LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE U. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4. 1880. Lancaster Intelligencer. THUBSDAY EVENING. NOV. 4, 1880. Present Garden Hints. Oernistntewn Telegraph. At this season of the year no time should be lest in tidying up. The leaves have fallen from the trees and should be raked together and carried te the compost heap or used for covering tender things. There are some perennial plants that are hardy, if covered with a lew leaves, that often get killed with such covering. This is cs pecially the case with the chrysanthemum and with ethers when there is no snow. A thick mass of leaves is, however, an injury. It encourages dampness. The thinnest sort of a layer is enough, and en this a little earth should be sprinkled te keep the leaves from Hying away. Then there are always some few unfor tunate Jlewers left out te die because we have no use for them. We de net pull them up, but let them remain as long as they will till the frost blackens them. New they may be gathered together, with the tops of dahlias, gladiolus, tuberoses, and-se-forth, and taken away. Tender roses, such as SatTrane and ether teas, require some protection. It is much better te dig up all these tender roses, and in some high spot, where the water will net lie, set them thickly together as if we were planting thein, and then threw earth just enough te cover them ever the whole. These who have tried it speak well of the plan. Many things that are hardy when large arc a little tender when young, and hence people protect them with straw. But the thinnest layer of straw is better than a thick one. A thick mass of straw retains water, and the leaves and branches ret before spring. The straw is net se much te keep out the frost it does little of that but te keep oil- the wind and the direct rays of the sun. and a thin layer does as well as a whole bundle will de. Cedar branches arc often used as well as the boughs of ether evergreens, and arc very goeod, net only because they arc quite as effective, but also because their color is in their favor. In all protective matters avoid fresh, strawy litter from the barnyard. It is full of salt, and this is destructive te the leaves ami branches of plants. It is es pecially bad for evergreens. A large number of ornamental shrubs are raised from cuttings, and these arc taken oil' at this season, tied in bunches and buried in the earth. When spring comes thev arc taken out and planted up right in the ground with their tops above the ground. Why it is that they should de better when cut off new than if left en the plants and cut off in the spring, wc cannot see, but it appears te be the fact. 'Te lie, iir Net Te 15e." 'Te lie, or net Je be" Unit is tin; question whether te suffer from :i di-cssed system ami continuous impurities of our lilem I. or te take Spring 1'los.iem and become :t welcome :ml respectable member of society. Prices: tee.. trial bottles K'c. for ssihf bv II. I!. Cochran, druggi-l. '"'"' !l"l ' " North tjiieen street. Lan caster, Pa. 2 "WeikiJisinuii. Rcfnrc you begin your heavy spring work altera winter of relaxation, your system needs clesui-dng ami strengthening le prevent an at tack of Ague, I'iliouser .Spring Fever, or some ether Spring sickne. that will unfit you for a season's work. Yea will save time, much fctckucss ami great expense if you will use one bottle et Mop Hitters in your family this month. Don't wait. See ether column. nl-2wd&w ICve. When Eve upon the first of men, the apple pre.-sccl with specious cant. Oh what 11 thousand pities then, that Adam wis net Adamant, IStit though by his false Mop, we were deemed, te lite of endless toil, One certain comfort we can yet, te cure Uhcu mallcs Kclcctrie Oil. 1'ersale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, Nns. 137 ami i:.".' Nei'th ijuecii street. Lancaster, I 'si. ." The Pleasures el Hepe. When tan body is bowed with paiuau intense longing ter relief brings hope. This may brighten the suffering but it docs net cure. At. a time like this hew welcome is such n Iricnd as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, bringing hope, health ami happiness and the joys of a renewed lile. 1 In i lie Dark. When in the dark her hand I pressed, what rapture 1 endured. But ivhen.thc candle entered, all wsn cured. Fer he face was covered with blotches and pimples. I made her a present of a bottle et Sprim.' Ilio-sem, ami new she'- cured. Wed ding next week no cards, only testimonials. Prices: .V)?., trial bottles h'.