solemn ne
nulom Mom at tho Church of tho Imrnaeu
lato Conception at 10 a. m. Interment Holy
cross Cemetery.
COMtOMVOti Soplmlr 14, inl4, DAVIU
K COMtDW, arted 01 years. lto resldenre,
'i'il Iagua t. Duo notice of run era I n i
tOOK On September IB, 1DH, ANNA O ,
ivlilow of Imior I rook nnd daughter of tho
lato lohn nnd I-llnlietli Cooper. funeral
services Thursday, nt a p. m , nt her lute
resltleiKe, fl50 North 10th nt.
loni'KII. On Soptember 13, 1011. WILLIAM
II COOI'IIIt, liunuanil of lfnnnah M. Cooper.
KeUtives nnd friends, also rn m
Relert nnd Common Council, PhllatMtilil I
Lodfre No. 2, I! J O. 13., 12th Word llepni .
llrnn Kxecutlve Committee, 12th Ward He
puWIran Assn , nnd nil other (winies of
wlilrh lie nan n member, are Invited to at
tend funral, on Thursday, nt ' o'clock, at
his late reldncl, 712 North ad st Interment
nt Mount Pence Cemetery. Hemnlns miv be
viewed Wednesday evening, S to Hi o'clock
CltOSI.Kl On fieptember 14, 1014. nt his
lite residence, fhiirch avo, Dervvyn, lu ,
WH.T.IAM Illt-ni.V husband of Kntlo fl
frcsley, aged 40 jears. funeral services on
ThurMtay, nt 2 p ni , nt tho lierwyn M t:
Church Interment nt Orcit Valley Unptlst
l)i:l'riGOYA On September IB, 1014, JUAN,
husband of Sarah 11 do M .rn 1 uneral
vices Krldnv. nt 2 p m , at the apartment i
of Oliver II. Unlr, 120 rlicsttmt st. Inter
ment prlmto. at Wo dlindp i'i'"
IIHMll.SltKCK. foiddenlv, nt Overbrook, f,
J , Siptemter II. 1014, T3.MMA, wife of Jacob
iH-m-lsliatk, aged )0 )ears. I'uneral (.en lies
on Thiirsdav, at 1 p. m it i; " ...T.
ot tier mother. Mrs i;mlnn McLean, White
llorji) inko. Overbrook. Inl-rment Chews
t,iiuinu M. 13 Cemeterv
l)i;V I TA. NICOLA UI3VITA, 7T years, 1110
vv i nr'on st
Ii: LIN. On September II lOll. MICIIAI3L,
huxlinnd of June Devlin, funeral on Thurs
day, ut H .10 a. in, from 2711 North Holly
wood st (20th nnd Lehigh nve ) Hlith Ho-
tiulem Jlass nt me unurcn ni corpus eon
nt 10 a. in. Interment at Westminster Cem-
1)? rT'yv LIZZII3 DIVAC, 49 years, 1820 N.
I)'" ' II I'll September 13, 1014, ULLCN.
widow of Jo'eph Donahue, In hrr ! i.n
He-atlvcs nnd friends ore Invited to attend
tho funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2
i, clunk, nt thp parlors of William Hotter).
.'!07 13. Olrnrl avo. Interment nt Mount
Pence Cemoter)
IK" 'limit I V. On September 13, 1014, EL
LII3 T., widow of Jiihn J DhukIi
Onnnluie) l)u noil'e of the funeral will hi?
given, from her late residence, 1211 Cath
arine st.
i;,VHNS-On September IS, 1011, HAISHIKT
M. HAHNb. Holatlves nnd rrlenJn ure In
vited to attend tho funeral services, on
Thursday morning at 11 or lock nt the In
illuctit widows and Hlncie Women's Amlnm,
.'li in r'nestnut st Interment at Oreat Volley
Itintl-t Hnrvlnr Oroun Is
h . Oi fhn on-1 mi
riU.LK. On .Motiu September II. 11114.
ai Absecon. N ,f . EMMA HALL KITLEIt.
widow of the late i horh-s lfenr ritler, l-i
the 70th year of her ax" Funi ral fr'm
residence of Isiie S Stnjth. .lr Hl'-M
Oreen Ht . Gerrnnntov.r. rrineBdnj ?ep
luiilor H.th nt 11 A M Interment prl
,. )n ,. onlt flower
riTZl'ATItlCK. On September 11, 1014,
JOSEPH J., huslJnd of Man A I
Patrick ineo Lons) funeral on Widn s
dnv. nt !i a in from 2in Market st . Otou
'e'tcr rity N" J HIkIi Mass at St Mary's
' li rch at 10 o'cloek Intermcit at ut
' 's Ceo eleiv
fOCO. At Trenton, N .7, September 11,
1014 ELIBvnPTH T. daughter of the late
Thimas and Ann T Tokk Interred at Salem
N T on thi 14th Inst
I OIM-'.TEH. JOSEPH fOnnSTER.4) years,
ir,i Ti'-i'j s'
rfCIDEMSEttr,. On Sentemher 11, 1014,
HANNAH A. wife of Isaac H. frldinherg
Helutlves imd friends nre invited to attend
the funeral servlfew. on Thursda) afternoon,
nt 2 o'c'oek preilsei), nt her late residence,
1HI2 North Franklin st Interment , .ui
Sin il Cemeter.
