Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 08, 1880, Image 3

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The Peer Directors In State Meeting.
At a meeting of the peer directors of
the ceuntie:; of Pennsylvania, in state con
vention at Harrisburg yesterday, Lancas
ter was represented by B. F. Cox, superin
tendent of the almshouse and hospital,
and Gee. Spurrier, treasurer of the beard.
There was a very large meeting. Sir. Cox
was one of the vice presidents of the con
vention. Various questions of public in
terest were discussed, the outcome of which
was the adoption of the following :
Resolved, That it is against public policy
te admit able-bodied persons as inmates of
a poerhousc.
Resolved. That the almshouse receive all
cases applying for admission, for lying-in
purposes, and that the fathers of the chil
dren be prosecuted te the full extent of the
Jlesulced, That the custody of the insane,
(the curable as well as the incurable,)
should be taken, with the qualifications
hereafter mentioned, absolutely out of the
hands of the poerhousc of the state, and
of township overseers ; that even the best
county asylums afford insufficient saie
guaids for this class, and that a present
fair standard of care cannot be relied en in
view of the changes in economy and su
pervision liable te eceur under diflcrcnt
Resolved, That se long as the previsions
by the state looking te this end, through a
per capita allowance and hospital accom
modations, continue te be insufficient as
an economical inducement, the Jaw be
comes positively inoperative.
Resulted, That in view of the peculiar
claims of this class for protection at tnc
hands of the state, the arrangements for
which are reorganized se liberally in the
eastern and western and some of the ether
states, by the entire assumption of the
care and suppett of the insane, irrespective
of condition as in Ohie: therefore. ,
Ilcselccd, That measures in this direc
tion should be taken promptly, as the sev
eral counties arc contemplating the support
of their insane at home, ami arc with
drawing their cases from the state hospitals
into asylums that are being erected in con
nection with the poerhouscs, by which
the value of the curative advantages of
our sta e hospitals will, in great part, be
Rcsvhcd, That the discrimination in
favor of the acute class being sent te the
hospitals cannot be relied en should the
law limit their benefits te this class, al
though inoperative in its terms. But if
imperative in requiring that all in poor peor poer
houscs, curable or incurable, recent or
chronic, shall be removed te the state bos bes
pitals, it would net preclude the retention
of the poeihoiiM-o of that class of the
c'lrenie insane who aie apablc of self care
and of rendering assistance in household
and out-deer work. Careful investigation
shows that quite a number of these patient
may be made as comfet table in geed poor peer
houses and be as well pievided for at the
same time and at less expense, as in the
lunatic hospital-'.
Resolved, That we recommend the pas
sage of an act by the Legislature of the
commonwealth, prohibiting the commit
ment of children between two and sixteen
years of age te any jail or peer house, and
make tiie violation efthcactamisdcmcau
or punishable with'pcnalties.
Accident te u Markctmau.
Bcfeic daybreak this morning Mr.
Henry F. Trout, while driving en
the Harrisburg turnpike northwest
of this city, met ith an accident which
might have proved very serious, but fortu
nately did net. He was en his way te
maiket with a lead of produce and had hi.s
little daughter with him. Coming te a
rough place in the pike he attempted te
drive down te the summer As it was
dark, he could net see that the pike at this
point was several feet higher than the
Miiuiiier read, and supposing it te be
only of the usual grade, lie drove
ee'r the embankment, upsetting the
wagon. His heise, a spiiitcd one, dashed
madly forward through the darkness, but
luckily the belt that couples the front tun
ning gear te the ether pat t of the vehicle
fclf out, anil the horse ran away with the
.shafts and fieut wheels only, leaving Mr.
Tieut and his daughter lying unhurt in
the ether pait of the chicle. The hoi se
was caught, and after daybreak Mr. Trout
fixed up his wagon, gathered up his mar
keting and came en te Lancaster.
Bitten by a Deg.
Yesterday afternoon about . o'clock a
little boy aged about eight years, a son of
Mr. 15. Lcwin. of Eliz.ibcthtewn, was
badly bitten in thu face by a small deg
belonging te Charles Kuapp, grocer, Neith
Queen stieci. -Mr. Lcwin had brought his
family te Lancaster te participate in the
observances of the Hebrew JTcv Year.
While walking Xeith Queen street
Master Lewin saw a little daughter of Mr.
Kuapp placing with her pet deg en Majer
Hewell's fieut steps He stepped te leek
at or take part in the sport, and
playfully stiuek or struck at the
girl. Instantly the deg sprang at him,sink
ing his teeth into the little boy's
cheek, and lacerating it severely. Mr.
Lcwin sucked the wound and had it cau
terized by Dr. Albright. There is no fear
cut ci tained that it will result seriously. At
the request of Mr. Lewin ami some etheis.
Mr. Kuapp had the deg shot. It was a
pet and had been for years the companion
of the little girl with whom it was playing
at the time it bit the little boy, and would
allow no one te lay a hand en its little
A Weil. ling at Lititz.
