LANCASTER DAILY lOTEtHGENCEtt. SATtJItDAt, DECEMBER li, 1880. at a time, net only causing a great waste of water, but clogging up the grounds and gutters with ice. COLUMBIA. NEWS. OUK KEGULAR COItKESrONDKNCi: Market this morning was rather geed. A day or two age the Pennsylvania rail road company were employing freight brakemen as fast as positions were ap plied for. The Susquehanna iron company will pay the rolling mill employees te-day for two A pinion breke in tne machinery in the bar department of tbe Susquehanna rolling mill yesterday, and that branch of the bus iness is stepped te-day, but will resume en Monday. The guide mill was net affected. 8. C. Swartz is fast laying in a supply of ice for next summer's consumption. The ice which he is new cutting in the outlet is from six te eight inches thick, and he has about about five feet of it laid away iu his ice house. The ether dealers are net yet se fortunate, but if this weather contin ues the ice by Monday will be of sufficient thickness te be cut anywhere above the dam. Whcre water was seen day befoie yesterday is new te be found a covering of ice firm enough te bear a person's weight. Councils Last Night. At last night's meeting of councils the finance committce presented the following report : Valance en lmndatdatoetlastiepo:t..::I,.Mi 13 Proceeds of note Receipts et au.:iteriuin License from Majer Tet Rents of store rooms Transient market rents Ilcrskey, tux collector 1B77 1879 Iluckius, tax collector ISSt Total receipts Orders palil rdnce last leperl . 1,48J 00 . li.". 00 .'. 23 7)1 .VJ .!7 00 as oe &1 50 018 :yj $1,531 M Italancc il,lSi t)3 Messrs. S. S. Detwiler and Jehn Fen drich, a committee fiem the Columbia and Marrictta turnpike company, stated that they were willing te abandon the pike from Third sticct te New Second hticct if the council would take it off their hands. Referred. Tlie question of extending the opera house store rooms was indefinatcly postponed by a vele of 7 te 1 after it was discussed at some length and a letter from the architect of the building had been read. The maiket ordinance offered at last meeting v.a3 called up and lead, and a vote being taken section 2 was unanimously adopted as fol fel lows : "That the clerk of the market shall give notice of the opening of market by ringing the bell at 5 o'clock, a. m. en each market day from the first day of Api il until the first day of October inclusive ; that lie shall open the market house at 7 o'clock, a. m. and ring the bell at 8 o'clock a. m. en each maiket day from the first day of October until the first day of April, the doers of the market house te remain closed until the hours named, said change te take effect en Tuesdav December 2S, 1880." Themrhelc was than enacted into an or dinance and dated December 10, 1880. It was decided te held a market en Dec. 24. and another Dec. 31, at 1 o'clock, p. m., instead of en C'lnistmas and New Year's days. A communication was i cud from the Columbia fire company rcpicseniiiijj their engine te be in an unserviceable condition and asking council te make a special ap propriation for its repair. The matter was referred te the iire committee of council. It was decided te place the keys of the doers leading te the opera house clock in the hands of the superintendent of the building, because somebody heard that boys were allowed te wind the cieck. Bills te the amount of $1,010.92, includ ing the pay roll of $137.30 and $480.00 coupons en borough bends, weic r?r.d ami orders granted. Adjourned. THE FINANCK COMMlTTKi: Netice te the City Treasurer At a meeting of the finance committee held at Alderman Barr's office last evening the following action was had : On motion of Mr. Mc.Mullcu the city treasurer is te be notified te place the water rent duplicate for 1880, into the hands of the mayor forthwith in accoid acceid ance with sec. 11, page 103 of digest of ordinances of 1875. In compliance with the above notice the city treasurer at ence placed the duplicate in the hands of the mayor. The section referred te pieviilcs that the duplicate shall be made out en or before the 1st 'of April and placed in the hands of the treasurer, te whom the rent shall be pay able. .On