Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 18, 1880, Image 2

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Eancaster Irtitelkgencet.
Virginia Vagaries.
Our very silly system of cheesing our
president and vice president is illus
trated by the difficulty our party is new
laboring under in Virginia, and by the
expedient which is proposed by one wing
of it te solve the question and unite the
party in the support of one set of elec
tors. In Virginia are two bodies of Dem
ocrats divided upon a question as te the
state debt but both declaring them
selves strongly in favor of the elec
tion of Hancock and English. Yet
while thus professing, each one has
nominated a different set of electors and
of course incur the risk that the third or
Republican party will be strong enough
te defeat both of the fragments of the
severed Democracy and elect the Garfield
The absurdity of this situation is ob
vious. A large majority of the people of
Virginia desiring te elect Hancock and
English yet nominate two sets of electors,
and, dividing the votes between them,
are triumphed ever by the minority,
which unites upon one electoral ticket.
Of course nothing of this kind could oc
cur among sane men sincerely desirous
of the success of the Democratic ticket.
But the fact is that many of these Vir
ginia Democrats de net seem te be sane.
At least they are manifestly in the unan
imous judgment of the outside world
net sensible. The se-called "He-adjuster"
faction of the Democratic party want te
disturb a settlement made with the
state's creditors by the Legislature
which has been pronounced final
by the courts. They arc manifestly
wrong; but they are se crooked in their
reasoning en the subject that many of
them err honestly. That they de err
does net admit of question, because
the judgment of all outside and unpreju
diced people is against them. There are
net a few shrewd rascals among these
who seek te use the crazy party for their
personal ends, and of these the chief
is the leader, General Mahone, a
man who writes very bad English
and whose ability is all of the
manipulating and administrative kind.
He seems te be very easily the chief of
his nig, tag and bob-tail followers, and
does pretty much as he pleases without
consulting them. He has been waiting
te see hew the cat would jump political
ly, and new that Maine lias made Han
cock's success appear pretty clearly, he
lias consented te negotiate with the ether
part of the Democracy for a joint elec
toral ticket. He refuses, however, te
adept the simple method of equally di
viding the electors, which the regular
Democratic organization proposed, but
suggests that the question be decided
between the two organizations by a pri
mary election of the party te be held in
the middle of October, and at which the
vote shall be taken as te which of the
two electoral tickets shall be voted for
by the Democracy in Xevcmber.
Se that the Virginia Democrats shall
first vote who shall be their electors for
Hancock, and then vote for the electors
who will vote for Hancock ; which is
certainly a very roundabout way of do
ing the business. One would think that
when both sets of electors want te vote
for Hancock and English, and when that
is the only duty they have te perform,
they might toss up a cent as te which
should de it, or find some easier solution
of the question than holding a primary
election about it ever the whole state.
Hut perhaps General Mahone does net
want te finally decide whether he is for
Hancock or Garfield until Indiana has
voted. If this state sheuld'brighten
up, Garfield's chance, Mahone would
perhaps find a way te escape the verdict
of the primaries.
rattersen ic Brown.
It will be remembered that during the
recent exhibition of a circus in this city,
a detective connected with it caught a
thief who was following it, in the act of
robbing a countryman of his pocket book,
had him arrested, and after a hearing
the man, who gave his name as l'hilip
Sherman, was summarily committed te
jail for sixty days by Alderman Barr as
a professional thief, and was held te an
swer at the Xevcmber sessions for the
robbery. The power te summarily com
mit professional thieves is clearly given
te our local magistrates by the act of
March 20, 1803, and the evidence in this
case, of a stranger following up a circus
and plying the arts of the pick-pocket in
a crowd, justified his committal. The
evidence en the charge of robbery was
even mere decided,as the detective swore
that he saw the thief pick the country
man's iecket, and en this charge he was
held te answer at the Xevcmber ses
sions. Strange te say, a few days after he was
committed Alderman Barr gave him a
rehearing and he was discharged.
According te a statement made by Al
derman Ban- te the Xetr Ej'a, "he did
net consent te reopen the case upon the
representation of Mr. (J. Hay) Brown,
as counsel for the defendant, and only
did seichen Judge Patterson appeared be
fore him, in company with Jr. Bretcn,
and sanctioned the proponed proceeding.''''
In explanation of Judge Patterson's co
operation with him, Mr. Brown tells the
New Era reporter that he had " proposed
te take out a writ of habeas corpus and
give his client a hearing before Judge
Patterson," which the Xcw Era thinks
would " unquestionably have beenalegal
and proper proceeding.' " Before doing
se, however, he consulted the judge, who,
being en the eve of leaving town te at
tend the Presbytery of Westminster, re
quested net te be detained by such a pro
ceeding, as it would put him te great in
convenience. Upen a statement by Mr.
Brown of the evidence upon which
Sherman was convicted and held, Judge
Patterson expressed a doubt as te whether
he could be convicted en stick testimony,
especially as Simpsen, the detective, en
whose testimony he teas convicted, mould
probably lie beyond Hie reach of process
when the case came te trial; and suggested
tliat the alderman reopen the case and give
the defendant a rehearing.''''
