Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 04, 1868, Image 1

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" 717th malice towards none, with charity for , 1 1 4 ••••• ,;",.,.,:.', I 1- , 4 care for him who shall have borne the battle, and
4',.: : "1.
;.k ''-, ' .
all, with iir illness ix /he right, as God fires us /Or his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
to see the right, let us strire on to finish the ll' 01* AO ,x14, , !,,..,*. 4 .. achicre and cherish a just and a lasting peace
,a> , , 4 ' , :iv: - , v ..
we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to ..6,€0.:,;:,:-,4): '':•• N among ourselves and with all 2zations.”-4. Z.
, 5 ,..t, . - -... . ti' ~ , 'YX
VOL 1.
IS P 11. L S .11 ED EVERY FRI D... 1
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Adjoining ll'. 0. i' . 3 Driirr SI ore (ma J. .1A11'014.01
SINGLE cop/Es.f,
PR 0 ESS (I l'l.l L.
01 - I'.vt• : NO. :Ai t
.l. ICKE
. ATT(»rs,..r AT LAW,
-SOETii QUEEN Strv, t, socl,llll 11(01fSI
11(210 . ,V tilt . i.11.111 , 1 , tt•1', Pa. '
1 •
B. LI N(isl'()N,
.11 - 1 . 1)11.N EV Al LAW,
Otevt( -N4t. 11X('1:'1'11D1'11.1Strt.,t,
north oi r, l'a.
11 I). BAKER,
A. • A OIN i:v AT LAW.
opplci..- With .1. IL NWCTII 1/1:1:I•
strc,t, I.:lttca , ter, I'a.
13. +RN EY AT I..' \V.
()Fl.l(.l:—NVith I. I.:. Ni ruTii DrE
tit!c , t . !war tIo• cmirt 1.aii.•;040.1*,
T(OzNEY 1„-11,V,
tit r, Lanici,l,l
. it .
L.l \V.
N( Lane,-
\ V •M
• 14
NifitT I I DUKE Strc,t,
J • N.. It U 1".1' E ,
Arr4)I;NEY 1,.1W,
Ge!p•ral .1. W. Fi:±ll..r,
Dt. - HE rt,t, Laiwa,t, r,
A'r LAW,
kyr:, Nci Lanea s
tt 1", Pa.
. ATT0)1:NI: N' AT LAW,
()Fl-111.;-1v.o. d S01"111 QUEEN Struet, Laneas
frr, Pa.
) FPICE—No. 25 S(1t — Ill I' EEN Strt.ct, Lan-
c. -t el', Pa
ter, Pa.
±l. ArrouNFAr AT LAW,
OFFICE-NO. 8 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Laiicas
ler, Pa.
tirrtuu—No. 28 NORTH. Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia
No. 46 North Sixth Street, Reading, Pa
N 0.604 COURT Street, (opposite the Court House)
Reading, Pa.
No. 28 NORTH SIXTH Street, Reading, Pa
PUBLIC, No. 27 NORTH sivrii Street, Rend
ing, Pa.
No. 134 SOUTH FIFTH Street, Reading, Pa.
PomEitoY, in his last issue
(La Crosse Democrat) says he "is now
and always has been, a strict temperance
man ; that he uses no intoxicating drinks
whatever. Nor will he employ, in any ca
pacity, a man who indulges in fits of intox
ication." If it is true that lie is'a strict tem
perance man,' and that the vile obscene
and profane reading matter with which
his paper is lilted week after week, is
not the result of strong drink, then we
arc forced to the conclusion that he is by
nature a beast and nothing else.
KENTUCKY gave eight thousand
Democratic majority. They will also
carry, by corresponding majorities, the
Five Points, Bedford street, Sing Sing
and the Eastern Penitentiary. The
chosen homes of the Democracy are
ulcers on the body politic.
SEYMOUR, though rich like Buchanan,
never invested a dollar in governmen
bonds when the fate of the nation de
pended upon finding means to pay.
In 1,• I r \vi• p
1•1;ni.. - .i??. - ,(1.if0 and inntl))o d:0111..
