Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 06, 1864, Image 1

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    & ©©SJg 2FTI^IL2ISIIIII2^3s
Rle No. 2745.
■ . j JLewlstown Post Office.
J ' ails arrive and close at the Lewistown P.
mor, 9 follows;
Eastern through, 5 33 a. m.
-p " through and way 421 p ra.
Western " 44 44 103 Ba. ra.
zc Bellefonte " 44 44 2 30p.m.
Northumberland, Tuesdays, Thursdaysand
Slturdays, 6 00 p. m.
Eastern through 8 00 p. ra.
ta " " and way 10 00 a. m.
, Western 44 4 4 330 p. m.
Bellefonte 8 00 44
be Northumberland (Sundays, Wednesdays
Fridays) 8 00 p. m.
Office open from 7 30 a. m. to 8 p. ra. On
J- 4ll indays from Bto 9 a ra. S. COMFORT, P. M.
and ont lewistown Station.
ave Lcwistown Station as follows:
Tl/TI.Th 4 ? Westward. Eastward.
c 'xnress, 4 40 a. m.
pied by M 44 533 44 12 20 a. m.
Market and ® p. m. 350 44
10 38 44
c ea' 4 21 44
1} jftinommodation, 2 35 p. m.
age was da£ ;
hard at th 44 340 a. ra. 815 44
had the r " 11 00 44 235 p. m.
press, 5 00 44 905 44
Start NOtj n 22 45 p. m. 10 38 a. m.
amount 'eight, 645a. m. 626 p. m.
Oral til's Omnibuses convey passengers to
fffijgf, rn ah the trains, taking up or setting them
"'■'"at all points within the borough limits.
ters, —— ~
\2d Ha has now open
gum as A NEW STOCK
Fortre.. 0F
Tho ths, Cassimeres
, 1 AND
large n
tlio 9er'.V E S T I NCS,
Nidi'" Ina oe up to order in the neat
est aufUfaost fashionable styles. apl9
~ GEO. Vr. EBBEK.,
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tend to business in Mltflin, Centre and Hunting
don counties. my 26
&)&. J* 1'D323
ZJD v SX ■<_£- 12 653 *o* o
OFFICE oc East Market street, Lewistown,
adjoining F. G. Franciscus' Hardware
Store. P. S. Dr. Locke will be at his office
the first Monday ah month to spend the
week. my3l
Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying,
Plumbing and White Smithing
'"IMIE above branches of business will be
I promptly attended to on application at
the residence of the undersigned in Main
street. Lewistown.
West Market St, Nearly Opposite the Red
Lion Hotel,
OFFERS his services to the public in re
pairing Guns, Rifles, &c., muking Pat
terns of all kinds to order, and Jobbing gen
erally in his line of business. He is an ex
perieneed workman, and will not fail in giv
ing satisfaction to all wbo may favor him with
kept on hand for Hire. oct2B ly
The Gems of the Season.
TpiIIS is no humbug, but a practical truth
JL The pictures taken by Mr. Burkholdcr
are unsurpassed for BOLDNESS TRUTH
DURABILITY. Prices varying according
to size and quality of frames and Cases.
Room over the Express Office.
Lewistown, August 23, 1860.
Large Stock of Furniture on
A FELIX is still manufacturing all kinds
.• of Furniture. Young married persons
and others that wish to purchase Furniture
will find a good assortment on hand, which
will be sold cheap for cash, or country pro
aken in exchange for same. Give me
1 0 ; Valley etreet, near Black Bear 110-
Ai A feb 21
near __
| bALLI[ T XG HYSON, Imperial and Black at
On tjyl F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
all patterns, constantly kept, and for
LIL - n „le at very low figures, as usual, at the
*1 ident of Btown ' Au B ust 6 >
F w this an<
I|\ in
IJ uary, faII assortment and at lower prices than
'A aged alsual at
■ Sud( F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
| B bjp.i DRUGS.
■M >dn'£lAL attention given to the purchase
gjpd sale of Drugs. The amount sold is
tßai t tflin<cient guarantee that the medicines are
jHr i~w .nd prices moderate.
■L 0n h >s F. J. HOFFMAN.
Origin of the Hymn 44 Rock of Ages."
There is one hymn to be found in
nearly every general collection which
has been published during the past
sixty years, and its general adoption
will indicate that it is a great favorite.
