r 'iC',.:;i.. zmfate$. . Volume XVII-Ne. 04 LANCASTER, PA,, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1SS0 Price Twe Gents.' JV.BIF AVrUKTlSKMENTS. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CIIESTxNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. 11IIE HOLIDAYS. . There is nowhere in Philadelphia se varied :i collection el rich jjoeils as lierc bitch us Iiith !rs, luetherri, btether-), .sisters. leveiv, leek for a little later. Tlicreisun fiideveii of Gills. Oar collccllen Is large cneiixli unl rlrli enough, one would Huppe-e. even Icr :i less frugal city than I'lillailclphla. These poeds nit; are new at the lieighlei thclrglery. The choicest el tlii:m are lien:; ethers will come el course ; hut the rholccet ans going. What Is equally te the purpose, huycr.s aie new alieut us many us can be conilertuhly M'rvi-d, and the throng will he denser every talr day till Christt.ias. JOHN' WAXAMAKER. rpeiLKT FURXISHING. L Sachets, tiilii-s.lauip-sluKlcs, pin-cushions, 1mxs, In satin and plush, embroidered and puliileii. JOIIX WAXAMAKER. First circle, oeuthwe.st lrein the centre. I ACES. J llnelie.sse vest with I'eiul medallions, $.V) ; I lie Maine may he .seen elsewhere at $70. JOHN WANAMAKER. XIne counters, southwest from the centre. t LOCKS-". j l.Xi te f 15ii (", .ill frii.ir.inteed. JOIIX W A.N A .MA III. U. City-hall square eiil i aiix1 fTPI POY L New room, new tn&. JOII.N WANAMAKER. Outer circle, wi-sl of flu; Chestnut Micct en trunee. IVIOKS. I A catalogue el hooks may he had at the lioek counter. We want every reader te have it. The list et childieirs holiday hooks is -s-lieclully complete, JOIIX WAXAMAKER. f-ecend counter, northeast trem the centie. LADIES' ULSTERS. There an: two general styles, one closed at the hack, the ether open; the latter is known us coachman s style. In detail et trimming there Js great variety though there is also marked simplicity, limit variety in cloths tee. $tl.M te $ii. Cloaks, feieign and home-made. Ourcollec Ourcellec Ourcollec tlen is unprecedented, whether you legard va lietv, quantity or value. A lady who buys a clenic el any sort in Philadelphia without looking these ever misses the hestassertment, perhaps, in the whole country. W.M te $0. JOHN WANAMAKER. Southeast corner el the huilding. MISSES' COAT.i. Misses' coats in lneiv than shapes and- decoration beyond 70 cloths, counting. rilzejj - te Hi years. Ulsten'ttes in Ti cloths, ulsters in Si'Ietlwaud liaveleeks in cloths. Sizes G le Hi. JOIIX WAXAMAKEI'. Southwest corner el the building. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIER). We have the best goods the weihl ntlerds, mill the next best, and the next, and seen. There is no place anywhere, where 3011 can see se large a collection el thcdilicn-nt grades it goods, all passing ler what they are, and nothing ler what it is net, cotton ter cotton, uled ler mixed, wool for wool, Mlk ter sit;,-. jeiix waxaMak 1:1:. Outer ell cl. Chestnut Mtcct, entrance te Thiilecntlistiect entrance. imp.reideries. Ci New Kuibreiilei ics are. alrcaily In. Our stock is new in the condition you expect te find it in sit New Year's, i, e. the -pi ing novel ties are here. JOIIX WAXAMAKER. Third circle, southwest lrein the ci-ntie. CARPETS. The choicest I uxtiriens carpets; the most substantial carpets; the lowest prices; punc tual service. JOIIX WANAMAKER. Maiket street lient, upstairs. SILKS. Evening silks In the Arcade, east side. The same and many ether patterns are within. JOHN' WANAMAKER. Next outer circle, Mnitlieast from tin centre 17MP.reideries. J2J Our next spring's novelties In embroi deries an' just new received; they usually come at Xew Year's. JOHN WAXAMAKER. Next outer circle, southwest from the cent e. JACKS. j Juices change daily. Our sales are large. our variety always large, and but little et uny one soil. "Compare prices. A 11 Hurler below the market is net uncommon. JOHN WAXAMAKER. Nine counters, southwest from the centre. WRAPS, &c. Such a stock of foreign cloaks us I'hila delpliia has net lK-lere seen, $10 te fcEiO; shawls near by ; lnsses up stall's. J ' JOIIX WAXAMAKER. Southeast corner et the building. FUHS. lursefnll sorts are going lust. They went last last year and advanced in price as the sea son advanced. They are going up again. We shall net raise prices till we have te buy. hx- Iiect te lind heie whatever yen want, lrein a lit et trimming up. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Thirteenth street entrance. COATS AXD ULSTKIIS FOR CHILDREN. Net se great variety as for ladles; but much larger than anywhere else hen-. Coats. 2 te years: in thirty dittcrciil mate rials, dnib, blue and brown cords w ith II ccy black ; cellar and cntfi et plush ; also in ten camel's haircloth, trimmed with seal-cloth. Coats, 4 te 10 years: in thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla fur and velvet, " le $l(i. Ulsten'ttes, te Hi years ; in live clelh, with seal cloth cellar and culls. Ulsters, (I te 10 -cars; in eight cloths, trim med with plush stitching, heed and plush. liaveleeks. 4 te I years: two styles. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. ROYS' CLOTHING. Ourtnideisjustwhatit ought le be for the taeiliticsand advantages we enjoy. JOIIX WAXAMAKI Eastel centml aisle, near Market street U. IIIVA AND GLASSWARE. j Tackloengproclaln, platei only, feri ner or dessert, live patterns, $i" te) lin per l07CIla llavilaiul ilinner sels : Ciunille pattern, $110 ; clscwlicre. $3)0. Tnil,M; elsewhere, Will. Tressed with Moresque border and decomtlen el grasses and butterlllcs, i" ; elsewlieiv, TSS. The latter is in the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, Kngllsh, Mniwbcrry-dia-mend cut ; every article required for the table useful or ornamental. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Northwest corner et the building. PLUSH HAND-KAliS. And a great variety of ether Iclnds. ANe pocket books, embroidered leather can! c.isc, cigar cases, and everything in leather goods. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Thinl circle northwest from centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Maiket streets and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MAJIBT.M. WQItKH. wm. p. FBAHjinrs MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm oeoen Street, Lancaster, l'a. MONUMENTS, HKAD AND FOOT STONKS, GAUDKN STATU A UY, CEMETEUY LOTS ENCLOSKD, Aa All work guaranteed and s-itisnictlen gi en In every particular. N. B. llemeinber, works at the extreme end pi North Queen struet. n.30 GIFTS Te bay Holiday Gilts early is geed ad vice: The best trade is early; and the Dest tiade carries e:i the best things. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. VLFUKI) WKHiHT'S l'KUFUM KS. Ills Murv Stuart id orelialilr tin; most lasting et all the agreeable perfumes; none of tue reieign ones appreacn 11. 11 is very ricu, strong ami full of lite; it isagieeable te mere persons, probably, than any oilier peri lime. Wild Olive is next in popularity ; this also is singularly pewerlul and lasting. White Uo-e is delicate and lasting. We keep the preferred odors of all the llrst class perlumers, such as Lubin. llalley, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of Alkrud Wiuubt's we keep all. Jlring an unrcrfiimcd handkerchief; and you shall luve a sample et any odor von wish. ' JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. First circle, northwest tiem the center. c 10I.OUKI) DUKSS GOODS. down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 inch, $kt.7!iaud.&'i; Ficnch cheviot suiting, silk and wool, 4.ri Inch, $0.7"; French feule, all wool, 'H Inch, spitJS. ISy looking out for such opportunities a lady may elten save half. JOHN WAXAMAKKU. Xinn counters, Thiitecuth street entrance. ILACK GOODS. A lady wauling any et the following will be obliged for the. mention el them; Silk ami wool ..-satin de Lyen, Hi cents; silk laced veleurs, $1 ; meiiile clot h, 75 cents ; damasse drap d' etc, $ l..r0 ; damasse ciishinere, $!.-". All the prices excupt the lirst are probably below the cost et nianiil'.ieluie, and even the first may be. JOHN WAXAMAKKU. Next outer circle, southwesllreiutheeenter. rPUIMMIXG J. Our trade FOU DUKSSKS AXD CLOAKS, reutiires the largest and lieshest stock el these goeils, liinges.passemeiiteric or- lianieius, girdles, lasscls, spikes, lings, halls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found anywhere else. . JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Xexteutcrcircle, northwest 1 10m the center. OH AWLS, &c O A lew shaw Is arc .shown in the Arcade ; gentlemen's dressing gowns and smoking jackets in the same case. Mere ure within. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. K.tst efthe Chestnut street entrance. I.MIUS. I Our woik-reom Is lull el preparation, se lull that we cannot crowd it taster. We luve ready, also, alargc block et liuished garments, tur ami ter lined. We have sacques and dolmans In sealskin dcd in Londen we have none but Loudon Leudon Louden iljedse.d. We have them in great numbers, ami, ofceure, in all sizes including extremes. Prices, from Slil le$i"m. Louden controls the seal market et the world There have been two advances in price since our furs were bought. We shall net advance till we have te buy again ; we h:i e net advanced at all, as yet." We have, at $lii.", seal sacques such as you will leek in ain ler clscwhcical the price. hue lined circulars ami dolmans In very gi cat variety. We use mostly Satin ile Lyen. gies-graiii,ariniire:iml biecadesiik ami bicil lenne; ler mourning, Henrietta mid Drap d'Kle. The latter arc made toerder only. We have everything weith having in sets tiiiiimings, robes, gloves, caps and t lie thou-sanil-aud-ene little tilings that are kept in the coin plet est lists. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Thirteenth street entrance. SMUTS. Felt, all colersand variety of styles, ."i'Jc te $l.'.,." ; Ilanuel, black, blue, gray, blown and scat let, $i.!ii te $.".7" ; satin, black, 1.7.1 te $WM ; satin, blue, scarlet, blown ami black, $12.50 le f-JU : Italian cloth, black, $1.2.1 te $3. The variety is very great. JOHN WAXAMAKKU. Southwest corner efthe building. I IOVS' OVKUCOATS. J 9 Xetice these two sau.plc.s: Itlue chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, horn buttons, $ti..re. Is there another such coat fe r $(i.50V We have sold hundreds of them. ' ISrowii-ii'd-and-eId-gold tliagenal ulsterelte sett wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable, silk-st raped labile, horn buttons, $8.5J. These are but but spcciniwis et many. II thevxeeni inviting, ethers may be mere se. See them. JOIIX WA'XAMAKKU. Central aisle, next te the outer circle, Mar ket street side. 1ii:i;exs axd millinkuy. V Uibbens and Millinery, yen knew, we have much mere of than any ether house. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. North el Thirteenth street entrance. Ll XKXS. Avery great variety el the linest linens. a very great variety et staple linens, and the lowest prices in Philadelphia. JOHN WAXAMAKKU. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. I,' IXKN IIAXDKKUC1I1KFS. Xew goods jiiii received from tibreail. We have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this situ el the Atlantic. We buy I mm makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, am! keep below the mat ket besides. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. "Second circle, southwest lrem the centre. SILK HAXDKKUCHIKFS. The very linest Knglisli ami French hand kerchiefs and Mulllers; handkerchiefs $1.2.1 te $i.0; mulllers, $l.je te $1.50. ICIsewherc they art: sold ler a qrnrtcr mere, at least. JOIIX l ANAMAKKK. Sccentt circle, southwest from the centre. 1TNDKUWKAI I Silk Underwear that we buy we examine te see whether the buttons are sewed en securely and whether the seims are light ami properly lastencd. If anything is w reng, back he garment-eoes te the iraker, or we right it at Ids expense. Such has been our practice for a j ear anil a half. Is there another merchant In) Philadel phia who does the same, or who watches the interests et his customers in any similar way ? Delects may escape us, neverthiess. Yeu tle us'a laver, it you bring back the least imper imper tcctien te be made geed. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. Ml USLIX UNDKUWKAK. Our assortment of all muslin undergar ments is as lull tis at any time efthe year; anil when the demand for such is net generally strong we are elten able te buy at unusual ad vantage. We have very nearly the .same goods Hie year 'round : but prices vary mere or less. New, for example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or In Xew Yerk muslin un dergarments etpial te our regular steek except at higher prices. We knew et no exception whatever. JOHN WAXAMAKKU. Southwest corner efthe building. KUr.IiKU OVKUGAUMKNTS. De yen knew, many are net of Uubbcr.at all, ami are net waterproof? We sell as many as all Philadelphia besides; real articles only; and guarantee them. JOIIX WANAMAKKU. Centra! aisle, near Marketstreet entrance. TLtrWAKE, JiC OTOVKS. STOVKS. llrlek'.Sct anil FertAbIt HEATERS and RANGES Shci'tzer, Hnmplirevilic & KieiFer's 4JKA-T KING STIIEET. SUCJilVAL. DAY'S MEY MD! A DISCOYEKI BY ACCIDENT, w which suppiii-a want men of eminent nbtlily have devoted ycais el study ami experiment te find a Spccitic for Diseases et the KiJnej s, liladder, Urinaiy Organs and Nervous System and from the time of itsiUcevery has rapidly Increased in laver, gaining the approval and confidence et medical men and tllee who hae usetl It; it has become a laverite with all clauses, anil wheicver iutieducctl has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such is Its intrinsic merit and superiority, thai it new the only recognized reliable lenictly. Is Strongly Endorsed. We have the me-jt unequivocal trsllmetiy : lis curative powers lrem many peisens et high char.icter.iiitelligenceaml ie-.peusibllily. Our book "Hew a Life was s.iveil,"' giving t lie history of this new discevciy, ami u laige recerf et most icni.'irb.ible ni"'-, sent lice. Write ter it. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. nATT'PFftN Owing te the many worthier UitUUim. Kidney l'.elsiiew se.ikiugasaleeu our reputation, we deem it due the ufllieii il le warn 1 hem. Ask for lAY'.s KSDNK't !'.I, and take no ether. 1: A S T K 1: N A 0 1: N t; Y, CHAULES N. CKiTTENTON, ll." l'tilfeu St., New V.nli. $500 REWARD! VI" MILLION Ol- PROF. GUILMETTE'S Freacli Klflney Pate Have already been sold in this ceuntiy anil in Fiance: every one el which hasgixen pet lect satisfaction, and h is peiiermcil euies cry time when used according le directions. We new say le the iitllicte 1 and . 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' ones thai we v.il piy the above ieua;d lern single case et LAME IJACUv Itiatthe Pad tails te cure. This (i cat l'i 'in .!y Will l'etitivclv and Permanently cttse I.11111 I.11111 bige. Lame hack, M-i.it ic.i. Crave!, Diabett-s, Dropsy, ISrighl's Di-ease et the Kidue.-, In In cenliiiencu anil Iteteutien et tlie l' line, In flammation el the hidiicvs, ('atari-It et the lllathlcr, High Colored Urine. I'.iiu in tin Hack, Side or Leins. Ner oils Weakness, ami in facial disorders el the IliaddCruud I'liinny Olgtms wnetlier centracls.il by private tli-e:: t: or'etherw Ise. I.AI)ll, It veu aie sulTeting liein Kei.ia'e Weakness. Leuceri he-1, or any die.ee el !! Kidneys, Illadiler, or I'linary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUKBD ! Without swallowing nuti-i-en uiediiiue., l.y siiuply we.il ing PBOF. GUILMETTFi'3 FRENCH KIDMEY P.ADr WHICH CI'KLS i;V Ar.OKI'TION. Askveui-tlliixgst!i-lKOr.