all tents paid en or before the 1st of June an abatement of 5 per cent, is al lowed, between the 1st of June and 1st of .July the whole amount is icquiicd, and after July 1st 5 per cent, added. On the first Monday in September the treasurer shall return te the mayor the duplicate with a list of any rents that may be then unpaid ; and the mayor shall immediately place the same with the duplicate in the hands of an alderman for collection, etc. Such is the law, but for some years past the custom sanctioned by the finance com mittee has been te place only a list of the unpaid rents in the hands of the mayor. The delinquents were then notified thai suit would be brought if the rents were net paid within a given time ; aud this war, supplemented by a personal visit te the delinquent by the superintendent of water works with a notice that the water would be shut off if the rent was net paid. This custom resulted in securing a much fuller and mere prompt payment of the water rents than under the old plan and j at much less cxpense te the city, and would probably have been continued had it net been for the dispute which has been recently going en between the treasurer and the finance committee. Anether meeting of the finance commit tee is called for Monday evening, the pur pose being a fuller investigation of the treasurer's accounts. The County Debt. The ceuuty commissioners have deter mined te fund the county debt, which new amounts te about $369,000, in new regis tered coupon bends, te bear 4 per cent, in terest per annum, te be payable semi-annually and te be free of all taxation. The present county bends bear 4 and 3 per cent, are taxable aud rcdcema'blc annu ally. The new bends will piebablybc made redeemable in three years and pay able in ten years. The following ciicular has been prepared and will be sent te every holder of the county lean : CosniissiesTRVOFncE or Lancaster Ccer jtv ) I.ACAbTER, l'A., 1S:0. i Dear Sir: The commissioners of Lan caster county have concluded te find the indebtedness of the ceuntyjby issuing 4 per cent coupon registered bends, interest pay able semiannually, free of tax. Yeu arc hereby requested te inform the beard pricr te January 17tb, 1881, whether you desire te convert your lean into such bend. Pres ent bondholders will have preference. Un less the above request is complied with your lean will be paid when due. Tlie Arabs. This forenoon a troupe of Palestine Arabs were driven around the city in open cabs. They were dressed in their native costume and attracted a great deal of at tention. They appear in the opera house te-night. The Veidest Day. Thermometers in several different pjits of the city this morning marked C degree;, above zero. This is one degree colder than it has pievleusly been this winter. This afternoon the mercury registers 23 degrees. High Life in Tens. Six ruffians rode up te the store of Rus sell Brethers, at Pert Oak, near Jacks Jacks ero Texas, en Thursday evening, and, after buying $200 worth of goods, invited Abuer Russell te go outside. He went out and was shot dead. The gang then re entered the store and shot Jehn Russell, inflicting what is probably a fatal wound. Citizens are in pursuit of the murderers. Charles Marshall, a rough, who had mur dered an inoffensive old man, was taken from the sheriff and banged by a mob, at Belleville, Nevada, en Thursday. m The Ice. The ice is between C and 7 inches thick en the Concstega and every person who owns an icehouse is busy filling it te-day. At GracIFs Landing there have been large number of skaters all day. S. G. Brescy, of Manhcim, is filling his ice house with ice 8 inches thick and as clear as crystal. On Hamakcr's dam, which is en the Concstega, the ice is 8 inches thick. Wreck ou the Railroad. A wreck occurred en the Pennsylvania railroad between 5 and G o'clock last evening a sheit distance west of Mill creek. Twe flat cars which were leaded with long lumber became uncoupled and the lumber was thrown off upon the south track whih was blocked for some time The day express aud Harrisburg accom modation were delayed ever a half hour. Ne dam?go dens te the caf or lumber. Insurance Paid. Bailsman & Bums have settled all losses of the Greff warehouse fire as fellows : Henry B. Greff, less $ 5,901.13 Henry B. Greff & Ce.'