-Ji ' )," ntdtettitfia. fn. it mxa$te ' .' "$ Velumi. XX-Nii 80. LANCASTER, PA.. TUESDAY. J)EOEM13EK 11, 18c'J. rr'i-i) Tite Cent. W) G ISO, rAIINKSlUUK. UAUt'3 OLD 8TANI), NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. LANOAHTKIt, l'.. Dry Qoedo, Fancy Goods and Notions, in Great Variety. A rii'l l.liiuel Linltun' nml Clilttlitm'a COAIB, CI.OAKH mid DOLMANS ulwuy nn Imiul. Silk Plushes by the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. t Our Dress Muktittf I'm ler h me en ttin aiceutl nml third llnerj, wlioie Dresses, Costs, ( leuks nml Delmun me inmlu ut short nollue. Perfect III hiiiI satisfaction guaranteed whether goods ure purchased liuruer sent te liu miiiIuu iieiu elsewhere. Geerge Fahnestbek, 14 EAST KING STREET, - - - Lancaster, Pa. VI.UMIIINU AN It ,r,,N I.. A11NUL.U, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Geld Oase Heaters. CSTFineit Werk, Beat Workmen. Leavo your Ordcn at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. "ifuStAtruvAtfW nilANUKII fKltTll.17.KK CO. HITMAN GrTJAJNTO. Comneaod of Pure Human Bxoremont nud Uririe. Uurlvuled for Whent Tobacco, Gress, Oeru, &e. ' -BOM) nv- WM. II. JONES, Ne. 1.C2I Market Streot, C. 11. KOUEKS, Ne. 133 Murkul Btreet; (1IIAIIAM, EMLKN.t PAS3MOUK.Ne, till Market Street i J. HlltElt A BON, Hranctitewn Philadelphia, nml responsible dealers generally. OFFICE.--.Ne. m Chestnut Street, I'lilliidelnhin. auglS fluid O. MUSSELMAN, A gout, Witmer, Lnnonster county, Pa. HtlllKM ANlt HTATlttNKU OUIIOULUUOK8 SCHOOlTsUPPLIES AT TDK LOWKAT RATKS AT L. M. FLYNN'S CHEAP HOOK AND STATIONAUY HIOIIK Ke. 42 West King Streot. 11"" DAY UUUUH Booksellers and Stationers, Oiler le their Putrens.ut Lew Prices, fei tliu Coming Christmas Bensen, u Large unil Vurled Assortment el Holiday Novelties luitludliig tlie Lnte.it .Stylus el LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS, In PAPETKUIES, .IK1VKL HOXhS. WOUK IIOXKS, TOII.KT CASKS. UI.OVK IIOXES. WHITING DESKS. HOLD PENS, CAUD OA3K9, LETTEU OASES, CKJAH CASKS, AJ. CHRISTMAS SOUVENIRS In Elegant Novelties let Tlil Bensen. PHOTOUIIAPH ami AUTOailAt'JI AL11UMS, SCUA1' HOOKS, BKTSOF AUTHOUSIN CLOTH AND KINK 1UN DINGS. U1HLE9, I'KAVKlt HOOKS, Clll UCH HOOKS, DEVOTIONAL HOOKS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, I'AINTIXQS, riLOTOQHA VUllEiS, ETCHINGS, PANEL P10TUUE8, PLAQUES, KASKLS, OAUINKT FUAMK9, JAPANESE WAUK, In HUAOKKT3, TKATS, ami WALL POCKETS. A rinu Line or THKKMOMETEKS, IIOOKSs OAUIBTMA8 CAUDS, G AMES, II LOOKS, lNDUBTHIAL TOYS ami WATER COLOUS for tUe LITTLE ONES, At the Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANUABTKIl. l'A. J'Ai'jsit liAJiuirme, c ptIAHKS w. ntv. We are making alinett dally aildltleiia te our stock et WALL PAPERS. Theetylen are teautllul ami we have them in elegant ussettmunt, from the common brown te the tluest embroidered kIU ene, two uml threo band friezes. Doeeratlous ter cell Iiiks in ulegaut designs, contre plecui te mateh. Dade Window Shades Are becemlui: mere popular overy soaaen. We can show you Ulty dltrerent styles, In the pre. vatllng cers. Plain cloths ter shades in ull widths, imures, ornaments, etc. OUKAM and WHITE LACK CUHTAIN8, I1ED8ET8. PILLOW BHAM8, TIDIES, and LAMIIHE0U1NB, CU11TA1N POLES, COItNICES, MIU HOltS, AC. PH;lRES W. FRY, 67 NOIITH QUEEN BT. llAIUiAlttn IN WAUIIUM, UI.OUHh J) Chains, Hlnu's, Bpectacles, Ac. Itepalrlng at all kinds will receive my eerseiiul atlen lien. LOU1B WKHKU, Ne. 19J North yueen ttroet. Komember naine ami number. Ill lectly oppeslto City Hetel, uear Penniylvuna lAllxoaadepot, iloe'AJlYl JOHN BAE1TS SONS, euudh. 1 KO, VAIINKHTOUK. UAH V1TTINU, njtr uuuhh. WA? NAMAKKH'H HrOKtS. IMF. HLOCK fhem Chestnut te Market Sts., lath te Public Uuildiugs, STORE. FASIllONAHLE AND STAPLE DET GOODS -AND- I louse Furnishings. il7-tldAw VUAJj. B. ii. MAltTIM Wholesnlo ami UetAll Dealer In all kind el LUM1IEU AND COAL. -ranl: Ne. 420 North Water and Frlnee t nelB aliove Lumen Lancaster. nit-lyd I KtUMIlAUDNKHS Si JKFITKUlKti. COAL DEALERS. OKKICES. Ne. ' Nehth Qeebn Bthkit, AMD Ne. Ml North 1'iunuk SmEirr. YAUDS. North l'RiHus Btiibkt, hbaii Head. ike DBrer. LANOABTEIt, I' A. nuglMlil CWAI. I UtlAM j Tite umluralKiied hea for aale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts., ulnrce assortment of tlie very bout kinds el Ocal for Family TJbe, wlitcli lie will ilellver, carefully weltied ami aurrttneil, te any part el tlie city at tliu lowest market mien. Orders by mull or teluptione tltluit promptly. Julylu-tia PHILIP UINDEU. MANUHK AND OOAL. New Yerk and Phlladulphla Horee 11 a a nuie by the carload at reduced prices. All the JJKST UUADEB OK COAL, lleth ler r amlly and Bteaiu jpurpoaes. CEMKNTbythubanel, IfAY and BTIIAW by the ten or bale. Yard-315 Harrlsbure