Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 15, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Gemma A. D'Auria, well known in the younger set in West Philadelphia, who will
become the bride of Dr. Percy H. Houston, of Austin, Tex., to'night.
is- nXGACJEMENT of interest to this city
md Now Yoi k, which has boon an
AVounccd In Now York, Is that of Mlsa
Edilh Stuart Otto, (laughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Albr rt T. Otto, ol Valley Rose Farm, Scarsdalo,
to Norman f'arlilt Celchcrt, a son of Dr.
Kdv.'id Tvson Keiehcrt, who Is a member of
tii ii MU ! the iii'dlcHl department of the
Inm-it. i' Pennsylvania.
Mi .iml Mi.-,. ('lurk-s llcniy Scott, Jr., aro
b,jcihI!iik the uuMiiiii ni the gucts of Mr.
ai.d Mrs. Wilimm AVcf-t Frazier, Jr., at their
country pla-e in Jenltlntown. Sir. und Mrs.
fc'cott will nnt open their town house at 111
Fnuth d stiect. until late In November.
Mi-. Francis P. Sibley lias reurned to her
annie on Summit aenue, Jcnlclntown, after
ipi'milng sevetal days In Now York as tho
guret of her daughter, Mrs. Pclmore Brown.
Jlrs. Homy Augustus Unwind will entertain
In licr box at tho Horse Show In honor of her
debutant,- daughter. Miss Margaret Berwlnd.
lr. and Mis. Berwlnd will give a small dance
In honor of tho-r son Chnrlcs Graham Berwlnd,
on Thui'lay night.
uunmioitK-Tho Ladies' Commltteo of tho
Overbruok Golf Club will give tho second of
their September afternoon teas this Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. DcWltt Irwin and Miss
lorothy Irwin, of City avenue- and Luncaster
rond. returned today from Chelsea.
Mis. m. McMlthi-u und Miss Rosalie Mc
M'rliHu haw returned tu their home. Rosemary.
Mi. William llan-ity, MIsb May Harrity and
Miss ittthoi Hurrlty. who wero In Brussels when
iinr,uab iiTl.ircd, arrived here last week.
nmioiiL .Mr. nnd Mrs. Willis .Mu.sser, Miss
JulKt Musser and Benjamin Musser. of Simpson
road, have i etui nod homo after a summer spent
at Bench Haven.
TIk ltov. iloorpe Pomeroy Allen, lector of
ft Mu-y's Kplscopui Church, Is expected homo
this wnei from oaiden City, I I,
Mi. ami Mrs. Francis M. Cresson and family,
lio spent the summer at The Oaks, Ia will
hortly opon their house on Simpson road.
. "- Ultimo -A wedding of interest to society
In th.s elty and Wilmington will tako place
Wednesday. September 80. when Miss Eilltli
Iilan.lv Kleinn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
CeorK. Kl.-mn. Jr., of Haverford, vill be mar
ried tu Morton Harvey, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Holbtnn Harvey, of WIlmlnBton.
The ceieniony will bo solemnized at high noon
1 ft M.irj'a l.'plscopal Church, Ardmoro. Tho
'lev. titorcu Pomeroy Allen, rector, will of
ficiate. Miss Kitmti will liavo her cousin, Miss Anne
Shaping, Garrett, of WIlmlnBton, for maid of
honor. uj Jli3s KPnnol. nrocIti jsa Jcnl,
onU Uilie. JiS3 Flovcnco Shoemaker and
Miss Ume Twaddell will b tho bridesmaids.
"' ,lowcp elrl will bo .Miss Eleanor Rogers.
Donald Satterthwnite, of WIlmlnBton, will be
ir. a best man. Holsteln Harvoy. Jr.,
Brother of the bridegrooni-tu-lie; Hearse C.Utell.
Jr.. 1,0ms Uennott. Jr.. and John Twaddell will
act us ushers.
Hollowing tho ceremony there will bo n small
eitakfaat nt tho residence of tho bride's parents
iw- the Immediate families and a few Intlmato
Ali()it-Miss Margaret Berwlnd, wlu will h
fjno uf tho season's debutantes, will be intro
duced at a tea, which will be given Wednesday,
OctQber 1.
