4 .- ! . 4 i9 J X L IjANCASTEK DAIXiYTNTEULIGECJU THURSDAY DECEMBER 13 lHf3. ,. 3 .i I,". ' K 3Lancas!fr"ntcll(acuccr t.,' ,' '"-"3 '! I - -3 1HUJU3DA7 EVENING, DfcO, 15, lOJPj . TttK rAKM. rdiu (! SUlillnjr Walt." ' Winter. Qerinantewn Telegraph. There was a moetluR recently he d In Ohie by the fnf metn of certnlu uistrlet te consult up.m the iVroprietsV el Atnblimt oattle In winter, nnd thocenoluslon lutivcd nt was that sUbllnt; lu the most iiicleuinnl weather was oemmcudnblo, ntid It would probably restilt stieh was the bellef in requiring a less quantity of feed. Tite farmers of Petmsylvanln, in whleli the woather Is by no mount mere than med erately sovero, reg.ird A-mcetirti for such purposes ns rattier icnurkable. We de net bellevn that throughout this state thcre is ft well te de farmer who docs tint furnish ample shelter for bis stock, nud for sercral strong roacens. either oue of which would amply repay ail the cost of poed shelter First, the humanity of the thins ; second, the security of the health of the oattle ; third, the additional production of butter and milk ; feuith, great economy in ford lug, In keeping up the uectle.1 nnlm.u heat ; flith, the llue condition lu which thostejk oemes thrquKh the winter: ilxth, in every way In whleh tha expediency of sholter for oattle In winter can he presented, the nil -Tanteges far tratisceml any cost m uiakiui: the prevision. Kven In the matter of stock oattle we knew of no farmer who eeis into thlsbrnneh of fftrnili g who does uut pre Vlda geed shedding for thorn, Tue meetiii iuquustieu unkes another remarkable supecstieu that growing a" mals oanuet " digest enough straw in cold weather te koepuphcat,. leth ami streusth" We should thtiik net. Tha furmers of this state would laugh at Uie idea of feeding nuy kind of stock en straw only. They feed secend crop and meadow hay, oern fodder chopped, millet or Hungarian irass. pumpkins, rutabjgas and se en. We feed well and sholter weil, and oveiy thing does we 11. Heep ami lit Treiitiuaut A. wrlter In a oentoraporary, whoelatim te knew all about reup in fewl.i and its treatrauut, declares th it reup U a jt infeo infee infeo tleus, "ultUeuh hariug tint appj.traace, as where it once makes its appearance iu a Heek the whele are mere or les jfleeted." Well, well, wh.it ditlerence U it whether it is allied infectious or net, when it amounts te nlnwst the same. LIe siy, and no doubt correctly, that reup "origi nates among neglected flecks, (ubjected te damp or muddy quartern, and it almost at ways breaks out among fonts which are removed treiu one place te .mother iu cold weather." The disease following the ohaace of place in cold weathcr,is hardly allowable. With care they can be chanced from pl.ics te place with perfect safety. When u fowl is (list atTeetcil with reup by a noise in the tbre.it, it can, tbe writer says, be easily managed by a t.iblepoenfu! of cas ter oil, te be repeated if a euro does net ensue. A purge of caster oil teuins te be tbe writer's cure for all ph.nss of reup ; and in cases whcie an eye may bn eaten out, or ether parts of the budy attacked, a decoction of sugar and laid, 1 1 nddttien, followed by a wash censtating of a mixture of honey, nhim nud ruiuw.iter, is com mended. Theu fellow with strong feed, tonics, cither cayeune pepper or a tincture of lien, alternated in the drink. This is oue of t lit very worst diseases te which fowls are subjected, and any remedy that will stay it ought te be pub llthcd us fa-t as it makes its appearance. It Uastraiice tact that tce stroneeet mind ed eu.en shrlnt Jreui buiK isiiKbtln tlialr own nU lit caps, buitber necr litslinte toile teile clare tbflr exxltnl opinions el Ur lluil's Cough hiriu ttut bis nirnl iniiumfiuble oeurfb and celild. urier .Meiiinin. "I b.iii1 ued Jlurdech