Plke. Uuneral Ojicb 'JQX East Chestnut stroet Kaufrman, Koller & Oe. anr4-lyd AtlAI,. m. v. Ji. cene 130 NOItTll WATKHHV,, Lancaster, in., Wholesale and lletall Dealers In LUMBER AND OOAL. Uonufletlon With the Telephonle Exchange, tiril and Oirice Ne. UaiNOUTH WATh VPIIKKT feblSS-lve VAUU1AUJSH, SV. riuin Standard Carriage Werk Or LANCASTKU COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET 8TIIEET, KKAH OK CENTHAL MAHKET HOU8r-.1 LANCA8TEK, PA. We make overy style llugsy and Carriage desired. All Werk finished lu the most com cem com leitahleandelegautatylo, .We uae only ihe host geleeteci material anil employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality or work our prlcet are the cheapest In the state We buy ler cash and sell en the meat reasonable terms. Glveus a call. All work warranted. Impairing promptly attended te. One eel el woikmeu ueiiunul y employed ter that pur peso. naa-tfti&w JOHH WAMMAKER'S A TERRIBLE PROPHECY. The nod HunaetB, GycloneH and FftrtU- quakea Foretolllnn Coming Dlsne- ter llew te Meet It. Tlieinccnt tiivutorlenn nppi-arnncnfl follow ing utin.ut ami preoeilliiK unrlue linvn at iracteil wlilii tttttnlleii Ireiu ntuilnnli el llm Kklcii nml tliu puii,)le KDiiiirnlly. During tlie jiiiy of recent weekn the mm iieint te Imve been nlmpiireil bvii thin veil el n dull le.vliin hue wl-leli, iw the nun trcnlinl lewiirl the liorlren, lienime inure luuilneiix, Hikii yellow, tlivti nrnniie, Uiuii roil mm, in nlnlit nctiitd ilewn upon the eurtli.ii dull purple. At Hist it win tiieuKlittlKMUHtipi'iiriincui wntoorilln wnteorilln wntoerilln nry buiibci nfli-ctmni of light hut It U new pretty certain that they urn either the inlity nubatnncoefth'J tall el setnu iiusueii cotnet, in which tliu enrth in enveloped, or a mir mir reumllni; ntrutuiu el world ilu.l or very snintl tnetiern. ProfiwHer llroekH el the Uml lleusu OlMotvatery, Plielpi. N Y., Iiim turned Ida tt'lcacope tip'in thesu elilucU unit discover ed -arliut hu think aru niyrluils el toli-pcenlo tnoteetn. If Itla uueruul.cil world duat.e ilccompetoil vnners, in tlie Dtmeciat nml thieiilcle el llochcnter, N. Y, letnurku Hew la this matter te be dl.iie.eil of? Will It acttle ami form u ilepejll iipun the earth, or remain n p irtlul epaiiuii aliell about the e irtli, tocutetrapottlouol tliu iiiii'h llKit upon UT ' Whatovertliuuiyslary n, there li no deny ln thai loine very trune lerci'-i me at work In the upper airs. The tenlble tornudei ami cleni'H which have swept our own country, uml the leurlul vole ineea and carthauakei which liuve dulrey'd be tiruiy cltlea mid theuiuuM el pneptu-lhe tidal wuvea that tnyalurleualy rUu and lull en ceaats hltheite uiivexedbvthuin the tremen deuauctlvlly which It evident In the ami by the constant revelation e euonneut sp iir upon lueurlaca all lndluatu iiniuiiat energy in tlie heavenly bodies Theaeclrcumstancd iccall Prntr.anr Orlin Orlin mer'H prophecies that liem 1181 te 1SS7, the iHasUKcnf the tlviiKreut pluneU Man, Neil tune, .luplter, Uranus uml stluru around theaun would proiliicnniHKe lift wemlerlul ptiouetncmi. (leatiys "The waters el the earth will becetue mere or Iim polienout. Theiilr will be foul wuli nolteme oitert An rlent races will dlsippcur Ireiu the earth." He attempts fi pi ovelil. prophecy by tliu fact that lu 173), when MuhiuudS.ituru m.ide ihelr pasaafiouieuml thnniin celnclduu ally, Kruat doilriictlen and mortality visited all pirtt of thoKlebe. Iloulse lenii'l the same reiultt lu provleus porelielteu piii'i'.ici of the planetf, and urxuet llrit tli-se ellciiniitiincDi always produce enldemlci ami ilmtrucUve ill eiaei, which will tjilllu the skill of th'i mint eminent phyalclunai that the peer ul I die by t ou anils, thu weak and tuteiupi'rite lalllntf tl-tt these whoie bleed Iiim burn linporerlshed by excess of work or diminution next an 1 only thets wlieari' In ceuiimratlvu vlirer uliall os cipe teuuny the or i of rem-wrd activity and pnwperlty which will fo'le the period of de atructlen. luaamuch as the entire world seems Mibjuct te the sway of the heivenly bedlrt no pun of t he I'lirlh. he t lilnkn, c in cinipe the aceitriilu. He even predict that America will loseevei i ten million et people ; tti.it laimnr-s will be stricken with ftur mid ceie te till the soil , tluittiimlne wilt ma'ie hutini'i misery mere wretched That hundreds will Mm te orvr ervr orvr crewded cities ler aid In vain. That sudden changes In ocean currents temper it me and surreumllnxs will entlnl) Iraualnrm thn lucn el nature and cilm.itu el ceuntries: that the air will he se teul Willi m ilsrluuud othurnox ethurnox othurnex louKOHses , that thetu who survlvn will bu troubled wlt't disorders el the dluotlve or gans. T.lnl many who fsniie elhei ills will