RHm?elains of intCrMt I" persons In uaU l.ano
11 . . "m ot s,lEa -" Nettle C'.tmmlng and
jjmll Woll, which will take place Septcm-
' In I'ortiaud, Ore.
lite8 t-mrunlns, wIiq Is the daughter of Dr.
.viuiriM.- i',...i.... ...., .
no Park, for tho nast six
U.n .1 Mmiiiunf, ot i-artiauu, "as
rlii Kl'l't 0t ,"sr 3llfler' iMnf- s,ruU 1er-
U. of Oak I,auo Park, for tlm nast silt
M'oiV 1 ' UlQ n of 3lr' 8,ld J,rB- ,,etor
. of .Vlh avenue and City Hue. tMk l.ano.
iZ , ""H"1' f the OW York Road Coun-
- -iuo ana nopuuu
Jk road.
l c"'mo'1- IH be performed at S 30 p. m.
.larks EpUcopal Church, Portland.
ttUi '"' ,"" mcns trip, sir and Mrs. Well
m. , rr,r h',',5o ''' ak Lan rark-
cd M. Haiold, Terpall left yeUrday
ir in the w-clal set alone
for Portland, Ore., where they will attend the
wedding of Miss Lora Nettle Cummins', Mrs.
Porpall's sister, to Paul Emll Woll, of Oak
Luno, on Tuesday evening, September 22.
Miss Edith Crowthor will be married to Mr.
Edward Everett Thompson, of Waco, Tex.,
September 22, nlso.
Miss Crowthor la the daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs,. Henry Crowther. Tho wedding will tako
place at the homo of the bride, 6510 North Sev
enth street, at 11 n. m.
Sho will woar hor traveling gown nnd will
bo given In marriage by her father. The Rev.
J. Kennedy Moorehousc, of Calvary Episcopal
Church, Conshohockcn, Pa., will" perform tho
The bride will be unattended und Burd Zell
will net as best man.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Hood and their family
returned today to their home on Seventh street,
after (pending tho summer at Ocean City.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Bains and their daugh
ter. Miss Helen Bains, of 68th avenue, returned
on Saturday, after a month at Longport.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Munn and their daughter,
Miss Florence Munn, of Lawnton avenue, re
turned to their home Saturday, after a season
at Chelsea, Miss Rose, however, having spent
tho last two weeks nt Mount Rose, Pa.
Mrs. E. W. Goobel, of Panama, In the guest
for soveral weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Gage, nt their summer home near Vlllanova,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taggart, of Eighth
street, returned yesterday after a month of
travel around tho Groat Lakes.
Miss Mary I.orlmer, of Molroso Park, re
turned Saturday to her home on Stratford ave
nue after n month near Montreal, Can,
Mrs. Eugene W. Fry will give a largo lunch
eon on Thursday at the Huntingdon Valley
Country Club in honor of Mrs. Melville G.
Wright, of Oak Lane, formerly of Richmond,
Covers will bo laid for BO guests and the deco
rations will bo pink and white asters.
A number of young girls, who spent the last
month camping ut Lake St Catherine, In Ver
mont, Included Miss Grace Wade, Miss Anna
Wado. Miss Mary Cope, Miss Graco Cum
mlngs, Miss Gladys Cummlngs, Miss Mary
llucrcler, Miss Martha Gillman, Miss Ethel
Johnson, Miss Ruth Wilson, Miss Helen Ala
pach nnd Miss Jeannctte Hackett.
Mrs. Nellie Kitchen chaperoned tho party,
which returned to the city last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton O. SIlcox. Jr.. of 4137
North Broad street, gave the first of a series
of at homes, Saturday. Tho decorations wero
pink roses. They were assisted In receiving
by Mrs. Sllcox's mother, Mrs. Edward A,
Oetrel; Miss Emma I. Batty and Mlsa Anna S.