Miss Alice, daughter of Peter S. Reist.
or Lititz, was married yesterday te Mr.
lleb't X.Welle. The maniagc took place in
the Moravian chinch there and the services
we recenducted by llev. Chas.Naglc, pas
tor of the church, in accordance with the
Moravian forms. The attendance was
large and the party quite brilliant, there
maniagc the bride and groom received
their friends at the residence of the bride's
parents, where they were very handsomely
entertained. The bridal party left Lititz
in tin afternoon train for a tour te the
White Mountains.
(loud Yields
Jehn P. Fredd, of Upper Oxford, had a
yield of 100 bushels of Peerless potatoes
from encthiid of an acre of ground.
William C. Mullen, of Recky Spiings.
Cecil county, had a yield of 38$ bushels of
wheat per acre from an eight-acre field.
This a clever crop for the barrens se big
in fact that the land has certainly get ever
all the barren nature it ever possessed.
William Armstrong, of the Fourth Mis
iiict, Cecil county, Md., has nine profit
able Southdown ewes. The increase last
winter was fourteen lambs, which sold at
$4.50 each, and the llecccs of the ewes
sold for $:j.5j each, making the snug sum
of $85.03 profit during the year.
Ilany Brenner tried te beard a freight
train te tide from Columbia te Laucaster.
but he was violently thrown te the ground
and severely bruised.
As Clayt" Myers and A. J. Lciblcy were
driving across the Duke street railroad
biidgc last evening their horse frightened
at the cars, turned suddenly aud broke the
right hand front wheel.
Case Settled.
Te-day Nan Butler, colored, was te have
had a hearing before Aldermen Dennelly,
of the Seventh ward, en a charge of as
sault and battery, preferred by Julia Pat
terson. When the parties met together at
the alderman's office, they ecttled the suit
by Nan paying the costs.
from Philadelphia, Reading, Bctlilchem,
TiuoiLief eiiil rvflmi i1nri" Aftfli tilt
lire Matter The Ceal Trade Personal
s'eiuts Club Meetluss.
The Vigilant fire company at its regular
monthly meeting held last evening, made
the final arrangements for the trip te Ha Ha
gerstewn, Md'., in October next, the occa
sion of the twenty-fifth anniversa
ry of the Washington county ag-4
ricultural and mechanical asso asse asso
atien. Nicholas Gilman was elected chief
marshal, and Abram Brunner and Martin
H. Smith, assistant marshals. An invita
tion te accompany the company was ex
tended te the chief burgess and members
of the borough councils, te the chief direc
tor and assistant directors of the fire de
partments, and te any citizen who may de
sire te go. All members of the company
who are supplied with equipments are re
quested te report te Martin II. Smith, or
te D. Celeman, the committee en equip
ments. The Mountville baud of twenty
one pieces, with drum-major, will supply
the music. At present there are between
fifty and sixty fully equipped men who
hate signified their intention of going, and
it is thought this number will be increas
ed. The company will take their engine
with' them.
Things arc new reversed at the Reading
& Columbia coal chutes. A couple of
days age a fieet of beats were anchored at
the wharf awaiting leads. New the bins
arc filled with coal and awaiting the arri
val of the canal beats. The reason for
this is that a break occurred very recently
in the tide water canal near the feet of the
"live mile level." Te remedy this the
water was ltt out of the canal, hence the
detention te the beats. When we were at
the shutes this morning a beat had just ar
rived, and it will most likely be followed
by ethers in close order.
Uriah Seurbccr, who has charge of the
opera house engine, is facing the engine's
valves and otherwise getting ready te put
the engine te work te supply heat te the
auditorium, store rooms, etc. It will be
yet some time before lire is necessary te
Miss Jessie Dentler, of Leck Haven. Pa.
is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. P. Withers.
Mrs. Charles Bayler, of Yerk, Pa., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. E. S. Masen.
Miss Annie F. Beckius, daughter of Dr.
S. Atlce Beckius, and Miss Mary Wilsen,
left here this morning te take a year's
ceurse in the Mountain seminary at
Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa.
The statue recently carved from a block
of weed by Jerry Kech is receiving a coat
of paint at the hands of Samuel Ebarlein.
It will shortly make its appearance in a
" coat of many colors."
The Rebin Heed archery club shot at
target last evening at Mount Bethel, the
residence of Captain D. Brainard Case.
Will Frederick, with a score of forty, came
out ahead.
The temperature te-day is remarkably
cool. There is probably a- reason for this
hail somewhere near perhaps but we no
nothing of it.
The rear portion of Wagner's hotel, the
fences bask and the carriage shop have
just been much improved in appearance by
being placed in the hands of painters.
Seme street and gutter improvements are
being made en Third street between
Union and Perry street.
A couple of brick houses are Hearing
completion en Seuth Fifth street neat
Cherry The 1st and 2d ward Democratic clubs
will meet in their club room en North
Third street en Friday evening te decide
whether or net a uniform shall be adopted
for the coming campaign. The 3d ward
club will meet for the same purpose in its
club room en Satin day evening. It is de
sired that all members of the clubs attend
the meetings.