(. VIT CHAHLES GAUL, 7 year- 5120
Charles a.
24S W. Haines st
CIIItsT-On September IB 1014. CIIAIILES,
husband ot amh GerHt apcii i0 jenu 1
ritlves and ft lends are Invited to attend the
funeral service", on f rl lav afternoon nt 2
o'clr clt nt h' late residence. 741 N. !7th st
Inlermont tilctlv private
CI' I.. On Septemb'r 14, 1014, nt his late
resldem e 'in Nnrth 41st st PETEH hus
band of fannle f Sill. Duo notice of the fu
neral will b given
220 Hrown u.
fili-.s Til -On September 11. 1011. ANNA
E , wife of John Y. Goslor. funeral erv
l ea Tuesdnj at 2 p. m., at her late resi
dence, -JH'j V,'. Allegheny nve Interment
f.i-ijt'N ALHEHT GHEEN. 2 vears. 017
Watt" st.
UIC-lElt On September It, 1011, IIAHRY,
son rf Mary nn I the late John Gree.
ttves nnd frien Is are invited tu attend th-?
funtral services on Thursda). at 2 p m..
n s noh . ,1 or -'on Lomhard st
Interment Sit. Morlnh c emetery
Eliza J. MeClnln, nged US yeart FoneM
ervlce on Saturday, at 2 p m at the n-sl
denea of Richard Welf, ."..ill lonitshorS st
Taconv. Interment Mnunolla Cemetery
HAnilltH. On September 12, 10H WIT -I.1A.M,
son of the Into William and Ellen
Mngulre, aged 17 yeafs-. funernl servpeg ,n
Wednesdny, September HI, nt 2 p, tn nt Mia
resldenco of V II, JTIetMier, 0S07 Hustieton
ave., Duatleton. tn Intermenf private.
MAItTIN. On September IB. 1011, AlUtA
HAM I. husband of valhertne .Martin nurd
40 years Funeral on frlday, at 2 hi p id
f-n-ii 230 North Philip st Interment Or eh
i ood ICnlRhts of 1'ytnlas
M,HTIN.--On September IB, 10H, ELIZA
HI Til, wife of Albert Martin (lice McGreg
or), aged It yeirs funeral on Saturday, nt
2 y m from 320') Joyco st. Interment prl
MAHrl.V. On September 18, 1014. MA1XY,
wlfo of Inlut I'. Ma tin nnd ilaufthle, of
I.etltli and thr late Th rnias Orccr, aged 31
years funeral on frldiv, at 2 p. m,, from
t'noi East Erie ave. Interment Ilelvuo Cemo
terv MAI ItEIL Sud.lenlv, on September 12, 1014.
OTT1I.I13 N M MAI'ltnit, daughter of th
late J. .1 nnd 1'iullne Mnurer, nged 43 years.,
Afet Supi of tne i.titii run innhnns it nt.
ROM) Ciormnntimn ave, Mt Airy Helatlve
nnd friends arc Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Wednesday nfternoon, nt 3
oiljcit In the ehnpel of the Home. Interment
irlva e m i.nrmsu l.u h i oi tibete j
MAVEItl. September 11 1011. CAHOLINII
M, widow of i Imrlm I Viairs He a ives
and friends are nulled to attend funers.1
f'rvleeg, frlday miming precisely at It
ocloik, ot her lato resideiup, 1117 North
21th st Interment i.rlvate
M,,.'.'.,.V.AK'K Suddenly, on September 18,
1 HIAH MEOAIIA.N In the Rath year ot his
ngc I unernl eerWres nt his late residence,
fJ2U tntlmrlne si. Thursday at H p tn.
Interment nt Wllllamsport, Pa , frlday after
noon. .MENAIf, On Septemb.r II, Inll. MAItT,
wife of Jllchael Atrnrnk. age I (M years fu
neral on Wednesday nt 7 1" a. m from 1.10
l'arrlsh et Iteqiilem High Mass nt Ht
Ignatius' cliurth nt s 'hi u m Interment
Holy r-ross rvmeterv
Mi.l,,!'!:!i.n" September II mil. PANNT
JIILLEH I nee f,etheri widow nf Clcurgll
yilier In her 77th jenr. fun. ral services on
Wednesday, nt J p m , nt her lute residence,
ji, .fin iiMii'ii, ,n pr inierineni prixntl'.
MI.r.rlt. tt.v II A II Mlr.tru i-. .A i,ai
fltrwnter at. jft.
mil ii i.i.i,, un nepiemner 13, v E.M1I.T
II wilow nf John M ti li II fur i i n I s rv
lees Thurl,i, nt S in p m. at tier Inta
residence m7 v r.e-ltleli nve Interment
I nlnn Cemter) Whltemnrsh l'n
MlliniUI.I. On 'ej.tomi,pr )o nl4 PHILIP,
husband of Mary Module ton of Trancls and
thu late I'hlllp Mnehrle. Dao notice of fu
neral will In g,on from his mother's -ael
i"enre -ml V 2Sth Et.
MOOftL'HOI Ml On September IB 1014.