Christie. The second at homo will take place
next Baturday afternoon. Before her marriage
In Juno Mrs. SIlcox was Miss Anna. n. Oetzel.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pomeroy, of 35 North
Fifteenth street, with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Zlndel, have
leturneil from their country home In Glensldo
and aro spending u week In Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Welsh and their fam
ily, of 352ii North Broad street, havo returned
to their Tioga home after spending the season
at their Island Heights cottage.
Miss Ethel Munder Devlin, of S526 North Six
teenth street, will spend tho remainder of tho
fall and winter In Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Cregir have closed
their summer home In Wlldwood and have re
turned to their winter house at 12 West Alle
gheny avenue.
Mrs. Leonard Gouhlson, of 2107 West Ontario
street, has returned from Atlantlo City.
Mr. and Mis Walter Brown have returned
from Quakertown. Pa., to their home on St.
Mark's Square.
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Friedmann and their
daughter. Miss Maxine Friedmann. of 2139 West
Tioga street, have returned from Atlantic City
Mrs. Jacob Simon and Mlsa Elisabeth Simon,
of 8132 N'oith Fifteenth street, have teturaed
from New York.
Mrs. H S. Donaldson and her daughter, Miss
Emma Donaldson, have closed their cottage,
710 Sixth o venue. Ocean City, and have returned
to their home, 1308 RUIng- Bun lane.
Edward B. Carrier and Mr, Carl Cirrier have
Nturqtd from Kurpa anl r not traveling
through tho Thousand Islands and the Great
Tho Y. B, K. flewln Circle has been post
poned until Monday, September 21, when Miss
Bertha Schmld, of 3430 North 2Uh street, will
Tho wedding of Miss Qenovleve Harton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke D. Harton,
of 1721 West Glrard avenue, to Clayton B.
Bhoemnker, will tako place on Wednesday morn
ing, October 14, at 10:30 o'clock, In the Church
of the GesU.
Mrs, Frederick J. Chrlstmnn, of tho Dauphin
Apartments, has returned from a fortnight's
visit In Now York, whero sho wag the guest
of Mrs. Edward L. Howe, of Riverside drive.
A reception will be given on Monday night In
honor of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph KrnuskopB nt
the Alumni Building, under the auspices of tho
Hlsterhood of tho Konoscth Israel Congregation.
Miss Eva Jacobs, of North Broad street, has
returned from Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klein, of 2231 North
Broad street, are on their way homo from
Europe, having sailed on tho Baltic on Sep
tember 9.
Mlsa Miriam Aloxandcr, of Elkton, Md., Is
visiting Miss Mildred Hudson, of 1813 North
Park avenue. Mini Hudson entertained James
Ellison and Dunbar Lane, of St Qoorgo's, Del.,
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fngley, who havo beon
In Atlantic City since June, have returned to
their winter homo, 1SS0 North 22d street. Their
daughter, Miss lrana Fag ley, hoa been with
her parents slnco her return from Europe tho
end of August. Miss Elizabeth CTTapman, of
Springfield, Mass., who spont tho summer
abroad with Miss Fngley, la visiting her grand
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Savory, nt Hamilton
Mr. nnd Mrs. Melville Stuart Atwood aro
staying with Mrs. Atwood's mother, Mrs. John
Moron, of 2731 North Klevonth street, for an
Indefinite period after spondlng the past few
months at their1 homo In Chelsea, Atlantlo
Mrs. Charles A Carey and her daughter, of
2807 Diamond street, havo returned to their
cottago In Ocean City for a few days, whero
they entertained extensively during tho summer.
Miss Martha Barter and Miss Dorothy Barter,
of 2031 North Eighteenth street, have returned
home after a short otay at the Churlelgh Inn,
Stroudsburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Marshall, of 1525 Diamond
street, have returned home, having spent tho
post six weeks In Atlantic City.
Mlsa A. Edna Schmltt and Miss Marian E.
Schmltt, of 3371 Itldgo avenue, Cave returned
to their home after a five weckB' visit at
With the coming of cooler weather, enter,
talnlng among the naal oftlcers and their wives
will be resumed, and, although thero will bo a
decided falling off of Inrge dances and dinner
parties because of tho lack of men, thero will
be no lack of the smaller Informal affairs.