Whether in the solitude of the study
or the loneliness of the forest, in the
humble prayer-meeting or in the great
congregation, in the social circle or in
the Sabbath school, we have, under all
these varied circumstances, heard that
hymn sung. The first line is, "Rock
of Ages, cleft for rue." Ten thousand
times has that hymn been sung, and
yet probably not one in a thousand
has ever noticed the peculiarity of its
phraseology. Jesus Christ is here ad
dressed as the Rock of Ages. The
title is peculiar—it is singular. The
expression is not Scriptural; it appears
to have been first used in "Songs of
Praise to Almighty God," by John Ma
son, of Water Stratford. "From ever
lasting to e\ erlasting Thou art God,"
is applied to the Divine Being. Chas.
Wesley had, some j T ears previous, pub
lished in his volume of hymns one
which commenced thus—
"Rock of Israel cleft for me,"
but, whether Mr. Toplady desired on
ly to vary the expression by adapth g
something of a synonymous term, we
are left only to conjecture. The hymn
has become a general favorite. Its
plaintive words have reverberated in
the cloistered cell, in the monastic
chapel, in the quiet closet, and in the
sick chamber. It has charmed the be
liever, in the public service in the great
congregation, as well as when sung in
solitude by the quiet wayside during
an evening walk.
The most popular hymns written by
Tojdftdy were those he composed in his
later years. 44 Rock of Ages" is one
of them. Toplady became editor of
the Gospel Magazine in 1775, but re
linquished that office through illness in
177(3. In that volume "Rock of Ages"
first appeared. Its title is, "A living
and dying Prayer for the Holiest BcT
lievcr in the World." The allusion is
to tho idea of progressive sanctitica
tion, or christian perfection, held and
preached by John Wesley, and Topla
dy's evident intention is to render
some of the petitions of the hymn un
necessary for such persons! The ho
liest believer referred to was John
W esley, so that this truly fine and sub
lime hymn was intended as a carica
ture oi John Wesley and one of his
doctrines. How wide of the mark has
been the result! Most of the versions
ot that hymn are both abridged and
altered. To what extent those alter
ations are carried we give our readers
an opportunity of judging, as we here
furnish a correct reprint of the origin- j
al. It will be seen by comparison, that j
words are altered and lines transposed
in a mo,-4 unwarrantable manner :
"Reck of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee I
Let tne Hater and the blood.
From thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sm the double cure,
Cleaase me from its guilt and power.
"Not the labors of my hands
Can tiulfill thy law's demands.
Could my zeal no respite know,
CouM my tears forever flow,
Ail for sin could not atone :
Thou must save, and thou alone.
"Nothing in my hand I bring,
Snnply to thy cross I cling;
Naked.come to thee for dress.
Helpless, look to thee for grace;
Foul, i to the fountain fly ;
Wash me, Saviour, or I die.
"Whilst I draw this fleeting breath.
When my eyestrings break in death,
When I soar through tracts unknown,
See thee on thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me.
Let me hide myself in thee."
From Peterson's Magazine for January.
Cabbage Soup. —Take tour or five
pounds of beef, boil with it some black
pepper whole for three hours, cut three
or four cabbages in quarters, boil them
until they are quite tender, then turn
them into a dish, and serve all togeth
Rice Soup. —Steep some fine rice in
cold water for an hour, say four oun
ces, then boil; add three quarts of gra
vy, a pinch of cayenne, a little salt,
and boil five minutes.
Egg Sauce. —Boil three eggs hard,
cut them in small squares and mix
them in good I utter sauce; make it ve
ry hot, and squeeze in some lemon
juice before you serve it.
Veal and Oyster Pie. —Make a season
ing of pepper, salt, and a small quan
tity of grated lemon peel. Cut some
veal-cutlets, and beat them until they
are tender; spread over them a layer
of pounded ham, and roll them round;
then cover them with oysters, and put
another layer of the veal fillets and
oysters on the top. Make a gravy of
the hones and trimmings, or with a
lump of butter, onion, a little flour,
and water; stew the oyster liquor and
put to it, and fill up the dish, reserving
a portion to put into the pie when it
comes from the oven.