"A HA II A , wlfo of Lot .Vlooieh US' Tui at
on lid.iy. at 1 p in., irum ,017 N ith Kccso
St. Interment prlvutc, at Glen Mujnt erne
terv AlfllllX III. VffTOHlA MOKESCIII, 01
)cnr. ,"'.-' I . Itittenhouto st.
MOIMtl'-sKV.-Slid, lenty, on September 11,
1UI4 JOHN h ibjud v' Mary Morrlssey.
fumrnl un VV.dn-slui. at i III n m, from
211 lllswi.ith st 'oleum AInss of Hequleni
at s I'liil i I'biirch nt Hi a tn. Inter
num Ht I'ol. iii-s 'rtneitrv.
Ml I. III),-. I.AM), -nn .September 12 1014. nt
St Joseph's Ho pltnl, HOSE HI' I HOL
LAND. Ite'ntlves lire Invited to attend fu
neral. Wednesday, nt 8 .an n. in. from 2320
Orcii st Solemn High Itequlem Mass at St
f rands Nnvlern Church, nt li) a m
Ml' I, September 13. 1014. SUSAN JANB
AH LL, In her t-7tli liii Itelivthe nnd
frUnds are Inxlted to attend thp funeni ser
vicci. ot Vr late reMld n c i.')20 )rrtiroolc
ave on VVolnedn , '-itcmbor 10. nt 4.
P. in Interment ut CI irp- Evans Como
ter), Hra ling. l'n. on Tius'av
2,ili Helen st
Mli:i(S. On September 12 1011. EAIMA E.
wlduw o" wrifa n Huntrr M)ers o V ash
Instrn. I) V fn-.---f.it n We h
NUT. On September 14 1014. HAHIlY W..
husbanl nf Martha J .Siff nn1 ,..n . h
lute Daniel and Susinnah Neff. f unr rat ser
vices on Thursdns, it p m nt his late
residence 1310 North u.'d st Intirment pri
vate at Mt ernin d meterv
M:VE' L. On September 12 lull ANNA
AI . VVldlW O' f tr Newdl In I, nf !.!
North Broad St. He.a'lvcs nnd friends aro C
Invited to nttena tho run,,,,) ,.-, ... -i
VV ednesda) nftermon. at 2 .0 o clock', nt
the oiartments or niu,r it ttir ton,.
Chestnut st Interment at West Laurel Hlil 'tl
yiiWir.UViS" r1
wW..w . .,, .,,t..T ,,, ma , tin year. 'CCJsj
Tuneral services un Thursdu) beptemlier 17, WM
at 2 i m at his late rthidrnie JJu North ,S
ruin si caraiui N J. Interment Ever- 'I
green ivmeter)
n'DO.NMll.I On S. plcmber 12 1014 NOIIA
O, wife of John o Oomell Tuneral Wednes- '
dai. at v io d i . - - i ir
Solemn H quli m High Alasa at tho Church '
of the Vlltatlin n
o'clock that evening, when vve reached a
Kirrillsh Milage, where wo spent the
night. Next morning vve reached (Jcok
son and reported to tho Cover nmont. A
detour over the mountains was neees-.nry
In older to avoid the tenltory Infested
by Xcltoon brigands."
and later the ltus&lnn Guv ernment yent
JO chief ji ot department!, to study Pro-
lessor llclss's methodi, at Lausanne for
' three niontn". In Humnuia the Swiss
profosor alo teorganlzod tho police s)s
tt m, and ho has recently returned from
I Eiazll with hU pupil. Parker Tut-k. of
Boston, from a similar mission eionuing
over several months.
After the Becker police scandal tn New-
til ' VN On September 12. 1014. JOHN
U1JVV AHD ,v. Hill i, A.N, in nis ibth year
funeral on Thur ! i at s 'In u. m from
his lite residence 4211 Oglen st. solemn
Hequleni Afass at Our Afother of Sorrows
Church at IU a. m. Interment at Cathedril
Cf meter).
H VI --r.lt 1VILKP.I3D HAUSEU. .12 years.
lis N. 10th st.
II 1 I OWEI.L On September 12. 1011 WIL
LIAAI. hui' nnd nf the late Catharine N.
Hol'oivell, npfd 74 )eara One notice of thn
funeral will be clven, rrnm the residence of
his dnushter lejs Van felt st.
IIIII'IH'IIN. At her reild"e vtlnn'ir Cltv. I
O'NKH.L. On Septi -iber n 1014 CHAHLES
I sep of Alar) o V1,I mee Costello) and
tho late Ocorsc I) Selll tk1 '.': v.ars fu
iiernl on frlday nt i On in., from 224 S.
r-) li nham st --oleinn HiMiutcm Alasa at fat.