Such Is the bridge club which met last night
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beebe,
2320 South 21st street. Tho members Include
Lieutenant and Mrs. Guy A. Blssct, Lieutenant
Commander and Mrs. Georgo Landenberger,
Naval Constructor and Mrs. A. B. Court, Lieu
tenant nnd Mrs. Cochrane, Commander innd
Mrs. n. S. Keycs and Mr. and Mrs. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton Ford, who aro
oxpectcd to return this week, havo taken a
house at 2107 South 21st street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hancock, of 3?20
Chestnut street, have opened their house for
the winter. They spent tho summer motoring.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Curloy, of West Phil
adelphia, are receiving congratulations upon
the birth of a daughter, Helen Elizabeth Cur
ley, Thursday. September 10. This Is their
Becond child, as they have a young son, Neville
Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Garman, of 216 South
45th street, who after visiting In Chicago spent
tho late summer In Chelsea, have returned
Mrs. A. N. Hamilton and her daughters, ot
EOO South 49th street, are entertaining Miss
Louise Taylor, of Washington, as their guest.
Miss Ethel Lelnau, of 1216 Spruce street, will
not return to her homo until the Urst of Oc
tober. She is at present at the Lawn House
In Rlverton and has as her guest Miss Mildred
Whaley, of New York.
Judge and Mrs. Utley E. Crano have closed
their house at Chelsea and returned to Hamp
ton Court for the winter.
Miss Mary MoArdte, of 4210 Parkslde avenue,
returned on Saturday from a trip to Cobough.
Can.; while there sho was tho guest of
Sirs. Frank Hcbs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Cameron Burnslde have
taken apartments at 42d and Spruce streets fur
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Madeira, of School
Housa lane, have returned to their home, having
spent the summer at North E.ifct Harbor. Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ross, accompanied by
Miss Theodora Ross, havo returned from
Christmas Cove, Mo., whero they spent the
summer. They are occupying their new homo
at Wlssahlckon avenue and Upsal street.
Mr. William It- Berry, who has bren in Munioh
during the wur period, Is now at The Hague
nnd will soon sail for home.
Professor Charles C. Hey! has returned homo
in safety after an eventful trip through Europe.
Frlend3 of Mr. Heyl wero particularly nnsiausf
for his speedy return, for ids work as principal
of the West Philadelphia High School fur Boys)
begins Immediately. Mr Heyl traveled through
France, Italy and Germany after war was de.
Mis. 1-Mwanl Troth, who has spent tho sum.
mer In Europe and. with otherB, was marooned
In tho wur zone, Is expected to return to her
home, 3113 Penn st$et.
MUs Catherine Cooper Cassard has jtturned
from Cape May, whero she was the guest af
Miss Edith Wilson at her cottnge. Miss C'as.
surd will leave Thursday for Hartford. I'onn.,
to be the guent of Miss Helen IVase Tor the
temalnder uf tho month-
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Brown. Jr , have
returned from Europe and aro at present stay,
lug with Doctor Brown's father ami mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry l brown, at 13S West
Upial ttit.'t.
Miss Frances Stokes has returned from Nar
ragansett Pier, where the spent several weeka
this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunning Drlpps have
closed their Capo My cottage and. with their
two chlldien, have returned to 5jw Wam
Tho Rev and Mrs Henry W Frot and tlieir
family, of 235 West School House lane, hate
opened their house, having spent the entire
summer at Northfteld, Mass.
Mr, and Mrs. John Blakly of svaxjm , Uu
have returned from Capo May, whero they spent
tho month of August.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James O. David and family, of
E3I4 Magnolia avtnuo, motored from Watch
Hill, arriving homo the latter part of August.
Among those seen lunching and dining nt
tho Ocrmantown Cricket Club Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Adamson, Mr. and Mm.
Charles Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pass
moro, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Schwartz, Mr. nnd
Mrs. George W. Gormley and Mr. and Mrs.
C. V. Thackara.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Davis, Jr., of 4323
Manayunk avenue, entertained last night In
'celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary
Asters and ferns formed the decorations. Mrs.