This is a most remarkable exhibition of
extra-judicial superserviceableness. The
law provides only one way for the release
of a prisoner after committal, and that is
by habeas corpus. If Judge Patterson
wanted te go te presbytery why couldn't
Judge Livingston have heard it ? Or
why could the hearing net have been
postponed until his return ? What right
has a judge te pass upon the sufficiency of
testimony in a case te be tried before
him hereafter, and te advise an alderman
te re-open a case after the witness who
made it out has left town ? And what
is it te him that the necessary witness
may or may net be here, when it is the
business of the commonwealth te get him
here V
It Alderman Barr and Counseller
Brown have net misrepresented Judge
Patterson's part in this business it is ut
terly indefensible.
m m
Seme of the Republicans affect te be
pleased that their less in Maine under
the manipulations of Mr. Blaine's light
ning calulaters is made te appear only
15,039 instead of 13,959. Their less,
since the corresponding election of 1S70,
according te their own figures, is in a
ratio which if applied te Illinois, Penn
sylvania, Michigan, iscensin, Calitor Caliter
nia, Nevada, Oregon and every ether
doubtful state will carry them for Han
cock. If they can stand this they are
welcome te keep up their graveyard
The fraud in Maine by which a Rc
publican governor suppresses enough
of the Democratic vote te re-elect him
self will give the state te Hancock by
10,000 majority. If they can stand it we
When the Republican frauds in Maine
are shown up in Congress the seating of
four Fusion members from that state
will become a melancholy necessity. If
they can stand it we can.
Jehn Stuakt, a well-known coal mer
chant of Albany, N. Y., died in that city
yesterday, aged 70 years.
Rev. B. B. Paksexs, D. Dm el Phila
delphia, will preach in the Presbyterian
church, of this city, to-inerrow morning
and evening.
Julius L. Bnewx and Dr. J. G. Wi:st Wi:st
mekelaxd, were arrested in Atlanta, Ga.,
yesterday and held te keep the peace, it
being feared " from certain correspondence-
in newspapers' that they intended
te fight.
Cexkli xe made his long delayed speech
in New Yerk last night. He had 18,000
words against the Seuth, St for Garfield
and this for Hayes : " Few things are
mere despicable than first te secure eleva
tion at the hands of a party, and then, in
the hope of winning pretensions non-partisan
applause, te affect superior sanctity,
and meanly imply that these whose
supnert and confidence were eagerly and
deferentially sought are wanting in puri
ty, patriotism or some ether title te "re
spect." Majer, paymaster U. S. A., was
ordered almost three weeks age. from New
Yerk te Fert Leavenworth. Before leav
ing, he turned ever, as is customary, the
balance supposed te be necessary te meet
his outstanding checks. Soen after he
left, several checks which he had given for
the payment of army officers were dishon
ored, there being no funds te his credit.
He was ordered te Washington te explain
the discrepancy, and left Fert Leavenworth
en the 11th instant. He should have ar
rived in Washington last Monday, but has
failed te report cither in person or by let
ter. It is net believed at the paymaster
general's office that his "defalcation" will
exceed six or eight thousand dollars, and
this is attributed te stocks, wine and wo
Tue 250th anniversary of the settlement
of Bosten was celebrated yesterday. There
was an oration by Mayer Prince in the Old
Seuth Church ; a grand precession, civic
and military ; a concert by Gihnerc's
band en the common, and a torchlight pro pre
cession in the evening. The buildings
along the route of parade were profusely
decorated with flags and bunting.
Ox our first page te-day will be found
the oration of Mr. Brosius en the Antic
tam battle-field yesterday, the occasion be
ing the unveiling of the colossal infantry
soldier figure, commemorative of the bat
tle. Mr. Brosius', masterly oration meets
with the highest enceuiuras from the press
of the country, and will repay a careful
reading. Fer audience he had all the
Grand Army pests of Maryland and the
District of Columbia, the Fifth Maryland
and several military companies from Penn
sylvania and West Virginia, and 8,000
ethers. A military company "from Tow Tew Tow
sentowu, Md., and one from Woodstock,
Va., were prevented by a railroad collision.
Ne person was injured by the collision.
Se you've llxcil tlic news from Maine.
Jimmy Blaine, Jlmmv Maine '.'
And you're at your trickH.igr.iin,
Jimmy Ulainc, Jimmy JSIaine !
Yeu (liil net dare te wait
Te ntcal a Southern suite
Fer fcur of being late,
Jimmy limine.
Is Aroostook voting yet,
Jimmy Illuinc, Jimmy lllaine V
Are there further votes te get,
Jimmy Ulainc, Jimmy i'.lainc?
All right, but rather slew.
Would veu please telet us knew,
Jimmy Blaine 1
The trick is growing stale.
Jimmy Blaine, Jimmy Blaine,
And in the end will fail,
Jimmy Blaine, Jimmy-Ulainc ;
Fer as sure as there's a heaven
The people will replevin
A state stele eight ly seven,
Jimmy Blaine.
The Tribune, under orders from Mr.
New, chairman of the Republican com
mittee in Indiana, printed in its columns a
"fac-siinile" of the "Confederate flag"
displayed ever an account of a political
barbecue in the Het Springs Telegraph in
Arkansas. Its object in doing this was te
make its readers believe that the aforesaid
flag had been "unfurled" by the Telegraph
aforesaid as a sign and symbol jef its un
tamed "rebel" sympathies and proclivi
ties. This the Tribune did with a full and
perfect knowledge that in the Het Springs
Telegraph of September 8th, the editor of
that newspaper, Mr. W. A. Webber, "a
Federal soldier during the war, a sergeant
in the Twenty-third Iowa regiment and
until recently a Republican in politics,"
had published in his journal a plain' and
clear explanation of the accident te which
the use of an old Confederate flag block
casually among the "plant" of his re
cently purchased office was due. Decent
people must be left te put their opinion of
such conduct as this into their own words.
