LANCASTER DAlLi INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY JUNE 3, 1880. Lancaster fettelligencey. THUBSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1880. Farm and Garden. TlmeljHlaU for Oat Deers. Germantown Telegraph. When your flower pTants get from an inch and a-half te two inches high, they should be thinned out and transplanted. It should be done after rain, or the ground from which they are taken and whither they are put be threughly moistened. A little ball of soil should go with each, and they should be firmly set A garden trowel is the best implement with which te remove the plants. Mulching. Trees transplanted this spring should be mulched as seen as the ground becomes dry. Fer this purpose grass is as geed as anything Don't put around the tree tee much at a time, and repeat the mulch when it gets dry and thin. Remove it two or three times, during the summer, and stir up the ground well, then replace. It will save many a tree, if the season should be het and dry. Strawbeiry, raspberry, aud blackberry beds should also be well mulched. Any quantity of dry str 3" about the pla:e, especially leaves, facrapings, &c, or short grass cut from the lawn, will de. An application of the contents of a hot bed is very beneficial. Sweet Apples. Fifty or sixty years age sweet apples were regarded as a special feature in an orchard. In fact, however small an orchard might be, there were always two or three of the sweet varieties. The early Harvest apple was particularly desirable. They began te ripen in August and became very soft and possessed a line flavor. Then there was the Sweet Vandcrvcrc, which was a geed winter variety, and was te be found in every orchard. This apple was used for drying, for winter use, and was besides being made into pics, boiled and eaten with a sauce, intermixed with dough dumplings. They were much prized, es pecially by the German farmers, and helped te make out many dinner when ether dried fruit was scarce. After this time the desire for sweet ap ples declined, and te such an extent that net a single tree would be found in an or chard of a hundred. But within the last five years they have begun te come into favor again, and new there is seldom an orchard set out in which there arc net three or four choice sweets, but much su perior te these formerly grown and much appreciated. from the M ub. There Is perhaps no tonic offered te tlie peo ple that possesses as much reul intrinsic value us the Hep Hitlers. Just at this season of tlie year, when the stomach needs an appetizer, or the bleed needs purifying, the eheapust and best remedy is Hep Hitters. An ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure, don't wait until you arc prostrated by a diseases that may take months ler you te recover in. JSo.ilen Glebe. jl-2wihVw Hall te the Cliiet among pulmonary reme dies. Dr. Themas' Electric Oil, used external ly and internally. This grand preparation annihilates coughs, colds, rheumatism, neu ralgia, lameness, piles, kidney troubles, and remedies sores, cuts, burns, boils, warts and corns. Its cures are attended by the amplest and most positive testimony. Fer alc by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 187 and 189 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. 7 Extract from a letter from ISlckett & Griflin, Druggists, Menree, X. C. Momiek, Dec. 27, V?79. We have no hesitation In saying that your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the most etli cient combination ler obstinate Kidney Dis eases we have ever known and we have no meagre experience, our Dr. Kiskett being a practising physician ler nearlv twenty years. jl-SwdAw JJICKETT .V GRIFFIN. When a child is suddenly attacked and threatened with suffocation by the croup, Dr, Themas' Electric Oil is precisely the medicine for the emergency, since it is prompt as well us ellicient. Every household should be pro vided with it, as it is a quick antidote te pain, as well as a specitlc for the above and ether complaints. Fer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter, l'a. 8 JIOOKS AND STATIONERY. VKW STATION i:itY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Kastlakc PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AXD STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. JOM BAER'S SONS, IS and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., have In stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Scheel Libraries. Hymnals, Prayer Jloeks,j HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC HOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FIXE BEWAliD (JAJIDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL KEQU1SITES of all kinds. KIDNEYAND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts, is the Best Bleed l'urilier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. In eliminating the impurities of the bleed, the natural and necessary result is the cure et Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis eases, including Cancers, Ulcers and ether sores. Aetuing is uetier ier clearing aim eeau- titying the complexion, Dyspepsia. Weakness yspensia, Weakness et the Stomach, Censti- patfen. Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are curcd by the Safe Hitters, and it is unequalled as an appetizer and for building up an en feebled system. It Is a medicine which should be in every family, and which, wherever used, will have the payment of man v doctor's bills. Convincing testimhnials furnished en appli cation. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine arc also superior remedies, un equalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Kennedies arc sold hv Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. H. H. WARNER & Ce., Rochester, N. Y. 2 IdecO-Tu.Th&Sd&w GENTS' GOODS. "VTECKXIES. NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES. AT ERISMAN'S. H ALF HOSE. BALBRIGGAN, POLKA DOTS, Ac, AT EUISMAN'S. TTANDKEKCHIEFS " Nobby Patterns, Silk and Linen, by the piece or dozen, at ERISMAN 'S, OUSPENUEKS. CHOICE GOODS, LOW PRICES, AT E. J. EBISMAN'S, 5G NORTH QUEEN STREET. MEDICAL. OO-VPS SOAPS!!' The Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP Ever in this city before. Cc per piece and 50c per box. at TREY'S CITY PHARMACY, 110-lyd North Queen Street., Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL AXD ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection has been se cured after years of experiment. Composed of ibe CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VEGETA11LK. One or two every night, fn ten days cure Cesti veness and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. .Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2uideed&w HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED FEVER AND AGUE. The true antidote te the ellccts et miasma is Ilesletter's Stomach Bitters. This medicine is one et the most popular remedies et an age et successful proprietary specifics, ami is in immense demand wherever en this Continent lever and ague exist. A wineglasstul three times a day is the best possible preparative for encountering a. malarieus atmosphere, regu lating the liver, and Invigorating the Stomach. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, upr l-lydeed&ly w H OSTETTER'S HITTER'S FOR SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere. J East King street. q'O THE SUFFERING IlDMAnlTV' N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 247 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. DR. LEW1N, who has been a resldcntel Lan caster but a (ew mouths, is a graduate of the University of Dorpat. Russia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, in which period he lias been acting as Regimental Physician in St. Petersburg, and alterwards practiced in Berlin, Germany, w Iih great success. We call the attention of the sutrering public te the fact that he successfully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,; and all chronic diseases. The severest cases el Chronic Catarrh cured in a short time. Relerences and testimonials lrem former patients can be seen at my ellice. Persons without means will only Ije asked payment ler medicines. Communications lrem a distance attended te by mail. mll-lvd&w A Special Medical Netice ! DR. O. A. GREENE takes this method of notifying his numerous patients and lrieuds that in consequence of liis arduous duties (occupying his time ettcn II I teen hours of the day) he will take a brief vacation te recuperate his body. He will leave Lancaster en the 14th of JUNE, and will be ab sent probably two weeks, during which time his patients can procure renewals of ids renie dials at his ellices lrem the person in charge. OVER 700 PERSONS have enrolled their names en his book a patients during his live months practice in Lancaster. Seme "00 have taken his cure for Catarrh whose names are net booked. Only two persons have died who have entered his ellices. and te both el them he expressly stated his inability te cure them. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 23G NORTH QUEEN STREET. mll-CmdTu.Th&S GIFT VRA WINGS. A UTIIORIZED BY THK COMMON. wealth of Ky and the fairest in the world 21st Popular Monthly Drawing1 COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED Y THE LEGISLATURE AND SUSTAINED BY ALL THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY, accord ing te a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly en the LAM' DAY OF EVERY MONTH, Sundays and Fridays excepted, for the period of FIVE Y EARS, terminating en JUNE 30. 1885. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. il Its drawings are net fraudulent. The management call attention te the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the JUNE DRAWING. 1 prize $ 30,000 1 prize . 