bleat with diensy and Middculy jiass away, while ether will grew thin ami iinur out a mIseiiibleexltteneilnlmlescribablenKen ter weeks. Numitttlu pilut In illlturent puts of the body will torment them. They will easily tlrennd become detpendent. A tiilnt, het leel lug will be succeeded by chilly sensations wnlle hallucinations and ilrta I el linpendliiK til will pitrulyze alleireit. " Tliu btuls In the atr, the beaits et the Meld and even the llsh el the sea will become dUeasnd, poisoning the atr and pelinnlm; llm watert el tip) Klobe " We are te'd en the ether hand th it thoe who ahull pasi thretiKh this period el trill will Imve hirKorcnleymeut of llleuud Health The earth will yield ineru abundantly than ever tuferr. The animal kingdom will be mere tirelltle uml life pielnnccd very materially. This nioleniratlon et lllu iMU be owing te lliu healthy electric ami iiiuuuetle Inlluences that will pervade the atmesptieie. It would per- Hups f cum nun inn piesuui rcnneisni ute sun, and the priheneii et a bell ei veil el ehiiiIc matler.Justltled, In n meiisiue, the prediction of I'rntcsser ill limner, but dNturbliiK as hit prediction may be weure told fei out cemlnrt Unit the suenc uud pure blooded need hive llltle te fenr lu llieiu cilamltlcs, that lhoe who aru d.'llcatu or ludlspeetl should adept iiieaes te keei thn system well suppeitedund the bleed pin e and that tliu ine-d plillosophl plillesophl plillosephl oal and elective method of accemplishlni; this Is te keep the kidneys ami liver In uoed condition, r'reni ihu tnstlinenlalt et suuh men as Dr. Dle Lewis and 1'iolesier 11 A. Ounn.M D Ihuiiet the t'nlted ht.i i-t mi-dl cal collide. New 1 erk, and HiminunN el in tlucntlal non-pielettlomil people. It n" lilt almetleerialu that lei tlilapiirpute llieiu !- no prep nation known te e ihip.i tiiual te War nor's Sate Kidney ami Llr Cur This iiieitl clne Inn acquired the iluet iejiii utleii et tiny preparation that was evei put upon tliu mm ket It It a radical bleed ptulilei, which aoethes and heals all luilamed erK'ius, stiuuKthent the nervous system, w.nhes out all evidences of decay, insulates dilation, prevents mulaisliullntlen of feed In u philo sophical and rational manner, tertltlet the syteiu auutnst ollinatechaucos ami malarial I, iliintir m nml th, ile.it runt 1 vn iiiunuln. which ..j... tin ... 1... at it lm ml ti tit In thiwii ...ivll ilnVH " It It noteur put note te dispute the corroct cerroct correct neti of 1'ioletter liilmmer't pi-ephecles. As we haves.ild, the ma keii dlttuibauci's of the p 'st low years w euni siu.u te ivu useuiuuiucu of verification et hit theory. It It ceiluln.iis abeve staled, that we tire passing threuch what may be unaided as a ciuclul period, mid It Is the ) irl el w ise men net te Ignere, but te learn te lei tlly themtelvet against the possi bility or heJnK ovcreenio by thesoevlls. It Is a duty which r.ieh man ewes te liluuelf, and his lellniss, te inltliiite as much u possible thusuirerluKOf humanity, mid In no way can he accomplish this purpetu than te see te 11 that he, lilmselt, Is fortified by tl.e best known preparation In the strongest possible uuiuuer, uml that I e cerl ihu lulluunud of hit own e ample upon lilt teliews te the end tint Ihuy, tee, may share with him liumunlty trem the itestiuellve lnlluencut which seek lilt mm. ltd llllhUMATIU nYltUI'. A Limb Saved And a Family Made Happy. Mr, Philip Sloero, el West Webster, Menree County, N. Y., says. "My diiiightcr. new elghtenu iars old, has, ler the past eighteen months, ben ullllcteil with rheumatism In a very severe terui, One year age It nettled In the knee, since which time she has been unable te touch her loel te the lloer or move her limb without sutfertng the most exer it. elating pain. Her limb wuh fust glowing onto! shape, although we were doing ler herull we could, hav ing used all the leuietllet we could hour or uud tliutweie recommended for rheumatism, lioneol which ben. filled her In thu least. Horcase win pioneuticed Incurable by the phy sician and by our neighbors, uml all belleved that she would bu a cripple all herdays, uml that her limb would never Ibe restored te Us original shupu. Hut I am happy te say that te-.luv inydaughter is entirely liee fiem all rheumatic pains, ami that she can walk wuh perfect eine, hav ing thrown aside her Clutches, and her limb scouts as strong uml per tect as even all li out the use el your wemlerlul medicine " Illicit uiiitle Byiup," which we consider one of the best medicines ever In troduced for purliylng the bleed, unit 1 only regret that all ethers who are atlllcted with rliuuimitlsm can net knew of Its superior merits. oumeat Uberly te use my minie II It will de you liny geed, mid I shall be only tee glad te loll any and