D. F. Shuro, superintendent of the Sus
quehanna and tide water canal, is in town
F. S. Blctz's dry goods store is closed
te-day by reasonef the death of Mr. BIctz's
sister, who was buried at Laudisville this
The Philadelphia & Reading railroad
company will tun an excursion te the state
fair at Philadelphia en Sept. 11.
The Great Londen circus company arc
surfeiting Columbia with show bills. They
are being distributed almost every day. It
is mere than likely they will have geed
fruit as some of our people will go te see
the (baby) elephant.
The Pennsylvania railroad company will
sell excursion tickets te the Yerk county
horticultural and industrial association fair
te be held at Yerk en Sept. 13, 1C, 17 and
Mr. Samuel F. Ebcrlein, who has been
visiting in Philadelphia for the past week,
returned te Columbia yesterday.
The Republican county committee aud
11 e Garfield and Arthur campaign club i f
this place will shortly be at loggerheads if
the former persist in their attempts te run
The members of the Columbia club say
that if they cannot have a club of then
own te run as they please, they will net
have any, and will no take pa it in any
Republican demonstrations auneunced or
te be announced. A meeting of th'j c'uh
will be held this evening, when an exhibi
tion of feeling en the part of some enthusi
astic partisan may bting things te a focus.
In that case the county committee will be
sorely displeased, for they will be worsted,
as the club is strongly anti-Camcten.
The mercury points te but 5G degrees in
the shade te-day. Considerable of a come
down. Tramped by si
Yesterday altcrnoen a horse without a
driver was en Seuth Duke street, near
German. During " recess " at the public
schools some of the boys captured the
horse and one of them mounted it aud rode
into the school grounds where the children
were at play, followed by a mob of ether
boys. The horse, somewhat frightened,
ran forward and knocked down a little
daughter of Jehn H. Rey, injuring her
considerably her leg having been tramped
upon and cut below the knee, besides
which she received several bruises in ether
paits of her body. A little boy, name net
given, was also somewhat injured by being
knocked down by the horse.
Hunk Improvements.
The walls and ceiling in the main room
of the Farmers' natie tal bank have re
cently been painted a I'ght lead color, and
have been very handsomely frescoed by
Rcingrabcr. The centre piece in the ceil
ing is very pretty, as it has been painted,
frescoed and striped with geld. The room
has also been wainscoted in walnut. The
directors' room, in the rear of the bank,
has also been painted, frescoed and wains
coted. The painting has made a wonder
ful improvement in the appearance of the
bank, as the walls were plain white hereto
fore. A JYeung Tobacco Farmer.
Edgar Maxwell, son of James Maxwell,
of Drumere township, eight years old and
a small lad of his age, has done a credit
able piece of tobacco farming. His father
gave him the privilege and encouragement,
aud with a mattock he dug ever a piece of
ground en which he planted mere than
one hundred tobacco plants. These he
carefully tended and cultivated entirely by
himself and has new a fine let of tobacco,
the leaves en each stalk of which will
average about three feet in length by two
in width.
Hancock Tomatoes.
We arc indebted te Frederick Hartmycr
for a sample of tomatoes which he names
Hancock." On a single stock, grouped
clesclv tesether. were six immense tema
tees weighing 91 pounds. They were of
fine shape aud toathsemo flavor, whether
cooked or uncooked,
We Open
ENGLISH DRESS NOVELTIES, new combinations.
ALL WOOL MOMIES, all the new shades.
SILK BROCADES, choice patterns.
BROCADE SATES D'LYON, very handsome.
FANCY VELVETS, in new colorings.
WASHINGTON CREPES, in all dudes.
CRETONNES, all in new styles.
' BLACK SILKS, from 65 cents up te finest quality.
BLACK SATINS, superior goods for the money.
BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERES, from 45 cents te finest quality.
LADIES, we keep nothing but geed goods and offer them at lowest prices,
ceived this morning auether let of Mesquite Canopies and Nettings.
25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Jehn Shenk Hang Himself.
Jehn Shenk, a bachelor farmer, aged
between 50 and 53 years, residing about
halfway between Couestega Centre and
Shenk' s Ferry.cemmitted suicide yesterday
by hanging himself in his barn. He ate
his breakfast as usual yesterday morning,
and about 11 o'clock his dead body was
found hanging in the barn. Deputy Cor Cor
oner Jehn Brenner was at once summoned.
He impaneled a jury consisting of Jacob
Geed, Andrew Geed, Henry Hess, Samuel
Rankin, Jehn Jenes and Christian E. Mil
ler. They rendered a verdict of suicide.
Ne cause can be assigned for the rash act.
Frem Our Correspondent.
One of our citizens has a hat of the orig
inal style worn when Penn's treaty was
made. It is well preserved.
The tobacco is nearly all housed. Every
body seems happy in the prospect that the
crop will turn out quite as geed as last
James B. Douglass's new greiery store
seems te be doing a geed trade.