Apple Tart. —Take some good bak
ing apples, pare, core and cut them in
to small pieces; place them in a dish
lined with puff-paste, strew over poun
ded sugar, mace, nutmeg, cloves, and
lemon peel chopjied small; then add a
layer of apples, then spice, and so on
till the dish is full; pour a glass and a
half of white wine over the whole,
cover with puff paste and bake it.
When done, raise the crust, stir in two
ounces of fresh butter and two eggs
well beaten, replace the crust, and
serve either hot or cold.
Custard Pudding. —Take a pint of
cream, six eggs well beaten, two
spoonsful of flour, half a nutmeg gra
ted, and salt and sugar to taste; mix
them together; butter a cloth and pour
in the batter; tie it up, put it into a
saucepan of boiling water, and boil it
an hour and a half. Servo with melt
ed butter.
I had been some years engaged in the
practice of medicine, in one of our largest
cities, beiore I met with any serious ad
venture. One night I was returning home,
through a lonely, little frequented part of
the city, at a late hour, from a patient I
had been with since noon of that day, and
whom I was now permitted to leave by rea
son of a favorable change, I was suddenly
stopped in a dark, gloomy, out-of-the-way
spot, by a big, gruff, coarsely dressed man.
'Yuu'ic; o Jrotor !' lin both announced
and inquired in the same words.
4 I am.'
4 I want you to come with me, then!' he
said, in a tone that indicated the matter
was already settled in his mind, however it
might be in mine.
4 I cannot go to night.,' I answered, with
positive emphasis 4 I am all wearied out,
and anxious to get home.'
4 les, you doctors are always wearied out
when a poor man calls you !' said the fel
low, with a threatening growl; 4 but only
let some snob's wife's poodle-dog need
looking to, and you find your way there at
any hour of the day or night. Well, I'm
no snob, thank Ileaven ! and I've got mon
ey enough to pay your fee. I've tried half
a dozen doctors already, and none of them
will come—and so, you see I can not let
you off.'
(But, really '
'See here, doctor,' interrupted the fel
low, producing a knife and flashing the
blade by a quick flourish before my eyes,
4 l'm a desperate man, and might be pushed
to do a wicked deed. Every man sets a
certain value on his own life, and also on
the life of his best and dearest friend
You know how much your life's worth to
you; and I know how much another's life
is worth to me; and, 'fore Heaven, I swear,
if you attempt to go and leave my friend
to die, I'll put this knife into you !'
It was an open space where we stood,
about half way between two blocks of new
buildings that were not yet tenanted. I
looked up and down the dark street, but
not a soul was in sight.
4 Where do you wish me to go?' I in
4 Oh, down here a piece,' jerking his
thumb over his shoulder. 4 Come on, be
fore it's too late!'
He passed his arm through mine, without
so much as ' Uy your leave,' and began to
move away, of course taking me with
'ls your friend a male or female?' I in
quired, pretending to feel perfectly at my
ease, though I would have given a year's
practice to have beeu safe at home.
•She's a woman.'
I breathed freer—for somehow I always
experienced a degree of security among the
opposite sex, even among the depraved and
'What is the matter with her, and how
long has she been ill?' I questioned.
'About three or four hours ago she gave
birth to a child that did'nt live more'n a
minute, and since then she's been having
fits,' was the reply.
'Was there no physician with her when
the child was born?' i inquired.
'No, I could'nt get one to her for love or
money. An old woman, a neighbor, came
in and did what she could. l)o you think
as how you can save her, Doctor?' inquired
the man, in a husky tone.
'I cannot say, of course—but I will
promise to do the best I can.'
'O, do! do !do ! and Heaven will bless
you for it!'he rejoined, in a tone that
expressed a more deep and earnest feeling
than I had supposed was in his nature.
I began to he interested; the man might
be better than I had thought; some poor
fellow, perhaps, who had been the foot-ball
of fortune, and had not received his de
'ls this woman your wife?' I kindly in
I believe he heard me; but as he did not
answer, I decided not to repeat the ques
We soon turned into some small, mean,
dark, narrow streets, where none but the
poorer class lived. We now walked for
ward in silence—the man, who still had
hold of my arm, as if he were afraid I
might otherwise give him the slip, taking
long, rapid strides, and causing me no lit
tle exertion to keep step with him.
