Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Image 1

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.aisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHWsMaMiaaaaaaaaaaaaasiaaaaa " Z"" &wrviKM
B I i i i i i" 1 1 ii i n ii i I, i '"'j1 ' ' - n
In the main the effect of aerial bombardments has been far less than was expected. Damatre in Paris has been triflinc and there has
E-'t! bn complete absence of panic among the people. As a scout, the aeroplane seems to render its most effective service.
Here a more determined assault has been made by the Germans from the air than at Paris. Nevertheless, reports agree that W
aerial assaults fail to inflict damage enough to be a factor in war. This form of attack amounts, usually, to murder
jl!j& Thirty-one passengers of
Atlantic City, 1 9 of Them
k- n
I ! M
W which $ ixescueu in
tvTerrifying Predicament.
Ifc BC1U
C.i'hi: Rnnt 14 After n
,'51 at terror lj th cnbins of tho strand-
I . . . ... ! . . - -
iriip. renins in a terrific sea Kicked
pliv n SQ.mlle northeast sale, tho lights
W, lrtjb4YrgiimmorliiK throunli
iw- r "izzrr-WAt " .. u .a. .... ....
kICS ' 31 Piteadisfcrs, 3woinon, ono
-t b
i -..
Heports of His Illness Denied Sails
for Homo Today.
XAPLE9, Sept. H.-Rcports In circula
tion In the United States that Cardinal
Farley Is 111 arc groundless.
The cardinal had been vIsltlnK Sorrento
and Amalfl for a rest and will leavo today
for the United States' as he had previously
31 rutMciicbrs. 10 i
.nd u mef rtre tandea'nt 5 o'clock .
&l'eWn'W''t'W'li ti?junshlp AtlixflvM
Tho tian'fer Was effected by trained
p Government KUijrits from the Atlantic
ii Cltj and ipwsep stations wituoui tne
i slightest mlehni-,' while thousands, some
I of whom hart ppt an .ill-night watch
with the sloeplaiw ' onst patrolmen on the
; minrti. followed 'Vry move mm intense
Interest IVhlie the his sea bontB of tho
life tsveis 'Oiled and pitched In the
trpusn o' the fea, the leven men paB
lAigers ner dirppd, one bj one, In a
noojd 'e.uiif ovr tho side, fiovernment
rescuers eiBinn there, as they noaiod tho
water an drawing thent Into the two
boats '
Thon th "J Konca, startlns with the
eldest. e e taw 1 ovei the side In a
comforUP - stfcuji.rchalr, trlcel up In
a swinK I' t'10 iiVAji'l -motor ci'nlsor of
the Federal crv!i-ch had stood by
the strinded liner ;&TOlBhout the nlBht.
Most of the wopiGi auntf down smiling;,
Kind to a fra ,,f t'fr Tolling prison on
tho shoals Thej Wro set ashore at
the Inlet pavilion, Ue the men woro
landed fioni tho surt'oats on tho beach
at the r vl Palaoflhiotcl by Keeper
I.amlKrt I'ar'ier, .f tbtAtlantle City sta
tion. Captain Tcwnneri'etenin skipper
of the. poundlnp llnir, -tnt sborewatd a
KlnwlnR .ory of the h vory of his pas-Ben?e-
iuinK 4 nisnVhat nilKht have
tiled the harts of moif-gcasoned sailors.
Tt'eie was not on af !t of panic from
nc tine the Vtinntijc 'ity struck ilw
tre-vtierou frnKs of TsUils before noon
Etorday im'il li.e Winn;; w.s offencd
t 'dy 1
Mn and T'omen iall accepted ud
queitlonlnRly ths alsaiHiices of th
veteran skipper that ijJie;were In no Im
mediate peril, anil Uhed admlrabl)
lit nlifh when the fshlpnlJIcors, belle
Ins the,r raft won;.) flu, at midnight,
decide' ts.Jlnst si i iIhb the passengers
-there ' .the suri . boat, every light
o'4,r.t snip was (.'rnea?n nnd tho 31
traieiera proceoded to tna. merry. More
thaa half turned In at ml-Msht when the
gale abated and slept souUly until dab
ble ak Thosa who rmalitd up became
aimed when the wind Bhfted and blew
heaill In the aih nornag, but found
cumfoit in the babl'ing Hats nearby of
the Oo eminent cuust orujier.