And 111;c tritiiier,tvoithl 111 , 11
Ent wl4 . ‘( 110.:101 a warning
the campaign has loguu,
And malching 4, 111, 10 1t.,1,11'
l'itunr--Triwip. tramp. (nm),
1 he 'Fanner', tiunclii;ig,
Cl.c, t. up southyrli 1,n,al molt,
the torch
V•ois11811,, , thp North
robe)." wir4
'l'l.li{rE cr;x~rs
11 In Wt. It.lllS
c.ivity.2: filo and pardon, too,
iVt•lll.li,vof S:ottlf had hail 4 , 11011;4ff of"t",:!
ratt tli,tlrait,o's march Twain,
.111.! as “u,•l , 11 1 4. v i l sol (,)
Neat!! iln pd,(.l tlEa heat, a
Clrour---Trithip, tramp, .V•i
I.et it-; r;tlh. - grout Ittt- city,
Fruul Iltt- ;tie' Ihtt
tkuti unli t , y t tu- 1'01 . 1.1%1;0 ;WA CulthN,
Su ?hilt an the Nvurid Hut);
r l'hict clulutry ., right
ki:(1 is , 0,1,)11L!; th;tl bait n, (14)
(,II )
our '2)1! 1 , fi 111 V
.111.1 llon)1 io loo))1.
S I lit. ['ninn,lctli lr, ,IM1121•I' than Iml'~nr
tro , 111). (ramp,
- Ow 1 . ;;1M1 , •r. ,,
'10 , 1• Switl,pili
AO. I,l•l:"Chtlif' tor,ll,
s ki]] kval N,0.111
Nwir Ito ,yitipat
The followitri; :Irtiele is reproduced
front the York 'li,lles of September
19. IsGI. It is a g(lod statement of tlw
similarity of vieNvs as shown by the ex
pressions of A/r. Seynionr and llenediet
,Vritold, and makes ,g l / 1 )(1 reading at the
present flute :
Benedict -Iritold, 011 the 2.otit (Itty of
October, 17811, issued tin rollowitcg :
Pr,,eletinal ion iv) llnr Citicits tool 50b40.8 (t 1
the Unite,' Stales:
You are promised liberty by the leafl
ets of your afthir e
s, but is flare an individ
ual in the enjoyment of it, savifc , your
oppressors ? Who among you dare to
speak or write what he thinks terainst
the tyranny which has robbed you of your
property, imprisoned your sons, dray
you to the field of battle, and is daily
deluging your country with bkaal?
Your country once was happy, and had
the proffered peace been embraced, the
last two years of misery had been spent
in peace and plenty, and repairing the
desolation of [lie quarrel that would
have set the interests of Great Britain
and America in It true light, and cemented
their friendships.
1 wish to lead a chosen baud of Ameri
cans in the attainment of peace, liberty
and safety, the first objects in taking the
What is America but a laud of widows,
orphans and beggars ? lint what need
of argument to such as feel infinitely
more misery than tongue can express ?
I give my promise of the most affection
ate welcome to all who are disposed to
join me in measures necessary to close
the scenes of our afflictions, which must
increase until we are satisfied with the
liberality of the mother country, which
still offers us protection and exemption
from all taxes but such as we think lit to
impose upon ourselves.
October 28, 1780.
Now we defy any man to make out a
more complete model of a Copperhead
harangue in 1864. Take any of their set
speeches in evidence, we care not which.
Benedict Arnold here Horatio Seymour, in
makes eight points Itlilwatikie, likewise
against the Continental (using his own word,)
Congress •anal Washing- 'Hakes the foth,win g
ton, tlw Corantandv.v-in- hoists:
Chief: " Freedom
. .
Fir.,t—That creedoin or or speech and of th ,
speech „„ d of fly press press has lioeit
has been taken away. us."
It is your
oonel—That property property, the properly Of
has been appropriated. Nortl'ra t a
Third—Thai illvgal Alen have been
peihtaaatelas have been tom from tiwir famine:,
F'nxrUl—That nti i 11 14 14/rlh—",‘ll`ll are tOill
!!011tierilli1011S have hoeli that they must leave 1111,ir
Fifth—That peace FV111—" The policy of
which might have Lech the Administration has
had was refused. placed hindrances in the
way of the Union."
Sixth—That the list Sixth—" The Aduinns
objects In taking the tratlon has entered upon
field have been abandon- a settled policy danger
ous to the welfare of the
Seventh—That the conn- country."
try has been deluged with Se ve n th—" In God's
blood and made a land of name, are there no means
widows and orphans. by which we can save the
lives of husbands and
Eighth—That it i 8 neces- brothers ?"
sary to join them, in or- Eighlh--"We nominated
der to close those Mille- Mctiollan that we might
tions and return to pros- restore prosperity and
perity. peace to the people."