Republican Less Frem 15,000 te 16,000.
Blaine's Lightning Calculators.
A dispatch from Portland te the nation natien nation
arCemmittee last night said : "Plaisted's
election is beyond doubt, although the Re
publicans are making sickly efforts te afford
a pretext for claiming the election of Davis
as governor. A despatch te the Bosten
Herald says : 'The Republicans say that
Plaistcd has 550 majority.' The French
district in Aroostook is net included in
any el the returns. This has given Blaine
a chill, as you will see by his telegram te
Anether special from Portland says :
"The compilations of returns made by the
associated press agent at this place, are
wholly unreliable. They ai-c first sent te
Augusta and there revised by Governer
Davis himself before they arc allowed te
be published. At least 700 Fusion votes
have been suppressed. The general opin
ions is that Plaistcd has been elected, and
that the official returns will show it. The
feeling among Democrats nud Grccnback
crs here and throughout the state is in
tense, and Maine will give such a vote for
Hancock in Xevcmber, that Corporal
Davis and Mr. Blaine cannot count it out."
A special from Bangerhnsitthus : "The
returns have apparently in many cases
been intentionally delayed, and when given
out through the associated press, which is
bitterly devoted te the Republican cause,
appear very remarkable, especially when
compared with the earlier returns. In
several instances the vote as reported by
the associated press is known te be wrong,
and, singularly, the errors are all in favor
of the Republicans. In Amity, in Aroo
stook, the Fusion vote was reported as
three instead of sixty-three ; in Abbett
the Fusion vote was given thirty less than
it really was ; in Orlande there was a mis
take of several hundreds, and in Corinna
another of one hundred."
True Inwardness ei the Delay.
Xew Yerk, Sept. 17.
The latest reliable and official returns
received from Maine arc as fellows : Re
turns from 42S towns gives Plaistcd 70,019,
Davis 70,CDS; Republican majority 079.
In the same towns in 187G the opposition
veic was 57,493, Republican 72,703, Re
publican majority 15,200. Republican
less in 1SS0 from the corresponding elec
tion in 187G, 11,587.
There arc fifty -eight towns and six plan
tations yet te be heard from. Relative
gains in these towns, as compared with
1S7C, would give us at lowest estimate ever
1,090 Democratic majority. Republican
manipulators in Maine arc pretending te
claim a majority for Davis and are undeubt
edly trying te doctor the returns te
bear out this claim. It remains te be seen
whether they propose te begin in Maine te
inaugurate the frauds of 187G. Fer two
days Mr. Blaine and the Republican lead
ers conceded Mr. PlaUtcd's election as the
Republican party did Tilden's in 1S70.
The entire machinery for counting the
vote is in the hands of the Republican
returning beard. Usually in past years it
has only required about two days te ascer
tain definite results in Maine. This year
all the first returns showed great Demo
cratic gains, and it was only when the
Republican manipulators have stepped the
returns coining in, and delayed them
until they could be altered, that changes
were made in favor of Davis. Fer instance,
the county of Kennebec, which usually
completes its returns in one day, was held
back until after Thursday, and it
is openly asserted by a former Republican
leader that the returns are kept back for
manipulation. Twe of the Congressmen,
Murch and Ladd, are conceded. Philbrick,
(Dcni.,) candidate in Blaine's disiricr,
while actually elected, may be counted out
by fraud by a very small majority, un
der 100. Tn the 1st district, Andersen
the Democratic candidate is practically in
the same position, as the Republicans only
claim a majority for Reed of 9:, thus
showing that out of five Congressmen
four Democrats wcie elected. This is the
best criterion by which te judge the
popular sentiment of the state.
Plaistcd is clearly elected and can
only be defeated by a fraudulent
count. The only gains shown by the
Republican party, or claimed by them,
are in Democratic 'counties, inaccessible
by telegraph and away from lines
of the railroads. The best evidence
of the fraud proposed te be perpetrated, is
the fact that while the Fusion ticket
showed large gains all ever the state in
Republican cities and counties, a Republi
can gain is claimed in Democratic counties
W. 11. liAKXUM, Chairman.
Ten Men Hilled.
While a "shift' of ten men were ascend
ing the shaft of the Consolidated Imperial
mine iu Virginia City, Nevada, en Thurs
day night, the cable broke. The men
were precipitated down the shaft, a dis
tance of .100 feet, and 1,400 feet of rope
was piled upon them. All were taken out
dead, except oue man, named Frank
Smith, who has no external injuries and
may possibly recover. The dead are Jehn
Reach, Patrick Murphy, Richard Ryder,
Themas Meagher; Matthew Winnie,
Jeseph Ilarrahan. William Corbit, Geerge
Farnham and Jeremiah Sullivan. The
cable was of ': the best English make, four
and a half inches by half an inch thick,
and had been in use only thrce months."
It broke at the reel, "and for some inex
plicable cause the safe ties did net catch."
m m-
JUalne Will Vete for Hancock.
Springiicld llepubllcan, supporting Garfield.