At length he turned into a dark court,
where I could see nothing but a few dingy
buildings on either hand; and 1 thought, if
his object was to rob me, I was completely
in his power. At the far end of this
court fie stopped, opened a door, and led
me up a flight of creaking stairs, where I
could see nothing at all. At the top of
these stairs we groped our way forward a
few f'eet, ard then he opened a door into
the room of the patient.
The apartment was small and plainly fur
nished, with a lamp standing on a little ta
ble not far from the bed. An old woman
who was leaning over the sufferer, looked
quickly and eagerly around at our entrance,
and seeing me, exclaimed :
4 ls he a doctor?'
'Yes, yes, I've pot a doctor et last, God
be praised, if it ain't too late!' replied the
man, hurriedly; adding, almost in the same
I breath, 'Mow is she. May? how is she?'
The old woman shook her head, and
sighed out:
| She's had three on 'em since you left,
and she's in the fourth now, poor dear!'
'O, my God !' groaned the man, sinking
down upon the nearest seat. 'Doctor, you
hear! Q, save her! save her!'
I hurried to the bed, and found the pa
tient in convulsions. The spasms ceased
almost immediately, a considerable quantity
I ot viscid matter was ejected, and a heavv.
snoring respiration billowed. The face was
; flushed, the head hot, and the pulse rapid.
1 decided that she must he bled, and lost
no time in opening a vein. I then sent
for ice, and applied it in moderation to her
head. I remained with her through the
: night, and left her at daylight in a tran
quil sleep, with directions to be followed
in case of a return of the spasms.
The man, who gave his name as Ralph
\\ agner, came down to the door with me
and thrust a half eagle into my hand.
'How is she?' he asked, in a trembling
i voice. 'ls she better, can you save her?'
'She is better, I think, and I hope she
; can be saved,' I replied.
'O, doctor, will you come again to-day?'
es, this afternoon, toward night, af'rer
i I shall have got some sleep and visited
some few patients that cannot be neglect
| ed.'
'Don't desert us, doctor! for God's sake,
don't! fairly pleaded the man, with tears
in his eyes.
I assured him I would not, gave him my
address, and bade him send for me at any
time, if a change should take place for the
From that night the patient gradually
mended, and in the course of a week was
out of danger and had her reason. I had
seen her every day during this time, and
had become not a little interested in her
i She was not an ordinary woman. Her age
; I judged to be about twenty five or six, and
: her features though marked by suffering,
!we e intellectual and still beautiful. lier
hair a light brown, soft almost to silkiness,
and she had the sweetest blue eyes and
prettiest mouth I ever beheld. Her voice,
too. had that rich mellowness which so
captivates the ear, and her language deno
ted education, and her manners refinement.
Great was the contrast between this pret
ty, delicate flower and the big, coarse fea
tured, awkward, uneducated, and I must
add, totally unprepossessing Ralph Wag
| ner; aDd though 1 fancied I could compre
hend how such a man might love her to
the whole extent of his rough, course na
ture, I confess I was at a loss to account
for true reciprocity, if indeed there was
such a thing. That his ardent attachment
to her might excite some kind of sympathy
—some emotion akin to pity, and perhaps
gratitude—l thought possible; but that
there should exist anything like true, mu
tual love, seemed as contrary to the laws
of nature as for the doe to love the tiger.
And yet how many such incongruities we
see paired, if not mated—married by law,
if not in spirit.
The day that I made what I intended
should be my last visit, I found my fair
patient sitting up in a chair and crying as
it her heart would break. She was alone.
' This is very bad for you to be exciting
your nervous system in this manner!' 1
said in a kindly reproving tone. ' Has
anything happened too serious lor a little
philosophy to master ?'
'Oh, doctor,' she exclaimed, 'lama
poor, miserable, heart-broken woman, alone
and friendless !'
'Oh, not quite so bud as that, I think !'
I answered lightly. ' Where is jour hus
band ?'
This was the first time I had ever spo
ken the word husband to her, and I looked
to see if she received it as a lamiliar, un
questioned fact. She shuddered and cov
ered her face with her hands.
' Did you see in the papers this morn
ing,' she sobbed, ' the arrest of a notorious
burglar, called Patent Hammersmith V
' I think I did see something of that
' That was none other but Ralph Wag
E.2WCS3SWST3 ®®S3Fff 9
4 Good heavens, you amaze me!' I cried.
! 4 Your husband burglar?'