.s, less. . . . 4.8G5.93 Jehn'C. Ticmeyer fc Ce.'s, less. 14,520,00 $25,347.03 Butter Stelen. This morning a country woman had a let of butter stolen from her wagon, as she alleges, while en bar way te this city, she thinks the thieves leached in the back of the wagon while she was driving along. l'er tliOii'j distressing diseases peculiar te women Day's Kidsbv Fad Is Invaluable. d6-MWAF Piser. Geilmstte's Fkexeii Kiiinkt l'i). l'i). Fiet. Guilmctte's French Kidney Pad N a sure cute. Try It. Malt Hitter regulate, purify, sttenglhen and unuiishthn maternal amotiens. Cleopatra 1- ller power wa. retained by force of personal charms. She led the old "boys" captive whenever she talked " pretty" te them and showed her teeth. IlUtery should tell us that she used SOZODONT, but it don't. The pre paration .h(j use 1 migrhl have had another name tben. dS-Iwdeed&w Metheis, us a delightful sanitary measure, always order the Cuticura Medicinal Seap. Xl'ISCIAL SOTJVES. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman alter a faithful ceurt: el treatment with Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound te continue le suffer with a weakness of the uterus Enclose a stamp te Mrs. I.ydia E. Pinkham, 2M West em avenue, l.ynn, Mass., for pamphlet-. jy23-lydcedS.w Hurrah! fur our Side. Many people have lest llielr interest in poll ties an.l in amusements because they arc se eat of seits and run down that they cannot enjoy anything. If such persons would only be wise enough te try that celebrated remedy Kidney Wert and experience its tonic and ren ovating effects tliey would seen be hurrahing w itli the loudest, in either dry or liquid form ills a perfect remedy for torpid liver, Kidney or bowels. I'xehan'jc. Miscrablcness. "'he sncM . enderf ul and man cleus suece.-s, iu caes where persons arc sickerpinlngaway from n condition of mlscrablcness, that no one Itnetit what ails them (profitable patients for doctor-"), is obtained by the use et Hep Hit ter. They begin te cuic from flic first dose and keep it up until perfect health and strength is restored. Whoever is utllicted In this way need net sutler, when they can get Hep Hitters. Sec "Tinths" and "Proverbs" in another column. dl Swd&AV jtletiicra! TUetliers:: Mothers!! .Me you distui bed at night and broken el your ivst by a sick child sintering and crying Willi he excruciating pain et cutting teeth? I!m. eat once un:l gctabottlecfMRS. WINS LOW'S MiO llilNG SYRU P. It ill relieve the peer little sM.llcrer Immediately depend upon it ; there i- no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it, will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and reliel and health te the cliil. I, operating like magic. I It i. p.-i fectly safe te UbC in all cases, and pleas ant i" the ta--te, and Is the prescription of one et tin; eldest and best female physician and uur- 1 1n the United states. Sold everywhere r cents a bottle. fllT-lyd&wM.W&S Tens of lUapes and Their Use. It K astonishing te hee the large quantity el grapes of the finest quality, and large clusters that are e.ich year mashed up for wine, at the vlneyaids el A. Speer, Passaic, N. J. 3Ir. Speer buys large quantities of grapes, and also raises the Oporto grape, from which he makes his celebrated w ine, without the admixtmc et alcohol or spirits. This wine is found by care ful analysis le be the best wine In market ler Invalids and debilitated persons, it is called Spcci'a Teri Grape Wine, and is sold by drug gNta. It is extensively used by churches for the communion table. Excellent ter fatigued females. This wine is recommended by Drs. Ailccauit Mavis, and for sale by II. E. Slay uiakcr. H-2wiUevr 1WAT1M. fcAMnn. December S, 1S0, in Strasburg. J. W. fcundee. aged 31 years, 1 month and S days. The I uncial will take place en Sunday, at 10). o'cleck.from the residence of the deceased, at Strasburg. A'Jt'H' AWEKTISEMFNTS. CalfIusaiTseup LUNcif Tnisis.vL" j 1XG at the Tremont Heue, North Queen meet. JOHN r-.CIIOEXBERGEH. lid 7 UST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE ONE Car Lead of CHAMPION CIUKU, at theXeithcrn Mat ket