Calculations based en the assumption
that Maine won't vote se in November
might as well be suspended. The happy
family which has get together since last
September, and wen an election, is net
likely te go te pieces in the next six
weeks. It will be quite as safe for party
managers te add "solid Maine " te ether
Democratic solids.
Gcerge Mitchell, colored, was hanged
yesterday at Trey, Ohie, for the. murder of
a woman who had lived with him.
Reiley and Weisberter have made their
deposits of $1000 each with the stakehold
ers for their coming race at Saratoga.
Henry Starck, of Pert Jcrvis, N. Y., was
thrown from a carriage and killed by a
runaway accident.
James Kennedy, a young man, was kill
ed while trying te jump en a coal train
at Elizabeth, N. S. Ninety cars passed
ever his body, crushing it iute fragments.
James Jenes, aged 84 years, en his way
from Kansas City, Me., te New Yerk, was
killed by a train at Dean's station, N. J.,
en Thursday night.
F. A. Campbell was shot dead by Jas.
A. Pickel, near J acksenville, Fla., yester
day. 1 hey had a difficulty about some
William Crestman, a banjo player,
while standing in a saloon in China,
Ohie, en Thursday night, was suddenly
seized by an unknown mau,draggcd quick
ly outside the deer, and killed by a blew
en the head with a club. The murderer
In Pocahontas, Ark., yesterday, a law
yer named William Means went iute the
store of Charles Nichols and bought a pis
tol. He then approached Nichols, who
was sitting en a steel, and saying " pre
pare yourself," shot him dead." The mur
derer surrendered himself, saying he
" should have shot Nichols a year age."
Four barns at Myerstown, two of them
en the Ressler farm, the third . belonging
te Z. Christman and the fourth te Charles
Rimmclburgcr, were destroyed by fire
yesterday afternoon. Less, $20,000.
Yesterday afternoon an unknown boy,
aged about 15 years, was struck and in
stantly killed by the locomotive of a pas
senger train going from Ninth and Green
streets, Philadelphia, te New Yerk.
The Greenback conferees of the Eigh
teenth district endorsed Hen. R. Milten
Spccr for Congress. Huntingdon will
new give Mr. Spccr a large majority and
that will settle it.
The annual reunion of the veteran sol
diers of northwestern Pennsylvania was
celebrated at Scranton, yesterday. There
was a fine street parade previous te the le le
unieu, which was held in a grove near the
Terrific llxploslen.
Yeslerday afternoon a terrific explosion
occurred iu a small wooden building near
Bridgeport, Conn., used by the Union
metallic cartridge company as a fulminat
ing shop. The whole town was shaken by
the shock, and buildings near the scene of
the explosion had their windows smashed
and were otherwise damaged. Five per
sons were at work in the building, and the
bodies of four of them have been found.
The victims were J. Sullivan, aged 15
ycers ; James Tobin, aged 17 ; Michael
Dcmpsey, jr., aged 2t ; William Therchin
gcr, aged 45, and Philander Clark, aged
The Handsome Improvements Made.
When some ten years since, under the
rectership of the Rev. E. S. Watsen, a
most beautiful chancel was added te this
venerable building, it became evident that
the time would come when the whole
church would be made consistent with the
architectural character of the new work.
That day has arrived ; and St. James, while
retaining its ancient side walls and its
old memorials te the dead who lie
within and around it, stands in fresh and
completed beauty a consistent and sym
metrical pile. Durint the last snramer the
west front has been removed and the nave
extended in that direction nearly thirty
feet. A bell tower with massive walls,
rising about one hundred and ten feet, has
also been built upon the north side, and a
very effective perch with pillars of carved
stone en the south. The nave is new close
upon one hundred feet long and forty-five
feet wide. In the north transept is
the noble organ which was built
for the parish nearly two years
age. The chancel, twenty-eight feet deep,
is well fitted with oak stalls and scats for
the larcrc surpliccd choir. After the last
alterations, in the summer of '78, we print
ed an account of the beautiful details of
chancel furnishing and adornment, and of
the stained windows which had been placed
in the church. The new portion is in the
Lembard ic style, in which the chancel was
built, everywhere enriched by well-designed
work in meulded brick and terra cotta re
liefs, and through the greater part of the
church, as in the chancel, the internal
walls are of brick without plaster. A new
ceiling of hard weed, the bays divided by
very heavy ribs, new extends through the
whole nave. The eye is struck en passing
through the tower by three stone grave
tablets in the pavement of the western
end. One of these marks the resting place
of the wife of Dr. Barten, rector of the
parish before the Revolution, who was a
sister of Rittenheusc, the celebrated math
ematician. Anether, whose quaint in
scription and Masonic emblems led
ter its recent restoration by the geed
offices of Lamberton ledge, covers the ro re ro
mainsef a "merchant, late of Edinburgh,"
who died in 1777. In the tower perch also
are several ancient tombstones. Five me
morial windows have recently been placed
in the church one by Newton Lightncr,
esq., in memory of Miss Harriet OKI ; ene
iu memory of a daughter of J. B. Kauf
man, esq. ; one the gift of a worshiper in
the church ; and, within the last few days,
two by a member of the family of Clement
B. Grnbb, of Lancaster. These, like the
ether stained windows, arc all large, of
rich and costly glass, and made by one of
the best glass staincrs in England.
The architect is Mr. Chas. M. Burns, of
Philadelphia, and the supervisor of the
work (which has been done in the best
maimer, by the day) is J. Adam Burger, of
this city. The building committee were
the rector, S. H. Reynold, esq., and Mr.