«' elf ill 11 SOJJff.
/4 , 4
rrh.p. tr;tlul,
alit! I/owlf io
homes and devote them
solvps to war.
Thlls are the Made hr Iforatio
Seymour avainst t 1 Administration in
!;.:4;4 indentieal, point with poitn, NVith
those made by Benedict mold against,
and the lscntinental
! , I • u , s H i We see pt.( cisely what
:\tr. Seymour meant when, toward the
close ttf his speech. lie asserted,
' views came front our fathers." They
are the views which the Tory fathers,
thromdi their executor, Benedict Arnold,
bequeathed to then. Copperhead offspring.
The truth is that Treason, and its twin
brother, Faction. tlways speak substan
tially the sante language, only just so
mac h altered as to suit the particular
circumstances of each time. The human
heart is ever the aante, and so are the
prime eleinents that move human affairs.
As long as there is malice in the human
blood, no Government call be without
its rene!rades and malcontents ; and these
:we always ready. .ItHlas-like, to seize
upon every occasion of offence. No mat
ter ulna the conduct of the Government
may he, or however enforced by neces
sity, spite will assail it, and often too on
very plausible grounds.
Every condition of ciyil life loan its bur
dens aryl evils, and it is ttiways easy for
the malignant to turn these to their own
account. Tltc state of war especially
!dyes this facility. It, of necessity, in
volves heat expendil tors of treasure and
blood ; !Ind is attended with stnli , ring in
almost every variety of form. Alffreover,
the Exeentive lend of the n:ll.ion, in nriler
to prosecute it Ivith effect, must he, en
trn,ted with n11()111111011 power. , 4,ninl these
powers must he exercised as well :egainst
the secret foes behind Ns the armed ene
mies before have bey!' the coil
outilttlts. (q' oven - !arYai.. NVIII . SiIWO 61110
hei.mn. The fact that the \Val' in
stead of all;.rdintr relict Irmo. them, wily
make:, ilium Ow mon+
ni:tkes the succes nr coo \vat. a greater.
Nobody mipposos that 11(m- d tif) tiev-
mour. thitp.2:ll lw Iletultet timid
vlosclV, dClibcraLely e01111i11!t the
paqcrity. Yet the political
leaders who do thy work of faetion when
th e country is in dall!ror. never haVe
been fOr'iVell,a l .lll fleVer Will Ine rlir! r iVoll.,
by the AnWriCan people. The (.1)1)1)0r
head of these titne , t, who draw so
lavishly upon tho sophistries anti falla
cies of I 7:;t) for the fortheratices or their
factious de,i g o,, cannot. too well limier
stand that the sequel of all this is endl ess
dis, ,, racc. They must not expect to tight
tin , Government with the 'weapons of the
Tories anti of the blue-rnrlit Federalists
without sharin , the same Cate.
fl7eff (,j perh Path.; Sit wild NOt Be
l'r•t(. ((ri.
First. That the Democratic party forced
upon the country and the Republican
Administration an expemlitti re of more
than Four Thousand Millions of Treasure.
.4econd. That the rebellion Was begun
for the express purpose of twerthrowing
Republican Institutions, and establishing
upon their ruins titSlaveholding oligarchy:
and, that all the burdens of national tax
ation, p.xst, present, and prospective, are
the necessary consequences of the Dem
ocratic rebellion.
Third. That the vast sacrztice of life on
the battle-lied], and in the hospitals and
prisons, is
,justly changeable to the trea
sonable action and purposes of the Dem
ocratic leaders.
Fourth. That in preparation for this
rebellion, the whole power of the last
Democratic! Administration was exhaust
ed, the public Treasury plundered, the
Navy scattered or d:smantled, and the
Army placed under commancl of traitors,
and quartered beyond the reach of the
incoming Administration, and within the
territories of the contemplated revolu
tionary government.
Fifth. That all these acts were done in
obedience to the orders of the Demo
cratic conspirators, and by the advice
and with the approval of the Democratic
leaders in every section of the country.
Sixth. That these same leaders con
trolled the late Democratic Nominating
Convention, dictated its platform, and
designated its candidates.