uvoryeiio what It has done ter my daughter." PHILIP MOOHK. Rhoumntle Syrup Is tlie gieutlsl llloed l'urlllur known, uml will dejall that Is clultued ler It, fceiul ler pamph let or testimonials ami leadnt those-whehavo bien cured by Its use, Itlieiiiinitlc Syrup Ce., Itechester, X. Y. KorsalehyldriiggUU, 1'ilce tl.00 uur bot tle or U bottles for IS.w. ecUdytlAw II.AYINIIDAHDH, KUOlllli:, 1'0K1;KANI) . Cseslne cards, liem Se. per pack upwards, at HAUTJMV VKl ion DTOIth., ,.,., vxriull LEAF TOBACCO, MKW VOIIIC, l'llll.dllKI.IMIlA AMI 1,lJ DAITKIt MAHKiriH Hceil l.esf, Hiiimttrn nml llnviMia tur tlie Week KnillDK Hnturday, llrieiu linr 1, 111 n. in. If. B. Tebarci) .leiirniil. It is binders tlie iioeplo wiiiit. In nil tlie tlre.uy Htlllncr.i of tlie market thn cry for hlndum, t le.iHt,librBakliiif tlionieiintoiiy. Whlle tliore Is en iibunii.ince of uliuap wrnppuiH lliuru Is it fltriklnc dciirth el bliuierH. They nre scirce In low as vvull ns line keimIh, 1 liu nnieiltiniiiu (..'otitiuutietit Hueundfl ln.ule a guti In thn usual yearly supply of bluders, Tliose of ether crepB have been up te new heavily diiiwu en, uud the void is severely lelt. II tliu low priced wrappers lu the tihtrket possessed but oiie half less liide elasticity mid wulht in beily tliu demand could easily be Illicit, Tlicie is n pccnll.irity in thebced leaf in the market net exhibited in former yenrH. With thoexecptieu of a llttle thin leafy Hteck, everythiuK olne is exccedliiRly thiek, Ontside of I his untiMial lui(tilry ier binders there in u tlue eravliif; for he called Little Dutch llllerH. They heII at 18 te 5 1 cunts, nml uppcul Htreiijjly te the neHtrild, their lluver competing with that umatiatiii"; from a cup el cnrnomile tea. Ad thuie Hoems te exibt a doelded prorerenco en the pail of the average uineker for floiiiethini; that nmells "hih," by which he ItivelirJcH binihelf into believing that he is usIiik up a clear Havana eli;ar, matitifauturers, usiccially the intddlu cKiks, Imve settled upon Little Dutch tillers te Milt the occasion, The whele crop of Little Dutch, whose blttli blttli place Is Ohie, only consist-) of a few thou sand cases. Aa this amount, with the past and prevailing demand, has probably buen almost exhausted, suspicion lurks m our mlud that I'ennsylvaui.i fillers and etheis nre lltidleic their ay iut) the haiids of uuHerhlttic.Urd in uiufaetiir.'iH as being tlie only tiue mid original Little Dutch. We repeat this is merely a suspicion, of which we cannot help fueling considerably ashntneil, especially as u recent law in this eity demonstrated the fact that tliu dealers nud packers in the New Yerk leaf mar ket emphatically consider the sale of .Massachusetts tobacue as Connect icut a practice which under no circiim stances would they countenance. Out side of this unusually heavy demand (or binders and Little Dutch tillers it was very dull in the market. Nearly all the manufacturers in this city, exuaptiug these ruak Inn very cheap grades, me working half tiine only. Nene of thorn express auy regret at this. They iee in the couserv.i' tive demeanor of the jobbing trade a 11 naucially health) condition of tiadu, mid as theie exists no ronten whatever for a depressed or di&jrgauized business in the uear futiue, a strong uud active trade is expected for thu new year The leaf tr.ide need nut harbor any oxtraerdlmuy anxiety about the picfent dulluess. While the sales of the week just passed numbered 1,750 casca, we give, at an illustiatien of the dulless which always reigns at this time of the jear in the leaf market, the following couipirative statement of thu business lepeited by us for thu enrree- pending weelt during tliu past U years : 1871 700 ClCB. 1875 e'JU 1870 1,10 " 1 1877 1100 " 1S7S 1.U70 1070 aoe 1880 800 " 1881 U70 1882 1,320 " The business of the week we specify as folio wk : I'eniif.ylvania Urep 'b'i : 200 cases Tit 10, 18 te 22 cents. Crep '81800 e ises at 7 te 13 cents. New Yerk State Uiep '82 : leO cases at 23 cents. Crep '82 : 100 cues biudeis, at 12 cents. Connecticut limp '82 : 150 eases wrap pers, at 17 te 21 oeuls. Ohie Crep '82: 200 cases at 1 te 11 cents Crep '82150 cises Little Dutch at 17 te 'Si ceuts. Sumatra Modcratively active. Sales 120 bales at $1.10 te $1.00. Havana Dull. Sales of WO b.i'es .it 85 te $1 U0. Bales el Seed Lent In New Yurk lu Nevriu- Der. Tobacco Lell. The sales of see 1 leaf in this market in Novembor wcre 0,285 eases, against 10, 000 in October. The distribution was ns annexed : Te munuticliiiers l.we cu'ses. Ouiottewn lM " City tlttde I..M " Expert 1,sj: " I'i ices contlnued thm and uuchatigi'd. Uitns' itrpurt Follewlug nre the salts el wed leaf tobacco reported by J . B. Cans' Sen & Ce. , tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for the week cudu g Dec. 11, 1883 : C50 eases 1882 Wisoen&iu Havana seed, 15J(!20 ; 400 cases 1881 Pennsylvania, 8(ailU ; 200 cases 1882 i'eunsylvania, 5J(m 18J ; 100 eases 1882 Ohie, hj , 100 cases 1882 New Kugland, 10(Vi25. l'etul, 1,100 cases. I'lillnilelplilu market. Seed Leaf Iiut few el our leaf houses can beast of trade just new, mid it cannot be ottierwlso until manufacturers are in a position te purohaseundorstaudlugly, which will be ufter New Years. The tow goods whleu are specially needed are net en the market. 