iltoetl Ilitlert with (treat benefit ler Inclination uml eensUpntlun et Ibe bewulu " :.. Ea.ten. IIhuiIU in Out. Fer sale by II. IS. cecliraii, itrut'Blat. 137 and 123 Nerm Utiuun tneU The itreatet oenta'l in iI.Mtreer ever known Is Uaibyn 1'repuylrK.tl riuli It pit. veuis email I'lix. Hat vn want, (.live Homeopath nu poilet AlWip.Mli lila pU s i but tur rneiiu uttsin. ler uehe nr pjim anil hp iiiii. Thomai AWfcfrir Oft IstneUa bly tuin'itwt te either. It in hem flma hi iiiany people us It has line pnrcluser. All iriiKglit uml It. tin s.iln by II. li Cochran. tlruKKl-t.lg and UM Si.rlli QiiHn trei L IVe t'lialpin;r tbe Wnrlil. When wu say e believe, we have ovlden'M topreMithal bhileirs teiiHiiintitlun Cure U declilcilly the best l.uuu Meolilue uiudu. In us much ns It will cure n euiuumn or Chronic C'eimb In one-hall the time H'hI n-llewi Asth ma, llrnuchltls, n liiiepliiif i inixii. tump, and Bhew mere (uses of Cen-utnptMn cured than Ml ethers. II will cureHlifiu tlivy fall, It I. pleaiaut te take, liatuinss te the vmiwrt child nud we guarantee lilt hh gay. Price, 10e..fiOc and tl tx). If join Lnns are peie. Chest or Hack lame, ue Sluleli's I'orens l'l ter. Sold by II. II. Ceihmn. drujjlm, N. l :7 und isa Werth (juuuu strieL iel7 hoi l run n.ti.t. tut tti.M. If OH lltM'.-a Luucatler fro rAii.ii l.- t in. tiir) of reui Apiil 1, lsal. Apply te i .11. iiuilru., Ne. 15 North Duke. htiveL lUMId Ptm.ie hm.i;-(in wkiim.m:iv. hk CKMI1KU ll, 18-U, a 111 be sold nt the Key. atone Heuse, u iwe-mury brick Itwelllu. ceiltulnlliK luill and tlvu looms. eau-iUd nil thp i'.t side et Nertli Clirisilau slrcu.,.Se 07-U Let lieuts en Christian streut, ii teet ami In depth '.iwttet, te Noun ijne, n ktreet A geed Mull et water, jfr.ipe vines, etc hale at 7 o'clock i in Conilltlenn tiimte known by Ma 111 MiOO LIIN. fcnBUBKT.V Surrex, Auct. ilis""t 1)UII,IU SAI.II Ol' VAI.U.VIU.K tl7l fniperly In one el tlie best locations In J 15,' r"11 1Me,,,l,y. Heternber 17.1nj, will be sold at the Keystone Heuse, a valinible let of Kreund dUuiitul en the east side el North yuueii B'rcct, tremlnir w feet S Inch s, raeru or less, ami extending tn depth 1JU ftettenlO feet wide ttlley, en which Is elected a laru two story I rick l)wellln Heuse. Ne. 719, will" J0,:1"' biick liark liuli.llnir anil a larie lmuie kltehnii Hltiiiind. eentalulni' In all nlmi looms and n wl e 1. ,n , ciillar un.lerneatli the MUf'le lieue. t)alotecoiiiininpoal7 o'clock, when tondl tendl tondl Heuh will be made knuwu by H..nn.,T - r-ltl'.DKIlfCK VOLLMKll. Our Kew Gity Catalogue. 21 1JWKLL1NGB. 18 IIUai.NESI PHOl'Kll. TIES, KM MULm.SU LOIW. TIIUCKISC. K-AUMS.bUllUKIIAN 11EH1 )fcNcr. Ac,. 0ll 8ALK, ' Miii.Vw,w:. -:'IiIuk ieultiivuiyjiiyur. New properties beliiK oiiteied dally and a uppluuient te (iur catalogue, issued every few weukg. lloiere buylittf ee what U ler oile. AUan A. Herr & Ce., HEAL E8TATE and 1NSUIIANCE AUJ.NTS, 108 East King Street. epSDiud MAisltitfliltV. JUL anil pctiuu.K utly clesiM the ci e nut Etreel Iren JVorki.iihul.e te Ini.um my old rmtrens nnd the publle Knuanilly that 1 !!!! 8U1I In the buslnrsi.belngec.vb.iiTn the l'e Iren Company's Werk." North I'luiA etieui where 1 niu uiukliiir lien and lliiuaCaVtlnua oleveryde trlptlim. and will be pleauinl te serve iill who may laver me with thulr natren. hke. rrera 40 ) ears exiMirlnnce lu the bimliuvw und u1iir the bet material und einnlnvln J the bout meohanleu, 1 uie null .fled I can unr nnuxi entire vututactleii. CiutliiKa inu lu from ii uiuture el Iren unit steel whleh ure mere re re ro liable ler itraiiKtli nnd iluniblllty than the bem cast Iren known. V teeth tell piuleni. rolls and rolling mill work u BpecliUty. tW !SK,! ,Me et Yer- .ett lteni uni "-" cast-!SK?