10,000 a ti- iisa t9jmj 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 000 prizes 20 eacll 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 J prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 1,900 prizes $112,400 Whole tickets, $2 ; half tickets, $1 ; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. Remit by Postefilce Meney Order, Registered Letter, Bank Dralt or Express. Te insure against mistakes and dclavs. cer respondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number of Postefilce box or Street, and Town, County and State. All communications connected with the Dis tribution and Orders for Tickets should be ad dressed te It. M. ItOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or 307 and 309 Broadway, New Yerk. m31TuTh&S&w FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. TANCASTER BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrrOSTTK I HE LOCOMOTIVK WORKS. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. 43- Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN BEST. BOOTS AND SHOES. 17 A CV BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS J-JXXk? JL made en a new principle, insur ing comfert'for the feet. Lasts made te order. MILLER, 133 East King street. BOOTS ebl4-tfd HUP RITTEIW FOR SALE AT LOCH cr"s Drug Stere, 9 East King street. . we BITTERS ASTRICHISRO'S ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRIPH BRO.'S AST&ICH BKO.'S ASTKICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING 13 EAST KING 13 EAST KING 13 EAST KING 13 EAST KING STREET, STREET, STREET, STREET, STREET, LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. Are ettering this week great inducements iu their HOSIERY AND GLOVE DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' A'hite Ribbed GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES Hee 5c a pair. winte aim unuicacueu HOSIERY Full Regular Made lkc a HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Plr- iron frame i-euuie Heel and Tee 21c a pair. Our 2jc lialurlugan is the best one ever sold ter that price. rxtra ine isainri gans worth 40c ter 33c a pair. 100 dez Ladies'Dark Un- b leached Balbriggans, Full Regular Made, Ele gantly Kinoreitlereil m lseauuiui colors vjc a nalr. 100 dez Ladies' Hand some Frent Embroidered Balbriggans m Pink.Blue HOSIERY and cardinal 'JJC a pair. HOSIERY Our luc Linbreuiereil Balbriggans will seen be HOSIERY HOSIERY sold out and cannot be HOSIERY replaced ler anything like that price. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' Full Regular Made Bredenuins in HOSIERY Pink, Blue and Cardinal, Heavy Embroidered 37c a HOSIERY HOSIERY pair. Ladies' Open-worked Lisle Thread Hese. Ladles' Black Balbrig HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY- gans Clocked witii White ler Mourning. Ladies' all Black Eng lish Lisle Hese, the Finest Imported. Our assortment el Ladies' Fancy Hosiery is HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY very large ami prices ex HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY tremely low. 100 dez Pin Striped IIee for. Ladies, Seamless, 15c a pair. 150 dez Fancy Embroi dered Centre ami Seam less at 25c a pair. Ladies' Best English Cotten Hese flair-lined Ingrain Celers at 33c a pair. The same goods with Silk Clocking 41c a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' Fine Lisle lle?e HOSIERY Open-worked Fancy Col ored Centre 58c a pair. Ladles' Bredequiiw for Walking Shoes in great variety. Seme bcautilul novel ties. CHILDS' STOCKINGS, Frem 10c up. All flrst-clas goods HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY We have received this week about 20 new styles HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY et imported stecKings from Ne. 5 te 8l. which HOSIERY we arc selling from 15 te HOSIERY- 85c a pair. C h 1 1 d s' Embroidered Centre Stockings, Pink and Blue Open-worked, Unbleached Balbriggan. UnbleaehedOpen-werked Lisle, Fine Embroidered Frent, all Open-worked. lnfants's Socks. Infant's White Socks HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOS1ERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY 9c a pair. lntant's wnttc Regular Made 17c a pair. Infant's Hair-striped 15c a pair. Infants Whitcwith Cel HOSIERY HOSIERY GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ered Clocking 25c a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' Infant's Pink and Blue Open-worked Socks 23c a pair. An cauanv large assert ment of Intant's Hese. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Gents' Half Hese. Unbleached Full Kegu GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES lar Made 14c a pair. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES super nne imiisu j.c a pair. HOSIERY- siik ciecKed Jiainri HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY gans Full Regular Made ssc a pair. Fancy Socks fieni 15c a HOSIERY pair up. HOSIERY ancy socks, run nog neg ular Made 25c a pair. Gloves. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY An assortment of Gloves like we are new ablcite show has never vet Deen seen in tins city, Wc have every imagin HOSIERY HOSIERY able (style new and our GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY prices are most astonish ing te everybody. BERLIN GLOVES. One Full Elastic 13c a HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY pair. Twe Full Elastic 15c a pair. Three Full Elastic HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEYY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY 19c a pair. Regular Made Gauze GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES Gloves. 2 Full Elastic 25c a pair, xne inest i-.ntr mil Lisle uauze moves Silk Mixed in fine shades-. 2 Full Elastic 34c a pair 3 Full Elastic 40c a pair. 4 run elastic 4sc a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Fine French Gauze fine Ribbed Ten 37c a pair GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES Our assortment of Lace HOSIERY Tep Gloves is unequalled and the prices lower than HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ever. Lace Tep Gloves in Light Shades 23c a pair. HOSIERY- Embroidered Lace Ten GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY sac r pair. HOSIERY tine extra Lemr Lace HOSIERY Tep, 3 Full Elastic 37e a pair. Full Regular Made HOSIERY HOSIERY Gauze Gloves, Fine Lace Tep 35c a pair. Extra HOSIERY HOSIERY- L,eng 3 run Elastic nec. We also have a lame as GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY sertment of liner goods, HOSIERY wnicn we are selllnc at HOSIERY equally low prices. HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' iace Mitts in Black and Colored lrem HOSIERY 25c a pair up. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ah siik Alius Extra Leng in White Cream, Pink, Bluc,&c.,58capair. sanies' run itecular Made Lace Jlitts. Childs' Silk and Colored Lace Mitts el all sizes. Childs Lace Tep Gloves. IGLOVES ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. FOR A FINE DRESS SUIT, MADE TO ORDER IN FIRST-CLASS STYLES, GO TO GIVLER, BOWERS & HURSTS. FOR A GOOD BUSINESS SUIT, MADE TO ORDER IN BEST STYLES, GO TO GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S. FOE A PLAIN OE FANCY PAIE OF PANTALOONS, MADE TO ORDER IN BEST MANNER, GO TO GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S. Fer ANY ARTICLE OF CLOTHING that is well made, well trimmed, and guaranteed te tit, go te Givler, Bewers & Hunt's. Fer a WHITE DRESS SHIRT, Gauze Undershirts, Jean Drawers, Linen Cellars and Cutis, Plain and Fancy Hosiery, Suspenders, Neck Scarfx and Bews, all at lowest prices, go te GIVLEK, BOWEES & HTTEST, 26 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FINEST, FASHIONABLE AND GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season of 1SS0, can be had at Houghten's Cheap Millinery and Trimming Establishment, ESTABLISHED 18G9. RIBBON DEPARTMENT. Finest Lines of III BISONS ever brought te Lancaster, in all the Latest Styles of Colored Silk and Satin. Old Geld and Cardinal, and FLO Variegated Ribbons. Best Brands at the lowest prices. ENGLISH CLOTHING. H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having )ust returned from the New Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Best Selected Stocks of WOOLENS FOR THE filiiii ai siier He, Ever brought te this city. Nene but the very best of ENGLISH, FBENOH AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. Prices as low as the lowest, and all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fet sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock of of our own manufacture, which comprises th Latest and Most STYLISH DESIGNS. Conic and sec our NEW GOODS FOB which is larger and composed of the best styles te be found in the cltjv D. B. Eestetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 26-lytl LANCASTER. PA CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock of all kinds of CARPETS In Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as SI. 00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. ' 43-Givc us a trial. 202 WEST KING STKEET. INSURANCE. FMR iiraii Ready-Made (Mm rpHE OLD GERARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars, $1,131,838. All invested In tha best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en KIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 E King St., Lancaster, Pa. 8-MWftS6md DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS, JtV. Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, WEB DEPARTMENT. HAT DEPARTMENT. The Latest Novelties in all the FLOWERS. Best Display of Fine All the Latest Styles ceived every day lrem r iir..jii n,uHJSLM in tue city. Can be seen new at 25 N. QUEEN STREET. and l'hiladclnhia. and nriccs tesuit eveivbedv. S"Oid Hats reshaped at short notice. BLACK CREPES A SPECIALTY. MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AID ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AXJ) PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purities the Bleed, Enriches the P.loed, Reddens the liloed, makes New Bleed, Wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Suffering from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of iis wendcrliiletlleaey is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly e.stablislies it reputation with all. S-It is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeffersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Skilllul Pharmacist. Price, 50c ami JSl.OO. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine. dl-lydeew&w CARRIAGES, S. E. BA1LY. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. Wc are new ready lerSPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Buiiies, Camps, PWens, Marlet Wapns, k. Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled te offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock BUGOIES OF ALL GRADES aud PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fnllv warranted one year. COAL. B. IS. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. SrYiirrt : Ne. 4J0 North Water ami Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lytl COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. S VAKD ISO SOUTH WATEK ST. seJ-J-lyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON &, CO. JUST ItECElVED AFINE LOT OF 1IAI.LD HAY AND STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, 254 NORTH WATER STREET. tr Western Fleur a Specialty. rs27-lyd C0H0 & WILEY," 3SO NORTH 11'ATEIt ST., Lancaatrr, J'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en ail kinds of buildings. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feb'iS-lytt COAL! - - - COAL! GO TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed anil Cheap Ceal. Yard Harri-burg Pike, i llllce ' East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORRECHT, Agt. .1. B. RILEY. 9-1 W. A. KELLER. WALL I'AI'ERS, &e. WE ARK I'KEI'AUKO TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WIRE SCREEXS for doers and windows. Plain Wiren in Green, Drab and Black. A Ne Beautiful Landscape- ler Parler Screens. Sold by the feet in anyitiau tity, or made up in Screens te lit windows and put up in such a manner that you need net take out when you wish te close them. PAPER HANGINGS in an endlc-s line te select from in the Icaditt ; styles. A let of ends in order te cle-je out v. ill be sold out very cheap. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Plain and igured Goods. Cardinal, Green and White Hollands. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Cheapest and Best Cornice made. Fit any window up te live leet in width. Cornice Poles in Walnut and Ebony. Orders taken ler PIER AND MANTEL MIRROKS, AT LOW RATES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. leblO-lydAw LANCASTER, I'A. TRIMMINti AND NOTION DE PARTMENT of II ATS re New Yerk ll'itt nil tlw. T.ntfwt. Tmltti.i In SOKI lt. Fringes, Satins, Gimps-, Laces, But tens, Kimireuieries. mil ami l.isie Thread Gloves in all the new shades and White Tucked Skirts from 50c. te$I. and colored VHAETONS. Jtc W. W. DAILY of and Dealers In DRY GOODS. 1AKD TO THE LADIES! 1 ust received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, Philip Sebum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 40 WEST KING STREETS. Having added in connection with enr Large Stock of Carpets. Yarns, &c, A FINE LINE OF DRY GOODS, such as CALICOES, BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, TICK INGS, COTTON FLANNELS. CASHMERES, BLACK ALPACAS, SHEETINGS, NEW STYLE OF SHIRTING, NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, &c, which we are selling at MODERATE PJilCES. ml-3md EsT BARGAINS IN BLACK SILK AT $1 , Ever offered. Persons in want should see it. OUR SALES OF Black and Colored Silks This season have been unprecedented!' large, owing te the large steek we show t eusiemeis and extremely Lew Prices. DRESS GOODS Of every description In all the various Fabrics and Styles new In vogue. EAHIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heune. FURNITURE. Hew te Keep Coel This Warm Weather. Why, J ust go te WALTER A. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE STORE, And lie will inform you. ir,yt East King Street. Over High & Martin's China Hall. A TTORNEYS-A T-LA tf IIENKV A. RILEY Attorney and Connseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman A Heniel. M AKCL'S G. SKHNEK. HOUSE GARPENT.ER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te ai oration and repairs. s!3-lyd TR A rELERS? G VIDE LANCASTEK AND M1I.LKRSV1IXK B. K Cars run as fellows : hV0 Lan?c.r ' K- Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4. e and 8iW p. ii., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at ft30 p. ra. Leave MUlcrsvUle (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars ran dally en above time except en sltn day. COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. K J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Kallread en the following time: STATieifS North ward. Exprc!:S.E.xpress. Aeeeiu. a. x. . r. m. r. m. Pert Deposit Peachbottein Fite'sEddy. McCalPs Ferry.... Shenk's Ferry. Safe Harber. Columbia.. 