I'atrlt k's Chun h nt 10 a m. Interment at
I N, -v c'ltb'-Ural t'cmoiep
il'Al'L. On Tuesiln), September IB, 1014,
"AMITI, T. PAI'L li 1 1. un of Ellen tul,
In hs 7d unr tuneral -, rv lees on Sunday,
at 2 in p m . ut 7m 7 lu.lp st., Taeony ln-
J tl fmiinl nril.t, l .. n .11, .inln,.,V
l'AKK. On September 12. ?I4.--V-ASW-JfeT
. .... ui iiuirr. ,- i ull UHC't! H9 y HW.
runcnl fli'r'tt r.o VV , or ill, v n, o .
nt the- funeral parlor? ,,f w a". Dunlap, ''
E corner jnrn inl Ti. mount ave. Inter
ment e'emwiotf ittritirt
I'ATTIIKsoV On H p'rmher 12 10H.CATK
AKINf U., wlf, i I runts Iitt r n nes
O'I'onnell) a. id diu-'Mir of Arnrimrot und
the In.fi Mlcbne! iilnnill funtrnl Wod"
nesday. at U It a. m
AInss at Our Ijii'v of Visit etlon r"hurch at
'10 a m Interment at -t Muik s Come-
"!. urisioi ra.
N .f. at l"a. m on Septembtr Tl. 10! t! , l'U,n.l,:-0n, September 1 J. 1014. COWARD
,ii tn , ntisti t-itrsii .. i - - ! '. . ' I rftln nrf Imai-ifittil nf Inni li-.n I, t
Touchiiife Heply to Invitation to
A correspondent sendt us .i translation
of a letter received trom an old friend,
aged about 70, in Paris In reply to an
Invitation to come to England during the
wur. We give tho following .Mtaits:
"It wab with profound gratitude that I
read your affectionate invlta Ion o go to
you. I thank you with nil my heait. Hut
I nm an old daughter of Alstice. M)
laughter A. wiim horn (It will lie 41 )eara
ago In a few da)s) In the midst of .!;.)
n white man to bo visited ana uescrineii, uav.ulana who were m rounding my
that will pi ova serious work for many
)eni to come."
ttemniknblc Gunnery nt Honolulu
Puts Stop to Practice.
A H inaikahli. nrouf of big K'l" ellUUuey
"i kH.ii at fort Knuietiainelm, llouo
"li i...ntl), when two targets weio
" UII nut .,P .1 , .... .....
". tiiu ivLiit'r nun iitteriv
...... ,ln tnreo shots (lied, at a range
t , ,, ",l!" T'to V5th Companj, Cnp
: " loiies. mannlncr tli I'.lnili mm
th, i, ' ";u""sllt'l this lee-ord for night
"" 'mt as a result of tills wholo-
L,,i ,"i""UlUo" "r tarsoU Uio practice
Ut,! i L CJ,ka 0(i t0 completed at u
house, while refuge ei from Illtsche, hom-
uatded, were hhcltered by us Vou can
not think se-rluusily, de.ii friend, that I
would leave our franco at the moment
of dancor. SU of my children are at the
war' Aly mother s heart In broken with
, , t,. ,.ij.. Tr.,.i -c-t anguish but my he.irt of un Alaatlun
Many Pilnces righting Under Ping: ni1 a flc.nChwoman heats nu.ro ardently '
than ever, and the thought uf leaving our ,
cuuntrv in this s-orrowful hour which o-ir
York the Eureau of Munlcim' l!e-p-iirh
of that city sent It. Shepherdson on n ,
npccinl m.ssron to I'loiis&or ueiss vvun
the ulijeet ot seeming dntn for the im
provement of the New York police syhtt-m
in viemohivm:
MI'Itl'HY. In sad und loving remembrance,
nf EI.LfN A MI Hlil) 1m illea -"-i in,.
bir lit, 11)10. Hfsin.SU AND lillLfJltEN
ELIZAHErH HArtltV vv"e ,,' VV Mnrips
Hepburn Tho relatives nnd fr end" aro In
vited to attend the funeral services, on U'e '
nesday afternoon, at t o'clock, at her el'y
home 17--1 Pmv st lit i - , ,u
n-ont nnvate
HEICIEH -On September 13. 1014, MAGDA
LENA Wife nf Louis Hr-ru-r (fiirmerl) l.i k
nrd) nged IS )ears Due notice of the fu
neral v 111 be given from her late residence.
HUT Chunk; st
IIEHZVIEIN. September 15. 1011. JULIUS
I, . hut-ban I if iVcelii Herss e n agt i ")
vears Helntlvt an I frKnls also Ke)atono
I.i'.'i 27! F and A Al .Imhji l.o.le .
1 o rt H Rappaport Iilje 'I I. O F
s of I I'hr.id.-lphla Lorfgp ,, F S ,f .1
are Inv Ite I t , attenl the fineral. Prldni at
10 a in TjIii bis late res ten e I'll., X"r h t
I1 -t Intern n' Alt S nnl r.'t.te-v
1.. beloved hushon 1 of Vnm !'on It,
tn and friends .il-1 nenb.rs rf I nltin
News Relief A ' a I u I'r srraslve fsem
tl). No 4, A. o VI. f and Cummercial
Lierartntimt o' thi Hell TV'ephnne ( inpanj'
of Pinns)Kanla aie lnvlt. I to atten I thrt
fun, r U nrv' i on VVelmsi'iy aft, moon nt
2 u'iIq, K, ut hit lite residence Jl". hnuth
e.'d it Inttrnrtnt J Mnurrt 1'ea e I em, terv
Hi nialns uiav bi Ie,ii Ttiei p, -
I'Oli' -on fepttmher 14, 1014, NOHAIAN
1HRTRAV -en of Joseph and Maftel r
Hop.) am! 1 months t-'unpral or VV , n j
dny at J p in f-m 4S 1 lir'rcom t i'or-,
merlv Fronklln 't ), Prunkfoid. fnturm. nt
nt Alutuiol'4 (iiiotciy
"EU V Septemter 11. 1014. IIOH V'T n
REi.AR J! D., nun nf Al.in J. and ih ! t
tjerrse K. Itegar (, ' nit m.l frl i r
ittviieu to attend funitral rvlies m
uuy aiternonn.