New that the tobacco is away bass fish
ing is resumed and the catch is very fair.
Assaulted in the Wigwam
Augustus Roadman, watchman at the
Sixth ward wigwam, declares that last
night about midnight three unknown men
entered the wigwam, fired a pistol at him,
and struck him ever the head with the but
of the pistol, inllicting severe wounds. He
dent knew who his assailants were nor
what was the object of their assault.
They were well dresrsd aud had en high
The Itepubllcau Pele at Salunga.
A correspondent assures us that the Re
publican pole raised at Salunga is only 92
feet in height, and being part of poplar
and part of pine, will net be likely te stand
the news from Indiana next month
Eshleman and Franklin remade old
speeches of '76 and were cheered by the
dievc of boys and four voters from Spring
villc. The crowd wasjliserderly and in all
the meeting was "small potatoes and few
in the hill."
Chicken Thieves Shet at.
At Millway, en the R. & C. railroad last
night about 12 o'clock two persons were
in the act of robbing a hen roost en the
premises of P. S. Britbakcr who was away
from" home. Mrs. Brubakcr heard the
chickens screaming, she took the revolver,
went out en the balcony about 20 yards
from the thieves, and tired several shots at
them. They Mt the bag drop aud fled
into the weeds. Mrs. Brubakcr is master
of the property when P. S. is away from
Offfer Kansas.
On the fast line west this afternoon Jno.
B. Warfel, esq., of the Ifem Era, Rev.
Robt. J. Kevin, D. D., of Reme ; W. M.
Franklin, esq., of this city; Peter S.
Reist, or Lititz. and Bishop Vail, of To Te
peka, Kan., who has been sojourning here,
left for Kansas with the Keency excursion
of capitalists and newspaper men, who are
going West en a grand tour of general in
spection. A Snake Charmer.
The snake man is in town te-day giving
free exhibitions en the comer, te the de
light of the small boys and te the disgust
of everybody else. He allows the reptiles te
crawl sill ever him, twine themselves round
his neck, stick their forked tongues in his
mouth, and some of the boys declare he
diversifies the show by occasionally swal
lowing a snake.
.. n
In Town.
R. A. Malene, who has a large contract
in Bosten, is in the city en a visit.
H. N. Breneman, of Cincinnati, brother
efB. Frank Breneman, of this city, is in
l'ay Your Taxes.
AH persons who have taxes te pay
should de se at once, as Collector Warfel
will be in the court heuse but a few
venings yet.
New Catholic Church.
The dedication of the new Catholic church
near Pleasant Greve, this county, is an
nounced te take place en the 19th inst.
KecKlaiid Street S. S.
Te-morrow evening the Rockland Undenom
inational Sunday school will give a free cnter
tutnment in the East Orange street public
school building, commencing at a quarter be
fore 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome.
Ada Gray in "East Lynne" Te-night.
Miss Ada Gray, who will appear In the lead
ing rele of Mrs. Weed's famous emotional
drama of" East Lynnc," te-night, comes her
alded as an actress of uncommon power.
Though a stranger in tills region the creden
tials which she brings from se responsible a
source as the Cincinnati dally papers ought te
secure her a hearing. The Commercial or that
city says: "There Is a subtle refinement in
every leek and every movement that few
actresses possess, and delicacy In her stroke of
sentiment that can spring alone from intu
ition. Her thorough and complcte assumption
et the part tells hew great a mistress or her art
Miss Gray is. She has thrown her strong
nature boldly in her personatien, which Is net
only grand, but a beautiful picture of art"
Miles, Mich., Heard Frem.
Larimerc ft Dean, druggists (30 years In
business) write us that Day's Kidney Tad
gives better satisfaction than any remedy they
ever sold. se-iwuaiwa
The queen of medicinal and toilet soaps,
fragrant Cnticura.
Of the first stain or speck beware
That en your teeth you may espy.
There Is by far mere danger therc.
Than at the moment meets the eye.
Use SOZODONT wlthent delay.
And thus arrest the first decay.
Prevent weakness and degeneration of the
kidneys and urinary ergnns Malt Bitters.
Conference Committee.
This (Wednesday) evening being the regu
lar meeting evening of the general Democratic
conference committee of the city, the confer
ence committees of all the ward clubs and the
members of the campaign committee are re
quested te meet at the Central Headquarters
Campaign Committee.
The members of the city campaign commit
tee are expeeWl te all be in attendance at the
this Morning the following New
Among the many advantages gained by our change of business
location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa
cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps
of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and
tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en
trusted te us.
A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced
in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled
at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld
or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
On und after SATURDAY,' AUGUST 28. the entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOESeltlie
F ARLOR SHOE STOUE. Ne. 26J$ EAST KING STREET, will be offered at a great SACRIFICE,
te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage In ether business, I tukc this opportunity te
eiler the entire stock, consisting et
. 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes,
at least 23 per cent. less than they can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty In geed
goods for the last two years asplendid opportunity la new offered te buy superior BOOTS and
SHOES at lower prices than TRASH can be bought elsewhere.