ulS' tats of the Atlantic t'ly Line early
tins morning brought d,n&rl the bagcase
or tie passengers All 8tntemcn,
Insllts that the ship has t,(l ta fl0Vure
l.-j i ri in ir nn Ihu cln...i. . 1 . '
vwk.'a " "VaU tlBIIMlllV.
Number Reported
170,000- to -300,000.
'"'iyiarch to Attack Right
iK(ing ',of German Army.
AS 200,000 YIELD
Round Up Fleeing Foemen
With Fresh Columns.
War Office Claims Com
plete Triumph in Galicia.
ANTWErtP, by uay of Faris, Sept. 14.
IUssIan tioops have been landed at
oond to reinforce the nllled French and
British forces in France. They are
marching southeast from 03tcnd to at
tack the right wings of the German
army of Invasion.
The i waer of Russians landed on thn
coast Is vAtlously estimated at from 170,
000 to'3M,00q men.
(The movement of thN forco of Rus
sians undoubtedly explains the rapid re
treat of tho German right wing and tho
sending of a now CJorman army to France
by way of Helglum.)
The Russians that, arrived at Ostend
came from Kngland whither they wore
brought by tho llnors Aqultanla and
Oceanic and the Union Castle tleet from
Archanscl. They Included Cossaiks and
Infantry, part of the best flghtei3 of tho
ltusslan nrmy.
Regiment after regiment of the Rsuslans
were landed In England, they were
brought to Ostend ftom Southampton In
smaller vessels. A long line of ii steam
ers was engaged In carrying off these
It was while the Aqultanla was bring
ing the Russians from Archangel to Kng
the collision with the steamship Canadian,
of the Lyland Line. She was Meumlntf
fcoiitli of the liish tie i vrith ni: her lights
when she hit the Canadian, barely dam
aging that boat and causing a panic.
The Cuuard liner Cusonla, which was
also engaged In the transportation of Rus
sian troops, was fortunately ilosu by,
and stood by both disabled vebsels until
tliey could both enter the Mersey River.
,'JitUrfc; ( Pari.v dispatch c,l-eysbp..i..v,?. . , - .. " " . X; .
"rjioW?s.) w ---' ' ' ' f' the-SuWease.or tho Germans, Yoday
rcjolco in victory. "UnparnRelcd.In
-' -'' -
Hie SIHiills , .akil.nl, I,. o...l nnf-IIMI liniMlln n , , r-
tm h9 prosp.cu or doiff; ih-Vrnft rntNun Ainbnir britLLtu
ii.irh HrntAi n a u . Ia
ii , i-gh water are excel'-!
ynen ucixiuii, a aismin. of Set.
YoA Abraham Ban,r l,o?i w"l, 'and
Charle Jones, of Phll,i-eptt .nree ot
the passengers sal.l tlUj, $& Jet ashore
In r inpilance wllh a written demand
servol upon the captain th.l tlie com
pany "nd them or pa darnMs-
Villa and Obregno Insistent Upon
Evacuation by TJ, s, Tioops.
?lr v, o OITV. Sept. ,, -fia, Ava,0
fltr , Is on his way lo4lly ,ro, Ull3
,, i-) hlhualma to m'et Quwat Villa
r, a fnferen.o on thelr ooniWiwd tf
,.rn ,- mduca I'rovwiona, PnM,,,nt Car-
--. - ii.Ii that Ifntta ...
ra '"--"- "otatMti vtkvuate
t Ymuud ,,:.!... I... i-.-
i "ii..- m. vai tii7rii
kl'Vi P.rlo tonigh
,,-" 'i
&&iduy '
"juts. ,eas ri,. mm,, ....
g "NYX HOSie'eJet-iig.Ji
ii i li i ei r '
German Artllleiists Stop Note-taking
Over Entrenched Position.