-Or'.hvery rtiworliitlen. , I Imve ull the pat J?i?hih.e.0,!,tt,"1."lV"Tbly known ilowrer A?S?nn i,S? V W?11"' 'entted mid Improved. Alse en hand, rul la completely ntted tin or in paru. te replace old one" which lmve be r n l8blctlen'.ear", "wtnui.inK them te lv0"atl angll-dim; R.CJ. MeOUl.LKV. PENN8VLNANIA UHlAKH VilOfll Ml" hundred upwards at llAUTMAN'i YELLOW FUONTOIQAU StXJIIVAIj. B u i wn's itiOM iiiritiia. Reasons "Why Iltcaust your stomach Is net I'lOtng Its w erk properly Jlecauie yeurllvcr Uoutef onler and wants rlrflitlnK tlccauie out bleed Is thin, nni. needs Iren In It Uceau$jeu nre treublwl with, nervous ucliesand rains. JVont.tejnunre vrxed with languor anil debility. All thiiie reasons can le set aside by the me of lirewir lien Hitters, wlileU ill Tene iji your enreclilcil steraaU. mid "nip It te digest. llrjrtth your wouled liver niwl put 11 lu splemllil eritur. Knrtch your u atery I loeit ntul fclvu It a Hell red colet. Culm your worried non en, nti.d Rive lliem tetlful peace AfreiiefAfn your whole system ami ilrlvuileblllty nud lanm.oreut. Cetmlderliw that any uisn who tmadellar may buy el Hie neireit I'rerfglsi u botlle et llrewn's Ireu Hitlers, there Is no lemon why people should cenlluuu te leel bully, Just ter Muellt. . VLUTHIMI. UfVK IAI. TKstlUWIS AN1 OlIll.US EEIiSMAN'S, (Till uillltTMAliKlt.) Gents' Furnishing' Stere, Is no lengiT en .North ;cjnreti Strwet, but U netr nt 1 Ne. 17 iVKST HINOJSrilMT, Opposite the frtiss Keys Ilotel. I NO. J.Mai.L.INU. Fall Opening. I iiavnthW day opened a lartfe nn I lect , lluoel tbu fluent I Foreign nud Demestic Fabrics, ndiiptetl teOrntleimuri wer. ter the KAt I ANU WIM'hK 1111UK, wnleh I would t ph'uied le liavi ymi exniuluv. A fun line el I LONDON OORKSOBBWS, ' In all the ljitiwt!tmile A beautiful ajett nientet TAI.L ANU VVINTKU 1 Ovorcentlngs, Trouaerlngs ud ' Fnuey SultingB. I employ none but the best workmen nne (unratitee pirtec t -atlit.ictten us te t 1p, r It and Win kmnnhip. Mv sample irsniieiits will be en exhibition In a tow da s. l JNO. J. SMA1ING. i tiAium.) INO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( Id t loer.) LANOAsTblU l'A i msy9-lydTu.Th.ts ilOK MU OK TASTE 1 O Kb.M). That no man Is WELL nilESSRI), wtiose enrinents. n" mutter hew rlne the material. and fashionable tnv cut, uru net artistically fitted te the form or aMttietleilly selected In eoler. Ac , ts a fact tee well known te be UU putcd. rtieattlui' of garments, solectleu et style and co or. Is as mum an AKT asthepreper blendlnt' of colors and Kreuplnt of objects 1" a iin..-Ciiie or ntlier palnilni. ter Artistic t Its and choice Maturbus cill ou L. G. COLEMAN. ARTISTIC TAILOR, Anil lie suited properly Mil. COLEMAN has I )iut received a vplendld assortment et the Uielcei' Cf.OIll. A'sMMkltheandUbATa' l)llt.i' OOOD. et tUu latest stles,ter fall I and l Inter Willis. A larger .arlety or Suttlntss , inilllt'llu iuuuii ill utn lum nut. aiiiuu3 iui the tiiMienulrn unilartis.in, the exijulslte and piaetbal iiiiui allot which will no iurnlshed at reiMinable nttes. Ihu repulatlen et itK COLKMAN as nil artist lu bis profession Is tee tell known te need comment. Call and examine bis Immense stock at; NO. 524 1-2 PENN STREET , sSJmdced UE.VDIM., I'.V. plUli'UU; FOIt UOLl) AVKATtlr.lt NOW. , . . I Overcoats for Men, ' j. -rr j.s. ' Overcoats for Youth, ; Overcoats for Beys. Our most siloable OVEKCOAT new for .11 rn Is a HAUIi, HEAVY. r.SLLStD DIAUONAL OVERCOAT, M lilch nuare selll'rf at the Lew Price of $10.00. We fcujinuu-e it strictly pure a 1-wool and If yen think or purchasing bu sura tuseult be bo be lere buying. We have Ovcrceabi el all (rradej and prices andaresuie In please )ou If you call. D. B. Hested & Sen, 21 CENTRE SQUARE, LAN l! AST Kit. PA. MK1UUJI1.. nilLUM.lTIU aVllUI. A Limb Saved And a Family Made Happy. Mr. 1'hlllp Moere, et Went Webatcr. .Menree