ii s.hot iired struck bimnrely In
vnii . iV" ",10 mwl1 PUnmiaul tui-ge-t
' '.- .mt base, tlmt Is until ruerclv
l iit.,1 i . 1 1""1"' u' ,1a --? "'
' . t,, uroiitllltv ..f tl... ..lul, lr
be iiroiit.iltv .,f ti,.. ..,, i,,ui, in
HI irKi i . .. ,, n,pl. ,, !,,, h.,r.,,.,
l,i,. """.',.' w"s I'urtd umj practice
, ' 'l,' "ec-untl shut struc-U tlu.
thud . , ?l,uu "f llu' '-'Svt und tin.
e. ai ill1', i W'.ltCr- No mQ,c, trscts
avail. bio Mt piae-tlco was called
f'dsturr.11 Pm!w," on Ui (--sport of
'lr 1, ,U "u 0UMy neutrally. No
t'.ut" JWtf.ri,t lhl ,k'W- "strl ,,eu-
Wwech J tt "vllllt Ugur of
tt li , ... "atiulll oxUUnce liniiutftlal
"' ouu.im, Uu. fUe
Power Supplieil Through Wechnnibin
of Winiatuve Piopoi tlons,
TlietD was leccntly exhiblte-il at the L'ul
versity of North Pakota. at Urnnd t'urks.
st working electric motor weighing SI
grains, the construction of which occij.
pled, man's sparo time for a month.
The dimensions of the mutor aro as lol.
Length, 0-563 Inch; height, 0.?J1 Inch;
width, ft33S inch; diameter of armature.
QMl Inch; diameter of commutator, j.uiiw
Inch. The armature, which weighs fuur
grain, has 1 -lot n4 (pit cuiimiu.
tator Mvniwitv. A 2.5voIt hattry sup
piUs the energ) for opcrutliii; this ilnv
puvwr unit,
of the Fatherland.
That Oc-rmnn pilnces hnvo flocked to
the lla? as willingly us uther sous of
tho I'.ithorl.ind is shown In nn nrtrclo
printed In tho Vossdcho Zcltung, ono of
tho leading p.tptrj of Heillii, Tho article
reads as follows:
"Iluko Urnen! iluenther of Srlilesvvig
Ilolstein nccompanlis tho Ilol.stcin troops
Hi luce Karl Anton von llohe-nisollern has
loliud the giueial command of the
liiuiiiK I'rlnco Joavhim Filedilc-h of
I'lUkbin. 'i sou of the l.ite I'llnce Albrecht,
heeaino inajoi uf tho Mfo Ouaids nt
Krankfoit-on-thcOder. nuke I'.ui! and
Duko Adolf Kiledrleh of Jleoklcnburg
have joined tho general command of tho
IX Army Corps. Tho Duko of S.ino
Altenlurg hus become the commander of
thu l5Jd Infantry ISeBiment.
"Tho Pnuco of Pclmumburs-l.lppe has
bci-u made rumumi'dor of tho nth Hegl
moiit of llusti.irs. I'riiices Ucnrge and Ur
uest of H.iNe-Alelniiitfoii havo toined the
lutli Itegimt-nt uf lii igoons. I'riiico Kr.
Pc-bt of Saxe-AIeiidngen. otepbrotlicr of
the Duke, Iiuh ai-c-ompuuicd tho 93th llesl.
nunt of Jiuantry. I'rintc Alns of liade-n
1ms jolueil tho general luminand uf tho
XI v Army corps
peoplu have not nought, that thought can
iievur bo mine! vVhat eomtoit votir noble
Kngland give u, dear friends, und what
courage It gives us to feel ou do loyally
at our sldo! To dtrribu our sufferings
and our -poignant emotions nt this t me
Is impossible. Our valiant soldiers aro in
Alsace, and nur brothers, our nephew,
who remaipid there, faithful tu tho old
Alsatian home, nio being shot or urmod
against us! . . . l'iay for us. very dmr
friends, that Uod may sao I-'rance and
the valiant men who .tru lighting to save
AI.DEN On September lr, 1D1 1. AIARY
ELIZABETH ALHEM mee Hiujj). ,.
of Jtshi.a V. VlR-i. ri.n-r.il on w . .
wife , Joshua l' A d. n. Kuno.al on Wed
nesoii). nt i i fr ni '-ill 1 aM-hall
eve, Wc-si fhilaleliln fcolemti Itenulem
:.!as at at. cKiliiiib i h.ir li. i 10 o'eloCk
I ie turn t at II 1 is- i em.'.rv
s 1 l lerie t '
AIIIMS. SlaAN AI.TINO. CO ears. 1S51
Jui. OI) st
AKIN. On September 14, lDl4, AIAHY C
vvldot. of Jusipli T Akin. I'uneral servhis
.it her Ute r.silenn. tlto Mvtliodlst Kpisiorul
Iloni Uelmnnt un 1 r.U-ely avis , on 'Ihurs
Ju, at 2 i a In ei.iuit j, utu a,, ,
AVI. 1111 ftn Star... n.1... .A ,n. ...