Geerge Caldcr. The church will be re
opened for Divine service te-morrow morn
ing. There will be no service in St. Jehn's
Free church, and mother and daughter
parish churches will worship together in
the parent church.
Surety of the I'eacc.
Before Alderman Barr yesterday after
noon were heard the cases of surety of the
peace and assault and battery preferred
by Margcrct Dickcl against her husband
Leuis Dickcl, of Leve Lane. The litigants
made a terrible noise which was only quiet
ed when the aide.-man ordered the defend
ant te find $200 bail, in each case, te an
swer at court.
A Maner Farm held.
Samuel ncss and Sen, auctioneers, sold
yesterday at public sale for the adminis
trators of G. Binklcy, deceased, a farm
situated in Maner township, Lancaster
county, Pa., containing 87 acres mere or
less, te Benjamin Eshlcmau for $150.10 per
A Slander Salt.
Miss Laura Blickcndcrfer has sued Mr.
Wm. Henry for slander, defendant being
charged with saying that plaintiff, who
keeps and an ice cream saloon at Gonlon
ville, devotes it te immoral purposes.
Largs Petate.
We were shown an Early Rese potato
this morning which was raised by Jacob
Metzgar, of West Hempfield township.
It weighs 18 ounces.
Republican Parade and democratic Mau
. Meeting.
There was an immense outpouring of
the Democracy last evening at the junc
tion of Seuth Queen, Middle and Straw
berry streets. The meeting was held un
der the auspices of the Third, Fourth and
Seventh ward clubs, and an invitation was
extended te the ether ward clubs te partic
ipate. The several clubs met at their respec
tive headquarters and marched te the
meeting in a body. Several of the clubs
were fully equipped and turned out in
strong force, and with flags flying, torches
blazing and music playing, presented a
most inspiriting appearance. The Second
and .Ninth wards attracted especial ad
miration by their immense numbers
and their manly bearing. They carried
in line a large number of handsome
banners, flags and transparencies bearing
appropriate inscriptions, and well executed
portraits of Hancock and English. All
along the route of march they were cheer
ed heartily, while flags 'and handkerchiefs
were waved from windows and doorways
and many residences wcrebriliantly illum
inated. The Meeting.
Arrived at the place of meeting, the im
mense assemblage was called te order by
Jehn A. Ceylc, esq., of the Third ward
club, from a stand which had been erected
for the speakers immediately iu front of
Bechtold s drug store, and from which a
full view could be had up Middle and
Strawberry streets as well as up and down
Seuth Queen street, and all these streets
in the vicinity of the stand were packed
with masses of enthusiastic Democrats,
these en the outside of the crowd being
far beyond the speakers' voices.
Mr. ltartliolenicw'd Speech.
The first speaker introduced was Harvey
Bartholemew, of Bath, Pennsylvania. In a
spirited address of about twenty minutes'
duration he reviewed the villainy of the
electoral fraud of 1876, exposed Garfield's
shameful connection with it, as well as
with the DcGelycr and Credit Mebilicr
trauds, and contrasted his besmirched
character with the spotless record of the
Democratic candidate. Referring te Han
cock's brilliant achievements during the
Mexican war and the war for the Union,
he answered the Republican sneer that
" Hancock was educated at the expense of
the government" by saying that his vic
teries earned at Williamsburg, Gettysburg
and ether hard-fought battles were worth
mere te the people of the United States
than all West Point had ever cost from its
institution te the present day.
Mr. Bartholemew was often greeted
with applause"; at the close of his address
Clcmmens's City cornet band treated the
multitude te sonic fine music.
Mr. roc's Speech.
Jehn II. Few, esq., of Phila
delphia, was next introduced. He
felicitated the people en the fact that
the Democracy throughout the entire
country were wide awake and in motion ;
that they arc organizing everywhere, and
that a thorough organization is sure te
result in the election of Hancock and Eng
lish. He referred te the scores and hun
dreds of eminent and honest Republicans
who have left that party and declared for
Hancock because of their abhorrence of
injustice and fraud. The great fraud of
1870 of which Garfield was a principal en
gineer, and his former and subsequent
frauds as a congressman stink in the nos
trils of honest men, and neither he nor the
party that supports him can hope te es
cape the consequence of their crime. The
bloody shirt issue will net win, and yet the
Republican party has no ether te present
te the American people. The speaker
next showed that the Republican
claim that they had crushed the rebellion
and saved the Union was a bald assump
tion, unsupported by fact. They had
helped te save it, but without the aid of
Democratic efheers and soldiers the Union
would never have been saved. It is a re
markable but undisputablc fact that
nearly all the great soldiers of the late
war were Democrats. Themas, who
crushed the rebels in Kentucky and Ten
nessee, was a Democrat ; Rosecrans, the
here of Stone Rivcr.Chickamauga and ether
bloody fields is a Democrat, and is te-day
organizing a corps of 0,000 veterans in
California, te vote for Hancock ; Lyen,
who fell at the head of his column in 31 is is
seuri, was a Democrat, as is his gallant
fellow soldier, Sigcl ; Bucll, who wen at
Pcrryvillc and saved Grant at Sliileh, is a
Democrat ; Fightiug Joe Hoeker, who
scaled Lookout Mountain, was a Demo
crat ; McClclIan, the here of the Peninsula,
the victor of Antictam, is a Democrat ;
McDowell and Perter, whose fair
fame, tarnished by Republican obloquy,
has at last been vindicated, arc Democrats ;
Reynolds, Mcadc and Ilcintzelmau, all
Pennsylvanian heroes, were Democrats,
and their gallant companion in arms, by
whose rare generalship Gettysburg was
wen and Pennsylvania and the Union saved,
the superb, the incomparable Hancock, is a
Democrat. Even Grant and Sherman and
Sheridan were Democrats when the war
commenced, but sold out their party
principles for political preferment. Grant
has never yet voted for a Republican can
didate for president. The first Republi
can tickef llartranft or Geary ever voted
was when they voted for themselves.