LONDON', Sept. 11.
The Dally ilnll'a Petiograd conspond
nit sends a description ot 31. Polret, a
1'ieiicli al.uor, who Is scnlng with the
Russian army, of a tllght tnKen over the
iieiman position In company with a staff
i "I rose to a height of 50u feet," said
i i'oliet. ' Fighting was in full swing. The
captain with nit already had made sonic
vuluable observations, when tile ucimjns,
noticius my Fiench machine, opened lire
on it
"A number of their bullet piiiced the
wings of tho aeroplane and otheiu struck
the stays. Wu Hew on, however, as It
was iit-cessary to obtain the exact posi
tion of tht enemy. Then the Gcimaii
artillery began to tiro. Their sheliw burst
near tho aeroplane and tach explosion
i.iused It to rock. It was dillkult to
icUln control, as ploces of shells hud
svrlously damaged two of the stas The
fantastic dances In the air lasUt 2
"The captain was wounded Ih the heel,
nut continued to make observations
Finally I turned the ina htne und landed
An Austrian force of 100,000 has sur
rendered In Gallcln, according to the lat
est report received from the scene of
The entire strength o'f tli Russian first
line troops was In nctlon louiidlng up t"he
completely crushed Austrian arm;, whlcn
endeavored to rally under the shadow of
the fortiess of Przemysl and along the
San Ricr to a point north of Jaroslav.
It was officially stated here today that
of the ('90,000 Austrlans who comprise the
Austrian llr.st line of troops 3)0,000 are'
nlready prlsoneis of war. The entire
army of General Dankl has been dis
persed, nnd the main armies of General
Morltz Von Auffcnbeig and Archduke
Francis Frederick, which have been
heavily reinforced from German sources,
huvo suffered gnatly.
Thero was no diminution of tho Rus
sian nttack, under the immediate di
rection of Grand Duke Nicholas the as
sault being kept up. Strong Russian col
umns were sent down the territory be
tween the San and tho Vistula Rivers
from tho north to attneic the Austrlans
m the Hank and pr-vctit futthtr Gt-r-man
i enforcements reaching them. At
tho same time the eentro aimy, com
manded bv General Rouzsky, H driving
thu main Austrian foicea before it fiom
tin' vlclnltv of Grodek.
Tho Russian Gcr.crtl Staff ofllclally
Tho Austrian mllitnrj strength is
completely crushed. Tliev nro retreat
ing I'i the utmost disorder ovfrywhcie.
Russian cavalry are pursuing them,
and harassing them, ulillo Russinn
artillery has been posted at certain
points to cut off thn retreat. So pre
cipitate Is the Austrian Might that they
are abandoning over) thing. Tho loads
art, stiuwu with rllles and personal
t'ljiripinent thrown .iwn by fleeing'
Austrinns who found that it hampered
their flight. Artillery has been mired
ovetjwhere, and the fnrt thnt traces
were cut and not unfastened shows
that tho enemy is completely panic
stricken. Wo are following up the advantage
Kvery high nflklnl here emphasises the,
fact that the Austrian campaign has com
pletely collapsed, and that tho losses to
the dual empire nro appalling.
The War Summary
The mlRhtlest army the world has ever
seen, an army greater than the com
bined hosts of Hannibal nnd Alex
ander, ono which outnumbers the
army of Xerxes and contains 500,000
more men than Xapoleon commanded
In the height of his power, is milk
ing a Rupreme effort to check a rout
and from being thrown back Into
Germany defeated. Victorious for
six weeks, this German army, which
overthrew Belgium and stvept to the
gates of Paris, Is now broken, dis
organized, harassed by the allies and
In full retreat to the region of the
forest of Argonne. Hero the armlc3
are concentrating.