(riLVi LTi'L'S KltKNCIl KIDNLY PAD, ami lake no ether. If lit- I.1IS lltl H'tf il, ts iil ij-J iiim! yHt .-itt tt cello Hie I "at I by return mail. 1'er sale i .IAMLS A. Mi:YL!ta, O1I1I leliecs Hall, Columbia, l'a. lelil only by lil.O. W. HULL. Di-aggt-i, I.". W. King St., Lant:ister, 1'... au;ll-JmdeedM. Al'1 Prof. Guilmstlc's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Ca'ke, I'.iilieus Fever, .iautuliee. Dyspepsia ami ell l incases el the Liver, Stemaeli and ISI001I. Price fl..Vi bv m:dl. M-nd ter Pret. Ciuiimetle'.-! T1v.1l It- en ih. Kidneys ami Liver, tree by ma!!. Addivs-, FfJENCH PAD COMPANY, Teh. de, Ohie, augl! Uindie-IM.WftF Mrs. Lydia E. "inkliam, OP I.YNN, lilASd., Has ills i Warn ! Her YcgelablcCeini'iOiiiHl I hi Savier of Her Hex. Healih, Horje ami H:ipplnt?sp Re stored by Iho use tf IiTDIA E. PINKHAiVrS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, set its name ".gnities, eon sislsel Vegetable I'reperlics that aie haimle-s te the most delicate Invalid. I'r.en one dial thenientsef this compound will b--ieceni.eil, us relict is immeil: i!c;and when its use is con tinned, In ninety-nine cases in a handled, a permanent cure is ellected, as thousands w ill testify, en account of lis pievcii nielli-, it is te-day rccttmmentleil anil pt escribed by the best physicians in the country. It Will cure entirely the vreist tin 1:1 et ialliiig et the uterus, Leueei 1 he-.i, iriegularand piiiu f ill Menstruation, all Ovarian Tieublcs, ln ln llammatieu and Uleeralieu, I- loedings, ail Dis placements ami t lie constituent spinal weak ness, ami is especially adapted le the ,'i tne or Life. In lad il has proved te be the greater! and best remedy that has ever been discevcieil. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lite and vier. It removes taint cess, flatulency, destroys all eiaving lerMimuIanls, and reliev es wenWuess et the .stomach. It cures llleating. He.ul.tehe., Nervous I'ros I'res I'ros tnilien, General Debilily. hleeplesncss, De pression and Indigestion. That leelinget hear ing devv 11, causing pain, weight ami backache. Is always peiinnneiitly cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumsJunces, act in harmony with the law that govern, the iemale system. Fer Kidney cemptainls of either sex th's Compound is iinsurp.tsscd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is; prepared at 23.5 ami 'J31 Western Avenue, Lvnn. Mass. Prlcetl. Six belt It-s ler ". Sent by mall in the form of pills, al-e in the IV. 1 m el lozenges, en n-celpt of price, 1 per box. ler either. Mrs. l'INKIIAM freely answers all let ters of imruiry. Send ler pamphlet. Addics-i as above. Mention thii paprr. Ne family should be without LYDIA 1". I'lNKIIAM'SLlVKU FILLS. Theveiite Con stipation, llllieusness and Terpidi'.y el the Liver. 25 cents per box. Jolmsten, Holleway & Ce., (icnerul Agents, i-jifaileliilii:!. ' Fer sale by C. A. Lecher, 0 Fast King s-t-eet antl Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King. street. 123-lvdcedJt.w jtoers axj snei:s. EASY BOOTS tulU-ttd IHJOTS. SHOKS AND LAST made en a new principle, insur liigcoaiteit for the leet. Lasts i,iad! toerder. MILLEU, i li Kasl. King stieet UtAlN fi-.CCI.A-J T In large or small amount tl"Oi jCUKC) write.i.seui.f.4 co., ceniiuissD.ii y,,-i Chants, ia L-i Salle stict-t, (. hi-,go. III., tu ci: ulars. iii-j.s-i-,.1 ILamastrr Intdiigrnccr. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 20, 1880. PUBLIC SEN OP SCANDALOUS FAME. riiL'KLew wj:ui en aauen huick rhe Treatment Hurr Accorded te nig Fe male Victims. T lie following- is from Tlmrlew Weed's steiy te ;t Xew Yerk correspondent : When I knew Burr best be was well ad vanced in years. He was one of the worst men that ever lived, lle bad no scruples whatever about betraying a woman, and he. chose the loveliest in the land for bis ietims. About the time of bis duel be bad disgraceful iutiigues witb a dozen or twenty ladies at once in New Yerk, Al bany, Xew Haven, Providence, Bosten, Bultiiueie, Itichmend and funallcr towns between. Sonic of these tvere kept up for yen.", but me&t of the ladies bad speedy Miecesser.s. I speak of them :ts " ladies " they weie wives of brilliant lawver or wealthy merchants, erthc young daughters of the fashionable old families. There was au agony of fear among these when the duel was fought, lest the gtiUtv gallant should fall and their terrible secret be bc ti aj cd, and this fear deepened te conster nation when he died at last. Many of the eldest families of New Yerk, Pennsyl vania and New England trembled then. And well they might. It bad been ra mmed ateiind that Btur bad never dc st toyed any letters from ladies. And this shows, better than anything else, bis lack of any moral seme whatever, for be re fused t.) pietcLt these whom be bad gricv-eu.