Ben Butler was originally a Democrat and
no lias returned te the democratic teici
and declares, no doubt truthfully, that of
the 0,000 men he commanded during the
war net 500 ever had voted the Republican
ticket. The Republican administration,
however, took care that none of the great
Democratic generals should ever become
commander in-chief -te have permitted it
would have destrejcd the Republican
claim of being the party that had saved
the Union.
Mr. Few next disproved ihc truth of the
Republican claim that they had abolished
slavery. They make the claim net that
tlicy love the nsgre, but because they
want te catch the negre vote, an import
ant factor in politics, for without it the
Republican party would be in a minority
of 4,000,000. Greeley, a chief among Abo
litionists, was a Democratic candidate for
president, and Sumner, the great senator,
voted for him se did hosts of ether noted
abolitionists. Lincoln's proclamation of
emancipation had te be backed up by an
army of Democratic soldiers before it
amounted te anything, and if Lincoln were
alive te-day he would be found en the side
of Hancock, for whom he had se warm an
affection. Mr. Few discussed at some
length the slavery issue, the tariff, Han
cock's civil record, and concluded with the
prophecy that he would be elected by an
overwhelming majority. Mr. Few retired
amid hearty applause.
After music by the band and the drum
corps, brief speeches were made by J. L.
Stcinmctz, esq., and B. F. Davis, esq.,
after which the precession was re-formed
and the several clubs were escorted te their
respective headquarters by the Second
ward club.
The demonstration was a grand one,
and showed that the fire" of Democracy is
burning brighter and brighter in the
breasts of the Hancock boys of Lancaster.
A Handsome and Orderly Turnout.
The Republican clubs of this city also
had a turnout last evening te celebrate
the less of some 15,000 votes by their party
in Maine at the election of last Monday.
Cel. McMellen and his mounted aids mar
shaled the precession, which was headed
by the four companies oft he Yeung Men's
Republican club. They were te have been
headed by the Veteran Association, but
only about a 'dozen old soldiers turned
out te honor the man who left the
field te run for Congress. Company
A. of the Yeung Men's club marched and
drilled handsemely and made the rest of
the parade leek rather straggly. The
members of these four companies num
bered about 350 and they were followed by
the ward clubs, the colored troops being put
at the tail of the precession ; some of the
mekes being furnished torches and ethers
caps and capes, no man getting mere than
half a uniform te himself. Besides these
there were about a score of horsemen cover
ing the retreat and altogether there were in
line, uniformed and non-uniformed iust
93S men. They marched pretty well ever
the town and hallooed themselves hearse
ever the signal defeat of Blaine in Maine.
When the parade was finished greatly te
the disgust of the footsore troops thev
were marshaled in Centre square and
forced te listen te a bloody shirt speech by
Maj. A. Wilsen Neiris.
The precession as a whole made a very
creditable appearance and geed order was
observed all along the line. Numerically
it fell far short of the expectations of the
managers, and several of the ward clubs
presented a painfully weak array of voters.
The Third ward seemed te cany off the
laurels, as their uniform most closely re
sembled that adopted by the Democratic
clubs of the city.
Republican Outburst at 9Iech:iiiiesbiirg.
About 50 or (!0 men, women, boys and
hostlers met at Mcchanicsburg en Thurs
day evening te hear the old. old story of
alleged Republican greatness. The as
sembly was really tee weak te have a stal
wart president in fact officers would have
exhausted the meeting se the speakers
were introduced promiscuously and with
out ceremony.
The first orator was Chas. R. Kline, esq,
the heavy weight elocutionist of Ilarbary
Coast given te music, line arts and strong
cigars. He spoke seven minutes by the
watch, and he informs us he spoke in very
general terms. His speech had seven
heads, and each head seven lines ; his
oration therefore pleased his audience,
who have a superstitious veneration for
the scriptural number seven. Charles ex
hibited his mental strength iu asserting
that the Republican defeat in Maine was
net se much of a deluge after all, and liia
physical powers in making his resonant
volce heard five feet ten inches by exact
The next speaker was J. W. B. Bans
man, esq., formerly of Maner township,
new a sojourner from Europe. He in
formed his audience that he had traveled
this universe as far as steam and sail would
carry him, and had just returned with his
baggage from Asia iu three ships ; he had
kissed the Blarney stone and looked at
the Irish land question from a Londen
coach ; lie had steed iu Westminster hall
and heaid a law argument he did net un
derstand ; had sipped "'air an' "alt" with
English liberals ; vin erdinaire with
French communists ; discussed, "Is life
worth living'."' with German socialists,and
the possibilities of Italian poetical thought,
with a Florence court and all these con
vinced him that the inherent tendencies of
Republicanism te a real or imaginary aris
tocracy, founded upon European traditions
would be the salvation of America. Mr.