AYUAlEIt. Oue nntlto of the funoral will bi '
...,, , , ii , ,,,, rtBtuwii,. iuia VVfli-'ljn
it.. West I'hilJitelt hU. "
HAIItH.At tu i.oldeme of Eus'iio D.
1U), Ptun um 1- Ini, New Hoi Julie, U,
. on bunlai. .-.iteniipr ii, j., (i , i i v
VV , tv i,l.,H , ( j,,,v VV B.llrd, nil 1 itsunli-
Ur HI the a. I Lir -r l.- n.o.7.,?"
and.frknn .re In I I tu annul the funirT.i I
servlits, un lUin.iUi ai ernoon at 1.' Ml
u clock, at tlu u ar mpiitj of iniV-.'ii
JiilT.' 's0.. '" " ' I'hiUd Ipbla Inter
Tr'.'.w-8t t i"r I HU ri-nierery.
HOI -lilt In this elty. on deptembar 13. !'ay unernoon. at v n'clm k pi cU'lv us
I'lll VVIH-'OHt) D s..n nf r.m ,, , lore rel.rme. H'uO -Sor h I'Hh t. Inteimmt J
Heberta II ut of Pe.ling. Pa an1 ihp i,t',..v ?'.t Nrthwl Cemeter). 1.
husband of Kmll) J Hoyser need 14 yenrs. "i'i'i'V tJurv'A"-'1 . M Vu" , ',Uh -,'A-
ruiiernl wervl.-es ind Interment nt Reading J5ANt.h .,KHOU ," n '," s1t ' .""; ' t
l'a. Wednesl.iv afternn, n ,mim)r 111. ?.?. . 'el'tlv. it d rl, n N i-c invlt. J t , at- 5
l(.llit trip lltnt)?il ;, t t.'i.. n . M.-ilni. II... -a
Uth und Tatnall sis Wlln.lrvton Del ri
.Ninth Month Idili ut 11 u do K Inttiment
l:0(il"H, On Mon.l.ii, September 14 1014,
UAi HHU VVInif-'lt .'1 iliipr ti' He a
Willi m ivt"" i Art li in i ill Urns -t. r
II vii-- ".. September 14. 1014, AfAHV It . na ' ,ow or vv upain n (, .jgr In
2.lfe of William II Jim.. Vmierui 'A' '; ' r.Knv.'M-- r, B ,,.. tt ,, , .
nAii wire or i n '..I. tie t n , i ,n
HOW HI I.. On September 13. 1014. JAND
It., vvuoiv or ir.eph B Hon ell, urtlsi, Rel
utlios ni. 1 friends are Invited tn attcn! th
funcial. on W.dnesi'ni, at s p in frein thp
IC-'Iltni of -icr sun-ln-Iaw. He-iry r,. Spy.
Iieri, Usi7 christian t Inter i em at Li-
Hiirun v rinuirrvi
Thur. U at 1 p ni at ftl.J Wushlnntou
.. ,itt,,ut.rit priuie, nt iorintvoo.1 ueni
eter). Ill ;llNOV. On optpmber 18. iou.
AONI-w,! lin.'HIN!" V liauBhtVr of MiV
late imam nnil K.lrn .-mlth Punetal on
VVedm-aduv It S 10 a. m.. 'mm vii. ,.1.....'
mil it M.iss of Sidumn Hb.i pm nt ihe
i i hiii.i n i-i
.?..r., In'"'"!" ' V- '"a 't-dra' .'in.ctV.r
IAUI Us, At l.oi ust drove Farm. v. T i. -
tenitmr 11, lull KLIAHKfli haiiT'..
HuitVi: Uul.w of ;' 'r f. uivld lUhih
iau uuf i- ii us .1 1 sun n t b u. in iu . i l . . i "
" V.T' " tarm. near
in lliuradaj, S,Mt. nibi r IT.
Imeriut-nt at the cunvmlvn a
me viiuuiic niPii vvnu uro iiKtuiug to novo iiviiin-is. ....,' " ..'V.y-
our hearth,' Ah- may it not bo a lg ! "N"
war, a long t-uinuge. mav our flod huvc I J'4 JOHN f IMi.mVIN bbc4 TS yeasl'
pity! The Ctlgiuns nre horolc and have SJ52SL. ,?, ,cf; '"' 'rternient rrtvai.
iiiiiiiiiiM, i-ii.re incase copy.
HVHIIOI It, -im b, pu mi.er i, 104 r
perhaps taved 113 hv stopping tho fli-st
vvuve or the invasion.
wn.ni ii. hu,i i.i . t n. i itr.ii...r.':.'Vi
AT )4is Hdnt u an I frum.i ,ir. lrulti-1
to ntuiul w fumi.il spiUc un Thursdu i
lale p 1, nt.