County, N. 1 ., ayg My daughter, new elKhteen years old, has, for the past elshtuen inenthu, ben uiuictftil with rheumatism lu a very suyvru ierui. One year ae It sulUed In theknee, since whlchtluie klieti.uiMt.in unable te touch bur toot te the fleer or meve hrr lltub without kutrurln the most useiu. clailni; pain. Her limb was fast grew ItiK out et shape, allheunh we were deliiK ler herullwocetild, hav tnBuned all the remedies we could bear or and that were rucemuiundul for rheuiuntum, nnnoet which ben. fitted her In the least. Her case was pronounced Incurable by the phy. slclan and by our nelKhbers.and all believed thai she would be a cripple all herdays.und that her limb would novurlbe restored te lu erlulnal shane. llut 1 am happy te nay that te-day my daughter Is imtliely lien irem all rheumalle pains, and that she can walk viuh periect ease, hav lint thrown uabiu her crutches, uml her limb items as streiiK und per lect as ever, all Irem tne use et your wenderlul nmdlclne " llheu matlu Byruji." which we .consider pnu of tfie best mudiclni-s uveV in. troduced for purllylnB the bioe. . and 1 only rerut that iill ethers who aiuunilciea wlO ruuuinatliin cuii net knew or its superior merits. ....... k. "' " e iny name II It win iie you any koeiI, and I shall be enlv tee glad t e tell any und overyeuowliatlt has done ler my dauuhter." ' rmui1 MoeitK. Rboumatle Syrup Is the grcutlst mood l'urlfler known, ami iin iIe;all that Is claimed ler It, Hcnd ter pamph pamph let of tostimenuiU and read el tho-e who Imve been eUred by lu use. ItlictiiiintleSjrup Ce., Kechestcr, X. V. Fer sale by (Irugulsts. 1'rlce (I G.1 it.-i bot tle or 0 bottles for i.w. ectl-lydAw Yeu Feel Badly. .11 VH IV A L J.li lit VII K.V r.. Ml l'l.lllOK Ul.l.lT, lllllll U1..4H1 MUSIC BOXES. inkih'ai i.kh iii re.sr. and inn vitii.t r Sold by the bist Uealem iliroui-lieiii Kurepe nnd new tntro.iiieed in fhl. nnintr dUectby the Mann fact urers.u-HAOKf Infrrwrifferrjirqti. I.AIH.K IMI'OIll Alies Ul LOW IMltltlHKUll'ASIt. Send two-cent stamp for I'llm List, C. UuntsclilA l'e., Mc('reIs,!snltierliiiiil. S LKSKOOM AT 101S Chcstuut Street, Philadelphia, Pa OfrOalTE TllK Ol'EltA HUl'2-K. I til early tei gueil scleitleu and avoid lush at llell'hivs. eet?3-tlit.tw riLl'll J) IVfllTK -TI1K- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, i NO 15'2 EAST K1NU STUECT, j H. H. LUOKBNBAOO, ARent. I A rull Assoituientel thevarleu stles con I stantly en hand and ter ale en the most lib eral terms ler casn or small .Monthly In. stalltucnls. The public ts most cordially lu.lted te call and eTauilnottieee Instrutneuts, whti'h will li teiind te be ver S".erter in Quality and Moderate lu Price I Having tevered my connections with the 1 Kste erKan Cetniany, 1 take till method te i inform my trtendstn Lancaster fount), 1 uie I no selilnir nnOrKSn eiual te any and ur passeil by none. 1'lease call and pi.itnlne ena el tbe most bcaulltul-lened Organs uianu ' taeturiM In the United states Mr. Luckenbach Is also aent tur the famous KrRbe,,, MePhnll, Vose & Sens, Grovenstoin & Fuller, , Hallet ifc Diwltj, 1 And several ether Deslrable IMaoefortos. at I prlcts from t-Jft upward. 1 feblT-tld I plANO IMULUHS 1 L PIANO PARLORS, Ne. S3G Xerth Sixth .Street, (NKAU PAB1SII) PHILAUELPHIA THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. NO STORE RENT TO PAY MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS Fer S225, $230 and-$275, FAR SUPERIOR TO THOSE SOLD in expensive stores Fer $450, 8500 and $600. OiNLYFIRST-OLASS MAKERS NO CHEAP TRASH. lie ail this letter Jmt recdveil Irem a inlle inun of hlch sUindlnK and well Known In thlj city 3314 Lamastir Atincb, I November 15, i-te. ( Ma. CjEukek L. Walker : The lour 1'Iiuieh I purchased Irem you at Iinerent tlmei three ler trlemls and the but one ler myself ha e proved te be manlflrunt Instrument.. Tnuv have given the moil iter fect Attlitactlnii In overy repect, and they cannot be surpassed for beautiful, cleur. rich lull tone, line flntih, and tundtng In tune 1 have lenuerly lienubt piano; im Chestnut itreet, paida innchhlKlnr p.Ue ai..l .lid net receive anything like at fine Inntrutnenls. 