Bailsman considered himself in his speech
se much a traveler, that he looked at
American politics through cosmopolitan
eyes and came te the conclusion that
Democrats being socialists, nihilists and
communists, had no rights which Repub
lican aristocracy should countenance for a
moment. As a traveler's impressions,
"Jee's" speech was a humorous success.
Next came Geerge A. Lane, familiarly
known as " Judge," who made the same
speech he delivered at the Gap. It seems
these different speakers had agreed te
make short speeches. Kline kept the
agreement. Bailsman exhausted European
politics in 20 minutes, se Lane, net te be
outdone, spekcas long as Bailsman. But
when Lane is wound up he must speak 20
minutes ; his speech is just se long ; he
starts oil" like a stene from a catapult and
can't step whether he has an audience
or net. Like the man blown up in a
steamboat having a through ticket, he is
bound te go up, whether there is anything
te sec or net. Lane made the Republi
cans of Mcchanicsburg tremble like aspen
leaves for said they, if this be logic and
eloquence, we ! unto us, eh ! Lancaster
William F. Buyer was se disgusted with
the heavy weight eloquence of Kline, the
egotism of European "Jee," and the logic
of Lane, that he would net speak se four
noble orators came sheepishly te town in
the " wee sma' hours."
A Hancock FIa.
The Shirk Bres., of Providence tovn tevn
ship, en receipt of the news from Maine
Hung te the breeze a sixteen-feet flag with
a placard inscribed : "Have you heard
from Maine '." These arc the same parties
who four years age, when Tildcu was
elected, strung out two large Hags and
kept them there until the electoral fraud
was consummated. With such a spirit
animating the Democracy we may expect
much of Providence in November.
An llnUneu'ii Man Dies in a Darn.
Yesterday mefniug at an early hour an
unknown man was found dead in the hay
mew of the stable of the Union Square
hotel, in Raphe township, which is kept
by Ed waul Boyd. The man came te the
hotel en iliursday evening, and alter get
ling three drinks he asked and was granted
permission te sleep iu the stable. In the
morning Mr. Boyd found him lying dead.
Deputy Corener II. C. Gibble, of 3Iauheim
was sentjfer, and empaneled a jury com
posed of William B. Theme, Geerge Ruhl,
.1. Francis Dunlap, Henry Shell-, Jehn
Brecht and Aaren Shelly. They found
that the man came te his death from con
gestion of the brain, from ever stimula
tion. The body Avas taken te Manhcim
by the deputy coroner and was buried.
The deceased was apparently about '10
years of age. " He was 5 feet 8 inches in
height and had light blue eyes and dark
hair. He were a light coat, dark pants,
white vest, heavy beets and straw hat.
lie had with him a bunch of umbrella
ribs and is believed was an umbrella
An Oltl Lady Seriously Injured.
Y'jstcrday afternoon, near Christiana,
Susan Winger, an old lady 70 years of
age, met with an accident that may cost
her life. It appears, that she was walking
upon or crossing the railroad, when she
was struck by the pilot of locomotive Ne.
1)15, running cast, and thrown violently te
the side of the track. She was picked up
in an insensible condition, and Dr. Plank,
of Chiistiana, was summoned te attend
her. He found her suffering from severe
internal injuries, and had her removed te
her residence about a mile northeast of
Dill Net Appear.
The company, which wa te have played
"The Old Cress" here last night, did net
appear owing te the fact, that there was
but about 24 people in the house. The
money was refunded te these, and the cur
tain was net lifted. The company is man
aged by Jehn Quinn and it is composed of
a number of people, who last season played
"The Dantes" here under James Ward's
management. The three Lcenberg dogs
are the main attraction with", the show, as
the play is net of the best.
This morning court met at 10 o'clock,
and besides the naturalization of a large
number of men nothing of importance was
Oar Regular Correspeadrace.
Turnpike election The Band Pair-Personal
An election for president and six mana
gers of the Columbia and Washington
turnpike company, for ene year, was held
at the office of the company, Ne. 118 Lo
cust street, Columbia, yesterday afternoon
between 1:30 aud 3:30, and resulted as fol fel
lows : President, Jehn Fendrich ; Direct
ors, Jeseph F. CettrclL Jacob B. Garber ;
Jacob Seitz, Benjamin Hershey, J. H.
llerr and Jehn A. Brush.
Several properties are announced te be
sold at public sale at the Franklin house
this evening.
Te-night, the last night of the Citizens'
band fair, the following articles will be
rewarded te the successful contestants at
the times specified : At 9:15, charm ; at
9:45, breech-leading deuble-barreled shot
gun ; at 10, beer spigot ; at 9:30, silver
watch ; at 10:15, suit of clothes ; at 10:39,
barber chair ; at 10:45, geld ring ; at 9,
printer's composing stick ; also, carpets,
" the bride," lounge, marble-top table, ice
pitcher, &e.. &c.
A meeting of the teachers' institute was
held from 9 a. m. te 1 p. m. te-day.
Mr Ansel Purple yesterday finished cut
ting his field of tobacco. The plants were
stuck in the ground en June 17, and as
yesterday was September 17 he was en
gaged in growing this year's crop just
thrce months. The tobacco is said te be
of very geed quality.