4 He is not my husband,'sobbed the poor
4 No V
4 Sit down, doctor, and let me tell you a
pitiful story in a few words; arid then, if
you can give me any good advice and sym
pathy, 1 shall receive it with gratitude;
and if you scorn and cast me from you, I
j shall only find I was mistaken in suppos
| ing you had a heart.'
I seated myself and became all attention.
4 1 was reared in affluence,' she resumed,
• and for seventeen years was the pride and
joy of my fond parents. At seventeeu I
ieil in with a man some years older than
j myself, whom I believed to be perfection
itself. My father knew better, and warn
ed me against him. He finally forbade
him the house. We corresponded after
ward, met clandestinely, and at eighteen I
eloped with him. We went, as 1 supposed,
to the house of a clergyman, and then
set off on our wedding tour. The man
I had so wildly loved proved to be a black
hearted villain, and soon robbed me of all
my money and jewels, and tben deserted
me in a strange city, lie afterwards wrote
me that the marriage was a sham, and that
he had deceived me in that manner in or
der to revenge himself on my father for
his insuits.
4 A blank followed this awakening from
a bright and glorious dream to a reality
too horrible fur au ordinary mind to con
template. I had a brain fever. I became
insane. I returned to reason in a pauper
mad house. I got my liberty in rags. I
wrote home to my fither the whole truth,
and implored him to receive back his poor,
wretched, broken hearted daughter. I was
a ragged mendicant in a strange city, and
God only knows with what intense and
fearful anxiety I waited an answer to that
letter. I waited days—l waited weeks—
I waited months; none ever came. 1 was
cast off then—abandoned—ruined for this
world and tho next. Oh, the suffering
arid degradation I was.compelkd to endure.
At last Ralph Wagner offered me his pro
tection and his hand. I accepted We
were married. He declared he loved me,
and certainly treated tue with respect and
showed affection". 1 knew not then that
he was a house breaker; and when I found
it out I asked myself what better wa3 I
than he that 1 should leave bin ? So I
have lived with him ever since, nearly two
years, and now he is arrested, and I im
again alone in the world. Sock is my
sad history, doctor. Now tell me what to
4 Write again to your parents,' said I;
4 they may not have received your letter,
or the reply may have been miscarried.'
' I have sometimes hoped so, and I want
VO die in that delusion, if it be one I' she
eagerly rejoined. 4 lf I were to get an
answer now, that they know my condition
and have cast tue off forever, it might craze
my brain again. Besides, lam no longer
fit to be forgiven and received back among
the good again !'
'lt is never too late to repent,' I replied
4 Remember the words of Christ to the
men who would have put to death the
guilty woman for her crime; 4 He that is
without sin among you, let him first ca.-t a
stone at her !' We all have our errors and
all need forgiveness.'
After saying much more of a similar
purport, I urged her if she did not wish
to write to her parents herself, to give me
their address, and let me ascertain in my
own way, if they still lived and cared for
her. She finally consented, and wrote the
address on a slip of paper. I read it,
sprang from my seat and looked at her in
perfect amazement. I understood it all,
but I could scarcely credit my senses.
She was my sister's child !
I pass over the scene that follwed this
strange discovery.
It was all a mistake on her part —her
letted had never reached her almost dis -
tracted parents, who had long mourned
her as dead, or lost to them forever. She
went home with me. and remained at my
house till her fond and loving parents came
to reclaim her. It was a fearful scene of
commingled joy and grief when we all met
under the same roof; and humbly on our
knees we ali thanked God for the wonder
ful restoration of the lost one, who was
plucked, indeed, as a brand from the burn
ing, and saved in body and I trust in soul.
Three years alter, Ralph Wagner died
in prison, and with him perished one great
portion of the guilty secret. I have pur
posely concealed all other names—but ray
sad story is none the less true.
Not Wiman's Steam Gun !
nnilE subscribers have erected a Plaster
-®- Mill in connection with their Steam Mill,
and are prepared to furnish all who may call
on them, at any time, with fine, fresh ground
Plaster. They will purchase all kinds of
Grain offered, and pay the highest market
prices. Flour and Feed, Coal of all qualities
and sizes, Salt, Fish, Groceries &c., constant
ly on hand and for sale to suit the times.