1 shall advheall my Irlends ler tin irewn beno bene nt, wbeu they are In need et a 1'laue, te our eur chau from ) ou. lle-.peetfullv yeuis, H L. Hail. 1 h.ive received hundreiU or letters similar te this, which I wlil show with pleasure. I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving Pianos from FAMILIES FORGED TO SELL, LIST OF CHEAT HAHUAINS : $700 Square Grand Piane $'-J00 !r()75 Square Grand Piane $190 $G00 lllchly Carred Piane - $175 $1000 Upright Piane - $250 $750 Upright Piane - $J()0 $(500 Iluautlful Bal)v Uiirk'lit 51 7Z $450IIandsoiue I.osewood Piane$)0 WltbeleKuniembrel!ured covers and Plush b tools ull standard maksrt eaeh Instrument warranted for nve years. A cull will satlufy you that this Is tlie best place te buy a i'lane elu-Smd UL.Iftrt AKU UUJtt'XltHAUit. 1 rilitl A MAHT1M. HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- OHINA HALL. A LAIIUE ABSOBTMKNTOr FANCY GOODS I'OK HOLIDAY PIIESEN'J'S. -IN- IIAVI1.ANI) CHINA. DKC01lATK.il POllCKLAIN. MINION ClltNA.' IIAIIIIUI'INK WAKK. Wic cai?i!l.Ai,,i?.rP'ft """ Oliateieent eia.n- i .. . .. '"I"""'""" Vienna ware. iV. l m" t0 ,co t,u:,0 ' before purehn Inu. purclnu. High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STRKKT. LANHAHTK.il PA YKI.I.OW riMIJNT UlllAK, THIS KNT 6c. hand-made Havana Cigar In the lewn "'hautman'8 vkllew FIIONT CIUAU eiuur., "IIIII13T.MAS (IllKhTlM). IIAQER fc DnOTIIKn Iuvlte Attontieu te u Very Larue Colleotlou of Ooeda lu thelr I.lne, aoteotud wltu Spoeinl Roferonco te tlie itomiuide of the HOLIDAY TRADE. we uFFr.it Tin: laths r nuvf.ltics in Sll.KS, DRliSS GOODS, MROCADE AND PLAIN 'HLVETS, SHAWLS. CLOAKS, I IAXDKL RCI IIIiFS, GLOVKS, I'ICIirS, LACl'S, GENTS' 1 lANDKERCHIEFS, Nl-CKWEAR AND GLOVES. Euibrokleiod Tuble i-uii Plnne Ooverei. Tuble Ltnenn In Sette of Tuble Cletlm, with Nupklim te trmteh. Dolllea 11 ml Towels. Turceman nud Ince OurtnlnB. Mttranlllea Qtillts und Blnnkote. CARPETS AND RUGS. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. JUnfTtJIVLKU JKO."V. !t7THVON. BUY USEFUL PRESENTS! A Oholce McHiuotte Bedy Bruaaolaer Tapestry BmeBelu Onrpet. A Duudeoiue Threo-Ply or Extra Buiwr Onrpet, or tny kind of Onrpet, Unudsorue Moauetto or Bruasel Kuge. A Huudsome Pnlr Whlte or Soarlet Weel Blnnkets. Don't fortrel the Crib BlRukets, ohelco MiwpoHIes Qullte, Stvtlne und Ohlnte Oomferta, or a. Qenulnc. Au. rerft Oarpnt ?woepor, nil inuke uloe Hellduy Pre80nta. AT LOWEST PRICES. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, nilWKIIJ .1 lit HiT BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. HEAD OUK HOLIDAY ANaOUN'CEJIENT THROUGH AND THROUGH. Woarnuetr rra ty fur thn lleltdavs wtthau aiiren ju,i Rucni.i. ni m .) iiiii j-nve in luncay, 1'Al IMA VISIT, I'AT US A VISIT Wn will huw VOU ClIOICK 111 H1.-.IIK-4 CllOILK LOLUlltH -ILK, Klegant 111. .l Iv OITOJIAS and IIKUIS UUOUS. EU-Kni BLACK LAsllMKIlK KlVinnt UOI OllKli CAHll WJXi W,?1.1 Vjy;V V'-,.,.,,l. 'J"" KIBnt lHl? I'LAlD.th,, r'lnn ; Alart nn Tin ih" rtt" Kl..a,al5 LACK OTTOMAN .:J'OTIr,?H,4.,.1,l)I ,,"JNA,-!