Wishing te purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new is your chance i te buy
CHEAP. Country storekeepers will de well te call while our stock Is yet complete. We also
have a line of very tine goods which we will sell from 1 te $2 a pair less than before. The EN
TIRE STOCK mmtbcSOLD out as SOON as POSSIBLE. We alsoetreranart of the fixtures et
the store, consisting of revolving fixture In window, Lounges, part of shelving. Writing Desk,
ene Fireproof Combination Safe, as geed as new, and fine Shew Case and Stand, at
Ne. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank.
C. A. Reeee.
regular committee meeting Thursday evening,
September 9. W. U. HENSEL,
Eighth Ward Hancock Club, Attention I
Adjourned meeting this (Wednesday) even
ing at Dield's saloon, en High street. Import
ant business in regard te the purchase e
equipments will come before the meeting.
Come one. come all.
Sixth Ward Americus Club.
Regular meeting next Friday evening in
Schiller hall. Equipment.
Club Officers, Attention !
The Captains and Lieutenants et the several
ward clubs arc requested te assemble at the
Central Headquarters en Wednesday evening,
at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of completing or
ganization and transacting ether important
It Is Impossible ler a woman after a faithful
course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound te continue te sutTer
with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkhare, 233 Western
avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
Heils, pimples, and all bleed diseases arc
cured by "Dr. Llnusey's isioeo searcher. '
Sold by all druggists.
Step spending se much en fine clothes, rich
feed and stvle. Buv ceed. healthy feed.
cheaper and belter clothing ; get mere real and
sub-tautial things of life every way, and es
pecially step the foolish habit of running after
cxpens'l ve and quack doctors or using se much
of the vile humbug medicine that does you
only harm, and makes the proprietors rich,
but put your trust In the greatest of all simple,
pure remeaies, nep iiuters, mat cures Hiwuys
at a trifling cost, and you will see better ttmrs
and geed health. Try it once. Kend of it In
another column.
Ne remedv for kldncv diseases heretofore
discovered can be held for one moment in com-
Sanson with Warners Snre Klilney anil Liver
nrc. C. A. Ilervejf, D. P., Washington, D. C.
After all, a gentle purgative Is the best
means et curing headache, liver complaint,
biliousness. Ac. Use "Sellers' Liver Pills."
IlOFFEravKn HB88. On September 7, at the
residence et the bride's parents, by Rev. D. B.
Shucy, Mr. David M. Beffenmycr te Miss
Annie E. Hess, daughter et Daniel D. Hess, all
of Quarry ville, tills county.
Deiimer On the 7th Inst., at Ellzubethtnwn .
Mrs. Maria Dehner. widow of Jehn Dehnor
lately deceased, ngeu 56 years.
Funeral from her late residence en Friday
morning at 10 o'clock. The relatives and
friends are respectfuUy invited te attend.
1'csiieNO. On the 6th inst., Mrs. Susanna,
wife of Isaac Bushong, or Upper Lcaceck
township, aged 61 years and 12 days.
The relatives and friends of the family are
respect lully Invited te attend the funeral, from
the residence of her husband, ncur Heller's
church, en Friday morning at 9 o'clock, and
at 10 o'clock at Heller's Reformed church.
Preaching at the church. s7-3td
The party who is well known who stele a
child's bank from n honse en West Orange
street, had better return it te avoid exposure
and prosecution. ltd
Ne. 105 North Queen street for the Cheapest
105 Sign or the BI: Shee. 105
100 Tens et Rags Wanted,
Fer which the highest price will be paid.
The highest price paid for Woolens, Ola
Paper, Beeks, Ac Ten Rag Asserters wanted
te whom the highest price will be paid.
Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets,
y0-tfd R Lancaster, Pa
It you want a
Ready-made or made te order, call at
Xe. 109 North Queen Street.
Custom Werk a Specialty. leXSAWtf
ST We invite examination. Alse just re-
ING at 1) o'clock at the blacksmith shop
of the undersigned, en Vine street, between
Seuth Queen and Prince streets, will be sold
Blacksmith's tools, such ns Bellows, Anvil,
two Vises, Hammers, Tongs. Grindstones, &c.
Ten-roomed, two story and Mansard root.
Green Stene Frent Dwellings,
Xes. 429 ami 4X1 West Orange Street.
With all the best
Including Jer.ning's Improved Londen water
closets, marble-top washstand. Improved wull-cd-in
range, cellar heater, perfect drainage and
sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base
and steps, c, &c. Let 22 by 245 feet te a 14-feet
wide alley, front yard 2 feet In depth. Inclesed
with ornamental iron fence.
Fer terms, &e., apply te
aug21-WAStfd Ne. 9 Seuth Duke St.