Dnvls's mother, Mrs. Walter Stevenson, nnd
Mr. and Mrs. David W Davis assisted In re
ceiving. Tho guests, who are members with
Mr. and Mrs. Davltf In two card parties wero.
Mr. and MrB. William C, Almcs, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Benjamin Henderson, Mr. and Mrs, William
Wilson, Mr, nnd Mrs. J. H, Van Horn, Mr.
and Mrs, Ralph Tope, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson, John
Strusc, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pflstcrcr, Mr. and
Mrs. William Bush, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. MIs
.slmer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kcnworthy, of Green
lane, who spent tho summor touring through
Europe, returned homo on Saturday. They
wero accompanied by James Stott, of i'J Green
lane, and Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Leader.
Dr. and Mrs. William Holdt and their fam
ily havo closed their cottage nt Stono Harbor
and have returned to their winter hom 215
Rochetlo avenue, Wlssahlckon.
Miss Jessie Kocly, of 311 Green lane, has ro
turned homo after spending tho season In Glou
cester, Mass,
Mrs. Lazelle Thornton and hor family, of
Lawnton street, havo returned from Ocean
City, where they spent tho summer.
Mrs. Charles Erwin, of Rochello ftvenue,
Wlesahlckon, Is spending several weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bailey, at her homo
In Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Clark, of Moreland
and Cherokee avenues, will arrivo this week
from Marblehead Neck, Mass., where they spent
the summer,
Mrs. E. Dlgby Baltzoll Is the guest of Mrs.
Arthur Murtagh nt her Capo May cottage. Mrs.
Baltzell before her marriage In tho spring was
Miss Lena Duhrlng, of Chestnut Hill.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred J. Ball, of 215 East Mt.
Pleasant nvenuo, have closed their Cape May
cottago and have returned to town.
Dr. and Mrs. BIddle Marsden, of S311 Ger
mantown avenue, have returned from I'criuam
Ing, Mich., whero they spent tho entire summer,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Levy and their daughter.
Miss Dorothy Levy, of 610 North Cliveden street,
returned to their homo yesterday from Europe.
Tho party arrived In New York on Friday and
wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Levy
at Flatbush over tho week-end. Mr. and .Mrs.
Levy went abroad early In Juno to meet their
daughter. Miss Dorothy Levy, who had been
In school In Switzerland during tho lnr year.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice DIcchez. of New York,
also Joined tho party early In Juno and spent
tho season at Carlsbad, Germany, nt which
place they wero detained for several weeks after
the war broke out.
Mrs. Dlechez Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tho wedding of Miss Gemma Abkazoff
d'Auria and Dr. Percy Hazen Houston will
take place tonight nt 6 o'clock, nt the home of
the bride. Miss d'Auria is tho daughter of
Captain and Mrs. Lulgl d'Auria. of 203 St.
Mark's Square, nnd a granddaughter of Brig
adier General Robert, who Is tho author of
Robert's "Rules of Order on Parliamentary
Law." Doctor Houston is professor of litera
ture In the University of Texas.
Miss d'Auria, who will be given In marriage
by her father, will wear a gown of soft white
satin, made with a flounce and overdress ot
duchess Inc. The bodice is finished at tha
neck and sleeves with duchess lace, nnd Is
ornamented with pent Is. Hor veil will he made
of tullo, edged with pearls, nnd will bo ar
ranged on hr hair under a tiny cap of duchess
lace, which will be fastened with diamonds
nnd pearls. She will carry n bouquet of lilies
of the alley and bride roses.
Miss Helen Robert d'Auria, a sister of the
bride, will net as maid of honor; sho will wear
n stunning frock of palo blue taffeta, lit avlly
embroidered In pearls, and will carry tea nusm.
The little llowor frills will bo Miss Prisrllla
Alden Ridravt niul Mlsi Corlnue Rest Inn-r
Fowler; they will wear whlto nt frocks, and
will carry small baskets of white nnd plnlt
rosebuds. Doctor Houston will bo attended by
PoWitt Clinton Redgrave, Jr., ns best man.