Miss Fanny Smith, of Dayton. O., is vis
iting at Norwood, the guest of Miss Clara
A riding party of three ladies and three
gentlemen, all well known in town, pleas
autlyspcut last evening in galloping ever
the moonlit country reads. The cavalcade
passed ever the streets of town six
Up te this cThte the Pennsylvania rail
road company have sold forty-nine state
fair excursion tickets from Columbia te
Philadelphia, without taking into con
sideration the tickets sold for the excursion
train leaving here at the fair opening.
Fifteen tickets have been sold for the Yerk
county horticultural, exhibition, and en
Tuesday morning next will commence the
t-ale of tickets for the Dauphin county ag
ricultural society's fair. With all these
fairs aud exhibitions running, the sale of
tickets will probably be large for several
weeks te come.
Jeseph Jeffries, a live -year-old son of
Charles Jeffries, conductor of the Columbia
accommodation train, died yesterday after
noon of diphtheria.
The excursion train te the state fair at
Philadelphia, ever the line of the Philadel
phia S; Reading railroad, pulled from the
depot at this place this morning, with
twenty-five or thirty excursionists en
The Republican marching club was di
vided into companies and formed into a bat
talion last evening.
Will the much talked of game of base
ball between the Harrisburg and Lancaster
teams come oil here te-day, or is it all
bluster ?
The members of Putnam Circle, Ne. 113,
B. U. (II. F.) C. A., will attend services
iu the Church of Ged, corner of Seventh
and and Walnut streets, te-morrow even
ing. Rev. Charles Winbigler, pastor of the
church, will preach a .sermon especially for
Mrs. Charles Baylcr of Yerk, Pa., is vis
iting iu Columbia, the guest of her moth
er, Mrs. Masen.
Riirsliug et u Campaign Torch.
Last night, after the adjournment of the
Democratic meeting, and while the ward
clubs were marching out West King street
en their way home, a campaign torch in
the hands of one of the members of the
Ninth ward club exploded and the oil of
the lamp fell upon the back of a young
man named Mirccllus Gimpy, saturating
his uniform, which at ence took fire.
Gimpy ran out of the ranks covered with
flanii.. and it was some moments be
fore he could be caught, thewn
ami the llames extinguished. He was
then carried into the bearding house of
Mrs. Witmcr, 42 West King street ami
medical aid summoned. Drs. Carpenter
and Stehmau were seen in attendance and
found the young man burned almost te a
crisp about the back and sides. He was
kept all night at Mrs. Witmer's and this
morning removed te his home en West
James street, near Market, where he lies
in a rather precarious condition, though
his physicians think he may recover, under
careful nursing.
In this connection we may mention that
during the Democratic and Republican pa
rades last light, quite a number of the
cheap campaign lamps burst, or leaked se
badly that they had te be extinguished
and emptied te prevent accident. They
arc dangerous playthings, and the clubs
who use them should try te "get the
best ' and handle thcin carefully. Every
torch should be examined aud if necessary
repaired before each turn-out.
A i:aii;uctOi ven Them lly the Humane.
The America lire company of AHcntewn
spent yesterday afternoon seeing the sights
iu this city, ami in the evening were hand
somely entertained with a banquet at
Rethwei.'er's hall, given them by the
Humane. There were about half a hun
dred el the AHentewn boys who sat down
te a long table, handsomely decorated with
flowers, iced cakes and elaborate confec
tionary, and laden with cold meats, tongue,
ham, chcc-c, crackers, pickles and all the
delicacies, tegethei with liquidrefrcshments
B. F. Davis, esq., made an address of
welcome te the guests and Cel. S. II.
Price and W. U. Hcnscl made brief ad
dresses en behalf of the hosts, all of whom
were responded te by R. E. Wright, esq.,
and the boys fell te with hearty appetite.
Dining the banquet Pentz's Glee club
sang the "Fireman's Glee "and a couple
of youngsters with the AHcntewn company
danced and sang. A beautiful iced cake
that had net been cut was presented
te the America by the Humane in a speech
by W. U. Heuse, and it was accepted by
3Ir. Wright and Mr. Kcsslcr. The balance
of the evening was pleasantly spent in so
cial festivities, aud when the America left
for Reading at 8 a. m. te-day, well pleased
with their hospitable entertainment, they
carried witli thcmjne mere pleasant recol
lection than that of the Humane banquet.
An Agcil Lady.
The Alteena Tribune says : " Mrs.
Jeseph Sates, who died about two weeks
age at Bebccca Furnace, was almost 87
years old, ami came there with her hus
band from Lancaster county at the time
Dr. Shecubcrgcr commenced building the
furnace. Her husband, Jeseph, is still
living, at the age of 92, and is the ancestor
of mere grcat-grcat-grandchildrcn than
any ether man in Blair county.
Id Roem Robbed.
Last night a thief broke into the bed
room of David Kcmerly, who lives with
Jeremiah Keen, iu Strasburg township,
while he (Kcmerly) was away from home,
and stele a watch and chain, a revolver,
set of cull buttons, $5 in money and a tax
receipt. There is no clue te the thief.
A (iroiinitheg Hunt.
Last evening Geerge Kircher, Geerge
IIcUs, Jehn Wright, Wm. Baltz and
Henry Breiter returned from a three days'
groundhog hunt iu the vicinity of Oxford,
Chester county, bringing with them fifty
three groundhogs captured by the party.
These will be served as a lunch at
Kircher's Gelden Eagle hotel en Monday