Paris and London, long In gloory ovor
Employment for 3000 Peisons In St.
Louis Shops,
ST LOUIS, Sept. H.-Tho five local
factories of liamittnu-Rrown Shoe Co.,
which liuvu been idle for two weeks,
were reopened today, giving cmplo inent
to about 3,000 persons.
Will Be Attached to Staff of General
LONDON, sj,. u.
Tho Prince of Wales will leave In a few
dnys for the nllit's' front in France. He
will lie attached to the .taff of Field
.Marslial Sir John Flench. The Pi luce Is
an ottlcor in the Uiviiadier Guards.
Kaiser's Son Iteturns Sword to De
fender of Longwy.
ULRLis .sept ii
Crown Prince Frede.kk William baa
extent and intensity." wires Joffro:
commander of the allies, to the peo
ple of France in describing the Or-r-man
defeat. City after city which
Berlin shouted to the world when
they fell before the invaders have
been abandoned. Valenciennes, Am
iens, Lille, Lunoville, Rhelms, St. Die,
Raon and a scorp of cities, where
thousands of Germans laid down
their lles that the flag might wave
over the Hotel de VIUcs. have again
been taken by the French.
To the region of the Argonne the rem
nants of the six German armies are
moving with all the speed possible to
the fatigued soldiers. At this point
alone rests the salvntlon of German
nrms In France. The allies are con
fident ot victory. The night con
tinues. The British and French have ciossed
the Alsne, the allies' centre is north
of the .Murne, while in the east St.
Die has fallen. Toward the Valley of
the Meuse, the last outlet into Ger
many, the allies are pressing the Germans.
In Belgium the Invadeis have been
more successful today, pushing back
the Antwerp army to the city fortifi
cations. Other reports, however.
state that Brussels will be retaken by
the apmy of King Albert and that the
country will be freed from the enemy
within a few days. Meanwhile, litis
slan reinforcements for the allies are
landing at Ostend. '
In Austria tho Russians nro moving
toward Vienna. I'unio reigns in the
capital. The doom of the dual mon
archy seems inevltauh, as tlm wliolo
army of tlie north has been crushed.
Two hundred thousand prisoners liavu
been taken, the L'arpattilnns crossed
and all toads denied to the invaders.
Servia on the south Is moving toward
France: Paris is in glee over toii
tlnucd vk-torv While the mllitar mi
tnorltlcs declare that the defuut r tne
Germans In France does not end thi
war, the monate of the invasion has
passed. The dieaded German army
has proved to be vulnerable. General
belief I that a final defeat will f.oilow
at Aigtinis-V. Attempt '1s "being rnuifo
to i ut line Into Germnm. Region of
Nancv Is evacuated. AH lighting is
south of Aronin- forest, the only point
'now hctfl"lty fjt-Fiiiaiis.
Germany: Herlln is in gloom. Pop
ulace Is demanding news ftom Gov
ernment W'hllu the general situation
has been relieved by announitme nt
that KoenlKSbci,; Is safe, pessimism
icigns ugaiding the Frunch invasion.
Populate in dark toga rill tig liglitim;
In Belgium and France.
Austria: Vienna In panic. Austrian
army Uiuinllj uunlliilnted In Gnli- la,
:(HVii prisoners having been taktu b
Russians. Attack upun capital ap
pears Inevitable. From tho south
4ii,0w Servians are marching against
Budapest to o-operatu with Riii
slan.s. General belief that tht dual
monarch it doomed.
Russia: Optimism reigns in Petio
grad. Great oil wtlls in Callcia to
supply gasoline tor allies. Ruliiforco
ments being rushed to Eastern Prus
sia. Denied Hint Russians have boon
defeated near Koonigsberg. A German
fleet Is cruising touth of tho Aland Is
lands. Servia: "On to Budapest' is thu
nntlonal n v. .More than 100.000 soldiers
nro matching ngaiuU tho Hungarian
capital. 'lctor la nil along the line.
