L&N0ASTI3K DAILY INTELLICHSj STOEU THUB8l)At bOfiklftsft 13 tSeS " V COLUMBIA NEWS. mm ittcuuLAit uohhebpenoknuk. KvenU Alenr tin Nnsanelianna Items t Interest In and Atunnd the Hoengh Picked up by the Intelli gencer lleperter. Fran, in Loe, colored, la new bearding at the oeiiiily prison. He was seut down this morning for belug druulc nnd dis orderly. Araeii Kandall, oelorod, was nrrosted last night by OllliJer Wlttlelc for being drunk nnd dlsoideriy. He will be given a hearing, te-day , , Paul Head nnd James Swceney breke np things gonerally nt .Tehu Welsh'ii saloon en Frent itroet last night. Jaoebltend last night oleured tlie pave mnnt en Frent street, fiem Locust te Warren's restniirnnt, with an empty re Yelver. Jacob was en a " tear " again. He also dispersed n orewd of men In War ren's icstatirant. Ne arrests was nindu. Anethor druulicu orewd created a din turbauce en Loeust street last night. Ofll Ofll ear l)y singer sretired the names of two of thin party, nnd warrants nru new out for their nrrcst. Columbia Is dolor? well In the oewboy line. Anethor inurdur v )' H the next thing en the pregramme. Hiuineii Uriels. The Frcdorlek railroad empleyes wero Cald olTyestcrday. The 1'. It. It. eir will e here te morrow evening. Thore is new en izhlblllen at the American tea and oeflco store a flue pair el black African bantam fowls. The telegraph line or the It. & 0. rail read, between thin plaee and Marietta, has been finished, and is new in full opera Hen. Anether photograph gallery has been established here. It Is located en Walnut tttioet between 4th nnd Sth streets. The Columbia sign paintem are new hating opposition from n Yerk nrtlsl L, W. Clark. The Stuquehanua rolling mill's large retnry quoeer Is new being ropalred,aud until this has been finished the Jim squeezer will be used. l'ersenal fnum. Mr. Jehn Ueaver will romevo his place of rosldeuco te this piano from Laueastur next wpek. Mr. W. II. llelse and brlde last evrnlng returned te their home in this place from an extended wedding tour. The young people are Impatiently wish ing that the river would freeze ever nnd allow them te Indulge in their faverite pastime of skating. Mr. A. Ileese linn removed his place of rosldeuco te North Fourth street. Amusements suil Public Meling.. During the holiday season several balls will be held iuthonrmery. Other kinds of amusements will thou be rare, except there may be iv performance in the opera heum. " Wrluklci," hy Harry Watsen's com pany will be played at the epera house next Tuesday evcuing. Te night the school beard will held its regular monthly meeting in the council ehambcr of the opera house. Osceola Tribe of Red Men meets te night. Klectleu of Officers. The following efllcers' will oenduot the Buawnce firemen's paraile en New Year's : Chief Marshall, Jaoeb Snentli ; Aids, U. Nelle, sr., el the Celumblas; Michael Themas, oflhe Sbnwuces ; and Kdward Merlarity, of the Vigilants. The commit tee of management is composed of Ilebert Tyson, Jehn Lechard, Harry Finney, Harry Sample, Edward Bright, Cbas. Orove, Gee. Lutx, Goe. Bonuett, Harry Ilaughey, Peter Boek, A. II Gilbert nnd Goe. Grady. A Hewing lie. Mrs. C. P. Bobrelnor was visited by the loembcrs of St. Jehn's Lutheran women's working noeiety, en an afternoon and evening of this woek and a large amenut of sewing was doue for her. It was a tes timenial of the rnunuer in whleh her deve tien te the society's ioterostH were re garded. The visitors were entertalnsd with an elegaut supper by their hostess In return for their kindness. Around llieTunu, Ne nlarms of (he hnve beeu heaid since the ubolitieu of leatlug at the tire ougiue houses. Before that these alarms wero frequent, and were probably cattced by idlers who desired te break the monotony of leaflug by creating n little excitement. A hog belonging te Mr. Harry Shell was killed at Swart s's bntoher shop yesterday. When dressed it weighed 118 pounds. Three morn of nbeut the same size yet remain in Mr. Shell's peu. The girls and boys who receutly played truuut at the publle schools hnve net yet been punished for their misconduct. Ne doubt their overpowering senBO of shame has been a r-ovcie punishment te them already. Jeseph Geedman is among the first of the Columbia spurtsmeu who have. sua eeeded In filling their gatnebags with" wild pigeons. Theno birds nre new plentiful among the hills of Yerk county. IIKAl.ril MATrfclld. A Nv Health Commissioner Appiiltitea. At a mcctlui; of the beard of health last evening the resignation of Dr. James A. Fitzpatriek, bealtti oemisslouer, waa read. Tbe beard proceeded te fill tbe vacancy, Dm. II. E. WoKtuaefTer, II. E. Mublcu be re and David R. Summy were placed in nomination, and Dr. VentLmctfer wait elected. Tbe beard issued te Dr. Westhncflcr the same general inatructleiiH that bad been issued te Dr. Fitzpatriek, nnd especially instructed him te inquire of tbe peer dlreotera why an nmlmlnnce for the oon eon oen voynnco of patients te the hospital bad net bceu provided, aa roeommondod by tbe Brand jury ; and te inriulre of the oeunty oemmisBioner'j bow neon tbe new hospital for patienta Buffering from con tacceus diseascB would be tlnlshed. Ne new eases of smallpox have been ropertod te tbe beard, nud it Is bolieved that noue exist except theso that