-ily itemed, when they could have been pieteeled without a moments thought, lie used te beast that be bad never de de stieyed one letter. And with devilish method he had folded them all carefully, and liied them regularly in packages each lady's letteis by themselves. When Burr died at last, Matthew L. Davis, about his only fiiend, who became his ad miiiistratur, sent for me. I went ever. There was nothing te administer but the expressions of tenderness which the scoundrel bad cajoled from respectable women and bleu away, lucre was the will which he made the day before his duel with Hamilton. In that he bad said te bis daughter, Theodesia, bis own legiti mate child, then at sea : "In a blue trunk 1:1 the attic you will luui something te amuse, 11101 e te instruct, and still mere te legiet." That bine trunk which he thus coolly bei-ncathcd te his only child, and that child a lovely daughter, contained the carefully treasured love letters, from a dozen women at a lime, proofs of her father's depravity ! Dees net that show that Btur was without any moral .seus: whatever'.' Theodesia was swallowed up by the waves, and never saw the blue li tin':. We opened the blue trunk, which Davis hud partly examined, and I shall never for !et my astonishment and tliust at what I saw. It was nearly full of letters from women, bled in packages. We looked at Iho individual letteis. Most of them bad eiiginally been signed with initials only, or efiener without any name or with some pet name ; but I'uw, with a malignity whose motive I cannot even yet uiidczstatiil, bad written out eaeb name in full. He seemed resolved that ethers i-heuld share his infamy. Seme of the names belonged te the most honored fam ilies in the land. Te have revealed them would have been te cause terrible anguish and in several eases probably the breaking up of families. 1 used te go ever an 1 leek at them when I had a spare hour. Why, Merdccai M. ieah offered Davis 20,000 for that blue trunk and its con tents, but, of eeuise, the offer was spurn ed and the insult rccnted. Matthew Davis, tee, had bis eccentricities, and one of bis queer notions in regard te these ctptuicd lore letters was that they should all be returned te the writers ! That seemed te me tt) inflict needless pain and I argued with him about it, but be said the wi iters would be better satisfied if they had a chance te destroy them 1 heniselves. Seme of them were old la dies then, metheis and grandmothers, but Davis undertook the giim task of return ing all the packages of letters by the bands of titisly fiicuds. A geed many be gave back himself. He gave nie 0110 of tbese delicate packages te deliver when I was going te Pievideti-jc one day, but I told him 1 would see him banged llrst. But I knew that ?eu. Scott did accept one of these packages ft em Matthew Davis and returned it with bis own band te a lady high in society in Kichmend. He told me fe. I always wondered whether she thanked him or net, but I forget te ask him. But think of the moral nature of a man capable of deliberately leaving all these letteis te bis own daughter as a leg acy ! Burr was quite a small man. Very graceful in movement and courteous in de meanor. A small band and feet. Net spirited and dashing at all, but bis manner was full of tcpese, and bis voice was soft and musical. He would strike one at first as being slightly effeminate, but be was net se. be was a bold, stieng, capable man. In convc-satien, till the last ten jeaisef his life, be was brilliant. But te return te the subject of bis wicked ness toward women. AVbcn be was in England be was greatly assisted and be fi tended by a learned professor of Oxford univeisity, whose name I must net men tion. In return for his friendship Burr ruined bis wife. Sis years afterward Burr obtained a position for this profosser in a New Yerk college, for obvious reasons, and when they came ever te this city Burr also seduced their daughter, a lovely girl of 17, v.he-e confidence he had wen when she Mas a little girl during his visit in England. In due time the professor died, and Burr became a penniless outcast. Then this mother and daughter, instead of bating and spurning him, took him and supported him during his last years by keeping a bearding beuse down town. This was en the well-known Kcesc place, en Broadway, just below Wall street. Here his feed and very medicine were paid for by the two women en whom be had in dicted mei tal injury liftccn years before, lie bad no sense of shame or of gratitude. He was almost universally bated during his last years, and was really an object of pity. I remember being en an Albany steamboat one night, and seeing a crouch ing form out en deck I went out, aud there was Burr in the cold. I asked him why he did net go in. He said be was net very cold, but we went in together. There was Governer Lewis Morgan, whom I sa luted. I noticed that they didn't speak, se I seated myself between them. Finally Burr arose and moved oft". ' Don't you knew Colonel Burr?" I asked Morgan. "Yes," he said, " I knew the damned rep tile !" A Contradiction. A correspondent of the Washington Slur says the alleged statements of Mr. Thar Thar Iew Weed in regard te the final disposi tion of the letters received by Aaren Burr are erroneous, or, at least, tucy arc at va riance with the version of the subject given by Bui r's biographer, Matthew L, Davis, who, in the prcface te the " Me moirs of Anion Burr," says with refcrcnef! te these letters : "As seen as Colonel Burr's decease was known, witb my own