Seventh. That these same leaders, by
their public orators and press, declare it
topolicy that Democratic
success be h
t s e i i i i:
t settled urestorestme
arms supremacy ill the government of
the States and the nation ; and that all
that was lost by rebel defeat on the hat
tle-lield shall be regained
the election
of the Democratic candidates.
Eight. That they, the Democratic
leaders, promise duly, as the consequence
of their triumph, the renewal of the war,
the destruction of the reorganized States,
and the overthrow of the Popular repre
sentative branch of the Government, or
its subjection to executive will and dicta
TILE Democrats are getting up big
barbecues in different parts of the State,
where the leaders induce the white men
to eat at the same table and pick the
same bones with the colored men. What
will not a Democrat do for office ? Yet
the darkies will fool them. They will
eat their meat, drink their whiskey, hallo
for Seymour and Blair, and—vote for
Co p
ad Re(
H. John
From a speech of GEN..T(nrc A. LoGAN,
the distinguished soldier and orator or
Illinois, whose portrait FA TH ER _.kit RA
)I pßiAlSiit'd Soule time ago, matte at
l'ouhkeepsie, N. Y., a feW dat e r
tier extract Uus fedfoll'illg scathing review
of the Copperhead record. No wonder
the Lancaster intelligener, Harrisburg
Pot,'iot, and York (iazd te, and other
scallawa.. papers of the Ku-Kluxers hate
Gen. Logan, and are const:tutly throwing
their dirty shine at hint. Head what
follows, ittid Own say wlicllier it is not
true :
When Abraham I,ine4,lll—the patriot, the
111.0 t %VIVI 111Vt'll
I . l'olll 1.11" 11:111dS 4a . till. P:trtY. in
Wirit COllditioll did 111 filld ns 0111.11 hi , reached
6011 ills 111111 d ;1110, Said. " 1 It(N•flit ihv service
that toy countrymen Lave upon 1111 . —
at 1 .4.111 the ebargt , : 1 " \ Viten t Ito ( '
0115111 tttiou
was ]dared in his hands to he proteeted Lo
1,1111:1 , 41 upon it and said, .• This ( 'on , ,titution
has been trampled, under foot I,y foul traitors
the I:ocorunlrut, eull, su Iwl I me great
11011Vell. I vvill IWO [Apt) 1‘ . ;11011
i the ILr of the country A\ d that itiortt
athl he looked on it, and said, " This is the
tily Nit iv land. and
litAx ono titirttl led in olipo,itiii hilt
wrilh (he help (.1(;‘,(1 ainl the ro:(!illlitt i, ill tlr .
peeloh .,, f al...;thit wa‘c
mei . every Innunt.till awl hill lritl ill 1110 (tt)11-
tUt.t. Of the Statkt, il)-
IdaTt`tit.l lit` arttlillti
is thttt thh, hurl! The vault, NNete
ulwite , la , i(l 110 t (bill:' NVa, te 11e
hreked ;t l ,roatl 011 tII ttlie.l.ly mot sP,ill,
is the tia\ ? lit' ft um , t llttlt it hat(
htton sttztltPlltti tit 111. 1(011' ‘‘LitiS
11, , :' , 1•:t , (1. Ili, :trills \kith
thi.,,(;‘)\erlflll.siit 'h 11, lu (11 . 1;91.10d the
1111511";'1' ,1 1)011114),TV,I. has 14)1110'11
(Mr al's0!141 , ; 1/Clii() , Ta!, li;Zs
our Trea- ttry. awl a f)etti , ,cr:e Ira, se;etere.l
imr irv,y It, the evils (,f the th. - h.ekeil
, 'lsV our .t 1 111: - Ishate 1 1 in opposition lit
(tt,t o t atitti t t ,.,, t i„.,, z o„.i t i tt .„,
tat.t.r,' ,- , tilt. fiat; ;tad ti 'onto. alition. ;Intl
' 11,1 , 11: , t'lf. II Itskt..l \\lDu
had dolt , ;1 tit , i „ ,,:n that Itiotg'
a I tattvi vv ,'t, vt, ..tat \t,tu'tt.? l' runt v. i.vtitat
otatitt, all it, t tlt.,.ttl:a hat
titi, land aro tit' ititat ‘t Ito halt
porpvt nit tt,l thltt-at t.,tvat N't till
jiti` of the :".I,itt's Hi'
at,! N 1 i` art 111(.1'1 his iir.o , l Ili'
that 110 111.11 NVIIO halt idt.it fair :lII'.