HullUav s ,1
at li n a pi
of -h,. fn-ii li
,KlllNn on fttptemhor 12. lou wi
m:. lf of J. PHowitl Jhnon Rehiuvst
W Mn .da), a -.' p m. procsely. 4t h.r luto
resldemp .'441 I". iltlll.Ia BV ' l " T ""
'''T'SuilsYMf; Ttt- J $ Wk
...... , . ,u- .. .. n( u-r hub rek'l ne- ,or.
rur I'ltnu.n .it I F, rnwoorl umh, I'ltm.in V
.1 I II Ihll I il Sh, tit. ttihaa l ... i... "'
iemtr). i iDim J , hu ,a r Ul(
Tuu i, !uj . t s i 4 ni it 'ii I T4 v
stdprnu Hic-h viilpi ,f i,pf , n ,,, u t
ut the CJ . it !U i in li urn i t I y
i r I'eii .ur
IIHOT.-Dii Hepiemher 1.1, l'H4 KVIViv )L.
ti of iir'o. H s.i.,1 run al seii . n
IhUrnl.IV a i 11 r ,
limit ; i (i 1 , Jilp it IiHi-rimnt u: M mt
I'm - ' i.uivlti
SA) IJIIS.--CHI September 11, 1014. Inl'l-a
I" , W, u ,f .1 ti - 111 i I- i.i 41)1 r-
uien.t ar. i in ar Hie u. u
I ls un VV, ii iv ari n i ut J n,
at !'.r Urn M- it- -i ! un rul i
i. i it i hi
felMtUIl im . i'mUi II. 1UH
I.FHT IN ft.
sir !' ,ti ih
Hattr(i. ti ' I
terrown , tli
trv I i n v.i
t I hi
U I ill 1 '
mill I'un. r,i
her into r"l 1" i
im 1 1 u SI,
t'i Mae I
f t'i i.nod S-'
' 1
i 1
l -if t' HtdCetm i
I's V I nn -
wife if ItanJ inn
tv ,1 I J, i
i -. -muit at i
ii ii.iM ihii. mi irptembr . 1014
11, 11,1.. ,... ...a 1,1 Atn..u.i :.. t: -
-!. ill!
I fc ,-w
court boards chickens t;. wrvu.;''t .rrm,m i,f i,llv i n'iVfii'NBHrffE!; s-..,'r.Hi',- a?:.' ',.!,:. .""u-" r-
,Ji:'l.,,l Ptmhr 11, 1011. JOHN ' ' Junkhurt 1 Huh Mast) i St. Kraii'lL . l'M . Hu.e -v ih. rt f vvltf!
Poltco Hendflliniters Tries to Collect "! ,'h fun. i .' nn ., ,in Wednesday .M"; ir''"1 .Mnterv iMntrmvni , wtlllltl ,f Wj1 . t t jMp
,. Z, . , - , ? l"'"lr lu, ji ' ui'mk i.tnlwli, at th ' KlUl.lll - v'" 'erueml.er IS. 1014 Mahv i imt'f ' 1 il nil i i IpJi
tOl' Rooster's Meals,. f iii'.ltur.i.r .f lurr) i V. .-aKin? IgjS I infe' M fr, ' Wf.i"j "ltv3?t TUIHV, i'fll. .1 i".r 4-- I v 1. ,ffl
was caught lu the poultiv )ard of a nm. "HeoliV - H ' VV V.lii (.," 9 ; ! ' " ';r hu nst.ln V i:l7khC I "''""i t ' ' ' r'a' ' 'MM
! ,ln,.t ., I.innlilinii. '. ,rf f... ..,i... fr-'dl UI til IJ 31 tt" I 'ni.ral S Ititeriunt prtvut Pluiisus om I n u V Ttll.UKItT -Villi I roi.ni ! !n ,. .. tKAW.
' -"- " -" --..n. . . . iinvr UEIIIi. il.imtn, 1. 1 . ,. ... 1,. .....- -.' ". i ... . - . . -. - . - . -,rf'-,. . . . u . . ' .--....-- -, - . -, ,- j
"The CKw-Uoveirror of Qermnn Southwest tried in the Major's e-oirt. cmrfessi-a to UH KiSV rt m nKrlrir ! XtOTfflM '! 'W'Jilt WI4!ki 'till . vr riu'ivvs il M
Africa. ll.-rr vou Miui-Uman, has Joined thu thft of rhlckens from n numhor of , i')'-;"""""" ,"ero -""'-? . "i'' '- ftp'Ai Sihn 6 kS'i? "t '"i " r Vl I .' rMMVN nl ffffl
tlu. Second Uii.ua I'hlHiw as a volunteer, people In West l.jnchhurg. the stolen HOSNit.lun wUn.iSr iaiw rlonm, tn "f'"""1'- hiptimh-rif Jt'1 ' w11 , 'lWh?!il',tt C" ' ' ' ,ul ".i-no jiB
A great numhor of the m. mburs of tho fovvls-or. nt U-aat, mast of thom-were ill vtV" I uT e'"t r ,U,?BT J.1"" "'" " Ht iiu '". ffil,T-, ', " ' ,-" ' '", ' " illSR
Itfie-lisius havp t.iUi-ii the-ir Places In tho tnHeu to police headquarters nnd Uept 1 J',-'"1 5'-.'""", ' ""J ""..., rhM, Lima iudi,.l, l'.h,?" ' tet' B6 ' vf'n.i , l,","l,.v" 31
army. Twcntj -sis of the- Socialist mem. thero until the owners enmo to laoiitlfy . iCcral -n Wedii-. las "i, a !.' "n. "'f. 'Wil.w; '' '" '' ' ' ' irl ivni "..! "' '" .. ,.,..r ,H
t'Amt ctnlr1)5" '"' l"e ",nUS ',Shtlnenror',heehiceo,vno,ahadnPur.J1iv';m- "1""1- h4 4&T FfSS? ""wT"" TJ?' " 'r " lff...M ? lM
.r,r- ..... ..... rw,-,-,! and tlu- iiilslnb' bird wa found to be ni mti wnUn, Ti.t.l4i f D 12 fit !U I'l'mwit H 'i i r, t" a a n,, 41 v . 1 M ... h ' fkMa
RAPE AMPJ HAWA L HATPR tho ouiucttan nt the iouhoue ku " . c.i,; TV j iJS;-f? KiBvrs.i;u, -laxeh kCu.rxmaua 17'";:. "?' .v i.um, .. sm
! t1r l'im.lAsui-n,.,1.l,i.,... . ".Sm -1- 'TfUl h'Iui, Iiub i " - -.- ,FIn . . I J 1.1 1 jvniiu.
tw - ihihij iiiivuuuaiuti 11. m . .. r. vr.. . j. 1 -vv n 11 hhi at.. ,r - a. w k Mm BB.... a
..,, , ..,-, r,.-.., t p mi BUUk'3, . !'. .si.... 11III1IMIIIK in 11
Ui -T . miK UlIEril I l-ntj .. .. . MTtt"!' ''
" .:. 7 vi ..Zu,7u V.. im'"7 w rvsmefctiB tor, Ai bifrt ,'f it i
' Ell UII HI LUUfl 11 11 ikeaiu. -...,! ' .
rjvijt; CleigyHiRH in Gloucester Pio,
neet in Enterniise.
L'.ipu Ann has had u tuuat fiom tho
ili)S of the earl) oettluiu. in f.ic-t. since
16 li. vviien. uccoiditig to the Uluuct-bter
doiuo leasoii vvhioh the ,-tuthorittes eannut
iinueiiiaiiu, im purucuiur owner en
ceiveil the Idea that the poilco should re
turn the thlcUon tu hr ivuultr) sard. In
ttnwvlt US he td nut tnH.8 it a,iy. Ho
refused tu tahe- the chleKen buck viith
Win and it remained, in a bos for a day
01 two.
Tho oilleers btsun to vvtuulct- uhnt tt.-v
Should do with tho ehlclni. and Mnally
Cilll li tit- nillihiA - r .
nmos. 1110 itev niciwru inviimun tii '
llrt minuter of the- town, was given tho suggested tht they flSl i ,,!? "?
VfMWgo to "cut tlu beuch through aid "rum the owner th? St f "f t,t 4i i0?11?
malntuln It. und to have the benefit of JSSra-' X hi !nml tocU a'in fe' f
It to iiliruu and his forever: giving the , t-aim bL as had Z,i, e!,? "?
Inlvabltanti of the town free poWe." au?a ,P ,ho fni rr SV .'"J1 .IH
A8 earl) SS Mis the record of the ! t& m V' H .l.1. L.tu ?- ft?
general fourt i) . "Mr. jjwUeott TO the chick This raZli.ih.'T
will! tu send tlrnw men to view- Cape tack 11, the iilans of theflieVr?
Ann. whether it may be cut through ivel owner vveutawavLcriilrtiTn, '.
how they rul It." but it was probal.l) ,,ot xn tend f.r ?, J f1,' d.ld
not .Iwineil of sufficient lmporlai.ee at v ,kh the I-hi-We,, has h ! V . "'"','
Hut lime ,., b. u.,aUk.n b) .., Ucv- ilnZmUlr" ZV"'' "
' ' ''.- 'I .ni s all imiui tVati,!
i-1 ! if it-n i th 1 Mt .ion av. i
in ui Ml Si 1I4U iv? ,,,, 'lOU aVv '
lUUii'i'Hvi- 1'" k'l"'', ts. luu,
HMtIHA W ilatujlii, 1 i.ijih,,, y Jt '"
iau. Annie fururnitr Kw rl 4t,.i.v .
Man di .5.. . ii(rr..iut, mTimTht Ll',1
umlr IT 11 p. m iMrmim$Z'
ItnenulB eviuer r"iw, m
H!hI kti-lll
Tui iftiitjntui
rWa, tl .
Vm't, t ,
A v. '., t
Hif 11 J 111
...... .... . luimmi "i j m r jtr nun u muuv nntM.,,
i1.- ..Yl "...if1"?. "e pariluut ui tV.V?, , iTl&.- Al K-mvibwu. . 1.... - .". ..
f V"''ll On twaiemler 1.1 tail mn r' Ttni-itt, s-ini,!., it' " 1 II '
" ' J 1
1 n tuu m 1
- VV b 1 t8ir
' 1 1 f t I
1 - at I I
PH. Ml
llHliI I
' V4lb k
at Str 1,
tn. S5W) s n
I vr jT
I't" - ,