-. 1-or sale by 11. 15. Cochran, druggist. 1S7 and I.'i'J North ijnccii street. Lancsi-.tcr.Pi'.. 4 MEMVAJ.. HGSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Mpc's the rrt'iiirementsef the rational medi cal philosephv which at pn-eut prevails. It is si pcrlectiy pure vegetable remedy, embracing t!ie thr-e iniiiertuu: pepertivs efa preventive, si tonic, and an sdtcralivc. It fertiiies the bedvugaiiiMdi.-ea-e. invigorates ami revitnl izes'the torpid stomach and liver, ami ellectssi most salutary change in the entire system, when in a morbid condition. Forsa'eby sdl Druggist.-, and Dealers gencr. HHy nl-lvdeed&lyw ST TKKVINI", OK TOXIC Sl'KUli'ICA. A IIOOX TO JJOTIl SliAfcS. A 11KMEDV WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases sirisiug lrem Xerveus Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits, as well ns lrem the prostration et old sige. Its curative proeerties in violent and chronic forms of the following di.-easos have been at tested te bv the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Seif Abuse, Headache. Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, linpoieney. Premature Decay, &c. It has lieun in use for ever Jorty years, and is te-day Mic meM popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can he used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, antfjwitter than nil, it is si sure, ssite and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but Mauds upon its own merits, as any trial wil auiplv demonstrate. Since 1SS0 this remedy lias a'lwavs been sold ftiru much larger price than that for whieh it is new sold; but owing te the act that the time ter the payment et un enormous royally upon its manufacture has expired, it is elieretl te I hi: suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se sis te be within the reach of ali at which price it will be Bent tenny suMivas tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, i; Spruce Street, Philadelphia. ilsty he consulted en sill diseases by inal". Ivi'-Umd&w TISn'AlUi, e iJtt'Xt-J ?-" S" tevi:s. STOVES. Drick'Set smd Pertnbhi HEATERS and RANGES -. at : Slicrizer, lluniplirdville & Kieffer's 40 EAST KING STREET. MRS. ( LILLEU, LADIES' HAIItDKESSEi: Jlanulint urerand Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Glevesand Feathers cleaned and dyed, sit Nes. 223 and 227 North (juecn street, four doers above I. " U- Depot. el-T.nid HOP BITTERS. IF YOU AKK A MAX OF BUSINESS, weakened by the strain of your duties' avoid stimulants ami take HOP JIITTEIiS! I f you are a man of letters, telling ever your midnight work, te restore brain anil nerve waste, take HOP BITTERS I II you are young, and suffering Ireni any indiscretion ordisslpatien, tsika HOP HITTERS! If you are married or single, old or young, buffering from peer health or languishing en a bed of sickness, take nOP HITTERS! Whoever you arc, -wherever you are. when ever you ' feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, with out intoxicating, take hop hitters: Have you dyspepsia, kidney or urinary com plaint, di.-.ease et the stomach, hetvcls, bleed, liver, or nervesl Yeu will be cured If you take. HOP HITTERS! It you are simplv ailing, are weak ami low spirited, try it! liny it. insist upon it. Your druggist keeps it. HOP HITTERS! It may save your life. It lias saved hundreds. HOP HITTERS MANCFACTURINtS CO., Kechcster, New Yerk and Terente, Ontario. J'OIt SAL12. ORPHAN'S ('eUJlT SAL.K. On THURSDAY. NOVEMRER IS, 1SS0. el a valuable Chester county farm of 210 ACRES Convenient te railroads, "Geed buildings. Sale positive. Fer particulars address. S. E. N1VIN, Administrator c. t. si. ect20-iiud Laudenberg, Pa. PCl'LIC SAI.K. On THURSDAY, NOVEMRER II, 18S0, will be sold at public sale at the Grape lietel. Xerth Queen street, the following described real estate te wit : A two-story brick DWELLING. HOUSE and two contiguous halt lets of ground. Ne. 419, en the north side et East King street, in the cltv of Lancaster, each of said hail lets con cen tsiihhig in front 32 feet 2J inches, and it.", teet in depth te a 14-feet wide alley, to gether with 2 Jeet 0 Inches wide in front en said East King street and of that width north ward te the distance of 45 teet et the adjoining property en the northwest for the use et an alley. Possession will be given en April 1, 18S1 Psirtef the purchase mencyinay remain en the property for one year. It desired. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. et said day. - SAMUKLSIIOCII. llKNKVSlIUEEIlT, Allct. OiVtslI "11TV PROPERTY AT PUKLICSALK. 1 J On MONDAY , NOVEM15EU S. ISStl, willbe seiu at puenc saie ai me cooper iieuse, esi, King street, Lancaster, a valuable let of ground, situate en the north side et West Chestnut street, between Charlette and Mary streets, in said city (Ne. 411), fronting en said nut street 25 teet sinil extending north ward lv 201 feet, en which is erected a new two story "f'.RICK DWELLING HOUSE, with ISrIek Hack Ruihling and Frame Summer Kitchen attached. There sire four rooms en llrst lloer, live rooms en second iloer and one large plastered room en the third lloer. There is gns and water up and down stairs, with hath room, water closet and ether modern improvements. There is a cel lar eleven teet deep, sinil dry. under the entire building, and si balcony runs the full length of the back building. This property is located in one of the nie-t desirable neighborhoods in the city,!'; in geed condition, and will be sold en reasonable terms. 1". -.iiis wishing te view the preiiii-e.s before tlied.ty el" ssde, will call en the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale te commence sit seven o'clock p. m., of said dsiy, when conditions will be made known by M US. EM M A L. SMITH, Hrxr.v SnruiaiT, Auet. ectis-tsd IXI'Cl'TOK'S PU1IHC KALIS OF VAMTA ll 15LE CITY PUOPKKTY. On FUIDAY' XOVEMP.EU 5. lJ-e, will b:s sold by public sale at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster city, Psu, the following resil estate, te wit : Ne. 1. A let of ground lreuting IS feet, mere or less, en Esist King street, in ssiid city, and extending 215 in depth te si ltt-feet wide alley. en wincliiscrecleusitwo-siery liuiCK HOUSE with'si two-story llrick I5.ickl5uilding:ittachcd, Ne. Mi. Tlie house is conveniently laid out with Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether improve ments. Ne. 2. A let of ground lreuting 21 feet en East Orange street, and extending in depth 118 feet te S-leet wide private :il,ey, en which is erected a two-story ISrick Heuse, with si two story ISricIc Hack P.uilding attached. Ne. 447, with gas through the whole house, Hydrsint, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. Ne. -. A let of ground lrer.ting the same sis Ne. 'J, and the same depth and same kind of si house sis Ne. -, and is numbered 411). Ne. 4. A let el ground lreuting Hi teet en Eat Orange street, in said city, and extending in depth 110 teet te a 12-leet wide private alley, en which is erected a two-story Hrick Heuse with si one-story ISrick Hack I'.tiilding attached. ! Ilydrsmt, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. e. .tj-j. r e rm s esi-y. Sale te commence sit 7 o'clock p. in. of said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by UKV. A. F. KAt'L. Executer et the Estateef kite Sirs. Daniel Mc- Cert. Sam'l IIi:ps & Sex, Aiscts. eJ5-12td OKI'HANS' COURT SALE OF VERY VAL. UAHLE UEA L ESTATE. On TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMHEU !, 1SS0. in j.ursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, will be sold sit public vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, West Kingstrect, in the city of Lsmcsister, Pa., the following resil estate, late of Philip helium, deceased, viz : All thsit elegant three-story UUICK STOUE and KUin.LING HOUSE smd Let of Ground, situate en the south side of West King street, betweim I'ciin Su;iresmd Prince the city of Lsincaster,:ifere.-ald. containing 40 feet, '.i'iuehes in front, smd extending in depth 215 teet te a It teet wide public silley en which it has si front et width el lit feet y, inches. Hounded en the east by property el Charles Gillespie and Geerge M. Stciuman, ami en the west by property el .Inliu MeC'sdhi. The store Uenui is very hirgennde inveiiieiit with geed dry cellar under it. The dwelling part of the building isnl.