eiPll) kV) tittltt' this /Ur ;11''r )111 1 1 11 , t; the
Illetity. , of doing it. Not liiVe Al . 011111 I'lll , l
'MVO rohhotl uur'l'rea'lu•t ui t.ota. Ship: , (tit
Sight. 11 . 110. 1111'11 ; hall this
rttlattittly thirst. alotitt \\ Ito had it 111 their tivt•i•
111 (Id 11 ,1 11'2 - 1 he 1) " 111, WrIii' . 1. 1 411
'l'l 4 .y did it., an.' non,. lot( linty
Ahii , r 411 yettls I'4olltrtill Ill' the 1;101 eminent, the ;
Doluth•ratie pally turned it tivt . r to Cott
mar. lits.tv.ttl pttat‘o they ;_;,v1'y1 , 11141.1 ;
iii,tead pro.pority fill V ,ace 11 ttdVet'Sity ;
illStt'all 0 . a plitthoritt lit'atatry Ill'' !ac
tatipty votli-rs : insteatt ail tuaily tttinippett
thity gave ptil Imo rohltittl tif the nnulitiui, of
\ray. Tiwy gave yeti imitglit that ntalats luau
happy. awl i ii 111 th,at him iiii•ttrattlit.
'l'lley violated the strotig bowls that, 1,4,111141
then] to iwifortit their obligations, and now I
ask yon to tell Inc how inuch the bond 44 as
Nvortli at the time llutt. yvtnelislw 11541 will' their
servies. !low itsitell were their 1,4011(ts
when von iliseltarged 1111111—when INe clamor
of NVal* was heard in the 1:11141, :Mil W 1111 Mond
(lilt like ricers of water :"I'heir hotais were
not, north one eeitt. They had tweken their
word. l'ltey 114141 hrolien their l'aith, awl vc ITV
1101 wortliv of being trusted. NOW, 6.1'041-citi
zens, that having been the condition that the
Ittoverlinient was brought to as the resell . of
Democratic ride, what has the I)eitiocraticparty
done sinec that 5114,111(1 give you such faith in
thew as to eause ,ott to trust them with the '
destinies nr this nation?
Before the rebellion broke out, the
working classes were stigmatized as mud
sills, but their sympathizers in the North
did not dare to repeat the epithet Now
the same party stigmatize in derision all
Northern nu a WllO go South, and assist
in building, up the south again, as "car
pet-baggers" and "scalawags." and their
Northern Copperhead allies unblushingly
join in the cry. Nine-tenths of the
Northern people travel with carpet-bags,
and more of the rebel sympathizers than
any other; and, as for " scalawags," go
to any Copperhead and Republican meet
iunr and you Will see where the "scala-
Died, sch, ts»s, after a painful iline6s.
DENtocwxcv, aged • yeaN. wags ''
are to is found. Yet the Copper-
head papers and leaders in the North, in
The deceased was the eldest son of order to gratify their Southern rebel and
Benedict Arnold, and grandson of Judas slave driving masters, do not hesitate to
Iscariot. The doctors in attendance insult the whole body ' of the working
during his last illess differed somewhat— classes of all parties, by stigmatizing
seine contending that death resulted from those who travel with a carpet bag, or
copper on the brain, others from treason valise, which they carry in their hands as
on the heart. Ile doubtless inherited "carpet-lniggers" and " seahtwags." A
his last disease front his illustrious sire, workingman who hags 011(3 particle of self
as his most 1111Xi0118 physician. Dr. Horn- respect, wmild »ot continue to act with
tin Scpnour, did his principles from his such a party a single day.
"forefathers"—which no one disputes, 1
from their striking resemblance to the
old man Benedict. The body of the de-
Obit tea t.g.