have been reperted. It is the iutoutleu of the beard, horenfter, te issue en each Saturday a bill lctln oentalniiiR n statomeut of tbe num. ber of cases under treatment, tbe ntimber of new eases (if uuy ), tbe number of deaths and tbe number roeovorcd. "Around the World In Ninety Alluittes." On Tuesday next Mr. Edwin K. Hart, of Philadelphia, will deliver in the court house, a publle lecture entitled. " Around the World in Niuety Minutes," under the management of the Yeung Men's Chris tian association of this city. Whorever Mr. Hart has delivered bis admirable dis. ceurse, be has been visited with tbe high eat encomiums of pralse. Tbe leoture Is n humorous reeltal of a ten years' oxpor expor oxper ienoo araentr nowepapers, and us Mr. Hart has for a number of years been oeunooted with the press of Pittsburg, and is at prcseut associated In tbe editorial conduct of tbe Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, be is abundantly qualified te tell bis jour nalistie oxpeileuco. II e will no doubt be grcoted with r. large uudlence iu the ocea. slen of his nppoarauce iu this elty, Kleotleu and Installation, At a regular stated meeting of Ledgo Ne. 43 F. and A. M., held last oveniug, tbe following oQleors wero oleotod nnd installed te serve for tbe Masonic year beginning ea St, Jehn's Day, Docembor 27th : W. M. James Tl. Strino. 8. W. Jeshua L. Lyte. J. W. Jehn C. Carter. 'I reasurcr Charles A. Ilelnltsli. Secretary Hugh S. Oara. Trustees Jehn Reese, 0. Widraycr, Jeremiah Rehrcr, iiAsr.iiAi.t, mitrs. (letting Iteaiiy fur rfext neasen, The Ironsides nre negotiating for Arthur Williams, pltoher, and Frank Madden, catcher nnd third baseman of WcstQeld, Mans,, nnd will In nil probability socure them for next season. The Athlothles, en Saturday last, se etircd a three yn.trs' Ioase en their grounds at a rental of 43,000 a year. The same elub was formally awarded the champion ship for last season nt the meeting of the Amerlcau iiesoelntloii held in Cincinnati yosterday. The npplloalleu of "a Lanoaster club" for admission Inte the Amerlcau associa tion was refused yesterday. Beth the Lanoaster and Irnusldes elubs, of this elty, assert that the refusal has no rofereuoo te their respective clubs, as nolther had in ado application for admission Inte the associa tion alluded te. The association also refused applications for admission made by Kvnnsvllle, Intl., Dayton nnd Ports mouth, O,, Rochester, N. Y. The clubs admitted wero Broeklvu, Tolode, Wesh lugten and Indianapolis This makes a total of twelve clubs In the nssoelatlon, thore being In addition te the four newlr admitted the Athlotle, Metropolitan, Cincinnati, Kellpse, St. Leuis, Allegheny, B.iltlmore and Columbus. MIIVI'.ll KM) nl'.HD,' Uondenred Frem the Oxford "Press." The young ponple of Little Dritsln Presbyterian chureU will held an ontertaln ment in the lecture room Thursday evo eve nlng. Wm, Wicks, el Fulton township, was taken te Jill for running a plteh fork into a mule belonging te Jes. P. Griest. The lustltute te be held In Oxford hall this woek by Prof. J. W. Harvey, oeunty superintendent, will attract the tcaohers, pupils nnd Intelligent peeple of the town nnd whole neighborhood. H. M. Hreilus, of the Great Nemaha In dluii agouey, Nebraska, is making a flying visit among his relatives nnd friends in Chester and Lanoaster counties. He "will return te the agency In a few days. Mr. Breslns has been llcouied trader for the Ien ii, Sae and Fex Indians for ulue years. Edward K. Warrior, formerly of Pleasant Grove, Lancaster oeunty, died at his home in Columbus, Ohie, en the 14th lust , of hariteulug of the brain, resulting from lend poisoning. He was a young man of geed habits and flne traits of charaoter and had been married only about ten months He was takeu slek while engaged at his business of painting and lay in a delirious condition for seven weeks bofero he died. His death was a sad streke te his family nnd friends. TIIOSI. lll.KSSKO UAtllH-J. Ilelh uf Them hrnure (loeit Hemes Tne Mothers Still In Mureis. The babies of Mary Deylo, of PltUburg, and Bridget Powers, of Fablus, N. Y., who were left en doorsteps en East Ornnge stroet Tuesday night last, the particulars of whleh appeared In the In In tf.i.Meknceii, have both scoured geed homes. As already stated the Deylo baby was adopted by Mr. A. N. Brcneman nud wife. The satre day Mr and Mrs. A. C.Rahter,ef the Lamb hotel, who lest their own little ones, adopted the Powers baby, and both new have oemfortablo homes in kind nnd respectable families, where they will be well eared for. The unfortunate mothers are still in the county jail. We resH-ctfully suggest that they have suf fered sufficiently te ntone for their sins. Let them be discharged, and let our effi cient police hunt up Tem Walsh and Frank Tayler, the " unnatural" fathers of the little waifs. They are the ebnps that should be next interviewed. I.ITTI.K I.IIUAL1. llrre, There anil Kvcrywhere. A green Christmas maketh a fat grave ynid. "A Sister " in Lancaster has oentribu tcl 23 for the Leper hospital, Jerusalem. It is n ohnse between the loe men and the coal dealers whleh eau leek the Kloemior. The Linoaster City nible society will meet In the Moravian eh u rob. lecture room en Friday nlfht te elcet offlcers. Te Matthew