-ocxtciisivcnndisuew occupied sis si beat ding heu-c. There are roomy Hrick Stables en the said alley, with large entrance from West King street, esipsibk! of accommodating a large number of horses. Alse wagon sheds and carriage houses. The whole building is drained by tcwers connect ing with the msiin sewer in West King street, smda well et never-failing wsiter with pump therein is in the yard. The whole premises have lately been thoroughly put In order, the trout and Mables newly painted smd arc new in excellent condition. This Is a very valuable property, centrally lecatedand considered one of the business stands of the city smd wel worthy the attention of business men smd cap italists generally. Possession el the store may Iks given imme diately if desii'ed. Geed title smd possession given'en the rest of the property en April 1st. 1SS1. Sale te commence sit 7 o'clock, p. in., en ssiid dav. when attendance will be given and terms made known bv. .IOI1X K. SCIIUM, CHAS.llOLAVOltTli, S. Ilnss "i Sex, Administrators, c. t. a. Auctioneers. eeti't-SWThSd ITOUXUJIJIS ASV MA CUZfiJXTS. I" ANCASTF.R J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLTJM STREET, OrpesrrciiiE Locomotive Weara. The subscriber continues te niauutacturi; ISOILERS AND eTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposed Furnace Twierf, Hollows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blsicksmithing generally, 9S Jobbing piemptly attended te. auglMydl JOHN It EST. JtOOTS AM S1KHCS. 105 GO TO F. lUEMEXZ'S, 105 Cheapest Ne. 105 North (Juecn street for tin and Hest HOOTS AND SHOES. lOR Sign of the lliir Shee. 105 sj-siwisi EASY BOOTS lebll-tfd i:OOTS, SHOES AND LASTS inside en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet. Lsists made te order. MILLEU, i:J3,K:ist King atrcet 105 LADIES AM) GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD PITTING BOOT OR SHOE, I'ca'y-made or made te order, call at F. HLEMENZ'S, . Xe. 105 Xerth Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. c2T.SAWtfd WAXAMAKEK & BBOW2T. OAK HALL, PHILADELPHIA. Werth Knewing. There is a place in Philadelphia where a stranger may buy his clothes, and fare as well as if he knew the whole city by heart ; and if knows nothing about the value of cloths, or of clothes, he is as well oil' as if he were a geed judge of both. The reason is that everything te be found there is made thcie made and sold under a system which rarely allows mistakss te occur, and which corrects them if they de occur. Oak Hall is the place, and its practice may be summed up iu a few words. If you get there what you don't waut te keep at the price, you return it, and get yestr money back. This means a great deal mere than appears en the surface. It means that you are net going te get what you will net want te keep at the price, if the merchant can help it. It means that the clothes you get there will be of honest cloths, honestly made ; and that they will cost you less than as geed clothes can be get for elsewhere. It means that they will be every way better worth your money than you can get elsewhere for the same money. If it means anything less than these things if it means peer cloths, trim mings, cutting, sewing, or in any way dishonest or illiberal dealing; the return of his goods, will plague the merchant, injure his credit and dis sipate his trade. If it means these things if it means liberal and honorable dealing, valu able and trusty clothing, case and safety in gcttiug it, Oak IIali. is the place for you te go te, or te send te; and it is worth your while te knew hew you can .'.end, if it is inconvenient te go. Write; sav what your occupation is ; say what sort of use you intend te make of the clothes you want ; whether for everyday wear or other wise; what color yen prefer, or wliai. color te avoid ; say about what you want te pay ; say everything that you think may aid a stranger in cheesing for you. Yeu will get in reply samples of cloths and prices of whatever you want made from these cloths. Yeu will get also the means of having your measure taken by an unskilled person. There is only one difticully left. Somebody has get te take the risks of the dealing; for there are risks. Send your money along with your eiiler. That covers the risk as te your geed faith. Wc risk everything else; the lit and your satisfaction every way. Our trade by mail amounts te half a million dollars a year ; there's no reason why it shouldn't amount le five millions. Wanamaker & Brown. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market streets, Philadelphia. Asnzica bkes aeyehtisexekt. k STK1CH UKOS.' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTUICII I5UOS.' LAXCASTEU BAZAAlt, ASTKICH UUOS.' LAXCASTEU BAZAAU, AsTUICII DUOS.' LANCASTER BAZAAU, ASTUICII BUOS.' LANCASTER BAZAAU, ASTUICII BROS.' LANCASTER BAZAAR, ASTUICII BUOS.' LANCASTER BAZAAU, 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. i EAST KING STUEET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. MILLIXEUY MILLIXEUY MILLIXEUY MILLINEUY M1LLINEUY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY M1LLINERT MILLINERY MILLINEHY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLIXEUY MILLIXEUY MILLIVERY "MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLIXEUY MILLINERY MILLIXEUY MILLIXERY MILLIXEUY MILLIXEUY MILLIXEUY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY Pattern Hats and Bennets. Derbies at Cic. Seit Felt Derby, flOc. Misses' Derbies, bound and trim med With Mltill, 7."c. Cigarette Hats, tfic. our $1.00 Derby et line felt. trimmed with heavy satin tib- bon .and bound with geed black satin, is the cheapest smd me-t prefltsible hsit ever bought. Ladies' Shape Hats and Hennets. in Straw. Fine Felt and Beaver. Large, Fine Selt Hesiverllats, iu all colors, $2.). OSTRICH ami FANCY FEATHERS. iu all shades and in the most sir- tistie designs. BIRDS' WINGS. HEADED r" BREASTS. FEATHER HANDS and ethers. RIBBONS of superior jual- ity, t'lsiin and Fancy, iu ail shades. NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES U LACK SILKS at 7.'ic. per yard. LACK SILKS at SLIM per yard. LACK SILKS sit SI.1S per yard. SPECIAL BARGAIN of LACK SILKS at $1..V per yard. Lyens Colored Satin, Latest SATINS Shades. .t:e, per yard. SATINS Extra Quality Lyens Blsick SATINS Satin, 7.":e. per yard. SATINS Lyens Black Dress Sat Id, SATINS superior quality, $1,00 per SATINS yard, worth, $1.-2.1. SATINS Fine Black Dress Satin, SATINS U U H SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATlNS SATINS SATINs SATINS SATINS SATINs SATINS SATIXs SATINS SI.'-ii, Sl.-l'i. 5l.ti. SATIXS SATINS SATINS in sill the Sew Shades. SATIXS GARNET, SATIXS .MAUOOX, SATIXS ( '. EX D A RM E. S ATI NS II ELIOTUOPE. Se. SATINS GOOD BLACK SLLK VELVET, $1.00 per yard. FINE BLACK SILK VELVET, .?1.'23 per vuril. bt.:'::i:i: black silk velvet, :?l..-.0 per van!. EXCELLENT BLACK SILK VELVET, $2.00 per ysird. KXTUA WIDE BLACK SILK VELVET, per yard. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Geed Blsick Velveteens, Me. A splendid Velveteen sit 7."c. Heavy Suit ing Velvet eens. $1.. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS treeadrd VELVETEENS Velveteen iu VELVETEENS all colors. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS fie. Navy Blue, Brown, Gsirnet Velveteen, COe. per yd. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. FRINGES We eiler the handsem- BUTTONS t RING ES est line of BI'TTONS FRINGES BLACK SILK BUTTONS FRINGES FRINGES BUTTONS FRINGES sit our well-known BUTTONS FRINGES low prices. BI'TTONS FRINGES silLand Bead fringes BUTTONS FRINGES ft eiu :5c. upwards. BUTTONS FRINGES .I,'; inch Beail and Che- BUTTON'S FRINGES " nille Fringe, (ilc. BUTTONS FUINGr.S Hesivy Chenille Fringe BUTTONS FRINGES at;7.".e. BUTTONS FRINGES :, inch Chenille and BUTTONS FRINGES Grass Fringe, with BUTTONS FRINGES Fsmev Hesuling, SSc. BUTTONS FRINGES Most elegant Chenille BUTTONS FRINGES smd Jet Fringes $1.00. BUTTONS FRINGES Fine Chenille. smd Head BUTTONS FRINGES Fringes at $ Lit), $!.'20, BUTTONS FRINGES tj-Li". per vanl. BUTTONS FRINGES A verv rich Grass BUTTONS FRINGES I'ringe.with deep.fancy BUTTONS FRINGES Heading, fl.tO a .yard. BUTTONS FU1XGES Colored silk Fringes sit BUTTON'S FHlXGEs C'c. per yard. BUTTON'S I'ASSAMEXTEBIKS. PASSAMEXTEUIES. PASSAMENTEU1ES. I'ASSAM ENTEUIES. PASSAMEXTEUIES. PASSAMEXTEUIES. PASS AM ENTEUIES. PASS AM ENTEUI ES. TASSELS Black and Colored Gir- SPIKES TASSELS dies, Tsisscls, SPIKES TASSELS Beaded am I Crochet Halls, SPIKES TASSELS Hungarian Spikes, SPIKES TASSELS Ornaments, ;&f. ' SPIKES TASSELS Trimming Tsis.sels, .'.e. SPIKEs TASSELS Lh-gaut Cords nd Spikes SPIKES TASSELS at ?l.'2.-. SPIKES TASSELS Silk Girdles, 7r.c., $1, $1.25, SPIKES TASSELS $!.) smd upwards. SPIKES TASSELS Single Huiigsirisin Spikes. SPIKES TASsr.i.s licsiticu, ;;, i, ,i simiii.uiciies, SPIKES TASSELS at 1'2, 10. :, -J'.V. apiece. SPIKES TASSEL. Hesivy Silk Cord at J0i. SPIKES TASSELS pervar.l. SPIKES TASSELS llcsivvSilk Cord. Bended, SPIKES TASSELS "V. per yard. SPIKES TASSELS Rtrh Colored Silk Gir- SPIKES TASSELS dies. $1 25. SPIKES TASSELS Tsisscls, Ornaments, i si SPIKES TASSELS elegant patterns. SPIKES LACE LACE LACE LACE LACE LACE TIES, COLLARS, FICHUS, RIBS, TIDIES, HANDKERCHIEFS. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS Astrieh's Gem Corset, CORSET. at 4!ic: positively the CORSETS host for themeiiev. CORSETS Hip Gere Corset a! '-i: CORSETS Fine Ihind-Msule CORSETS Cerfcet,:;:ic. corsets Speen Busk, side steel, CORSETS side laced, sit 75e. CORSETS P'li bone Corset sit $1.0: . CORSETS Splendid Nursing CORSETS Corset, sit $l.0t). CORSETS Mine. Fey's Improved CORSETS Cor.