Tho ceremony, which will bo performed by
th. Rev. Dr. Gearn Hooper Foirin. pastor of
the First lluptlst Church, will bo followed by
n large reception, after which the bride and
bridegroom will lenvo for n wedding trip Tln-y
will live In Austin. Texas. Tho brlil" of today
hiis achieved great merit as a dancer of the
eathetie. She appeared last winter In eevrral
dances at u number of charltablo affairs.
Guests will rittond tho wedding from NVw
Yorli. Haltimoro and Boston. Notable nmonif
tin-in will bt BrisadiiT General Hubert and
Commander Redgrave. I'. S. N., the former
(.randfatlier and the latter an unci t the
Tho marrlago of IUm Marian Swop, daugh
ter of Mr- ami Mrs. Alexander Swop, of 141
Hust Goxros lane, ami Ralph Lister Flower
will tako place lunltrbt. very quietly, at the
homo of tha bride, uwing to tho recnu death
of Thomas Flowor. a. brother of the bride
groom, only tno immediate families of tit
brlilcsrouin and bride will bu present- The
ceremony Will take place at 7 O'clock, after
which the young couple wilt leave on a hr
The wedding ot Miss Nellie Pear Pallo. duugh
top of Mr. William Cheney ioj, 0f jji uWe
avenue, Narborth, to Pr. noitmlne Crawford
Huffman will take pbuei this oienlng at i
o'clock ut the Uuusevelt. SCT I'tirstnut strrtt.
The ceremony will b a vtry iult affair ud
will bo witnessed only by the immediate fiuilte j
ot the brtdo and bridegroom.
Mls Faile. who will u giten in marri-UP "
her father. Mr. WIHinm t'hMiey Vaor, will w
n gown l soft ivhltr ehlffou, wfoUh is elabor
ately draped over an umlwdress of stUi. The
bodice, of th gowu Is flnUhsd with mil folds
of rare laee at the open neck and stoyis. sjim
F.iile will not wear a veil or any ornament iu
her hair.
Mls IMeu Fane a sitei oi th- buile. will
ui l .o ll'wn ul dud will be iamul sov n. I
i.i while Dr Huffman will have foi best m.r
his brother. H Wlltson Hoffman of Mt t
"'-I. N 1 The rercpmny w5 be rerforn-'t r
the Rsv V Ge?rse Clarke e-k, rt Ba-u-rjcvc
A DELPHI "Help Wanted' comedy drnnm,
benrlng n "stop, took nnd listen" warning to
young women venturing Into tho uangw
world of modern business.
BROAD "Drugged," melodrama by Owen Da
vis, stnrrlng John Mason. Review below,
blrlo," one of tho most spoctnculnr movlng
picture dramas over presented, showing n
cataclysmic volcanic eruption, tho destruc
tion of a city and tho annihilation of n. fleet
at sea.
FORREST "Zlcgfetd Follies." Mirth for the)
GARRICK "Adele," French operettn, charm
Ingly romantic, with enthralling music and
Irrenlstlblo Peggy Wood.
WALNUT "Siberia." thrilling as It was 33'
years ugo, depleting the ter-r-r-lblo adven
tures nnd cruo-e-1 sufferings of two girls in
Will appear in "The Revolt," at the Adelphi
next week.
John Mason in Tense Melodrama That
Makes One Content With Being
Humble and Honest and Free of n
Put an Apache in evening clothes and he will
still remain nn Apache. The sanw thing ap
plies to Patagonlans, whlto Eskimos and Mex
ican bandits. Clothes do not make tho man,
nor Bellovue-Strntford settings alter Inherent
table manners. Elegantly stnged, luxuriously
upholstered, presented by an excellent cast,
Owen Davis' play, "Drugged." which Opened at
the Broad Street Theatre lust night, with John
Mason In the title role, nevertheless remains
unadulterated melodrama of the old -.fashioned
established type, a bit moro polished, more
technically and tersely construct'-d, but thrilling,
horrifying and hair-raising as of old. Despite
the rather sneering superiority with which
this sort of melodrama Is usually regarded.