11 nud O of '81 nre very desirable property, whlle '80 is freely sold if it can be handled at such figures ns will allow manufacturers te use the same for a spo spe spo elllo purpose. Se far the '82 sold has filled the bill satisfactorily. Trices lemaln btendy at the advance asked seme time UlfO. Havana seed of the '82 crop of all grades is fast disappearing. Havana moves ntcely,if quality is shown, at full rutes. Itoceipts for the week ; 03 cases Cen necticut. 817 cases Pennsylvania, 81 eases Wisconsin, 30 cases Yerk statu seed, 1-10 cases Ohie, 23 bales Sumatra, 101 bales of Havaun, nnd 71 buds. Virginia and West ern tobacco. Sales liavobeon : 120 casea Connecticut, 297 eases 1'enuByIvaula, 55 oaset Ohie, 00 cases Wisconsin, 28 eases Yerk state scrd, KI9 bales Havana, 10 bales Sumatra, and 20 hhds. Western leaf in transit direct te manufacturers. Expeitcd of leaf tobaeco : Te West Indies, 1,820 pounds. The Lancaster Tobacco Market. As we predicted would be the case, there was a lull iu the tobaeco trade last week, and it will no doubt oentinuo until after the holidays. We hear of the sale of only about 200 eases of '81 and 200 of '83 leaf, nearly all of medium grades. Among the sales of old were by Mr. Smith, of Oxford, a paaking 35 cases 82 at $12 and 15 cases llllers nnd seconds of '81 at 7, te T, J. Drum ii Ce., Philadel phia. We learn of no buslness lu '83. All buy. ors seem te Le laying elf for the present, no sales that we he ir of have been for the IflBt Vt'fk Ment .ut ..uiiiu. u.,u seme down and seme have a geed portion stripped. The last few days of last year a great deal was taken down in a very geed condition, but net many of the farmers have onettgh of the weed stripped te show it te advantagn nud they scorn te be in no hurry te sol). Indeed we hear of seme who have refused te enteituln any odors until they get their tobacco Inte condition. Iu all sections of the county stripping is ifeliiff en nuite lively, and after the heli days both grewer and buyer will be ready te talk te each etlfbr, nud, It is heped te their mutual advantage A Keynl Linguist. Crown Priuce of Portugal, who Is only n few weeks evor twenty jcars of nge is n remarknble lltiguist. He has already ae quiicd a private library of seme 10,000 vol umes, containing many rare nnd precious editions of the authors of the world. Hut he premises, iu addition, te develop into the .Mezzo fa till of his age, for he net only speaks English with cotipetont facility, after no mero than two years' study, but converses iu fourteen languages, se that he is master nppioxlmately or all the lan guages of Eurepe. A colored man, lu Hem y County, Ua , get fitly avrn peiiuins out nt one hollow u-oe i liu sold them all, and lliu Hist thing he pur chiHiid was a bntllu el Ur Hull's Cough syrup, the enl tale remedy ter coughs and colds. HlnMftii llfiunlHCturs. When ii buard of eminent physicians ami chemist announced ihu discovery that by combining some well known valuable rume dies, the most weudeilul medicine wus pro duced, which would euro such a wide range of diseases that most all ether remedies could be dispensed with, many were skeptical; but pioet el lis merits byuctual trial has dispelled ulLdetibt, mid today the discoverers et tbut gieat medicine, Hep Hitters, me honored and blessed by all at banolacters. Thcse llltters aru compounded fiem Hept, liuchu, Malt, Mandrake and Dandelion mid ether eldest, best and most vutuablemedlclucs In the weild and contain ull thu beat uud most curative propel tics et ull ether medicines, being the greatest llloed Putlfler, Kidney unit Llver Uegulater, and Lite ami Health llcstering Agtint en eiuth. Ne disease or 111 health can possibly long exist whetu thesu llltters are used, se vailed mid ported are tlnlr opera tions. They glve new llfe and vigor te thenged and liillrm. Te all whose employments cause Iriegularlty et the bowels or urinary organs, or who reiiulreun Appetizer, Tonle and Mild .Stimulant, Unite Hitters are Invaluable, being highly euuitlve. Ionic uml stimulating, with out Intoxicating. Ne matter what your Icellngs or symptoms tire, what the disease or ailment Is, use Hep llltuns. Don't wall until jeu me sick, but li you only fcul bad or miserable, ute the Hitlers at once. It may sae your lllu. Ilundieils have been saved by se doing. Srf.VJO-uO will bu paid ler a case they will nut cure et help. De net suiter yourself or let jour friends sutler, but use and mgu them te use Hep Hit lers. Uemember, Hep Hitters It the purest uml butt inedlcliie ever luude; the "Invalid's Krlendt and Hepe." Ne person or family should be without them. ' 1 was troubled ler lnanvyuurswItheiIeut Kldiiuvund Liver Complaint, (iriivel. eie.t my bleed became thin ; 1 was dull anil Inactive ; could hardly ciawl about, and was an old weiu out man all ever, and could gut nothing le help me, until l get Hep lllttert, mid new 1 um u boy ugutn. My bleed It puie, kidneys are ull rlnlit, uud I am as ucllvu as a man of JO, altlieugli! lam Ti Father. " lrer ion veurs my wile wus conlliied te bur bud with such a coitiiiltcalleti et ailments that no doctor could tell what wus the mattur or euro her, mid I used up a small tortuue In humbug stutl. blx iiientln age I saw u IT. H. Hag with Hep llltters en It, and l thought I would be a loel encu mnru. and 1 '.rleil It. but luv lelly proved le be wisdom, and two bottles cured her. she It new at well and .strong at any man's wlte, ami llcotimuenly Iwo delluis. 11. W ., Detielt, Mich. iil.llTu.'IhAS Small Pox eradtOAted, Biimll Pox cuied, Small I'ex plttlugs luuieiiled by Daibjs Pro Pre Pro phylacteo Hul I. The lenses used In Iho Celluloid Kje-Ulassct mugieiiud wllhsclenlinenccuiacy. They are Irce fiem ehreuiallc aberiutleiiM.und product) brtghtuess and distinction el vision. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers mid Opticians. dlO-lwdued TDK Voice, el ill" I'euple. Ne Finally Dj et weie ever se iinpulai ns the Diamond lues They never lull. The lllnclc Is lui supeilei te logwood. The ether coleia me blight. llis, Uiciiaiiusen A Ce . illeed.Vw :ililllluglen, VI. Ne Dnceptluii Used, It It stiangose many people will continue te sutler iluy utter day with Dyspepsia, Ller Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Uen. erul Debility, when they vim procure at our BtoreSllILOH'S VlTAl.V.lCK, lieoefcost 11 11 tleet nolcuieor lelleve them. Pi Ice, 75 cents. Beld by II. 11. Cechtan, UJaiul 13'J North ijueen street. Imeaster. ledU-eed5 De luu Iteliuve II. That lu this town the.re are Heeres et persons pasting our store every thty whose llves ure miitlu mlsuiiiblu by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour ami distrusted Hteinueh, Ller Com Cem plaint, Ceiittlpatlim, whuu ter "Be. we will soil them Bhllnh's VlUill.er, guaniuteetl te emu them. Sold by II. It, Cochran, druggist, Nes, 117 anil 1.W North Queen street. Ieb7-eedJ Its ICipitU Vei 10 Hear Frem, The movements of u mule's hind legs uru verv variable and tinccilulit, but Jr. V'iemm' Kclectrie Oil tikis but oue cour.e-tt heals mid euros. Its equal for asthma, diphtheria, cttarrh, cold ami soie thieal has never jet been soul. Fer salu by II. It. Coehiaii, drug gist, 137 and Ul North Queen street. liucklen's Arnica Halve. Thegieatest medical wonder or the world. Warranted te speedily euro burns, llrultes, Cuts, Ulcers, Halt llheiim, Fever sores, Clin' eers, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Teller, Chupned Hands mid all skin eruptions, giimanteud te cuie In overy Instance, or money rotuntled. a cents pur box. Fer sale by Chiis. A. Lechor, Iti'iVlyoeilAw A l.lle-suvilig 1'resuut. Mr. M. 1.. Allisen, Hutchinson, Kan Saved his llfe by a simple Trial el Dr. Klng'e New Discovery, ler Consumption, which causud him te pis.'iue a lurgu bottle, that completely cuied him, when doctors, change of climate ami everything else hail railed. Asthma, llieuchllls, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs une ull Thiearliud l.ung Diseases. 11 Is guaranteed te euiu. Trial Hollies Iree at Chat. A. Lecher's Di tig Stere. Lnrge slr.e, tl.10. Let Truth Prevail. Let the facts he known. Let us understand that a hull, or mi ulcer, or a carbuncle, or any ei option or blemish el thu skin Is suit) te weur awuyiinil uUappcar when Jlunleck Jlloeil IK'eriuiu employed. This wemlerlul inoill ineill cluu ueu directly upon the circulation uud the reasons ter Its usu uru thuioleio obvious. Fer sale by It. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 unit 139 North Qucen stieet. MtSUlUAl,. 1 uullhlln RENOWNED COUCtH syrup Is a pleasant, sate, spoedy ami sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, In tluenzu, Boieness et the Tin eat unil Chest, Urenchltls, Whooping Cough, Spitting et liloetl, lntliiminiitlen of thu Lungs, uml all DUeascs of the Chest and Air Passages. l'rlic, 'Jfk. and 00c. n Ilollle. -l'riopared only and sold by OHAS.A.LOOHER, NO, 0 EAST KINU BT. OAnKINU. POOR, WHITE & CO., DANKEIIS. Ne. 45 WftU Streot, - New Yerk. Hrokers and Dealers lu Hallway and ethar SCOUtttles. HAILWAY INVESTMENTS a spccla'ty. In the selection anil estimate et which their long connection with "Peer's Manuel el lutlreatls" gives them special ad vantages. Correspondence Invited an I luqu1 rles answered. Deposit accounts iccolveil uud liiteifii uiiewcu, avpll-ttinceil 1IEUIVAT,. A YKlfd WAIlSAl'AKII.LA. Words Fail. " Words fall te express my gratitude," says Mr Heldt Carter, el Nnsliyllle, Tenn., "for the beuents derlved trem Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Having been anilcted all my 11(0 'Willi Bcrol Bcrel tila, my lyatein seemed tuturuted with It. It eime out In Uletchcs, Ulcers and Mattery Seres all evor my body." .Mr. Carter states that he was entirely cured by the use el Ater's MASArAUlLLA, and sinoe discontinuing Its use, el Hit months age, he has had no return of the scroluleus symptoms. All bauetul allectlens et tlie bleed are promptly lonievcd by this iincunullcd altera tlve. rRsrAREO nr Dr. ,1. C. Aycr & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by all Druggists. II, six bottles for IV tleclU'10 lydAw r am; iiauic. HOP PLASTER. This porous plastar Is absolutely the belt eer made, combining the virtues et hops with gums, balsams ami extracts. Its power Is wonderful In curing dlsoises where ether plasters simply relieve. Crlbk lu the Hack and Neck, Pain In the Bldn or Limbs, Btlll Joint" and Muscles, Kidney Troubles, Itheti mutism, Netiialgla, Sore Cncst, AUcctlena of the Heart and Liver, and nil pains eraches In any part cured Instantly by the Hep J'tatttr. irTrylt Price, 23 cents, or Uve ler $1.10 Mulled en recelpt of prlce. Beld by all drug Kilts und country stores. 7eji Platter Com Cem lai Proprietors, lloiten, Muss. " LAME BAOK. OirKer constipation, leit at appetite and tllsoaes of thn bowels take Hawley's Stomach mid Liver Pills, is cents. U2tflydAw(S) 1JA1N Illl.l.BH. " (( ISMS" 'HIE WO US I' "ISM" TO-DAY 18 RHEUMATISM. HHEUMAT1SMIN THE HACK ctiRRii nr I'EUUY DAVIS'S PAIN K1LLEU. UHEU.MAT13M IN THE KNEE9 cured nr PEltllY DAVIS'S PAIN K1LLEU. UHEUMATIBM IN THE MUSCLES cured nr PEltllY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLEIt. UHEUMATIBM OF LONO STANDING CURKII 11V PEltllY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLEIt. UHEUMATIC SUFKKUEKS. buy et Any Druggist Perry Davis's Pain Killer dl'lyd&w VhUTUlNU. If you will, but examine our Clothing carefully you will find wherein lies the superiority of our stock. Others may use as geed cloth and linings, but the make and style are net there. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Che3lnut Sis. 1'lllLAIIKLl'lIIA. tllMwd pl'lSUIAL IU THAUIllSltH AND U UIKItS EBISMAN'S, (THE hlllllTMAKKll.) Gents' Furnishing Stere, Is no longer en North Mueen Street, bulls new ut Ne. 17 WEST KING'SIREET, Opposlte the Cress Keys Hetel. Mv Kits Si UATUrun. WELL-MADE CLOTHING. Uuaurpasscil In quality, linndsemu In style, excellent Hi tit uml finish, mid thoroughly well made, which we ask you loexmnlno anil inspect, and compare with the best purchasa ble oliiewhoiuut lUe prices, THE IIEST OVEHCOAT. THE HEST OVKUCOAT. THE 11EBT OVKUCOAT. THE HEST ALL-WOOL SUITS. THE 1IKST ALL-WOOL SUITS. THE uKST ALL-WOOL 8U1T3. lercliaiit Tailoring. In this department we are nlways abreas'.ef tlie times. We have akllled cutters and work moil, untl miaruutoe satlstaotlen In everv car- meul we make. We have the largest, flues t and handsomest collection et FOUEIUN and DOMESTIC WOOLENS shown by any Cloth ing Houae In this aoetlon of the Btate. Our prices ure such as always win trade ler us. MYERS & RATHF0N, LEADING LANCASTEIt CLOTHIEU9, NO. 12 HAST KING STREET. I'WO NMAM, IANI.MW)B I I Igurafui e ii' -ut IIMll l A.'. 3 V I.I. I. till i .A. IQUE, HAVANA t: ukiheal. AHIIY'8 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A llonseiield Article for Unlrersal Vamtly Eradicates Fer Bcnrlet and Typhnld Kevors, Dlphiherla. Ball- vatien, Ulcerated Hiiro MAI ARIA T."f"'i. Pmnll Pox, Mi n n miljflIln.inles, ami nil Contagious Diseases, l'nrtrm. w.li. Inpf en the sick should use It freely. Scarlet Fever has nover been known te spread where tlie Fluid was used. Yellow Fevur has b en eureil with It after black vemtlhail taken place. Thu worst cases el diphtheria yield te IU Fovercd nnd sick per sons rn I rushed and bed eoret prevented by bathing with Dacbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless uml purl tlfil. Forbeio threat It Is a sure curu. Contagion destroyed, SMALL POX unil PlfTINO el Win ill Pox PUKVENTED. A incmber of mv lauilly was taken ft itii Small Pox. I used llm. riunit the Patient v as net delirious, was net piueti, ana was mxnir, Um houae again In llirce weeks nud no ethers luwl