bands I committed te the lire all such cor respondence, aud net a vestige of it new remains. I alone have possessed the private and imneitant moors of Cel. Burr, and I pledge my honor that every one of them, se far as I knew and believe, that could injure the feelings of a female, or these of her friends, is destroyed. It is, of course, within the bounds of possibility that Mr. Weed may net have made the statement attributed te him, uui u ue tuu ue must be m cirer ; ier it is net easy te discredit the verv emnhatic testimony of Matthew Davis, which, bad it been false, would at once have been de tected by th ladies involved, who, it is reasonable tb" assume, were among the first te read the memoirs. The Spraguc-Ceulcling- Scandal. A story is ciiculating that dining the recent political canvass detectives followed Senater Conkling and ebaincd affidavits that be was accompanied pa: t of the time by Mrs. Spraguc ; that these atlidavite were in the bands of the national Demo cratic committee : that Mr. Tildcu get possession of them by s tying it was net iiyiii, im urag women j:ie a political UgliC ; that Tilden held the affidavits, and by means of them, and with the aid of James Gorden Beunett, forced Conkling te join in the recent assault upon Jehn Kelly, by which the latter was ousted from office. Several members of the nat ional Dcmeciatic committee have been ..:..i.i. x .t . .... ..... visited, and each or them disclaimed all knowledge of the affidavits. Be that as it may, new stories exhibiting Conkling in the light of a bad man are be ing set afloat, and hi.; relations with Mi Spraguc are likely te ba made feed for public gossip, if net for legal investigation, since she has sued her husband for divorce. alleging his adu!tury,and be has empleved the lively Gen. Butler te defend him. Her petition alleges that her husband has violat ed the man iage compact and has had guil ty relations with divers women, : : with one Mary Eliza Vial!, alias Mary Eliza Andersen, in each and every year between ISClandlsTO, in the city of Providence, and elsewhere but mete especially at Nan taskct Beach. Sheave::; that he bat been similarly guilty with Elizabeth K. MeC'ue, Harriet Brown, Maggie English., Fanny Adams, Minnie Wilsen and with divers ether lewd women whose names are net known te the petitioner, but who at the time rcsidcdit Washington, Previdcp.ce, Alexandria, Va., Philadelphia ami New Yeik. She also declares that he has been guilty of extreme cruelty ; that he has personally assaulted her at Canenehct. where Senater Cetikling was a victim of the "shotgun peiiey,'" and that he eitter- cu ner room at mat place at night in a state of intoxication and raized and drag gcd her te the window, which was en au upper story, and attempted te threw her out. He forcibly laid bands en her ami threatened te kill her and he has been guilty of continued intoxication. Since the early part of 1S79 be has neglected and refused, being of efficient ability te de se, le provide necessaries of life for the sub sistence of herself and children. . Taxing Corporations. ..,... .t--. ii.nl A!:iuuractiir:iig liwiustitt-i; ::re Overtaxed. The following communication baa been addressed by the representative el one of the leading manufacturing industries of Lancaster county te the commission created te revise the laws of this state : CmcKirn l'ie:.- ci'av, CtiifKtr.i. I' v., ) Iiecembcr .Mill. I.ssll, $ Tellic Clminuim and Mi'ih rs of the t'ei,iinit tec te prepare a Krcenuc Hill : Gentlemen: We beg te call your at tention te excessive taxation imposed by the state, especially upon corporations en gaged in the manufacture of iien, which wc consider unjust, as well aa unnecc.ss.i:y and against the best interests of the com monwealth. It apjieared te be the aim 01' the general corporation act of 1S71 te fer.ler and in vite the formation of corporations for manufacturing purposes, and particularly of iron and steel companies-, as authorized under section S el said act, as wc sup pose the Legislature considered it of vital importance te a-isist in developing the great coal and iron use u'soureesef the state, but we fear that high taxation basin a great measure :iul!i(!"l tin remits aimed at. Wc are feicc-d te pay the same le.:,- and state taxes imposed en any ether p.epetty owner, and in addition thereto, a tax te the state of live par centum 011 all divi dends, although the wording of the act en taxation seems te endeavor te conceal this fact, as if the framcrs were ashamed of it, the language being as fellows : " The tax te be at the rate of one-half mill upon the capital stock for each one per centum of dividends se made," instead of saying sqarcly, in plain English, that it is live per cent, en all dividends. During the late panic many of the iien companies kept in operation se that their etuplojes could earn sullieicnt money te live, but 1 he companies themselves made nothing. Instead of the state lending a helping hand, it forced them te pay a tax equal te that assessed en a dividend of six per cent, unless it could be shown that the capital or such company had been impaired, and then only a deduction in the rate was made in proportion te the amount, of capi tal which