-'"rl'i,1' Ue in iiuanl Coats. Elerfant Line if KUlt TlllMSIIMia and KUll COLLAKS. Kli-iaut LIijb OI.OAK. Ic nr man0-; L'iS siil,KS'liiiiT I m se?" I fnWivM' . K,Wnl 8.r:AL 9i-N -'-, thebeSt rlne In the clt,.Voneunc.Hl I.J,, ,?i1-rH?i.sl,'..K.ia u,.l7A.li,vs l 'lfD llIMi.splenililquality aisen nr yanf UulW aklts,Clek, sbnwM and I)el man'!. C11ILI)KK.N-S tLu KS. all In lull asiintini'llt. Kleant Linn of Lad e and hlltlrmi's LACK CULLAIIS Kluitant Anerttnmit of L I,,IE.S'4.V?.,.lMK4'E..an.' KUJ. L,Vfc-s M'"t Assortment et Linen and Silk IuSdkcUIe and LEATHKItsnciltls. bleifant Assertmput 9.ln l'lu Cushions and Tidies. Klcgnnt Assortment I.ndli' and thl.Vrcn"illMte.l) 91ttT9 H r-lllilV UU" CllA l 'l liriiU! .UTH W fttl . Iiuiurv nUBIlUIllILTS. nil IK Uil.IllJKnrGnil-114 .til iVM IIKVA IIIAIinnnn.1 Fe,KWTIIEM&ELvS-i,J liuOl reuJ&T IoVaVeiIUsTitH AC gMma 1 of -"- "OfK AN II I'ttlCK Bl'KAK BOWERS & HURST. THE NORTH QUEEN STREET DRY GOODS STORE. r uuunu. 1 II. M.lllTI.N ii CO. CHINA DEPARTMENT. WK AUK I..UI.1 IIECEIM.VU .NEW UOUDS IN KVEP.Y LI.SK Feil THE HOLIDAYS. Our Litis U I arucr than Ever Ilelere. Novelties In Every Department. MAM I sLfUL A.SIM-lAIILEritEsE.Mi AT LOW l-KICKS. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! CHINA ANU (jLA-iSWAIIE, IlISQUE A.M. LAVA 1 AUK, .Ml SIC A I. lihCAMKIl-t Decorated Diiiuernnd Toilet Wares. Aurera Carpet Swoepor Al HI till L&rrfi) stock of theu. ler the Holiday '1 rade lust luielvcd. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Oer. Weat King und Prlnoe Sta., LANCASTEH, l'A. W"' ZUK.lt IIAUUU.11AM. SHAWLS -AT- & Special Attention. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. At .V, W.09. I7.J5, H.M, 110, 111, (12, HS. ALL KIN11B or BLANKET SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS, At the Lewest Frloeo. HANDSOME PAIBLEY SHAWLS. PAISLEY 8HAWLP. -AT- 9, nAiin Cheap Stere, Ne. n WEST KING STREET, lletwreu the Coepor lleusa arid eonel llorse Hetel. LANOASTKIt, 1A. NOTIUK 111 Tltleai'AnKKius ANll UUN NEI18. All pontens are htireby forbidden te trespaas en any of ihu lands of the Corn wall or flpoedwoll cstatiis. In Iibanen and Lancastur counties, whuthur tnclesud or uu InclesiMl, elther ler the nurpeu of sheet Ihk or tlslilnx, us the law will Im rlKblly onlertHxi italiiHl ull trnsiiessltiK ou said lands el the undurslKuail nttur this nnilce. WM. COLKMAN FUEKMAN H.l'KUUl AI.IIKN. KDWAIlllti. FHKIJMAN. Atterney ler H. Yi Uoleman'i i Itetr. eiB-uaTr intr uoeim, ,t.". S. GIVLER -3--- XtU Inrnense Stoek'ln evrr dflpartmunt 11 Ala AX It VAl'n. J I ATS, UAl'.l, c. LEADEU IN P N0. :.l) WEST KING STREET. 9PLKM.III 6EALiKINSAtgPES rfn-LlNEU CIllCULAIlH. S1.AL8KIN MUFI'S. Hh.AI.SKIN CATS FOIt LADIES A OEM'S OENT6' KUIIOLOVES .VND MRKFLKilS. CHILDREN'S FUltS. FL'UTUIMMINO. lir Any arllle net ou hand carefully ui&itn . i uiBiuiiru. Kit, Quality und 1'rlcus Uuaran UliI. dl-Unci lA T HTifltf,. THINK IT OVER. Think every matter nvur. l!e It n hat it may ; Ulvu It consldurallen, A llttle theuKht win pay ; When ether people eiTer Thelr.hnts rer you te try, Think et Ihuse wenM lletnuinbur OURS ARE THE BEST TO BU. lielnu the best, most 9tyllli, durable and low priced of any In the city. A Ann line of I'rlme Heal Hkln Uapi and Comlertublu Caps ler winter vnr; ehuap. BlLK HATH, FKLT HAT9. STIFF 11AT3, BOFT n AT8 All Kinds, Stylei, SIes and Trices. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (UUNUAKKIl'S OLD BTANU.) LANOASTEU. l'A. mar27 lydw c ran VAUUIAUXH, C. riiUK Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCAHTKH CUNTV. EDGERLEY & CO., PINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, HEAR Or CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, LANCAHTElt, l'A. Weinake overy style lluggy ana CarrlHRO duslrml. All Werk tlnlshed In the most coin rortable und eletiunt style. We use only the bust eolectod inuterlKl and employ only the best meclmulcs. Fer quality or work our prices are thu cheapest In the state. We buy ler cash nnd soil en tlie most reasonable tonus. Gtve us a call. All work warranted. RepalriuK promptly attended te. One set et workmen uspeclally ompieyod ler tliat pur pose. nW-udiw riUlK HKbT I'LAUI. Til HUY J. Suasonable Winter Gnruls, such as Ladles' dimls' und Children's Underwear lleslety, Oleves, lilts and a variety et Htaple Goods und Notions, An., at 1IECI1TOL1VS Ladles' and Gents' Kurnlshlntr Stere. SPECIAL IN liUUKMKftTS ter HOLIDAY 1MIKSKNT3. l'lcnsecul! und oiamlneboioru you buy. 1IEN11Y IIKCHTOLI), Ne. 53 North (jueen Street. 