Hetel. ARNOLD HAAS, ltd l'ropiieter. N JEW ORLEANS BAK1NU MOLASSES. Elesaut Raking Rutter. Shellbark Kernels. Flavoring Extracts anil Spices, at WEAVER'S, ltd' Ne. 35 West King Street. PURL1C .SAL1-:. On SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, ISM), will be sold at the Fountain Inn hotel, that valuable two-story JJriek Dwelling, with two-story lliick Rack Building, Xe. 315 Seuth I'rince street, containing entry, open stairs, purler, dining-room and kitchen en lirst fleer. The scconil-Mery has lour looms and pantrv. with tin ee closets ami summer kitchen, 10x12 feet, w itli fl re-place and bake-even. Geed cis tern and wuil et water, grape vines and yard nlcelv fixed : gas pipes in five apartments. Let 20x117 lcet te a G-t?et common alley. Persons w ishing te ecc the property can de' se by calling en the premises en the under signed. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said dav when terms of sale will be made known bv GEORGE YEISLEY. U. Sucbcrt, Auet. d4-7td N TOTICE TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. Abciit the 20th el this month we will isiie the laM. edition of our REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE ler this season. It will be a much larger and mere exten sively circulated edition than any heretofore issued, and these having properties te sell c-in new avail themselvcs et the great advantages of this means et bringing them before the public. Fer city properties there will be no change in ide unless the property is sold. ALLi AN A. HERB & CO., REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENTS, Ne. 3 North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. dec8-lmdW&SR XEW XDTEBTI8EMEXT8. GBAND SAVER KBAUr LUNCH TMX EVENING at Jehn Spangler's Opera Heuse Saleen, North Prince atreet. Kicker's beer en tap. ltl "VTO REASONABLE OrFEB KEF.CSED. Organs and Pianos. XEW" AND SECOND HAN D, at greatly reduced prices. JUST Us 9TUCKENHOLZ. Fulton Opera Heuse, Lancaster. decllmdR BARGAINS! BARGAINS! In every department of Dry Goods, at FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer tu the Court Heuse. SHAWLS, LADIES' CLOAKS, DRESS CTOODS, lllankcts. Comforts Quilts, all Suitable Gift for the HOLIDAYS, at LOW PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Ileuse. HOLIDAY AMOUICEIMT AUGUSTUS P.HOADS. Jeweler, 20 East King street, has completed his preparations for the Holidays, and suggests that an early examin ation will enable purchasers te secure the avoid the month. choicest crowds selections and later in the AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEWELER, Se. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, l'.i. HOLIDAY GOODS! Widmyer fc RickseckeFs. PATENT ROCKERS, In Spun Silk, Terry, Cnne Hack aud Seat 12ROXY CAHIXKTS. CHILDREN'S ROCKERS, In Ohie, Weed and Perforated. Felding Chairs, Katun Rockers. PARLOR SUITES, FOOT-KEST3, SHOE-ROAES GLASSES. and I.OOK1XU CHAMBER SUITES. OFFICE LIllRAUY and CHAIRS. DIXIXU-ROOM S. E. COR. EAST KING AND DUKE STS., LANCASTER, PA. dcclU-Stnd Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. IIMlEl! I BROTHER Aieelluring a Large and iiientef geed-, suitable for Attractive As-eit- HOLIDAY GIFTS FtK- b HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. Auction ! Anctien ! Commencing Saturday, Dec. I lth. POSITIVE CLOSING OUT Ol" THE H.L.ZAHM&CO JEWELRY STORE. Ne. SO NOCTn QVEEX STREET. Fine Watches for Ladies and Gents, Key and Stem Winders iu Geld and Silver, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Sets Ear Ring, Rings, Chain. Necklaces. RODGERS BRO.'S Knives, Ferks aud Spoons. All tT be sold without reserve. The Fixtures te be sold at the close of sale, and the Stere will be Fer Rent from APRIL 1, 1831. M. MILLAR, dec-'.md PROPRIETOR. ItXW ADTJERTISEMJEXTS EDW J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Things in our stock that make Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, 3ILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY, GOLD BRONZES, GOLD HEAD CAXE3, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER nEAD CANES, SILVER THIMBLES, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, FINE CIGAR SETS, BACCAP.ET VASE3. ALL THESE AND ZAHM'S