Arneld's depreciation of Emersen, Rev. J. Max nark, in the Mora vian, replies in the language of tbe Con cord sare . "The babbler. Let blm hush." Tbe following porsenR drew artloles by chance nt the KulghU of Revolution fair lust nlijht : Lnwls Strauss, pair of vases ; E. Gerrccht, elephant ; Llzzle Andersen, pair of napkin rings ; Milten Werlz, cushion ; Jacob P. Satulcr, silk pin cush ion. UIIITUAKY. Dentil el Joint Ulpbern, Jehn Kiphnrn, a well known resldent of this city, died nt bis home en Lafayette street last oveniug, from internal injuries rcoeivod a week aije from evor uxortien iu handling heavy bloeka of stone. Fer years past he was engaged in laying strcet crossings nud doing ether work for the stroet department. II e leaves n wife nnd seveu olilldreu. Ills funeral will tnke ploeo Sunday afternoon at 8 o'elock. Death of Ktull lieek, Jr. Emit Heck, jr., nged 8 years, died of smallpox about uoeu te-day. and will be buried this erculng at 0 o'clock. m ii Urirlttmas i-.ntertalnnient. On Thursday ovening, December 27, tbe First M. E. chnreh will give in Fulton opera beuse n flue entertainment. Some of the features of this oujeyablo occasion will be geed music, Interesting tableaux, the rendition of hymns ami carols by the choir and selca by cfllclent singers. Thore will be an nt nt traetlvu Santa Glaus sceno.andevery ntfert will be made te raake tbe ovening ene which will be rcplote with interest, enjoy, ment and Instruction. It should be well attended. The chart for rcsorved scats will be open en Tuesday morning nt L. B. Herr's nuisie and boekstoro, Ne. 03 North Quoeu stroet. The Southern Harkat. The commltteo te select a site for Southern market have scoured tbe refusal of the following properties. Nes. 8441 340, 849, 850. 853 and 854, fronting 110 root en south Ljueen street, west sine, oppeslto the junotlen of Mlddle and Straw berry street, botween ConeBtoga and An drew streets, nnd extending in depth 215 te Heaver street, for tbe sum of $10,000. HUnder Halt. Henry K. Hartmau, of Lampeter, through bis attorney, H. F. Davis, eeq , has brought n slauder suit in tbe pre thonetnry's ofllce against Joel King. He alleges that tbe dofendaut circulated re ports which afifoeted bis charaoter for houesty. Illustrated roreige l'apers. The Intornatien News oempauy of New Yerk, whleh bandies tbe largest assort ment of foreign publications, may well Biibmit with pride tbe Christens editions of the Londeu Neva and QrapMe. They are truly wenderful iu the wealth nnd va va rlety of literary oentonis and tbe artlstie beauty of their Illustrations. The supple ments freely disnlaved in the windows of tbe bookstores nre alene worth the prlce of the publications. l.lv Ulirlstmas l'reieut. The pepularliy et birds ler Christmas pres ents grows each year. Their sweet singing Is a constant reminder el the donor, A geed singing canary costs fi se, and a tunable cage from tl te S3. Five dollars will purchase u vtny superior rage and bird, se you seu llye pieueiilH urn net expensive. Fer little bejs and islrb, rabbits, white mice, guinea pigs, inn tnel.iiit. s, a. irlel.u e! goldfish or a puppy will be mero apptcelatr d tliAn anything you can kIve and for a lady nothing can tie mere suitable than a bright plttmsgnd Mrd, a parrot or a de el some fashionable bred. The trouble Is, however, te flint a rellabh? store whre these things are sold anil where j'eu will net be Imposed tipen. Theio Isatlesst enn iilsce wliore everything U one price and Buarantced, and where Is kept the largest stock Hi America ei me blrdsTViV'spK Rlnutnff Canaries esse parrots el every kimi,geiu nsu nnu miu.rm, dogs of all spooler, rabbits, Kutnca pigs, mal mal mal tose cats, nne broil fowls and pigeons, besides all kinds of circs, twonty.Ilve per cent, lower than regular I rlecs, This store Is tint el the Hint) Keed UeurAsr, 237 Beurn Kieutn Ktrmt, PiiiLinsLrHi. If yen cannot call in person, send atwo-cent sump for ttielr Illustrated calulogue, nnd you can have you ' present sent by x pi ess Willi perlcct salety, no mttter hew far the dis tance. illl-lM , Amusement. fCmtnen'i Qtrtml Veneerl. Theie who at at eorn! tlilt concert tn Kulton epera houae to morrow uvenlng will liavu a rich musical and dritmatle trenl. The Kea'ilng Jlerald says -"The company bad a geed audience utthe Academy uf Musle. and uuve an entertaln- meiit which wa thoroughly enjoyed from be. (tuning te end. Mr. Kuiorsen Is a wonderful Cernell it, maklnit that Instrument speak as low men cnn. Mrs. It. R. II. tarter lias a so se so prnne velce el great purity and compass, and was enthuilnsllcallv nppliiudi'd. Ileslilcs tiase tlioie were Mr, Wnltcr 1'elhnm, Mr. Charles P. lllKglus and Mus May Bhnpiud, all flulshul iirtltu In their soveral lints. That put t of the prrgrammu entitled 'A Day In Uatnp In 1802 was especially enjoyable en uo ue uo eeuut of thn memories of wur times wlitch It e vividly brought te mind. Ilhai been stir pssaed by nothing that hai ben he re till BPiisen," Annit rtiUi.TM charming and popular little actress Is as regular m the season tn her vliltatlonste Lanoaster, where aha knows hew well she Is appreciated. Hhe nppvirs hre en Monday uveutnir In her great play et "11 lis'," In which she hut wen such great le- UOWII, hi'kvial mirivun. Absolutely the best 1'oreus Plaster ever matin. Thn Hep rinitur Is compesud el flesh Heps, Halsains and Hums. Wealc Hack, Bide Ache, Kore uhest, and all wfns are spedlly cuied by lis me. Apply eni'. Only i.1 els at any drug store. 