On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEU21, 1880. will
be sold at public sale, en the premises, 150
Seuth Water street, Lancaster, Pa., the follow
ing personal property belonging te the estate
of Philip Sciiuin: Twe excellent DltAFT
HOUSES, two Ceal Wagons, nearly new; a
targe quantity et Ceal, Ceal Senates and
Shovels, New Market Wagen, New Phaeton,
two Safes, one et which is nearly new, large
and small Scales, Clocks, Ac. Household and
Kitchen Furniture et every description. Alse
the entire stock of Coverlets, Counterpanes,
Blankets. Herse Blankets, and an excellent us us
sertment of Heme-made Carpets, Yarns, Ac.
Sale te cemmence at S a. m. and 1 o'clock
p. m., when attendance will be given and terms
made known by ....
S. IIE88 A Sex, Aucts. Administrators.
Stere goods will be removed from 38 and 40
West King te 150 Seuth Water street.
be sold at the Cooper Heuso. in the city of
Lancaster, the house and let lately owned and
occupied by General James L. Ucyneld, dee'd.
The let is situated en the east side of North
Prince street, in this city, between Orange
and Chestnut streets, at the corner of a public
alley, containing in front en Prince street
aforesaid, thirty-three feet, and extending
eastward of that width one hundred and
twenty-one feet, mere or less, en which is
erected a comfortable two-story BRICK
HOUSE, with twoutery Brick Back Building.
It contains eight rooms, exclusive or the attic,
together witli ride halls en each fleer, and has
a hvdmnt in the kitchen ns well as in the
vard. There are en the premises Grapevines,
Peach and Pear Trees, all choice fruit.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said
day, when Its conditions will be made known
by the undersigned, who will then be in at
tendance. A. SLAYMAKER,
Executer et the will or James L. Reynolds,
dee'd. , , ,
S. Hess A Sex. Aucts. sep4-tsd
(A Medicine, net a Drink,)
And the r crest and Best Medical Qualities
All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Bleed,
Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervous
ness, Sleeplessness, Fcinale Complaints and
1,000 IN UOLI)
Will be paid for a case they will net cure or ter anything impure or in j urleus found
In them.
Ask your Druggist for Hep Bitters and free
books, and try the Bitters before you sleep.
Take no ether.
Hep Bitters Mann raclHrhig Company,
Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario.
tlse, free of charge, in the Ibtxixiexn
I, wne wanm BwmBuung wuu.
immediately at
steady, middle aged man. In or out
doors. Clerical, salesman, collector or nny.
tiling else. Geed references. Salary about 16
I per week. Address J. C. D., UrrKixiemcxs
p, Dwxck.
Miscellaneous News of the Day.
New Jersey's State Prison Sheps J5adly Dam
Mged. Trenten, Sept. 8. A fire breke out this
morning at 3 o'clock in the New Jer
sey state prison yard. It originated
in the shop occupied by B. C.
Dibei & Ce., where a large number of
convicts are employed in the manufacture
of shoes, and which is filled with machin
ery. It was almost entirely destroyed.
Most of the stock is injured. Less, $40,000 ;
insurance, $18,000. In the shop used as a
laundry about 80,000 shirts, with the ma
chinery in the place, were damaged ; less
about $15,000. Anether shoe shop, occu
pied by McKnight & Ce., suffered te
the amount of $3,000, principally
from water. The shop belonged te the
state and the less is about $10,000; no
insurance. About 300 convicts will be
thrown out of employment for three months
at least. The fire U supposed te have ori
ginated from waste deposits.
The Chicago Trial of Endurnce.
Chicago, Sept. 8. At midnight yester
day the score for 60 hours in the man and
brute test steed as fellows :
Horses Betsy Baker, 251 ; Bathman's
entry, 251; Speculation, 250; Dunn's
eutry, 242 ; Rese of Texas, 225.
Men Byrne, 225 ; Krohne, 215 ; Cal Cal
sten, 207 ; Scheck, 204 ; Vint, 201 ; Do De
bier, 200 ; Connelly, 166 ; Cele, 145 ; Jack Jack
eon, 116. Deblcr's knee has given out and
he is off the track.
" A Later Score.
The score in the mixed race at neon to
day for 72 hours steed as fellows :
Horses Dunn's entry, 285; Bathman's
entry, 277 ; Speculation, 271 ; Betsy Baker
266 ; Rese of Texas, 250 ; Men Byne,263 ;
Krohne, 253 ; Colsten, 245 ; Vint. 238 ;
Sohech,233 ; Debler, (quit) 200 ; Connal Cennal
ly, 177 ; Cele, 156 ; Jacksen, 121.
The Republican Majority Coming Down.
Bubxinoten, Vt., Sept. 8. One hundred
and fifty towns give a Republican majority
of 17,000. On this basis the Republican
majority ever all will be 23,000, and plu
rality 27,000. The Legislature will have
but one Democratic senator. The Assem
bly will be overwhelmingly Republican.
The Under Driven OH.
Denveb, Cel. Sep. 7 Sante Fe advices
state that rich rock has been recently dis
covered at Les Racitas. Jesse Martin, the
prospector, has been driven from town by
Mexican inhabitants, who dislike the influx
of miners that may be caused by his dis
covery. Many shafts arc already clown.