Lewistown, Jan. 15,1562.
i i
New Series—Vol, XVIII. No. 11.
The Southern Confederacy.
Remarkable Jitter of the Richmond Corres
pondent of the London Times—the despair
oj the Rebellion ackotnc/io'i/ed — iforthern
Faith, and Southern Distrust—The Drink
oj Disaster.
[Richmond (Nov. 14) Correspon
dence of the London Times.]
The Confederate Slates are evident
ly approaching a stage in this war
which will test more than ever the
stubbornness and tenacity of their
temper and patience, and can only he
successfully encountered by a nation
al spirit as systematic as it is resolute.
Their enemy, with as much pertinacity,
and far more sagaoitv. than heretofore,
hems in the edges of the "rebellion"
on every side, avoids the frequent re
currence of pitched hatth s and gener
al engagements, pounces with hawk
like swoop upon isolated and inade
quately supported bodies of men, evin
ces possession of admirable secret in
formation, keeps the Confederate gen
erals constantly on the rack, and, har
russed by irruptions ol cavalry, makes
his superiority of numbers, and still
more his abundance of supplies for
horse and man, more and more hit,
and finally, in investing the ports of
Secessia with a cordon of vessels so
numerous as for the first time in thirty
months to make access to the Confed
erate coast really dangerous and diffi
cult. On the other hand, in rebeldom
itselt the Federals have a powerful al
ly in circumstances which, to my
thinking, have from the beginning
quadrupled the Confederate task. No
one who has been conversant with the
North, daring the last two and a half
years, can have failed to notice with
astonishment the faith stronger than
death which the northerners have ex
hibited in their "star." their "manifest
destiny," their "religion," their Alpha
and Omega, their droair of dominion
from sea to sea, and (to quote Mr. Ev
erett's words) "from the icy polo totho
flaming beltot the Eqna'or." No par
allel faith has ever been exhibited by
the Confederate Slates in their luture.
Six great southern victories in the field
and three drawn battles, exhausting
the nine principal collisions of the war,
the entire absence oi any such panic
routs as Bull Run or Chiekamauga, the
tried ineflicacy of the Federal block
ade, the unmolested predatory flight of
Alabamas and Floridas at sea, have al
together failed to inspire the masses of
the South with a tithe of that confi
dence in themselves, which neither de
feat, nor disaster, nor hope deferred,
nor illusions dispelled, have ever shak
en out of the Northerners. Deny it
who may, there is something sublime
in this shadowy earnestness and misty
magnificence of north* rn f. ith and self
reliance \\ ould that I could seo
promise of future and final southern
triumph in any corresponding quality
of the southern mind! in many lash
ions southern unfaith crops up and re
coils upon the Confederate Govern
ment, making, for instance, Mr. Mem
minger's task, though he lakes his
stand upon raw material worth sixty
or seventy millions of pounds sterling,
herculean as compared with Mr.
Chase's, who issues vastly larger prom
ises to pay on a security of breadstuff
exports worth only sixty or seventy
millions oi dollars. There are, of course,
other reasons to account for the fact
that three dollars in "green backs" will
buy two dollars in gold, while it re
quires thirty paper dollars of the Con
federacy to buy a like sum; but the
fundamental explanation of thedeerep
ancy in value of the irredeemable pa
per issues of the two sections lies in
the vastly superior faith in themselves
of the northern people. For many
months we have heard throughout the
Confederacy the cuckoo cry, "Do some
thing to arrest the depreciation of the
currency, or we perish;" but hitherto
nothing has been done, and, as is now seen
by everybody, we are on the brink of a
Novel Musical Instrument.
Dr. Hachenberg, ofSpringfiel 1, Ohio,
now of U. S. A. Hospital No. 1, of
Nashville, has hit upon an instrument
which, as singular as it may seem at
first sight, is not the most unpromising
one for the general diffusion of a tasto
for music, and of an economical enjoy
ment of skillful musical telegraph for
the purpose of extending music from
competent performers into every fam
ily as cheaply almost as our gas and
water. His mode of applying it is to
locate in some central part of the city
a musical depot, presided over by some
highly skillful performer on the piano
or melodeon. To this instrument an
electrical attachment may be made to
communicate with a thousand other
pianos in the city, these again having
their own peculiar attachment.—lnde
VV hat soldier just after
~ 7.