6:35 7:12 7rJ5 7:37 7:54 7:51) SVSO 3:50 4:24 4:35 4:u; 5:01 5:35 itW 3:!S 3..-W 4.00 4:34 5 0t' C20 Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Acceni. WARD. A. X. F.St. A.M. Columbia. 10:53 6rJ0 7:50 Safe Harber. 11:23 ftW ArifcOtf Le9:40 Shenk's Ferry..... 11:28 6:54 9il McCall's Ferry.... 11:41 7:00 10ri Flte's Eddy. n 7rje 10:4t! Peachbottein 12:07 7:32" 11.07 Pert Deposit t2:45 8:05 12:2j" READING AND COLUMBIA KA1LKOAI On and after MONDAY. MAY. IOtii, 1880, ntissenger trains will run en this read as tol tel tol Iews : Trains Going Seuth. a.m. p.m. im. Reading, 7:30 11:55 6:10 .... Reinholds, 8:01 12.-24 :45 '.'.'.'. Enhrata, 8:18 12:10 7:03 .... Akren, 8:24 1,1:15 7:08 Lltlz, 8:43 1:02 7:25 . i Mauheim, 9:02 1:13 7: , ....f Lancaster Junction,.. 9:05 1:40 7:45 Landisvllle, 9:16 1:30 7:50' .... Columbia, 0:40 2.05 8:20 Dillerville, 9:27 2:02 8:i .... Lancaster, 9:33 2:05 8:10 5:2J King Street, 9:45 3:20 5-30 Harabdi 9:58 .... 8:34 5:52 West Willow, 10:05 .... 8:42 6:0J Baumgai-dner, 10:09 8:47 6:0 Pequea, 10:17 .... 8:55 6:17 Beften, 10:23 .... 0:01 6:26 New Providence, 10:34 9:12 6:3 tJuarryvlUe, 10:50 9:25 7:0 Trains Going North. a. if. r. M. i it. A. M. Quarryvllle, 6:45 2.35 7:50 7:58 8:13 8:27 8::3 8:13 8:40 9:00 0:20 'J:M Hess 6:52 .... 2.41 New Providence, 6:59 .... 2:48 Kcften, 7:11 .... 2:59 Pequea, 7:18 .... 3:05 Baumgardner, 7:26 .... 3:13 West Willow, 7:32 .... 3:13 Harnish 7:41 .... 3:26 KingStrcct, 7:55 .... 3:40 Lancaster, 8:05 1:00 3:50 Dillerville, 8:08 1:03 3:53 Columbia...... 7:55 1:05 3:40 Landisvllle, 8:30 1:30 4.IU Lancaster J unction,... 8:30 1:25 4:15 Manheiui 8:49 1:48 4r20 Litiz 9:00 2:00 4:30 Akren, 0:16" 2:18 4:47 Ephrata 9:23 2:2. 4:53 Relnheldsville, 9:12 2:46 5:11 Reading, 10:05 3:20 5:50 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te anil from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Italtiuiere. A. M.WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NK A SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY MAY 23d, 1880, trains en the Pennylvaiia Railroad will arrivu and leave the l,am.iM,r and Philaiielphia depots as follews: Leave Arriw: Lane'trr S'hilad'a 12:25 a.m. 8:ei) ,.-j. 2:10 " 4:15 " 5rJ) " 7:40 ' 7:30 " 8M " 10:1.) 9:10 " I2:0l"V 1:03 " 1:10 r.M. 3:15 " 2:iK) " 5:ije 3:05 " 5:30 " 4:45 " 6.45 ' 6:23 " v::at Leave Arrive I'liHaii'ii Lane'ti-r ISS) a.m 5:im .m. 8.00 " li:."3 " U:e7 " 0:00 ' 11:05 " 8:00 " 10i." " 11:50 " 2:li) i-. i. .... 2:15 2:.) ' 2S!e"i.m. 5:15 " 1:00 " 7:2C " 5:30 " 7:30 " 6:25 " 8:50 9:10 " '!.::) " 11:55 " 2.10 a.m. Eastward. Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express, Yerk A (.'coin. Arrives; Harrisburg Express, Dillerville Acceni. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Acceni. Arrives, Pacillc Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Aeeommedat'n. Westward. Way Passenger, Mall Train Ne. l,via Mt..ley, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia. Niagara & Chicago .Express Sunday Mail, fast Line....... .............. Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg Accommeilat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Express, east, en Sundav. when Hair ff ed, will step at Middictewu, Elizabelhtewu , t. joy. ianiiisviiie. jtiril-in-llam . Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceutcs- vitie, uaKiunu aim uien t.ecn. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Hugged, will step at lowningtewn,Coatesvillp, Purkr. Purkr. burg.Mt.Jey, Elizahethtewn and Middli'tewn. Mail Ne. 2 west connecting at ltncasterwilli mail Ne, 1 at 10:55 a. ui and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 and will run through te Hanevcruml niil connect at Columbia with train through te Harrisburg via Marietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. ir., and will run through te Frederick. - GROCERIES. "TfTUOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd "TUNE OLIVE OILS. FOR TABLE USE. DUKKE'S SALAD DRESSING, D. S. BUBSK'S -Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. "1IIOICE HAMS AND DRIED REEF, AT KURSK'S -1ANNED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AT A REDUCTION. Te close out stock ler the season, at BURSK'S. c HOICK JIAI'LK SUGAR AT BURSK'S. CHINA AND GLASS IV ARE. DECORATED WARE! Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Tea SetH, Decorated Chamber Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, Decorated Berry Sets, Decorated Oat Meal Sets, TETE-A-TETE SETS, AT CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. EVUCA TIONAL. 'PRE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH L Franklin and Marshall College eilers su perier advantages toyetinginen&nd boys who desire either te prepare forceIIcgi?r te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lv.l Lancaster. Pa. TINWARE, t F IFTEEN DOLLARS BUYS A FIRST-CLASS REFRIGERATOR, With Enameled Water Tank, at SIIEUTZER, HU3IPHUEVILLE KIEFFEU'S, Ne. 40 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. lYjIpClTEU'S KENOWNED. COUGH