Seinllu Is tho base of operations. A
bridge has been ere ttd across the
Belgium: Iteiiifoi-CLinvntai uro be.
Ing landed at f isten I toilaj. 'die Ger
mans have driven buck the Antwerp
army t-i Uk outir fortifications. Urun-
sels will be retaken with a few days,
Hi-cording to uilkial teports. Majority
uf Belgian cities are evacuated by the
Germans. Tho countrj now foeU that
tho war Is over o fai as Belgium is
England: Reinforcements I'tihig
iiislicd t front Admlralt) animancis
continual v-iitoricii. Great Jn in Lon
don Belief prevails that JofTe and
Frcuih nil drive thp Hermann - ut of
Frani) wltnin a short time. The
Prlnie uf Wales leaves foi the mnt
this week Italian troops nre being
sent ti Albania Popul3i demann that
Italy naitklpate in war pioba!' will
be nut In the Government Th atin
Is virtual!) mobilized
Kaiser's Forces Gradually Assembling In
Argonne Region and Speed of Retreat f
is Uneckea As rreparations tor nxi- 4 ji
. . -- . .
and French Continue to Advance Their 11
Lines Without Serious Opposition.
Germans Abandon Outlying Positions ano
Make Great Effort to preserve Maiiv
Line of Communication Through
Narnur and Liege Evacuate Mapy
Cities Previously Captured at Great
Loss Paris Rejoices.
PARIS, Sept 14 Late reports from
the front show that tho German re
treat, whU. h Is general along the entire
lino. Is lessening in speed and that they
are preparing in make a supremo effort
Staff - plan uf 1 ampaign now Involves
the evacuation o' the northwest of
Fian" a.id Belgium and a concentra
tion eastward .abet- for tho purpose
of a ipboiind nctiiist tho nllles or to
to check the victorious advance of tho , save he Kmi-u. ,tself, as events may
Flames Follow Failure to Collept
1,000,000 Francs Rerttiisitlon,
LON'PQN, Sept tl.
A dispatch received by a news aueniy
hero ba that the city of Te.-moi.dc, In
Belgium, was iln-d b the litrmans be-
cause Us inliabitants could not pay ih
mp rnntllRltlnil uf nn, iTiillinn ttaitnm 1m.
Budupett. A luidge has been crofted . Iuiml lw lhe ..,.,,,
, Krom the stubborn resistance of the
, army under the CJerntuii frown Prince
at the southern end of I he region of
j tho forest of the ArK-mne; which whs
tho taut to give wny before the tro-
! mendous pressure f the French. U la
j probable that the nc.t great battle will
1 take place In chut region.
1 The allien have touiinued to iuU for-
j ward their ttd.awe columns and have
reocvupleil a fccoie of towns previously
I captured by the Uerman.
I More than MO.twO fresh troops of the to havo fallen in the tlghMifesiil
allied army are faeine held m I'arU to ami it.ouu mora at L,iiievlli.vV
be hurled asalnst tht inadfr when t.rtiier- iiaim tlmt t least 50,W ir.
ih-i tuin at bay for a itnr,tand muii muai have been killvd in th a,t-
Th Uermana are retreutinv n the ' u-nipt to cut through the Anglo-
This means ,ii. .nilonment of thehopjj
king Pim- In the near future
Tn3Bvjiuk'" "' "s Improved w-eatlwr
trattaji ot ta!tcs with an opRort
nit f,''Mj4al Rattle posslbl
the l.ne,
Kven If
or tin Alunt v
featcd, then Ui"
fortre i- uf the Ilh.
Tvvu.iv ri ouaand On-
lJ. latiiMH .ifra.and Cha
Nfc. 1 tr.liSi. flk. .ft
. fm. n-art
'l'. iW
Sfe ;.
only tine of communii-ation they hold
Intttft and untlireatenud. wet uf the
forest of Argonne. thromfii Nantur.