49" The Diamond Dyes t ir family ue have netipials, All pipular colors urully dyed. In, t and bautllul. 10 cents a package ferany oelor. A rbmedt ler liKllO'stlen, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Weakness, Kuver, Akue, ete , Cel. den's l.lauld itoef Tonic. dliHwdcediw Ktery I'ermiii t On Iteitl Huccats In this life must have n spuclally ; that Is. must concentntte the abllllln nt bmly and mind en sumo ene pursuit. 11 unlock Jlloetl lUUert have their specialty as a complete and radical euro nt ilyspepsla, and llver and kid ney affections, ter sale by If. It. t'oehrau, druirglst, 137 and 119 North Uuoen street. Yet latine hick, "M'lii or t;nen use 3II1 I.OH'3 1'UllUUt) IM.AHTBIt Price, cent Sold by If. II. Cochran, 137 and iTi North (Juwn trcet, l.aiicater. liMdlredt Camclla Dentone ter the teeth Is very rra grant and removes Tartar and f-curl. hardens be Kurus, steps decay ami per tunics the brrath. Price, A0 cunU Fer sale at all drug glsU le27-mdV Tline M ntenry. Tlme and money will be saved by keeping Kidney Wert In the house It Is an Invalua blu remr ily ter all disorders of the Itldnnys, I.Iver and llewds and ler all diseases arising from obstructions of these organs. It has cured many obstinate cases uftur hundred, et dollars had been paid te physicians without nbtnlntnu rellt'l. it curei cotnunftuen, imihs UllIeun'snndall It by you. kindred dlterders. Keep d5-eedAw rpllep.y el Nlue Cenrs. ' 1 thank tbe giver et nil geed gifts," writes J. N. Marshall, et G run by, Newton Ce., Me, " ler giving me Namarttan Ifervtne. It cured daughter's epileptic fits, of 0 years standing.' (let at druggists. Il.&e. dll-lwdnedAw Nmall Darhys ment l'ex driven irem a temmunlty by l'rophjlartle Fitilil. he advertise FeRTirr feoble lungi against winter lil.uls with Hale's Heney el Horuheund and Tar. t'lke's Tnothache Dreps cuieln ene minute. dio-lwdeedtt'w Truth Crutlird te Kariti Is bound te rise Crowd down and smother tne liuth us you may concerning Themat' Ktleetrte OH yet the fae's will rUe up that It 1.1 enn of i he bust rem dlts ter ache., sprains, and pilns that has ever been invented. Fer vale by II. II. Coeluan, druggist, 187 and U9 Ninth CJuipn street. Letter irem Hennter jHOuba. f XXATK CkAHBIR. ) ALBAKT, March SI, ISM. j Ter a long time It baa been my habit te usn itRAKDnarn's Tills. In tact, 1 have seldom had occasion te use any ether medicine, and It affords me great ploasure te eay that for llllteusneM, Dyspepsia, and the ether Ills et the j item te which men tn public llle are mere apt than ether tn he subct, they ate an lnvn until e roinedy, Jeur C Jacobs. her Constipation, Indigestion, foul Stom ach, Dlirlnrts and lleadaobe, no medlclna equals ilRinDitiiH't Pills. " PureRitd sim ple, containing no mercury, they are the tan, Ily nieulclnu rheit and safe euard. dcclOlweedivw lirewn's liiiuneluilil t'ltmteeu. Is the most otlectlve i'aln Dostreer In the world. Will most uurely quicken tbe bleed whuther taken Internally or applled exter nally, ami thereby mero certainly KKl.UJVE I'AIN, wliptlier chronic or acuUi, than any otherpalu alleviator, and It Is warranted dou ble the utrength tluin any ether similar prepa ration. It cures pain In the Slue, Hack or newels, Bore Threat, Itheuiiiatlmu, Toethaeho, and AI,I, ACIIK8, and la The tlreitt llellever nt rain. " HltOWN'H HOUHEIIOI.D I" ANACEA " should be In every family. A tonspeontul et the Pnuacea tn a tumbler nt het water sweet emul, It preferred ink en at budtluie, Hill HllEAK UI A COI.D. 'a eenU bettle. mavl-T.Th.F.tw HKMUUbll nuini IIKATH Thetnllowlngstnteiuentof William J. Cough In, et Hrunervllle, Mass,, Is se remarkable that we beg tensk for It the attention et our read eis. He says i "In tliu fall et 1S70I was taken with it violent blcudlng el the lungs, followed by a severe cough, 1 seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. 1 was se weak ut nne time that I could net leave my bed. In the auin mer OI1877 I wasadmltted te the City Hospital. Whtlethore thodeotors Haiti I had a hole In uiy loll lung as big as a half-dollar. 1 expend. ud evor a hundred dollars In doctors and med icines. 1 was se far gene at ene tlme a report wi nt around that I was dead. I gave up hepe lint a friend told me et lilt. WM. HAl.I.'B IIAI.HAM FOItTHK I.UNUS. I laughl) at my friends, thinking my case tneurable, but I get a brttle te satisfy thorn, when te my sur prise e d gratification, 1 commenced te fuel better My hepe, once deuil, began te levive, and te lay 1 feel In better spirits than I have the past three years. " I wrltethls hoping you will publish It, se that every one atlllcted with Ill-eased Lungs will be induced te take Dlt. WM. HAI.I.'B HAl.MAM FOKTHR LUNUS, and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN HE CU11ED. 1 have taken two bottle and can positively say that it has done me mero geed than all the ether modlelnea I have taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and I shall seen be able te go te work.', Held bv H. H. Cecliran. 