Heys Fighting Their Papas' yuarrels,
Paris, Sept. 8. The sons of Richie and
Cemean, the rival candidates in the voting
at Mesiercs, en 5th inst., for member of the
Chamber of Deputies, which resulted in
the election of Cemean, have fought a due1
en the Belgian frontier with swords.
Yeung Cemean was wounded in the hand.
With 50,000 Liabilities.
Philadelphia, Sep. 8. The firm of
Thompson & Ce., bankers and brokers, 18
Seuth Third street, suspended this morning
They were short of the market here en
Pennsylvania, Reading & Lehigh naviga
tion. But in New Yerk, where their losses
are heaviest, they were short of the gen
eral list. The liabilities, the firm state,
will net exceed $50,000.
Three Hundred Men Burled Alive.
Londen, Sept. 7. An explosion oc
curred this morning in the Scaham colliery
near Durham. Ths egress was blocked
and 250 or 300 men are in the pit. Seme
are still alive.
Only Eighteen Left.
New Yeuk, Sept. 8. A Londen special
says in regard te the Durham colliery
disaster : "Communication has been open
ed with a group of eighteen men who are
safe. They de net knew hew many have
been killed, but fear they are the only sur
vivors." The Beating Canualty at RosceflT.
Roscoff. France, Sept. 8. The vie tin
of the beating accident near here en Fri
day last, by which four persons, including
an American lady, were drowned, were
buried en Tuesday. The funeral was at
tended by the civil and naval authorities
and a large number of the inhabitants of
this town.
A Murderer Arrested.
New Yeuk, Sept. 8. Jerry Murphy,
the murderer of Michael Andieu, at Coen Ceen
tics Slip last night, was arrested in Brook
lyn by the police en an early train this
WAsnrsGTON, D. C, Sept. 8. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, falling followed by
rising barometer, slightly cooler north te
cast winds, cloudy weather, and rain.
Tbe Peer Directors.
Hakrisbure, Sept. 8. The state con
vention of peer directors, after adopting a
constitution for a permanent organization,
adjourned at neon te-day te meet next
year in Eric, en the third Tuesday of Sep
tember. Deadwood Defaulting Postmaster.
Deadwood, Sept. 8. R. W. Adams,
the defaulting ex-postmaster of Dead Dead
weed, was captured at Fert Sully yes
terday. Killed by the Cars.
Milperd, Pa., Sept. 8. Albert Gris
weld, a prominent citizeu of Pike county,
was killed by tbe cars at Rowland last
jnUbMtolvhte Market.
fMTT.tnw.TBXA. Sept. a Fleur dull bat
steady ; superfine at S3 5063 00: extra 13080
3 73 ; Ohie and Indiana family at $3 SO ;
Pean'a family de $ 7363 00: St. I ajuIs family at
sSSOfrS 00; Minnesota family $3 00S373; patent
ana nign granessv autfs w.
Kye Hear tinner at t U-2QI 73..
Wheat higher with geed inquiry : e.
eraKedfluIJi; Penu'a Red 1US;
Auiber at
Cern firmer ; steamer 32c : yellow SSc ; mixed
Oats firm ; Ne. 1. White 4l42c ; Se. 2.
de 4O04OKC; Ne. 3, de Sftyjc; Ne. ?,
Mixed 37c.
Kye scarce and wanted at 85c.
Previsions market ,11 nn: mw perk
$16 2316 50; beer hams 23 UUG21 00;
Indian beef at 1C 00: bacon
smoked shoulders 6K?c: salt de HSfiJ-ic;
smoked hams 123 Uc; ptcklcd hams leQ
Lard firm ; cUy kettle at 8K0c ; loose
butchers'. 8c :prlm steam J;50SC2H-
Butter fairly active and with small supply;
Creamery extra 27S2Sc : Creamery geed te
choice 242tic: Bradford county and Xewlerk
extra. 26e; Western reserve' extra ISgl'Jc;
de geed te choice 1417c; llnils dull, quality
poerjFenn'a extra 14316; Western reserve
extra 14Q16c.
Eggs steady; Penn'aat 19c; Utatern 179
Cheese firmly held and active ; New Yerk
full cream 13c ; Western full cream 1212e :
de fair te geed llQUKc; de half skims 10
Petroleum linn ; rcllncd 9Jc.
Whisky at $1 IK. ..
Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $8 00
6850; Timethy Arm at 2 50fi2C0: Flaxseed
steady at $123l 2d.
New Yerk Starker.
Nkw Yerk. Sept. 8. Fleur State and West
em quiet, without decided change: Superfine,
$325400: extra de at 1 753)4 ue: choice, de.,
$4 05Q4 C3 ; fancy de.. $ 703 03 ; round
hoop Ohie 4 00t?4 3(: choice de 14 00
3 73; superfine western i-"25t 00: common
te geed extra de 3 754 13 ; choice de de
$4 2J6 25 ; choice white w heat de l 1304 65 ;
Southern unchanged, and quiet ; common
te fair extra: 4 5.3 2i: geed te choice de
f5 25650. . . , ,
Wheat Mlc bctter.fair speculative business;
Ne. 1 White. Xev. $1 OS : Ne. 2 Kid. Sept., $1 06
mcV-ic: de October, $107Jie3; de ey.