"Drugged" Is a play which meets pvery re
quirement for nn evening's engrossing enter
tainment, nnd while life is not thus any more
than it Is like tho romances of Robert Cham
bers and Marie Corelll. ns a p'.ay "Drugged"
Is adroitly, even ndmlrab'y. hindled. nnd suc
cessful In its deigned purpose Suspense Is
succeeded by suspense, thrill follows thrill, and
by tho end of the third net you will find your-f-elf
gripping tho arms of your seat, leaning
forward breathlessly ar.d experiencing gooso
ciceps nround your hnlr-follleI-9, If you are
not bald. Tho close of that third act is climac
teric, gripping, tho apogee of gory and grue
some situations.
Young John Dextor, acted by Frank Thomas,
!s clicking off a telegraphic m-sago In code to
beautiful Sylvia Cragen, Nan I'ampbell, as tho
curtain rises upon tho magnitl-ent interior of
the home of the great John Dexter, railroad
magnatn, candidnto to Congicps. respected citi
zen. Young Dexter uses the telegraphic device
to tell Sylvia he loves hor, ami, as one desires,
they fall Into each other's arms An auspicious
opening. Enter John Dextor, conumately por
trayed by John Mason, who approves of the
mntch, although with obvious restraint. Next
enters Mra. Dexter, tall, gilm, with touches of
tragic greon in her coBtume, who stalks across
tho room Ilko a haunted Electro. Wo see Mrs.
Dexter's faco Is aMien. i r oyes wild and heavily
rinsed. She trembles violently. When she hears
of the betrothal sho Insists upon speaking t tho
elrl alone sho was the girl's mother's dearest
friend; shj loves her son. By these cryptic
statements wo know there's a skeleton dangling
somewhere about In that tapestried, well-but-lered
establishment, rttwlla Omdner, as the
morphine-obsessed wife, terrified by hr hus
band's hidden past, creat-M the nvcessurj
psychic utmovphere of tragedy and looming
disaster, Despito her warnings, the giil de
cides she will continue ii love and to marry
Jack whatexer tides, wlii-r-upon wv like that
Occupants of Two-slorv Mouses No to
Suffer Through Plans for Develop.
mom in South Philadelphia.
It is tha Intention of tho Bureau of .Surveys,
In Its comprehensive plans lor the development
of South Philadelphia, to consider first of all
the cqmfort and tonv, nience of the middle class
population. This fact was brought out jester
day at a hearing upon plans for the improve
ment of that section of th. elt. htl4 in the
Uurenu of Surveys, Oitv Hall. Whn the plans
for tho resradliiB, wavint; and extension of
streets nn4 the open ng of new strts wero
outlined to numerous pruprty owner fiotn
itoutU Philadelphia, it wu il--l.'ir1 they would
force Into smaller siun'o than ever parsons
forced to occupy two-tory homes.
Mrs. Mary E. tfeuman. ihTB 3. Brown
Frederick Piimc, Councilman J nine R. Lennort
and sivcrnl nthr property owners declard
tho plan should h o constructed that th
rsUnt of; two-stoi y homes would nav adi -iu.t
yrd pac. In reply thnc objections.
nincipaj Assistant Engineer Ueorge r Uau-s.
man. wfoo presided, declared it was too .nun,
tlon ol th buieau to consider the needs of
tlie middle iUm pupulatioa Wvo all others.
Tn natter uf a short route to Falrmount
Parte from league Islam) win ha dicuja4 at
a hearing tuxt month
The it)MtM of retrains C'rwfeld avenue.
iuei4i ui. s-ttufcvd Kieat dUfimton between
forwirr IfegUter of Will Walter B. lix. Mrs
TheuOosia Troth and Uenrj & kaujbUn, it
member ol too tirm of Jou & taujfbjiu. jji.
lies Mi4 Mr Troth vuiuroiwly opposed the idea
ol reading the stttftft. upon ihs ground that It
would gel it down mora thau sis feet. Mr. ltx
Uetlaiea it eould aui cut to &t least M fen
sad aouW cause htm much prsoal iRCon.
elence. Mr ljushlia declared the street was
Ladlv i-i ii.-.l ,u i.isi.uti,K and Hint the m8
j..iiiv .,f tl.i .-idmt-i tlmiiitit, w. . n, i,,.