bad been sunk. We also beg te pretest against the taxa tion en mortgages. It is a well known fact that the most cntct prising manufactu rers are net generally the largest capital ists and that te stai t and carry en large operations it is frequently necessary te raise a portion of the required money by issuing mortgages, which compels corpor ations se situated te pay in addition te the taxes already mentioned, a tax also en such mortgages, as a lean cannot be floated unless it is free from taxes, thus really forcing the payment of a tax twice en the same property. Of eursc if the manufacturer, or corporation, is a large capitalist, net forced te borrow money, or can have bis mortgages taken by citizens of ether states, he escapes this tax, which is virtually a discrimination in favor of the capitalists and these net citir.ens efthe state. Wc trust that yeiu committee v. ill give the above questions the careful considera tion we think they require, as the indica tions arc that the high prices for iron of former years will net rule in the future, and that this industry of our state can only be preserved by manufacturing cheaply. Foreign competition is becoming greater each year and many of the South ern states are doing all in their power te develop their mineral resources by a liberal policy. Why net exempt from taxation corpora tions engaged iu manufacturing and mer cantile pursuitthc same as "limited part nerships" formed for these purposes, as the advantages granted the former ever the latter are execdingly smali if any. We suppose it is hardly necessary "te call the attention of your committee to'the fact that the greater portion of the money ex pended iu the manufacture of iron is for labor, commencing vben the mineral is taken from the ground until the product i ready for market. Hoping that your committee will report te the iron interests, Very respectfully, Herace L. Haldeman, Treasurer. The Stalwarts' Prayer. Hew They Thought TUey Had Overdone It. Apropos te Mr. Hayes's desire that the " paralyzed '' supreme court justices should die in time for him te name their successors, the Washington correspondent of the Times relates the following touching our late townsman Thad. Stevens : This reminds me of a story a true one once told me by Ben Wade himseif. In 18G0, after the election of Mr. Liuceln. Chief Justice Taney was very ill se ill, in deed, that bis life was scarcely hoped for. There were at that time some noble old Republicans in Congress Seward. Chase, Ben Wade. Fcsscuden, Sumuer, Thad Ste vens and I don't remember bow many mere. The "Republican administration would come in in March, 1SC1. If Taney should have died before that timcBuchanan would have appointed a young Democrat who would probably have lasted 40 Years. If he should net die until after March then Lincoln should have the appointment, and he w euld have selected a Republican. Se these old Republicans, for the lirst time in their lives, were solicitous about the health of Mic old chief justice. They asked daily about him, and bad all the re ligieus people pray that bis life might be spared. Even Wade, Zacb Chandler and Thad. Stevens prayed. Probably they did it ; at any rate, Taney get well aud was alive 0:1 the itli of March. He also was alive en the succeeding tth of March and .still alive March 1, lSS.'J. Then the old Stalwarts began te get alarmed lest Taney, who was within a year or two of ninety yeais old, would outlive Mr. Lincoln's tesm. Leu Wade said that a meeting of some efthe old Republicans named above late in ISO: the subject in praying for Taney came up, when Chandler, slapping Wade's back, said : " Well, boys, I'm damned if I don't think wc overdid it!" ( hicf Justice Taney lived until October, IS'JI, and died just in time te enable Mr. Lincoln te put Judge Chac in his place and thus get him out of bis way for the second term of the presidency. Taney was bein in 1777. The Winter Solstice. Te-morrow morning the sun enters Cap ricorn, and the astronomical winter be gins. These arc the shortest days of the ear in u r hemisphere, and at the North Pele the.'utddle efthe long Arctic night is reached while it is midday at the Seuth Pele. The entrance of the snn into the Sign of tha Geat was the signal for the an cient Greek aud Phoenician sailors te pre pare for hurricanes and shipwrecks. Aratus, iu his famous poem en astronomy, tint:: expresses the sailors' dread of the winter solstice : " l!e it ne'er thy let In that month te he tossed On the :n id ocean ; neither by the day i'ar sailt-st thou, ler lew the hours or light, Nerc.u-ly en thy perils breaks the dawn, Fer all thy Invocations; pitiless siroccos lash the main when Capiicern Ledges the sun." Having reached its farthest southern limit, the sun will, after Tuesday, begin its journey northward. Fer this reason, Capricorn was anciently called " the goal that turns the .sun." Time is tee valuable te be wasted in creilu creilu ieiisjy experimenting with various remedies when a !" cent bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will at ence cure your cold. Try Your Luck. I'ri.'