4-sittn et the Illr Stocking. Timle Dollars I taken ul par, !eb3-lyd - V .'. & CO., LANCASTER, PA. ntlltn .. nliMVl m n m aMlala.. VLernixu. pun TllK IKII.IIIAYS. OU WILL NEKU A SUIT Ofi OVERCOAT. I H'e have inauufacttired a stock of LLOTH I I NO, which, ter retuplutenpas In nvery nun I ner cannot be Kjnal.-.l. Our Una of uVKlt. w.via ciinpnu an tne uiiiurunt sliuilus and qualities they rnnuu In slze from the oue ter tnullttlu tflleir of thrie years old te thu lar l!fl men's sizes. Kztiu barKalns In large slzud OVerceits. As wu tiavu mmnnxtrn lurun Overcoats than necessary, weuku this way of inlermini: our Irlends of an extra liarualn tharnln. A .w line of 1IOV3 AND CHILDIIKN'H SUITS AND OVERCOATS .lUftT RECEIVED. I'l lce-i thu l.owe't, Ooels the Neivest nnd Unst. NECKWKAIt, HOSIEIir. UNDEUWKAIt, GLOVES. COLLAitS ANDUtJFFS, KNITJACRKTS. VniTE8HIIlTfl, II LUK SI II HTM, BILK IIANDKEIlClllEKd, SILUUUm'KNDKIti Extra IiarKiilns In Ilrd Flnnnul Under wear New I.lne el Neckwear and Mlk Hand ki-rchlcfs ready for the Holiday s at liottein I'rlees. Anr anil nvnrvhri.lt tvn lw. .iHi.ui imn. .... t. ........ ; J .----. . -rf '- 'J . -.. u a .na a..... i..,. ...1 ain ,. B.l .....Ijohn be7t&sen, I t'HU Jlllll IvlUlUlUK JIUUSU, Ne3, 2 and 4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCAHTKH, l'A. TIKMKM.IKK ! Large Stock I Best Quality AND LOWEST PRICES ! O VBEOOATS ! OVERCOATS ! SELltlNQ NOW I MKN'rt OVERCOATS at, MEN'S OVERCOATS at., MEN'S OVERCOATS aL, MEN'S OVERCOATS at,, MEN'S OVERCOATS at. MEN'S OVERCOATS at. MEN'S OVERCOATS at. MEN'S OVERCOATS at, MEN'S OVEIICOATH at. MEN'S OVERCOATS at. 11.60, worth 13 00. Wtt, worth M.00. f 1.00. worth (7.50. $5.00, worth 19.25. 5.50, worth 110 oe. t.s worth $11.00. I7.W, worth $12.00. ta.75, worth $H.oe. $o.ce, worth $19-00 ....$10.00, worth $18.00, And all Finest Men's proportion. Overcoats selling lu Reys' and Children's Overcoats In cmlless variety at prleea te suit mes. overy body. Children's Overcoats nt 1lM,tl(V,ttU: 3.rJ, up te $8.50. Heys' Overcoats at $1.75, $A0C $i.50, $3.00, $1.00, up tO $3 50. Don't fall or mlas the present opportunity te buy cheap ami well uiade overcoats at haft their real value, L, Gansman & Bre,, The Fashionable Morehaut Tailors and Clothiers, flien. GO-08 0UTH IJUKEN STHEET, Right en the Southwest Cerner el Orange SL LANCASTER, l'A MUr Net connected with any ether Clothing Heme la the city. ruArntf.itf ei ift LMOv.srr.u am. ..iii.i i .vim rl Ours run as loliewsi i.eavu LaiicntKtir II1. II lixixit;, al 7, , ..,. It'.suit. iu,, and i, I, 0 nun riwp. in., nrm!t en Untu rd ay. when the last ittr l(avn hi 'i u, i Iavive Mlllersvllln (lewm endim 9. h, nniblt a. M., und 1, 8, ft and 7 p. tn. ' Cars run dsliv ou b jve tlmoeieopt ou nun (lav. CMJI.UMUIA m MIHT IIM'dfUT ItAII,. ) UOAUT1MK '1AIII.K, Tnilune.vrun tonuUrlven tlin Celuiubla l'ert llepeslt llallread en the follewlns tllnei WOUTIIWAWII. FrTT-rlDtYiT. minrnwAMii r. m.i H:ai A.U OU 7:0A A.M. A.M A.M. r.M. II) M ...Columbia..,. . iVltulllltiMiiti r.i ft:N) sen AM BI7 Ml ncfi iu (ii .'Ml se 1:11 io.ne ... 107 11:S1 ...i .W 8.W 7:43 7itu 7.1W 7:SI 7:' 7:'2S .... (Jll'lHWldl ... . Hnflt llnrlwir .Hhenk's rnrry. .... .I'llOIU'lt .... 7(W 11:41 7ll. 7il7 11:77 .tern rurnaca, .....Tuniuan .McCall'M rurry. ...ritu's Kddy .. .KIshliiKCrmik. . Touch lloltetu. .. Uoue4lii)0... lima I11.V 11:5. V.a 7J7 7:10 711 7iMl I11.VI 7.(in .t7 0:41 1J0.1 7:10 7:'J7 7.W 7:i 7-. 711 7;n., K I'J'.'O 13! r. if 1J:! 