187 North Uueen street A A' II AUrtSHilHKUr.N Itl, TKW IIUhKANS HAiiimt aitii.AntttM, l llaklng Hutter, Nuts. Oram's. Candles V1H eta, per pound and holiday goods In glass unit iiueunawtue. U J. E. WEAVER. TMPOItl-Ull Hlll'.UHY WINK, L von 'lableand Cooking I'Uiposes, II. a le te pet Oiilleu. HOHRKU'd LIOUOR bTORE, It " Penu Fijimre. uTe. Ti. into wn. PllVelClAN AND OCULIST. Has lleinoved te Ne. WKSTORANOK HT. Eyeaud Kar ticnted. UUssesiullusted, Hu Hu Hu nerlorppcetaclfson bind nnd le order, ' b'.'i ii nil ftistr AnrcitTiwautNTB. IlllR MKMAN. TOYS! Xe have new In Mere our lull uteck of Wonderful Mechaniral Ti.n rma weed Toys, Pames of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes. OUR P1UOES ARE LOW AgDJHU STOCK BMIJTIIAK EVER BEFORE. FLI3STN" & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 jNTerth Queen St., Lancaster. Pa. rvAiini-a cjtmtB.' Christmas-1883-Zahm's Cerner. WatoheB, Dltvmenda, Bronzea, Roeers ami Weat'a Sfcatuary, Flne Oloeka, Jowelry, ttelld 81 War and Bllvor-Flated Ware, Speotaelos, MaBenlu and Eoelaty Badfiroe. BEAUTIFUL, USEFUL AND DlfltAULE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. fftn ,r "wna(0TV. V matt EDW. J. MASl'KACTU ZAHM'S CORNER, tlecl-lmdi: NRH AnVKKTltiKStENll SALK-A endlu Deg. Ineulruat this efllte. It rilMK. IIKSTfiO HAVANA I.KIAK IN TUB X clt; :vat MAIfniAN" KI.I.OW KltOKriilUAK STOUK G1 1(ANI OI'KNIIMU AND hfl-UUT Tlllfl I (THUItDAY) cvenliix ltnt healer ami Hprenger's Ilcer en draught at Ne. 113 Kortt Queen street, U JOHN A.HNYDKIt'B. FlltANu- CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT, y the Sunday Scheel of tbe First M. II. Church ( Duke street ). at HUI.TON OPKItA HUUHK, en THUR9DAY EVENING, DEO. 27. New features, .Sparkling Music, IntereHln,g Tableaux. A very pleasant nnd prelltabln evenlng tnaurt d te nil wlin attend. Kxerelses appropriate te the season, combining BCltll'TUIlE SCENES AND TAllhKAUX, Hy membeisel tboSehoot, EXrLANATOllY RKADIN'OS AND ItEtll TATIONS, by Mlsa Amanda l.andls. ANTHKM8, by thn Choir. 80I.OS, by efflcicet Hlngers. CHItlSTMAS UAUOLH, new, beautlluI.H'Irriug, by thoUclieol, with Orchestra INTKltESTINU SANTA CLAU3 SCKNE, Ac. OENKHAI, ADMISSION 2. CENTS. IIKSEIIVKD SEATS 30 CENTS. Fer all parts el the house. The chart te soeure scats will open at eight o'clock en HatnrUav morning next, Dee. 15, lit the Musle ami Henk Hlnrn or I.. H. llerr, Ne. fll North Quten strcet, near I v oppelt ttie roitemco. oiu-'iieinaou c 1UAO. 11. HA It 11 ns reBTHi HOLIDAYS, Beeks from 6 Ceuta te One Hun Hun ured Dollars Kueh, CHUIbTMASand NEW TEAIIS OAKDS tremi 1 Cent te Ten Hell.un caeli. In lart ever thing tobeloundln a nrst-clns noeknnn htatleuaiy Htoie. Heeds cheerfully shown and prices given Window drtised new wycry tiny. DISl'l.AA OK EiigniTliiRR, l'hoiegraiihs, Ethiii;s niul Leatlier Ooeils, Te-Nigh t ! CHAS. H. BARR, PENN SQUARE. dISSId AT II U III U 'P. AUNT AIlBCrS MINCE MEAT, Madoet the best materials and fold only Iu glass Jars. Try It. FRUIT BASKETS. If you want n fancy H.isWet of Ft nil and Flowers lera trlnml ferUulstuia-, leave your order In tlme. Mr. Keller, who has had ox ex ox perlunco In this line, knows hew te get npa nice basket. Bursk's, L7 East King St. Materials for FHU1T CAKE, Materials ler CAICb II KINl.. , Materials for minus su..vr,e' We sell the best Snleiw. the best Fliiverlng Exttaels and Hose Water, 1'ure Sugur ana Nnw Crep Haw Orleans Melaenes, ,tu., Ae, BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. I.ANCA9TEH, l'A. Telephone connection. i rei.iD.vv oeoiii, WATT, SIIANI) & 00., j Have bought an luuiiontiunit&ertmiint of goods suitable ler Christmas Presents -AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. USEFUL GOODS, ORNAMENTAL C.OOD". FANCY UOODB. An elegant line el 61LIC HANDKLRCHIEFS, LINEN UANDKEItCHlEFH, EMHROIUEREH HANDKKRUHlErS, IIANDKEnCIIIKFd IN FANCY I10XK9 KID OLOVKd, LACKS AND LACE GOODS Uontleiueu's TIEs, SCARFS and feUSPKNDEHB, DRKSS1NU CASES, SATCJIEL8-AND POCKET IIOOK9. A large assortment of FANCY OOODS. In cluding TOYb. OAMKS. HO. .LS, SCRAP HOOKS. AUTOGRAPH HOOK-", PIC TURE HUUlCtf, WORK 1IOXKS. Hlllt.. A-llllAC. Ladles' COATS and HOLM A.SH. Ohiliiren'sCUATSand IIAVKI.OUK3 AT POPULAR I'lllCES. NEW YORK STORE. NO. 0& 8 EAST KING ST., I Vf ST"lt tA r?un r l1 TOYS! CIirttSTMA.9 TOTSi Toys, "" "' "' ""J "' """ " ' Order, ZAHM, ItINO .IKWISLBR, LANCASTER, PA, amyssMcrtc NKW AltMItriHKMKNTH. AOKNOWI.KD(IKI) hi ai,!, jrjUUKS that the Yellow rrent le. Havana Cigar takes thn lead at il.YUTMAN'a YKI.f.OW FIIONTOIOAII 8TOHK. WANTi:i-TWO INTKM.IUKST IOIJNO ladlus toenxaguln a liuht work Call in ine ovening only. If AtNe. lilNOItTU DUKE8T. T)LATINUUAUUH)KU01ll(R,rUKKItANU Casslne cards, from 8a. per puck upwards, at HARTMAN'S YKM.OW FUONT PIQ U MIDICK. TJATIKNT8 UANNOT UK TOtl MUUII IM X. pressed with the tact that a neglected aeutw ear Inflammation may lead, through suppuration el the mlddle ear, with all its consequences of cartes, pelypi, meningitis, corebrtkl ahte u, pyssmla, te the most duplor dupler Rhlerraulis, pisoases of tbe Eye, Ear and Threat-also, Cnrenlr Dtseates suecesiliilly treated by DItS. II. I). and M. A. I.ONOAKEIt. Office 13 East Walnut street, I.anrmter. I'a. Uonsulmtten froe. ill.ljtd.tw EUlEUTAlNMr.NTS. L'CLXON Ul'KltA UUUSK. FRIDAY, DBO. 14, 1883. Mest-perfect musical organisatien In Amerlea, EMERSON'S