.es in tiie'27th drawing or tile Common wealth Distribution Ce.. Louisville, Ky., will be cashed 0:1 .January 1st this will enable the lucky ticket holder-, te procure. "Xew Year's ;is." ltd Ce le IL 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 antl V9 North Queen street, for Mrs. Free mini's Ait .Xaliniuil Dict. Fer brightness-mil durahility el color .111: uneiittaled. Celer lrem i fe . pounds, l'rice, l." cents. l'irc! Fire! tire! The man v.he tried te build a lire with wet v.'neil. acts inail-iuip fucl-inl! manner, and is as had as a man refusing te tike Spring i.los i.les i.los seti when his luce is covered with pimples and he's siillefing lrem Indigestion, litlieiisness Fer sal- by II. II. Cochran, druggist. i:7nud i;:. North Queen sfteet, Laacuster, l'a. COSFJICTIOXS. I! KADO'-AfCTKI'S FOli I'UICK CONMIC- 'IIO'NS FOU THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH M AND .". B. ROYER'S, WEST KIXC ST. 1 i:v.i 'i'vv offer te the trade and public a I-uge sji.ck et Pure Confections el every description, at the very lowest market rut en. I'ltriT-, Nl'TS, . and u LAKCE STOCK OF TOTt sei the NEWEST IM'.SHJNS. L-irge U'ld small Cakes b ik"d il illy. Its; Cream lit all tbii.-s. Vi:iH)lNi:s AND PARTIES SERVED AT SHOUT NOTICE. M.MLOUPEItS promptly attended tout the same rate as It ihu person eidcring were presi'iit in person. Call and set: my stock. ffV-IJcuiciubcr the place M AND .-) WEST KINO STREET. ::l r-:;md JOS. R. ROVER. MILI.1XEKY. lIOIiCHTON's IIOl'CilTON'.s LADIES! The cheapest, ami best place Het' Ull ION S in eurcitv tebtiy IIOI-CHTON-S MILLINERY HOODS, Hel'liliTON'S MILLINERY (iOODS, HOI'CHTO.y'S MILLINERY (iOODs, IS AT CHEAP rni:r CHEAI' CHEAP ClIEAI" CHKAF M. A. HOUGHTON'S, T. NORTH QUEEN STREET. FIXE HATS, J-INK HATS, IfON.VKTS, RONXETS. la r( . e ostrich fl-.ath ers ostrich tips. flush all shades, silk velvets, silks, satins, frinces, lacks kid cloves. s 101:1:. STORE. STORK. STORE. STORE. STORE. FINEST FINEST FIXEST FINEST FINEST FINEST CRAl'Es. CRAl'E EILS, CORNETS, CUFFS, COLLARS. NECIvTIEs. A.SORTMEXT ,., ASSORTMENT 1 IU' 1II I, ..IH-.lM"l illlU (itxilp-a Variety of ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT Millinery Goods IN THE CITY. 1 1 HOUGHTON, 25 North Queen St. MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. a bill favorable remain we I JUirjEIMY. ILOIN WATCHES. AU STXLRs.COM, . "yerand Xickel. te $150. Chains etc., sentC. O. D. te 1k examined. Write ter Cata logue te Standard American Watch Company, mtsburgh, l'a. OD1SWGBKR, WATCHUAKKB. e.l59$XOIiTH C-UKKN STKKKT.ncarlM:. Jj. Icpet, Lancaster, l'a. tjeltl, Silver ami .nicKei-cascu naiciic, chains, ClecSs, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated 1'iint-tscepic Specta cles and Kyc-tilussc. Kcpuiring :i .specialty. aprWyd A Full Line or A Full Line et A Full Line et All Crudes- of All tirades of All t.rade-i et WATCHES, CLUCK.-, WATCHES, CLOCKS. CHAINS, LOCKETS. CHAIN S, LOC K ETS. UUAItDS, SPECTACLES, tiUAirns, SPECTACLES, TllhltMOMETKKS, Ae. THEUMOMETEUS. .te at Lew Prices. Wholesale and Ueluil. J23-Fiic Watch Kcpuiring. H. F. ISOW MAX, E. F. KOWMAX. I'll! East King St. lu: East King St. J. E. CALDWELL & CO. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Hid 10, .1 EWKM4KS, SIFiVKKKMITHS, AND IMPORTERS QF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES. CLOCKS AND PORCELAINS, ask particular attention te their su perb stock of goods, especially adapted for HOLIDAY OIFTS! The assortment in overy Depart ment is unequaled, and the price3 (always the lowest) will be found most acceptable iLSTOrdera and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention. MW&F HOOKS AN1 XTATiUXMt "tllKlSTMAS ('It'fS! ! ! HOLIDAY BOOKS, HOLIDAY GAMES, HOLIDAY PICTURES, HOLIDAY GOODS. IX GREAT VARIETY AT L. M. PLYNN'S, Ne. 4- WJTST KING SlICICKT. H OLID.IV COOI'S. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 03 1 III Xevi-I itntl Oiiiiml li"-i;;us, in Great V-irli-ly. Elu.uit. CARINET I'lC'lFRE FRAME. In Celli, I'hk-.uIi-, Vt Iti-I, Lbeny unil Coiiibbintieii. CELLULOID TOILET SETS, TOILET MIRRORS, Gi:tml Cut GI'MS Nevi'ltii-J, .L-ai-I ( -isi.itH. LI II K A It Y INKbTA N I .-J, WHITING DESKS, WORK ISO.V.ES, DICES:)!. VG CASES, LETTER RACKS, Geld Pens & Pencil Cases, photograph a lru. ms, stereoscopes and views, fine pocket reek, cigar c.u.eb, grai':iom;epes, carinet and panel pictures, New lloeks in Holiday Dress. Au imtiifiisi ii'inrftni'iit of RIRLES, PRAYER AND HYMNAL-, CHURCH ROOKS, ILLUSTRATED HOOKS, PICTURE ROOKS, FOR CHILDREN. GAMES, ALPIIARET RLOCK'S, PAINTING ROOKS, WATER COLORS, Ac., At tin: Reek Stouser JOM BAER'S SOIS, IS and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LA-NCASTEIC. l'A.. tJAKfKTti. UIGilKST CASK PRICE WILL I'll PAID FOR EXTRA NICE CAP.PET RAGS. Carpet) nuiile te enler tit short netici :ui(l s-tiHiitciien Knar-muxd. Rare cluinctu In Carpet-- te raluca stck el 6,000 Yards Brussels Camels, AT AXD IJELOW COST. Cr.ll ami satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Uajt anil CliainCorpetiiinalmestcnilles!-variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CAEPET TTAT.T. 203 WEST KDTO STREET, LANCASTER l'A. iki:at wkstkiin gfn ivs:m-, t'itt- I i.iir-'li. Pa. .!! i ! t.ii!ijt ii- - .itixn-lill'-s. sbel -411ns i, elVer,, "t-iit, C. '.. D. !. examination.