. t it Ii U1 ii in. (. t itu.t Mr Ucx ltt,t ttL
r-er, ,r Uv ot it nnt 1 he was a'!vU, J by
cng-"srs that It w-i!d ro ne-es.ary tn ca -i-j
a d"p ft m crd-7 tT ctrplete tlie wck.
Severn! Hundred FhysicimiB nnd Sur.
gcuns Move West of Shopping District,
increased Central Ilcnls Cause.
A now medical centre of the country hns de
vcloped In Chestnut, Hpruca, Walnut nnd Tine
(streets, from Seventeenth street to 22d street.
In some blocks there are from IB to CO o niece ol
physicians and surgeons, many of them sharing
dwelling houses which have been converted for
ofltce use.
Among the physicians nnd surgeons who havo
moved Into tho new districts from other sections
are Philadelphia practitioners who havo world
wide reputations.
Nearly every block In Wnlnut nnd Spruce
streets toward tho western end, this side nf the
Schuylkill Blver, has offices ot three or four
physicians. In some ten or twelve names of
physicians aro on the doorplates.
Chestnut street has many offices of physi
cians, but It Is not so crowded with them ae
Spruce, Walnut, and Tine streets. Chestnut
street Is too given to Bhops to become popular
with the men of the medical profession. It Is
Moro than M0 physicians and Rurgeons have
offices on Chestnut, Spruce, I'lno and Locust
streets from Seventeenth to 22d street. They
have been followed by the dentists and osteo
paths and by the offlces of surgical supply and
medical companies.
Professional nurses, moving in the wake ot
tho phyplclans have rented rooms nnd estab
lished their directories In the new medical sec
tion. Many physicians have purchased properties
in the district, and It is evidently their opinion
that offices of their profession have moved as
far westward as they will go.
Tho Professional Building, on Chestnut street
nar Nineteenth street, houses nearly a hundred
phy.slclans nnd representatives of supply houses
dealing: In drugs and surgl'.-il Instruments.
Physicians themselves explain tho westward
movement of their off.. with tlm statement
that central rents weie tm,renslng and that
offices Just outBlde the shopping dlstilol were
more desirable than those In the centre of tho
Ono reason advanced for tho westward march
of the physicians and business dependent on
the medical profession is that uhyslclans desire
to locate within tho neighborhood of tho College
for l hHlcians and Surgeons at 22d ailO-Toc
Philadelphia's Countv Society Will Embark in
The Philadelphia County Woman's Suffrage
Society has embarked upon a campaign to aid
the l.ed Cross cause. Francis B. Beeves, treas
urer ot the P.ed Cross, has authorized the so
ciety to receive contributions, and a booth will
uo op. red at the Woman's Suffrage party shop
at 17;it Chestnut street.
Mrs. J. D. Thomas, president of the Philadel
phia County Society, will bo in charge of this
booth. Contributions may be sent to Mrs.
Thomus either at her home. 11K Spruce street,
or at the Chestnut street address.
Tho suffragists of this city are to have a
jooth nt tho Safety Carnival of the Home and
School League, to be held during the latter
part of this month In Convention Hall. Posters
and pamphlots will be displayed showing that
g-vlng tho vote to women would bo a "safety"
dovlco applied to politics.
Prize-. For School CliiliJ'cn
PrUes for tho bejt answers ,o a series of
questions regarding the mom I and physical
welure of boys and girls will bo nwarded
to publlo Hcbcol pupils at the Carnival ot
fiifety to be given by the Home and School
Lensue of this e.n Jt ..nning September .'!.
Dr. John It Oarbti'. AssocUto Superintendent
of Schools, has compiled a sot of ten questions
Wh.h havo been sent to every primary and
secondary school In the city, they are of sucli
nature as to tet tin knowledgo of pupils re
ardlnc means and methods of safeguarding
boy and Kirls from thing-- which endanger
their health, lives, n.inds, morals and useful.
nes3 as citizens.
V. .
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