It. J. W. Fer Freiled t eet, umimains, riius Chatliigs, ete, Uheumatlsm cured. Belt Whlle Complex PAUK1WSOK, PltllailDl- phla. DIPllTHKlllA PltEVENTKU. The physicians here ute Darbys Fluid very successfully in ti e treatment of Dip i i llicrle. A. Btelu !. werck, Urcensbei.t, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purllled a'nl healed. In cases et Death It should be used about the corpse It will smell. Thoemlnent Phyil elan. J. SIAItlll Ions secured by IU use. Ship Fover prevented. Te Pitrlly the llreath, Cleanse the Ttfgh, 11 can't be stirpassTM. Catarrh relieved nnd cured. Erysipelas cured. Hums relieved In Bluntly. Scars prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapid' iy Seurvey cured. An Antldote for Ant mulorVegatable I'el riiie tj Lilian. viu I used the Fluid dur ing our present i.t- tllutlen with tcirlet Fover with decided advantage, it It In illanunsablu te tliu, Hills. M. I).. Nr v sick roem.-W'M. F. Yerk, nas: "Inince BAsrenn, Eyrlu, Ala. vlnced Pret. Darbj i Prophylactie Fluid t BCAIILETFEVEII a valuuble illslnfec.. CUltKD. I ant." Vamderrilt Univhrsitv, NAsiivrtLK,Tcnn. I testify te the most excellent qualities i ( Pret. Darby's Prophylactie Fluid. Asndlsl fectnut and detergmitlt Is both theoretical f aud practically .superior te any preparutle i with which lam acquainted. N. T. Luiten, Prof, Chemistry DAIltlY'S FLUID Ii RECOMMENDED It f Hen. Alexanebu II. BritriiEKS, el Georgia. Uev. Ciias. F. Dkem, D. D., Church et the Strangers, N. Y. Jes. LuCentk, Columbia, Prof. Unlveralti', B. C. Hev. A. J. Hattlb, Prof., Mercer University. Itnv. Uee. F. Piriu'E, Hlstlep M. K. Church. 1ND18PENBAHLETO EVEIIY HOME. Perfectly hirmless. Used Internally or externally ler Man or llenst, The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, rfc 1 we have abundant evidence that It has ' T . everything here claimed. Fer fuller Inri Hen gel or your Druggist a pamphloter- 1 tolhepioprlotors. .1 II. ZEILIN.tCO Miiiiuraelurlnir Chemists, Philadelphia. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, U7 ami 139 Neith (jueeti slieet. lanit-lyeeditw Vl.UTIllNU, J NO..J..H9IA1.INU. Fall Opening. I have this day opened n large aud si llllOUl IIIU UllUSb Foreign nud JeniesI ie Fabrics, tulimted tollentlomon's weur. ler the FALL AND WINTEHTUADE, which I would lie pleased te have you examine. A lull line t I LONDON CORKSCREWS, In all the Latest Shades. A bcautlliil asseii inent Ot FALL AND W1NTE11 Ovoreoatlnga, Troueorlnga or Fauey Suitings. 1 employ notie but the. best workmen . I guaianteu purled satisfaction as te Stylt , Fit and Workmanship. My sample garments will be en exhibition lu a luw days. JN0. J. SMALINO. (TA1LOH,) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN 1 ( 2d Fleer.) LANCASTEIt, I maylMytlTu.ThA t. lOlt MEN UV TASTE TO HEAD. That no man Is WELL DUESSED, r iae gaiments, no matter hew One thu mat. ml, uml lushlonuble the cut, are net arllsth ally fitted te thu tenn or lesthctlcally sclecle I In color, Ac., is a ruct tee well known te l' ills putsd. The lilting of gaiments, selection et b'yJu anil color, Is us much an AltT as thoprepur bleudlng of colors unil grouping et objects lu a lumhicupe or ethur painting. Fer Artlatle r Its and Choice Matuilals call en L. G. COLEMAM, ARTISTIC TAILOR, And besultetl preperly. Mil. COLEMAN has lust received a splendid assortment or the choicest CI.OTHB. UASS1MEUES uml DEM b' DHESSUOODS. el the latest styles, ler i dl and Winter Bulls. A larger varlety or Sulti igs cuniietbeleuiitl lu thn market. Suiting-tur the mllllouulre and artisan, the exqulslu mil prnetlcul uiiiu, nil et which will be lurid led ut reasenable rates. The ropulatlen et dlt. COLEMAN uqAnnrtlstlnhlsprotcsslen tee well known tcnioed comment. Cull ami examine his Immense stock at; NO. 524 1-2 PENN STREET, s'a Smdoeil HEADING, PA. II. UKltHAKT. SPECIAL NOTICE ! 1 hereby Inform theso In want et a FALL Olt Wl.M'UU BUITOF CLOTHING, That I Imve new In sleck the LAUUEST AND FINEST ASSOllTMENTef Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That has ever been exhibited In the City et Lunruster. A gloat varlety of FALL AND W1NTEU OVERCOATING l keep NONE HUT THE IIEST or Foreign and Demestic Fabrics, And all Goods ure warranted" as rcnroiented at H. Gerhart's FINE TAILORING jESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., LANCASTKU. PA. -iTeUK ATTKNTION Id OALI.KDTO OUIt Y stock of Holiday UoeUs, Including Toilet flotsel Celluloid unil riorencallooils. lu 1'Iiuh ami Leather Cases, Oder Stands and Cases lu Plush uml Leather, lllque Flguius, Kngravtsl nml Cut Hollies, plain bottles ier covering, etc. sold ut lesi than dew n town prices, at TUOS.D BEOnXOLD'S . x,. .. . l, Ne. 101 WEST OlrAX JK BTUKET, ' ceiucv oltuailette. ilMytl