GRAND CONCERT abb WALTER PELHAM. Composed of Walter Kmcrsen, the World's Ureatcst Cernetlst j Union Carter, Prima Don Den Don naHeprano: Cbarles Utgglus, the American Jielln Vlrtuo'e; I,. II wflny, Cornetlit i Mae ""'I'!""". duiii i-iiiiiiri j n niiar j'einaiu, r.ng llsh Mlmle and Facial Artist; Introducing in I'art 11, a Musical ketch intltlnd 'A. Day In Oamp In 1802. " in wnicn iney Bine an the popular war songs and buttle calls. ADMISSION 15,60 and 75 CENTS. UKSEHVKH SKATS 75 CKNTS. The chart for Iteserved Beats opens Tuesday niernfiiK at the Upera Housu. dlO-st ICLTuNOPCItA HOUSU. ONE NIGHT ONLY. MONDAY, DKOHMOUR 17, 1083. KngiKHiuent el Uih eharmfiic young eorae dluuuu and L'fiicral favorite ANNIE PIXLEY, flupported by Mil. FRANK J.03HK and her own talented Dramaile Company, In the ever popular play. M'liss, Child of the Sierras, Introducing Nw SntiRs, Nuw Dances, New Medleys, ADMISSION UO. 00 and 73CKNTS. UlSSEUVKD UUATB 78 CKNTb. On eale'at Opera Heuse Ofllce. (112 Btd mihufli.am:uu, 1m O HMAI.l, HANU-MADE IISTANA ClgaiH ferSeeutsat HAHTMAN'S YKLI.OW FRONT OIK A R BTOHU. STKVKNH IIOUHK HIIAV1NU AND HAIR DRF.BS1NO UAl.OON. Qeed Journnvtnen and prices same as ether saloeiiH. tl. WAONKU, tnvia-lM M imager T.LKCTION NltTIOt.. JLj 'iaa FiRfcT National Hakk, SrttASBPiia. Pa.. Dxe. 7. 'S3 Thn annual election for Directors of tills Hank, te serve ter the ensuing year will be h"ld at thn banking house en 1UKSDAY, JANUARY , mi. bvtween the hours et 11 o'elock iu in. and '1 p. m. UICU, W. HKNHKL. JR., d7Vd.tltw Casblvr. (ii, ah Kirn p j the lowest. UlUr.S AHH I.UWKIt THAN PURE HUQ AUK, i tti ler 21 cts. Onn et tbe finest plaques, Ilaby In Hasket, ever glven away, will be given te every pur chaser of Teas and CelIes en Saturday next. Cemo early and get one. CLARKE'S TEA BTOUK, Ne. 81 West King bt. (initisTJiAM i'hknkntu run am.. j Cniiie and see entire new styles et goods nt all prices at Frey's Drugstore, Ne. 29 Kast Orange street. I.adlss' and (touts' Dressing Cases tn seal and ulllgater skin, Toilet Cases, Oder Htauds. Mirrors, Shaving Cases, Plain and Fancy Pocket Heeks, Card Caies, Cigar Cases, Letter Casus, a large line nt Osnts' Companions, vei y cheap, Plain nnd Engraved Hottles, Colognes et my own manufacture a spcatalty. Ne trouble te show goods. i ANDRKrt O. FRET, I d'.O-UlM Ne. 09 East Orange Btieut. IIOUBISAL A UO. Fine Liquors. We de net claim te sell the finest brands et Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Gins, &e Hut wn de elatm In soil as fins as the finest et all goods, such iiH are kept In a rlim'-OLAB Liquor Stere. HOUSEAL & CO., 43 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. Opposlte tbe new I'citefflce. dll-lind t injur.llb RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Is a pleasant, sate, speedy and euro remedy rer Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, In fluenia, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, llreucbltls, Whooping Cough, Bplttlug et Illoed, Inilammatlen of the Lungs, aud all Diseases or the Chest and Air Pasiagri, rrlic, 'J 5c. and 50c. n ltoltle. J-rrrepared only and sold by OHAS.A.LOOHER, NO.SEASTiilNUbr. MMWfHWaXifeMi&tMilltiHka SECOND EDITIOMi toersdjlY hvhnine, dhe. 18, leaa. THE FLAMES, BOMB SKIUUUS OONrr.AOnATlONH. Where lbs Winter sf Inds Waftsd Ihe riimii A rrt y Beat Destroyed at New Yerk Te.day. NewYeiik, Dee. 13.The ferry beat Garden City, was burned in East river nt neon today. Soveral herses were burned but all the passenRers nnd ompleyes en the beat saved themsolves by jumping en te tbe doek. Kfeven Herees Burned. The bearding stnble of Oarrett Redman at 201 Madisen strcet, caught flre early this morning, and oievon horses wero burned or smotbered te death. The less amounts te soveral thousand dollars. A Vle.000 rira in Heading. ItrUDiNO, Pa., Doe. 13. Flre breke out thlsrueinlng in the basoment of KciTer & Ce.'s quoensware store and the smeke peuotrated tbe adjoining dry goods store of Kline aud Epponheiraor whleh was filled with Christmas novelties. I.ess nt both places will ozeood $10,000 ; fully insured, l'rebably Fatally llurned. New Yeuk, Doe. 18. Mrs. Margaret Cleary early this morning upset a oandle In her rooms at 24 City Hall plaoe. A mattress took flre, and Mrs.Oleary carried her two ohlldren out of the room with her olethos in a blaxe. Neighbors extinguished the flameB, but the mother was be badly burned that it Is thought she will dle, HIS TIIIHU KESrirE. Jereinleh llarrlgsn's Bxperlence In He. peitted Olemeney. Wilmington, Del., Dee. 13. Qovernor Stoekloy has rosplted Joremlah Ilarrlgan, the murdorer of Denis Shea, for ene year. This is the third tlme the prisoner has been respited. Upen his conviction be was sontenced te be hanged en April H, 1883. Qovernor Hall first granted a ronplte until Doe. 10, 1883, aud again respited blm until Dee. 14, 1833. Gov. Stockley new grants anether year's loaee of life te tbe condemned man. Tbe ground upon which the rosplte was urged by the prisoner's ceunsel and friends is after discovered ovldenco, whleh they claim shows such an Intlmaey botweou Bhea aud Hnrrignn's wife as would palliate, ii net Justify, the sheeting. A DKIII ADJUSTMENT. Uetweeu ibe State et Maryland nnd the Heading Uallread. Annapolis, Md,, Doe. 13. A meeting of the beard of publle works was bold te day, at whleh it was expected that Mr. Franklin I. Oewen, ez-prcsldent of the Heading railroad, would be present, with tbe view of an adjustment uf the debt due the state by the Reading read, growing out of the lease of tbe Susquehanna & Tldewater canal by tbe Reading read, and whleh has been in arrears for seme years. In the absenoe of Mr. Gewen, be was rep resented by ex-Attorney Goneral Gwynn who presented his views te the beard, as te a mutually satisfactory adjustment. The susgestlens or prepositions of Mr. Owynn were net made publie and will be submitted in writing at a tneetlng of tbe beard en Thursday. Till: VVUlttAM'M UHU1AUI? Temperance People tn Ooleorato ltsTeulli lAnulverinry, New YertK, Dee. 11). The National Weman's Temperoneo union has issued a call te oaeh state union asking every local soelety te oelebrato the tenth anni versary of the " woman's orusade" en the 23rd of Doeembor. Pastors nre invited te prcaeh temperance sermons nu the morn ing of that day, and loeal uuiens will held children's tneetings iu the afternoon and in the evening a mass meeting. This will be made a great day by tompcrance women, flitsn Francis K, w inlaid will spook that day In Illllsbore, O., whom the crusade began nnd partlolpate In tbe oxcreisos there. AT WAbtllNUlON. Wern Iu the Ponate-'ilie Seeretary el the Henate Named. Wasiiinoten, Dee. 18. On tbe oenolu slen of the morning business the Sonate took up for consideration the report of the oemmitteo en rules and proceodod te con sider the rules seriatim. BIcUoek Seeretary of the Henate. Tbe Republican senatorial oaueus to day nominated cxCengressmau Ansen G. McCook, of New Yerk, for secretary of tbe Senate IN UUKOflE, Maners of Interest Plashed by Uable. Londen, Dee., 18 Solieltors nud friends of O'Douuell have found flve of the jurors who oeuviotod blm. Three of these deslre a meeting of the whele twelve should be held iu erder te explain their verdlet aud arrest tbe ezeoutien of the oendemncd man. It is hollered that unless tbe ether Jurers are found by to morrow, it is scaroely prebable that the execution will be stepped. Arms and Ammunition Helred. DunLiN.Dee. 13 Tbe poliee have sol r.ed a quantity of arms and ammunition in n house en Dotler street, oceupletl by a man named Duuue, who has been arrested. A Jury That Can't Agree. NsMflKf, N. Y., Doe. 13. The jury In the JTseBfl csbe reperted at 10 o'clock this ntdHkBg that no agreoment had bsen reaehed. They wero again sent out, the judge remarking that be would net dls. oharge thorn as long as thore was any hope of agreoment. Mnrdsrens Iflenns. HicmteND, Me., Dec, 18. Lewis Hop Hep kins nnd Ben Turner, while en a spree last night, killed an old Indian called " Old Joe'' In the suburbs of tbe town aud ravished his wife. Deth Indians were quiet inoffeusive peeple about GO years of age. The two men are luoustedy. Nothing Ueard or Nellie Uoeley, Wii.KitsBjiniue.Pn...nen. lit. Thern Imvn been no dovelopnionts te explaln the mys tery surreuudiug the disappearance of ft onto uoeioy. a rewani was inoreasea this morning of (10,000 for ber dead or allve. Oraveyard lnsaranee. Fall Riven, Mass., Doe. 18. In con nection with the alleged "graveyard" In In surance, three mero meu wero arrested last night ohnrged with Insurance frauds, An Abducted Ohld Harreuderea. Jekset Citt, N. J. Doe. 18 Addle Bresner, who was abduoted ey Oaptaiu Gorden, was been surroudercd te tbe child reu's home. WKAT1IKH 1NUIOATIONS. WAaniNQTON, Dee. 18. Fer the Mlddle Atlantic states, warmer fair weather, ex. cept In nerthern New Yerk loeal rains, southwesterly winds, lower baremeter. MAMKttlH. New Yerk Markeu. Nsw Yesjc, Dee. 13. Fleur dull, quiet and unchanged. Wheat XQiie lower and lisavy with de cidedly leas doing i He. i Red, Jan., II WiO 1 13 1 de Feb., II UXOl Mi t de March, II lift Ol 17 I May, It )nl 1UU. ... . , , Cern Hfflle lower, lalrly acttvei Mixed west ern, spot, 18Jtf7e i de luture, 63Ji70e. ests WOKe lower Ne. 9 Jan., aiXOt0s I Feb., (OMOilKeiMny, ilfJUKei 8Ule, S"3 tlu , Western 70 FMUdstBkl nak amVhVa" ' Utlew am , JiLiS'L'nd unsefi 1 1 Ne. t Watim Ked. tl Oflell GtU Kn . HeO.tlli. " '' .l e-'f Ke.iVi: M Cem dull and easier 1 1 1 vellew . ma uuau eulet and easier i Ne. a Wmte, le Ne. Mixed, J9& Hye scarce t prlme (Ue. ,8oPis-Clevcr quiet at 9; at II tafll SO I ri.r.nn.1 Urn N'O. 1 White, 0 J ' de, ioe, 'Ne.i ill Tlmpthy dull I'roTtslens quletand bartly steady. I.ard qnletj oily rorlned,BjitlOe. Hutter dull and weak. '7wiw' Kggs steady lair demand, troleum qulst. Whisky ntl V. WX AV. Uve stock 1'rlees, st,miiiii-r-s r ;" " t wii.ii ewt. geed, ft 23 1 Texas shoeo. IJJi. V Kast LiniRTT. Cattle-Ueculptg. w hea i market aotlve for Reed Kradeaiml dull for common! prime sliVpplnii.M -iies Mjwtr le &eWl7ij.Sffmm0,,'$,MalM'0,'r,',! flheop-llfieolpta, f,00 head) market rlu' i prluie.Sfilfji .V)( flr te goeJ, II MailH common, liaefflJ. htoek nsritu. Qnoutlens by Heed, MeUrann Ce , 11 tn ors, Lancasier, Pa, X .., HA.f. UM, 3v.H Michigan central box New 1erk Central ii1 Ohie Central . Del. Lack. Western.... UVA HenverA Ule Orande.... 2l Krle.. , jat2 Knnsas A Texas zsj? Lake Hhnre ..,.. loot? ChlcAffe N. W com.... 117 N. N., Unt. A Western.... su bt. Paul A Omaha S5 Pacino Mall i'tu llechester Plllsburgh.. tflii St. Paul wx Toxes Pacllle Union Pactne 78 Wabash Common.. se Wabash Preferred Sii West'rn Union Teleirrnnll 7S LonlsvllIeA Nashvllle... 