Uegf, the valley uf the Jdeuae and
lat reuorte atate that the genetal
retlreioent of the five liermn armiea
Fr, in h line.
The tiermana are not only ufferins
irum lack of provisions and ammuiiN
tion, but ihelr iHuvenionts are a)so
hanipHit h a scarcity of cavalry
Tlie Herman urrn under tieneral v
across the Save.
Oei many repot ts sue esses in eastern
Prussia. Tho army at Koenlgsborg
apparently has checkfd.the Ijusslnns.
Potiorad, however, maintains, that
s.ucces5 attends the Russian nwnj.
Italy Is reported to havo sent troopa
to Albania. Her paitlclpa.tl.qn In the
war Is dally expected in diplomatic
.home safely l found ten bullet marks returned the sword of the mmwjiyyi fi i
," and two frugmeats of shells In the ma.- I I.engwy, at the ratne time c.'miJHMME ft
y i chine." I him on hli bravtVeiu, JjMPGSw
Flays Golf This Morning and is
Scheduled to Leave Later.
lOKM.SII. N H Sapt II Pivsidtnt
Wilson iimixrea i-j Hanover where he
iiiA S&i&iM&r .
. -r Ui
When the Herman uriived in the city
the uvalthiest iltieps ueie I4kn a
hoatagva. IpcittdtRV Vn ler Tunarifn, a
milliunaire iriiiim.it r fiuin .ituii was
tieiruitided the line Hi- r,ru'd to nay,
declaim,- that ab uf his icsuic wore
in Unsland
The Ceiniins i-.iv tin- wtii.. two
lioum to tinii the mo ut i hiive their
lily destioveil Aiitfij -t Uui uilui
to Ct the iiiiu. tl.' v b ,1 it, I flu iits.
Victims All Christian Zaeraui Jla.
iwrted in Flume.
Hltl.M'IM ll.ilv .,.,,t 11
M re tli.iii 2u m n vviiinii 411,1, In, i
"i-ii mamriii bv Mu- uniun a
HUi w l, 1 the capi n e ' r t , , ,
t"fv ft . rjn' ac"rd"-!; t i di inr.
i lfj-t- -ii-
la Ucutnintf a ruui. They have lem KUK. hth made up ttie right ,lr
forted to .luundun the vie of th- f the grand hot of ix aepara
(Mae, ahU'h would le then natural armiek. la Uu cuid to be between
route, ant, are Undraw Ihk to tlie and TO mile frutn Hit mqt ada .
uarth through the bijjwj and diHUuU I'""11 hu:h a ottui.ied on the awii
country f i'hatnttagiH, The otber po- toaard ih Huuthea&mard when ,h
iible Une wf ratreat, by JJosharea and ftJW er giving giouiut
aioiitatedy to lu;t)miutr, in cam- 1 A word I n t. the uHcUl auuounee
maiut4 ly the Kretah suaa at V'er- o"' uf ih Wui ottlct, tte varwue
UU. ' et-tUma u$ the tetlrtUK (ierioau army
The vail uf ijeaerak vt KluWawd " hW IUtU. ronahly seak-'
tm iiuln- arc retiring with rapid- uaniteUiately ma th o fl Moii
ny frue, tlw paias whkb Hwra dy , MMiheiward thruuKh tlie frt of
ago ei the atetisitftba Ifeiveat IteM- Ar!na-, taMve in uurtlterb tiirto
m tin ii n ....I, am lj i nimtiiX, i m
nmfr 7ifim'Mhv -,naSa5.
iiik by thv lierman fentre.
Tin iitriu.il liive uiikiI i.,,ti j, i,
,-t t i Hue in . ii I ii , ..On , In
il nut intcnti i Til.f .1 .i,i,,t ini'r.
4 W4ftiV iffl? ,,,
tloji in th rtar of ti4un and notn.
rf-l t.ffS. u,j antl l.ui.LklUa
Ir i u.iJtr iut ,(
jj In Iji' ll
-y tn u
i II- I , I Ill.ll