-el at $1.25. CORSETS SHOULDER BRACES at75e. Lsidies' and Genss' Hemstitched smd Colored Bordered HAND KERCHIEFS in great variety. CHILDREN'S WORSTED HOODS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED JACKETS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED COATS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S WORSTED LEGGINS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED SHIRTS. CHILDREN'S WORSTED WAISTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED CIRCULARS. CHILDREN'S WORSTED TWILIGHTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED SHAWLS. KID OurShutten color- GLOVES KID ed, blsick, white and opera, GLOVES KID for '.We. Each pair wsirranted. GLOVES KID Geed ('button Opera Gloves, GLOVES KID CJc. Excellent 8 butten,$l.00. GLOVES KID A lull line et Ladies' ami GLOVES KID Children's Merine, Cleth GLOVES KID and Lisle Thread. G LOVES FELT SKIRTS sit I5c. FELT SKIRTS at 75c. FELT SKIRTS at. $1. QUILTED SKIRTS, VELVET SKIRTS, SATIN SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. HOelEKV Our assortment et La- HOSIER! HOSIERY dies. Gents' and Chil- HOSIER) HOSIERY dren's Hosiery is tee HOSIERt HOSIERY well-known,!!!- also our HOSIER HOSIERY well-known low prices. HOSIER! HOSIERY Ladies wishing te huv HOSIERA HOSIERY tail goods will de well HOSIER! HOSIERY te pay us a visit. HOSIER! MERINO UNDERWEAR. M ER1NO UNDERWEAR. MERINO UNDERWEAR, Lsidies' Merine Vests, regular made culls. ..'Sr Ladies' Fine Merine Vests and Drawers.... 4Sc Extra lieavv, silk stitched 75c Fine French Cashmere $1'0 Gents' Geed MerineShirts and JDrawers, from $1.01) upwards. Gents' Cleth Shirts, Scarlet Underwear. BE1 BEli bei; bei: YARNS YARNS YARNS YARNS YARNS LIX ZEPHYR, Oc. per ounce. 'L1X ZEPHYR. !c. per ounce. 'LIN ZEPHYR, !c. per ounce. "LIX ZEPHYR, Uc. per ounce. German Yarns, FLOSS American Yarns. FLOSS Saxony Weel, FLOsS Shetland FIes, FLOss Crewel H oel. .FLOSS: 13 EAST KING" STUEET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. IS EAST KING STUEET. ' A MAGNIPIOENT LINE OF SILKS, VELVETS AND DRESS GOODS ! At the Very Lewest Prices. Ladies' Coats and Delmans, An Elegant line just opened in all the Latest and Choicest Styles. We ask special examination of these goods before purchasing elsewhere. Ladies' and Children's lerine "Underwear, In all sizes and qualities. An elegant line of Hosiery. Au elegant line of Silk Handkerchiefs. An elcnrat line of Corsets. An elegant line of Dress Buttens. An elegant line of Kid Gloves. LADIES, our assortment of goods in every department is new complete with all tlie novelties of the season. GIVLEE, BOWEBS & HUE8T, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, IJuCliugs, Cotten Trimmings, Kuchiugs, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Illael: and Colored, Silks, llnttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, Arc, calrat GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN" DAKEIt'S. Ladies, wc will open te-day all tlie Latest Novelties in Millinery, &e., call and examine enr stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. OJi'T Jilt a irixus. 26th Popular Monthly Drawing ev t:i;: COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. ! At Miicauley's Theatre, in the Cityet" Louis ville, en TUESDAY, NOV. 30th, 13S0. These drawings occur monthly under pro pre visions et an Act et tile t'cneral Assemhly or Kentucky, incorporating the Newport l'rint-in-riiiid Newspaper Company, approved April J, ISjy. 3Tliis Ih si spec'sil sict, and tins never heen repealed. The United States Circuit Court en .March 31, rendered the lollewiny decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Diitrihutieii Company Is legal. "I Its drawings urn fair.. N. IS. 5 he Company lias new en hum I a large reserve fund, ltesid the list of prizes for ' the NOVKMISKU WtAWlNU. ' lprize io,eoe j lprizc 5,ece , 10 prizes $l.oeocsich lo,e:w ' '-0 prizes JOfteaeh 10,000 ' 100 prizes. $100 esich 10,000 SK prizesse esicli :o,eoo : 000 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes lOeath 10,000 ! prizes X1 each, apps osimatien prizes 2,700 , a prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 prizes lOOcach, ' " 9M) , Whole tickets. il; halt ticket'', $1; 27 tickets I jjwi; s UCKCtS, 1UU. ltemit Meney or I5:tn!c I) ruff, in Letter, et send hv Kxpress. DON'T SEND I5V KKGIS TEItK'D LKTTKIl OU l'OSTOKl'ICE OltDEIL Orders of ." and npwsird. hy