4H N. Y., Cht. A Bt. L. LehlRb Valley liyt LehiKli Navlatlen 45 Pennsylvania M 'teaillnff. 97 1 n llfr..ls 01 sr, f 21 1"X M !? TOW l 8SW 7IK 117 VA a 11. 'X . & . u. . mil i. iif, ........... noriuern racmc com... Northern Paclfle Pref... Hostenvlllo Philadelphia A Krle Northern Control UndorRreund. Canaua Boutuern 011 .......................... Poeplo's Paaionuer 1 SS Zi'i K' 111 new Yerst, Quotations by Associated Press. atecks Irregular. Meney uy at IQ2XC. New Yerk Central HP Krle Uallread j, Adams Express n, Michigan Centra! Uallread 91 Mlchlian Heutbern Uallread te Illinois Ceutrat Italliead 183 Clovelnnd A Pittsburgh Uallread lis Chicago A Heck Island Uallread 119 Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne Uallread ,.133 Western Union Toleurapb Company 7f Teledo A Wabash New Jersey Control sr New Yerk Ontario A Western 1 I'liltadelpbla. (Quotations by Associated Press. Blocks unsettled. Philadelphia A Erie U. U, Rerullng Uallread tf 3 Pnnnsylvanla Uallread csu Lehigh Valley llallreatl irl Unlled Companies or New Jersey 197 Northern Pacific tV' Nerthern Paclfle Preferre'l f. : Northern Central Railroad 0 , l.enlirh Navigation Company 4 . nurniuiwn i.aiireaci.,. Central Transportation miixiiAjvvu Luiiruiui..... .......... .,.. Central Transportation Company.., Plttsb'ir, TltusvlUn A HuHaleIt.lt LlttloSebnvlkill U&.Ureud I.ucnl stecxs and llenns Reperted by J. H, Leng, Par vel, Lanoaster City 8 per cent 1S85... loe 1800... 100 " 1K... IOC .ftpcrcMnlorSOyears.. 100 " Rperet. Scheel Lean.... 100 " " In let 30 years.. 100 " " In 5 or S) years.. 100 List :alf. 1.50 ll-i 1 10 ) Hi Id 10 1" e in iu eraj veara. ion Manbelm borough letm ,, loe MtSOULLAMaOCB STOCXB. Ouarryvllle It. It ISO MlllersvUle Street Car 60 Inquirer Printing Company BO Oaa l.In.'itniul Fuel Company 15 Stevens Heuse (Henda) loe Columbia Gas Company 23 Columbia Water Company...... Susiiuulianna lien Cempany.d.... 100 Marlottuilellowwaro loe Stevens Heuso , M Sicily Island se East Uruudywlne a Waynesb'g.... 00 Mlllersvllle Nermal Scheel Nerthern Market B0 MtSOULLAMUOns BOMDB. Duarryvllle R. It., due ltm 100 Reiidlug A Columbia U. lt,,6's 100 Lancaster Uim Light nud i uul Ce., due In ler 'JO yours 100 Lancaster Uaa Light and Fuel Ce., due 1B8I1 100 EasUirn Alexket... DO Western Mivrlcel 60 TURNFIKH BTOOTB. Illg Spring ft Heaver Valley fUl I HrtdKopert A Horesheo 1S Columbia A Chestnut Hill S3 'lelumblaA Washington 23 Columbia A Hlg Spring MS Columbia A Miirlutta 23 MaytewnA KltzabeUitewn 25 UaucasterA K.phrabt 'a lmcaster A Willow Street 29 Straauurg A Millport U Marietta A Maytewu Vt Marietta A Mount Jev Vt LAnc.,Eilzabntht'nAMtdillel'n 1(0 LancaatnrA Fruttvllla te Lnncaster A Lltltz 73 ') J 'D.75 M a :5 i ..a s '1 1 ins ) i i 4 1130 3 SI 13 .1 Id 20 IS it iU u 00 SI 1 2 JJ.10 I 3 -3 S3 110.73 M7.W llt'.7J l lu lit u ir se J 13-1 1 HI 7 1W HA LtinceHlurA Wllllamstewn... 'S Liuieaatvr A Maner... te I.aneasUirA Manhelui "St Lnncimuir A Marletta.- in Lancaster A New Uellaau 1W Laucanlur ASusauebanna. S00 BXHk STOCKS. First National lian tine FarmerV National Hank 60 Fulton National Hank 100 Lancaster County National Hanlr.. U) Columbia National Hank..,., ....... loe Christiana National Hunk........... luu Knhrnta National Hank loe First Nutlenal Hank, Columbia..... 100 r IrsL Nntlenut Uank, strasburg.... 100 First National Hank Marietta...... 100 First National Han .Mount Jey,, loe Ltlllz National Hank 100 M un Uul n National Hank...., lue Union National Hank, Mount Jey. 50 New Helland Nail H Dunk 100 Oan National Hank 100 ns OANIllNtl. POOR, WHITE & CO., BANKERS. - I Ne. 40 Wall Streot, New Yerk. Drekers and Dealers in Railway and ether securities. RAILWAY 1NVKSTMENT8 a specialty. In the soleetion and estimate et which their long connection with "Peer's Manuel of railroads" gives tbem speelalad vantages. Correspondence fnvlted and tnqul rias answered. Deposit aoeouuts received and, Interest allowed. seplt-8nioel GItAS'H SfKUlrlU BIBDIUinB. TUB Oreat Kngllsh Roinedy. An unlalllnft euro ter 1m potency, and ail Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Unlverssi Less! tuile. Pain in the Hack, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Aire, and man? ether dUoaaes that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par Ucufiixs In our pamplet, whleh we deslre te send treeby mutlteevery one. The Hpoelflo Medicine I j sold by all druggists at II per naek. age, or six packages ter S3, or will be sent troe uy mail en me roeeipt ei vuu wuuu, vj v dresslng tbe agent, ...., , . A. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, Nes. 187 and 1S9 Nerm Queen street, Lane. ter, Pa. . . . On account et oeuntorreiu,whave adopt ed tbe Yellow Wrapper i thoenlygenulne. aprl!5-lydw Huffaie, N. Y , TIIW MOTBI.. New Hetel Lafayette, Uread and Cbsitnut streets, PHILADEIiPHIA, AUEUI0AN AND KUUOPKAN PLAN. Loeatieu unsurpassed t newly turnlsted and IrnpreTed, with VM rooms, eilers attractions tuperler te any hotel in Philadelphia. i.. U. MALTBV. 1'ioprleter, sepHmaW&s meStaA?2rft,f.-K,i"',U)00,P.,,'4,OM 1 h'P' fSS ''1e1kfp,r,Vh,S,,nff' W JV il if I .-ill I fi 1 V 4 i j i