_ .
ceased, we understand, will be embalmed; I , The. Mobile I'W/of or uses the following
and after a reasonable time for the mourn- cle , ant lawmagc lie:thing of the death
crs to pay their tribute of respect to their of Thaddeus Stevens: " (liickens going
departed friend, the train will proceed bogie to roost—Thad Stevens aml Bru
to life gutiboat All I accompanied , or the New Orleans Pe/mid/eau.
by the elder le,,ereers, Horatio Soymour, Th e de v il will soon 11:1X0 Brownlow, and
Vallandigham, Penffletoti, Blair, ' then hell will see sights.'' fhe Vicks-
W(wd Co., and proceed to the head burg Time,• follows suit : " The death
water, or Salt River, where they expect of that incarnate fiend. Thaddeus Stevens,
to meet their kith and kill who have is an event which calls for universal re
gone before them, there to wait and joichw. As the old wretch was in favor
watch over the border till the boys in of 'judicious hanging' while on earth, we
blue drive the remainder of their friends devoutly hope he will have 'judicious roast
hence to watch with them. The excl.- ing' meted out to him in the warm climate
eisys will be conducted by that class of to which he has gone—the hottest region
inisters (thank God they are fewer and of the damned." The Atlanta Cons'tita
farther between than angels' visits!) (/on speaks as follows : "Stevensis Dead.
who think it is wicked to preach against ' Morn, ye Rads, for we rejoice ; weep,
treason from the pulpit 'ye dirty dogs,' for we smile. Let
The following dirge will be sung by a decency once more hold up her face, and
squad of boys in blue, as the boat leaves the Goddess of Liberty cease to blush,
the wharf at Copperhead Corners : The devil demanded his own, and Thad
deus went. Brownlow and low Brown
Every bugle sounded his funeral note,
As the course to the grave we hurried, are supposed to be the next on the list.
Every soldier discharged his ballot shot May the devil's collecting agent come
O'er the place where the monster was buried. soon." •
.1 ,Soldier Ptrts Some Oetestions.
To the I,',lilor olthe GllOl .
111101 ( 'OM cre
As the so-called Democratic party is
asking for the votes of the Union soldiers,
w(add ask these soldiers to carefully
wei , di the followinc , •
n •
What party was it opposed the bill
providing for the issue of rations to sol
diers at the commencement of the war?
What party was it who, at the time
wlwn our soldiers niost needed encour
1' agement, said : Not another man nor
another dollar for this war?"
What party was it that, when our army
needed reinforcement, opposed recruiting
and the draft, and incited riots?
What party was it that disfranchised
the wounded and crippled soldiers who
are inmates of the. National Military
Asylum (Soldiers' Homer at Dayton,
Olio? 'These men have a permanent
home lucre, and are, under the constitu
tion and laws of the state of ( dilo, en
titled to the elective franchise.)
If' a soldier who has lost his health, or
a limb, in defence of our common country
is not entitled to vote, who is? Some
rebel, I suppose.
What patty is it that is now assassin
ating: Union 111(11 every day (or at night
--they are too cowardly to do it during
the day) in the ;•• ,, otti hern States?
What party is doing all this and is at
the same time howlite , becatt,:e a certain
class of rebels cannot rule the country?
If a party (.1111 do all this when it has
no power, \vital, will it do when it has
control of the Government?
" Our ballots shall!ro as did our bullets
_against treason and for loyalty.''
ll'egm 0111' 4 H IllfUM
AVo reproduce, as a Hauler Of politic al
it/rol/lath/11, the literal test of the famous
speeilt mule by Horatio Seymonr to the
Npw y ork molt of Isei:!, which at the
very moment of its delivL ry Was but
pau:,ing it) its mild care( r of murder.
arson kind plunder. This wob, by impede
Mg, the draft. and more than OW, draw
otr fro m til t! force of ;iold largc
bodies of troops 141 keep the peace ill
Yin*, SaVed Lcr 110111 ;n:r.ihilatiort,
and added two weary years to the dura
tion of the war. It needs no comment
,j), FL:II:NI,: 1 have come do•st n here from
tho o , 111,•[ tho collllll'V to NN1.,1l NV:LS Ill(
litlirnllc: h. loarli 1111:11 all till , tielihle vas
concerning the (11%47.. Lot Inv you that.
I ;ttu [pro:wimp., checring.]
Vol! luty iwoll Illy
“1"11;11 . S •• NVO Nat he
Itg;tio !H—altd noN, 1 my
411 ixells. that here to show ct It ;t te,t of
friend-hip. EChe+.l.s.] l v%l,h to inform you
that 1 1111% y.ut iny NVasf I
cwltcr icA there, anti
to hit Ctrall arcl r,luppetl.
N"ocif-ro , t. cliecN. 1 Nee to your rk,ltts.
Watt Willi my .lii.j , ttic.o. returns froto Wash-
--•••i11101, , -
ittrrlsill s --(W !piers—Scala-
I ( '( f ifs,
What Rebels &(y.
N 0.14.