7J7 s.ii ...Octiiiniu ... .Tort l..i;i.wll.. . I'urry villi (1:,T1 0:'J Uf, t:l- l'l ID 1..M JM u KAlINUUUI.VnillA U.K. AUHANURUBNTUr rABBRNUKUTUAlNtt UONI)A, UUIOIIKK mm, IhfS, NOUTIIWAIU). tll A.M. Quarryvllle Lancestur, KIuk hi LAncMtur (Jhlckltt.. ,,,, MarlullA Junction Columbia. 4KRIVSU lieadliiB A.M II SO 7-JW v e MAO 7.WI 7:10 7:20 7-V) 7:3U 9.V BOUTliWAitu M. 11.011 r.M Bill' uviviinK ARK1TS. Atarlnttn Junction.. Chlckles Columbia Lan caster. Lanenstiir. KltiKHt.. 7:iS tt.lS e.ift W:1U r.st. ... 2:10 J.U' HOI 6:34 &.a 8:1.1 8.a 9 t:lf : 111 Sl'mrryviue 10.40 ft'fl TMLfn IVllltl(.t Dl II.H..1ln. H. b trnlti tiiii ,1 Irem l'hlladehihta. 1'ettsvlHu. I HsrrUburrf, Al luntewn and New Yerk, via Mound hee ILnntft- At Lelutnblft wltli tmln te and from lam. ilanevvr, Octtysbmir, ITudnrlch nud Haiti. non. a M. WILSON, Hn, u 1)KNMsl,VAllU HA1I.HOA1I NKt .Ai.i(..l.!C.l.UI'K"-"n ",l an,,r 8UNUA .NOV F.MIIKU, lU.lH'y, trUin en lh iVnoeyl yanla llallreiul will artlvn at and limvi hip lncaslei and l'hlladelphla dopetaan t'tlbiws Lev I Ar Lanl'hll Kahtwakd. A.M. LOO 3.27 as s:le 3.0) 4;M (M) A.M S.-05 4. a 7.V1 Mell Kxprws I'litladelpbla EijirtM Fast Line , ,,, llarrlsburx Kx"w Yerk AccouiruednlJmi arrives Lancastur Acoemr bu:eu arrlvus..., Columbia Accouii.ieo Jen , rrednrick AocemtniMlatlon arrives. Leck Haven Kxtuiss irrai U:A P.M. VIM 12JH) I:.'. i'ju B:1S 8C 3.15 r.w. Sunday Mall Johnstown Express Day Express Harrtsburir Accommodation. 5. 9 IS Hanover Accommodation wwt, oenuiHitlna at Lancaster with Magaru Expris at 9 46, will run threuKb te Hanover daily, emept Sunday. rrtHlurlck Accemmc-dat ion, wast, con.. ectlng at IxincasUir wltli Fnit I.lne, wit, at 1 A ll run Uireuich te F-e-inrb Wbstwahu Mews Kxpniss Way 1'iusuUKer Uafl Train, Ne. 1, via. ML Jej Malll rain, Ne. 3,TluColutubltt,leuV(s Niagara Kxprvss il&uevur Accoimnislatleu leavos.... Fast Line , rrederlck Accommodation leavos Ilarrtsburg Ancommelatlon Iineastar Accommodation lrnvws Columbia Aoceuuroilatlon.. Harrlsburir Express Weateru Kxprt'ss Pttclfle Exprtms llarrlsburx Kxprtws, w hlrh leaves Lancaster at 7-10 p in., has dlruet connections (wluieut ciianuu or cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagKuu will step at DownlnKtewn.CnaUtsvllIn, l'nrkra bnrx, Mount Jey, ElUabothtewn unit Mlddle town. Day Express, Fast Line, Mews Exuium, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Weslnrn Express and l'aclrlc Ex pruts run dallv. The tlma here given Is tUitltm lime, or that et the 73th meridian, whleu Is 1 mluiitn unit I seconds taslnr than that Iier-loleto used. " lTtHI.Altll,'JtV. 11KbTSlKA.il KNOIKK AND BOILER WORKS. Call and examine our Stock of Engines an llellutsntid el pilccs. Portable, Euglnea, Uorlzeutul Eugluea, Vertical Enslnes. Saw Mill PumpB, Mining Maohlnery, 1'ulleys nnd ShaftluK. IRON AND RRASS CASTINGS. STEAM FITTING. Ne. 3M Fast Fulton St., LANCASTER, l'A 1'. O, Ilex, Ne. VJ. ectl-Jind.tw TIM W AIM, sv. c w ' !.. i .. ..Ma.., "aj reiiN i. suiiAuai. FURNACES and RANGES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. IlFeN COLD SaV" "n,,r0Ve" WU0Ua,1T Radiating Portable Fiirnace, The Chcupest nud Rest FURNACE In the Market. MANUFACTURED E-WLUfllVELY HY Jelm P. Schaum 24 Seuth Queen Streot, fnb27-lyd LANCASTER. l'A. VJlOTUUUAfllH. 15. 1IUT1E, There bes been such a demand .for LARUE niOTOQRAlMIS that 1 was compelled te get a VKKY LAROK CAMERA IIOX tomeet tbe aemand. We can new make you a rHOTO as small a. the smallest locket will held up te a 5-lneh face, te tit ,an 18x23 Frame .J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen Btrcet, lunu'Mtd r. r. m .... H-Mt I IN 8 Ni .... 8K .... :CO 1:10 3.40 ,1. lAr. 'nillln A.M. A.M. 4:30 t:V .S) 6. in 7:00 9d 9-J-i 7. te thlft W..V) r.M. 11:10 ii .... i: r.M. 2:11 3 15 1-S) 4:tC IM 5: 0 7:1" U:10 11.15 11:20 1:3-. J