Cern ilisMe belter; niederatcls actlve ; Mix
ed western spot, 3l51c; de tuture,3l0
ttets Ann: Ne. 2, Sept, SHHQIff'ie; ile Oct.
sy$c; State, :Ba42)Xc; Western 3S42c.
Stock .Market.
September 8.
Naw Yerk S'iOcks.
Stocks btreug.
A. St. A. V. P. M. P. M.
10rJ0 10:30 12:S 2:!W
MfinnT..... .. . .. aMtt
r. m
Krtelt. U. 4Ui 4UK 30 40
Michigan S.
is. A L.s....uwJi loeji ie$ leafs leu
i Cent. K. 1L. W 'J5,4 '! !ft
fc w iei mtf .04 iei' iett
Mtcutgan i
Chicnere &
Chicago, M Jfc St. P. . y2 ifA
Ilan. & St. J. i-eiii u iih
" P'Id.... SJ.'s Kn
Teledo Wabash.... SPA
Ohie A Mississippi.... :;H4
St. Leuis, 1. 31. & S. i:.. f7,'i
Ontario and Western. 2
V. C. A I. C. It. K 20'S
New Jersey Central.. 77J-M
Del. A Hudsen Canal. K
CI.. I.UCK., iii:iii w,i " -",
Western Union Tc!...UOW 101 Ui.
)el..i.uck.A western wj
Wl 101
41 41
se;. 3i$
04 94
Pacific Mail S. S. Ce.. 41
Manhattan Kluated. iBiJi
Union 1'iicltlc U5
Kansas A Texas W!i
New Yerk Central
Adams Express
Illinois Central
Cleveland A Pitts
Chicago A Reck I
Pittsburgh A Ft. W
Pennsylvania K, IL... GUM
Phil'a. A Heading.....
Lehiifh Valley 53
e5 ;
.... m
.... 117
.... IKrJi
v 1 '
.... 1. y
.... 1104
u se
li'A Uli
53.! &
32J SSJfi
30 30K
rdli w'4
37K 37?
M 48
VSi 169
22 2i?4
Lehigh Navigation... "
Northern Pacific Cem 30J-
" " rru
Pitts.,Titusv'eA I!.... 12;;; 12
Northern Ventral
Phil'a A Erie It. It
Northern Punn'a
Un.R.R's erN. J
nestenvllle Pas
Central Trans. Ce.
Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1880.
Mr. Jehn D. Mililcr has the pleasure or pre
senting the emotional actress,
COMBINATION, when will be produced
her. entirely new verseii el Mr.
Weed's novel el human
Prices 35 and 50 cents. Reserved seats'. 51
cents. Diagram at Yecker's eilice. bcpl-tt
The Only Peerless and the Best I
The Craze te See the Baby Klcpknnt.
Thousands of people turned away, unable te
gain aduils-den, every day. Old FeiN laid In
the shadu mid a New- Erst in Amusements es
tablished. The Largest Canva-N ever erected,
aud four Times the Biggest Shew ever here.
Saturday, September Uth.
PANY in friendly content.
Twe Monster Triple Menageries.
ERECTED anywhere in the WORLD.
Receipts from $6,500 te $10,000 Daily.
Great Londen Circus,
Royal British Menagerie,
Israelii Tea AIM Slews
Sele OwxBr.3.
First Time of the Baby Elephant.
Only Elephant ever born In bondage any
where in the wide world, and when, exhibited
in Lancaster wUl be six months and one day
Tcam of 13 Camels ; 30 Genuine Plantation
Jubilee Singers; 3 Brass Bawls: a Superb
SteainOrgan and Brilliant Free Street Pro Pre
cession wliich fairly scintillates with golden
lustre : Open Densef Ferocious V, Ud Beasts in
the street; Only Baby Hippopotamus ever ex
hibited In America.
First time of Fifteen Elephants performing
incredible reats n muuary iirni, mm
the elephant sever seen in one herd bcrere In
anv country. Only Shew In the World Light-
v. no
LY n
and 1
ti.i w,wi . in feutu ricnlin" the intelligence
of the horse. Tremendous Triple Menagerie or
fiO odd cages. A World or Menkies, forests of
Birds, and the most startling catalogue or
Curiosities ever seen under tents: aw Cham Cham
peon Circus Performers, culled from every
branch of the profession, and positively and
only containing every stellar light of the
arena. In Friendly Rivalry in two Distinct
Rings. The most Gorgeous street Pageant ever
witnessed this side eftlie Orient Te nitajlt
will be the regret of a lifetime; 5,000 Number
ed Opera Chairs, with seats for 15,W people.
Harrisburg Friday, Sept. 10.
cd Thoroughly Throughout by fciectncii;
ether has it. Ne ether can have. ON
it'ivnUTc nKV 4 Snnw White
, V-