Expres, can be sent sit our expense. It. 31. ItOAKD.IIAN, Conrier-leurnsil tSiiildin-,', Louisville, Ky., ei :i)7 ssntl ."lea ISresidwsiv. New Yrk. inaiTuTii&SSw KJliSJil' AXJ IjII'JIK VUJIJi. - Warner's Si Kiflney s Liver CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. BEAD THE RECORD: "It saved my life." A'. II. ImUcIij, Selmu, Ala- "It is the remedy that will cure the many discsiscs peculiar te women." Mether's Maga zine. " It has passed severe tcstsand wen endorse- ' ments from some of the highest mcdicsil talent in the country." A'cie Yerk World, "Ne remedy heretofore discovered esm he . held for one moment in comparison with it." J C. A. JTarccy, I). J)., Washington, D. V. This Great Natural Itemed is for Sale Iy Druggists in all Paris el" Hie World. TRY IT AND TAKE X0 OTHEli. H. H. WARNER & CO., ltOCUKSTKIt, N. V. aiisitt-Tti.Th&Sd&w if UJiXlTUKK. HEINITSH, FINE PUKNIT URE asd Cabinet Maiiuiaciuiiei'. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk: would de well le call ami examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FURMTUKK A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, l."il;ist KIkk Street. tJJlixA axj nz.Ar.swAiTE. LAMPS! LAMPS!! CHINA HALL. 1 trass and Nickel Mated, Library and Hall Lamps. Large Assortment of PARLOR LAMPS. Rrass Ninht Lsimp-, Ac. All exhibited in our window. Sec them before purchsisins. HIGH & lVLARTIN, Ne. J5 EAST KING STRKKT. CHAS. BRIMMER, VRAYOX PORTRAIT ARTIST, SHJX AJfll 0RXA3IEXTAL PA1XTIXG, seii'iO-Imd -1 WEST KINO STREET. "I O TO JUNGWALTVS FOIC M0N0N0AHELA PURE EYE. Alse OAKDALE PURE RYK WHISKY, 05 per cent. Alcohol, and the invisoratinsTenic Ilair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. DUX UOOVS. E3IBKOWEJZ1ES, JtC. MEltlVAL. BROWBIMS Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITJIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC tJOUGIIS, and RECfflF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. I.LOU .MN(. is a raftnlar Kradiiatn of medicine, a skilirul phnriimeist. smd a thorough chemist. His "C. .t C." (CeuKh smd Celd) Cordial is net the result of mere ehiincc. hut .dlmi'J (-cientiilc rcsesirch in chemistry mid medicine, sis is plainly seen hv the ramditv of its iietlen and its unparalleled elhesicy. The expense in its manufacture is sit lesist live times as Kreiit a" that et anv ether medicine upon the msizket, anil yet it is sold at the exec cllndv low irici el ! -.Or. SSamplu hettlcs (for a short time only) sac. ..iuii!inij iev pn.i ei W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STBEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. dl-lydeew&W 3-iOi: SALE 15V THE I'ROl'UIETOII AND ALL DKL'liUISTS. JIUUlfS AS1 STATIOXEiiY. CCBOOL ISOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCPIOOL SUPPLIES for Luucastsr City and County, at L, M. FLYNN'S Ne. 43 WEST KINCJ STKEET. . SCHOOL BOOKS Schools of Lancaster City, NEW A1TD SECOND-HAND. Atthu LOWEST i'UICES, at the lJoeit Stoic or JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 HORTH QUEEH STREET, LANCASTEK. I'A.. COAL. B. 5: SIAKTI-V. IVhelf&a.'caud Retail Destler in all kinds et LUMRKR AND COAL. Canard: Ne. 4J0 North Water and I'rince .-treets s. hove Lemen. Lancaster. n:-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et tae llcst Onality put up expresjly ter fainily use, and at tin- low- :-,l market prices. TItY A SAJn-LE TOX es- yas: me south ivatj:k st. nc-a-lyil YmiAP SClllJilStiS &.WK "10AL! COAL! COAL!!! Wc have constantly en hand all the best ; grade of COAL that arc in market, which wc ' sire sellinif as low as any yard iu the city. Call and gut r"ir prices before buvini; el-je-j where. I M. F. STEiGERWALT & SON, siJjdyL 2--t NORTH WATKR STRKKT. COALi COAL! "" Fer Reed, clean Family and all ethur kind of COAL se te RT7SSEL. & SHULMYER'S. (n:dity and Weight guaranteed. Orilcrd re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 2S Fast Kiiif Street. VAIII): CIS North I 'r I m-e Street. ailSlMaprlSK. CORO & WILEY. :tr,0 XOUTH ZYATJiK .ST., Luticttsttr, J',t., Whelessile am! Rctsiil D:si!ers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection AVitti the Telephonic Exchange. l'.rancii Ollice : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. febaj-lyd (O TO TREILLY & KELLER I'ej: GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds et Ceat. Manure by 1 he car lead at l'hlhidclphia stock yard prices. Farmers ami ethers in wsmt et SUPERIOR MANURE will Hud it te their advantaxu te call. Yard, ilarrishurg Pilce. ) Olllee, 2,X Esut Chcblnut street, j agl7-ltd JIOV.KS, JILAXKETS, &C. QH5N OF THE 1SUFFALO IIKAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS ltiavenowen hand the Lahheht, Rest and CitEArasT Assertjiest of Lined and Unllncd IJUFFALO RORES in tins city. Alse LAP AND HORSE RLANKETS or every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. WRepalrln-j neatly and promptly denc.