CORNER, IAIDS0ME CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! Nothing would be nicer ami mere appropriate for a Christ imw Gift than one of NORBEOK & MILEY'S HANDSOME CUTTERS. The best line et Sleighs in the Lancaster Market, including PORTLAND, ALBANY uud TWO-SEATED CUTTERS. Call and secure Bargains. A Full Liucef CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES, and Vehicles et every description, Repairing neatly attended te. Rcnicm her our Jlef te : "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." OFFICE ANO FACTORY: COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. S. CLAY MILLER, Vines, Brandies, Gins, Old Bye Wmm.U. Ne. 33 PENN SQUABE, LANCASTEE, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. A'JSir ADVEKTISEMENTS. INSURE VFITU TUG OLD Established Agency of the ASU WELL Girarfl Fire Insnrancs Ge., OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Invented in Safe and Solid Securities. RIFE 4fc KAUFMAN, Ne. 10 EAST KING STREET, dll-CmdM.W.SR Second Fleer. Special Holiday Netice, Frem Gifler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 35 EAST KINO STREET. Iu addition te the iramense stock of Holiday Goods of all kinds that we new display we will open te-day, SATURDAY, DECEMBER lltb, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13th, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, An immense stock of Holiday Novel Nevel tics, every article being useful and or namental. We call special attention te these goods, as they arc all new and very desirable, and cannot be dupli cated this season. Tliese goods will all be sold at one-half the importer's cost. De net fail te see them before making your Holiday Purchases. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 East King Street, f AM FITTING AND rLUMBING. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Ne. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. JylO-CuideawS ZAHM, Lancaster, Pa. MANY MOUE AT LANCASTER, PA. NEW ADVi:itTJ!4i;MIiXT.-i' MK.K. C.KI CKSECKEK, I'lANO TUNER, is new in this city. Orders for tuning left at Shrcincr's Muaie Stere, Xe. aa Xertli Queen street, will receive prompt attention. ltd (iraru lunch ani turkey kaf T FLING this evening at MICHAEL SNY DER'S SALOON, en Maner sdrcct. ltd rpALK ABOUT CUEAf SAFES. EDDY L FRAXKE, 142 Xertli Mary Mrcet. hub three .Second-hand Safes In geed condition, and will sell them verv Alse agent ler the Celebrated Merris&Irelind S tiangc AnRlc AnRlc Cernered Sale. ltd"1 GRAND LUNCH. " Sauer Kraut ami I'luV Feet, and Turkey Raffling thi-j (SATURDAY) evening at Henry Reurer's Centennial Saleen, corner of Straw berry, Mulberry and Ylne Sticets. ltd LOTS FOR SALE. New U the chance le buy lets u hilst thev are cheap ; a geed time ter industrious men te 1ut their surplus earnings into something lkelyte advance in value. The undersigned will sell from eue te fifty lets at a low priceen lenjr time. Lets are situated in northeast ward, Fer terms apply te dll-stdeed a. H RUSSEL. IO. C EAST KINi; STREEi'. RAROAIXS ! IIARGAIXS I SELLING OUT BELOW COST TO CLOSE business: We respectfully call attention te our Larc and Elegant Meck of MILLINERY A3fD Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Which we are selling at a Greac S.iei illce te Clese .Business. 8S- A Fine Afrsoitnient of suitable CHRIST MAS l'RESENTa. 1IRIMMER DELL, ltd Ne. Ee-t Kin;; stit.ct. HOLIDAY GIFTS! HOLIDAY GIFTS! HOLIDAY GUTS! We ale new showing a complete iine et tractive goeds'ln every Uep irlmcnt. J. II. MARTIN & CO. It you want te give a have jn-st what you want. U-ctul I're-ent, we J. B. MARTIN & CO. Nothing makes a better Present than a bll.K UMBRELLA or aUOSSAXIERRUBRER GAR MENT. We have a large line of both. SILK UMBRELLAS, with I ery, Pearl. Walrus and Natural Stick Handler. Prices from ?J up. J. B. MARTIN & CO. We have a large stock et (JOsbAMER RUB BER GARMENTS, in all size, for Ladies and Gents. All our goods are fully warranted. J. B. MARTIN A: CO. We have the liciiest collection et bILK HANDKERCHIEFS. .LIXEX HANDKER CHIEFS IX FAXCY BOXE, PAXCV HAND KERCHIEFS of all kinds. J. B. MARTIN & CO. We have a large vaiiety of PERFUMERV and FAXCY SOAPS, suitable ler Piovcnts Pievcnts Piovcnts Xevclties In PERFUMERY IX 1-AXC1 BOXES. J. B. MARTIN & CO. We are showing the largest line of FRENCH CHINA AXD MAJOLICA WARE, IIAVI LAXD'SCHIXA FRUIT PLATES, PLAQUES, SOLITAIRE SETS, COFrEE and TEA CUPS, B. & M. SETS, TEA SETS, &c Lai go line of MAJOLICA and GLASSWARE. J. B. MARTIN & CO. A CRUMB CLOTH, FLOOR CLOTH, or FIXE RUG, makes a geed Present and a dura ble one, tee. We have them all sizes, and at very low prices. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sta. LANCASTER, PA. WAJiTEIt. WANTED. A SITUATION IX A GRO cery Stere, by a man of exp-rience Geed recommendation. Addles T, this, eftlcc. ltd TIIED EDITIOIT. SATUBDAY EVENING, DEC. H, 1880. 1TKATIICR INDICATIONS. Washington, Dec. 10. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, lower barometer, higher temperature, aud northerly shifting te southerly or westerly winds, and partly cloudy weather. BAYARD'S DISCLAIMER. l(c Never Uttered the Statement Attributed te D-lin. Washington, Dec. 11. A representa tive of the New Yerk associated press to day called Senater Bayard's attention te the letter written te the editor of the Philadelphia Press by Messrs. Boutwell, Arthur, Davis and Conkling, and tele graphed from Philadelphia te the associated press last night. In response te au appropriate inquiry, Senater Bayard said : "The statements referred te as hav ing been published in the Philadelphia Press of October 29th, and in the State Sentinel of Dever, Del., were never heard of by ine until the 15th of No vember, aud I then settled the fact that I had made no such statement by saying they were false and malicious, and I resented the imputation that I had at any time made such charges. It is net necessary for me at present te comment en the published letter which you have just shown inc.". DISASTROUS FLAMES. Ktci-ic Cuctlngratlen at Sharen, Mass. Bojte.v, Djc. It. A lire at Sharen, Mass., last night destreyed buildings occupied by II. A. Lothrop, for knit ing stockings; T. G. Wright & Ce., manufacturers of beets and shoes; C. A. D.imen, also a beet and shoe manufacturer Total less, $37,000. Fifty parsons thrown out of employment by the fire. Custom Deuse and Records lluriietl. Washington, Dec. 11. A telegram from Pensacola, Flerida, says the custom house and records at that places were de streyed yy lire last night. Children ISurneu te Death. Memphis, Dec. 11. A fire this morning destroyed two shanties ou Butler street. Twe colored children aged 3 and 4 years, were burned. Tlicir parents had locked them in the liouse before going te work, and tiiey accidentally set fire te the liouse and perished. I'ire in Itcadlne;. I.EADtxc, Pa., Dec. 11. The planing mill of Jehn Schaeffer was completely de stroyed by fire at :l o'clock this morning. Mr. SchaciTcr's private residence was partly 'aimed out. The fences en the ad joining prepei ty, a stable and two small houses en the lear let were partly de de streyed. Less about $10,000; no insur ance. A general alarm was sounded. The weather is intensely cold and two lire plugs weic found te be frozen. lay Gould Luscs S100,00O by Fire. New Yerk, Dec. 11. Jay Gould's con servatory at Irving ten was destroyed by tire tlii-. morning. Les $100,000. THE J1ITTEK COLlJ. FrozzuteDoatliin Sight of Heme. Purrs, Dec. 11. Bcnj. Wagner, aged 30, a farmer living near Orwigsburg, was frozen te dcatii in his wagon yester day within sight of his homeland fell from the vehicle dead. A Alan's eet Frezen. Piiii.dei.piiia, Dec. 11. A man named Mc Wright, 35 years old, having no home, was found en the steps of a dwelling in Ninth htivet, below But ten weed, at 11 o'clock last night. He had both feet se badly frozen as te make amputation nec essary. He was conveyed te Philadelphia hospital. Four llelew Zere. Uo.Niiet t, N. Y., Dec. 11. The ther mometer at seven o'clock this morning marked four below zero. THE COLLIERY DISASTER. Olie Uiiiidrcd Lives Probably Lest. Londen, Dec. 11. Later estimates of the Ieds of life by the explosion in the Peuygiig colliery yesterday make the number cf poisons who perished one hun dred. - IS HE INSANE? The Dofenve in tlie Ilortreo Murder Case. IIenltdale, Pa., Dec, 11. The entire morning session of the Bortrce trial was taken up by the examination of Professer Shultz ami Dr. Geerge Bird, of Binghamton, New Yerk, med ;cal experts, who swore positively that Eertrcc was Many witnesses in rebuttal arc te be examined yet before the scandal comes out. SIAKKETS. e- XurK Alarxet. Nuw Yekk, l)t-i 11. Fleur State and West ern quiet and without decided change in pi ice-; hupertlnc state S3 40 1 0U ; extra de Jl UO ,4 170; cheiei', de jtS0fj5 10: fancy de at $l.ritL7: round hoop Ohie il 70S5 50: choice de at iS.TKgf; 35; superfine western 1& 30g) t 00; common te geed extra de 4 404 75; choice de $5 Oiige "5 ; choice white wheat de $5 10 tj0); sjeuthcru dull ami unchanged; com moil te fair ex li 11 3 0085 50; geed te choice de $5 .r0(5 75. Wheat pt Ices li&c better and market moderately active ; Ne. 1 While, Jan., $1 20 : Ne. 2 Red, spot. $1 21 ; de Dec., $1 21;de dan. $1 21$l 'iVi ; de Feb., $1 2.)4l 2B; de March 41 22$. Cern prices lfjiy.c hatter and market quiet; Mixed western spet'irrQ.WJic; de future,5K 3i;te. Oats a shade stronger ; Ne. 2 Feb., 47c ; State ligiL'c; Western 42i21S KtecK.ilarKer. Nkw VouuSrecKB. Stocks strong. December 11. v. r. x. r. it. r. v. 1:25 1:50 2:10 3:00 It 47 47 121i 124 116 11 121 121 111-JjtIIOK A.M. A 12.55 it&tIll,J Eric k. R 47 Michiwin S. & L. S....124 Michigan Cent. R. R..116?i Chicago &N.W.. ... chicujre, m; & ht. P.. Han. If st. .1. Cem.... " " l"ld... Teledo A Wabash... Ohie & Mississippi. . St. Leuis. I.3I.&S.R. .111 - 44J . 44 . 3 Vi 'i JB lA zr, 47 35 43 36 47 31 20 80 44 Uiiuirieanu nestern. my, C. C. & I. C. R. R 20 Netv Jersey Central.. 7J Del. & Hudsen Canal. SJ Del., Lack, ft WcsternlOt Western Union Tel... 82 32 '.'.' '.'.'.'. 20 VK .. ; 89 104 101 M 50 107 107 44 ' l'aciuc Jiaii s. s. co. Union 1'nciflc Kansas ft Texas New Yerk Central... Adams Kxpress , Illinois Central Cleveland ft IMtt-j.... Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce PUILADKI-rillA. Stocks flun. Pennsylvania"!!. It.... r.i.ii... ft. fl. M.. 144 117 116 120 125 125 C2',j 62 25 57 8 m 45 62 25f 57 368 33 63 D 45 20 1 nil u. x nui'iiuu 7i Lehigh Valley 57 Lehlgli Nbvixatlen... Cb Nortiierni'acincuem an P'd . C3 Pitts., Tltnsv'e ft 1!..'.. 17 Northern Central 45 Phil'aft Erie R. It.... 20 Northern Penn'a; irn. it. It's of N. J 180 .. 180 Heslenville Pass 1 Central Trans. Ce, FnlUdelpnla Market. Philadelphia, Dec. IL Fleur dull, but unchanged ? aiuwrflnn at. t eiJJI -n- i.vtn n. lfJW M Ohie and Indiana family S5SK5 2 .. mn family $. 1235 W : St. Leals family moeetc 30; Minnesota lainilyfj 2'5St;oe; de straight HJOOSU 50: Winter nateiu J SJ3I 1 25 ; Spring de 7 POffiS 25. Rye dour at 15 23. Wheat firmer. Ne. 2 Western RcdlllSW; Cern dull but steady ; steamer, at 52Kc : yel low, old. 56Kc ; new, 55t$c ; mixed, old, bUKc ; new, 55c. - ?u iiuU Dut steady ; Xe. 1 White 4H,'c -'Se. 2 detfXc; Se. 3 de ; Ne.2MliedS Kye weak ; Western iWc ; Penn'a OGc : best bid. Previsions Arm ; mess perk old. 513 50 ; new. 15 25: beet hams at $13 OOglS 50; Indian m.s3 beer $17 50 ; Bacen smoked shoulders .Vic : salt de 5c: smoked hams 9JiSI0ic; pickled hams Tttsc. Lard firm ; city kettle at Sc : loee butch ers' SHflSfc: nrime t.iin qii. Butter firm, best crades in geed demand ; Crcanu'ry extra 35a5c : de goeu te choice 2iid 34c; B. C. ami N. Y. extra 2$:S0c ; Western reserve extra 24c; de soed toeheieo'lSiiiie; Rolls firm ; Penn'a Fxtra 22321c ; Western Reserve extra 2225. Kirns scarce aud wanted ; Pa. 32j ; Wencm 30031c. Cheese dull and heavy; New erk lull cream at lSQlSc ; Western full cream 12'fe ; de fair te geed at Hgl2c; de Iniir skim- at 1010Jc. Petroleum firm ; refined at D--'c. Whisky at $1 10. Seeds Geed te prime clever steady TfiTJ'; Flaxseed dull at l se. XEW AnrEUTISEXEXTS. COAL ! COAL ! ! Fer geed, clean Family und all ether kind ofCOALgeto RTJ3SEL, & SHULMYEPw'S. QmUlty and Weight guaranteed. Orders itv spectrully solicited. OFriUKs 2S East King Street. YARD: U1S North Prince Street. augll-taprlSR PUBLIC SALK AVILLDK OFIT.KKO AT public sale, all that let of ground trenting 44 feet en the southeast 4I or Mlddle sticct, and extending m depth lis feet ; inelus.en which is erected twotwe-storv llrick Dwelling Houses, with back buildings ami ether im provements. The said property will be sold as a whole, or cither house uud leta- new divid ed and occupied, will he sold .sep.u-.itelv. If neld separately the light te 11 common nVe of the hydrant, passau allev and r way :is new used will be reserved. Sale te be held at thn Leepard Uelel, en i:ast King street, en MONDAY. DKCLHRKR 2H. IS), at7::M) p.m., uhuicoi:di:Ienwillbouadu known by JOHN RLACIC. dll-tsd HKADJUAKTi:S I'OU PUItK CONFEC TIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY.- AT JOSEPH R. ROYBR'S, 50 AND 32 WEST KlXtS ST. 1 can new nOi;r le the trade and public a large stock et Pure confections et every description, at the verv lowest m irkel Rites. FRUITS, NUTS. ftc. and a LARUi: STOCK OF TOYS of the NEWEST DEsIJNt. l.-trge und small Cakes b.ike 1 daily. Ice at all times. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the same rate as it ihu prse:i ordering were present in person. Call and see my stock. A9Rcinembcr the place 30 AND 32 WEST KIXCJ STREET. slt-Smd JOS. R. ROYER. EXTEJtTJIXJIESTS. UULTON OPKftA HOUSC SATURDAY AFTERNOON ANDEVENI DECEMUER 11th. Nil, TUE GREATEST OF ALL NOVELTIES. Native Palestine ARABS. SEL1M IIASHMI, Discoverer of Livingstone, Manager: TIIE SHEIK AROUDAYEU, (El Ihilalee): TIIE SUED K Y'OUSEPH AWDEII, (ElRamlanee): KIIAWADJA YAKOel!, (El Rahzoezio): KIIAWADJA YAKOOR, (EIHawcet): THE SHEIK MOHAMMED hUHE.M VN, (hi Mulewcn): PROF. JAMES ItOsEDALE. Arab Grectlnga and Salutatiens: tlie Feast ing et the Citizensand Rudenins ; Illustrations or Trading Among the Rcdeuins; 15c trot ha i nnd Marriage Ceremonies ; an Arib Concert and Sword Dancing; the Re.leuln Robbers; Religious Rites and Ceremonies, Introducing the Famous Hewling and AVhirllng Dervish from Ragdad. ADMISSION TO MATINEE.. ..fiOami a.1 CLj. CHILDREN Sfl CtH. EVENING CO and 33 Cts. 3-Rcservcd t?ats at Yecker'r, en 'rimiMluy niernlng. ds-3td MMSVEI.1.ANEO VS. G1KAND IIOH ItAFILK AT lll-MiV r NEAMER'S SALOON, corner of Orangi; and Water Streets, en Saturday evening next. dle-2td" rpHK KOAKD OF Ti:iJ!TEKS OF TIIK J. lealcs Institute desire te employ an as sistant master in their school. Applicants will call upon Rev dent of the beard, dec 0-1 nil C. F. Knight. D !., presi GhORGi: NAUMAN, feeietmy. TAKE NOTICIJ THAT A 1.7. TiiK OUT standlng and unpaid eit y tax for the year lb80, new iu the hands et the collectors et the several wards, must be paid en or betore WEDXESDA1.TIIK2UTI1 DAY OF DECEM UER, A. I)., la-si, as liiiincdl.itely alter that date tin: saint! will be )!aecd In 111-.: hands et the city solicitor ter collection. deel-tid rrur. Kiuremt'M for .ielidav picks J ENTS. Presents hir all at FREY'S CITY PHARMACY. Neith Qnei-n, comer Orange strest, Lancaster, Pa. An Immense variety el Toilet Sets. Ladies' and Gents' Coirpnieii-i. Ladle' Cabbaa, Russia Leather and tcal Skin Pocket-Reok.s, Letter and Card Case. Funs, Cigar Cases, Ac. Fine Colognes, Toilet Waters, Cut Glass Kettlcs, &c. 4VCALL AND EXAMINE. TM'OVKLTIKS IN SCAKF IMNS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AM) DlMVi 'EKSi, AT E. J. BRISMAN'S, THE -JIIIIirMAKKR. 5G NORTH -Jl'KKS STKI.KT LL IN WANT OF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT I would respectfully say that nerv is tiis time In order te avoid being disappointed te have your presents selected and put aside, und then when the rush comes a little later you will be sure of having your present Just when you de sire. I cordially Invite a call te ce my assort ment of HOLIDAY GOODS, Furniture and Picture Frames. WALTER A. HMTSH, 15 East Hlng Street. FLULN & BRBNMAIn. GRAND OPENING OF ,C ir A larger stock than ever. Lewer price than ever. Every variety of Mechanical Tev. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! " BLOCKS AND GAMES. Horses, Carta, Wagons, Sleighu, Velocipedes and RlcyeleH. USEFUL CIIISTMAS PRESENTS. Elegant Carver,Silver-plated Knives, silver plated Spoons, Silver-plated Ferks. The above goods are Kedgers & lire.'d best goods, bought at a sacrillce. and will be fold very le-. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Tin, fchect Iren and Weeden Waic a: Great Bargains. Flu & BMuian's, tfrcat Stere and Heater Stere, 152 North QueeirStreet, LANUASTEa, TA.