-g A. MILEY, 10S North Queen St., Lancaster. 25-1 y.lMW&S C. & a CORDIAL, TitAVKLiatH'aviiit. JANCASTKK ANI MIM.KI-SV1I.I.I K. It J Cars run its follews: Leavu l.smcatscr l'.'i:. Depot), at 7, 1, nn.l ll::!:u m.t soul '., .. t; smd 8.u p. in., except en Satnrdsiy, when the hist isir leaves sit vsn p. in. Leave Jlillersvillv (lower end) at 3, 8, and a. M and 1, .f, r. and 7 p. in. Cars run dsiily en above time except en Sun day. C1ei.u.iiuia reta- lflfrtlSlfr it. n J Trains nowriiiire-nlailyen the Columbia and fort Deposit Itstilresid en the following time: Statiehs Neutii- KAprefs. Express. Aeeeu. WAf.n. A. 31. r. SI. p.JI. PortDcpesit. l!:35 ':.5 ,:W Pcachbotteni ' 7:1"! 4:JS :;:I8 Sare Harber. I 1':i r,'H 5:21 Columbia 8:i" :,-.u gsm Statiess SeCTii-!Kxpnss. nxpi-cs. Accein. WARD. A.M. P.M. A.M. Columbia 11:45 fi-a 7:15 r. m. B:W ArihUi Safe Harber. 1'iH p.m. Le'J:l( reachhottem li:57 7:.;i ll.ul t 1 M Pert Deposit j I go 8:(15 ' 12:25 RE AniNOX-COIXMIltfA U.K. AUHANCEMKNTOr' l-ASSENUKRTKAINS. OCTOItElt 25TH, IfcSO. NOIiTmVAKl). LKAVE. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Quarryville :13 2.'W 7:M Lancaster, Kin;M 7:55 a:40 !::: Lsmcsister s-ja i:a" 3:50 !:li Columbia 7:55 1:10 :t: le ARKIVC Kfading 10:05 :i:2il 5.50 .SOUTHWARD. tEAVC. Keadiiif AUllIVU. Columbia A.M. A.M.' P.M. 8:05 ;iitl C:I0 P.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2:10 H:10 10:1S S:20 1120 0-25 lincaster. 10:07 2:10 H:10 r.:tn i-ancstster. Mnirst 10:IS SvH) .viu f (iuarrj'Villc 11-20 0-25 t::U Trains connect at Reading with trains te anil from Philadelphia, l'etwville. Hnrrisburij, AI AI leiitewu and New Yerk, via Round Kreek Reute. At Columbia with trains teand from Yerk, Hanover, Cttyhiirij, Frederick and Ralti Ralti mere. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA HAILUOAl NKW SCIiKDULH On and after SUNDAY AUUUST'Sid, lti-W, trains en the I'eunsvlvauia Rsiilresul will arrive add leave the Lsinca-tc; and l'hilsutelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Leave Lane'ter Arrive I'hilad'a I'hihidelphisi Express, Fast Line Yerk Aecen. Arrives;.... Harrisbiira Esiires' 2:10 a.m. 5:20 S.'ft) " H:5 " 8:15 ' J-.H) " 12.55 " 1:M p.m. 2:(C) .":ii: " li25 " 4:15 a.m ":) Ifclii"" 12:01 p.m. 3:13 "" 5:00 5ii !:I3 " !rJ!I) " Dillerville Accein. Arrives, C0111111 111:1 AcceiiimiHlsil ten, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday .Mall Johnstown Express, Day Express, llarrNbur-' Aecommedat'n, Vf'ttSTWARD. Lirivi PhitadV 12:: A..s. 7:J " ri:(0" H:w ' 11:50 ' Arnvu Ime'ter .V.i 0 a.?i ItRKi " 10:15 " I1-05 " 10-50 ' 2:10 p.m 2:15 2:.V 5:15 7:A 7:) " 8-50 ' ll..a) " 2.W A.M Way I'asseii!!cr. Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt.Jey, -Msiil Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express miu-isty itisiii, Fsist Line Frederick Accommodation, i-'iiiei 101: LtieaLVia H l..iey Harrisbur Aecommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, llarrishiirjr Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express," Pacific Express, 2:. p.m. 4:00 " 5) ' 6:2 " 0:10 " 1 55 ' Pacific Express, estst. en Sunday, wlieu llsi Ccd. will htei) at Middletown. Eliatietlitewu 1 Jit. .Jey, Iiiidisvillc, Itird-iii-IIaud, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesbsirg, Ceat is I ville, Oakland and O.'en Lech. Fast Line, west, 011 Sunday, when flagged. I will step at Df'wningtowii.CeatcsvHic, Parkea- : burg, Mt. Jey, Elizubcthlewn sinilMidilictewn. Hauovcraccemmodsition west, connecting at I Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express iii. ii.wu. hi., win run iiireugu 10 JlsuiOver. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, we-tt, at 2:10 p.m. anil will run through te Frederick. house Evnxismxu GOODS. V-OTICL. FLLNA' k BRMEMAff. Would ailvlse all who con template putting HEATERS or makinir miv ulteratiens in th in toil heating arrangements te de ke at nncu before the rush of Fall Trade ljegins. THE MOST RELIARLE Stores, Heaters ai flaies, In the Market sit the LOWEST PRICES. FI11 & Breneman's GREAT STOVE ST0BE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA.